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ROAPE Publications Ltd.

Current Africana No. 19Author(s): Chris AllenSource: Review of African Political Economy, No. 14 (Jan. - Apr., 1979), pp. 115-128Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3998022 .

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Compilation date: October 1979 Compiled by Chris Allen

This listing omits East, Central and Southern Africa, for which I apoligise. The reason is the inclusion of unusually long sections on North Africa (omitted previously for want of space) and on theses (omitted because of compilation difficulties). The missing parts will appear in the next listing.


1 Pfeifer, K State capitalism and development, MERIP Rep., (1 979), 3-11 2 Pfeifer, K Review of Development and underdevelopment, by Geoff Kay

(London 1975), ]bid., 77 (1978), 21-25 3 Morice, A La theorie de la marginalite: les limites d'un concpet de bon

sens, Labour, Capital & Society, 1 2,1 (1979), 87-108 4 Levgold, R The super-rivals: conflict in the Third World., For. Affs., 57,4

(1979), 755-78 (USA, USSR) 5 Gerry, C Review of La petite production marchande et l'emploi dans le

secteur 'informel' by P. Hugon et al. (Paris, 1977), MUR, 1 1,2 (1979), 101-7

6 Kasfir, N Explaining ethnic political participation, World Pol., 31,3 (1979), 365-88

7 Good, K Class formation in colonial situations, Aust. and NZ J Sociol., 12,3 (1976)

8 Gerry C and The petty commodity producer in Third World cities: petit Birkbeck, C bourgeois or disguided proletarian?, The Petite bourgeoisie,

ed. F. Bechofer and B. Elliott (Macmillan, 1979) 9 Bhagavan, M R A critique of 'appropriate' technology for UDCs Uppsala:

Scand. Inst. Afr. Stud., Res. Report 48, 1979, 56pp 10 Bhagavan, M R Interrelation between technological choices and industrial

strategies in Third World countries. Idem, Report 49, 1979, 7l8pp

11 Goulbourne, H (ed) Politics and the state in the Third World. London: Macmillan, 1979, 320pp

12 Caplan, P & Women united, women divided. London: Tavistock, 1978, Bujra, J M (eds) 256pp

13 Huston, P Third World women speak out. NY: Praeger, 1979, 15 3pp 14 Petras, J Critical perspectives on imperialism and social class in the

Third World, NY: Monthly Review Press, 1978, 314pp 15 Cohen, R; Gutkind, Peasants and proletarians: the struggles of Third World workers.

P & Brazier P (eds) London: Hutchinson, 1979 16 Clammer, J (ed) The new economic anthropology. Macmillan, 1979, 280pp


17 Various Social science and the development crisis in Africa, Afr. Devt., 3,4 (1978), whole issue

18 Verhaegen, B L'universite africain; facteur de devision sociale et de dependance economique, Ibid., 4,1 (1979), 22-35

19 Mensah, A Monetary relations among African countries,TIid., 5-20 20 Martin, G Les relations economique Europe-Afrique dans le cadre de la

Convention de Lome, Ibid., 5 7-6 9 21 Smaldone, J P Bibliographic sources for African military studies, Curr. Bibl.

Afr. Affs., 11,2 (1978/79), 101-9

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22 Smaldone, J P Military rule in Africa: roots, results and ramifications, Ibid., 110-4

23 Pobbi-Asamani, K OThe role of UNECA and economic cooperation for Africa, Ibid., 115-26

24 Nwosu, H N Strategies of state building: African experience reconsidered, Civilisations, 28, 1/2 (1978), 31-5 1

25 Salau, A T The political economy of cities,iroid., 28, 3/4 (1978), 281-92 26 Panter-Brick, S K Four African constitutions: two models, Govt. and Opp'n,

14,3 (1979), 339-48 27 Mayall, J Africa in the international system, Ibid., 349-7 2 28 Curry,R L Africa's externaldebt situation,JMAS, 17,1 (1979), 15-28 29 Bissell, R E African power in international resource organisations, Ibid.,

1-13 30 Legum, C The African crisis, For. Affs., 57,3 (1979), 633-51 (US policy) 31 Sawant, A B Rivalry between Egypt and Isreal in Africa, Int. Sttud., 17,2

(1978), 299-329 32 DeLancy, M W Aspects of international relations in Africa. Bloomington:

Indiana Univ. Afr. Stud. Program, 1979, 25 3pp 33 Goldsborough, J Dateline Paris: Africa's policeman, For. Policy 3 3 (1978/9),

175-90 34 Cervenka, Z Cuba and Africa, Afr. Contemp. Record, 1976/77 35 Durch, W J The Cuban military in Africa and the Middle East: from Algeria

to Angola, Stud. Comp. Communism, 11, 1/2 (1978), 34-74 36 Moss, R On standing up to the Russians in Africa, Policy Rev. 5 (1978),

97-118 37 Carrere D'Encause, L'URSS et l'Afrique, Politique internat. 1 (1978), 101-117 38 Kanet R E & Die Sowjetunion in Africa: eine neue Phase? Osteuropa, 28,11

Morris, W (1978), 978-85 39 Kayemba, N M L'impuissance de l'Afrique noire post-coloniale, Cah. econ. et

sociale 15,4 (1977), 406-44 40 Gutkind, P C W Reformism, populism and proletarianism in urban Africa,

Ufahamu, 8,3 (1978), 24-60 41 Deutsch, R The African arms race, Afr. Rep., 24,2 (1979), 47-9 42 Kirk-Greene, A H M Advancement and migration among the governors of British

African territories 1900-65, J. Imp. C'wealth Hist., 7,2 (1979), 180-212

43 Maish, K CIA recruitment for Africa: the case of Howard University, Southern Africa, 12,5 (1979), 2-4

44 Adekson, J B Ethnicity and army recruitment, Ethnic and Radical Stud., 2,2 (1979), 151-65

45 Fontenot, C J Fanon and the devourers,J. Black Stud., 9,1 (1978), 93-114 46 Various Anthropological research in British colonies: some personal

accounts, Anthrop. Forum, 4,2 (1977), 137-248 47 Swindell, K Labour migration, Prog. Human Geog., 3,2 (1979), 239-60 48 Seoudi, M A G The October 6th War and African economy, Afr. Stud. Rev.

(Cairo), 1975 1-20 49 Palmer, D S & Political participation under military rule, Cult. et Devt., 10,3

Potholm, C (1978), 387-407 50 Easterbrook, D L Bibliography of African bibliographies 1976-77, Africana J.,

9,4 (1978), 293-306 51 Stevens H & Femmes d'Afrique et des pays Meditarraniens, Sociol. ruralis,

18,4 (1978), 235-44 52 Hofmeier, R et al. Transport in Africa, Afr. Spektrum 1979/1, 5-86 (in German) 53 Callaway, B et al. Reviews of The Political Economy of Contemporary Africa,

ed. Gutkind and Wallerstein (Sage, 1977) Afr. Econ. Hist., 5 (1978), 71-77

54 McClelland, S Political economy of dependence in Africa: an annotat ed

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bibliography, Dependence in Senegal, ed. R C O'Brien (Sage 1979)

55 Fieldhouse, D K Unilever overseas. London: Croom Helm, 1978; see esp. 339418 56 Clayton A Communication for new loyalties; African soldiers' songs. Ohio

Univ. Papers in Int. Studs, Afr. series 34, 1978, 56pp 57 Davis, L G Urban growth, development and planning of African towns and

cities (bibliog.). Monticello: Council of Planning Librarins, 1977, 27pp

58 Benedikz, B S As bibliographic survey of materials in Great Britain relating to the British Cotton Growers Association and its operation. SSRC Report HR 4398, 1977, 136pp

59 Pearson, R (ed) Sino-Soviet intervention in Africa. Washington: Council on American Affairs, 1977

60 anon Roman Catholics and African politics, Pro Vita Mundi Dossiers, March 1979, 51pp

61 Gutkind, PC W; African labour history. Beverley Hills: Sage, 1979, 280pp Cohen, R & Copans, i

62 Schwarz, A Colonialists, africanistes et africains. Montreal: Nouvelle Optique, 1978

63 Ghair, Y (ed) Law in the political economy of public enterprise: African perspectives. Uppsala: Scand. Inst. Afr. Stud., 1977, 35 1pp

64 Ismagilvoa, R N Ethnic problems of tropical Africa. Moscow: Progress, 1978, 301pp

65 Afrika in antiimpeiialistichen Kampf. Berlin; Aakademie Verlag, 1978, 362pp

66 Whitaker, J S (ed) Africa and the US. New York: NYU Press, 1978, 258pp 67 Bley, H & Tetzlaff, Afrika und Bonn: Versaumnisse and Zwange deutscher Afrika-

R (eds) Politik. Hamburg: Rowoohlt Tasenbuch Verlag, 1978, 347pp 68 Arnold, G Aid in Africa. London: Kogan Page, 1979, 250pp 69 Anthony, K R M Agricultural change in tropical Africa. Ithaca: Cornall UP. 1979,

327pp 70 Nzula, A T et aL Forced labour in colonial Africa. London: Zed, 1979, 21 8pp

(reprint) 71 Shaw, T M & Politics of Africa: dependance and development. London: Longman

Heard, K A (eds) 1979, 416pp 72 Smaldone, J P African military studies: a comprehensive bibliography. Boston:

G K Hall, 1978


73 Ped, M Housing the poor in West Africa, IDS Bull., 10,4 (1979), 28-32 74 Khan, K R International cocoa agreement 1975, Food Policy, 4,1 (1979),

15-25 75 Adibiki, 0 T The impact of US MNCs in West Africa, Other voices, other

views, ed. R Winks (Westport; Greenwood, 1978), 180-229 76 Hargreaves, J The end of colonial rule in West Africa. London: Macmillan,

1979, 162pp


77 Mason, M Working on the railway: forced labour in N Nigeria 1907-122, African Labour History, ed. R Cohen et al (Sage 1979), 56-79

78 Hughes, A & An emerging Nigerian working class: the Lagos experience Cohen R 1897-1939, Ibid., 31-55

79 Deutsch, R The Nigerian example, Afr. Rep., 24,4 (1979), 46-51 (civil. rule) 80 Benson, S & Women's work and economic change: the Hausa in Sudan and

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Duffield, M in Nigeria (Kano), IDS Bull., 10,4 (1979), 13-19 81 Omolewa, M The adaptation question in Nigerian education 1916-36, J. Hist.

Soc. Nigeria, 8,3 (1976), 930119 82 Osoba, S Nigeria: l'aggravation de la crise de la bourgeoisie nationale,

Peuples noirs, peuples afr., 2, 7/8 (197 9), 1 3 2-5 8 83 Sanda, A 0 (ed) Nigeria's problems of development, J. Black Stud., 9,2 (1978),

131-232 84 Hutschen Reuter, K Aktuelle Entwicklungs probleme Nigerias, Asien Afrika Latina-

merika, 6,6 (1978), 1145-67 85 Rapaport, C Why the spending stopped in Nigeria, Fortune, 100,1 (1979),

146-54 86 Okafor, F C Labour shortage in Nigerian agriculture, Labour, Capital and

Society, 12,1 (1979), 109-22 87 Nwabueze, R D Trends in the structure of relative wages in Nigeria 1960-74,

S A JAfr. Affs., 8,2 (1978), 167-83 88 Stanley, J L Nigerian humanaities and social sciences, Nig. Libraries 11

(1965), 25-39 (bibliography) 89 Adamolekun, L & Administration et developpement au niveau local: Nigeria

Laleye, M 0 1960-78, Rev. franc. d'admin. pub. 7 (1978), 159-86 90 Ojo, A Constitutional structure and nature of the Nigerian military

government: the new constitutional decrees, Nig. Law J., 10 (1976), 82-95

91 Copley, A R H Nigerian academic year 1974-75: background to the July coup 1976, Civilisations, 28, 1/2 (1978), 140-62

92 Lubeck, P The value of multiple methods in researching Third World strikes: a Nigerian example, Devt. and Change, 10,2 (1979), 302-20

93 Mabawonku, A F Incomes and factor productivity in W Nigeria small scale indus- tries, Dev, Economies, 16,3 (1978), 269-82

94 Akinsanya, A Federalism and military rule in Nigeria 1966-75, J. Constit. and Pearl. Stud., 10,3 (1976), 25 1-71

95 Aronson, D R Capitalism and culture in Ibadan urban development, Urb, Anth., 7,3 (1978), 253-70

96 Onyemelukwe, J & Industrial migration in Nigeria, Industrial Change, ed. F E I Hamilton (London: Longman, 1978), 119-31

97 Oyediran, 0 (ed) Survey of Nigerian affairs. Ibadan: OUP, 1978, 347pp 98 Oyediran, 0 (ed) Nigerian government and politics under military rule 1968-79

McMillan, 1979, 336pp 99 Davis, M Interpreters for Nigeria: the Third World and international

public relations. Chicago: U Illinois Press, 1977, 197pp 100 Fika, A M The Kano civil war and British over-rule 1882-1 940. Ibadan:

OUP, 1978, 307pp 101 Igbafe, P A Benin under British administration 1897-1938. London:

Longman, 1979, 432pp 102 Adeyeye, S 0 The cooperation movement in Nigeria. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck

und Ruprecht, 1978, 221pp 103 Okpu, U Ethnic minority problems in Nigerian politics 1960-65. Uppsala:

Scand. Inst. Afr. Stud., 1977 104 Biersteker, T J Distortion or development: contending perspectives on the MNC.

Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1978, 199pp 105 Carlsen, J Industrial cooperation in the Lome Convention: the case of

Nigeria. Copenhagen: CDR Project Paper D78.5, 1978, 37pp 106 Fashoyin, T Employers combinations and industrial relations in Nigeria.

Lagos Univ. Human Resources Res. Unit, Paper 78/04, 1978 107 Nwankwo, G 0 The Nigerian financial system. London: Macmillan, 1979, 384pp 108 Olaloku, F A et al. Structure of the Nigerian economy. London: Macmillan, 1979,


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109 Southall, R Ghana's role in the world economy, JMAS, 17,1 (1979), 175-81 1 10 Lawson, R Review of Development economics in action, by Tony Killick

(London 1978), Ibid., 172-5 111 Brown, D Local politics and local-central linkages in Ghana, IDS Bull.,

10,4 (1979), 8-13 112 Erbynn, K The oil crisis and its impact on Ghana, Proc. Ghana Academy

14 (1977), 71-82 113 Kraus, J Strikes and labour power in Ghana, Devt. and Change, 10,2

(1979), 159-86 114 Ninsin, K A Nkrumah's socialism' a reappraisal, Ufahamu, 9,1 (1979), 82-109 115 Phillips, E A Ethnicity in Ghananian politics, SA J Afr. Affs., 9,1 (1979),

14-21 116 Hart, D The political economy of the Volta River Project, Int. Rels.,

6,1 (1978), 245-56 117 Silver, J Class struggles in Ghana's mining industry, RAPE 12 (1979),

67-86 118 Crisp, J Review of Class, power and ideology in Ghana by Richard

Jeffries (CUP 1978), Ibid., 120-22 119 Gutkind, P C W Review of The Labouring poor and urban class formation,

by Dick Sandbrook and Jack Am (Montreal 1978), IJAHS, 21,1 (1979), 83-95

120 Crisp J Debate on The labouring poor and urban class formation, MUR, 11,2 (1979), 93-100

121 Arhin, K West African traders in Ghana in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries London: Longman, 1979, 288pp

122 Saaaku, Y Local government and political change in N Ghana. Washington: UP of America, 1978, 168pp

123 Gunnarsson, C The Gold Coast cocoa industry 1900-39. Lund: Econ. Hist. Assoc., 1978 184pp

124 Amihere, J A A critical appraisal of the mass alien expulsion from Ghana 1969/70. Sheffield City Poly., Dept. Political Studies, 1979, 50pp

125 Bukh, I The village woman in Ghana. Uppsala: Scand. Inst. Afr. Studs., 1979, 118pp

126 Haberli, C Les investissements etrangers en Afrique. Paris: LGDJ, 1979, 331pp


127 Airey, A et al. Agricultural development in Sierra Leone, IDS Bull., 10,4 (1979), 20-7

128 Muhlenberg, F Sierra Leone: Wirtschaftliche und sociale Strukturen und Ent- wicklung. Hamburg: Inst. fur Afrika-Kunde, 1978, 462pp

129 Sanneh, L 0 The Jakhanke: the history of an Islamic clerical people of the Sene-Gambia. London: IAI, 1979, 276pp

130 Khafre, K Towards a political economy of Liberia, RAPE 12 (1979), 105-113

131 Mayson, D T W Neocolonialism in Liberia, Ufahamu, 8,1 (1977) 132 Tolbert, W R Interview, Afr. Rep., 24,4 (1979) 4-8 133 Dunn, D E The foreign policy of Liberia during the Tubman era. london:

Hutchinson, 1979, 240pp


134 Suret-Canale, i Strike movements as part of the anticolonial struggle in F W

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Africa, Tarikh,5,3 (1977) 44-56 135 Suret-Canale, J The French West African railway workers' strike 1947-8 African

labour history, ed. R Cohen et al (Sage 1978), 129-54; in French in Cahiers d'histoire (Inst. M. Thorez), 28 (1978), 82-122

136 Obichere, B I Politicians and educational reform in Mali and the Ivory Coast, J. Hist. Soc. Nigeria, 8,3 (1976), 55-68

137 Asiwuju, A I Political aspects of migrations in W Africa, Afrika Zamani (Alger), 6/7 (1977); Ivory Coast, Upper Volta

138 Polacek, J Le programme et les fondements ideologiques du RDA, Asian and Afr. Stud. (Bratislava) 15 (1978), 149-61

139 Veit, M Nationale Emanzipation, Entwicklungstrategie und Aussen- politik. Munich: Weltforum, 1978, 457pp (Fuinea, Ivory Coast)

140 Ziemer, K Politische Parteiein im frankophonen Afrika. Meisenheim im Glan: A Hain, 1978, 325pp

141 Soumah, M Culture cotoniere et developement regional au Scnegal, Annales Fac. Lettres (Dakar) 7 (1977), 241-68

142 Thiam, I D Les originies de mouvement syndical senegalais: la greve des cheminots du Dakar-St. Louis du 1919, Ibid., 209-40

143 Echenberg, M J The Senegalese soldiers uprising of 1944 African Labour History, ed. R Cohen et al (Sage 1978), 108-28

144 Cournot, C Developpement, administration territoriale et participation de la population: Senegal 1976-77, Rev. franc. admin. pub. 7 (1978), 91-112

145 Mulot, F Syndicalisme et politique au Senegal 1968-76, RFEPA 158 (1979), 63-90

146 De Jonge, K et al. Les migrations en Basse Casamance. Leiden: Afrika Studiecen- trum, 1978

147 Samuel, M Le proletariat africain noir en France. Paris: Maspero, 197 8, 263pp

148 Bourgi, A La politique francaise de cooperation en Afrique: Senegal. Paris: LGDJ 1979, 373pp

149 O'Brien, R C (ed) The political economy of underdevelopment; dependence in Senegal. Beverley Hills: Sage, 1979, 238pp

150 Bennoune, M The political economy of Mauritania, RAPE 12 (1979), 31-52 151 Cresm/Cean Introduction a la Mauritanie. Paris: Ed. CNRS, 1979, 421pp 152 Amselle, J L La conscience paysanne: la revolte de Ouolossebougou (Juin

1968, Mali), CJAS, 12,3 (1978), 339-55 153 Hamady, Y Bureaucratie et corruption au Malo, Puep es noirs, peuples afr.

1,6 (1978), 20-49 154 Amin, S Le Soudan francais: le mirage de l'office du Niger, Et. Maliennes

26 (1978), 40-72 155 Braun, A A collective discipline, Ceres 69 (1979), 19-24 (Mali, coops

and drought) 156 Saint-Andre, C La Compagnie de culture cottoniere du Niger 1919-27. Montellier:

Univ. Paul Valery, 197 6, 5 91 pp 157 Ammi-Oz, M L'installation des militaires, voltaiques, RFEPA 152/3 (1978),

59-79; 154 (1978), 85-97 158 Arras, M Les investissemenst du Tchad; le budget du Tchad, Annales de

l'Univ. Bokassa 2 (1977), 36-73; 74-103 159 Woronoff, J Ivory Coast: the value of development, Afr. Rep., 24,4 (1979),

1 3-19 160 Rondos, AG Ivory Coast: the price of development, Ibid., 4-9 161 Founou-Tchuigoua, Quels changements dans l'agriculture iviorienne?, Afr. Dvt.,

B 4,1 (1979), 71-77 162 Bi Zan, S L'infrastructure routiere et ferroviare coloniale sources des

mutations sociales et psychologiques, Afrika Zamani (Alger) 6/7 (1977)

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163 Masini, J et al Multinationals and development in Black Africa. Farnborough: Saxon House, 1979, 192pp (Ivory Coast)

164 Brand, R Structures revolutionnaires au Benin: impact sur une societe paysanne, Geneve-Afr., 16,1 (1977/8), 67-88; also 16,2 (1978), 111-3

165 Genne, M La tentation du socialisme au Benin, Et, internat., 9,3 (1978) 383-403

166 Parti Communiste Les realites economiques et sociales au Dahomey. Paris: Nouveau Dahomey bureau d'edition, 1979, 78pp

167 Osuntokun, J Great Britain and the final partition of the Cameroons 1916- 22, Afrika Zamani (Alger) 667 (1977)

168 Bayart, J F Review of Radical nationalism in Cameroun by Richard Joseph (OUP 1977) Rev. franc. sci. pol., 29,3 (1979), 513-6

169 Bayart, J F L'etat au Cameroun, Paris: NFSP, 1978, 304pp


170 Rudebeck, L Development and class struggle in Guine-Bissau, Monthly Review, 30,8 (1979), 14-33

171 Feix, G & Sur revolutionardemokratischen Juztiz und Rechtsentwicklung in Guinea-Bissau, Asien, Afrika, Lat. Anmer., 6,5 (1978), 883-94

172 Cabral, A Amilcar Cabral: unity and struggle, London: Heineman, 1979, 272pp

173 Rudebeck, L Guinea-Bissau: Folket, partiet och staten. Uppsala: Scand. Inst. Afr. Stud., 1977

174 Springer, N A Conflict over Western Sahara, Focus, 29,4 (1979), 10-16 175 Weeksteen, B La question du Sahara occidentale, Annulaire Afr. du Nord

1977, 425-52 176 Spiliman, G La situation au Sahara occidentale; le Polisario, Mondes et

Cultures, 38,2 (1978), 251-60 177 Clausen. U Der Konflikt um die West Sahara. Hamburg: Inst. fur Afrika

Kunde, 1978, 224pp 178 Assidon, E Sahara occidentale. Paris: Maspero, 1978 179 Olivesi, D Les enfants du Polisario. Paris: Ed. des femmes, 1978, unpag.


200 Michel, H et aL Technologies et developpement au Maghreb, Annulaire Afr. Nord 1976

201 Leca, J Reformes institutionelles et legitimation du pouvoire au Magreb, Ibid., 1977, 3-14

202 Waterbury, J La legitimation du pouvoir au Maghreb, Ibid., 411-24 203 Camau, M Caractere et role du constitutionalisme dans les etats du Magreb,

Ibid., 379-410 204 Various Maghreb politics, nt. J. Pol., Fall 1977, 5-106 205 Bessis, J Chebib Arslan et les mouvements nationalistes en Maghreb,

Rev. Hist. 5 26 (1978), 467-89 206 Oualalou, F Reflections on the future of Maghreb cooperation, Spet. Internaz.,

12,3 (1977), 239-77 207 Lewis, W H N Africa: struggle for primacy, Curr. Hist., Mar. 1979, 119-21,

131 208 Dougherty, J J The politics of wartime aid. Westport: Greenwood, 1978 (US aid) 209 Julien, C A Une pensee anticoloniale: positions 1914-79. Paris: Sindbad,

1979, 267 210 Chentouf, T Remarques sur la naissance des partis politiques en Algerie, Revue

algerienne, 14,2 (1977), 221-7

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211 Gallisot, R Mouvement national et mouvement ouvrier en Algerie dans les annees 1930Ibid., 207-20

212 Vatin, J C Sur l'approche de mouvements nationales maghrebine en general et sur l'Algerie dans les annees trentes en particulier, Ibid., 229-6 3

213 Taleb Bendiab, A La formation des idees du socialisme scientifique en Algerie 1920-36, Ibid., 289-308

214 Barbant, J M Le discours communiste en Algerie pendant les annees 1930, Ibid., 309-22

215 Benhassine, M L & La periodisation des classes sociales en Algerie de 1830 a la vielle Merad, B A du declenchement de la lutte de liberation nationale, Ibid., 323-41

216 Collot, C Le Front algerien pour la defense et le respect de la liberte, Ibid., 355-43 1

217 Vineq, J L Propriete et capitalisme agraire dans l'Algerie coloniale, Ibid., 14,3 (1977), 513-47

218 Vassilis, D Reforme agraire et rapport sociaux de production, Ibid., 549-57 219 Banissad, M E L'inflation algerienne: symptomes et causes, Ibid., 15,1 (1978)

11-34 220 Various Doctrine et quelques aspects de la constitution algerienne du

1976, Ibid., 15,3 (1978), 427-516 221 Dufour, D L'enseignement en Algerie, Maghreb Rev., 3, 5/6 (1978), 33-45 222 Grimaud, N Les relations du travail en Algerie: cinquieme congres de l'UGTA,

Ibid., 57-62 223 Sutton, K The progress of Algeria's agrarian reform and its settlement

implications, Ibid., 10-16 224 Sivan, E 'L'etoile nordafricaine' and the genesis of Algerian nationalism,

Ibid., 17-22 225 Durand, J P Exaccerbation des contradictions sociales et resserrement des

alliahces politiques en Algerie, Annulaire Afr. Nord. 1977, 123-40

226 Gourdon, H Citoyen, travailleur, frere: la deuxieme constitutionalisation du systeme politique algerien, Ibid., 99-122

227 Leca, J & Vatin, J Le systeme politique algerien 1976-78, Ibid., 15-80 228 Hanson, H Le peuple et la revolution socialiste algerien, Ibid., 81-98 229 Mortimer, R Boumedienne redesigns his regime, Afr. Rep., 22,4 (1977),

14-18 230 Mortimer, R Algeria: which way ahead?, Ibid., 24,3 (1979), 9-14 231 Karsenty, J C La politique agricole algerienne, Maghreb-Machrek 77 (1977),

31-9 232 Linhart, R Le 'transfert de technologie' er ses contradictions, Rev. franc.

admin. pub. 1977/4, 123-33 233 Pollak, C Algerien vor dem neuen Vierjahresplan, Int. Afrikaforum,

14,3 (1978), 262-72 234 Sutton, K & Population regrouping in Algeria, Trans. Inst. Brit. Geog.,

3,3 (1978), 331-50 235 Mortimer, R A Algeria and the politics of international economic reform,

Orbis, 21,3 (1977), 671-700 236 Knauss, P Algeria's 'agrarian revolution': peasant control or control of

peasants, ASR, 20,3 (1977), 65-78 237 Djeghloul, M Revolution agraire et problemes de la transition en Algerie,

Cult. et Devt., 9,4 (1977), 577-99 238 Younger, S Ideology and pragmatism in Algerian foreign policy, World

Today, 34,3 (1978), 107-114 239 Balta, P La politique exterieure de l'Algerie, Def: nat., June 1977, 87-98 240 Perville, G Guerre etrangere en guerre civile au Algerie 1954-62 Rel. internat.

14 (1978), 171-96 241 Sivan, E Anticolonialism at the age of the Popular Front: Algerian

communism 1935-39 Asian and Afr. Stud., 1 1,3 (1977), 337-74

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242 Sivan E Colonialism and populat culture in Algeria, J contemp. hist., 14,1 (1979), 21-53

243 Kaddache, M L'impossible dialogue ou l'echec des reformes politiques: L'Algerie, Afrika Zamani (Alger) 6/7 (1977)

244 Almeyra, G Algeria: how real was the agrarian revolution? Ceres 68 (1979), 31-5

245 Horne, A The French army in Algeria, Regular armies and insurgency, ed. R Haycock (London: Croom Helm, 1979)

246 Nellis, J; & Reviews of 7he FLN in Algeria by H F Jackson (Westport 1977), Cannon B D JMAS 17,1 (1979), 153-6;IJAH$ 11,2 (1978), 196-9

247 Jonsson, L La revolution agraire en Algerie. Uppsala: Scand, Inst. Afr. Stud., Research Rep. 47, 1978, 84pp

248 Babilot, J Pour une implantation de l'enterprise algeriene. Persac: Ass. des cercles d'etudes du devr. econ. et social, 1976, 26pp

249 Mette, R Les premisses de l'insurrection algerienne. Paris: CHEAM, 1977, 68pp

250 Benachenou, A Formation du sous-developpement en Algerie 1830-1962. Alger: Office des Publications Universitaires, 1976

251 Jackson, H F The FLN in Algeria, Westport: Greenwood, 197 7, 255pp 252 Harbi, M Aux origines du FLN, Paris: C. Bourgois, 1975, 31 3pp 25 3 Glasman, D & Essai su l'universite et les cadres en Algerie. Paris: CNRS, 1978,

Kremer, J 252pp 254 Said-Amer, T L'industrialisation en Algerie. Paris: Anthropos, 1979, 264pp 255 Coliot, C & Henry, Le mouvement national algerien: Textes 1912-54 Paris: Harmattan,

J R (eds) 1978, 347pp 256 Smith, T The French stake in Algeria 1945-62. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1978,

200pp 257 Sivan, E Communisme et nationalisme en Algerie 1920-62. Paris, FNSP,

262pp 258 Hutchinson, M C Revolutionary terrorism: the FLNin Algeria 1954-62. Stanford:

Hoover, 1978, 185pp 259 Lucas, P Problemes de la transition au socialisme: le transformisme

algerien. Paris: Antrhropos, 1978, 392pp 260 Adler, S International migration and dependence. Farnborough: Saxon

House, 1977 235pp 261 Boumediene, H La strategie de Boumediene. Paris: Sindbad, 1978, 361pp 262 Rousset, M Changements institutionels et equilibre des forces politiques au

Maroc, Annulaire Afr. Nord. 1977, 189-214 263 Santucci J C Les elections legislatives marocaines du Juin 1977,Ibid., 215-42 264 Baldous, A La reforme communale au Maroc (1976), Ibid., 283-310 265 Benhlal, M Les consultations electorales du Maroc: le cas du Sous, Ibid.,

260-82 266 Azerdane, A Le nouveau Parlement marocaine: la premiere annee, Ibid.,

243-60 267 Paul, J Medecine and imperialism in Morocco, MERIP Rep. 60 (1977),

3-12 268 Price, D L Morocco: the political balance, World Today, 34,12 (1978),

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33,1 (1979) 20-33 270 Braun, F H Morocco: anatomy of a palace revolution that failed, Int. J.

Middle East Stud., 9,1 (197 8), 63-72 271 Price, D L Morocco and the Sahara: conflict and development, Conflict

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273 Claisse, A Les enterprises publiques au Maroc, Rev. franc. admin. pub., 1977/4, 165-85

274 Amnesty Morocco. London (Briefing Paper 13,) 1977, 16pp 275 Van Rickeghem, W Employment problems and policies in Morocco. Rotterdam

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ed. Magrebines, 1978, 434pp 278 Ben Achour, Y & Reformes, elections municipales et discours decentralisateur

Moussa, Y en Tunisie, Annualire Afr. Nord. 1977, 34 5-78 279 Chaabane, S Le systeme consitituionnel tunisien a travers la reforme de

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282 Lakhoua, F Structure des salaires et developpement economquie: Tunisie 196 1-72, Rev. tunis. des sci. soc., 52 (1978), 43-58

283 Camau, M La question constitutionelle en Tunisie 1970-75, Jahrbuch des offentlichen Rechets der Gegenwart 24 (1975), 549-76

284 Boulares, H La politique entrangere de la Tunisie, Defi nat., Oct. 1977, 59-70 285 Amnesty Tunisia: improsonment of trade unionists in 1978, London, 1979,

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25-5 0 290 O'Neill, N Imperialism and class struggle: Sudan, Race and Class, 20,1

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London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1978), 100-22 292 Briggs, J A Farmers responses to planned agricultural development in the

Sudan, Trans. Inst. Brit. Geog., 3,4 (1978), 464-75 293 Howell, J Horn of Africa: lessons from the Sudan conflict, Int. Affs.,

54,3 (1978), 421-36 294 Chaudhri, M A Foreign policy of Sudan under Numeiri, Pakistan Horizon,

28,4 (1975), 19-52 295 Caplan, B Sudan: acid test for Arab investment, Banker, Jan. 1978, 33-6 296 Wai, D M Revolution, rhetoric and reality in the Sudan, JMAS, 17,1

(1979) 71-93 297 El-Khawas, M A The problem of S Sudan, Afr. Stud. Rev. (Cairo), 1975, 2142 298 Pirouet, M L The achievement of peace in Sudan, J E Afr. Res. and Devt.,

6,1 (1976), 115-45 299 Johnson, D Colonial policy and prophets: the 'Nuer settlement' 1929-30,

J. Anth. Soc. Oxford, 10,1 (1979), 1-20 300 Howell, J Provincial and local government in the Sudan, Collected Seminar

Papers (Inst. C'wealth Stud., London) 23 (1978), 65-73 301 Kannapan, S Urban labour market structure and employment issues in the

Sudan, Studies of urban labour market behaviour in developing areas, ed. S Kannapan (Geneva: ILO, 1977), 85-106

302 Beshir, M 0 Diversity, regionalism and national unity in the Sudan, Conf.

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on Central Bilad as Sudan (Hkartoum, 1977), 22pp 303 Barnett, T The Gezira Scheme: black box of Pandor's box? Univ. E Anglia

Devt. Studies Desc. Paper 45, 1978, 34pp 304 B.A.E.C. Agricultural and infrastructural development in Sudan. London:

British Agricultural Export Co., 1976, 56pp 305 Henley, J S et al. Foreign capital inflows, domestic savings and the price of political

stability in the Sudan. Univ. Edinburgh, Business Stud. Dept., 1978, 25 3pp

306 Warburg, G Islam, nationalism and communism in Sudan. London: Cass, 1978, 253pp

307 Lees, F A & The economic and political development of the Sudan. London: Brooks, H C Macmillan 1977, 172pp

308 Rae, D K L Honourable Inspector, Ilfracombe: Stockwell, 1979, 136pp (admin. 1946-50)

309 OtHagan, 1 P (ed) Growth and adjustment in national agriculture. London: Macmillan, 1978 242pp (includes Sudan)


Theses are doctoral unless otherwise stated. Abstracts of American and some Canadian theses can be found in DAI (Dissertation Abstract International). Most theses can be obtained on Inter-Library Loan, or purchased; cite the number below the author's name on the listing; Canadian theses (five-figure number) are available on microflche only, while French theses (no numbers) are hard to obtain.


310 Mackenzie, A J British Marxists and the Empire 1920-45. London, 1978, 359pp D27276/79

311 Standing, G Labour force participation and underdevelopment, with special D26013/79 reference to female economic activity. Cambridge, 1978, 358pp

312 Faria, V Urban marginality as a structural phenemenon: an overview of the literature. Harvard, 1976

313 Turay, A M The EEC and the LDCs. Oklahoma, 1978, 232pp;DAI 39,7 7824617 (1979), 4408

314 Mahler, V External, linkages and internal politics in LDCs: a test od depen- 7904101 dency hypotheses. Columbia, 1978, 379pp;DAI 39,8 (1979),

5133 315 Bingaradi, F T External indebtedness of LDCs. California-Riverside, 1977,

7904821 294pp DAI, 39,9 (1979), 5643 316 Barone, C A A historical survey and analytic critique of Marxist thought on

7907702 economic imperialism. American Univ., 1978, 398pp; DAI, 39,10 (1979), 6268


317 OJO, M 0 The African states and the Arab world. London, 1978, 444pp D241 14/78

318 Bangura, Y The politics of economic relations between Britain and Common- D25249/79 wealth Africa 1951-75. London, 1978, 533pp

319 Stibbs, T P C Aspects of the Colonial Offlce administration of the trusteeship D28021/79 concept w.s.r.t. Kenya and Nigeria 191-69. Paris 1, 1978

320 Bourgi, R Le Gen. de Gaulle et l'Afrique noire 1940-69. Paris 1, 1978 321 Benchenane, M L'armee en Afrique. Paris 1, 1978 322 Oum, N Elections et lutte de classes en Afrique noire d'expression

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francaise. These 3eme cycle, IEP Lyons, 1978, 252pp 323 Tarrant, G D The British Colonial Office and the labour question in the de-

pendencies in the interwar years. Manitoba, 1977;DAI, 38,7 (1978), 5305

324 Sithole, M The one-party tendency in African politics. Concinnati, 1977, 77-29, 717 317pp; Ibid., 4355

325 Allal, M Evaluation of the African Associated States response to EEC 7803460 tariff preferences. Michigan State, 1977, 267pp;DAI, 38,10

(1978), 6238 326 Rich, E J U S government sponsored higher educational programs for

7809920 Africans 1957-70. Columbia, 1978, 316pp;DAI, 39,1 (1978) 416

327 Moss, J G The Yaounde convention 1964-75. New School, 1978, 275pp; 7821402 DAI, 39,5

328 Sekyi-Otu, A Frantz Fanon's critique of the colonia experience. Toronto, 1977; DAI, 39,7 (1979), 4475

329 Wei, L T Africa and the two Chinas. Oklahoma, State, 1978, 500pp; 7903761 DAI, 39,8 (1979), 5091

330 Thomason, J S Intra-African cooperation 1962-68. Northwestern, 1978, 293pp; 7903377 Ibid., 5135

331 Cambridge, R A F Towards an understanding of military intervention in Africa 7906439 1965-77. Johns Hopkins, 1978, 482pp;DAI, 39,9 (1979),

5707 332 Sono, T The political philosophy of Nkrumah and Nyerere. G. Washington

7915615 Univ., 1979, 299pp;DAI, 40,1 (1979), 441 333 Wilkins, G L African influence in the UN 1967-75. Illinois (Urbana-Champaign),

7915445 1979 294pp; Ibid., 449


334 Makar, T A history of political change among the Tiv in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Ahmadu Bello Univ., 1975, 613pp

335 Tahir, I A Scholars, sufis, saints and capitalists in Kano 1904-74. D 26472/79 Cambridge, 1977, 586pp

336 Omoparioloa, 0 The financing of manufacturing industry in Nigeria. Bradford, D 8003/79 1978, 400pp

337 Asiobe, H A Domestic political structure and foreign policy: The Nigerian D21219/77 experience 1960-74. London, 1976, 489pp

338 Ademolla, A Omro-Ekiti: continuity and change in the social organisation of D27625/79 a peasant society in Ondo State. London, 1978, 299pp

339 Drew, C F Economic role of women in Mango, Benue-Plateau State. M. Sc., Ahmadu Bello Univ., 1975, 243pp

340 Olowolaiyemo, G M Urban petty producers in Nigeria and programmes for assisting them. M. Sc., Swansea, 1978

341 Ihimodu, I I Impact of government taxation and control of the marketing 77-19, 864 of five major agricultural exports of Nigeria. Pennsylvania,

1977, 321pp; DAI, 38,3 (1977), 1545 342 Abdullahi, M Traditional elites and political modernisation: local government

reforms in NW State. Chicago, 1977;Ibid., 1669 343 Thompson, J E American foreign policy towards Nigeria 1967-70. Catholic

7727720 Univ., 1977, 301pp; DAI, 38,7 (1978), 4360 344 Abdulsalami, I The structure and planning of the national planning machinery:

77-28009 Nigeria 1962-76. Pittsburg, 1977, 305pp;Thid., 4361 345 Achunine, 0 B Urban housing and infrastructure in Lagos, Michigan State, 1977,

77-24,209 401ppDAI, 38,5 (1977), 3101 346 Matlon, P J The size distribution, structure and determinants of personal

7800105 income among farmers in the North of Nigeria. Comell, 1977,

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258pp; DAI, 38,8 (1978), 4948 347 Vincent, B B Cotton growing in S Nigeria 1845-1933. Simon Fraser, 1977;

DAI, 38,9 (1978), 5645 348 Mann, K A social history of the new African elite in Lagos Colony 1880-

7802199 1913. Stanford, 1977, 317pp;TIid., 5650 349 Aboidun, J 0 Regional eequalities in economic development. Columbia, 1976,

7802318 288pp;Ibid., 5705 350 Okin, I A Planning without facts: Niger State. Claremont, 1978, 203pp;

7806388 DAI, 38,11 (1978), 6986 351 Wilson, S Y Multinational advertising agency impact on the industry structure

7810788 in LDCs. SUNY-Stony Brook, 1977, 157pp;DAI, 39,1 (1978), 378

352 Ukaeje, I The influence of civil-military relations on the tendency of the 7818068 military to intervene in civilian politics. SUNY-Binghampton,

1978, 247pp;DAI, 39,4 (1978), 2534 353 Olugbemi S 0 Military leadership and political integration in Nigeria 1966-76.

7817500 SUNY-Albany, 1978, 360pp: Ibid., 25 38 354 Lamb, T J Early twentieth century efforts at economic development in

7817319 Nigeria and Arizona. Temple, 1978, 207pp; Iid., 2456 355 Thomson, R J Voluntary association participation in Kano. Indiana, 1978,

7821747 21Opp; DAI, 39,5 (1978), 3158 356 Durotoye, 0 0 The role of the Nigerian legislature in national integration

7821303 1960-66. Duke, 1978, 165pp;Ibid., 3114 357 Onyejekwe, L 0 The role of the military in economic and social development.

7819641 Ohio State, 1978, 165pp;Ibid., 3117 358 Okolo, A M A International political economy and Nigerian development

7821483 1945-75 Purdue, 1978, 315pp;Ibid., 3125 359 Awogbade, M 0 0 Ecology, cattle rearing and the pastoralist Fulani of the Jos

Plateau. Toronot, 1977;DAI, 39/7 (1979), 4353 360 Carland, J M Colonial Office staff and Nigerian 1898-1914. Toronto, 1977;

Ibid., 4420 361 Okodi, E F Institutional structure and conflict in Nigeria 1946-66. New

School, 1878, 346pp;Ibid., 4472 362 Mohammed, A A Hausa scholar-trader and his library: Umar Falke of Kano.

7903326 North-western, 1978, 581pp;DAI, 39,8 (1979), 5088 363 Chima, W A Nigeria-US relations 1960-77: the impact of economic inter-

7823818 dependence. Claremont, 1978, 388pp;Ibid., 5136 364 Idemudia, T D A The performance of Nigerian indigenous entrepreneurs. SUNY-

7905276 Buffalo, 1978, 297pp;DAI, 39,9 (1979), 5606 365 Okoli, F C Local politics and community development in Anambra State.

7904566 Berkeley, 1978, 243pp; Ibid., 5701 366 Phillips, E 0 The capital market of Nigeria. Pennsylvania State, 1978, 350pp;

7909112 DAI, 39,10 (1979), 6221 367 Sa'id, H I The Fulani jihad in Kano and its aftermath 1807-1919, Michigan,

7907160 1978, 434pp;Ibid., 6282 368 Johnson, C J Nigerian women and British colonialism: the Yoruba example.

7907891 Northwestern, 1978, 314pp;Ibid., 6286 369 Edogun, C I Federalism, public finance and development policy in Nigeria.

7910381 State Univ. New Jersey (New Brunswick), 1978, 299pp;DAI, 39,11 (1979), 6959

370 Nwomonoh, J N Local government in nation building. Claremont, 1978, 286pp; 7911537 Ibid., 6962

371 Fasehun, 0 Nigerian politics and the role of Nigeria in the OAU 1963-76. 7916136 Rutgers, 1979, 475pp;DAI, 40,1 (1979), 445

372 Odofin, C 'D The impact of the multinational oil corporations on Nigeria's 7916858 econic growth. American Univ., 1979, 173pp;DAI, 40,2 (1979),


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373 Wilson, E J The political economy of public corporations in the energy 7914812 sectors of Nigeria and Zaire. Berkeley 1978, 705pp;Ibid., 1070

374 Ebong, M 0 Policy implications of rural-urban migration on Calabar. Michigan 7917696 State. 1978. 244pp;Ibid., 1072 (mainly on housing)

375 Vincent, B B Cotton growing in Southern Nigeria. Simon Frazer, 1977, 254pp 35987

376 Gutkind, A The development of African road transport on W Nigeria 1919-39. 35722 MA, McGill, 1977, 119pp


377 Pinkney, R The politics of military rule in Ghana 1966-69. London, 1977, D18798/77 37 3pp

378 McLean, M Assimilationist and adaptationist policies in British colonial D 24915/79 Africa, (w.s.r.t. Gold Coast and Tanganyika). London, 1978,

492pp 379 Crook, R C Local elites and national politics in Ghana: Offinso, Ashanti,

D 23392/78 1945-66 London, 1978, 468pp 380 Brown, D Politics in the Kpandu area of Ghana 1925-59. London, 1978,

D 23048/78 467pp 381 Miles, J Cocoa marketing in the Gold Coast and the African producer

D 24022/78 1919-39. London, 1978, 386pp 382 Konnings, P J Vakbewging en ontwikkelingestrategie van de overheid in Ghana

1874-1976. Tilburg, 1977 383 Amonoo, E Agricultural production and income distribution in Ghana: a

case study Free Univ. Amsterdam, 1978 384 Tunteng, P K From pan-negroism to African paramountcy: the role of Nkrumah.

Geneva, 1977, 179pp 385 Turkson, A Etat et institutions de chefferie au Ghana. Memoire, IEP Grenoble,

1978, 160pp 386 Saaku, Y Local government in Gonja District. Case Western Reserve, 1977,

77-18, 843 537ppDAI, 38,3 (1977), 1692 387 Hagaman, B L Beer and matriliny: the power of women in ... Lobir, Ghana.

77-24,426 Northeastern, 1977, 365pp;DAI, 38,5 (1977), 2884 388 Chiofolo, R C Statistical comparison of migration and ethnic boundaries in

77-29,231 Ghana. Florida, 1977, 277pp; DAI, 38,7 (1978), 4392 389 Sclafani, J A The Railway and Ports Workers Union of Ghana. Brown, 1977,

77-32,629 616pp; DAI, 38,8 (1978), 5078 390 Asamoa, K V The political thought and policies of Nkrumah and Busia.

7805423 Howard, 1977, 396pp;DAI, 38,11 (1978), 6875 391 Holbrook, W P The impact of the Second Warld War on the Gold Coast. Princeton,

7807475 1978, 429pp;DAI, 38,12 (1979), 7499 392 Morrison, K C Ethnicity and political integration: Ashanti. Wisconsin-Madison,

7804432 1977, 387pp;DAI, 38,12 (1978), 1872 393 Gray, P S The institutionalisation of organised labour in Ghana. Yale,

7815913 1977, 540pp;DAI, 39,3 (1978), 1872 394 Boamah-Wiafe, D Pattern and correlates of urbanbound migration in Ghana.

7817093 Wisconsin-Madison, 1978, 173pp;DAI, 39,6 (1978), 3835 395 Plange, N K The colonial state and underdevelopment in N. Ghana. Toronto,

1976; DAI, 39,7 (1979), 4510 396 Tripp, R B Economic strategies and nutritional status in a compound farming

7904132 settlement on N Ghana. Columbia, 1978, 309pp;DAI, 39,8 (1979), 5020

397 Gore, C G Foodmarketing and rural underdevelopment in Ghana. Pennsylvania 7905031 State, 1978, 480pp;DAI, 39,10 (1979), 6304

398 Arn, J A F Political economy of urban poverty in Ghana: Nima, Accra. Toronto. 1978;DAI, 40,2 (1979), 1044

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