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Muscat International School


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After two years of IGCSE study, students proceed to two years of higher level studies. The GED course is overseen by the Ministry if Education. It provides students with a broad range of subjects and enables them to graduate from school with full ministry approval.

Arabic (GED) - 4 Biology (GED) - 5 Business Studies (GED) - 7 Chemistry (GED) - 8 English (GED) - 10 Applied ICT (GED) - 11 Mathematics (GED) - 12 Physical Education (PE) (GED) - 15 Physics (GED) - 16 Thinking Skills / Research Project (GED) - 18 Options Entering Grade 11 - 19

The GED course is rigorous and demanding. Much of the work covered is the same as A level work. To succeed in the GED students will be expected to do a good deal of independent study.

In Grades 11 and 12, all students must take non-examined PE as recreational PE as part of the Health and well being of students. The rest of the students’ time is spent in class studying the GED course.

Compulsory courses are as follows: Arabic Islamic Ishtimayat English Mathematics Research Project A Science subject (to be chosen from the option block)

At MIS, students are offered a choice for their other 3 subjects. (Altogether they must take 10).This should be from the following:

Phyics Chemistry Biology ICT Business Studies PE

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Your choices should be based on a careful consideration of a number of factors. These include your ability in a subject, your teachers’ opinion as to your ability, your ideas about a future career, your parents’ wishes and your own enjoyment of the subjects.

Read the Curriculum Handbook carefully, with your parents, before you make your choices. Discuss the subjects with the appropriate teachers. Make sure that the combination of subjects you choose is a reasonable one, not simply ‘what my friends are doing.’

It is particularly important to ensure you are taking the correct subjects if you have a particular university course in mind. Please bear in mind that you will be expected to work very hard on these subjects so don’t choose subjects you don’t like!


The courses are internally assessed throughout grade 11. In grade 12 there are external exams around February. The final external exam for each subject is held in May.

The breakdown of marks varies by course. Please see subject explanations within the booklet.


The GED enables you to graduate from school, endorsed by the Omani Ministry of Education. It will enable you to begin university courses in the region and elsewhere. It will also allow you to start a foundation course in a UK university.

It should be noted that, in most cases, a language qualification such as IGCSE English, TOEFL or IELTS is mandatory for worldwide university entry purposes.


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:عزیزي ولي األمر عندما یصل الطالب إلى المرحلة الثانویة العلیا ُیطالبوَن بدراسة كتابین لمادة اللغة العربیة

كتاب المؤنس وكتاب المفید ، اللذان أعدا خصیصاً الستثمار خبراتھم السابقة التي : ھما وفي الكتابین اعتزاز عمیق بمقومات الھویة الثقافیة . ي اكتسبوھا في مرحلة التعلیم األساس

.ویفسحان المجال لالنفتاح على اآلخر والمادة فیھما أدبیة ولغویة معروضة بمھارة عالیة المستوى تجعل الطالب یتفھمون

ویتذوقون ویفكرون ویتفاعلون بإیجابیة مع معلمیھم بصورة تحقق األھداف المرجوة من .تألیفھما

كتاب المؤنس مليء بالمتطلبات المعرفیة والوجدانیة والنفس الحركیة ویزخر بالحقائق إنّ األدبیة الھامة والنصوص المنتخبة ، وفي المطالعة موضوعات شائقة مثیرة حبذا لو أعّد

الطالب الدرس مسبقاً وحاولوا فھمھ قبل شرحھ وتحلیلھ مع المعلم داخل الصف ، وإذا كانت لغلت في المجاالت األسریة والوطنیة واالجتماعیة والثقافیة واإلنسانیة فإن المطالعة قد تغ

قسم التعبیر یھدف إلى إقدار الطالب على اقتناص المھارات الشفویة والتحریریة بصورة تمكنھم من إجراء التحقیقات الصحفیة والتحلیالت األدبیة وكتابة القصة والرسالة والمقالة

.بداعیة مع مرور الوقت وسائر فنون الكتابة اإلمن أھم روافد GEDإّن منھج اللغة العربیة للصفین الحادي عشر والثاني عشر في نظام

المعرفة التي تمكن الطالب من اكتساب الثقافة الواسعة وتؤھلھم لالندماج في مجتمعاتھم ال وتؤسس لدیھم ملكة إنشاء الخطاب اللغوي السلیم وتمكنھم من الوقوف على أسرار جم

.التطبیق خیر وسیلة للفھم الدقیق : العربیة بطریقة مشوقة تعتمد على المبدأ الذي یقول واآلن یمكن القول بأن النحو والصرف والبالغة والعروض كلھا تساعد على التكوین اللغوي

. . . واألدبي وتحّسن األداء الكتابي عند الطالب في نھایة المطاف بناء في ھذین الكتابین ما یحبب إلیھم دروس اللغة العربیة طیلة ھذا ونسأل هللا أن یجد األ

ونحن في دائرة اللغة العربیة نعمل بكل طاقاتنا لنحقق الھدف المنشود و . العام الدراسي . الوصول بمادتنا إلى آفاق أوسع وأرحب وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد هللا رب العالمین

رئیس الدائرة

عدنان خلیل

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحیم

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Biology is an important subject for many careers in science. GED is a two year programme (grade 11 and 12) supervised by the Ministry Of Education in Oman.

The structure of the GED Biology curriculum will be as follows:

Year Course

Grade 11 First year (100% Internally assessed)

Grade 12

70% Externally assessed by the Ministry of Education in Oman over 2 terms – January and May/June and 30% internally assessed

by the school

TEACHING TIME - In Grades 11 and 12, students will have 4 lessons of Biology per week


Generally students are not taught to memorise facts. Instead they should learn principles, which they can then go on to apply in different contexts. Further, students are encouraged to participate fully in practical sessions where their knowledge and skills will be honed. As much as 1/3 rd of the whole curriculum time may be devoted to practical work of one form or another. Students will be assessed on their practical skills.

Students will be expected to complete homework after every lesson. This may consist of further reading, experiment write-ups (to the best of their ability), questions, essays or any other task which is deemed appropriate to the course.

In Grades 11 and 12, students may occasionally be required to present information to the rest of the group, or they might be asked to research a topic independently of the rest of the group. This is aimed at developing skills, in addition to knowledge of the syllabus, which they will find to be of great use to them after leaving the school.Most lessons, if not all, will be in the purpose-built Biology laboratory.


During the course you will have opportunities to:

develop greater understanding of biological facts together with an appreciation of their significance in new and changing situations

develop greater expertise in the area of practical work and the link between theory and experimental work

continue to enjoy a personal interest in the study of living organisms recognize the responsible use of Biology in society develop a deeper awareness of Biology in the changing world and its importance in the new



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This course will appeal to students who:

have an interest in the study of living organisms enjoy carrying out investigations in the laboratory or as fieldwork are interested in the developments of ‘new’ Biology topics, such as genetic engineering, and their

impact on society are looking towards careers in the health related professions, biotechnology or ecology and the

environment want to use Biology to support other qualifications such as Advanced GNVQ Health and Social



Follow a degree course in, for example, Biology, environmental science, medicine, nursing, dentistry, psychology and pharmacy. Enter a higher national course in biological science or a related programme. Take up employment in one of many related employment areas, for example pharmacy, biotechnology, and catering or land management.

Aside from the course’s intrinsic interest and relevance, this course is recommended for those students intending to follow degree programmes in the medical field in Oman and most of the Gulf countries, as well as some North American colleges.

LEARNING AIDSStudents will have a prescribed text book, which the department supplies. Other books may be recommended by teachers. These can be purchased at the student’s discretion. However, we have a very well stocked Secondary Department library from which the students are encouraged to borrow. The library has a wide selection of text books, which the students will find most useful. Students are expected to have a basic calculator, a ruler and a protractor in addition to other writing materials, in all science lessons.

In addition to the library, all sciences have very well equipped laboratories. Students will be able to use the modern technology in their practical investigations such as electronic sensors, data logging etc. The fast internet connections together with the overhead projectors make the learning activities more inspiring.


Biology at this level has many different skills incorporated into it - investigation, logical, analytical and conceptual. Students will realise their ability in each of these areas and then develop them further over the duration of the course. Through hard work, enthusiasm and dedication, students will find Biology as the most enjoyable and exciting subject that can lead them to many challenging opportunities in the future.

It is essential throughout the entire course that students do research widely on biological topics using all available resources including videos, TV and the Internet.

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Content of the Course

Business will offer students the opportunity to develop their knowledge in a wide range of Business disciplines covering Marketing, Accounts, Finance, The Business Environment, Business Strategy and Human Resource & Operations Management.

Aims of the Course:

Develop students’ critical understanding of organisations, the markets they serve and the process of “Adding Value”. This will involve consideration of the internal workings and management of organizations and the process of decision-making in a dynamic external environment.

To develop awareness that business behaviour can be studied from the perspectives of a range of stakeholders including customer, manager, creditor, owner/shareholder and employee. In addition, students should be aware of the economic, environmental, ethical, governmental, legal, social and technological issues associated with business activity.

To enable students to acquire a range of skills including decision-making and problem solving in the light of evaluation and management of information.

In Grade 11 students will study the following topics/subject areas1. Business activity 2. Organisations3. Organisational Structure4. Communication5. Motivation6. Recruitment, Selection & Training

In Grade 12 students will study the following topics/subject areas

1. Influence on business activity2. Costs & Revenues3. Finance & Accounting4. Marketing

Assessment Objectives: Knowledge Application of Knowledge Analysis of Problems/Issues/Situations and Evaluation

Assessment Categories:1. Short Tests 2. Assignments/Assessed Class-work/Assessed Homework3. Projects (May be group or individual projects) 4. Term Examinations

GED Business Studies is suitable for students who are highly motivated and enthusiastic about the world of Business and Commerce. Being a broad subject is would attract students with an equally broad skill set including skills and ability in terms of numeracy, literacy, analysis, creativity and evaluation.


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Chemistry is an important subject for many careers in science. The practical approach to the subject helps students to develop their analytical and observation skills.


This is a two year programme introduced in grade 11 and finished in grade 12 with a final external examination set by The Ministry of Education in Oman. The structure of GED Chemistry curriculum will be as follows:

Year Course

Grade 11First year of GED (100% Internally


Grade 12

70% Externally assessed by the Ministry of Education in Oman over 2 terms – January and May/June and

30% internally assessed by the school

TEACHING TIMEStudents will be taught four lessons in grades 11 and 12 per week.


Up to Grade 10, students have already studied a wide range of topics within the subject. Many of these basic principles will be built up in such a way that students will be encouraged to understandand apply them. Once they have understood the principles, practice in solving problems will allow their confidence and ability to grow further in the field of Science and Technology.

Generally students are not taught to memorise facts. Instead they should learn principles, which they can apply them in different contexts.Further, students are encouraged to participate fully in practical sessions where their knowledge and skills will be assessed. As much as one third of the whole curriculum time will be devoted to practical work of one form or another. Students will be assessed on their practical skills throughout the course. Students will be expected to complete homework after every lesson. This may consist of further reading/research, completing practical reports or writing essays.Most lessons, if not all, will be in the purpose-built Chemistry laboratory.

ASSESSMENT, SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS AND PUBLIC EXAMINATIONSAssessment of a student’s ability is made in a number of ways within the Chemistry department. Regular testing and homework will indicate how well students have understood topics whilst frequent assessment of practical skills will give an indication of their ability to perform an experiment.In addition to the above assessments, examination groups (grade12) will have mock examinations just before the final external examinations and at the end of each semester. This should give a fairly accurate prediction of how students will perform in the actual examination.


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Students will have a prescribed text book, which the department supplies. Other books may be recommended by teachers. These may be purchased at the student’s discretion. However, we have a very well stocked Secondary Department library from which the students are encouraged to borrow. The library has a wide selection of text books, which the students will find most useful. Students are expected to have a basic calculator, a ruler and a protractor in addition to other writing materials, in all science lessons.

In addition to the library, all sciences have very well equipped laboratories. Students will be able to use modern technology in their practical investigations such as electronic sensors, data logging etc. The fast internet connections together with the overhead projectors make the learning activities more inspiring.


Chemistry at GED level has many different skills incorporated into it - mathematical, logical, analytical and conceptual. Students will realise their ability in each of these areas and then develop them further over the duration of the course. Through hard work, enthusiasm and dedication, students will find Chemistry most enjoyable and exciting subject that can lead them to many challenging opportunities in the future.

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Teaching in the Secondary School is devoted to developing in students the skills, knowledge and understanding that will lead to success in public examinations. In Grades 9 and 10 we prepare students for IGCSE examinations in English Language and English Literature. The study of English is a passport to the professional and business world.

English is a universal language which is essential for anyone wishing to become a doctor, engineer, architect, lawyer or business executive, or who wants to enter the most prestigious universities and colleges in the Middle East, Britain, the USA and Australia. This is why English Language is a core subject at IGCSE.


The General Education Diploma English for Bilingual Schools is a two year course. Entry to the course is normally a good pass at IGCSE Second Language or a Pass at IGCSE First Language.

The course itself consists of a blend of English language and literature. There are set texts prescribed and approved by the Ministry. Students are encouraged in the first year of the GED to explore, analyse and critically evaluate these texts as preparation for their final examination.

The literature comprises texts from a range of old and new, from classic and modern. The genres under study are drama, short stories, prose, poetry, media studies and film.

In addition to this, there is a language component which explores reading skills, comprehension and analysis of general texts. This is tested as an element of the final examination in a multiple choice format.

The language element is also tested as a set of essay questions and students are encouraged throughout the course to apply and write in a range of language forms.

The portfolio, worth 30% of the qualification, tests a range of linguistic and literary elements. Students are encouraged to build up a high quality range of evidence over the course of the two years. Oral speaking tests will be conducted in a group as well as a solo presentation context. In addition to this, there are 8 pieces of written work covering a variety of forms to be produced each semester. This folio of evidence is required to demonstrate to the Ministry independence of thought as well as independent learning skills as a preparation for further study.

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Content of the Course

The ICT course is over two years and will take a student through both the theory and understanding of how computers work, what they can do and how they affects people’s lives and practical application of the knowledge and use of application software.

Course Structure

The first year of the course will generally cover all the theory (both hardware and software) aspects of computing but also introduce students to how ICT is used in organizations and its impact on society.

The second year will continue examining how ICT is used in organizations and its impact on society and also the practical use of data modelling and document integration and production.

Assessment is through the following components:

Both years will have ongoing assessment which will include:

Attendance and classroom behaviour/work ethicCompletion of homework and course worksheets Marked and assessed tests and/or written assignments.Assessed/marked classroom activities.

Year 1 will be expected to gain a nominal grade mark and have good attendance in order to progress to year 2.


GED ICT is suitable for those students who wish to know more about how computer systems work, how ICT impacts on society and the work place and how computer applications can be used.


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Mathematics is integral to our daily living. It is a tool upon which many other subjects rely.

In the Maths Department we believe in flexibility of teaching and learning to suit the different needs of the students and the wide variety of skills, subject matter, materials and activities covered in English. We expect students to take responsibility for their own learning, to reflect on the progress they have made and set themselves targets.

The study of Mathematics is compulsory for Grades11 &12 GED (General Education Diploma) At Muscat International School the structure of Mathematics teaching in Grades 11 GED and 12 GED will be as follows:


Grade 11 GED

First year of GED.Students follow internal school assessment

Grade 12GED Second year GED

One Exam paper at the end of each semester30% internal assessment / 70% external assessment


A minimum grade of D in IGCSE course in Grade 10 is necessary to begin the two years GED.


The units have been designed for schools and colleges to produce courses which will encourage candidates to:

develop their understanding of mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that promotes confidence and fosters enjoyment

develop abilities to reason logically and recognise incorrect reasoning, to generalise and to construct mathematical proofs

extend their range of mathematical skills and techniques and use them in more difficult, unstructured problems

develop an understanding of coherence and progression in mathematics and of how different areas ofmathematics can be connected

recognise how a situation may be represented mathematically and understand the relationship between ‘real-world’ problems and standard and other mathematical models and how these can be refined and improved

use mathematics as an effective means of communication read and comprehend mathematical arguments and articles concerning applications of mathematics acquire the skills needed to use technology such as calculators and computers effectively, recognise when

such use may be inappropriate and be aware of limitations develop an awareness of the relevance of mathematics to other fields of study, to the world of work and to

society in general take increasing responsibility for their own learning and the evaluation of their own mathematical



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TEACHING TIME GED (grades 11 & 12) have minimum 6 periods per week.


IN Grade 11, (1ST YEAR GED) Core Mathematics for Edexcel AS and A Level C1, C2 and C3

IN Grade 12, (2nd YEAR GED) Core Mathematics for Edexcel AS and A Level C1, C2, C3, C4 and S1

The topics covered in grade 11 (1ST YEAR GED)

1ST SEMESTER C1Equations and functions; Inequalities; Co-ordinate geometry.C2Exponents & Logs; Trigonometry

2nd semester C1Sequence and series;Curve sketching.C2Algebra and functions; Sequence and series; Trigonometry; Bionomial expansion.

C3Transformations of graphs.

The topics covered in grade 12 (2nd YEAR GED)

1ST SEMESTER C1Differentiation; Integration.C2Differentiation; Integration.C3Trigonometry.C4Partial fractions.S1Probability

2nd SemesterC3 Exponents and Logs; Differentiation.C4Differentiation; Integration.S1Normal Distribution.

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Grade 11 (1st year GED)Students are assessed continually by the Mathematics department. Internal assessment is based on class work and periodic examinations and quizzes.

Grade 12 (2nd year GED)Grade 12 GED follow the Ministry of Education grading system which is:

30% assessed internally by the Maths department plus 70% externally assessed by the Ministry of Education in Oman over 2 terms – January and May/June. (Note: this might change according to the Ministry of Education decisions).

The duration of each semester exam is three hours.

LEARNING AIDSThe learning of Mathematics in Muscat International School places an emphasis on class teaching and academic rigour. Textbooks provide information and exercises at all levels. Additional resources are provided to the students in the form of past papers and sample papers to further enhance study, practice and revision.

The syllabus of grades 11 and 12 cover the pure elements of mathematics. Areas covered include algebraic skills, trigonometry, co-ordinate geometry, sequences and series, exponentials and logarithms, differentiation, integration, numerical methods, probability and normal distribution.

ASSESSMENT, SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS AND PUBLIC EXAMINATIONSStudents are assessed continually by the Mathematics department. Internal assessment is based on class work and periodic examinations. There is a system of reporting that provides information to students and parents over four separate periods within the school year.

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GED PEContent of the Course

PE will offer students the opportunity to develop skills in a wide range of sports and activities and help them to improve their own performance. They will have the opportunity to participate in the role of player/participant, official and leader in a number of different activities. In addition to performing practically, they will also study some of the theoretical concepts behind the activities they study.

Course Structure

The Physical Education course is practically based but also interesting and relevant for students. Students will receive 4 lessons of GED Physical Education per week (2 practical and 2 theoretical), plus their 2 lessons of recreational Physical Education.

Grade 11

In Grade 11 students will study the following activities:

Term 1 Term 2Fitness VolleyballJavelin BasketballFootball (Boys) HandballDance (Girls) First AidOrganising an event

Grade 12

In grade 12 students will study the following activities:

Term 1 Term 2Fitness VolleyballShot Put BasketballFootball (Boys) HandballGymnastics (Girls) First AidOrganising an event

Assessment is through the following components:

Practical assessment – 50 marksTheoretical Test – 20 marksProject – 15 marksEffort/Attitude – 15 marks


GED Physical Education is suitable for students who are highly motivated and enthusiastic about Physical Education. Students must be aware that there is also a theoretical component to the course which is just as important as the practical component.

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INTRODUCTIONAlthough learning facts obviously plays a part in any Physics course, this is very much secondary to the acquisition of thinking skills. Students must learn to observe, measure, interpret data, draw and present conclusions. They must be able to design experiments, criticise experiments that are given and suggest improvements. They must have some appreciation of errors and how these can be reduced.

Year Course

Grade 11 First year of GED

(100% Internally assessed)

Grade 12

Second Year of GED70% Externally assessed by the

Ministry of Education in Oman over 2 terms – January and May/June and 30% internally assessed by school.

TEACHING TIMEIn Grade 11 and 12 the students have 4 periods (lessons) per week.

STYLES OF TEACHING AND LEARNINGGenerally students are not taught to memorise concepts. Instead, they should learn principles, which they can then go on to apply in different contexts.Students are also encouraged to participate fully in practical sessions where their knowledge and skills will be honed. As much as one third of the whole curriculum time may be devoted to practical work of one form or another. Students will be assessed on their practical skills.

Students will be expected to complete homework after every lesson. This may consist of further reading, experiment write-ups (to the best of their ability), questions, essays or any other task which is deemed appropriate to the course.In Grades 11 and 12, students may occasionally be required to present information to the rest of the group. They will be asked to research a topic independently of the rest of the group. This is aimed at developing skills, in addition to knowledge of the syllabus, which they will find to be of great use to them after leaving the school. Most lessons, if not all, will be in the purpose-built Physics laboratory.

ASSESSMENT, SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS AND PUBLIC EXAMINATIONSAssessment of a student’s ability is made in a number of ways within the department. Regular testing and homework will indicate how well students have understood topics whilst frequent assessment of practical work will give an indication of their ability to perform an experiment. In addition to the above assessments, examination groups (grade12) will have mock examinations just before the final external examinations at the end of each semester. This will give a fairly accurate prediction of how students will perform in the actual examinations.


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WHAT WILL I LEARN ON THIS COURSE?GED Physics course aims for students to:

sustain and develop their enjoyment and interest in Physics develop essential knowledge and understanding in Physics develop the skills needed for the use of this knowledge and understanding in new and

changing situations where appropriate develop an understanding of the link between theory and experiment appreciate how Physics has developed and is used in present day society show how Physics links with social, philosophical, economic , industrial and environmental

matters recognise the quantitative nature of Physics understand how mathematical expressions relate to physical principles Study how scientific models develop.


GED Physics is suitable for students who:

have an interest in, and enjoy, Physics; want to find out about how things in the physical world work; enjoy applying their mind to solving problems; enjoy carrying out investigations by the application of imaginative, logical thinking; want to use Physics to support other qualifications or progress onto further studies or


WHAT COULD I GO ON TO DO AT THE END OF MY COURSE?Physics leads on to a wide range of courses and careers. You could go on to use Physics to support other qualifications or progress onto further studies or employment. This could be:

from a Higher National programme (HNC & HND) to degree level; Chemical Engineering and related programmes; Employment in the area of radiography, and biotechnology as possible examples.

In fact Physics is recognised as an entry qualification for a wide range of Higher Education courses and employment.

This course is particularly recommended for those students intending to follow degree programmes in the medical and engineering fields in Oman and most of the Gulf countries, as well as some North American colleges.

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Content of the Course

Critical Thinking Skills will offer students the opportunity to develop skills in a wide range of activities and give them the ability to understand and apply information; to evaluate, analyze, and draw conclusions; and to express ideas and opinions in writing. It will show that you have the potential of a secondary school graduate to succeed in further study or job situations; however, specific knowledge (mathematical and scientific formulas, specific literary works, etc.) is not tested. Your results on the GED tests will demonstrate how well you have done compared to the performance of recent secondary school graduates.

Course Structure

The Critical Thinking Skills course is project based. Students will receive 1 lesson of GED Critical Thinking Skills per week.

Grade 11

In Grade 11 students will study the following units:

Unit 1 – Group research projects.Unit 2 – Individual research techniquesUnit 3 – Individual research projectsUnit 4 – Questionnaires and interview techniques

Grade 12

Students in year 12 will be required to research and provide a project on a subject of their own choosing which reinforces the value of their original hypothesis.

AssessmentAssessment of student projects is primarily given and graded by the Ministry of Education (MOE).


GED Critical Thinking Skills is suitable for students who are highly motivated and want to develop their critical, analytical and lateral thinking. Students must be aware that there is a large research and data collection part to this course, where students must create and carry out questionnaires, interviews and other written forms of data collection.

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1. Think carefully, first of all, about the range of subjects and courses on offer.

2. Read this handbook to find out as much information as you can about the courses.

3. Whilst reading, make a list of any questions which you would like answered.

4. Ask your teachers about the GED courses - find out if they think that you could cope with the requirements of each course.

5. Find out the examination requirements of the subjects.

6. Speak with the Grade 11 and 12 students and ask them how they have found the courses.

7. Consider, first and foremost, the subjects at which you feel that you are good and those that you enjoy. If you do not choose subjects that you enjoy, then the next two years will make you unhappy. If you enjoy a subject and achieve good results in it, in class work and homework, then you will stand more chance of achieving success in it rather than opting for a subject just because someone tells you that it is a ‘good’ subject to take.

8. All subjects are of equal importance. Do not think that the three Sciences are more important than subjects such as PE and ICT. This misguided thinking is often the basis of many bad Option choices. Medicine and Engineering are not the only careers open to you.

9. It is you who will be following the GED courses. Listen to advice, by all means, but it must be your decision, and not that of any one else, as to which subjects you decide to take. That said, it is not at all advisable to take a subject for which a teacher says that you are not suited. In cases such as this, the teacher really does know best!

10. Once you have thought through your Option choices, you must commit to them and not change your mind, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Once the Option choices information is in, the school timetable for September 2012 will be constructed around your requirements.

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Do not complete this form until you have carefully considered all aspects of the Options process. Have you read the Curriculum Handbook? Have you talked with your parents? Have you discussed potential subjects with your teachers? What about “new” subjects such as Travel and Tourism -have you talked to these teachers? When you are satisfied that you have done all that you can, then fill in the form.


Read the instructions carefully, then complete the form.


If you have carefully considered your Option choices you should not really need to change your mind. Remember: your ability or potential in a subject is not determined by the result of one examination; what your friends have chosen should not influence your own choices; do not base your choice on your thoughts about the subject and/or teachers this year, think ahead. But yes, you may be able to make minor changes later on, after discussion with the Head of Section.


Cambridge International Examinations: http://www.cie.org.uk/CIE/WebSite/home.jsp

Cambridge Students’ Clubhttp://www.cambridgestudents.org.uk/

Edexcel Home: http://www.edexcel.com

Edexcel International Students’ Clubhttp://www.edexcelstudents.org.uk/club/

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Cambridge International Examinations: http://www.cie.org.uk/CIE/WebSite/home.jsp

Cambridge Students’ Clubhttp://www.cambridgestudents.org.uk/

Edexcel Home: http://www.edexcel.com

Edexcel International Students’ Clubhttp://www.edexcelstudents.org.uk/club/

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