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CURRICULUM VITAE Mary Alice Conroy, Ph.D., ABPP Address: Psychological Services Center (office) 794 Elkins Lake (home) Sam Houston State University Huntsville, TX 77340 P. O. Box 2210 Huntsville, TX 77341-2210 Telephone: (936) 294-3806 (office) FAX: (936) 294-1685 E-Mail: [email protected] Clinical Internship Dates University of Colorado Medical Center 1975-1976 Education Institution Degree Dates University of Houston Ph.D. 1972-1976 Colorado State University M.A. 1969-1972 Northern Arizona University Teaching Credential 1968-1969 Michigan State University B.A. 1963-1966 Professional Experience National Judicial College Panel on Mental Competence 2010-2012 Texas SB 553 Taskforce on Forensic Training 2001-2003 Texas state committee to construct the 1998-present psychology jurisprudence examination Director, SHSU Psychological Services Center 1998-present Associate Professor/Professor of Psychology 1997-present Sam Houston State University Director of Clinical Training 2005-2015 Private Practice – Forensic Psychology 1997-present

Consultant to the Attorney General of the Commonwealth 1997 of Virginia regarding forensic facilities Director of Forensics, Federal Medical Center 1992-1996 Rochester, Minnesota Consultant to Special Master, U.S. District Court, Eastern 1994 District of California, regarding mental health services in the California Department of Corrections Adjunct Faculty Appointment 1990-1992 University of Kentucky, Department of Psychology Adjunct Faculty Appointment 1990-1992 University of Kentucky, Department of Psychiatry Chief of Forensics, Federal Medical Center 1990-1992 Lexington, Kentucky Chief of Psychology/Psychiatric Program Administrator 1983-1989 Medical Center for Federal Prisoners, Springfield, Missouri U.S. Bureau of Prisons National Mental Health Taskforce 1987-1988 Adjunct Faculty Appointment, Menninger Foundation 1987-1989 Topeka, Kansas Adjunct Faculty Appointment, Forest Institute of Professional 1986-1989 Psychology, Springfield, Missouri Consultant to the Nevada Department of Corrections 1986 Consultant to the Michigan Department of Corrections 1985 Unit Manager, Psychiatric Diagnostic and Observation Unit 1979-1983 Medical Center for Federal Prisoners, Springfield, Missouri Staff Psychologist, Women’s Drug Abuse Unit, Federal 1976-1979 Correctional Institution, Fort Worth, Texas Professional Affiliations

ABPP Committee on Education and Training, 2011-present American Correctional Association American Psychological Association, including membership in Divisions 12, 41, and 55 Member, Committee on Legal Issues 2009-2011 American Society for Clinical Hypnosis American Academy of Forensic Psychology Secretary 2002-2004

Vice-President 2004-2005 President-Elect 2005-2007 President 2007-2009 Saleem Shah Early Career Achievement Award Committee, 2015

American Board of Forensic Psychology, 2007-2009 Council of Presidents of Psychology Specialty Academies, 2007-2009 Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology, 2005-2015 Association of Psychology Training Clinics 1999-present National Program Co-Chair 2000-2005 Council of Specialties, 2010-2013 Forensic Specialty Council, 2008-2013 Chair, 2010-2013 Texas Psychological Association Chairman, Forensic Special Interest Group, 2001-2005 Member, Board of Trustees, 2005-2007 Director, Division of Forensic Practice, 2005-2006 Elections Committee, 2008-2009 Sam Houston Area Psychological Association Licensure Texas (# 2-1699) Board Certification Diplomate in Forensic Psychology American Board of Professional Psychology

Awards SHSU College of Humanities and Social Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award

2007-2008 SHSU College of Humanities and Social Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award 2010 AAFP Award for Distinguished Contributions to Forensic Psychology, 2011 Texas Psychological Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Education, 2012 SHSU Distinguished Professor of Psychology, 2013 SHSU Excellence in Service Award, 2015 TSBEP Service Award, 2015 Papers and other publications Gardiner, J. C., Conroy, M. A., and Hood, S. M. (1971). The Colorado drug abuse

education program October 11 to December 11, 1970. An evaluation report submitted to the state of Colorado.

Conroy. M. A. (1971). An experimental study of the effects of sound and unsound logic on the attitudes and evaluations of an audience. Unpublished master’s thesis, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Delange, W. H., Roberts, T. K., Brady, C. P., Conroy, M. A., & Clemons, G. C. (1975).

Children’s mental health services program planning and evaluation project: A final report. Report submitted to the Hogg Foundation.

Conroy, M. A. (1976). Macro-level needs assessment for a community mental health center. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Houston, Houston, Texas. Conroy, M. A. (1980). Sex role concepts among female offenders. In C. T. Griffiths

and M. Nance (Eds.), The Female Offender. Vancouver, British Columbia: Simon Fraser University Press.

Conroy, M. A. (1985). Psychiatric training for correctional officers. Corhealth, July,


Conroy, M. A. (1990). Mental health treatment in the federal prison system: An outcome

study. Federal Probation, March, 44-47. Conroy, M. A. (1990). The female offender: A review of Women, Prison, and Crime by Joycelyn Pollack-Bryne. Federal Probation, December, 107-108. Conroy, M. A. (1994, March). Multiple personality disorder and the insanity defense.

Paper presented at the American Psychology Law Society Biennial Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Conroy, M. A. (1998, March). Post Hendricks dilemmas for mental health professionals

in the federal system. Symposium chaired at the American Psychology Law Society Biennial Meeting, Redondo Beach, California.

Berberoglu, L., Conroy, M. A., & Schaefer, M. (1998, March). Treating incompetence to stand trial: Development and use of psycholegal games. Poster presented at the American Psychology Law Society Biennial Meeting, Redondo Beach, California. Frederick, R. I., & Conroy, M. A. (1999, August). U. S. v. Greer: Malingering as

obstruction of justice. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.

Conroy, M. A. (2000, March). Assessing cognitive malingering in juvenile populations.

Poster presented at the American Psychology Law Society Biennial Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Hamlin, R., Conroy, M. A., & Miller, R. S. (2000, March). The aging prison population

and health care utilization: Locus of control, depression, and stress. Paper presented at the American Psychology Law Society Biennial Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Conroy, M. A. (2000, August). Improving testimony regarding psychological

characteristics of persons with personality disorders. Paper presented during a symposium at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, DC.

Conroy, M. A. (2002). Assessment of sexual offenders. In B. Van Dorsten (Ed.).

Forensic Psychology: From Classroom to Courtroom (pp. 219-246). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Conroy, M. A. (2002). The assessment of sex offenders for civil commitment under Texas sexually violent predator (SVP) law. Texas Psychologist, 53, 8-11.

Conroy, M. A. (2003). Evaluation of sexual predators. In A. M. Goldstein (Ed.). Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology, Volume 11: Forensic Psychology (pp. 463-484.) NY: John Wiley & Sons.

Conroy, M. A. (2003). A practical guide to risk assessment. Texas Psychologist, 54,

12-25. Conroy, M.A. (2003). Evaluating competence to stand trial: The rules have changed. Texas Psychologist, 54, 26-27. Miller, H. A., Amenta, A. E., & Conroy, M. A. (2005). Sexually violent predator

evaluations: Empirical limitations, strategies for professionals, and research directions. Law and Human Behavior [Special Issue], 29, 29-54.

Conroy, M. A. (2006). Risk management of sexual offenders: A model for community intervention. Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 34(3), 5-23. Conroy, M. A., Lyons, P. M., Jr., & Kwartner, P. P. (Eds.) (2006). Forensic Mental Health Services in Texas [Special Issue]. Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, 2(3). Conroy, M. A., & Murrie, D. C. (2007). Forensic assessment of violence risk: A guide for risk assessment and risk management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Young, B., Boccaccini, M. T., Conroy, M. A., & Lawson, K. (2007). Four practical and conceptual assessment issues that evaluators should address in capital case mental retardation evaluations. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38,

169-178. Connell, M. A., Conroy, M. A., & Witt, P. H. (Eds.). (2007). Key legal cases in forensic mental health (Published in DVD format). Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press. Witt, P. H., & Conroy. M. A. (2009). Evaluation of sexually violent predators.

NY: Oxford University Press. Campbell, J., Conroy, M. A., & Seay, O. J. (2008). The tragedy of the Virginia Tech massacre: Legal and ethical considerations. Texas Psychologist, 58,10-13. Young, B. A., Boccaccini, M. T., Lawson, K., & Conroy, M. A. (2008). Competence for execution practices in Texas: Findings from a semi-structured interview with experienced evaluators. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 8, 280-292. Fernandez, K., Davis, K. M., Conroy, M. A., & Boccaccini, M. T. (2009). A model for training graduate students to become legally informed clinicians. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 9, 57-69.

Conroy, M. A. (2012). Assessing juveniles for risk of violence. In E. L. Grigorenko

(Ed.), Handbook of juvenile forensic psychology and psychiatry (pp. 227-238). NY: Springer Publishing.

Conroy, M. A. & Witt, P. H. (2013). Evaluation and management of sexual offenders. In

R. K. Otto (Ed.), Handbook of psychology: Volume 11: Forensic psychology (2nd ed., pp. 332-356). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Witt, P. H., & Conroy, M. A. (2013). Evaluation of sex offenders. In R. Roesch & P.A. Zapf (Eds.), Forensic assessment in criminal and civil law: A handbook for lawyers (pp. 60-73). NY: Oxford University Press. Varela, J. G. & Conroy, M. A. (2012). Professional competencies in forensic psychology. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 43, 410-421. Conroy, M. A. (2012). The demise of the generalist. Texas Psychologist, 63, 16-19. Cramer, R. J., Johnson, S. M., McLaughlin, J., Rauch, E. M., & Conroy, M. A. (2013). Suicide risk assessment training for psychology doctoral programs: Core

competencies in a framework for training. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 7, 1-11.

Johnson, S. M., Cramer, R. J., Conroy, M. A., & Gardner, B. O. (2014). The role and

challenges for psychologists in physician-assisted suicide. Death Studies, 38, 582-588. Conroy, M. A., & Jennings, F. L. (2014). Reading competency reports: What should

lawyers expect of competency examiners? Voice for the Defense, 43, 26-33. Conroy, M. A. (2015). Assessing risk for violence and aggression in juveniles. Science in the Courtroom, 1(3):3. Conroy, M. A. (2017). Malingering. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer International Publishing. 10 1007/978-3-319-28099-8_909-1. Presentations Management of AIDS patients in the correctional environment, National Institute of Corrections, Boulder, Colorado, October 14-15, 1986. Psychological evaluations pursuant to USC Title 18, Section 4246, National Conference

on the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, Springfield, Missouri, September 24-25, 1987.

Involuntary treatment of incarcerated psychiatric patients, Third Annual Gulf Coast Correctional Health Care Conference, UTMB, Galveston, Texas, June 9-10, 1988. Prediction of dangerousness in the mentally ill, Fourth Annual Gulf Coast Correctional Health Care Conference, UTMB, Galveston, Texas, June 8-9, 1989. Proposed policies and procedures for the U. S. Bureau of Prisons psychiatric services,

National Health Services Administrators Conference, Portland, Oregon, August 21-25, 1989.

Ethics of forensic practice (panel chair), Mental Health Forensic Clinical Update, Rochester, Minnesota, October 30-November 1, 1990. Providing expert mental health testimony, Eastern State Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky, February 21, 1992. National forensic training workshop for U. S. Bureau of Prisons forensic psychologists, Clear Water, FL, March, 1992. Pitfalls in predicting dangerousness, Minnesota Association of Correctional Psychologists, January 14, 1993. What psychologists/psychiatrists should and should not testify about, Issues in Law and

Mental Health Seminar for the Supreme Court Justices of Minnesota and Wisconsin, LaCrosse, Wisconsin, March 4, 1993.

Board certification in forensic psychology, Minnesota Psychological Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 7, 1993. Cross examining expert witnesses, United States Attorney’s Office, Civil Division,

Washington, DC, January, 1994. Coping with cross examination for the mental health professional, Mayo Clinic Psychiatric Grand Rounds, Rochester, Minnesota, January 25, 1994. Risk assessment and risk management, Minnesota Security Hospital, St. Peter, Minnesota, September 27, 1994. Cross examining expert witnesses, United States Attorney’s Office, Civil Division, Washington, DC, June 7-8, 1995. Presenting expert testimony, Minnesota Psychological Association, St. Paul, Minnesota, October 6, 1995.

Utilizing and cross examining a mental health expert, Defense and Prosecuting Attorneys for Santa Barbara, County, Santa Barbara, California, December 14, 1995. Risk assessment, Minnesota state mental health system via video conference, January 26, 1996. When psychosis and DID collide in the courtroom, Mayo Clinic Psychiatric Grand Rounds, Rochester, Minnesota, March 12, 1996. National forensic training workshop for U. S. Bureau of Prisons forensic psychologists, Atlanta, Georgia, September 10-12, 1996. Conducting competence evaluations for the court, Linden Center for Mental Health, Eagan, Minnesota, November 26, 1996. Testifying as an expert witness. Continuing education presentation for psychologists in the community. Sam Houston State University, October 10, 1997. Criminal competencies and criminal responsibility evaluations. Continuing education

presentation for psychologists in the community. Sam Houston State University, May 14-15, 1998.

Techniques for detecting functional and cognitive malingering. Grand Rounds, University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX, September 2, 1998. The concept of informed consent. National Adult Protective Services Conference, San

Antonio, TX, November 4, 1998. Crisis management of the potentially violent patient. 32nd Annual Conference of the American Association of Suicidology, Houston, TX, April 14, 1999. Mental illness and competence to stand trial. CLE workshop sponsored by Capacity for Justice and the Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Austin, TX, April 28, 1999. Testifying as an expert witness: Presenting psychological evidence in court. Workshop

presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, MA, August 22, 1999.

Psychological/psychiatric involvement in death penalty cases. Forensic Journal Club, Houston, TX, September 14, 1999. Evaluating sex offenders: The courts, attorneys, and mental health professionals. CEU and CLE workshop, Sam Houston State University, October 1-2, 1999. The concept of informed consent. Oklahoma Adult Protective Services Conference,

Oklahoma City, OK, October 11, 1999.

Evaluating informed consent. National Adult Protective Services Conference, San Antonio, TX, November 3, 1999. A closer look at mental health issues in criminal cases. A CLE workshop sponsored by

Capacity for Justice and the Texas Legal Defense Bar, Austin, TX, December 10, 1999.

On the witness stand armed with psychological data. Presentation at St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO, January 18, 2000. Rules and guidelines for expert witnesses. (With G. Kercher & P. Lyons). Eighth Annual Conference on the Treatment and Supervision of Sex Offenders. Dallas, TX, February 21, 2000. Sex offender commitment: Risk assessment and treatment. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Tucson, AZ, April 8, 2000. Rules and guidelines for expert witnesses in juvenile sex offender cases. (With G. Kercher & P. Lyons). Eighth Annual Conference on Working with the Juvenile Sex Offender. Austin, TX, July 17, 2000. Testifying as an expert witness: Presenting psychological evidence in criminal court. Workshop presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Judging risk for defendants with mental disabilities. (With R. Bailey, M. D.). CLE/CEU

Workshop presented by the Texas Catholic Conference and Capacity for Justice. Austin, TX, November 10, 2000.

Advanced forensic evaluation under Texas law. (With colleagues). CME/CEU Workshop presented by University of Texas at Houston Medical School, Capacity for Justice, and Austin Travis County MHMR. Austin, TX, January 23-26, 2001. Sex offender commitment: Risk assessment and treatment. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, San Antonio, TX, February 21, 2001. Expert testimony. (With G. Kercher & P. Lyons). Workshop presented for Texas Attorney General’s Conference on Sexual Assault in Texas. Austin, TX, April 19, 2001. Seminar in correctional psychology. Presented for the University of Texas Houston Health Sciences Center, Houston, TX, May 30, 2001.

Testifying as an expert witness: Presenting psychological evidence in criminal court. Workshop presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA, August 26, 2001. Sexually violent predators: Risk assessment, treatment, and civil commitment. Grand Rounds Presentation for the University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Houston, TX, September 12, 2001. Ethics issues in using mental health professionals as expert witnesses. (With P. Lyons). CLE presentation sponsored by Capacity for Justice. Austin, TX, October 31, 2001. The pitfalls of predicting dangerousness: What clinicians should and should not testify about. Keynote Address: Mental Health and the Law, Napa State Hospital, Napa, CA, November 9, 2001. Judging risk and competence in the juvenile justice system. (With colleagues). Conference sponsored by the Texas Catholic Conference and Capacity for Justice. Austin, TX, November 16, 2001. Current issues in assessing and managing risk of violence. (With P. Lyons, J. Edens, & K. Cruise). CEU workshop, Sam Houston State University, December 6-7, 2001. Seminar in correctional psychology. Presented for the University of Texas Houston Health Sciences Center, Houston, TX, January 2, 2002. Mental health issues in criminal defense. (With colleagues). CLE workshop sponsored by Capacity for Justice and the Criminal Defense Lawyers Project, Austin, TX, January 11, 2002. Sex offender commitment: Risk assessment and treatment. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, San Diego, CA, February 9, 2002. Training in forensic psychology through the university training clinic. Presentation for the ADPTC Mid-Winter Meeting, St. Louis, MO, March 16, 2002. Advanced forensic evaluation training under Texas law. (With P. Lyons & L. Frost). CEU/CME workshop sponsored by Capacity for Justice and the University of

Texas at Houston Medical Center, Dallas, TX, June 26-28, 2002. Risk assessment: Evaluating violence potential in adult populations. Workshop presented for the Texas Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX, November 15, 2002. Sex offender commitment: Risk assessment and treatment. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Albuquerque, NM, April 12, 2003.

Evaluating trial competency under the new law (with P. Lyons). Workshop sponsored by Capacity for Justice, Austin, TX, July 25, 2003. Evaluating competence and sanity for the criminal courts. Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 7, 2003. Implementing incompetency and unfitness procedures under the new 46.02 statute

(with colleagues). Workshop sponsored by Capacity for Justice and the Texas Bar for Disability Committee, Austin, TX, September 12, 2003. Evaluating trial competency under the new law (with P. Lyons). Workshop sponsored by Capacity for Justice, Texas City, TX, September 26, 2003. Risk management: A tool for the courts. Presented to judges and attorneys of Harris County, Houston, TX, December 11 & 12, 2003. Sex offender commitment: Risk assessment and treatment. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Las Vegas, NV, January 24, 2004.

Ethical issues in providing forensic testimony (with S. Stone, M.D. & B. Mills, M. D.). CEU/CME workshop sponsored by Capacity for Justice, Austin, TX,

January 30, 2004. Panel on interpersonal competencies (panel chair). Presentation for the ADPTC Mid- Winter Meeting, Miami, FL, March 28, 2004. Evaluation of Competence to Stand Trial – Revised (ECST-R). (symposium discussant). APLS Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ, March 6, 2004. Mandating standards for forensic reports and evaluator qualifications (symposium chair). APLS Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ, March 7, 2004. The new law regarding evaluation of competence to stand trial. (with P. Lyons) Workshop presented for TDMHMRA physicians conference. Austin, TX, April 29, 2004. Advanced forensic training: Evaluating sanity. (with P. Lyons). CEU/CME Workshop sponsored by Capacity for Justice. Austin, TX, April 30, 2004. Assessing risk and testifying in juvenile cases (with D. Murrie). CEU Workshop presented for the Texas Youth Commission. Giddings, TX, May 14, 2004. A closer look at evaluating juveniles for the courts (with D. Murrie). CME/CEU Workshop presented for Capacity for Justice and the University of Texas, Tyler. Tyler, TX, May 21, 2004.

Ethical issues in forensic practice (symposium chair). Presentation on “Ethical Dilemmas in Death Penalty Evaluations.” Symposium presented for the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 28, 2004. Evaluating competence and sanity for the criminal courts. Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 30, 2004. Juvenile unfitness to proceed/lack of responsibility and evaluating adult competence to stand trial. Workshops presented for the Second Annual East Texas Mental Health Conference, Tyler, TX, August 13, 2004. A map through the minefields: Introductory Workshop on Forensic Ethics (with M. Gottlieb, Ph.D.). Workshop presented for the Annual Texas Psychological Association Convention, San Antonio, TX, November 18, 2004. Minefields are forever: Ethical issues for advanced forensic practitioners (with M. Gottlieb, Ph.D.). Workshop presented for the Annual Texas Psychological Association Convention, San Antonio, TX, November 20, 2004. Evaluation of mental retardation under Atkins and Competence for execution evaluations. CEU/CME workshop presented for Capacity for Justice in Dallas, TX, January 22, 2005. Understanding the challenging client: Why do they act the way they do? CLE workshop, presented for Capital Trial Advocacy for the Defense, Plano, TX, January 26, 2005. Probation Officers: Gatekeepers for the Mental Health Professions. Workshop presented for Texas Probation Officers through CJ, Huntsville, TX, February 4, 2005. Sex offender commitment: Risk assessment and treatment. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Dallas, TX, February 12, 2005. Practical issues in providing criminal forensic testimony (with P. Lyons & J. Niland). CEU/CME Workshop presented for Capacity for Justice, Houston, TX, February 19, 2005. Ethical dilemmas in providing forensic testimony in the courtroom. Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in Washington, DC, August 19, 2005.

Managing sex offender risk assessment in the community. AAFP Symposium on Ethical and empirical issues in managing sex offender risk. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August 20, 2005. Ethical and legal issues in providing clinical supervision. Workshop presented for the Annual Texas Psychological Association Convention, Houston, TX,

November 3, 2005. Ethical dilemmas in forensic work. Workshop presented for the Houston Neuropsychological Association, Houston, TX, November 12, 2005. Presentation and ethical considerations in court testimony. Workshop presented for the 3rd Annual East Texas Mental Health Conference, Tyler, TX,

November 17, 2005. Conducting forensic evaluations in capital cases (with R. Price). Workshop presented for Capacity for Justice, San Antonio, TX, February 4, 2006. Forensic psychology and psychological assessment: Common pitfalls. Symposium presentation for the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, August 10, 2006. Ethical dilemmas in providing forensic testimony in the courtroom. Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in New Orleans, LA, August 11, 2006. Sex offender commitment: Risk assessment and treatment. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Atlanta, GA, October 15. 2006. The road ahead for psychology: Student, professor, practitioner. (With R. Massey,

P. Burney, B. Caillouet, & E. Davidson). Symposium presented for the Annual Convention of the Texas Psychological Association in Dallas, TX, November 17, 2006.

Advanced forensic training: Report writing and testimony. CEU/CME/CLE Workshop sponsored by Capacity for Justice. Austin, TX, May 4-5, 2007. Seminar in correctional psychology. Presented for the University of Texas Houston Health Sciences Center, Houston, TX, May 16, 2007. Use and abuse of psychological tests in forensic applications. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Fort Lauderdale, FL,

June 3, 2007.

Ethical dilemmas in providing forensic testimony in the courtroom. Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco, CA, August 18, 2007. Practicum training in forensics to address a community need. Symposium presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco, CA, August 19, 2007. Assessing and managing violence risk. Workshop presented for the US Bureau of Prisons in Springfield, MO, September 13, 2007. Restoration of competence and risk assessment strategies. Workshop sponsored by

Capacity for Justice in Austin, TX, November 9, 2007. Forensic risk assessment/risk management: Integrating science with clinical expertise.

Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the Texas Psychological Association in San Antonio, TX, November 15, 2007.

Evidence based practice: Combining empirical support and clinical expertise. (With R. Massey, P. Burney, B. Caillouet, B. Young, T. Backstrom, M. Harman, & C.

Henderson). Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the Texas Psychological Association in San Antonio, TX, November 16, 2007.

Advanced forensic training: Report writing and testimony. CEU/CME/CLE Workshop sponsored by Capacity for Justice. Austin, TX, May 1-2, 2008. Restoration to competence. Presentation for the 2008 Harris County Judicial Conference, San Antonio, TX, July 29, 2008. Foundation issues: Mental impairment. (with P. Lyons). Presentation for the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers, Houston, TX, October 28, 2008. Ethics in forensic settings. Workshop present for Department of Psychology at Baylor University, Waco, TX, November 7, 2008. Ethical and practical issues using psychological testing in forensic assessment. Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the Texas Psychological Association, Austin, TX, November 20, 2008. Assessing and managing violence risk. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Charleston, SC, January 16, 2009. Professional advancement of women in psychology and law (With J. Eno Louden, A. Redlich, & D. Follingstad). Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the American Psychology Law Society (APLS), March 5, 2009, San Antonio, TX.

Ethical and practical issues using psychological testing in forensic assessment. Workshop presented for the Texas Psychological Association, Houston, TX, April 16, 2009. Symposium: Subpoenas, court orders, and other legal oddities—a stress-reducing primer for practitioners (With Bradley McAuliff, David Corey, Dianne Salter, Nancy McGarrah, Cyndie Buckson, & David DeMatteo). Presented for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, August 7, 2009, Toronto, Ontario. Contemporary issues in ethical forensic practice. Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the Texas Psychological Association, Houston, TX:

November 6, 2009. Assessing and managing violence risk. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Minneapolis, MN, November 12, 2009 Practical and ethical issues in conducting competence and sanity evaluations. Workshop presented for the Texas Psychological Association, March 26, 2010, Austin, TX. Shades of gray: Ethical responses to malingering in the forensic population. Workshop presented for the Texas state hospital system, Kerrville, TX, April 29, 2010. Assessing and managing violence risk. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Kansas City, MO, May 13, 2010. Ethical dilemmas in providing clinical supervision and malingering assessment in correctional environments. Workshop presented for the U. S. Bureau of Prisons, Seagoville, TX, May 21, 2010. Symposium: Public misperception of mitigation issues in capital sentencing (With David Shapiro, James Eisenberg, Antonio Puente, & Steve Smith). Presented for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, August 13, 2010, San Diego, CA. Assessing and managing violence risk. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Miami, FL, November 6, 2010. Sentence and recidivism. Presentation for the Criminal Justice Conference, Texas Center for the Judiciary, May 17, 2011, Dallas, TX. Advanced forensic training: Report writing and testimony. CEU/CME/CLE Workshop sponsored by Capacity for Justice. Austin, TX, June 3-4, 2011. Sexually violent predator evaluations. Workshop presented for Larned State Hospital, Larned, KS, June 29, 2011.

Forensic mental health evaluation: Science versus junk. Presentation for the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. New York, NY, July 25, 2011. Ethical issues in forensic practice: Navigating the latest minefields. Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August 4, 2011. Symposium: Legal and ethical issues in telehealth (with D. Dematteo, L. Childress-Beatty, M. Jenuwine, & C. Sturm). Presented for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August 6, 2011. Symposium: You are commanded to appear—responding to a subpoena (with D. Dematteo & M. Jenuwine). Presented for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August 6, 2011. Forensic evaluation of juveniles. Workshop presented for the Texas Youth Commission, Corsicana, TX, August 18, 2011. Violence risk assessment: What’s new in Texas case law? Workshop presented for

the Texas Psychological Association, Dallas and Houston, TX. September 22, 2011.

Ethical issues in providing testimony on risk assessment. Workshop presented for

the Texas Psychological Association, Dallas and Houston, TX. September 23, 2011.

Methods of assessing violence risk. Workshop presented for the University of Houston, Professional Counselor Forum, Houston, TX, September 30, 2011. Juvenile risk assessment. Workshop presented for the Texas Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX, November 19, 2011. Forensic mental health evaluations: Science v. junk. Presentation for the DC Superior Court justices, Washington, DC, December 1, 2011. Mental illness and competence. CLE workshop presented for the lawyers of the Montgomery County Mental Health Court, Conroe, TX, December 6, 2011. Assessing and managing violence risk. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Irvine, CA, February 10, 2012. Bipolar disorder in the legal system. CLE workshop presented for the attorneys of the Montgomery County Mental Health Court, Conroe, TX, February 28, 2012.

The science of forensic assessment in the next decade. Invited awards address, American Psychology Law Society Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 17, 2012. Ethics in forensic assessment. CEU/CME/CLE Workshop presented for Capacity for Justice, Austin, TX, March 30, 2012. Assessing a client’s risk for violence. Live audio conference presented for Lorman Education Services, April 24, 2012. Assessment and management of risk in juveniles. Workshop presented for the Conroe ISD Police Department, Conroe, TX, August 6, 2012. Ethics in forensic assessment. Workshop presented for Capacity for Justice and the Texas Psychological Association, Addison, TX, August 10, 2012. Ethics in forensic assessment. Workshop presented for Capacity for Justice and the Texas Psychological Association, Houston, TX, October 5, 2012. Culturally competent forensic evaluations (with K. Arredondo & M. Gottlieb). Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the Texas Psychological Association, Austin, TX, November 2, 2012. Assessing and managing violence risk. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, New Orleans, LA, February 24, 2013. Professional development for training clinic directors: Pathways and strategies. (With S. Gustafson, C. Munday, S. O’Halloran, E. Sauer, L. Smith, H. Zetzer, &

E. Wise). Panel presentation for the annual meeting of the Association of Psychology Training Clinics, Miami, FL, March 2, 2013.

Reading competency reports: What should lawyers expect of competency examiners? Workshop presented for the Harris County Mental Health Lawyers Association, Houston, TX, April 25, 2013. Assessing and managing violence risk. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Louisville, KY, May 17, 2013. Mental Disabilities in the Courtroom. Workshop presented for Capacity for Justice, Austin, TX, July 11-12, 2013. Assessing a client’s risk for violence. Live audio conference presented for Lorman Education Services, September 18, 2013.

Assessing and managing violence risk. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Cincinnati, OH, October 19, 2013. Assessing and managing violence risk. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, November 10, 2013. Professional practice of forensic psychology: Entering the field. Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the Texas Psychological Association, Houston, TX, November 14, 2013. Dilemmas related to vulnerable populations: Implications for psychology. (With R.

McGraw & A. Morton). Symposium presented for the Annual Convention of the Texas Psychological Association, Houston, TX, November15, 2013.

Personal values impacting clinical work with diverse populations. APLS Student

Committee Webnar, April 21, 2014. Assessing and managing violence risk. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, San Diego, CA, May 10, 2014. Assessing violence risk in juvenile offenders. Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August 8, 2014. Reading and evaluating competency reports. Workshop presented for the Harris County

Public Defender’s Office and the Harris County Mental Health Lawyers Assn. Houston, TX, September 11, 2014.

Competence for execution: Can we evaluate it? Is it ethical to do so? Colloquium Presented for the SHSU College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Huntsville, TX, September 18, 2014. Assessing and managing violence risk. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Scottsdale, AZ, October 19, 2014. Competence to stand trial evaluations. Workshop presented for Rusk State Hospital, Rusk, TX, October 28, 2014. Psychologist as supervisor 101 (with R. Massey, P. Andrews, L. Baldwin, & P. Weger). Symposium presented for the Annual Convention of the Texas Psychological Association, Dallas, TX, November 13, 2014. Using test instruments in forensic work: Ethical and practical issues. Workshop presented for the Annual Convention of the Texas Psychological Association, Dallas, TX, November 14, 2014.

Assessment and management of juvenile offenders. Workshop presented for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, Austin, TX, December 18, 2014. Training in forensic mental health assessment (Symposium Chair) with K. Heilbrun, D. Dematteo, I. Packer, & D. Krauss, Symposium presented for the 2015 Annual Convention of the American Psychology Law Society (APLS), San Diego, CA, March 19, 2015. Programming for new directors with M. C. Bryne, T Cellucci, L. Cooper, K, M, Fondocaro, & E. Wise, panel presented for the annual conference of the Association of Psychology Training Clinics, Austin, TX, April 16, 2015. Dealing with crises in university communities with M. S. O’Halloran, E. Wise, W. Salton, & A. Jones, panel presented for the annual conference of the Association of Psychology Training Clinics, Austin, TX, April 17, 2015. SVP assessment and treatment. Live webnar presented for Taylor Hardin Secure Medical Facility, Tuscaloosa, AL, April 24, 2015. Forensic evaluations: Malingering, competence, and sanity. Workshop presented for Capacity for Justice and the Texas Psychological Association, Austin, TX, October 30, 2015. Ethics and risk management in supervision of health service psychology. Workshop presented for the Texas Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX, November 13, 2015. The evolution of forensic psychology in a somewhat hostile, applied setting. Part of a symposium presented for the Annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, Atlanta, GA, March 12, 2016. Juvenile transfer and adult risk assessment. Workshop presented for Capacity for Justice, Kerrville, TX, May 9, 2016. Assessing and managing violence risk. Workshop presented for the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, Scottsdale, AZ, May 19, 2016. Essential attention to diversity in criminal forensic evaluations. Workshop presented for the annual convention of the Texas Psychological Association, Austin, TX, November 10, 2016. Ethical practices in juvenile and adult forensic evaluations (with colleagues). Workshop presented for Capacity for Justice, Austin, TX, December 1-2, 2016.

Supervision of forensic assessment for predoctoral practicum trainees. Presented as part of a symposium on supervision of forensic assessment for the Annual Convention

of the American Psychology Law Society, Seattle, WA, March 16, 2017. Ethical concerns in conducting forensic evaluations. Workshop presented for Capacity for Justice, Kerrville, TX, May 8, 2017. Foundations of Forensic Assessment. Workshop presented for the Harris County Adult Probation Department, Houston, TX, May 26, 2017.

Editorial and Reviewer Activities Editorial Board: Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology Ad Hoc Reviewer: Professional Psychology: Research and Practice Training and Education in Professional Psychology Psychology, Public Policy, and Law Law and Human Behavior Death Studies

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