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For the four vocabulary topics in this portfolio, you have to hand in a writing task pertaining to those four specific subjects.You can choose which assignment you use for which vocabulary item.

I. Formal Writing Link the first vocabulary list of your choice to a current event. Choose a writing format:

a) a blogb) a news articlec) an opinion articled) a speech

e) an article for a popular magazinef) an article with an interviewg) a biographyh) new wikipedia page

Use at least 20 vocabulary items from the first vocabulary list of your choice in your text.

Write 30 lines in Verdana, 12, single line spacing, regular margins, no photographs.

II. Reading & Summarizing Find an article about the second vocabulary list of your choice on a news website. The

article has to be at least one page long. Add it to your assignment. Find 10 “related words” (words that are key words to retelling the story). Summarize

the text in your own words in 10 lines. Now rewrite the news item from the viewpoint of an eye witness or victim or other

another involved person: 20 lines Use at least 10 items from the vocabulary list.

III. Watching & Reviewing Find a film relating to the third vocabulary list of your choice. Find 10 “related words”. Write a review with at least 20 vocabulary items from the vocabulary list: 20 lines

IV. Letter writing Write a letter of 20 lines you could write pertaining to the content of the fourth

vocabulary list of your choice: Choose a format:

a) a business letterb) a letter of complaint

c) a formal emaild) a letter to a newspaper editor

What is the content about? Who is the writer and who is the adressee? Use at least 20 items of vocabulary from the list


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I. VOCABULARY BUILDING___________________________________________

1. Vocabulary List: CRIME


an accomplicea bribea citizena conspiracya felonya finea misdemeanora missing persona random attacka rapista restraining ordera riota suicide terrorista tasera testimonya threata victima witnessabusean air raidan assailantan assaultan autopsyan inmatean innocent bystanderan intruderan offencean offenderan offensean police interventionarmed robberyarsonbombingbriberyburglarycivil lawcriminal lawdomestic violencedrug trafficking


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drug traffickingembezzlementespionageexplosivesextortionfingerprintsfootprintsforgeryfraudhackinghandcuffshijackinghit and runhomicidehostage takingidentity theftkidnappingmacemanslaughtermuggingmurderorganised crimephishingpiracyprobationrapesabotagesecuritystalkingtax fraudterrorismthe death penaltythe mobthefttrespassing


to admitto alertto arrestto assaultto attackto bailto captureto commit a crimeto confess


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to convictto detainto detect a crimeto examineto fineto fleeto guardto harrassto imprisonto interrogateto investigateto preventto prohibitto provoketo releaseto resistto slayto solve a crimeto spyto stabto suspectto testifyto threatento torture




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harmful to societyin custodyon death rowunder the influence of drugsweapons of mass destruction

2. Vocabulary List: JUSTICE


a capital punishmenta closing/ opening speech


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a court officer (gerechtsdienaar)a courtrooma curfewa drug treatment programmea finea judgea jurya juvenile offendera lawsuita lawyera penaltya plaintiffa precedenta probation ordera search warranta sentencea spectatora survivora suspended sentencea suspended sentencea sworn statementa triala weapona witness standan alibian attendance centrean offenderbailcircumstancial evidencecommunity serviceelectronic taggingevidencehearsayimprisonmentjailJury dutymeans, motive and opportunitymitigating circumstancespurgerythe accusedthe death penaltythe defensethe prosecutionvalidity


to acquit


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to appealto be on death rowto call a witnessto chargeto convictto convictto defend oneselfto discloseto electrecuteto executeto give testimonyto pleato preside over a trialto prosecuteto proveto redeemto reduce a sentenceto reformto releaseto representto representto seizeto sentenceto sentence to deathto sueto swearto take a case to courtto violate




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I object, your honour!Overruled!Sustained!to sue for emotional damageTo take an oathto take someone to court

3. Vocabulary List: TRAFFIC


a benda bridgea bumpa bus stop / a bus stationa car breakdowna cargoa carporta clutch


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a congestiona country roada crossroadsa curvea cyclista dead enda denta detoura dirt roada driver’s licencea drivewaya finea garagea garagea gas stationa geara gear shifta GPSa hairpin curvea hybrida junctiona lanea learner drivera learner’s permita lorrya mopeda motorcyclea motorized vehiclea parking lota parking slipa pavement/ a sidewalka pedala pedestriana pedestrian crossing/ a zebra crossinga pot holea railroad crossinga rental cara rest stopa road signa roundabouta speed bumpa speed limita steering wheela test drivea tirea toll roada tow trucka traffic wardena trunk


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a trunk / a boota tunnela U-turna vana zebra crossingan accidentan airbagan alleyan emisionan enginean exhaustan SUVaquaplaningblinkerscontruction workfuel/ gas/petrolheadlightsinsuranceparlallel parkingspeedingthe enginethe motorway/ high waytraffic lightsunderground parkingunlimited mileage


to accelerateto advanceto anticipateto back upto blinkto braketo carpoolto catchto cautionto commuteto crashto cross (the road)to departto disembark


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to driveto fill upto give wayto haltto head backto hitto offroadto overtaketo reverse/ to put the car in reverseto rideto shift gearto shut the engine downto slow downto speedto start the carto steerto tailto tear offto tow (a car)to turn aroundto warn


carefulcarelesscautiouscomfortabledangerouselectronicexpressfastimpracticalinefficientirritablelateleft/ rightnoisyone-waypatient


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publicrecklessreluctantroadworthy/ seaworthysidewaysslowstraight aheadtime-saving/ time-wastingto yieldturbulentundergroundunreliableunsafe


defensive drivingfasten your seatbeltno parkingno stoppingoff-street parkingrush hoursafety firstthe fast lineto change lanesto check your mirrorsto drive fast = to speedto get behnd the wheelto get in the carto take a left/ right turnunder constructionwide load

4. Vocabulary List: MEDIA


a billboarda bloggera branda campaigna columna commercial breaka consumera contenta controversial topica cybercrime


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a front pagea headlinea heated debatea journalista magazinea mobile devicea news bulletina periodicala popular newspaper or tabloida programmea quality newspaper or broadsheeta querya questionnairea reality showa regular updatea reportera rumoura satellite disha search terma sectiona seriesa sitcoma soapa sourcea special featurea subscriptiona subtitlea toola vieweraccesibilityadvertisingan advertisementan editoran investigationan issueautonomybreaking newscable tvcensorshipcoveragecurrent affairsdatadeceptionethicsfreedom of the pressgamificationgossiphearsaylive coverage


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overexposurepaperazziprivacy issuesproduct placementservicesslanderthe digital agethe gutter pressuser generated content


to accessto associate withto broadcastto coincide withto connectto digitalizeto discloseto diversifyto enforceto estimateto faketo featureto financeto houndto incorporateto inquireto negotiateto plagiarizeto prohibitto publishto questionto regulateto reportto share withto stalkto targetto trackto transmitto tweetto uncoverto uploadto verifyto witness



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a valued opinionin-depth coverageto bookmark a websiteto change the channelto cover a subjectto create a media hype/ media stormto fabricate a storyto invade one’s privacyto open the news with…to tap one’s phone


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5. Related Words


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II. GRAMMAR REVISION___________________________________________

Grammar Rule Example

Subject & Verb Agreement

= congruentie van onderwerp en werkwoord

1 A singular subject =a singular verbAbstract subjectsThere = substitute subjectInversion or auxiliaryOne concept

Each, every or no

OrAll of + singular subjectEither/neither

Indefinite pronouns:Everybody/no oneGerundCollective nouns: the crowd, Europe, the herd, the senateTitles of books, movies, songs,…___________________________A plural subject = plural verb There = substitute subjectNouns thar are always plural

And combinationAll of + plural nounTwo plurals combinedFew, many, some, little, several

The car is broken.Love is great.There is no road here.Does/ Can he write poems?Red beans & rice is my favourite food.No smoking or drinking is allowed.Jen or Eva is to blame for this!All of the chicken is gone.Either the bear or the lion has escaped the zoo.Everybody wants to be loved.

Jumping was a bad idea.The class was furious.

Lord of the Rings is film.__________________________The apples are rotten.There are no cars on the road.The media are manipulative.Scissors are dangerous.You and I are happy together!All of the chickens are gone.Dogs and cats are sweet.Few people died in the crash.


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Auxiliaries Do & Are(= Hulpwerkwoord)

2 Auxiliary + Infinitive of the verb

Do: For questions For negations For question tags

Are: + ing form

Do you smoke? Did he smoke?NOT: Did he smoked!!!!!

Do / Did you want coffee?I don’t / didn’t want coffee.Does/ Did he study regularly?No, he doesn’t/ didn’t.

Are/were they talking?No they aren’t/weren’t talking.

Modal Auxiliaries 3 Can/Could = kunnen/ zou kunnen

Will/Would = zullen/ willen

Can/could you help me?

Will/would you help me?

Copulas 4 Koppelwerkwoorden+ adjective ( not: + adverb)

be, seem, appear, look, sound, smell, taste, feel, become, get.

I am mad. I am an Englishman.

It sounds great. It looks good.

It becomes / gets more intense.Word Order: not, (n)ever, always, yet, still

5 These adverbs are placed before the main verb (hoofdwerkwoord)

I still see him.

I have always loved you.

I don’t yet see him !Also: I don’t see him yet.

I will never hurt you.Word Order: Adverbs of Place & Time

6 The rule is: Place precedes timeBijwoorden van plaats komen vòòr bijwoorden van tijd.

I will meet you at the pool at 8 am.

I’ll see you at your office before lunch.

Adjective & Adverb 7 Bijvoeglijk naamwoordwith a nounwith a copula ( = koppelwerkwoord)

Bijwoord = + -lywith an adjectivewith a verb

A beautiful day.The food is great.

He is seriously ill (= adj.).He speaks fluently.

Types of Adverbs 8 Adverb of place = Where?Adverb of time= When?Adverb of manner= How?Adverb of purpose = Why? To what end?Adverb of frequency= Ho many times?

He plays tounaments in Europe.He swims every day at 8 am.He plays enthusiastically.He works out to keep in shape.

He trains every morning.

Personal Pronouns 9 Persoonlijke voornaamwoorden

Onderwerpsvorm=I, you, he, she, it, we, they, who

Lijdend Voorwerp=me, you, him, her, it, us, them, whom

You called him.

They arrested us.

He believed me.

They had trusted them.

Who is calling me?To whom are we talking?

Demonstrative Pronouns

10 Aanwijzende voornaamwoordenthis, plural: these = nearby This pen that I am holding.


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that, plural: those = far away

These fingers on my hand.

That book over there.Those countries across the ocean.

Relative PronounsThat, Who, Which(= betrekkelijke voornaamwoorden)

11 Betrekkelijke voornaamwoordenwho = for people

that = for a defining clause = necessary information

which = for a non-defining clause when that was already used before in the sentence = non necessary information

She’s the one who rescued me.

There’s the team that has won.

The gift, which was big, made him very happy.That’s the team which has won.

Relative PronounsWho, Whose & Whom(= betrekkelijke voornaamwoorden)

12 Who is a subject pronoun

Whom is an object pronoun

Whose is a possessive pronoun

Who is that girl (= subject)?

Whom did he call?He called John (= object)

Whose trousers are these?

Relative PronounsWhere, When, Why

13 Where = place

When = time

Why = reason

The place where he used to live.Wake me up when we leave.

The reason why he dropped out.

Reflexive Pronouns 14 Reflexieve voornaamwoordenMyself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

I got myself into trouble.He poured himself a drink.We can only blame ourselves.They kept it to themselves.

Indefinite Pronouns 15 Onbepaalde voornaamwoordenAnother = nog een Anyone/everyone Somebody/ anybody/ everybodyAnything/ everything, Either, neither = (g)een van beideAll/none = allen, geenSomeone/no-one= (n)iemandOne = menEach = elk (-een)Few/little= weinigSeveral = verschillende

Can I have another ice-cream?Can anyone answer this question? Everyone raise your hands!Has anybody seen him?The doctor needs to know if you have eaten anything in the last two hours.I want to buy everything!Do you want tea or coffee? Either is good for me. / I want neither.All are present at the meeting.None are absent.Is someone out there? No, no-one.Each has his own thoughts.Few people can dance properly.Several pupils tried but failed.There was little more to say.

Possessive Pronouns 16 Bezittelijke voornaamwoordenmine, yours, yours, his, her, hers, its,our, ours, their, theirs, whose

This seat is mine!Whose bicycle is this?It belongs to us, it is ours.


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That jacket, is that yours?It’s not our fault, it’s theirs!

The Possessive Form 17 De Bezittelijke wijze

+ apostrophe (‘)+ s(= weglatingsteken)

! plurals and words already ending in s : + apostrophe (‘)

My father’s jobDanny’s carThe men’s pubThe Johnsons’ houseJess’ mobile phoneTim & Ann’s daughterWe went to the doctor’s (house)Yesterday’s newspaper

Plurals 18 Normal = + sAfter sibilants = + es

After consonant + y = + iesExceptions!!!

Cars, books, trainsBoxes, sandwiches, roses, garagesCities, ladies, babiesLeaves, mice, geese, teeth, men, oxen, fish, tomatoes, feet, …

Comparatives 19 Vergelijkende trap

Tot 2 lettergrepen= + -erMeer dan 2 = + moreEnding in –y = + ier

I feel better/ sicker.

I am more independent now.

! I am happier, worse,

Superlatives 20 Overtreffende trap

Tot 2 lettergrepen= + -estMeer dan 2 = + mostEnding in –y = + -iest

I am the best/ greatest.

I am the most serious / independent.

I am the happiest person alive!Much, Many, A lot of 21 Quantifiers/kwantificeerders

Much = for uncountable nouns Ontelbare zn.Many = for countable nouns Telbare zn.

A lot of = countable & uncountable nouns

I don’t have much time.

I have many friends.

I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.

Some & Any 22 Some = for positive statements

Any = for negative statements

I see some cows in the field.

I don’t see any cows in the field.Few & Less & Little 23 Few = with countable nouns

Less/ Little = with uncountable nouns

There are few children here.

There is little work left to do.= positive view

There is less money left.= negative view


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III. SPELLING___________________________________________

Common Spelling Mistakes

1. FeetWolves

Mice Potatoes Women, men People

NOT: foots, feetsNOT: wolfsNOT: mousesNOT: potato’sNOT: woman, manNOT: peoples

2. Family NOT: familie3. With NOT: whit, wid, wit4. Thought NOT: tought, thought5. Because NOT: becoz, becaus6. To fall, fell, fallen NOT: he fellt or he has fellt7. Water NOT: wather8. Off and of Of = van = bezittelijk:

a friend of mineOff = ver van = afstandThe island is far off.

9. Beautiful and full Full = double llBeautiful, careful,… = single l

10. You don’t say NOT: you say not, you doesn’t say11. I have visited, I have seen NOT: I have visit, I have see12. My brother always uses NOT: my brother always use13. South Africa NOT= South Afrika, South-Africa14. Where and were Where = waar

Were= waren (van “zijn”)15. He doesn’t want to change NOT: He doesn’t wants to change16. Cities, babies, studios … NOT: city’s, baby’s, studio’s…17. Habit NOT: habbit18. To pronouce BUT: Pronunciation19. Hair and Hear Hair = haar

To hear = horen20. To visit NOT: to visite21. Really, ideally NOT: really, idealy


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22. Very NOT: verry23. When people hurt me NOT: when people hurts me24. Sure NOT: shure25. To and too To = to show, to hear, to dream

To = From the door to the windowToo = I you go, I go, too.

26. Immediately NOT: imediately27. Happier NOT: more happy, more happier28. Interested NOT: intrested29. Monday, September NOT: monday, september30. He didn’t do/make/want NOT: he didn’t

done/made/wanted31. Wether and Weather Whether = of

Weather = het weer32. Which NOT= whitch, witch (= heks)33. He doesn’t work NOT: he doesn’t works34. We have visited NOT: we have visiting35. Most of the time NOT: the most of the time36. Whole and hole Whole = heel, geheel

Hole = een hol, een gat37. To steal & steel To steal = stelen

Steel = staal38. Through NOT: thru, trough, throu39. Independent NOT: independant40. Little, respectable, … NOT: littel, responsabel41. Centre NOT: centre42. Life & Live Life = leven

Live : in levende lijve43. Dead & Death Dead = dood = adjectief

Death = de dood = substantief44. Colour NOT: color45. Going to NOT: gonna46. Tree & three Tree = boom

Three = 347. Peace & Piece Peace = vrede

Piece = stuk, deel48. To have a bath/ to take a shower NOT the other way around49. To do homework NOT: to make homework50. To watch television NOT: to look television51. Heart NOT: haert52. Receive = ontvangen, perceive NOT: recieve, percieve


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IV. PRONUNCIATION___________________________________________


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Look up the pronunciation of these words. Make a note of the the difficult sounds in these words in the right-hand column:

Difficult words Phonetic sound

a bowa businessa chaira comba corpsea dandeliona daughtera disciplea doctrinea drawera heart versus hearda hyphena lieutenanta lord versus worda mayora plaita prayera prefacea psalma quaya receipta saucea scenea scholara showa similea toea vicara whorea womba wormalasan agean aislean elitean entrepreneuran ovenArkansasbanal


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broadcomfortablefewerherbsinfamouslaughterlaundryleisurelettucelowmarinemaritimemeaslesmiscellaneousmoreovermouldneitheroftenparticularlysoursouthernthere/ the/ this/ brother versus thousand/ myth/ three/ clothThouto cleanseto coughto deceiveto exileto growto hauntto ploughto succumbto tearworsewoundedyouth


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