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Page 1: Custom Google Maps Tutorial

Map It! A guide to making a custom Google Map.

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Go to maps.google.comBe sure you are signed in with you Google account information.

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Click on “My Maps,” located as part of the hanging menu on the left side of the screen, just below the search bar.

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Click “Create” to make a new map.

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Using the search bar, enter the region you’d like your map to center around (i.e., Syracuse, New York).

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Enter a title and description for your mapby clicking in the text field where you see the words “Untitled Map.” Once you’ve done so, be sure to click the “Save” button.

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To add a location to your map,use the search bar to find your desired location. You will see a little green location point appear on your selected location.

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To place the markerand save it as part of your map, click on the green marker and then click “Add to Map.”

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You now have several editing options. We’ll begin with editing the marker on the map. 

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First, click on the location marker,

which you’ll notice now appears in red. 

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I recommend clicking “Remove” To get rid of Google’s details about the location if they appear on your marker’s info window.

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Next, click the pen iconto edit your marker’s information.

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You may edit the title of the marker,

as well as it’s description here—just as you did for your map. Don’t forget to click “Save.”

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You can add picturesusing Google Images or the URL for an image that is already available on the web (this needs to be the file location for the image itself, not just a webpage that contains the image you want to use). 

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To add an image, click the camera icon.

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Try a range of search terms to find an appropriate image, select the image, and click “Save.”

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Now you have your first location story. Congrats!

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You can also change the appearance of both the map and the location markers. 

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To change the marker,hover over the location whose marker you wish to alter. Click on the paint can icon. 

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Here you can choose a new color

for the standard marker design, or choose “More Icons” to select a different marker shape. Don’t forget to save!

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To change the appearance of the map, click on “Base Map,” and choose your desired map style.

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Finally, you may wish to use the path feature to trace a specific route through the locations on your map.

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Click the “Draw a Line” button,and click from the first point you wish to connect to the next point. Add each location marker in the order you wish the line to follow. 

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You may enter details about the path

including a title and description, just as you did for your map and each marker. You can also click on a particular path in the main menu and then select the paint can to change the path’s color. Have fun and remember to save!

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When you’re finished with you map, be sure to share it.

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Click the Share button from the main menu.

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Then, select “Change.”Choose the appropriate options and click save. The link to your map will appear in the next window.

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Happy map-making!

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