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Customer-Focused Public Involvement

AzTA Annual ConferenceApril 23, 2013


Customer: The Rider

• 250,000/day on bus/light rail

– 65% between 18-44*

– 47% without a car

– 38% students

– 31% commuters

• System extends countywide

*2010-11 Origins and Destination Survey


Case Study: March Fare Increase

• $.25 increase to local bus/light rail

• $.50 increase to Express/RAPID

• Effective March 1

• Last increase in July 2009

Fare Change Outreach

• Some of our tools:– Online survey (1,047)– Intercept surveys (300)– Open houses (11 – 93 attendees)– Public hearing (1 – 24 attendees)– Webinar (1 – 22 attendees)– Tweet Chat (1 – 8+ participants)

Fare Change Communication

• Some of our channels:– Bilingual print advertising (5 ads)

– Door hangers on vehicles (60k)

– A-frame signage (35 locations)

– Broadcast emails (3,500+ viewers)

– Social media (80+ posts)

– News releases (35 news stories)

– Website (2,500 visitors to /farechange)


Lessons Learned

• Be where the people are

– Intercept survey was very effective

• Growing interest in technology

– Use of webinars, social media

• Spanish outreach is critical

• Electronic surveys are popular

– People are too busy


Customer: The Business Owner

• 600+ businesses along future lines

– Central Mesa: 3.1-mi to downtown Mesa

– Northwest Phoenix: 3.2-mi to Dunlap Ave.

• Small, locally-owned

• Challenged by economy


Case Study:Business Assistance Program

• Developed with city/community partners

• Valley Metro programs:

– Dedicated staff / 602-254-RAIL

– Signs and banners

– Peer-to-peer business forums

– Community Advisory Board (CAB)

– Marketing / METRO Max Rewards


2013 Marketing Campaign

• Rally around businesses

• It’s your duty

• It’s a shared responsibility

• Custom for each line


Lessons Learned

• From 20-mile line:

– Get engaged early

– Have a variety of programs/partners

– Garner strong community advocates

• Customize for each community

• Innovate



Hillary Foose

Valley Metro


[email protected]

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