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Artist convicted of racism for speaking out against Islam!

Bangladesh garment industry workers hold the largest protest yet!

Protests continue in Turkey!

Protests in Greece and in Ireland against austerity and unemployment!

Canadian scientists protest government censorship of science. In 16 cities in

Canada lab-coat wearing protesters made their voice heard.

The word "hijab" and "freedom" in one sentence?

Teachers in Mexico stage protest during the presidents' "cry of independence" speech.

We Are The 99% This is a publication of the Communist Youth Organization of the

Workers Communist Party of Iran


September 2013

French workers protest pension reform!

Unions in Britain call a national day of protest over blacklisting

Walmart workers stage protest in 15 U.S. Cities!

The contradiction within the Syrian all female Islamic rebel force unit

The right-wing media narrative of the G20!

Malala Yousafzai, is awarded with the 2013 International Children's Peace Prize!

Over 100,000 Polish unionists protest the government's labour policies in Warsaw

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Editors: Chia Barsen

Editors' Assistant: Arash Yazdan

A Danish-Iranian artist Firoozeh was convicted and fined by the Danish government for speak-

ing out against Islam. Found guilty of racism she was also fined 5,000 kroner.

Firoozeh exclaimed that Muslim men around the world rape, abuse and kill their daughters.

Further, she explained that culture of Islam is inhumane, and may not even be considered a

culture due to its inhumanity, and that the Koran is more immoral and deplorable than the

manuals of the two other dominant global religions.

In short, the Danish government has now defined truth as "racism", and that anyone that

stands up to speak the raw truth about Islam is now a racist in Danish society. The Qur'an

clearly states the facts: 4:34 says: "Men are the managers of the affairs of women for that Al-

lah has preferred in bounty one of them over another, and for that they have expended of

their property. Righteous women are therefore obedient, guarding the secret for Allah’s

guarding. And those you fear may be rebellious admonish; banish them to their couches, and

beat them. If they then obey you, look not for any way against them; Allah is All-high, All-


Muslim clerics around the world have filled many instructional videos about how and where

men should beat their wives. And continuous new cases that break the news of brutal domes-

tic abuse in Muslim households where the husband and or the son(s) beat and or kill their sis-

ters/wife is another testament to this point.

Instead of highlighting and underscoring ways to tackle the violations of human rights by a

backwarded system of ideas such as Islam, and to stop its propagation in society, the Danish

government is protecting it in the name of cultural diversity and relativism. Instead of pro-

tecting artists and thinkers such as Firoozeh who are in the forefront against the archaic prac-

tice and ideas of Islam, the Danish government has chosen to punish her.

Firoozeh who is an example of the many Iranians who have seen the bloody face of Islam,

know that there is no such thing as a "lenient", or "moderate" Islam. Islam from its core is a

patriarchal system of control, domination and exploitation of women. By standing against pa-

triarchy is the duty of all freedom lover and human rights activist. We condemn the Danish

government for turning its back on the freedom of speech and human rights. We look forward

to a day where governments actively seek out freedom fighters and human rights activist and

help to promote and echo their voice to make change in society, rather than fabricate labels

in order to silence them!

Artist convicted of racism for speaking out against Islam!


Bangladesh garment industry workers hold the largest protest yet!


The Bangladeshi garment workers stormed the capital, Dhaka, to protest the low wages and working

conditions of the garment factories. The workers demand a 1-1/2 times wage increase. Currently the

minimum wage is currently at $38 a month (half of what Cambodian factory workers earn). The work-

ers demand an increase to $103 per month.

The Bangladeshi garment workers are organized and militant. They are represented via unions such

as the United Garment Workers' Federation which represents 52 different garment worker's groups.

The work of the garment workers represent $20 billion in exports (60% go to Europe) that is generat-

ed via the exploitation of 4 million workers. The main propagators of this form of exploitation re-

mains to be the Western retailers that utilize the cheap labour cost in the South to increase their

profit margin.

The consumers in the West who are also plagued by the low wages imposed on them by their own

capitalist dictators produce the demand for cheap clothing and merchandise which in turn is the

product of high exploitation in South-Asia. In fact, as we saw this year, the workers in Wal-Mart that

turned to strike to demand higher wages (the very people that sell the goods produced in places such

as Bangladesh) shows how global and complete the cycle of exploitation has become.

Protests continue in Turkey! 3

The protests that began in May in Turkey en-

gulfed the streets once again. Prime Minister

Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues to be in deni-

al about the unrest and describes them as an

"attempt to sow disorder", further his EU

affairs minister blamed the public for Turkey

loosing its opportunity to host the 2020 Olym-


The Turkish people havAe made it clear that

they strongly oppose the Islamic changes that

the Erdogan government is attempting to in-

stall. The protests initially started to contest

the urban development in Gezi park. This

demonstration sparked new protests across

the country that raised issues concerning free-

dom of the the press, freedom of expression

and assembly, and most importantly the en-

croachment of the government on Turkey's


The May protests developed into Occupy

method of take over of important areas in the

city with tents and placards and use of own

media. However this was met with police wa-

ter canon and tear gas. It must be noted that

the unions in Turkey supported the protests

and organized large strikes in June and the

protests came to be called "Occupy Gazi".

Today the protests continue, although the

mainstream media does not emphasize the

real concerns of the public, the issues remain

clear: the Erdogan pro-Islam Brotherhood gov-

ernment continues its push to change the face

of the Turkish society into an Islamic state

with an authoritarian rule that will/has begun

with curbs on alcohol use, kissing in public

and funding of Islamic institutions, which is

just the beginning.

Protests in Greece and in Ireland against austerity and unemployment!

In Greece thousands of protesters filled the streets of

Athens and Thessaloniki, including civil servants such

as teachers, to demand a repeal of the governments

plans to cut thousands of jobs from the public sector.

12,500 people will be made redundant by the govern-

ment under this plan in order to meet the bailout

conditions. Right now the unemployment in Greece is

at a staggering 27%, and 60% for those under 25.

The above percentage is a government report of the

unemployment, which is set by the definition of

"unemployment" which are those actively seeking

work. The real unemployment is much higher than

the percentage reveals, since many workers go from

"actively" seeking work, to those that have given up

on the market. The duration set by the above defini-

tion is 6 months. This of course, does not include the

number of people who have gone from full-time work

to part-time employment, which are counted in the

"employed" category.

In Ireland, protesters also gathered to protest against

the austerity measures. Protesters gathered outside

the Dail Eireann (the lower house of the Irish Parlia-

ment) where they were met with heavy police pres-


It may be a brutal, and difficult to write, but this grim

image of the workers in Ireland outside the parlia-

ment and those in Greece protesting on the streets is

yet another reminder of the many other protests that

were simply met with police presence and false gov-

ernment promises for "better times". The facts is not

as clear as it when these austerities were first intro-

duced: they are cutbacks installed to save the corpo-

rate class of the country via draining the working-

class of its last bit of labour and not there to "save"

the livelihood of the workers. The current protests at

the front of the parliament resounds only if it is large

enough, and well organized, to have the magnetic

ability to pull the media attention and people out on

the streets to create the momentum necessary to dig

at the roots of the profit and corporate rule.

“Revolutions are the locomotives of history”

MARX: Class Struggle in France (1850)

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Canadian scientists protest government censorship of science. In 16 cities in Canada

lab-coat wearing protesters made their voice heard.


The Canadian government is increasing the list of topics that are able to be published and funded. The govern-

ment is also banning scientists from talking about their work with the media journalists and in some cases to

speak to other researchers: especially prevalent in research in Canadian fisheries and oceans.

The government has derailed funds from research concerned about the environment to research in oil pipeline

projects. The National research council is refocusing its mission on "industry-themed entry points". All research

is to be submitted for review even after it is accepted for publication by an academic journal.

The government is accused of delaying data that may show double-digit rise in carbon pollution and other im-

pacts of industry on the environment.

Science seems to be the tool of the ruling class when it needs it: research on issues and topics that will create

grass roots support or to push a bill through congress, any other slightly humanitarian knowledge production is

either kept well disconnected from the public, or it is discouraged through low funding. An ignorant and illit-

erate working class is easier fooled than an educated one.

Often the opposition base their arguments on research. And social research is fast becoming an important way

to reveal the impact of the changes that right wing governments make in society. Evidence based factual argu-

ments is a way to reveal the lies and the profit-motive behind the actions of the government. Research has

made it more challenging for the government to pass a law under the disguise of "helping" people when it is in

fact doing the opposite.

The word "hijab" and "freedom" in one sentence?


In Montreal thousands of Muslims marched through

the streets on Saturday to protest against the charter

of values proposed by the Quebec government.

The protesters who were predominantly Muslim de-

scribed the rally as "multi-faith" and a march for

"freedom". The government of Quebec is proposing to

forbid public employees from wearing conspicuously

visible religious symbols (including hijab, turbans, yar-

mulkes and larger than average crucifixes).

As to be expected the Muslim protestors called these

changes as intrusive to their supposedly god given free-

doms. The very same people that somehow think that

by covering their faces and bodies they practicing their

freedom of "choice".

The reality is that as much the Quebec government

tries to follow the footsteps of France when it comes to

the matters of religion in public institutions, it has gen-

erally has found it difficult to do so in Quebec, where

protests such as this send back the image of the 21st

century humanity back a thousand years.

The "choice" that is mentioned here, the "choice" to

wear the hijab, is nothing more than the product of a

patriarchal system in the family and the larger society

that has been so deeply and brutally imposed on to the

people, that the very victims are now defending the

very ideology that oppresses them. Hijab represents,

enables, and propagates the suppression of women.

Using liberal ideas of "freedom" (which itself is already

mutilated) to defend their own victimization via reli-

gion is a slap in the face of all freedom lovers and hu-

man rights activists.

All social institutions must be secular in society, this is

real freedom: protecting people from archaic ideas that

have done nothing more than to leave a trail of blood

from the moment of their inception.

Teachers in Mexico stage protest during the presidents' "cry of independence" speech.


The Mexican president issues the famous "cry of independence" speech at the Zocalo central

square, however this year the square is occupied by protesting teachers. This opportunity was

used by the teachers union to bring to attention their concerns in regards to the reforms to

the education system that was passed by the Mexican congress.

Under the guise of "fixing" the Mexican education system, the reforms include limiting the

power of the Teachers' unions as well as new methods of evaluating teachers. The unions ar-

gue that the changes lack nuance and what is more important is to increase government

spending on schools.

This spring, in another protest, the CNTE (Mexican teachers' union) members took to the

streets with pipes and brickbats to make themselves heard.

French workers protest pension reform!


President Hollande's planned pension reform is a "slower" way of injecting austerity into the French public

that is plagued by an economic crisis that was created and continues to be propagated by the banks and large

multinational financial institutions.

Hollande's so called "socialist" reform translates to the increase in the number of years that workers must

contribute to their pensions from 40.5 to 43 years by 2035. This reform is to bail the French economy from a

20 billion euros by 2020. This is an often used tactic of the corporate owned governments, to slowly trickle

down poison of cutbacks in order to avoid mass demonstrations and opposition.

An estimated 370 000 people, that included youth, workers and retirees were met with a police force of up to

155 000!

This protest had much lower impact than the previous protest in 2010 that was against the 60-62 retirement

age which brought the country to a standstill. This was in part due to several major trade unions, such as the

CFDT, that struck deals with the government and not joining the people's protests.

Unions in Britain call a national day of protest over blacklisting


Blacklisting is often used by employers in many companies in order to punish employ-

ees that raise issues regarding wages, health and safety, job security and general work


In Britain trade unions are coordinating an event for November 20th that will involve

protests in the streets and lobby of parliament to renew the calls for a Leveson-style in-

quiry into the issue.

Raising healthy and safety issues, and or any other work related issues is a right of all

workers and this must be defended! The trade union congress in Britain is pushing to

make Blacklisting both illegal and punishable by law.

Walmart workers stage protest in 15 U.S. Cities!


Workers demanding improved working conditions, better wages and job securi-

ties showed their strength.

During the protest the workers attempted to deliver their petition to the company

board member Christopher Williams demanding wages of $ 13 dollars an hour.

The protest was met with police presence and three workers were arrested.

This protest took place a week after fast food workers staged their own protest

against the work conditions and wages in the fast food industry. Currently Wal-

Mart workers earn on average $8.81 an hour.

The contradiction within the Syrian all female Islamic rebel force unit


Although part of the larger so called "free Syrian army", these women fight as autonomous unit against the As-

sad regime. Their faces and bodies are covered as Islam dictates and in their hands they carry their Kalashni-

kovs. One of these groups call themselves "Aisha" after Muhammad's wife. Their aim is clear: to build an Islam-

ic state in Syria.

The contradiction is pen worthy however. This group by the very nature of being all female is making several

strong statements worth the consideration:

1) Women autonomy

2) Women in the position of control and power

3) Women do not require any help or support from men

These women are forfeiting their life for eventual hope of an Islamic state that in its very core is based on the

degradation of women's rights and freedoms. A state that will Not allow women any control or power, will not

give them autonomy, and will define them as subservient to men and second citizens. Lets just say perhaps one

day such a group does grab hold of a state power. What happens then? Do they hand over their weapons to the

men willfully become second class citizens because Islam dictates it?

The right-wing media narrative of the G20!


Once again the G20 meet once more to discuss in secret the world issues. The so called "leaders" of

the free world spoke about their national economic interests behind closed doors. Here decisions that

have wide impact across the globe are made in secret and only with their implications are they felt by

the working class people.

Usually the economic and political crisis of capitalism is at the top of the G20 agenda, often translated

to the austerity measures, currency wars and political interventions to find new and more manipula-

tive ways of robbing the working people to ensure profit growth. This year the focus of the media was

squarely set on Syria. Often the headline news reads "Obama spoke to the Russian president for 20

minutes over a working dinner". Otherwise, other conversations about Syria between our so called

"leaders" and "representatives" of the "free" world are happening in passing only: meanwhile the

Middle-East and the rest of the world hold their breath in fear of another war.

These so called "leaders" of each country have as much to do with leading the people of their country

as does the fleet of policemen leading people out of streets with tear gas and batons during protests.

This "leader" narrative has long died in the consciousness of the 21st century humanity even though

we are bombarded with this idea in the right-wing news media. Ever since the G20 were forced to

build fortresses of fences and thousands of police officers to defend them, a permanent line was

made in the ground about who represents who. The G20 have their own meetings, so do we, as we

meet to occupy streets after streets, city-centers after city-centers: a strong and united voice against

the tyranny of capitalism and its exploitation of the mind and body of the people

Malala Yousafzai, is awarded with the 2013 International Children's Peace Prize!


"I was just one

target for their


Malala said in




referring to

her near-


shooting when


Taliban gun-

man's bullet

grazed her


"There are many others for whom we must continue... so

that children all over the world can have a right to go to


Malala has been a strong advocate for all children to have ac-

cess to education. She has been an important opponent of

the Islamists in the Middle East.

Over 100,000 Polish unionists protest the government's labour policies in Warsaw


Prime Minister Donald Tusk's government has recently raised the retire-

ment age as well as announcing changes to the pension system. Further,

he has also made it easier for businesses to make the working day and

week longer.

The protesters converged from all over Poland to Warsaw to stage the

protest. Poland's largest union, OPZZ, threatened to shutdown all of Po-

land "block every highway, and every road" to demand better working


Workers wages in Poland are among the lowest in all of Europe ($1,150

per month). The workers demand job security and contracts that guar-

antee health care, and retirement benefits. Currently the unemploy-

ment in in Poland is at 13 percent and many companies offer positions

that are often short term and provide no social security.

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