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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

Project Start: 15th December 2015

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. Send us an email at [email protected] and see more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.

Annex 3: Near surface geothermal energy

regulations by countries

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Table of contents

1 Austria ............................................................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Levels of regulations in Austria ............................................................................................... 4

1.2 Near surface geothermal energy regulations in Austria ......................................................... 6

1.2.1 Implementation of NSGE application .............................................................................. 6

1.2.2 Installation of NSGE in special geological conditions .................................................... 10

1.2.3 Installation of NSGE on protected areas or natural risk zones ..................................... 11

1.2.4 Public services for NSGE applications ............................................................................ 12

1.2.5 Permitting and charging procedures for NSGE applications ......................................... 13

2 France ............................................................................................................................................ 15

2.1 Levels of regulations in the France ........................................................................................ 17

2.2 Near surface geothermal energy regulations in France ........................................................ 18

2.2.1 Implementation of NSGE application ............................................................................ 18

2.2.2 Installation of NSGE in special geological conditions .................................................... 19

2.2.3 Installation of NSGE on protected areas or natural risk zones ..................................... 20

2.2.4 Public services for NSGE applications ............................................................................ 21

2.2.5 Permitting and charging procedures for NSGE applications ......................................... 22

3 Germany ........................................................................................................................................ 23

3.1 Levels of regulations in Germany .......................................................................................... 23

3.2 Near surface geothermal energy regulations in Germany .................................................... 24

3.2.1 Implementation of NSGE application ............................................................................ 24

3.2.2 Installation of NSGE in special geological conditions .................................................... 26

3.2.3 Installation of NSGE on protected areas or natural risk zones ..................................... 27

3.2.4 Public services for NSGE applications ............................................................................ 28

3.2.5 Permitting and charging procedures for NSGE applications ......................................... 29

4 Italy ................................................................................................................................................ 31

4.1 Levels of regulations in Italy .................................................................................................. 31

4.2 Near surface geothermal energy regulations in Italy ............................................................ 33

4.2.1 Implementation of NSGE application ............................................................................ 33

4.2.2 Installation of NSGE in special geological conditions .................................................... 37

4.2.3 Installation of NSGE on protected areas or natural risk zones ..................................... 38

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


4.2.4 Public services for NSGE applications ............................................................................ 39

4.2.5 Permitting and charging procedures for NSGE applications ......................................... 41

5 Switzerland .................................................................................................................................... 43

5.1 Levels of regulations in Switzerland ...................................................................................... 43

5.2 Near surface geothermal energy regulations in Switzerland ................................................ 45

5.2.1 Implementation of NSGE application ............................................................................ 45

5.2.2 Installation of NSGE in special geological conditions .................................................... 48

5.2.3 Installation of NSGE on protected areas or natural risk zones ..................................... 51

5.2.4 Public services for NSGE applications ............................................................................ 53

5.2.5 Permitting and charging procedures for NSGE applications ......................................... 55

6 Slovenia ......................................................................................................................................... 57

6.1 Levels of regulations in Slovenia ........................................................................................... 57

6.2 Near surface geothermal energy regulations in Slovenia ..................................................... 58

6.2.1 Implementation of NSGE application ............................................................................ 58

6.2.2 Installation of NSGE in special geological conditions .................................................... 60

6.2.3 Installation of NSGE on protected areas or natural risk zones ..................................... 61

6.2.4 Public services for NSGE applications ............................................................................ 62

6.2.5 Permitting and charging procedures for NSGE applications ......................................... 64

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


1 Austria

1.1 Levels of regulations in Austria

Regulation level Public Administration

Austrian Standards Institute


NATIONAL (federal state of Austria)

The Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

National standards Guidelines of OEWAV

Legal instrument BGBL. I 54/2014

REGIONAL (national states of Austria)

Administration of national states of Austria, Guidelines of national states of Austria

Legal instrument BGBL. I 54/2014, Approval (yield > 5 l/s)

LOCAL (districts) District authority

Legal instrument BGBL. I 54/2014, approval, Approval (yield < 5l/s)

OEWAV: for further details see: http://www.oewav.at/Page.aspx?target=65684&SetLanguage=2

Table 1. Dictionary of Legal instruments: English - National.

English term National term Remark

Federal Act 1. Bundesgesetz Binding on the federal level, Water Act: WRG 1959

(BGBL. I 54/2014 i.d.g.F.)

Mining Act: MinROG (drilling length > 300m)

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Act of the national 2.states of Austria

Landesgesetz Nature protection:

Burgenland: Gesetz vom 15. November 1990 über

den Schutz und die Pflege der Natur und Landschaft

im Burgenland – Burgenländisches Naturschutz und

Landschaftspflegesetze (LGBl.Nr. 27/1991 idgF).

Carinthia: Gesetz vom 3. Juni 1986 über den Schutz

und die Pflege der Natur – Kärntner

Naturschutzgesetz (LGBl.Nr. 54/1986).

Lower Austria: Gesetz vom 11. November 1976

über die Erhaltung und die Pflege der Natur–

Niederösterreichisches Naturschutzgesetz (LGBl.Nr.

5500-0 idgF).

Upper Austria: Oberösterreichisches Natur- und

Landschafts-schutzgesetz vom 24. April 1995

(LGBl.Nr. 37/1995).

Salzburg: Salzburger Naturschutzgesetz vom 30.

Dezember 1993 (LGBl.Nr. 1/1993).

Styria: Gesetz vom 30. Juni 1976 über den Schutz

der Natur und die Pflege der Landschaft –

Steiermärkisches Naturschutzgesetz (LGBl.Nr.

65/1976 idgF).

Tyrol: Gesetz vom 12. März 1997 über die Erhaltung

und Pflege der Natur – Tiroler Naturschutzgesetz

(LGBl.Nr. 33/1997).

Vorarlberg: Gesetz vom vom 4. März 1997 über

Naturschutz und

Landschaftsentwicklung – Vorarlberg (LGBl.Nr.


Vienna: Gesetz vom 19. Oktober 1984 über den

Schutz und die Pflege der Natur – Wiener

Naturschutzgesetz (LBGl.Nr. 6/1985).

Rule 3. Richtlinie Binding on the federal level

Technical guidance 4. ÖNORM Binding on the federal level

Individual 5.normative decision (administrative notification)

Bescheid Binding on the district level / state level

Guidelines 6. Leitfaden/Merkblatt Binding on the national state level

Regelblatt Not binding, federal level

Executive summary on shallow geothermal regulation in Austria

The legal framework for all kind of uses associated to shallow geothermal methods is governed by the

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


federal Water Act (WRG 1959, BGBL. I 54/2014 i.d.g.F.), which is at the responsibility of the federal

ministry of environment - FME (Ministerium für ein Lebenswertes Österreich,

https://www.bmlfuw.gv.at/). Regarding regulation procedures, the competence of the FME is limited

to transnational regulation aspects (§100, WRG 1959). The responsibility for the execution of the

federal Water act is transferred to the governors of the 9 national states of Austria, represented by its

administrative offices (“Ämter der Landesregierungen”). For minor groundwater uses (yield < 5 l/s) as

well as closed loop systems, the offices of the national states are represented by the district offices

(“Bezirkshauptmannschaften”), which are responsible for regulation issues.

Major groundwater uses (yield > 5l/s) and general planning and management issues (e.g. the definition

of water protection areas) are governed by the administrative offices of the national states.

The Austrian Standards institutes governs the following standards concerning shallow geothermal use:

OENORM B 2601 – Wassererschließung – Brunnen (drilling and well techniques)

OENORM B 2261 – Brunnenbauarbeiten Werkvertragsnorm (well techniques)

OENORM B 4401, OENORM B 4400-1 und OENORM B 4400-2 – Bohrprotokoll (drilling reports)

OENORM EN 805 - Wasserversorgung - Anforderungen an Wasserversorgungssysteme und

deren Bauteile außerhalb von Gebäuden (water supply, borehole heat exchanger)

These standards are legally binding!

The NGO organization OEWAV (“Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband“,

http://www.oewav.at), acting as an umbrella federation for service providers in water supply and

waste business, provides the following relevant guidelines:

OEWAV RB 207 – Thermische Nutzung des Grundwassers und des Untergrunds – Heizen und

Kühlen (shallow geothermal use).

OEWAV RB 208 „Bohrungen zur Grundwassererkundung“ (drillings and wells).

The guidelines of the OEWAV are legally not binding, but are generally considered by the

administrative authorities.

1.2 Near surface geothermal energy regulations in Austria

1.2.1 Implementation of NSGE application

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

Drilling /excavating 1.below groundwater table

allowed Mining Act if borehole is deeper than 300 m.

WRG 19591, MinRoG


Reinjection for NSGE-W 2. obligatory Reinjection of used groundwater in the same aquifer, from which it was extracted.

WRG 19592 National

1 §31c (5)

2 § 32a (3)

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

Minimum distance to 3.installations a. next building, b. drinking water well, c. other uses wells d. other public installations

Recommended Closed loop systems: H - Horizontal collectors: a: 1 m distance to buildings b: 1.5 m distance to drinking water well V - Vertical collectors (borehole heat exchangers): d: 2.5 m distance to property line c: 5 m minimum distance between the boreholes (pure heat extraction, no seasonal storage). W - Open loop-systems: See (4.)



Minimum distance 4.between neighboring NSGE installations a. heat exchanger or b. groundwater well

Recommended Obligatory Recommended

a. Minimum distance 5 m (see 3.) if not connected to the same heat transfer circle. b. groundwater wells Preexisting rights are not allowed to be affected. Critical legislative key value limiting influence of existing use: dT < 1 °C, dH < 0.1 m Estimation of minimum distance between production and reinjection well based on analytic assumptions and numerical modelling.

OEWAV RB 207 WRG 19593 OEWAV RB 207


Minimum distance to 5.neighboring plot (property line)

recommended NSGE-V: It should be a minimum distance of 2.5 m to the Neighboring plot.



Minimum distance 6.between pumping and reinjection site

recommended Small scale single use: simplified analytic estimation. Large scale, multiple wells or complex hydrogeological settings: numerical modelling.


Temperature difference 7.of the reinjected water (W)

recommended Maximum 6 °C OEWAV RB 207 (S. 16)


3 § 12

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

Temperature drop (H, 8.V) a. absolute allowed Tmin,

b. absolute allowed Tmax,

c. relative value describing

the accepted T between

disturbed and ambient undisturbed temperature.

recommended Tmin > 5 °C, Tmax < 20 °C

T referring to undisturbed mean annual groundwater temperature max. 6 °C Legal standing (active role in the permitting procedure) granted to pre-existing users in case of the following changes in groundwater quantity and quality: dT > 1 °C, dH (absolute change of water table) > 0.1 m

OEWAV RB 207 Regulative practice (e.g. City of Vienna)

National regional

Heat carrier fluid type 9. recommended Limitation to the use of heat carrier fluids classified as having a low environmental impact (“Wassergefährdungsklasse 1”)

OEWAV RB 207, attachment 2


Refrigerant type 10. recommended Using refrigerants based on the Austrian standards OENORM EN 378-3 & OENORM M 7755-1: Hydrocarbons, CO2, CH4 (not applicable in two hydraulic circuits’ heat-pump systems). Not allowed: CFCs, HCFCs



Tightness – ground 11.loop and refrigerant tubing

recommended Adapted from Austrian standard OENORM EN 805: pressure test based on pure water at an initial pressure of 12 bar. Evaluation of test based on nomographs.

OEWAV RB 207, attachment 6

Backfilling of BHE 12. recommended Recommended workflow to guarantee a complete backfilling. Quality criteria of cementation mixture: density > 1.3 g/cm³.



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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

Liquidation procedure 13.after abandonment of NSGE installation a. heat pump b. heat exchanger

Obligatory Recommended Obligatory

b. Groundwater use: Evaluation of subsurface contamination and restoration of subsurface in good environmental quality. Deconstruction of subsurface installations and backfilling of installations pipes by natural material (e.g. sand, gravel, soil). All works performed by qualified companies. Prevention of groundwater contamination by surface water. Prevention of shortcuts of different aquifers. Horizontal collectors: (in case of circulation pipes remaining in the subsurface) Extraction of heat carrier fluids – cleaning of pipes by nitrogen blow-through BHE: Extraction of heat carrier fluids from circulation pipes – Backfilling of circulation pipes (liquid-tight). All subsurface installations have to be removed according to workflows described for groundwater use. All heat exchanger types: Notification of liquidation to public authority.

OENORM B2601 OEWAV RB 207 WRG 1959


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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

Monitoring 14. Obligatory Groundwater use only: Wells: Periodical (commonly monthly) operational monitoring of groundwater use (temperature of produced water, yield, temperature of injected water) and written documentation (no quality standards for reporting). Documentation of operational incidents and services carried out. In case of extensive groundwater use passive monitoring at observation wells (e.g. Vienna). Heat-pump: Monitoring of cumulated extracted environmental heat and consumed electric power. The obligation of monitoring is regulated at the individual administrative notification related to the permission of use.

Guidelines of administrative offices at the national states


1.2.2 Installation of NSGE in special geological conditions

Regulation element Legal regulation Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Artesian aquifers 15. Allowed Not allowed

At productive aquifers with low artesian pressure (see below) - approval obligatory! Drilling of artesian aquifers with expected pressure of > 3 m above surface Use of artesian aquifers not recommended at OEWAV RB 207

WRG 19594 OEWAV RB 207


Very shallow water 16.table where reinjection can be problematic

Recommended Minimum caprock (cover layer) thickness of 2 meters


Perched 17.groundwater layers

Not regulated

Two or multiple 18.aquifer layers

Not allowed Drilling through several pressurized aquifers at different pressure levels.

WRG 1959

4 §31c

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Mineral water 19.resources

No allowed If site is located within a water protection zone classified as I and II referring to §34, sect. 1 WRG 1959

WRG 1959

Thermal water 20.resources

Not allowed See 19. WRG 1959

Gas occurrences 21. allowed The possibility of gas deposits should be estimate. In case of risks of gas occurrence, warning tools and special requirements for drilling techniques have to be considered. In case of gas occurrence public authorities and emergency services have to be contacted immediately.

OEWAV 207 Guidelines of regional authorities

Unstable ground 22.a. compressible soil b. landslide c. evaporate (with the risk of swelling / dissolution)

Not allowed / Allowed under conditions

Regulated at level of regional authorities. Assessment of technical risks obligatory.

Guidelines of regional authorities

Contaminated soil 23. Not regulated

Karst area 24. Not regulated

1.2.3 Installation of NSGE on protected areas or natural risk zones

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Water protection area 25.(WPA)

Allowed Not Allowed

Protection zone III: recharge area of groundwater bodies at a particle travel time of one year Protection zone II: groundwater inflow area at a particle travel time of 60 days Protection zone I: capture zone of groundwater extraction. Water protection zones are shown at: http://wisa.bmlfuw.gv.at/wasserkarten/gewaesserbewirtschaftungsplan-2015/schutzgebiete/ngp_sgb.html

Water act 19595


Natura 2000 area 26. Not regulated

Nature protected 27.ecosystem area

Not regulated

Flood and erosion 28.areas

Not regulated

Landslide area 29. Not regulated

Riparian / coastal zone 30. Not applicable

5 § 31c (5), § 34, §103

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Other areas 31.a. … b. …

1.2.4 Public services for NSGE applications6

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


NSGE (GSHP) 32.objectives a. national (NREAP)

b. regional

c. local (LEC…)

Recommended a. 2010 / 10 ktoe / 26 ktoe / 20207

Subsidies 33. Not regulated Investment subsidies: Regulated at level of national states of Austria; Electricity rates for heat-pumps

Regional, Private industry

Insurance system 34. Not regulated

Certification 35.a. professionals b. organization

Not regulated

Borehole drilling report 36. Obligatory Standardized lithological logs: OENORM B4401, OENORM B4400-1, OENORM B4400-2

Austrian standards

Pumping test report 37. Not regulated

Thermal response test 38.report

Not regulated

Reception of borehole 39.by the investor

Obligatory Notification of accomplishment of wells and boreholes to regulating authority

Administrative notification

Water pumping data 40.periodic report

Obligatory Regulated at individual administrative notifications

Administrative notification

Heat energy 41.production data periodic report from NSGE

Obligatory Ground source systems: Monitoring and documentation at logbook

Administrative notification

Register of heat pumps 42. Obligatory Ground source systems: Notification of use to public authorities

WRG 19598 national

Register of heat 43.exchanger

Obligatory Ground source systems: Notification of use to public authorities

WRG 19599 national

6 Information asked in the table "Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden." is to

describe how planning tools in the framework of public services are regulated. This could be:

7 https://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/renewable-energy/national-action-plans

8 §114

9 §114

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Register of NSGE 44.production

Obligatory Notification of use to public authorities

WRG 195910


Register of drilling data 45. Partly obligatory

In case of necessary permitting procedures

Guidelines of public authorities


Register of geothermal 46.data

Not regulated

Register of 47.groundwater abstraction

Obligatory Consent of extraction- and injection rates

Administrative notification


1.2.5 Permitting and charging procedures for NSGE applications

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Research/drilling 48.permit

Partly obligatory

Groundwater use: obligatory BHE: Only obligatory at defined regions showing complex hydrogeological or interests on drinking water supply (see also 51.)

Guidelines of regional authorities


Declaration / Recorded 49.special use of water

Obligatory In case of combined use of groundwater for heating and service water (e.g. irrigation).

WRG 1959 Regional

Water consent 50. Obligatory Declaration at water permitting procedures

WRG 195911


Water permit 51. Partly obligatory

Groundwater use: Permission is mandatory. BHE: In general, obligation of disclosure except for regions designated to water permit Horizontal collectors: obligation of disclosure

WRG 1959 Regional

Water fee 52. Not regulated

Concession 53. Not regulated

Royalty / concession 54.fee

Not regulated

Energy fee 55. Not regulated


§114 11

§§ 98 und 99

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Explanatory notes concerning water permits

Before the amendment to the Water Act (WRG 1959) in 2011, the obligation of water permits for borehole heat exchangers have been reduced to designated regions, at which a significant vulnerability of surface near groundwater bodies have to be expected. According to this amendment, the national states of Austria had to outline these regions. In most cases, vulnerability of aquifers was referred to pressurizes or artesian hydraulic conditions. The obligation of permit is concerning thermal groundwater use as well as BHE use. Horizontal collectors are not affected by that. Outside of these designated areas, only obligation of disclosure is dedicated to all kind of near surface geothermal uses.

Dictionary of permitting and charging terms: English – German language.

English term National term Remark

Declaration / Recorded special use of water

Bekanntmachung / Eingetragene Sondernutzung von Wasser

»Disclosure« or »notification« or »declaration« or in German »Anzeigepflicht«

Water consent Wasserkonsensmenge

Water right a. Recorded special use

b. Water permit c. Concession

Wasserrecht a. eingetragene Sondernutzung b. Genehmigung c. Konzession

Water fee / Water charge

Gebühr für Wasser / Berechnung

Royalty Abgaben

Concession fee Konzessionsgebühren

German term / abbreviation Explanation

Ämter der Landesregierungen Administrative offices representing national states of Austria.

Bezirkshauptmannschaften The offices of the national states are represented by the district offices (“Bezirkshauptmannschaften”), which are responsible for regulation issues.

BGBl Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich

FME Austrian federal Ministry of environment (Ministerium für ein

Lebenswertes Österreich, https://www.bmlfuw.gv.at/).

MinRoG Mining Act

OEWAV The NGO organization (“Österreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband“, http://www.oewav.at), acting as an umbrella federation for service providers in water supply and waste business.

OEWAV RB 207 Guidelines: Thermische Nutzung des Grundwassers und des

Untergrunds – Heizen und Kühlen (shallow geothermal use)

OEWAV RB 208 Guidelines: Bohrungen zur Grundwassererkundung (drillings and


WRG 195912 Austrian federal Water Act


§31c (5)

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


2 France

Decree 2015-15 of 8th January 2015 defines the terms of shallow geothermal energy. This is backed by 4 orders:

order on general requirements for shallow geothermal energy activities: conditions relating to the layout of an installation, measures to the implemented on performance, conditions of sale and exploitation as well as the terms of surveillance and maintenance of the installation.

order on the qualification of drilling companies working on shallow geothermal energy systems: obligation to perform drillings by qualified companies (RGE QualiForage)

order on the cartography of statutory zones. On a national scale, this relates to two maps, one for closed-loop exchangers and one for open-loop exchangers handling zone 10 at 200 m. These maps may be broken down, on a regional level, for 3 depth intervals: 10-50 m, 10-100 m and 10-200 m. They define 3 distinct statutory zones: - "green" zone: the declaration system applies; - "orange" zone: the declaration system applies whereby the bidder is required to provide a "certificate of compatibility" from an export to perform the project; - "red" zone: the geological risks shown on the cartography of the statutory zones exclude the benefit of the simplified administrative system for shallow thermal energy.

order on the expert approval for shallow geothermal energy systems: lays sown the terms of approval of experts and the skills required.

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


A teleservice shall be dedicated to the declaration of shallow geothermal energy systems


Summary of procedures applicable to the different types of geothermal

energy (as per the document from the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy)

Cartography of statutory zones

This is based on 9 feared phenomena: 1 - Subsidence/raising related to evaporitic levels

2 – Subsidence/collapse related to cavities (excluding mines).

3 – Subsidence/collapse related to mining cavities.

4 – Ground movements (or landslides).

5 - Pollution of soils and groundwater.

6 – Artesian phenomenon.

7 – Aquifer communication.

8 – Rising groundwater.

9 – Saltwater wedge (only for regional cartographies).

Type of geothermal energy General conditions Administrative system

Air-ground heat exchangers, energy

geostructures or cagesNone Mining Code not applicable

Less than 10 m deep Mining Code not applicable

Depth > 10 m and < 200 m


power < 500 kW and flow rate < 80 m3/h,

with reinjection into same groundwater


in green or orange zone

Depth > 200 m or power > 500 kW or flow rate >

80 m3/h or no reinjection into same groundwater

or red zone

Authorisation reviewed by the

Government departments

Depth > 10 m and < 200 m


power < 500 kW and in green or orange zone

Depth > 200 m or power > 500 kW

or red zone

Authorisation reviewed by the

Government departments

Depth < 10 m and power < 500 kW and

flow rate < 80 m3/h and reinjection into same groundwaterMining Code not applicable

Simplified declaration

Closed-circuit geothermal heat

pumps (vertical sensors)

of a depth of 10 to 200 m

Simplified declaration

Horizontal closed-loop heat

exchangers (depth < 10 m)

Open-loop geothermal heat pumps


of a depth of 10 to 200 m

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


In the folowing table GMI (géothermie de minime importance) refers to shallow geothermal energy,

non GMI refers to low temperature installations.

2.1 Levels of regulations in the France

Regulation level 1 2 3



Legal instrument 1. Constitution 2. Act

3. Decree 4. Ministerial order

5. Voluntary standards 6. Technical guidance



Legal instrument Ordinance to be validated by prefectorial order

Prefectorial order


Legal instrument

Table 2. Dictionary of Legal instruments: English - French.

English term National term Remark

Constitution 1. Constitution Binding

Act 2. Loi Binding

Decree 3. Décret Binding

Ministerial order 4. Arrêté ministeriel Binding

Voluntary standards 5. Norme Not binding

Technical guidance 6. Guide technique Not binding

Prefectorial order 7. Arrêté préfectoral Binding

Ordinance 8. Texte règlementaire Binding after prefectorial order

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


2.2 Near surface geothermal energy regulations in France

2.2.1 Implementation of NSGE application

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

Drilling /excavating 1.below groundwater table

W, V, H: allowed

GMI: D<10 m: Not regulated 10<D<200 m : Declaration Non GMI: Authorization

Mining Act National Regional

Reinjection for NSGE-W 2. Obligatory Mining Act National

Minimum distance to 3.installations a. next building,

b. drinking water well,

c. other uses wells

d. other public installations

Obligatory GMI: Standard Non GMI: Fixed by impact assessment

Mining Act Ministerial order

National Regional

Minimum distance 4.between neighboring NSGE installations a. heat exchanger or b. groundwater well

Not regulated Non GMI: Fixed by impact assessment

Mining Act


Minimum distance to 5.neighboring plot (property line)

Obligatory GMI: Standard under (5 m for V) Non GMI: Fixed by impact assessment

Mining Act Ministerial order

National Regional

Minimum distance 6.between pumping and reinjection site

Not regulated Technical guidance


Temperature difference 7.of the reinjected water (W)

Obligatory Impact < 4 °C at 200m from reinjection well

Mining Act Ministerial order


Temperature drop (H, 8.V) a. absolute allowed Tmin,

b. absolute allowed Tmax,

c. relative value describing

the accepted T between

disturbed and ambient

undisturbed temperature.

Obligatory V: Tmin = -3, Tmax= 40 °C

W: Tmax = 32 °C Mining Act Ministerial order


Heat carrier fluid type 9. Obligatory Biodegradable Mining Act Ministerial order


Refrigerant type 10. Standard13 EU

Tightness – ground 11.loop and refrigerant tubing

Obligatory Internal diameter > 25 mm External diameter > 32 mm

Mining Act Ministerial order



Regulation (EU) No 842/2006, Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009.

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

Backfilling of BHE 12. Obligatory Cement Mining Act Ministerial order


Liquidation procedure 13.after abandonment of NSGE installation a. heat pump

b. heat exchanger

Obligatory V: purge of heat carrier, backfilling with cement W: backfilling with cement

Mining Act Ministerial order


Monitoring 14. Obligatory Annual V: pressure, heat pump total working time, in and out temperature (heat pump), min temp out of heat exchanger, tightness. W: pressure, heat pump total working time, in and out temperature (heat pump), max temp out of heat exchanger, volume pumped and reinjected. Decadal: V: verification of safety equipment, heat carrier characteristics. W: BHE inspection

Mining Act Ministerial order


2.2.2 Installation of NSGE in special geological conditions

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Artesian aquifers 15. Obligatory GMI: Regulatory zoning Non GMI: impact assessment

Mining Act Ministerial order Prefectorial order

National Local

Very shallow water 16.table where reinjection can be problematic

Perched 17.groundwater layers

Non regulated

Two or multiple 18.aquifer layers

Obligatory GMI: Regulatory zoning Non GMI: impact assessment

Mining Act Ministerial order Prefectorial order

National Local

Mineral water 19.resources

Obligatory Area of exclusion Prefectorial order


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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Thermal water 20.resources

Obligatory Area of exclusion Prefectorial order


Gas occurrences 21. Non regulated

Unstable ground 22. Obligatory GMI: GMI: Regulatory zoning Non GMI: impact assessment

Mining Act Ministerial order Prefectorial order

National Local

Contaminated soil 23. Obligatory GMI: Regulatory zoning Non GMI: impact assessment

Mining Act Ministerial order Prefectorial order

National Local

Karst area 24. Obligatory GMI: Regulatory zoning Non GMI: impact assessment

Mining Act Ministerial order Prefectorial order

National Local

2.2.3 Installation of NSGE on protected areas or natural risk zones

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Water protection area 25.(WPA)

Obligatory Area of exclusion Water Act Environmental code Prefectorial order

National Local

Natura 2000 area 26. Obligatory impact assessment Water Act Environmental code Prefectorial order

National Local

Nature protected 27.ecosystem area

Non regulated

Flood and erosion 28.areas

Non regulated

Landslide area 29. Obligatory GMI: Regulatory zoning Non GMI: impact assessment

Mining Act Ministerial order Prefectorial order

National Local

Riparian / coastal zone 30. Obligatory GMI: Regulatory zoning Non GMI: impact assessment

Mining Act Ministerial order Prefectorial order

National Local

Other areas 31.a. …

b. …

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


2.2.4 Public services for NSGE applications

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


NSGE (GSHP) 32.objectives a. national (NREAP)

b. regional

c. local (LEC…)

Recommended a. and b. Definition of objectives for NSGE. a. 2010 / 222 ktoe / 570 ktoe / 202014 for geothermal and hydrothermal

Subsidies 33.

Insurance system 34. Obligatory Insurance about environmental damage Decadal insurance

Mining Act Decree


Certification 35.a. professionals b. organization

Obligatory Mandatory certification for drillers, installers and engineering office

Mining Act Ministerial order


Borehole drilling report 36. Obligatory Mining Act Ministerial order


Pumping test report 37. Obligatory Mining Act Ministerial order


Thermal response test 38.report

Recommended Mining Act Ministerial order


Reception of borehole 39.by the investor

Obligatory Mining Act Ministerial order


Water pumping data 40.periodic report

Obligatory Annual Mining Act Ministerial order


Heat energy 41.production data periodic report from NSGE

Non regulated

Register of heat pumps 42. Non regulated

Register of heat 43.exchanger

Non regulated

Register of NSGE 44.production

Non regulated

Register of drilling data 45. Non regulated

Register of geothermal 46.data

Non regulated

Register of 47.groundwater abstraction

Non regulated



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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


2.2.5 Permitting and charging procedures for NSGE applications

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Research/drilling 48.permit

Obligatory Only for non GMI Mining Act Ministerial order Prefectorial order

National Local

Declaration / Recorded 49.special use of water

Non regulated

Water consent 50. Non regulated

Water permit 51. Non regulated

Water fee 52. Non regulated

Concession 53. Obligatory Only for non GMI Mining Act Ministerial order Prefectorial order

National Local

Royalty / concession 54.fee

Non regulated

Energy fee 55. Non regulated

Dictionary of permitting and charging terms: English – French language.

English term French term Remark

National term / abbreviation Explanation

GMI Geothermal activities of minimal importance (?) (fr.: géothermie de minime importance)

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


3 Germany

3.1 Levels of regulations in Germany

Regulation level 1 2 3 4



Legal instrument 1. Act 1. Act 2. Decree 3. Rules 4. Standard 5. Technical guidance

2. Decree 3. Rules 4. Standard 5. Technical guidance

REGIONAL PARLIAMENT (Bavaria, Baden-Würtemberg)



Legal instrument 1. Act 2. Decree

1. Act 2. Decree

2. Decree 3. Rules 4. Standard 5. Technical guidance 9. Guidelines

2. Decree 3. Rules 4. Standard 5. Technical guidance 8. Approval 9. Guidelines


Legal instrument 6. Ordinance 8. Approval

Table 3. Dictionary of Legal instruments: English - German.

English term German term Remark

Act 1. Gesetz (WHG, BergG, BAYWG)

Binding on the country level

Decree 2. Verordnung (VAwS, VPSW)

Binding on the country level

Rules 3. Vorschrift (VVWas) Binding on the country level

Standard 4. Standard (DIN) Binding on the country level

Voluntary standard 5. Freiwilliger Standard Not binding

Technical guidance 6. Richtlinie (VDI) Not binding

Ordinance 7. Anordnung Binding on the municipal level

Decision 8. Beschluß Binding

Approval 9. Erlaubnis Binding

Guidelines 10. Leitfaden (EWS) Not binding

Act (d. Gesetz) is a general legal instrument, in the order of rank directly under the constitution and

superior to other general legal instruments. The main acts referenced in this Deliverable are on

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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


national level Renewable Energy Act (EEG), Waters Act (WHG), Mining Act (BBergG), Construction

Act, Nature Conservation Act and Environmental Protection Act and on the regional level for Bavaria

water act (BayWG) and Baden-Württemberg (WasserG).

Decree (dt. Verordnung) is a general legal instrument, enacted by the highest executive authority

(government) on the basis of the Constitution or the Act (Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika).

The Approval (dt. Erlaubnis/ Bescheid) is issued by the regional water authorities in writing

conditions. This is absolutely necessary for the construction and operation of a shallow geothermal


The guideline (dt. Leitfaden) is worked out by the regional governmental authorities. The aim of the

guideline is the regulation of technical and water legislation needs. The guideline has a binding

status. Rules from the guideline are included in the approval of the local authorities and get so legal


In Germany, standards are written for industrial manufacturing, components or measuring methods.

These regulate the implementation, application, production, and demands on the quality of

components or products. The German Institute for Standardization recognizes these standards and

this was released. The standards will be developed in relevant standardization committees. These

committees can industry representatives, scientists and authorities belong. For the use of shallow

geothermal energy, there are some relevant DIN standards for the heat pump. The technical

demands of the heat exchanger systems in the underground govern the VDI 4640-guideline.

3.2 Near surface geothermal energy regulations in Germany

3.2.1 Implementation of NSGE application

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

Drilling /excavating 1.below groundwater table

W, V, H: Allowed

In every case water approval necessary

Water Act (WHG, BayWG, WasserG), guideline, leaflet


Reinjection for NSGE-W 2. Obligatory Reinjection is necessary (EU WFD)

EU-WFD, Water Act (WHG, BayWG, WasserG), guideline, leaflet

European, national, regional

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

Minimum distance to 3.installations a. next building, b. drinking water well, c. other uses wells d. other public installations

Obligatory a) 1.5 m (Construction Act); 3 m recommend (leaflet) b) depends on the protection area and the catchment area (not allowed) c) no regulation, is in private responsibility d) -

Construction Act

guideline, leaflet

National, regional

Minimum distance 4.between neighboring NSGE installations a. heat exchanger or b. groundwater well

Obligatory a) + b) The heat extraction must remain on the plant grounds.

BBerG, guideline, leaflet

National, regional

Minimum distance to 5.neighboring plot (property line)

Obligatory 1.5 m (Construction Act) 3 m recommend (leaflet)

Construction Act

guideline, leaflet

National, regional

Minimum distance 6.between pumping and reinjection site

Obligatory Recommended

L ≥ 10 m Extraction well upstream of the injection well.

Leaflet (not published until now) Standard15

National, regional

Temperature difference 7.of the reinjected water (W)


Normally 6 °K, in some cases 4 °K, absolute Temp. not > 20 °C in the groundwater

guideline, leaflet, Approval, Technical guideline (VDI)

National, regional

Temperature drop (H, 8.V) a. absolute allowed Tmin, b. absolute allowed Tmax, c. relative value describing

the accepted T between disturbed and ambient undisturbed temperature.


V: a) 0 °C in baseload, -3 °C in peakload (system should be closed) b) 20 °C in the underground c) T = 6 °K

H: no regulation

guideline, leaflet,

National, regional

Heat carrier fluid type 9. Obligatory

Different: VDI 4640 Sheet 1, VAwS

guideline, leaflet,

National, regional

Refrigerant type 10. Obligatory

Different: VDI 4640 Sheet 1, DIN 8901, VAwS

guideline, leaflet,

National, regional

Tightness – ground 11.loop and refrigerant tubing


Tightness of the circuit shall be checked, tested in accordance with standards.16

guideline, leaflet,

National, regional


e.g. SIST EN 15450:2007, EN 378-1…

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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

Backfilling of BHE 12. Obligatory Special conditions for production, processing and durability. Specific material properties must be reached. In BW: Doped backfill material (LQS EWS BW) in critical situations. Doped mean that you have Ingredients in the backfill material to proof the tightness.

guideline, leaflet,

National, regional

Liquidation procedure 13.after abandonment of NSGE installation a. heat pump b. heat exchanger

Obligatory a) Dismantling, backfilling b) Replacement of heat carrier fluids agent to water, in geological and hydrogeological critical situations rebuilding

guideline, leaflet,

National, regional

Monitoring 14. Obligatory Monitoring in connection with

MAP: heat amount and electric

energy amount (Seasonal

Performance Factor,

“Jahresarbeitszahl”- not COP -

must be 4.5); Users must just

deliver the SPF

Big plants, specially V (> 45):

H: Q, H,T (theoretically)

V: Q, H, T

W: Q, H, T

Rules, Approval

National, regional

3.2.2 Installation of NSGE in special geological conditions

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Artesian aquifers 15. Obligatory BW: special equipment BY: Not allowed

guideline, leaflet,

National, regional

Very shallow water 16.table where reinjection can be problematic

Obligatory In flood plains sometimes not allowed, conditions has to be tested

guideline, leaflet,

National, regional

Perched 17.groundwater layers

Obligatory Monitoring specialist. The PSW respectively an expert from the water management authority must check.

guideline, leaflet,

National, regional

Two or multiple 18.aquifer layers

Obligatory BY: In some areas allowed, monitoring by specialist BW: Not allowed

guideline, leaflet,

National, regional

Mineral water 19.resources

Obligatory Not allowed for shallow resources guideline, leaflet,

National, regional

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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Thermal water 20.resources

Obligatory Not allowed for shallow resources guideline, leaflet,

National, regional

Gas occurrences 21. Obligatory Special drilling equipment Mining Act National

Unstable ground 22.a. compressible soil b. landslide c. evaporate (with the risk of swelling / dissolution)

Obligatory BW: A: no regulations B: no regulations C: not allowed (drilling above the gpislevel) BY: A: no regulations B: no regulations C: not allowed

guideline, leaflet,

National, regional, local

Contaminated soil 23. Obligatory Not allowed guideline, leaflet,

National, regional

Karst area 24. Obligatory BW: Special Conditions BY: not allowed

guideline, leaflet,

National, regional, local

3.2.3 Installation of NSGE on protected areas or natural risk zones

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Water protection area 25.(WPA)

Not allowed17 BW: In WPA I, II and IIIA not allowed, in WPA IIIB risk analysis necessary BY: In WPA I, II and WPA III not allowed. Sometimes in WPA IIIB depends on protection area decrees.

Act, Decree, Approval

National, regional, local

Natura 2000 area 26. Not regulated National

Nature protected 27.ecosystem area

Not regulated National

Flood and erosion 28.areas

Not allowed National Local

Landslide area 29. Not regulated National

Riparian / coastal zone 30. Not regulated National

Other areas 31.a. …

b. …


The regulation has to be defined in the individual Decree for the certain water resource and WPA (Rules on criteria for the designation of a water protection zone, Annex 1; Ul RS, No. 15/16). In the Decrees or Ordinances that are currently in force, typically not allowed in the WPA I, II and exceptionally allowed in the WPA II, III.

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


3.2.4 Public services for NSGE applications

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


NSGE (GSHP) 32.objectives a. national (NREAP)

b. regional

c. local (LEC…)

Recommended a. and b. Definition of objectives for NSGE “geothermal energy from heat pumps”.18 a. 2010 / 258 ktoe / 521 ktoe / 2020

National Local

Subsidies 33. Obligatory MAP (grants and low interest credits) in general the aim of the programme is the refurbishment of matured houses and industrial sites. For new constructions a funding is only possible for innovative technology)

MAP National

Insurance system 34. Obligatory BW: After LQS drilling insurance necessary; No special criteria for the insurance needed. BY: Not necessary but useful


Certification 35.a. professionals b. organization

Obligatory a) +b) Generally required

(DVGW, BAU-Cert W 120 – 1 or

W 120 -2),Exceptional,

depending on the local water

authority local experienced

drilling companies allowed

a) Private Sachverständige der

Wasserwirtschaft (PSW) for

monitoring of the building

process in special geological,

hydrogeological and water

ecological situations

a) VAwS: For big, public and commercial plants, specialist for Substances Hazardous to Waters is necessary

guideline, leaflet,

National, regional, local

Borehole drilling report 36. Obligatory Generally required (DVGW, BAU-Cert W 120 – 1 or W 120 -2, DIN 4023)

guideline, leaflet, Approval

National, Regional, local

Pumping test report 37. Obligatory Required (DIN EN ISO 22282-4) guideline, leaflet, Approval

Regional, local

Thermal response test 38.report

Obligatory TRT for plants bigger then 30 to 50 KW (different in the federal states)

guideline, leaflet,

National, regional, local


Only heat pumps for which SPF > 1.15 * 1/η shall be taken into account (Commission Decision 2013/114/EU).

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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Reception of borehole 39.by the investor

Recommended BGB Rule National

Water pumping data 40.periodic report

Obligatory Only for big plants (30 to 50 KW)

guideline, leaflet, Approval

National, regional, local

Heat energy 41.production data periodic report from NSGE

Obligatory Only for big plants (30 to 50 KW)

guideline, leaflet, Approval

National, regional, local

Register of heat pumps 42. A) Obligatory B) Defined

SPF (JAZ) for MAP Only subsidized applications Access: generally not public Data management: Eco Fund

MAP National

Register of heat 43.exchanger

Not regulated

Register of NSGE 44.production

Obligatory Annual Report is just needed >30 to 50 kW

Register of drilling data 45. Not regulated

Register of geothermal 46.data

Not regulated

Register of 47.groundwater abstraction

Obligatory if volume extraction rate > 100,000 m3 per year (WHG, BAyWG)

guideline, leaflet, Approval

National, regional, local

3.2.5 Permitting and charging procedures for NSGE applications

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Research/drilling 48.permit

Obligatory In every case Act, guideline, leaflet, Approval

National, regional, local

Declaration / Recorded 49.special use of water

Not required

Water consent 50. Not required

Water permit 51. Obligatory if NSGE reached groundwater table (WHG, BAyWG)

guideline, leaflet, Approval

National, regional, local

Water fee 52. Not required

Concession 53. Not required

Royalty / concession 54.fee

Not required

Energy fee 55. Not required

Dictionary of permitting and charging terms: English - German.

English term German term Remark

Approval Erlaubnis

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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


German term / abbreviation Explanation

BayWG Regional level for water act in Bavaria (ge.: Bayerisches Wassergesetzes)

BAU-Cert Certification of building material

BBergG German Mining Act

BGB (ge.: Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch)

BY Bavaria (ge.: Bayern)

BW Baden-Würtemberg

DVGW (ge.: Deutsche Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches)

EEG Renewable Energy Act

JAZ Seasonal Performance Factor (SFP) (ge.: Jahresarbeitszahl)

LQS EWS Guidelines quality assurance for ground coupled heat exchangers (ge.: Leitlinien Qualitätssicherung Erdwärmesonden)19

MAP Market incentive Programme (ge.: Marktanreizprogramm)

PSW Private authorized expert (ge: Privater Sachverständiger der


VAwS Decree for sites about handling with water endangering substances

(ge.: Verordnung über Anlagen zum Umgang mit

wassergefährdenden Stoffen und über Fachbetriebe

(Anlagenverordnung – VAwS))

VPSW Decree about private authorized experts for the water management

(ge.: Verordnung über private Sachverständige in der

Wasserwirtschaft (Sachverständigenverordnung – VPSW))

WasserG Regional level for Baden-Württemberg water act

WHG Waters Act



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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


4 Italy

4.1 Levels of regulations in Italy

Regulation level 1 2 3 4



Legal instrument 1. Constitution

2. Act

3. Civil Code

4. Decree (D.P.R. &


5. Decree (D.M.)

6. Standard

7. Technical


8. Decision

9. Approval

10. Guidelines





Legal instrument 1. Act

2. Regulation

3. Decree (D.P.G.R) 4. Decision

5. Approval

6. Technical






(Only for

Provinces of

Trento and


Legal instrument 1. Act

(Only for Provinces

of Trento and


2. Decree (D.P.P &


3. Decision

4. Approval

5. Technical guidance


Legal instrument 1. Ordinance

2. Regulation

Table 4. Dictionary of Legal instruments: English - Italian.

English term Italian term Remark (osservazioni)

Act 1. Legge/atto amministrativo Binding on the country level

Civil Code 2. Codice civile

Decree 3. Decreto Binding on the country level

Rules/Regulation 4. Regolamento Binding on the country level

Standard 5. Norma Binding on the country level

Voluntary standard 6. Norma tecnica (volontaria) Not binding

Technical guidance 7. Guida tecnica di orientamento Not binding

Ordinance 8. Ordinanza Binding on the municipal level

Decision 9. Decisione Binding

Approval/ 10.Authorisation

Approvazione/Autorizzazione Binding

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Water licence 11. Concessione per derivazione d’acqua

Guidelines 12. Linee guida Not binding


In Italy, specific national regulations concerning shallow geothermal energy do not exist yet. The

Legislative Decree 28/2011, which adopts the 2009/28/CE European Directive, would have had to

introduce decrees and regulations for all renewable energy systems, and hence also for Ground

Source Heat Pumps. However, the decree for GSHP has not been published yet, and hence the

discipline in this field is still different from Region to Region and, sometimes, from Province to

Province. National legislation that concerns geothermal energy is: Decree 1443/1927 (mining act),

Decree 1775/1933 (water and electric installation), Act 464/1984, Decree 236/1988, Decree

152/2006, Decree 22/2010, and the Civil Code.

In short, the situation of the Italian Regions of the Alpine space is the following:

Alpine Space Region

Local regulations Notes

Regional level Provincial level

Valle d’Aosta Yes (Provinces not exist) The regional regulation deals generally with renewable energy and energy planning (no precise references to geothermal energy). Open loop systems need the same authorization process foreseen for any industrial wells.

Piemonte Yes (latest guidelines 2016)

No The guidelines regulate the closed loop systems. The open loop systems are regulated by existing legislation about use and discharge of public water.

Lombardia Yes (since 2006) 9 of the 12 Provinces regulate open loop systems and prescriptions are usually inside the disciplinary annex of each approval act. The other 3 Provinces (Milano, Varese and Mantova) have adopted technical guidance.

Geothermal plants census publicly available (http://www.rinnovabililombardia.it). The Lombardia regional regulation is generally considered the most advanced in Italy.

Liguria No No No specific regulation. Geothermal wells require drilling permit, like other wells. Geothermal probes require municipal building permit.

Trentino Alto Adige

No The two Autonomous Provinces (Trento and Bolzano) have

Province of Bolzano fosters the use of closed loops rather than the open ones.

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


each their own regulation.

In this document, the regulation of the Province of Trento is only about closed loop systems.

Veneto Yes (guidelines) Each of the 7 Provinces has its own regulation. The provincial regulations are only about closed loop systems.

Each province regulations is very similar each to the others except for small details.

Friuli Venezia Giulia

No No For small geothermal plants that exchange heat directly with subsoil or aquifers without removing water, a provincial approval is required.

4.2 Near surface geothermal energy regulations in Italy

4.2.1 Implementation of NSGE application

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

Drilling / excavating 1.below groundwater table

W: Obligatory If D > 30 m: communication to


is required

Decree 1775/1933, Regulation 2/2006

National and Lombardia Region

Recommended General drilling guidelines Decree 236/1988


W: Obligatory Open loops (considered as industrial wells) follow the authorization path foreseen for any other water well

Valle d’Aosta Region

V: Not allowed Boring in the saturated zone not allowed if the aquifer is for drinking use

Bolzano Province

H, V: Allowed regardless of groundwater table

If D < 150 m. It is allowed to build up the installation without any kind of authorisation/permit, but it is necessary to be logged to the RSG register (geothermal probes register) filling up it with the data of the whole close loop. If D > 150 m the provincial authorisation for drilling of the well is required.

Regulation 7/2010

Lombardia Region

W: Not regulated but however allowed till 400 meters of depth

If D < 400 m: water licence: for few provinces within this act it is required prior authorisation for the excavation of wells, while for the most of provinces, the authorisation it is the one act.

Regulation 2/2006 with slightly differences among the provinces

Lombardia Region


Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research.

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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

Reinjection for NSGE-W 2. Allowed Normally forbidden for every use, exception made for geothermal plants (allowed under agreement of the competent authority)

Decree 152/2006


Not allowed W: reinjection in groundwater not allowed (allowed just in surface waters)

Valle d’Aosta Region

Allowed Only if the heat is extracted from water pumped (W reinjected should be in compliance with the environmental quality objectives)

Decree 152/2006, Mining Act, Regulation 2/2006

National and Lombardia Region

Minimum distance to 3.installations a. next building

b. drinking water well

c. other uses wells

d. other public installations

Recommended a. L > 4.5-5 m Guidelines 2016

Piemonte Region

Not allowed b. In WPA and if L < 200 m c. If L < 30 m

Bolzano Province

Obligatory b. > 200 m PTCP21

2012 Vicenza Province

Obligatory a. Distance to next buildings > 2 m Civil Code National

Obligatory b. c. Distance to wells >=10 m Regulation 7/2010

Lombardia Region

Minimum distance 4.between neighboring NSGE installations a. heat exchanger or

b. groundwater well

Obligatory b.

30 m from well

100 m from private drinking water wells

30 m downstream and > 200 m upstream of drinking water sources captured

Decision n.4081/2005

Bolzano Province

a. L >= 8-10 m Guidelines 2016

Piemonte Region

Minimum distance to 5.neighboring plot (property line)

Obligatory L > 6 m, less if the neighbor agrees Decision n.4081/2005

Bolzano Province

L > 2 m Civil Code (or Municipal ordinance



L < 2 m if the neighbor agrees Regulations Provinces of Veneto

L ≥ 4 m for depth probes equal to 120 m, for deeper probes the distance must be bigger

Guidelines 28/04/2016

Belluno Province

According to Civil Code and in any case ≥ 4 m

Regulation 7/2010

Lombardia Region

Minimum distance 6.between pumping and reinjection site

Not regulated It depends by the site conditions

related to the breadth of the ownership.

local authorities (Region; province)


Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan. 22

Municipal ordinance for specific building code.

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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

Recommended Extraction well upstream of the injection well



Temperature difference 7.of the reinjected water (W)24

Obligatory Temperature difference in river < 3 °C

Decree 152/2006


Obligatory If Q > 5 l/s: temperature difference < 5 Kelvin

Bolzano Province

Recommended and prescribed inside the authorisation acts

T max reinjection = 20 °C (MI – VA) T max reinjection = 25 °C (BG - MN) These values are related to ground water

c. relative value T allowed is (3 °C for Bergamo and 5 °C for Varese)

a) Technical Guidance for groundwater (MI-VA-MN) b) prescriptions into authorisation act for other Provinces

Provinces of Varese - Milano and Bergamo - Mantova

Temperature drop (H, 8.V)25 a. absolute allowed Tmin

b. absolute allowed Tmax

c. relative value describing

the accepted T between

disturbed and ambient

undisturbed temperature

Obligatory a. Tmin = 1 °C (4 °C if the heat carried fluid is pure water)

b. Tmax = 28 °C Tmax = 40 °C (if demonstrated that the structural function of the energy piles is not compromised)

Vicenza Province

Heat carrier fluid type 9. Obligatory List of permitted fluids (In Bolzano Province and Lombardia Region the use of corrosion inhibitors is forbidden)

Regulations Bolzano Province, Piemonte Region, Lombardia Region

Only potable water permitted Draft Regulation

Padova Province

Recommended Water or water mixed with propylene glycol or polypropylene glycol (biodegradable, non-toxic)

Provinces of Veneto (except Padova)

Refrigerant type26 10. Not allowed Decision n.15/2015

Vicenza Province

23 The extraction well shall be situated upstream of the injection well if the heat pump is only used for heating purposes (SIST EN 15450:2007, p. 11). Separation distances

between bore holes must be adequate and according to local regulations (SIST EN 15450:2007, p. 29).

24 From Lombardia docu

ment: “The temperature difference between supply and return temperature is typically between 3 K and 4 K for small systems. Larger systems

may operate with larger temperature differences. (SIST EN 15450:2007, p. 25)”.

25 From Lombardia doc

ument: “H: The temperature drop between the return temperature of the heat exchange medium and the undisturbed ground temperature,

during continuous operation, shall not be of such extent that technical problems arise during operation. A typical value for Central Europe is 12 K (UNI EN 15450).

V: The

temperature drop between the return temperature of the heat exchange medium and the undisturbed ground temperature (i.e. 10 m depth), during continuous operation,

shall not be of such extent that technical problems arise during operation. A typical value for Central Europe is 11 K (UNI EN 15450)”.

26 Regulation (EU) n. 842/2006, Regulation (EC)

n. 1005/2009, UNI EN 378-1:2008, UNI EN 378-2:2008, UNI EN 378-3:2008


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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

The use of alcohol or other refrigerant fluids is not admitted instead the hydrocarbon refrigerant is accepted as glycol

Regulation 7/2010

Lombardia Region

Tightness – ground 11.loop and refrigerant tubing27

Obligatory Tightness of the circuit shall be checked and tested

Regulations Provinces of Veneto and Lombardia Region

Obligatory Using air it is required a pressure >= 10 bar (from 80 m the pressure must be increased by 0.1 for each meter); for at least 1 hour, the reduction of pressure allowed is < 0.2 bar. Using water it is required a pressure >= 6 bar; for at least 4 hours, the reduction tolerated is 0.5 bar.

Decision n.4081/2005

Bolzano Province

Backfilling of BHE 12. Recommended Water, cement or bentonite mixture

Regulations Provinces of Veneto, Bolzano Province, Lombardia Region, Piemonte Region

Liquidation procedure 13.after abandonment of NSGE installation a. heat pump

b. heat exchanger

V: Obligatory Borehole must be cleaned with water and filled with grout

Guidelines 2016

Piemonte Region

W: Recommended

Prescriptions are inside the disciplinary annex of each approval act (provincial level)

Regulation 2/2006

Lombardia Region

Monitoring28 14. a. W: Obligatory b. V, H: Obligatory

Energy performance control via in/out annual temperature monitoring b. > 100 kW monitoring required

Decision n.15/2015

Vicenza Province

a. V, H: Obligatory b. W: Regulated but mentioned as optional

a. > 50 kW monitoring required b. authorization requirements contained in each approval

Regulations a. 7/2010 b. 2/2006

Lombardia Region


e.g. UNI EN 15450:2007, EN 378-1 …


Operational requirements: “Operational parameters shall be controlled during commissioning and be periodically monitored in the normal running phase of the heating

system. In addition, measurement and recording of operational parameters can be used to calculate the energy performance of the heat pump in operation during a

certain period of time. These respective parameters are the feed and return temperatures of the heat source and heat sink, the electrical power consumption and the

volume flow rate (or heat meter readings)” (UNI EN 15450).

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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

W: Obligatory At least 1 chemical analysis/year on abstraction/reinjection waters (MI). Analytical campaigns, the measure of temperature and reinjected water flow rate plus the pumped water flow rate (MN).

Technical guidance, for other Provinces prescriptions into the approval act

Milano, Mantova and Varese Provinces

V: Obligatory For plants with more than 100 kW at least 4 piezometers required

Guidelines 2016

Piemonte Region

Safety devices 15. V, H: Obligatory Isolating gate valve and balancing valve for each probe; cementing the borehole; safety valve for whole installation; circuit flow switch

Regulations Some Provinces of Veneto

W: Not regulated but recommended

No obligation in the rules in order to install piezometers or other safety devices

Regulation 2/2006 (provincial prescriptions into approvals)

Lombardia Region

4.2.2 Installation of NSGE in special geological conditions

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Artesian aquifers 16. Not allowed Reserved for drinking use Provincial Act 8/2002

Bolzano Province

Not allowed Guidelines 28/04/2016

Belluno Province

Regulated Covering well during the drilling process and making the well impermeable

Decision n.15/2015

Vicenza Province

Very shallow water 17.table where reinjection can be problematic

Perched 18.groundwater layers

Two or multiple 19.aquifer layers

Regulated Covering well during the drilling process and making the well impermeable

Decision n.15/2015

Vicenza Province

Mineral water 20.resources

Not allowed Decision n.2154/2009

Trento Province

Thermal water 21.resources

Not allowed Decision n.2154/2009

Trento Province

Gas occurrences 22.

Unstable ground 23.a. compressible soil

b. landslide

c. evaporate (with the risk

of swelling / dissolution)

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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Contaminated soil 24. Not allowed Guidelines 28/04/2016

Belluno Province

Karst area 25. Regulated Covering well during the drilling process and making the well impermeable

Decision n.15/2015

Vicenza Province

4.2.3 Installation of NSGE on protected areas or natural risk zones

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Water protection area 26.(WPA)

Not allowed

Ground Water Protection Plan (2009)

Veneto Region

Regulated Different max depth depending by the area

Decision n.15/2015

Vicenza Province

Regulated Forbidden within an area of 200 m around the uptake point

Guidelines 28/04/2016

Belluno Province

Not allowed Decision n.2154/2009

Trento Province

Not regulated …but a specific opinion is required by the competent Municipality

Lombardia Region

Natura 2000 area 27. Not regulated …but a specific approval is required by the management body of protected area

Lombardia Region

Nature protected 28.ecosystem area

Not regulated …but a specific approval is required by the management body of protected area

Lombardia Region

Flood and erosion 29.areas

Not regulated …but a specific consent is required by Basin Authority

Lombardia Region

Landslide area 30. Not allowed Guidelines 28/04/2016

Belluno Province

Not allowed Decision n.2154/2009

Trento Province

Not regulated …but a specific consent is required by Basin Authority

Lombardia Region

Riparian / coastal zone 31. Not regulated …but a specific consent is required by Basin Authority

Lombardia Region

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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


4.2.4 Public services for NSGE applications29

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


NSGE (GSHP) 32.objectives a. national (in NREAP


b. regional (in REAP31


c. local (in PTCP32


d. municipal

Recommended a. Definition of objectives for NSGE “geothermal energy”


b. Definition of objectives for NSGE “geothermal energy” c. The use of NSGE without water withdrawal is allowed with the approval of the Province d. Definition of objectives for NSGE “geothermal energy”

a. RES Decree

34 +

NREAP b. REAP c. PTCP 2008

d. SEAP35

a. National b. Lombardia Region c. Venezia Province d. Municipal

Subsidies 33. Regulated COP > X depending on the type of heat pump

RES Decree36

and other Acts/Decrees37


Insurance system 34. W: Obligatory Before signing the concession a bank guarantee must be paid (related to the value of environmental restoration works)

Regulation 2/2006

Lombardia Region

Certification 35.a. professionals b. organization

Not required, voluntary



Borehole drilling report 36. H, V, W: Obligatory

Regulations and Guidelines

Bolzano Province, Provinces of Veneto, Lombardia Region

If D > 30 m: communication to ISPRA required

Act 464/1984



Information asked in the table "Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden." is to describe how

planning tools in the framework of public services are regulated. This could be: a) Planning: via setting the objectives (for example, in National renewable resources energy plans) regulating

subsidies and insurance system for investments; b) Providing evidences (of natural resources, energy use, …) to support planning in the general interest as

well as stimulate the effectiveness of investment by providing good data of natural resources to designers, installers, and investors;

c) Reducing bad practices by providing availability of information on natural resources and by providing education/certification schemes.

It is all about regulation of financial and mainly non-financial incentives concerning NSGE. 30 https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/dir_2009_0028_action_plan_italy.zip. Specific targets for renewable energy for heating purposes


31 Regional Energy Action Plan.

32 Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan.

33 Only heat pumps for which SPF > 1,15 * 1/η shall be taken into account (Commission Decision 2013/114/EU).

34 Legislative

Decree 3rd March

2011 n. 28.

35 In the framework of EU Covenant of Mayors initiative.

36 Legislative

Decree 3rd March

2011 n. 28 and specific implementation Decrees, i.e. DM 28/12/12 (Renewable Energy for Heating & Cooling Support Scheme)


37 Fiscal deductions for energy efficiency and RES interventions (up to 65%); white certificates mechanism (also known as Energy Efficiency Certificates -EEC) for energy

efficiency and RES.

38 UNI 11517:2013 - Heat Pump Geothermal Systems - Requirements for qualification of installing firms

providing geothermal exchanger.

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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Pumping test report 37. Obligatory Regulations Provinces of Veneto

38.a. Thermal response test


b. Report on impact on the

underground temperature

Obligatory - Small plants (< 30 kW): TRT on 1 boring at least

- Large plants (> 50 kW): 1 TRT each 10 boring at least

- Plants with more than 100 boreholes: lab test on grouting

Piemonte Region

Large plants (> 50 kW or 10 BHEs) Regulation 7/2010

Lombardia Region

Decision n.2154/2009

Trento Province

a. Required for systems > 35 or 50 kW or installed > 800 m altitude b. Required for systems > 100 kW or with vertical probes more deep than 30 m

Regulations Provinces of Veneto

Reception of borehole 39.by the investor

Recommended Standard39


Water pumping data 40.periodic report

Recommended but not regulated

Lombardia Region

Heat energy 41.production data periodic report from NSGE

Register of heat pumps 42. Obligatory and the access for operators is regulated by Open Data Legislation



Open Data41

Lombardia Region

Register of heat 43.exchanger


It doesn’t exist a register of exchangers

Open Data Lombardia Region

Register of NSGE 44.production

Regulated National statistics for renewable energy monitoring

NREAP + statistics system



Register of drilling data 45. W: Regulated Data related to wells and water derivations must be recorded inside of the Cadaster of Water Utilities

Open Data Lombardia Region

Register of geothermal 46.data

W: Regulated Cadaster of Water Utilities Open Data Lombardia Region

39 UNI EN 15450:2007


40 Digital Administration Code (Legislative Decree 82/2005 and subsequent amendments).

41 http://www.rinnovabililombardia.it/opendata; http://www.dati.lombardia.it/Ambiente/Mappa-Registro-

Regionale-Sonde-Geotermiche/drv3-2qjn. 42 SIMERI, http://www.gse.it/it/Statistiche/Simeri/Pagine/default.aspx


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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Register of 47.groundwater abstraction

Regulated Discharges of any well must be recorded

Decree 152/2006


W: Regulated Cadaster of Water Utilities Open Data Lombardia Region

4.2.5 Permitting and charging procedures for NSGE applications

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Research/drilling 48.permit

V: Obligatory If D > 150 m: provincial permit for drillings is required

Regulations 7/2010

Lombardia Region

W: Obligatory If D < 400 m: provincial permit for drillings is required

Decree 22/2010, Regulations 6/2006

National and Lombardia Region

Obligatory, W Authorization required for any water well (geothermal wells are considered as industrial ones)

Valle d’Aosta Region

Obligatory Application for authorization + technical report + geological report

Regulations Provinces of Veneto

Obligatory Decision n.2154/2009

Trento Province

Declaration / Recorded 49.special use of water

Obligatory At the end of the authorization procedure for the excavations with D> 30 m a declaration regarding to special use of water must be send from the applicant to ISPRA

R 2/2006 Lombardia Region

Water consent 50.

Water permit 51.

Water fee 52. W: Obligatory Annual fee for energy production by geothermal resources

Decree 862/2013

Veneto Region

Concession (water 53.license)

W: Obligatory D < 400 m: provincial concession is required (water license)

Decree 22/2010, Regulation 2/2006

National and Lombardia Region

Royalty / concession 54.fee

W: Obligatory Yearly tax for groundwater discharge

Valle d’Aosta Region

Decree 22/2010


Yearly tax for groundwater discharge

Regulation 2/2006

Lombardia Region

Energy fee 55.

Dictionary of permitting and charging terms: English – Italian language

English term Italian term Remark

Declaration Dichiarazione

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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Provincial/Regional water license of water derivations and the related digging of wells for pumping / reinjection

Concessione Provinciale/Regionale di derivazione d’acqua e relativa escavazione pozzi di presa/resa

Recorded special use of water

Registrazione usi speciali delle acque

Water consent - Permesso di utilizzo - Concessione a

derivare - Concessione di

derivazione idrica

Water right a. Recorded special use b. Water license for water derivation

Diritto d’uso dell’acqua a. Registrazione usi speciali delle acque b. concessione d’uso dell’acqua derivata

Granted by: a. Governmental agency ISPRA b. Provincial/Regional authority; The pumping wells need to be authorized for the excavation; then after receiving the notice of completion of work, a concession of water derivation is granted pursuant to Decree 1775/1933. The derivation concession is granted for use in heat pump systems. The reinjection wells must be approved with a permit to discharge granted pursuant to Decree 152/2006. The discharged waste water is classified as “water industrial waste”.

Water fee / Water charge

Tariffa Canone demaniale (per l’uso delle acque pubbliche)

The payment takes into account the principle of reimbursement of cost for the water use (including pollution, abstraction and other pressures to water environment)


Concession fee Tariffa di concessione

National term / abbreviation Explanation

ISPRA Higher Institute for Research and Environmental Protection

PEAR Regional Energy & Environment Plan (it. Piano Energetico Ambientale Regionale)

PAN NREAP – National renewable energy action plan (it. Piano di Azione Nazionale per le energie rinnovabili)

PAES SEAP – Sustainable energy action plan (it. Piano d’azione per l’energia sostenibile)

PTCP Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan

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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


5 Switzerland

5.1 Levels of regulations in Switzerland


National legislation:

The deployment of NSGE in Switzerland is mainly regulated by the water protection legislation on the

national level. The individual cantons have to adopt the federal water protection law and decree

(introductory act, Einführungsgesetz), but are allowed to add specific requirements or regulations.

To provide a guideline for the federal and cantonal public authorities and to harmonize the execution

of the water protection law and decree, the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN (Bundesamt für

Umwelt BAFU) published two guidelines (Vollzugshilfen43/Wegleitungen44). The first publication

contains guidelines for the approval procedure/utilisation of NSGE (BAFU, 2009: Wärmenutzung aus

Boden und Untergrund – Vollzugshilfe für Behörden und Fachleute im Bereich Erdwärmenutzung).

The second one concentrates on the protection of groundwater (Wegleitung Grundwasserschutz,

BUWAL, 2004). These two guidelines are not officially binding for the cantons but are to a large

extent – adopted by the cantons. Most of the cantons published cantonal planning aids (guidelines)

or leaflets regarding the approval of NSGE which are based on the aforementioned BAFU (2009)


Overview on the national relevant publications (act, decree, guideline, standard)

Act: Bundesgesetz über den Schutz der Gewässer (GSchG; SR 814.2045);24. January 1991

Decree: Gewässerschutzverordnung (GSchV; SR 814.20146); 28. October 1998

Guideline: Vollzugshilfe – Wärmenutzung aus Boden und Untergrund (Bundesamt für

Umwelt BAFU 2009)

Technical Standard: Schweizer Norm – Erdwärmesonden SIA 384/647;1. January 2010

Technical Standard: Schweizer Norm – Grundwasserwärmenutzungen SIA 384/748;1. April


Cantonal legislation and legislation by municipalities:

The deployment of NSGE in Switzerland is also influenced by regulations of the building legislation,

which is regulated on the cantonal (regional) or even local (municipality) level. Therefore, there are

manifold solutions which can’t be described in this report. But the influence on the regulation of

NSGE is only minor. It is only relevant in respect to the minimum distance of vertical NSGE to

buildings (in some cases they can be located under the building, in other cases they need to have a


http://www.bafu.admin.ch/publikationen/publikation/01042/index.html?lang=de 44

http://www.bafu.admin.ch/publikationen/publikation/00378/index.html?lang=de 45

https://www.admin.ch/opc/de/classified-compilation/19910022/index.html 46

https://www.admin.ch/opc/de/classified-compilation/19983281/index.html 47

http://www.webnorm.ch/null/null/erdw%c3%a4rmesonden/D/Product 48


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specific distance) or neighbouring plots. Furthermore, the necessity of a building construction

approval depends on the canton resp. the municipality.

In contrast, the distance between vertical NSGE and the construction/dimensioning of groundwater

wells are given by recommendations on the national level (guideline BAFU, 2009 resp. technical

Standards SIA 384/6 and SIA 384/7).

The regulation of NSGE in areas with geological and hydrogeological challenges, e.g. artesian

aquifers, gas occurrences, karst area, contaminated or unstable soil, etc., is not standardized on the

national level. The national guideline (BAFU, 2009) lists these challenges and recommends the

individual cantons to formulate specific requirements or to forbid the installation.

For the thermal utilization of groundwater another cantonal legislation has to be considered: the

water utilization legislation (Wassernutzungsrecht: Gesetz/Verordnung). In the canton Graubünden,

Wallis and Tessin, the municipalities have the water rights.

Regulation level

1 2 3 4

NATIONAL “Schweizerische Bundesversammlung” Parliament

“Schweizerischer Bundesrat” Government

Offices: Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) “Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU)”

Societies: Swiss Society of engineers and architects “Schweizerischer Ingenieur und Architektenverein” SIA

Legal instrument

act (water protection)

decree (water protection)

indirect: act + decree guidelines (in respect to water protection) direct: Approval (water protection) of Federal projects

technical standard SIA

REGIONAL “Kantonsparlament” Parliament

“Regierungsrat” Government

Offices: Cantonal offices for the environment

Legal instrument

act (building act)

decree (building decree) decision

planning aid/ guideline leaflet decision approval (water protection)

LOCAL Municipalities

Legal instrument

building act, decree in canton Graubünden

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decision (building sector) approval (building sector)

Table 5. Dictionary of Legal instruments: English - Deutsch.

English term National term Remark

1. Act Gesetz binding on the national resp. cantonal level

2. Degree Verordnung binding on the national resp. cantonal level

3. Guidelines Vollzugshilfe, Wegleitung

not officially binding, but the national guidelines are (in general) adopted by the cantons. the guidelines (“Vollzugshilfen/Wegleitungen”) show how the national regulations should be implemented on the cantonal levels.

4. Planning aid Planungshilfe Weisung etc.

binding on the cantonal level different names in the individual cantons

5. Leaflet Merkblatt binding on the cantonal level

6. Technical standard Technische Schweizer Norm (SIA)

not officially binding, but (in general) adopted by the cantons

7. Decision Beschluss, Entscheid different names in the individual cantons

5.2 Near surface geothermal energy regulations in Switzerland

5.2.1 Implementation of NSGE application

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

drilling /excavating 1.below groundwater table

not allowed, allowed

for borehole heat exchangers (V) and horizontal heat exchangers not allowed allowed in case the aquifer is no drinking water reservoir and the groundwater is also no potential drinking water resource for the future NSGE – W and energy piles But not everywhere,

depends on the water protection zones

act decree


reinjection for NSGE-W 2. obligatory reinjection of water into the same aquifer (exceptions only when reinjection cannot be realized)

act, decree


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Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

minimum distance to 3.installations a. next building, b. drinking water well, c. other wells d. other public installations

obligatory a) the standard SIA 384/6 recommends to build NSGE-V next to buildings and to only construct the system below buildings when the space is limited the regulation depends on the individual canton

cantonal examples: Bern: 2 m Graubünden: not regulated Schwyz: not allowed below

buildings, distance not regulated

Tessin: not regulated Valais: not regulated b) no specific distances, it depends on the individual hydrogeological conditions c) + d) it is not allowed to impact other users; no specific distances are provided

standard SIA 384/6 planning aid Leaflet

national cantonal, municipality

minimum distance 4.between neighbouring NSGE installations a. heat exchanger or b. groundwater well

obligatory recommended in the standards and in general adopted by the cantons a) 5 m b) individual, large enough so

that they don’t interact (based on hydrogeological investigations/simulations)

standards a) SIA

384/6 b) SIA


national, cantonal

minimum distance to 5.neighbouring plot (property line)

obligatory depends on the canton resp. municipality In general 2.5 m (to guarantee minimum distance between two individual heat exchangers; see above) cantonal examples: Bern: 3 m (less with agreement of the neighbour) Graubünden: depends on the municipality, the canton recommends 2.5 m Schwyz: 2.5 m Tessin: 5% of the drilling length Valais: no minimum distance

cantonal, local

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Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

minimum distance 6.between pumping and reinjection site

obligatory depends on hydrogeological simulation

standard SIA 384/7

national, cantonal

temperature difference 7.of the reinjected water (W)

obligatory normally ±3 °C after mixing; can be more locally restricted to the injection well (100 m)

decree (water protection) guideline standard (SIA 384/7) planning aid leaflet

national, cantonal

temperature drop (H, 8.V) a. absolute allowed Tmin, b. absolute allowed Tmax, c. relative value describing

the accepted T between disturbed and ambient undisturbed temperature.

obligatory heating mode: Average minimal temperature of the heat carrier fluid -1.5 °C (difference between entry and exit of the BHE) not allowed to fall below defined boundary in 50 years of operation T at the entry/exit heat pump: 3-4 K cooling mode: max. allowed heat carrier fluid temperature depends on the materials of the BHE and back filling (must be guaranteed for 50 years of operation)

standard SIA 384/6


heat carrier fluid type 9. obligatory possible heat carrier fluid types are listed in Appendix 6 of the guideline BAFU, 2009. The cantons are allowed to permit other heat carrier fluid types, given that they doesn’t contain substances that could pollute water

guideline BAFU, 2009

National, cantonal

refrigerant type 10. obligatory if possible natural refrigerant; content of lubricating oil as low as possible

guideline BAFU, 2009


tightness – ground 11.loop and refrigerant tubing

obligatory should be tested in accordance with the technical standard SIA 384/6.

guideline BAFU, 2009, standard SIA 384/6


backfilling of BHE 12. obligatory requirements for the backfilling are described in the Appendix 7 of the guideline BAFU, 2009; further requirements in the standard SIA 384/6

guideline BAFU, 2009, standard SIA 384/6


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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument

Regulation level

liquidation procedure 13.after abandonment of NSGE installation a. heat pump b. heat exchanger

obligatory a) not regulated b) NSGE-V and H:

extraction of heat carrier fluid, cleaning and complete backfilling NSGE-W: complete backfilling

guideline BAFU, 2009


monitoring 14. recommended NSGE-V and H: pressure monitoring of the heat carrier fluid system to detect possible leakages NSGE-W: periodic control of the wells

guideline BAFU, 2009


5.2.2 Installation of NSGE in special geological conditions

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


artesian aquifers 15. recommended not allowed or allowed with specific requirements

not regulated on the national level, but the guideline recommends to regulate it on a cantonal level as not allowed cantonal examples: Bern: not allowed Graubünden: partly allowed: needs

additional investigations and eventually requirements

Schwyz: possibly allowed after additional investigations and with depth limitation

Tessin: not allowed Valais: warning message based on

current geological knowledge: either additional investigations or limitation of the drilling depth

guideline BAFU, 2009 planning aid, leaflet

national cantonal

very shallow water 16.table where reinjection can be problematic

not regulated

perched 17.groundwater layers

not regulated

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two or multiple 18.aquifer layers

recommended not allowed

NSGE-V: should in general not be allowed NSGE-W: water should not be modified, therefore it is not allowed to drill through (and utilise) two or more aquifer layers NSGE-V: not allowed NSGE-W: cantonal examples: Bern: not allowed Graubünden: not allowed Schwyz: not regulated Tessin: not allowed Valais: not allowed

guideline BAFU, 2009

National, cantonal

mineral water 19.resources

not regulated not specifically regulated but treated like groundwater resources

thermal water 20.resources

not regulated not specifically regulated but treated like groundwater resources

gas occurrences 21. recommended not allowed or allowed with specific requirements

not regulated on the national level, but the guideline recommends to regulate it on a cantonal level as not allowed or allowed with specific requirements cantonal examples: Bern: not allowed Graubünden: not allowed Schwyz: possibly allowed after

additional investigations and with depth limitation

Tessin: not allowed Valais: warning message, additional

investigations, limitation of the drilling depth

guideline BAFU, 2009 planning aid, leaflet

national cantonal

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unstable ground 22.a. compressible soil b. landslide c. evaporate (with the risk of swelling / dissolution)

recommended not allowed or allowed with specific requirements

not regulated on the national level, but the guideline recommends to regulate it on a cantonal level as not allowed or allowed with specific requirements cantonal examples: Bern: not allowed (in special cases

(very few) allowed with specific requirements after additional investigations)

Graubünden: not allowed Schwyz: possibly allowed after

additional investigations and with depth limitation

Tessin: not allowed Valais: warning message based on

current geological knowledge: either additional investigations or limitation of the drilling depth

guideline BAFU, 2009 planning aid, leaflet

national cantonal

contaminated soil 23. recommended not allowed or allowed with specific requirements

not regulated on the national level, but the guideline recommends to regulate it on a cantonal level as not allowed or allowed with specific requirements cantonal examples: Bern: not allowed Graubünden: not allowed Schwyz: possibly allowed after

additional investigations Tessin: not allowed Valais: not allowed

guideline BAFU, 2009 planning aid, leaflet

national cantonal

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karst areas 24. recommended not allowed or allowed with specific requirements

not regulated on the national level, but the guideline recommends to regulate it on a cantonal level as not allowed or allowed with specific requirements cantonal examples: Bern: not allowed Graubünden: not allowed Schwyz: possibly allowed after

additional investigations and with depth limitation

Tessin: not allowed Valais: warning message based on current geological knowledge: either additional investigations or limitation of the drilling depth

guideline BAFU, 2009 planning aid, leaflet

national cantonal

5.2.3 Installation of NSGE on protected areas or natural risk zones

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


water protection area 25.(WPA)

not allowed, allowed

groundwater protection zones S1,2,3, Sh, Sm: S1, S2 and Sh: not allowed S3, Sm: NSGE-H, energy piles and thermo-active elements only allowed under specific conditions

act, decree national

natura 2000 area 26. not regulated

nature protected 27.ecosystem area

not regulated

flood and erosion 28.areas

not regulated

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Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


water protection area 25.(WPA)

not allowed, allowed

groundwater protection zones S1,2,3, Sh, Sm: S1, S2 and Sh: not allowed S3, Sm: NSGE-H, energy piles and thermo-active elements only allowed under specific conditions

act, decree national

natura 2000 area 26. not regulated

landslide area 29. not regulated not allowed or allowed with specific requirements

not regulated on the national level, but the guideline recommends to regulate it on a cantonal level as not allowed or allowed with specific requirements Bern: not allowed (in special

cases (very few) allowed with specific requirements after additional investigations)

Graubünden: not allowed Schwyz: possibly allowed after

additional investigations Tessin: not allowed Valais: warning message based on current geological knowledge: either additional investigations or limitation of the drilling depth

guideline BAFU, 2009 planning aid, leaflet

national cantonal

riparian / coastal zone 30. regulated NSGE in general possible in densely populated zones

decree national

Other areas 31.a. … b. …

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GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


5.2.4 Public services for NSGE applications49

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


NSGE (GSHP) 32.objectives a. national (in NREAP


b. regional (in REAP51


c. local (in PTCP52


d. municipal

not regulated there are no specific objectives in the Swiss energy strategy 2015 and the corresponding new act. NSGE are indirectly considered by the objective to reduce the energy consumption per person until 2035 to 43% compared to the year 2000

act national

Subsidies 33. not regulated, obligatory

many cantons and some municipalities provide financial subsidies for heat pumps, in a few cases there are tax incentives; In general, the prerequisite to achieve the subsidy is the quality label “Wärmepumpen-System-Modul”

decision cantonal, local

Insurance system 34. not regulated, recommended

there is no insurance system for investments, all other insurances are recommended, but not organized systematically: - Drilling insurance (drilling

company); - principal's liability

insurance - artesian aquifer insurance

planning aid, leaflets

cantonal, local

49 Information asked in the table "public services for NSGE applications" is to describe how planning

tools in the framework of public services are regulated. This could be:

1. Planning: via setting the objectives (for example, in national renewable resources energy plans) regulating subsidies and insurance system for investments 2. Providing evidences (of natural resources, energy use,…) to support planning in the general interest as well as stimulate the effectiveness of investment by providing good data of natural resources to designers, installers, and investors 3. Reducing bad practices by providing availability of information on natural resources and by providing education/certification schemes... It is all about regulation of financial and mainly non-financial incentives concerning NSGE.

50 https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/dir_2009_0028_action_plan_italy.zip. Specific targets for renewable energy for heating purposes


51 Regional Energy Action Plan.

52 Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan.

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Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Certification 35.a. professionals b. organization

obligatory, recommended

according to the national water protection act , the person who plans, constructs, modifies and controls NSGE must have the knowledge, experience etc. to guarantee the state-of-the-art the important Swiss institution in respect of certification (and quality labels) is the Swiss heat pump association (“Fachvereinigung Wärmepumpen Schweiz, FWS)”

act national

Borehole drilling report 36. obligatory yes, done by the machine operator

guideline BAFU, 2009, standard SIA 384/6


Pumping test report 37. obligatory yes, necessary for the approval, concession the exploration well and pumping tests need a separate approval

guideline BAFU, 2009


38.a. Thermal response test


b. Report on impact on the underground temperature

not regulated

Reception of borehole 39.by the investor

not regulated this aspect is not regulated, but is considered by the quality label “Wärmepumpen-System-Modul”

Water pumping data 40.periodic report

recommended / obligatory

every 14 days

sum groundwater quantity (m3)

current groundwater flow (m3/h)

current temperatures before and after heat pump, difference in K

standard SIA 384/7


Heat energy 41.

production data periodic

report from NSGE

obligatory annual Swiss geothermal statistics

Register of heat pumps 42. Obligatory heat pump statistics

Register/Evidence of 43.heat exchanger

not regulated

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Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


Register/Evidence of 44.NSGE production

obligatory heat pump statistics

Register/Evidence of 45.drilling data

obligatory all cantons have a register of drilling data; sometimes publicly available in the Internet Bern: yes Graubünden: yes Schwyz: yes Tessin: yes Valais: yes

Register/Evidence of 46.geothermal data

obligatory annual Swiss geothermal statistics

Register/Evidence of 47.groundwater abstraction

all cantons have a register of groundwater abstraction; In some cantons publicly available maps for NSGE-W Bern: no Graubünden: yes Schwyz: yes Tessin: yes Valais: no

5.2.5 Permitting and charging procedures for NSGE applications

Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


research/drilling 48.permit

obligatory approval in the context of the water protection legislation

guideline BAFU, 2009


declaration / recorded 49.special use of water

not required

water consent 50. obligatory declaration during the approval, concession procedure; normally on a regional (cantonal) level, in Graubünden local level (municipality)

decree cantonal, local

water permit 51. partly obligatory

in many cases a concession is necessary

act, decree

cantonal, local

water fee 52. obligatory in most cases yes (depends on the quantity of water used and/or if special rights from former times can be claimed (“ehehafte Rechte”) it is sometimes called “water fee”, sometimes “concession fee” (depending on the canton)

decree cantonal, local

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Regulation element Legal regulation

Legislative conditions Legal instrument


concession 53. partly obligatory

sometimes an approval is enough (depends on the quantity of water used)

act, decree

cantonal, local

royalty / concession 54.fee

in most cases obligatory, not required

NSGE-W: in most cases obligatory NSGE-V and H: not required

act, Decree

cantonal, local

energy fee 55. not required

Dictionary of permitting and charging terms: English – National language

English term National term Remark

water right a. water permit c. concession

Wassernutzungsrecht a) Bewilligung b) Konzession

water fee / water charge


royalty Abgaben

concession fee Konzessionsgebühren

National term / abbreviation Explanation

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6 Slovenia

6.1 Levels of regulations in Slovenia

Regulation level 1 2 3 4



Legal instrument 1. Constitution

2. Act

3. Decree 4. Rules

5. Standard

6. Technical guidance

7. Decision

8. Approval

9. Guidelines



Legal instrument - 1. Decision

2. Approval


Legal instrument 1. Ordinance

Table 6. Dictionary of Legal instruments: English - Slovene.

English term Slovene term Remark

Act 1. Zakon Binding on the country level

Decree 2. Uredba Binding on the country level

Rules 3. Pravilnik Binding on the country level

Standard 4. Standard Binding on the country level

Voluntary standard 5. Prostovoljni standard Not binding

Technical guidance 6. Tehnične smernice Not binding

Ordinance 7. Odlok Binding on the municipal level

Decision 8. Odločba / Sklep Binding

Approval 9. Potrdilo / Odobritev Binding

Guidelines 10. Navodila Not binding

Act (sl. Zakon) is a general legal instrument, in the order of rank directly under the constitution and

superior to other general legal instruments (http://www.evroterm.gov.si/, Slovenski pravni leksikon).

The main Acts referenced in this Deliverable are Energy Act, Waters Act, Mining Act, Construction

Act, Nature Conservation Act and Environmental Protection Act.

Decree (sl. Uredba) is a general legal instrument, enacted by the highest executive authority

(government) on the basis of the Constitution or the Act (Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika).

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6.2 Near surface geothermal energy regulations in Slovenia

6.2.1 Implementation of NSGE application

Regulation element Legal


Legislative conditions Legal




Drilling /excavating 1.below groundwater table

W, V: Allowed If D > 30 m or WPA: research

permit for drillings is required.

W: if D>50m: construction design has to be submitted to obtain the research permit W: if D>300m: revised mining

design has to be submitted to

obtain the research permit

Waters Act

(A. 115)


Reinjection for 2.NSGE-W

Obligatory If only heat is abstracted from

abstracted water.

Waters Act

(A. 7, 125)

Mining Act

(A. 2)


Minimum distance to 3.installations a. next building,

b. drinking water well,

c. other uses wells

d. other public installations

Obligatory Agreement of the competent

body responsible for the

waterworks, sewage systems,

transport, heating networks,

telecommunications, etc. is



n Act

(A. 74.a)


Minimum distance 4.between neighboring NSGE installations a. heat exchanger or b. groundwater well

Not regulated

Minimum distance to 5.neighboring plot (property line)

Obligatory a. If L < 1.5 m: written consent

of neighboring land owners.

b. e.g. Municipality of Cerkno:

-for construction such as a

boreholes: if L < 0.5 or for wells

D > 50 m: if L < 4 m then written

argument and written consent

of neighboring land owners.



n Act (A.


b. Municipal




of Cerkno,




spatial plan

(A. 52)54

a. National

b. Local


Municipal ordinance of the area specific building code

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Regulation element Legal


Legislative conditions Legal




Minimum distance 6.between pumping and reinjection site



L ≥ 25 m

Extraction well upstream of the

injection well.

Mining Act

(A. 2)




Temperature difference 7.of the reinjected water (W)

Not regulated56

Temperature drop (H, 8.V) a. absolute allowed Tmin, b. absolute allowed Tmax, c. relative value describing

the accepted T between disturbed and ambient undisturbed temperature.

Not regulated57

Heat carrier fluid type 9. Standard58 EU

Refrigerant type 10. Standard59 EU

Tightness – ground 11.loop and refrigerant tubing

Obligatory Tightness of the circuit shall be

checked, tested in accordance

with standards.60


UL 41/1061

(A. 6)


Backfilling of BHE 12. Not regulated

Liquidation procedure 13.after abandonment of NSGE installation a. heat pump b. heat exchanger

Obligatory If containing ozone depleting

substances or fluorinated

greenhouse gases m > 3 kg and

if not active more than 12



UL 41/1061

(A. 9)


54 UL RS, No. 28/2013 Odlok o občinskem prostorskem načrtu Občine Cerkno, 55

The extraction well shall be situated upstream of the injection well if the heat pump is only used for heating purposes (SIST EN 15450:2007, p. 11). Separation distances between bore holes must be adequate and according to local regulations (SIST EN 15450:2007, p. 29). 56

The temperature difference between supply and return temperature is typically between 3 K and 4 K for small systems. Larger systems may operate with larger temperature differences. (SIST EN 15450:2007, p. 25) 57

H: The temperature drop between the return temperature of the heat exchange medium and the undisturbed ground temperature, during continuous operation, shall not be of such extent that technical problems arise during operation. A typical value for Central Europe is 12 K. (SIST EN 15450). V: The temperature drop between the return temperature of the heat exchange medium and the undisturbed ground temperature (i.e. 10 m depth), during continuous operation, shall not be of such extent that technical problems arise during operation. A typical value for Central Europe is 11 K. (SIST EN 15450). 58

Regulation (EU) No 842/2006, Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009. 59

Regulation (EU) No 842/2006, Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009, SIST EN 378-1:2008, SIST EN 378-2:2008, SIST EN 378-3:2008. 60

e.g. SIST EN 15450:2007, EN 378-1… 61

Decree on the use of products and equipment containing ozone depleting substances or fluorinated greenhouse gases (Ul RS, No. 41/10).

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal


Legislative conditions Legal




Monitoring 14. a. W:


b. V, H:


a. V, Q, H, T

If P < 16 kW (1 l/s, 12,000 m3/y):

only volume flow meter and V

(m3/y) is required.

a. Rules62

UlRS 48/15





a. National

b. EU

6.2.2 Installation of NSGE in special geological conditions

Regulation element Legal


Legislative conditions Legal



Artesian aquifers 15. Not regulated

Very shallow water 16.table where reinjection can be problematic

Not regulated

Perched 17.groundwater layers

Not regulated

Two or multiple 18.aquifer layers

Not regulated

Mineral water 19.resources

Not regulated

Thermal water 20.resources

Not regulated

Gas occurrences 21. Not allowed If hydrocarbons could be present. Mining Act

(A. 5)


Unstable ground 22.a. compressible soil b. landslide c. evaporate (with the risk of swelling / dissolution)

Not regulated

Contaminated soil 23. Not regulated

Karst area 24. Not regulated


Rules on the recorded special use of water (Ul RS, No. 48/15), Waters Act (A.125, 127). 63

Operational parameters shall be controlled during commissioning and be periodically monitored in the normal running phase of the heating system. In addition, measurement and recording of operational parameters can be used to calculate the energy performance of the heat pump in operation during a certain period of time. These respective parameters are the feed and return temperatures of the heat source and heat sink, the electrical power consumption and the volume flow rate (or heat meter readings) (SIST EN 15450).

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


6.2.3 Installation of NSGE on protected areas or natural risk zones

Regulation element Legal


Legislative conditions Legal



Water protection area 25.(WPA)

Not allowed64 If WPA II or WPA III: could

exceptionally be allowed by

Water consent, granted based

on the risk analysis.





Natura 2000 area 26. Not allowed Could be conditionally allowed

by the Nature conservation

consent based on impact


Decision National65

Nature protected 27.ecosystem area

Not allowed Could be conditionally allowed

by the Nature conservation

consent based and impact


Decision National

Flood and erosion 28.areas

Not allowed Could be conditionally allowed

by the Water consent based on

risk assessment.66


(by DRSV)



Landslide area 29. Not allowed Could be conditionally allowed

by the Water consent.


(by DRSV)



Riparian / coastal zone 30. Not allowed Could be conditionally allowed

by the Water consent.


(by DRSV)



Other areas 31.a. …

b. …


The regulation has to be defined in the individual Decree for the certain water resource and WPA (Rules on criteria for the designation of a water protection zone, Annex 1; Ul RS, No. 15/16). In the Decrees or Ordinances that are currently in force, typically not allowed in the WPA I, II and exceptionally allowed in the WPA II, III. 65

Ministry is granting the Nature conservation consent (Nature Conservation Act (A.105 (4)), (Ul RS, No. 96/04 – official consolidated text, 61/06 – ZDru-1, 8/10 – ZSKZ-B in 46/14)) 66

Decree on conditions and limitations for constructions and activities on flood risk areas (A. 6, An. 1) (Ul RS, No. 89/08). 67

Waters Act (A. 150-153)

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


6.2.4 Public services for NSGE applications

Regulation element Legal


Legislative conditions Legal



NSGE (GSHP) 32.objectives a. national (NREAP)

b. regional

c. local (LEC…)

a. obligatory




a. and b. Definition of objectives

for NSGE “geothermal energy

from heat pumps”.68

a. 2010 / 4 ktoe / 38 ktoe / 2020


c. differently (The rule require

that municipalities formulate

their LEC in line with the NREAP

objectives) [3]

Energy Act

(A. 28, 29 -

LEC, A. 506


b. Rules69




Subsidies 33. Obligatory a) if s > 200 % (W-W) or s > 170 % (B-W)70: favorable loans /

only for households grants

(non-refundable funds)

b) in some municipalities:

grants according to specific


Energy Act

(A. 316),





Insurance system 34. Not regulated

Certification 35.a. professionals

b. organization

Not required Energy Act

(A. 359)




Only heat pumps for which SPF > 1.15 * 1/η shall be taken into account (Commission Decision 2013/114/EU). [1]

NREAP 2010-2020, http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/an_ove/an-ove_eng.pdf. Definition of objectives for NSGE “geothermal energy from heat pumps”. [2]

Only heat pumps for which SPF > 1.15 * 1/η shall be taken into account (Commission Decision 2013/114/EU). [3]

Rules on the methodology and mandatory content of local energy concepts 69

Rules on the methodology and mandatory content of local energy concepts (Ul RS, No. 74/09, 3/11 in 17/14 – EZ-1). 70

s - COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 813/2013 of 2 August 2013 implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of

the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for space heaters and combination heaters http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32013R0813&from=EN; (Javni poziv 37SUB-OB16 Nepovratne finančne spodbude občanom za nove naložbe rabe obnovljivih virov energije in večje energijske učinkovitosti stanovanjskih stavb 04.03.2016).


Financial resources defined in the Decree on energy savings requirements (Ul RS, No. 96/14), Energy Act (A. 317). 72

Rules on the promotion of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, (Ul RS, No. 89/08, 25/09, 58/12 and 17/14 – EZ-1) 73

Decree on the professional training and examination of professional competence required for fitters of installations using renewable energy sources (Ul RS, No. 20/13 in 17/14 – EZ-1).

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Regulation element Legal


Legislative conditions Legal



Borehole drilling report 36. Obligatory Only licensed applications

(subject liable for research

permit and water right).

Waters Act



UlRS 79/07


Pumping test report 37. Obligatory Only licensed applications (W –

Research permit, Water right


Waters Act



Thermal response test 38.report

Not regulated

Reception of borehole 39.by the investor

Recommended Standard



, p. 24)


Water pumping data 40.periodic report

Obligatory Only licensed applications (W –

Water right holders) – it is

defined in the Decision of

granted license, how, where

what and frequency has to be

measured and reported.


(by DRSV)


Heat energy 41.production data periodic report from NSGE

Not regulated

Register of heat pumps 42. Defined Only subsidized applications

Access: Public – free viewer

Data management: Eco Fund76

Register of heat 43.exchanger

Not regulated

Register of NSGE 44.production

Obligatory Only sum of geothermal energy

from heat pumps – 2-years

progress on national level.

Energy Act

(A.28 (7))


Register of drilling data 45. Not regulated

Register of geothermal 46.data

Not regulated

Register of 47.groundwater abstraction

Obligatory if Water consent or Water right

is granted

Access: Public – restricted

Data management: DRSV

Rules 77

UlRS 10/12



Rules on the content of application for acquireing water permit and on the content of application for acquireing groundwater research permit (Ul RS, No. 79/07) 75

Rules on the recorded special use of water (Ul RS, No. 48/15) 76

Register of subsidiezed RES and energy restoration interventions, including also NSGE (http://www.engis.si/portal.html) 77

Rules on Water Book (Ul RS, No. 10/12), Waters Act (A.108).

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


6.2.5 Permitting and charging procedures for NSGE applications

Regulation element Legal


Legislative conditions Legal



Research/drilling 48.permit

Obligatory if WPA or D > 30 m Decision78

(by DRSV)


Declaration / Recorded 49.special use of water

Obligatory if NSGE-W < 16 kW Approval 79

(by DRSV)


Water consent 50. Obligatory if NSGE-W and

if WPA or PA

(proof/statement that there will

be no unacceptable impact)

Decision 80

(by DRSV)

National /


Water permit 51. Obligatory if NSGE-W > 16 kW or in WPA79 Decision81

(by DRSV)


Water fee 52. Obligatory 0,974 €/MWh82

if NSGE-W and

if heat abstraction > 10 MWh/y

Waters Act

(A. 124)83





Concession 53. Obligatory if thermal water is used Tw ≥ 20

°C 85

Decree for




Royalty / concession 54.fee

Obligatory if thermal water is used T ≥ 20


Decree for




Energy fee 55. Not required

Dictionary of permitting and charging terms: English - Slovene.

English term Slovene term Remark

Declaration Priglasitev


Rules on the content of application for acquireing water permit and on the content of application for acquireing groundwater research permit (Ul RS, No. 79/07) (construction design for borehole or well has to be enclosed in the submission to the authority), Waters Act (A.115). 79

Rules on the recorded special use of water (Ul RS, No. 48/15), Waters Act (A.125, 127). 80

Rules on the content of applications for acquireing project conditions and conditions for other land use and on the content of applicatons for acquireing water consent (UL RS, No. 25/09), Waters Act (A.150-153). 81

Rules on the content of application for acquireing water permit and on the content of application for acquireing groundwater research permit (Ul RS, No. 79/07), Waters Act (A.115). 82

Decision determining the amount of water charge basis for the use of water, alluvial deposits and water areas for 2016 (Ul RS, No. 106/15). 83

Decision determining the amount of water charge basis for the use of water, alluvial deposits and water areas for 2015 (Ul RS, No. 64/14). 84

Decree on the water fee (Ul RS, No. 103/02 and 122/07). 85

Waters Act (A.7, 136)

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D2.1.1 – Annex 3: NSGE regulations by countries

GRETA is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. See more about GRETA at www.alpine-space.eu/projects/greta.


Recorded special use

of water

Evidentirana posebna

raba vode

Water consent Vodno soglasje

Water right

a. Recorded special use b. Water permit c. Concession

Vodna pravica

a. Evidentirana

posebna raba

b. Vodno dovoljenje

c. Koncesija

Granted by

a. Governmental agency DRSV

Water fee / Water


Vodno povračilo the payment taking into account the principle of

reimbursement of cost for the water use (including

pollution, abstraction and other pressures to water


Royalty Licenčnina

Concession fee Koncesnina

Slovene term / abbreviation Explanation

DRSV Slovenian Water Agency - governmental agency, a body affiliated to

the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning (sl. Direkcija

Republike Slovenije za vode)

AN OVE NREAP – National renewable energy action plan (sl. Akcijski načrt za

obnovljive vire energije)

LEK LEC – Local energy concept (sl. Lokalni energetski koncept)

ACER Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

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