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John Maxwell

Vice President -

President Elect

Steve Suiter

Vice President

Steve Fahrenkrog


Glen Keppy


Steve Fahrenkrog


Tom Messer

Past President -


Becky Bray

Board Members


Julia Blazevic

Chris Connolly

Paul Kalainoff

Glen Keppy


Adam Kerns

Jeremy Kaiser

Margo McInnis

Paul Seelau

Execu#ve Secretary

Dennis Peterson [email protected]

Vol. No. 40 No, 27 www.northsco.rotary.org; E-mail [email protected] Date July 18, 2012

Davenport, Iowa

North Scott Rotary’s Newest member

Terrye Isbell Kishiue Terrye Isbell-Kishiue joined North Sco. Rotary on Friday, July 13. Her

sponsor is Jody Johnston-Mohr. Terrye is currently a Realtor with Ruhl

and Ruhl. She has two grown children and enjoys her grandchildren very much. She has served

on various commi.ees with Genesis and therefore became friends with Jody. Jody says that

Terrye will be an asset to the club. She has already volunteered at the Moonlight Chase and will

serve on the Rotary Golf commi.ee and social commi.ee. Please take ;me to welcome Terrye.

Dougal Nelson Habitat for Humanities North Scott Rotary Member

Dougal Nelson, and his wife Pam of 31 years, are both lifelong residents of the Quad Cities. After

graduating from Western Illinois University, Dougal went on to become Vice President of Sales at

Isabel Bloom for many years. Driven by memories of his childhood years, his passion for the com-

munity, and wanting to give back, Dougal decided in late 2011 to leave Isabel Bloom and pursue a

career in helping those less fortunate. Dougal had previously volunteered at the Red Cross, Junior

Achievement and for Habitat for Humanity. Having witnessed what a community can do for those

in need, it seemed like a natural fit for him to be closer to the missions he so believed in. In No-

vember 2011, Dougal accepted the position as Director of Development with Habitat for Humanity

Quad Cities. His goals are widespread; however, eliminating generational poverty is most im-

portant to Dougal.

Habitat for Humanity is a Christian based organization dedicated to eliminating poverty housing.

Serving low income, working families who earn 30% to 60% of the median income average, Habi-

tat has helped 75 families realize the dream of home ownership since 1993 in the QC’s. Families

are selected into the program based on need, willingness to partner, and the ability to pay a mort-

gage. Owning a home gives families a sense of dignity and pride, and provides safety and security.

Did you know that children of home owners…

have a 25% greater chance of graduating from high school.

are twice as likely to go on to higher education.

are 60% less likely to give birth as an unmarried teen.

are 50% less likely to be idle or dependent on welfare.

Habitat for Humanity is better communities, neighbors helping neighbors, new lights shining in

windows once darkened by blight. It’s a street reclaimed from abandonment or floodwaters, a block

rebuilt after a tornado or an economic tremor. It’s a house built in joy and dedicated with love. It’s

happening in our community and it’s waiting for YOU!


Last Week – Davenport Youth Corps – July 13, 2012

Dana and Devonta, students with the Davenport Youth Corps, gave an informa;ve program on the organiza;on

which helps high school age disadvantaged youth, learn to be successful and prepare for college. Their sponsor,

Riley Vaughn was also a guest of the club. Dana and Devonta both struggled with the first two years of high

school, but have both recently graduated. When a student enters the program, they are required to do 300

hours of community service and a.end numerous training sessions. They pick an area of interest and the adult

volunteers; help place them into a suitable “job type” situa;on. These 2 students are both interested in commu-

nica;ons and prepared the video and power point used at the club mee;ng.

Sixty one a.ended on Friday, including Be.endorf Rotarian, Todd Ashby and Joan Richards, guest of John Max-

well. Paul Holzworth and his wife, Marguerite, on the piano, led the club in song. John donated a case of peach-

es to con;nue raising money for polio. $54 was received for the peaches and $20 for the July Birthday cake. Jim

Smith was the sergeant and collected $67 in fine money. He had $1 fines for just about everyone in the club. $40

went to the educa;on fund in honor of Brad Burt’s new daughter, Eden Olivia, and for Jim Koehler’s grandson,

who just completed his second year of medical school.

Mikel insisted the best part of his trip was a ride (driving) a combine with John Maxwell. In case you did not rec-

ognize Mikel, he received a BUZZ during his trip.

Mikel Ursua Alonso

Exchange Student

from Vigo Spain

2012 Mikel visited us one last ;me before

he returned to Spain. He has just

finished a 8000 mile 30 day trip

around the US ending in Washington

DC, New York City, Chicago and

home. He profusely thanked the

club and his Host Parents Sco. &

Dixie Kurtz, and vowed to come

back to visit.

Good Luck Mikel in all of your future

journeys, and your life.

John Deere Classic Participation

Hole 16 Sponsors North Scott Rotary &

Iowa Quad Cities

Gold Sponsor North Scott Rotary

Bill Tubbs, Jim Rastrelli, Tom Robinson,

former NS Rotary Presidents and Loren

Rickard represented our club along with

others, Seth Porter, Patrick Olsen, and Tom


Governor, Rotary District 6000

Terry Geiger, Leon, IA

Ass’t Governor

Doug Peterson, Be.endorf, IA

Monday, Noon ........................... Clinton, Rastrelli’s Restaurant, Lyons

Monday, Noon ................... Davenport Ou;ng Club, 2109 N. Brady St.

Monday, 12:10 pm ......... Musca;ne, Hotel Musca;ne 101 W. Miss Dr

Monday, 12:15 pm ................ Moline, Christ The King Catholic Church

Monday, 6:00 pm ........... Quad Ci;es Illinois, Arbor Village Clubhouse

Tuesday, 7:15 am ..... River Ci;es, Brothers Restaurant, Rapids City, IL

Tuesday, noon .................................. Rock Island, QC Botanical Center

Wednesday Noon ..................................... Be.endorf, Fortune Garden

Wednesday, Noon ....................... Tipton, Cedar Lanes Red Pin Lounge

Wednesday, 4:30 pm .... Ridgecrest, 4134 Northwest Blvd, Davenport

Wednesday 5:00 pm ...................... Davenport Mini-Meet at Lunardi’s

Thursday, 7:00 am................ Iowa Quad Ci;es, The Lodge, Be.endorf

Thursday, 12:15 pm ...... East Moline, Christ United Methodist Church

Thursday, Noon ...................................... Milan, Pinnacle Country Club

Friday Noon ......................... North Sco., Steeplegate Inn, Davenport.

Friday, July 20: Member Vocational Program: Dougal

Nelson; Habitat for Humanity.

Thursday, July 26: Annual Corn Boil at the Mississippi

Valley Fairgrounds. Serving will start at 6:00 P.M. Please sign up to attend. Members are free, guests $10 each. Children under 10: Free. John Maxwell & Glen Keppy Co-Chairs.

Friday, July 27: NO meeting, Corn Boil is meeting of the


July 31-August 5: Mississippi Valley Fair: Club is work-

ing the East Center Gate 9 AM to 6 PM EVERY DAY!! Extra help will be needed on Friday night, August 3.

Friday, August 3: Program: Michele Allison: Juan Diez

Rancheros (Horse Therapy): Adam Kerns, Host. August Birthdays Celebrated.

Friday, August 10: Regular meeting. Steve Suiter pre-


Thursday, August 16: 7:00 A.M. Board Meeting @

Steeplegate (Note: Date change, one week later).

Friday, August 17: Regular Meeting.

Friday, August 24: Regular Meeting.

Friday, August 31: NO Meeting: Holiday weekend.

Friday, September 7: Regular Meeting. September

birthdays celebrated. Steve Suiter presiding.

Thursday, September 13: 7:00 A.M. Board Meeting @


Friday, September 14: Golf Outing (in place of regular

meeting) Springbrook Country Club, DeWitt, IA

Friday, September 28: 10:30 A.M. Special Olympics

Bowling Skills at Miller Time Bowling.

Thursday, October 25: Annual Auction at the Mississip-

pi Valley Fairgrounds. Jim Koehler, Chairman. It is NOT too early to start collecting donations. Thank you.

July 3: Bill Tubbs: Rotary Club of West Seattle, WA July 9: Nancy Glawe: Rotary Club of Davenport July 9: Bill Tubbs: Rotary Club of Clinton, IA July 10: Merle Anderson: Estes Park Sunrise Rotary Club, Estes Park, CO July 11: Kim Wilkins, Loren Rickard, Mike Thavenet, Greg Schaapveld: Mulching Eldridge Flower Beds July 12: Merle Anderson: Estes Park Rotary Club, Estes Park, CO July 12: John Maxwell, Steve Suiter, Steve Fahrenkrog, Glen Keppy, Tom Messer, Dennis Peterson, Becky Bray, Julia Blazevic, Paul Kalainoff, Adam Kerns, Jeremy Kaiser, Paul Seelau, Bill Tubbs: Board of directors meeting July 13: Dougal Nelson: Rotary Eclub July 13: John Maxwell, Dennis Peterson, Leroy Paustian, Rich Golinghorst, Jack Schinckel, Bob Bainter, Nathan Kessler, Scott Case, Loren Rickard, Paul Holzworth, Anita Wubbena: Corn Boil Committee Meeting July 14: Todd Gullickson: Rotary Eclub

July 20: Set up/tear down: Glen Keppy; Greeters: Walter Bredbeck & Fred Mulch; Song Leader: Kelly Meyer; Piano: Lori Potts; Invocation: Steve Powell; Sergeant: Cody Allen July 26: Corn Boil: Invocation: John Pheiffer July 27: No Friday Meeting August 3: Set up/tear down: Dougal Nelson; Greeters: Jerry Coussens & Dougal Nelson; Song Leader: Steve Powell; Piano: Nancy Schmidt; Invocation: Jim Koehler; Sergeant: Brad Burt August 10: Set up/tear down: Greg Schaapveld; Greeters: Rich Horst & Pat Olsen; Song Leader: Angela Reese; Pi-ano: Ron May; Invocation: Paul Holzworth; Sergeant: Kelly Meyer August 17: Set up/tear down: Jim Smith; Greeters: Dick Cole & Leroy Paustian; Song Leader: Jan Trimble; Piano: Terri Sager; Invocation: Scott Case; Sergeant: John Max-well August 24: Set up/tear down: Don Brandt; Greeters: Chris Connolly & Bill Puck: Song Leader: Mike Thavenet; Piano: Jonathan Turner; Invocation: Adam Kerns; Sergeant: Pat-rick Olsen August 31: NO Meeting

Rotary Interna#onal President

Kalyan Banerjee, India

Make ups available at nearby Rotary Clubs




The 4 Way Test

Of the things we THINK SAY or DO

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?

3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER


4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Corn Boil 2012


Shi8s -


Task Volunteers

8:00 a.m. Corn Pickers Everyone

4:30 p.m. Greeters 1.) Dennis Peterson

4:30 p.m. Beverage (soda, pop,


1.) Dennis Peterson

Morning Pickup Beer 1.)Leroy Paus;an

4:30 p.m. Food prepara;on 1.)Rich Golinghorst

2.)Jack Schinckel

3.)Elza Sager


5:00 p.m. Beverage Monitor 1.Rick Dywiak

5:00 p.m. Table Setup

1.)Tom Messer

2.)Bob Bainter

5:45 p.m. Servers

1.)Brad Burt

2.)Gene Meyer

3.) Nathan Kessler

4.) Seth Porter

5:45 p.m. Food Runners

1.)Jerry Coussens

2.)Todd Gullickson

3.)Patrick Olson

4.) Dougal Nelson

4:30 p.m.

Corn Boilers

1.)Glen Keppy

2.)Mike Auliff

3.)Sco. Case

4.)Mike Thavenet

5.)Eric Langan

6.)Loren Rickard

Early aPer-


Tank food / Runner /

ice cream

1.Paul Holzworth

4:30 p.m. Pork Producer Helpers

1.)Rich Golinghorst

2.)Jack Schinckel

4:30 Dessert Server 1.)Anita Wubbena


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