+ All Categories
Page 1: Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1855-09-08 [p ]...the(wacera, ewfwill al«» recede alll the deb:,due to the concern. Richmond, 4th August, 1&W. ~ I with pleasure recommend to my

r itfc l>Af* « ttt&rn I V*'\u25a0atoroat MORStwo

It fc*r** ,ur,fr'" 1to*


AUmrnt-*«*» g- ?n n fmiM B Baoaar Mln EHi«

KnKE??-££££? Mr£srrISSSA- 5-^-TfrBMkal HH'TN cBo» Ml- J

CoallWMraA.niaWri22TMi?cU<ella Carter Mra Laviaia VCiwmt g'ggy Carter MriFrancesCraosp Mrs rk . Mrs KmmaCm«» M» Barab B

c.rtoeT Misa A RttuukmumiKKJMbb SrSiSL'lSyjnn2ol MraJulia Dextun Miss EguTMrtAM*

uI( b tggeri Mrs CarollaeElam Mra Martha Miss Fsnoy

vr.nkllnMrs Rosa B Fisher Mlas LisljeFleet Miss Battle Jargaaon Miss Maria L_ u_ or J R Ooodsou Mrs MarthaKm" |1C G#athney Mr. NGary MrsL J

g°33.r«-~ B{flu Mrt M E Holems Miss K8

ML Hawkins Mi* Lettie P 2Heaier»n Mrs A 8 Hele, Miss M Tu,. Unun as Harrison Km M H

Stw"r. Mr. N Hanrie Kls.Ann


Irvin#Ml*. Lelia Jone. Mr. EH»\

vr* v

«ssS«:£W'HSbmtLi 3 Jordan Mi- Jaue E

Klrl !lnM

Miaßareh Kempel MiM AuiuslaK?o«gh MU« RehaccaKsnnedy Mi« Margaret

Lynch Mrs E f "I'musT A*

Lain Mrs F Laoy Miss J A

Lumpkin Mia. HAMar?maa Mrs E 5° r,bl m', m IMitchell Mr. JuliaA Martogh Mrs


Mall Mrs Mary Mutter M.«s Aun BMahcny Mrs AunEMo Tyre P McKurman Miss Marg'tMeßane Mrs Emma

Norment Mr. AGO'birne Mrs M L Obrlne Mls. M ECbiian Mrs C OKactfe Mis. HOverby Mis Lucy

Pitt Mrs 8 V Priddy MissVaPaine Mr. E,F "i"2Pollard Mr. V P Ef"lllpi, M *»Paweli Mt. E Plaee Mil. AnnaPoyle Mr. FRlnba-dson Mr. M A R ,bin.on Mr. JaneRoblnwin Mr. M E Resllog Mrs .^H"R ibinion Mr. M H Raodolpb Miss E BRose Mr. Jane E Reave. Miss L a

Fiws Mr« P-ollna Btona Miss Va AButherland Mr. M J Stewart Miss Liin.eBlunders Mr. Mary Starke Mi.. Atnl.

ttewart Mr*Joarpninc Bkioner MiM Charlotte Natton Mr. Judith A Smith MissT A

Senders Mary Bmith Martha JaneBhaffcell Mrs ElizaTaliaferro Mrs Wm B Taylor Mrs Alvlra VT*yUr Mrs Mary Thompson Mis. CharlotteTaylor Mr.Elisabeth B Thornton MissiW M

k Tralnum Mr. Sarah Talmon Mi« Victoriak Tlijms. Miss C V

F Wllllsro. Mr. Wicker Ml.f S E VWe.tern Mr. J J Wald Miss OetaviaWilkinson Mr. B T William. Mis.L'juiwWalter. Mr. W A Wil.on Mi.s E AWright Miss Sarah Wei.ieker Mi.. Amanda


Adam Juo Al'en W L Atkiuaon R P 3Abern J Allmond H Ander.on R MAy mock W H Adam Spott. Andrew.N H

Brown Sam Bennan Mioh Bowen JnoBadyCb'. Burr Nimrod Booyer J ABowles Benj Browne P V Barlow Jo.ephBrother, k Bio- Burton P K Brodcreek Jas 2

thers 2 Barry W R Boushon* J ABiopbey Deoni. Batkin.Ro Bethel J HBrowning Edwin Ball Sam Bruce J WBailey H H Beard T J Branch J EBridglaudJA Bradford Tho. Beal Jo.Bailey Js. Benerman Wm Booker JnoBrab.ton J M Berry W R Brjttou L FBoxiey J H Boyl» VVm BUlup. L WBenton Julian Bell Wm

CCarter W A Cullen R Christian H ACbaoiplin W D Cullen 8 C Cronin JnoCol.an Wm Colburn Ham ConrovJcoClarke Wm Chapman Jne Craig J ACocpan A Wood Conwar. Tho. Curry J M

bou.e Croeeke Cobb. J H 2Corbln E E Crawford Aug 2 Conway J MCulver G H Cox B H Clarke J WChick HAW ClarkeC B Collin. Harg.etCabon Dr Crary PatDDmd W N Dansey J A Dovill L HDace Wm Damotte Mom Dlckhirdt tD.iwman W Y Davit Baily Douden GeoDurrle Wm Dargain CAS Donley Q WDason M Debri**CM Dueiberry UDanoby M Donahoe C Driscai JnoDrewry R W Dossenbery F Dorse; Jno


Elder C Edward* Bam Edmund* JnoElmore W A EdwerdyW V

Frith H W Forba* 8 C Foi J M 2Friday Geo French Wm 2 FoquaJo*Fnlton G N Ford W 11 il Fitzgerald JdoFreu*leyJL3 Freeman W H FranoeiJF

Oore Jaa Goodwin C A Giiffin J FGoodeJO Goapel L Giienman TGilieipie J M Gait Mom* Gordon £ LGreen J t Guidon! O Gordon £ CGrow Jno Goode Fleaiant Green £ JGerhard C BHallJaa Hancock Ben j Hod»esßHolden Jo* HardestyDVv Hopkins 8 DHarwood J A Hall David HugertonTbciHiokaJA Hughes LA Hall T DHordJat HarrlaGeo Harrison R AHyde Jno Hataold Geo Halleil RHowlandJG Herman G Helfreig FhllHall WG Homaey H 8 Hutchinson A AHenry Wm Hasan H V Hutcbeion AmbHonae Hall H B Hcwie BHu'ke W A Holmea H Holme*F BHolmea G F Hager M 8

X-JlabellLL Jones AL 2 JenkinaCCJohnson J H Jaokaon Pat Jenkins MJobnaton T Joneißobc JenaingaClegRay* Wm Kirby D B Knlan W 8RceseeW M Kinker B Knax GeoKraker Mayer

lLittle Wm Liuum F Lambert J HLoren Wm Lloyd B C Lee J WLeake f C Layb&rn A Lampkin JLeake Hon 8 F 3 Lai don A Lyon G ALas; II N Luckaroth WmS Lambard Geo

MMarios Fat Mills A M Msion JMolea 8 A MeegerH M <ore J AMurray W B Maliory £ Mnirell J DM»jro Wm Mailer £ L Mackan JuoMelton W S Malory £ MannJno"'"lttWHk MeathEW Magrnder A BBro Miller H J Manane AMannJ T

MoMcNieee Thoa McKoy Wm MeEvoyJnoMoLeery W W McCarty JnoMcClmuioß W MeDerioUjasMcCleary W W MeOratb Thoa McCloyd WJiMcCuok Ja* MeUorkle AMo CoMclnerdJno Daniel

NNedeiuser F Nance T FO

Orerton W M O'Neli Deania O'Ha'loran PatO'Brien Wm Ueule Ch*a

Parker Wm Power Jaa PleaaantaGFFennel A Bro Ferry Jno Perrin G P 8Planner RevDr Page FN Fieree J noPhillip*RevAD Fyron T 8 Phelan JaaPower E Fercival Wm Praft J WPowell DrK QUaatlee L C Qaintoe HCRRow* Geo Riebarda Jno ReeogJooRleeOC RiebartUoo Pat Rowe JasperL 3Rally Ed Radford 8 R Rcseten JaaRoth Conrad Rhink Wm RegilnJ HRulfr D Randolph Wm Robleeoa JaaRileyRev Mr Reed WarwickleottWO Saundera J W SimaßoBbaltlee Dr Wb \u25a0nalliaf 4 0 Stewart PeterSbeltea W L Bhepperd Leroy Sbenabea PatSetttm * H Street Henry Sehoiidt MichStoekMife ? W Straus Km Stone Mich *Shannon Sam Blmona E Starling J«*Strong Seaa Smith E A Starke J RSeldaer S W StaafieU Abner Seey J ASmith Rejkea Snith Ana SlngmaaterJ?ntSftfl iMaiey W turtle*I U

Tomllaern J M Ti.»erßC2 Tu*. ' OrJ L

Tmm" Tbo» W/-» A

Turner Qm Tof|>« W»»» Tl'M L RTaylor J E TudomWm

Worn.'/J AWlldt Wm William. !?»?« WjUtar N DIVirIWH W.lton JP WWMjftOWllklna W« War* nilto" W «fl«14 F CWinston B W Wklitli T ? «'»? °*°


WilmWO Warwick PeterkV-.Ult.iJ P Watr. Ba* »"?»«»

%2Z BW SSSott Wr'X- J-Wl.-JL WB ,'jjf|tAL«- »-Xt """"'tHOsT B. BIGGER- P. M.


Dissolution.?The am of m. mc-CORMACK k CO. wm dlyeolred oa the

of Jolf laat, bj agreement; by like agreement WM.f LADD will »ay »U the debt. doe la the °a m


the(wacera, ewf will al«» recede alll the deb:, dueto the concern.

Richmond, 4th August, 1&W. ~

I with pleasure recommend to my oiafriend, and curfomera, my late r" ""dud I feel quite rare he will .erve them m well ana*. aatl.fac-.oriiy a. did the Ut® ACKCorraack It Co * MoCOfiMACK.

an 7

NOTICE.?The partnership of Nance,Baker it Co., i* this day di..oived *>y mutual

content. Aii per.on. having claim" asain.t the artconcern win p.e.ent them to B. A. Nance for settlement; aod all person* indebted to the »« ld.oo "f®?will make payment to .aid Nance, a. be «

?.n'.horizsd to tettie up the traaaactiorjof the .aid0L", " r0 - j\g. M P. BAKER,

JNO. D. BAKER,.34?Ira* R A- BAKER.

Dissolution of go-partner-SHIP -The eopartner.hip jjjjJn.

io« under the style and firm of BAILS* fcF*AWCIS wa« tbi« diy dU»oived by mowai content. Allnerson. hiving eLioni against the concern wi.l P l ®*?®pr-sent them; and tbo.e Indebtedare requeited to

make immediate pajmeet to BAILEY,July <«t,1853. O. A FRANCIS.

cMMM* THE UNDESIGNED havingdisoosed of hie interest in the COACH

MAKING BUSINESS, formerly conducted on 18th.feet, between Main and Grace .treet. to bit latepurtner, take. great plaaiare in recommendim him

to hi. friend., and beg. to assure thtm that ai.t7orfctiven him will be done in a faithful a&d work*m"'£~fff n" er w. w. BAILEY.

NE HUNDRED DOLLARS RE-WARD ? Runaway from the Exchange Hotel,

iasc Saturday mornlr»t, JOHN, the property of thee«r»teof Jaine. Gr'ffin. _ ....JOHN U about 21 year*old. 5 feet 10 or 11 incheshigh; stand*eres'; b<wi a qnick walk; i« a dark ma-iatto. and quite a iifeely man

One huuri'ed collar* vrili be paid for him, if takenoutof the Btate; fafty do'iars, if out of the oity orcounty; aod twenty-five dollars if taken in the cityoranunty. SAMPSON JONER

au 16?dkcti Agentfor Jane A Or-ftin.

UNA WAY IN JAIL?I Cere wascommitted to the Jail of the City of Richmond,

as a runaway, on the 29th day of June, ICfi-'V a negrowoman whocall. herself FRANCES STRr'r.T, andstys she Is the propeity of Maria Howard, of Henricocounty, Va Said neero is five feet seven incheshigb of dark complexion,about 50 year"of age, andha * Jo when committed to jail a blue cotton dreMand red calico bonnet. The owner of said negro urequested to come forward, prove property, paycharges and take bera»ay, or she will be dealt withas the law direoti. JOB K HTARKE, D S,

jy30?£w For MartinM Lipscomb, Sergt.




OF STAUNTON,.ind a Urge force ii engaged in laying the rail* rapid-lytowar.ia the spiings. In a few days another aae-tur.will be open.

Those who dealre to go quickly, will continue onfrom Staunton immediately after dinner,stepping forthe night at the Bath Alum, sadarrive at the WhiteSulphur early nextevening.

If they prefer, passenger* may atop in Staunton,and take the can at 4 next morning, nveiy day, ex-nept Sunday, when the Stage* will moot them at thetecmlcu*,and travel with atrict regard to comfort.

RETURNING,The Mail Link will leave the White Sulphur at

5 A M , mafce Bell'* the night stacd, which l* a fewmiles from the terminu* of the Rsiiroad, aod takethe morning cara from Staunton at the terminus, at6P.M. connecting with the Alexandria c*r*at Gor-donsviile, and arrive at Richmond at 1 P. M.

THK SECOND LINKWill leave the White Sulphur after breakfast, *t»yali night at Hot or Warm Springs, next day dine atBell's, aod connecting with the evening c-.r* reachStaunton by 7 o'clock P. M.Fare in connattion with ttagt lintof H'm. P. FarUh

U Co.From RichmondTo White Sulphur..sß.oo To Warm Springs..®7 25To Sweet Springs 8.00 To Bath Alum 700

To Healing 775 To Rockbridge Alum.7 OilTo Hot 7.50 To Lexington 650

TraiD* for the Springs leav- Richmond at 6 45 A.M; those for Qordoosville, by the night line, leaveat 8P M

Southern passengers have ample time to take theirmeal* and connect with both trains, and wi'l alwaysfind anomnibus at the Depot* of the Danville andPetersburg Roads which will take them FREE OKCHARQE, if they go through direct

ACCOMMODATIONTRAIN,Commencing with Friday, third, dayof August.For the accommodation of the way-itavul,a pas-

senger train will be run in connection with freight,leaving Richmond at 5 A. M , aod arriving at 545P. M. Thi* train will take up and put dowa passen-gers at all tha usual .tupping place*, except Stori's,and they have the right to transfer themselves be-tween this and the express mail train at any pointwhere they come iaconnection. Uoiug up, the mailovertake*the freight at Junction, ai-d coming down,at Beaver Dam.The express day mail cannot r.op anywhere but atregular Depot*, except Junction and AtleeVa. D. WHITCOMB, Supsrint'dt

»f Transportation, Va C. R ROttice Va. Central Railroad Co >

Richmond, Aug 4,1555. S an 4

t\TILLIAM T COLEMAN Sc CO*T * U ' PP,N « AND COMMISSION MER-CHANTS, I ALirokNIA and Front Streets SkuFrahcisco, Cal.-Office No. 91, Wall Btr ß et. Newyork. W. T COLEMAN,

HENRY CA&LTON.. ? J. H. WILLIAMSMr. Col em aw ia in New Ycrk> ard will give «hip-pera every information aa to raarketa. ahippina, Aic.EXCHANGE on San Franciaoo foraale by

a WM. T.COLEMANJe29-t« 91 Wall \u25a0\u25bateat.

TVTOTICE !?ln consequence of thedeathil of Mr. SIMON BONNaVITa, the undersignedi« desirous of settling tip the sltalrs or the firui of 8.Bonravila & Co. aa soon es posaibie, and r»qu"»t9that ail peraona Indebted will come forward and ist-tle their acocanta, and thoae having clairaj will pre-aeut them to himfor liquid&ti n.

M ,DAVID N. JONES,gu^O?;f Sarviyipg Partner of S. S Si Co.

'T'hree handsome new dwell-R ING HOUSES AND LOTS CORNER OF?7th AND M STREET, CHURCH HILLKOft EXCHANGE OR RENT.-The eor-'ner house u fiaubed, baa 6 rooma and a corrmodioanKitchen, la ready for a teeunt now The other twoare smaller, and will be finisbej in a few d-.y« Thisia desirable property, and wili be »old or exchan/ei*for yoang negroes upon terms to pj *iu)e Should"s*. be mad"' theproperty will be reot-«2? !?od ten» E" <be reiit will be low

side13 ° eVr W - Ofddin. South-

A«'Zst t.° n ,"KO WOODFIN,)e General Agent acd Collector.* RIVED?The beat piaDet reader inThe moat difficalt queitionswili be solved bv »oi"ence and calculation frcm many year* of atodv Ifn,a eho-t time only.) by MADiMB MAILOR, onfranklin street, between 31 and 4th strrets.ne*-Nott's residence

rSTiC^e:^in BLINDNESS, CAN-a?3l? BOttll 'B of *" dascription*.


A hind,omo lct of th« above, jB choice colore.'

s N. i.ZEKIEL'B,75 Main st.1 A

QJZ^9AB -Jus . t receive d per schooneRichmond, n(nperior aseortroent of Louncesfi, LABUS U SHINE.


74 Main rtreit-Ko. 1 Peruviau GuaDo, landing from Dock, for at I* by

_ c E H SKINKER k CO.,** b No 69 Caryst/"IHAMPAGNE WlNE^stTba 9ketaV/ ry super I or, for *ale by

ae 6?lw DIJNLOP, MONCURK A CO.CLANCY BLACK AND COLORED AL-A PACAS.?A new arttrle for lad I**'dreases st

\u25a0e S N. E/EKIF.L'S, 75 Main «t

IKON AXLES?Aaaoried, from 1 i-4 to3 inch; in More end for sale by

CLARKSON A ANDERSON.» * No. 108 Mam.t.


VulJ"fc22.*° " th! lt ot»? "P8* _5? Ik. ilrtrtlm Of Monsieir led Ml-

rz* 2Z7OV;\u25a0\u25a0maJt !»«« K«fn mn<j» M lh'l ?ifcOCI OCf*

oMh* fir* ta th. eonatry, in all th*depart!«*«t* of

afi cubed «d«cUion. The French wlli be the Un-\u25a0aage of tb* family e*ela«l**ly. and M P'P' l "

*CMr°Pelfett°wiil have charge of tha Engltah de-partment of the Hchool, a**i*ted by eminent sad ex-p uisDeed teacher*. , _~, v. _< i_

Farther particular* of the School, will be liven ina futgre advertisement. :.---; a« 3< lm


LI^ABOVE 7TH ®TREET, RICHMOND, VA.?Tbi* School will re-open on MONDAY, the 17th ofSeptember next, for the ten following month*, onthe fame plan »«dtenn«M p»r. pre^oiw

Pupil* are prepared either for College or theThe'entering of lome of the Pupil* upon the dn-

tlea of a commercial life, cause* a few vacancies?

A Cla*a for beginner* in Engliah andLatln wUI beformed. Therewill al»o be received intothe ClkMesalready formed one or more Pupil*.

Residence over tbe School. * ' m

IPNGLIBH AND CL ABSICALLi SCHOOL.?The robseriber will reaumethe dn-

tie* of hi* wbool on Monday, Sept. 17th, in the newcchvol-house erected by him on the lot corner ofClay and let street*, Richmond, v a.

TSUI*:For Bes*ion of 10 month*, payable *emi-annuallyin

advance.Eoglisb 8?" *>

Latin. Greek and Mathematic* 40 00au24?lm GEO. A. WEED.

E~ NGLISH SCHOOL.?On Monday, the3d of September, the anbacriber will open a

SCHOOL, on Union Hill, in the old MethodistChanel,for ten month*; for Reading, Writing,Arith-metic. English Grammar, Geography, Chemistry,kc. 820 per acbolar will be charged for beginners,$12 payable quarterly in advance. He know* practi-cally the dutie* of a teacher, and that attention willBe paid to the children committed to hiacare,


cbssor to Mrs. Mead)?Thi* Institutionwill open on the6-*t day of Oatober, and ci/ite onthe Kit day of June.


Bosrdlag J®WashingEnglish Branches ...» *oModernLanguage*, ea?h 20Latin.. 20Lesaon* on Piano, Guitar, Organ, Harp, each.... 80Drawing ®


For th« accommodation of parent* who prefer?ending tfieir children to the »ame school, tbi« de-partment hasbeen formed for pupil*nnd«r ten year*of age. Who will be taueht Reading, Spelling, Wri-ting. Arithmetic and Geography, exclusively. Itwill be altogether separated from the rest of theschool, and under the care oI an experienced teacher. Charge* §30. For further particular* apply tothe Principal. HUBERT P. LEFEBVuE,jv 25?dilatN Corner Grace and Foushee «t*.

\f I3S A. M. SMITH'S SCHOOL FOEivl. YOUNG LADIES, at Room* corner of sth andFranklin street*, formerly Rrv» M. D. Hose's ?ThenextSession of (hi* School will commence on Mon-day, Oct. Ist. *e 6?lm

TTNION FEMALE SEMINARY.U ELDER ROBT. F. STUBBS, Principal.This Institution, situated in the eastern part of

the city, convenient to Union and Church Hills,willocmmence its next session on the 17th September,and alose on the 11th July, following.

teems:Tuition in Primary English branches, per qr ..&\u25a0'> 00* Complete " course and Mathematics. 7 SO" With Modern or Ancient Languages....lo CO" In Music 10 O0" In Drawingand Panting 5 00au 21?t20s


Corner of Marshalland 11th streets,RICHMOND, VA.

The duties of this School will be resumed on Mon-day, Ist October.

TERMS.English Department ®4 r >For Beginners in Latin 50For Advanced Classic and Mathematlw 60an 16?2mNTght class in latin and

MATHEMATICS?A graduate as Master ofArts, of the University of Virginia, who has hadsome experience in teaching, wishes to form a smallclass for instruction in the above branches, betweenthe hours of 7 and 10. P. M.

This may afford to young men engaged throughoutthe day, an opportunity of maturing their ear'y stu-dies, so as to render their efforts at self improvementouch more easy and satisfactory, and their progressin literature and the sciences more agreeable, tureand rapid

For further information, inquire at this office,au 10?Im*

ISS BETTY C. BOOKIUS will opena School on the Ist of October next, In aroomon Bth street between Grace and Franklin.

TKBMS OF TUITION.For the primary Classes, per session..... #Sfl

" more advanced Classes " 40French ard Diawing at the usual prices.Anplicationsfor admission ma; be made to Mrs

B. H. Smith, on Mayo street.References: Mrs Drewand Rev. George Wood-bridge, Richmond; Wm. Plummer,Esq , Rev. Leou-

ldas L. Smith, North Carolina. au 7?dtlstOct*

THE Exercises of Miss TAZEWELL'SSchool will ba resumed onthe first Monday in

OctoberMathematics and the Natural Sciences will be

tacgbt by a! gentleman eminently qualified for thework.

TERMS:(Payable >emirauuuaO\j in advance.)

For Higher English branches per session 10 mos. .®4(>Primary " " " " 30

Ancient and ModernLanguages, each 20Drawing goMusic?Professor's Fees jy 31? 3m*

SOUTHERN FEMALE INSTITUTE.The exercises of thi» Institution will be re-

sumed on the first Monday in October nextInstructors-D Lee Powell, Robert J. Morri-son. O Persico, Mademoiselle VasuasMusic-K W Meerbach, T. X. da Costa. MissEmil? Daaderdale.Mrs. lien. Pegram hascharge cf the Boarding De-partment.Kor further information or for pamphletssetting

forth the whole plan of the Instigate, addressMrs. GEN PEGK.AM, Richmond, orD. Lee Powell, Capon Springs, Vs.,Jy ?1» Or Ro. J. Morrison, Richmond, Va

BURNING AND CARVING IVORYX MANUFACTORY.The subscriber is prepared to do every descriptionAND ORNAMENTAL TURNING iND

CARVING in Ivory, to any pattarn desired, forBreastpins. Parasols, Cane Heads, &.«.UMBRELLAS, PARASOLSand CANE3. repair-

ed at short notice.Billiard Palis re tained and coloredSpecimens may be seen at bis shop,en 11th street,between Main aud BetV streets, opposite Godd'-n kApperson's.jy 14?03 m CHAS. A. MILLER.

STOKEB & CO. offer (or sale? "

1250 bags Java, Rio and Laguayra Coffee175 hhds N O Sugars, pirt prime475 bbls Crushed. Powdered and Coffee SutsrsSO half boxes Loaf do400 boxes Tallow,Sperm and Adamantine C t-o 1-9250 boxes Window G'ass. all sUes2*)o chests and half caesu Teas

1250 kegs Wails, assorted125 boxes assorted Candy200 bkls N O Moias«es

50 do Tenners' Oil100 kegs Soda50 boxes Olive Oil

With a great vaiieyof otfr Goods, which we t-Snon the usual terms to (be Trade. cn 18?« v

(CRUSHED ANKLE?A MiraculousCure?Performed by Pollard's Rheumatic Diit -

m*ntGospoßT, June 15th, 1855.Messrs. Pollard it Co.;

Gentlen en -As 1 have been most sseedify and sue-cessfu jy curel by your celebrated Rheumatic la-ment I without stliei'stioc, n.o«t awa'd it the higl -

r-"L PiIal ? e» iiWt" ;e =""-m-r:deri to try it In a casoofC:u»he I Ankle, whish iendnred me fjr a time

h,i £?.t ° T'l" °f r «'>vry for life, but than*-nLlm.it I IkSii have received from yourLlß.ment I shall ever leaommend it to the afflicted

I witu fall? 8 ',D l tnentwould be useful.I am, with feelings of graUtude. yours, AsOr P.ice 25e.. or 5bottles for 8l i!OUKD'Per sale by PURCELL, LADD k. rn iji. s.kNo,"n D

aod DrnV/isU M.rougho« theel?,.'Cggl tmapUKSSS jfcattand totbassleof TOJtACCO, FLOUR VVHFa*an! all k.ndsof couaUy Prince. W "«AT.

Parsons along the lice of the Danville Railroadwho make us aonsigair.rn s can. tf they preterit',h;* u?b

A. i? u ,7 , M#" Ar""' "h* thei w *'K> *'*!t Vs . and Milton1"* YoceyvllUa, North Caroiioa, weakly, to maketkJ??" m#Bt raakitj consignments f,omIMM tug'ons, m 7?iqi

EDUCATION.RICHMOND FEMALE INSTITUTE,111 ON CLAY, TENTH AND MARSHALL ITS ,RICHMONDTVA.?Th«»«xt*e*rio» w'll eorotneneethe Hrat MondayIn Ostobar sad clos* the last Thurs-day to June, raplls maybe admitted at any time,but it la highlydesirabls for theso to b* praeent th*first dayof the session.

The cost of gruuads. buildings and outfit has been?bout seventy thousand dollar*, and no additionalaaios nor expeoee will be (pared to satisfy everyreasonable desire. Tbe ooerse of infraction la ox-tensive and liberal. Able and experienced teachershave been seaared, and the most approvedacientlfiaanoaratus,school desks, *e , have boon provided.R.v B. MANLY, J* ?President.Mr. R F- LATHAM,Math, and Physical Sciences.Rev H. H. TUCKER, Ancient and Eng Literature.Dr R A.LEWIS, Botany, Ac.Mrs EMMA HOLCOMBE. Engl'sh Branches.Mis*ELIZABETH V. NELSON, English Brioche*.Miss MINA CHOLLET. Frenchand German.M JOS MICHARD. Spanish and Italian.Miss JANE S. STAN AltD, Preparatory Depart-

TUfpLMr*. GEORGIANA MONROE, Preparatory Do-mMrY C. LATHROP, Preparatory Depart-

DUNDERDALE, Piano and Orcan.M *s EMILY DUNDERDALE, Piano and Guitar.Mi**SARAH BULLY. Harp.Mrs EMILY GRUBB. Drawing, Painting, to.Mr. EUGENE CREHEN doMr. and Mr* F. BUBLETT,Steward'* Department.

TKBHt FEB aSSSION.Board and Washing...... §220Tuition In Preparatory Department 30

Collegiate " WAncient and Modern Lan guagei, each 20Muds on Flano Forte, Guitar, Organ 40 to 80Drawing, Painting. Ac. .28 to 40y pamphletscontaining further information may

be obtained of the President.au 6?dSm Rr.v. B. MANLY. J*.


Conducted by the Sutrrt of Charity.This Institution resumed studies on the 16th

of August. Boarders far bo«H. tuition, and u*e ofbed ar.d bedding, and 'or washing and mending, pay2er annum S!3t'. to be paidsemi-annuallyinadvance-There is also a charge of #3 fir Dostor's fee

Day scholars, according to thebranches, they payfrom "*4 to #8 ptr quarter in advance.

For Mure on tae Piano or Guitar, Painting,French and Embroidery, there is an extra charge fortuition and use of Instrument

Letters addressed to Sister MARY FELIX Mc-QUAID.St. Joteph's Academy, will meet promptattention.

It i*of great importance that pupil* should enterat the of the eesnon, or as soon af-terwards as possible. *e 3?3w


W. D. STUART, Principal,W. THURMOND, Assistant.

Tbe Exercise* of this Institution, situa'ed nearfkecorner uf Clay end 6th strest*. will beon Monday, the Ist of October next Instructionwill be given, in addition to the Elements, in theAncient and Modern Lantn.tgej, Mathematics, Net.Philosophy, Chemistry, B'story, &c.

TERMS,(Payable tcmi annually inadvance )

For tuiiiuu iu Lntin, Mathematics and English. ..SSO" " Freneh and Drawing, extra, each.. ,20" " Greek, extra 10

BEFBBKNCf?*:Col. F. H. Smith and the Olficer* of the \a. Mili-

tary Institute.Hon. Alkx. H H. Stuart, Staunton, Va.Hon. John Letcher, Lexington, Va.Col. Lr rewzo Thomas, U. S. A.Ger. Wm. H. Richardson and P. ",H. Ay&ett,

Richmond.Profeasois Gessner Harrison and 8. Maupim, Uni-

v*r*ityof Va.Mr Stuart is a graduate of the Vr. Military Jnsti-

tate aud tor three years discharged wi:h great satis-faction the duty ot an Assistant Professor of Mathe-matics in it Ido with greet confidence say to thepatrons of hi* Academy, that they will find in him azsalons, competentaud faithful teacher.

Francis H Sm'th,aa S?la of Va. Military Insi irate.


Richmond, V* ?The Ni»tb Session of this lnstitution will commence r n tbn first Monday in October,in theroomi formerly occupied by the Principal. onthe corner of Franklin and sth sts. The Boardingdepartment will be conducted as last Session, in thebuilding formerly owned by Judge Mason, corner ofFranklin and Adams streets.

Teachkrs?B. S. Stevens, A. M., Principal; Ab-bie H.Mason, Assistant.

In all the department*of Muaic, French, Drawing,etc , the moat competentTeachera will be provided

The Principal will give his undivided attention tothe intereati of the School. The Boarding depart-ment will be under the iuperviaionof Mis Stevens,aided by Mrs. Mandeville, a lady who baa had aeveralyears' experience and great success as a housekeeperin asimilar Institution. Every effort will be marieto render the Boarding department a pleasant andrefined home, and the School one of the roost pro-fitable in all that pertains to a moral, intellectualand polite education.

The Principal will give a thorough course of ljf.sans in Vocal Music, with no extra charge

The Session will close with a general review andexamination, when Certificates will be given to theOraduating Class.

TERMS,Onc-hal/payable in advance, the remainder Ist March:Beard and Washing ..s>.2"Higher English branches 4<»Elementarybranches SOAncient and Modern Languages, each 20Music 60Stationery .. 2Fo*l 1

School Books will be furnished by the Prinoi-pal at city prices. Be s?d&wlrn


SCHOOL, on 4th Street, between Broad andMarihall.-The Third Session of this School willcommence Monday, the 17th September, aud closeJuiv 15th 185S.

Mr J. LWilliams, an A. M graduate of theUni-versity of Virginia, will assist the Pricoipal ic theClassical and Ma'hematical departments. Withscholarship this gentleman combines the expeiienceof several years in teaching

terms?(One half in advance.)For PrimaryEnglish $35" Higher do 4<i" Classics or Mathematics... 50" French. 20se s?fm*

MRS. SUSAN REED will open a Schoolthe Ist of October next, at her residence, on28th street, between Broad and Grace. The usualEnglish branches, together with Majic and Prench,will bs taught. 99 4_lw

T. PENDLETON'S ENGLISH,a CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICALSCHOOL, 4th STREET, BETWEEN MAIN ANDKRaNRLIN. -The subscriber's School will com-mence 17th September and continue to 15th July.?

He returns his thanks to his patrons of the pist ses-sion, and expects to conduct the School during theeDsoing ses» ;on with increased facilitiesTerms-#lO for Elementary Studies; 8-50 and 860

for advanced d..; payablesemi-innually in advance.sj i?Gw 8. T. PENDLETON

MR?. AND MISS GORDON will re-open their SCHOOL on MONDAY, Octoberlsr, at the residence of Mr. Thomas Brccsenbrough,

on Clay ctreet, between 4th and oth.TERMS FOR THE WHOLE SESSION.English Tuition ......840Primary Department 30

20«e 4?lm

I EXINGTON LAW SCHOOL.?TheX-J sevsntb session of my Law School will com-merce on MONDAY, Oct. 22d, 1855, and terminateon the thiid Saturday of March, 1856.G.-ntlemen desiring detailed information in lefe-

rtr ee to the ocurse of instruction, terms of tuition,tixt b.'oks, Sto., adepted in my School, will bepromptly furnished wi h a printed circular, on app!!-eation to cue in person or hy mail.

se 4-6t JNO W BBOKENBROUGH.T S. SQUIRE S SELECTCLASSICAL*-r'e AND ENGLISH SCHOOL, CORNER OfAND KIRST STREETS. RICHMOND,VA ?The r.inth session of this Institution will com-mence on the 2Uh of September, 1855.

TERMS PER SESSIONEnglish branches, or beginners in Latin $60 COAdvanced Latin, Gieek, and higher Mathe-

matics 60.00Modetn Lanrusges each 20.00Kor further particulars apply to the Principal atths cornerof Franklin and Ad&mssts.

se 3?itfcwlm

VI d. D. TURNERS SELECT CLAS-iTX SICAL AND ENOLiSH SCHOOL. MAINSTREET, BETWEEN 3RD AND 4TH STREETS?The 12th Acadnmta yearof thi«Bchool will commence on MONDAY, the24rh of September, 1855.

Pupils will be admitted who are prepared to com-msx ce the Latin or Greek, or entersoma of the moreadvanced classes. »e 3?dim\f KS. MALLORY'S BCHOOL, (4THItA BETWEEN GRACE AND KRANKLIN )will beia session on MONDAY, the 17.n of Sep-temberM as Maliory's School for little boys in a separateapartment. se 3?2w

PKENCH LANGUAGE?M. E. GUIOI'A having soma time to spara from tha duties ofuf bis office, of Chancellor of tho Prench Coasa'ate.Is aoxicus to occnay it in giving Inatraotion in theabove language. Ha has commenced tha formationof Classes for the Afternoon and Night, to salt theeoavenlenae of those engaged in piofrssiuaal andmercantiie Ufa, and who are mainly occupied duringths morning hours.

A few hours of tbe forenoon would be davotad toelsiees in school*. If arraagemants oould he made to<h«a effect.Teems moderate and civia known oa application

V th« Powhatan Ht«'*N. B. Private leas-ns given if desired.


bummbr rbtrbats.irnra HT7QI7ENOT BPBIBQB.?TIxJL wbaaribot r?p?tftiHy ?>»a-a to tb« ptskll* jthat tbi* wall known watering plaae having, *inaa itbe last aaaaon, received s*tMs4va tanprovaneata |and bean pat Into th.'ough wpalr, wanopwiad for jtbe retention of visitors on th* 20th Ic*t Every !effort wiU ba made to present even more than theordinary Inducement* of former yean j and In thl*sonneetion th* subscriber is grriflad to sUta thatMrs. Tvaria, who superintended th* domestic *r-rangemeats at thaanma placo a few yeajs stnae,andwhose efficient attention and ladviik* deportmentgava aniveranl anti*faation, has been re-engaged,and, with a corps of servant*, in **leattng whoso nn-aanal care ha* bean bastowea. will offer her servloesto the cnerta Tbe atrteteet attention will ba paidto the hotel and cabin arrangements, so as to obvi-ate every acnoyaaaeand promote In the hltbest de-gree the comfort and pleasure of the visitor*. Abend of ahilfnl Musicians haa been encaged, and theBall Room, Bowling Alley, Billiard Table* andother eoniae* of amuaement,will eontribute to maketheee Spring* a plaoe of healthful and agreeable re-laxation. , .

Tbe water* areralphnrandebalybeate, and a thirdcombining the propertiedof tbe other two, which t*alao uaed In the b*th house. They offer an aseemMage of mild tonics and gentle alterativea, whosebenefislal effect haa been signally shown in nume-rous instance*, in whichworn and debilitated frameshave been submitted to their influence: and their effi-ciency, in the eaee of ladies and children, haabe«nmore sonaplcuouslly marked

The HuguenotSprings are In Powhatan sonnty,on the Railroad, about 17 milea above Richmond?from which place they are accessible by the Rich-mond asid Danville Rail read, whiah passes withinsixmiles; a line of Omnibuses sent from th* Bpringi,conveying visitor* overthat apace.

Fare?sl 75 per day; flO per week; $30 per montb.Children over 2 and under 12 year*of age, and *ei-vacts, half price.




Between Washington cityand RICHMOND, having hsen tran*ferred by

tha Postmaster General to the Virginia Central andOrange and Alexandria Railroads, from the oldStrap-tron Road running by Fredericksburg, notforaiittle saving of money, as has been stated, baton account of the uncertainty of its delivery arisingfrom SNAKE HEADS on the road, and FOGS,WINDS and ICE on the Potomac, the attention ofthe public is invited to tbe improvement in the ser-vice which willbe attained.

Although the distance is greater by tht Gordons-vllle route, yet the two roadi being laid with a rj.

pers'ructure of Edge Rail, itwill be free fromthe dangers and delays which must and will attendan old flat bar road snd the Mails can not onlybe car-ried mo,e tpeediiy, but with more certainty thanthey conid oa the old route.

The new line will a! so be exempt from the Eddl-tional came* of failure of the Mail which the Boatexperience* from fog*, winds and ioe on the Potc-mac.

Paa»sengers by the same trains are cerried to Gor-dsn&villeand the bsgga;e t>an«ferred from ons roadto the other will b* warranted safe.

NIGHTLINE-REDUCED FARE!Mail leaves Richmond « fter the arrival of the Pe-

tersburg and DanvilU cars and connects with theAlexandria train, arriving at Washington in time todeliver the Mails to the Baltimore car» next morn-ing.

FARE.Batween Richmond and Qordon*ville 92.25" Gordonsville and Washington 3.25

Returning from Gordonsville, this line arrives inRichmond in time to send the Mail by the Peters-burg Road in the morning.

It (top* for passengers at all the usual places, ex-cept Storrs', bo:h going up and con.ins down.

H D. WHITCOMB,Sup't Transportation Va Central Railroad.




nVEK THE RICHMOND, FREDER-V/ ICKSBURG AND POTOMAC RAILROAD?to the Potomac River, seventy five miles, and bysplendid and comfortable steanwt thence to Wash-ington, fifty five miles, in all 130 miles, in sevenhour*, being a comfortable and perfectly safe rate of<peed.

Hours of departure 6J A. M. and 7} P. M.. and bag-gage utder charge of special agents checked throughto Washington, Baltimore, Phlladelpnia and NewYor*.

FARE.To Washington $5.50" Baltimore 6,00" Phi;adelphla 800The track of the Railroad between Richmond and

the P«tomsc River,'is now undergoing relay, andhalf of it being already completed with an edge railof superiorquality, and as more than one million ofpa>*enger* have been heretofore safely and satisfac-torily transported over this route, it is hoped andbelieved that no one will be induced,by the misrep-resentation embraced in the advertisement over thesignature of "H. D. Wbitcomb, Sup't," to select tbelonger and more circuitcuc route, referred to there-in. The R , F. ii P. R. R. lias been in operation fortwenty two years and in all that time no passengerha* either been killed or crippled by accidents fromsaake-heads or otherwise, which is without parallelin the historyof railroads in tbis country

8 RUTH,Bnp'tof Transportation.

Office Richm'd, Fred'g U Po R R. Co., iRichmond, August 10,1855. > an 10



Can be shipped every Monday and Tuetday, by the(J.8. Mail Steamship Jamestown, Capt. Parrish.

The Agents at New York, Messrs. l,udlain it Pleas-antj, will forward good* by thia line to all of theabove mentioned places (toe of commission, and atthe lowest rates of freight.

Large and commodioua sheds have been erectedon the wharf in New York, where goods are entirelyprotected from injury or defacement, and every careand attention ia bestowed in forwarding gooda fortrana-ahipment.

Merchanta shipping by thia steamship can alwayacalculate withinan hour on the ar-ival of their goods.The Jamestown leaves New York every Saturdayafterneon on her rrturn to Richmond.For freight apply to


Bteaner VIRGINI A, Captain David Teal; SteamerCITY OK KICHMOND, Capt. Z Mitchell: SteamerPENNSYLVANIA,Capt. Z. GilfordOne of these superior Steamers will leave Rich-mond, until farther notice, every TUESDAY andFRIDAY, touching at City Point and Nofrolk to re-

ceive freight andpassengers Returning, leave Phil-adelphia every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAYmorning at 10o'clock.These Steamers are now in fine order, increased

accommodations for the comfort of passengers havingbeen added, as also more room for freight; and wehope, by regularity, dispatch and care in protectinggoods committed to onr charge, to receive an in-crease of patronage

OTNo transhipment by thii line.FARE REDUCED.Passage through to New York, and f0und......98 00

Do do Philadelphia, and found, Istcabin 0«iPassage through to Philadelphia,not found, 2doabin 4 toPassage to City Point and Norfolk same bs by theRiver Boats.Passengers by this tins can stop in Philadel-

phia two or three days, and then proceed to NewYork by the same ticket

H. E. TUTTLE, Ar*ot,je29?tf Rocketts.


OPEN TO NEWS FERRY?I2O MILES'TUIE regular Passenger Train will runA daily (Sundays excepted) between RICH-MOND and NEWS KERRY.LeaveRICHMOND at 6 o'clock, A. M., (ears stopW minutes at the Junction for Breakfast) aud arriveat NEWS KERRY at 12 25 P. M.

Retorning, arrive at RICHMOND at 7 18 P. M.The Train will stop f->-passengers at the followingpoints only: Manchester,Jßobiou's, Coal-field, To-mahawk, Powhatan, Mattoax, Chula, Amelia C. H .

Wyanoke, Jennings' Ordinary, Haytokah, Price's,Meherrin, Keysvilfe, Drake's Branch, Mossing Ki.rdRoanoke, Clover, Scottaburg Boston, and News Pei-ij.

Children over 4 and under 12 years of age, halfprice.Servants travellingbythemselves mast be furnish-

ed with two passes, so that one oan be retained luthe office; and it must be expressly stated onthe pa*jat they are permitted to go on the earsPaasengers for Lynchburg, Wytbevlle, Jonesbo-ru\ Knoxville and the Virginia Springs, eonneelwith Sooth-Side Railroad at Haytokah.

Through to White Snlpher Spring* in two day,without night travel.FARE.

From Richmond to White Sulphur Springs, 911 bodo do Sweet Spiings. in fludo do Alleghany Springs, I oodo do Montgomery do 8 25do ao Yellow Sulphur do., 8 15do do Red Sulphar Springs, If 35op do Wythevflla 10 40do do Jonaaboro', Tana, is aodo do Knoxville, Tena., S3 60do da Lynchburg, 6 okBy order.

? ? .A. E. HUOHSON,Ticket Agent.

N B.?For the Information of the publlo, it laeeenwd proper to etate that there is a daily line of?cages from the termiaus ol the road via Danville toUieeoshoro. Paaeeagere for Milton aad Yaaaevvillowill l«ava Richmond Mood aye, Wadaaadaya, aadPniisjs,J** ft. £. U.

COUOO ELIXIR to b. theT?- »ls>Mob Of th« kind bow In ,? ,JJ* ,*'«*b!. ®**l?'too** 'sdiffssmtiia. M? ***\u25a0\u25a0?

ih?Slv5 4WV &° 6 " *?"?">' -w. W4 **es<stbe ThtaMof thla modUia, ».' «m \u25ba/'.W j""T "?T'ratioß in ,

' h' koeft**affGr<led.pe.dj. od de.i<J,d .\u25a0»»h «?fur tale bj Mi*. A. B DA We. "* *-». at'/purt i i!i*irUot- *' Ba*">«r »»d Ch./u.rPBUE TURKA »»»ry deeeription.on Mm ? \u25a0 kjr,* 'rpooßf,! e,«i to aa 01BM

« g*BBra«,?orsl"?.*.«< ChflVll ?***.*,Crams sad Teeter. Stlnta of s.C,tvto«^tbe Nail*, Inflamed Breaata GlandS

stWiiaKSKMi??. '


Mttw* Dovek c/-U^\at0B

OBTr b°dV "' ,s*

horm injured in one of hi* it-,, ?> iJf® ? »vjIt to awaitthe *iie of a maa>*hW !?* * <ok.levery remedy I eoold hear orlleving bim In the leaat Dnriu. ih. /' *5 "10 " ?\u25a0'log eontinaed, when y .or Mr Awh^ll"**"?«commended yoar TarfOil. I "11 *«« »in a rtrj thort time, befors J h%i b ,'a .V**l *, v.,of one bottle, the iweliing «üb«id»H . Jpot tel! which leg bad been Injured i T «tr: iand doing all kind* of farm wo'k ' ao*»^


Vf OKL PBEUIOUS THAN GoTrTTifl LrONARD'3 COUGH BYHU? HMERCHANTS ATTKND TO THIS r ° LST iJ10 <100 cured latt year lo Kiehme D d-1.7. pw,ri)«\u25a0!oat a ropply, and take with y» a the «k twi!> -

raoet cartaia cnra ever offered' to thr.. _,r ifaring from Cough*, Cold*. Cor«Mmcti on, I""" M-

Priee?2sc par bottle; 5 bottle, oae dn'if 5'Leonard'. Dollar Cordial. *38 do!'«- 4i»,

To be had ofL. B.Thoma*, Bru»d aiHi!!, and of al! DmggUta »rd d-nleri'Riehmond attd Srnls of Virginia wi>? TllMeaar*.Purcell, LaddScCo, 92 Ma!a m."®*'®Tbomas Leonard, comer of Stb and Br~j &Richmond. Va. '

VTHiOINIA WOKM KILI^H^Tr^\u25bc childr-n are weak isd puoyari &t. l]'Atfrom the of wortnt, by *ij n,», Li _raa -COT'S ViaGIIWIA WORM KILLER- , M 4 P *

pared e»p«-clal!y for children, ik»»> A'j" s'"

able to the taiteand a certain Wornit, mother*."

IOf Prepuied only by E J. PICOT>q ['ran >| AU-tEY 'S MAGICaL i*AiS K x~"L' TRACTOR wU! lubdae naln an d *£;\from the bann or scsldi, l n f.,>,a nr


twenty miuctea. and will beai the wocodi J?V?jenr; it elfectua'.ly sorei Kever Sorei, fjiu , !R.h«Bm, Inflsmicatorv Rbeumatiicn, Cats. WowBraises, Scald Bead, Corn» ami Bbdlobi PnJ,Sprsic*. SweliiEgd. Keloo, Chilhlaim. Blilio-?ecu. Swelled and Broken B(ea»t, S?re Mijuraptioct,and ailother inflammatory and et;w,?diaeaaef, where the parta aflocted eaa bereaahadThia article is now put np ia blue wraoprr. ». t ,newateel plats label, and ligned bv H DtUln M«ker, and C- V. Clickner & Co , Proprietori, to «,,<againai the nanierona coauterfeiti in neail? «», .

?tore. *

BENNETT it BEERS, Drnggl.t., are ih« onl.onthoriied agenU for the aala of the geoaiaa n-»atyle, sad they fuiniah the trado at proprietoi'isnea. Beta! priceonly 25c- abo». mh

JAU&SOiS S EXCELS 10K BITThRSRichmond, Ac*. 11, it-Mr. R, H. Jackson? Deai Sir: Th-on«b theism .mentaUßßt* feieod of mice, I was iacnaeo by tinto try i-tllb »f your Bitters. Thinking i| It dor,ime no fcx*l it would do me no harm, 1 aceordir< \u25a0tried the of a morsing, likewise my v \!t, u,|in theccnr»ex>f one week her appetite impm«d,nithank God, she found from that time relief, suit imast, in justice to myself and wife, very hiihljucommend the above Bitters ss being the btnv<ever tried; acd feeling it my duty to thank j,»friend for the advice totry them, I would adtiseu,'.hose suffering from the first stage of o}sp-pm wtry them. They will exclaim Ilka us? ''BetUraanot be found."

Yours, respectfully,W.J. Ba*tholo.miwThey may be found at E.J Pioot'a. A BoaeksnR. Ml. Zachrisson'a, Chas. MKlspaugh's, Bennet: >

Beers', and Alex. Duval's, Druggists, Richmond. >1.<11 orders promptly attended to. m H

HAS H. LANOLEY, Tin and ShwiIron Manufacturer, 13th street, betweea Mai

and Cary, Richmond, Va.OAS FITTING AND riXTVREH,

Steam Pipes for Churches, Public Baiidinis &«.,Metalie Roofing, Guttering and Spouting, pat

up in any pari of the city or aosntry.wtti.r. *nh a * rde n p iimr « for gur


This house having changed proprietors, with sui-cided improvement.isnow confidently reeomiussii' Ito tbe tiavellinc public. Visitors retornius froratMSprings will fiod there ample and comfortable acsoitrn< dations. Ira location,is proverbially pleMar,l-a»itposition airy; which, with tluf of illttwproprietor, must render it tllfe buate 'if thsplace, especially to the loveifoT qolet rest. Ttsrooms are neatlv furnished, airy and comfortabli -

The table is well supplied with whatever ttia in» -ket affords?the servants polite and accomnioiiatlvNothing is wanting to make it one of tbe most dinimble Hotel* in tb® city. au 21

wofiiiHiUK l hsve fi:>»?O acres of very superior PASII/RE, lwoand«!»tfmiles from tbe city, enclosed with good plankwell shaded, watered, he- Every precautionw'li mtaken to prevent accidents or escapes, a man be 1in constant attendnoce?but I will not be raspo*"bie for either. The whole Pasture Is ia sight tfand surrounds the house.

Persons wishing Horses pastured by the week i_ rmonth, ou reasonable term may do so by tppljiclto me, on my Parrn on the Railroad, (Price J ) 10M;Geo. L. Earnest, Council Chamber Hill,or C 4V.Macmardo, at R., f If R R Depot, Richmond.

CHARLES R All EN,an 15?-lm Price's, HeorisoGO,

(U\t 1 ENAMELLED OKA IKS AN!)OUU FENDERS FOR SALE AT REDWOUPRICES ?The subscriber has for sale the i»ri'«stock of GRATES and FENDERS ever before cj i«ed for sale inthis city,of his own manufacture TtaGrates embrace all of tlie variouskinds and patterr#,such as square tepped Go'hio, Llptic, Citsi<!i*s<with beautiful round'ng Fenders, summer pise \u25a0kt, to match Orders for Grates Feeders, kc ..tnmtown and country punctually attended to and tare-fully packed. Merchants purchasing to sell a?" '

will be supplied at the lowest Northern pne«s,» ?»

the usual discounts off for cash by wholesale Appat my Bell and Brass Foundry, ou Main, bstwecssuand 9th streets, Richmond, Va.

SAMUEL D DENOON-I have for sale a large supply of all kinds of »'<*

Jtc., of my own make. an 2?3 m ' _

\T ATIONAL HOTEL, Noßroi K. V*-i 1 B S WALTERS, P*oi-ihito« -Havuwch&eed the above well km wn ettabli»h" , « Bt' ?spectfully inforo my friends and the trare lii>l(

lie that the house hasbeen thoroughlyrecovausnewly furnished throughout. Red is nowepeareception of permanect and transient B/arderi.

1 return my sincere fbacks to my friends sea ?public generally for the liberal patronage ?*\u25a0'_ . _to me fir the last twenty-three years, ana rup?

fully solicit a continuance of the same, aa«"

them that nothing will be left undose to«s»M-at HoMK while ?ojoarcting at National.

N. B?A four horse sTaGE COACH '?}*£,_National Hetel every Tuesday, Thursday ~

<mv. fir E. City. N. C. au 9?lm » » 1?

LAL/Ihtt AND IM»i just received a splendid aaaortmett of u _

of VVstches and fancy Jewnlij, oI the latest "'.Jand at such prices that will indoce you t0

those who w»at , gan 23 Corner 11 tb and *»'«All kinds of Watchea, Clocks, J«V lrT'.!V,u»

pi*rf don lb© shortest floiioe.and equal to a TIn the city. All I »«k i«a trial ?

fiJLOIiiING AND OKNTL£M^j >Vj FURNISHING WEAR-The t jit!* lately arrived ia thiaplace, has jt>« s °P e

acd well selected atoak ofREADY-MADE CLOTWNGi


which he olferafor tale at the very lowest! «

oasb prlcea. , ha#-Btfina connected with a large mano »«?»

h *,Boeea lo New York, and haviug aeqolred » ,i ( liknowledge of the Clothing Trade ia I»Twhere be haa been In tbia ba«in»ss f<«r to ? rfears, he la prepared to ofler laduaouieu fcsfoiSm-t with. Therefore, con.e oae, eeu>apurchasing elsewhere, and jadge lotT o,r*f, ?>'», ««. u jjjMstasarifiSu.,

Under the St Charlaa H»tel, Kick"* o**0**

an H-3tti ..?-?-- '

I\EBEGE ? I have just received # !e"


more piece, of th.

WINES AND COKDIAL--^^,;¥ T Tort. Madeira and Muscat W u»e«i 5* *

dial, anp .-riotanialeg f.r w

K/l 1 CLOCKS of all\u2666)4 I tetna, which will be soid vsrj

(JAHDINHK: DATES;C> LOANUM; tAMRINP*. *»? joNC*.ton»'o 1 j uw0 7» *am »«?

Hi |

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