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Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU/ SRINAGAR, Oct2: The members of All J&KPHE ITI Trained, CP Workersand Land Donors Association as

a part of their ongoing agitationheld strong protest near PressClub Jammu today while theircounter parts in Srinagar warnedto suspend water supply inKashmir of their issue was notsolved with in a week.

The PHE daily wagers whoare on strike for the last morethan 25 days, assembled nearPress Club Jammu and heldmassive protest demonstration.The protest was led by TanveerHussain, president of theAssociation. It was attended byhundreds of workers besidesdivisional/district presidents andgeneral secretaries and CentralCommittee members.

Addressing the workers rallyTanveer Hussain said they havegiven so many ultimatums to theGovernment but nothing hasbeen done for them regardingtheir pending wages of last 48months. He said that workers arebeing denied their wages andtheir families are starving butdepartment is not serioustowards their issues. He said thatnow when we are left with nooption other than "Kaam ChodHartal" our department and gov-ernment will be responsible forany inconvenience to the public.

Tanveer alleged that

Government failed to keep itspromise of releasing salary onrecent festivals. He said thatGovernment should immediate-ly release all the pending wagesof the daily wagers without any

delay. He said during announce-ment of SRO it was assured thatproper wages head will beformed and daily wagers will getregular salaries without anydelay but it was just an eyewash. He said that ChiefEngineer PHE Jammu today on

behalf of Chief Secretary hasassured to resolve their issuebefore October 10 and if theyfailed in doing so, the protestingPHE, ITI trained /CP workerswould march to Srinagar inbuses on Oct 15 along with theirfamilies to conduct` Gherao ofSecretariat.

Prominent among otherswho accompanied includedDeepak Gupta, SubhashRakwal, Bhanu Partap, SanjeevThakur, Jeevan Singh, BalbirJasmeria, Govind Kumar,Parveen Ahmed, Pawan Kumar,Dhani Ram, Sohan Choudhary,Manjeet Singh and others.

Meanwhile, PHE dailywagers today threatened to shutwater supply to the Kashmir val-

ley if authorities fail to releasetheir pending wages.

The protesting employee saidthe daily wagers have not beenprovided salaries for the last 21months and that has affected

their families. "The daily wagersare without salaries for last twen-ty-one months and it has affectedour families as it's our onlysource of income available," aprotester said, adding they havebeen demanding the release oftheir salaries and regularizationof their services for last severalyears but no body listens.

Under the banner of KashmirJoint Employees Associationscores of employees along withtheir families gathered at PartapPark here. The protestors raisedslogans and were carrying plac-ards seeking the release of theirpending salaries. They said thedelay in salaries has affected theeducation of their children. "Weare unable to pay the tuition feeof our children. We fear for theirfuture. If the authorities contin-ue to delay our salaries we willbe forced to take them out ofschools," a protestor, said.

Meanwhile, the protestorsdemanded effective implemen-tation of SRO 520 that wouldensure the timely release of theirsalaries and regularization ofservice.

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Oct 2:Commissioner Secretary ForestEcology and Environment, ManojKumar Dwivedi, today inauguratedone-day State level Workshop cumStakeholder Consultation on”Vulnerability of J&K Forests toClimate Change” here today.

The workshop was organisedby G B Pant National Institute ofHimalayan Environment &Sustainable Development (GBPI-HED) in collaboration with Jammu& Kashmir State Climate ChangeCentre (J&K SCCC) underNational Mission for Sustaining theHimalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE).

The main aim of the workshopwas to share findings (assessmentof impacts of climate change, vul-nerability mapping and adaptationframework for forests) of the draftreport among stakeholders and ini-tiate discussions to identify incre-mental and transformational adap-tation strategies for the State ofJammu and Kashmir.

Speaking on the occasion,Dwivedi said that this consultationwill create a comprehensive under-standing of the forest vulnerabilityto climate change the State is con-fronting. He said that that there is aneed for development, but thatshould be accomplished withoutdamage to the environment. Hestressed on the fact, that all thestakeholders need to come forwardand work collaboratively on action-able points in a time-bound mannerso that the results are visible onground and benefits are harnessedby the common people.

He added that the there shouldbe practical applicability of aca-demic exercises to policy decisionsand projects thereof and the stake-holder departments should considerthe environmental and climaticconcerns while executing any

developmental projects. Hestressed for making efforts morecentral to achieve sustainabledevelopment goals.

Principal Chief ConservatorForests Suresh Chugh whileaddressing the gathering informedthe audience about the efforts thathave gone into making the StateAction Plan on Climate Change.He stressed that lack of preparationof Project Concept Notes / DPRSby line departments has beenimpediment in exploring the fund-ing opportunities at National andInternational Level. He added thatthe pace of the departmental activi-ties doesn’t match with requiredactions to attract funding for theagencies.

Chief Wildlife Warden andhead of Forest Force, Ravi Kesarsaid that the importance ofHimalayan States with respect tothe climate change has already beenrecognized at national and interna-tional levels. He informed thatuncontrolled and unmanaged graz-ing is an issue and is taking a heavytoll of alpine grasslands. Hestressed upon focussed research onspecies that are more climateresilient and can withstand droughtconditions.

Director Ecology, Environm-ent and Remote Sensing OmPrakash Sharma stressed upon themeasures and steps that need to betaken per se from adaptation andmitigation point of view.

The Director SFRI N. P. Singh,Director of Social Forestry, S KGupta, Coordinator CAMPA,Sarvesh Rai, CCF (Kashmir)Farooq Gillani were also present onthe occasion. Besides DFOs(Demarcation, Planning &Publicity, ICT, and Statistics) andProject Coordinator, WUCMAwere also present during delibera-tions.

Earlier, Majid Farooq, State

Coordinator Climate ChangeCentre presented a detailedoverview of Climate Change andVulnerability assessment of Jammuand Kashmir showing significantincrease in mean minimum, maxi-mum and diurnal temperatures,vanishing wetlands, melting gla-ciers, reducing discharge of riversof state and also the erratic behav-iour of precipitation as indicators ofclimate variability. The district wisevulnerability ranking was alsoshared.

Later, Dr Subrat Sharma,GBPIHED presented the findings(assessment of impacts of climatechange, vulnerability mapping andadaptation framework for forest ofJ&K) among stakeholders anddetailed deliberations and discus-sions were held to make the out-comes more distilled and meaning-ful for recommendations at nation-al level and later for India’s ThirdNational Communication toUNFCC.

Ex-PCCF, G H Kangoo andwildlife expert M Shafi Bacha werealso part of the workshop andshared their vast experience andwisdom with the forum.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 2: JodhamalPublic School has once againbeen ranked the number oneschool in the state of Jammu &Kashmir for the fourth year in arow by the Elite EducationalMagazine Education World intheir Indian School Ranking(ISR) Award Ceremony atGurgaon.

The ranking is awarded byEducation World Magazine incollaboration with the famoussurvey agency C Fore headed byPrem chand Palety. Dilip Thakor,the editor in chief of EducationWorld, said that the survey wasconducted for around 1000 topschools of India which was a her-culean task. This year againJodhamal has been rated amongthe Day Co-education Schoolsmuch above any other school inJammu, Kashmir, Punjab,Dehradun, Jabalpur, Ludhiana,Patna, Pune, Bhuvneshwar andHimachal.

Keeping in mind the 14parameters including TeacherWelfare & Development;Competence of faculty;Academic Reputation; Co-

Curricular Education; SportsEducation; Life Skills Education;Individual Attention to students;Leadership and ManagementQuality; Parental Inovolvement;Infrastructure Provision;Internationalism; Special NeedsEducation; Value for Money andCommunity Services, JodhamalPublic School was ranked No 1school with 1160 points out of1500, followed by Heritage andDPS Jammu with 1119 and 1065points, respectively.

Jodhamal was ranked No 7 allover India on Leadership andManagement Quality which wasa great achievement indeed andon parameter of Infrastructurealso Jodhamal was among thebest 10 schools in India. In thecategory of Day Co-EducationSchools, out of 10,000 schools allover India, Jodhamal was ranked37 all over India with the firstrank in Jammu city as well asJ&K State.

Principal Trilok Singh Bist,Trustee Nandan Kuthiala, PatronBhim Rathke & AnanditaKuthiala received the award onbehalf of Jodhamal PublicSchool in a glittering ceremonyat Gurgaon.

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Oct 2: GovernorSatya Pal Malik participated in thestate level grand finale/felicitationceremony of "Swachhata Hi Seva"campaign organized jointly by theHousing and Urban DevelopmentDepartment and School EducationDepartment at the SKICC heretoday.

"Swachhata Hi Seva" cam-

paign was launched from 15thSeptember-2nd October 2018, as aprecursor to the launch of the yearlong 150th birth anniversary cele-brations of Mahatma Gandhi and inthe run up to the 4th anniversarycelebrations of "Swachh BharatMission".

The campaign witnessed largescale participation by the citizenryin the form of voluntary service forcleanliness, clean and green drives,Swachhta pledges, rallies,Swachhta competitions in educa-tional institutions, wall paintings,plogging drives (picking garbagewhile jogging) etc.

The winners of various compe-titions organized during this cam-paign were felicitated by Governoron the occasion.

Khurshid Ahmad Ganai,Advisor to Governor, BVRSubrahmanyam, K.B. Agrawal,Financial Commissioner HUDD,Ajit Kumar Sahu, Secretary SchoolEducation, among many other dis-tinguished guests were present onthe occasion.

Paying tributes to MahatmaGandhi on his birth anniversary,Governor observed that MahatmaGandhi had cleanliness and sanita-tion closest to his heart. He had

made cleanliness and sanitation anintegral part of the Gandhian wayof living and mentioned thatMahatma Gandhi had a rule in his'ashram' for self cleaning of toilets.Governor noted that all religionsand philosophies of the world haveemphasized importance of cleanli-ness and hygiene for the overallhealth of individuals and societies.

Governor congratulated theState Administration for their

efforts in making the State 100%Open Defecation Free. Heobserved that due to sustainedefforts of all stakeholders, Jammuand Kashmir has achieved 100 percent toilet coverage and hasbecome Open Defecation Free(ODF), one year in advance. Healso lauded the efforts of EducationDepartment in this regard.

Governor emphasized thatcleanliness is most important forphysical well-being and a healthyenvironment and it is essential foreveryone to learn about cleanliness,hygiene, sanitation and the variousdiseases that are caused due to poorhygienic conditions. He expressedspecial concern for women whosuffer from health ailments due tolack of toilet facilities in homes. Heobserved that cleanliness generatesa positive frame of mind which iscrucial for making us lead a pur-poseful life.

Governor gave away cash prizeto the students of Govt HigherSecondary School Kothi Bagh fortheir quality song and skit perform-ances on the occasion.

Documentaries of eventsorganized under the campaign bythe HUDD and School EducationDepartment were screened on the

occasion and 'Swachhta' pledgewas taken by all participants.

Meanwhile, as a part of thenation-wide campaign 'SwachhataHi Seva' under Swachh BharatMission ( Urban) on the occasion ofGandhi Jayanti, the Department ofHousing & Urban Development incollaboration with various stake-holders organized a grand sanita-tion drive (Plogging-Jogging withlitter picking) here today.

The drive was flagged-off bythe Chief Secretary, BVRSubrahmanyam from the TagoreHall-Iqbal Park Srinagar early in themorning in presence of a large num-ber of senior Government func-tionaries, prominent citizens, mem-bers of NGOs, SHGs, students andother stakeholders of the society.

The enthusiastic participants,especially youth, students and vol-unteers walked through the LalaDed Hospital, Maharaja Bazar,Amira Kadal, Lal Chowk and cul-minated at Sher-e-Kashmir Park.During the walk, the participantspicked up the garbage on the wayand also spread the mass awarenesson sanitation and appealed the peo-ple to maintain cleanliness in thecity and their surroundings.

Interacting with the partici-pants, the Chief Secretary said thatsanitation is mandatory to ensurehealthy and clean environment. Hecalled upon all the stakeholders tobecome part of nation-wideSwachhata campaign underSwachh Bharat Mission and con-tribute for the noble cause in main-taining the Jammu and Kashmir aneat and clean State.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 2: Enforcementteam of Motor VehiclesDepartment (MVD) today con-ducted extensive enforcementand checking drive in various vul-nerable routes of Jammu district.

The team checked more than130 vehicles out of which 49were challaned /compoundedunder various Sections of theMotor Vehicles Act (MVA).

Challans were issued foroffences like overloading ingoods/public service vehicles,plying without valid permit androad tax certificate, driving with-out license, seat belt and helmetetc.

During the day long drive, afine amounting to Rs 1.43 lakhwas realised on spot from the vio-lators.

Meanwhile the inspectionteam also made the people awareabout their duties towards observ-ing traffic norms and road safetywhile travelling. The violatorswere informed that similar check-ing drives would continue in thecoming days and asked them tostrictly adhere to traffic norms toavoid any further strict action bythe department.

The drive was conductedunder the supervision of RTOJammu and was led by ARTOJammu Jugal Kishore Sharma,assisted by Motor VehicleInspectors Gurmeet Singh Baliand Anupam Gandotra.

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Oct 2: Inrecognition to their outstandingcontribution in making theSwachhta Hi Sewa a success,Department of School Educationhas nominated 3 persons fromthree regions of the State asBrand Ambassadors ofSwachhta.

These include Class 12th stu-dent of BHSS Beerwah IqrarRashid from Kashmir, PalakSehgal from GHSS MubarakMandi for Jammu and KaneezFatima, Lecturer English atDIET Leh for Ladakh Region.

Department has also award-ed the schools for their exempla-ry cleanliness and thus awardingthem as Cleanest Schools ineach region. For Kashmir thisaward was bagged by GHSSKulgam, for Jammu the awardwas bagged by BHSS Kathuaand GHSS Leh bagged theaward for Ladakh.

Advisor to Governor,Khurshid Ahmad Ganaie andSecretary School EducationAjeet Kumar Sahu have com-mended the students for theirenthusiasm in promotion ofSwachhta awareness.

Director School EducationDr. G.N. Itoo has appreciated theefforts of all the CEOs,Principals, ZEOs, teachers andstudents in particular in Kashmirand Ladakh for makingSwachhta Hi Sewa a success.


Major bovines smuggling bids foiled;140 cattle rescued, 4 arrested

Excelsior Correspondent

RAMBAN, Oct 2: Batote,Chanderkote and Ramban policefoiled bovines smuggling bids byrescuing 140 cattle and arrestingfour persons.

As per police sources, on spe-cific information, a team fromBatote Police Station laid a nakanear Shan Palace and interceptedtwo trucks.

During checking, police res-cued 53 bovine animals from thevehicles and seized them.

Similarly, 44 bovine animalswere rescued from two Srinagarbound trucks by ChanderkotePolice and 43 cattle were rescuedfrom two trucks at Shan Palace byRamban Police.

Four persons involved in thecattle smuggling have been arrest-ed. The arrested persons have been

identified as Riyaz Ahmed, son ofMubarak Itoo of Darsipora,Banihal, Anwar Ali, son of FatehHussain of Palpar Ragoora,Jammu, Munshi Khan, son ofJamal Din of Sidhra, Jammu andMohammad Asdullah, son ofGhulam Hassan of Woogra TehsilDooru, District Anantnag.

Cases under relevant Sectionshave been registered at Batote,Chanderkote and Ramban PoliceStations and investigation started.

Police teams led by SHOBatote Inspector Nazir Ahmed,SHO Chanderkote Inspector AbidBukhari and SHO RambanInspector Vijay Kotwal foiled thebovines smuggling bids under thesupervision of DySP HeadquartersRamban Asgar Malik, AdditionalSP Ramban Sanjay Parihar andSSP Ramban Anita Sharma.

Suhail BhatSRINAGAR, Oct 2: The ren-

ovation and widening ofShopian-Bijbehara road beingbuilt in South Kashmir's Shopiandistrict is unlikely to get com-pleted by the end of this financialyear due to poor coordinationbetween different departments.

Chief Engineer, Roads andBuilding Department , Sami

Arif, said the delay was becauseof the shifting of water pipes andelectric poles. "The work on theroad is underway and the delaywas due to shifting of utility. Wehave already written to thedepartments concerned and oncethe utility is shifted the work willgain momentum", he said.

Chief Engineer said out ofthe total 25 kilometers nine kilo-meters would be completed bythe end of this year and theremaining 16 kilometers wouldbe taken up next year.

He, however, claimed thatthe department also planned todevelop it as a 25-foot two-lanehighway instead of 12 feet. "In2017 we completed three kilo-meters. Five more kilometerswere completed this year andconstruction work of one kilo-meter is underway. Remaining16 kilometers will be taken nextyear," he said.

In the year 2016-17 theUnion Ministry of Road

Transport and Highways sanc-tioned an amount of Rs 48.93crore for the road. Apart fromconnecting historical Mughalroad with Srinagar-Jammu high-way at Bijbehara town, the roadis also the vital link to aroundtwo dozen villages that connectsthem to South Kashmir'sAnantnag district. It also con-nects the villages with theRailway Station at Bejbehara.

The commuters lamentedthat the road has been dug at sev-eral places, giving tough time tothem. "The contractor has dugdeep ditches at several places.The construction material likesand and gravel are also lying onthe road at several places therebyhampering the vehicular move-ment," Asif Ahmad, a local fromChitragam area said, adding thedamaged water pipes have madethe roads slippery leading toproblems in commuting.

Deputy CommissionerShopian, Owaise Ahmad, toldExcelsior that the issues havebeen raised with the departmentconcerned and assured theirredressal. "We have alreadyraised the issue with the con-cerned departments and they willbe resolved in some days," hesaid. Asked about the compensa-tion of the affected landowners,he said: "Their issues have alsobeen taken up and will beredressed soon".

A view of incomplete Shopian-Bijbehara road.-Excelsior/ Younis Khaliq

Jodhamal School ranked No 1 in J&K by Education World

Principal of Jodhamal Public School, Trilok Singh Bist alongwith Trustee Nandan Kuthiala and others receiving ISR awardon behalf of the school in a ceremony at Gurgaon.

Advisor Vyas calls on Dr Jitendra

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Oct 2: Advisorto J&K Governor, B B Vyas todaycalled on Union Minister of State(Independent Charge)Development of North EasternRegion (DoNER), MoS PMO,Personnel, Public Grievances &Pensions, Atomic Energy andSpace, Dr Jitendra Singh and dis-cussed the status of the variousongoing Central projects in theState as well as the preparation forthe successful conduct of the localbody elections.

Dr Jitendra Singh appreciatedthe promptness with which theGovernor's regime had, in therecent weeks, pushed forwardsome of the important projects ofnational importance which hadbeen pending for quite some time.He particularly noted that withinthe last one month itself, at leastfive projects of national impor-tance had been cleared, whichincluded Shahpur-Kandi Dam,Ujh Multipurpose Project, SeedProcessing Plant at Kathua,Devika river Cleaning Projectunder National RiverRejuvenation Plan in Udhampurand National Institute of High

Altitude Medicinal Plants inBhaderwah.

Dr Jitendra Singh urged uponthe Advisor to Governor to expe-dite the process of disbursement offunds among the PoJK refugees sothat the amount of Rs 2,000 croreallocated by the Centre could bedisbursed at the earliest. He how-ever, expressed satisfaction thatthe State Administrative Council(SAC) in its meeting lastWednesday cleared the decks fordisbursement of Rs 5.5 lakh toeach of the families of WestPakistan Refugees.

Dr Jitendra Singh also referredto the enthusiasm among the peo-ple for the ongoing local bodyelections. He observed, it is for thefirst time that the common aspi-rants and the common people haveshown greater enthusiasm to be apart of the election process, com-pared to even some of the mainpolitical parties.

Vyas conveyed to Dr JitendraSingh that the Governor's regimeis fully geared up to ensure smoothconduct of the local body elec-tions. He said, every arrangementis being made to ensure peacefuland uneventful polling.

Advisor to J&K Governor B B Vyas calling on Union MinisterDr Jitendra Singh at New Delhi.

Forest Secy inauguratesworkshop on climate change

*Vulnerability, action plan for forests discussed

Adopt humanitarian approach towardsvictims of substance abuse: CS

*Drug Policy to be announced soonExcelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Oct 2: ChiefSecretary BVR Subrahmanyamtoday urged the civil and policeadministration of the State toadopt a more humanitarianapproach while dealing withpatients of substance abuse.

"Victims of substance abuseshould be treated as patientswho need care and not asoffenders or culprits. We have toreach out to them by adopting ahumanitarian approach andcounseling them in order toeradicate the menace of sub-stance abuse. The victimsshould be rehabilitated properlyand returned to the society with-out scars of past," he said.

The Chief Secretary wasspeaking at a function organisedby SKIMS Medical CollegeBemina to commemorate theNational Anti Drug-AddictionDay. The function was alsoattended by Principal Secretary,Health and Medical Education,Atal Dulloo and Advisor,Ministry of Social Justice andEmpowerment, GoI, GhazalaMeenai among other officers.

Subrahmanyam stressed thecivil and police administrationto create awareness among themasses about the harmfuleffects of substance abuse. Hecalled for strict and coordinatedaction against the peopleinvolved in selling banneddrugs to youngsters.

"Drug industry fuels a wholecriminal class which candestroy the foundations of acivilised society. We are wit-nessing lots of cases in J&Kwhere consignments of banneddrugs are seized," he said.

The Chief Secretary said theState of Jammu and Kashmir isdoing reasonably well in termsof economic condition of thesociety, "No one sleeps withempty stomach in Kashmir butpeople, especially youngsters,get trapped due to apparent lackof growth and avenues in thislow-prosperity stage and that iswhen they can fall for drugs," hesaid.

Complimenting the manage-ment and the staff of SKIMSBemina, the Chief Secretarysaid he will back the decisionstaken by the SKIMS's

Governing Body and theGovernment will go out of wayto support developmental worksat the institute.

Earlier, Principal Secretary,Health and Medical Education,Atal Dulloo, said the substanceabuse is a multi-dimensionalphenomenon with social, legal,economic and medical ramifica-tion, "It needs serious attention.The State will soon have a drugde-addiction policy which willfocus on three things: preven-tion by awareness, integrationand strengthening of facilities ofdrug de-addiction and commu-nity rehabilitation," he said.

The function was alsoattended by Former Directorand Member Governing Body,SKIMS, Prof MohammadSultan Khuroo, Director YouthService and Sports, Dr Saleem-ur-Rehman, Director SKIMS,Prof Omar Javed Shah,Principal SKIMS MedicalCollege, Prof Reyaz AhmedUntoo, IG Crime, Afhad-ul-Mujtaba, psychiatry specialistsfrom AIIMS New Delhi andPGIMER Chandigarh, and otherofficers.

Governor Satya Pal Malik felicitating participants of “Swachhta Hi Seva” campaign on Tuesday.

Governor participates in grand finaleof “Swachhta Hi Seva” campaign

PHE daily wagers stage protest,threaten to suspend water supply

PHE workers staging protest in Jammu (L) and their children join protest dharna in Srinagar(R) on Tuesday. -Excelsior / Rakesh & Shakeel

In martyr’s village, work on HealthSub-Centre abandoned for 8 yrs

Excelsior Correspondent

MENDHAR, Oct 2: Exposingtall claims of Government for pro-viding good health care system forthe general public, the work on aHealth Sub Centre at the village ofMartyr Aurangzeb (Salani) inMendhar Sub Division of districtPoonch is lying abandoned for the

last 8 years.According to locals of tye area,

the work on this Health Centrewas started in 1989 but it is beingbeing still run from a private rent-ed building. During 2009, founda-tion for the work was laid with theestimated cost of Rs 97.56 lakhs,under National Health Missionand District Plan.

“ Since 2010, work on this

Center is lying abandoned andtime and again we visited theoffices of the officers of CivilAdministration but all in vain “ alocal Khalid Hussain said.

He said that work on thisCenter is lying abandoned withlocal administration least botheredto carry out construction. Salanivillage of Mendhar was native vil-

lage of Army’s riflemanAurangzeb who was kidnappedand murdered by a group of mili-tants a couple of months ago.

Executive Engineer PWD,Surinder Singh said that he hastaken over the charge only fewmonths ago and assured that hewill take details of this project andalso take up the work on priority.

Hospital building lying abandoned for the last 8 years atSalani village of Mankote in Mendhar.

School Education Depttnominates Swachhta


MVD challans 130vehicles, realizes Rs

1.43 lakh fine

Shopian- Bijbehara road set to miss deadline

* Watch video onwww.excelsiornews.com

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