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Page 1: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified




September 24, 2013



Employee of the Month Award Winners ................................................................. 4-5 2. HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES

a) FY2014 Department of State Health Services – HIV Services (State Services) Grant ................................................................................ 6-31

(COURT ORDER ON FORMAL AGENDA) b) Texas Department of Health Services Contracts:

2014-001458-00 (TB/State-African American Project 2014-001035-00 (Refugee) 2014-001393-00 (HIV/Surveillance-Federal Core with Incidence Specimen Processing) 2014-001161-00 (HIV Prevention Plan) 2014-000028-00 (Hansen’s) 2014-001333-00 (STD/HIV) 2014-001403-00 (TB/PC-Federal) 2014-001068-00 (Immunization Branch Locals) 2014-000029-00 (RLSS/Local Public Health System-PNP) 2014-001065-00 (CPS/Laboratory Response Network - PHEP) 2014-001110-00 (CPS/Hazards Public Health Emergency Preparedness 2014-001112-00 (CPS Cities Readiness Initiative) 2014-001331-00 (HIV Surveillance-Perinatal) 2014-001064-00 (CPS/LRN-HPP) 2014-001095-00 (Infectious Disease Control Unit/Flu Lab) 2014-001352-00 (HIV/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Prevention Services ................................................................................................. 32-37


Page 2: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


2 3. SOUTHWESTERN INSTITUTE OF FORENSIC SCIENCES City of Austin Amendment No. 6 to Interlocal Agreement for FY2014 Forensic Laboratory Services ............................................................. 38-45 4. HUMAN RESOURCES/CIVIL SERVICE Approval of Salary Schedules - - FY2014 ............................................................... 46-65 5. FIRE MARSHAL

Proposed 90-Day Ban on Outdoor Burning .......................................................... 66-69 6. ELECTIONS

Voting Precincts Redistricting Due to S.B. 3, Plan H358 ............................. 70-146 (COURT ORDER ON FORMAL AGENDA)


Proposed IT Strategic Plan for FY2014 - FY2018 ........................................ 147-186

8. PUBLIC WORKS Walnut Hill Lane – MCIP No. 10209A (Project Limits – Malibu Drive to Approximately 2,100 Feet West) Request for Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting ................................................... 187-189



Conference/Travel/Training Requests .............................................................. 190-192

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10. INFORMATION ....................................................................................................... N/A

Jail Population Report Office of Budget & Evaluation-Reserve Balance Report–September 18, 2013 IT Services – CIO’s Progress Forward Report Health & Human Services - HHS Updates

11. Miscellaneous, Miscellaneous Equipment, and Telecommunications Requests ......................................................................... 193-196 12. PUBLIC COMMENTS Speakers ...................................................................................................................... N/A




County Holiday – Friday, November 22, 2013

Page 4: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

Date: To: From: Re:



13 SEP i 8 I'll 3: 00

Dallas County Judge Clay Lewis Jenkins

September 24,2013 Commissioners Court Dallas County Judge Clay Lewis Jenkins Employee of the Month Award Winners

In 2012, the Commissioners Court established the Dallas County Employee Recognition Program to formally recognize outstanding employees consistent with our approved Strategic Plan Vision 1: Dallas County is a model interagency partner, specifically, Strategy 1:1; Commissioners Court provides leadership and establishes a vision for Dallas County.

The following employees have been selected by their respective Department HeadlElected Official as Employees of the Month. Congratulations to these hardworking, dedicated employees who help us achieve our goals and objectives for Dallas County.

Auditor Facilities Facilities

Facilities Health & Human Services

Information Technology



Recommended by:

September Employees of the Month Guen Tucker Donald Henjum Ron Evans

Rickey Johnson Sara Massey

"JP Mandate" Response Team

Teri Gabourie

Dora Elizondo

Administrative Assistant Lead Building Mechanic Building Mechanic Building Mechanic Medicaid Specialist

Keff Johnson, IT Software Support Manager; Janice Nelson, IT Applications Project Manager;

Michelle Wilson, IT Senior Business Analyst; Vickie Buchanan, IT Senior Programmer; and

Joe Charles, IT Senior Programmer

Assistant Supervisor Senior Executive Secretary

Dallas County Judge Clay Lewis Jenkins

Page 5: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

Dallas County Employee Recognition Program

September 2013

Facilities Rickey Johnson

Health & Human Services Sara Massey

Sheriff Dora Elizondo

Facilities Donald Henjum

Facilities Ron Evans

Juvenile Teri Gabouroe

Auditor Kathy “Guen” Tucker

Information Technology JP Mandate Response Team

Typewritten Text
Page 6: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

Dallas County Health and Human Services Grants Management


Zachary Thompson Director





The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) HIV Services (State Services) grant tenn is September 1, 2013 - August 31,2014. The DSHS contract was received on September 13, 2013. In order to immediately begin securing signed contracts witb subcontractors for the delivery of services under this grant, it is requested that both the briefing and court order be allowed during the September 24, 2013 Court.

Attachments c: Darryl Martin, Court Administrator

Virginia Porter, County Auditor

2377 N. Stemmons Freeway Dallas, Texas 75207-2710

Suite 200, LB-16 Office 214.819.1849 Fax 214.819.6023

'P. UI N

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Page 7: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

Zachary Thompson Director

Dallas County Health and Human Services Grants Management






Background ofIssue The Dallas County Judge is the grantee and legal recipient of the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) - HIV Services (State Services) grant funds. Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) is designated to serve as the Administrative Agency for State Services funds for the Dallas and Shennan-Denison HIV Service Delivery Areas (HSDA), comprised of Collin, Cooke, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Fannin, Grayson, Hunt, Kaufman, Navarro, and Rockwall counties. In accordance with the provisions ofDSHS, the Administrative Agency is responsible for distributing State Services funds to eligible service providers in the Dallas HSDA. The FY 2014 contract between the DSHS and DCHHS, Contract No. 2014-001459, with a tenn of September 1, 2013 through August 31,2014, is attached.

The FY 2014 State Services grant award is $5,018,439. The award of funds to service providers will be recommended after the contract is fully executed by DSHS.

Fiscal Impact There is no fiscal impact to Dallas County.

Operational Impact DCHHS staff will coordinate and perfonn the administrative activities in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to them by Dallas County Commissioners Court.

Legal Impact The Dallas County Commissioners Court must approve the budget referenced within the contract and authorize the County Judge to sign the contract with DSHS on behalf of Dallas County.

Strategic Plan Compliance Recommendations included in this briefing are consistent with the Dallas County Strategic Plan, Vision 2: Dallas County is a healthy community. The DCHHS is the designated Administrative Agency for the State of Texas HIV Services (State Services) grant. The FY 2014 State Services grant directly supports a regional indigent medical and mental healthcare network for those impacted by HIV/AIDS.

2377 North Stemmons Freeway Dallas, Texas 75207-2710

Suite 200, LB-16 Office 214-819-1849 FAX 214-819-6023

Page 8: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Page 2 - Commissioners Court

Recommendation It is recommended that the Dallas County Commissioners Court does hereby approve the FY 2014 DSHS State Services Contract No. 2014-001459, in the amount of$5,018,439, and authorize the County Judge to sign the contract with DSHS on behalf of Dallas County.

RECOMMENDED BY: ~~~~~~~~ ______ _ -;ta-=ry Attachment C: Darryl Martin, Court Administrator

Virginia Porter, County Auditor

Page 9: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified



CONTRACT 2014-001459·00

This Contract is entered into by and between the Department of State Health Services (DSHS or the Department), an agency of the State of Texas, and Dallas County Health and Human Services (Contractor), a Governmental, (collectively, the Parties) entity.

1. Purpose of the Contract: DSHS agrees to purchase, and Contractor agrees to provide, services or goods to the eligible populations.

2. Total Amount: The total amount of this Contract is $5,018,439.00.

3. Funding Obligation: This Contract is contingent upon the continued availability of funding. If funds become unavailable through lack of appropriations, budget cuts, transfer of funds between programs or health and human services agencies, amendment to the Appropriations Act, hea~h and human services agency conSOlidation, or any other disruptions of current appropriated funding for this Contract, DSHS may restrict, reduce, or terminate funding under this Contract.

4. Term of the Contract: This Contract begins on 09/01/2013 and ends on 08/31/2014. DSHS has the option, in its sole discretion, to renew the Contract. DSHS is not responsible for payment under this Contract before both parties have signed the Contract or before the start date of the Contract, whichever is later.

5. Authority: DSHS enters into this Contract under the authority of Health and Safety Code, Chapter 1001.

6. Program Name: HIV/RW HIV - Ryan White

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7. Statement of Work:

Contractor, in its role as Administrative Agency, shall administer the designated federal and state human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Service Delivery funds, which include Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), Ryan Vllhite and DSHS State Services, as specified in this Program Attachment Contractor shall also assist DSHS Program in the administration, planning, and evaluation of services within the approved HIV Administrative Services Area (HASA).

Contractor shall perform the activities required under this Program Attachment in the Service Area designated in the most recent version of Section 8. "Service Area" of this contract.

The purpose of this contract is to outline Contractors administrative responsibilities and to ensure the delivery of comprehensive outpatient health and support services to meet the identified needs of persons living with HIV disease and their families, in accordance with Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) Program Policy found at: http://hab.hrsa.gov/manageyourgrantlpinspals/eligible1002.html, within the approved HASA. The main purpose of these funds is for the delivery of client services. Direct service delivery funds are not to be used to cover administrative cost of the Administrative Agencies. Unless approved in writing in advance by DSHS, services must be delivered through subcontractors. Services must be provided in accordance with Contractor's fina\. approved Comprehensive HIV Services Plan (http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstd/planning/default.shtm) and in accordance with the requirements of this Program Attachment. Any proposed changes to the Comprehensive HIV Services Plan must by pre-approved by DSHS, following the guidance located at: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/hivstd/planning/svcstadocs.shtm.

Contractor is also held to the requirements articulated in Administrative Agency Ryan Vllhite Part B Contract Guidance, released December 14, 2011 and posted at http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/hivstdlfunding/default.shtm. In addition, Contractor shall also comply with the approved FY14 Renewal Application and approved Workplan.

All activities must be performed in accordance with all the terms of this Program Attachment, including the Budget section, as well as with any letters or memos with policies or other instructions given to Contractor. All of the above-named documents are incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this Program Attachment.

Contractor shall receive written approval from DSHS before varying from applicable policies, procedures, and protocols, and shall update its documentation within forty-eight (48) hours of making approved changes so that staff working on activities under this contract knows of the change(s).

Contractor shall provide the following administrative services with designated federal and state HIV services funds, including HOPWA funds, in accordance with the requirements herein and with DSHS Program's Administrative Agency Core Competencies (contained in the Program Operating Procedures and Standards, located at http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstd/popsidefault.shtm):

Administrative Services: Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the

appropriate deadlines, as specified by DSHS. • Receive and disburse program funds for client services, consistent with the requirements found herein, through DSHS-approved procurement processes such as requests for proposals, and execute contracts directly with subcontractors for these client services within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this

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11 Program Attachment. Establish reimbursement, accounting and financial management systems and prepare routine financial data and reports, as required by DSHS.

Implement the Comprehensive HIV Services Plan for the designated HASA • Provide assistance on technical issues and build the capacity of subcontractors to provide sustainable programs to increase the availability and accessibility of services that are culturally and linguistically appropriate, and assure that the care offered by providers meets current standards of care and treatment of persons with HIV.

Perform monitoring of subcontractors to assure compliance with the requirements found herein (e.g" programmatiC and fiscal provisions) and compliance with the contracts executed between Contractor and subcontractors, with an ongoing aim to improve the quality of care and client services delivery processes. Contractor shall perform monitoring for clinical and case management services in accordance with HIV Clinical and Case Management Services Standards (http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstd/contractorihivmedical.shtm.) Contractor shall also perform monitoring in accordance with US Public Health Standards in the care and treatment of persons with HIV. (http://www.dshs.state.tx.usihivstd/clinicallpdf/contract_reqs.pdf). The minimum licensure requirement for Contractor staff member performing this monitoring is a Registered Nurse licensed in the State of Texas. Contractor shall perform monitoring of service categories in accordance with Services - Minimum Performance Standards (http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/hivstd/pops/default.shtm) • Maintain current facility and individual licensure requirements as mandated by Texas law (each must be current and in good standing with the State of Texas). Contractor shall also ensure that subcontractors maintain current facility and individual licensure requirements as mandated by Texas law, and that subcontractors are current and in good standing with the State of Texas. DSHS retains the right to deny any reimbursement for services rendered while any required licensure was not in good standing. • Attend all required continuing education courses/trainings to maintain licenses. Contractor shall ensure subcontractors also attend required continuing education courses/trainings required for licensure. All documentation to support current licensing status shall be maintained at Contractor's site location and made available in a timely manner to DSHS and/or its representative upon request.

Report subcontractor financial and programmatic activities to DSHS on the schedule as required in the Program Report Requirements section of this Program Attachment.

Require Contractor staff, working on activities under this Program Attachment, to attend training, conferences, and meetings as directed by DSHS Program. Contractor's contracts with subcontractors regarding this Program Attachment shall also include provisions which allow Contractor to require subcontractor staff to take training as specified by Contractor. DSHS may require Contractor to exercise such subcontractor contract provisions as to certain training courses.

Planning Services: • Assess the need for services, and compare needs against available resources, within the HASA to identify service gaps and barriers ("resources" here shall include all Parts of the Ryan White Treatment Extension Act). Assessment activities shall not duplicate efforts to assess needs within Ryan White Part A eligible metropolitan areas (EMA) or transitional grant areas (TGA), but must incorporate the results of such assessments conducted by Planning Councils into Contractor's reports and overall planning efforts.

Plans for subsequent year: If you are in the final year of your Comprehensive HIV Services Plan, you must prepare, and submit to DSHS, information for the subsequent the plan, following the deSignated guidance document (see http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstd/planning/svcstadocs.shtm), by April 30, 2014. Consult with the following parties in the applicable HASA in the development of the Comprehensive HIV Services Plan referenced immediately above: persons living with HIV/AIDS; representatives of organizations with a history of serving people living with HIV/AIDS; and allied service providers, public health agencies, community-based organizations, and all Ryan White Part grantees, if located in the HASA.

• Continue to implement the community input plan that has already been approved by DSHS during the previous Program Attachment period. (http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstd/planningllinkssvcs.shtm). The contents of the community input plan become part of this contract by reference. If an area includes a Part A

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EMAfTGA, use of DSHS funds within the HIV Service Delivery Area (HSDA) that includes the EMAfTGA shall reflect the priorities and strategies included in the Planning Council's plan for the EMAITGA. This Program Attachment requires compliance with the approved Comprehensive HIV Services Plan.

Provide to DSHS a recommended allocation of DSHS funds available to each HSDA, prioritized by service categories with allocations reflecting the intent of Ryan While Treatment Extension Act's mission that core medical services are funded at the extent of need before non-core services are funded. Conduct periodic corresponding examinations of utilization and expenditure data. Maintain effective systems to minimize lapsing of contract funds. Make written recommendations regarding reallocation to effiCiently expend fundS and provide medical services to the broadest number of clients and submit these recommendations to DSHS for review and approval. Contractor shall implement any recommendations as approved (and possibly modified) by DSHS. Allocations and reallocations recommendations should reflect a primary emphasis on assuring participation in HIV-related medical care for HIV- infected persons. Recommended allooations for HSDAs containing an EMA or TGA should reflect the priorities and strategies set by the Planning Council.

Evaluation Services: Collect data on the outcomes and costs of services delivered under the local Comprehensive HIV Services Plan, (see http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/hivstd/planning/default.shtm ) and annually examine the success of that plan in responding to identified needs. If such an evaluation is scheduled on a less frequent basis within an EMAlTGA, Contractor may elect to follow the Part A schedule for the entire HASA. pending approval of DSHS.

Management of Data Associated with Client Service Delivery: Maintain complete, accurate, and timely client-level programmatic data, including adhering to the minimum requirements for maintaining the Unifomn Reporting System (URS), as required by DSHS.

Ouality Management Services: Maintain a documented, ongoing (meeting minimum of 4 times annually) quality management (OM) system, which meets DSHS requirements of being composed of a multi-disciplinary provider team (Chapter 9, http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/hivstd/pops/defauij.shtm). and use this system to guide and continuously improve the program. Contractor shall fully, and in a timely manner, cooperate with DSHS OM activities; which includes but are not limited to:

Providing the current OM plan to DSHS by September 30, 2014(the QM plan can be incorporated into the agency's strategic plan); • Sending requested data;

Participating in studies or audits; Responding to queries and complaints; Participating in telephonic conferences;

• Completing corrective action requirements, to the satisfaction of DSHS; • Providing DSHS and its designated contractors timely access to client records;

Documenting improvements; and • Updating the HIV/STD Care Services Group on the OM program's progress in the required program reports.

The following reports shall also be submitted as attachments to Section B of the program report: Bi-Annual OM Committee meeting summaries; Annual Administrative Agency (AA) Client Satisfaction Survey results; and Annual OM Program/System Summary.

Contractor shall also complete the following administrative tasks:

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1 , Directly enter into written contracts with subcontractors to provide services to clients; 2, Facilitate collaboration with other agencies and individuals with expertise in the delivery of HIV/AIDS services and knowledge of the needs of the larget population( s); 3, Assure that subcontractors, within 30 days of the effective date of each subcontract, establish a Memorandum of Agreement with each local health department within Contractor's deSignated Service Area (or DSHS regional office, in an area without a local health department), This memorandum must be designed to facilitate linking individuals who meet Ryan White eligibility criteria to local sexually transmitted disease (STD) and tuberculosis (TB) programs so that such individuals may receive appropriate services from those programs, Such services obtained locally must not be duplicative of services which Contractor or Contractor's subcontractors must provide pursuant to this contract, 4, Establish formal systems and standing procedures for linking clients to primary care to assure that all clients have a provider for non-HIV related illnesses, 5, Assure that subcontractors provide services that are equitably available and accessible to all HIV-infected individuals needing services and/or care within Contractor's deSignated Service Area, Contractor shall not set up eligibility criteria that favor one HIV-infected demographic over another, Contractor will make reasonable efforts to provide office hours and service locations that are accessible to as many clients as possible, 6, Assure subcontractors maintain appropriate relationships with mental health entities in the area being served that provide key points of access to the health care system for people living with HIV, so that referrals can be made into the care system, These entities include, but are not limited to: emergency rooms; substance abuse treatment programs; detoxification centers; adult and juvenile detention facilities; mental health programs; homeless shelters; migrant health centers; community health centers; health services for the homeless; family planning grantees; comprehensive hemophilia diagnostic and treatment centers; non-profit private entities that provide comprehensive primary care services to populations at risk for HIV; STD clinics/programs; DSHS Program's HIV prevention contractors, and other venues where HIV infection may be diagnosed. DSHS also encourages linkages with hospital discharge planners, Assure that efforts are in place to bring people who know their HIV status, but who are not receiving HIV-related medical care, into such care; and 7, PartiCipate in URS quality assurance activities. Contractor shall maintain a URS Data Manager, as defined by DSHS Program policy, to fulfill the required duties and standards as described in Aries Data Management Core Competencies, htlp:/lwww.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstd/policy/policiesl241002.pdf.

Contractor shall ensure the DSHS service delivery allocation is not utilized for Contractor's administrative expenses, unless otherwise directed in writing in advance by DSHS Program,

Contractor shall ensure client services will be provided as described below with funds designated by DSHS for the use of each subcontractor. Full definitions of eligible client services may be found at http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstditaxonomyltaxonomy.pdf.

Services provided through these funds shall be consistent with the HASA's approved Comprehensive HIV Services Plan, and are subject to availability of those funds, The Comprehensive HIV Services Plan for each HASA is found at: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/hivstdlplanning/svcstadocs.shtm. Contractor is responsible for ensuring that these services are provided,

1, Medical Services - outpatient/ambulatory medical care; AIDS pharmaceutical assistance; early intervention services; health insurance premium and cost sharing assistance: home and community-based health services, including professional, para-professional and durable medical equipment; home health care, including specialty care; hospice services; medical case management; medical nutritional therapy: mental health/mental retardation services; oral health services; and substance abuse services - outpatient.

2, Support Services - non-medical case management; child care services; emergency financial

Page 14: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

14 assistance; food bank/home-delivered meals; health education/risk reduction; housing services; legal services; linguistic services; medical transportation services; outreach services; psychosocial support services; referral for health care; rehabilitation services; respite care; substance abuse services -residential; and treatment adherence counseling.

3. Requirements Applying to Medical AND Support Services -Contractor shall ensure that services funded by this Program Attachment includes either direct service provision by the subcontractor or by subcontractor referral for screening, diagnosis, and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and Hepatitis A, B, and/or C, Tuberculosis (TBl, mental health/mental retardation and substance abuse services, as deemed appropriate by the provider who performs the screening. Services under this category shall offer HIVlSTD risk reduction services and education and partner services in conjunction with local Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) programs. If such care is obtained through a referral. subcontractor shall ensure that such care is accessible to referred clients and subcontractor is responsible for tracking referrals for completion.

4. Requirements Applying to Health Insurance Continuation - Contractor shall ensure that Health Insurance Continuation funds are available in the HASAs, to eligible individuals with HIV infection to:

• Maintain continuity of health and dental insurance; or Obtain and/or receive medical benefits under a health and dental insurance program.

Ensure subcontractors comply with Payor of Last Resort requirements, http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstdipolicy/policies.shtm. when expending Health Insurance Continuation funds via utilization of 3rd party assistance programs [i.e., prescription discount cards, Patient Assistance Programs (PAPs), and local/community assistance (e.g., charities, etc.)].

HIV insurance continuation funds shall be used only for payment of insurance premiums, deductlbles, co-insurance payments, copayments, and related administrative costs. HIV insurance assistance shall be provided directly to the insurance carrier, insurance administrator, qr health provider, rather than to the client. Insurance premiums may be prepaid, including that part of the coverage period which extends beyond the Program Attachment term. Contractor shall ensure that the HIV Health Insurance Assistance Policy 260.002, http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/hivstd/policy/policies.shtm. is followed and that client eligibility processes are adhered to.

Contractor shall ensure that subcontractors provide services directly to clients, except as follows: a subcontractor may itself subcontract out services related to outpatient ambulatory medical care andior oral health care services, provided that DSHS gives advance written approval for the proposed arrangement for that case. Contractor must ensure that its contracts with its subcontractors reflect the requirements of this provision. Contractor is responsible for contacting DSHS when such approval is sought by one of its subcontractors.

Contractor shall ensure subcontractors do not use funds for in-patient hospital services, nursing home or other long-term care facilities, or to supplant or supplement existing Medicaid/Medicare services. However, funds may be used for residential hospice care provided within an in-patient setting such as a hospttal or nursing home that is properly staffed and licensed for such care (as mandated by stale and federal law regarding hospice regulation).

Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal and state statutes, policies, standards, guidelines and regulations including, but not limited to http://www.dshs.slate.tx.us/hivstd/clinical/pdf/contract_reqs.pdf.

Contractor shall comply with Chapter 6A (public Health Service) of Title 42 (The Public Health and Welfare)

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15 of the United States Code, http://uscode.house.gov/download/plsI42C6A.txt, as amended, and the Texas Health and Safety Code, §85.085, Physician Supervision of Medical Care, http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.usIDocsIHSlhtmIHS.85.htm. to ensure a licensed physician shall supervise any medical care or procedure provided under this Program Attachment. Contractor must include prOvisions in its contracts with the subcontractors which also require such compliance.

Contractor shall ensure subcontractors providing direct services adopt written protocols, standards and guidelines based on the latest medical knowledge regarding the care and treatment of persons with HIV infection, consistent with the law and policies referenced herein, as revised.

Federal policies and guidelines listed in the above link are also available on the DSHS HIVISTD website at http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstd/clinicel/pdf/contracCreqs.pdf. Contractor is responsible for maintaining access to current laws, standards and guidelines for its staff working on activities under this Program Attachment.

Contractor shall fully cooperate with all programmatic performance monitoring activities initiated by DSHS andlor the Texas Health and Human Services Commission andlor an authorized representative of those entities. Contractor shall include provisions in its subcontractor contracts which require the same full and timely cooperation of those subcontractors with DSHS andlor other authorized governmental entities.

For purposes of this Program Attachment, Contractor shall not use funds to make payments directly to clients or to purchase or improve any building or other facility.

In addition to complying with all the terms and conditions of this Program Attachment. Contractor shall not impose policies, procedures, or expenses upon Contractor's subcontractors that are supplemental to DSHS requirements which may create: 1) barriers for services to be delivered to clients. andlor, 2) undue

burden upon the administrative, fiscal, and/or programmatic structures.

DSHS reserves the right, where allowed by legal authority, to redirect funds in the event of unanticipated financial shortfalls. DSHS Program will monitor Contractor's expenditures on a quarterly basis. If expenditures are below that projected in Contractor's total Program Attachment amount, Contractor's budget may be subject to a decrease for the remainder of the Program Attachment term. Vacant positions existing after ninety (90) days may result in a decrease in funds.


The following performance measures will be used, in part, to assess Contractor's effectiveness in providing the services described in this Program Attachment, without waiving the enforceability of any of the terms of the contract. All referenced plans, policies, procedures, and schedules must be made available on a timely basis for desktop or on-site review and must be consistent with DSHS policies.

Fiscal performance measures include the following:

• Contractor shall expend a minimum of ninety-five (95%) of total Program Attachment budget by the end of the Program Attachment term, performing the activities described herein.

Administrative performance measures include the following:

Contractor shall serve as the M for the approved HASA.

• Contractor shall subcontract 100% of all Ryan While Service Delivery and/or State SeNices funds as

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applicable to the contract, no later than thirty (30) days after the effective date of this Program Attachment

• Contractor will submit provider budgets for Ryan White Service Delivery and State Services no later than 30 days after the effective date of this Program Attachment.

• Contractor shall distribute all service delivery funds according to the service priorities and allocations established in its approved Comprehensive HIV Services Plan (see http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstdlplanning/svcstadocs.shtm). and make reallocations only with the advance written approval of DSHS in accordance with the Reallocation Policy (at http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/hivstd/policy/policies/241006.pdf) and the reallocation form (at

httpJIwww.dshs.state.tx.usihivstd/policy/poJicies/241 006a.xls).

Contractor shall provide programmatic and financial monitoring of subcontractors according to Contractor's established internal pOlicies, procedures, and schedules (which must all be conSistent with this Program Attachment). This shall include monitoring of all direct client services. including clinical and case management services. Contractor's policies and procedures shall be consistent with the requirements herein and with DSHS' policy on this subject (reference link http://www.dshs.state.tx.usihivstd/popsldefault.shtm).

• Contractor shall provide DSHS an electronic copy of all monitoring reports issued by Contractor to its subcontractors following subcontractor monitoring site visits within thirty (30) days of the date each final report is sent to that subcontractor. Contractor shall also provide DSHS with copies of any corrective action directives made by Contractor to a subcontractor to address performance deficiencies, within thirty (30) days of the issuance of such directives. These reports shall be sent to [email protected]

Contractor shall provide technical assistance to subcontractors according to Contractor's established internal policies, procedures, and schedules. Contractor's policies and procedures shall be consistent with the requirements herein and with DSHS' policy on this subject (reference link http://www.dshs.state.tx.usihivstd/popsldefault.shtm.)

Contractor shall manage and improve client-level program reporting data according to Contractor's established internal policies, procedures, and schedules. Contractor's policies and procedures shall be consistent with the requirements herein and with DSHS' polley on this subject (reference link http://www.dshs.state.tx.usihivstd/pops/default.shtm) listed above).

Contractor shall, from the effective date of this Program Attachment, continue to implement the quality management (QM) plan already approved by DSHS during the preceding Program Attachment

All services delivered through subcontractors shall meel or exceed the minimum standards for services developed by DSHS; these are found at http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstd/pops/default.shtm.

Contractor shall provide all eligible HIV services to clients in accordance with the Comprehensive HIV Services Plan, http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstdlpianninglsvcstadocs.shtm. and the HIV Services Taxonomy, http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstdltaxonomy/taxonomy .pdf.

Contractor shall receive and distribute funds according to the service priorities established in the Comprehensive HIV Services Plan. Contractor shall not obligate, transfer, or expend funds from any HSDA for Contractor's administration. Funds may be reallocated across HSDA according to the provisions of

DSHS policy No. 241.006 located at http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslhivsldlpolicy/policiesl241006.pdf.

Contractor shall ensure that no more than ten percent (10%) of the RW service delivery allocation

Page 17: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


provided in this Program Attachment is expended by subcontractors for administrative costs.

Contractor shall meet any other performance measures required in the final, approved workplan and renewal guidance and application.


Contractor serving as the AA shall be responsible for the program performance of its subcontractors, and shall conduct ongoing monitoring of clinical, case management, fiscal, and programmatic performance of those subcontractors.


Contractor shall utilize (and ensure that each subcontractor utilizes) a specific program format provided by DSHS, Contractor accepts responsibility and accountability for each subcontractor's compliance and timely submission of the documentation required in the program narrative report. Contractor shall submit a program report(s) on the following schedule:

Reporting Period Quarter 1

Due Date for Program Report

September - November, 2013 December 30, 2013 Report(s) ARIES Contract Specific Detail Report- Section A Narrative Report- Section B which is a cumulative 6 month RWAAlRWSD/SS covering June to November

Quarter 2 December - February, 2014 March 30, 2014

Report ARIES Contract Specific Detail Report- Section A

Quarter 3 March - May, 2014 June 30,2014

Report(s) ARIES Contract Specific Detail Report- Section A Narrative Report- Section B which is a cumulative year-end report covering June to May

Quarter 4 and Final June - August, 2014


September 30, 2014

ARIES Contract Specific Detail Report and Final- Section A

The program reporting format may be accessed at http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstdlfieldops/ReportsForms.shtm. The reports shall be submitted by email to: hivstdreport,[email protected].

Contractor shall report on the three service systems improvement goals on the narrative! Section B of the

Page 18: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


program report.

Contractor shall maintain subcontractor's reports and these reports should be accessible for inspection upon DSHS' request.


Contractor shall assure that subcontractors submit. at a minimum, all required data elements under this contract for each client who receives services through the funded provider, regardless of source of funding. Such reporting shall be completed through the URS in accordance with the requirements herein and with all policies, guidelines and instructions provided by DSHS. In addition, all services noted as supported with DSHS funds directed through Contractor shall set up accurate contracts for services within 30 days of the effective date of this Program Attachment, include accurate information on the cost of each unit of service and follow the naming format listed below, as appropriate:

13-14 SS 13-14 Part B

If contractor is entering other RW funding into ARIES follow the naming format for all RW Parts: Beginning year (dash) End year (space) Part (space) A.

This information will aid DSHS in tracking the number of persons with HIV disease receiving comprehensive outpatient health and support services, and the expenditures made for their care.

Contractor shall submit regular Data Improvement Plans (DIPs) for improving the quality of data received through the Uniform Reporting System (URS), known as the AIDS Regional Information and Evaluation System (ARIES). These DIPs are due to DSHS on a quarterly schedule listed below. In addition to these program reports, a yearly baseline report covering 01/01 -12131 of the previous year is also required and listed below. Once submitted, DSHS will review the document and Contractor may be required to make modifications based on DSHS review. Contractor shall implement the final, plan approved by DSHS, by the given deadlines. Reporting of progress and implementation of the plan is required as noted below:

Reporting Period January - September 2013 January - December 201 3

Due Date for DIP Report October 30, 2013 January 30, 2014

Baseline: Jan. 1, 2013 - December 31,2013 April30,2014 April 30, 2014

July 30, 2014 January - March 2014 January - June 2014

Contractor must ensure that its subcontractors under this Program Attachment report client level information into ARIES following the ARIES Data Improvement Plan policy 231.003 located at http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/hivstdipolicyfpolicies.shtm.This data includes information about each client who receives services and is HIV positive, along with a number of encounters by each client with Contractor or its subcontractors for its services, as well as other information included in ARIES. Services should be attributed to a services contract within ARIES and all services should be entered with a reasonable estimate of cost. This information will aid DSHS in tracking the number of persons with HIV disease receil/ing comprehensive outpatient health and support services

Immediately upon the effective date of this Program Attachment, Contractor shall also require its

Page 19: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


subcontractors to immediately input any data into ARIES for clients served during September 1. 2012-August 31.2013 whom the data have not already been entered,

In addition to maintaining the URS data. Contractor shall also require its subcontractors to submit the Ryan White HIVIAIDS Program Services Report (RSR) electronically by February 15. 2014 for services delivered from January 1 to December 31. 2013, Contractor shall follow all instructions issued by DSHS concerning sub.mission of this report, Payment of final voucher will be contingent on proper submission of Contractor's final Ryan White HIVIAIDS Program Services Report (RSR)

Contractor shall also respond to special requests for data from DSHS, by the deadlines specified,

The reports and data oollection activities shall be completed to the satisfaction of DSHS for reimbursement vouchers to be processed, Failure to meet these conditions constitutes a breach of contract,


Contractor shall request payment electronically through the Contract Management and Procurement System (CMPS) with acceptable supporting documentation for reimbursement of the required servicesldeliverables, Billing will be performed according to CMPS instructions found at the following link http://www.dshs.state.tx.uslcmpsl. For assistance with CMPS. please email CMPS@dshs,state,tx,us or call 1-855-312-8474,

Page 20: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


8. Service Area

Collin County, Cooke County, Dallas County, Denton County, Ellis County, Fannin County, Grayson County, Hunt County, Kaufman County, Navarro County, Rockwall County

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This section intentionally left blank.

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10. Procurement method:

Non-Competitive Inleragencyllnterlocal

GST -2012-Solicitation-00098 DCPS GOLIVE HIVRW Non Comp Proposal

11. Renewals:

Number of Renewals Remaining: 2 Date Renewals Expire: 08131/2016

12. Payment Method:

Cost Reimbursement

13. Source of Funds:

93.917,93.917,93.917,93.917,93.917, 93.917,93.917,93.917,93.917,93.917, STATE, STATE, STATE 14. DUNS Number:


Page 23: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


15. ProQrammatic ReDortina Reauirements: Report Name Frequency Period Begin Period End Due Date

Program Quarterly 09/01/2013 11/30/2013 1213012013 Narrative Report Program Quarterly 12/01/2013 0212812014 03/30/2014 Narrative Report Program Quarterly 03/01/2014 05/3112014 06/30/2014 Narrative Report Program Quarterly 06/01/2014 08/30/2014 09/30/2014 Narrative Report Data Nonrecurring 01/01/2013 09/30/2013 10/30/2013 Improvement Plan Report Data Annually 01/01/2013 12/31/2013 01/30/2014 Improvement Plan Report Data Annually 01/01/2013 12/31/2013 04/30/2014 Improvement Plan

Report Data Quarterly 01/01/2014 03/31/2014 04/30/2014 Improvement Plan Report Data Semi-Annually 01/01/2014 06/30/2014 07/30/2014 Improvement Plan Report

Page 24: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


16. Special Provisions

General Provisions ARTICLE III FUNDING, Section 3.05 Program Income. is revised to include the following:

All revenues received from the delivery of contract services shall be identified and reported and shall be utilized as provided in this section.

Program Income generated under this Program Attachment shall be used for current costs, as allowable under this contract, and the income shall be budgeted and expended during the budget period in which ~ is realized. The receipt and expenditure of all program income shall be reported on the quarterly Financial Status Report, State of Texas Supplemental Form 269A (DSHS Form GC-4a) for the applicable reporting period. This form can be located at http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/grants/forms.shtm.

Contractor shall ensure that any service provider that charges an allowable fee to clients for services funded by this Program Attachment shall base the collection of those fees upon a sliding-fee schedule or co-payment which uses as its reference the latest Federal Poverty Guidelines. found at http://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/12poverty.shtml. Persons with an annual gross family income at or below 100% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines shall not be charged for any services covered by this funding. In accordance with Title 25 Texas Administrative Code §1.91, no one shall be denied services due to their inability to pay. Please refer to the information below for allowable charges:

ANNUAL GROSS INCOME Equal to or below the offiCial poverty line 101 to 200% of the official poverty line 201 to 300% of the official poverty line More than 300% ofthe official poverty line


5% or less of gross income level 7% or less of gross income level

10% or less of gross income level

In addition, providers which bill third party payers for services covered by this funding are not required to collect a co-payment from the client (with the exception of the co-payment required by the third party payer).

Annual aggregate charges (including fees and co-payments) shall not exceed the total allowable annual charges, as described in the chart above. The term "aggregate charges" applies to the total annual charges that may be collected from a client for all services rendered through this Program Attachment.

For purposes of this Program Attachment, Contractor shall not use funds to make payments to clients of intended services or to purchase or improve (other than minor remodeling) any building or other facility.

General Provisions ARTICLE IV PAYMENT METHODS AND RESTRICTIONS, Section 4.01 Payment Methods, is amended to include the following:

In addition, Contractor shall bill third party payers for services provided under the Program Attachment, at no cost to the client, with the exception of co-payments required by third party payers. These potential payers include private insurance carriers, Medicaid, other available federal, state, local, and private funds, etc. A Contractor who contracts for funds with DSHS is required to be, or become prior to proving services as described herein, a Medicaid provider for applicable program activities unless Contractor requests and receives a written waiver of this requirement from the DSHS HIV and STD Comprehensive Services Branch, All clients should be screened for potential Medicaid eligibility. Eligible clients must be expeditiously enrolled in Medicaid and funds may not be used to pay for any Medicaid-covered services for

Page 25: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Medicaid enrollees. Contractor shall be able to demonstrate the capacity to actively promote successful client enrollment in Medicaid and other third party payer sources for which clients may be eligible. Contractors who cannot meet eligibility requirements to become Medicaid providers for applicable program activities must apply for a waiver. Conditions under which a waiver may be granted, and associated deadlines, are located in DSHS HIV/STD policy number 590.001, htt.p:IIwww.dshs.state.tx.uslhivstdlpolicy/policies/590001.pdf.

Contractors shall ensure the following criteria are met if subcontractor requests a one-time advance to meet immediate, appropriate need for cash disbursement:

Submit detailed written justification and supporting documentation specifying the need for a working

capital advance. Advance shall be requested within thirty (30) calendar days of the start date of this Program Attachment. The amount of the advance shall not exceed twelve percent (12%) of this Program Attachment award

amount. Contractor shall promptly act upon requests for one-time advances from Contractor's subcontractors.

Contractor shall reimburse subcontractors within 10 calendar days of receipt of reimbursement from DSHS on approved requests for one-time advances. Advance funds shall be expended during this Program Attachment term so that, after the final monthly billing, Contractor's subcontractors shall not have advance funds on hand.

Strict adherence to the General Provisions ARTICLE VII. CONFIDENTIALITY is required due to the sensitive and highly personal nature of HIV/AID8--related information.

Therefore, General Provisions ARTICLE VII CONFIDENTIALITY, Section 7.02 Department Access to PHI and Other Confidential Informal ion, is revised to include the following:

DSHS shall have timely access to a client or patient record in the possession of Contractor or any subcontractor under authority of the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapters 81 and 85. and the Medical Practice Act, Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 159. In such cases, DSHS shall keep confidential any information obtained from the client or patient record. as required by the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 81, and Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 159.

General Provisions, ARTICLE VII CONFIDENTIALITY, Section 7.03 Exchange of Client-Identifying Information, is required due to the sensitive and highly personal nature of HIVIAIDS-related information This article is revised to include the following:

Neither Contractor, nor any subcontractor, shall transfer a client or patient record through any means, including electronically, to another entity or person, or subcontractor without written consent from the cliant or patient, or someone authorized to act on his or her behalf; however, DSHS may require Contractor, or any subcontractor, to timely transfer a client or patient record to DSHS if the transfer is necessary to protect either the confidentiality of the record or the health and welfare of the client or patient.

General Provisions ARTICLE VIII RECORDS RETENTION, Section 8.01 Retention, is hereby revised to include the following requirement:

The HIVISTD Comprehensive Services Branch Records Retention schedule can be accessed at


General Provisions ARTICLE XIII. GENERAL TERMS, Section 13.15 Amendment, is amended to include the following:

Page 26: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

26 Contractor must submit all amendment and revision requests in writing to the Division Contract Management Unit at least ninety (90) days prior to the end of the term of this Program Attachment.

Page 27: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


17. Documents Forming Contract The Contract consists of the following:

a. Contract (this document) 2014-001459-00 b. General Provisions Subrecipient General Provisions

c. Attachments Budgets

d. Declarations

e. Exhibits

Certification Regarding Lobbying, Fiscal Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Certification

Any changes made to the Contract. whether by edit or attachment, do not form part of the Contract unless expressly agreed to in writing by DSHS and Contractor and incorporated herein.

18. Conflicting Terms. In the event of conflicting terms among the documents forming this Contract, the

order of control is first the Contract. then the General Provisions, then the Solicitation Document, if any, and then Contractor's response to the Solicitation Document, if any.

19. Payee. The Parties agree that the following payee is entilled to receive payment for services rendered by Contractor or goods received under this Contract:

Name: Vendor Identification Number:

Dallas County 17560009056

20. Entire Agreement. The Parties acknowledge that this Contract is the entire agreement of the Parties

and that there are no agreements or understandings, written or oral, between them with respect to the subject matter of this Contract, other than as set forth in this Contract.

I certify that I am authorized to sign this document and I have read and agree to aU parts of the contract, including any attachments and addendums.

Department of State Health Services

By: Signature of Authorized Official


Name and Title 1100 West 49th Street

Address Austin, TX 787-4204 City, State, Zip

Telephone Number

E-mail Address

Dallas County Health and Human Services

By: Signature of Authorized Official


Name and Title


City, State, Zip

Telephone Number

E-mail Address

Page 28: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

IntelliGrants TXOSHS • !lo<:ument Page


Organization Name: Dallas County Health and Human Services Contract Number: 2014'()01459~OO ProposallD: DCPS·2014·Dallas C-00003

Budget categories

Budget Categories

ttl Personnel

Fringe Benefits





Other Total Direct Costs

Indirect Costs



Subcontracting Percentage:

Match Contributions

Required Match Percentage:

Requited Match Amount

Source of Cash Match Funds

o of 500

o of 500

program Income

Projected Earnings;


Non DSHS Funding

Direct Federal Funds:

Other State Agency Funds:

Local Funding Sources:

DSHSfuncis Req(ited








$4 933 56






'--___ ----'$:::101 ttl

sol 101



Cash Match



Page 2 of3

Program 10: HIVlRW Procurement 10: GST~2012~Solicltation-00098 Procurement Name: DepS GOUVE HIVRW Non Comp Proposal

In Kind Category Totat Match

S I 5239,47

S $ 184,621

$ I 117,3S!

I 1 1

$ $ 111,60<

$ $C $4,564,43

$( I( $16,07

$ $ $493356 $( $( 184,67

S S 501843

Calculated Match Percentage: 0,00%

Calculated Match Amount SO


911612013 I

Page 29: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

29 IntelllGram. TXDSHS • Document Peg<! Page 1 of 2

.... I*,~TEXAS ~~" Department of State Health Services

My Home MV Proposals M.y Procuremenb My Renewals

Mv Trainrna Malenals ) Mv OrQanization{s) 1 My Proms I lOQcul

OllicJl Decument InformallOn pCpS.2Q14-Dalias C-OOOQ3 Parent Informabon: pCPS·2Q13-palias C·OOOO2

!lml!llI YOI.' Ire here: > Renewal Menu > Forms Menu


Organization Name: ContraCl Number:

Dallas County Heafth and Human Services 2014-001459-00

For contracts -greater than $100.000, thls attachment is applicable and must be signed as pan of the contract agteement


The ul1det$lOned certifies. to the bes1 of hIS or her knowledge and belief that:

(1) No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behaff oftha undersigned, to any peNU)O for influencing or attempting to inftuence an officer or an employee of any agency. a membef 0' C:Ongr&$S. an officer Of employee of congress, or an empfoyee of a member of congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract. the makirIg of any federal gf3nt. the mabng of any fed6Oll11oan. the entering I1'lto of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, contil'lu8tlon. renewal. amendment, Of modbtlon of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperatIVe agreement

(2) tf any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any p61'$OO for influencing or attempting to inftuence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of congress federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shell complete and submit, an officer Ot employee of congress, or an employee of a member of congress in connect-lon with this Standard Form~ 11. ·Olsclosure. Form to Report Lobbying. ~ in accordance with its instructions,

(3) The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included In tM award documents for aU &tlbawsrds at aU tiers (including $uboontracts, $ubgrants. and contracts under grants. loans and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients thall certify and disclose accordingly.

This certification is a material representation of fact upon whk;h reliance was placed wh81'l this transaction was made or entered mto. Submission of this certffication is a prerequisite for making or entenng Into this transaction Imposed by Section 1352. Tltie 31. V,S. Code. Any ~T$On who fails to rue the required certification shal! be subjeCI to a civi! penalty of not less that $10,000 and not more than $100.000 for each such failure.

o Applicable 0 Non.Applicable

Signature of Autnorized IndMdual

Nav'gat,on Links

Status Page Name



~~j funding Ar&QUntabHltv and TranscarencyAct IFFATA) Certification

General Proyistoo$,

htlps:/lcmps.dsIl •. texa •. govtOt>jectP.ge2 .•• px?omnIO:26547&pgeI0=15258

Nott Created By Last Modified By


Page 30: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

30 IntelliGrants TXOSHS • Document Page Page 1 of 2

•• I*"~TEXAS ..:~" Department of State Health Services

Mv Tr2!MIflQ Materials i Mv OrQi:lniZatiOnls) I Mv Profile I lQtlQUt

o~ Document Inlormatlon. DCPS-2Q14·Dalias C.QQQQ3 Parent Informabon DCPS-2013=Dalias C-OOOO2


You are here: )0 Renewal Meny > Forms Menu


The certifications enumerated below represent material facts upon whiCh DSHS retles when reporting Information to the federal government required under fedemt law, If the Department later determines that lhe Contractor knowingly rendered an erroneous cettlfication. DSHS may pursue all available re!1'l9CUes in aCCOtdance with T8Xa$ and U ,$ law. $;gnor furthef agre&.i that it will provide immediate written notice to OSHS if at any time Signor teams that any of the certifications provided tot betow were erroneotJS when submitted Of have since become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. If the Sjgnof cannot cel'titv an of the statements contained In this sectron, Signor must f>(OVide written notice 10 OSHS detamng whiCh of the below statements It cannot oertHy and why.

Organttatlon Name

Add .....

DaDas County Health and Human SeNic:es

23n N SlBmmOns FmeewaV City

Payee Name

Add ....



Dallas County

509 Main St Ste 407

Cal ...

Vendor identification No,

Payee DUNS No. "II!

State Texas

State TX



Zip Code (9 d~lt) 75207

Zip Code (9 dlgrt) 75202·5717

MeitCode 005

1. Did your organiZation have a gross income, from al) sources. Of.!DQ!§: than $300.000 in your previous lou: year? •


Identify contact pefSOO& for FFATA Correspondence. ~

FFATA Contact Person '1 Name"



FFATA Contact Person #2 Name"



o As "the SI,JthOriZtld representative 01 the Organization, I hereby certlfy that the statements made by me In this certifICation form are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.

E~Slgnature Date

htlps:llcmps.d.hs.lex ••. govlObjodP.ge2 .•• px?omnlD=26540&pgeIO=15251 9/1t1!2013

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31 IntelllGranls 'lXOSHS • OOClJmonj Page


1*:.t1a TEXAS ~T"~ Department of State Health Services

My Homs- My Propou(s My Procurements My Renewals

o~ Document Information. ~.2Ql +Dallas C-OOOQ3 Parent Inform •• on: OCPS·2013-Dallas C.QQQQ2

iJIllWli You are here: > Renewa! Menu :. Forms Menu


Contract Number 2014·001459-00 Program to • Program Name HIV/RW - HIV - Ryan ~tte

Con1oad Amount $5.018.439

Contrad Term 9/112013 - 813112014

Contractor Signature

Page 1 of 1

Mv T"iIr~mQ Materials ! Mv OrQantZatiof'l{s) \ Mv Profile I loo;out


I certify that I am authorized to sign this document, and any attachments Of addendums thereto. and I have read and agree to all parts of the contract.

Date S'Oned

DSHS Signature

o I certify that I am authorized to Sign this document. and any attachments or addendums thereto, and I nave read and agree to an parts of the contract

S~n"" By· Date Signed:

Navigation Links

Status Pive Name



Co:1ificatjqn R~o!l""-i(tQ

~e!Jjt! Funding AccpunlablUty and Transparency AClIFFATA) l:&!l![_


Cool@Ct Pnnl

o Top of the Pag~

Powered by InteUiGrant5l'1i!

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Note Created By LaSE Modified By

© Copyright 2000-2013 Agate Software, Inc


Page 32: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified






FROM: Zachary Thompson, Director

DATE: September 24, 2013


Dallas County Department of Health and Human Services is requesting that the Department of State Health Services Contract #'s 2014-001458-00 (TB/State-African American Project), 2014-001035-00 (Refugee), 2014-001393-00 (H IV/Surveillance-Federal Core with Incidence Specimen Processing), 2014-001161-00 (H IV Prevention Plan), 2014-000028-00 (Hansen's), 2014-001333-00 (STD/HIV), 2014-001403-00 (TB/PC­Federal), 2014-001068-00 (Immunization Branch Locals), 2014-000029-00 (RLSS/Local Public Health System-PnP), 2014-001 065-00 (CPS/Laboratory Response Nelwork-PHEP), 2014-001110-00 (CPS/Hazards Public Health Emergency Preparedness), 2014-001112-00 (CPS-Cities Readiness Initiative), 2014-001331-00 (HIV/Surveillance-Perinatal), 2014-001064-00 (CPS/LRN-HPP), 2014-001095-00 (Infectious Disease Control UniVFLU-LAB) and 2014-001352-00 (HIV/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Prevention Services, which began September 1, 2013, be considered on both the briefing and formal agenda.

2377 N.Stemmons Freeway Suite 644 • LB 12

Dallas, Texas 75207·2710 Office (214) 819·2100 FAX (214) 819-2107

Page 33: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified










Zachary Thompson, Director

September 24, 2013



Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) has received DSHS contract#'s 2014-001458-00 (TB/State-African American Project), 2014-001035-00 (Refugee), 2014-001393-00 (HIV/Surveillance-Federal Core with Incidence Specimen Processing), 2014-001161-00 (HIV Prevention Plan), 2014-000028-00 (Hansen's), 2014-001333-00 (STD/HIV), 2014-001403-00 (TB/PC-Federal), 2014-001068-00 (Immunization Branch Locals), 2014-000029-00 (RLSS/Local Public Health System-PnP), 2014-001 065-00 (CPS/Laboratory Response Network-PHEP), 2014-001110-00 (CPS/Hazards Public Health Emergency Preparedness), 2014-001112-00 (CPS-Cities Readiness Initiative), 2014-001331-00 (HIV/Surveillance­Perinatal), 2014-001064-00 (CPS/LRN-HPP), 2014-001095-00 (Infectious Disease Control Unit/FLU-LAB) and 2014-001352-00 (HIV/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Prevention Services. The term of these contracts is September 1, 2013 thru August 31,2014.


Contract #2014-001458-00 (TB/STATE-AAP) supplies funds to prevent, control, and eliminate vaccine-preventable diseases by providing and administering biologicals, promoting immunizations, conducting vaccine-preventable disease surveillance, assessing vaccine coverage levels, and applying principles of epidemiology and outbreak control measures. For budget reporting purposes, this Contract will be split into two budgets, with TB-State being one budget partially funding sixteen (16) full-time positions and one (1) part-time position, and African American Project-TB funding two (2) full-time positions.

Contract #2014-001035-00 (Refugee) provides health screening services, assessments, referral services, and follow-up official refugees, Amerasian-Immigrants, entrants and parolees from Cuba and Haiti, asylees, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)-certified victims of severe forms of trafficking, certain Iraqis and Afghanis granted special immigrant status by the United States Citizanship and Immigration Services (SIVs), and other populations, as designated by ORR, who are resettled by voluntary refugee resettlement agencies within the normal service area. This contract will fund eleven (11) full-time positions.

2377 N.Stemmons Freeway Suite 644 - LB 12

Dallas, Texas 75207-2710 Office (214) 819-2100 FAX (214) 819-2107

Page 34: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Commissioner's Court September 24, 2013

Page 2

Contract #2014-001393-00 HIV Surveillance - Federal Core with Incidence Speciman Processing) provides active surveillance and reporting activities for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)lacquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) for adults, pediatric HIV infections, and all AIDS cases throughout Dallas County. Reporting system registry maintenance, system evaluation, epidemiologic investigation, data analysis and confidentiality for all AIDS cases in Dallas County will also be conducted. This contract will fund seven (7) full-time positions including the addition of one (1) new DIS, grade DD.

Contract #2014-001161-00 (HIV Prevention Plan) facilitates the ongoing and additional implementation activities for Enhanced Comprehensive HIV Prevention Plan to reduce Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) risk and incidence. This contract will fund three (3) full-time positions.

Contract #2014-000028-00 (Hansen's/HS) provides early identification of persons with Hansen's Disease (HD), provides client assessment and treatment, case management, provider education, and community awareness. This contract will partially fund one (1) full-time position.

Contract #2014-001333-00 (STD/HIV) provides programs, including a syphilis elimination project, to control the spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and to conduct Prevention Counseling and Partner Elicitation (PCPE) activities to reduce the spread of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AI DS) and viral hepatitis. This contract will partially fund thirty-four (34) full-time employees, and for accounting purposes, separate grant numbers will be utilized to track expenditures as follows; 08740-Syphilis Elimination Effort to include position numbers 6112,9540, 7407, 6371,6578,9178, and 5147; and grant 08741-HIV Prevention Special Projects to include position numbers 426 and 9143; with the balance of the positions to remain in grant 08706. Grant 08742-Expanded HIV Testing has been deleted.

Contract #2014-001403-00 (TB/PC-FEDERAL) provides basic services for tuberculosis (TB) prevention and control and (2) expanded outreach services to individuals of identified sub-groups who have TB or who are at high risk of developing TB throughout Dallas County. This contract will partially fund seventeen (17) full-time positions.

Contract#2014-001068-00 (IMMUNIZATION BRANCH LOCALS) supplies funds to prevent, control, and eliminate vaccine­preventable diseases by providing and administering biologicals, promoting immunizations, conducting vaccine-preventable disease surveillance, assessing vaccine coverage levels, and applying principles of epidemiology and outbreak control measures. This contract will partially fund thirty-eight (38) full-time positions.

Contract #2014-000029-00 (RLSS/LOCAL PUBLIC HEALTH SYSTEM-PnP) provides for monitoring, diagnosing, informing, developing policies, evaluating effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population-based health services. This contract will partially fund two (2) full-time positions in which the Chief Epidemiologist position is cost-shared with contract #2014-001110-00.

Contract #2014-001065-00 (CPS/LABORATORY RESPONSE NETWORK-PHEP) performs activities at the local level in support of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to upgrade and integrate state and local public health jurisdictions' preparedness for and response to bioterrorism, outbreaks of infectious disease, and other public health threats and emergencies. This contract will fund two (2) full-time positions.

Contract #2014-001110-00 (CPS/HAZARDS-Public Healh Emergency Preparedness (PHEP» is designed to establish a prioritized and consistent set of public health preparedness capabilities, measure abilities, address lessons learned during the H1N1 influenza pandemic, accelerate response, develop an all-hazards public health reduction strategy, and other public health threats and emergencies. This contract will fund nineteen (19) full-time positions in which the Chief Epidemiologist is cost-shared with contract #2014-000029-00.

2377 N.Stemmons Freeway Suite 644 - LB 12

Dallas, Texas 75207-2710 Office (214) 819-2100 FAX (214) 819-2107

Page 35: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Commissioner's Court September 24, 2013

Page 3

Contract #2014-001112-00 (CPS/Cities Readiness Initiative) funding is for aid to cities to increase their capacity to deliver medicines and medical supplies during a large-scale public health emergency such as a bioterrorism attack or a nuclear accident. Dallas County Health and Human Services will coordinate CRI training activities with the Department of State Health Services, local municipalities in Dallas County, hospitals, and local public safety and emergency management agencies to provide training in the following areas: oral dispensing of medications; providing oral medications to first responders and critical infrastructure personnel; public information and communications; dispensing of medical material to treatment centers; and tactical communications between command and control elements. This contract will fund three (3) full-time positions after the deletion of one (1) Public Health Manager.

Contract #2014-001331-00 (HIV Surveillance - Perinatal) provides active surveillance and reporting activities for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) with an emphasis on HIV exposed infants, pediatric cases, and HIV positive pregnant women. Dallas County Health and Human Services will also conduct reporting system registry maintenance, system evaluation, epidemiologic investigation, data analysis and confidentiality for all AIDS cases in Dallas County. This contract will partially fund one (1) full-time position.

Contract #2014-001064-00 (CPS/LRN-HPP) enhances the ability of hospitals and health care systems to prepare and respond to bioterrorism and other public health emergencies. There is no additional impact for this contract.

Contract #2014-001095 (Infectious Disease Control Unit/FLU LAB) supplies funds to prevent, control, and eliminate vaccine-preventable diseases by providing and administering biologicals, promoting immunizations, conducting vaccine­preventable disease surveillance, assessing vaccine coverage levels, and applying principles of epidemiology and outbreak control measures. There is no additional impact for this contract.

Contract#2014-001352-00 (HIV/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Prevention Services) facilitates the ongoing and additional implementation activities of the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration Minority AI DS Initiative­Targeted Capacity Expansion project. The goal is to reduce HIV risk and incidence through the enhancement and coordination of mental health and substance use disorder treatment services for individuals living with HIV, and those individuals at highest risk for HIV. This contract will fund one (1) full-time position


The County Judge is required to sign the contract after approval by the Commissioners Court.


Contract #2014-001458-00 (TB/STATE-AAP) provides $908,932 for salaries and fringe benefits, $78,623 for travel, $82,495 for supplies, $109,000 for contractual for T-spot testing and x-ray interpretations, $19,450 for other to include client incentives (McDonald's gift certificates, bus tickets, bottled water, crackers and printed giveaways, $115,922 for indirect charges. A cash match of $230,374 and a discretionary County match of $174,205 is needed to supplement salaries and fringe benefits

Contract #2014-001035-00 (Refugee) provides $655,879 for salaries and fringe benefits, $2,650 for travel $411,667 for supplies to include one (1) Dell laptop, $289,980 for contractual which includes lab testing with LabCorp and Oxford Diagnostics Labs, $57,941 for other to include rent and client incentives (water and crackers), and $160,041 for indirect charges. No discretionary County match is required.

Contract#2014-001393-00 HIV Surveillance - Federal Core with Incidence Speciman Processing) provides $375,871 for salaries and fringe benefits, $8,163 for travel, $4,742 for supplies to include one (1) Dell desktop computer, $6,470 for other to include a data plan for air cards, and $48,203 for indirect charges. No discretionary County match is required.

Contract #2014-001161-00 (HIV Prevention Plan) and provides $210,895 for salaries and fringe benefits, $37,155 for travel, $4,500 for supplies, $13,480 for other to include miscellaneous expenses for meetings (food, space, etc.), and client incentives with HIV Prevention messages, and $15,091 for indirect charges. No discretionary County match is required.

2377 N.Stemmons Freeway Suite 644 - LB 12

Dallas, Texas 75207-2710 Office (214) 819-2100 FAX (214) 819-2107

Page 36: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Commissioner's Court September 24, 2013

Page 4

Contract #2014·000028·00 (Hansen's/HS) provides $51,300 for salaries and fringe benefits, $141 for travel, $500 for supplies, $5,940 for other to include physician services with University of Texas Southwestern and lab testing with Laboratory Corp of America, $30 for other and $13,666 for indirect charges. A discretionary County match of $23,000 is needed to supplement salaries and fringe benefits.

Contract #2014·001333·00 (STD/HIV) provides $1,624,900 for salaries and fringe benefits, $127,996 for travel, $37,651 for supplies to include two (2) Dell desktop computers and two (2) HP LaserJet printers, $48,943 for other to include a software license renewal, promotional testing items for clients, air cards, insurance, and repairs for the mobile medical clinic, and a Patient Test Result System, $118,610 for indirect charges. A discretionary County match of $250,480 is needed to supplement the salaries and fringe benefits.

Contract #2014·001403-00 (TB/PC·FEDERAL) provides $385,197 for salaries and fringe benefits, $86,756 for travel, $18,648 for supplies, $200 for other, and $54,531 for indirec charges. A discretionary County match in the amount of $90,619 is needed to supplement the salaries and fringe benefits, and a cash match in the amount of $321,019.

Contract #2014·001068·00 (IMMUNIZATION BRANCH LOCALS) provides $1,786,821 for salaries and fringe benefits, $4,432 for travel, $12,903 for supplies, $30,000 for contractual (City of Richardson), $63,885 for other which includes rent for the Spring Valley Clinic, and $131,052 for indirect charges. The projected DCHHS share in the amount of $200,000 is Program Income and is to be used for expenses related to immunizations only, which includes the cost of utilizing officers at immunization functions. A discretionary County match in the amount of $1 00,000 is needed to supplement the salaries and fringe benefits.

Contract #2014·000029·00 (RLSS/LOCAL PUBLIC HEALTH SYSTEM·PnP) provides $160,939 to salaries and fringe benefits, $2,099 to travel, $100 to supplies, and $30 to other. A discretionary County match of $91,056 is needed to supplement the salaries and fringe benefits.

Contract #2014·001065·00 (CPS/LABORATORY RESPONSE NETWORK·PHEP) provides $123,446 for salary and fringe benefits, $8,274 for travel, $19,913 for supplies, and $35,680 for other, and $18,731 indirect charges is a cash match.

Contract#2014·001110·00 (CPS/HAZARDS·Public Healh Emergency Preparedness (PHEP)) provides $1 ,506,708 to salaries and fringe benefits, $18,170 to travel, $29,750 to equipment for a Roche Magna Pure Compact Instrument, $30,182 to supplies, $33,073 to contractual to include a PHEP exercise, traffic control, crowd control and security by the Dallas County Sheriff's Office, Dallas County Security, and the City of Dallas Officer's, translation and interpretation services using Interlingua USA, $102,133 to other to include service/maintenance, Texas Press Clipping subscription, ESRi GIS software renewal, Janitorial service, and fuel for portable generators, and the $172,002 in indirect charges is a cash match.

Contract #2014-001112-00 (CPS/Cities Readiness Initiative) and provides $190,373 for salary and fringe benefits, $13,529 for travel, $31 ,600 for supplies, $62,910 for contractual to include TRUSTCOMM, BIO·Defense Network, VERIFYI, American Red Cross, City of Dallas and City of Desoto Police Officers as well as DallaslSD and DesotolSD Officers, $170,111 for other to includeservice/maintenance agreements, DisasterHelp.net, DirecTV, Bilingual Yellow Pages (Busca· Ayuda.com), Uncle Bob's Storage, utilities, Sprint ERT Go-Kit, cellular service, Clear Wireless internet service, uniforms and the $46,852 in indirect charges is a cash match.

Contract #2014·001331·00 (HIV Surveillance· Perinatal) provides $47,959 for salaries and fringe benefits, $1,831 for travel, $799 for supplies, $50 for other and $3,477 for indirect charges. A discretionary County match in the amount of $8,254 is needed to supplement salaries and fringe benefits.

Contract#2014·001064-00 (CPS/LRN·HPP) provides $4,524 for supplies to include one (1) Dell desktop computer, Saf-T­Pak supplies and Training supplies and $15,369 for other to include three (3) lATA on-site training sessions provided by Saf-T-Pak. No discretionary County match is needed.

2377 N.Stemmons Freeway Suite 644· LB 12

Dallas, Texas 75207·2710 Office (214) 819-2100 FAX (214) 819-2107

Page 37: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Commissioner's Court September 24, 2013

Page 5

Contract#2014-001095 (Infectious Disease Control Unit/FLU LAB) provides $4,000 for supplies and $1,000 for other. No discretionary County match is needed.

Contract #2014-001352-00 (HIVISubstance Abuse and Mental Health Prevention Services) provides $63,682 for salaries, fringe benefits, $56,704 for travel, $10,724 for supplies to include one (1) Dell laptop and one (1) Viewsonic Projector, $20,000 for contractual for a Social Marketing campaign, $35,400 for other to include food/beverage and space rental for stakeholder meetings and trainings, client incentives, and a Groupsite website, and $16,770 for indirect charges. No discretionary County match is needed.


Recommendations included in this briefing are consistent with the Dallas County Strategic Plan, Vision 2: Dallas County is a healthy community.


It is respectfully recommended that the Dallas County Commissioners Court does hereby approve the Texas Department of Health Contract#'s 2014-001458-00 (TB/State-African American Project), 2014-001035-00 (Refugee), 2014-001393-00 (HIV/Surveillance-Federal Core with Incidence Specimen Processing), 2014-001161-00 (HIV Prevention Plan), 2014-000028-00 (Hansen's), 2014-001333-00 (STD/HIV), 2014-001403-00 (TB/PC-Federal), 2014-001068-00 (Immunization Branch Locals), 2014-000029-00 (RLSS/Local Public Health System-PnP), 2014-001065-00 (CPS/Laboratory Response Network-PHEP), 2014-001110-00 (CPS/Hazards Public Health Emergency Preparedness), 2014-001112-00 (CPS-Cities Readiness Initiative), 2014-001331-00 (HIV/Surveillance-Perinatal), 2014-001064-00 (CPS/LRN-HPP), 2014-001095-00 (Infectious Disease Control Unit/FLU-LAB) and 2014-001352-00 (HIV/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Prevention Services, and authorizes the County Judge to sign the contract and all related documents on behalf of Dallas County.

Recommended: Z4c ~ ~ ~.v"= Zahary Th6mpson, Director

xc: Darryl Martin, Court Administrator Virginia Porter, County Auditor

2377 N.Stemmons Freeway Suite 644 - LB 12

Dallas, Texas 75207-2710 Office (214) 819-2100 FAX (214) 819-2107

Page 38: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


September 17,2013







Dallas County Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences

at Dallas

Commissioners COUli

5230 Southwestern Medical Ave

Dallas, Texas 75235 Phone: 214.920.5900

Jeffrey J, Barnard, MD" Director and Chief Medical Examiner jljl8uw>

Cathy Causey Self, Forensic Operations Administrator CC8 ,.nB

City of Austin Amendment No.6 to Interlocal Agreement for FY2014 Forensic Laboratory Services

The Institute of Forensic Sciences Criminal Investigation Laboratory (CIL) performs forensic analyses for the City of Austin Police Department (City) on a fee for service basis, To date, most of the work performed has been selected toxicology testing for driving while intoxicated cases,

On June 17, 2008, the Court approved an Interlocal Agreement (lLA) between the City and Dallas County for forensic laboratory services (see Attachment A), On November 18, 2008, the Court approved Amendment No, 1 to the ILA , on September 8, 2009 the Court approved Amendment No, 2 and on October 5, 2010, the Court approved Amendment No, 3, Amendment No, 4 was approved on October 11, 2011, and on September 25, 2012 Amendment No, 5 was approved, The amendments enabled continued service provision during FY09 through FYI3, The City now is requesting execution of a sixth amendment (see Attachment B) to the ILA to permit continued utilization ofCIL services by the City for FY2014,

The purpose of this briefing is to summarize the conditions of the agreement and the changes imposed by the amendment, and to request approval of Amendment No, 6 to the ILA for the provision of forensic laboratory services to the City,

Impact on Operations

The ILA Description of Work statement calls for the provision of various analytical services, including physical evidence analyses, toxicological analyses, and "other similar forensic analytical services", The description of work is consistent with the services that currently are provided to the City by the CIL.

The amendment proposes no changes in the scope of work. Therefore, execution of the amendment to the ILA agreement will not result in any operational changes for the CIL.

Page 39: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

City of AUstin Amendment No.6 to ILA Briefing September 17, 2013 Page 2

Fiscal Impact


The Payment section of the ILA calls for payment in accordance with the approved Institute fee schedule following completion of work by the CIL and receipt of an invoice. The Payment section also includes a requirement that the County provide 30 days advance written notice of any changes in the fee schedule related to services received by the City. Total payments during the extended contract term are limited to $60,000.

During FY08, the City incurred $9,781 in charges under this agreement. In FY09, $15,061 was spent, $27,840 in FYI0, and in FYII, $27,331 was expended. In FYI2, $32,785 was spent, and during FY2013 to date, the City has spent approximately $48,000 for services provided by the CIL. 1be City agrees in the ILA that the contract payment cap does not relieve the City of the obligation to pay for services provided by the CIL at the City's request.

The amendment increases the total contract amount by $60,000 for the new term (FY2014).

Contract Term

The original ILA term was October 1,2007 through September 30, 2008. Amendment No.6 exercises a sixth extension option for the ILA and makes the new term October I, 2013 to September 30. 2014.

Legal Issues

The proposed amendment makes no change to the content and conditions of the original ILA other than the funding increase and term change discussed above.

The District Attorney Civil Division has reviewed and approved the agreement and the amendment as to form.

Strategic Plan Compliance

The proposed agreement is consistent with strategies contained in Vision 1 regarding interagency partnership and collaboration and identification of revenue opportunities for financially responsible governance.


The Institute of Forensic Sciences recommends approval of Amendment No.6 to the ILA with the City of Austin for the provision of forensic laboratory services and that the County Judge be authorized to sign necessary related documents on behalf of Dallas County.


xc: Bea Washington, Contract Compliance Specialist, City of Austin Melanie Barton, Assistant District Attorney, District Attorney Civil Division Elizabeth Todd, Ph.D., Chief, Forensic Chemistry

Page 40: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified



;1 ORDER NO:_2_O 0_8_. _1_1_72 DATE: JUNE 17, 2008



BE IT REMEMBERED at a regular meeting of Commissioners Court of Dallas County, Texas, held on the 17th day of June , 2008, on motion made by

John Wiley Price, Comm. District No.3 ,andsecondedby Mike Cantrell, Comm. District No.~me following Order was adopted:

WHEREAS, the Commissioners Coun was briefed on June 10, 2008 by the Instirute of Forensic Sciences regarding an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between the City of Austin and Dallas County for forensic laboratory services provided by the Crintinallnvestigation Laboratory utilized by the Austin Police Department; and

WHEREAS, the proposed ILA calls for the provision of various forensic analytiCal services that are consistent with the services currently provided to the City of Austin Police Department by the Criminal Investigation Laboratory; and

WHEREAS, payment for the provision of forensic laboratory services will be in accordance with the Institute of Forensic Sciences fee schedule approved by the Comntissioners Court, with a requirement of 30 days advance written notice of any changes to the fee schedule that impact services received by the City; and

WHEREAS, the proposed ILA is compliant with the Dallas County Strategic Plan by virtue of its support of Vision 1 regarding interagency panoership and collaboration and identification of revenue opportunities for fmancially responsible governance; and

WHEREAS, the tenn of the ILA is October 1, 2007 through September 30, 2008;

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the Dallas County Comntissioners Court approves the attached Interlocal Agreement between Dallas County and the City of Austin and authorizes the County Judge to sign the agreement on behalf of Dallas County.

DONE IN OPEN COURT this the _.>...17u.t.uh _____ day (_. _ .. _Jme ~ -48

~~/!)~. ~~ --District #2

Page 41: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified



§ § §




THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF AUSTIN, a municipal corporation, located in Austin, Texas, hereinafter called "City," and DALLAS COUNTY, acting through the SOUTHWESTERN INSTITUTE OF FORENSIC SCIENCES AT DALLAS, hereinafter called "County."


For the consideration hereinafter agreed to be paid to County by City, County shall provide toxicological, environmental and physical evidence analysis and other similar forensic analytical services for the Austin Police Department, in the City of Austin and County of Travis, Texas, hereinafter called the "Services." The Services are to be performed in a competent and professional manner, and performance shall conform to applicable professional standards for the Services. County shall also perform the Services in a timely manner, consistent with the n~s of the Austin Police Department.


Upon completion of periodic work by County, City will pay County in accordance with the approved County fee schedule for the Services (Exhibit A), within 30 days of receipt of County's invoices. Each invoice shall be accompanied by sufficient backup information as required by City. However, total payments by City during the term of this Contract shall not exceed $60,000 (60 thousand and nol100 dollars) which amount (or a portion thereof where the Contract term may exceed one year) is hereby set aside and segregated for the purpose of paying for the Services in accordance with the terms of this Contract. City shall be solely responsible for monitoring payments under this Agreement, and the not-to exceed amount shall not relieve City of its obligation to pay County for Services rendered at City's request County shall provide at least thirty (30) days advance written notice of any changes in the fee schedule for any of the Services performed under this Agreement. Any changes in the fee schedule that require an increase in the not-to-exceed amount of funding for this Agreement shall be approved by written supplemental agreement approved by both the Austin City Council and the Dallas County Commissioners Court.


The term of this Agreement shall commence on October 1, 2007 and terminate on September 30, 2008, unless sooner terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. City may annually renew this Agreement on the same terms and conditions, subject to mutual agreement between City and County regarding the fee schedule for each year of the Agreement.


County's status in the perfurmance of the Services under this Agreement is that of an independent contractor and not an agent, employee, or representative of City. County and its

Page 42: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


officers and employees shall exercise independent judgment in performing duties and responsibilities under this Contract, and County is solely responsible for setting working hours, scheduling or prioritizing the work flow and determining how the work is to be performed. No term or provision of this Agreement or act of County in the performance of this Agreement shall be construed as making County or its officers or employees the agents or employees of City, or making any of County's employees eligible for the fringe benefits, such as retirement, insurance and worker's compensation, which City provides its own employees.


Both City and County each agree to be responsible for their own negligent acts, errors or omissions in the performance of this Agreement, without waiving any governmental immunity available to either City or County under Texas law and without waiving any defenses of either party under Texas law. The provisions of this paragraph are solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and not intended to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, to any other person or entity.


In the event of a non-appropriation of funding by the City Council, the City may tenninate this Agreement in whole or in part by giving at least ten (10) days prior written notice thereof to County, with the understanding that all performance under this Agreement shall cease upon the date specified in such notice.

Either party may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part for their convenience upon thirty (30) days advance written notice to the other party. City will compensate County in accordance with the terms of this Agreement for all Services performed for the benefit of City prior to the effective date of such notice.


Any notice, payment, statement, or demand required or permitted to be given hereunder by either party to the other may be effected by personal delivery in writing or by mail, postage prepaid. Mailed notices shall be addressed to the parties at the addresses appearing below, but each party may change its address by written notice .in accordance with this section. Mailed notices shall be deemed communicated as of three days after mailing.

If intended for City, to:

Art Acevedo Chief of Police City of Austin 715 E. 8th Street Austin, Texas 78701

Page 43: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

If intended for County, to:

Jeffrey J. Barnard, M.D. Director and ChiefMedieal Examiner Dallas County


Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences at Dallas 5230 Medical Center Drive Dallas, Texas 75235-7710


City may review any and all of the services performed by County under this Agreement. City is hereby granted the right to audit, at City'S election, all of County's records and billings relating to the performance of this Agreement. County agrees to retain such records for a minimum of three (3) years following completion ofthJs Agreement.


The parties agree that this Agreement is an interlocal agreement entered into by and between the parties pursuant to the authority of Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code. The parties hereto agree that this Agreement is for the performance of governmental functions and services as described in Chapter 791. This Agreement is entered into subject to the Charter and ordinances of Dallas Connty, as amended, and all applicable state and federal Laws.


The parties to this Agreement agree that each shall be responsible for their own negligent acts or ommissions or other tortious conduct in the course ofthe performance of this Agreement, without waiving any sovereign or governmental immunity available to any party nnder Texas law and without waiving any available defenses under Texas law. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, in or to any third persons Of entities.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and court decisions of the State of Texas. The obligations of the parties to this Agreement will be performed in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, and if legal action is necessary in connection therewith, exclusive venue shall lie in Dallas County, Texas.


In case anyone or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, Or un enforceability shall not affect any other proviSion thereof and this Agreement shall be considered as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained in this Agreement.

Page 44: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified



This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and constitute one and the same instrument.


The captions to the various clauses of this Agreement are for informational purposes only and shall not alter the substance of the tenns and conditions of this Agreement.


This Agreement embodies the complete understanding and agreement of the parties hereto, superseding all oral or written previous and contemporary agreements between the parties relating to matters contained in this Agreement. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement cannot be modified without written supplemental agreement of the parties.

EXECUTED this thej$~ .day of FehrutlJ 51 , 2008, by City, signing by and through its City Manager, duly authonzed to execute same by Resolution No."'3 , adopted by the City Council on F<>.brcuv,%Z'b ,2008, and by County, acting through its duly authorized officials pursuant to C unty Commissioners' Court Order No. 2008-1172, dated

June 17 ,2008.

APPROVED AS TO FORM: ************ City Attorney


BY: Bob Sche Assistant District Attorney Chief, Civil Division

CITY OF AUSTIN ************* City Manager

\... €, I&R~ A istan C Manager !)~ r'U;thl.Wl~

. 'W\c..e/)


Page 45: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

Amendment NO.6 of

Contract No. NI080000014 for

Toxicological, Environmental, and Physical Evidence Analysis for APD between

Dallas County and the

City of Austin

1.0 The City hereby exercises the extension option for the above-referenced contract. Effective October 1, 2013, the term for the extension option will be October 1,2013 to September 30,2014.

2.0 The total contract amount is increased by $60,000.00 for the extension option period. The total Contract authorization is recapped below:

Term Action Amount Total Contract Amount Basic Term: 10101/07 - 09130108 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 Amendment NO.1: Option 1 10101/08 - 09130109 $60,000.00 $120,000.00 :

. Amendment NO.2: Option 2 10101109 - 09130110 $60,000.00 $180,000.00 Amendment NO.3: Option 3 10101/10 - 09130111 $60,000.00 $240,000.00 Amendment NO.4: Option 4 10101111 - 09130112 $60,000.00 $300,000.00 Amendment NO.5: Option 5 10101/12 - 09130113 $60,000.00 $360,000.00 Amendment NO.6: Option 6 10101113 - 09130114 $60,000.00 $420,000.00 i

3.0 MBEIWBE goals were not established for this contract.

4.0 By signing this Amendment the Contractor certifies that the Contractor and its principals are not currently suspended or debarred from doing business with the Federal Government, as indicated by the General Services Administration (GSA) List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-Procurement Programs, the State of Texas, or the City of Austin.

5.0 All other terms and conditions remain the same.

BY THE SIGNATURES affixed below, this Amendment is hereby incorporated into and made a part of the above­referenced contract.



Dallas County

County Judge

Melanie Barton, Assistant District Attorney Dallas County, Texas


Byron Johnson Purchasing Officer


By: ~N7/A~~ __ ~~ ________ ___ Law Department


By: ~N~/A~ ________________ __

Assistant City Manager

Page 46: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified



Date: September 24, 2013

To: Members of Commissioners Court

From: Mattye Mauldin-Taylor, Ph.D., Director

Subject: Approval of Salary Schedules -- FY2014

Background For Fiscal Year 2014, Commissioners Court allocated workforce investment funds of two percent (2%) for an across the board structure (salary schedule) increase to all salary schedules and employees' salaries, effective October 5, 2013. The attached salary schedules reflect the two percent (2%) structure increase and are submitted for approval by Commissioners Court.

Operational Impact Increasing the Salary Schedules will provide a salary increase for all employees (current and future) increases and may assist with retention and recruiting.

Financial Impact Two percent (2%) of payroll is approximately $6 million. Strategic Plan Compliance The recommendation included in this briefing is consistent with the Dallas County Strategic Plan, Vision 1, Strategy 1.5, Maintain a Strong, Motivated Dallas Workforce.

Recommendation The Human Resources/Civil Service Department recommends Commissioners Court approve the attached Salary Schedules jar Fiscal Year 2014, effective October 5, 2013.

Recommended by: Mattye uldin-Taylor, Ph.D. Human Resources/Civil Service

Attachment A: Salary Schedules FY2014

509 Main Street Dailas, Texas Records Building Equal Opportunity Employer 214.653.7638 K:\Briefings 2013\Workforcc Investment·· 2013 Salary Schedules.doc

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FY 2014 SCHEDULE I - The job grades presented on this salary schedule are for classi-fied positions designated as non~exempt (e.g., clerical/administrative). Non-exempt employ~ees are subject to the minimum wage and overtime/compensatory time off provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

S C H E D U LE E - The job grades presented on this salary schedule are for classified posi-tions

designated as exempt. These professional positions are not subject to overtimel compensatory time off provisions.

SCHEDULE ET - The job grades presented on this salary schedule are for classified posi­

tions associated with the technical/skilled trade industry (e.g., plumbers, maintenance technicians, network engineer, senior developer, etc.). They can be designated as either exempt or non-exempt. The exempt or non-exempt designation will be noted on the employee's job description.

SC H E D U L E S - The job grades presented on this salary schedule are for classified posi-tions

associated with the social services industry (e.g., case managers, juvenile residential officers, etc.). These positions are typically designated as nonMexempt.

ATTORN EY - The job grades presented on this salary schedule are for classified attorney


ENG I N E ER - The job grades presented on this salary schedule are for classified engineering


OPEN PRICING E1 & E2 - The job grades presented on this salary schedule are for

classified department head positions.

LAW ENFORCEMENT - The job grades presented on this salary schedule are for

classified law enforcement positions.

JUDICIAL - The job grades presented on this salary schedule are for classified positions on the

Judicial Support Personnel Salary Plan.

PSYCHOLOGIST - The guidelines on this schedule are used to determine the salary level for

PH.D. level psvcholoQist.

INVESTIGATOR - The job grades presented on this salary schedule are for classified law

enforcement positions in the District Attorney and Public Defender Offices.

PART-TIME --Medical/Social Services Positions - The guidelines on

this schedule are used to determine the salary level for part-time medical and social service positions.

Effective Date: October 5,2013

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GRADE Minimum Max-In-Hire Maximum

01 Annual $17,638.40 $21,611.20 $26,561.60 Monthly $1,469.87 $1,800.93 $2,213.47 Bi-Weekly $678.40 $831.20 $1,021.60 Hourly $8.48 $10.39 $12.77

02 Annual $18,449.60 $22,692.80 $27,892.80 Monthly $1,537.47 $1,891.07 $2,324.40 Bi-Weekly $709.60 $872.80 $1,072.80 Hourly $8.87 $10.91 $13.41

03 Annual $19,468.80 $23,899.20 $29,328.00 Monthly $1.622.40 $1,991.60 $2,444.00 Bi-Weekly $748.80 $919.20 $1,128.00 Hourly $9.36 $11.49 $14.10

04 Annual $20,529.60 $25,230.40 $30,992.00 Monthly $1,710.80 $2,102.53 $2,582.67 Bi-Weekly $789.60 $970.40 $1,192.00 Hourly $9.87 $12.13 $14.90

05 Annual $22,172.80 $27,185.60 $33,446.40 Monthly $1,847.73 $2,265.47 $2,787.20 Bi-Weekly $852.80 $1,045.60 $1,286.40 Hourly $10.66 $13.07 $16.08

06 Annual $23,899.20 $29,328.00 $36,025.60 Monthly $1,991.60 $2,444.00 $3,002.13 Bi-Weekly $919.20 $1,128.00 $1,385.60 Hourly $11.49 $14.10 $17.32

07 Annual $25,272.00 $31,054.40 $38,126.40 Monthly $2,106.00 $2,587.87 $3,177.20 Bi-Weekly $972.00 $1,194.40 $1,466.40 Hourly $12.15 $14.93 $18.33

08 Annual $27,331.20 $33,529.60 $41,204.80 Monthly $2,277.60 $2,794.13 $3,433.73 Bi-Weekly $1,051.20 $1,289.60 $1,584.80 Hourly $13.14 $16.12 $19.81

09 Annual $29,452.80 $36,150.40 $44,449.60 Monthly $2,454.40 $3,012.53 $3,704.13 Bi-Weekly $1,132.80 $1.390.40 $1,709.60 Hourly $14.16 $17.38 $21.37

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SALARY SCHEDULE I -- continued

GRADE Minimum Max-In-Hire Maximum

10(A) Annual $30,971.20 $38,625.60 $48,318.40 Monthly $2,580.93 $3,218.80 $4,026.53 Bi-Weekly $1,191.20 $1,485.60 $1,858.40 Hourly $14.89 $18.57 $23.23

11(B) Annual $32,822.40 $40,996.80 $51,251.20 Monthly $2,735.20 $3,416.40 $4,270.93 Bi-Weekly $1,262.40 $1,576.80 $1,971.20 Hourly $15.78 $19.71 $24.64

12(C) Annual $34,403.20 $42,931.20 $53,684.80 Monthly $2,866.93 $3,577.60 $4,473.73 Bi-Weekly $1,323.20 $1,651.20 $2,064.80 Hourly $16.54 $20.64 $25.81

13(0) Annual $36,504.00 $45,593.60 $56,992.00 Monthly $3,042.00 $3,799.47 $4,749.33 Bi-Weekly $1,404.00 $1,753.60 $2,192.00 Hourly $17.55 $21.92 $27.40

14(E) Annual $38,209.60 $47,736.00 $59,675.20 Monthly $3,184.13 $3,978.00 $4,972.93 Bi-Weekly $1,469.60 $1,836.00 $2,295.20 Hourly $18.37 $22.95 $28.69

15(F) Annual $40,289.60 $50,273.60 $62,857.60 Monthly $3,357.47 $4,189.47 $5,238.13 Bi-Weekly $1,549.60 $1,933.60 $2,417.60 Hourly $19.37 $24.17 $30.22

16(G) Annual $43,492.80 $54,246.40 $67,808.00 Monthly $3,624.40 $4,520.53 $5,650.67 Bi-Weekly $1,672.80 $2,086.40 $2,608.00 Hourly $20.91 $26.08 $32.60

Effective October 5, 2013

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GRADE Minimum Max-In-Hire Maximum

A Annual $30,967.20 $38,649.96 $48,308.76 Monthly $2,580.60 $3,220.83 $4,025.73 Bi-Weekly $1,191.05 $1,486.54 $1,858.03 Hourly $14.89 $18.58 $23.23

B Annual $32,849.88 $41,002.56 $51,245.88 Monthly $2,737.49 $3,416.88 $4,270.49 Bi-Weekly $1,263.46 $1,577.02 $1,971.00 Hourly $15.79 $19.71 $24.64

C Annual $34,395.48 $42,931.32 $53,656.68 Monthly $2,866.29 $3,577.61 $4,471.39 Bi-Weekly $1,322.90 $1,651.20 $2,063.72 Hourly $16.54 $20.64 $25.80

D Annual $36,531.12 $45,590.76 $57,003.12 Monthly $3,044.26 $3,799.23 $4,750.26 Bi-Weekly $1,405.04 $1,753.49 $2,192.43 Hourly $17.56 $21.92 $27.41

E Annual $38,245.20 $47,724.24 $59,662.80 Monthly $3,187.10 $3,977.02 $4,971.90 Bi-Weekly $1,470.97 $1,835.55 $2,294.72 Hourly $18.39 $22.94 $28.68

F Annual $40,296.48 $50,266.80 $62,848.08 Monthly $3,358.04 $4,188.90 $5,237.34 Bi-Weekly $1,549.86 $1,933.34 $2,417.23 Hourly $19.37 $24.17 $30.22

G Annual $43,472.04 $54,256.08 $67,831.08 Monthly $3,622.67 $4,521.34 $5,652.59 Bi-Weekly $1,672.00 $2,086.77 $2,608.89 Hourly $20.90 $26.08 $32.61

H Annual $46,816.08 $58,435.20 $73,047.72 Monthly $3,901.34 $4,869.60 $6,087.31 Bi-Weekly $1,800.62 $2,247.51 $2,809.53 Hourly $22.51 $28.09 $35.12

I Annual $50,581.44 $63,140.28 $78,907.20 Monthly $4,215.12 $5,261.69 $6,575.60 Bi-Weekly $1,945.44 $2,428.47 $3,034.89 Hourly $24.32 $30.36 $37.94

Effective October 5, 2013

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SALARY SCHEDULE E -- continued

GRADE Minimum Max·ln·Hire Maximum

J Annual $54,979.44 $68,619.96 $85,775.04 Monthly $4,581.62 $5,718.33 $7,147.92 Bi-Weekly $2,114.59 $2,639.23 $3,299.04 Hourly $26.43 $32.99 $41.24

K Annual $58,913.52 $73,529.88 $91,897.68 Monthly $4,909.46 $6,127.49 $7,658.14 Bi-Weekly $2,265.90 $2,828.07 $3,534.53 Hourly $28.32 $35.35 $44.18

L Annual $62,327.64 $77,781.84 $97,245.72 Monthly $5,193.97 $6,481.82 $8,103.81 Bi-Weekly $2,397.22 $2,991.61 $3,740.22 Hourly $29.97 $37.40 $46.75

M Annual $67,161.12 $83,817.12 $104,785.92 Monthly $5,596.76 $6,984.76 $8,732.16 Bi-Weekly $2,583.12 $3,223.74 $4,030.23 Hourly $32.29 $40.30 $50.38

N Annual $73,034.16 $91,152.48 $113,948.04 Monthly $6,086.18 $7,596.04 $9,495.67 Bi-Weekly $2,809.01 $3,505.86 $4,382.62 Hourly $35.11 $43.82 $54.78

0 Annual $79,918.80 $99,730.08 $124,644.24 Monthly $6,659.90 $8,310.84 $10,387.02 Bi-Weekly $3,073.80 $3,835.77 $4,794.01 Hourly $38.42 $47.95 $59.93

P Annual $87,000.36 $108,599.76 $135,735.00 Monthly $7,250.03 $9,049.98 $11,311.25 Bi-Weekly $3,346.17 $4,176.91 $5,220.58 Hourly $41.83 $52.21 $65.26

Effective October 5,2013

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GRADE Minimum Max-In-Hire Maximum

AM Annual $32,801.60 $40,955.20 $51,209.60 Monthly $2,733.47 $3,412.93 $4,267.47 Bi-Weekly $1,261.60 $1,575.20 $1,969.60 Hourly $15.77 $19.69 $24.62

BM Annual $34,715.20 $43,284.80 $54,121.60 Monthly $2,892.93 $3,607.07 $4,510.13 Bi-Weekly $1,335.20 $1,664.80 $2,081.60 Hourly $16.69 $20.81 $26.02

eM Annual $36,233.60 $45,240.00 $56,513.60 Monthly $3,019.47 $3,770.00 $4,709.47 Bi-Weekly $1,393.60 $1,740.00 $2,173.60 Hourly $17.42 $21.75 $27.17

OM Annual $38,313.60 $47,840.00 $59,758.40 Monthly $3,192.80 $3,986.67 $4,979.87 Bi-Weekly $1,473.60 $1,840.00 $2,298.40 Hourly $18.42 $23.00 $28.73

EM Annual $40,019.20 $49,920.00 $62,400.00 Monthly $3,334.93 $4,160.00 $5,200.00 Bi-Weekly $1,539.20 $1,920.00 $2,400.00 Hourly $19.24 $24.00 $30.00

FM Annual $42,016.00 $52,436.80 $65,561.60 Monthly $3,501.33 $4,369.73 $5,463.47 Bi-Weekly $1,616.00 $2,016.80 $2,521.60 Hourly $20.20 $25.21 $31.52

GM Annual $45,156.80 $56,326.40 $70,428.80 Monthly $3,763.07 $4,693.87 $5,869.07 Bi-Weekly $1,736.80 $2,166.40 $2,708.80 Hourly $21.71 $27.08 $33.86

HM Annual $48,401.60 $60,424.00 $75,504.00 Monthly $4,033.47 $5,035.33 $6,292.00 Bi-Weekly $1,861.60 $2,324.00 $2,904.00 Hourly $23.27 $29.05 $36.30

1M Annual $52,124.80 $65,062.40 $81,328.00 Monthly $4,343.73 $5,421.87 $6,777.33 Bi-Weekly $2,004.80 $2,502.40 $3,128.00 Hourly $25.06 $31.28 $39.10

Effective October 5, 2013

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GRADE Minimum Max-In-Hire Maximum

JM Annual $56,440.56 $70,43220 $88,06920 Monthly $4,703.38 $5,869.35 $7,339.10 Bi-Weekly $2,170.79 $2,708.93 $3,387.28 Hourly $27.13 $33.86 $42.34

KM Annual $60,304.56 $75,268.80 $94,104.24 Monthly $5,025.38 $6,272.40 $7,842.02 Bi-Weekly $2,319.41 $2,894.95 $3,619.39 Hourly $28.99 $36.19 $45.24

LM Annual $63,690.48 $79,462.32 $99,335.28 Monthly $5,307.54 $6,621.86 $8,277.94 Bi-Weekly $2,449.63 $3,05624 $3,820.59 Hourly $30.62 $38.20 $47.76

MM Annual $68,411.52 $85,380,60 $106,72920 Monthly $5,700.96 $7,115.05 $8,894.10 Bi-Weekly $2,63121 $3,283.87 $4,104.97 Hourly $32.89 $41.05 $51.31

NM Annual $74,186.28 $92,584.56 $115,716.00 Monthly $6,182.19 $7,715.38 $9,643.00 Bi-Weekly $2,853.32 $3,560.94 $4,450.62 Hourly $35.67 $44.51 $55.63

OM Annual $80,930.52 $101,015.76 $126,280.80 Monthly $6,74421 $8,417.98 $10,523.40 Bi-Weekly $3,112.11 $3,88522 $4,856.95 Hourly $38.91 $48.57 $60.71

PM Annual $87,913.56 $109,724.88 $137,152.56 Monthly $7,326.13 $9,143.74 $11,429.38 Bi-Weekly $3,38129 $4,220.19 $5,275.10 Hourly $42.27 $52.75 $65.94

Effective October 5, 2013

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GRADE Minimum Max-In-Hire Maximum

AA Annual $27,144.00 $40,726.40 $42,369.60 Monthly $2,262.00 $3,393.87 $3,530.80 Bi-Weekly $1,044.00 $1,566.40 $1,629.60 Hourly $13.05 $19.58 $20.37

BB Annual $28,662.40 $43,035.20 $44,740.80 Monthly $2,388.53 $3,586.27 $3,728.40 Bi-Weekly $1,102.40 $1,655.20 $1,720.80 Hourly $13.78 $20.69 $21.51

CC Annual $30,305.60 $45,406.40 $47,236.80 Monthly $2,525.47 $3,783.87 $3,936.40 Bi-Weekly $1,165.60 $1,746.40 $1,816.80 Hourly $14.57 $21.83 $22.71

DO Annual $31,948.80 $47,964.80 $49,878.40 Monthly $2,662.40 $3,997.07 $4,156.53 Bi-Weekly $1,228.80 $1,844.80 $1,918.40 Hourly $15.36 $23.06 $23.98

EE Annual $33,779.20 $50,648.00 $52,665.60 Monthly $2,814.93 $4,220.67 $4,388.80 Bi-Weekly $1,299.20 $1,948.00 $2,025.60 Hourly $16.24 $24.35 $25.32

FF Annual $35,422.40 $53,123.20 $55,244.80 Monthly $2,951.87 $4,426.93 $4,603.73 Bi-Weekly $1,362.40 $2,043.20 $2,124.80 Hourly $17.03 $25.54 $26.56

GG Annual $37,960.00 $56,929.60 $59,196.80 Monthly $3,163.33 $4,744.13 $4,933.07 Bi-Weekly $1,460.00 $2,189.60 $2,276.80 Hourly $18.25 $27.37 $28.46

Effective October 5, 2013

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GRADE Max~ln~Hire Maximum -20% -12% -4% 4% 12% 20%

Att1 Annual $54,858.72 $57,023.64 $59,172.84 $64,114.32 $68,428.32 $71,165.40 Monthly $4,571.56 $4,751.97 $4,931.07 $5,342.86 $5,702.36 $5,930.45 Bi-Weekly $2,109.95 $2,193.22 $2,275.88 $2,465.94 $2,631.86 $2,737.13 Hourly $26.37 $27.42 $28.45 $30.82 $32.90 $34.21

Att2 Annual $57,682.44 $61,416.12 $65,149.56 $70,577.40 $77,919.12 $81,035.88 Monthly $4,806.87 $5,118.01 $5,429.13 $5,881.45 $6,493.26 $6,752.99 Bi-Weekly $2,218.56 $2,362.16 $2,505.75 $2,714.52 $2,996.89 $3,116.76 Hourly $27.73 $29.53 $31.32 $33.93 $37.46 $38.96

Att3 Annual $63,486.84 $67,565.40 $71,659.92 $77,636.88 $85,684.44 $89,111.76 Monthly $5,290.57 $5,630.45 $5,971.66 $6,469.74 $7,140.37 $7,425.98 Bi-Weekly $2,441.80 $2,598.67 $2,756.15 $2,986.03 $3,295.56 $3,427.38 Hourly $30.52 $32.48 $34.45 $37.33 $41.19 $42.84

Att4 Annual $70,844.16 $76,224.96 $84,978.60 $88,366.80 $102,783.72 $106,895.04 Monthly $5,903.68 $6,352.08 $7,081.55 $7,363.90 $8,565.31 $8,907.92 Bi-Weekly $2,724.78 $2,931.73 $3,268.41 $3,398.72 $3,953.22 $4,111.35 Hourly $34.06 $36.65 $40.86 $42.48 $49.42 $51.39

Att5 Annual $81,009.72 $89,104.32 $101,230.68 $105,262.32 $121,435.80 $126,293.28 Monthly $6,750.81 $7,425.36 $8,435.89 $8,771.86 $10,119.65 $10,524.44 Bi·Weekly $3,115.76 $3,427.09 $3,893.49 $4,048.55 $4,670.61 $4,857.43 Hourly $38.95 $42.84 $48.67 $50.61 $58.38 $60.72

Att6 Annual $92,320.20 $101,544.24 $115,364.88 $119,992.80 $138,409.68 $143,946.12 Monthly $7,693.35 $8,462.02 $9,613.74 $9,999.40 $11,534.14 $11,995.51 Bi-Weekly $3,550.78 $3,905.55 $4,437.11 $4,615.11 $5,323.45 $5,536.39 Hourly $44.38 $48.82 $55.46 $57.69 $66.54 $69.20

Att7 Annual $109,858.68 $120,824.16 $131,789.52 $142,770.84 $164,701.80 $171,289.92 Monthly $9,154.89 $10,068.68 $10,982.46 $11,897.57 $13,725.15 $14,274.16 Bi·Weekly $4,225.33 $4,647.08 $5,068.83 $5,491.19 $6,334.68 $6,588.07 Hourly $52.82 $58.09 $63.36 $68.64 $79.18 $82.35

Att8 Annual $120,745.80 $132,887.64 $144,966.96 $157,046.16 $181,251.72 $188,501.88 Monthly $10,062.15 $11,073.97 $12,080.58 $13,087.18 $15,104.31 $15,708.49 Bi-Weekly $4,644.07 $5,111.06 $5,575.65 $6,040.24 $6,971.22 $7,250.07 Hourly $58.05 $63.89 $69.70 $75.50 $87.14 $90.63

Effective October 5, 2013

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GRADE Minimum Max-In-Hire Maximum

A1 Annual $67,543.80 $84,294.72 $105,368.28 Monthly $5,628.65 $7,024.56 $8,780.69 Bi-Weekly $2,597.84 $3,242.10 $4,052.63 Hourly $32.47 $40.53 $50.66

81 Annual $79,463.28 $99,170.16 $123,962.64 Monthly $6,621.94 $8,264.18 $10,330.22 Bi-Weekly $3,056.28 $3,814.24 $4,767.79 Hourly $38.20 $47.68 $59.60

C1 Annual $93,486.24 $116,670.72 $145,838.52 Monthly $7,790.52 $9,722.56 $12,153.21 Bi-Weekly $3,595.62 $4,487.34 $5,609.17 Hourly $44.95 $56.09 $70.11

01 Annual $116,857.68 $145,838.64 $182,298.00 Monthly $9,738.14 $12,153.22 $15,191.50 Bi-Weekly $4,494.53 $5,609.18 $7,011.46 Hourly $56.18 $70.11 $87.64

E1 Annual $129,841.92 $162,042.72 $202,553.40 Monthly $10,820.16 $13,503.56 $16,879.45 Bi-Weekly $4,993.92 $6,232.41 $7,790.52 Hourly $62.42 $77.91 $97.38

F1 Annual $144,268.68 $180,047.52 $225,059.28 Monthly $12,022.39 $15,003.96 $18,754.94 Bi-Weekly $5,548.80 $6,924.90 $8,656.13 Hourly $69.36 $86.56 $108.20

G1 Annual $169,727.88 $211,820.52 $264,775.68 Monthly $14,143.99 $17,651.71 $22,064.64 Bi-Weekly $6,528.00 $8,146.94 $10,183.68 Hourly $81.60 $101.84 $127.30

Effective October 5, 2013

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GRADE Minimum Max-In-Hire

A2 Annual $84,770.16 $105,962.76 Monthly $7,064.18 $8,830.23 Bi-Weekly $3,260.39 $4,075.49 Hourly $40.75 $50.94

82 Annual $90,704.16 $113,380.08 Monthly $7,558.68 $9,448.34 Bi-Weekly $3,488.62 $4,360.77 Hourly $43.61 $54.51

C2 Annual $97,053.36 $121,316.76 Monthly $8,087.78 $10,109.73 Bi-Weekly $3,732.82 $4,666.03 Hourly $46.66 $58.33

02 Annual $104,817.72 $131,022.12 Monthly $8,734.81 $10,918.51 Bi-Weekly $4,031.45 $5,039.31 Hourly $50.39 $62.99

E2 Annual $112,154.88 $140,193.60 Monthly $9,346.24 $11,682.80 Bi-Weekly $4,313.65 $5,392.06 Hourly $53.92 $67.40

F2 Annual $124,491.96 $155,614.92 Monthly $10,374.33 $12,967.91 Bi-Weekly $4,788.15 $5,985.19 Hourly $59.85 $74.81

G2 Annual $131,961.48 $164,951.88 Monthly $10,996.79 $13,745.99 Bi-Weekly $5,075.44 $6,344.30 Hourly $63.44 $79.30

H2 Annual $141,198.84 $176,498.52 Monthly $11,766.57 $14,708.21 Bi-Weekly $5,430.72 $6,788.40 Hourly $67.88 $84.86

12 Annual $148,258.68 $185,323.44 Monlhly $12,354.89 $15,443.62 Bi-Weekly $5,702.26 $7,127.82 Hourly $71.28 $89.10

Effective October 5, 2013

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$127,155.36 $10,596.28 $4,890.59


$136,056.12 $11,338.01 $5,232.93


$145,580.16 $12,131.68 $5,599.24


$157,226.64 $13,102.22 $6,047.18


$168,232.44 $14,019.37

$6,470.48 $80.88

$186,738.00 $15,561.50 $7,182.23


$197,942.28 $16,495.19 $7,613.16


$211,798.20 $17,649.85

$8,146.08 $101.83

$222,388.08 $18,532.34 $8,553.39


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GRADE Minimum Max-in-Hire

J2 Annual $155,671.68 $194,589.60 Monthly $12,972.64 $16,215.80 Bi-Weekly $5,987.37 $7,484.22 Hourly $74.84 $93.55

K2 Annual $163,455.24 $204,318.96 Monthly $13,621.27 $17,026.58 Bi-Weekly $6,286.74 $7,858.42 Hourly $78.58 $98.23

L2 Annual $174,897.12 $218,621.40 Monthly $14,574.76 $18,218.45 Bi-Weekly $6,726.81 $8,408.52 Hourly $84.09 $105.11

M2 Annual $188,888.88 $236,111.04 Monthly $15,740.74 $19,675.92 Bi-Weekly $7,264.96 $9,081.19 Hourly $90.81 $113.51

N2 Annual $204,000.00 $255,000.00 Monthly $17,000.00 $21,250.00 Bi-Weekly $7,846.15 $9,807.69 Hourly $98.08 $122.60

Effective October 5, 2013

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$233,507.52 $19,458.96 $8,981.06


$245,182.92 $20,431.91 $9,430.11


$262,345.68 $21,862.14 $10,090.22


$283,333.32 $23,611.11 $10,897.44


$306,000.00 $25,500.00 $11,769.23


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GRADE Minimum Midpoint Max-In-Hire Maximum 85% Mkt 100% Mkt

PE1 Annual $38,315.64 $45,972.96 $54,080.04 $59,765.04 Monthly $3,192.97 $3,831.08 $4,506.67 $4,980.42 Bi-Weekly $1,473.68 $1,768.19 $2,080.00 $2,298.66 Hourly $18.42 $22.10 $26.00 $28.73

PE2 Annual $40,128.00 $48,164.88 $56,651.28 $62,599.80 Monthly $3,344.00 $4,013.74 $4,720.94 $5,216.65 Bi-Weekly $1,543.38 $1,852.50 $2,178.90 $2,407.68 Hourly $19.29 $23.16 $27.24 $30.10

PE3 Annual $41,518.92 $49,822.80 $58,618.32 $64,762.32 Monthly $3,459.91 $4,151.90 $4,884.86 $5,396.86 Bi-Weekly $1,596.88 $1,916.26 $2,254.55 $2,490.86 Hourly $19.96 $23.95 $28.18 $31.14

PE4 Annual $43,345.56 $52,014.60 $61,189.44 $67,611.84 Monthly $3,612.13 $4,334.55 $5,099.12 $5,634.32 Bi-Weekly $1,667.14 $2,000.56 $2,353.44 $2,600.46 Hourly $20.84 $25.01 $29.42 $32.51

PE5 Annual $45,172.08 $54,206.52 $63,760.68 $70,461.12 Monthly $3,764.34 $4,517.21 $5,313.39 $5,871.76 Bi-Weekly $1,737.39 $2,084.87 $2,452.33 $2,710.04 Hourly $21.72 $26.06 $30.65 $33.88

PEG Annual $45,902.76 $55,077.72 $64,800.48 $71,601.12 Monthly $3,825.23 $4,589.81 $5,400.04 $5,966.76 Bi-Weekly $1,765.49 $2,118.37 $2,492.33 $2,753.89 Hourly $22.07 $26.48 $31.15 $34.42

PE7 Annual $50,412.84 $60,501.12 $71,179.56 $78,658.80 Monthly $4,201.07 $5,041.76 $5,931.63 $6,554.90 Bi-Weekly $1,938.96 $2,326.97 $2,737.68 $3,025.34 Hourly $24.24 $29.09 $34.22 $37.82

PES Annual $51,368.28 $61,639.32 $72,514.32 $80,134.68 Monthly $4,280.69 $5,136.61 $6,042.86 $6,677.89 Bi-Weekly $1,975.70 $2,370.74 $2,789.01 $3,082.10 Hourly $24.70 $29.63 $34.86 $38.53

PE9 Annual $55,892.64 $67,062.72 $78,907.20 $87,192.48 Monthly $4,657.72 $5,588.56 $6,575.60 $7,266.04 Bi-Weekly $2,149.72 $2,579.34 $3,034.89 $3,353.56 Hourly $26.87 $32.24 $37.94 $41.92

Effective October 5, 2013

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GRADE Minimum Midpoint Max-ln~Hire Maximum min 85% Mkt 100% Mkt

PE10 Annual $61,498.80 $73,792.92 $86,817.72 $95,930.76 Monthly $5,124.90 $6,149.41 $7,234.81 $7,994.23 Bi-Weekly $2,365.34 $2,838.19 $3,339.14 $3,689.64 Hourly $29.57 $35.48 $41.74 $46.12

PEll Annual $64,196.40 $77,038.56 $90,625.20 $100,153.68 Monthly $5,349.70 $6,419.88 $7,552.10 $8,346.14 Bi-Weekly $2,469.09 $2,963.02 $3,485.58 $3,852.06 Hourly $30.86 $37.04 $43.57 $48.15

PE12 Annual $66,556.80 $79,876.80 $93,969.12 $103,836.00 Monthly $5,546.40 $6,656.40 $7,830.76 $8,653.00 Bi-Weekly $2,559.88 $3,072.18 $3,614.20 $3,993.69 Hourly $32.00 $38.40 $45.18 $49.92

PE13 Annual $69,872.76 $83,852.88 $98,648.04 $109,008.84 Monthly $5,822.73 $6,987.74 $8,220.67 $9,084.07 Bi-Weekly $2,687.41 $3,225.11 $3,794.16 $4,192.65 Hourly $33.59 $40.31 $47.43 $52.41

PE14 Annual $73,933.44 $88,714.44 $104,366.64 $115,321.44 Monthly $6,161.12 $7,392.87 $8,697.22 $9,610.12 Bi-Weekly $2,843.59 $3,412.09 $4,014.10 $4,435.44 Hourly $35.54 $42.65 $50.18 $55.44

PE15 Annual $78,654.24 $94,376.76 $111,040.56 $122,700.72 Monthly $6,554.52 $7,864.73 $9,253.38 $10,225.06 Bi-Weekly $3,025.16 $3,629.88 $4,270.79 $4,719.26 Hourly $37.81 $45.37 $53.38 $58.99

PE16 Annual $83,544.00 $100,235.76 $117,939.36 $130,328.52 Monthly $6,962.00 $8,352.98 $9,828.28 $10,860.71 Bi-Weekly $3,213.23 $3,855.22 $4,536.13 $5,012.64 Hourly $40.17 $48.19 $56.70 $62.66

Effective October 5, 2013

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Mths to Remain In Step..> 12 12 12 18 18 Cumulative Month Total-> • 12 2' 36 54

Cumulative Year Total-> • 1 2 3 '.5 Detention Service Officer Annual $34,361.60 $36,358.40 $38,376.00 $40,144.00 $41,953.60

Classification Specialist Monthly $2,863.47 $3,029.87 $3,198.00 $3,345.33 $3,496.13

Gd40 Bi-Weekly $1,321.60 $1,398.40 $1,476.00 $1,544.00 $1,613.60 Hourly $16.52 $17.48 $18.45 $19.30 $20.17

Detention Service Supervisor Annual $41,184.00 $43,180.80 $45,260,80 $47,528,00 $49,795.20 Classification Supervisor Monthly $3,432.00 $3,598.40 $3,771.73 $3,960.67 $4,149.60 Gd 42 Bi-Weekly $1,584.00 $1,660.80 $1,740.80 $1,828.00 $1,915,20

Hourly $19.80 $20.76 $21.76 $22.85 $23.94

Detention Service Manager Annual $47,944.00 $50,772.80 $53,622.40 $56,555.20 $47,944.00

Gd 43 Monthly $3,995.33 $4,231.07 $4,468.53 $4,712.93 $3,995.33 Bi-Weekly $1,844.00 $1,952.80 $2,062.40 $2,175.20 $1,844.00

Hourly $23.05 $24.41 $25.78 $27.19 $23.05

Detention Service Commander Annual $63,356.80 $67,163.20 $71,219.20

Gd 46 Monthly $5,279.73 $5,596.93 $5,934.93

Bi-Weekly $2,436.80 $2,583.20 $2,739.20

Hourly $30.46 $32.29 $34.24

Deputy I SherifflConstable Annual $45,302.40 $47,403.20 $49,462.40 $51,729.60 $45,302.40

Gd 66 Monthly $3,775.20 $3,950.27 $4,121.87 $4,310.80 $3,775.20

8i-Weekly $1,742.40 $1,823.20 $1,902.40 $1,989.60 $1,742.40 Hourly $21.78 $22.79 $23.78 $24.87 $21.78

Deputy II Sheriff/Constable Annual $48,505.60 $50,668.80 $52,977.60 $55,328.00 $48,505,60 Sergeant Monthly $4,042.13 $4,222.40 $4,414.80 $4,610.67 $4,042.13

Investigator I'" Bi-Weekly $1,865.60 $1,948.80 $2,037,60 $2,128.00 $1,865.60

Gd67 Hourly $23.32 $24.36 $25.47 $26.60 $23.32

Deputy III Sheriff/Constable Annual $56,888.00 $59,488.00 $62,150.40 Senior Sergeant Monthly $4.740.67 $4,957.33 $5,179.20 Investigator W Bi-Weekly $2,188.00 $2,288.00 $2,390.40

Gd 68 Hourly $27-35 $28.60 $29.88

Deputy IV Sheriff/Constable Annual $65,478.40 $68,432.00 $71,468.80 LieutenantlChief Deputy Constable Monthly $5,456.53 $5,702.67 $5,955.73

Investigator III'" Bi-Weekly $2,518.40 $2,632.00 $2,748.80

Gd 69 Hourly $31.48 $32.90 $34.36

Deputy V Sheriff/Constable Annual $75,254.40 $78,624.00 $82,222.40 Captain Monthly $6,271.20 $6,552.00 $6,851,87 Assistant Chief Investigator IV' Bi-WeeklY $2,894.40 $3,024.00 $3,162.40 Gd 70 Hourly $36.18 $37.80 $39.53

Effective October 5,2013 ~ Use the Investigator Salary Schedule to determine salary for Investigator positions.

K:\SaJary Schedules\Salary Schedules - FY2014\FY2014 Salary Schedules ~ with E-2

6 7 2. 2' 72 96 6 8

$43,929.60 $45,905.60 $3,660.80 $3,825.47 $1,689.60 $1,765.60

$21.12 $22.07

$52,291.20 $54.849.60 $4,357.60 $4,570.80 $2,011.20 $2,109.60

$25.14 $26.37

$63,003,20 $66,560.00 $5,250.27 $5,546.67 $2,423.20 $2,560.00

$30.29 $32.00

$75,462.40 $80,121.60

$6,288.53 $6,676.80 $2,902.40 $3,081.60

$36.28 $38,52

$56,472.00 $59,030.40 $4,706.00 $4,919.20 $2,172.00 $2,270.40

$27.15 $28.38

$60,465.60 $63,086.40 $5,038.80 $5,257.20

$2,325.60 $2,426.40 $29.07 $30.33

$64,916.80 $67,828.80 $5,409.73 $5,652.40 $2,496.80 $2,608.80

$31.21 $32,61

$74.692.80 $78,062.40 $6,224.40 $6,505.20 $2.872.80 $3,002.40

$35.91 $37.53

$85,904.00 $89,772.80 $7,158.67 $7,481.07 $3,304.00 $3,452.80

$41.30 $43.16

Maximum 8

12. 1.

$48,089,60 $4,007.47 $1,849.60


$57,574.40 $4,797.87 $2,214.40


$70,179.20 $5,848.27 $2,699.20


$84,780.80 $7,065.07 $3,260.80


$61,651.20 $5,137,60 $2,371.20


$65,977,60 $5,498.13

$2.537.60' $31.72 1

$70,948.80 $5,912.40 $2,728.80


$81,556.80 $6,796.40 $3,136.80


$93,787.20 $7,815.60 $3,607.20


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Assistant Chief/Chief Investigator OctM 07 2013 Gd 72 Annual $92,849.28 $98,488.00

Monthly $7,737.44 $8,207.33 Bi-Weekly $3,571.13 $3,788.00

Hourly $44.64 $47.35

Chief Deputy Gd 73 Annual $97,491.72 $103,438.40

Monthly $8,124.31 $8,619.87 Bi-Weekly $3,749.68 $3,978.40

Hourly $46.87 $49.73

Executive Chief Deputy Gd 75 Annual $112,115.52 $118,934.40

Monthly $9,342.96 $9,911.20 Bi-Weekly $4,312.14 $4,574.40

Hourly $53.90 $57.18

2012 2013 2013 Deputy Recruit Step 1 Step1 Step1a Gd 66 Annual $41,080.00 $41,912.00 $43,139.20

Monthly $3,423.33 $3,492.67 $3,594.93 Bi-Weekly $1,580.00 $1,612.00 $1,659.20

Hourly $19.75 $20.15 $20.74

1. All covered employees will advance in their salary range based on satisfactory job performance and on completion of the necessary months of service for each step in the law enforcement salary schedule.

2. All employees are hired at the entry step in the salary range.

3, AU Detention Service Officers and Deputy !'s are eligible to receive education incentive pay of $25 per month for each 30 hours of accredited college hours successfully completed with a grade of C or above or passing, not to exceed $100 per month -- 60 hours ($50 per month) is the maximum anowed for a 2 year college degree.

4. Deputy Recruits. Step 1, is the initial in-hire rate for new deputies who does not meet the minimum qualifications for Deputy. Step 1 a is a mid-probation rate.

5. Assistant Chiefs, Chief Deputy, and Executive Chief Deputy Sheriffs are on a single rate schedule. Assistant Chiefs salary rate is 5% above Captains. Chief Deputy Sheriff's salary rate is 5% above Assistant Chiefs. Executive Chief Deputy's salary rate is 15% above Chief Deputy Sheriffs.

Effective October 5, 2013

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Minimum {-12%} Max In-hire {+4} {+12%} Maximum

GRADE: INVI (67) Annual $46,633.60 $49,732.80 $52,852.80 $57,262.40 $60,340.80 $65,998.40

Monthly $3,886.13 $4,144.40 $4,404.40 $4,771.87 $5,028.40 $5,499.87 Bi-Weekly $1,793.60 $1,912.80 $2,032.80 $2,202.40 $2,320.80 $2,538.40 Hourly $22.42 $23.91 $25.41 $27.53 $2901 $31.73

INVII (68) Annual $54,704.00 $56,867.20 $59,009.60 $63,897.60 $66,081.60 $70,948.80 Monthly $4,558.67 $4,738.93 $4,917.47 $5,324.80 $5,506.80 $5,912.40 Bi-Weekly $2,104.00 $2,187.20 $2,269.60 $2,457.60 $2,541.60 $2,728.80 Hourly $26.30 $27.34 $28.37 $30.72 $31.77 $34.11

INVIII(69) Annual $62,961.60 $65,416.00 $67,870.40 $73,507.20 $75,982.40 $81,556.80 Monthly $5,246.80 $5,451.33 $5,655.87 $6,125.60 $6,331.87 $6,796.40 Bi-Weekly $2,421.60 $2,516.00 $2,610.40 $2,827.20 $2,922.40 $3,136.80 Hourly $30.27 $31.45 $32.63 $35.34 $36.53 $39.21

INVIV(70) Annual $72,342.40 $75,192.00 $78,041.60 $84,531.20 $87,380.80 $93,787.20 Monthly $6,028.53 $6,266.00 $6,503.47 $7,044.27 $7,281.73 $7,815.60 Bi-Weekly $2,782.40 $2,892.00 $3,001.60 $3,251.20 $3,360.80 $3,607.20 Hourly $34.78 $36.15 $37.52 $40.64 $42.01 $45.09

I NW(72) Annual $76,211.20 $81,307.20 $86,382.40 $93,579.20 $98,654.40 $107,889.60 Monthly $6,350.93 $6,775.60 $7,198.53 $7,798.27 $8,221.20 $8,990.80 Bi-Weekly $2,931.20 $3,127.20 $3,322.40 $3,599.20 $3,794.40 $4,149.60 Hourly $36.64 $39.09 $41.53 $44.99 $47.43 $51.87


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Judicial Salary Schedule


Includes Criminal District Court Coordinators, Court Coordinators for District Courts giving preference to criminal cases, County Criminal Court Coordinators, County Criminal Court of Appeals Coordinators and Juvenile District Court Coordinators. All other Court Coordinators are Grade E and fall under the Exempt Schedules.

Monthly I Annual Monthly I Annual Monthly I Annual Title October 2007 October 2012 October 2013

Court Coordinator I $3,295.77 $39,549.21 $3,427.60 $41,131.20 $3,496.15 $41,953.80

Court Coordinator II $3,531.26 $42,375.00 $3,672.51 $44,070.12 $3,745.96 $44,951.52

Court Coordinator III $3,884.34 $46,612.16 $4,03971 $48,476.52 $4,120.50 $49,446.00

Court Coordinator IV $4,472.89 $53,674.71 $4,651.81 $55,821.72 $4,744.85 $56,938.20

Court Coordinator V $4,943.72 $59,324.64 $5,141.47 $61,697.64 $5,244.30 $62,931.60

MAGISTRATE/REFEREE/ASSOCIATE JUDGE/CIVIL MASTER Criminal Magistrates, Juvenile Referees, Associate Judges, and Civil Masters are paid the same as Justice of the Peace in Dallas County, with the exception of the Chief Magistrate which earns $472.25 more each month than other Magistrates and is based on a permanent relationship set by Court Order 95-1923.

Monthly I Annual Monthly I Annual Monthly I Annual Title October 2007 October 2012 October 2013

Magistrates/Referee/Associate Judge/Civil $8,826.39 $105,916.64 $9,179.45 $110,153.31 $9,363.03 $112,356.36 Master

Chief Magistrate $9,317.53 $111,810.32 $9,690.23 $116,282.73 $9,884.04 $118,608.48

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Salary Guidelines for Psychologists (PH.D), grade 1M

Specialty: Experience: Pay Level:

Clinical Psychology None (0) Minimum

2 Years Mid-Point

Licensed & Certified: Salary Increase of 4%

Salary Guidelines for Part-time Social Services Positions

Effective-- 6-0ct-01 11-Jan-03 1-0ct-04 1-0ct-05 14-0ct-06 13-0ct-07 Dentist $47.51 $48.94 $49.91 $51.41 $52.44 $54.54 Psychologist $28.70 $29.56 $30.15 $31.06 $31.68 $32.95 LVN $12.86 $13.25 $13.51 $13.92 $14.20 $14.77 Medical Doctor $51.50 $53.05 $54.11 $55.73 $56.84 $59.11 Psychiatrist $51.50 $53.05 $54.11 $55.73 $56.84 $59.11 Phlebotomist $11.53 $11.88 $12.11 $12.47 $12.72 $13.23

Approved as part of the budget process. Effective October 5, 2013

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5-0ct-13 $55.63 $33.61 $15.07 $60.29 $60.29 $13.49

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Dallas County Fire Marshal's Office

509 Main Street, Suite 310 Dallas Texas 75202 Main: 214.653.7970 Fax: 214.653.6372

Date: September 24, 2013



Dallas County Judge and Members of the Dallas County Commissioners Court

Robert De Los Santos - Dallas County Fire Marshal

Through: Darryl Martin - Dallas County Court Administrator

Subject: Proposed 9O-Day Ban on Outdoor Burning

BACKGROUND: I. Dallas County is currently experiencing drought conditions wbich have created a higher potential

for wildland fIres. Currently, all counties around Dallas County are under Outdoor Burning Bans. We have surveyed the unincorporated areas of the County and found that the vegetation has become very dry and dangerous. However, at this time, we have only experienced a few grass fIfes in the unincorporated areas of Dallas County.

2. While the wildland fIre activity in Dallas County has been very minor, and does not yet meet the normal criteria for instituting a burn ban, the State of Texas has issued a State of Disaster Declaration under Sectiou 418.015 of the Code, and requested that all counties who have not yet issued burn bans do so.

3. This office continually monitors the Texas Forestry Service Fire Risk Levels and the Keetch­Byram Drought Index (KBDI). Under the KBDI, Dallas County is currently shown tu be at 700, which places our County within the High Drought Levels. The index scale goes from 0-800.

4. The Texas Forestry Service has stated that they expect the vegetation in our region to continue to dry out and the fIfe potential to greatly increase. There are no signifIcant predictions of rain producing fronts in the near future.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: Grass and wildland fIres in the unincorporated areas of Dallas County, where we contract with local cities for coverage, will possibly impact our budget due to the likely increase in wildland fIre activity. There could possibly be a financial impact on the citizens of Dallas County due to fIfe damage or loss of property with the possible wildland type fIres.

LEGALIPOLICY: Local Government Code - Chapter 352 - Sub-Chapter D - Outdoor Burning - Section 532-081(c):

(c) The Commissioners Court of a county by order may prohibit or restrict outdoor burning in general or outdoor burning of a particular substance in all or part of the unincorporated areas ofthe county, if:


(1) Drought conditions have been determined to exist as provided by Sub­Section (h); or

(2) The commissioner's Court makes a fmding that circumstances are present in all or part of the unincorporated area creates a public safety hazard that would be exacerbated by outdoor burning.

An order adopted under this section must specify the period during which outdoor burning is prohibited or restricted. The period may not extend beyond the 90th day after the date the order is adopted. A Commissioner's Court may adopt an order under thls section that takes effect on the expiration of a previous order adopted under this section.

Dallas County Fire Marshal's Office www.dallascounty.org


Page 67: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Dallas County Fire Marshal's Office

509 Main Street, Suite 310 Dallas Texas 75202 Main: 214.653.7970 Fax: 214.653.6372

LEGAL / POLICY (Con!.) (f) This section does not apply to outdoor burning activities:

(I) Related to public health and safety that are authorized by the Texas Commission of Enviromnental Quality for

(A) Firefighter training; (B) Public utility, natural gas pipeline, or mining operations; or (C) Planting or harvesting of agriculture crops.

(h) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly or intentionally violates a prohibition or restriction established by an order adopted under this section. An offense under this subsection is a Class C Misdemeanor.

ADDITIONAL EXCEPTION - under the Texas Administrative Code - Chapter 22 - Texas Air Control Act - Outdoor Burning:

Residents within the unincorporated areas of Dallas County would still be allowed to burn domestic waste at a property designed for and used exclusively as a private residence, housing not more than three families, when collection of domestic waste is not provided or authorized by the local governmental entity having jurisdiction, and when the waste is generated ouly from that property.

Burning done is a safe manner under this section would be allowed only in proper fifty-five (55) gallon metal containers with the proper protective screening over the top. Outdoor cooking fires would .. ouly b~ allowed in proper cooking devices.which are designed to prevent empers from escaping andereating a frre danger.

STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Recommendations inclnded in this briefing are consistent with the Dallas County Strategic Plan, Vision 3: Dallas County is safe, secure, and prepared. This is accomplished through by reducing the potential for wildland type fires within the County, and providing for the life and safety protection of the citizens of Dallas County.

RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above cited conditions, we respectfully recommend that the Dallas County Commissioners Court issue a Court Order for an Outdoor Burn Ban effective September 24, 2013, for a period not to exceed 90 days, unless conditions exist which would allow for the extension of such ban, or the lifting of the ban due to improved conditions.

Dallas County Fire Marshal's Office www.dallascounty.org

Page 68: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


68 Page 1 of 1

Keetch-Byram Drought Index 091161'2013

KBDI _ 0-200

.. 200 - 300 _ 300 -400

400 - 500

----' 500 - 600 600 - 700

.. 700 -800


http://twc.tamu.edultfslkbdUiailylkbdicounty.png 9/16/2013

Page 69: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Outdoor Burn Bans September 16, 20 1.~=l;:::J=r;::J:=1


II CQuntles without Established L--.J BUrn Bans _

Counties with Established Burn Bans

DISCLAIMER County 8urn Ban Orders are established by

County Judges and/or County Commissioners Courts. The Texas A&M Forest Service is not

responsible for establishing or removing burning bans. The Texas A&M Forest Service is

only displaying this information as a public service.

For More Information Please Contact Your Local County Judge's Office or County Website

Email updates to: [email protected]


t Link to see if your county is under a RED FLAG WARNING: http://www.srh.noaa.gov/data/index.php

Burn Ban RSS feed available at http://tfsfrp.tamu.edulwildfires/BurnBan.xml

Cau And Ang Arar Arc:~

Arm Atas Au~

Ban< Bast Bayl Bell Sex. SIan Bo" Bow Braz Broc Broil Burl. Bun Cald Calh Calr (ass (hel Chill Clay Cod (0k,4

Colli Cole Corr Corr Con Coo Co') (rar eros Cult Den D.~

Dim Duv. East EI Pe Ellis Eratl Falls Fanr FayE Fort

http://tfsfrp.tamu.edulwildfires/decban.png 9/1612013

Page 70: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified







September 24, 2013

Commissioners Court

Toni Pippins-Poole, CERA, CCPA, Elections Administrator

Rationale for Same Date Briefmg and Court Order

The Elections Department is requesting the following items to be placed on same date

briefing and court order to expedite the County's compliance with Federal Court Order,

per Case S:11-CV-00360-0LG-JES-XR, Docket #886, filed on September 6, 2013, which

requires Commissioners to order the county election precinct boundary changes on or

before September 24,2013.


Page 71: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified



September 24, 2013

To: Commissioners Court

From: Toni Pippins-Poole, CERA, CCPA, Elections Administrator

Subject: Voting Precincts Redistricting due to S.B. 3, Plan H358


On July 17, 2013, the Dallas County Elections Department (DCED) was notified by the Texas Legislative Council of a new redistricting plan affecting Texas House of Representatives (Notice is included as "Attachment 1"). The 83,d Legislature, 1" Called Session passed Senate Bill 3 (S.B. 3), a new state house plan (Plan H358) that made changes to thirteen (13) State House districts in Dallas County.

As a result ofthis new phase of redistricting, thirty-nine (39) precincts have been affected: twenty-three (23) new precincts were created; and, ten (10) whole precinct boundaries, and six (6) precincts with nominal portion changes within Dallas County. The total number of precincts adopt by the Commissioners Court on March 15, 2012 was 774, to which the 23 new precincts described above are added for a total of 797 precincts in Dallas County.

DCED has provided as "Attachment 2", a conversion chart that compares and contrast the 2012 voting precincts with the new 2013 precincts adopted by interim legislative maps. The chart reflects precinct boundary consolidations, splits, and eliminations. The chart also includes (for all new precincts) the following information:

• Voter Registration totals; • Designated Congressional District; • State Senate District; • The State House District; • State Board of Education District; • Commissioners District; • Justice of the Peace districts; and, • A brief explanation for each of the proposed changes resulting from Plan H358.

Precinct changes resulting from Plan H358 are as follows:

Commissioner District District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4


Current Precincts 183 185 190 216 774

Proposed Precincts 188 185 198 226 797

The 2013 County new voting precincts maps now include 797 precincts, of which 32 are zero-populated precincts (Attachment 3).

Page 72: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Early Voting Locations

Redistricting pursuant Plan H358 will not affect current Early Voting Locations.


The new precinct lines and numbers will become effective September 24, 2013. New voter certificates will be mailed to each registered voter on or before October 1,2013.


The financial impact will consist of payment to North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) to complete the redistricting of precinct boundary changes at an estimated cost of $5,000.00; and the mailing of new voter registration certificates to voters, estimated to cost $6,000.00 from FY2014.


As ordered by Document No. 886 (Doc 886) filed on September 6, 2013 in Case No.5: ll-cv-00360-0LG­JES-XR in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division (included as "Attachment 4), Dallas County Commissioners Court shall use Plan H358 as adopted by the 83'd Legislature House of Representatives.

Also pursuant to Doc 886, if any changes in county election precinct boundaries are necessary to give effect to redistricting plan under Article III, Section 28 of the Texas Constitution, the Commissioners Court shall order the changes to take effect on or before September 24, 2013.

The Commissioners Court is required to adopt the precinct changes effected by Plan H358 on or before September 24, 2013.


Approval of the above listed election enhancements are in compliance with the County's Strategic Plan, Vision 1, Strategy 1.4 "because proficiencies in processes and customer focused systems will allow the county to better serve its taxpayers/voters/citizens.


It is recommended that the Dallas County Commissioners' Court approve the attached voting precinct boundary changes based upon the interim maps in Document No. 886 filed on September 6, 2013 in Case No.5: ll-cv-00360-0LG-JES-XR in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division.

It is further recommended that Commissioners Court adopt the attached voting precinct boundary changes become effective on September 24, 2013.

jl.I~' Recommended for Approval By: -=,-'~-=~=..,.:-<-~~:=:::-. ,-'-'~=,=,,,,,,,,,,=-:--:-_.,-:-

TOIliPi]lpitls:I>OOJ:ERA:CCPlections Administrator


Page 73: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Attachment 1. Memorandum from Texas Legislative Council regarding Notification of voting Precincts Split by New State House Districts.


Page 74: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

DAVID DEWHURST Lieutenant Governor

Joint Chair



P.O. Box 12128. Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711-2128 Telephone: 512/463-1151

DEBBIE IRVINE Executive Director


TO: County Election Officials

FROM: Randall Bush GIS Associate

DATE: July 17,2013

JOE STRAUS Speaker of the House

Joint Chair



20\3 jUL 23 08:47 AM

SUBJECT: Notification of Voting Precincts Split by New State House Districts

The 83rd Legislature, 1 st Called Session, passed S.B. 3, a new state house plan (PlanH358) that makes changes to 14 house districts in Dallas, Harris, Tarrant, and Webb Counties. Other house districts in the state are identical to the interim districts ordered by the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas that were used to elect members to the Texas House of Representatives, 83rd Legislature (2013-2014).

According to our voting precinct database, your county has precincts that are affected by the new state house plan. Maps identifying where a voting precinct is split by a district line are enclosed.

For GIS software users, a Shapefile of PlanH358 is available for download from our FTP site: IIp:l/ftpgis l.tlc.state.tx.lts/DistrictViewer/House/PLANH358.zip.

Please notify us if a precinct boundary is drawn incorrectly in our database or if your county will be correcting the split precincts for the 2014 General Election.

Should you need assistance or require additional maps in hard copy or PDF format, please call the mapping and redistricting section of the Texas Legislative Council at (512) 463-6622 or e-mail TLC.PrecinctsrW.tlc.state.tx.us.



Page 75: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

Rod.·380 O~l': 2912 O;nulll P~r:in~1II PLANHJ'8 661]:1(2111) 1:29::U PM


Split Precincts by District SELECTED HOUSE DISTRICTS - PLANH358

District County Precinct

.. I~W:f~tt;:,;;~\~,t:;-'~,·~\~~~-l.~'f".'~i1.;;.tS~~LWr.~L{1X,ti;:!:.wtLj 1116 1309 30ll

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4500 4518 4521 4522

4518 4521

"?:i'.!!W~1~!:&~:.~~~{"'.,:R!!~b:t~i:'"~"Z::': ,~%;: 1:7 ~,;,~:~t:*ki.1'W:~:;j 1116 1309 1707

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"" 3109 ]600 4523

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3093 3408

T~" .. t..eai1t.1i ..... Caun.il 01116/134:4' PM Pall-alofl

Total Splits: 1S



2013 JUL 23 08:48 AM


Page 76: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Attachment 2. DCED Conversion Chart of Proposed Precinct Changes.


Page 77: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

Attachment 2 Comparison of 2012 precincts to September 2013 Legislative ordered Hous.e plan 358 with

Description of changes and District information for Dallas County

Precinct 2013 Estimated Dallas County EI.e.ctions (DCED) BriefExplanation of 2012 2012 2012 2013 2012 2012

(2012) Precinct Register Voters in Changes from House·Plan H3S8 County County U.S. State State State

2013 Precinct Comm lP Congo House Senate Board of Edu~il!tion

1052 1059 1540 Nominal portion of 1052 was merged with 1059 (Old lD107) CMl JP2 05 100 02 512

1111 1140 0 Boundary change, nominal West split at Rylie Rd to create new pet #1140 (Old CMl JPl 30 110 02 513 lD109)

1116 1141 0 Boundary change, nominal Southeast street border split along Oats Dr created CMl JP2 30 107 02 513 new pct #1141 (Old LD100)

1309 1317 0 Boundary change, South portion split along Samuel! Blvd to create new pct#1317 CMl JP2 05 107 02 513 (Old lD100)

1707 1730 0 Boundary change, South portion split along 1-635 west portion created new pet CMl JP2 05 114 16 512 #1730 (Old LD1l2)

1707 1731 0 Boundary change, South portion split along 1-635 east portion created new pct CMl JP2 05 107 16 512 #1731 (Old LD1l2)

2001 2306 1198 Nominal portion of 2001 was merged with 2306 (Old L01l5) CM2 JP3 24 115 16 511 ..... ..... 2003 2305 2951 Nominal portion of 2003 was merged with 2305 (Old lD1l4) CM2 JP3 24 l1S 16 511

2004 2305 2951 Nominal portion of 2004 was merged with 2305 (Old LDl14) CM2 JP3 24 115 16 511

2024 2021 3442 Nominal portion of 2024 was merged with 2021 (Old L01l4) CM2 JP3 32 108 16 512

2053 2305 2951 Nominal portion of 2053 was merged with 2305 (Old L0114) CM2 JP3 24 115 16 511

2076 2076 12 Whole Precinct changed to new House District 103 (Old LDllS) CM2 JP5 24 103 16 513

2308 2308 19 Whole Precinct changed to new House District 103 (Old L01l5) CM2 JP3 24 103 16 Sl1

2309 2309 353 Whole Precinct changed to new House District 103 (Old lD1l5) CM2 JP3 24 103 16 513

2311 2311 491 Whole Precinct changed to new House District 115 (Old LD103) CM2 JP3 24 115 16 511

2409 2409 1817 Whole Precinct changed to new House District 115 (Old LD103) CM2 JP3 24 115 16 511

2411 2411 691 Whole Precinct changed to new House District 115 (Old lDI03) CM2 JP3 24 115 16 511

2900 2305 2951 Nominal portion of 2900 was merged with 2305 (Old lD102) CM2 JP3 24 115 16 511

September 18, 2013 '5ubject to Changes. This report was created by DCED.. Commissioners Court adopted on 9/24/2013 Page 10f 3

Page 78: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

Precinct 201.3 Estimated Dallas.County Elections (DCED) Brief Explanation of 20.12 20.12 20.12 2013 20.12 20.12

(2012) Precinct Register Voters in Changes from House·Plan H3S8 County County u.s. State State State

20.13 Precinet Comm JP Cong. House Senate Board of


3008 3095 0 Boundary change, nominal South street border along 1-35E change created new CM3 JP1 30 100 23 512 pet #30.95 (Old LOlO8)

3011 3090 950 Nominal portion of 3011 was merged with 3090 (Old lDl08) CM3 JP1 30 100 23 512

3033 3096 0 Boundary change, West portion split along 1-3SE Service RdjS Ewing Ave to create CM3 JP5 30 104 23 513 new pct #30.96 (Old LOlOo.)

3049 3097 186 Boundary change, South portion split at E Pentagon Pkwy/Kingsley Dr to create CM3 JP1 30 110 23 513 new pet #30.97 (Old LOlO9)

3050 3098 260 Boundary change, South portion split at Kingsley OriS Lancaster Rd to create new CM3 JP1 30 110 23 513 pet #30.98 (Old LOID9)

3069 3099 356 Boundary change, South corner split at MidwayPlaza Blvd/San Jose Ave/Mojave CM3 JP1 30 109 23 513 Dr/Texoma Way to create new pct #30.99 (Old LOllD)

3070 3073 156 Boundary change, South corner split at Mojave Dr/Shadow Creek Dr/Cedar Ranch CM3 JP1 30 109 23 513 Dr to create new pet #30.73 (Old LOllO)

3109 3113 3 Boundary change, nominal West street border created new pet #3113 (Old LDID9) CM3 JP4 30 111 23 513 -.J

19 Whole Precinet changed to new House District 10.9 (Old LDlll) CM3 QO

3112 3112 JP4 30 109 23 513

3411 3411 3 Whole Precinct changed to new House District 113 (Old lD109) CM3 JP1 30 113 02 513

3600 3621 0 Boundary change, couple blocks along East side of Hampton Rd split to create new CM3 JP4 30 109 23 513 pet #3621 (Old LOlll)

4000 4121 0 Boundary change, nominal West border around California Crossing Park changed CM4 JP5 24 105 16 513 and created new pet #4121 (Old LDID3)

4051 4122 0 Boundary change, West portion split at S Belt Line Rd to create new pet #4122 CM4 JP1 30 105 23 513 (Old LOID4)

4082 4123 0 Boundary change, nominal East street border created new pet #4123 (Old LD1D3) CM4 JP5 33 104 23 513

4083 4124 0 Boundary change, nominal SouthEast street border created new pet #4124 (Old CM4 JP5 33 104 23 513 LOlO3)

4099 4125 0 Boundary change, nominal West street border created new pet #4125 (Old LDID8) CM4 JP3 24 103 16 512

4500 4539 0 Boundary change, nominal North street border created new pet #4539 (Old LOll1) CM4 JP4 30 104 23 513

September 18, 20.13 'Subject to Changes. This report was created by DCED. Commissioners Court adopted on 9/24/2013 Page 2 of 3

Page 79: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

Precinct 2013 Estimated Dallas CountyEle.ctions (DCED) BriefExplanation of 2012 2012 2012

(2012) Precinct Register Voters in Changes from House Plan H358 County County U.S.

2013 Precinct Comm JP Congo

4518 4540 0 Boundary change, nominal SouthEast street border created new pct #4540 (Old CM4 JP4 33 lO1OS)

4521 4541 0 Boundary change, nominal East portion of border created new pet #4541 (Old CM4 JP4 30 lO10S)

4522 4542 0 Boundary change, NorthEast tip split at Mansfield Rd to create new pct #4542 CM4 JP4 30 (OldLD 111)

4527 4604 2705 Nominal portion of 4S27 was merged with 4604 (Old lO 104) CM4 JP4 33

4537 4537 4 Whole Precinct changed to new House District 111 (Old LD109) CM4 JP4 30

4635 4664 975 Boundary change, split at N Macarthur Blvd, West portion original pet 4635; East CM4 JP4 24 Portion created new pet #4664 (Old lOllS)

4637 4637 2450 Whole Precinct changed to new House District 103 (Old LDllS) CM4 JP4 24

September 18, 2013 *Subject to Changes. This report was created by DCED. Commissioners Court adopted on 9/24/2013

2013 2012 State State House Senate

104 09

104 09

104 23

105 09

111 23

103 16

103 16

2012 State

Board of ~d~cation








Page 3 of 3



Page 80: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Attachment 3. 2013 County Voting Precinct Maps


Page 81: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


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Dallas County Elections

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Page 82: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Page 83: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

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Page 84: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified




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Page 85: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

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Page 86: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified





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" »i;)ll21

Dallas County Elections

Con~ianaI: 5 Texas Senate: 16 Texas House: 107 _ Board 01 Education: 12 COrmissioners Court 1 Justice of the Peace: 2

DI8Cl..<IMBI: ___ ~-....",,_~_v _ _ """ _____ IO ..... ".. __ .~ __

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Page 87: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


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Dallas County Elections

Precinct 2306

Con\Pl>SSlonal: 24 Texas Senate: 16 Texas House: 115 state Board of Education: 11 Commissioners Court: 2 Justice of the Peace: 3 D*' ..... IIat; ____ -.,...oItIf_~ __ _ond ____ b_...Ho_EwQr __ _11>_ .. _"' ..... '-,..,~._",~ .totlll_ahold-. N

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Page 88: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

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Dallas County Elections

Precinct 2305

Ccngesslonal: 24 Texas Senate: 16 Texas House: 115 OQ state Board of Education: 11 CommIssIoners Court 2 JusUea ofUle Peace: 3 ~ _____ Ior_CiounI¥ __ _

_ .... ____ 10""'*' ... _"-" __ - .. -",-""*-.-... ~,, ........ ~ .. iotlol __ ...... -.



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Page 89: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

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Dallas County Elections

Precinct 2021

Congesslonal: 32 Texas Senate: 16 Texas House: 108 state Board of Education: 12 Commissioners Court: 2 Justice of the Peace: 3 D<$CI.Al" ... : ____ ~ __ COonIf __

_ .... ____ I10""'*' ... _E..,. __

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--~ -= Mapsco Locator


.24 25126

Page 90: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

,------'-_., y 2@~~~\ ~l --

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\ "l! . -I "' lJ ~~cow<¥_ ~

Precinct 2076

ColllJ8SSlonal: 24 Texas Senate: 16 Texas House: 103 state Board of EducaUon: 13 CommIssioners Court 2 Justice of the Peaco: 5 Q'llCtAI .. at; _____ .... .-. ___ _ _ .... ____ Io ...... _&.r __ _Io_ .. _d ... -._,"" __ It ..... "'~ .. Ioh~of""'''''

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Mapsco Locator




Page 91: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified



Legend IV-

"'­!:JT_s...­CT_1-kIoM £.-'Ja..ao.dd~

Cc..mn.· ...... c.ut

EL~d~~ .,U_ <;::

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§kz 5 " " " lii? 13

" """ 15

" " " " ., (0$12\

Dallas County Elections

Precinct 2308

Congmsslonal: 2' Texas Senate: 16

\f ;+-->',':;::::::C::;~~~r, ~ - state Board of EducaUon: 11

_" ,._-, Texas House: 103

~VLF#tLa= ~~~.~~2 1I'IIC ...... 910 ____ ~._~ __ _ .... ____ 10 ___ .. __.-.. __

_ Io_"_"''''-'_,''' ___ ''' __ '''~ ... 11-._"',,_ N "'>-'

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Mapsco Locator


1Alt1. 13112 L'1:~


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Page 92: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified




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Legend IV .... ...... C]T_s..a CT_­~"":-'''~G'T4'''1Dn Ceom_Qu:I ii=dU.~ --­.~

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" " ?/y 13

" "Pi!;

• " " " " mm 21

Dallas County Elections

Precinct 2309

Congressional: 24 Texas Senate: 16 Texas House: 103 State Board of Education: 13 CanmIssiooers Court: 2 Justice of the Peace: 3

~----""""'''''-QuoI:r--_ .... .._ ___ Iro ......... ___ _

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Mapsco Locator


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Page 93: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


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Precinct 2311

~1ona1'24 Texas Senate: 16 Texas Housa: 115 State Board of Education: 11 CommIssIon"", Court: 2 Justice of the Peace: 3 D~ ____ """"'''' ____ _ _ .... ____ .~ ... _"*1 __

_ 1o_ ... _"' ... -._ .... __ iII ....... ~ .Iotloo_"'''''''.... N

a·' .' 't If) '"~~

---2$111f_f\oJ. __

-~­""'­--~ -~. t 2303

Mapsco Locator

U12 131.14


Page 94: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

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F":r .... a....IaI'~ Cem. .... ID ..... er:u:t CJJ ........ the,,-,O


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- ~ .. ~.'."---- ..• -- .. ···1 - -1\-- ... !\\t /-::'::""".IE

M ~ ~ .~~- /d r- Ii Precinct 2409 I -- --1 .J~ 'Jr' -+~~,#. I._;;ii"~;

* - I ....... -tr.--r r I~: 5, i .~ .#-JI /#.../...:;111-:'''''' Congressional: 24 I . '~-' I ' ·4 I' ~ i _ Texas Senate: 16 ,t ,II -- i'l i, i - •• ~"",. ~~ /~ ,...... - Texas House: 115

. ---11----- =="\ I'i ".erDR i _ j, • /c/ (V state Board of Education: '1 -I 'f -- f _.. --~....--- R. I CommIssIoners Court 2 II . ~ .! .... M i /~.- ·1'1 Jus1!ceoflhePeace:3

---- - ---:l f--'A -- t, ;l -- 1 i _~jl I I '1 i - . '#I(jiI I DI8CiNIIIER:~ ___ ~b'~COoolIr __ ' -- ........ _onI ___ UlllllIoIlOht ... ~.....,. __

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1.~1 .... ·121 •. 1~~1;j 1.


Page 95: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified



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Legend /\./-...... I:]T_s-. OT_ ...... C::'\"'ar;.dar_ C Cmlm." .... Ccurt C'-dIbcoFemo e. 2OoItsmoP=lo-

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Dallas County Elections

Precinct 2411

\ -:., '-0 .>iiI4,. ~

" It \ I' \ I! ~~_ ___ 8CHi'ItII1/O ___ j!


Congesslonal: 24 Texas Senate: 16 Texas House: 115 State Board of EducaUon: 1 1 CommIssIonanl Coort: 2 Justice of the Peace: 3 \~~ -~ - I:

'1'1' ~ .-.-'"---- '. \ .,..,.1/W -- ~ \ I' II l~ D'!IC ...... ""' _____ "" ____ V_ 1 ' ______ 10 ........ _"-__

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~~;,~l __ ~====== .. ~~~~ ~ moo,... .23Q.L... ~



Page 96: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

AI_ -­I:JT_~ C T_ .......


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;i,;'~:= VWOIl /X rn «L 011

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Dallas County Elections

Precinct 3095

CongessIonal: 30 Texas Senate: 23 Texas House: 100 state Board of Education: 12 Commissioners Court: 3 Justice of !he Peace: 1 D _____ ~.,.'_CO'OV __ _ ______ to ___ ... _~ __

_ to __ ,._ ..... -._.no~""'"" ... ~ _Iolho_olootl-.

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Page 97: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified



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" " " " .. " " " " <" '" ._2'1

Dallas County Elections

Precinct 3090

Congesslonal: 30 Texas Senate: 23 Texas House: 100 state Board of Education: 12 CommissloneIs Court 3 JusUce of the Peace: 1 !ll8(:1.Al1IER: ____ .......... Iar~~ __ -.. ----.. --,.~-,.-­_1o_ ......... d ...... '-", .. __ fII.,.....-~ .... h~dlllld_ N --­am'III_...,.._PO



Mapsco Locator




Page 98: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified



Legend IV ....

""­CT_~ CT_HI:IM i:::lst.allolrdd~ C~""'CtuI CJlOIIbdthoo""-

Q:!.."""'"-" . ',;>;;': ..

~ <{/II ifJ '; OJ C,,':

" " ~ 7/T11

" "-It;

" " " " '" 7dJilH

Dallas County Elections

Precinct 3096

Ccngesslonal: 30 Texas Senate: 23 Texas House: 104 State Board of Education: 13 Commissioners Coort: 3 JusHes of the Peace: 5 ~ ____ -.-..""" __ ClounI!f __

_ ond ____ Io"",.""' __ Ewry __

_ "'_ ... _ .... -._ .... __ Io~..-~ .i>lIoI_d ... _

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Page 99: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

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;:i;~,: 6/1)111

:2;;;:: ~

" u f<a '';-;16 • " " "'<' 18 ., Ji571

Dallas County Elections

Precinct 3097

Congesslenal: 30 Texas Senate: 23 Texas House: 110 \,0 state Board of Education: 13 CommIssIon ... Court: 3 Justice of the Peace: 1 Dl8C1.o\IIWI;: _____ .... _~ __

oIIIdoIonI ____ logoJlortio_E...,-__

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---W1N-'I'Iooy __ _

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Page 100: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

N .... -­CT_$onoIIoo


CT_Hco-. r,·':_eo.dd~ a C'.aM!booIo-.tlru! C""""""dllw""-S!!.PNcI-,>:': 'P/ (Me

;;;{;,;: .,,/111 "',-",-• ~

" tt ;y;;~

"'< 16 3

" " " .. iffjf121

Dallas County Elections

Precinct 3098

Con!resslonal: 30 Texas Senate: 23 Texas House: 110 state Board of EducaUon: 13 Commissioners Court: 3 Justice of the Peace: 1

I'll\lr:l ....... a ____ ..,....... ... ___ _ _ ... ____ Iopt,... .. _Eo<or1 __ _ "_ .. _d ... -._ .... __ .~fII~ ."h_ot ___

---:Im .. -.....IIo)r._QI _n_ 1214j~_

--~ -~.

Mapsco Locator

·64 r~5.166· .



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Page 101: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


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:;:~~--~­Camn_ewt C_rtn._ li.:''':-.

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" " " Xi,;;~~


" " " " .. /_21

Dallas County Elections

Precinct 3099

Congressional: 30 Texas Senate: 23 Texas House: 109 state Board of Education: 13 Commissioners Court 3 Justice of the Peace: 1 ~ _____ "'_CUIIo'f'_V_ -""'----.. - .. ......-. .-y~­_ .. _ .. _Df""' ...... '-""-"'" ......... tI'fIIId ...... _" ... -. N

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~I~II ~J96lf)71·6l'!.11

173 .lt~175r6jnI78·

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Page 102: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified




/ 3075

/'v'-""'­CT __


8=-=d~ cc...n"'iaID .... c:a..: C"-«lhoop..,. B:.!.. .......... ,- :'1)1 '""'Ill .. ~ .. ..

'iis': .. ro

" " ;1&~ IS

" -q6

" " " " >21) _21

Dallas County Elections

Precinct 3073

C_IonaI:30 Texas Senate: 23 Texas House: 109 state BoaJtI of Educatfon: 13 CommIssIoneIS Goof!: 3 Justice of the Peace: 1

DJe;:Wllm: ____ -.-.... _"""'Ir __ _ oII'bII ... ono/II;III ____ Io ...... _E""1 __ _ I>_"_d"'-'_, ... __ .. .,.., ... ~ _lob_of...... N


-~­{2'I~''Ifa» 1"*,,, <lOll -- ! ~l 64t65If?!)I·{>zlssI69

!31L4 \ 79l7'sJn 1.781 79

<::> N

Page 103: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

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Legend /\/---CJT __

or_Ie. Q __ dEd_

8 cam .......... cou.t J_dthol_


':-,~-oa "---011

0;',-.-001 1> 06 l'~,,011

~~2{{: .. .. " " U!?13

" ~-", '\5

" " " "-~12= &1NJ2l.

Dallas County Elections

Precinct 3113


Congressional: 30 T axas Senate: 23 Texas House: 111 State Board of Education: 13 Commissioners Court: 3 Justice of the Peace: 4 DIIIClAIMEIt ____ .......... ____ ______ 10_ ... _-,. __ :::::.=.;:::' .... --.... -""""~


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Mapsco Locator

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I 126 sf 81At •

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Page 104: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

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Dallas County Elections

Precinct 3112

Congesslonal: 30 Texas Senate: 23 0 Texas House: 109 ~ state Board of Education: 13 CommIssIonels Court: 3 Justice of the Peace: 4 D ______ Jor~CouoIy __ -... ----.. ---... -~--_Io_ ... _ ........ ~ .... ~."' ... ~ ."''---.... ..

--­Ul711-""1\oJ. ___


--~ --Mapsco Locator


t 1241125112618fI81A1~~~la,2 17319741975197619771978197l

02 02;

Page 105: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

r-:::=------- ._.... -- ~ -- -_._--

Legend Ai-

.",.... CT_-

8==d~ CCI:wmn_u-.C:ut CJ..tlcoodlbooPA.

£it::.! ,do I I : I "I I' I ~ '.". . I 11@4' 1;1051 ""1 . . ,,~,~ _ <7: ~r-- I ~T ~.,.: ,,,,.;,,,, I r--1-'+I- -- v ~1:

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~I ' \:0 ~ I ~ !-=-:....g -----I J ~ ,i; I I Dallas County Elections

~ t I I Precinct 3411

I r ' ~IN I 110r~} 1100! • :;. 9 I MOO Con!P'esslanal: 30

I ! ~ Texas Senate: 2 CMWFITQR . Texas House: 113 I, state Board of Education: 13

I \ ~ CommIssIoneIS Court: 3 ~ Justice of the Peace: 1

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Page 106: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


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Precinct 3621

Congesslonal: 30 Texas Senate: 23 Texas House: 109 State Board of Education: 13 CommIssIonals Court: 3 Justice of the Peace: 4 1l1lJC1JUII"'"' ____ .....-J:ro.a..~ __ ______ I0 ......... _E..,-__

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Precinct 4121

CongossIonal: 24 Texas Senate: 16 Texas House: 105 state Board of Education: 13 CommIssioners Coort: 4 Justice of the Peace: 5

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Precinct 4122

Congesslonal: 30 Texas Senate: 23 Texas House: 105 State Board of Education: 13 ~Court:4 Justice of the Peace: 1 D..:VolIIIBl; ____ ....... tr_~ __ _ __ WIIIIIoIoI ____ .. __ ... -£..,-oIIort_ ..... _ .. _01 ... -._ ... ~10 ..... ..-~ ... b......,oItIIIriI..... N


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Page 109: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


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Dallas County Elections

Precinct 4123

Congesslonal: 33 Texas Senate: 23 Texas House: 104 state Board of Educatlon: 13 CommIssIoners Court: 4 Justice of the Peace: 5

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Dallas County Elections

Precinct 4124

Cong:esslonal: 33 Texas Senate: 23 Texas House: 104 state Board of Education: 13 CommIssioners Court 4 Justice of the Peace: 5 ~ _____ .....,ttod""~OIIunIJ" __ _ .... ____ 10 ....... _E...-__

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Dallas County Elections

Precinct 4125

~lonal:24 Texas Senate: 16 Texas House: 103 State Board of Education: 12 CommIssioners Court: 4 Justice of the Peace: 3

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Page 112: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


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Dallas County Elections

Precinct 4539

Congress_: 30 Texas Senate: 23 Texas House: 104 State Board of Education: 13 Commlssloners Court 4 Justice of the Peace: 4

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Dallas County Elections

Precinct 4540

Congasslonal: 33 Texas Senate: 9 t= Texas House: 104 state Board of Educatfon: 13 ConvnIssloners Court: 4 justice of the Peace: 4 DlGCWII""' ____ ........ ""~ __ _ _ ..! ____ b __ .. ~&or,.oIbt_

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Page 114: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


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Precinct 4541

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Dallas County Elections

Precinct 4542

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Page 116: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified





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Page 117: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

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Precinct 4537

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Dallas County Elections

Precinct 4664

Congasslonal: 24 Texas Senate: 16 Texas House: 103 State Board of Education: 11 CommissionBfS Court: 4 Justice of the Peace: 4

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Page 119: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

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Precinct 4637

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Page 120: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Attachment 4. Document No. 886 filed on September 6,2013 in Case No. 5:11-cv-00360-0LG-JES-XR in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division


Page 121: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Case 5:11-cv-00360-0LG-JES-XR Document 886 Filed 09/06/13 Page 1 of 26

Attachment 4






STATE OF TEXAS; RICK PERRY, in his official capacity as Governor of the State of Texas; DAVID DEWHURST, in his official capacity as Lieutenant Governor of the State of Texas; JOE STRAUS, in his official capacity as Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives; JOHN STEEN, in his official capacity as Secretary of State of the State of Texas


) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )




After careful deliberation, the Court grants the parties' request to amend their

pleadings and denies Defendants' motion to dismiss the 2011 claims as moot. All legal

challenges and requests for injunctive, declaratory and equitable relief relating to the

2011 and 2013 enacted plans will remain in this Court. The Court has also concluded,

however, that a full, fair and final review of all issues before this Court cannot be

completed prior to the upcoming deadlines for the 2014 elections. Thus, for reasons

explained herein, the Court ORDERS that the 2013 enacted plans for the United

States House of Representatives (Plan C235) and the Texas House of Representatives

Page 122: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Case 5:11-cv-00360-0LG-JES-XR Document 886 Filed 09/06/13 Page 2 of 26

(Plan H358) be used as interim plans for the 2014 elections.! These plans are being

used on an interim basis only, and nothing in this order should be construed as a

ruling on the merits of any claims, causes of actions, or requests for relief that have

been asserted in this consolidated action.

1. Procedural history

In June 2011, the 82nd Legislature for the State of Texas, in its first called

special session, enacted House Bill 150 (Plan H283) to establish new districts for the

Texas House of Representatives. House Bill 150 was signed into law on or about June

17,2011. The Legislature also enacted Senate Bill 4 (Plan C185) to establish new

congressional districts for the State of Texas. Senate Bill 4 was signed into law on or

about July 18, 2011. On July 19, 2011, the Attorney General for the State of Texas

petitioned the U.S. District for the District of Columbia ("the D.C. Court") for

preclearance under § 5 of the Voting Rights Act.

In response, Plaintiffs filed several lawsuits asserting challenges to the 2011

plans under § 2 of the Voting Rights Act and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth

Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. They sought declaratory and injunctive relief,

and asked the Court to enjoin the implementation of both plans pending preclearance.

The lawsuits were transferred and consolidated into one action, a three-judge panel

was convened, and this consolidated lawsuit proceeded accordingly.

In September 2011, with the 2012 primary elections on the horizon, this Court

enjoined the implementation of the unprecleared 2011 plans and held a bench trial to

1 No challenges are raised with regard to the Senate map enacted by the Texas Legislature in the 2013 session.


Page 123: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Case 5:11-cv-00360-0LG-JES-XR Document 886 Filed 09/06/13 Page 3 of 26

hear evidence on the § 2 and constitutional challenges to the plans. But the law

precluded this Court from issuing a decision on the merits until a final decision on

preclearance was rendered. By October 2011, it was clear that a final decision on

preclearance would not be forthcoming in time for the 2012 elections. This Court

began its work on interim court-ordered plans and extended the election deadlines.'

In November 2011, the Court adopted interim plans H302 and C220. The State

of Texas appealed, and sought to stay the interim plans pending appeal. The u.S.

Supreme Court granted the stay and noted probable jurisdiction. In January 2012, the

Supreme Court issued its decision, clarifying the governing legal standards and

remanding to this Court for further proceedings. See Perry v. Perez, 565 U.S. _, 132

S. Ct. 934 (2012)(per curiam).

Under severe time restraints, this Court undertook the task of crafting a second

set of interim plans, applying the legal standards imposed by the Supreme Court. On

February 28, 2012, because there still had been no ruling on preclearance from the

D.C. Court, this Court adopted Plans H309 and C235 as interim plans to be used for

the 2012 elections. Docket nos. 681, 682. No appeal was taken. The Court expressly

noted that the interim maps were based on preliminary determinations under the

Perry v. Perez standard and did not constitute rulings on the merits of the claims. A

majority of Plaintiffs argued that the interim maps did not resolve all of their claims

and concerns, and asserted that further relief would be required in a final remedial

plan rendered after a decision on preclearance.

2 The pre-census plans could not be used because the tremendous population growth rendered them inconsistent with one-person, onevvote requirements.


Page 124: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Case 5:11-cv-00360-0LG-JES-XR Document 886 Filed 09/06113 Page 4 of 26

Faced with yet another set of redistricting maps, election officials advised the

Court that they could not possibly meet the deadlines for the upcoming election. In

March 2012, the Court extended the deadlines once again and the 2012 elections

proceeded under Plans H309 and C235.

In August 2012, the D.C. Court issued its opInIOn on § 5 issues, denying

preclearance on the 2011 enacted plans. Texas v. United States, 887 F. Supp. 2d 133

(D.D.C.2012). With regard to the Congressional plan, the D.C. Court found the plan

retrogressive, and denied preclearance on that basis. In addition, with regard to the

Black ability districts, the D.C. Court found that the changes to the districts were not

retrogressive, but "they raise serious concerns about what motivated the Congressional

Plan." 887 F. Supp. 2d at 159-60. Specifically, the Court noted that "substantial

surgery" was done on the Black ability districts, but not on any Anglo districts. The

Court concluded, "Texas did not adequately engage with the evidence raised by the

other parties on this point, and under Arlington Heights we find sufficient evidence to

conclude that the Congressional Plan was motivated, at least in part, by discriminatory

intent." Id. at 161. With regard to the Texas House plan, the D.C. Court found that

the enacted plan had the "effect of abridging minority voting rights in four ability

districts - HD's 33, 35, 117 and 149 - and that Texas did not create any new ability

districts to offset those losses." Id. at 51. Thus, the enacted plan was retrogressive and

could not be precleared. Id. The D.C. Court also expressed concern about the manner

in which the mapdrawers used "deliberate, race-conscious method[s]" to dilute minority

voting power, specifically noting the manner in which they switched high-turnout for

low-turnout Hispanic voters and cracked VTD's along racial lines. Id. at 70-71.


Page 125: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Case 5:11-cv-00360-0LG-JES-XR Document 886 Filed 09106113 Page 5 of 26

Because the plan was retrogressive, the D.C. Cburt did not need to reach the issue of

discriminatory purpose, but concluded that "at a minimum, ... the retrogressive effect

... may not have been accidental." Id. at 71. The State appealed to the Supreme

Court, and the appeal of the preclearance issues remained pending at the same time

the Supreme Court considered the Shelby County case. During the pendency of the

Supreme Court proceedings, the Texas Legislature was also in session and further

redistricting was a clear possibility. With so many contingent possibilities that would

change the course of these proceedings, this Court had no choice but to wait for the


By the end of May 2013, the Legislature's regular session ended with no

redistricting action. But the Governor called the Legislature back for the first called

special session to consider "legislation which ratifies and adopts the interim

redistricting plans ordered by the federal district court as the permanent plans for

districts used to elect members of the Texas House of Representatives, Texas Senate

and United States House of Representatives." The Legislature reconvened and

undertook this redistricting task while the Supreme Court continued to deliberate the

§ 5 issues pending before it.

By June 23, 2013, the Legislature had passed S.B. 3 (Plan H358) and S.B. 4

(Plan C235) to enrollment. See S.B. 3 and S.B. 4, 83rd Legislature, 1st Called Session.

Senate Bill 4 "ratified and adopted" this Court's interim Congressional map, Plan

C235, without change, and repealed Senate Bill 4 from the 2011 first special session,

which adopted Plan C185. Senate Bill 3 adopted Plan H358 as the plan for the Texas

House of Representatives and repealed H.B. 150 from the 2011 regular session, which


Page 126: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


Case 5:11-cv-00360-0LG-JES-XR Document 886 Filed 09/06/13 Page 6 of 26

adopted Plan H283. Plan H358, the plan for the Texas House of Representatives, had

slight changes from the 2012 interim plan. The plans were sent to Governor Perry for

approval on June 24, 2013.

On June 25,2013, while the appeal of the D.C. Court's decision on preclearance

was pending, the Supreme Court decided Shelby County, Alabama v. Holder, 133 S. Ct.

2612 (2013), striking down the coverage formula in § 4(b) of the Voting Rights Act

which, in turn, means that Texas is no longer automatically subject to § 5 preclearance

requirements. On June 26,2013, the Governor signed the redistricting plans into law.

The plans for the Texas and U.S. House do not become effective until September 24,

2013. See Tex. Const. Art. III § 39.

On June 27, 2013, the Supreme Court vacated the D.C. Court's judgment

denying preclearance of the 2011 plans and remanded the case for further

consideration in light of Shelby County and the suggestion of mootness of appellees

Wendy Davis, et a1. See Texas u. United States, 133 S. Ct. 2885 (June 27, 2013).'

Despite two years oflitigation on the 2011 plans, the course ofthese proceedings

changed dramatically with a significant change in voting rights law and newly enacted

redistricting plans. With the demise of § 4(b), Plaintiffs were forced to take a new look

at § 3(c) and the 2013 enacted plans and make decisions on how they wished to

proceed. On June 28, Defendants filed a motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter

jurisdiction, arguing that the case had become moot and should be dismissed. See

docket no. 768. Specifically, Defendants argued that passage of the new plans in the

3 On remand, Texas has moved to dismiss the case as moot, and the United States does not oppose the motion. Some defendants in the D.C. case have, however, sought leave to amend to assert counterclaims for relief under § 3(c) of the VRA. Those motions remain pending.


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Case 5:11-cv-00360-0LG-JES-XR Document 886 Filed 09/06/13 Page 7 of 26

2013 special legislative session repealed the 2011 plans, which are the subject of this

lawsuit, and that the vacated 2011 plans can never be used to conduct any election and

therefore pose no threat of injury to Plaintiffs. Therefore, Defendants asserted,

because the 2011 plans pose no threat and "any order regarding the 2011 plans can

provide no effectual relief," the case should be dismissed as moot.

This Court held a status conference on July 1, 2013. At the hearing, Plaintiffs

expressed a desire to amend their complaints to challenge the 2013 plans, and some

Plaintiffs stated their intent to amend their existing claims related to the 2011 plans

to seek relief under § 3(c) of the Voting Rights Act. After the status conference, the

Court issued an order summarily denying the motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction

without prejudice (docket no. 771) and issued an order directing Plaintiffs to file

motions for leave to amend pleadings by July 12. The Court also provided a schedule

for interim attorneys' fees requests, briefs on § 3(c), and submission of parts of the D.C.

record to begin supplementing the record herein.

In accordance with the Court's order, Plaintiffs filed their motions for leave to

amend their pleadings on July 12, 2013. Various Plaintiffs seek leave to amend to

assert § 2 and Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendment claims against Plans C235 and

H358, as well as equitable relief under § 3(c) of the Voting Rights Act. Some Plaintiffs

maintain their § 2 and constitutional claims against the 2011 plans and seek leave to

amend to request equitable relief under § 3(c) of the Voting Rights Act with regard to

the 2011 plans. And some Plaintiffs seek leave to amend to assert political

gerrymandering claims against the 2013 Congressional and Texas House plans.


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On July 19, 2013, the State filed a response in opposition to the motions for

leave to amend, along with a motion to dismiss as moot all claims related to the 2011

plans. Docket no. 786. Plaintiffs filed a response to Defendants' motion to dismiss and

their various replies on August 5, 2013.

On July 22, 2013, Plaintiffs filed their motion for leave to re-open and

supplement the record with approximately 400 documentary exhibits from the D.C.

record. The State filed a response and objections on August 5, 2013. The Latino Task

Force also file a motion to supplement the record with testimonial evidence from the

D.C. case. On August 9,2013, Defendants filed a response in opposition thereto. All

parties simultaneously filed briefs on § 3(c), and the U.S. Department of Justice filed

a Statement ofInterest on or about July 25, 2013. Responses to the § 3(c) briefs were

filed on August 5, 2013.

On August 9 and 19, 2013, Plaintiffs filed motions for interim attorneys' fees,

and Defendants have filed responses in opposition. On August 22, 2013, the United

States filed an opposed motion to intervene.

II. Motions for Leave to Amend and Mootness of 2011 Claims

This section addresses the following motions: (1) motions for leave to amend

pleadings filed by Congressman Cuellar (docket no. 774); the NAACP, African­

American Congresspersons, LULAC, Rodriguez Plaintiffs, and Quesada Plaintiffs

(docket no. 776); the Perez Plaintiffs (docket no. 777); the Mexican American

Legislative Caucus (docket no. 779); and John Morris (docket no. 784); (2) the motion

for leave to supplement pleadings by the Texas Latino Redistricting Task Force (docket

no. 780); (3) the motion for leave to file amended cross-claim by the Texas Democratic


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Party (docket no. 778); and (4) Texas's motion to dismiss Plaintiffs' claims against the

2011 Plans as moot (docket no. 786).

Congressman Cuellar seeks leave to amend to assert § 2 and Fourteenth and

Fifteenth Amendment claims against Plan C235 "on the same grounds as the original

pleadings" directed at Plan C185. Docket no. 774: The NAACP Plaintiffs, the

African-American Congressional Plaintiffs, LULAC, the Quesada Plaintiffs, and the

Rodriguez Plaintiffs seek leave to amend to assert § 2 and Fourteenth and Fifteenth

Amendment claims against Plan C235. Docket no. 776. Some of these Plaintiffs also

seek leave to amend to request relief under § 3(c) of the Voting Rights Act: The Perez

Plaintiffs seek leave to amend to assert claims under § 2 and the Constitution against

the 2013 plans, but do not request relief under § 3(c). Docket no. 777. Plaintiff Texas

Latino Redistricting Task Force's proposed amended complaint maintains its

challenges to the 2011 Texas House and Congressional plans, and seeks to add these

same claims under § 2 and Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendment against Plan H358.

The Task Force also raises specific challenges to changes made in HD 90 from the

Court's interim plan. The Task Force does not assert any claims against C235 and

4 It is unclear whether Congressman Cuellar seeks to maintain his claims against Plan C185 or intends to assert claims only against Plan C235 in the proposed amended complaint.

5 It is unclear from the proposed amended complaints submitted by the NAACP Plaintiffs, the African American Congressional Plaintiffs, the LULAC Plaintiffs, and the Rodriguez Plaintiffs whether they are continuing to assert claims (and adding a request for § 3(c) relief) against the 2011 plans, or only wish to pursue claims against the 2013 plans. The Quesada Plaintiffs' proposed amended complaint asserts claims only against the 2013 plans, and does not seek relief under § 3(c). Defendants assert that the NAACP Plaintiffs, African American Congressional Plaintiffs, LULAC Plaintiffs, Rodriguez Plaintiffs, and the Quesada Plaintiffs "drop [ped] all moot claims against the 2011 maps." Docket no. 786 at 1. However, in their joint Reply brief, docket no. 839, these Plaintiffs argue that challenges to the 2011 plans are not moot, suggesting that at least some of these Plaintiffs are intending to maintain claims against the 2011 plans.


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does not seek relief under § 3(C).6 Plaintiff MALC's proposed amended complaint

maintains its § 2 and constitutional claims against the 2011 plans, adds these same

claims against the 2013 plans, and adds a request for relief under § 3(c) with regard

to the claims against both the 2011 and 2013 plans. Docket no. 779. 7

The Texas Democratic Party, Gilberto Hinojosa, and Plaintiff John Morris seek

leave to amend their pleadings to assert political gerrymandering claims against the

2013 plans. Docket nos. 778 & 784. 8

Defendants oppose Plaintiffs' motions to amend, asserting that the 2011 plan

claims are moot and that amendment with regard to the 2013 plans is precluded by the

jurisdictional limits of 28 U.S.C. § 2284. Defendants argue that the 2011 plan claims

are moot because those plans have been effectively repealed and even though the new

plans will not go into effect until September 24, 2013, the 2011 plans will not be used

for any future election. Thus, Defendants argue, Plaintiffs cannot be injured by the

2011 plans, and the 2011 plan claims must be dismissed now, or, in the alternative, on

September 24,2013. Defendants contend that leave to amend to assert claims against

the 2013 plans cannot be granted because the 2013 plans are new apportionments,

which require the convening of a new three-judge court.

6 The Task Force's proposed amended complaint retains all its claims against the 2011 plans, including Count 4, which alleges that Plans C185 and H283 (the 2011 plans) have not received required preclearance under § 5. It appears that Count 4 was included as an oversight.

7 MALC's proposed Third Amended Complaint includes a prayer for "[a]n order requiring all Defendants to comply with Section 2 and comply with the Section 5 preclearance requirements of the Voting Rights Act as provided by Section 3(a) of the Act." Docket no. 779-1 (Third Amended Complaint at 18, Prayer 1 C). However, based on the parties' briefing and MALC's statement in open court that it intended to assert a claim under § 3(c), the Court presumes that this is a typographical error.

8 The Court previously dismissed the political gerrymandering claims against the 2011 plans.


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The Court must therefore decide the following issues: (1) whether Plaintiffs'

claims against the 2011 plans are moot and whether Plaintiffs may amend to request

§ 3(c) relief with regard to their 2011 plan claims; (2) whether Plaintiffs should be

permitted to amend their complaints to assert § 2 and constitutional claims (and a

request for relief under § 3(c» against the 2013 plans and whether such amendment

is precluded by § 2284; and (3) whether the Texas Democratic Party, Gilberto Hinojosa,

and John Morris should be permitted to amend to assert political gerrymandering

claims against the 2013 plans.

A. The 2011 Plan Claims

Defendants contend that Plaintiffs' claims against the 2011 plans must be

dismissed as moot. Defendants cite numerous decisions setting forth the standard for

Article III standing to support their argument. However, the Supreme Court has made

clear that the standards for standing and mootness are not identical. To satisfy Article

III's standing requirements, a plaintiff must show (1) it has suffered an "injury in fact"

that is (a) concrete and particularized and (b) actual or imminent, not conjectural or

hypothetical; (2) the injury is fairly traceable to the challenged action of the defendant;

and (3) it is likely, as opposed to merely speculative, that the injury will be redressed

by a favorable decision. Friends of the Earth, Inc. u. Laidlaw Enutl. Serus., 528 U.S.

167, 180-81 (2000). In other words, it is the plaintiff's burden to establish standing by

demonstrating that, if unchecked by the litigation, the defendant's allegedly wrongful

behavior will likely occur or continue, and that the "threatened injury [is] certainly

impending." Id. at 190.


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In contrast, the standard for determining whether a case seeking prospective

relief has been mooted by the defendant's voluntary conduct is whether "subsequent

events [make] it absolutely clear that the allegedly wrongful behavior could not

reasonably be expected to recur," Id, at 189, The heavy burden of persuading the court

that the challenged conducteannot reasonably be expected to recur lies with the party

asserting mootness, Id,; see also Preiser v, Newkirk, 422 U,S, 395, 402 (1975) (in

determining whether a request for declaratory judgment has become moot, the

question is "whether the facts alleged, under all the circumstances, show that there is

a substantial controversy, between parties having adverse legal interests, of sufficient

immediacy and reality to warrant the issuance of a declaratory judgment"),"

Thus, although it may affect the scope of the remedy, "a defendant's voluntary

cessation of a challenged practice does not deprive a federal court of its power to

determine the legality of the practice," Id,; United States v, WT, Grant Co" 345 U,S,

629, 633 (1953) (defendant's declaration of intent not to revive challenged practice

"does not suffice to make a case moot although it is one of the factors to be considered

in determining the appropriateness of granting an injunction against the now-

discontinued acts"), "Along with its power to hear the case, the court's power to grant

injunctive relief survives discontinuance ofthe illegal conduct," W T, Grant, 345 U,S,

at 633, "But the moving party must satisfy the court that relief is needed, The

necessary determination is that there exists some cognizable danger of recurrent

9 Because of the different standards for initial standing and subsequent mootness, a defendant's voluntary action after suit is filed may not necessarily moot a claim, even though the plaintiff would have lacked initial standing had she filed her complaint after the defendant's voluntary action took place, Id, at 191.


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violation, something more than the mere possibility which serves to keep the case

alive." Id. "To be considered are the bona fides of the expressed intent to comply, the

effectiveness of the discontinuance and, in some cases, the character of the past

violations." Id.

Defendants fail to meet their burden of demonstrating that the conduct alleged

to violate § 2 and the Constitution with regard to the 2011 plans could not reasonably

be expected to recur. Although the 2011 plans have been repealed, the Supreme Court

has held that repeal of a challenged law does not render a case moot if there is a

reasonable possibility that the government would reenact the law if the proceedings

were dismissed. City of Mesquite v. Aladdin's Castle, Inc., 455 U.S. 283 (1982).

Similarly, the fact that a challenged law is amended does not alone moot the

underlying claim unless the law has been sufficiently altered so as to present a

substantially different controversy. Ne. Fla. Chapter of the Assoc. Gen. Contractors of

Am. v. City of Jacksonville" 508 U.S. 656, 662 & n.3 (1993).

The 2013 plans are heavily derived from the 2011 plans, given the deferential

standard required by the application of Perry v. Perez. Plaintiffs contend that many

of the alleged violations of the Voting Rights Act and the Constitution in the 2011

plans persist in the 2013 plans, though some perhaps to a lesser degree. Most

Plaintiffs contend that the interim plans did not go far enough in curing the alleged

intentional racial discrimination, and argue that the Legislature ignored these

concerns when adopting the interim plans in 2013. Like the amended ordinance in

Associated General Contractors, the new plans may disadvantage Plaintiffs to a lesser

degree, but they disadvantage them in the same fundamental way. Therefore,


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Plaintiffs allege that they are still suffering injury from the 2011 plans, even if they

are repealed.

Moreover, there is no indication or assurance that, in the next redistricting cycle,

the Texas Legislature will not engage in the same alleged conduct that Plaintiffs assert

violated their rights, including removing economic engines from minority districts,

dismantling coalitions, manipulating voter turnout among Hispanics, or engaging in

other conduct that Plaintiffs allege violated their rights in connection with the 2011

plans. While Texas may have voluntarily ceased or diminished the allegedly illegal

conduct, it has not conceded the illegality of the conduct and has steadfastly

maintained that its actions did not violate Plaintiffs' rights. The fact that the

Legislature has adopted the Court's interim plans in an attempt to curb this particular

litigation is no assurance that it will not engage in the same conduct in the next

legislative session or any session thereafter. Thus, a dispute remains over the legality

of the challenged practices, there is no assurance that the conduct will not recur, and

Plaintiffs maintain a personal stake in the controversy. Given these circumstances,

the Court finds that there exists some cognizable danger of recurrent violation such

that Plaintiffs' claims for declaratory and injunctive relief with regard to the 2011

plans are not moot.

Further, some Plaintiffs seek leave to amend to request equitable relief under

§ 3(c) premised on their claims of intentional racial discrimination in the 2011 plans.

Therefore, even if the Court ultimately declines to award injunctive relief, it may find

that declaratory relief and equitable relief under § 3(c) are appropriate. See Knox v.

Servo Emps. Int'l Union, Local 1000, _U.S. _,_,132 S. Ct. 2277, 2287 (2012) ("A


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case becomes moot only when it is impossible for a court to grant 'any effectual relief

whatever' to the prevailing 'party."'); Blackmoon v. Charles Mix County, 505 F. Supp.

2d 585, 592-93 (D.S.D. 2007) (holding that the plaintiffs' claims against districts no

longer in place were not moot because of the possibility of relief under § 3(a».

Although the State vigorously opposes the availability of § 3(c) relief, Plaintiffs' claim

for § 3(c) relief is certainly not so implausible that it is insufficient to preserve

jurisdiction. See Chafin v. Chafin, _ u.S. _, _, 133 S. Ct. 1017, 1026-27 (2013)

(holding that uncertainty as to relief does not render a case moot and even availability

of a partial remedy is sufficient to prevent a case from being moot).

Accordingly, Plaintiffs' claims for declaratory and injunctive relief with regard

to the 2011 plans are not moot now, nor will they become moot on September 24,2013,

and Plaintiffs may maintain them and may assert claims for relief under § 3(c) with

regard to the 2011 plans. We emphasize that, in holding that Plaintiffs' 2011 plan

claims are not moot, we express no opinion on the merits of those claims or on the

request for relief under § 3(c). We simply hold that the claims are not moot.

B. The 2013 Plan Claims

Defendants concede that, in the ordinary case, Plaintiffs would be permitted to

amend their pleadings to add claims against the 2013 plans. See docket no. 786 at 8-9

(citing Lewis v. Continental Bank Corp., 494 U.S. 472 (1990); Diffenderfer v. Central

Baptist Church, 404 U.S. 412, 415 (1972». The Court agrees that amendment or

supplementation to add § 2 and constitutional claims (including relief under § 3(c»

against the newly enacted plans is appropriate.


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However, Defendants assert that, because this is a three-judge court empaneled

pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2284, Plaintiffs must file a new lawsuit and request a new

three-judge court to proceed with their claims against the new plans. Section 2284(a)

states, "A district court of three judges shall be convened when otherwise required by

Act of Congress, or when an action is filed challenging the constitutionality of the

apportionment of congressional districts or the apportionment of any statewide

legislative body." 28 U.S.C. § 2284(a). Defendants argue that this case presents an

issue offirst impression regarding whether Plaintiffs may amend their pleadings and

continue their lawsuit in the present case, before the same three·judge court, or

whether they must dismiss this action and file a new one. Defendants state that this

potential jurisdictional defect can be avoided "[£]or the price of a filing fee." Docket no.

786 at 10.

As Plaintiffs note, however, the plain language of § 2284 does not require

appointing a three-judge court every time an apportionment is challenged. Ifthat were

the case, presumably this action would have required appointment of two three-judge

courts, one for the Texas House challenge and one for the Congressional plan

challenge. Rather, the plain language requires that the three-judge court be convened

"when an action is filed" challenging apportionment. That was done in this case.

Because the original 2011 plan claims are not moot and amendment to assert claims

against the 2013 plans is appropriate, the Court concludes that § 2284 presents no

jurisdictional bar.


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C. Political Gerrymandering Claims

Defendants contend that the Texas Democratic Party and Hinojosa seek "to

include a (now moot) illegal-gerrymandering 'claim' against the 2011 plans," and argue

that "the Court should refuse permission to introduce moot claims into this lawsuit."

These Plaintiffs originally challenged the 2011 plans on two bases: (1) § 5 preclearance;

and (2) illegal political gerrymandering. They seek to amend to "drop the Section 5

claim" but preserve the political gerrymandering claim. The proposed amended

complaint therefore maintains the political gerrymandering claim against the 2011

plan and adds a political gerrymandering claim against the 2013 plans. However, the

proposed amended complaint, if filed, would not "introduce" a moot claim into this case.

The political gerrymandering claims against the 2011 plans are the same claims that

were originally filed; they have already been and will remain dismissed, and will not

be revived simply by the filing of the amended complaint. Accordingly, the Court will

permit the Texas Democratic Party and Gilberto Hinojosa, as well as John Morris, to

file amended complaints that add political gerrymandering claims against the 2013


D. Conclusion

The Court therefore makes the following rulings:

Plaintiffs' 2011 plan claims are not moot and Plaintiffs may amend their

complaints to add requests for relief under § 3(c) ofthe Voting Rights Act. Defendants'

motion to dismiss the 2011 plan claims as moot (docket no. 786) is DENIED.

After the Supreme Court's decision in Shelby County, the Task Force Plaintiffs

filed an emergency motion to amend the injunction preventing use of the 2011 plans


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because they had not been precleared. Since Texas has repealed the 2011 plans and

does not intend to implement them, and they remain enjoined in any event unless and

until the Court lifts the injunction, the motion (docket no. 761) is DENIED.

Plaintiffs may amend or supplement their complaints to add claims under § 2

and the Constitution, as well as requests for relief under § 3(c) of the Voting Rights

Act, with regard to the 2013 plans (Plan C235 and Plan H358). The motions for leave

to amend or supplement filed by Congressman Cuellar (docket no. 774); the NAACP,

African-American Congresspersons, LULAC, Rodriguez Plaintiffs, and Quesada

Plaintiffs (docket no. 776); the Perez Plaintiffs (docket no. 777); the Mexican American

Legislative Caucus (docket no. 779); and the Texas Latino Redistricting Task Force

(docket no. 780) are GRANTED. The Perez Plaintiffs' original motion to amend

(docket no. 775) is DISMISSED AS MOOT because an amended motion was filed. As

noted, it is unclear whether some Plaintiffs are intending to maintain their 2011 plan

claims or request § 3(c) relief with regard to the 2011 plan claims. Plaintiffs' amended

complaints should clearly specify whether such claims are being maintained, and

Plaintiffs are granted further leave to amend their proposed complaints to clarify their

claims or to correct errors identified herein.

The Texas Democratic Party and Gilberto Hinojosa, as well as John Morris, are

granted leave to amend their complaints to assert political gerrymandering claims

against the 2013 plans. The motion for leave to file amended cross-claim by the Texas

Democratic Party and Gilberto Hinojosa (docket no. 778) and John Morris's motion for

leave to amend (docket no. 784) are GRANTED. Morris's motion for extension oftime

to file (docket no. 782) is GRANTED. Morris's original motion to amend (docket no.


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783) is DISMISSED AS MOOT because an amended motion was filed. Because the

Court is allowing the Texas Democratic Party, Hinojosa, and Morris to assert political

gerrymandering claims against the 2013 plans, their motions to reconsider the Court's

dismissal of their political gerrymandering claims against the 2011 plans (docket nos.

384,386) are DENIED.lO

The Court emphasizes that, in allowing amendment to assert new claims,

including requests for relief under § 3(c), the Court makes no determination of the

merits of those claims, but simply permits the Plaintiffs to place such claims before the


III. Proceeding with further litigation

With the enactment of the 2013 plans, the amendment of the claims in the

pleadings, and the potential impact of § 3(c) issues, there is much to be accomplished.

Defendants have already filed two motions to dismiss since the enactment of the new

plans, and more dispositive motions may be forthcoming. Another round of fact and

expert discovery may be necessary to adequately prepare the case for a second trial.

Experts will need to supplement or amend their prior opinions and present same to the

Court. There may be additional fact witnesses that will need to testify in person, if

possible, or by video deposition if they are unable to testify in person. There will be

additional documentary evidence, including approximately 400 exhibits that were

previously used in the D.C. preclearance proceedings. Evidentiary challenges will need

to be resolved. Oral arguments will be presented. A second trial or series of

lOThe motions to reconsider were filed to stay appellate deadlines.


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evidentiary hearings will need to be held. The Court will then begin its review of all

the evidence from the first trial in this case, the second trial in this case, and any

additional evidence (from the D.C. case or otherwise) that may be presented by

submission. After the Court's review and deliberations, it will need to prepare opinions

on all remaining claims and causes of action and, if necessary, issue new remedial

redistricting maps. If equitable relief under § 3(c) is warranted, the Court's duties will

not end with the issuance of new maps. Several years of preclearance proceedings may

lie ahead. And of course, the prospect of multiple appeals must be considered.

The Court has strived to keep this case moving at a brisk pace. The litigation

would have been unduly delayed if the parties had not been granted permission to

amend their pleadings and continue the proceedings in this Court. But all litigation,

and especially redistricting litigation, requires a tremendous amount of time and

expense and recurring election schedules are a constant concern. The Court

understands the importance of the issues in this case and the need to reach final

resolution. But the Court also understands the need to proceed with elections as

scheduled. While it was necessary to delay the 2012 elections, the redistricting maps

also changed - not once, but twice. Shifting district and precinct lines can leave

candidates wondering, voters confused, and election officials with a tremendous burden

to implement maps in a timely manner with very limited resources. Thus, the Court

must balance the need to protect voting rights that may be affected by the redistricting

maps with the need to avoid the adverse effect on voting rights that comes with delay

and confusion during election time. This litigation will continue for as long as it takes

to reach a legally correct decision on very important issues, but elections must go on.


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IV. The 2014 elections

The 2014 primary election is fast approaching. Some of the key dates, governed

by the Texas Election Code, are as follows:

September 10, 2013:

November 9, 2013:

December 9, 2013:

December 13, 2013:

January 18, 2014:

March 4, 2014:

Opening of the Filing Period for Office of Precinct Chair

Opening of Filing Period for All Other Offices

Deadline for Candidates to File Applications for General Primary Election

Certification of Candidate by Party Chairs deadline

Deadline to Mail Military Ballots

General Primary Election

With the election deadlines beginning on September 10, 2013, this Court is once again

faced with circumstances that call for temporary measures that the Court would not

otherwise consider.

V. Which maps to use

The election cannot proceed as scheduled unless redistricting maps are in place,

and the options are limited. The parties agree that the districts used for the 2010

elections are malapportioned and violate the one-person one-vote requirement under

the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The 2011 enacted plans have

been repealed by the Texas Legislature. The Court could order that the 2012 interim

plans be used for another election cycle, but the Supreme Court has instructed that the

Court defer to legislative judgments reflected in the enacted plans to the extent those

policies do not lead to violations of the Constitution or Voting Rights Act. Perry u.

Perez, 132 S. Ct. at 941. Thus, the Court turns to the 2013 enacted plans for purposes


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of implementing an interim plan for the 2014 elections.

A. The Congressional plan (C235)

Plan C235 was adopted by the Court as the interim plan for the districts used

to elect representatives in 2012 to the United States House of Representatives. Docket

no. 681. The Court adopted the plan after making the requisite preliminary findings

as required by the Supreme Court's decision in Perry v. Perez. Docket no. 691. When

the Texas Legislature met during special session, it adopted Plan C235 in its entirety

without any changes. Thus, to the extent that Perry v. Perez requires the Court to

conduct a preliminary injunction analysis (i.e., likelihood of success on the merits), it

has already done so. And to the extent that Perry v. Perez requires the Court to defer

to the policy judgments of the Texas Legislature, it has done so. The Court is keenly

aware that its preliminary injunction analysis was "expedited and curtailed" due to the

circumstances at the time. Docket no. 691 at 2. But the Court is facing similar

circumstances at this juncture and conducting yet another preliminary review of the

same maps under current time restraints would cause unnecessary delay. The Court

will review all of the evidence and reach a final decision on the merits of all claims

under the Voting Rights Act and the U.S. Constitution, but it is impossible to reach

that decision prior to the various deadlines for the 2014 elections.

B. The Texas House plan (Plan H358)

Plan H309 was adopted by the Court as the interim plan for the districts used

to elect representatives to the Texas House of Representatives in 2012. Docket no. 682.

The Court adopted Plan H309 after making the requisite preliminary findings as

required by the Supreme Court's decision in Perry v. Perez. Docket no. 690. When the


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Texas Legislature met during special session, it made slight changes to Plan H309, and

newly enacted Plan H358 incorporates those changes. The changes to the Texas House

plan affect very small portions of Tarrant, Dallas, Harris and Webb counties. Of the

150 districts in the Texas House map, the lines of only 14 districts shifted slightly.ll

Of those 14 districts, the loss or gain of registered voters is minimal. '2 Because the

changes to the Texas House plan were so minimal, only one new legal challenge arose.

That challenge, brought by the Latino Task Force, is a claim that the Hispanic voting

strength in HD 90 has been diluted. 13

Again, to the extent that Perry u. Perez requires the Court to defer to the policy

judgments of the Texas Legislature, it has done so. And the Court has already

conducted a preliminary injunction analysis of Plaintiffs' legal challenges, with the

exception of the new challenge to HD 90. As with the Congressional plan, the Court's

"The district lines resulted in slightly different configurations for districts 42,80,90,97,99,103, 109, 110, 111, 113, 115, 133, 137, and 149.

12Basedon 2010 Census data, the Texas Legislative Council prepared a Plan Overlap Population Analysis (Red 340) comparing Plan H358 with Plan H309. The analysis shows that District 42 retained 95.9% of its total population and pulled 4.1% from district 80, which includes 3,302 registered voters. District 90 retained 97.1% of its total population; pulled 2.9% of its total population from district 99, which includes 2,439 registered voters; and gained approximately 32 registered voters from district 97. District 99 retained 97.4% of its total population and pulled 2.6% from district 90, which includes 1,850 registered voters. District 103 retained 95.9% ofits total population and pulled 4.1 % from district 115, which includes 3,178 registered voters. District 109 retained 99.6% of its total population; pulled 0.3% from district 110, which includes 481 registered voters; and gained approximately 17 registered voters from district 111. District 110 retained 99.7% of its total population and pulled 0.3% from district 109, which includes 477 voters. District 111 retained 100% of its total population and gained only 4 registered voters from district 109. District 113 retained 100% of its total population and gained only 3 registered voters from district 109. District 115 retained 93% of its total population and pulled 7.0% from district 103, which includes 2,932 registered voters. District 133 retained 95.7% of its total population and pulled 4.3% from district 149, which includes 3,344 registered voters. District 137 retained 93.1% of its total population; pulled 3.8% from district 133, which includes 2,432 registered voters; and also pulled 3.1% from district 149, which includes 2,478 registered voters. District 149 retained 93.3% of its total population and pulled 6.7% from district 137, which includes 4,548 registered voters.

"No other Plaintiffs join the Latino Task Force in its claim regarding voter dilution in HD 90.


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Case 5:11-cv-00360-0LG-JES-XR Document 886 Filed 09/06/13 Page 24 of 26

preliminary injunction analysis was necessarily expedited and curtailed due to

circumstances at that time, but current time restraints make the present situation no

better. Again, the Court will review all of the evidence and reach a final decision on

the merits of all claims under the Voting Rights Act and the U.S. Constitution, but that

decision will not be reached prior to the 2014 elections.

To fully comply with the mandate in Perry u. Perez, the Court has conducted a

preliminary review of the new challenge to HD 90 and is unable to conclude that the

Latino Task Force is likely to succeed on the merits of its claim. The Court has

reviewed the allegations in the Task Force complaint and analyzed the maps and

statistics available to the Court through the Texas Legislative Council. The Task

Force alleges that "the Texas Legislature changed HD 90 to reduce the number of

Latino registered voters and the strength of the Latino vote in HD 90. The changes to

HD 90 also reduce the African American citizen voting age population of HD 90. The

changes to HD 90 in H358 reduce the ability of Latino voters to nominate their

preferred candidate." Docket no. 780 at 15.

The Task Force correctly notes that HD 90 was a Latino opportunity district

before 2011, and it still appears to be a Latino opportunity district. Docket no. 780 at

15. At the Task Force's urging, the Texas Legislature made changes to HD 90 in 2011

to "raise the Latino voting strength" of HD 90, and those changes were maintained in

the 2012 interim plans. Id. A Latino candidate challenged the Anglo incumbent in the

2012 Democratic primary election. The Anglo incumbent won the primary by 159 votes

and went on to win the General election in November 2012. Id. Thus, to the extent

that the Task Force claims that the Latino candidate was the candidate of choice for


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Case 5:11-cv-00360-0LG-JES-XR Document 886 Filed 09/06/13 Page 25 of 26

Latinos, their candidate of choice did not WIn the 2012 election even after the

Legislature increased the Latino voting strength.

When the Legislature made changes to HD 90 during the 2013 special session,

the changes were minimal. The total combined population of African Americans and

Hispanics in HD 90 rose from 84.8% to 86.1 %. The total voting age population (V AP)

of African Americans and Hispanics combined in HD 90 is 82.3%. The total voting age

population (V AP) of Hispanics only is 70.7%. The total citizen voting age population

(CVAP) for African Americans and Hispanics combined is 67.4%. The total citizen

voting age population (CVAP) for Hispanics only is 49.0%. And the total for Spanish

Surname Registered Voters (SSVR) decreased by one percent - from 51.1 % to 50.1 %.

Although there is still evidence to be presented before the Court reaches a final

decision, there is currently insufficient evidence in the record to suggest that the

changes to HD 90 were motivated by discriminatory animus. Nor is there sufficient

evidence at this juncture to suggest that Hispanic voters have been deprived of the

opportunity to elect their candidate of choice. "The ultimate right of § 2 is equality of

opportunity, not a guarantee of electoral success for minority-preferred candidates of

whatever race." Johnson v. DeGrandy, 512 U.S. 997, 1014 n. 11, 114 S.Ct. 2647(1994).

C. Preclearance is not an obstacle to using the 2013 plans on an

interim basis:

In 2012, Texas was a covered jurisdiction under § 5 ofthe Voting Rights Act and

all changes in election procedures were suspended until precleared. 42 U.S.C. § 1973c.

The D.C. Court had not reached a final decision on the § 5 issues prior to the 2012

elections and this Court was required to review the § 5 challenges under the "not


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Case 5:11-cv-00360-0LG-JES-XR Document 886 Filed 09/06/13 Page 26 of 26

insubstantial" standard imposed by Perry v. Perez in formulating interim plans.

Ultimately, some of this Court's findings under the "not insubstantial" standard

differed from the D.C. Court's final rulings on the merits. But the Texas Legislature

has adopted the changes that were based on this Court's previous findings and the D.C.

Court's opinion on § 5 issues has been vacated.

In June, the Supreme Court declared the coverage formula in § 4

unconstitutional, meaning that Texas is no longer automatically subject to § 5's

preclearance requirement. Thus, mandatory suspension under § 5 is no longer an

obstacle for the State of Texas. Some Plaintiffs herein have requested equitable relief

under § 3(c) of the Voting Rights Act, but coverage under § 3(c) is not triggered unless

or until the Court finds that the Fourteenth or Fifteenth Amendment has been

violated. See 42 U.S.C. 1973a(c). At this juncture, this Court has not made such a

finding; thus, it is unable to determine whether prospective relief under § 3(c) is

necessary and appropriate. Again, more evidence will be presented, and the Court will

give such evidence due consideration. Until a decision on the merits is reached,

however, coverage under § 3(c) is not triggered and any remedial relief thereunder

would be premature.

It is so ORDERED this 6th day of September, 2013.

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September 24,2013

TO: Commissioners Court

FROM: Stanley Victrum, Chief Information Officer

SUBJECT: Proposed IT Strategic Plan for FY20 14 - FY2018

Background Per the IT Executive Governance Committee (ITEGC) Agenda for August 20, 2013, the CIO provided the subject draft of the proposed plan to the ITEGC for their review and comment by September 6, 2013. After incorporating received comments, the ITEGC was briefed on the revised Plan at their Meeting on September 17,2013 and unanimously approved the presentation of the subject plan to the Commissioners Court for consideration for adoption after the normal 30-day "comment and review" period for all of the County Departments.

Operational Impact The plan provides the County with a long-term technology vision, mission and goals which are consistent with the County's overall strategic plan, which advance us towards the future, yet which are practical, achievable and affordable. The Plan emphasizes our intent to focus on the operational and service delivery needs of the County end-user Departments, to help improve their and County IT's business processes by leveraging technology to the greatest degree practical and to make sound investments focused on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the County through the use of appropriate technology. Ultimately, the plan serves as the "broad arrow" pointing to the realization of the "Dallas County Online" vision of a mobile, on-line and integrated IT Infrastructure supported by dedicated IT professionals who provide world-class customer service and support. The IT Staff Action Plan for CY20 13, presented at the ITEGC Meeting in April 2013, serves as the annual tactical plan for it and is in concert with the draft IT Strategic Plan.

Financial Impact The adoption of the IT Strategic Plan does not have a financial impact, however, the tactical implementation of the Plan will. Those tactical implementation "next steps", per norm, will be briefed separately to the ITEGC and to the Commissioners Court in the future for governance review and consideration for approval.

Strategic Plan Compliance The adoption of the Plan is in accordance with the County Strategic Plan's Vision I: Dallas County government is a model interagency partner.

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Recommendation The Commissioners Court, after a 3D-day "comment and review" period for all of the County Departments, consider and approve the Plan, with the appropriate comments incorporated, for adoption for Dallas County.

~=ed=bY=:======~ Stanley Victrum, CIO

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bunty .' Dlillas FY2014 -FY201,a Informa~ion Technology Strategic PICln

Letter from the Office of Information Technology

This Information Technology Strategic Plan is the culmination of hard work and collaboration by County staff members from across the organization. It represents the best work of those individuals as they serve the public interest in moving the County forward technologically, while simultaneously balancing the need for fiscal responsibility.

The resulting document provides us with a long-term technology vision, mission and goals which are consistent with the County's overall strategic plan, which advance US

towards the future, yet which are practical, achievable and affordable. The Plan emphasizes our intent to focus on the operational and service delivery needs of the County end­user Departments, to help improve their and County IT's business processes by leveraging technology to the greatest degree practical and to make sound investments focused on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the County through the use of appropriate technology.

We are committed to the successful implementation of the Plan and to achieving the objectives and completing the initiatives contained within it.

These initiatives lay the foundation for the County's future technology use by streamlining our processes, solidifying our infrastructure and improving the cohesiveness of our team.

As the County's business priorities change, it may be necessary to shift the technology priorities. Because of these potential changes, the Information Technology Strategic Plan will be reviewed and refreshed regularly to ensure that the technology direction remains sound.

We are always interested in your feedback, both corrective and complementary. Please forward any comments you may have to us at the Office of Information Technology at: [email protected]. You have the County IT Team's collective appreciation for your interest and feedback.

Respectfully, Stanley "Vic" Victrum Chief Information Officer Office of Information Technology Services County of Daiias, Texas

Version 2013.01 - Last Update August 5, 2013

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,",U'UHLV of D.allas FY20H - FY20.1.B nfl1lrr11.::Ifif,n TechnolClgy Strategic Plan

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 The Plan 2.1 Aligned With County Strategy 2.2 Based Upon The Needs Of Our Users And

Stakeholders 2.3 Organization Of The Plan

Strategy Summary Table

3.0 Continue Transformation Into A Customer-Centric Organization 3.1 Strategy Summary 3.2 Strategy Justification 3.3 Strategic Objectives 3.4 Maintain Open Communication Between Departments

and the Office of Information Technology 3.5 Establish Service Level Agreements and Operational

Metrics 3.6 Implement Reporting Procedures And Schedules 3.7 Conduct Periodic Customer Satisfaction Surveys


4 4

5 7 8

10 10 10 11


12 12 13

4.0 Provide A Common Architecture Enabling Integration And Interoperability Of All County Information Systems 14 4.1 Strategy Summary 14 4.2 Strategy Justification 14 4.3 Strategic Objectives 15 4.4 Develop An Architecture Refresh And Upgrade

Strategy Including Capacity Planning 16 4.5 Facilitate Implementation Of Disaster Recovery

And Business Continuity Plans And Scheduled Testing 17 4.6 Develop Comprehensive Roadmap For Infrastructurel

Application Integration (e.g. ERP, AISIACMS, JISIJCMS, Servers, Network, Storage) 17

4.7 Enable Enterprise-Wide Data Architecture And Master Data Management 18

4.8 Conduct On-Going Research In Technology Trends And Development 19

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FY2014 - FY2018 Information Strategic PI;in

5.0 Support Continuous Business Process 7.0 Leverage Technology To Improve And Enhance Improvement 20 End User Productivity 27 5.1 Strategy Summary 20 7.1 Strategy Summary 27 5.2 Strategy Justification 20 7.2 Strategy Justification 27 5.3 Strategic Objectives 21 7.3 Strategic Objectives 28 5.4 Identify Business Processes Within OlT 21 7.4 Identify Technologies That Enhance End-User 5.5 Promote And Sustain Business Process Improvement Communication And Collaboration 28

Methodology 21 7.5 Identify Data Access And Management Reporting 5.6 Leverage Technology To Automate Costly Manual Tools 29

Processes (Imaging, Document Management, 7.6 Develop Implementation Plans And Procedures 29 Workflow Automation, eGovernment) 22 7.7 Ensure Training Needs Are Identified And Addressed

5.7 Incorporate Plans For Building IT Competencies In Whenever New Technology Is Introduced 30 Business Operations By Partnering With Business 22

8.0 Maximize Value Of IT Investments 31 6.0 Provide Access To County Information And 8.1 Strategy Summary 31

Services Anywhere, Anytime 23 8.2 Strategy Justification 31 6.1 Strategy Summary 23 8.3 Strategic Objectives 32 6.2 Strategy Justification 23 8.4 Invest Effort Into Strategic, Tactical And Budgetary

6.3 Strategic Objectives 24 Planning On An Annual Basis 32 6.4 Identify, Prioritize, And Implement Online Services 25 8.5 Provide Consistent Reporting Of Project Plans,

6.5 Design Constituency-Based eBusiness Portals To Deliverables And Status 33 Increase Ease Of DOing Business With The County 25 8.6 PartiCipate In The Development Of All Business

6.6 Leverage The County Intranet and Sharepoint Portals Cases Submitted For Consideration By Providing

For Shared Applications 26 Required Technology Solution Consulting And Estimates 33

8.7 Support Standard Project And Program Approval And Management Processes 33

9.0 Plan Implementation 34 9.1 Planning Cycle 34 9.2 Planning Implementation 34

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FY2014 - FY2018 Infor·riJation.Tec:hoc)!oIlIY Strategic Plan

1.0 Introduction

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) at the County of Dallas exists to support the information technology needs of the County government. This Information Technology Strategic Plan describes:

The vision and mission for the Office of Information Technology organization in the County of Dallas

Strategies for moving toward the vision

Specific objectives and initiatives for the next five years to achieve each strategy

The County's mission and the supporting IT mission establish the context of OIT's vision and this Plan.

In developing this Strategic Plan, OIT took an enterprise view of the County and assessed speCific strategies that would enhance provisioning of information services for the County of Dallas. By leveraging this enterprise approach to utilizing the technology, the County and its constituents can maximize the value of the IT investments to ensure

the most effective and efficient delivery of services through allocation of IT resources to the highest priority initiatives.

The Office of Information Technology also sees itself as taking a leadership role in setting the future direction for information technology so that the County of Dallas can achieve its strategic priorities.

and ability to share

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F)'2014 - FY2018 Infor'mali

The six core Office of Information Technology strategies and their objectives for the five-year strategic plan are:

Continue Transformation Into A Customer­Centric Organization

v' Build IT credibility and dependability

./ Business driven service levels that are: Meaningful, value added and mutually agreeable

v' Formalized measurement and key learning processes and reviews

v' Communication strategy and stewardship reporting for IT products and services

Provide a Common Architecture Enabling Integration and Interoperability of All County Information Systems

v' Maximum life expectancy for commercialized technology solutions

v' Reduce support costs with an established hardware footprint and defined, integrated information supply chain


TElchnologyStrCltegiC F'lart

v' Easily integrate technologies and automated solutions

./ Establish, document and follow standard processes across the County as an enterprise.

Support Continuous Business Process Improvement

./ Formalized process identification

./ Validation of process opportunities

./ Enterprise business and technology planning

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County of FY2014 - FY20181rifortnationTecl1nqlogyStrategic Plan

Provide Access to County Information and Services Anywhere, Anytime

./ Empowered employee and citizen base through self-service

./ Reduced bureaucracy and cost historically associated with delivery of County services and information

Leverage Technology to Improve and Enhance End User Productivity

./ Increased job satisfaction

./ Reduction in required time and cost to serve Constituents' needs

./ Increased efficiencies when implementing new technologies

Maximize Value of IT Investments

./ Business justification for all IT related initiatives tied to core strategies

./ Reduced planning and approval cycle times based on formal project submission guidelines

./ Adherence to County-wide IT strategic plan

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County of uauas FY2014 - FY2018 Information Tec;hlJ(~lo£IY Strategic Plan

2.0 The Plan

This Strategic Plan begins with a brief explanation of the planning process and the mechanics of how this document is organized.

2.1 Aligned With County Strategy

In 2007, the County adopted Charting a Path: A Strategic Plan for Dallas County 2007-2017. Of special importance to the OIT was Vision 1: Dallas County Government models interagency partnership and collaboration. Specifically addressing OIT's direction is Strategy 1.4: Improve the customer experience by implementing standards of operation, innovation, and technology. Specifically, the strategy calls for the County to:

Synchronize and align data collection and storage procedures and systems across Dallas County governmental entities.

Increase e-business capacity across all Dallas County governmental entities.

Use innovation and modified procedures to increase accuracy and efficiency in billing and collection of Dallas County taxes, fees and fines.

Maintain Dallas County's broad infrastructure.

Direction for the Information Technology Strategic Plan vision and goals can also be found in Vision 3: Dallas County is safe, secure and prepared. Vision 3 contains strategies that are a focus for the Office of Information Technology, specifically by providing a secure network infrastructure to the County supporting Public Safety applications ',nfrastructure and have a plan for disruption of services. These strategies are factored into the County's technology vision and the goals it will pursue during the planning horizon.

As the technology leadership organization for the County, the OIT must be positioned to successfully support the above initiatives ..

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County of Dallas FY2o.14 - FY2o.18.lnfqn;nafipnTeqhnology Strategic Plan

2.2 Based Upon The Needs Of Our Users And Stakeholders

OIT's approach to delivering value-based business technology solutions is founded upon the following four drivers to meet the needs of our users.

Business Partnership We will serve as a business partner to each of the County Departments by understanding business needs and direction to fully leverage the right technology solutions.

Operational Excellence We will become the provider of choice in the delivery of the day-to-day operational support of the County's enterprise infrastructure and system application framework.

Business Process Improvement We will lead the way in designing and implementing the appropriate mix of process and technology to address current business challenges and enhance County-wide service delivery.

Technology Innovation We will constantly seek technological innovations that are applicable to County needs and drive their incorporation into the County's overall IT architecture.

Within Technology Innovation, three priorities were identified for the Office of Information Technology by our stakeholders. These initiatives are an integral part of the County's business transformation as it enhances its

effectiveness while reducing cost.


Enhancing and leveraging the County Government's on­line presence to the degree possible in order to give the County residents and visitors greater options to interact and do business with the County at a time when they are available not just when the County's physical Offices are open.

Document Management and Imaging Protecting our information assets through a standard workflow, storage and retrieval system, we will significantly improve the County's efficiency in managing County information, as well as streamlining our service delivery capability.

Enterprise Coiiaborative Solutions By integrating mission critical business systems into a single shared computing environment, users will have access to information necessary to make real-time business decisions that drive the County's effectiveness in meeting citizen demands.

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of Dallas FY2p14 - FY2018 Infofll1"!tionTechnology $tra\egic Plan

IT Stakeholders How OIT Serves Its Stakeholders

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of Dallas FY2014 - FY:W18lrlformalion Technology. Strategic Plan

2.3 Organization Of The Plan

The plan is organized to show the relationship between the core IT strategies, objectives and specific initiatives that will accomplish each strategy.

The table on the next few pages present the core strategies and the associated objectives and initiatives.

In Sections 3.0 through 8.0, the individual strategies are described. Each section contains a brief summary, justification and detailed explanation of the desired objectives and initiatives.

Section 9.0 outlines the tactical efforts planned to implement and achieve the strategic goals.

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!ae A eli'stOmar­Centrie Organization


County •.. Dal/as FYZp14 - FY2018 InfofrnationTechnolo.gy $trate.gic Pliin

* Develop vital business partflershJps at aU levels of fhe County

« SUlld IT credibiiitY aml'dependabiii!Y

• Business driven service level agreements that are: "1eaniMful, value added arid mlltually ag'reeable.

• F0mlaliz(lQ measutef!!ent and key leam!n-g Processes and reviews

• Cof'lvnunication strategy an~ stewardship reporting for IT prodilcts and

• Vaf,dation of prof:flss opportun'l\ies

• Enterprise bUSiness and technology planning

• Maintain opab commu,njcatlo~ between, depali('lwnts ahd the Office of Informa~i:m Technology

• Establish Service Level Agreements and operational memes

• Implement reporting procedIJres and SChedules schedules

• Promote and sustain Buslness Process Improvement Methodology

• Leyerage tech('l0logy to automate cosily manual pfoeesses (e,g. Imagi[1g, Docu_rriellt Managemelll, Workfiowautomation, eGovemmEmt)

• Incorporate plans for buildmg IT competencies in business operations by partnering with en(j..user Departments

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County of Dall;:is FY2014 - FY2018 Information Te.chnolo9yStratt:l9ic; Plan

"Reduction in required time and cost to serve Constituents' needs

"Increased efficiencies when implementing new technOlogies


.. !den~rv data access and management reporting tools

~ Develop implementation plans and procedures

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hty of Dallas FY2014 - FY20181nfor01atiol1 Technology Strategic Plan

3.0 Continue Transformation Into A Customer·Centric Organization

3.1 Strategy Summary

The Office of Information Technology is a support and services organization whose primary goal is to provide the highest level of customer satisfaction when addressing the technology needs of the County. The organization must have a customer focus in order to improve the quality of support and exceed the expectations of the operating departments within the County.

OIT must listen to the user community and County leadership to ensure that technology does not lose touch with the direction of the County and the needs of the primary users.

Measurements are needed to determine if OIT is meeting the business, operational, and support needs of the departments.

Working with our stakeholders, OIT will establish the Service Level Agreements (SLAs), operational metrics, and periodic reporting to determine the effectiveness of OIT operation and stimulate continuous improvement throughout the organization.

Usage of the SLAs and effective communications between the various departments and OIT will ensure that service levels are met and that the value to the customer is high.

3.2 Strategy Justification

The Office of Information Technology's desire is to be the provider of choice for information technology products and services. This requires institutionalizing key service delivery processes and procedures as well as performance measures. Based on these guidelines, the County Departments are better able to execute their business functions with higher confidence that the required technology enablers are in place.

It also requires open lines of communication between OIT and the user departments. To be successful as a service provider, OIT must understand the requirements of the user and be able to clearly communicate how the organization will fulfill those requirements.

Through better communication, a trusted partnership can be established and the odds of success are improved.

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fY2014 - FY2018 Information nol(~gy Strategic Plan

Objectives Initiatives ",' Buj'i(i:'-rcredibilityand dependability

'" BuS:iness driven, selV\ce leyel, -agreementsthat are: Meaningful, vafu'e ad!=fed and mutually agreeat)le, '

'" Formanzed' measurement and key learning processes and reviews

*'Cpn;tm~nJ~t,itln ~lU!t~ and steward~f1jp fe;portit)g' for IT productS and service's

3.3 Strategic Objectives

*Maintain open communication betweeh pepartmenfs and the Office -of Informatlon Technology "'Establish Servjce Level Agreements and operational me:trics

'" tmplement reporting pn:x:edl!reS 8,nd scheduleI'

"'Conduct periodiC customer satisfactfon surveys

OIT will focus on increasing satisfaction with IT support enabling:

Build IT credibility and dependability

Business driven service level agreements that are: Meaningful, value added and mutually agreeable.

Formalized measurement and key learning processes and reviews

Communication strategy and stewardship reporting for IT products and services

The goal of exceeding the support expectations of County departments will be accomplished through the following initiatives:

Maintain Open Communication Between Departments and the Office of Information Technology

Establish Service Level Agreements and operational metrics

Implement reporting procedures and schedules

Conduct periodic customer satisfaction surveys

3.4 Maintain Open Communication Between Departments and the Office of Information Technology

The OIT must listen to its users. OIT has been successful in establishing a single ServiceDesk phone number (214-653-7900) and e-mail ([email protected]) for resolution of day~to~day technology problems. In reality, the OIT does more than just address the day-to-day service items. Technology related projects, development of computer

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coumyof U."IIC",

FY2014 - FY2018 Infonnation T~c:hnl~IO!lY Strat~gic Plan

applications, major system maintenance and policy updates require more extensive, two-way communication. The OIT will establish clear, concise paths to ensure the appropriate level of communication. This should result in better understanding of user requirements for technology related services as well as more open and readily available status updates for the delivery of the requested services.

3.5 Establish Service Level Agreements (SLA) and Operational Metrics

The need to establish common goals and objectives between OIT and the various departments within the County of Dallas is essential in meeting service level expectations. OIT will work closely with each of the County departments to determine a number of service level objectives related to areas such as help desk response and system and application availability. These objectives will be assimilated by OIT and then assessed as to joint requirements of the departments to derive a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with each department.

These SLAs will then be the metrics by which OIT's effort is measured in its support of the County departments' IT

needs, both as a support organization and services provider.

Linked to the SLAs are a number of operational metrics that relate to the business needs of each department. These operational metrics will be the focus of support performance for OIT in terms of meeting the established SLAs. These metrics will be agreed to by each County department with OIT and will be measured and reported on a periodic basis. For instance, the operational metrics will be based on help desk responsiveness, service deployment, and application availabilny. In this way, the support level performance of OIT can be easily determined and any issues clearly detailed.

3.6 Implement Reporting Procedures And Schedules

OIT will design and develop reports that detail the level of support provided by OIT focused on the agreed upon SLAs. These reports provide information related to areas in the SLA such as help desk response time and application availability. The reports will be generated on a periodic basis dependent on departmental need and be made available to the County Commissioners. In addition, OIT will provide an interface for County departments to use to alta',n an update of support issues or services request.

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ofDana~ FY2014 - FY2018 InformafionTechnology Strategic

3.7 Conduct Periodic Customer Satisfaction Surveys

OIT will examine various techniques in which the departments can communicate ongoing support levels and satisfaction with provided services. One vehicle currently being used is the customer satisfaction surveys via the County IT Service Desk after each service call is closed out at the Desk. Using this method, the County end-user departments have the opportunity to score OIT (scorecard) on support and services provided as well as provide feedback on OIT's service delivery that OIT uses to improve services. As noted in Section 3.5, OIT intends to subsequently develop performance metrics tied to proposed Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with the end­user Departments and to report those metrics to the appropriate Department Heads and Elected Officials on a regular basis via our County Intranet and/or SharePoint portal. These customer surveys as well as the future performance metrics will give valuable insight into how OIT can continually improve its services and its delivery of those services.

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County FY2014 - FY20f81nformationTechnoiogyStrategic Plan

4.0 Provide A Common Architecture Enabling Integration And Interoperability Of All County Information Systems

4.1 Strategy Summary

OIT's role is to plan, lead and manage the delivery of Information Technology products and services for the County as a whole. A critical requirement for this role is the centralized management of the County's infrastructure, consolidating networks and shared services into one comprehensive, robust and secure enterprise architecture. As such, OIT will work with various County departments to develop a system and application architecture that ensures interoperability among the various IT systems as well as standards for hardware and software products and tools.

4.2 Strategy Justification

The County's technology landscape has evolved over time. Due to the age of many systems and changes in technology, the Office of Information Technology supports a variety of non-integrated networks, processing platforms, applications, and hardware configurations.

This vast variety of environments introduces unnecessary complexities and inefficiencies which may result in:

Duplicate systems, processes and resources Increased hardware and applications support costs Increased complexity and risk Islands of technology Unclear accountabilities and responsibilities Lack of integration and connectivity Inconsistent quality Lack of operational standards (I.e., naming conventions) More expensive to "keep the lights on"

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FY2014 -FY2018 Informaltion Te(:hn()lo~IY Strategic Plan

As part of its enterprise planning responsibilities, the Office of Information Technology is leading the way by establishing and enforcing standards for all components of the County's technology processing environment. This is laying the groundwork for a comprehensive IT architecture that enables:

'A robust, sustainable, and flexible infrastructure

'Integrated, enterprise level infrastructure/software applications such as ERP, AIS/ACMS, JIS/JCMS, servers, network and storage

'Standard data definitions and identification of databases

Objectives Initiatives

.. Maxj'mum Ute expect~ncy for cOtnmercialized technology so-Iutions

.. Reduce s~ppot1 cos~s with an established hardware footprint and defined, integrated information supply chain

.. Easily jnteg~te technologies and automated solutions

4.3 Strategic Objectives

.. Dev'eiop an architecture refresh and upgrade strategy including capaciJy pfannihg

.. Facilitate implementation of PisasterRecovery Clrid Business Continuity plans and scheduled testing

.. Develop comprehensive roadmap for ' infrastructure/application Integrati,on (e.g. ERP, AtSJACM~"JJS/JCMS, servers, network, storage)

.. Enable enterprise-wide data architecture and master data management.

'"CQnducto!1-gbing research in techpolO!J:Y trends and dev~4>Rnien!

OIT will establish a stable IT Architecture which outlines guldelines and standards (based on Industry standards and proven technology) for:

Infrastructure (Network, Desktops, Servers, Processing Platforms)

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County of Dallas FY2Q14 - FY2018 Information Technology Strategic Plan

Applications (ERP, AIS/ACMS, JIS/JCMS, Odyssey)

Data/Information Management

Through an established architecture the objectives for OIT include:

Maximum life expectancy for commercialized technology solutions

Reduce support costs with an established hardware footprint and defined, integrated information supply chain

Easily integrate technologies and automated solutions

To accomplish the objectives, OIT has determined the follOwing specific initiatives:

Develop an architecture refresh and upgrade strategy including capacity planning

Facilitate implementation of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plans and scheduled testing

Develop comprehensive road map for infrastructure/application integration (e.g. ERP, AIS/ACMS, JIS/JCMS, servers, network, storage)

Enable enterprise-wide data architecture and master data management

Conduct on-going research in technology trends and development

4.4 Develop An Architecture Refresh And Upgrade Strategy Including Capacity Planning

The current IT technology and environment contains varying types of hardware from the desktops to the servers hosting business applications. The critical objective of the architecture refresh and upgrade strategy is to promote standardization and to ensure that the County departments and their users have sufficient computing resources and equipment to do their jobs effectively while ensuring the lowest possible Total cost of Ownership (TCO). OIT will work with the departments to perform equipment inventories and then work to refresh any outdated hardware / software. Having consistent standards for hardware and software deployment will allow OIT to assist County departments in keeping

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County of Dallas FY2014 - FY2018 InformationTechnoJo9yStrategic Plan

infrastructure up to date on a continuous basis and ease support through working with a consistent platform.

The enterprise architecture, once deployed and documented, will also greatly enhance OIT's ability to forecast future demand from added users or applications and the system or network infrastructure needed to meet that capacity. This initiative will provide significant return on investment by improving system availability and usability, while removing duplication of effort.

4.5 Facilitate Implementation Of Disaster Recovery And Business Continuity Plans And Scheduled Testing

The County of Dallas does not currently have a comprehensive enterprise IT disaster recovery plan or business continuity plan. Should extended periods of system outages occur, many basic services would be unavailable for County employees and the population that depends on these services. The intent of this initiative is to evaluate and coordinate the activities within OIT to anticipate that these events may occur, and take proactive steps to have infrastructure and processes in place to continue some level of operation in the event of disaster. The initiatives in formulating a disaster recovery and business continuity plan include:

Analyzing the current capability of each of the County's departments and OIT as a wihole to continue operations in the event of local departmental failure and of system wide failure (servers, network, disk storage, communications, personnel).

Working with each department, and with appropriate partners, to determine which of the current applications the IT departments are mission critical (immediate fail over is needed) or business critical (some outages are acceptable).

Formulating a comprehensive plan for OIT to anticipate disasters and implement disaster recovery and business continuity to continue operations for mission critical applications.

4.6 Develop Comprehensive Roadmap For Infrastructure/Application Integration (e.g. ERP, AIS/ACMS, JIS/JCMS, Servers, Network, Storage)

In the applications framework of the County, there are several duplicate solutions. An efficient application architecture requires that similar processing and data

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FY2o.14 - FY2018 Inf,)rrn,atiq,n1e(;hlnqlo.gy Strategic Plan

be handled via a common application that is connected to all other components of the County's operation. Through this initiative, OIT will develop an Enterprise Application Framework enabling efficient, effective management of the County's data ensuring interoperability, accessibility and flexibility.

In maintaining the County's ERP, OIT will continue to facilitate and lead the effort to analyze and define common denominators among standalone applications to define the transition plan to common processing and integration on a single platform.

The consolidation and integration of data will greatly improve the ability of the County to effectively respond to ever changing constituent demands for belter products and services.

4.7 Enable Enterprise-Wide Data Architecture And Master Data Management

Having just addressed the need for common, integrated transactional systems the County also requires a common, well-defined data architecture with decision support capability. OIT will lead the effort in data analysis to outline the translation and redefinition efforts to allow

development of a comprehensive data architecture and master data management plan. The steps to achieving the enterprise-wide data architecture will be:

Examine the current departmental data stored as it relates to type and structure

Analyze the data stored in the disk environment focusing on redundant data

Derive a plan to standardize data architecture and types across County departments

Investigate techniques that will reduce data redundancy and disk storage requirements through consolidation of data and hardware

Prepare funding requests to implement common architecture, convert data storage, and consolidate storage

The data sharing architecture may include components related to Enterprise Application Integration (EAO and some form of data warehousing. OIT will evaluate how a common Enterprise Architecture that utilizes a common integration platform can help centralize data repOSitories and overall data access.

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of Dallas FY20.14 - FY2018Irifc)rm",licmTechnologyStrategic PI",n

This initiative will create an enterprise-wide capability to use data and information from multiple sources throughout the County government by employees in any department

4.8 Conduct On-Going Research In Technology Trends And Development

As new products and technologies become available, the capability will exist to address an unsolved problem, allow a new service, or offer more efficient and effective solutions. OIT commits to establishing a process for identification, evaluation, and selection of new technologies that truly benefit the stakeholders for the County of Dallas.

We will evaluate and redesign our existing processes for identification, evaluation and selection of technology, using proven approaches and methods used in the IT industry. This new process will:

Encourage OIT to monitor the status of a range of technologies through their technology maturity cycle

Engage the County departments to help in under­standing when a technology is best used to address specific needs and to provide an environment to exchange ideas and input on appropriate emerging technologies that specifically address their needs

Continually evaluate emerging technology that "fits" the business needs of the County

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FY2014 - FY20.18 Inf,,,m,,.ti,,n Jiechnol,oQV $lrategic Plan

5.0 Support Continuous Business Process Improvement

5.1 Strategy Summary

County government business processes have evolved naturally over time resulting in more complex workftows, overlaps between business processes, and reduced efficiency in the use of time and resources. With this strategic focus on Business Process Improvement, OIT will introduce, within IT, an accepted Business Process Improvement (BPI) methodology to facilitate improved efficiency and streamlined department operations. BPI creates an environment where processes can be leveraged for strategic value and optimized as an enterprise-wide process. BPI also implements process control and change policies that allow the County departments to manage risk and comply with external mandates and regulations. The real value of BPI comes from accelerated decision-making, improved operational effiCiencies, enhanced customer support, and resulting expense reduction.

5.2 Strategy Justification

It is so easy sometimes to think that a new system or technology alone will solve our business problems. But without a clear understanding of underlying business processes and objectives, a technology solution may only treat a symptom rather than provide a systemic cure. "Quick fix" IT solutions may fail to provide the value intended because required business process changes were overlooked or were considered in a vacuum rather than a part of a larger integrated process.

To address this opportunity, OIT will begin BPI within the organization and partner with other County departments to assist with the use of technology in their proposed process changes.

In addition, Project Management resources will continue to use the defined methodology to ensure successful project execution ... delivered on time, within budget, and according to specifications.

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lias FY2.G14 - FY2.G18 Inf'''''',''i;,~;,·r''''hn()logyStrategicPlan

Objectives Initiatives

• FOrrti,al,iied process identification

* Validation 'Of process opportunities-

• Enterprise business and technoiogy pJCioning

5.3 Strategic Objectives

*:-ktentify business 'processes within orr

.. Promote and ,sustain Business Pro'ce,ss lmprovemellt Methodology

« Leverage technology to automate costly manual proc,ess,es (e,9,' Imaging, Do'cument Management, WofkfJowautomation, eGovemment)

* Incorporate pIans forbuilding IT competencies in business operations by partnerihg with ~4SJoess

Through its emphasis on continued business process improvement, OIT will build its capabilities by:

Formalizing the process to identify efficiencies

Institutionalizing procedures for Validation of process opportunities

Facilitating enterprise level business and technology planning

5.4 Identify Business Processes Within olr

Primary to making any process improvement, OIT must first identify and document its internal processes. This will serve several functions:

It will clarify the activities the department performs to provide value to the County

It will allow inefficiencies to be identified and addressed

It will provide a structure for working with other County departments to determine how OIT can assist with their business process improvement.

5.5 Promote And Sustain Business Process Improvement Methodology

OIT will institute a structured methodology that reduces work processes to activities, and provides cost and performance metrics. We will continue to offer assistance and support to business process improvements, and

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"ounryor Dallas FY2014 - FY2018 Infrlrrhatirm Technology.Strat!'l9ic P1arl

develop a greater focus on integrating processes and systems that are interdepartmental in nature. We will conduct a study of interdepartmental business processes to eliminate redundancy and fragmentation throughout the County by:

Identifying a plan to address interdepartmental business processes

Defining the criteria for selecting viable business processes as major initiatives

Developing implementation plans to address major initiatives

Continuing to educate County departments on BPI concepts and benefits

5.6 leverage Technology To Automate Costly Manual Processes (Imaging, Document Management, Workflow Automation, eGovernment)

As the complexity of the County's IT environment is expected to grow, it becomes necessary to utilize new technologies and approaches designed to increase

productivity while minimizing duplication of functions, overlaps in operational processes, and reduced handling of paper. OIT must apply new and existing technology to meet the use and demands of the County on an enterprise-wide perspective. This IT strategy and the application of new technology combined with industry best practices generally will lead to significant improvements in the County's performance and cost of doing business.

5.7 Incorporate Plans For Building IT Competencies In Business Operations By Partnering With Business

As part of its end-user support role, OIT will add value to the County by not only understanding technology but also understanding how that technology supports the end­users' needs. By developing an institutionalized method for staying abreast of the County Government's operational challenges and opportunities, OIT can take a more proactive and strategic approach in providing support and ensuring the appropriate technology solutions are ready as the County's needs arise.

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County of Dallas FY2014 - FY2018. Information Techpology Strategic Plan

6.0 Provide Access To County Information And Services Anywhere, Anytime

6.1 Strategy Summary

To be more effective, County of Dallas government services should be available to everyone, both internal departments and the public, anytime and from anywhere. This strategy focuses on enhancing the accessibility of government services through a common, County·wide portal for online services, and the transition to and growth of eGovernment. The technology is available to greatiy enhance the interaction with the County via both intranet (shared applications), extranet (strategic business partnerships) and internet (online access to services) portals. The core intent of this strategy is to create a "virtual County government", branded as "Dallas County Online", allowing employees and citizens to interact with the County when and where they need to.

OIT will investigate the most effective areas to introduce technology, determine appropriate partners, and investigate other County and State governments for best practices as they relate to eGovernment. From these experiences and lessons learned, an effective plan for moving towards more cutting-edge technology will be developed.

6.2 Strategy Justification

Access to information anytime, anywhere enables a whole host of opportunities for the County. This capability requires a current, open, enterprise technology architecture with appropriate security and information poliCies and procedures. The challenge for the Office of Information Technology is the building of this standard, centralized foundation in a culture of fragmented and stand-alone solutions.

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Countyof Dalll,is FY2014 - FY2018 Information Technology Strategic Plan

Progress is being made and County Departments understand the need for a centralized robust infrastructure that enables flexibility and responsiveness in the development and delivery of new products and services for the County. Online service delivery also requires a comprehensive review of current business processes. The old way of doing things may not be the most optimal approach given the new technology enablers.

Objectives Initiatives

,.. ~ITtPPYiered emptoyee,'and citizen base through self-service

,. Reduced b,u~aucracY apd cost hIstorically associated with delivery 'Of County services and information

* Identlfy;pnQntize, and implement online -services

'" Design ~nstltuenC¥..t>ased eBusin,ess p'ortals to increase ease of doing business with the County

'* leverage the Coun!;y intra net fPf sh,are~ appn~J1p~s

6.3 Strategic Objectives

The core objectives for pursuing a strategy of information accessibility are:

Empowered employee and citizen base through self-service

Reduced bureaucracy and cost historically associated with traditional delivery of County services and information

The initiatives that will accomplish these objectives include:

Identify, prioritize, and implement online services

Design constituency-based eBusiness portals to increase ease of doing business with the County

Leverage the County intranet for shared applications

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FY2014 - FY2018 Infolr'l"naltiorlT~chl1lblogyStrclte£lic Plan

6.4 Identify, Prioritize, And Implement Online Services

One of the major areas of benefit that this strategy will address is the availability of on-line services for the constituents. The opportunities are tremendous, but there must be a logical, value-driven approach to implementation. The first step in initiating this strategy is prioritizing the services to be delivered, based on their true business value and then building the road map for their implementation.

6.5 Design Constituency-Based eBusiness Portals To Increase Ease Of Doing Business With The County

EGovernment has an enormous potential to make doing business with the County much easier and more cost effective. By developing portals designed for particular constituency-bases, the County can target its service and product delivery in direct response to unique needs and requirements of the customer. The County of Dallas will enhance access to public information and the capability for the public to interact with County departments. The goal is to create eBusiness portals that are:

Recognized as the central point for sharing information between County departments and the public

The foundation to access departmental applications enhancing the County's self-service offerings for citizens

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FY2014- FY2018

6.6 Leverage The County Intranet and SharePoint Portals For Shared Applications

Through the accessibility and integration of shared applications, employees will be more equipped to respond to the needs of our citizens, and to ensure the quality levels of service. The County's Intranet and Sharepoint sites, using shared applications and file spaces, will become true information portals with "standard desktop interfaces" which will support a more efficient work environment and daily work activities for the County employees. This initiative will:

Determine those applications that are common among the departments and have high possibility for sharing

Assess information that can be more effectively shared electronically between departments

Design and implement plan to deploy shared applications to the County intranet and via the County SharePoint portal.


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County of Dallas FY2014 - FY2018 Information Tec/:mology Strategic Plan

7.0 Leverage Technology To Improve And Enhance End User Productivity

7.1 Strategy Summary

The County of Dallas employees must have the appropriate technology including software applications, desktop tools, and system interfaces to make them as efficient as possible. The goal is to put appropriate applications, data, and communications in place that will enhance end user productivity. OIT will develop a plan to first inventory the current user environment, identify those applications and technology in use, evaluate business processes in place and the tools that can enhance those processes, and then develop a plan to enhance end user productivity. This productivity increase will be achieved through:

Ensuring that the required applications, communications protocols, and operating environment are in place to ensure maximum end user productivity

Establishing effective communications using the County's intranet and electronic services (e-mail for instance) to promote collaboration and jOint business efforts among County departments

Assessing and then installing technologies to rollout applications and services to the end user base

7.2 Strategy Justification

Tools that increase end user productivity must be a priority. OIT is to be the leader in identifying and presenting technology that creates a common suite of tools to enhance productivity.

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C of Dallas FY2014 - FY2018 Information Technology Strategic Pli\n

Objectives Initiatives

'"Increased job satisfaction

,. Red\.lctic;mln req,u!red tl,me an~ cost 10 serve,Constituents' needs

,. fncreased 'efficiencies, when imptementing new tec6noJogies

7.3 StrategiC Objectives

'* IdentifyiechnoJogi'es that enhance en~..user cb'mtnunicatJon a'nd collaboration

·"'hfentify d,ata acce,SS and management reporting. tools

,. Dev,eI()'p'jmpl~~mentatjon plans and pr0<:edures

": ,Ensure traIning, nee,ds are identified} addressed as part of techl1oJogy introduceQ in projects.

With this strategy, OIT is making end user productivity an enterprise priority and will lead the implementation of solutions.

The specific objectives include:

Increased job satisfaction

Reduction in required time and cost to serve Constituents' needs

Increased efficiencies when implementing new technologies

The projects and tasks necessary to meet those objectives are:

Identify technologies that enhance end-user communication and collaboration

Identify data access and management reporting tools

Develop implementation plans and procedures

Ensure training needs are identified! addressed as part of technology introduced in projects.

7.4 Identify Technologies That Enhance End-User Communication And Collaboration

Effective communications within and among County departments is essential in increaSing user productivity. The current environment does not maximize opportunities to take advantage of common platforms for communications and collaboration. OIT will partner with user departments to implement changes that result in productivity gains. The common use of

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FY2014 - FY201~

applications and data will enable collaboration among County departments to enhance joint projects, common County-wide initiatives, and seNice delivery.

OIT will identify the recommended communications tools enabling an efficient intranet, as well as identify those applications and data that can be efficiently shared among County departments.

7,5 Identify Data Access And Management Reporting Tools

OIT will undertake an initiative to identify the data access currently in place with County departments, analyze the end user tools and common queries executed by the County departments, and then work to ensure that end users of all departments have an enhanced data management platform that promotes data sharing among departments and seeks to reduce data redundancy. The goal of this initiative is to promote the


lias noJogy Strategic PI.an

current efficiencies of data access within the departments and enhance the usage of data and data architectures to improve end user productivity and seNice delivery. Effective data queries and reporting tools will be evaluated and distributed to promote consistency and efficiency of data access. OIT will provide a platform to ensure that the data needed by the end user is readily available through a defined interface while ensuring security of the resulting access and data itself.

7.6 Develop Implementation Plans And Procedures

Once OIT, along with the County Departments, identifies areas requiring collaboration, the data sources to be integrated and made accessible, and the appropriate reporting tools and applications, OIT will facilitate the implementation of the End User Productivity strategy.

The process will entail prioritizing those areas with the most urgent need. After clear definition of the business case, OIT will assist in establishing the appropriate business procedures to ensure maximum return for the technology investment in increasing user productivity.

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County Dallas F'i'2014 - F'i'2018 Infqrl1'lation Technolggy Strategic plan

7.7 Ensure Training Needs Are Identified And Addressed Whenever New Technology Is Introduced

The best technology roll-out will fail if those assigned to use the technology do not have the skill sets to effectively and efficiently make use of the new system. Each project or significant change to existing technology should contain, among its many other components, a Training Needs Assessment and Training Plan. These will incorporate input from the impacted user areas to identify the resource and time requirements necessary to ensure the successful roll-out of technology-based changes.

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FY2014- FY2Q18 Infni-m):!tiim Technology Strategic .Plan .

8.0 Maximize Value Of IT Investments

8.1 Strategy Summary

The County of Dallas's vision of leveraging information technology to enhance the efficiency of government requires a common IT oversight capability, or governance, that ensures equal and proper involvement of all areas of County government in IT investment decision making and value determination. OIT is founded to provide technology-based services to all elements of the jurisdiction in which it operates. Because OIT is a service provider, continual feedback from our stakeholders concerning direction and performance is critical to our success.

OIT is taking the initiative to ensure the appropriate controls and oversights are in place for the planning, acquisition and deployment of information technology. This is a critical first step in ensuring maximum value is received from each IT investment.

8.2 Strategy Justification

The OIT cannot operate in a vacuum. It must be an active participant with other departments to take an enterprise-wide view of technology needs and ensure that appropriate governance is in place to maximize the value of technology purchases. Without this approach, solutions could be short-sighted and result in:

Duplicate systems, databases and tools

Non Standard software and hardware

Lack of synergy in support efforts

Significantly increased support costs

Reliance on expensive contracts

Reduced IT service quality

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County of FY2014 - FY2018 !t1fo~m;:ltion TElchl1ology Strate.gic Plan

Objectives Initiatives

.. BjJsinesS: justfHcation forall-iT retated initiatives tied to c'ore $tr'ategjes

.. Reduce(fpfannlj1g sAd ,approval cycfetimes based'on'fonmll project,s,ubmission gU,idelines

*,Adherence to County-wid,e IT strategic plan

8.3 Strategic Objectives

"* Invest-additional enorhnto Strateglp. Tactica'i and Budgetary :ph~.nning on an -annual pasis

\ .*. Provlde co·n.s~~tentreporting, of project plans, delwerables and ~tatus

~'P:~rticipat~jn t,he ':d~y~~oPJTIel"!,t , of ail bus'lJless cases·'subfl1itted for?on~j~er~tjo'lby proyjdi,~ re,quir¢d techno'iogy' estimates

.. Support standard project and program approval and Plana~lem.en! pro~sses

In support of maximizing value of IT investments, OIT's objectives include ensuring:

Business justification for all IT related initiatives tied to core strategies

Reduced planning and approval cycle times based on formal project submission guidelines

Adherence to County-wide IT strategic plan

The associated initiatives are:

Invest additional effort into Strategic, Tactical and Budgetary planning on an annual basis

Provide consistent reporting of project plans, deliverables and status

Participate in the development of all business cases submitted for consideration by providing required technology estimates

Support standard project and program approval and management processes

8.4 Invest Effort Into Strategic, Tactical And Budgetary Planning On An Annual Basis

The County of Dallas continues to make significant investments in technology. Each purchase and project initiated should align with the overall strategic pian of the County and conform to established budgetary guidelines. This is not a "once-and-done" task. Technology

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County of Dallas FY2014- FY2018 Information TechnologyStrat~gic Plan

continues to evolve and improve. Budgets change based upon the financial environment. Managing these variables requires annual planning, regular monitoring and adjusting.

8,5 Provide Consistent Reporting Of Project Plans, Deliverables And Status

OIT will provide accurate, timely and consistent reporting of project performance, status updates, and deliverable­based schedules that meet the "value added" needs of our various stakeholders and sponsors. I n addition, OIT will continue to provide a standard set of project plans and expected deliverables for the introduction of technology into the County departments. For any projects affecting IT investments, OIT will consistently provide status to the project stakeholders and to the County Commissioner's Court as required.

8.6 Participate In The Development Of All Business Cases Submitted For Consideration By Providing Required Technology Solution Consulting And Estimates

OIT will act as a technology partner to the County

departments to assist in the assessment of business requirements and building of the necessary justification for IT solutions. OIT will also provide appropriate cost estimates for proposed initiatives to enable more accurate budget development and forecasting.

8.7 Support Standard Project And Program Approval And Management Processes

OIT fully supports the use of a standardized project and program management methodology and processes to insure common project management methodologies are followed to provide streamlined project initiation, planning, execution, controlling, and closing processes needed to complete projects on time, within budget and required quality specifications. OIT will implement processes and procedures for County departments to electronically request IT projects. This process will assist in the project justification process in order to better utilize IT resources.

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County of Dallas FY2Q14 - FY2Q18 Information Techl1ology Strategic Plan

9.0 Plan Implementation

9.1 Planning Cycle The successful execution of this plan requires that the County and the Office of Information Technology maintain focus on its vision and the County's enterprise strategic road map. The plan will be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains relevant to the overall County strategic direction.

The annual planning cycle will include: Gathering input from County leadership and user groups Assess current technical environment I industry changes I OIT resources Documenting proposed projects and efforts for coming year Modify Strategic Plan (if needed) Prioritization of efforts via governance Verification with Budget Approval from Commissioners Court Developing tactical plans for year Monitor progress and report

9.2 Planning Implementation Upon approval by the Commissioners Court, the Strategic Plan will be used by the OIT for guidance and direction for future activities. Any proposed efforts will be reviewed by the OlT and jts governance structure to determine alignment with this plan.

A list of current projects can be found in the annual tactical plan.

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September 24, 2013


TO: Commissioners Court

I, I i' "; "'0' U"[''( .- .- ,-'j ,-,' \,,, t1


13 SEP I 8 Prl 2: 55


Walnut Hill Lane MCIP Project 10209A

It has been requested by Purchasing, due to the mandatory Pre-Bid conference that this item is to be briefed as well as court ordered. Therefore, Public Works is requesting same day briefing and court order in order to maintain the project schedule for bidding and start of construction.


411 Elm St., 4th Floor Dallas, Texas 75202 (214)653-7151

Page 188: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


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September 24,2013





Commissioners Court

Alberta L. Blair, P.E. Director of Public Works

Walnut Hill Lane - MCIP NO.I0209A (Project limits - Malibu Drive to approximately 2,100 feet west) REQUEST FOR MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING


The Walnut Hill Lane project, located in the City of Dallas was selected by the Dallas County Commissioners Court in the third Maj or Capital Improvement Program (MCIP) call for projects. The project was originally commissioned by the City of Dallas to widen and extend a one mile stretch of Walnut Hill Lane from Malibu to Luna Road with two lanes in each direction, separated by a wide median that would accommodate a future lane in each direction when warranted.

At the outset, the City and County were aware of a number of constraints that would prove challenging during the engineering phase ofthe project. The major constraints included:

• The project exists in an area that is subject to flooding (IOO-year floodplain) • Portions of the project were previously used as an unregulated dump • A multi-track railroad corridor operated by Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad. A bridge

would be required to span the railroad tracks.

Pursuant to Court Order No. 2007-1497, dated July 24, 2007, Dallas County awarded a contract to Dal-Tech Engineering, Inc. to perform conceptual engineering for the project; the main component of the scope encompassed evaluating alternatives to mitigate for the known constraints. Funding proved to be another constraint in that the cheapest alternative evaluated by Dal-Tech Engineering amounted to over $30 million to construct the improvements as originally commissioned by the City of Dallas. Only $17.5 million was committed to the project at the time.

In consideration ofthe funding constraint, the project length was reduced to 0.4 miles and the City of Dallas agreed to allow for some exceptions to the roadway design, notwithstanding the other constraints that still apply, namely the existing underground conditions resulting from past use as an umegulated dump.

Pursuant to Court Order No. 2011-1989, dated November 15, 2011, Dallas County amended its

Walnut Hill Lane J 0209A - Request for Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference Page J of2

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contract with Dal-Tech Engineering to provide final engineering services for the project. Final design for the project is complete, and the project is ready to bid. The resultant estimated construction cost based on the final project design is $5 million.

In spite ofthe reduced scope, the project is still impactful. It will provide improved access to the City of Dallas' new Elm Fork Athletic Complex which is scheduled to open in early 2014.


As a result of the previous use of the project area as an unregulated dump, the potential exists for undesirable material to be uncovered in the performance of construction operations. Therefore, special provisions have been incorporated into the plans and specifications to specifically direct the contractor on processes and procedures that should be followed in the event that such material is uncovered. If followed correctly, these special provisions will help ensure:

• a quality project is built • the environment is protected • the health and safety of construction workers and the general public is protected

To underscore the environmental special provisions, Public Works requests a mandatory pre-bid conference. Should the Commissioners Court grant this request, any bids received from vendors who do not attend the pre-bid conference will not be accepted.


The Walnut Hill Lane project supports the following visions ofthe Dallas County Strategic Plan:

Vision 1 (Dallas County is a model interagency partner) - Dallas County Public Works consistently partners with the City of Dallas and many other cities within Dallas County to implement transportation improvement projects through the Major Capital Improvement Program.

Vision 5 (Dallas County is the destination choice for residents and businesses) - The improvements to Walnut Hill Lane will facilitate access to the City of Dallas Elm Fork Athletic Complex, which is currently under construction.


The Public Works Department recommends a mandatory pre-bid conference for the Walnut Hill Lane MCIP I 0209A project and for the Purchasing Department to reject any bids received from vendors who fail to attend the mandatory pre-bid conference. If Commissioners Court is in agreement, a court order will be placed on today's formal agenda.


AlbtrtaLBJaiTj .E. Director of Public Works

Walnut Hill Lane l0209A - Requestfor Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference Page 2 of2

Page 190: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified


September 11, 2013

TO: Commissioners Court

THROUGH: Rya~Wn, Budget Officer

FROM: Office of Budget and Evaluation Staff

SUBJECT: Conferencerrravelrrraining Requests

The following departments have requested approval for ConferencerrravellTraining. The requested amounts listed are estimates. All reimbursements for hotel and meals are reimbursed according to Dallas County policy with receipts. Mileage reimbursements are reimbursed at the approved rate at the time of travel. Additional documentation is available for further reference.

Elected Officials/Departments notifying Commissioners Court of Conference/Travel/Training fund requests that do not require Commissioners Court approval undel' State Statues


Elected Officials/Departments requesting Conference/Travel/Training approval for funds that have Commissioners Court authority

ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTIONS - requests approval for Othel Bursey to attend the 37th annual Texas Association of Court Administration (TACA) Conference in San Antonio, TX from October 15 - 17,2013. The total cost is $420 ($160-food, and $260-hotel). Funding is available in the DDA fund (162.4054.2050).

CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5 - requests approval for John Davis to attend the Civil Process Training (State Mandated) from October 14-15, 2013 in McKinney, Texas. The total estimated cost to attend is $40 for registration. Funding is available in 532.0.21360. - Constable Pct. 5 Training Account.

411 Elm Street - 3rd Floor, Dallas Texas 75202-3340 (214) 653-6363. Fax (214) 653-6517. rlwatkins(?ildallascounty.org

Page 191: DALLAS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT BRIEFING … · Develop and submit funding application(s) and proposal(s) for State Services and HOPWA by the appropriate deadlines, as specified

191 CONSTABLE PRECINCT 2- requests approval for Moris Contreras, Ron Bostic, Scott Sills, Donnie Grisham, Don Kuhn, and H. Dwayne Kurtz to attend the Civil Process Training from October 14-15, 2013 in McKinney, Texas. Funding is available in department's training account.

DOMESTIC RELATIONS OFFICE (PRO) - requests approval for the following to attend the Texas Association of Domestic Relations Office from October 2-4, 2013 in Dallas, Texas. The Dallas County DRO is hosting the conference this year. The total estimated cost to attend is $1,950 for registration ($150 per person). Funding is required from Emergency Reserves. Staff attending:

DRO Child Support • Denise Stewart-Munoz • Linda M Bailey • Daniel Trejo • Justin Ezeoha • Matthew Garcia

DRO .Familv Court Services

• Denise Frank

• Caroline Roberts-Daley

• Cathey Collins

• Celia Santa Cruz

• Dennis Doke

• Alfredo Tamez

• Cynthia Solle

• Crystal Robertson

134TH CIVIL DISTRICT COURT - requests approval for Francine Ly, Court Coordinator, to attend Phase 3 of the Texas Center for the Judiciary's 2013 Texas Court Management Program in San Antonio, Texas from October 14 to 18,2013. Total estimated cost to attend is $1,226 ($280 - mileage reimbursement, $496 - hotel, $80 - parking, $250 - conference fee, $200 - meals). Funding is available in department's DDA 120.4140.02230

OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - requests approval for Candace Pierce, Brian Stair, Raison Thompson, Jeff Bradley, Ping Huang-fu, Traci Newbill, Brett Taylor and Derek Yang to attend the Dallas / FT. Worth Digital Government Summit in Arlington Texas­Hilton Hotel October 7, 2013. Benefits of the summit include: 1) training; 2) information on technology trends within Government; 3) networking with other Texas Counties on how they are utilizing technology to increase efficiency. There is no cost to attend.

CENTRAL .JURY - requests reimbursement for Martha (Anne) Brabham, Jury Service Manager, for the use of computer/internet use for County business while attending the National Center for State Courts "Fair and Effective Practices in Jury System Management" in Phoenix, Arizona from September 4-6,2013. The total estimated reimbursement cost is $11.70. The department does not have DDA. Funding is requested from Emergency Reserves.

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COUNTY CRIMINAL COURTS - Re-brief to request approval for reimbursement of hotel expenses for actual cost in the amount of $1,212 for $202 at 6 days and meals reimbursement for actual receipts up to the maximum per diem rate of$80 per day. Originally briefed June 18, 2013 - Judge Julia Hayes to attend the National Bar Association 88t11 Annual Convention in Miami, Florida from July 27 - August 1, 2013 in Miami, Florida. The total estimated cost to attend is $2,100 ($850 - registration, $600 - airfare, $500 - hotel, $100 --luggage fee, and $50-ground transportation). Department does not have DDA. Funding is required from Emergency Reserves.

FIRE MARSHAL- requests approval for Robert de los Santos to attend the Fire Marshal Discussion Series on September 24, 2013 in Pflugerville, Texas. There is no cost for staff to attend.

JUVENILE DEPARTMENT - requests approval for Jonathan E. Moelling and Terri M. McClung to attend the 2013 Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) Data Coordinator's Conference. The conference will be held at the Embassy Suites in San Marcos, Texas from October 21 - 23, 2013. The total estimated cost is $923 ($456 - hotel, $144 - food, $70-registration fee, $254 - mileage round-trip). Funding is required from Emergency Reserves.

Notifying Commissioners Court of Confel-ence/Travel/Training funds used by Grant Programs

HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - requests approval for the following:

a) Sherry Hartford requests approval to attend the Homebuyers Education Methods: Training the Trainer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from August 18-23,2013. The total cost to attend is $941 ($426 - airfare, $210 - food, $255- taxi, and $50 - luggage fees). Funding is available in HLCC -9803.

b) Gabriel Orduna and Shalynn Richardson requests approval to attend the Advanced STD Intervention Course in Fort Worth, Texas from September 24-27, 2013. The total cost to attend is $188 ($148 - mileage and $40 - parking). Funding is available in the VD Epidemiology grant #8706.

c) Daryl Bauchman requests approval to attend the Fundamentals of STD Intervention with Syphilis Case Management and Visual Case Analysis in Austin, Texas from October 20-25, 2013. The total cost to attend is $1,021 ($215 - mileage, $625 - hotel, and $180 - food). Funding is available in the VD Epidemiology grant #8706.

d) Venus Dukes requests approval to attend Proactive Change Management Forum for HIV Program Managers Meeting and the Texas Department of Health Services Division of Prevention and Preparedness meeting in Austin, Texas from August 28-29, 2013. The total cost to attend is $809 ($350 - transportation, $125 - hotel, and $180 - shuttle/cab, $70 -food, $13.65 - airport parking, and $70 - luggage fee). Funding is available in the HIV prevention grant #8704.

e) Dr. Wendy Chung requests approval to attend ID Week in 2013 Epidemiology Conference RLSS Grant Objective in San Francisco, California from October 1-6, 2013. There is no cost to Dallas County for staff to attend. Activities are related to grant #8712.

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September 24, 2013


1) GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS - requests approval to file a Certificate of Continuing Education issued by the Texas Association of Counties sent to County Judge Clay Lewis Jenkins.

2) FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - requests approval to:

a) approve a request from Hartline Dacus Barger Dreyer LLP (attorney) to reserve a courtroom as a workroom while participating in a trial at the George Allen Courts Building for the periods of September 30 - October 3 and October 7 - 8, 20]3. All deposits have been received. The District Courts Administration Office concurs and this request does not present any conflicts. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation.

b) approve a request from Dallas based, Horizon Scripted TV for, TNT to film Season 3 of the show "DALLAS" at various times throughout 2013 and 2014. Filming will take place at various Dallas County locations. All insurance requirements and deposits will be met intermediately. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation.

3) ENGINEERING & PROJECT MANAGEMENT - requests authorization to contract for manufacturing equipment demolition and repairs services at the recently purchased Records Storage Center facility at 2121 Panoramic Circle. The contract will include demolition and removal of manufacturing equipment from the building (boilers, process water pump 1 storage tank, and chemical piping) and associated MEP requires as a result of the demolition. This work will take approximately three weeks to complete. The estimated cost for this work is $110,750 and will be funded using existing allocation to the Records Storage Center Project in the Major Capital Development Fund (196.70152). Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation.

4) FIRE MARSHAL - requests approval to retain seven interns through an internship program from the Dallas County Community College District El Centro Campus, Bill Priest Institute for Economic Development focusing on Fire Protection and Safety Technology from September 17, 20]3 until December 17, 20]3. The internship program will deal with the discussion and performance of in-depth study of fire operations and inspection procedures. There will be no cost to the County during this internship program. The seven students participating are Carlos Escalante, Robert Kores, Eduardo Lopez, Adrian Martinez, Patrick Muniz, Cesar Rico, and Rodolfo Salas. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation.


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5) OFFICE OF BUDGET AND EVALUATION - requests approval to:

a) hire Andy Wang, a Mandarin language interpreter, at a rate of $120 per hour. The interpreter was needed in County Criminal Court #9 on August 19,2013 in regards to cause #12-24745. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation.

b) hire Philemon Zan, a Karen language interpreter, at a rate of $85 per hour. The interpreter was needed in the Truancy Court on August 1, and September 3, 2013 in regards to cause #13-22759. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation.

c) hire Young Sung, a Korean language interpreter, at a rate of $75 per hour. The interpreter was needed in Criminal District Court #4 on September 10, 2013 and in the Magistrate Court on July 2 and 22, and August 8, 2013 in regards to causes #13-33205, #13-12853, #13-33205, and #13-60837. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation.

d) hire Jay Hamdan, an Arabic language interpreter, at a rate of$130 per hour. The interpreter was needed in County Criminal Court #9 on August 13, 2013 in regards to cause #12-22510. Recommended by the Office of Budget and Evaluation.


District Court - M1308009 - requests one voice cable and one Polycom sound station phone instrument for Judge to have conference calls during court trials. Work is to be completed at the George Allen Sr. Building 6th floor room 643. Equipment $445.00; Installation $200.00; Recurring Cost $0.00 - Recommended

Justice of the Peace 4-1 - D1308011 - requests two data cables for Chase Point of Sale credit card machines. Work is to be completed at 10056 Marsh Lane 1 st floor near the Central Cashier Window. Equipment $0.00; Installation $425.00; Recurring Cost $0.00 -Recommended - Fund - 195.2093.92055

Tax Office - M1309017 - requests three plantronics headsets for the Collections Department. Work is to be completed at the Records Building 1st floor suite 120. Equipment $359.28; Installation $0.00; Recurring Cost $0.00 - Recommended


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• Funding for the above requests are available from countywide department 1023, line item 7210 telecom equipment and department 1023, line item 6250 cable contract, if otherwise it will be stated in brief.

• Projects are funded by requesting department, if otherwise it will be stated in brief.

• Cell Phone funding is provided by the requesting department and is stated.

• Pagers are funded from department 1023, line item 7214.


Actual invoiced amounts may deviate by up to $5 from the amounts listed without additional Commissioners Court Authorization.



2 - Three-Shelf Bookcase Engineering & Project Management $0 Surplus Engineering & Project Management requests authorization to transfer the above listed items from surplus to the Department's inventory.

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