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Resident Survey 2018

North Road Ward Report


ABackground and Introduction3

1Living in the Borough4

2About the Council6

3The Town Centre8

4About Your Services9

5.Resident’s Priorities or Concerns16

6.Contact with the Council and Information19

7.Helping Out23

8.Community Safety24

9.About Yourself25

A.Background and Introduction

A.1The purpose of the survey was to review resident opinion on issues relating to priorities, sense of place, perceptions and use of facilities, information and communications and preferences for improvements. The questionnaire contained the following sections:

Section 1: Living in the Borough

Section 2: About the Council

Section 3: Darlington Town Centre

Section 4: About Your Services

Section 5: Residents’ Priorities or Concerns

Section 6: Contact with the Council and Information

Section 7: Helping Out (Volunteering)

Section 8: Community Safety

Section 9: About Yourself (Demographic Profile of the Sample)

A.2This report relates to NORTH ROAD Ward from which there were 224 responses giving a confidence interval of +/-6.5% (worst case). Comparisons are made within the report to the overall survey which had responses of 4714 completed surveys. Differences of +/-6.7% would need to be observed for there to be a statistical difference between the ward and the overall sample. Note: numbers of responses for the ward are shown in the figures. ‘Don’t know’ responses have been omitted and in some instances respondents failed to give a response so not all questions have responses from all 224 respondents.


1.1Respondents living in the North Road Ward are considerably less satisfied with their area as a place to live than the overall sample. (19.7% were ‘very satisfied’ and 51.0 % ‘fairly satisfied’ = overall satisfaction rate of 70.7% compared with the Borough – 75.6%).

1.2There is a similar level of agreement that the local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together and treat each other with respect. Responses in North Road (62.6%), closely resembled agreement to the overall sample (64.9% overall). 11.8% disagreed, similar to the overall sample where 13.4% disagreed.

1.3The strength of feeling of belonging was lower in North Road (68.2% very strongly/fairly strongly) agreed that they felt strongly that they belonged to their local area compared with 74.8% in the overall sample.


2.1When asked which of the statements given came closest to how they felt about Darlington Borough Council only just over a quarter of respondents in North Road said that they would speak positively about the Council, (3.9% ‘without being asked’ and 24.7% ‘if asked about it’ – 28.6%). Conversely, 32.6% would speak negatively, (24.4% ‘if asked’ and 8.2% ‘without being asked’). There are no statistically significant differences between North Road and the overall sample.

2.2However residents in this Ward were more likely to agree that they can influence decisions made by Darlington Borough Council with 17.3% agreeing in North Road compared to 12.9% of the Borough overall. There were also significantly fewer respondents disagreeing, (45.1% compared with 60% in the Borough overall) although this still shows nearly half of all respondents in the Ward feeling unable to influence decisions.

2.3Agreement of Residents in North Road in respect of the statement Darlington Borough Council is well run and good value for money is higher than the overall sample with 37.1% agreeing with this statement (cf. DBC 28.9%). Residents here were also more likely to agree (37.2% cf. 29.1% for Borough overall) and less likely to disagree, (35.7% cf. 43.3%) that the Council acts on the concerns of local residents. Similarly residents in North Road were more likely to agree (45.4% cf. 39.9% for the Borough overall) that Darlington Borough Council treats all people fairly.


3.1The primary reason for visits to the town centre by respondents from the North Road Ward was for shopping purposes mirroring closely the response from the overall sample, (81.9% cf. overall sample 77.4%). Residents here were more likely to visit the town centre for leisure, (49.8% cf. overall 37.2%) although those visiting the town centre for work was similar to the overall sample (10.4% cf. with 11.8%).

3.238.2% of residents in North Road visit town centre events as a ‘dedicated trip’ – again higher than the overall sample (23.6%).


Environmental Services

4.1Whilst respondents in North Road tended to be more satisfied with cleanliness in the town centre than the overall sample, (North Road – 70% cf. overall sample – 64.4%), satisfaction with the cleanliness of the local area showed a much lower satisfaction rate, (32.8% satisfied cf. 48.6% for the overall sample); and a much larger dissatisfaction rate, (56.7% dissatisfied in North Road cf. with 43.1% in the overall sample).

4.2Residents in this Ward were similar to the overall sample in satisfaction rate (42.6% cf. overall 43.2%) but slightly less dissatisfied, (25.4% cf. overall 35.2%) with grass cutting. However, satisfaction was lower in respect of household waste collection, (refuse and recycling) with a satisfaction rate of just 65.5% against an overall sample response of 76.4% satisfied.

4.3Satisfaction with the upkeep of public parks, recreation ground and open spaces is higher than the overall sample with 65.8% satisfaction. Overall sample satisfaction was 56.1%.

4.4Over half of all respondents (60.5%) were satisfied with the cleanliness of public parks compared to 50.8% of the overall sample

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4.5 The most used facility by residents of North Road provided by Darlington Borough Council was South Park with nearly two thirds of all respondents, (64.2%) using this. Over a quarter of all respondents used it at least once a month, (at least once a week – 10.7%, at least monthly – 15.8%). The next most used facility is the Other DBC Parks with 60.4% using this – 41.4% of respondents using this at least monthly. Least used were Cockerton Library (4% used this in the last 12 months).

4.6As can be seen from the tables that follow satisfaction with facilities was generally very high – exceeding 80% for almost all facilities. The exception here was Cockerton Library where satisfaction dipped to 75.1% but as there were only 8 users this is not statistically significant.

4.7Reasons for not using the facilities largely related to lack of interest in the facility with being unable to access by my usual form of transport only appearing in small minorities of respondents, (e.g. non use of Cockerton Library – 4.2% can’t access by usual form of transport’).

4.8When asked how often they intended to use Darlington Hippodrome in the future responses from residents living in North Road showed that 17.9% were likely to use the theatre up to three or four times a year and 29% likely to use is once or twice a year – 46.9% likely to use the theatre in a year compared with 59.2% of the overall sample. Reasons for never intending to use Darlington Hippodrome for this groups were largely related to cost (24.1%) with 65.9% giving other reasons. (Details shown in the appendices).


5.1Respondents were informed that the Council is interested in their priorities for the Borough and that the Council has set out 8 priority area (themes) for the next four years. Respondents were asked which four of the eight themes were most important to them. The themes were as follows with only the emboldened text being used in the figures that follow:

· More people healthy and independent – improving the health and wellbeing of residents (examples… tackling air and noise pollution, addressing poor housing conditions, and encouraging healthy behaviours).

· Children with the best start in life – enabling children and young people to maximise and achieve their potential (examples… schools and education, career and employment prospects for young people, child poverty, mental health and wellbeing of children and young people).

· A safe and caring community – creating a safer and more socially cohesive community (examples…tackling speeding cars, anti-social behaviour).

· More people active and involved -increasing participation of residents in physical activity and civic life (examples… access to recreational activities, unnecessary use of cars, volunteering).

· More businesses, more jobs – enabling strong and inclusive economic growth in Darlington (examples… creating jobs, job security, wage levels, cost of living, levels of poverty and debt).

· More people caring for our environment – continuing to protect and enhance the local environment (examples… volunteering, tackling fly tipping and litter).

· Enough support for people when needed – ensuring residents get the right level and kind of support when they need it to enable them to live independently (examples… supporting older people, the local voluntary and community sector offer, homelessness).

· A place designed to thrive – ensuring we have the necessary physical infrastructure for residents and businesses to prosper (examples… vitality of the town centre, availability of affordable housing to buy or rent, accessible public transport).

5.2In addition respondents were informed that as part of the medium term financial plan (2018-2022) the Council is considering making improvements to the Borough across five themes and respondents were asked to rank these on a one to five basis. These themes were:

· Community Safety – for example: - Tackling anti-social behaviour in the town centre or neighbourhoods.- Working with the Police, communities and landlords to improve neighbourhoods.

· Maintaining an Attractive Street Scene Environment – for example: return grass cutting to 12-15 day cycles, return to weekly back lane cleanse, a general increase in cleansing across the borough. One off investments for priority areas for deep cleans and physical improvements in some areas.

· Maintaining a Vibrant Town Centre – for example: - Flowers and cleanliness in the town centre, events and markets, attracting new business, Improving the environment.

· Developing an Attractive Visitor Economy – for example: Celebrating our Rail Heritage and attracting more visitors. Having a Tourist Information Centre. Improving the Head of Steam. Match funding grants to enhance cultural activities such as theatre or dance. Preparing for the bi-centenary of the world’s first passenger railway.

· Neighbourhood Renewal – for example: Supporting families and neighbourhoods facing disadvantage and poverty. Schemes to improve health and education in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Tackling some of the impacts of welfare changes.

5.3Three of the PRIORITY themes listed were clearly the most important priority areas of residents of North Road each being identified by more than 60% of all respondents. These were ‘a safe and caring community’, (69.5%); ‘children with the best start in life’, (62.2%), and ‘more businesses, more jobs’, (61.1%). Least important was ‘more people active and involved’, (20.9%).

5.4Because the importance of improvements was a ‘ranked response’ question the responses have been analysed as mean scores. The lower the mean score the higher the priority. For respondents living in the North Road ward the highest priority by far was that of improving community safety with a mean score of 1.82. This was followed by maintaining an attractive street scene environment (2.51). Least important here was developing an attractive visitor economy with a mean score of 4.00.


6.1When participants were asked how well informed they felt they were the large majority of respondents (83.2%) felt that they were either very or fairly well informed about what can be recycled as part of the waste collection service. Only in respect of events and activities in the Borough did over half of all respondents in North Road (62.8%), say that they were very or fairly well informed.

6.2Conversely over half of all respondents felt that they were not very well or not well informed at all about what the Council does, (50.8% not well informed), and the reasons the Council has to make savings, (54.5%).

6.3As can be seen from the figure on the following pages sources of information used by respondents in North Road are largely similar to the overall sample. The ‘One Darlington’ magazine is the most used source (65.5%) followed by ‘word of mouth’, (55.9%). Residents here though are less likely than the overall sample to use the Council website, (16.7% in North Road cf. 21.0% of the overall sample). (Note – this was a multiple choice question and answers will add to more than 100%. Only responses in excess of 10% have been shown in the charts – full details are available in the tables).

6.4When asked about the main method of contact when contacting the Council it was clear that over half of those interviewed in North Road (55.3%) said that they had not made contact in the last 12 months. This is higher than the overall sample where 42.2% had not made contact. The primary source of contact was by phone, (25.4%) and this is lower than the overall sample where 28.1% had made contact by telephone.

6.5Respondents who had made contact with the Council were asked for the main reason for their last contact. It was clear from the responses that the reasons given in the questionnaire did not resonate with respondents and resulted in nearly two thirds (65%) of all of those who had made contact giving ‘other’ responses. These are shown in the appendices. The largest of the main responses was ‘to book or apply for something such as Council Tax discount, housing repair or bulky waste collection’, (15.1%).

6.6Satisfaction with aspects of their last contact was high with 79.3% being satisfied with the ease of using their chosen method of contact and 69.9% with the information provided. 60.8% were satisfied with how the issue was resolved but almost a quarter, (24.2%), were dissatisfied with this. Also to note is that more than one in five who had made contact were dissatisfied with the information that had been provided, (20.7%).

6.7When asked if they would be willing to contact Darlington Borough Council electronically 53.6% said that they would or already did so – a slightly lower percentage than the overall sample (60.9%). 18.5% said that either hadn’t got regular internet or any internet access – again a slightly higher percentage than the overall sample. 9.7% of all respondents had concerns about or were not confident about using the internet to contact Darlington Borough Council.


7.1Less than 20% (19.8%) of respondents living in the North Road ward had given unpaid help to any groups, clubs or organisations as an individual or through their employer, (80.2% had not given unpaid help). This is lower than the overall sample where 74.7% had not given unpaid help. Giving unpaid help through an employer was also lower in North Road than in the overall sample, (4.5% cf. 7.7% for the overall sample).

7.2The main barrier to volunteering is that respondents here ‘don’t have time’, (37.8%), with 21% saying simply that they are ‘not interested’.


8.1Respondents were asked how safe or unsafe they felt when out in the dark and during the day in their local area. As can be seen from the figure below respondents living in North Road feel generally as safe as the overall sample when outside in the dark than the overall sample, (62.3% feel safe compared to 61.1% of the overall sample). Similarly, 26.2% feel unsafe when outside in the dark compared with 25.4% of the overall sample.

8.2There is little difference in respect of feeling safe when outside during the day the overall sample (91.1% safe) feel safer than do residents living in North Road, (91.4%). Similarly, there is little difference when considering feelings of safety in the Town Centre. In the dark this 51.1% cf. 48.3% and in the day 89.7% cf. 87.3%.


70.713.016.375. satisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedFairly/very dissatisfiedQ1: Overall how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live? (220)North RoadAll respondents

62.625.711.864.921.713. to agreeNeither agree nor disagreeTend to/strongly disagreeQ2: To what extent do you agree or disagree that your local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together? (207)North RoadAll respondents

68.274.831.825.20%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%North RoadAll respondentsQ3: How strongly do you feel you belong to your local area? (217)Very/fairly stronglyNot very/not at all strongly

3.924.738.824. speak positively... without being askedI speak positively… if I am asked about itI have no views…I speak negatively… if I am asked about itI speak negatively… without being asked about itQ4: Closest to how I feel about the Council (218)All respondentsNorth Road

17.337.645.112.927. to agreeNeither agree nor disagreeTend to/strongly disagreeQ5a: To what extent do you agree or disagree that you can influence decisions made by Darlington Borough Council? (209) North RoadAll respondents

37.128.937.229.145.439.924.527.027.127.530.232.038.444.235.743.324.428.20%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%North RoadAll respondentsNorth RoadAll respondentsNorth RoadAll respondentsWell run and good value formoney (207)Acts on the concerns of localresidents (201)Treats all people fairly (199)Q6: To what extent do you think these statements apply to DBC?Strongly/tend to agreeNeither agree nor disagreeTend to/strongly disagree

10.481.949.82.311.211.877.437.24.513.'t regularly visitQ7: Main reasons for visits to the town centre (224)All respondentsNorth Road

38.223.612.815. RoadAll respondentsQ8: Visits to town centre events (193)As a dedicated tripIn passingNot attended events

60.550.812.111.615.823.311.614. RoadAll respondentsQ10: Satisfaction with cleanliness of public parks (220)Very/fairly satisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedFairly/very dissatisfiedNot visited in last 12 months

70.064.432.848.642.643.265.576.465.856.110.29.510.58.432. RoadAllrespondentsNorth RoadAllrespondentsNorth RoadAllrespondentsNorth RoadAllrespondentsNorth RoadAllrespondentsCleanliness of the towncentre (207)Cleanliness of your localarea (219)Grass cutting (207)Household waste collection(219)Upkeep of public parks,recs, open spaces (198)Q9: Satisfaction with environmental servicesVery/fairly satisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedFairly/very dissatisfied StreetLibrary (221)CockertonLibrary (220)Head of Steam(220)Dolphin Centre(222)EastbourneSports Centre(219)South Park(219)Other DBCparks (218)Householdrecycling centre(220)Children'sCentre (218)Q11: Usage of Facilities by Residents in North RoadYes - at least weeklyYes - at least monthlyYes - at least 4 times in the last yearYes - but less than 4 timesNo - not in last 12 months

91.675.195.593.582.585.681. StreetLibrary (87)CockertonLibrary (8)Head of Steam(54)Dolphin Centre(118)EastbourneSports Centre(12)South Park(130)Other DBCparks (121)Householdrecycling centre(121)Children'sCentre (15)Q12: For those that visited -how satisfied were you with the facility? Very/fairly satisfiedNeither/Don't knowFairly/very dissatisfiedDon't know

65.660.472.968.277.260.765. StreetLibrary (129)CockertonLibrary (201)Head ofSteam (154)DolphinCentre (98)EastbourneSports Centre(195)South Park(81)Other DBCparks (87)Householdrecyclingcentre (93)Children'sCentres (184)Q13: If not visited -please can you tell us why?No interestCan't accessOther

17.922.729.036.517.710.126.616.48.714.20%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%North RoadOverall sampleQ14: How regularly do you intend to use Darlington Hippodrome in the future (221)One or twice a month/3 to 4 times a yearOnce or twice a yearLess than thisNeverNot sure

Cost, 24.1Transport, 0.0Parking, 2.9Types of shows, 5.0Facilities, 2.1Other, of showsFacilitiesOtherQ15: Reasons for never using Darlington Hippodrome (56) people healthy and independentChildren with best start in lifeSafe and caring communityMore people active and involvedMore businesses, more jobsMore people caring for environmentEnough support for people when neededA place designed to thriveQ16: Four themes most important to you (222)

1.822.513.314. safetyAttractive street sceneMaintainign vibrant town centreDeveloping visitor economyNeighbourhood renewalQ17: Importance of improvements (212) theCouncil does(222)What can berecycled as partof the wastecollectionservice (222)The reasonsCouncil needsto make savings(222)Opportunitiesavailable tovolunteerlocally (219)Events andactivities in theBorough (220)Q18: How well informed do you feel about each of the following? Very/fairly well informedNot very/not well informedDon't know

65.533.916.719.855.929.762.315.421.030.252.934. DarlingtonMagazineLocalCllr/newsletterCouncilwebsitePrinted localnewspapersWord ofmouthFacebookQ19: Use to find out what's happening in your local areaNorth Road (224)Overall sample

55.342. Road (215)Overall sampleQ20: Main method of contactHaven't contacted in last 12 monthsCouncil website/eformPhonedEmailOther

Make payment, 9.3Transaction, 0.5Basic information, 6.6Book or apply, 15.1Help with particular problem, 3.5Other, 65.0Q21: Main reason for last contact (102)

69.960.879.39.512.05.320.724. information provided (103)How your issue was resolved (102)The ease of using your chosen method of contact(102)Q22a: Thinking about last contact, how satisfied were you with ....? Fairly/very dissatisfiedNeither/Don't knowVery/fairly satisfied

53.618.59.714.43.860.911. do or willLack of (regular)internet accessConcerns/lack ofconfidence aboutthe internetOtherDon't knowQ23: Would you be willing to contact DBC electronically?North Road (214)Overall

19.825.34.57.780. RoadOverall sampleQ24: In last 12 months have you given unpaid help -as an individual or through employer (205)As an individualThrough employerNot given unpaid help

7.55.337.81.42.321.012.6Don't know what opps are availableNot sure have right skillsDon't have timeTransport issuesDon't know where to startNot interestedOther0. Main barrier preventing getting involved? (202)

62.311.526. NeitherDAYfairly/veryunsafeQ26: How safe do you feel when outside in your local area? North Road (205)Overall NeitherDAYfairly/veryunsafeQ27: How safe do you feel when outside in the town centre?North Road (172)Overall sample

7.420.472.248.551.59.814.918.328.219.19.747.329.623. to 3 years4 to 20 years20 Years and overMaleFemale18 to 2425 to 3435 to 4445 to 5960 to 7475 and overEmployedNot economically activeWholly retiredWhite BritishWhite otherOther minority groupOwned or motgagedRentedYesNoYesNoNot sure/prefer not to sayHow long haveyou lived inDarlington?GenderAge groupEconomic activityEthnic GroupTenureChildren inhouseholdDisabilitySection 9: Weighted sample profile

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