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Page 1: Data Overload: How much data are we creating?

We analyze and use only 0.5% of the data

that we create

Today Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook hold approximately 1,200 petabytes of information (1.2 million


billion things

There will be 7.6 billion internet users

By 2020,“1.7 megabytes of new infor-mation will be created every second

for every human being on the planet”

By 2020, our digital universe will grow from 4.4 zettabytes today to around 44

zettabytes (That’s 44 trillion gigabytes!)

251 zettabyte is 10^21 or


000,000 bytes

By 2020

1 million GB =1 petabyte =

13 years of HD TV consumed (24/7)

IoT - Gartner predicts that 25 billion things will be connected to

the internet by 2020

If our digital universe roughly holds 4.4 Zettabytes of information, and we are only analyzing 0.5% of the data that we create, we are led to question the intrinsic value of the information we are creating.

Russel Lincoln Ackoffs Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom (DIKW) pyramid relates the different types of infor-mation and their function. The IoT revolution will collect large amounts of raw data. But will we able to translate this data into more meaningful information?

Sources: http://www.sciencefocus.com/qa/how-many-terabytes-data-are-internet







1 sec.

Every second, we Google 40,000

search queries. That amounts to 3.5 billion searches per day and

1.2 trillion searches per year.

1 day

In Aug 2015, 1 billion users were

recorded using Facebook in a

single day 1 year

In 2015, 1 trillion photos will be

taken and billions will be uploaded to the internet.

5 yrs.

By 2020, the total amount of smart phone users will

amount to 6.1 billion globally

1 min.

Every minute we upload 300 hours of video

to YouTube

Wisdom- When information is put into action giving us insight to the “long-term consequences of any act”

Knowledge- Information put into practice.

Information- Organizes raw data into coherent patterns; can be likened to alphabet letters composed into a sentence.

Data- The elemental construction of information; can be likened to alphabet letters randomly stringed together.

Information Overload in the Information Age



We are in the midst of the Information Age. With more people connecting to the internet than ever before, we are collectively creating and uploading more content online. Are you feeling the information overload?

Each Second, Each Hour, Each Year


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