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Page 1: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

Database Applications (15-415)

Hadoop Lecture 24, April 23, 2014

Mohammad Hammoud

Page 2: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

Today… Last Session: NoSQL databases

Today’s Session: Hadoop = HDFS + MapReduce

Announcements: Final Exam is on Sunday April 27th, at 9:00AM in room 2051

(all materials are included- open book, open notes) We will hold a “review session” (for the final exam)

tomorrow during the recitation PS4 grades are out PS5 (the “last” assignment) is due tomorrow, by midnight

Page 3: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop


A “Very Brief” Primer and GFS/HDFS

MapReduce: Systems and Applications Perspectives

MapReduce: Programming, Computation, Architectural and Scheduling Models

Fault-Tolerance in MapReduce

Page 4: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

Hadoop MapReduce

MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large-scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines

Hadoop is an open source implementation of MapReduce

Hadoop MapReduce uses Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) as a distributed storage layer

HDFS is an open source implementation of GFS

Page 5: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

GFS Data Distribution Policy The Google File System (GFS) is a scalable DFS for data-

intensive applications GFS divides large files into multiple pieces called chunks or blocks

(by default 64MB) and stores them on different data servers This design is referred to as block-based design

Each GFS chunk has a unique 64-bit identifier and is stored as a

file in the lower-layer local file system on the data server

GFS distributes chunks across cluster data servers using a random distribution policy

Page 6: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

GFS Random Distribution Policy

Server 0 (Writer)

Blk 0

Blk 1

Blk 2

Blk 3

Blk 4

Blk 5

Blk 6

Server 1

Blk 0

Blk 2

Blk 3

Blk 3

Blk 5








Server 2 Server 3

Blk 1

Blk 2

Blk 4

Blk 6

Blk 0

Blk 1

Blk 4

Blk 5

Blk 6

Large File Blk 0

Blk 1

Blk 2

Blk 3

Blk 4

Blk 5

Blk 6

Page 7: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

GFS Architecture GFS adopts a master-slave architecture

GFS client Master

Chunk Server

Linux File System

Chunk Server

Linux File System

Chunk Server

Linux File System

File name

Contact address

Chunk Id, range

Chunk data

Page 8: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop


A “Very Brief” Primer and GFS/HDFS

MapReduce: Systems and Applications Perspectives

MapReduce: Programming, Computation, Architectural and Scheduling Models

Fault-Tolerance in MapReduce

Page 9: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

The Problem Scope Hadoop MapReduce is used for powerful and efficient

analytics over Big Data The power of MapReduce lies in its ability to scale to 100s and

even 1000s of machines

What amount of work can MapReduce handle? Big Data in the order of 100s of GBs, TBs or PBs

It is unlikely that datasets of such sizes can fit on a

single machine Hence, a storage layer like HDFS is required!


Page 10: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

Hadoop MapReduce: A System’s View Hadoop MapReduce incorporates two phases, Map and Reduce phases,

which encompass multiple Map and Reduce tasks

Map Task

Map Task

Map Task

Map Task

Reduce Task

Reduce Task

Reduce Task

Partition Partition



Partition Partition Partition Partition


To HDFS Dataset






Map Phase Shuffle Stage

Merge Stage Reduce Stage

Reduce Phase



Split 0

Split 1

Split 2

Split 3

Partition Partition


Partition Partition



Page 11: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

Data Structure: Keys and Values The MapReduce programmer has to specify only two

“sequential” functions, the Map and the Reduce functions These functions will be translated “automatically” into multiple

Map and Reduce tasks

In MapReduce, data elements are always structured as key-value (i.e., (K, V)) pairs In particular, the Map and Reduce functions receive and emit

(K, V) pairs

(K, V) Pairs

Map Function

(K’, V’) Pairs

Reduce Function

(K’’, V’’) Pairs

Input Splits Intermediate Outputs Final Outputs

Page 12: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

WordCount: An Application View


Mohammad is delivering a lecture at CMUQ CMUQ is a member of QF

A Text File Mohammad is delivering a lecture at CMUQ

CMUQ is a member of QF

A Chunk of File

A Chunk of File

A Map Function

Parse &


Key1 Value1

0 Mohammad is

20 delivering a

18 lecture at CMUQ

Key2 Value2

Mohammad 1

is 1

delivering 1

a 1

lecture 1

at 1


Key2 Value2

Mohammad 1

is 2

delivering 1

a 2

lecture 1

at 1


member 1

of 1

QF 1



Parse &


Key1 Value1

0 CMUQ is a

17 member of QF

Key2 Value2


is 1

a 1

member 1

of 1

QF 1

A Map Function

A Reduce Function

Page 13: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

Hadoop MapReduce: A Closer Look




Split Split Split


Map Map Map

Input (K, V) pairs


Intermediate (K, V) pairs




Chunks loaded from a (local) HDFS datanode


Final (K, V) pairs

Writeback to HDFS store




Split Split Split


Map Map Map

Input (K, V) pairs


Intermediate (K, V) pairs




Chunks loaded from a (local) HDFS datanode


Final (K, V) pairs

Writeback to HDFS store

Node 1 Node 2

Shuffling Process

Intermediate (K,V) pairs

exchanged by all nodes

. . . . . .

Page 14: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop


A “Very Brief” Primer and GFS/HDFS

MapReduce: Systems and Applications Perspectives

MapReduce: Programming, Computation, Architectural and Scheduling Models

Fault-Tolerance in MapReduce

Page 15: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

The Programming Model Hadoop MapReduce employs a shared-memory programming model

This entails two main issues:

Developers need not “explicitly” encode functions that send/receive messages within their MapReduce programs

HDFS provides a shared abstraction to all tasks


A “Shared-Memory” Storage Address Space (Provided by HDFS)


“Implicit” communication (Provided by the MapReduce Engine)

A “Shared-Memory” Storage Address Space (Provided by HDFS)

Page 16: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

Merge & Sort Stage

The Computation Model Hadoop MapReduce adopts a synchronous computation model

A distributed program is said to be synchronous if and only if the

tasks operate in a lock-step mode










RT1 Partition0


Map Phase

Shuffle Stage Reduce Stage

Reduce Phase

Shuffle, Merge and Sort start ONLY after 5% of Map Tasks commit!

Reduce starts ONLY after ALL partitions are shuffled merged and sorted!

Page 17: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

The Architectural and Scheduling Models

Hadoop MapReduce employs a master-slave architecture

Page 18: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

The Architectural and Scheduling Models

Hadoop MapReduce employs a master-slave architecture

A pull-based “task” scheduling strategy is used, whereby: Map tasks are scheduled nearby HDFS blocks Reduce tasks are scheduled anywhere

Core Switch


Request a Map Task Schedule a Map Task at an Empty Map Slot on TaskTracker1

Rack Switch 1 Rack Switch 2

TaskTracker2 TaskTracker3 TaskTracker4 TaskTracker5 JobTracker MT1 MT2 MT3 MT2 MT3

Page 19: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

Job Scheduling in MapReduce

An application is represented by one or many jobs

A job consists of one or many Map and Reduce tasks Hadoop MapReduce comes with various choices of

job schedulers: FIFO Scheduler: schedules jobs in order of submission Fair Scheduler: aims at giving every user a “fair” share of

the cluster capacity over time

Capacity Scheduler: Similar to Fair Scheduler but does not apply job preemption


Page 20: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop



Aspect Hadoop MapReduce Aspect Hadoop MapReduce Parallelism Model Data-Parallel

Aspect Hadoop MapReduce Parallelism Model Data-Parallel

Programming Model Shared-Memory

Aspect Hadoop MapReduce Parallelism Model Data-Parallel

Programming Model Shared-Memory

Computation Model Synchronous

Aspect Hadoop MapReduce Parallelism Model Data-Parallel

Programming Model Shared-Memory

Computation Model Synchronous

Architectural Model Master-Slave

Aspect Hadoop MapReduce Parallelism Model Data-Parallel

Programming Model Shared-Memory

Computation Model Synchronous

Architectural Model Master-Slave

Scheduling Model Pull-Based

Aspect Hadoop MapReduce Parallelism Model Data-Parallel

Programming Model Shared-Memory

Computation Model Synchronous

Architectural Model Master-Slave

Scheduling Model Pull-Based

Application Suitability Loosely-Connected/Embarrassingly-Parallel Applications

Page 21: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop


A “Very Brief” Primer and GFS/HDFS

MapReduce: Systems and Applications Perspectives

MapReduce: Programming, Computation, Architectural and Scheduling Models

Fault-Tolerance in MapReduce

Page 22: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

Fault Tolerance in Hadoop: Node Failures

MapReduce can guide jobs toward a successful completion even when jobs are run on large clusters (where probability of failures increases)

Hadoop MapReduce achieves fault-tolerance through restarting tasks

If a TT fails to communicate with JT for a period of time (by default, 1 minute), JT will assume that TT in question has crashed If the job is still in the Map phase, JT asks another TT to re-

execute all Map tasks that previously ran at the failed TT

If the job is in the Reduce phase, JT asks another TT to re-execute all Reduce tasks that were in-progress on the failed TT


Page 23: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

Fault Tolerance in Hadoop: Speculative Execution

A MapReduce job is dominated by the slowest task

MapReduce attempts to locate slow tasks (or stragglers) and run replicated (or speculative) tasks that will optimistically commit before the stragglers

In general, this strategy is known as task resiliency or task replication (as opposed to data replication), but in Hadoop it is referred to as speculative execution

Only one copy of a straggler is allowed to be replicated

Whichever copy (among the two copies) of a task commits first, it becomes the definitive copy, and the other one is killed by JT

Page 24: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

But, How to Locate Stragglers?

Hadoop monitors each task progress using a progress score between 0 and 1

If a task’s progress score is less than (average – 0.2), and the task has run for at least 1 minute, it is marked as a straggler

PS= 2/3

PS= 1/12

Not a straggler T1



A straggler

Page 25: Database Applications (15 -415) · Hadoop MapReduce MapReduce is one of the most successful realizations of large - scale “data-parallel” distributed analytics engines Hadoop

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