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Date Thai LadiesOur Weekly Member’s Only Newsletter

issue 8

Can The Relationship Between You and Your Thai Love Really Workor are you fooling yourself ?

part 6 of 7

Our Member Jeabsee her on page 3








Letter from Nathamon

Welcome to newsletter #8. i hope you’re having a great week. i also hope you’re ready for another edition of the newsletter where we bring you the information you really need as you make your way into our Thai culture, and hopefully into the heart of one of our beautiful Thai women.

This week’s focus is on part #6 of our 7-part series, where we will dig deep into Thai customs and why some Thai – Western relationships work really well while others don’t.

We’ll also be keeping you safe on Thailand’s roads with a guide to driving in Thailand.

And we dispel the myth that younger girls are only interested in older men because of their money.

As always we want to hear your views. Please write to us with any feedback or suggestions you have for our newsletter so we can give you more of what you want, and less of what you don’t!

Let’s dive in!

Here’s an overview of this issue…

• Featured Article - it’s about “Time” – What Your Thai Partner Will NeVeR Tell You.

• Spotlight On Featured Member – Meet Jeab • Thai Adventures – Driving in Thailand.• Dating Without The Dilemma - Why Younger

Women Tend To Look For Older Men…it’s usually Not About the Money.

• Thai Phrases – Polish up Your Thai With These Handy Phrases

• Our Favorite Places – Discover Where the Locals Wine & Dine

• FAQ – Got Questions? We’ve Got the Answer• Now It’s Your Turn – Get in Touch With us and

Don’t Forget to Check Out What’s in store in Newsletter #9

Have a guess what i’m going to tell you to do now; that’s right. Grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea, sit back in a comfortable chair and let us guide you to a magical place – a country where the people smile a lot, where the food is to die for and where the right women are waiting to make your acquaintance.

Let’s get to really know Thailand…

NathamonSee her



It’s about “Time”

Places You Must See in Thailand

Dating Without The Dilemma

Thai Phrases

Our Favorite Places

More FAQs


About Me

Hello..My name’s Jaruda. My nickname is Jeab. I’m 29 years old. I finished Bachelor degree and i’m the youngest child in family. i was a bit spoil. My dream is to travel all over Thailand. The most i like is sea and i would like to do deeply diving, wishing i will have a chance to do it one day.


I work in Bangkok at Bangkok E-service company. i’ve worked here for 4 years in Debt following Devision. i work hard but i enjoy working here and my colleagues are nice and friendly. in the future i’d like to have a small coffee shop that have book book corner for sell and reading. so i can have more time to spend with my family.

What I Like

On my holidays i like traveling to other province with my friends. On weekends i like to relax at home, read a book, watch a movie and do cross stitch.

Jaruda Somporn (Jeab)


03 03

My story

i was just disappointed in love last year, my ex-boyfriend cheat on me. He came to me and told me that he made a woman pregnant.i didn’t know what to do, i just walked out of his life even he asked me to stay with him but his behave just unacceptable.i try to forget and live as usual as i can do. i’m lonely and would like to start over with someone who understand me, love, honest and stand by each other forever.

What I am Looking For

When i meet the right man for me, i will love and be honest to him, take care of him, be a good wife and will be by side of each other forever.


It’s about “Time”

In the last issue, I shared the fifth key to understanding what makes your Thai lady “tick:” I showed you the cultural differences that color the way you communicate as people.in addition to the whole “can of worms” that you being a guy and her being a girl opens up when it comes to communicating, the differences between your Western culture and her Thai culture can make just talking and listening a challenge!if that wasn’t enough, i’m going to

further “complicate your life” by pointing out that you and your Thai partner may have completely opposite relationships to time!

in this article i’ll help you understand that while you may be a stickler for being on time – to meetings, to work, to parties, to dinner – that doesn’t make you more “right” or more “responsible” in her eyes. And at the same time, i’ll help you see that understanding and appreciating her more circular approach to time can help you avoid arguments and

“in this 7-part series Nathamon reveals the secrets of why some Western - Thai couples enjoy loving, life-affirming relationships - while others crash and burn in bitterness. Understanding these secrets will give you the keys to unlock true passion and intimacy – and rejuvenate your love life!”

Can The Relationship Between Youand Your Thai Love Really Workor are you fooling yourself ? part 6 of 7


misunderstandings and maybe even help you relieve some stress.And if you can relieve some of the stress in your relationship to time, you can become closer – maybe even laugh together a little more – and pay attention to the more important aspects of your relationship.

The Sixth Key: What’s so important about “time?”

evan is a creature of habit.He wakes up at 6:30 every morning, eats breakfast precisely a 7:00, and leaves for work at 7:20 promptly.Lunch?12:30 on the dot.After a full day of work, he’s home by 6:00 pm, turns on the news, and when it’s over at 7:00, he expects dinner on the table.No matter what, he’s in bed by 10:30.every day.Why?Because that’s what responsible people do.

He’s been working at his company’s Bangkok office for a year, and he’s becoming frustrated, irritated, and annoyed at the casual way his Thai business contacts regard their agreements about time. it all came to a head last night.Over dinner, he told Kan, his Thai wife, what happened.

“i had a 2:00 appointment scheduled with the Thai Director of one of our suppliers to discuss a multi-million dollar purchase. i had a full schedule, with more meetings scheduled later in the afternoon.Not only was he late – he didn’t even call to say he’d be late so I could shuffle my schedule and keep my other commitments.”expecting some sympathy from his Thai wife, he was mystified by her nonchalant response:“He must have had something more important to do – maybe his boss needed him for something.”

Here’s some information that might help you understand the mystery.

You, as a Westerner, think of time as a line with a beginning, middle, and end, onto which you put people and activity.You think that time is “stuff” that can be spent, organized, saved, lost or wasted.You are always looking toward the future – and at your watch – to measure your progress along the “line” of time. You concentrate on “one thing


at a time” and structure the spaces around you (like your office) to support the privacy and concentration you need to make things happen “in the right order.”Time is almost sacred to you.

We Thais perceive time as a fluid sphere that holds many things at once – and we pay attention to people first within that sphere.We think time is flexible, and it flows according to the relationships we have and how important they are in our lives. We are rooted in the past (remember our respect for our elders?), and we recognize that the cycle of life is always

bringing us events in the present that can best be handled traditionally. We are also focused on the present, wanting to experience each moment – we don’t participate just because it might help us in the future, we participate because there’s some immediate pleasure to be found. Our important relationships are almost sacred to us.

Let me show you how “opposite” your Western view of time and your Thai partner’s view of time really are:

The Western View of Time The Thai View of Time

You do one thing at a time We do many things at once

Deadlines, schedules, and commitments are serious and “sacred”

Deadlines, schedules, and commitments depend on what else is occurring at the moment

You make a plan and stick to itWe make a plan and change our minds easily and often

You are committed to the job at handWe are committed to the people and relationships at hand

Promptness demonstrates commitmentPromptness depends on who the commitment is made to

You value and respect privacy and personal space

We value openness and willingness to share with those closest to us

07 07

What evan doesn’t understand is that his vendor, a Thai director, is more committed to preserving his relationship with his boss in the present than he is to the possibility of millions of dollars in the future.The Director is not being disrespectful to evan – he’s just being respectful to his boss.

in talking it over with his Thai wife, expecting her to agree with him or even understand his frustration, evan doesn’t understand that what looks like nonchalance or complacency from her is actually a demonstration of her Thai relationship to time.

So what does this mean to you?

if you are in a relationship with a Thai lady, you will have to negotiate matters of time – and space!

she is fun-loving, committed to the present, yet very traditional in her reactions.she will value her relationships to her family and friends above all else – even if you have made concrete plans to be somewhere at a specific time.She will change her mind easily and often. she will willingly share her time, her space, her possessions (and maybe even yours!) with people that are close to her.she may have a hard time understanding your need to control events and put them in their “proper order.”And she may show little regard for your personal space, your privacy, or your previous commitments.All of this you might eventually find frustrating.

What will frustrate her about you is your rigidity – planning your life around your watch or the calendar. she will not understand your need to keep areas of your home, your office, your life private. Your insistence on “planning for the future” might fall on deaf ears.she might think of you as selfish, stubborn, or hard – even though what you are doing makes perfect sense to you in the long term. she may be hurt by your unwillingness to be interrupted when you are concentrating on a task, assuming that you don’t value the relationship the same way she does.

But like all things in life, the “right way” might


be somewhere in the middle. if you are open to talking about this difference in the way you each approach time, you might find yourself more open to flexibility. She might find some comfort in making plans for the future.Together you can create an approach to time that works for both of you, and adds to your appreciation of the uncertainty of life.

Next in the series…

The next article in this series about cultural differences between the West and Thailand will be our last in this particular series.i’ll share with you a profound difference in focus:“doing” versus “being” and how it can color the way you see the world and relate to each other.

i’ll share with you the profound behavioral differences between your culture, and its orientation toward “doing something” and the Thai culture, which emphasizes “being something.” i’ll show you how increasing your understanding of the difference can deepen your relationship, alleviate stress, and help you achieve greater intimacy and connectedness with your Thai partner than you ever thought possible.


Thai Adventure Articles Driving in Thailand - An Expat Explains the Roads

Before we look at anything else, the most important thing to know if you want to drive in Thailand is that you drive on the left side of the road. Just like in most countries; you have good drivers and bad drivers.

Honking is barely heard and it’s very rare to see any instances of road rage in the suburbs, but go to Bangkok and it’s a whole different ballgame! The honking never stops, and the drivers are far less easy going.

On the old roads, you’ll sometimes find people driving in the opposite direction on a one-way street. Adding to the confusion is the fact that roads change their one-way direction throughout the day.

Bangkok’s government is always trying

to find a solution to traffic jams but so far, nothing has worked. sometimes rules can change on Thai roads, for example, a regular lane can turn into a public transportation lane. These sudden changes could catch you off guard so you need to keep your wits about you and take nothing for granted.

Just because the road was one way last week doesn’t mean it will be the same next week! Driving around Thailand during the night can be dangerous if you are not familiar with the city. Drunk driving is still a big problem and many cars do not have lights on them (yes, really).

it was only a few years ago you needed to pass a driving test in Thailand before you could legally drive. Before that anyone who wanted to drive could get themselves a car


and hop behind the wheel.

if you want to drive in Thailand, an international license is valid and accepted legally, but several insurance companies will only insure drivers who only holding a valid Thai driving license.

When you have a Thai driver’s license, typical driving fees will be lower than they would for a foreigner. so how do you get a Thai driving license? Well, you’ll need to be in Thailand for over three months, and you need to be in good health.

if you’re not originally from Thailand, you must have a non-immigrant visa because tourists cannot receive a valid license. if you don’t understand the Thai language then you should probably bring a translator with you to help with the test and instruction class.

You’ll also need signed copies of your passport, and an official letter from your embassy. You will need a doctor’s note to confirm you’re in good health and two standard 1 x 1 inch photos.

To become a legal driver you need to pass three tests:

1. A color blindness test where you will only need to point to colors on a chart.

2. A Reflex test (this is actually a fun test, you are seated in something that looks like a car with a gas and brake pedal, you need to push on the gas and then break when the green light appears)

3. Depth perception test (in other words, you only need to tell how close and far something is). If you have passed these three tests then you will receive your driver’s license instantly.

Once you’re on the open road, you need to remember some key rules:

First, always look out for motorcycles when you’re about to open your car door, it’s actually pretty frequent that people get hurt this way.

Second, if someone flashes their headlights at you, they’re trying to tell you that you’re in their way and to move (but


that we know from western countries).

Third, if you see a child in the backseat without a car seat, don’t bother to mention anything. it is apparently not legal for a child to ride with a children’s car seat.

Fourth, roads may also vary between wide multi lane roads to very small lanes that barely one car can drive through. Due to the heavy rain, roads are always in frequent need of repairing so keep an eye out for road works because they’re not always marked in bright yellow.

Lastly, rush hour is usually between 07:00 till 10:00 in the mornings and 16:00-19:00 in the evenings.

Driving in Thailand isn’t so different from other countries but of course, because it’s still a developing country, and you must be extra cautious when you drive. start out slow until you feel more comfortable with the roads, and make sure you always follow Thailand’s traffic rules.




Dating Without The DilemmaWhy Younger Women Tend To Look For Older Men…

It’s Usually Not About the Money

Younger women’s attraction to older men is something that causes intrigue and discussion around the world; throughout history it’s been a cultural phenomenon prevalent in both the East and West.

Culturally and historically it made sense from a standpoint of men taking a few years to gather the resources required to support a younger woman.

But in this day and age, younger women’s attraction to older men isn’t all about the money. Older men provide a security, which is mainly down to their confidence and experience. As a mature gentleman you’ll have already tackled many of the issues younger men find it hard to cope with because of their inexperience.

Been There, Done That

Younger men tend to be less sure about

relationships. Their desire to experience the world of romance means they’re often not happy to commit to one woman. The younger man can often find it difficult to show the emotional maturity to cope with a long-term relationship.

As an older man you’re likely to have experienced relationships in the past, and will have a better understanding on what a woman really wants. This experience is one of the things younger girls desire most.

You’re Not Tied To Your Career

As an older man it’s less likely you’ll be tied to work, as you may be nearing the end of your career. Hopefully you’re at a stage in life where there’s less pressure on you to perform at work, and this means you have more time to spend at home with your loved one.


Younger girls love to know their man will be able to spend time with them, instead of being cooped up in an office all day.

Less Family Pressure

Being more mature means you’re unlikely to face any real pressure from your own family to settle down with any particular kind of woman. Whereas a younger man may be pressured by his parents to marry within his religion, or to start a family, as an older man you’ll be far more of a “free spirit” and able to make your own decisions.

The Adventurous Spirit

It is very common for older men to have what is known in psychology as their “second childhood.” This translates to older men being more inclined to travel and embrace their adventurous spirit. Perhaps this is something you identify with yourself.

Instead of worrying about how to make your wealth, it’s more likely your main concern will be how to enjoy it. In a man’s latter years in isn’t unusual to see them take spontaneous trips, buy fun and fast cars and do things that might compromise a younger man’s sense of financial security.

You Are Classier

Less interested in each season’s style, you seldom fall victim to passing trends that make younger men seem immature to women their own age. This is true in fashion as well as entertainment and personality.

Directly resulting from your strong knowledge base and cultural exposure, you’re less dependent upon current events to dictate how to behave or how to dress.

Older men are generally less tied to the mainstream media movement so you don’t get caught up in passing fads of music or

fashion that can often lead to embarrassing your girlfriend.

More Likely To Settle Down

As an older man you’re probably at a time of life where you want to settle down with one woman. You no longer feel the need to “play the field” or prove your masculinity by dating as many women as you can, and instead want to take it easy and enjoy the company of one special person.

Younger girls in Thailand are very family orientated, and don’t like the insecurity that comes with dating younger guys. They see the older man as more loyal, caring, and understanding which makes you instantly more desirable.

As you can see, there are many more reasons why a younger girl may be trying to win your affections. Whilst it’s good to ensure her intentions are good before giving her too much of your heart, it may be she is simply just falling in love with you and not your bank balance.




It is always good to appear loving and caring in the eyes of your Thai lady. Most Thai girls work a lot, often 6 to 7 days per week.

Every challenge is coupled with an opportunity. In this case an opportunity for you how much you care about her!

Thai Phrases

Let’s go see it together.Bai Doo Dooay Kun Tur

Do you want to go with me?Yark Bai Kub Pom Mai

Are you busy at the moment?Taun Nee Koon Waang Rue Plaao

You work too much.Koon Tum Ngaan Nuk Bai Na

I will take good care of you!Pom Ja Doo Lae Koon Eeng


Our Favorite


Siam Ocean worldLuckily for you and your special Thai girl, the possibilities for fun and romantic dates in Bangkok are just endless. If you’re out of dating ideas on land, then it’s time to take her for a dive into the underwater world. Don’t worry, Siam Ocean World located in the basement of Siam Paragon is extremely convenient to get to and you won’t even have to get wet!

A day at the aquarium is a great chance for you to connect with your date and learn more about her personality while the two of you enjoy looking at the living treasures of the ocean. We’ve witnessed plenty of Thaidatefinder.com couples enjoying their underwater world adventures together at Siam Ocean World. With two whole levels and seven different zones of 30,000 marine life and 400 aquatic species, there’s so much to explore with your date!


Your oceanic journey will take you and your Thai lady through several different zones: Weird and Wonderful, Open Ocean, Deep Reef, Rainforest, Rocky Shore, Living Ocean, and Sea Jellies. Don’t be surprised if you feel the therapeutic and calming effect of fish gazing gazing as you watch the marine life gently swish by. As you’re walking through the glass tunnel with an un-obstructed view of the underwater kingdom, your date might be startled by a sudden sighting of a large stingray or ragged-tooth shark so be sure you’re ready to hold her hand when she gets a little spooked!

If you want to really impress your date, we suggest you take a leap of faith right into the shark tank! There’s an opportunity for you to go diving with the sharks at Siam Ocean World, and if you’re Thai girl is brave enough it could be an amazing bonding experience for you two!

A regular contributor to Date Thai Ladies, Yvonne live in Bangkok near the Chao Phraya River. When she's not writing, Yvonne loves to get relaxing facials and massages. An avid reader, her favorite author remains Roald Dahl.

Yvonne Liang COLuMNisT


if you have questions about dating and meeting one of our pre-screened Thai ladies, then chances are you will find the answers here. if not, please contact us and we will update this section to help other members in future newsletter issues.

How old are the ladies?

The minimum age to apply to the Thai Lady Date Finder™ and our Thai Lady Dating events™ programs is 21.

The majority of the ladies on our site are in their late 20’s to mid-30’s, with some in their more mature 50’s.

Do the ladies speak english?

Most of the ladies speak english quite well, though some need more practice.We stress to the ladies the importance of english, and many of them are currently studying or have studied english in the past. We also have plans to introduce english language products in our store.

We find that Thai ladies improve their english dramatically when entering a relationship with a Western man. As these women are serious about building a strong bond with their partners, they make it a point to study english, even if it’s only after they meet the right match.

it’s also a good idea for Western men

to learn some basic Thai, as not only is it good manners to be able to express greetings, thanks, or kindness in social situations, they might find it useful if they need to communicate with their lady’s family!

How will i communicate with the ladies online?

it depends on whether you are “connected” to that lady or not.if you’re not connected, you can send a Kiss, send an e-Card, send a Gift or send an invitation to Connect with you. Of course, you can also receive the same.

Once a “Connection Request” is accepted you and the other lady will be able to, additionally, send e-Cards with personalized messages, send e-mail, use iM chat and use Web Cam.

should you wish to share private contact details with each other, that’s fine. You’re “connections” will remain yours. We are not there to squeeze every penny out of our members with crazy schemes like “pay for an email address” or “pay per minute chat”.

You can use this knowledge to find what YOu seek in our Members section.

To make the most of your newfound knowledge come and join us on the inside where you can meet a many pre-

[email protected]


screened Thai women who are waiting for a man like you to cherish and respect them, and to find true, long-lasting love and live happily ever after.

Join us on our next Live Dating Tour event.

These women are highly intelligent. They know what they want and they are fun to be around. We should know because we interviewed and screened each one of them in person.

Meet them now in person. Click here to register for a Live Dating Tour event.


Legal disclaimer and terms of use. Although Meet Me Now Bangkok Co., Ltd. believes the content to be accurate, complete and current, Meet Me Now Bangkok Co., Ltd. makes no warranty as to the accurancy, completeness or currency of the content. It is your responsibility to verify any information before relying on it. None of the information contained herein should be construed as legal advice, nor is anyone associated with Meet Me Now Bangkok Co., Ltd. engaged in the practice of law. If you need legal advice, please seek the advice of independent legal counsel. The information and resources contained in this publication are beased on the current Internet marketing enviroment. Because the Internet is constantly changing, the sites and services presented in this publication may change, cease, or expand over time. We are not responsible for any changes that may affect.


What’s in Store Next Week?

Next week we put the spotlight onto another amazing Thai woman. Meet Sureeporn.

In the final part of our 7-part series about Western-Thai relationships we will look at “Being VS Doing – What Your Thai Partner Will NEVER Tell You.”

We’ll also give you advice on some of the medical treatments you can have in Thailand with our “Complete Guide to Surgery in Thailand For Men.”

And we’ll help you stay on the right side of your new loves family by teaching you “Important Family Customs In Thailand - Very Important to Learn These If You’re Dating a Thai!”

I know newsletter #9 is going to be a goldmine of valuable information for you so keep your eye out for it same time next week.

As always we will feature a new set of handy Thai phrases to help you make new acquaintances and communicate better with our Thai women.

Don’t put your happiness on hold a moment longer. We look forward to helping you find love.



Meet Me Now Bangkok Co, Ltd33/7 Soi Pipat 2

Convent Road,SilomBangkokThailand10500

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