+ All Categories
  • To: BSA/AIA Board of Directors and BSA Foundation Board of Trustees Fr: Gregory Minott AIA, President, and Ted Touloukian AIA, Chair Re: March Joint Boards meeting agenda Date: Thursday, March 4, 2021

    This meeting will convene via Zoom at 8:30 am on Thursday, March 11.

    8:30 am Call to order • Approval of the Joint Boards minutes from the February 5 Board meeting

    [VOTE]8:35 am Meeting introduction and expectations

    Greg Minott AIA and Ted Touloukian AIA

    8:40 am Highlight of one BSA program – Kindergarten program with BPS

    8:45 am Strategic Focus - Visioning & goals for Equity, Environment and Advancing Architecture

    • Review of the process and timetable• Review of board retreat• Breakout group discussions between the Strategy Groups and the Boards

    retreat working groups

    9:40 am BSA Website Communications Planning Update Paige McWhorter

    9:50 am Advocacy update Jenny Effron

    9:55 am Update on BSA/AIA and BSA Foundation Governance planning Eric White

    10:00 am Adjourn


    February meeting minutes p. 2 BSA/AIA Scorecard p. 3 Boards Orientation PPT p. 13 Governance Task Force Calendar p. 48

    Supplemental Materials

    Link to 2021 Board Book

    2021 BSA/AIA Board List 2021 BSA Foundation Board List 2021 BSA Board Meeting Dates BSA/AIA Strategic Plan BSA Foundation Strategic Plan BSA Organizational Chart Faces of the BSA Staff

    Note: It is the practice of the BSA and its members to comply strictly with all laws, including federal and state antitrust laws that apply to AIA operations and activities. Accordingly, this meeting will be conducted in full compliance with those laws.

    Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Statement: Equity, diversity, and inclusion are fundamental to the values reflected in our code of professional ethics and must be fostered throughout our organization, the profession, our workplaces, and communities. We strive to cultivate a sense of safety and belonging for all individuals while creating an atmosphere of deep collaboration that cuts across demographic and hierarchical lines.


  • February 5, 2021 Minutes of the BSA/AIA and BSA Foundation Board Meeting

    Present BSA/AIA: Anda French AIA, Andrea Love AIA, Brooke Helgerson AIA, Courtney Jacobovits, Dan Perruzzi AIA, Diana Nicklaus AIA, Ellen Watts FAIA, Gregory Minott AIA, Jacob Knowles, Mark Rukamathu AIA, Paul Hajian AIA, Paul Pettigrew AIA, Seth Riseman Assoc. AIA, Susan Blomquist AIA, Taylor Cain, Tim Love FAIA, William Ruhl FAIA, Yanel de Angel AIA, Zhanina Boyadzhieva AIA, Anthony Piermarini AIA, Natasha Espada AIA

    BSA Foundation: Laura Wernick FAIA, Bennet Heart, Bud Ris, David Silverman AIA, Meera Deean, Patrick Cafferty, Peter Kuttner FAIA, Ted Touloukian AIA, Greg Bialecki, Rebecca Berry AIA

    Absent Eric Krauss, Richard Taylor, Jeffrey Burchard AIA, Sam Batchelor AIA, Ken Willis AIA

    Staff Susan Green, Eric White, Taylor Johnson, Ben Peterson, Brian Keefe, Caitlin Hart, Erika Shea, Jenny Effron, Li Lam, Maia Erslev, Michela Davola, Paige McWhorter, Patricia Olshan, Polly Carpenter, Wandy Pascoal, Billy Craig, Karolina Hac

    Call to Order Noting the presence of a quorum, President Minott and Chair Touloukian called the meeting to order at 3:00pm after the conclusion of the goal-setting retreat earlier that day.

    Minutes of the previous meetings

    The BSA/AIA Board VOTED to accept the minutes for the November 2020 board meeting. The BSA Foundation Board VOTED to accept the minutes for the November 2020 board meeting.

    Motion was approved: Unanimous by both boards

    Foundation Governance Committee

    Vice Chair Bennet Heart presented recommendations from the governance committee to the BSA Foundation board, recommending Ted Touloukian continue as Chair, Heart as Vice Chair, Eric Krauss as Treasurer, and Meera Deean as Secretary

    Motion to approve 2021 officers was approved: Unanimous by BSA Foundation Board

    BSA/AIA Business

    President Minott brought forth motion to establish Will Ruhl as Fellows representative for 2021.

    Motion was approved: Unanimous by BSA/AIA Board

    Other Business The boards jointly accessed areas of opportunity for volunteers within the four impact areas. BSA/AIA Treasurer Dan Perruzzi presented an updated budget for the Chapter.

    Adjourn Both boards jointly adjourned at 3:24pm.


  • Content (Program/initiative name - what are you working on?

    (each effort should have its own row))

    Content type (program, exhibition,

    resource, etc.)Program Manager

    What is it and why are we doing it? (Brief description of the program and the reason why. What is the goal?)

    Specific Timeline (what is the overall timeline

    and what are notable dates)

    Focus Area (which of the four impact areas does

    this address?)Primary Audience Goal

    Impact (What happened as a result? How did it serve the impact area?)

    Success Metric Partners Notes


    Future Decker series

    Exhibition, Program WP, JE

    Exploring this iconic housing typology as a means to host conversations about middle scale housing. Part of on-going housing fellowship work and building towards housing innovation competition 2.0

    Anti-Racist Design Workshop held on 1/20 was the last program for this exhibition

    Equity, Community, Advancing Architecture

    Architects, City of Boston, Boston residents

    Workshopped how the real estate development process from start to tenant/homeownership can begin to be purposefully anti-racist in processes, programs and outcomes

    Worked collaboratively to discuss this issue and gain further insights for the RFI and RFP process

    iLab, DND, BPDA, Youth Build

    Advocacy for Climate Bill Advocacy JE

    Letter to Governor Baker to advocate for passing the Climate Bill. Working with AIAMA to send joint letter to advocate for net zero stretch code and create business case for net zero development-show that net zero buildings are being built and are not cost prohibitive through case studies and hard data. It is affordable to tenants of affordable housing. Built Environment Plus (previously USGBC) putting together the case studies, we are partnering to show that the AEC industry is behind this being important, affordable, and doable

    Baker vetoed, Senate & House plan to send revised bill back early Feb

    Environment; Architecture

    Policy makers, advocates

    If passed, the bill would be a big win for affordable housing advocates

    If the bill gets passed and the BSA is able to connect with the real estate and business community

    AIA MA, Built Environment Plus (formerly USGBC)

    MCAN Series Program JESeries bringing together advocates in environment to help all understand issues around climate and equity

    4 part series with panels and networking sessions

    Environment; Equity

    Architects; advocates; policy makers

    Discuss how to advocate for net zero in affordable housing an continue to build coalition around this MCAN

    held session on community engagement and next networking is 2/2

    Designer Partnership Session Program SG

    Speed-networking event for Primes to meet new subs, aimed primarily at MBEs and WBEs, hosted by BosNOMA and ACEC and coordinated by DCAMM, DCHC, and DSB. Goal to connect and move along relations between MBE and WBEs to work together.

    1/7/2021 (~130 firms represented, only 13 that fit into MBE/WBE category) Next session in June, will continue as regular occurrence

    Equity/ Architecture

    BSA Member and non-member firms - architectural, engineering, construction, landscape architecture

    Still evaluating and awaiting info on MBEs and WBEs.

    ~130 firms represented, only ~13 that fit into MBE/WBE category

    BosNOMA, DCAMM, DHCD, DSB, Autocene, ACEC

    130 firms attendant, only ~13 fit into MBE WBE, need to work on outreach to greater diversity of firms. Providing tips ahead of time for next session on how to get the most out of session.

    Aga Khan exhibition and speaker seriesExhibition, Program PC

    Tied to the virtual exhibition, each session will highlight one theme, from Sustainable landscapes to public space January - June

    Advancing Architecture Architects, designers, globally minded design loversViewership of exhibition and event registration


    Homeowner's Project Handbook Resource PO

    Providing an advertising resource to Residential Architects and directory for homeowners & potential new homebuyers

    Early-bird Dec. 28, Final deadline Jan 31, Live late February (Goal) Community

    Residential Architects & Public; Community

    TBD - launching late February. Goal is to promote resources through 2021 (sm, programs)

    TBD - $50K revenue goal

    TBD - Develop distribution & media plan

    Design Awards Gala Program CH

    A celebration of recent architecture and design that is advancing the way architecture is thought of and built January 21, 2021

    Advancing Architecture

    Architects; AEC Community i

    approx. 300 attendees joined a live program to celebrate 2020 Design Award and Honors & Awards-winning projects and people; some maintenance of community that we experience annually at the in-person Gala; soft introduction of Impact areas and their importance as values embodied by winning projects

    approx. 300 attendees; active chat (engagement);

    Design Awards Program CH

    2021 Awards program restructuring to use AIA Framework for Design Excellence as framework for application for all award categories

    TBD - CFEs and related programs will launch by April; introductory programs (What submitters should expect; Intro to Framework for Design Excellence) expected in March/April; submission deadlines throughout month of August

    Advancing Architecture; Environment; Equity

    Architects; AEC Community

    TBD - use of Framework for Design Excellence in submssions and jurying will require submitters and jurors to consider environmental and EDI impacts of projects submitted; awarded projects will embody BSA valuese

    number of submissions; quality and quanitity of data shared through Framework for Design Excellence; selection of award-winning projects that clearly advance issues of practice (architecture), environment, and/or equity

    MAAB - Accessible Design Award; AIA NY - Housing Design Award

    the Framework for Design Excellence application is not short or insubstantial--though all fields will not be required, the application asks for a significant amount of information, which could be off-putting to or a challenge/barrier for submitters

    Client Conversations Program PO

    Conversation series with clients to provide project insight to architects on how clients are strategically planning their work.

    Programs will take place the second Tuesday of every month throughout 2021

    Community; Advancing Architecture

    Architects, AEC Community Series is developed with a quarterly focus, touching on environment, and advancing the profession; HSW or AIA LU provided

    Registration: 20 pax Jan: BSLA,

    KC: EPNet Planning Kickoff Program PO

    Introduction of new EPNEt co-chairs and a bi-yearly planning meeting. Goals are to layout vision & ideas for EPnet, and provide feedback to new chairs.Also hoping for an AIANY x BSA EpNet meet-up

    EPNet programs: monthly

    Advancing Architecture

    EPNet: Assoc AIA, Students, (possible mentorship from firm leaders)

    Providing structure & vision for EPNet to connect with BSA 4 focus areas; increase membership; engage student participation

    Goal: Develop a 6-month plan NA



  • January2021

    BPS Kindergarten Volunteer Training Program PC, TJ

    Training session for architects who will present to kindergarten classrooms next month. Increase pipeline for access into architecture field and interest/understanding of design. Offering around 10 languages to reach 70+ languages in BPS system.

    January: Training/info session for architects - March

    Community; Advancing Architecture; Equity

    Architects; Kindergarten classrooms & families 80 architects signed up to volunteer

    Design Education Coalition (K12) Network PC, TJ

    Consortium of local architects/organizations who provide design education to K12 students. Expands outreach and student programs. Create strong foundation for common programs/initiatives in K12 design education.

    Bi-monthly meeting

    Equity/ Community

    Architects/Design Educators

    Create solid foundation and network for design education in greater Boston area.

    Autodesk, Designery, Goody Clancy, NUVU, Design Museum, ACE Mentors, WIT, GSD

    Goal: create comprehensive website as a one-stop resource for all youth education/design

    Autodesk Webinar for High School students Program PC Webinar to introduce students to architects and architecture January 21 Equity

    K12 (HS) students

    Students connect with a BIPOC designer and see themselves in the architecture progfession Autodesk

    Rotch Travelling Scholarship Competition Program CH/PO

    Travelling scholarship that awards one emerging architect $40,000 to travel and research architecture

    Qualifying applications due January 15; preliminary competition runs February 11 - February 15; final competition runs March 12 - March 22

    Advancing Architecture

    Emerging architects (participants must have BArch or MArch and ties to Massachusetts) TBD

    Rotch Committee and Rotch Board

    The expectations of this travelling scholarship have been adjusted to account for the health and safety issues posed by COVID.

    Policy for the Architect Advocate Program JE, WP

    Worked with Housing and Urban Design KnoCos to talk about how architects can be involved with policy changes in their communities (used Cambridge and Minneapolis zoning reform as examples

    Held a session in January and will hopefully have a follow up soon

    Advancing Architecture, Community Architects

    Engage architects in policy issues in their communities

    Knowledge Communities

    Content (Program/initiative name - what are you working on?

    (each effort should have its own row))

    Content type (program, exhibition,

    resource, etc.)Program Manager

    What is it and why are we doing it? (Brief description of the program and the reason why. What is the goal?)

    Specific Timeline (what is the overall timeline

    and what are notable dates)

    Focus Area (which of the four impact areas does

    this address?)Primary Audience Goal

    Impact (What happened as a result? How did it serve the impact area?)

    Success Metric Partners Notes


    Profiles Member feature Mark Pasnik, Jean Caroon

    Bi-weekly, feature in Currents Community

    Homeowner's Project Handbook Resource PO

    Providing an advertising resource to Residential Architects and directory for homeowners & potential new homebuyers

    Early-bird Dec. 28, Final deadline Jan 31, Live late February (Goal)February: Proof listings, content; confirm distribution plans Community

    Residential Architects & Public; Community

    Goal is to promote resources through 2021 (sm, programs). Goal is to show homeowners why an architect is valuable and necessary for home renovations and builds

    TBD - $50K revenue goal. Homeowners use as resource to work with architects and find an architect

    TBD - Develop distribution & media plan

    Use as a resource for residential architects/design professionals and for broader public/homeowners

    Client Conversations Program PO

    Conversation series with clients to provide project insight to architects on how clients are strategically planning their work.

    Programs will take place the second Tuesday of every month throughout 2021

    Community; Advancing Architecture

    Architects, AEC Community Series is developed with a quarterly focus, touching on environment, and advancing the profession; HSW or AIA LU provided

    Feb: Healthcare - AIA AAH network

    ARE Relaunch Resource PO

    The first of 2021 Kickoffs. 2021 goals include collaborating with AIANY for Study Groups and EPNet collab to update content and structure pages. Goal to provide resources and show how to study for the AREs.

    Quarterly Q1: Feb 10 Q2: June Q3: Sept Q4: Nov/Dec (Celebration?)

    Advancing Architecture

    Assoc AIA, EPNet, Students, BosNOMA(?) Providing resources for ARE exams

    BSA is go-to resource to successfully study for and pass the AREs

    Chatting with AIANY to merge efforts

    KC: EPNet Program PO

    Monthly program: Ask Hiring Managers: Panel Discussion & Small Conversations; Update Website with new content, focus, resources

    Panel: Thursday, February 25 6pm-7:30pm

    Advancing Architecture

    EPNet, Assoc AIA, those studying for the ARE

    TBD: Panel on hiring tips (e.g. speed date resume/portfolio review, panel discussion by hiring managers, advice on how to get a job, etc.)

    Increase participation; work with EPNet to set goals

    Plan to meet with AIANY EPNet chairs to coordinate efforts & resources, potentially merge initiatives, partner with YDPDI for training skills workshops


  • February2021

    Race and Architecture Program PO

    The initiative builds upon 3 circular focus gaps from 2020 Listening series and to develop impact in areas that inequity within our society and profession, and demonstrate how architecture and design can make an impact through education, practice, and community. Repositioning to think about series as an incubator

    TBC - Monthly programs may vary with a goal of a mini-Symposium (June—mini-pitch day), and then select & further develop most compelling ideas gathered as a result of the call. Larger Fall Symposium? Equity

    Architects, AEC Community

    This event will be a brainstorming session to determine measurable objectives for the 2021 Race and Architecture initiative under three areas of focus gaps:


    Participation & forming larger consistent working groups

    On the Same Page (sub-committee of EDI Network) Program SG

    Bring people together to discuss media (books, films, etc.) around EDI issues in the AEC industry - book club format with monthly suggested reading/viewing Meets monthly Equity

    AEC Community

    Consistently meeting over a period of time (one year and beyond?) with a core audience to keep the conversation going.

    Possibly hosting authors to join in the discussion on Zoom.

    YW Boston Resource JE; CH

    EDI training and action plan for equity for staff and board members. The idea is to take actionable steps towards a more equitable BSA and to be a resource for firms and members

    The work started in fall 2020 and will continue through 2021. The next meeting is 3.19 to settle on the Equity Action Plan and start doing the work Equity

    BSA staff, board In process

    Policies, procedures and daily practices within the BSA and the places where BSA members work are more transparent, equitable, inclusive YW Boston This is paid consultant work

    Public Appointments Committee JE

    Many towns are required, by statute, to have an architect on their public commissions that is nominated by their local AIA chapter. COPA is the group that reviews applications as they come in and makes the nominations to local commissions

    This is an ongoing process. There are currently two open calls for Winchester and Belmont. Architecture BSA members

    BSA has opportunity to place members on public boards that impact the built environment. This is an opportunity to diversify these historically homogeneous bodies

    Number of appointments and number of female and or minority appointments

    Towns and cities seeking appointments

    COPA=Design Excellence Committee right now and we need to create a system for new COPA members to join as well

    Vision Chelsea Creek

    Collaborative Community Design Project BP

    In collaboration with The Harborkeepers (East Boston), the BSLA, SCAPE, and Utile - Phase 1 of a visioning process to develop socially and ecologically resilient design strategies for Chelsea Creek

    Project began in May 2020 - phase 1 to be completed by December 2020. On-going stakeholder and public engagement including monthly, targeted workshops with public audiences and critical stakeholders.


    Local stakeholders, businesses, community members, city reps, and public/semi-public agencies (MassPort, etc.)

    Phase 1 report - producing 4 catalytic visions (A network of greenways, a resilient edge, an urban boulevard, a working waterfront) to be completed by December and distributed in the new year.

    The Harborkeepers, BSLA, SCAPE, Utile


    Net Zero Case Studies Resource JE

    Built Environment Plus (BE+) is collecting case studies of Net Zero buildings and retrofits in order to make the economic case for these types of buildings. BSA is assisting with outreach and follow up

    A draft has been released and the next iteration is forthcoming Environment

    Architects and Engineers

    Resource for architects, engineers, property owners and developers to understand better how to build net zero.

    legislation and regulation to create a strong statewide net-zero opt-in stretch building code BE+, AIA/MA


    Arch Design Bootcamp Program PC

    Collaboration with the Boston PIC, Finegold Alexander, Goody Clancy, HMFH and Sasaki on 4 days of design activities for 16 Boston High School students Feb 16-19 Equity

    K12 Students (HS) and 10 architect presenters

    Students gained a new understanding, and interest n the career if architecture. 60% of students expressed interest in pursuing an architecture internship. 100% of students from under-represented populations

    Student feedback survey

    Boston Private Industry Council [PIC].,Finegold Alexander, Goody Clancy, HMFH and Sasaki

    Autodesk Webinar for Elementary students Program PC

    Architectural designer Christna Schaller shares her path to architecture wit BPS grade 4-5 students as part of CTE week Feb 12 Equity

    Grade 4-5 students

    Students connect with a BIPOC designer and see themselves in the architecture progfession Autodesk



  • Rotch Travelling Scholarship - Preliminary Competition Program CH/PO

    Preliminary 3-day competition - blind jury to select 3-5 pepole to move onto the final comeptition; Travelling scholarship that awards one emerging architect $40,000 to travel and research architecture

    February 25 (jury)

    Advancing Architecture

    Emerging architects (participants must have BArch or MArch and ties to Massachusetts)

    Four finalists were selected to compete in the final competition, along with the 2020 runner-up

    34 out of 73 eligible applicants participated (pretty typical)

    Rotch Committee and Rotch Board

    All finalists selected during the blind jury were men who graduated from the GSD; the jury and committee are considering ways to build a more diverse pool of applicants for this award, including more robust outreach, a reconsideration of deliverables, a reconsideration of demographic information available to jurors

    Design Education Coalition (K12) Network PC, TJ

    Consortium of local architects/organizations who provide design education to K12 students. Expands outreach and student programs. Create strong foundation for common programs/initiatives in K12 design education.

    Bi-monthly meeting

    Equity/ Community

    Architects/Design Educators

    Create solid foundation and network for design education in greater Boston area.

    Autodesk, Designery, Goody Clancy, NUVU, Design Museum, ACE Mentors, WIT, GSD

    Goal: create comprehensive website as a one-stop resource for all youth education/design


    Content type (program, exhibition,

    resource, etc.)Program Manager What is it and why are we doing it? (One sentence)

    Specific Timeline Focus Area

    Primary Audience Goal Impact

    Success Metric Partners Notes

    March2021 BSA + BPS

    Kindergarten Presentations Program PC, TJ

    Volunteer architects present to kindergarten classrooms as part of thethier Our Boston, Construction curriculum unit. March 1 - 15 Equity

    K12 Students (K-5), 80 architect volunteers

    Architect and teacher surveys

    Boston Public Schools

    Path to Fellowship Program SG

    An information session led by Peter Kuttner FAIA to demystify the application for fellowship process and to encourage recognition of outstanding careers in Architecture by AIA members. March 4

    Advancing Architecture

    All eligible AIA and their representatives

    Members elevated to fellowship

    Homeowner's Project Handbook Resource PO

    Providing an advertising resource to Residential Architects and directory for homeowners & potential new homebuyers

    Est Launch: March 11 Community

    Residential Architects & Public; Community

    TBD - Goal is to promote resources throught 2021 (sm, programs)

    TBD - $50K revenue goal

    TBD - Develop distribution & media plan

    Client Conversations Program PO

    Conversation series with clients to provide project insight to architects on how clients are strategically planning their work. March session: Tour of BU Sciences

    Programs will take place the second Tuesday of every month throughout 2021

    Community; Advancing Architecture

    Architects, AEC Community Series is developed with a quarterly focus, touching on environment, and advancing the profession; HSW or AIA LU provided

    TBD: Climate, Resiliency, Higher Ed

    ARE Relaunch Resource PO

    Work with EPNet (and ARE Advisory?) to update ARE Program page to provide more resources; AIANY ARE Study Sessions collaboration (March-October) Monthly

    Advancing Architecture

    Assoc AIA, EPNet, Students, BosNOMA(?) Providing resources for ARE exams

    Provide resources that are usefule, aspirational (not just logistical)

    KC: EPNet Program PO

    Monthly programs:March 22 - EPMA NetworkingMarch 29 - ARE Panel & AMA (tbc) monthly

    Advancing Architecture

    EPNet, Assoc AIA TBC

    Increase participation; work with EPNet to set goals

    Race and Architecture Program PO

    Development of an incubator platform to to solve systemic issues in the built environment through a racial equity lens.

    TBC - possible monthly roundtables, June Symposium, November symposium Equity

    Architects, AEC Community

    Fundraising/Sponsorship; development of both new and established concepts

    Rotch Travelling Scholarship Competition

    Program, Competition PO, CH

    An annual two-stage design competition for emerging professionals (degree from MA or work expereince in MA) that results in one person, deemed the Rotch Scholar, traveling the world for at least six months studying architecture with a $40K stipend

    Yearlong planning, meetings, compettion, marketingCompetition February - March 26 (final Jury)

    Advancing Architecture Assoc AIA

    Rotch Trustees designated the BSA as award management

    Diversity of applications (future metric)

    Future Decker Request for Ideas (RFI) Competition WP, JE

    Seeking innovative ideas from architects, housing advocates and community members for middle-scale affordable housing on city-owned infill lots in Boston. This is the first phase of a two-phased competition

    RFI release late March and submissions due 6-8 weeks later.

    Community; Advancing Architecture; Equity

    Architects, Boston Community Orgs, Housing Advocates

    Number of non-traditional applicants, range of ideas for new housing typology, overall interest in the concept

    Boston's Housing Innovation Lab

    There is a small grant for offering technical assistance to community groups for this portion of the work as well

    Apprentice Learnng Interns Program PC, TJ


  • March2021

    BEC Wagdy Anis Symposium call for abstracts

    Program, Call for Abstracts SG

    A symposium hosted by the Building Enclosure Council in honor of Wagdy Anis focused on high-performance building enclosures for durability and energy conservation.

    Abstracts are due April 16, 2021 with a tentative symposium date of September 23, 2021

    Advancing Architecture, Environment

    AEC professionals


    Content type (program, exhibition,

    resource, etc.)Program Manager What is it and why are we doing it? (One sentence)

    Specific Timeline Focus Area

    Primary Audience Goal Impact

    Success Metric Partners Notes

    April 2021

    KC: EPNet Program POMonthly programs:April: TBC Panel? Start of FeedBack applications


    Date: TBCAdvancing Architecture

    EPNet, Assoc AIA TBC

    Increase participation; work with EPNet to set goals

    ARE Prep Program POCollaboration with AIANY + EPNet for ARE Study Sessions to encourage & motivate ARE licensure

    March 13 - October 16

    Advancing Architecture

    EPNet, Assoc AIA Increase ARE prep & licensure

    TBD - participation AIANY

    Client Conversations Program PO

    Conversation series with clients to provide project insight to architects on how clients are strategically planning their work. April session: Life Sciences & Sustainability with Alexandria Real Estate.

    Scientific research is one of the greatest drivers of the Boston economy – and, one of the greatest drivers of greenhouse gas emissions. Alexandria Real Estate is building a 500,000 GSF core-shell lab that will approach fossil fuel free for space heating and will discuss their strategy.

    Programs will take place the second Tuesday of every month throughout 2021

    April 13

    Community; Advancing Architecture

    Architects, AEC Community Series is developed with a quarterly focus, touching on environment, and advancing the profession; HSW or AIA LU provided

    Revenue & Attendance goals:$2-2.5K, 50-70/month

    SMPS, BE+, PassiveHouse MA

    Race and Architecture Program PO

    Development of an incubator platform to to solve systemic issues in the built environment through a racial equity lens.

    TBC - possible monthly roundtables, June Symposium, November symposiumApril target: Announce call for submissions

    Equity; Advancing Architecture

    Architects, AEC Community

    TBD - this could be a multi-year initiative, platform

    Fundraising/Sponsorship; development of both new and established concepts

    Homeowners Project Handbook Resource PO

    Providing an advertising resource to Residential Architects and directory for homeowners & potential new homebuyers

    Launch in MarchMarch - Spring: Distribution and marketing planning and outreach Community

    Residential Architects & Public; CommunityFocus on Home Associations for Distribution

    Exposure for BSA MembersAccess (via distribution) to Homeowners and public TBD (ongoing)

    Rotch Travelling Scholarship Competition

    Program, Competition PO, CH

    An annual two-stage design competition for emerging professionals (degree from MA or work expereince in MA) that results in one person, deemed the Rotch Scholar, traveling the world for at least six months studying architecture with a $40K stipend

    Yearlong planning, meetings, compettion, marketingFinal Jury/competition: March 26Develop marketing plans for:1) Winner2) Rotch Finalists3) exhibition?4) diversity outreach for 2022

    Advancing Architecture Assoc AIA

    Rotch Trustees designated the BSA as award management

    Diversity of applications (future metric)

    Matter + Opinion: Existing Buildings Program series CH

    Series of regular (monthly) educational panels and working sessions centered on existing buildings and climate action. In a landscape of high-performing new construction, existing buildings are underrecognized as key to meeting our climate goals

    Advisory group to convene in March; series to launch April or May 2021 and continue through 2021

    Environment, Advancing Architecture, Equity

    Architects, AEC Community

    TBD - Existing buildings are recognized as being key to meeting Boston's carbon/climate goals; approached as compelling design challenges; appreciated as critical built and cultural infrastructure in our city and in our communities TBD

    TBD - potential partners: APTNE, Boston Preservation Alliance, City of Boston

    Arch Design Bootcamp Program PC

    Collaboration with the Boston PIC, Finegold Alexander, Goody Clancy, HMFH and Sasaki on 4 days of design activities for 16 Boston High School students Feb 16-19 Equity

    K12 Students (HS) and 10 architect presenters

    Student feedback survey

    Boston Private Industry Council [PIC].,Finegold Alexander, Goody Clancy, HMFH and Sasaki


  • April 2021

    Design Awards: What submitters need to know Program CH

    Presentation for all BSA Design Award submitters to learn about changes to submission process, hear from past successful submitters, and ask questions/give feedback about awards submission April 28

    Advancing Architecture, Enviroment, Equity

    Architects; AEC marketing professionals

    For submitters: Greater clarity/transparency around BSA Design Awards categories and processes; opportunity to ask questions and give feedback to improve processes in future. For BSA staff: Opportunity to receive feedback and improve member/submitter experience; opporuntiy to communicate BSA values.

    Attendance by and understanding from regular BSA Design Awards submitters

    BSA Marketing & PR Network

    Introduction to the Framework for Design Excellence Program CH

    High-level presentation about the AIA Framework for Design Excellence as a basic introduction to the Framework principles. TBD

    Advancing Architecture, Enviroment, Equity

    Architects; AEC marketing professionals

    Intended to inform BSA Design Awards submitters and general BSA membership about the Framework, which provides questions/considerations that should be asked about all projects, their inputs, and and their impacts

    Basic understanding of Framework principles across attendees


  • Content/TaskProgram Manager What is it and why are we doing it?

    Specific Timeline

    Focus Area (Optional)

    Primary Audience (Optional) Impact (Optional)

    Success Metric

    (Optional) NotesJanuary


    Sales/Sponsorship BK

    Increasing and diversifying revenue streams Ongoing AEC community

    Gala had 15 sponsors; BK also secured two new BSA members; Currents now has 9 new sponsors for 2021

    Homeowner's Project Handbook PO

    Providing an adverting resource to Residential Architects and directory for homeowners & potential new homebuyers

    Early-bird Dec. 28, Reg deadline Jan. 31, Live late February (Goal) Community

    Residential Architects & Public; Community

    TBD - launching late February. Goal is to promote resources throught 2021 (sm, programs)

    TBD - $50K revenue goal

    Client Conversations PO

    Conversation series with clients to provide project insight to architects on how clients are strategically planning their work.

    Programs will take place the second Tuesday of every month throughout 2021

    Community; Advancing Architecture

    Architects, AEC Community

    Registration: 20 pax

    KC: EpNet Planning Kickoff PO

    Introduction of new EPNEt co-chairs and a bi-yearly planning meeting. Goals are to layout vision & ideas for EPnet, and provide feedback to new chairs. Also hoping for an AIANY x BSA EpNet meet-up

    EPNet programs: monthly

    Advancing Architecture

    EPNet: Assoc AIA, Students, (possible mentorship from firm leaders)

    Providing structure & vision for EPNet to connect with BSA 4 focus areas; increase membership; engage student participation

    Goal: Develop a 6-month plan

    BSA Dues Renewals ES

    Coordinating renewals for the BSA/AIA members with the national office of the AIA and creating renewals for the local-only memberships with correspondance, collect dues revenue for the year year long

    BSA/AIA members and BSA-only members

    BSA Space BC

    Beginning talks with Boston Properties on financial relief and/or rethinking BSA Space to a better finanical end Q1 Bus Ops all BSA Financial; member services Decreased rent

    PPP LL/BC/EW Covid relief funding Q1 Bus Ops all BSA FinancialLoan turned grant

    401k Plan Audit LL/BC/EW Randomly pick to be auditedSept20 - Due 1-29-21 Bus Ops

    Regular Audit LL/BC/EW ascertian accuracy of our books Feb21-Apr21? Bus Ops

    DGC LL/BC/EW Accounting Consultant Bus Opselevate the efficiency in Accounting

    Earned Media Strategy and Outreach with Karma PM

    Having media tell the story of the BSA's work and impact in the industry and community



  • January2021

    Redesign newsletters PM

    Redesign Currents and Monthly newsletters for easier naigation and impact-based messaging

    Design in Jan, Deploy in Feb

    Content/TaskProgram Manager What is it and why are we doing it?

    Specific Timeline

    Focus Area (Optional)

    Primary Audience (Optional) Impact (Optional)

    Success Metric

    (Optional) NotesFeb 2021

    Homeowner's Project Handbook Resource

    Providing an adverting resource to Residential Architects and directory for homeowners & potential new homebuyers

    Early-bird Dec. 28, Reg deadline Jan. 13, Live late February (Goal) Community

    Residential Architects & Public; Community

    TBD - launching late February. Goal is to promote resources throught 2021 (sm, programs)

    TBD - $50K revenue goal

    TBD - Develop distribution & media plan

    Client Conversations Program

    Conversation series with clients to provide project insight to architects on how clients are strategically planning their work.

    Programs will take place the second Tuesday of every month throughout 2021

    Community; Advancing Architecture

    Architects, AEC Community

    Series is developed with a quarterly focus, touching on environment, and advancing the profession; HSW or AIA LU provided

    Feb: AIA AAH network

    ARE Relaunch Resource

    The first of 2021 Kickoffs. 2021 goals include collaborating with AIANY for Study Groups and EPNet collab to update content and structure pages.

    Quarterly Q1: Feb 10 Q2: June Q3: Sept Q4: Nov/Dec (Celebration?)

    Advancing Architecture

    Assoc AIA, EPNet, Students, BosNOMA(?)

    Providing resources for ARE exams TBD

    KC: EPNet ProgramMonthly programs; Update Website with new content, focus, resources monthly

    Advancing Architecture

    EPNet, Assoc AIA

    TBD: Panel on hiring tips (e.g. speed date resume/portfolio review, panel discussion by hiring managers, advice on how to get a job, etc.)

    Increase participation; work with EPNet to set goals

    Race and Architecture Program

    The initiative builds upon 3 circular focus gaps from 2020 Listening series and to develop impact in areas that inequity within our society and profession, and demonstrate how architecture and design can make an impact through education, practice, and community.

    TBC - Monthly programs may vary with a goal of a mini-Symposium (June?) and larger Fall Symposium

    Advancing Architecture; Equity

    Architects, AEC Community

    This event will be a brainstorming session to determine measurable objectives for the 2021 Race and Architecture initiative under three areas of focus gaps:


    Participation & forming larger consistent working groups

    Corporate Supporter renewals MD

    Begin engagement with CS up for renewal at end of 2021 Ongoing All Current CS Continued financial support Goal: 275k

    Goal includes new and renewing corporate supporters

    BSA Dues Renewals ES

    Coordinating renewals for the BSA/AIA members with the national office of the AIA and creating renewals for the local-only memberships with correspondance, collect dues revenue for the year year long

    BSA/AIA members and BSA-only members


  • Feb 2021

    Newsletter redesign PM

    The monthly@BSA newsletter and Currents have been redesigned to give readers impact-first content and easy digestion of work from the BSA

    Launched new designs first week of February

    Content/TaskProgram Manager What is it and why are we doing it?

    Specific Timeline

    Focus Area (Optional)

    Primary Audience (Optional) Impact (Optional)

    Success Metric

    (Optional) NotesMarch 2021

    Homeowner'sProject Handbook PO

    Providing an adverting resource to Residential Architects and directory for homeowners & potential new homebuyers

    Launch BY March 1 (target) Community

    Residential Architects & Public; Community

    TBD - Goal is to promote resources throught 2021 (sm, programs)

    TBD - $50K revenue goal

    Client Conversations PO

    Conversation series with clients to provide project insight to architects on how clients are strategically planning their work.

    Programs will take place the second Tuesday of every month throughout 2021

    Community; Advancing Architecture

    Architects, AEC Community

    ARE Relaunch PO

    Work with EPNet (and ARE Advisory?) to update ARE Program page to provide more resources; including mentorship series(?), content, NCARB updates, etc Monthly

    Advancing Architecture

    Assoc AIA, EPNet, Students, BosNOMA(?)

    Provide resources that are usefule, aspirational (not just logistical)

    KC: EPNet POMonthly programs; Update Website with new content, focus, resources monthly

    Advancing Architecture

    EPNet, Assoc AIA TBC

    Increase participation; work with EPNet to set goals

    Race and Architecture PO

    The initiative builds upon 3 circular focus gaps from 2020 Listening series and to develop impact in areas that inequity within our society and profession, and demonstrate how architecture and design can make an impact through education, practice, and community.

    TBC - Monthly programs may vary with a goal of a mini-Symposium (June?) and larger Fall Symposium Equity

    Architects, AEC Community

    Participation & forming larger consistent working groups

    Quarterly report MD/KHOutreach and update to all high level donors Quarterly All

    Corporate Supporters/Major Gift donors Outreach

    Annual appeal MD/KH Extend umbrella ask to all contacts

    Ongoing through year. Ends Dec 31st. All All 18k

    Corporate Supporter renewals MD

    Begin engagement with CS up for renewal at end of 2021 Ongoing All Current CS Continued financial support Goal: 275k

    Goal includes new and renewing corporate supporters

    BSA Dues Renewals ES

    Coordinating renewals for the BSA/AIA members with the national office of the AIA and creating renewals for the local-only memberships with correspondance, collect dues revenue for the year year long

    BSA/AIA members and BSA-only members


  • March 2021

    Website Enhancements PM

    Restructuring architects.org for enhancements to navigation and structure of pages and content engagement

    ABX BC

    TBD if 2021 event will happen. Planning as if it will not. This is not BSA's decision and we will work with KC's to host their ABX symposiums directly.

    BSA Space BC

    In continued discussions with BP around rent relief and reimagining both the space and our partnership.

    BSA Space BCBooked first event rental of the pandemic era for October!

    BSA Space BC

    As of Feb 1, Shepley and BSA have license agreement for up to 4 SB staff to work out of BSA Space offices. Agreement is month-to-month.

    Membership Committee BC

    2021 work to focus on 1) welcome packet for new members, and 2) expressing "value of membership" graphically

    Monthly meetings, but annual (2021) timeline. Group = 9 elected members w 3 turning over annually. AA

    BSA/AIA members

    Goal of increased member engagement and therefore larger impact base.

    Staff Health Ins BCnegotiating new plan to save $ and deliver same benefits

    Staff 401k BC Added ESG funds to mix

    Content/TaskProgram Manager What is it and why are we doing it?

    Specific Timeline

    Focus Area (Optional)

    Primary Audience (Optional) Impact (Optional)

    Success Metric

    (Optional) NotesApril2021

    Corporate Supporter renewals MD

    Begin engagement with CS up for renewal at end of 2021 Ongoing All Current CS Continued financial support Goal: 275k

    Goal includes new and renewing corporate supporters

    BSA Dues Renewals ES

    Coordinating renewals for the BSA/AIA members with the national office of the AIA and creating renewals for the local-only memberships with correspondance, collect dues revenue for the year year long

    BSA/AIA members and BSA-only members

    Regular Audit LL/BC/EW ascertian accuracy of our books Feb21-Apr21? Bus Ops

    Quarterly report MD/KHOutreach and update to all high level donors Quarterly All

    Corporate Supporters/Major Gift donors Outreach

    Annual appeal MD/KH Extend umbrella ask to all contacts

    Ongoing through year. Ends Dec 31st. All All 18k



  • 2021 BSA’s Board of Directors and Board of Trustees Orientation


  • The BSA, Boston Society for Architecture* Name, philosophies, working together* BSA/AIA* BSA Foundation* Organizational Structure

    Roles & responsibilities of a Board Member* Roles & responsibilities of the Board & staff* Expectations of Board members* Resources

    Introduction to BSA, chapter and foundation financesQ & A



  • ARCHITECTURE IS FOR EVERYONEThe Boston Society for Architecture is a community committed to

    improving the quality of life for everyone through architecture and design.


  • The BSA - Boston Society for Architecture


  • BSA Foundation Strategic Plan


  • BSA Foundation Strategic Map


  • BSA Foundation - PUBLICPrograms, Activities, etc.:

    Youth & Public EducationCommunity DesignPolicy

    Development/FundraisingBusiness DevelopmentCommunicationsFinanceGovernanceOperations

    BSA/AIA - ProfessionalProgram, Activities, etc.:

    Professional EducationPracticePolicy

    Professional AdvocacyBusiness DevelopmentCommunicationsFinanceGovernanceOperationsMembership

    BSA/AIA & BSA Foundation Focus


  • BSA 2020






  • • 2nd Largest – 4,500 members - over 3,500 AIA and another 1,000 Allied members

    • Nearly 50 active committees• 600 Hours in Continuing Education –

    conferences, programs, services….• Leadership at the National level of AIA• Strong financial position

    National Leader in AIABSA/AIA National Leader in AIA


  • AIA National Organization Chart


  • • In 2019 3,500 youth in BSA education programs- 60% from under-resourced neighborhoods.(2016 were 1,000 and 10%)

    • 2016 – 2020 25+ community design projects• BSA actively engaged in civic policy on

    environment/climate, housing, & urbanplanning through lens of design equity.

    • Budget grown:2013 - $60,000 2020 - $1M

    BSA Foundation Highlights


  • BSA Organizational ChartBSA Members

    BSA Board BSA Foundation Board

    BSA Executive Committee BSA Foundation Executive Committee

    Executive DirectorEric White

    Managing DirectorBilly Craig

    Policy DirectorSenior Program Manager Controller Jenny EffronCaitlin Hart Li Lam

    Housing FellowSenior Program Manager Marketing/Com Asst. Dir. Wandy PascoalPatricia Olshan Paige McWhorter

    Public Education DirectorCommittee & Techn. Manager Mark./Com Manager Polly Carpenter FAIASusan Green Maia Erslev

    Education FellowSenior Membership Manager Taylor JohnsonErika Shea

    Community Design DirectorSales Director Ben PetersonBrian Keefe

    Senior Development ManagerMichela Davola

    Development ManagerKarolina Hac



    BSA 2020 Organizational Chart

    BSA Members

    BSA BoardBSA Foundation Board

    BSA Executive CommitteeBSA Foundation Executive Committee

    Executive Director

    Eric White

    Managing Director

    Billy Craig

    Policy Director

    Senior Program ManagerControllerJenny Effron

    Caitlin HartLi Lam

    Housing Fellow

    Senior Program ManagerMarketing/Com Asst. Dir.Wandy Pascoal

    Patricia OlshanPaige McWhorter

    Public Education Director

    Committee & Techn. ManagerMark./Com ManagerPolly Carpenter FAIA

    Susan GreenMaia Erslev

    Education Fellow

    Senior Membership ManagerTaylor Johnson

    Erika Shea

    Community Design Director

    Sales DirectorBen Peterson

    Brian Keefe

    Senior Development Manager

    Michela Davola

    Development Manager

    Karolina Hac

  • 25

  • Roles & Responsibilities of the Board & StaffThe organization relies on the board of directors (BSA) and board of trustees (BSA Foundation) to GOVERN and the professional staff to MANAGE. The authority for the board is derived from the Articles of Incorporation (state law) and Bylaws. A board generally fills four functions:

    Governance Policies & Positions

    FiduciaryVision & Strategy


  • 3 Ts - TIME, TALENT & TREASURE• Participate – attend meetings, be on

    committee(s) and task force(s)• Share your knowledge, ideas • Financial commitment• Support the organization• Adhere to policies, laws and codes

    Expectations of Board Members


  • Participate in the BSA

    Attend and actively participate at Board meetings:Chapter Foundation

    February 5 Joint Retreat February 5March 11 Joint Meeting March 11May 6 May 13June 10 Joint Meeting June 10September 16 Joint Meeting September 16October 21 Joint Meeting October 8November 11 November 18December 2 Annual Mting December 2

    Expectations of Board Members


  • Be an active member of the Board:Step out of the action around the board table and see things from a higher or different vantage point.

    – Observing what is going on around you– Developing more than one interpretation– Looking through the eyes of others– Watching for patterns– Reality-testing your interpretation

    Expectations of Board Members


  • Join a Committee or Task Force• BSA/AIA Investment Committee• BSA/AIA Audit Committee• Foundation Finance Committee• Foundation Governance Committee• Foundation Institutional Advancement Committee• Public Policy Advisory Task Forces (Environment/Climate, Housing, EDI, Design, Urban Planning,

    Professional)• Youth Education Advisory Committee• Community Design Advisory Committee• Design City Task Force• Communications Task Force• Strategy Task Force• Exhibitions Committee• Foundation Grants Committee• Boutique Conference Task Force• Design Excellence Task Force• New TBD Task Forces

    Expectations of Board Members


  • Support the BSA – Boston Society for Architecture

    • Attend BSA programs• Represent BSA at events and activities: ABX,

    fundraisers, exhibitions, forums, receptions…• Spread the Word - Invite colleagues and friends

    to BSA programs and activities• Bring at least three people to a “BSA”


    Expectations of Board Members


  • Treasure:

    All Board members are encouraged to help with outreach to prospective sponsors and advertisers.

    Foundation Board Members make a pledge that is one of their top three philanthropic donations. They are encouraged to help engaged prospective donors.

    Chapter Board Members are encouraged to support the public work through one of the giving programs. They are encouraged to help engage prospective members.

    Expectations of Board Members


  • Adhere to MA law, BSA & AIA Policies and Codes:• Become familiar with BSA/AIA or BSA Foundation

    By-laws• AIA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct;• Anti-Trust Statement, • Conflict of Interest (read/sign)• Whistleblower Policy• Who Speaks for the BSA• New – BSA Board “contract”

    Expectations of Board Members


  • BSA/AIA resources at: architects.org/bsa-board-materials

    BSA Foundation board resources at: architects.org/bsa-foundation-board-materials

    Board Members Resources


  • BSA, BSA/AIA, & BSA Foundation


  • 2018 Summary

    BSA/AIA 2019 Final

    2020 Estimated

    2021 Budget

    Revenues 3,162,353 3,006,060 3,194,112

    Expenses 3,562,558 3,193,969 3,254,584

    Operating surplus/(deficit)

    (400,205) (187,909) (60,472)

    Depreciation (275,062) (311,965) (324,427)

    Investment 1,172,239 242,689 -

    Surplus/(Deficit) 496,972 (257,689) (384,899)

    2021 BSA/AIA Financial Snapshot


  • Professional Membership Growth


  • Growth in BSA/AIA Assets


  • Sale of ABXWith the sale of ABX the goals are:

    2017 - $1M deficit2018 - $450K deficit2019 - $250K deficit (adjusted for consultants to $319K)2020 - $125K deficit2021 Back in Black


  • 2021 BSA Foundation Financial Snapshot

    BSA Foundation 2019 Actual

    2020 Estimated

    2021 Budget

    Revenues 1,066,083 1,004,402 1,511,685

    Expenses 944,166 962,865 1,509,358

    Operating surplus/(deficit) 121,917 41,537 2,327

    Depreciation 975 975 0

    Investment Income 451,174 325,857 -

    Total Surplus/Deficit 572,116 366,419 2,327


  • BSA Foundation Growth


  • Fundraising Growth


  • 2018 Summary

    BSA 2019 Final

    2020 Estimated

    2021 Budget

    Revenues 4,225,318 4,010,462 4,705,797

    Expenses 4,563,937 4,156,834 4,828,792

    Operating surplus (deficit)

    (338,618) (146,372) (122,995)

    Depreciation 276,037 312,940 324,427

    Investments 1,683,292 568,546 -

    Surplus/(Deficit) 355,731 109,234 (447,422)

    2021 BSA (Total) Financial Snapshot


  • BSA Total Revenue Breakdown


  • BSA Total Expenses Breakdown


  • BSA Total Liquidity Ratio

    Measures ability to pay short-term obligations w/ current assets

    Foundation 34.0BSA/AIA 4.5BSA 5.6

    AIA average is 1.0AIA Large Chapter average is 0.75

    (over 1K members)



    Do Good

    Board Member Responsibilities


  • BSA/AIA Governance Committee Timeline

    March April May June July August September October November December

    Board representation

    Rules of Order

    Eligibility, powers, roles and responsibilities, and personal contributions of Board (expanded from bylaws)

    Nepotism and fraternization

    Executive Director Risk management Use of credit cards Equal-opportunity employment

    Performance review Final Review and Assessment

    Identify candidate qualifications

    Conflict of interest & Compensation

    Election of Board and Officers

    Media, public relations, and who speaks on behalf of the BSA

    * Hiring, Firing,Budget, appropriations, and transfers

    Request for checks Inclusion, diversity, equity, and access

    Personnel files

    Confidentiality Pro tem leadershipDisaster planning and recovery

    * Transition &Succession Plan

    Investments management

    Records retention and destruction

    Whistleblower Employee onboarding and termination

    Anti-Trust Compliance Term limits Removal from office* Assessment andevaluation

    Cash flow Gift Acceptance Policy Anti-harassment Work schedules, locations, benefits, compensation

    Meeting Attendance Harassment Policy Gift acceptance* Supervision,management andoversight

    Fiscal period Director & Officers Policy,

    Substance abuse Disciplinary issues

    Board equity, diversity & inclusion

    D&O Insurance and Indemnification

    Annual MeetingResolutions Guidelines

    * Compensation AuditsGeneral Liability & Business Policy

    Codes of conduct Nepotism

    Code of Conduct AIA Code of EthicsCommittees and Task Forces

    Signing of checks Cyber Liability Policy ConfidentialityPhone/e-mail/web and social media use

    * Roles, responsibilitiesof elected committeesand relationship toBSA/AIA Board

    Conflict of interest Business equipment use

    * Roles andresponsibilities ofappointed committeesand task forces andrelationship to theBoard

    Data management

    Job descriptions


    1 - Agenda - for merge.pdf2 - 2021 Retreat Minutes.pdf3 - Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1.pdf4 - Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet2.pdf5 - Boards Orientation.pdfSlide Number 1Slide Number 2Slide Number 3Slide Number 4Slide Number 5Slide Number 6Slide Number 7BSA 2020��Advancing Architecture�Environment�Equity�CommunitySlide Number 9Slide Number 10Slide Number 11Slide Number 12Slide Number 13Slide Number 14Slide Number 15Participate in the BSASlide Number 17Slide Number 18Slide Number 19Slide Number 20Slide Number 21Slide Number 22Slide Number 232018 SummarySlide Number 25Slide Number 26Slide Number 27Slide Number 28Slide Number 29Slide Number 302018 SummarySlide Number 32Slide Number 33Slide Number 34Slide Number 35

    6 - Governance Policy Committee Timeline.pdfSheet1

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