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  • 8/9/2019 Dating Sim Script


  • 8/9/2019 Dating Sim Script


    3ow she looks upset, but she kinda started it.

    2a7uki# $+ou dont look like captain of the gymnastics team either.%

    T7igana# $Thats rude) 4aybe Im not captain +ET, but I will be)%

    2a7uki# $4aybe that was a bit rude. 5ut you cant blame me. Im new.% :Appeal 6@< 2a7uki# $+oure that T7igana& -h my goodness) I need your autograph)%

    T7igana# $+up, yup) Im world6famous, baby)% ...I dont think she caught the sarcasm.

    2a7uki# $Thats ama7ing) +ou must compete)%

    'he laughs. T7igana# $+up, yup) 'ometimes) orld6famous, remember&%

    2a7uki# $E8cuse me for forgetting. Im new, see.% :Appeal @< $4echanics is for boys.%

    :;< 2a7uki# $Thats pretty cool. Do you like fi8ing things&%

  • 8/9/2019 Dating Sim Script


    Andy# $ell, my grandpa really likes it, so I guess I picked it up. I like it, though.%

    As long as shes happy doing it, I guess I shouldnt complain.

    2a7uki# $+our grandpa& Does he work here too&%

    Andy# $!aha, no. !es way too old, but hes great at what he does. If you ever need something fi8ed,let me know, and Ill make sure he finds you)%

    ell, I have a mechanic now. Im glad of that, and Andy is really pretty. 4aybe Ill see her again some

    time. :Appeal @< 2a7uki# $4echanics is really manly, you know.%

    Andy looks offended. Andy# $I get it, my hobbies are manly, my name is manly, so what if Im a bit of a tomboy& I really

    like to fi8 things.%

    3ow shes upset. Its pretty obvious. 1eo# $I think mechanics are pretty cool) +our name suits you, too)%

    It is a boys name. I think 1eo reali7ed that, since he Cuickly turned red.

    1eo# $36not that Im saying youre a boy or anything) I mean, youre -5(I-0'1+ a girl...%

    Andy is practically glaring at him by now. 1eo gives up and turns back to his food. 2a7uki# $'orry, I didnt mean to offend you.%

    5ut you did say cooking was girly.

    Andy sighs. Andy# $+eah, its fine. hatever. I guess I just picked it up from my grandpa. !es really good at it.%

    I consider saying something else, but 1eo and I have already picked on Andy enough. I decide not to

    continue. :Appeal 6;J< 3o, if you ignored her.

    :;< 2a7uki# $+es. I helped her get her locker open earlier.%

    Appaele looks embarrassed. Appaele# $Th6that was just dumb luck) *6go sit somewhere else)%

    T7igana laughs.

    T7igana# $Dont mind Appaele. 'hes a tsundere. If she does this, it means she likes you. I '!I" IT.%

    Appaele# $-6oi)% I blush a bit. Appaeles cute, but I dont know if Id want to go out with her. 'hes pretty hard to handle.

    T7igana# $-h my gosh) I can fit this piece of corn right on my tooth) heck it out, Im orn Tooth

    4c*ee)% ...Then again, so is T7igana. Are there any normal girls at this school& 4aybe Im best off with Andy.

    :>< 2a7uki# $3o, I havent. Its nice to meet you.% T7igana# $hat& Then, you have to meet her) Appaele, this is 2a76oompa6loompa Taken6care6of.

    2a7ig67ag Tic6Tac, this is Appaele 4carthy.%

    2a7uki# $Its 2a7uki. 2a7uki Takahara.%

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    The girl named Appaele stares at me, then sniffs and flips her hair.

    ...'he must be the arrogant type.

    T7igana# $-h, dont be like that.%

    2a7uki# $'o what class do you two have ne8t&%

    T7igana# $4aths)%

    Appaele# $hy should I tell you&)% I dont think Appaele likes me at all.

    T7igana# $ome on, dont be rude) I ship you guys)%

    5eing shipped with Appaele is almost a nightmare. Appaele# $E6ew) 6why would I like this loser& '6stupid)%

    'hes a tsundere, alright. I wonder how T7igana knew that term.

    ome to think of it, she used $hentai% earlier in plain Bapanese. I wonder if she used to live there. Appaele# $I6Im in 1anguage Arts, what does it matter&)%

    2a7uki# $Im in !istory.%

    *reat. Im completely alone. I wonder how Ill make friends again. Ive been doing great so far, but

    thats because most of these people have been introduced to me or introduced themselves. Id really liketo have lots of friends so I dont get lost. Its my first day here, and Im in my second year, after all.

    T7igana# $!istory, huh& Thats cool. 5ut its not. 1ike, who cares about some king that ruled thirty

    years ago& This is the >;stcentury)% I ignore T7igana.

    T7igana# $2a7iggity67am& Are you listening&%

    2a7uki# $Its 2a7uki.%

    hen lunch finishes, I head off to look for !istory class.

    Its unfortunate, but soon, Im completely lost. The bell is going to ring any second and I have no idea

    where I am. orse than that, I dont see signs of any people anywhere. I sigh.

    (oice# $hy arent you in class&%

    I screech out loud. 'omeone spoke out, but I didnt see any people around here. I turn around. There is someone there, poking her head out of a classroom. 'he eventually comes into full view,

    carrying a stack of paperwork. Its a girl wearing our school uniform and a blue bla7er that makes her

    look very professional. !er blue eyes look like they can free7e me in place. 'he has this scowl thatspretty intimidating.

    Im a bit scared of her, but she might be able to help me.

    2a7uki# $Im lost.% The scary girl looks me up and down.

    'cary *irl# $hat teacher&%

    2a7uki# $hat&%

    'cary *irl# $hat teacher are you supposed to be with&% I glance at my schedule before answering.

    2a7uki# $0m, 4r. 5irmingham.%

    'cary *irl# $If thats true, youre in !istory classroom 5. ome with me.% 'he immediately turns on her heels and begins to stalk off. I slowly follow her.

    'he doesnt say anything as she walks, and in a way, Im scared to talk to her. 'he carries herself with

    such an air of professionalism and grace. I wonder if she works with the school. 'he looks too young tobe a teacher, though...is she a janitor or something&

    :;< $Are you the janitor&%

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    :>< $ho are you&%

    :?< Dont say anything.

    :;< 2a7uki# $Are you the janitor here&% The girl glares at me over her shoulder.

    'cary *irl# $Do I look like a janitor&%

    I wince. 2a7uki# $36no, its just...you really seem to know your way around.%

    3ow she looks mad. *reat. :Appeal 6@< 2a7uki# $If you dont mind me asking, who are you&%

    'cary *irl# $A student.%

    I think she knows what I was asking, but she was being sarcastic on purpose. 'cary *irl# $+ou were asking my name, werent you&%

    2a7uki# $+our name, and how you seem to know your way around.%

    'cary *irl# $Do I&%

    'he really does. 'he knows e8actly where shes going even in such a big school. :Appeal stays thesame< 1ET T!E 5KT! -"E3 IT !E/'E19H

    Do nothing.

    :;< I Cuickly go to the door and open it for her. Aoi looks at me for a second. Aoi# $Thank you.%

    'he dips her head to me, then goes into the classroom and heads straight to the teachers desk.

    I hadnt e8pected her to thank me. 'hes more polite than I thought.'lowly, I inch inside and close the door behind me. :Appeal ;< I do nothing and watch as Aoi struggles to get the door open. 'he eventually gets her whole stackin one arm and manages to crack open the door. The second she gets it open, I walk right inside,

    glancing over my shoulder. 'he glares at me.

    A shiver runs down my spine. I remind myself never to make her angry.

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    Aoi sighs, then heads inside to the teachers desk. :Appeal 6;J< $!ow long have you lived in Adelaide&%

    :?< 'ay nothing.

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    :;< 2a7uki# $Tell me more about yourself. hat do you like&%

    Appaele# $ell, alright. I like baseball, and sometimes I do some knitting since my parents are in the

    te8tile industry anyways.%

    2a7uki# $!ow old are you&% Appaele# $'i8teen. Im still young and spritely) ay prettier than that class president)%

    Appaele doesnt like the president&

    I wonder why. 2a7uki# $+ou dont like Aoi&%

    Appaele# $ell, of course I dont) 'he thinks shes so cool and pretty, with her giant hips) 5ut Im way

    prettier, right&)% ...Ive been backed into a corner.

    Theyre both pretty, but since Im talking to Appaele, maybe I should just agree with her.

    :;< $Totally)%

    :>< $Aois prettier.%

    :?< $+oure both eCually pretty.%

    :;< 2a7uki# $+oure definitely prettier.%

    Appaele# $!ehe) I knew it) +ou know, youre not so bad after all.%

    'hes pretty easily pleased. Appaele# $I6its not like I think youre cool or anything) +6youre not even handsome)%

    ...I should be used to this by now. :Appeal ;J< 2a7uki# $I think Aoi is prettier.%

    Appaele# $E6eh...&) !6how could you say that right to my face&) 'hes not that pretty) Bust because

    shes got blue eyes or whatever) I have blue eyes too)%

    ...That was absolutely the wrong thing to say. I think she hates me. :Appeal 6;@< 2a7uki# $Im sorry, I cant help with your books. I have to get to class...I have to tie my shoe, andthen get to class.%

    Appaele# $Eh&) hat a lame e8cuse) Trying to get out of helping a lady with her books)%

    ...Does she really count as a $lady%&

    Appaele# $9ine, whatever) !ave a nice day in class, or whatever)% 'he stomps off. I watch for a few seconds. :Appeal 6@, Appaeles /oute episode > avoided< The staff.

    :?< The classes.

    :;< 2a7uki# $The students, I think.%

    T7igana# $!ehe, like me& +oure pretty sweet.%

    I didnt just mean her, but I definitely like T7igana.

    T7igana# $!ave you made other student friends& !uh, you havent met /olf yet, have you& !es astick in the mud.%

    T7igana knows someone in 1eos family& I guess that makes sense since they all attend this school.

    2a7uki# $I havent met him.% T7igana# $ell, when you do, punch him for me.%

    ...'he must not like him. :Appeal ;< 2a7uki# $The staff, I think.%

    T7igana# $1ike, teachers and stuff& Ew.%

    3ins a staff member, isnt he& 'he likes him. T7igana# $Tsk, tsk. 'houldnt you be more wrapped up in girls your own age&%

    2a7uki# $hat& ...thats not what I meant)%

    'he thought I was into older women.

    !ow do I handle this girl& :Appeal 6;< $!ow long have you been doing mechanics&%

    :?< $!ow old A/E you, anyways, +-0 !A*&%

    :;< 2a7uki# $!ow did you and 1eo meet&%

    Andy# $-h, weve...known each other since childhood.%

    'he sounds a bit upset. 2a7uki# $ere you...friends&%

    Andy gives a dry laugh.

    Andy# $3ot in the slightest. Its a kinda sad story. Ill spare you the details.% I sense that she really doesnt want to talk about it and poke at my salad. :Appeal stays the same< 2a7uki# $!ow long have you been a fan of mechanics&%

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    Andy# $-h, gee...since I was pretty young, I guess. Its been a while.%

    2a7uki# $+ou really like it, huh&%

    Andy# $+eah. Its a lot of fun.%

    Andy smiles as she says this. 'he certainly looks like she enjoys herself. 2a7uki# $Im glad. Its a good hobby.%

    Andy chuckles.

    Andy# $+ou think so& Thank you.% :Appeal ;< Eat in silence.

    :;< 2a7uki# $!ow long have you worked with the school&% Andy# $3ot long. Bust about a year. I tried college, but I wanted to try to make more money for tuition

    and joined up.%

    'o shes relatively new. 2a7uki# $Thats pretty smart. Do something you love while you wait to graduate.%

    Andy looks happy.

    Andy# $+eah, its a good plan, if I do say so myself. 5ut I dont know if Ill want to do it forever, you

    know&% I nod. :Appeal ;< I decide to keep eating in silence. :Appeal stays the same< I approach her and sit down.

    2a7uki# $lass /ep, are you crying&% Aoi gasps and faces me, swiping a hand across her eyes.

    Aoi# $Im fine)%

    'hes definitely not fine...

    2a7uki# $Are you sure& +ou sounded like you were crying earlier...% Aoi# $I said Im fine)%

    'he Cuickly turns back to the fountain. After how polite she ended up being yesterday, Im a bit

    surprised to hear her yell. I dont bother saying anything else. :Appeal 6@< Ask him more about his job.

    :;< 2a7uki# $+ou really seem to love your family. hat else should I know about them&%

    1eo offers an awkward laugh and gets some eggs and butter from the refrigerator. 1eo# $ell, I love them a lot, but...%

    !e trails off. I wonder if something happened between him and someone in his family.

    :;< Ask him to continue. :>< Drop the subject.

    :;< 2a7uki# $5ut...what&% 1eo sighs.

    1eo# $Im really trying to be a good big brother. I made a lot of mistakes in the past, and now my

    brother /olf hates me for it. I wish I knew how to get through to him. Especially since...% !e trails off again, and this time the pain in his eyes makes me decide not to ask him to keep going.

    2a7uki# $+ou seem like a great brother to me. I mean, you could be in college, but you choose to stay

    here so you can make money for the family.%

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    1eo# $+ou think so& Thanks, 2a7uki. That means a lot.%

    1eo seems pleased. Im glad. :Appeal @< I dont push him to keep going. :Appeal stays same< 2a7uki# $!ow much do you make working here&%

    I might be interested in doing the same thing when I graduate. 1eo# $Eh, minimum wage. Its enough, but not much.%

    Thats discouraging, but Im not going to give up just because the pay isnt great. :Appeal stays the

    same< $+ou suck.%

    :;< 2a7uki# $+ou did really well. I was really impressed.%

    T7igana# $Ehehe) Thanks, Invader 2a7im.% 4aybe I should have teased her.

    T7igana# $as I good enough, do you think& I feel like the others are so much better.%

    'he really feels that way& 'he was easily the best.

    2a7uki# $3o way. +ou were by far the best.%

    T7igana# $Aw) +oure the sweetest, 2a7ukibble.% 2a7uki# $2a7uki.%

    T7igana# $5esides 3ancy, of course. 5ut keep trying)%

    I guess I should have e8pected.

    T7iganas a great girl, though. :Appeal ;@< 2a7uki# $That was terrible. +ou call that a routine&%

    T7igana looks really offended. T7igana# $!ow could you say that& eve worked really hard, and I thought we did great)%

    0h6oh. 'he didnt see it as teasing.

    2a7uki# $36no, I was just teasing you...% T7igana# $+oure not as nice as I thought you were.%

    T7igana crosses her arms.

    -ops. :Appeal 6;@< Takami# $Dontchu gimme that look) !ow was I sposed to know that, eh&)% ...hoops.

    I slipped into my old accent.

    I was supposed to make a good, maidenly first impression, but I was pretty ticked off. 2yos shrugs.

    Takami# $Dont shrug at me)%

    Im being more conscious not to speak like that anymore.

    Takami# $I mean, I dont speak wild hand flailing)% 'ecretary# $'ign language, dearF. G?%

    5eing corrected only makes me more upset for some reason.

    Takami# $hatever)% I huff, crossing my arms. 2yos frowns and makes a bunch of rapid hand gestures.

    Takami# $'till have no idea what youre doing.%

    Doesnt he reali7e that by now&

    Takami# $5ut in any case, wheres the principal during all this&%

    'ecretary# $In his officeF. G?%

    2yos borrows a pen and paper from her and writes some things, finally remembering that I dontspeak sign language.

    I inda hate him.

    ...Thats blunt. I cant help but wonder why.

    :;< Ask why.

    :>< Ignore it.

    :;< Takami# $hy is that&%

    2yos writes something rapidly.!e's "reaing scary. #lus I'm pretty sure he illed someone or something. ...Thats horrible reasoning.

    Takami# $'o...its based on assumptions&%

    2yos sighs dramatically, then writes a few more things.$ssumptions that are very true.

    ...That still makes no sense, but hes nodding and looks pleased with himself. I decide to play along.

    Takami# $That makes a lot more sense. ell, guess were avoiding the principal.% 2yos looks content.

    ...Did I make him happy just by agreeing with him& *uess this guys pretty easy to handle. :Appeal

    @< I dont say anything on the subject. :Appeal stays the same.

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    The secretary gives me my schedule. I check it. 1ooks like my first class is 1anguage Arts...ugh. I

    hate that subject. I wish I had "E first since its something I actually love.

    2yos Cuickly gets a fresh piece of paper and draws me a map to my first classroom.

    ...Its really badly drawn, but I get it. Takami# $ell, thanks for the map. 3ice meeting you.%

    I can still salvage this first impression if I work hard enough. This in mind, I add a smile.

    2yos signs something, then waves. 'ecretary# $!e said it was nice meeting you tooF. G?%

    I cant help but blush. !e may be weird, but 2yos is a boy, after all.

    I wave back, then head out of the room and head down the hall.

    4y ankle is still throbbing. I walk down to the classroom 2yos directed me to. 'tanding outside the

    door, I can see another boy with a girl. As I approach, both of them point at me and wave. 5oy# $1ook) A person I dont recogni7e)%

    *irl# $4aybe shes new&%

    I am new. I look forward to making potential friends and Cuickly smile.

    Takami# $!i. Are you two waiting to get into 1anguage Arts&% 5oy# $+up) +oure at the right place. Im Bay 4carthy. hats your name&%

    !es really energetic. Is he really a high6schooler&

    *irl# $Im !eather 'pence. Are you new&% !eather seems so nice and girly.

    Takami# $0h6huh) Im Takami Bunsui. Its nice to meet you two)%

    Bay# $hoa) Its nice to meet you, too) That is so weird)% Its not.

    Bays really hyper.

    !eather# $elcome to Adelaide, Takami. Thats a nice name. hat culture is it from&%

    I could tell her the truth, but... ...4y name is pretty obviously Bapanese, isnt it&

    :;< Australia :>< Bapan

    :?< An alien planet. 1ike "luto.

    :;< Takami# $Its from Australia.%

    !eather# $hoa, really& Thats pretty cool)%

    Bay# $I love Australia) ...-r was that Austria& The one with the bo8ing kangaroos)% 3either of those places have that.

    ...They both believed me, so I should tell them the truth.

    Takami# $Its actually Bapanese. Im from Bapan.%

    !eather# $!uh& -h, you were teasing.% *ood. 'hes not angry.

    Bay# $Bapan...thats the place with the pandas, right&%

    ...Bay doesnt even count. :Appeal stays the same for both< Takami# $Its Bapanese.%

    !eather# $Thats cool. I have friends from there.% Bay# $+eah, like my song buddy)%


    Takami# $There are other people here from Bapan&%

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    That makes me feel less alone. :Appeal ; for both< Accept her help.

    :;< Takami# $Dont worry, I can do it.% Tomboy# $+ou sure&%

    Takami# $Ive got it, thanks.%

    The girl gives a little nod.

    Tomboy# $ell, -2. 'ee you later.% 'he heads off, and I start towards the nurses office alone.

    &akoto's Route

    :>< Takami# $That would be great, thanks.%

    Tomboy# $EheheF) Alright, then) 1ets get you there at top speed)% ...!er speech is pretty manly.

    ...Am I sure shes not a boy&

    Tomboy# $/ight, then.%

    'he comes up to me and slides an arm around my waist. Tomboy# $"ut your arm around my shoulders, -2& +ou can lean on me. !ey, Im 4akoto. 4akoto


    Takami# $Im Takami Bunsui.% 4akoto grins.

    4akoto# $+oure new, arent you& !ey, has anyone given you a grand tour yet& -oh) +ou need to join

    a club. +ou look like youd be good at dancing. T7igana and I are trying to start a dance club, butpeople think its pretty redundant since we already have gymnastics. 5ut thats gymnastics, and this is

    dance. Theyre totally different, you know&%

    ...'he talks a lot.

    :;< $...hat&%

    :>< $I totally get it.%

    :;< Takami# $...'orry, what&%

    4akoto blinks.

    4akoto# $ere...you didnt hear a word I said, did you&% Takami# $'orry. I kinda got lost.

    4akoto# $Its -2, its -2) 3o hard feelings. 3ot a big deal, right&%

    'he laughs, but I get the feeling it really wasnt $-2%. :Appeal 6;< Takami# $That makes sense to me.%

    4akoto beams.

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    4akoto# $/ight) 5ecause, gymnastics has dance routines, but thats not a dance club. +ou know&%

    'he seems pretty passionate.

    Takami# $/ight.%

    4akoto# $EheheF. !ey, youre pretty cool, Takami.% Takami# $Thanks.%

    'hes pretty friendly. :Appeal @< Decide not to pry and be confused forever.

    :;< Takami# $...4akoto, you...youre pretty normal, for a boy.%

    ...I think Im going to regret just assuming 4akotos a boy after being so sure he was a girl. 4akoto# $!ehe, yup)%

    ...4akotos a boy after all&

    4akoto# $I get told that sometimes. I guess Im just so...%

    4akoto suddenly goes bright red. 4akoto# $3o) ait) Im not) Im not a boy) +ou dont have to believe me, but I can prove it) I have

    boobs, see& Theyre small, but theyre there, see&%

    ...hoops. 'he was a girl the whole time, after all.

    ...'he seems a bit self6conscious of absolutely everything.

    4akoto# $...I kinda hoped you were different, Takami.% And now shes upset.

    Takami# $I6Im sorry. I thought at first, you must be a girl, but then I started getting confused...%

    ...Im only making things worse. :Appeal 6;J< I decide not to say anything about it. 4akotos probably a girl.

    4akoto# $!uh, Takami& +ou look like theres something on your mind. +oure kinda red.%

    ...Then again, if shes a boy, shes pretty attractive and her arm is on my waist. I have no idea what to think.

    4akoto# $!m. ith that look, I think I know what youre thinking. +up, Im definitely a girl)%

    'he figured me out. 4akoto# $'orry I didnt clear that up. I should be used to it, since youre new. 5ut Im a girl for

    sure) ...1ast I checked)%

    ...'he checks...& Takami# $'6sorry. I hope youre not offended. I assumed you were a girl.%

    4akoto# $!ehe, you did& Aw, shucks. Thanks, Takami.%

    'he seems pleased, somehow. 4akotos pretty easy to deal with. :Appeal @

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    e continue down towards the nurse. Im leaning pretty heavily on 4akoto at this point. 4y ankle is

    still throbbing, and Im surprisingly comfortable around her. 4akoto# $'o. +ou moved to Adelaide. !ere for the industry&%

    Takami# $4y dad retired here.%

    4akoto# $Ah, cool) +eah, my dad moved the family here to try to get in on a bit of the big businessboom. 5oth my parents work, but we make good money, so I guess I should be happy.%

    I didnt ask, but its kinda nice knowing shes so comfortable with me.

    4akoto# $The nurses office is just down the hall here. !es a little weird, but you get used to him.% !im&

    The school nurse is male&

    I wonder if hes normal. 4ore importantly, I hope hes not thirty. e finally stop at the nurse and 4akoto opens the door. I go in alone so 4akoto can get to class.

    4akoto# $ell, here you are. Bust sit there for a minute. !e comes out of his office every time he

    hears the door to check for lass /ep.%

    lass /ep& 1ike the school president& I wonder what kind of person they are.

    4akoto# $3ice chatting with you, Takami) elcome to Adelaide Academy)%

    Takami# $+eah, you too) Thank you)% 4akoto gives a two6fingered salute, then hurries off.

    I really like 4akoto. 'he makes me feel less out6of6place.

    4aybe well see each other again some time.

    I sit in the nurses office for about thirty seconds before I hear a voice.

    (oice# $Is someone here&%

    hat a smooth, gentle voice. Im already getting pictures of the school nurse in my head before Iveeven seen him.

    And Im hoping against hope hes a young guy.

    Takami# $+es, someones here.% (oice# $Ah, just a moment.%

    4y uninjured foot starts tapping without me reali7ing it. After a few more seconds, a door opens, and

    someone comes out, walking towards me. ...!e definitely looks young, but...

    ...!es freakishly tall.

    'chool 3urse# $Another girl& If I didnt know any better, Id say you were all pretending to be sick justto come see me.%

    !e laughs, and I e8amine him more closely.

    !es wearing glasses, and his black hair is ridiculously long. 5esides his cra7y height, the first thing I

    notice is his rather large nose. !e has such a gentle e8pression. !ow handsome.

    Takami# $I think I sprained my ankle.%

    M$Think% is the wrong word. Its definitely sprained.

    'chool 3urse# $Bust a sprain& Darn. Its more e8citing when you can see the bone sticking out.%

    ...I try to ignore that. The school nurse seems completely normal so far, and I dont want a little bout of hopefully6sarcasm

    to ruin that.

    !e walks over and holds out a hand to me.

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    'chool 3urse# $ome on into the back with me. Ill make sure your foot isnt broken.%

    Takami# $Th6thank you.%

    I take his hand and let myself be pulled to my feet. 'tanding ne8t to him makes me feel really short.

    Together, we go into the room he had just come out of. It looks surprisingly similar to the kind ofoffice youd see at a hospital, with a high bench, a chair, and a desk. Theres a dispenser for gloves on

    the wall. Its the perfect picture of a doctors office.

    ...The only problem is that there are a few blood stains on the floor. I try not to focus on it too much. 'chool 3urse# $E8cuse the mess. I was just working on a small project.%

    ...A small project that got blood on the floors&

    ...Im trying not to look at the desk. I assume hes going to ask me to sit on the bench and Cuickly hop up. This person is so mysterious,

    but Im a bit scared to ask. /ight now, Im still determined to believe the school nurse is normal.

    'chool 3urse# $'it tight for just a moment. Are you new& I dont recogni7e you, and by now I shouldknow every girl in the school.%

    !e must get a lot of female guests.

    I dont blame them.

    Takami# $Im Takami Bunsui. I just moved here.% 'chool 3urse# $A pleasure to meet you, Takami. Im 2aiden /eaper, serving my third year here as

    school nurse.%

    Im still hoping hes under thirty. And Im still very curious.

    3ow that I know his name, maybe I should ask him something.

    !e seems to be busied with tidying something up on his desk. I consider what to do.

    :;< Ask 2aiden something. Anything. 1ike if hes under thirty.

    :>< Decide 2aidens creepy and say nothing.

    :;< Takami# $If you dont mind me asking, how old are you&%

    2aiden laughs.

    2aiden# $The height is misleading, isnt it& Im only twenty, dear.% Dear.

    Does he say that a lot& I like to think Im special.

    Takami# $Did you go to this school&% 2aiden# $!m.%

    !e seems to be thinking.

    2aiden# $3ot once ever.% ...I cant tell if hes serious or not.

    2aiden# $I was seventeen when I applied here. 3ever finished high school.%

    ...!es twenty, he never finished high school...

    ...And yet hes the nurse. Is he really Cualified for this& Im starting to get nervous.

    :>< I decide to keep Cuiet. 2aidens a little odd after all, but nowhere near as strange as the others. +et.Id like to keep it that way for a little longer.

    2aiden# $!ow did you hurt your ankle&% Takami# $I tripped. 4ore than once.%

    2aiden# $Tripped, or were tripped& Theres a massive difference, dear.%

    Does he use pet names on everybody&

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    Takami# $I guess I just tripped.%

    2aiden# $!m. Then its merely *od playing a cruel trick.%

    Does that matter&

    2aiden# $If it were a human causing trouble, then thered be a problem. Itd mean you had made anenemy, and then you would have to hire bodyguards to make sure you werent shot in the middle of the


    !e pauses, and then, as if I couldnt guess already, he continues. 2aiden# $I couldnt fi8 something like that.%

    ...Does he even know how to fi8 my ankle& Im starting to have doubts.

    2aiden goes to a small free7er and removes an icepack. I try to peek into the free7er to see if I cancatch a glimpse of anything else he might keep in there, but I dont have enough time to search before

    the door is closed. !e takes off his glasses and places them on the desk. Theyre probably for reading, I

    reali7e. 2aiden# $!ere you go, darling. 1eave that on the sprain for a bit. +oure welcome to rest in here for a

    while. Aside from rest, the only thing I can do for you is break the bone and send you to a hospital so

    you can be their problem.%

    ...The part that scares me is that hes still smiling, and he doesnt sound sarcastic at all. Im starting to think it might be a good idea to just get back to class. 4aybe 2aiden isnt normal after


    :;< 4ake up an e8cuse and run for your life.

    :>< 'tay and rest your foot.

    :;< Takami# $Actually, I just remembered. 4y dog ate all my motivation to live.%

    If he buys that, I lose all faith in his normality.

    2aiden looks very serious.

    2aiden# $Thats very serious. +ou should probably go see a doctor.% ...Arent you a doctor&

    I mumble an apology and slide off the bench, heading for the door. 2aiden remains silent.

    4y foot still hurts, but I think it was worth it.

    Kaiden's Route

    :>< Im a little freaked out, but my foot still throbs, and 2aiden doesnt seem too bad. I decide to stay

    and rest.

    Takami# $Thank you.% I rest my foot on the end of the bench and place the ice over it. 2aiden watches me for a second, then

    turns to his computer and begins to type.

    ere both Cuiet for a few minutes.

    Takami# $'o how long have you lived in Adelaide&% I really want to get a conversation started.

    2aiden thinks.

    2aiden# $9our years. The first year was spent trying not to die.% ...!e sounds totally serious.

    Takami# $Thats...-2.%

    I have no idea how to respond to him anymore. !e continues.

    2aiden# $I know how to deal with basic injuries. !ow to treat them, and how to inflict them.%

    ...!es a total sadist, isnt he&

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    2aiden# $'o at seventeen, I essentially begged for this job.%

    5egged. 4aybe hes poor&

    I want to ask something else, but 2aiden suddenly seems a bit solemn. 4aybe its best to drop it.

    :;< Drop it.

    :>< Ask something else.

    :;< I decide not to continue. :Appeal stays the same< Takami# $+ou said youve lived here for four years. Then, when you moved here, that would makeyou...%

    2aiden# $'i8teen, love.%

    ...Im torn between swooning and wanting to run for my life. Takami# $Then, your parents&%

    2aiden# $3ot here.%

    2aiden glances at me for a moment and smiles.

    It looks a bit sad. Did something happen to his parents& Takami# $+oure alone&%

    2aiden# $ompletely.%

    !e sounded so upset for a second there. !es pretty young, so Im not surprised. Takami# $Im sorry.%

    The apology just came out.

    2aiden smiles. 2aiden# $3ot a problem, dear. 3ot a problem at all. I spend all my time surrounded by high school

    girls, so it isnt all bad.%

    ...A sadist and a pervert.

    !es not very normal at all. :Appeal @< all 2aiden out for being a weirdo like everyone else.

    :;< Im still curious, so I decide to ask a few more Cuestions. ere not doing much else while I sithere and rest my ankle.

    Takami# $'o...where did you live before Adelaide&%

    2aiden# $Ah, yes. The Emerald Isle. 'uch a beautiful place.% The Emerald Isle.

    Isnt that Ireland&

    2aiden# $Ireland. 'ometimes I wonder why I ever left.% It is.

    Takami# $And...your parents are still there.%

    I wonder why Im so incredibly curious about his parents.

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    2aiden# $orrect.%

    Takami# $hy didnt they come with you&%

    2aiden# $4other didnt know I left. 9ather...%

    2aiden stops, and Cuickly goes back to typing. 2aiden# $9ather cant.%

    Takami# $hy not& I mean, if your son is leaving the country, isnt it bad parenting toH%

    2aiden# $4y father was a great parent)% 2aiden sounded angry. I didnt e8pect him to get angry.

    I promptly decide not to say anything else.

    5ut the way he said $was%... I cant help but wonder if his father is dead. :Appeal 6;J< Takami# $+oure weird.% To my surprise, 2aiden laughs.

    2aiden# $It took you this long to notice. +oure Cuite slow.%

    'o he knows hes weird.

    Takami# $'houldnt you be trying to make me more comfortable&% 2aiden# $5oo. Thatd be no fun.%

    ...!e knows, and he does it on purpose.

    2aiden# $Dont you worry, darling. Ill only kill you if I feel threatened. 1ike a gri77ly bear.% ...!es comparing himself to a gri77ly bear, and now I feel eighty times worse. :Appeal ;J

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