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David Britton, 18/2/04 Imperial, College GridPP1 Status David Britton, 18/2/2004 Imperial College Slide 2 David Britton, 18/2/04 Imperial, College Project Overview Slide 3 David Britton, 18/2/04 Imperial, College Missed Targets LCG have now re-numbered this and it is due 31-Mar-04 Slide 4 David Britton, 18/2/04 Imperial, College Changes to ProjectMap Slide 5 David Britton, 18/2/04 Imperial, College Risk Register Slide 6 David Britton, 18/2/04 Imperial, College Achievements - LCG Slide 7 David Britton, 18/2/04 Imperial, College Achievements - EDG All EDG deliverables submitted. Slide 8 David Britton, 18/2/04 Imperial, College Achievements - Applications Slide 9 David Britton, 18/2/04 Imperial, College Achievements - LHCb Slide 10 David Britton, 18/2/04 Imperial, College Achievements - Infrastructure Slide 11 David Britton, 18/2/04 Imperial, College InfrastructureInteroperabilityDissemination Slide 12 David Britton, 18/2/04 Imperial, College Slide 13 David Britton, 18/2/04 Imperial, College Resources Slide 14 David Britton, 18/2/04 Imperial, College Summary 76% of the 190 GridPP1 tasks have been successfully completed. 2 tasks are overdue. The LCG-2 release is imminent and will be used in the next DCs. The EDG project is currently undergoing a final review. The applications are making good progress on many fronts. The UK Grid infrastructure is being developed.

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