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Page 1: David Flynn's Theory

DAVID FLYNN’S THEORYDAVID FLYNN’S THEORYDAVID FLYNN’S THEORYDAVID FLYNN’S THEORY If you aren’t familiar with David Flynn’s line of research, then this may not be an easy read.

Flynn’s work has become standard reading for anyone attempting to reconcile Bible prophecy

with UFOs and the ‘Face on Mars’. He has written ground-breaking books, Cydonia: The Secret

Chronicles of Mars and Temple at the Center of Time. Flynn has also deciphered Isaac Newton’s

greatest discovery: None other than ‘the unified field theory’ of Bible prophecy. He sees

evidence from his research that 2012 – 2019 could be the 70th Week of Daniel, or The 7 Year

Tribulation. I believe he is a mid-tribber, but his study still shows the possibility of 2012 being

the beginning of the Week (The Rapture), 2016 being the middle (The Great Tribulation), &

2019 being the end of the Week (Second Coming). For more of his ground breaking research,

visit him here: http://www.mt.net/~watcher/



That the Temple Mount exists at the time and space center point of the earth is based on the

interpretation that our era (the year of our Lord AD) and the temple location are anchored to

Jesus Christ. This has been demonstrated in my book and posts over the years. Recently I've

been asked if there are any definite measurements from the temple that point out the year or

years of the last week of Daniel, beyond the work on 2012 nautical miles equaling 33 degrees 33


Besides the Scripture's indications of the continuous holiness of the Temple Mount, the answer is

found in the actual dimensions of the site and the Revelation of John.

"This is the law of the temple: The whole area surrounding the mountaintop is most holy.

Behold, this is the law of the temple."

Eze 43:12

In Revelation 11.1, john is told to measure:

"And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure

the temple (Naus) of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein."

Absent from this prophecy are the actual measurements. Might it be that this lack of

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measurement exists to compel the readers to search this mystery out for themselves within the


If we take the Chapter and verse of Revelation 11.1 as one number "111" there is a connection

with the temple in gematria throughout the bible.

111 = House OIKIA in Greek, a word often used for the temple, Mat 21:13 in Jesus' words for


111 = "And the Glory of the LORD abode" (Ord) [Ex 24.16]

111 = "out of His Temple" [2Sa 22:7 ]

111 = measure [Gen 18:6]

however, by adding the "ones" in Chapter and verse of Revelation 11.1 a more concise number

and word appear.

Chapter and verse 1 + 1 + 1 " equals "3". The Chapter "1 + 1 equals "2" and the verse is "1"...


"321" equals the Greek word for "Naus", the inner sanctuary only and not the entire Temple.

This is the word used in Rev. 11.1 , translated "temple" in English.

The "Naus" being "the Sanctuary containing the Holy place and the Holy of Holies" has always

stood on the threshing circle of Ornan the Jebusite (2Ch 3:1). A threshing circle looks like this:

Notice the configuration. The oxen form the radius of the circle. If the number of the word for

the holy place "Naus" 321 is considered a radius...

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This finding is even more remarkable when we measure the actual perimeter of the raised

platform in Temple Mount:

John is told further:

"Rev 11:2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given

unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months."

Though the text is clear enough, there is another "time based" equation in Rev. 11.2. The angel

mentions 42 months or 1,260 days that the gentiles trample this area. Though the outer court of

Solomon's Temple was a rectangle, the future outer court of Ezekiel's temple is a square.

Eze 43:10 Thou son of man, shew the house to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of

their iniquities: and let them measure the pattern.

If one may be so bold as to "measure" a square whose side is 1,260 feet we find the perimeter is

5,040 feet. These measurements are time-based extrapolations from the text itself and are

obviously not found in Ezekiel.

The Temple Mount is 5040 feet.

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The distance 5,040 sm is the combined radii of the moon and earth. This proportion is

demonstrated by the Great Pyramid:

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If the number 5,040 is subtracted by the actual perimeter of the Great Pyramid, "3,024 ft." the

remainder is 2016.

The significance of this finding is compounded by the fact that the Great Pyramid's total height

with capstone is 5776 inches, the Jewish calendar year for 2016 AD is 5776 AM.

The Jewish year 5776 is found in several pertinent "prophetically" gematria equations - that I add

here for your consideration:

Dan 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination

that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Total number of this passage 4486 + 1290 = 5776

Mat 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

Total = 5846

If a generation in the bible is 70 then, 5846 - 70 = 5776

Revisiting the distances from the Temple to the locations of the "mirror prophets" according to

Isaac Newton, due to their end-time themes connected to the Temple, we see a combined

distance of 1,008 nautical miles.

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By rendering this distance graphically in a circle we discover the gematria for " the Revelation of

Lord Jesus Christ". This is exactly what Daniel and John were given in their prophecies of the

End of Days:

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The combined value of the Hebrew letters of Isa 46:10 divided by PI equal value of Revelation


Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done,

saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: total count, 4752

PI (22/7) x 1512 "revelation" = exactly 4,752

The combined distance of "mirror prophets" Daniel and John.

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So the year 2016 stands out in high relief, but so also does the year 2012.

The gematria count of the Greek phrase "Fallen, is fallen Babylon the Great"

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Again here in Revelation 18:2:

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But what of the end of the seven years? Check out the gematria of the number 2020. It is one of

the most powerful statements of the rule of Jesus Christ at the end of this age.

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The Jewish year 5780 AM starts on September 30, 2019 and ends in Sept 2020.

5780 - 7 = 5773

The Jewish Year 5773 begins September 17 (Tishri 1) in 2012.

Based on the numbers, it looks more and more clear that the time between the end of 2012 and

the beginning of 2020 encompasses the last week of Daniel.

...but what say you?

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