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Page 1: DAY-1 CYBER ETHICS:-bishopscottboysschool.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/... · 2020. 5. 13. · Hackers and fraudsters are good at making themselves unnoticed. However, there

BISHOP SCOTT BOYS’SCHOOL (Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi) Affiliation No.: 330726, School Campus: Chainpur, Jaganpura,

By-Pass, Patna 804453.

Phone Number: 7061717782, 9798903550. , Web: www.bishopscottboysschool.comEmail: [email protected]







Cyber ethics is the study of ethics pertaining to computers, covering user behaviour and what

computers are programmed to do, and how this affects individuals and society. For years,

various governments have enacted regulations while organizations have explained policies

about cyber ethics.

With the increase of young children using the internet, it is now very essential than ever to tell

children about how to properly operate the internet and its dangers. It is especially hard to talk

to teens because they do not want to be lectured about what is right and wrong. They seem to

think they have it all sorts out. That is why is it is important to instill appropriate cyber

etiquette at an early age but if you haven’t there is still time to tell to your child.


Netiquette is a combination of the words network and etiquette and is defined as a set of rules

for acceptable online behaviour. Similarly, online ethics focuses on the acceptable use of online

resources in an online social environment.

Both phrases are frequently interchanged and are often combined with the concept of a

’netizen’ which itself is a contraction of the words internet and citizen and refers to both a

person who uses the internet to participate in society, and an individual who has accepted the

responsibility of using the internet in productive and socially responsible ways.

What Does Good Web Etiquette Look Like?

Underlying this overall concept of socially responsible internet use are a few core pillars, though

the details underneath each pillar are still subject to debate.

Page 2: DAY-1 CYBER ETHICS:-bishopscottboysschool.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/... · 2020. 5. 13. · Hackers and fraudsters are good at making themselves unnoticed. However, there

For Society:

Recognizing that the internet is an extension of society. The internet isn’t a new world in which

anything goes, but rather, a new dimension of the world around us.

Applying the same standards online as we do in public. In simple terms, this means that the values

society has in place against hate speech and bigotry, child exploitation, and child pornography,

copyright violations and other forms of theft, remain intact. Values around courtesy, kindness,

openness, and treating others with the same respect we wish to receive should also be adhered to.

Refusing to empower abuse and harassment while online. Accepting that the laws which are currently

in place to protect the rights and dignity of citizens apply online and that where needed, laws are

updated to reflect these rights in the extended environment. Theft, harassment, and bullying while

online is still theft, harassment, and bullying, period.

Acknowledging cultural differences. Even when national boundaries no longer apply, cultural respect

and tolerance should remain. This requires finding a way to accept that the social values and norms of

some netizens will not be the social values and norms of all netizens.

For Businesses:

For companies, being a good netizen, applying online ethics, and using netiquette include:

Respecting rights of privacy for offline employees. Information possessed by citizens in

their offline interactions should be respected.

Maintaining transparency in information policies. By taking action so that consumers can

easily and quickly understand how that company is using their information and

protecting them from harm, companies can provide users with a clear means of

ownership and self-determination as to what is, and isn’t shared about them, which

strengthens the consumer relationship.

Most internet users automatically apply the same responsible respectful behaviour online as

they do in every other environment and by nature apply netiquette an online ethics, and are

good netizens. The minority that fails to apply societal values in some or any environment-

including the internet- are quickly identified as exceptions to be dealt with on a social, or

criminal level. When you choose to partner with technology companies, especially for something

as important as internet security, it’s imperative you ensure that the partner shares your

understanding of what it means to act ethically online.


Online fraud: what is it and how do you spot it? What is fraud?

Fraud is an intentional false representation of a fact. The purpose of fraud is to deceive another party

in order to obtain a profit. This profit can be:



Sensitive information

Page 3: DAY-1 CYBER ETHICS:-bishopscottboysschool.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/... · 2020. 5. 13. · Hackers and fraudsters are good at making themselves unnoticed. However, there

Fraud can occur through words or actions - it includes false or misleading allegations and withholding

of relevant information.

Fraud in commerce is called payment fraud and is basically any type of illegal or false transaction.

Payment fraud is an old issue. For quite some time, fraudsters’ preferred method has been stealing

physical payment cards and making purchases with them. This still happens, however, e-Commerce

fraud is becoming more common.

E-Commerce fraud is an illegal or false transaction made in a web shop. The big difference between

physical and online payment fraud is, that, the card does not need to be present when making an

online transaction. The fraudster simply needs the card information. Hackers can steal this

information as it is often stored and transferred digitally.

Hackers either:

Use the data themselves

Sell it to cyber thieves, to make fraudulent transactions.

Has increased every year since 1993

Has increased especially since 2010

Will keep increasing until 2019

The fact that the major increases in card fraud have taken place since 2010 is assumed to be linked

to the growth in e-Commerce in the same period.

DAY-3 Why does fraud take place?

With a large amount of card information stored and transferred online, it has been become easier for

hackers to get access to this information.

Every time new measures are taken to prevent fraud, hackers step up their game and find new ways

to avoid the newly set barriers.

There are two main reasons that online fraud occurs as often as it does:

1. It is fairly easy for hackers to steal the needed data. For fraudsters, it is easy to buy this

information on the black market.

Page 4: DAY-1 CYBER ETHICS:-bishopscottboysschool.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/... · 2020. 5. 13. · Hackers and fraudsters are good at making themselves unnoticed. However, there

2. Lack of prosecution for this type of crime.

1. It is hard to detect online fraud and catch the correct fraudster. The fraudster frequently creates a

fake email account and opens a post box under an alias revealing no information about himself.

2. The police do not prioritize online fraud nearly as highly due to the fact that the average

amount of each case is low.

3. Online fraud repeatedly crosses borders, which makes it harder to find a legal punishment.

Fraud comes in many forms. Here are some of the fraud types most often seen.

When a customer (the fraudster) complains and claims a refund for a purchase.

The customer keeps the purchased item, but gets a refund, because they falsely claim that the

product does not live up to expectations or because they claim payment was made with a stolen


Clean fraud

When a fraudster uses a stolen credit card to make a purchase.

It is more complicated than friendly fraud, as a third person (the fraudster) is involved and this person

has to obtain a large amount of information on the cardholder. In this way, the fraudster can “cheat”

the fraud detection systems.

When a fraudster obtains and uses another person’s identifying personal information to commit

fraudulent actions, for instance, an online purchase.

An example in the payment industry is account theft.

Page 5: DAY-1 CYBER ETHICS:-bishopscottboysschool.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/... · 2020. 5. 13. · Hackers and fraudsters are good at making themselves unnoticed. However, there

Phishing takes place when a hacker pretends to be a known contact and requests personal data, or

tries to get you to install malware, which can then retrieve the data itself.

An example is emails sent by people pretending to be a known and trusted company that asks you

to update your personal information.

It occurs when the fraudster makes low-value test-purchases to validate stolen card information or

randomly generated card numbers.


The fraudster “hires” an unknowing third-party to re-ship products purchased with stolen card

information. The fraudster never pays the third-party as promised and the third-party ends up being

an accomplice in the crime.

Triangulation refers to the case in which the fraudster creates a fake online storefront, selling goods

at cheap prices.

This storefront has the sole purpose of gathering credit card data. The fraudster then orders the

goods at a real merchant and have them sent to the original customer. The fraudster gains the

payment for the product, but the customer pays twice:

1. Cheaper price in the storefront

2. Actual price to the real merchant

Sometimes the fraudster also uses the card information to make purchases for himself.

How to spot fraud?

Page 6: DAY-1 CYBER ETHICS:-bishopscottboysschool.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/... · 2020. 5. 13. · Hackers and fraudsters are good at making themselves unnoticed. However, there

Hackers and fraudsters are good at making themselves unnoticed. However, there are a few things

you can keep an eye out for if you want to detect fraud in your webshop:

1. First-time customers

2. Bigger than average orders

3. Fast shipping

4. Unusual location

5. Large quantity of the same product

6. Multiple shipping addresses

7. Shipping and billing address is not the same

8. Several cards used from the same IP address

9. Payment information typed with capital letters

10. Many transactions in a short amount of time

Fraud often leads to chargebacks. A chargeback is a sum that must be returned by the merchant to

the cardholder after a fraudulent transaction.

Processing a chargeback includes operational costs such as transaction fees, legal fees, currency

conversions etc.

Another loss is the product sold to the fraudster - the merchant will not get the “sold” product back.

If the merchant incurs a large number of chargebacks the result can, at worst, be that he can’t find an

acquirer to process his payments, as he is considered a high-risk customer.

Page 7: DAY-1 CYBER ETHICS:-bishopscottboysschool.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/... · 2020. 5. 13. · Hackers and fraudsters are good at making themselves unnoticed. However, there


A secure data transfer refers to transferring data such as sensitive or proprietary information

across a well-established secure channel.

The methods used to ensure secure data transmission are -

Email Encryption - A variety of vendors offer products that encrypt email addresses, are easy to

use and allow private data to be sent, including email attachments.

Transportation layer encryption and secure socket layer are cryptographic protocols that

provide encrypted Internet communications for web browsing, email, Web faxing, instant

messaging, and other data transfers.

Authorisation and Authentication:-


Encryption is an operation pertaining to both symmetric and PKE schemes. Note that hashing is not

encryption, it’s just hashing.

In symmetric key cryptography, you encrypt information with a secret key. Encrypting makes this

information unusable, called the ciphertext. You can decrypt this ciphertext with the same key, by

performing the steps of the cipher and mode of operation in reverse.

In public key cryptography, a public key is used to encrypt information, and this key can be seen by

anybody. Given only the public key, plaintext, and/or ciphertext, one cannot determine the private key,

which is the only way to decrypt the ciphertext

Page 8: DAY-1 CYBER ETHICS:-bishopscottboysschool.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/... · 2020. 5. 13. · Hackers and fraudsters are good at making themselves unnoticed. However, there


OTHER ETHICAL ISSUES:- Some professions, such as health care and the law, have a clear code of ethics that spell out what a person should and should not do in certain situations. However, a great many of other professions don't have guidelines to help someone navigate tricky situations. It's then up to each organization – or even each person in some cases – to decide how to handle ethical issues.

Social Media Use

Whether you like it or not, social media is an important business marketing tool, and it's likely an

integral part of employees' lives. The evolving nature of social media means that it's becoming harder

to distinguish between personal and professional in a social media setting.

To ward off any potential ethical issues, a small business owner should create a clear set of social

media policies for employees. Policies can cover both how and if workers can use any social media

programs while in the office, as well as what they are allowed to say about the workplace on public-

facing social media pages.

Technology and Privacy Concerns

Today's technology security abilities mean that employers can easily monitor their workers' use of

technology, such as emails and website history. However, a business owner might run into the

ethical issue of how much privacy an employee can expect when on a company device, whether

computer, tablet or phone. As with social media usage, employees should have a clear

Page 9: DAY-1 CYBER ETHICS:-bishopscottboysschool.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/... · 2020. 5. 13. · Hackers and fraudsters are good at making themselves unnoticed. However, there


understanding of how much, if any, privacy they have when using a company-owned device. They

should be alerted if the company leadership plans to read email or if their internet usage will be


Business Travel Ethics

Some businesses require both leadership and employees to travel on the company dime. Ethical

issues can result when someone takes advantage of travel policies. Examples include using an

allotted per diem to purchase alcohol when it's stated in the employee manual that it's not allowed or

using a personal credit card to book trips to gain the rewards and pocketing the cash given to you by

the company. While these actions aren't illegal, they can be considered ethical issues if someone's

boss isn't aware of what is going on or if the employee knows the action would be frowned upon.

Perils of Employee Favouritism

While it's not unreasonable for the owner of an organization to have employees that they enjoy

working with more than others, there can be ethical issues if the person in a position of leadership

shows favouritism to an employee without any merit behind it. Giving in to playing favourites can

cause a business to lose valuable employees. However, keep in mind that favouritism is different

from forms of sexual harassment, which is not an ethical issue – it's just illegal.

Bad Leadership Behaviour

Sometimes, it's not the employee who exhibits unethical behaviour, but the owner or head of the

company. Putting rules in place for employees but not following them yourself is an example of an

ethical issue in the workplace. To keep your employees motivated and satisfied with their workplace,

a leader should practice what he preaches and keep his own behaviour ethical.

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