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Maverick!s beat Nuggets with triple-digits

Beauty plays expose societal standards

Business school should expand focus


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$93 million and countingSMU Athletic Department sees defi cit soar over the past six years,

refuses to release budget information

By STEVEN R. THOMPSONContributing Writer

[email protected]


SMU raises money for MS

Senate helps family find match


See ATHLETICS on Page 4


[email protected]

Editor’s Note: The following story is first in a series that examines the secretive nature of various operations at SMU.

On the same day that head coach June Jones and the football team strode aboard a chartered 767 bound for Hawaii and the university’s first bowl game in 25 years, SMU President R. Gerald Turner glumly reported college football was in crisis. Worse yet, Turner wrote in a Dec. 19 Washington Post editorial, the business of college athletics “is on a path toward meltdown.”

Turner said he and other college presidents could avert financial catastrophe only if they went public with athletic budget information. In Turner’s words, “The first step will need to be true transparency regarding athletic spending.”

SMU officials have yet to fulfill this promise.Despite repeated attempts by The Daily Campus

in late January to get basic revenues and expenses for the SMU Athletic Department for the past five years, officials declined to release any information. Brad Sutton, assistant athletic director for media relations, said, “The department does not do that.” Travis Wolther, the department’s manager of financial reporting, called the budget “confidential information.”

Turner told The Daily Campus athletic

officials should give budget information to campus groups with what he called “leadership responsibilities.”

“If you’re writing an article, we’d have it available,” he said. “Whether it’s just out to be wallpaper somewhere, I don’t have any desire to do that.”

Some students have a problem with the restricted access to the budget.

“I think it should be available to all students since we pay so much to go here,” sophomore Jenny Pender said.

Other students questioned why SMU wants to keep the information so quiet.

“Anything that’s kept so confidential seems strange,” senior Courtney Jones said.

Using the SMU Faculty Senate Web site, The Daily Campus independently obtained athletic department records for the past six years. They show that during those years the SMU Athletic Department lost more than $93 million. This is equal to 40 percent of all tuition and fees paid by students in 2009.

Some students said they were stunned by the losses. “That’s shocking,” freshman Alex Williamson said.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. When Turner hired Steve Orsini as athletic director in 2006, one of his main goals was to improve the financial situation of the athletic department, Orsini recalled in an interview. Orsini, a former CPA,

had the “business expertise that will help us build resources and fan support,” Turner said. Since then, the financial situation of the department has changed – for the worse.

From 2004 to 2006, before Orsini was hired, the department’s annual deficit ranged between $12 and $13 million. Since Orsini’s first full year at SMU in 2007, annual athletic department losses have ballooned to $18 million annually – a 50 percent increase. This jump in losses is something Orsini says he can’t explain.

“I can’t answer that,” he said. “I don’t know.”Most college athletic programs lose money,

primarily because of football. What’s different about SMU is that the athletic department loses a lot more money than most.

A 2009 NCAA report looked at SMU and 118 other Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) schools. Ninety-four lost money. The median deficit for these 94 colleges was $7.27 million in 2006, $7.53 million in 2007 and $8.09 in 2008. By comparison, the SMU Athletic Department lost $12.97 million in 2006, $17.95 million in 2007 and $18.18 million in 2008—more than twice the median deficit for the 94 schools.

Despite the athletic department’s refusal to provide this information, Turner said the figures are readily available for interested parties such as SMU students and their parents.


[email protected]

Over the weekend, SMU students raised $2,135 for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, which funds research and provides services and programs to help people with Multiple Sclerosis and their families.

Thirty-two students participated in the Dallas 2010 Walk MS on March 27. The SMU team, Mustang Miracle, was one of the third highest fundraisers in the school category.

MS is a chronic, unpredictable neurological disease that attacks the central nervous system, according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Web site.

Although the cause of MS is

unknown, one theory is environmental. Some scientists think the disease may be linked to a vitamin D deficiency. The body naturally produces Vitamin D when skin is exposed to sunlight, and MS occurs more frequently in areas farther away from the equator.

Freshman Hannah Bliss, community service director for Virginia-Snider and Mustang Miracle team captain, originally planned to participate in the walk as a service event with her residence hall. However, as more people learned about the event and Hannah’s personal connection with it, the group grew.

Bliss’s mother, Natalie, was diagnosed with MS about six years ago, while Bliss was in sixth grade.

“This was definitely a way for me to

support her and love her even though I’m away from her and away from home,” Bliss said.

Freshman Michelle Craig met Bliss at AARO and they soon became good friends. Craig said she found out that Bliss’s mother had MS only two weeks ago when discussing the MS walk.

Craig said setting her alarm for 6 a.m. was difficult, but worth it. She said the experience made her appreciate her own health. Through her conversations with Bliss, Craig said she learned that anyone can be diagnosed with the disease and MS is a difficult disease to diagnose.

“We don’t know what causes it. That was part of my motivation. To

Does SMU care for students’ cars?CHARITY

Photo Courtesy of ibspra.net

By DANIELLE BARRIOSContributing [email protected]

Addicts find support through NA

See MS on Page 4 See CARS on Page 4



With multiple crime reports about car break-ins and damages incurred to vehicles, SMU Police Department is busy tracking down offenders. To many students’ discouragement, most cases are left unresolved because the police do not have enough evidence to incriminate possible perpetrators.

The lack of sufficient security raises a question: What is SMU doing to ensure the safety of students’ cars on campus?

In the fall of 2006, SMU revamped it’s video surveillance system throughout campus. The current system used on campus is called Video Insight. It is a more

secure, trustworthy system that runs from one central dispatch station, which is able to readily access the one hundred video surveillance cameras throughout campus, according to the SMU PD. Parking garages, the

Cox School of Business building and the Meadows School of the Arts building are just a few of the locations equipped with Video Insight

By STEPHANIE BROWNContributing [email protected]

“Hi, I’m Moe and I’m an addict,” a hopeful, middle-aged woman, sitting at a Central Narcotics Anonymous meeting Sunday evening, said.

Four other members accompanied her as they sat beneath the roof of the blue and white building covered with a sobriety white board, motivational doctrines and prayers over practically every inch of wall space between the concrete floor and mismatched chairs.

“It works if you work it,” “The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using” and “Our message is hope and the promise is freedom” were the inspirational messages cluttering the walls, attempting to convince the members to follow the group’s mantra and take, “one day at a time.”

As the leader of the meeting began

talking and admitting that he too is an addict, he stressed the importance of the meeting’s anonymity and confidentiality, stating that the program can and will work if these two aspects are held to the highest integrity by its members. Two addicts

read from the traditions of Narcotics Anonymous and the 12-step program, saying in unison, “An addict is a man or woman whose life is controlled by drugs.”

The formal meeting comes to a close as each member speaks

about a normalcy most of us take for granted—how our day went. Although some are optimistic in their recovery, others admit using allowed them to “slowly committing suicide” making it even more difficult to grasp that there continues to be no known cure for their disease.

“One is too many and a thousand is never enough,” Moe said, confident in the unity NA provides her in each meeting she attends. The meetings help her to recognize the different reactions and recovery process the disease brings for each of its victims, not just the similar nature it may deceive people into believing.

Moe admits she is afraid to miss a single meeting. Like her, another member is terrified of missing a single meeting. He fears that the day he misses, a member, group leader or visitor might say something that

See ADDICTION on Page 4


The blueblue line represents the SMU Athletic Department defi cit in millions. In 2007, Athletic Director Steve Orsini’s fi rst full year at SMU, losses ballooned to $18 million – a 50 percent increase. The red line represents data from an NCAA report that looked at SMU and 118 other Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) schools (formerly known as Division 1-A). Ninety-four lost money. However, SMU’s athletic defi cit has been more than twice the median defi cit for the 94 schools since 2007.

Sources: Faculty Senate All-Univer-sity Finance Report Spring 2009 and 2004-08 NCAA Revenues and Expenses of Division I Intercollegiate Athletic Pro-grams Report

*2009 is an estimated fi gure for SMU. NCAA fi gures for 2009 are unavailable

A scared father spoke about bone marrow donation; a proposal for speaking restrictions during the meetings for students and the media was established; and McFarlin Auditorium fees were abridged at Tuesday’s Student Senate meeting.

Six weeks ago, SMU alumni John and Nancy Anderson had three healthy children. Now, their 2-year-old daughter Ann Hinckley Anderson is getting treatment for aplastic anemia at the Children’s Medical Center of Dallas. Anderson said the condition causes bone marrow to recede.

The Andersons are asking that everyone join the 20 million other people who have had their DNA

registered to be a possible bone marrow donor through the organization “Be the Match.”

Working alongside Carter Bloodcare, “Be the Match” was on campus yesterday swabbing the inside of people’s cheeks for DNA samples.

They will be here today from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the main lobby of

See SENATE on Page 5

StyleCynthia Rowley goes on the road

Page 2

NewsCongo Streets get makeover

Page 5

TODAYHigh 83, Low 60

TOMORROWHigh 79, Low 63

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The Daily Campus

Police ReportsMARCH 7

1:18 a.m., Kappa Alpha Theta/3108 University.: UPFD responded to an active fire alarm. UPFD checked the location and found no signs of smoke or fire. UPFD were not able to reset or to silence the alarm. The house mom was notified and said she would call the alarm company to come out and service the malfunctioning fire panel. Closed.

12:44 a.m., McElvaney Hall/6000 Bishop Blvd.: A public safety officer reported damage to three sets of ceil-ing tiles. Open

6:14 p.m., Kappa Alpha Theta/3108 University: An officer responded to a reoccurring fire alarm. The officer was bale to make entry into the house and rest the alarm system. There were no signs of smoke of fire. Closed.



March 29-April 4

Communication Workshop

5:30 p.m. Hughes-Trigg Ball-room. Explore career options and get advice from Dallas business leaders. Bring your resume and portfolio if you can! All welcome.

Careers In Sports5 p.m. Hughes-Trigg

Promenades AB. Learn about career paths in sports from a panel of professionals repre-senting different areas.

SMU Iron ChefCompetition

5 p.m. RFoC at Umphrey Lee. Come see Dallas’ best and brighted culinary students battle it out on the Hilltop. Giveaways include Central Market cooking classes and gift cards.

11:58 a.m., Pi Beta Phi House/3102 Daniel: An officer and the University Park Fire Department responded to a fire alarm. There was no leak or fire in the house and the system was reset. Closed.





Style2 • Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A boutique on wheels rolled up to Highland Park Village on Thursday.

The vehicle, essentially a tricked out UPS shipping truck, is making a cross-country road trip packed with fashion designer Cynthia Rowley’s spring 2010 collection.

The temporary store front set-up shop in Dallas, after making the trip from New York City down to Miami, up to Atlanta and then across the south to Houston – with some impromptu college town visits in between, at schools like Auburn and the University of Georgia.

The bright blue and pink truck adorned with a black and white striped awning, located right next to Vince and across from Starbucks, will remain stationary until Monday, April 5, and then it’s headed west.

Take a step into the bed of the truck and you’re immersed in Rowley’s fun and carefree designs – shoes, dresses, sunglasses, jackets, bags, belts, shorts – a diverse and colorful collection that is perfectly fitting for the road trip adventure it has embarked upon.

“It is something a lot of designers are doing now, and it’s a really good way to spread the idea of your line

around the country without having to go to all the trouble of opening a store there to see if it gets a reception,” Rachel Philippetti, who is operating the truck while it’s parked in Dallas, said.

The idea of temporary storefronts, or “pop-up shops,” has become a recent phenomenon in New York City, Los Angeles and summer vacation spots like the Hamptons, Martha’s Vineyard, Palm Beach, Nantucket and Miami.

The current economic climate creates the reason behind this idea, since the commitment is short and ideal for a new business venture.

Not to mention that the truck brings customers in, simply because shoppers are intrigued with the concept and want to see what it’s all about.

“Most people have been a little confused and they have walked in and have been like what are you guys doing here?” Philippetti said. “That is the kind of reception we want: we want people to be curious about it and for them to tell their friends to go see this truck that is parked in the parking lot.”

Although the innovative concept brings in shoppers, not everyone in the neighborhood is happy about the arrival of the adventurous and quirky

mobile store.“I think that some people in the

village have been really excited to have us here, while others haven’t been as excited,” Philippetti said. “That’s just my impression, some people think it’s silly and they take it more seriously than Cynthia Rowley does.”

One thing is certain: the bold truck is hard to miss.

Inside, the shipping truck is decked out with a funky couch and ottoman, two fitting rooms and of course loads of merchandise to last the long haul.

“We have pretty much the entire spring collection out on the rack,” Philippetti said. “We have a couple of sizes out, but we have a really full back stock as well.”

Back stock of the merchandise

is important for times like this past weekend, when Philippetti said the truck was so packed, lines to hop aboard and shop began to form.

“We had a really good response on Saturday,” she said. “The other girl that was working had to stand outside because there was so many people inside she didn’t have room to be in here.”

The spring 2010 Cynthia Rowley collection features flashy sequin shorts, conservative linen dresses and everything in between.

“We have had a lot of younger people coming in and they are buying more of the shorts and the sequins, but we have also had some of the older crowd and they are buying cocktail dresses and the cardigans,”

Philippetti said. “We have different stuff for different cliental.”

The pop-up shop works for many reason, but the biggest seller beyond Cynthia Rowley’s feminine flattering designs is the atmosphere.

“People think it’s just plain fun to buy a designer dress out of the back of a truck,” she said.

Be sure to checkout Cynthia

Rowley’s “Shop on Wheels” before it rolls out on April 5.

If you’re interested in other pop-up shops around Dallas, swing by POP UP 310 in West Village.

The venue is open only until June 1, and works as a gallery and display space for local artists, writers, musicians and all things creative.

By SARAH BRAYStyle Editor

[email protected]


Cynthia Rowley takes her store on the roadModifi ed UPS truck rolled into Highland Park Village Thursday

“Pick Your Major” Event

11 a.m., Hughes-Trigg Pre-function area. Come meet professors and students from Dedman’s departments to get some advice about picking a major!


Assassin’s Tournament

Assassin’s Tournament [Game] Win a 32” TV! Sign up at: www.smuac.wordpress.com Applications Due on March 31st!


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The Daily Campus Entertainment Wednesday, March 31, 2010 • 3

Neil LaBute is undeniably one of America’s most controversial and provocative playwrights, but for many he is also the voice of a generation—a generation tired of tedious, mediocre performances and thirsty for controversy and something a little more edgy.

LaBute strives for this edginess and aims, as he would say, to “get under people’s skin.”

Those who’ve seen his plays or films would give him an overwhelming vote of success.

So it’s funny that the Dallas Theater Center would choose to showcase a playwright whose plays have stoked a firestorm of controversy even, on occasion, in liberal-minded New York City. But maybe that’s the genius.

The funny thing is that it works, as evidenced in the number of sold-out performances of Neil LaBute’s The Beauty Plays at the AT&T Center for the Performing Arts’ new Wyly Theatre.

DTC is staging the three plays that compose this trilogy, “The Shape of Things,” “Fat Pig” and “reasons to be pretty,”

in repertoire. They began in early March and will continue to perform the

three plays until May 23.The subject matter of the trilogy is, naturally, beauty and the

plays serve as LaBute’s examination and scathing critique of

America’s obsession with physical beauty. All three of the plays portray a different scenario in which

we are forced to question our attitudes about self-image and how those attitudes affect not only those around us but our inner psyche as well.

The plays are being staged in the Wyly’s Studio Theatre, which seats only 100 people. This small space magnifies the occasional feelings of discomfort or disdain the subject matter invokes in the audience.

Reviewers have called “Fat Pig,” “uncomfortably personal,” possibly the exact feeling the directors of the three shows have meant to elicit from audience members.

Through this discomfort, the plays are meant to force each member of the audience to question previously held notions concerning what is beautiful and what should be beautiful. In that, as in most of his satirical critiques of society, LaBute is successful.

Theater-goers have nearly two more months to catch one or all of the plays in LaBute’s trilogy at the Dallas Theater Center, but purchasing tickets ahead of time is highly recommended as the shows sell out quickly.

When I was a little girl, I wore out the VHS of “101 Dalmatians.” I insisted on watching it repeatedly, and my parents relented.

Mind you, this was the original, better version: not the one with the real dogs, who couldn’t even speak.

Disney’s classic animation seems to possess the magic that makes everyone feel warm and fuzzy inside.

This magic combined with the power of a good story, such as Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland,” were what made the movies come to life for the newest generation.

However, Tim Burton’s take on Carroll’s story doesn’t seem to be one that children will ask to see over and over again.

As the introductory credits roll across the screen, anticipation builds: the cast features Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter and Anne Hathaway.

This excitement will soon dissipate, as disappointment slowly seeps in with the sluggishness of the plot.

In the theater, children will be yelling because nothing has captured their attention, and you’ll have to stare down into the bag of popcorn for entertainment as this film tries to get its plot moving.

Who knew the day would come that you would be waiting with great anticipation for the girl to just fall down the rabbit hole already?

When Alice does get into this wonderland, the audience is further teased, yet it is not the kind of tease that sends them to the edge of their seats.

The simple question of whether or not the rabbit brought the right Alice is drawn out to the middle of the film.

She is Alice. She isn’t. No, she is. I don’t think so.

You soon won’t care if this movie is about the real or the fake Alice, and you’ll be forced to focus on the fuzzy cat that creepily smiles and drifts in the air.

Things start to look up when Johnny Depp enters the scene, walking over a table to encounter Alice.

The Mad Hatter is on par with other characters that Depp has explored. Frankly, he nails the part with his over-dramatic charisma and eccentricity.

This slow-moving film starts to develop a plot in the encounter with the Red Queen, (Wicked Witch of the West), who is the sister of the White Queen (Glinda).

Carter takes on the ruthless role of the Red Queen, be-friending Alice, (whose name she thinks is Um), until she finds out the truth.

Hathaway, playing the White Queen, engages Alice to slay the Jabberwocky, a three-story dragon-like creature. When she completes this quest, the day is saved and the Red Queen is banished.

Generally, the film is aesthetically pleasing.

The colors, oversized mushrooms and Depp’s makeup give it a glossy appearance. The actors do a more than adequate job of bringing each audience member into this wonderland of Alice’s: by the end, you’ll want the White Queen to be your mom, the Mad Hatter to be your drinking buddy and the smiling cat to be your next pet.

While makeup for the Mad Hatter is bright and whimsical, the overall mood of the film, from the colors and sets, is dark. The attempt to show despair in wonderland would scare almost any child.

The film is well-directed, choreographed and designed. However, the adapted plot is less than lackluster.

As in some of Burton’s previous films, the plot is characterized by a feeling of unevenness.

Though visually entertaining, the film doesn’t feel like a complete movie.

The plot spends a great deal of time getting Alice to her wonderland, and quickly resolves this world’s struggle when Alice flies in the air and slices off the head of the Jabberwocky.

Perhaps it is not Burton’s fault. This story may just need to stay on the bookshelf.

By JENNIFER SMARTContributing [email protected]

The Beauty Plays successfully examine cultural obsessionTHEATER

Neil LaBute Trilogy

The subject matter of the trilogy is, naturally, beauty, and the plays serve as LaBute’s exami-nation and scathing critique of Ameri-ca’s obsession with physical beauty.

Performances“The Shape of Things”

“Fat Pig”

“reasons to be pretty”

Begins early March, ends May 23

Wyly’s Studio Theatre



[email protected]

‘Alice in Wonderland’ a visual treat, but feels incomplete

Page 4: DC033110.WEB

The Daily Campus

could have changed his life. Moe, holding back tears and

quivering in her speech, said, “It may not be a big deal to everyone, but looking in the mirror today–this was the first really good day.”

Displaying the wide spectrum of emotion an addict goes through on his or her journey to recovery, one man was not nearly as optimistic.

“People don’t care if I die or not,” he said, fighting back tears, “I used to band-aid myself with drugs and I know it was a cop out….I struggle every day.”

“I have to stop letting life use me

up.” Although he admitted being a

recovering addict is a daily battle, he is afraid the habit of lying he has developed does not have a 12-step program to recovery. Despite the greater amount of time dedicated to drugs in his life than time without them, he pulls out a small, worn bible saying, “But this day today, I made it.”

Some people come to the meetings to get warm, drink a free cup of coffee and possibly spend one less hour out in the cold, but one member said, “I’m not here because I want to be, I am because I need to be.”

The addict’s worst enemy is the self, and the members wholeheartedly admitted, “We only keep what we have by giving it away.”

The group’s leader, and recovering addict for over 12 years, explains how his lustful affair with drugs started with his first taste of freedom in college.

“When I got to college, I partied every day,” the man said, leaning back in his chair, “If there wasn’t a party, I’d find some way to party.” He admitted that he stopped going to any of his classes and, later, lost the ability to handle his impulses without just one more sip, hit, bump or line. The leader reaffirmed that “there is no such thing as a functioning addict.”

These addicts cannot promise themselves tomorrow will be better than today. Tomorrow might be the day they relapse. Their addiction is ruthless. It feeds off their last hopes and can do everything in its power to nurse their chemical impulses.

Brought together from different backgrounds, survival stories and beliefs, the NA members continue to have one thing in common: each other. As the addicts bowed their heads in a final prayer, they struggle to remain hopeful for their disease’s cure. But one thing is certain: they don’t have to face tomorrow alone.


4 • Wednesday, March 31, 2010 News

ATHLETICS: Turner, officials choose to report lower lossesCONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

“The issue on transparency is, ‘Are the basic components of the operation of your athletic program made available to the constituents of your campus?’ And our answer is yes here,” he said.

A search of the SMU Web site suggests otherwise. The athletic department site contains no budget information. A search of SMU using “athletic deficit” turns up scattered references to the department’s losses. But in virtually every case, these figures—reported by SMU administrators to the Faculty Senate—are significantly lower than the department’s actual losses.

Orsini and other officials told the Faculty Senate in October 2008 the athletic deficit for the past year was $7.4 million, not $17.95 million. In April 2009, the athletic department told a Senate panel its 2008 deficit was $7.2 million, not $18.18 million. That same month, the department told the Faculty Senate its estimated 2009 deficit was $6.3 million, not $18.6 million as reported on university budget documents.

How do Orsini and other administrators come up with these figures? At SMU, athletic scholarships count for roughly a third of the athletic department’s expenses due to the high cost of tuition. Orsini, with the support of top SMU administrators, does not count athletic scholarships as an expense for his department. “What the university says is: ‘We’re not burdening the athletic department with that,’ ” Orsini said.

The NCAA includes scholarships, or grants-in-aid, as an athletic department expense. So does the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, a national watchdog group seeking to reform college athletics. Experts who have spent years studying the business of college athletics—including Dan Fulks, a Transylvania University accounting professor and research consultant for the NCAA, and Jay Weiner, a sports journalist and author of a recent Knight Commission report—said scholarships should be included when calculating the bottom line for athletic programs.

“Grants-in-aid are an expense, indeed,” Weiner said. “Across the Football Bowl Subdivision they account for 16 percent of athletic departments’ costs.”

Few know this subject better than President Turner, who has co-chaired the Knight Commission since 2006. He said it is accurate to include scholarships as an athletic department expense. “Yes, it is fair, absolutely,” he said.

Fulks and other experts said universities often use student fees or tuition increases to help cover the costs

of athletic deficits. In 2008, student fees across all FBS schools (those comparable to SMU) accounted for 6 percent of the median total revenues for athletic programs, according to a 2009 NCAA report Fulks authored.

“Students should be well aware of what it costs the university to operate the athletic program and what it costs them directly through student fees,” Fulks said.

“College Sports 101,” a recent report by the Knight Commission, points out the dangers of taking money from a university’s general fund and putting it into athletics.

“With costs in athletics rising faster than in other areas of university operations, it is not clear how many

institutions can continue to underwrite athletics at their current level without allocating significant funds that could be used for teaching, research, service, student services, or other core functions,” the report states.

Political science professor Matthew Wilson, who sits on the Faculty Senate’s Athletics Policy Committee, echoed this concern.

“Every dollar that subsidizes athletic operations could be subsidizing new faculty positions, or scholarships for students, or research infrastructure and grants,” Wilson said.

Weiner said colleges usually say little about this. “Most students or parents don’t know of these shifts from central funds to athletics,” he said.

Students at SMU were no exception.

Senior advertising major Caroline Hill was angry her tuition helps pay for a program that loses $18 million a year.

“That makes me upset,” Hill said.Williamson said he now realizes

why he has to pay so much to attend SMU.

“Well, now I know where more of that big tuition goes,” Williamson said.

According to Orsini, there was no conscious effort to increase spending when he started as athletic director.

However, expenses, not including scholarships, increased from $13.7 million in 2006 to $21.3 million in 2008 – a 55 percent increase.

SMU is not alone. In October 2009, the Knight Commission interviewed university presidents across the country about the hidden threat posed by athletic deficits. Several expressed concern about the spike in athletic spending. One put it this way: “The problem is, it’s such big money. It’s an arms race that’s self-perpetuating.”

The Commission found that eight out of 10 university presidents agreed with Turner’s call for transparency, meaning readily available budgets that also are accurate.

Weiner said not having a full understanding of athletic department expenses allows deficits to skyrocket.

Some SMU students did see an upside to the increasing deficit.

“I don’t think it’s a horrible thing,” senior finance major Megan Tague said. “It sucks right now, because our teams aren’t good, but if our degrees are going to mean more in the end, then it’s OK.”

This is a way of looking at athletic departments as investments to attract students and faculty to the university, Orsini said.

“Athletics is like a front porch to a home. You don’t have to have a front porch to have a nice home, but if you’re going to have a front porch, have it look attractive so people will want to check out your home. In this case, having an athletic program that’s attractive to potential students that may want to come to SMU,” Orsini said. “Universities are willing to invest in that aspect to get a return, which is more people wanting to come to your school.”

Fulks said the real area of concern that they have found at the NCAA is the growth rate in spending.

“We don’t want athletic spending to grow any faster than the entire university’s spending,” Fulks said.

Between 2007 and 2008, records show, total university expenses at SMU grew 9.6 percent, while total athletic expenses grew 20.5 percent.

Orsini said he hopes that an increase in wins by sports teams, like football, will bring in more revenue to curb the costs of the department. He said the deficit is still a concern of his and Turner’s, just like whether or not a team is winning.

“It’s an ongoing evaluation about lowering the support of the university towards athletics,” Orsini said. “We talk about that just like we talk about, ‘Hey, the men’s basketball program lost a tough one last night.’ It’s an ongoing challenge, just like wins are.”

SMU estimates that in 2010, its athletic department will lose another $18 million.

find the cause, because you can’t start working for the cure until you find the cause,” Craig said.

Freshman Alex Mace also participated in the walk. He went to high school with Bliss in St. Louis and his twin sister was her best friend. Mace said he did not know much about MS until he talked to Bliss and decided to help.

This year, they made tie-dye shirts for their uniform and wore orange

headbands for Bliss and her mother.Mace said he cannot wait for next

year, and looks forward to future costumes and bringing attention to MS. He also said he hopes that the walk doubles, or even triples, in size.

Sarah Wainwright, another participant, said the walk was the most fun she ever had, even though she had to get up early and lose some sleep. She went on rollerblades, carried a radio and played music by Britney Spears, Michael Jackson and Journey.

Bliss, Craig and Mace all said the music Wainwright provided enhanced the fun.

“Think about a group of college students being up at 7 a.m. and dancing around,” Craig said.

Fundraising will continue for another two weeks after the event and Bliss’s team is $210 away from first place. To donate to the team or learn more information, visit: www.nationalmssociety.org.

The Texas Intercollegiate Press Association gave The Daily Campus and Rotunda yearbook 11 awards each for journalistic excellence during its annual convention last weekend.

The Daily Campus took home two first place awards, one for a sports column by former sports editor Chris Dell and one for a news story by business editor John Coleman. The Daily Campus also

took home awards in page one design, information graphic, news feature, news story, illustration, general column and feature story.

Rotunda earned seven first place awards, including first place in overall excellence and cover design. Other award categories included feature photo, sports package, opening copy, opening package, academics package and academics copy.

“The honors awarded to the staffers of our two student publications are testament to the hard work and dedication put in by our students to deliver outstanding coverage of the SMU community,” Jay Miller, executive director of the Student Media Co., Inc., said.

--Meredith Shamburger

Daily Campus wins TIPA awards


MS: Students work for a cause

surveillance equipment. According to the SMU Police

Department’s reports on SMU’s Web site, crime has significantly reduced since the implementation of this new system.

While the new camera system has proved somewhat successful, some still question the effectiveness of the positioning of the video surveillance cameras.

Recently, an unknown offender hit SMU student Landon Owen’s parked car in the Moody Parking Garage, and left false contact information. When Owen reported the accident to SMU PD, they informed him that it would be difficult to identify the perpetrator

because the video surveillance cameras are only located at the entrance and exits of the garage.

A number of other students have also experienced unsolved crime incidents due to the lack of proper video surveillance. Sophomore Ross Miller is one of them. An unknown perpetrator keyed Miller’s car in the Airline Parking Garage.

“It’s the most frustrating thing knowing that people can get away with stuff like this,” Miller said.

One of the many perks of Video Insight is that it can be improved upon. New cameras are frequently added around campus to new buildings and parking garages.

Freshman Ally Fields is relieved

by SMU safety measures.“I feel better knowing that our

campus is taking action to make sure its students are kept safe,” said Fields.

SMU plans to expand this system to more buildings, including the new George W. Bush Presidential Library.

The Insurance Council of Texas offers suggestions to prevent crime. Tips from its three-step prevention method are: “Lock your car. Take your keys. Hide your belongings.”

For more safety tips, visit www.insurancecouncil.org.

CARS: Security questionedCONTINUED FROM PAGE 1


ADDICTION: groups offer support for recovering users

Every dollar that subsidizes athletic operations could be subsidizing new faculty positions, or scholarships for students, or research infrastructure and grants,Matthew WilsonPolitical Science Professor and Athletic Council Member

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The Daily Campus News Wednesday, March 31, 2010 • 5

the Dedman Recreation Center, and in the Hughes-Trigg Crossing on Thursday at the same time.

Anderson said there is an especially huge shortage in registered minorities, so they are begging people from all different races to come out and get registered.

“I would hate to think that my daughter would be sick and we couldn’t find a match,” he said, “when [getting registered is] really so easy.”

Ann is undergoing a certain kind of treatment that is preventing her from needing a bone marrow transplant; and if you can’t help her through donating plasma, Anderson asks that you try to donate blood.

Haley Wine, fundraising representative for Children’s Medical Center, also spoke in yesterday’s meeting, thanked the SMU community for jumping on-board with the movement

to make people more aware of the need for marrow, blood and plasma donations.

“Every ten seconds, somebody in the United States needs blood,” Wine said. “People die every day just waiting and waiting and waiting.”

Up for debate next week is a requested revision of speaking privileges during Senate meetings, particular media participation.

Lyle Senator Joseph Esau said that the previous wording about speaking privileges was a bit ambiguous. The request suggests that, “only Student Body Officers, Student Senate Officers (excluding the Speaker of the Senate), Student Senators, Standing Committee Chairs and the Student Senate Advisor may ask questions when recognized by the chair.”

If this legislation passes, media outlets will only be “allowed to ask questions during Speaker’s Podium,” and all media would have to request permission before every meeting to ask questions.

Some questions were raised about

possibly adding a clause that permitted media to ask clarification questions, and Law Senator Jason Sansone said that sounded like a good idea to bring up in debate.

According to Sansone, some media have interjected comments that might have added bias to Senate members, making it almost seem as if there were a Media Senate Chair.

Tuesday’s issues also involved fees for renting out McFarlin Auditorium.

With no debate, members voted unanimously for McFarlin Auditorium to be free to all student-run events as long as all proceeds go to charity, but there will still be fees for security and staff.

Elections for the runoff for Student Body President and Vice President are today and tomorrow.

Presidential candidates are Jack Benage and Jake Torres. Vice Presidential candidates are Alex Ehmke and Austin Prentice. Students can vote at smu.edu/elections.


SENATE: New legislation considered

Lyle school works to improve Congo streets

Why are roads built the way they are? Why does water flow in a specific way down the road when it rains?

These kinds of questions don’t normally come to mind until inconveniences, such as road construction, occur.

For the residence of Congo Street, raising these questions has changed the way they live.

SMU’s Lyle School of Engineering is cooperating with the Building Community Workshop in the Congo Street Green Initiative, which helps restore structural integrity to 17 duplexes and single-family homes.

Located near Fair Park in Dallas, all 17 residences are over 100 years old and are in desperate need of restoration.

The Building Community Workshop is a non-profit organization that is in charge of bringing these homes to the level of structural integrity required for healthy and sound living, according to Wahid Manawi, team leader and Ph.D. Candidate in Structural Engineering.

The restoration of the buildings is “developed out of a desire to preserve the pervasive sense of community and to respect the economic options available to neighbors as both land owners and homeowners,” according to the Building Community Workshop Web site.

Lyle School’s Department of Environmental and Civil Engineering (ENCE) and Huitt Zollars, a Dallas engineering firm, are providing technical support and design expertise in the renovation of Congo Street.

The Congo street area is part of a largely neglected section in Dallas that has not seen any improvements in roughly 50 years, according to Manawi.

He said the Congo Street area is in complete ruins, with inadequate rain runoff capacity, which creates water puddles along the street, even during a short period of rainfall.

The goal of the project is “to bring improvements to the living conditions of Congo Street residents by providing a team of [SMU] interns and technical advice,” Manawi said.

The SMU team of interns will examine the existing conditions of the street, survey the surrounding area of the street, provide an analysis of the water run-off, and the capacity of existing drainage system.

Then, they will come up with innovative and economic solutions and potential bid documents, according to Manawi

Individuals also involved include ENCE professor Dr. Roger Dickey, ENCE graduate Austin Fee, ENCE graduate John Duvenci, and Brent Brown, the founder of Building Community Workshop and main architect of the project.

Fee said he is excited to work in an area of Dallas “that has been completely neglected…for over 100 years now.” The project provides an opportunity to “undo the wrongs done to this street.”

By TAYLOR REEDStaff Writer

[email protected]

Photo Courtesy of Wahid Manawi

Areas in Congo where the Lyle School plans to repair.

Photo Courtesy of Wahid Manawi

This street was surveyed for repairs by the Lyle School.

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What good is freedom of speech if you’re not going to use it? Would you like to see your opinion published in The Daily Campus? Is there something happening on campus or in the world you really want to say something about? Then The Daily Campus is looking for you!

E-mail your columns and letters to [email protected] or to the commentary editor. Letters should not exceed 200 words in length and columns should be 500-700 words.

Submissions must be in either text format (.txt) or rich text format (.rtf).

For verification, letters and columns must include the author’s name, signature, major or department, e-mail address and telephone num-ber. The Daily Campus will not print anonymous letters. A photograph will be required to publish columns. The editor reserves the right to edit for length, spelling, grammar and style.


The Daily Campus Opinion

A Publication of Student Media Company, Inc.Editorial Staff

Editor in Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meredith ShamburgerManaging Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Praveen SathianathanNews Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Taylor AdamsAssociate News Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarah PottharstArts & Entertainment Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lisa CollinsAssociate Arts & Entertainment Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laura CookStyle Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarah BraySports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stephen LuAssociate Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brittany LevineHealth & Fitness Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marissa O’Connor, Halle OrganOpinion Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nathaniel FrenchChief Copy Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lauren SmartCopy Editors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jessica Hawks, Gloria Salinas, Pat TraverPhoto Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael DanserLayout Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Josh ParrOnline Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jessica Huseman

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The Daily Campus, a student newspaper at Southern Methodist University is operated byStudent Media Company, Inc.,Hughes-Trigg Student Center3140 Dyer Street, Suite 314

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6 • Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My hobby is not common among 20-year-old

women. After I study, stress out at

the campus newspaper and rush to finish an essay, I find comfort in sifting, mixing and baking. My Kitchen Aid mixer is my favorite “toy” in my apartment. Besides the

interviews scribbled in my reporter’s notebook are lists of ingredients for recipes.

To get started, I sift flour, sugar, salt, baking soda, baking powder—watching each one thin out into a delicate snowfall. My left hand will hurt from bumping my oversized shifter against it, but the lump-free batter will be worth it.

Next, I use my favorite tool—my candy apple red Kitchen Aid mixer—to beat eggs and butter, two incredible ingredients. I’m sure Julia Child would agree with me: You can never have too much butter. To cite two disparate examples: cream spinach, 4-6 tablespoons; cookies, 2 sticks; it makes everything better (Well, that and salt).

If making a cake, I separate the eggs. I had to teach my 21-year-old boyfriend how to do this. So I can’t help but wonder, how many other people my age don’t know something as simple as how to separate an egg—or even what it means. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if someone guessed it was separating the egg from its shell. Or the egg from the chicken.

I don’t remember when I learned to separate the egg yolk from the egg white—I think it was sometime before I was able to see above the countertop of my mother’s kitchen.

Adding the flour mixture to the mixing bowl is a

process to be done gradually. When I was younger, my mom would be the one slowly easing it into the bowl as I kept her Kitchen Aid mixer stirring.

(I once stuck the wooden spoon in while the whisk went around on medium. I’ll just say: don’t do that.)

I’m patient enough to peel a potato with a knife, teach my dog to sit and to wait the couple of days before spring break with patience. But to wait for something to bake? I can’t stand it. Once the toothpick comes out of the cake clean, I’m happy. Cooling is another waiting process, but at least making the icing takes up this time.

I’m the best chopper I know, but the first time I chopped chocolate, my hands hurt for the rest of the day. I thought I should take each chocolate chip—3/4 of an inch in size—and chop it up separately. This can take a while for six ounces of chopped chocolate.

Now it takes me no longer than 10 minutes to fill a large saucepan with finely chopped bits of glutinous temptation. I take my knife side to side while swiftly chopping the chocolate: the noise drives my dog crazy, but the sweet chocolate falls to fine flakes for easy melting.

I get to use my red mixer again—I truly do get excited for each use. More butter, some sifted salt, vanilla extract and this time cream cheese will go in. The whole package will go in there; it’s not too much, I assure you. Once thoroughly mixed, the fluffy substance will only be missing the chocolate.

The icing will be done long before the cake will be cool enough to ice. More waiting. By this time, patience is easier, as I know I’m close to impressing anyone who’s lucky enough to get a taste.

I understand that my passion was more common among women in the 1950s. Along with wearing skirts at our waistlines and the retro décor, cooking

has been lost for many women. But it doesn’t need to be.

College students will complain that they don’t have the time to cook. I understand not having the time to learn to cook, but even then, you can squeeze it into your schedule—you don’t have to spend a year in France pursuing the perfection of pastry.

I will, however, argue that a student has time to cook. If you’re not cooking, it’s because you simply don’t want to. I’ve gotten home from putting the newspaper together at 10:30 p.m. and quickly prepared grilled chicken and creamed spinach. It’s possible. And tasty. And healthier than a fast-food taco.

Perhaps it’s my early exposure to the kitchen. Perhaps it’s the fact that I have a boyfriend who will politely eat anything I cook or bake. Whatever it is, I’ll continue to do it, no matter how busy I get.

Taylor Adams is a junior journalism major. She can be reached for comment at [email protected].


Taylor Adams

What’s wrong with me? Am I a lesser human

being because my flip phone has 18 buttons, no Internet and one game—good ol’ Block Breaker? No apps, no playlists and no e-mails; just phone calls and text messages.

A smartphone is a cell phone on steroids. In addition to making phone calls, it has features similar to those of a computer and is generally based on an operating system that runs multiple applications.

My cell phone is not smart, but it does what I expect it to do. It is really great at being a phone; it allows me to communicate with others. Sure, it, can’t point me north, chart my sleep patterns or fart like a Whoopee Cushion, but it can serve as an adequate paperweight.

Smarts used to be measured by grade point averages, college degrees and Jeopardy questions, but now the question is, “How smart is your cell phone?”

Smartphones require more tender love and care than a Tamagotchi, and while you ooh and ahh over a smartphone’s newest trick, the world is passing you by in real time.

It’s as if the human race has condensed the brain into a two-by-four inch piece of plastic with a touch screen and BeDazzled the case so it can be passed around the office, classroom or even playground.

Since when did it become normal to shove all of our acquired knowledge into a lint-lined pocket—a pocket that is notorious for accidentally projecting its contents into a flushing toilet?

I check my e-mail using a computer, play board games that actually come in boxes, watch the Weather Channel and read the newspaper. I have a dictionary on my shelf, a phonebook in my kitchen and a planner in my desk drawer. If anything, I think this makes me old-fashioned, not stupid.

The worst is when a professor asks a trivia question, and while I frantically scan the index and flip through the glossary of my textbook (you know, that expensive stack of bound pages lined with words), the kid beside me has his head halfway under the desk, thumbs scrolling at a million miles a minute through the Google results on his Rhodes Scholar of a cell phone. The professor might as well give the guy’s cellular companion the extra credit because it’s the one that did the work.

Yes, those little palm pals deliver immediate satisfaction when it comes to looking up directions, statistics and random facts, but they are a catalyst

for laziness. They quench curiosity but limit human interaction.

What happens when the battery dies, the power goes out or, heaven forbid, the charger gets left behind at the hotel? What will those nimble little fingers do without a smudgy screen to dance across? Dare they resort to the old way of life? We have literally put the world at our fingertips, and that is fine—so long as there is good cell service.

Maybe my stubborn independence has gotten the best of me in this wave of technological advancement, but I like to think that what’s in my brain makes up for what my cell phone lacks. I fear the more we value and rely on our possessions, the less important we as people become. Call me dramatic, but I’d much rather be known for who I am and what I can do than for what I have—or in this case, what my cell phone has.

I grew up in the Piney Woods of East Texas and the one thing people know better than their scripture is that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” With this as my mantra, I will wait until my laptop croaks, the library burns down, I lose my Scrabble tiles and my Motorola flip phone poops out before I will cross over to the dark side of distracting smartphones.

Mallory McCall is a senior journalism and religious studies double major. She can be reached for comment at mmccall@



An unusual means of stress relief

Smart phones really a curse disguised as a blessingNew technologies distract us from the world

around us and rob us of needed life skills

Baking provides a fun, tasty way to cool off after a long day


Mallory McCall “”

Since when did it become normal to

shove all of our acquired knowledge into a lint-lined pocket?


Along with wearing skirts at our waistlines and the retro décor, cooking has been lost for many women. But it doesn’t need to be.

Business school should expand focus


As my college days come to an end, I have been reflecting upon the experiences that helped me create myself while I attended

SMU. There was Dean Bowen’s continuous wisdom about “assumptions” (everyone has assumptions!) in my Jazz History class. There were the three religious studies courses I took that drastically changed who I am today in an extremely positive way. (Coming from a nonbeliever, that’s saying a lot.) There was my personal discovery of Friedrich Nietzsche’s highly misunderstood philosophy.

Lastly, there was my decision to major in accounting. Perhaps this last experience is the most important one.

As young students, we attend college with some sort of aim: to obtain a higher education or to master one’s passions. Most importantly, we attend college with an aim to change the world for the better. This is a virtuous and noble endeavor, but does our college education enable us to do so? Does my business school education teach me how to change the world for the better? It has taught me that the lead purpose of a public corporation is to maximize shareholder value. This has been the emphasis of my business school education. Where is religion in this purpose? The development of values and ultimate purpose? The questioning of our current “infallible” capitalistic system? We wonder why corruption, fraud and the underlying disregard for society in favor of the shareholder plague our corporate world. It’s simple: Our business education isn’t taught in combination with values that help us think and act on a higher level than just pure economics.

I was required to take Business Ethics for my undergraduate education and another ethics course to be able to sit for the Certified Public Accountant exam. However, these classes didn’t substantially help me to develop a foundation for ethical decision-making. We discussed the wrongdoings of certain companies, corporate responsibility, bizarre, unrealistic ethical dilemmas and various methods of acting ethically. But we never discussed, defined or debated answers to the hard questions. Never once did we ask, “How can we use business to make the world a better place?”

Maybe business students should be required to take a few existential philosophy courses, from which such questions naturally arise. These courses would allow for the creation of the development of a personal intellectual and spiritual foundation. They would provide us with tools to help us create and enable change at a societal level by first creating the individual. Our thoughts and values would permeate throughout our world. We would be more in tune with our spiritual selves; that is, the level in which we define our existence and who we are.

Are we being educated about the right things? About things that will truly help us change the world? These questions help me enhance my education by supplementing it with my urge for outside intellectual discussions and readings. But one must ask the question: Shouldn’t we all be asking these things? Shouldn’t we be taught about the very things that make us human beings and not just self-interested businessmen and women? A few GEC courses obviously aren’t enough to accomplish this goal. Look at society. Look at the too-big-to-fail firms. Our current curriculum isn’t enough. It is fueling what is wrong with our capitalistic system. If managers had a sense of their existential selves, values, virtues and ultimate purpose, would they not behave with more corporate responsibility, compassion and greater purpose? Undoubtedly, yes.

The purpose of an educational institution should be to produce intelligent, innovative, virtuous students with purpose and a goal to be not just a good human being but an excellent human being. A human being that feels a responsibility to take care of the one thing that makes our existence enjoyable—the community.

Daniel Palos is a graduate accounting student. He can be reached for comment at [email protected].


Daniel Palos

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The Daily Campus Sports Wednesday, March 31, 2010 • 7



[email protected]

Renholm, Cole, Culbertson represent SMU at NCAA Championships


By BRITTANY LEVINEAssociate Sports Editor

[email protected]

Mustangs impress at weekend invitationals

Michigan State


West Virginia


NCAA Final Four


Final Four showcases several surprising faces

Michigan St, West Virginia, Duke and...Butler?

The SMU men’s swimming and diving team’s season is now complete after competing in this year’s NCAA championships, March 27-29 in Columbus, Ohio.

The team sent two swimmers, senior Pontus Renholm and junior Tom Cole as well as junior diver Matthew Culbertson.

After the second day of competition, Renholm had come in 29th in the 100-yard backstroke.

Cole competed in the 100-yard breaststroke and finished 18th. Cole also earned his personal best time in that event on Saturday. This was Cole’s first season with the Mustangs; he previously swam for the University of Arizona.

Culbertson, a NCAA newcomer, competed in the 3-meter dive, finishing with a score of 332.60, according to smumustangs.com.

In 2008, Renholm aided the Mustangs in finishing 14th in the NCAA championships as well as being named an All-American. He

also competed in the championships in 2007 as a freshman.

After a strong start to the weekend, SMU finished 35th after Sunday’s events. Cole placed 18th again, this time in the 200-yard breaststroke. Renholm was just a few seconds shy of advancing into the next round in the 200-yard backstroke event.

The SMU women’s swimming and diving team, which finished 27th in their NCAA championship, will participate in the Columbus Grand Prix this weekend, April 1-3 before they also conclude their season.

With four top-10 finishes, SMU’s track and field team had a very successful weekend at both the Stanford Invitational and the Bobby Lane Invitational.

At the Stanford Invitational, freshman Mary Alenbratt came in second in the 1,500-meter run with a time of 4:25.90. Junior Silje Fjortoft came in eighth in the 3,000-meter steeplechase with a time of

10:30.62. During the first day at UTA’s

Bobby Lane Invitational, sophomore Ayla Gill won the hammer throw with a throw of 54.38 meters.

Senior Lauren Kuhner followed close behind with a throw of 51.12 meters. Kuhner’s throw was enough for a fourth place finish.

At the second day of the Bobby Lane Invitational, SMU took three wins.

Sophomore Simone du Toit won both the shot put and the discus.

Sophomore Viktoria Leks took home the third win with a victory in the long jump.

The Mustangs finished fourth in the meet with 62 points.

Du Toit has been named co-Conference USA Athlete of the Week. Her win in the shot put at 16.42 meters is tied for second best in the NCAA. Her 51.13 meters discus throw is an NCAA fourth best.

Up next, the SMU team will head to the University of Texas in Austin for the Texas Relays, April 1-3.

CHILDCAREAFTER SCHOOL AND SUMMER help needed for children ages 7 and 11. Nearby UP home. April-May: T&TH. 3-6:30 pm. June-Aug: M-F 20-40 hours per week. $12/hr. Email Barb at [email protected]

AFTER SCHOOL AND summer nanny position for two girls, ages 11 and 6. Excellent references and reliable transportation are required. $10/hr. Contact 214-373-8376 or [email protected]

HIGHLAND PARK FAMILY looking for after shool sitter for 10 year old boy. M-Th 3:00pm - 5:30pm. Must provide transportation for after school activities. References required. Call Liz at 214-908-5478.

PART-TIME CHILDCARE NEEDED for 2 girls, 10 and 12. After school hours. Driving and references required. Call Lisa 972-408-6063.

SEEKING CHILDCARE DURING the week for about 15-20 hours for my 21-month old daughter. We live 5 miles from campus. She loves going to the park, playing outside. Car and references required. For interviews, please e-mail [email protected].

EMPLOYMENTBEST JOB OFF CAMPUS! A part-time position for administrative duties and management of online sales of www.chromeemblems.com. $10 per hour/ within two miles of SMU/ relaxed environment/ fl exible schedule. Contact Jillian Simon at 214-363-3170 or [email protected].

BEST JOB ON CAMPUS! The Daily Campus is seeking a top notch marketing in the advertising department. This is an opportunity for advertising, marketing, or business majors to acquire “real world” experience. Looks great on resume! Flexible hours. Call Diana at 8-4111, come by Hughes-Trigg, or e-mail [email protected].

BEST JOB ON CAMPUS! The Daily Campus is seeking advertising sales reps. This is an opportunity for advertising, marketing, or business majors to acquire “real world” experience. Looks great on resume! Earn commission while learning outside sales. Flexible hours. Call Diana at 8-4111, come by Hughes-Trigg, or e-mail [email protected].

DALLAS SERVICES, near downtown Dallas, seeks part time staff for summer day camp running from June 1 - August 20, 2010. Camp will serve typically developing and special needs children who have completed kindergarten, fi rst or second grade. Seeking students in early education and/or exercise physiology studies. Competitive salary. Send letter of interest, resume and salary requirements to [email protected].

GRAD STUDENT NEEDS assistance assembling and recovering pool tables in nice homes around the area. Flexible schedule. Two or three 2-4 hour jobs per week. $10/hr. [email protected].

HELP LEARNING QUICKEN and setting up fi les. Organizational skills and accurate typing. Three blocks from SMU. Call 214-535-2666

KIDS COOKING COMPANY is looking for fun, friendly students who enjoy working with children to teach cooking camps this summer! Flexible schedule and great work environment. Contact us at [email protected] or 214-265-9949 to apply!

NEED AN AMBITIOUS sales / marketing rep for customer relation building in Dallas for Aspen, Colo.-based staging company. Homeport Staging. Interviews beginning March 16. Email [email protected]. 214-460-8631. Great commissions.

SECRETARY/FRONT OFFICE ASSISTANT. Great learning business environment, fl exible hours. Must be organized, dependable and experience in Microsoft offi ce, excel. Pay is $12 per hour. Email resume to [email protected].

STEVEN’S TRANSPORT DALLAS, one of North America’s Premiere Trucking & Logistics Company is seeking outgoing, aggressive, self-starters to join our centralized war-room logistics center. Ideal candidates must have the ability to multi-task, possess analytical skills, exhibit excellent follow through and enjoy working in a team environment. Steven’s Transport is consistently best in class, a market leader and has never experienced a layoff. Contact Keri Stegman at 214-647-3765/ [email protected] or visit stevenstransport.com to apply.

WORKING MOM SEEKS Honest reliable responsible part-time care for puppy. Need walks during weekdays and possible overnights when I travel. Please contact me at [email protected] .

THE TOY MAVEN, in the Preston Royal Village, is looking for friendly, energetic students who want to gain experience in business and enjoy working with children. Flexible schedule, weekdays and weekends. Contact us at [email protected] or 214-265-9971 to apply.


NEW YORK SUB. A real N.Y. Sub from one of those national chains? Figgedabondit. 3411 Asbury 214-522-1070.

FOR LEASE3/2 CONDO. Hardwood floors, granite counter tops, Berber carpet, washer/dryer included. Very close to SMU. Gated community. Available for move-in anytime. Please call 469-855-6417 for more information.

4 BED/4 BATH HUGE HOUSE! (5311 W. University Blvd) 3fi repl, media and sun room, large entertainment room, large dining, kitchen and breakfast area. Huge yard, 2 car garage. Call 214.507.4672

BEST OF GREENVILLE & SMU. Beautiful, spacious 3 bedroom 2.5 bath duplex. Close to popular Greenville attractions. Fireplace, dishwasher, w/d, garage. $ 1,950 /month. Call 972-523-0966 .

CONDO FOR LEASE. Walking distance to SMU and Snider Plaza. 2 bedrooms, 2 1/2 bathrooms, 2 parking places, washer/dryer, updated kitchen. $2,250 per month. 214-384-4946.

LARGE 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath upstairs duplex 3237 Rosedale 1/2 block from SMU. Amenities include washer dryer updated kitchen and baths 3 parking spots. Call 214-316-9872.

NICELY FURNISHED EFFICIENCY GUEST HOUSE kitchenette, bills paid, perfect for Law or grad student. Modern, washer/dryer, near High Park High. $787/month. Paid cable, internet ready. 214-522-5005.

FOR RENT1/1 AND 2/2 located less than 2 miles from SMU. Starting at $750.00. All updated. Call for our current specials. Lantower Properties 214-520-7337. www.lantowerproperties.com.

2 BED 2 BATH duplex for rent. Intersection of Anita and McMillan. 1250sf, recently updated. One mile from SMU. Call Brian 214-395-5087. $1,250/month.

2 MASTRBDRMS, 2 FULL BATHS, 2 assigned park. IDEAL LOCATION by Central Market. Quiet, clean, hardwood floors, convenient, well maintained. $875 p/mo. Water/trash/maint. Paid. 214-476-1513.

3735 BINKLEY 2/1 DUPLEX, completely updated and remodeled, granite counter tops, new appliances, like brand new, back yard. Call 214-763-5209.

3919 PRESCOTT AVE. Beautiful spacious lower level, 2 bedroom, brick, hardwoods, central heat and air, washer/dryer, porch, fenced and garage. Prefer grad student/professional $1350. 214-521-1692.

4133 GRASSMERE. CLOSE TO SMU. Cute triplex! Upstairs unit 1Br/1Ba 1000sq. ft. $950/month. Hardwoods, W/D included, fenced backyard, parking for two. 214-641-4197.

5711 MORNINGSIDE “M” STREETS. 1/1 CH/A Hardwood, updated, dishwasher, w/d, reserve parking. Large Patio. $650/month + elec. Non-smoker. Available Now. 214-826-6161.

6060 BIRCHBROOK DRIVE, first floor condo 2Br/2ba/2la. All appliances, wireless connection, double car port, abundant closet space. Near Hwy 75/Norwood/Dart Station. $1150/ month plus deposit. Call 214-763-5976.

BEST LOCATION IN Uptown! Across the street from Primo’s and Frankie’s. Beautiful 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, 2 story condo. Backyard/Patio. Pool, Grill. 1200/mo. Call 214-215-6255.

DARLING GARAGE APARTMENT available. Creek view, new hardwoods, private patio, blocks from SMU. $575 per month or will exchange for baby-sitting. Call 214-361-4259.

FULLY FURNISHED CONDOS 6 blocks from SMU Campus 1/1 700 square feet, basic expanded cable, gated parking. Short or long term leases. $1100 per month. Call 214-522-4692

FULLY FURNISHED GARAGE APT. Beautiful location near White Rock Lake. 8 min. from SMU, 15 min. from downtown. Direct TV/Internet, W/D. Central AC/Heat. All bills paid. $650/mo. Owner is retired deputy sheriff. [email protected] or 214-823-5558

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LOOKING FOR A place to rent within walking distance to campus? Check out www.samsawyer.postlets.com

LOWER 1/1 w/ hdwds, archways, ice-maker refirg., disp. Large bath off bedroom and walk-in closet. W/D coin-op inside bldg w/ parking at rear. $695+bills. Also 1/1 H.P. apt w/ all amenities includes hdwds, W/D, central A/H, central vac. $900 bills paid. Walk to SMU. Call 214-871-2342

LOWER 2/1 AT 3905 Hawthorne. Granite in kitchen, all appliances including microwave. Private “New Orleans” patio hdwds. Central A/H, W/D connections and carport parking space. $1,250 + bills. Also 2/2 duplex in UP, w/ all amenities. Almost 2,000sqft. $1,795/mo. Call 214-871-2342 for showing and more information.

LOWER 2B/2B/1CP, for sale or lease, 5 minutes from SMU. Great location, quiet, lovely courtyards. Furnished or unfurnished, washer/dryer. 1,000 sq. ft. $125,000. Rent $850-$950. Will consider short term. 214-528-9144 or 214-552-6265.

SMURent.com HAS HELPED the SMU community with leasing, buying, renting, and selling for the past 8 years. Free service. SMU Alum. SMURent.com. 214-457-0898. Brian Bailey.

THREE BLOCKS FROM SMU NEW CONSTRUCTION UPSCALE BACKHOUSE LOFT. Full kitchen/bath, private entrance/parking, cable/internet. References. $1,100.00. Call 214-535-2666.

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2 BEDROOM 2.5 BATH CONDO at The Remington, has private baths off each bedroom. Easy to show! Call Cindy at 2140679-2403. $269,500.

2 BEDROOM CONDOS $134K to $172K. Extensive renovations, hand-scraped wood fl oors, granite counters, appliances including W/D. Beautiful property, heart of Oak Lawn. Open daily, except Tuesday, 12:00 to 5:00. Contact agent at 972-248-5429.

CONDO FOR SALE. Beautifully maintained one bedroom with loft, 1.5 baths, recently painted interior walls, laminated wood fl oors downstairs, refrigerator and washer/dryer stay. Contact Joyce 972-841-6528.

“LiveNearSMU.com- FREE REAL estate service by SMU alums to help students and parents buy, sell, rent and lease in the SMU area. Visit LiveNearSMU.com or call/text Brian at 214-457-0898.”

THREE TWO HOME. Study and Two Living Areas freshly renovated. One Mile From SMU Campus GREAT HOUSING FOR YOUR STUDENT! 4223 Delmar $279,900 214-502-5858. RE/MAX


MUSTANG REALTY GROUP - SMU’s premier real estate broker. Prides itself on being the best at helping the SMU community. Buy and sell properties near campus. Visit our web site www.mustangrealty.com or call us at 214-393-3970.

ROOMMATEPROFESSIONAL FEMALE AND her dog are looking to share their 3 bedroom M street home, private unfurnished bedroom shared bath, $450 per month includes utilities and wireless internet. Must love dogs, pass background check. Tracy 817-703-7735.

TUTOR SERVICESACCOUNTING AND FINANCE TUTOR. Voted “The Best” for 14 years. College is more fun when you have a tutor. Lee Lowrie, CPA, MBA 214-208-1112.

ACCOUNTING, MATH, CHEMISTRY, Statistics, Economics, Finance, Physics, Rhetoric, Tutoring. “Learn to work smarter not harder.” David Kemp Tutorial Services. Call 469-767 6713.

MATH, STATISTICS TUTOR for MBA, college, high school students. Highland Park, Austin College, SMU alumna; M.S. Math; 20 years Texas Instruments; 2 years college math instructor; 10 years professional tutor. Sheila Walker 214-417-7677.


Can’t wait until tomorrow for Crossword solutions?For solutions to our Crossword puzzles now, checkout our website at www.smudailycampus.com/puzzles.

A C R O SS1 Bridges of “The

Big Lebowski”5 River projects9 Ritz cracker

alternative14 Swedish

furniture giant15 Ostrich cousin16 Neighborhoods17 Longing for a

fronded plant?19 Connection20 H.S. dropout’s

test21 Zinfandel, but not

sake?23 Oxygen

emanating froma lawn?

27 Spews28 Bench press

target, briefly29 Côte d’Azur

view30 Scratch or dent31 Ed.’s pile32 Rural skyline

cylinder34 Rock collection

specimens37 Mother Goose

offerings, or in adifferent sense,this puzzle’s title

42 Cloverleafelement

43 Follower ofonce?

45 Some TVs48 Scrap for Spot49 Anaheim team,

on scoreboards52 __ Claire,

Wisconsin53 Pair of blows55 Steep, e.g.?57 Like areas

above thetimberline?

59 Govt. auditing gp.60 Fruit soda brand61 Group devoted

to small, woodyplants?

66 “I Kissed __”:Katy Perry hit

67 Diggs of “PrivatePractice”

68 Golfer Isao69 Kidney-related70 Fruity drinks71 Joan at


DOWN1 Choice of “Choosy

moms,” in ads2 Squeeze (out)3 Not agin4 Werewolf’s

weapons5 Channel


6 Cry of realization7 Griffin and others8 Cleaning product

prefix9 “Riders of the

Purple Sage”author

10 “Maid of Athens,__ part”: Byron

11 Discriminationfought bysuffragists

12 Talks trash to13 Size up18 Polite country

affirmative22 Not o’er23 Modern rental

car feature, briefly24 Hold back25 Scopes Trial gp.26 Turkish mount30 Christie heroine33 Plata


35 Place wheresweaters get fit?

36 The Mustangs ofcoll. football

38 Winter wonderlandcreator

39 Shortstop’s boot40 Foil alternative41 Fly high44 Worn-down pencil45 Was successful46 Bring to a boil?47 Shown to a seat

50 Pleads in court51 Simple poetry

pattern54 Aquarium denizen55 “__ it coming”:

“Serves him right”56 Eng. lesson58 “¿Cómo __

usted?”62 Bakery product63 Mauna __64 Strummed strings65 Show __

Tuesday’s Puzzle SolvedBy Daniel A. Finan 03/31/10

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Sudoku 03/31/10

© 2010 Michael Mepham. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.For solutions to our Sodoku puzzles, checkout our website at www.smudailycampus.com/puzzles.

By Michael Mepham

Page 8: DC033110.WEB

The Daily Campus Sports8 • Wednesday, March 31, 2010


DALLAS (AP) — Dirk Nowitzki’s scoring and rebounding are a given. The Dallas Mavericks’ All-Star forward also prides himself on his passing.

Nowitzki had 34 points, 10 rebounds and 10 assists for his second career triple-double, and the Mavericks maintained the No. 2 seed in the Western Conference with a 109-93 victory over the Denver Nuggets on Monday night.

His first 16 double-doubles this season were for points and rebounds. But with the Nuggets throwing double-teams at him, Nowitzki passed to open teammates for easy baskets.

“That’s when we’re at our best, sharing the ball,” Nowitzki said.

Nowitzki reached double-digits in assists when he dished to Jason Terry for a 19-foot jumper that gave Dallas a 107-89 advantage with 2:15 left.

“We ran that last play for me to get that last assist for ‘Jet’ and that was a great play design,” Nowitzki said.

Nowitzki’s other triple-double came with 29 points, 10 rebounds and 12 assists against Milwaukee on Feb. 6, 2008.

Nowitzki hit 4 of 5 from 3-point range and went 16 for 17 from the free throw line as the Mavericks moved to 4-4 since snapping a season-best 13-game winning streak.

“(Nowitzki) did everything,” said Dallas’ Jason Kidd, who had eight points and 10 assists. “He set the table, he accepted double-teams, he moved the ball and hit shots.”

Shawn Marion added 21 points and Terry contributed 15 for Dallas, which increased its conference lead over Denver to 1 1-2 games.

Marion’s defense on Denver’s top

scorer Carmelo Anthony was another factor in the victory.

“The key to the game was the job that Shawn Marion did on Carmelo,” Dallas coach Rick Carlisle said. “He’s one of the toughest guys in the league to guard and (Marion) took the challenge.”

Anthony, the league’s No. 3 scorer, went 3 for 16 from the floor and had a season-low 10 points, 18.9 below his average.

“He struggled a little bit today,” Nuggets acting coach Adrian Dantley said. “I can’t remember him having a game like this.”

J.R. Smith scored 27 points and Nene had 14 for the Nuggets, who lost their fifth in six games and, coupled with Utah’s win over New York later Monday night, fell out of first place in the Northwest Division. The Jazz now hold a one-game lead over Denver.

Chauncey Billups also had an off night for the Nuggets, going 3 for 14 from the floor and finishing with 11 points, 8.8 under his average.

The Nuggets pulled to 82-75 with 10:08 left, but Terry scored the Mavericks’ next eight points, including a pair of 3s, for a 90-77 lead with 8:05 to play.

Dallas went on to lead by as many as 20 points down the stretch. The Mavericks carried a 79-69 advantage into the fourth quarter after leading by as many as 17 in the third.

Denver’s top rebounder Kenyon Martin missed his 14th straight game due to left knee patella tendinitis. Martin usually guards Nowitzki, and the Nuggets didn’t have another physical defender to muscle up on Nowitzki.

“When Kenyon is not on (Nowitzki), he has a lot of freedom, and he took advantage of that

tonight,” Dantley said.The Nuggets continue to struggle

without Martin and while coach George Karl undergoes treatment for throat cancer. Denver is 7-7 in Karl’s absence.

Denver was coming off Sunday’s

103-97 road loss to Orlando, and the Nuggets seemed weary as they completed a five-game trip.

“This was one of those games we gotta go get no matter if it’s frustration or fatigue, no matter what, it’s a must-win game,” Smith said.

Nowitzki’s triple-double leads Mavs past Nuggets


Photo courtesy of Associated Press

Dallas Mavericks forward Dirk Nowitzki, drives against Nuggets center Nene (31) during the second half of an NBA basketball in Dallas.

Photo courtesy of Associated Press

Dallas Mavericks guard Jason Terry celebrates during the second half against the Denver Nuggets on Monday. The Mavericks won 109-93.

The SMU rowing team fared well in its trip to California, claiming second place at the San Diego Crew Classic in the Women’s Collegiate Varsity Cal Cup this past weekend, March 27-28.

The race began early Saturday morning and the Mustangs’ first varsity eight took fifth place, which was good enough to advance to the finals later that day. SMU blazed through the water and finished with a time of 7:31.24. First place went to the University of British Columbia with a final time of 7:24.90, while Occidental College took third at 7:35.02. Rounding out the top five were Santa Clara and Central Oklahoma in fourth and fifth, respectively.

SMU’s second varsity eight was almost equally impressive, finishing its heat race in third place at 7:22.89. They just slipped by the University of San Diego, which took fourth at 7:23.81. The University of Virginia was first at 7:02.80, and UCLA took second at 7:07.23. Oklahoma finished the top five at 7:26.55.

Due to their strong performance in the heat race, the second varsity eight participated in the Women’s Collegiate JV Petite final on Sunday morning. Sacramento State and UC Davis took first and second, respectively, by a large margin.

The final three spots were decided within two seconds. Conference USA rival Tulsa came out ahead to take third place with a time of 7:11.34, while San Diego took fourth again at 7:12.34. The Mustangs finished fifth at 7:13.20.

SMU’s next competition will not be until mid-April, when the team travels to Oak Ridge, Tenn. to participate in the Southern Intercollegiate Rowing Association Championships. The event will occur on April 17-18.


By STEPHEN LUSports [email protected]

Varsity row-ing takes second

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