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Page 1: De la newsletter al plan de email marketing

#emktDe la newsletter al plan de email marketing

Page 2: De la newsletter al plan de email marketing

David Olivares - Director General MDirector

★ email: [email protected]

★ twitter: @davidolivares71

★ linkedin: es.linkedin.com/in/olivaresdavid

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Rubén Orta - CTO Grupo Antevenio

★ email: [email protected]

★ twitter: @agileando

★ linkedin: es.linkedin.com/in/rubenorta

★ slideshare: es.slideshare.net/agileando

★ github: github.com/rubenorta

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1. Introducción2. Los usuarios3. El contenido4. Objetivos y frecuencia5. Planificación6. Enlaces e información

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1 / Introducción“Let me put it this way, Mr. Amor. The 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made. No 9000 computer has ever made a mistake or distorted information. We are all, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error”. HAL 9000

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¿Qué es el email marketing?

★ El uso del email en las comunicaciones de marketing

★ Cualquier comunicación de email enviado a un (potencial) cliente es susceptible de ser email marketing

★ Permission Marketing™

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¿Por qué email marketing?

★ Directo, bajo coste, respuesta inmediata

★ Muy personalizable

★ Multidispositivo

★ Uno a muchos / Uno a uno

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ROI por sector


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ROI medio


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% ventas por canal


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Crecimiento adquisición por canal


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★ marketing mix

★ móvil

★ social

★ integrada apps


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1 2 3 4★Usuarios★Captación★Segmentación


★Objetivos y frecuencia★KPIs★Métricas★Bajas★Delivery


El plan de marketing

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2 / Usuarios"The finest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist". Charles Baudelaire

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★ orgánico

★ pagado (cpc, corregistro, email, display…)

★ opt-in / doble opt-in / opt-out

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LOPD / consejo #1

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DEMOGRAFICOSsexo, edadlocalización (cp, dirección, tipo)poder adquisitivotrabajandofamilia

COMPARTAMIENTOsearch?origen captaciónfecha alta engagement (reputación)

intereses (implícitos / explícitos)abierto / clickcomprasuscripción


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3 / Contenido“There's a passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 25:17....”. Jules Winnfield

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Como debe ser una comunicación de email

★ relevante, oportuna y atractiva.

★ aportar valor ★ multidispositivo

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Market share por tipo de cliente


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LSSI/consejo #2

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★ transmisión: uno a muchos / personalizado

★ frecuencia: fija

★ tipo: noticias, resúmenes, comunicados, productos recomendados, eventos, ofertas

★ retorno: tráfico, branding, social, ventas, fidelizar

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Transaccionales / Automáticos

★ transmisión: uno a uno / muy personalizado

★ frecuencia: responde acciones / eventos

★ tipo: bienvenida, confirmaciones, baja, social, retargeting, lead nurturing

★ retorno: fidelizar, social, marketing, captación

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Lead nurturing


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★ transmisión: uno a muchos / poco personalizado

★ frecuencia: fija

★ tipo: CTA

★ retorno: captación, fidelizar

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Content Is King – Bill Gates (1/3/1996)

“Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting.”


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4 / Objetivos y frecuencia“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom”. Isaac Asimov

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★ ROI, customer lifetime value

★ average order value, cart abandonment rate

★ fans, followers

★ engagement (*)

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¿Cómo funciona el envío de email?


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★ 21% usan REPORT SPAM aunque no lo sea

★ 43% usan REPORT SPAM debido al “from”

★ 69% usan REPORT SPAM debido al “asunto”

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Influencia sobre delivery


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Frecuencia vs engagement


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5 / Planificación“Nobody will ever notice that. Filmmaking is not about the tiny details. It's about the big picture”. Ed Wood

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★ newsletters (contenido + cuando)

★ transaccionales (contenido + como)

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% de apertura por hora


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% de apertura por día


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El objetivo más importante de cada email que envíes es que te lean el siguiente.

Perry Marshall.

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6 / Enlaces“Thus I rediscovered what writers have always known (and have told us again and again): books always speak of other books, and every story tells a story that has already been told.” Umberto Eco

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[1] http://www.marketingsherpa.com/article/chart/email-marketing-roi-marketers-perceptions

[2] https://www.custora.com/pulse/channel

[3] http://messagesystems.com/resources/document-library/collateral-topics/deliverability

[4] http://www.meclabs.com/training/publications/benchmark-report/2013-email-marketing/overview

[5] https://litmus.com/blog/email-client-market-share-where-people-opened-in-2013/litmus-email-client-market-share-2013-infographic

[6] http://www.smashingmagazine.com/smashing-book-1/design-to-sell-increasing-conversion-rates/

[7] http://zurb.com/playground/projects/responsive-email-templates/hero.html

[8] http://eduarea.wordpress.com/2012/10/03/campanas-basicas-de-lead-nurturing/

[9] http://stephdokin.com/content-is-27-king/

[10] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lt8p0_Cp76c

[11] http://blog.returnpath.com/blog/jd-falk/delivered-depends-on-context

[12] http://econsultancy.com/reports/email-census

[13] http://blog.mailchimp.com/sending-frequency-more-is-not-always-better/

[14] http://kb.mailchimp.com/article/when-is-the-best-time-to-send-emails

[15] http://kb.mailchimp.com/article/when-is-the-best-time-to-send-emails

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