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Page 2: Dear Fellow Heart-Centered Woman Entrepreneurgeorginasweeney.com/breakfree/wp-content/uploads/... · Within less than 90 days, I’ve got a business that will transform the lives

© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

Dear Fellow Heart-Centered Woman Entrepreneur:

I am honored to share these testimonials with you, testimonials of women who, like me, knew they couldn’t get to their next level of success, happiness or wealth and fulfill their purpose in the world without a little (or maybe even a lot!) of help.

As you read through their testimonials, I wish you could also read of the tears, the frustrations, the determination, the perseverance and the divine joy we shared in making these transformational stories a reality.

To quote Walt Whitman:

“I swear to you, there are divine things more beautiful than words can tell.”

But that divine journey you are considering embarking upon with me is yet to be revealed...

Right now, you are faced with making a commitment of not only your head and heart but also your time, your money and your energy.

What helped my decision-making process when I first started investing in mentors was the realization that I wasn’t really investing in them; I was investing in myself through them. And whatever level of investment I made in myself, I knew I could be 100% congruent and ask the same of my clients.

What a revelation!

It truly was the key (along with strengthening my belief in myself and my abilities, and adopting a solution-based business model) that allowed me to go from charging $2,000 to over $20,000 for my highest level program in less than 6 months.

I can’t promise you that you will accelerate at the same speed as I did, as everyone’s background, business, dedication and motivation are different, but I can promise you that we will break through multiple money glass ceilings, emotional blocks and business stuck points in the process of trying ;)

If you need additional information to help you make your decision or would like me to speak with your spouse, your partner or a trusted friend, I am more than happy to do so.

Holding the space for us to work together.

To your rapid and joyful success,

Georgina Sweeney

Transformational Business Coach, Money Mentor & Inner Block Clearer for Heart-Centered Women Entrepreneurs



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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

Making the investment to work with Georgina has been one of my very best decisions!

When I came to Georgina, I was feeling stuck. I had many of the pieces of my business in place,

yet I was struggling to get traction. After the initial call, Georgina made me realize I was missing

the foundational piece, the most critical component of my business. Her confidence in her

expertise, her belief in me and my potential, all gave me the courage to confidently make the

decision and the investment in me and my business.

Once I learned the missing piece, Georgina showed me how to get more clarity, and it gave me

focus. She provided amazing resources to work through the process, along with powerful tools

and techniques. During the time I have worked with Georgina, I have had astounding

breakthroughs, mega mind shifts and quantum leaps in my business.

What I most appreciate about Georgina's authentic style is she provides a safe, encouraging and

supportive environment. Her highly intuitive ability to connect makes Georgina unique. She truly

is a heart-centered expert, who teaches marketing and mindset strategies that are transforming.

She is brilliant! I absolutely love working with Georgina, and it has been a gift and an honor. I am

grateful for her wisdom, expertise, and guidance.

Many thanks Georgina!

Julie Henderson

The Direct Sales & Network Marketing Success Coach

CEO & Founder, Expect Success Be Unstoppable


“During the time I have worked with Georgina,

I have had astounding breakthroughs, mega mind shifts

and quantum leaps in my business.”

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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

Before working with Georgina, I was struggling for years trying to decide

what type of business I wanted to start. I tried just about everything, only

to get more and more frustrated. I met a person who suggested that I

speak with Georgina. I contacted Georgina, and when we spoke, I knew

she was the person who could help me build a business.

With Georgina’s coaching, I was able to discover how to align my Christian faith with my business.

She helped me come to the realization that I can build a successful business, being who I am,

doing what I love to do. I’ve been exhorting people all my life, and I’ve been successful in sales

and marketing for 20 years. By the second week of working together, I had a business helping

Christian women entrepreneurs who are struggling to get ideal, high-end clients.

Georgina also helped me with identifying some matters of the heart that had hindered me from

getting out there and enrolling clients. Now that they have been identified, and addressed, there

is NOTHING stopping me!

Within less than 90 days, I’ve got a business that will transform the lives of many Christian

women. Without Georgina’s guidance, none of this would have happened as fast as it has - I

know, because for years I was stuck.

Sonya Ramsey

The Christian Business Coach


“Without Georgina’s guidance, none of this would have happened as fast as it has.

I know, because for years I was stuck.”

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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

“Georgina helped me see how I could draw on what I already knew,

still keep the income I have been lucky enough to have, and expand that into an amazing heart-centered business.”

I know I am good at what I do. I have been successful at it for almost 30 years. The problem was

I really felt I needed a change and wanted to explore moving totally out of the field I had been in

all these years and do work that made a difference in people’s lives.

Georgina, with her amazing knowledge and her gift for getting at the "heart" of the matter,

helped me see how I could draw on what I already knew, still keep the income I have been lucky

enough to have and expand that into an amazing heart-centered business.

Georgina's knowledge and intuition is inspiring and I feel totally confident in her and now in


Georgina has a way of helping you to see what things work and what things don't. I feel one of

the gifts that Georgina has is that she has done this work herself. She has been through all the

ups and downs and come out on top! She is challenging and knows how to help you overcome

your fears. Her wealth of knowledge of techniques you can use to clear old fears and step into

action is tried and proven.

If you are thinking of working with Georgina and aren't sure which direction you or your business

should go, you would have a hard time finding someone as talented, caring and results-oriented

as Georgina. She is truly an amazing human being with your best interests at "heart".

Joan Osler


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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

My VIP Intensive with Georgina was incredible! She generously gives her time and energy to the

coaching. Even as an experienced entrepreneur, my biggest breakthroughs were in aligning my

heart with my head and with the clearing we did of old patterns and limited beliefs! I'm now

integrating all that Georgina taught and gave me with her extensive wholistic knowledge and

marketing experience and feel in the flow and so happy!

In the last five months since our coaching, I've manifested several of my dreams and intentions

that Georgina and I created together:

I'm living in a beautiful new home that I'm buying with my partner.

I just enrolled a 6-month coaching client in my newly created signature program that will pay for my VIP intensive. (I used Georgina’s Heart-Centered Selling script and it was easy peasy!)

I'll be exhibiting my soul silk art wear at the e-WomenNetwork Conference with 1,500 women attendees next month in Dallas.

I've combined my transformational soul purpose life coaching with my soul art to experience the most fulfilling and meaningful work ever!

Georgina helped me to clarify all of this. Thank you so much Georgina! I can't wait for the next

phase of our work together!

Carol Lorraine, M.A.

Soul Artist, Transformational Soul Purpose Life Coach, & True Nature ColorStylist.

Discover your True Nature


Hand-painted Art-to-Wear Soul Silks



“I just enrolled a 6-month coaching client

in my newly created signature program

that will pay for my VIP Intensive.”

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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

I was NOT an overnight success . . . but I never gave up on myself.

After months of barely glimpsing that faint light at the end of a long, dark tunnel, struggling to

stay positive, going into debt, barely trusting that all I was doing was going to work, I finally burst

into the light.

Get this: Last week I enrolled 3 new clients - two in my 6 month Sacred Entrepreneurial Success

Formula and one in my How to Package, Price and Prep Your 6-Figure Program in a Day VIP


I'm now working with 8 high-level, IDEAL CLIENTS who are delightful and THRIVING!

I've made $13,631 this month . . . and it's only the 7th!

From the start, I trusted that the techniques Georgina was teaching me would work, even though

they weren't yet working for me. The greatest gifts were Georgina's ongoing confidence in me,

AND my tenacious commitment to my dream.

I could have seen my lack of quick success as a sign I wasn't meant to be doing this work. Or a

sign I should get a J.O.B. Or proof I just wasn't good enough.

But I didn't fall into any of those traps (at least not for long :). I never gave up on myself. On my

dream. On my knowing I had something to give to my own tribe of women entrepreneurs.

Thanks to Georgina, I now have a business that changes lives, that has given me the financial

security to take a week off each month and is fulfilling my life purpose.

Thank you Georgina!

Natalie Hill

Transformational Business Coach to Conscious Women Entrepreneurs NatalieHillCoaching.com

“I've made $13,631 this month . . . and it's only the 7th!”

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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

“Within 7 days of working with Georgina, I earned $7,500!”

Within 7 days of working with Georgina, I have already earned 3/4 of the amount we had set for

my monthly financial goal – $7,500! Her process helped me clear out things I was holding on to

that kept me from achieving greater success...immediately.

I overcame my limiting beliefs of thinking I could not be a success as a woman on my own and

fearlessly moved into immediate action. The calls and e-mails just came in, and strategic

partnerships were strengthened which will continue to increase my business over the next 6

months – and all within the first week of working with her!

I learned so much about myself from using her Minding Your Money Mindset process. My only

regret after the block-clearing session with Georgina was not talking to her sooner! She has an

invaluable gift.

Wendy Dahl

Entrepreneur. Speaker. Business Strategist.




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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

Georgina Sweeney has that rare combination of gentle healing and crazy power.

Do you ever wonder WHY you haven't moved into the greatness in business you dream about? I

sure did! With Georgina, I was able to see and squash some of my biggest business fears - FAST!

No, actually - MEGA, super fast.

Working with Georgina was like getting a big hug from an old friend and a simultaneous needed

(scary) push to reach new heights.

As a trained clinician specializing in helping couples on the verge of divorce, I consider Georgina

my business therapist - tackling unconscious fears and turning them around into results I can see!

I LOVE Georgina. I couldn't have done what I've done without her!

Gretchen Weisenburger, MA


“With Georgina, I was able to see and squash

some of my biggest business fears - FAST!

No, actually - MEGA, super fast.”

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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

“I never even thought about anxiety prior to the event.

That is damn near impossible, but it happened ;-)”

When I was a little kid, I introduced myself to some other kids in a way

that was a total flop and embarrassment. I never forgot it. SO, as life

went on it was hard for me to just introduce myself to somebody for

fear they would say "so what?" vs. extend their hand.

For example, if I was in a room where I knew nobody and it was a networking meeting, I froze. I

felt like they thought I wanted to introduce myself because I was "selling" something and would

target them. Three years ago I joined an association that included the people that I most wanted

to serve in my new capacity. I again got shy about meeting them. Whatever this block was, it

was strong.

Then I met Georgina. After just one rapid block removal session, I was able to attend several

networking events without a problem.

At the first smaller event, I didn't even sweat bullets at any of the parts, and I never even thought

about anxiety prior to the event. That is damn near impossible, but it happened ;-)

Before the next networking luncheon, as I was getting ready to go, I got worked up in the

chest…as normal. I used the tapping technique and it really mitigated the feelings I was having

and the intros were a whole lot easier.

The next event though was the real test. I tapped a few times while in the car en route to the

seminar. I found a table with some people I hadn’t seen in a long time, told them what I was

doing and got their business cards. I was excited when I got the inquiry to “tell me more.”

I just wanted to let you know my trepidation was almost non-existent. I walked up on somebody

I knew at the break and spoke with her, then I turned to extend my hand to the gentleman she

was speaking with…only to find I already knew him but hadn’t seen him in years. He laughed that

I would extend my hand instead of giving my normal hug. All in all it was a good day.

Thanks so much for your help in ridding me of my 7-year old self! It was just what I needed.

Judy Brosky

International Network of Accounting, Legal and Financial Advisors

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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

“Georgina was able to show me how I was effectively holding myself back and challenged me to step into that fear. I felt liberated, supported, not alone.”

Before working with Georgina, I had so many possibilities on my plate and was confused and

overwhelmed as to which way to go next, as well as being caught up in my own self-made web of

limiting beliefs.

This meant I was not functioning with the ease and joy I knew I could and should be working with.

I was becoming frustrated with my lack of results and the time it was taking me to move forward.

And yes, my family felt that every step of the way!

I knew that if I didn’t get some support I would continue to go round in circles increasing the

volume on the negative voices in my head. It was a place I simply didn’t want to be anymore.

Georgina with her clarity and years of experience guided me through to a clearing where I could

chunk all this information down into doable action steps. She emits for me a great sense of

confidence and wisdom and was able to show me how I was effectively holding myself back, and

challenged me to step into that fear.

I felt liberated, supported, not alone.

I also appreciated her authenticity and honesty when she shared her own experiences with me,

her sense of humor, which helped me to relax and get a new perspective, and her “at a glance”

limiting belief chart in her Abundant Business Design Program, which enabled me to see what

needed most attention immediately.

If you are thinking about working with Georgina, she is a gem!! She is a deeply intelligent,

spiritual and generous human being who has your interests 200% at heart.

She is in fact, all about heart!

Vanessa Smith


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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

“I recommend Georgina to any woman who wants to

put her desires in front of her fears to strongly and gracefully

move forward in her professional life.”

I was referred to Georgina Sweeney when I needed to shift my successful hands-on sports

therapy practice and did not know what direction to take.

My first meeting with Georgina left me with strong feelings of exhilaration and a clear direction.

Georgina’s energy is unrepeatable. She came prepared to our first meeting with an impressive

compilation of research in my field and focused on short and long term goals. Achievable goals, I

would never have come up with on my own. I left our meeting with new vision and hope

knowing Georgina was there to guide me on my new journey.

The goals we developed led me to a new direction both in my business and in my own

perceptions of exactly where I needed to shift from a single client-based service to a service that

served larger audiences using technology to reach across a greater population.

Most importantly, I quickly noticed that it was not the content anymore that was important, but

the mindset and process I developed to achieve the change. Georgina profoundly helped me to

see the difference.

She has enough energy to light up a planet, with the wisdom and commitment as her foundation.

Her positive, creative, and brilliant strategic coaching has already changed my position in my

industry and helped me to gain more awareness and visibility in the world. I am no longer

standing on the bank of the stream, but several feet across it.

I recommend Georgina to any woman who wants to put her desires in front of her fears to

strongly and gracefully move forward in her professional life.

Jo-Ann Wilson

Move Better, Perform Better, Last Longer


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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

Before Georgina Sweeney, I was great at what I did. No question. I received

the feedback every day. The problem was, I was not doing enough work

with the people who would benefit the most. Georgina was the key to

changing all that.

When Georgina began her assessment, it was so comprehensive that I wondered if it could

possibly be necessary to delve into all the areas she suggested. The wonder has now changed to

WONDER. My work is specific, targeted to the people who can benefit most. It has always been

important for me to come from the heart with my work. I did not realize that the system used by

Georgina always leads to a heart-centered way of showing up in the world. It all fits.

I am doing the work I am gifted to do. I am grateful each day for the opportunities that are

offered to me. I am being recruited throughout the country to do this work that I have always

known is my specialty. The recipients of this work are as grateful as I. They offer congratulations

to me, they thank me for saving their lives, they spread the word to others even years after the

initial work with me. I am now a part of a documentary that is spreading the word throughout the

world. I am well respected by many who have been seeking a way to assist those who are and

have been suffering for years with PTSD. The results are in. The results are stunningly positive.

Georgina’s coaching brought me here. Georgina is brilliant in assessing where a person is on their

path, assessing what is not needed, leaving only the best parts of you at your craft. She then

directs and connects the dots so that your special gifts can be brought to the world for all to


My work is now aligned with my Mission and I am happier and more successful than I have ever

been. I am fulfilled, and I am busy doing the work I was meant to do! I thank Georgina for

getting me exactly where I have always wanted to be. I trust Georgina with any project I bring to

her, knowing she will use her skills and her intuition which is a win/win for everyone involved.

Though it is difficult to put into words, I can express the deepest gratitude for the beautiful work

she has done and continues to do in relation to my most precious life!

With deep respect and gratitude,

Candace Green

Cardinal Retreats


“I thank Georgina for getting me exactly

where I have always wanted to be.”

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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

“Not only have I found my perfect niche and gotten

really clear about who I am and how I am on the planet

to serve, but my client list has more than doubled and

my income has more than quadrupled.”

I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to work with

Georgina this past year. My business and life have been

forever changed by the experience. Not only have I found

my perfect niche and gotten really clear about who I am and

how I am on the planet to serve, but my client list has more

than doubled and my income has more than quadrupled.

Before working with Georgina I was struggling with defining my niche as well as how to build a

successful business around work I loved to do.

Less than 1 year later I am the confident leader of a successful business that is serving hundreds,

if not 1000s of women, supporting my family, allowing me the freedom to be an available single

parent, and leaving me feeling more and more blessed every day to be doing the work I am doing

in the world!

I never would have gotten here without Georgina’s help.

Georgina led me to the core of who I am, helped me find my undeniable brilliance, and reflected

it back to me with a consistency and steadfastness that allowed me to start owning it. She saw

who I was becoming and the important work I had to do and she held that up for me to see until,

with her help, I was able to find the confidence and courage to step into it.

I can’t even express in words how grateful I am for her guidance, clarity, brilliance, intuition and


Georgina is an amazing combination of brilliant business woman and intuitive spiritual guide. She

knows exactly the steps you need to take to launch or grow your business and at the same time

how to clear the blocks and access the magic you need to do it. This was exactly the combination

I needed to help me create a business that is growing as much by magic as it is by inspired action

and practical know how. I can’t even tell you how fun it is to be able to confidently play with the

universe in this way!

One year after I began working with Georgina my business is thriving. I receive new client

inquiries every week, have many clients in the 3 and 6 month private programs; have created,

filled, and taught my first 6 week group program, made important connections in my field –

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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

and most importantly feel like I am fulfilling my life’s purpose – and it gets better and better

every day!

The best part is that I have all the tools and confidence I need to move forward on my own. I am

not the same person I was one year ago. I now know my value and the value of my work and I am

eager to see how my business and work continue to expand and unfold.

If you sense that you have a big purpose and you are frustrated with trying to identify it on your

own; if growing a successful soul based business is proving to cause you more frustration, fear,

and uncertainty, than joy, clarity and abundance; if you want to discover your unique and

undeniable brilliance and create a successful business around it that supports the life that you

want to live…..all in a very short period of time, run don’t walk to work with Georgina!!!!

It will likely be the best thing you’ll ever do for yourself or your business.

Lorraine Faehndrich

Women's Mind Body Mentor and Pelvic Pain Relief Coach

Specializing in the relief of Female Pelvic and Sexual Pain


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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

About Georgina Sweeney

Georgina Sweeney helps heart-centered women entrepreneurs and executives create their own freedom: the freedom to be who they are, do what they love and earn what they want - NOW! She is the creator of:

Break Free To Six Figures

her 6-week group money mindset transformation program that teaches entrepreneurs how to identify and overcome the mental money barriers and business blocks that hold them back;

The Feminine Abundance Mastermind

her 4-month money and manifestation experience that blends both private coaching and intimate group mastermind to help women live their life and run their business from a place of fun, freedom and FLOW;

Break Through Your Inner Blocks

her short-term private block-clearing program that delves deep into the patterns that repeatedly show up or the conscious and unconscious blocks that stop men and women from enjoying the success, happiness, love, health or wealth they desire and deserve; and

Create Your Own Freedom NOW

her signature one-on-one coaching program that teaches brilliant, heart-centered women how to build a successful simple lifestyle business on their terms, even if they are starting from scratch.

Georgina is passionate about empowering women (and amazing men!) to listen to the call of their heart, make the difference they want to make in the world and enjoy the personal and financial freedom they desire.

Guided by her unique blend of strategic and imaginative marketing, inspirational business coaching, liberating block clearing and heightened sense of intuition, her clients are amazed at the speed at which they achieve clarity, breakthroughs and success as they release old patterns of behavior, overcome their money blocks and get into action quickly.

A Transformational Business Coach, Money Mentor, Personal

Block Clearer & Speaker, Georgina draws on over 20 years of

combined international marketing experience and

entrepreneurship to help her clients succeed around the world.

To contact Georgina for private coaching, speaking engagements or joint ventures, please email: [email protected] or connect on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GeorginaSweeneyFan

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© 2013 Georgina Sweeney International www.georginasweeney.com

Legal Disclaimer:

Every effort has been made to accurately represent these programs and their potential.

Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.

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