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Page 1: Dear friends and well wishers, - Fadderforeningenfadderforeningen.no/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/... · Dear friends and well wishers, Dear friends and well wishers, Many thanks for

Dear friends and well wishers,Dear friends and well wishers,Dear friends and well wishers,Dear friends and well wishers,

Many thanks for your good wishes which we reciprocate most heartily. Your co-operation is valuable indeed in overcoming tough challenges persistently and consistently. This very mite effort really proved immensely worthwhile as well as established and ensured liaison with you. It needs no saying that your noblesse oblige been supporting us significantly in plugging away at. The KBS’s sole aim is to promote education caliber at its best. This is an accomplished truth that our corresponding academic growth is our key achievement to be self congratulated. With this hope that, in coming years these efforts will be producing much better results. Our achievements are chronicled in this:

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1111. New Admissions;. New Admissions;. New Admissions;. New Admissions; KBS is an undaunted in fulfilling its pledge of supporting to down-trodden and children from weaker society. Down through the years our consistent efforts have produced remarkable growth in admissions which reached up to more than hundred. Needless to say, we professed ourselves satisfied with the progress so far. 2222 CoCoCoCo----curriculum dairycurriculum dairycurriculum dairycurriculum dairy of the year:of the year:of the year:of the year: Institution is fully committed with its distinctive emphasis on avoiding” the arrested personality development of its scholars.” For the cause every pupil is assured of equal opportunity to develop his/her latent faculties, through co-curriculum framework through-out the year. The details are as follows: S.No.S.No.S.No.S.No. TypeTypeTypeType TitleTitleTitleTitle GroupGroupGroupGroup 1. English Symposium Knowledge is powerKnowledge is powerKnowledge is powerKnowledge is power Senior 2. Nepali Debate Daughter’s right for parental

property or not. Senior

3. Junior Eng. Quiz -------- Junior 4. Drawing Competition _______ Senior/Junior

5. Math's & Science Quiz. _________ Both 6. Handwriting Compt (In 3 Languages) All

7. Elocution in 3 Languages English, Nepali, Tibetan

Drug addiction and its consequences

Literature is living experience of life.

Character is more imp. Than education.


8. English Quiz ---------------------------------------------------- Senior

9. General Quiz ---------------------------------------------------- Senior 10. Nepali Elocution -------------- Senior 11. English Debate --------------- Senior 3. Peace Day of the year, May 6:3. Peace Day of the year, May 6:3. Peace Day of the year, May 6:3. Peace Day of the year, May 6: Our deepest condolence is always associated with the special day observed in the memory of Late Ven. Pema Rigzin for his noble and valuable submissions to our institution. His sudden and unbelievable demise is great shock to one and all. The vacancy at his demise to our KBS family is difficult to fill up. We pay our sincere homage to the departed soul observing 6th May as the peace Day of the year. P.R. Contest bumper prize was given in the name of great soul to the best student who excelled at personality test in the presence of dignified guests. 4. 4. 4. 4. A consistent accolade progress in S.LA consistent accolade progress in S.LA consistent accolade progress in S.LA consistent accolade progress in S.L.C.C.C.C.... We feel delighted in making this to public that KBS is regularly churning out SLC graduates year by year with excellence. We have witnessed quantitative and qualitative growth this year too with100% First division with eight excellent distinctions. We extend our big thanks and well wish for bright future to them. Distinction holders were awarded with cash prize of RS. 5000/-, 3000/- and 2000/- respective of their position among a function. 5. 5. 5. 5. EDUCATIONAL EXCURSION / STUDY TOUR EDUCATIONAL EXCURSION / STUDY TOUR EDUCATIONAL EXCURSION / STUDY TOUR EDUCATIONAL EXCURSION / STUDY TOUR Learning is a comprehensive process which can’t be completed without practical experiences through a broad social contact. In order to cultivate positive human qualities into our scholars

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we do organize the field study tour off and on. This year too, we organized three study tours to class eight and nine student at Syambhunath and Phulahari Monastery. The tangible outcome revealed that on the one hand, they found an opportunity to learn something special beyond the frame Work of “Chalk and Talk” education. On the other, they got refreshed and re- energized from the stultifying effects of routine work. 6. 6. 6. 6. CHILDREN'S DAY.CHILDREN'S DAY.CHILDREN'S DAY.CHILDREN'S DAY. Children’s Day is special for Children not because it is the day of children but it helps and provides plentiful opportunities in developing finer taste for art, music, literature etc. thereby preventing their minds being occupied by cheap re-creation. True to this assessment KBS offered an open platform for “A talent Show” that has successfully been performed with rich cultural spectrum. 7. TEACHER'S DAY7. TEACHER'S DAY7. TEACHER'S DAY7. TEACHER'S DAY:::: The day is especially meant for teachers and to keep up the long prevailing pure relationship between the teachers and students. On this day, the children of KBS expressed their respect for the teachers by offering flowers and presenting colorful program. 8888. T. T. T. TEACHEACHEACHEACHER’S TER’S TER’S TER’S TRRRRAINING:AINING:AINING:AINING: Teacher, first he is learner then he is teacher. This old saying is still relevant to the modern civilization of 21st century. There is always scope for improvements. Multifarious development is not possible without having a broad interaction, by opening new channels of thought at least among the intelligentsia. The three teachers training program attended by our teachers, one at the school itself, and other two outside the school have enormously developed self-confidence and knowledge. 9999. . . . OOOOUTUTUTUT DOOR PURSUITSDOOR PURSUITSDOOR PURSUITSDOOR PURSUITS:::: KBS is amazingly doing its very best in out-door pursuits too. Our scholars have performed superbly into different activities held outside and acclaimed prizes as follows: 1. District Level Drawing Comp. arranged by Nepal Scout and Guide (Skill and Aura) 1st Position 2. Valley Inter-school Drawing Comp. Senior 4th Prize and Junior 3rd prize 3. International cross Country participated by 5000 11th position.

10101010. . . . GENERAL HEALTH CHECKGENERAL HEALTH CHECKGENERAL HEALTH CHECKGENERAL HEALTH CHECK----UP CAMPUP CAMPUP CAMPUP CAMP:::: Healthy Children: Healthy Nation is a slogan well known requires a consistent approach in wake of promoting the status of health. We organized three different General Medical Health check Camp for our student. 11. TERMINAL EXAMINATION:11. TERMINAL EXAMINATION:11. TERMINAL EXAMINATION:11. TERMINAL EXAMINATION: The real test of scholars lies in academic performance which comes through the three terminal tests at different intervals. For the considerable improvement we also organize coaching classes for the last two months. KBS JUMLAKBS JUMLAKBS JUMLAKBS JUMLA:::: The branch at Jumla is also on steady progress. It has almost covered the targeted group of people and has proved to be a great relief to the under privileged and the community demanding the type of education. Classes have grown till Primary Level and in the next academic session, it needs to be up-graded for Lower secondary Level. KBS MANALI:KBS MANALI:KBS MANALI:KBS MANALI: The oldest among all branches is still very active in all aspects. Nearly 150 students are regularly attending the school and giving very good performances academically as well as in

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co-curricular activities. The school has to shift from its place to a new place in 2008 due to certain unavoidable cause. But it has not effected in its daily activities. KBS IN HUMLA:KBS IN HUMLA:KBS IN HUMLA:KBS IN HUMLA: KBS in Humla was inaugurated this year on April 28 in the presence of a few local authorities, parents & children, some foreign personalities working in local NGO at a small function and religious ceremony. Locals welcomed the school very warmly. Everybody was very hopeful for a better tomorrow for their children with the entrance of Kailash Bodhi School. And we have taken this as an inspiration as well as a big responsibility to undertake. There were ninety children and five staff members to begin with. At present the school is running in a small rented house having five rooms in it. EXPRESSION OF GRATITUEXPRESSION OF GRATITUEXPRESSION OF GRATITUEXPRESSION OF GRATITUDEDEDEDE:::: Of course, the Galaxy of well wishers for this institution deserves our copious thanks and sublime gratitude whose contribution is immensely helpful in enriching the institution’s progress. In fact, institution’s good will is widely acclaimed yet many challenges are to be met ahead. With all the best wishes, we hope this institution will go from strength to strength in future course of development. We kindly offer our sublime greetings on X’mas day, a day of Universal forgiveness. May God shower with health, happiness and long life in this New Year to undertake many more such noble deeds; you could have in the service of mankind. Thanking you.

Karma Choezom PRINCIPAL

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