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Page 1: Dear Friends - Dakshana
Page 2: Dear Friends - Dakshana

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Dear Friends:

Dakshana successfully completed its 6th full year of operations in 2012. Since inception in 2007, the

IITs have accepted 457 Dakshana Scholars (out of a total universe of 1033 Dakshana Scholars) – a

success rate of over 44%. Not too shabby – considering that the IITs typically accept under 2% of


Most of the kids who were christened Dakshana Scholars in 2007 joined the IITs/NITs in 2009 and

entered the job market in 2013. It is thus an important landmark year for Dakshana – our first sizable

graduating class. This is where the rubber meets the road. Do Dakshana scholars do well after they

graduate and enter the job market? Do they succeed in permanently removing the shackles of poverty?

The answer is a resounding yes.

Our Failures

While Dakshana’s unique model definitely works, we have made many poor decisions leading to

significant failures over the years. One of these failures took place in 2008-09 when we set up our own

ill-fated hostel and coaching center in Faridabad (Haryana) to prepare a batch of 68 JNV alums from

all over India for the IIT-JEE. It is the only time when we attempted to coach a group of kids outside a

JNV campus. The myriad of thorny management problems we encountered made it a no-brainer to

abandon the Faridabad facility as soon as the scholars finished their IIT-JEE and AIEEE exams. Of

the 68 kids we hosted at Faridabad, just 22 were accepted by the IITs. The Faridabad batch of 68

included six girls, one of whom was Ms. Angom Chandrakala. Angom is scheduled caste (SC) and

was raised in Manipur state by her single widowed mother on under $2/day. At age eleven, Angom

cleared the JNV selection test and left her mother’s home and became a resident student at JNV

Imphal (Manipur).

When Dakshana did selections for the Faridabad Hostel batch in 2008, Angom barely made it. She

was originally waitlisted by us and later accepted only when there was a no-show. And she was only

accepted by Dakshana because we give significant affirmative action preference to scheduled castes

and tribes. Among the 68 scholars we accepted, Angom ranked last in Dakshana’s selection test.

After a year of intensive IIT-JEE coaching by Dakshana, Angom was not accepted by the IITs. Like

all our scholars, she also took the AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Exam). Unlike the IIT-

JEEs, which only give ranks for the top 13,000 accepted students, the AIEEE gives all million test

takers a rank – which we find quite useful. Angom got an All-India rank of 69,870. There are just

about 30,000 decent engineering seats available nationally at the IITs, NITs and other top institutes in

India. Her prospects were not looking good.

Angom’s home state of Manipur is located on the border India shares with Myanmar and it is one of

the most backward and desolate of India’s 28 states. The AIEEE ranks show just how backward

Manipur is. While Angom ranked nearly 70,000 nationally, in her state she was ranked 26th. And

among all the scheduled caste kids who took the AIEEE in 2009 from Manipur, she was the topper!

Numero uno!!

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That high SC ranking secured Angom a highly coveted seat at NIT Durgapur in West Bengal as a

Computer Science major. Like the JNVs and the IITs, the NITs are required by law to practice

affirmative action and reserve seats for scheduled castes and tribes. Recently, in 2013, Angom

graduated from NIT Durgapur and was recruited by Microsoft, where she now works as a Software

Engineer. To the best of my knowledge, Microsoft in India couldn’t care less about the predicament of

the scheduled castes in India. It is a strict meritocracy. There ain’t no affirmative action practiced by

Microsoft in India. Microsoft is super selective in its recruiting practices globally, more so in India. It

is a testament to the distance Angom has traveled. After getting a significant helping hand from the

affirmative action policies of the JNVs and the NITs as well as Dakshana, Angom no longer needs our

help. She has soared.

While affirmative action remains controversial globally, on balance, I am a proponent. Angom is not

the exception. I have repeatedly seen our SC/ST scholars do far better than their Dakshana selection

test scores would predict. The generations of blatant abuse and discrimination is tough to overcome in

just a few years. But the Angoms of the world persevere and prevail.

Dakshana failed miserably when we embarked on the Faridabad Hostel project – to the point that we

shuttered the facility as soon as possible. We lost plenty of money on the infrastructure investments

we made at Faridabad. We failed to get 46 of those 68 Faridabad kids accepted by the IITs. And we

failed with Angom. But, even after failing with Angom, we actually succeeded with Angom!

“Invest in businesses that an idiot can run because one day an idiot will.”

- Warren E. Buffett

We succeeded with Angom because the Dakshana model is simply incredible. We are, however, too

dumb to come up with something so elegant and powerful on our own. We were wise enough to clone

Anand Kumar’s Super 30 model. That one single great decision allows us to make innumerable dumb

ones – and still come out smelling like a rose. I love it! The model routinely converts our innumerable

failures into successes. I can absolutely guarantee that we will continue making plenty of bonehead

decisions in the years ahead. And amazingly, we will likely continue looking great. Thank you


And, of course, it is not just Angom. Alapaka Bhanu Krishna from Nellore in Andhra Pradesh is the

son of an illiterate farmer. He was accepted by IIT Kharagpur in 2009 and is now employed by

Infosys. We succeeded with Alapaka. And we succeeded with Aniket Argade, the son of an

impoverished farmer in Pune, Maharashtra. He was in the same batch as Angom at Faridabad. Like

Angom, Aniket was not accepted by the IITs, but did get a fantastic rank of 6650 in the AIEEE and

was accepted by NIT Nagpur. After recently graduating with a degree in Mechanical Engineering,

Aniket now works for Honda Motors in Gurgaon (Haryana).

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Also with Angom at Faridabad was Govind Kitawat from Rajsamand district in Rajasthan. The son of

a marginal farmer, Govind was also not accepted by the IITs, but he did get accepted by NIT Raipur

in Chhattisgarh state and is now a Software Engineer with Thompson Reuters at Bengaluru.

Congratulations to Angom, Alapaka, Aniket, Govind and all the hundreds of other Dakshana alums.

You did it! My blessings with thee!

2009-2013: What a difference!

Just four years ago, in 2009, Dakshana was facing some pretty dark days. The financial crisis had

taken a heavy toll and wiped out nearly 70% of Harina’s and my net worth. Dakshana was

spending well over $1 million a year and had just $400,000 in cash at the time. It was simply not

sustainable for Harina and me to consistently fund and scale Dakshana with these realities. We

seriously considered not taking on any new scholars in 2009 and simply using our limited

resources to get the existing 350+ scholars to the finish line in 2010.

We candidly discussed our predicament with senior JNV and Indian Government officials. They

advised Dakshana to scale back the program, but not to create a gap by taking no new scholars.

The Indian Government is heavily driven by precedent. We were getting entrenched as a

mainstream public-private partnership and they advised that we should not take actions that

rocked the established status quo.

Paying careful heed to their guidance, we dramatically downsized, but continued to accept new

scholars. In 2009, Dakshana accepted just 50 traditional scholars at a single location – our

smallest batch ever. We took full advantage of this downsizing to seriously streamline our

operations. Dakshana was holistically rebuilt from the ground up by our CEO, Colonel Ram

Sharma, who came on board in 2009.

Well, we are back! Dakshana accepted 110 scholars in 2010, 206 in 2011, 259 in 2012 and 434

in 2013 – an all time record. We’ve increased incoming scholars at a compound annual growth

rate of over 54% from 2009 to 2013. More importantly, we’re on track to continue growing at

well over 30% a year for at least the next few years.

While 2013 represents our largest incoming batch, it is apparent from the data that, if we had the

classroom and dorm capacity, we could have accepted at least 1000 scholars and still delivered a

greater than 50% IIT acceptance rate. The JNVs are a mother lode of raw talent and it frustrates

Colonel Sharma, me and the entire Dakshana team that we could not take in many more kids.

As I pen this letter, Dakshana has nearly $3 million in liquid assets. In addition, inflows in the

next 16 months will likely exceed $4.3 million. We are spending under $1 million a year

presently. Colonel Sharma, Sharmila and I are trying as hard as possible to step on the gas and

intelligently increase spending. We’d love to dramatically increase our scholar numbers and

capacity, even in a sub-optimal manner, but are constrained by the slow pace at which our

partner, the Government of India moves.

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It reminds me of this verse by Ghalib, slightly tweeked:

sark r sabr-talab aur a shan b t b

scholars s y bol n construction khatam honé tak


The government demands patience

but we at Dakshana are so impatient.

Indeed, what do I tell these scholars

who have been unjustly denied seats

till the construction is complete?

-Mirza Ghalib – slightly edited by Mohnish

To keep the Ghalib purists from breaking out in hives, here are the original lines by the master


shi sabr-talab aur ta ann b t b

dil k ky ran ar ḳh n -jigar honé tak


Love demands patience

but the myriad desires make one so impatient.

Indeed what do I do with this restless heart

till it is soaked with blood, red blood?

-Mirza Ghalib

As I mentioned last year, the good news is that we have a wonderful partner in the Government

of India. The bad news is that we have a partnership with the Government of India.

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2013 IIT Acceptances – Mildly below our expectations

The 2013 JEE Advanced (Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Entrance Exam) results are out and,

while there are some silver linings, the results are well below expectations. In 2013, a total of 206

Dakshana Scholars took the JEE exams. 86 of them were accepted by the IITs, a success rate of just

41%. However, in order to do a true apples to apples comparison with past years, a more detailed drill

down is in order.

Of these 206 scholars selected in 2011, 50 were based in Pune. This Pune batch was an all-girls batch

(actually 48 girls and two boys). These skewed demographics resulted from a lack of male

dormitories. Just 12 of the scholars from this batch cracked the IIT-JEE. We lowered admission

standards below our typical cutoffs for 43 of these 50 kids. Of the seven Pune kids who met our

cutoffs, four were accepted by the IITs. We knew that the IIT acceptance rate at Pune would be low,

but we were thrilled to run this natural experiment to help train more women engineers and glean

some important empirical data. In any case, the girls did well enough that we’ve had robust

acceptance by the NITs for the Pune batch.

The Hyderabad location had 54 scholars, however, we accepted 11 scholars at Hyderabad below our

cutoffs due to a lack of dorm space. These kids were from JNV Hyderabad itself, so they already had

been allocated dorms. We again knew that IIT acceptances would be low among this group, but there

was virtually no cost and the seats would have gone vacant. Of the 43 kids at Hyderabad who met our

normal cutoffs, 24 were accepted by the IITs. Similarly at Bengaluru and Kottayam, a total of five

kids were accepted below our cutoffs. Thus, of the 206 scholars, just 147 met our cutoffs. And 72 of

these 147 were accepted by the IITs, an adjusted success rate of 49%.

This 49% acceptance rate will adjust upward as some scholars retake the JEE next year. However,

even with these adjustments, the success rate is below what we would have expected. We are still

researching all of the reasons, but the biggest ones seem to be the tectonic changes the government

made in 2013 to the IIT selection testing and acceptance criteria. The single IIT-JEE test was replaced

by two tests, spaced several weeks apart. If one did not rank in the top 15% of test takers in the 1st test,

one could not ever appear for the second one. At many locations, our scholars, after having excelled in

the first test slacked off before the much harder second test. They regretted their actions even as they

gave the second test. It is the second test that determined final IIT acceptances. We have already

begun counseling the 2014 and 2015 batches on not repeating the folly of their seniors.

Focus on the Disabled

In 2010, we selected our first batch of six disabled kids, and, amazingly all six were accepted by the

IITs. In 2011, we accepted four disabled scholars and all four were accepted by the IITs. So far, we

have a perfect score with our disabled scholars. Most of them are victims of polio with severely

compromised lower limbs.

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We have also been working with organizations like the Artificial Limb Center at the Armed Forces

Medical Center (Pune) to provide improved artificial prosthetics to our disabled scholars. Last year,

we provided artificial legs to Dakshana Scholar Rahul Patidar at a cost to Dakshana of just $150. This

year another scholar, Shiv Kumar, received artificial legs. As these scholars graduate from IIT with

hefty paychecks, they will be able to avail themselves of the very best artificial limbs on the planet

which are rapidly closing the gap with natural ones. Some disabled scholars have a variety of vision

disabilities (such as being blind in one eye etc.). We have begun leveraging the tremendous

capabilities of Aravind Eye Care in Madurai to provide the best possible remedies to these scholars.

Aravind is set up to deliver these life altering services to our scholars at no charge.

Dakshana remains firmly committed to maximizing the disabled scholars we take on every year.

I think of these annual reports as chapters of an unfinished book. It is best to start with the first chapter

– 2007’s annual report. You can view it at www.dakshana.org/AR07.pdf. The subsequent annual

reports are available at http://www.dakshana.org/AR08.pdf, http://www.dakshana.org/AR09.pdf,

http://www.dakshana.org/AR10.pdf and http://www.dakshana.org/AR11.pdf. Alternatively, you can

email me at [email protected] and I’ll mail you a hardcopy. For brevity, I’ll assume that the

reader has already read the earlier annual reports and perused our website.

2012 Financial Overview

Table 1. Financial Overview

2012 Dakshana Financial Overview (in thousands of US$)

Cash and Marketable Securities on 12/31/11: $1,681

Scholar and Overhead Expenses: ($566)

Contributions by Donors: $1,225

Contributions by Pabrai Family: $0

Donated Coaching Services: $84

Donated Corporate Services: $4

Net Investment/Forex Gain (Loss): $274

Cash and Marketable Securities on 12/31/12: $2,614

Dakshana raised over $1.3 million from non-Pabrai family members in 2012. A large part of the

$1.3 million is the $1 million we receive annually from Prem Watsa and his family. Thank you

Prem! We ended the year with a robust $2.6 million in liquid assets.

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In these annual reports, I have taken an atypical approach of not including detailed financials.

This has been done for readability and saving a tree or two. US foundations are required to file

Form 990-PF with the IRS every year and the IRS makes these filings public. We provide a link

to these public filings on our website (www.dakshana.org/about_us/financials.asp). The Form

990-PF is filed in May of each year for the preceding year and it provides all the detailed


Direct Scholar Expenses

In 2012, we spent $566,000 on the Dakshana Scholar Program and related corporate overhead. In

addition, T.I.M.E donated about $84,000 in IIT-JEE coaching services. Also, Seneca Global and

Abhay Bhagat donated IT and accounting services worth $4,000, bringing the real total to

$654,000. Of this amount, $508,000 was spent directly on the Dakshana Scholar IIT-JEE

Coaching Program and $146,000 comprised our corporate overhead. Let’s examine the scholar

expenses in a bit of detail.

During 2012, we delivered the equivalent of 398 scholar years of coaching at an average cost of

$1,276/year or $2,553/scholar.

Table 2. Dakshana Scholar Cost Data

Year Cost/Scholar Scholar Years

2007 $3,650 176

2008 $3,086 524

2009 $2,100 356

2010 $1,922 270

2011 $4,337* 219

2012 $2,553 398

*$2475 without construction

Corporate Overhead Expenses

Our corporate overheads in 2012 of $146,000 made up about 22% of our outlays. This seems

extraordinarily high relative to the spending on the scholars. It is high, but unlike many other

foundations, the Dakshana Scholar program is a direct program run by Dakshana. Many of these

so called “overhead expenses” are actually core to the program. For example, when our staff

makes frequent trips to the various JNV campuses, they are classified as overhead, but they are

100% focused on ensuring program and scholar success.

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We typically do not make grants to other non-profits. We’ve run these very labor and

management intensive programs ourselves. With staff and scholars spread across six remote

locations in India, the logistical overheads and costs are quite significant. It does involve

considerable travel, infrastructure and staff to execute. Also, it is hard to cut overheads below a

baseline. Nonetheless, as we scale up our scholar base, we do expect the overhead expenses to

become smaller portions of the pie.

This corporate overhead averaged out to $367/scholar in 2012. It was $580/scholar in 2011. The

drop in corporate overhead/scholar is, in part, due to the low number of scholars in 2011. As an

example, in 2012 we delivered 82% more scholar years of coaching than in 2011, but our

aggregate overheads increased by just 12%. As we scale up, the overhead/scholar will drop.

Our fully loaded cost (including corporate overhead and construction) was $2,920/scholar in

2012. This compares favorably with $4,917 in 2011. As we scale up and put the bulk of the

construction spending behind us in the next few years, I fully expect that our fully loaded per

scholar numbers may well be under $2,000 per scholar. However, it is likely to hover around

$3,000 for some time.

The Cost to Produce an IITian

While the direct and overhead costs to support a scholar matter, it is the cost to produce an IITian

that is the real benchmark that matters. It is the report card on how effective our spending and

give back endeavors truly are.

Table 3. Dakshana Scholar Cost Data


Direct Avg.





Total Avg.




to IIT*

Cost to get

a scholar

to IIT

2007 $3,650 $1,320 $4,970 0% NA

2008 $3,085 $828 $3,913 35% $11,200

2009 $2,100 $382 $2,482 43% $5,700

2010 $1,922 $232 $2,154 58% $3,700

2011 $4,337 $580 $4,917 75% $6,500

2012 $2,553 $367 $2,920 42% $7,000

*next year

The diligent reader will note that the aforementioned table has changed from previous years. We

had undercounted our IIT success rate (a good problem ). The IITs allow two attempts to pass

the IIT-JEE. Some of our scholars who do not make it the first time, try again a year later.

Sometimes scholars neglect to advise us of their 2nd

attempt results. Table 3 has been updated to

reflect the total numbers getting into IIT after both attempts – to the best of our knowledge.

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It used to cost Dakshana over $11,000 at the outset to get one scholar to IIT. This improved

dramatically over the years – all the way down to $3,700 in 2010. It appears we are heading

backwards in 2011 with costs rising to $7,000 to get a scholar into IIT. This is mostly due to

construction costs being fully expensed as incurred. In addition, as the numbers of scholars

dropped, our economies of scale vanished. I fully expect this all-in cost number to settle down at

under $5,000 as we scale up.

Dakshana’s Financial Health

From the outset, Harina and I have committed to give 2% of our net worth to Dakshana every

year as long as our net worth exceeds $50 million at the end of any given year. Based on this

formula, the amounts expected to give and actually given are as follows:

Table 4. Mohnish Pabrai and Harina Kapoor - 2% of Net Worth vs. Actual Giving


To Give


Giving Difference

2006 $ 1,067,983

$ 577,420

$ (490,563)

2007 $ 1,302,924

$ 3,355,350

$ 2,052,426

2008 $ -

$ 106,491

$ 106,491

2009 $ -

$ 69,450

$ 69,450

2010 $ 1,168,983

$ 345,064

$ (823,919)

2011 $ -

$ 1,044,480

$ 1,044,480

2012 $ 1,084,215

$ 200

$ (1,084,015)

Total $ 4,624,105

$ 5,498,455

$ 874,350

Excess Given:

$ 874,350

As one can glean, Harina and I have given nearly $0.9 million beyond our annual 2% threshold.

This “credit balance” we’ve been running with Dakshana will likely close in 2013.

Dakshana is in robust financial health. With the life-altering commitments we make to hundreds

of impoverished families and brilliant minds every year, it is important that we always maintain a

strong balance sheet.

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Dakshana’s Wonderful Family of Donors

In 2009, fifteen brave souls sent over $32,000 to Dakshana. By 2010, gifts had more than tripled

to over $100,000. And with Prem’s generous pledge, 2011 gifts exceeded $1.25 million. In 2012,

gifts to Dakshana increased to a record $1.3 million from over 120 patrons.

Here is the list of our 2012 donors:

2012 Dakshana Donations Received

Donor Name City State Country Amount

The Watsa Family Toronto Ontario Canada $ 1,000,000.00

T.I.M.E. Hyderabad India $ 84,000.00

Ray Faltinsky Rancho Santa Fe CA USA $ 30,000.00

Acacia Conservation Fund New York NY USA $ 25,000.00

Dr. Ajay Desai Bakersfield CA USA $ 25,000.00

Narendra & Nita Mulani New Canaan CT USA $ 25,000.00

Anonymous $ 10,000.00

Gaja Capital Partners Mumbai

India $ 10,000.00

Peter Kinney & Lisa Sandquist

Foundation Chicago IL USA $ 10,000.00

Hemant Amin Singapore $ 7,600.00

Dr. Ajoy & Dr. Laura Jana Omaha NE USA $ 5,000.00

Srinivas Pulavarti Beverly Hills CA USA $ 5,000.00

Sukumar Ramanathan Menlo Park CA USA $ 5,000.00

Arun Jain Gurgaon Haryana India $ 3,577.18

Seneca Global Hyderabad India $ 3,500.00

Sreenivasulu Cherlo & Sreedevi

Mannur Kingwood TX USA $ 3,500.00

Aman & Manisha Handa Naperville IL USA $ 3,000.00

Michael & Karen Stone La Jolla CA USA $ 2,500.00

Najeeb Siddique Columbus GA USA $ 2,500.00

Prof. Thomas Kailath Stanford CA USA $ 2,500.00

Megh Manseta Mumbai India $ 2,414.59

Dr. John Kailath Fair Oaks CA USA $ 2,400.00

Doug and Cari Kremer Oakbrook IL USA $ 2,376.00

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2012 Dakshana Donations Received

Donor Name City State Country Amount

In Memory of Jayshree Bhatia New York NY USA $ 2,000.00

Rohit Reddy Auckland New Zealand $ 2,000.00

Achit & Deval Patel Oro Valley AZ USA $ 1,500.00

Matching Gift from "The Capital Group

Companies Charitable Foundation" Los Angeles CA USA $ 1,500.00

Ajay Gupta Brooklyn NY USA $ 1,200.00

In Memory of Shri. N. G. Karle South Orange NJ USA $ 1,200.00

Hiten & Sangita Patel San Francisco CA USA $ 1,111.11

Arka Ashok Ghosh Blacksburg VA USA $ 1,053.00

Sunil Puri Rockford IL USA $ 1,001.00

Anonymous $ 1,000.00

Ashish Kolli & Savithri Jasti Cupertino CA USA $ 1,000.00

Atul Garg Oakbrook IL USA $ 1,000.00

Ian Rosmarin Toronto Ontario Canada $ 1,000.00

John Lavery, Pacific Vista Capital LLD Encinitas CA USA $ 1,000.00

John Mihaljevic Zurich

Switzerland $ 1,000.00

Pranav Jha New York NY USA $ 1,000.00

Ramesh Sunar Charlotte NC USA $ 1,000.00

Srinivas Gadgil Irvine CA USA $ 1,000.00

Puneet Mittal India $ 894.29

New York Marathon - Kinjal Parikh Brooklyn NY USA $ 864.50

Deepak Kumar Monroe

Township NJ USA $ 775.00

Michael Bridge Scottsdale AZ USA $ 729.00

Sandhya & Mohan Nuthakki Dayton OH USA $ 729.00

Sanjay Bindra Fremont CA USA $ 729.00

Dr. Bikram S. Dhillon Schaumburg IL USA $ 501.00

Karuna Rawal River Forest IL USA $ 501.00

Aaron Edelheit Atlanta GA USA $ 500.00

Abhay Bhagat & Co. Mumbai India $ 500.00

Anonymous $ 500.00

Anonymous $ 500.00

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2012 Dakshana Donations Received

Donor Name City State

Country Amount

De Mai Laguna Niguel CA USA $ 500.00

Nikhil Kapur Sugar Land TX USA $ 500.00

Robert Sempsey Chicago IL USA $ 500.00

Samir Parekh London UK $ 500.00

Sanjeev Parsad Burnaby BC Canada $ 500.00

Suken Patel Dublin OH USA $ 500.00

Zeke & Gennifer Ashton Southlake TX USA $ 500.00

Narinder Kaushal Richland WA USA $ 500.00

Jehangir Appoo & Betty Marchant Calgary Alberta Canada $ 486.00

Dr. Prakash Hebalkar Mumbai India $ 455.00

Michael Maas San Juan

Capistrano CA USA $ 396.00

AMI Diagnostics Astoria NY USA $ 300.00

Health Management Corporation of

America Melville NY USA $ 300.00

Mark Rusek Forest Hills NJ USA $ 300.00

Peter Gallett Brooklyn NY USA $ 300.00

Saurabh & Gita Parikh Aliso Viejo CA USA $ 300.00

Chandresh Somani Harrow England $ 275.00

David & Susan Cornet Canton OH USA $ 250.00

Jaikumar & Sangeetha Ramanathan San Carlos CA USA $ 250.00

Dr. M. Nafees Nagy Las Vegas NV USA $ 250.00

Sameer Rupani Randolph NY USA $ 250.00

Tony Thomas San Jose CA USA $ 250.00

Wade Fetzer Chicago IL USA $ 250.00

Abhivrudhi Foundation (Medical

Camp at Hyderabad) Hyderabad India $ 200.00

AFMC (Medical Camp at Pune) Pune India $ 200.00

Alex Galuzevski Laguna Hills CA USA $ 200.00

Anonymous $ 200.00

Bhavik Kothari Dublin OH USA $ 200.00

Manoj Gandhi Garner NC USA $ 200.00

Rajesh Goel Clarendon Hills IL USA $ 200.00

Ramdas Kenjale San Luis Obispo CA USA $ 200.00

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2012 Dakshana Donations Received

Donor Name City State Country Amount

Ted Woodley Pacific Palisades CA USA $ 200.00

Vicki Teschke Middle Park Victoria Australia $ 200.00

Satya Narayan Bansal India $ 200.00

Anonymous $ 192.50

Tony & Rashmi Srivastava Walnut CA USA $ 175.00

Sridhar Viswanathan & Chun Zhang Burlington VT USA $ 162.00

Parag Patel Indianapolis IN USA $ 151.00

Sanjeev & Reema Qazi Bellevue NY USA $ 151.00

Rajeev & Hema Krishnamurthi San Diego CA USA $ 150.00

Terry & Anne Plochman Lincolnshire IL USA $ 150.00

A.N. Seshadri Singapore $ 101.00

Vijaya Raghavan Los Altos CA USA $ 101.00

Anonymous $ 100.00

Ashish Kumar & Sarita Tripathy Fremont CA USA $ 100.00

Deepak & Usha Kulkarni Irvine CA USA $ 100.00

Deepak Sarpangal Los Altos CA USA $ 100.00

Diane Weinberg New York NY USA $ 100.00

Donna & Steve Tritman Boston MA USA $ 100.00

Elizabeth Lilly St. Paul MN USA $ 100.00

GDS Investments LLC West Chester PA USA $ 100.00

John Bank Chicago IL USA $ 100.00

Jonathan Bartel Henderson NV USA $ 100.00

Karen & Sy Zilberstein Northbrook IL USA $ 100.00

Morgan & Gretchen Housel Baltimore MD USA $ 100.00

Nicole Fitch Maple Valley WA USA $ 100.00

Rohit Ranjan Rockville MD USA $ 100.00

Shanker Ramamurthy New York NY USA $ 100.00

Syed Azim Bukhari Marion OH USA $ 100.00

Vishal Mishra New York NY USA $ 100.00

In Honor Of the Wedding of Divya &

Amarinderpal Columbus GA USA $ 75.00

"In Honor of Brentley Campbell" Volcano CA USA $ 50.00

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2012 Dakshana Donations Received

Donor Name City State Country Amount

David Chung Los Angeles CA USA $ 50.00

Sherilyn Draper Santa Rosa CA USA $ 50.00

Suneet Chandvani Edison NJ USA $ 50.00

Samir Patel Tucker GA USA $ 20.00

$ 1,313,296.17

I am pleased to report that these gifted funds were used to buy books, improve scholar nutrition,

create/improve classroom and dorm infrastructure, and pay for coaching services for our

scholars. Harina and I are grateful to our patrons for their generosity and wisdom.

And now, it’s time for a short commercial break. If you would like to make a gift to Dakshana,

please click on this link:


We accept all major credit cards and Paypal. You can also send us a check (in dollars or rupees).

And your gift is fully tax deductible. We can also set up automatic recurring monthly charges to

your credit card. $99 a month for 24 months fully supports one scholar. You can even pick the

scholar you’d like to support and we can arrange for interaction and meetings.

The Dakshana Endowment is Born

Virtually all of our donated funds sit in money market funds till deployed – and they are only

used for direct scholar expenses. We typically do not invest these funds. The exception to the

aforementioned has been to invest a sliver of donor funds in equities with the donor's permission.

A good example is proceeds from the annual lunch auctions.

The funds donated by Harina and me go into a separate account and do get invested in

marketable securities. All of Dakshana’s corporate overheads are paid out of this account.

In March, 2013, I spoke to students at Columbia Business School about Dakshana. Ruyintan

“Ron” Mehta, a Chemical Engineer and 1970 IIT Bombay alumnus, pitched an interesting idea

to me after the talk. Ron proposed giving $50,000 every year to Dakshana and have me invest it

and spend investment gains every year on Dakshana scholars. Kinda like an endowment.

I met with Ron in April in Irvine and we refined the concept further. We established a “Dakshana

Endowment Account” which was seeded with a very generous $50,000 contribution by Ron.

These funds are slated to be invested in marketable securities in a highly concentrated manner.

For example, we are presently nearly fully invested in 3 stocks. On December 31 of every year,

we’ll take 5% of the value of this account and move those funds to the Dakshana Donor account,

which only pays direct scholar expenses.

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Our donors now have a choice. They can have their contributions go into a money market

account and be used in fairly short order to support Dakshana scholars. Or, they can direct their

contributions to go to the endowment, where it will get invested and 5% of the endowment’s

value on December 31 of every year will move to the Direct Scholar Expense money market


Ron’s perspective is that a $50,000 endowment fully supports at least one new Dakshana Scholar

every year into perpetuity. If investment returns exceed 5% a year, an increasing number of

Dakshana Scholars get supported every year over time. And when he adds the second $50,000, it

becomes at least two scholars a year and so on. Did I mention that Ron’s a IIT brainiac ?

Starting with next year’s annual report, we’ll provide some salient stats on how the endowment

is doing.

Ebay Lunch Auction

Our third annual lunch auction will be held in November, 2013 on Ebay. In the true spirit of a market-

driven auction, the bidding will start at $0.01 with no minimum. The winner will get my not-so-old

wallet as well. It is rumored that there may be a stock tip in there (again with no reps and warranties).

As an aside, I do know that both the 2011 and 2012 auction winners did act decisively on the little

note in the wallets they received. I suspect they will bid again. But folks, please don’t make it easy for

them. Your mission in life is to make the final winner truly pay up.

The guidelines remain the same. The winner can bring up to 7 folks with him/her. The lunch will take

place anywhere in Southern California, or in any of India’s metro cities, or a mutually agreeable

alternate location. Anything is fair game to discuss, except specific stocks. Of course, you can ask

about the stock tip. And I’ll personally pick up the tab.

Last year’s winner was (again!) Ray Faltinsky. Ray again “rounded up” the amount given to

Dakshana to $30,000 – well above the winning bid amount. I suspect Ray loaded up meaningfully on

the stock tip – and is quite happy. I had a wonderful lunch with Ray and his family and friends at the

Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa in Rancho Santa Fe, California.

Narendra Mulani subsequently called me and expressed regret at missing the auction. It coincided

with Hurricane Sandy and, quite understandably, he was distracted and forgot about the bidding for

the lunch. Nita and Narendra gifted $25,000 to Dakshana anyway and I met them and their son for a

wonderful dinner at Bukhara Grill in New York City. Bukhara is my favorite NYC restaurant. The

Adraki Champein (ginger lamb chops) at Bukhara are simply the best.

I had a great experience with these auctions in 2011 and 2012 and do plan to continue them. In

aggregate, these two generous auction winners contributed $55,000 to Dakshana in 2012 – every

dime of which went to support our scholars. If the winners agree, in future annual reports I’ll

provide pertinent data on how well the bidders did with these stock tips once they’ve exited the


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Charity Auction of a Charlie Munger Bronze Bust

Last year we auctioned off a bronze bust of Charlie Munger on Ebay. Hemant Amin from Singapore

made the winning bid of $7,600. Hemant is thrilled to have Charlie available 24x7 keenly watching

over all his investment decisions and offering Mungerisms on demand! These beautiful bronze busts

were custom-made by one of India’s top bust makers. The bust is to scale, i.e. the same size as

Charlie’s head. Here is a picture:


I thought we were out of busts, but then my good friend, John Mihaljevic, called me and offered to

donate one of his two Charlie busts to Dakshana. That bust is presently in Zurich, Switzerland.

We’ll auction the bust off on Ebay in November, 2013. Bidding will start at $0.01 with no reserve

price and includes shipping to anywhere on the planet. To the best of my knowledge these ultra-

limited edition busts are the only ones ever made of Charlie Munger – and there is just one of these

that is available for sale. Period. You can be the proud owner of this Charlie Munger bust and have

him watch over you. Plus you’ll be helping a great cause!

If you’re reading this report and we do not have your email address, please send it to me at

[email protected] and we’ll get you the Ebay links for both of the auctions.

The Charles T. Munger Hall

A dream of mine, The Charles T. Munger Hall, is well on its way to becoming reality. The Munger

Hall is part of two “schools within a school.” We received official government approval for these

build-outs in 2012. These 360 student campuses are a significant upgrade to existing JNV facilities.

Dakshana will spend about $1 million and the government will spend $4 Million on the build-out. Did

I mention that I love our equal partner, the Government of India? Construction is at full swing at

Bengaluru and I am cautiously optimistic that we can inaugurate the facility in 2014. The Hyderabad

campus may be reality by 2015. I firmly believe that once we have these dedicated campuses up and

running, it will be a lot easier to get further approvals for more campuses. A picture is worth a

thousand words and a physical structure is worth a thousand pictures.

Online IIT Coaching

Avanti Fellows is an independent NGO that Dakshana has collaborated with for several years. In

2011, we picked 17 JNV scholars for online coaching by Avanti from the results of our selection test.

These 17 scholars were relocated to JNV Puducherry and Avanti collaborated with Vidya Mandir

division and provided online JEE Advanced coaching to these 17 scholars for two years. These 17

scholars got 100% of their coaching through a satellite link with Vidya Mandir in New Delhi.

Dakshana’s alumni at IIT Madras visited JNV Puducherry on weekends to work with these kids. The

results were spectacular. Six of these seventeen kids were accepted by the IITs – a 35% success rate.

And because Vidya Mandir essentially gifted their services, the costs were negligible.

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Dakshana is carefully studying the Avanti model and we hope to begin replicating it at a few locations

as soon as 2014. Everyone at Dakshana is quite excited about the possibilities here. The satellite based

delivery opens up virtually any campus as a possibility. We are zeroing in on those JNV campuses

that are in close proximity to an IIT or NIT, so our alums can serve as mentors to the scholars on

weekends. Stay tuned.

Off The Beaten Path – Visits to Dakshana Scholar Homes in Maharashtra and Karnataka

Every year, my daughter Monsoon and I set aside a few days to visit Dakshana’s alumni in their

homes in different parts of India. This year we focused on a few districts in Western Maharashtra and

Karnataka. Over the course of three days in July, we visited six Dakshana scholars and their families

in Pune, Kolhapur and Belgaum districts. The monsoon was on in all its glory, the Ghats were lush

green with an abundance of waterfalls everywhere. Monsoon and I just loved it. We have many fond

memories of overdosing on peanuts boiled in salt and turmeric. And the Poha served in the various

scholar homes was just heavenly.

In virtually every case, I was happy to note that Dakshana absolutely did the right thing by supporting

these scholars. A few families were in such dire straits that it was hard to take it all in. While it was not

as bad as Rajasthan and Haryana, I was surprised to see the pseudo-apartheid like conditions for some

scheduled caste families in Kolhapur district. Western Maharashtra is fairly industrialized and the

general standard of living is higher than many other parts of India. Nonetheless, there is plenty of

abject poverty and caste based discrimination that persists.

These trips serve up a wealth of learning and data – and Dakshana has gotten vastly better at its

mission as a result. These home visits are the highlight of my year. It has allowed me to see an

India I would never ever have gotten to visit if there wasn’t a Dakshana. I am so grateful for the

amazing richness Dakshana has added to my life. I am hoping to increase the scope and time

allocations of these visits in the years ahead.

The Amazing Dr. V and Aravind Eye Care System

A few months back I read an amazing book entitled Infinite Vision penned by Suchitra Shenoy and

Pavithra Mehta. The book drills down on the Aravind Eye Care system and its amazing founder, Dr.

Govindappa Venkataswamy or Dr. V. I was already familiar with Aravind and its unique business

model and greatly admired it. However, in hindsight, after reading the book, I knew virtually nothing

about Aravind. Once I started the book, I could not put it down. And after reading it, I requested

Colonel Sharma and Sharmila read it as well. They had the same reaction. The book has had a

profound impact on the three of us - and the likely trajectory of Dakshana in the future. To learn more,

on July 15, I visited Aravind in Madurai along with Sharmila. It would be an understatement to say

that I was blown away.

It is hard to encapsulate the book and its lessons in this brief missive, but I’ll give it a shot. Dr. V.

started Aravind Eye Care in 1976 at the ripe young age of 58. His objective was to cure preventable

blindness in India and around the world. There are about 45 million blind humans globally, 12 million

of which are in India. And 80% of those are needlessly blindly i.e. they can be cured. Of the 12

million blind in India, 7.5 million can be cured with simple cataract surgery. Dr. V. had the

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implausible goal of giving the gift of sight to those 7.5 million blind Indians. He was a retired army

ophthalmologist with virtually no resources. And he himself was stricken with rheumatoid arthritis, a

painful disease that had mangled his fingers and toes. Amazingly, he performed well over 100,000

successful eye surgeries with those mangled fingers.

Dr. V. came up with a number of innovations and practices towards his goal. He studied McDonald’s

kitchens and came away impressed that McDonald’s produced all these cheap and consistent meals

with no trained chefs! He thought the same could be applied to cataract surgery. At Aravind, there is

an army of highly trained nurses that do everything for which an eye surgeon is not needed. In each

Aravind operating theatre, there are four beds and two eye surgeons assisted by many nurses. One

patient is prepped while the surgeon operates on the other. As soon as he finishes, he moves to the

next patient and the 1st one is wheeled out and a new one is wheeled in and prepped. Aravind’s

surgeons do more than 2000 surgeries a year versus the US average of 125.

Aravind’s cost per cataract surgery is $75 versus the Indian average of over $220 and the US average

of well over $2,000. The surgery complication rate at Aravind is lower than pretty much any other

organization on the planet. Aravind offers its services for free or for $220 per cataract surgery. The

patient chooses whether to pay or avail free services! There is no means testing. The waiting room and

food etc. is superior if you choose the paid option. However, the surgeons and quality of medical care

is identical. Sixty percent of Aravind’s 450,000 annual eye surgeries are done for free. And the

organization takes no grants or donations, etc. The paying patients (who are simply paying a market

rate) not only effectively cover the cost of all the free surgeries, but Aravind ends up with substantial

sums left over every year – which are used to further scale the operations.

Aravind’s culture was very important to Dr. V. Most of the eye surgeons working at Aravind were

trained by Aravind. Aravind operates a formal program to train ophthalmologists and eye surgeons.

And they hone in on hiring and grooming the ones that buy into its mission. Aravind pays its doctors a

market wage, but they are vastly more productive, derive far greater professional satisfaction and are

singularly fixated on Dr. V’s vision.

It dawned on me as I read the Aravind story that there were many parallels with Dakshana. Aravind

needs great, dedicated eye surgeons for its model to work. And we need great JEE faculty for our

model to work. In fact we have a leg up on Aravind in our model as all the beneficiaries of

Dakshana’s largesse are engineers – and some of these IIT-trained engineers would make exceptional

teachers and faculty members. We are presently sending scores of Dakshana alums to IIT every year.

If we can hire and groom just 6 of these alums every year as JEE faculty, we will have the ability to

train thousands of JNV kids for the JEE by 2020. And when we are sending over 300-500 Dakshana

alums to IIT every year, it will be easy to identify 10-12 of them to join us every year. Like Aravind,

Dakshana will always endeavor to pay these alums a market wage.

But these Dakshana alums will not be joining us because the pay is good. They will only be coming

on because they are passionate teachers – and math, physics and chemistry whizzes. And most

importantly, they’d need to strongly believe in our mission and be fanatical about maximizing the

number of impoverished Dakshana scholars that are accepted by the IITs.

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Secondly, like eye surgery and McDonald’s, the process of training kids for the JEE can be broken

down and streamlined – leading to lower cost and greater success. Today, the going rate for 2 years of

JEE prep ranges from $2,000 to $5,000 per student. Dakshana’s present costs are closer to

$2,500/student. This can be reduced to under $750, without any drop in quality and outcomes by using

our own faculty and scaling up each location to 360 students. And these costs will drop even further

as online JEE coaching comes of age.

Today Dakshana begins its involvement with JNV kids in 11th standard. There are a number of things

Dakshana and the JNVs could do starting in 6th standard to maximize the odds of JNV kids going to

IIT. What if this intervention started in 6th standard through a series of low-cost school-level

initiatives? What if JNV students become intensely passionate about Math and Science at the age of

12? What if every JNV student understands that doing well at math and science correlates strongly

with discarding the shackles of poverty permanently? The possibilities are limitless.

While we have no plans to become self-funded like Aravind, at a $750 cost/student, that option

becomes available to Dakshana. In fact, Dakshana could offer JEE coaching to rich kids for $5,000

per student – with a 100% money back guarantee if the kid does not get accepted by the IITs. No other

coaching institute could make such an offer and stay in business. We’d have a long queue of folks

who would take us up on that. And we would make a serious amount of moola doing so – and fully

self-fund the entire Dakshana Scholar Program.

2013 IIT-JEE Results

It is always instructive to look at our detailed JEE results. Here is a summary of our 2013 JEE

results for the 206 scholars we selected in 2011.

Table 5. 2013 JEE Results

Dakshana's Class of 2013 JEE Results

Total Scholars Who Took the JEE






- SC ST Total

Bengaluru 17 0 21 0 9 1 2 50

Kottayam 4 0 16 2 27 0 3 52

Pune 11 0 15 0 13 0 11 50

Hyderabad 20 0 21 1 8 0 4 54

Total 52 0 73 3 57 1 20 206

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Scholars Who Qualified for the IIT Merit List






- SC ST Total

Bengaluru 6 0 9 0 5 1 1 22

Kottayam 2 0 5 2 15 0 3 27

Pune 0 0 3 0 5 0 4 12

Hyderabad 8 0 9 1 4 0 3 25

Total 16 0 26 3 29 1 11 86

Scholars Who Did Not Qualify on First Attempt






- SC ST Total

Bengaluru 11 0 12 0 4 0 1 28

Kottayam 2 0 11 0 12 0 0 25

Pune 11 0 12 0 8 0 7 38

Hyderabad 12 0 12 0 4 0 1 29

Total 36 0 47 0 28 0 9 120


GEN General

PD-GEN Person with Disability; GEN Category

OBC Other Backward Classes

PD-OBC Person with Disability; OBC Category

SC Scheduled Caste

PD-SC Person with Disability; SC Category

ST Scheduled Tribe

As can be gleaned, we had a 100% hit rate with the IITs with all four of our disabled being

accepted by the IITs. It indicates that we can give even more preference to the disabled in the

future (i.e. accept them with even lower test scores) and still have a decent success ratio. And as

discussed earlier, the real success rate is about 49%.

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Table 6. Class of 2012 JEE Results

Dakshana's Class of 2012 JEE Results - 1st & 2nd Attempt

Total Scholars Who Took the JEE






- SC ST Total

Bengaluru 12 2 11 3 14 1 7 50

Hyderabad 27 0 24 0 8 0 1 60

Total 39 2 35 3 22 1 8 110

Scholars Who Qualified on 1st or 2nd Attempt






- SC ST Total

Bengaluru 8 2 5 3 11 1 4 34

Hyderabad 23 0 20 0 8 0 1 52

Total 31 2 25 3 19 1 5 86

Scholars Who Did Not Qualify






- SC ST Total

Bengaluru 4 0 6 0 3 0 3 16

Hyderabad 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 8

Total 8 0 10 0 3 0 3 24

In 2010, we selected just 110 scholars for our JEE classroom coaching. After both allowed

attempts, 86 of these kids were accepted by the IITs – a success rate of over 78%. Everything

worked very well for this batch, including not being meaningfully affected by the new JEE

testing pattern.

Wonderful Leadership

With his specialty of artillery, our CEO, Colonel Ram Sharma, saw frontline action in three wars in

the Indian Army. He handled a myriad of assignments and successfully led thousands of men in tough

battlefield conditions. I am regularly surprised with the breath and depth of his leadership and abilities.

Like adopting the Super 30 model, bringing on Colonel Sharma is one of those very few brilliant

decisions that helped Dakshana become the success that it is. The Colonel is focused these days on

ensuring that his methods and best practices are institutionalized and deeply entrenched in Dakshana.

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Serving the nation selflessly as an Army officer for over three decades clearly wasn’t enough for him.

He continues to serve humanity in an incredible manner – and all for Rs. 1/year. Thank you Colonel. I

am truly grateful that our paths crossed and am enjoying this unique journey with you.

Dakshana has added a unique richness to the lives of all of us at Team Dakshana. I feel very

blessed to be a part of it.


August 23, 2013 Mohnish Pabrai

Irvine, California Founder & Catalyst

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Dakshana Alumni – Careers Launched!

Scholar Name From Employer Institute


Bhanu Bhakta Upadhyay Golaghat, Assam Rancore Technologies NIT Silchar

Shashank Dubey Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh Cognizant Technology Solutions Maharashtra Institute of Technology


A. Raju Nizamabad, Andhra Pradesh Cognizant Technology Solutions Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology

Abhishek Rai Narsinghpur, Madhya Pradesh Robert Bosch IIT Kharagpur

Aditya Kumar Samastipur, Bihar Maersk Line TS Chanakya Marine Engineering and Research Institute

Akash Kumar Katihar, Bihar Cerner India Vellore Institute of Technology

Alapaka Bhanu Krishna Nellore, Andhra Pradesh Infosys IIT Kharagpur

Amit Dhalia Churu, Rajasthan Jindal Steel IIT Kharagpur

Anand Kumar Patna, Bihar Indian Oil Corporation NIT Srinagar

Angom Chandrakala Devi Dhamtari, Manipur Microsoft India Ltd. NIT Durgapur

Aniket Badusaheb Argade Pune, Maharashtra Honda Motors NIT Nagpur

Animesh Ray Chittorgarh, Rajasthan Shop CZEU IIT Roorkee

Ankush Thareja Patiala, Punjab SAP Labs Chitkara University

Anurag Singh Palamu, Jharkhand Future's First IIT Kanpur

Ashish Milind Ganvir Amravati, Maharashtra University West, Trollhattan, Sweden IIT Kanpur

Balu Prasad Kozhikode, Kerala MRF Ltd. NIT Kozhikode

Basavesh A. S. Bengaluru, Karnataka CISCO NIT Surathkal

Bikash Kumar Majhi Cuttack, Odisha GDCLM NIT Rourkela



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Dakshana Alumni - Careers Launched!

Scholar Name From Employer Institute

Deepak Tiwari Jhajjar, Haryana Chronus Corporation NIT Warangal

Devaraja G. P. Dhamanagri, Karnataka Robert Bosch BMS College of Engineering

Dhananjay Choubey Buxar, Bihar AMDOCS NIT Srinagar

Govind Singh Kitawat Rajsamand, Rajasthan Thomas Reuters NIT Raipur

Gunnam Shridhar Raichur, Karnataka LSI Corporation NIT Surathkal

Hasnat Ahmed Goalpara, Assam ABCI Infrastructure NIT Silchar

Heera Lal Hazaribagh, Jharkhand Global Analytics IIT Guwahati

Jasvinder Saini Kurukshetra, Haryana Hindustan Petroleum Corp. IIT Indore

Karshan Karmur Jamnagar, Gujarat Reliance Infocom NIT Surat

Komal Kisan Gade Pune, Maharashtra Syntel Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering

Manoj Kumar Maharana Cuttack, Odisha Anglo Eastern Ship Management TS Chanakya Marine Engineering and Research Institute

Manojit Biswas Malkangiri, Odisha Oil & Natural Gas Commission IIT Bhubaneshwar

Mohar Singh Jhalawar, Rajasthan JK Papers IIT Roorkee

Mukesh Kumar Giridih, Jharkhand Himatsingka Siede Ltd. IIT Delhi

Mukundkumar M. Kacha Kheda, Gujarat Electrotherm Pvt. Ltd. NIT Surat

Nikhil Jose Kannur, Kerala Inland Construction Government Engineering College

Nilay D. Jadwani Bhavnagar, Gujarat Tata Consulting NIT Surat

Nilesh Vishwanath Adhav Buldhana, Maharashtra Bharat Forge Ltd. College of Engineering

Nitesh Kumar Patra Mayurbhanj, Odisha Oil & Natural Gas Commission IIT Bhubaneshwar

Pawan Kumar Verma Ballia, Uttar Pradesh DRDO IIT Roorkee


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Dakshana Alumni - Careers Launched!

Scholar Name From Employer Institute


Pooja Girimallappa Wodeyar Dharwad, Karnataka Tata Elxsi PES Institute of Technology

Pratap Bhanu Solanki Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Housing Society Ltd. IIT Kanpur

Rajeshwar Prasad Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh Era Infrastructure IIT Roorkee

Rohit Chugh Patiala, Punjab IDS Protect Ltd. Shaheed Udham Singh College of Engineering and Technology

Sachin M. M. Chikmagalur, Karnataka FinSar Malaysia NIT Surathkal

Sanjeev Raj West Champaran, Bihar Mitsui O.S.K. Line Indian Maritime University

Shithali K. S. Udupi, Karnataka Deloitte Consulting NIT Surathkal

Sonali Suchismita Panda Jajpur, Odisha Tata Consultancy Service College of Engineering and Technology

Subodh Kumar West Champaran, Bihar Mitsui O.S.K. Line Indian Maritime University

Subramanya Gajanan Shetti Uttara Kannada, Karnataka Robert Bosch BV Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering and Technology

Sudhanshu Sharma Jaipur, Rajasthan Indian Oil Corporation NIT Jaipur

T. Brahmini Hanamkonda, Andhra Pradesh Trologis Technology Christ Jyothi Institute of Technology and Science

Ujjwal Kumar Samastipur, Bihar Flip Management Pvt. Ltd. TS Chanakya Marine Engineering and Research Institute

V. Suhas Ramanagara, Karnataka Indian Institute of Management IIT Kanpur

Vikash Kumar West Champaran, Bihar Shipping Corporation of India TS Chanakya Marine Engineering and Research Institute

Vishal Alan Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh Tata Technology Ltd. Harcourt Butler Technological Institute

Vrajeshkumar L. Mistry Kheda, Gujarat Oracle Financial Services NIT Surat


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Shashank Dubey Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Institute of Technology Pune, Maharashtra Petroleum Engineering

Bhanu Bhakta Upadhyay Golaghat, Assam NIT Silchar Electronics and Communication Engineering


Sebin A. J. Kannur, Kerala Amal Jyothi College of Engineering Kanjirapally, Kerala Mechanical Engineering

Sonu Kumar Muzaffarpur, Bihar Bengal College of Engineering and Technology Kolkata, West Bengal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Ankit Anand Banka, Bihar Bhagalpur College of Engineering Bhagalpur, Bihar Mechanical Engineering

Devendra Balaji Shinde Latur, Maharashtra Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra Chemical Engineering

Komal Kisan Gade Pune, Maharashtra Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering

Snehal Ashok Pawar Satara, Maharashtra Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra Electronics and Communication Engineering

Biplab Biswas Kanker, Chhattisgarh Bhilai Institute of Technology Durg, Chhattisgarh

Rahul Rai Gopalganj, Bihar Bhilai Institute of Technology Durg, Chhattisgarh Computer Science Engineering

Abhinay Kumar Vaishali, Bihar Birbhum Institute of Engineering and Technology Birbhum, West Bengal Mechanical Engineering

Amit Kumar Dwivedi Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh Birla Institute of Technology Ranchi, Jharkhand Computer Science Engineering

Rahul Kumar Ranjan Vaishali, Bihar Birla Institute of Technology Ranchi, Jharkhand Architectural Engineering

Jaideep Singh Ranga Reddy, Andhra Pradesh Birla Institute of Technology & Science Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Mechanical Engineering

Devaraja G. P. Dhamanagri, Karnataka BMS College of Engineering Bengaluru, Karnataka Electronics and Communication Engineering

Supreeta S. Koppal, Karnataka BMS College of Engineering Bengaluru, Karnataka Information Technology Engineering

Subramanya Gajanan Shetti Uttara Kannada, Karnataka BV Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering and Hubli, Karnataka Electronics and Communication Engineering Technology

Gampala Babji East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh Chaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Computer Science Engineering

Ankush Thareja Patiala, Punjab Chitkara University Solan, Himachal Pradesh Electrical and Communication Engineering

Akram Ansari Bhojpur, Bihar Choudhary Charan Singh Agricultural University Hisar, Haryana Agricultural Engineering

T. Brahmini Hanamkonda, Andhra Pradesh Christ Jyothi Institute of Technology and Science Warangal, Andhra Pradesh Computer Science Engineering



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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Akshay Manglekar Belgaum, Karnataka Christ University Bengaluru, Karnataka Science

Nilesh Vishwanath Adhav Buldhana, Maharashtra College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra Metallurgical and Material Science Engineering

Vineeth V. Kannur, Kerala College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Electronics and Communication Engineering

Jitendra Kumar Beniwal Jaipur, Rajasthan College of Engineering and Technology Bikaner, Rajasthan Electronics and Communication Engineering

Sonali Suchismita Panda Jajpur, Odisha College of Engineering and Technology Bhubaneswar, Odisha Mechanical Engineering

Tara Chand Jangid Nagaur, Rajasthan College of Textile Engineering and Technology Dilwara, Rajasthan Mechanical Engineering

Trupti Dnyandev Desai Kolhapur, Maharashtra Cummins College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Richa Rashmi Koderma, Jharkhand CV Raman College of Engineering Bhubaneswar, Odisha Electronics and Communication Engineering

Subhash Ranjan Muzaffarpur, Bihar CV Raman College of Engineering Bhubaneswar, Odisha Electrical Engineering

Swati Swetalina Prusty Jajpur, Odisha CV Raman College of Engineering Bhubaneswar, Odisha Electronics and Communication Engineering

Ratnam Gupta Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh DAV College Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Science

Pooja Sharma Hissar, Haryana Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science Sonepat, Haryana Electronics and Communication Engineering and Technology

Jignesh H. Kakadia Surat, Gujarat Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Gandhinagar, Gujarat Information Technology Engineering Communications

Jagadish Dinkar Parale Kolhapur, Maharashtra DKTE Society's Textile and Engineering Institute Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra Computer Science Engineering

Vinod R. Khot Kolhapur, Maharashtra DKTE Society's Textile and Engineering Institute Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Dinkar Bharti Bhagalpur, Bihar Dr. B. C. Roy Engineering College Durgapur, West Bengal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Kamlesh Rajguru Ahmednagar, Maharashtra Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University Raigad, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Sushil Navanath Aherkar Beed, Maharashtra Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University Raigad, Maharashtra Petrochemical Engineering

Abhimanyu Kumar Patna, Bihar Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidypeeth Ratnagiri, Maharashtra Agricultural Engineering

Rohit Ranjan Verma Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh Dr. Bheem Rao Ambedkar Engineering College Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh Information Technology

Deependra Singh Tomar Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute Chennai, Tamil Nadu Electronics and Communication Engineering

Nishant Nand Kishor Gulhane Wardha, Maharashtra GH Raisoni College of Engineering Nagpur, Maharashtra Electronics


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Ashutosh Ranjan Samastipur, Bihar Gossner College Ranchi, Jharkhand

Babu Lal Meghwal Bikaner, Rajasthan Government Dungar College Bikaner, Rajasthan Science

Pragnesh B. Gohil Junagarh, Gujarat Government Engineering College Bhuj, Gujarat Mechanical Engineering

Chetan Ram Kumhar Bikaner, Rajasthan Government Engineering College Bikaner, Rajasthan Computer Science Engineering

Manu K. K. Kannur, Kerala Government Engineering College Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Mechanical Engineering

Nikhil Jose Kannur, Kerala Government Engineering College Kozhikode, Kerala Civil Engineering

Naveen Chandra Yadav Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh Guru Ghasidas Central University Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh Computer Science Engineering

Neeraj Kumar Tiwari Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh Guru Ghasidas Central University Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh Mechanical Engineering

Ankush Kumar Mansa, Punjab Guru Nanak Dev University Gurdaspur, Punjab Computer Science Engineering

Towseef Iqbal Ganie Anantnag, Jammu & Kashmir H. N. B. Garhwal University Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir Science

Animesh Kar Bokaro, Jharkhand Haldia Institute of Technology Haldia, West Bengal Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Naresh Choudhary Mathura, Uttar Pradesh Harcourt Butler Technological Institute Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Civil Engineering

Pawan Kumar Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh Harcourt Butler Technological Institute Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Chemical Engineering

Vishal Alan Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh Harcourt Butler Technological Institute Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Chemical Engineering

Yogendra Singh Verma Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh Harcourt Butler Technological Institute Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Leather Technology Engineering

Ravi Ranjan Pandey Garhwa, Jharkhand IAMR College of Engineering Meerut, Uttar Pradesh Information Technology Engineering

Neeraj Kumar Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh IEC College of Engineering & Technology Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh Computer Science

Rakesh Kumar Mallik Bhadrak, Odisha IIT Bhubaneshwar Electrical Engineering

Manojit Biswas Malkangiri, Odisha IIT Bhubaneshwar Mechanical Engineering

Nitesh Kumar Patra Mayurbhanj, Odisha IIT Bhubaneshwar Electrical Engineering

Anil Kumar Ballia, Uttar Pradesh IIT Bombay Metallurgical and Material Science Engineering

Atul Dashrath Dukale Nashik, Maharashtra IIT Bombay Mechanical Engineering


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Khitish Kumar Sahu Bolangir, Odisha IIT Bombay Aerospace Engineering

Manoj Kumar Karadiya Jaipur, Rajasthan IIT Bombay Aerospace Engineering

Nitesh Kumar Deshmukh Durg, Chhattisgarh IIT Bombay Civil Engineering

Saurabh Ginnore Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh IIT Bombay Chemical Engineering

Rohit Chand Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh IIT Delhi Chemical Engineering

Tanuj Kumar Alwar, Rajasthan IIT Delhi Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Sachin Kumar Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh IIT Delhi Mechanical Engineering

Harsh Kumar Dewangan Dhamtari, Chhattisgarh IIT Delhi Aeronautical Engineering

Priyabrata Bhuyan Cuttack, Odisha IIT Delhi Civil Engineering

Khushwant Singh Rewari, Haryana IIT Delhi Engineering Physics

Rajender Kumar Rohtak, Haryana IIT Delhi Chemical Engineering

Mukesh Kumar Giridih, Jharkhand IIT Delhi Textile Engineering

Heera Lal Hazaribagh, Jharkhand IIT Guwahati Mechanical Engineering

Ranju K. Ravindran Kannur, Kerala IIT Guwahati Design

Rijumoni Boro Golaghat, Assam IIT Guwahati Chemical Engineering

Shyam Sunder Singh Balasore, Odisha IIT Guwahati Computer Science Engineering

Shedolkar Pravinkumar Murlidhar Latur, Maharashtra IIT Hyderabad Mechanical Engineering

Jasvinder Saini Kurukshetra, Haryana IIT Indore Mechanical Engineering

Mana Ram Nagaur, Rajasthan IIT Jodhpur Mechanical Engineering

Ashok Banjara Nagaur, Rajasthan IIT Jodhpur Electrical Engineering

Lakhan Singh Jatav Alwar, Rajasthan IIT Jodhpur Mechanical Engineering

Ganga Prasad Koturwar Nanded, Maharashtra IIT Kanpur Computer Science Engineering


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Pratap Bhanu Solanki Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh IIT Kanpur Electrical Engineering

V. Suhas Ramanagara, Karnataka IIT Kanpur Electrical Engineering

Soumya Ranjan Sahoo Cuttack, Odisha IIT Kanpur Metallurgical and Material Science Engineering

Rajkesh Meena Dausa, Rajasthan IIT Kanpur Electrical Engineering

Nishant Gaurav Gaya, Bihar IIT Kanpur Chemical Engineering

Madhavendra Pradhan Angul, Odisha IIT Kanpur Aerospace Engineering

Akash Kumar Ballia, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Civil Engineering

Rakesh Meena Baran, Rajasthan IIT Kanpur Electrical Engineering

Amendra Gupta Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Computer Science Engineering

Dinesh Godara Nagaur, Rajasthan IIT Kanpur Metallurgical and Material Science Engineering

Ankit Kumar Chouksey Narsinghpur, Madhya Pradesh IIT Kanpur Mechanical Engineering

Abhishek Kumar Gaya, Bihar IIT Kanpur Metallurgical and Material Science Engineering

Anurag Singh Palamu, Jharkhand IIT Kanpur Civil Engineering

Ashish Milind Ganvir Amravati, Maharashtra IIT Kanpur Material Sciences & Engineering

Shaunak Tripathi Kheri, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Mechanical Engineering

Prakash Chandra Bikaner, Rajasthan IIT Kharagpur Civil Engineering

Sharavana Kumar T. Chikmagalur, Karnataka IIT Kharagpur Mechanical Engineering

Sanjay Kumar Manjhi Bokaro, Jharkhand IIT Kharagpur Manufacturing Science and Engineering

Ravindra Chourase Betul, Madhya Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Aerospace Engineering

Ranu Choudhary Sagar, Madhya Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Agriculture and Food Engineering

Ramakrishna B. Bakale Gadag, Karnataka IIT Kharagpur Agriculture and Food Engineering

Prashant Singodia Jaipur, Rajasthan IIT Kharagpur Metallurgical and Material Science Engineering


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Vikas Dinkar Pagar Nashik, Maharashtra IIT Kharagpur Industrial Engineering

Abhishek Rai Narsinghpur, Madhya Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Electrical Engineering

Nitin Kumar Sakhala Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Industrial Management

Lal Chand Ranga Rewari, Haryana IIT Kharagpur Aerospace Engineering

Arun Shankar Jaipur, Rajasthan IIT Kharagpur Manufacturing Science and Engineering

Anshul Mimani Bikaner, Rajasthan IIT Kharagpur Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture

Amol Ramdas Vaidya Gondia, Maharashtra IIT Kharagpur Mining Engineering

Amit Dhalia Churu, Rajasthan IIT Kharagpur Metallurgical and Material Science Engineering

Alapaka Bhanu Krishna Nellore, Andhra Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Ajay Eknath Solanke Buldhana, Maharashtra IIT Kharagpur Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Pawan Verma Kota, Rajasthan IIT Kharagpur Metallurgical and Material Science Engineering

Haritha Mamidala Warangal, Andhra Pradesh IIT Madras Electrical Engineering

Vinod E. R. Palakkad, Kerala IIT Madras Chemical Engineering

Vishnu K. Malappuram, Kerala IIT Madras Mechanical Engineering

Hanuman Sahay Jaipur, Rajasthan IIT Patna Mechanical Engineering

Harna Singh Meena Karauli, Rajasthan IIT Patna Electrical Engineering

Pawan Kumar Verma Ballia, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Mechanical Engineering

Sandeep Kumar Verma Bikaner, Rajasthan IIT Roorkee Electrical Engineering

Anuj Kumar V. P. Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Mechanical Engineering

Rajeshwar Prasad Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Civil Engineering

Sumit Malik Rohtak, Haryana IIT Roorkee Computer Science Engineering

Rajesh Kumar Mourya Jaipur, Rajasthan IIT Roorkee Metallurgical Engineering


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Poonam Narain Jhajjar, Haryana IIT Roorkee Computer Science Engineering

Nitin Saini Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Chemical Engineering

Nandkishor Meena Jaipur, Rajasthan IIT Roorkee Computer Science Engineering

Mohar Singh Jhalawar, Rajasthan IIT Roorkee Paper and Pulp Technology

Kuldeep Nagar Baran, Rajasthan IIT Roorkee Polymer Sciences and Technology

Anurag Chauhan Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Computer Science Engineering

Animesh Ray Chittorgarh, Rajasthan IIT Roorkee Computer Science Engineering

Jitendra Kumar Kaimur, Bihar IIT Roorkee Chemistry

Zia Ur Rehman Poonch, Jammu & Kashmir IIT Ropar Electrical Engineering

Jyoti Thakur Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh Indian Institute of Information Technology Simla, Himachal Pradesh Information Technology Engineering

Siddharth Kumar Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru, Karnataka Satellite Communication Engineering

Shubham Pandey Rewa, Madhya Pradesh Indian Institute of Science Education and Pune, Maharashtra Science Research

Lakhan Pandurang Ekal Kolhapur, Maharashtra Indian Institute of Science Education and Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Science Research

Jayakrishnan T. S. Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Aerospace Engineering

Deepak Gautam Lendegaonkar Latur, Maharashtra Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Space Technology

Amit Kumar Singh Ballia, Uttar Pradesh Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Physical Sciences

Sanjeev Raj West Champaran, Bihar Indian Maritime University Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra Marine Engineering

Subodh Kumar West Champaran, Bihar Indian Maritime University Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra Marine Engineering

Niraj Kumar Singh Bhojpur, Bihar Indian Navy

Jansher Manzoor Kulgam, Jammu & Kashmir Islamic University of Science and Technology Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir Civil Engineering

Rohit Kumar Kaithal, Haryana ISM Dhanbad Applied Physics

Saurav Kumar Mansa, Punjab ISM Dhanbad Electrical Engineering


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Rohit Kumar Chouhan Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir ISM Dhanbad Electronics Engineering

Pankaj Gupta Alwar, Rajasthan ISM Dhanbad Mining Engineering

Kuldeep Singh Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh ISM Dhanbad Petroleum Engineering

Kuldeep Kumar Sheikhpura, Bihar ISM Dhanbad Electrical Engineering

Khurshid Ahmed Poonch, Jammu & Kashmir ISM Dhanbad Mining Engineering

Kamlesh Ahirwar Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh ISM Dhanbad Environmental Engineering

Rohit Kumar Trivedi Muzaffarpur, Bihar ISM Dhanbad Mining Engineering

Bhaumik Sutariya Bhavnagar, Gujarat IT-BHU Varanasi Mechanical Engineering

Hari Ram Rewari, Haryana IT-BHU Varanasi Civil Engineering

Laxmi Chand Meena Karauli, Rajasthan IT-BHU Varanasi Electrical Engineering

Maheshwar Nag Gumla, Jharkhand IT-BHU Varanasi Mining Engineering

Mayank Bhikhalal Chaudhari Sabarkantha, Gujarat IT-BHU Varanasi Engineering Physics

Ram Ratan Gatiyala Nagaur, Rajasthan IT-BHU Varanasi Mechanical Engineering

Ashish Kumar Muzaffarpur, Bihar Jadavpur University Jadavpur, West Bengal Civil Engineering

Kuldeep Singh Yadav Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, German Language Course

Kyatham Navya Warangal, Andhra Pradesh Kakatiya University Warangal, Andhra Pradesh Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Sandhya Kumari Buxar, Bihar Kalasalingam University Madurai, Tamil Nadu

Suraj R. Patel Shimoga, Karnataka Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences Hubli, Karnataka Medicine

Snehal Gulab Sable Nashik, Maharashtra KK Wagh College of Engineering Nashik, Maharashtra Computer Science Engineering

Gulshan Kumar New Delhi, Lovely Professional University Jalandhar, Punjab Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Anuj Kumar P. K. Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh Madan Mohan Malaviya Engineering College Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh Computer Science Engineering

Nilesh L. Rathod Jamnagar, Gujarat Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Vadodara, Gujarat Mechanical Engineering


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Mandeep Kumar Singh Una, Himachal Pradesh Maharana Pratap Government College Una, Himachal Pradesh Science

Mallikarjun Siddhling Hiremath Solapur, Maharashtra Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad, Maharashtra Agricultural Engineering

Nikhil Chavan Tukaram Aurangabad, Maharashtra Maharashtra Institute of Technology Pune, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Santosh Kumar Sheikhpura, Bihar Maharashtra Institute of Technology Pune, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Dheeraj Kumar Tiwari Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh Majhighariani Institute of Technology and Science Rayagada, Odisha

Mohammad Yusuf P. Nadaf Bagalkot, Karnataka Malnad College of Engineering Hassan, Karnataka Electronics and Communication Engineering

Nishikant Navnath Kadam Satara, Maharashtra Marathwada Mitra Mandal's College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Lal Ji Chaturvedi Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh Maritime Training Institute Mumbai, Maharashtra Nautical Science

Man Singh Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh MIT College of Engineering and Management Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh Computer Science Engineering

Ashish Babu Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh MMM Engineering College Gorakpur, Uttar Pradesh Computer Science Engineering

Pankaj Kumar Khajotiya Jaipur, Rajasthan Mugniram Bangur Memorial Engineering College Jodhpur, Rajasthan Civil Engineering

Amit Kumar Vaishali, Bihar Narula Institute of Technology Agarpara, West Bengal

Janesh T. B. Palakkad, Kerala National Defence Academy Pune, Maharashtra

Satish Junwal Dausa, Rajasthan National Institute of Foundry and Forge Ranchi, Jharkhand Metallurgical Engineering Technology

Shashi Ranjan Kumar Singh Bhojpur, Bihar New Governmental Polytechnic Patna, Bihar Electronics Engineering

Sanu Gupta Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh NIT Allahabad Information Technology Engineering

Dharmendra Kumar Verma Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh NIT Allahabad Computer Science Engineering

Vipin Kumar Singh Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh NIT Allahabad Electronics and Communication Engineering

Vineet Solanki Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh NIT Allahabad Electrical Engineering

Satya Narayan Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh NIT Allahabad Mechanical Engineering

Rajendra Prasad Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh NIT Allahabad Mechanical Engineering

Avneet Choudhary Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh NIT Allahabad Mechanical Engineering


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Naveen Kumar Singh Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh NIT Allahabad Mechanical Engineering

Prabhu Ram Kumar West Champaran, Bihar NIT Allahabad Civil Engineering

Sachin Kumar Tiwari Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh NIT Allahabad Computer Science Engineering

Deepak Sharma Tikamgarh, Madhya Pradesh NIT Bhopal Bioinformatics

Nitesh Kumar Motihari East Champaran, Bihar NIT Calicut Computer Science Engineering

Ravikant Nag Simdega, Jharkhand NIT Calicut Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Abhishek Kumar Kaushik West Champaran, Bihar NIT Durgapur

Angom Chandrakala Devi Dhamtari, Manipur NIT Durgapur Computer Science Engineering

Madhav Kumar Bhagalpur, Bihar NIT Durgapur Electronics and Communication Engineering

Anita Rani Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh NIT Hamirpur Computer Science Engineering

Sumit Kumar Rawat Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh NIT Hamirpur Electrical Engineering

Avinash Thakur Mandi, Himachal Pradesh NIT Hamirpur Civil Engineering

Ajay Thakur Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh NIT Hamirpur Electrical Engineering

Rohit Kumar Sharma Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir NIT Hamirpur Electrical Engineering

Kumar Saurabh East Champaran, Bihar NIT Imphal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Harish Siyag Bikaner, Rajasthan NIT Jaipur Mechanical Engineering

Kusham Kumar Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir NIT Jaipur Computer Science Engineering

Narendra Malviya Nagaur, Rajasthan NIT Jaipur Civil Engineering

Pawan Singh Jhalawar, Rajasthan NIT Jaipur Electrical Engineering

Praveen Sharma Dholpur, Rajasthan NIT Jaipur Civil Engineering

Rishabh Saurabh Gandey, Jharkhand NIT Jaipur Mechanical Engineering

Rupesh Suthar Udaipur, Rajasthan NIT Jaipur Civil Engineering

Sudhanshu Sharma Jaipur, Rajasthan NIT Jaipur Electrical Engineering


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Jagdeep Parihar Gurudaspur, Punjab NIT Jalandhar Chemical Engineering

Onkar Dan Pali, Rajasthan NIT Jalandhar

Chandan Kumar Jamui, Jharkhand NIT Jamshedpur Metallurgical and Material Science Engineering

Balu Prasad Kozhikode, Kerala NIT Kozhikode Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Annu Malik Sonepat, Haryana NIT Kurukshetra Civil Engineering

Swapnil Anil Nikam Nashik, Maharashtra NIT Nagpur Electronics and Communication Engineering

Aniket Badusaheb Argade Pune, Maharashtra NIT Nagpur Mechanical Engineering

Ankush Gajananrao Lahane Amravati, Maharashtra NIT Nagpur Computer Science Engineering

Dinesh Chaudhari Aurangabad, Maharashtra NIT Nagpur Computer Science Engineering

Harprit Kaur D. Vedi Gondia, Maharashtra NIT Nagpur Electronics and Communication Engineering

Jadhav Anand Gopinath Buldhana, Maharashtra NIT Nagpur Civil Engineering

Rajeev Ranjan Verma Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh NIT Nagpur Mining Engineering

Rohit S. Bodke Satara, Maharashtra NIT Nagpur Mining Engineering

Snehal Dattatraya Ghule Ahmednagar, Maharashtra NIT Nagpur Chemical Engineering

Sarita Kumari Gaya, Bihar NIT Patna Electrical Engineering

Himanshu Kumar Patna, Bihar NIT Patna Information Technology Engineering

Abhishek Kumar Kaushik West Champaran, Bihar NIT Patna

Amitesh Kumar Aurangabad, Bihar NIT Patna Computer Science Engineering

Govind Singh Kitawat Rajsamand, Rajasthan NIT Raipur Information Technology Engineering

Gulshan Kumar Jha Samastipur, Bihar NIT Raipur Electrical Engineering

Sachin Kumar Jaiswal Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh NIT Raipur Computer Science Engineering

Rajeswari Bhola Khordha, Odisha NIT Rourkela Civil Engineering


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Thabir Kumar Meher Bolangir, Odisha NIT Rourkela Electrical Engineering

Shahrukh Alam Bhadrak, Odisha NIT Rourkela Electrical Engineering

Saroj Kumar Naik Mayurbhanj, Odisha NIT Rourkela Mechanical Engineering

Bikash Kumar Majhi Cuttack, Odisha NIT Rourkela Mechanical Engineering

Sangram Keshari Mohanty Balasore, Odisha NIT Rourkela Mechanical Engineering

Pallavi Gangber Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh NIT Rourkela Electronics and Communication Engineering

M. P. Avisek Cuttack, Odisha NIT Rourkela Electrical Engineering

Debananda Nayak Angul, Odisha NIT Rourkela Mining Engineering

Kamal Prakash Gaya, Bihar NIT Rourkela Electronics & Instrumentation

Arun Vishwakarma Narsinghpur, Madhya Pradesh NIT Rourkela Mechanical Engineering

Rajesh Kumar Munger, Bihar NIT Rourkela Chemical Engineering

Hasnat Ahmed Goalpara, Assam NIT Silchar Civil Engineering

Anuj Kumar Sharma Doda, Jammu & Kashmir NIT Srinagar Mechanical Engineering

Zubair Ah Lone Anantnag, Jammu & Kashmir NIT Srinagar Civil Engineering

Zaheer Abbas Sheikh Doda, Jammu & Kashmir NIT Srinagar Civil Engineering

Shubham Tripathi Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh NIT Srinagar Civil Engineering

Shakti Bharat Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir NIT Srinagar

Dhananjay Choubey Buxar, Bihar NIT Srinagar Information Technology

Anand Kumar Patna, Bihar NIT Srinagar Mechanical Engineering

Shailesh Kumar Verma Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh NIT Srinagar Mechanical Engineering

Nilay D. Jadwani Bhavnagar, Gujarat NIT Surat Mechanical Engineering

Pratap Singh Muniya Banswara, Rajasthan NIT Surat Computer Science Engineering


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Vishal Patel Patan, Gujarat NIT Surat Mechanical Engineering

Prabhat Kumar West Champaran, Bihar NIT Surat

Lalit Kumar Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh NIT Surat Civil Engineering

Karshan Karmur Jamnagar, Gujarat NIT Surat Computer Science Engineering

Anuj Kumar V. P. S. Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh NIT Surat Civil Engineering

Vrajeshkumar L. Mistry Kheda, Gujarat NIT Surat Computer Science Engineering

Mukundkumar M. Kacha Kheda, Gujarat NIT Surat Mechanical Engineering

Hemant Mundra Durg, Chhattisgarh NIT Surathkal Computer Science Engineering

Shithali K. S. Udupi, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Sachin M. M. Chikmagalur, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Mechanical Engineering

Pradeepkumar I. Badiger Gadag, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Civil Engineering

Prabhat Kumar Kanpur Dehat, Uttar Pradesh NIT Surathkal Computer Science Engineering

N. V. Vivek Chikkaballapur, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Jayant Madan Ilme Bhandara, Maharashtra NIT Surathkal Mechanical Engineering

Gunnam Shridhar Raichur, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Chetan Parmar Bhavnagar, Gujarat NIT Surathkal Chemical Engineering

Chandrashekhar Nelagi Gadag, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Mechanical Engineering

Basavesh A. S. Bengaluru, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Computer Science Engineering

Arvind H. Tumkur, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Abhishek C. R. Mandya, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Manjunath S. C. Karwar, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electronics and Communication Engineering

B. Bimlesh Kumar Renu Buxar, Bihar NIT Trichy Civil Engineering


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Rakesh Kumar Roushan Banka, Bihar NIT Trichy Civil Engineering

Vipul Kumar Nalanda, Bihar NIT Trichy Electronics and Communication Engineering

Rahul Kumar Yadav Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh NIT Warangal Computer Science Engineering

Anala Venkat Pawan Kumar Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh NIT Warangal Civil Engineering

Deepak Tiwari Jhajjar, Haryana NIT Warangal Computer Science Engineering

Parjinder Singh Moga, Punjab North West Institute of Engineering & Technology Moga, Punjab Electronics and Communication Engineering

Ankit Kumar Nalanda, Bihar Orissa Engineering College Bhubaneswar, Odisha Computer Science Engineering

Rashmirekha Tripathy Baleswar, Odisha Orissa Engineering College Bhubaneswar, Odisha Electronics and Communication Engineering

Subhendu Kumar Sahoo Cuttack, Odisha Orissa Engineering College Bhubaneswar, Odisha Computer Science Engineering

Neeti Verma Supaul, Bihar Patna Science College Patna, Bihar Science

Utkarsha Verma Muzaffarpur, Bihar Patna Science College Patna, Bihar Science

Dinanath Dinbandhu Munger, Bihar Patna University Patna, Bihar Science

Alok Dattatray Kashyap Sirsi, Karnataka PES Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Karnataka Mechanical Engineering

Pooja Girimallappa Wodeyar Dharwad, Karnataka PES Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Karnataka Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Pintoo Kumar Mandal Katihar, Bihar Priyadarshini College of Engineering and Nagpur, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering Architecture

Pawan Mallikarjun Tenkale Latur, Maharashtra Pune Institute of Computer Technology Pune, Maharashtra Electronics and Communication Engineering

Vikram Tatyasaheb Dattu Solapur, Maharashtra Pune Institute of Computer Technology Pune, Maharashtra Computer Science Engineering

Bitty Singh Doda, Jammu & Kashmir Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh, Punjab Computer Science Engineering

Narayan Prasad Gaya, Bihar Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law Patiala, Punjab Law

Beeram Lal Lodha Jhalawar, Rajasthan Rajkiya Maha Vidyalay Kota, Rajasthan Science

Anish Johns Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka RV College of Engineering Bengaluru, Karnataka Mechanical Engineering

Vikash Kumar Gaya, Bihar Sachdeva Institute of Technology Mathura, Uttar Pradesh Electronics and Communication Engineering


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Jatinder Singh Sangrur, Punjab Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Sangrur, Punjab Food Preservation Technology

Sumit Kumar Muzaffarpur, Bihar Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Sangrur, Punjab Computer Science Engineering Technology

M. R. Nandan Bhardwaj Davangere, Karnataka Sapthagiri College of Engineering Bengaluru, Karnataka Computer Science Engineering

V. A. Ramya Sri Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh Saradamba Dasa Govindai Setty College Hindupur, Andhra Pradesh Business Management

Murtaza Ahmad Wani Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir School of Management Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir Computer Science Engineering

Manjunath M. Bengaluru, Karnataka School of Planning and Architecture New Delhi, Architectural Engineering

Nakul Nayan Purnea, Bihar School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh Architectural Engineering

Rohit Chugh Patiala, Punjab Shaheed Udham Singh College of Engineering and Mohali, Punjab Electronics and Communication Engineering Technology

Mahesh Ramling Kale Solapur, Maharashtra Shivajirao's Jondhale College of Engineering Mumbai, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Dnyaneshwar Panjabrao Wagh Buldhana, Maharashtra Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering Nanded, Maharashtra Engineering and Technology

Rajinder Singh Parihar Patiala, Punjab Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University Katra, Jammu & Kashmir Mechanical Engineering

Madhavi V. Waghmare Wardha, Maharashtra Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering Shegaon, Maharashtra Electronics and Communication Engineering

Bhupendra Kumar Sahu Dhamtari, Chhattisgarh Shri Shankaracharya College of Engineering and Bhilai, Chhattisgarh Mechanical Engineering Technology

Ramandeep Singh Patiala, Punjab Shri Sukhmani Institute of Engineering and Chandigarh, Punjab Computer Science Engineering Technology

Deeptanjali Sarangi Jagatsinghpur, Odisha Silicon Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Odisha Electronics and Communication Engineering

Lipsita Panda Baleswar, Odisha Silicon Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Odisha Electronics and Communication Engineering

Mohit Kumar Rewari, Haryana Somani Institute of Technology and Engineering Rewari, Haryana Mechanical Engineering

A. Raju Nizamabad, Andhra Pradesh Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Computer Science Engineering

Rohit Kumar Kanvadia Amritsar, Punjab Sri Guru Arjun Dev Government College Tarn Taran, Punjab Science

Aman Kumar Omer Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh SRM University Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Mechanical Engineering

Fayaz Ahmed Dar Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir SSM College of Engineering Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir Civil Engineering


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Anoop Kumar Dixit Etah, Uttar Pradesh St John's College Agra, Uttar Pradesh Science

Asavari Hattarge Solapur, Maharashtra SVERI College of Engineering Pandharpur, Maharashtra Electronics and Communication Engineering

Shailendra Singh Baghel Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Thakral College of Technology Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Aditya Kumar Samastipur, Bihar TS Chanakya Marine Engineering and Research Kolkata, West Bengal Marine Engineering Institute

Anshuman Raj Buxar, Bihar TS Chanakya Marine Engineering and Research Kolkata, West Bengal Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture Institute

Manoj Kumar Maharana Cuttack, Odisha TS Chanakya Marine Engineering and Research Kolkata, West Bengal Marine Engineering Institute

Ujjwal Kumar Samastipur, Bihar TS Chanakya Marine Engineering and Research Kolkata, West Bengal Marine Engineering Institute

Vikash Kumar West Champaran, Bihar TS Chanakya Marine Engineering and Research Kolkata, West Bengal Marine Engineering Institute

Jaskarandeep Punia Patiala, Punjab University College of Engineering Patiala, Punjab Computer Science Engineering

Munish Kumar Mansa, Punjab University Institute of Engineering and Technology Chandigarh, Punjab Mechanical Engineering

Amritbir Singh Amritsar, Punjab University Institute of Engineering and Technology Chandigarh, Punjab Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Lakshmipriya Prusty Jajpur, Odisha Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology Sambalpur, Odisha Electronics and Communication Engineering

Prahallad Sahu Balangir, Odisha Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology Sambalpur, Odisha Civil Engineering

Akash Kumar Katihar, Bihar Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore, Tamil Nadu Computer Science Engineering

Gurudev Shivaji Raut Latur, Maharashtra Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore, Tamil Nadu Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

Pratima Dixit Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore, Tamil Nadu Electrical Engineering

Pritesh Laxman Shirude Nashik, Maharashtra Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology Pune, Maharashtra Electronics and Communication Engineering (VIIT)

Mitthu Kumar Purnea, Bihar West Bengal University of Technology Vardhaman, West Bengal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Shivang Kumar Munger, Bihar West Bengal University of Technology Vardhaman, West Bengal Electrical Engineering

Kewal Krishan Bathinda, Punjab Yadavindra College of Engineering Bhatinda, Punjab Computer Science Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Jagdeep Singh Barnala, Punjab Yadavindra College of Engineering Bhatinda, Punjab Computer Science Engineering


Bhuwnesh Mehra Kota, Rajasthan Ajmer Institute of Technology Ajmer, Rajasthan Information Technology

Arun Kumar Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh Babu Banarasi Das Engineering College Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Computer Science Engineering

Dhiraj Rai South Sikkim, Sikkim Birla Institute of Technology Ranchi, Jharkhand Civil Engineering

Dilson Birua West Singhbhum, Jharkhand Birla Institute of Technology Ranchi, Jharkhand Chemical Engineering

Rohit Ranjan Katihar, Bihar Birla Institute of Technology Ranchi, Jharkhand Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Sharat Chandra Ranga Reddy, Andhra Pradesh Birla Institute of Technology & Science Pilani, Rajasthan Information System

Priyanka Giri Bengaluru, Karnataka BMS Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Karnataka Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Abhishek Duggal Bhiwani, Haryana BRCM College of Engineering and Technology Bhiwani, Haryana Mechanical Engineering

Priyanka Brahma Kokrajhar, Assam Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar, Assam Food Processing Technology

Pragati Gautam Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Central Women's College of Education Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Science

Wairokpam Premkumar Singh Thoubal, Manipur D M College of Science Imphal, Manipur Computer Science

Mayanglambam Bijeshor Meitei Thoubal, Manipur D M College of Science Imphal, Manipur Physics

Pukar Tamang Darjeeling, West Bengal Darjeeling Government College Darjeeling, West Bengal Science

Devender Sharma Karnal, Haryana Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science Sonepat, Haryana Electronics and Communication Engineering and Technology

Manjeet Kumar Ballia, Uttar Pradesh Delhi Technological University New Delhi, Information Technology Engineering

Mrinal Kala Delhi, Delhi Technological University New Delhi,

Abdul Ghaffar Khulakpam Imphal West, Manipur Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi New Delhi, Chemistry Honours

Satish Kumar Dharya Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Institute of Indore, Madhya Pradesh Computer Science Engineering Engineering and Technology

Sanjay R. Halpati Nani Daman, Daman and Diu Dharmesh Desai University Nadiad, Gujarat Computer Science Engineering



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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Dipesh Ashok Chaudhari Jalgaon, Maharashtra DY Patil College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Annesha Dutta Dibrugarh, Assam Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology Gunupur, Odisha Chemical Engineering

Sushanta Beriha Boudh, Odisha Gangadhar Meher College Sambalpur, Orissa

Kishor Kumar Gogoi Dibrugarh, Assam Geeta Engineering College Panipat, Haryana Mechanical Engineering

Sachin Shivaji Talwar Kolhapur, Maharashtra Gharda Institute of Technology Ratnagiri, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Kallol Kanti Das Dalai, Tripura Government Degree College Dhalai, Tripura Science

Hiral Dineshbhai Vala Junagadh, Gujarat Government Engineering College Gandhinagar, Gujarat Electronics and Communication Engineering

Piyush Nizarali Hemanani Jamnagar, Gujarat Government Engineering College Rajkot, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Rupali M. Rakhonde Buldhana, Maharashtra Government Engineering College Raigarh, Maharashtra Electronics and Communication Engineering

Shekhar Kumar Sheikhpura, Bihar Government Engineering College Bikaner, Rajasthan Mechanical Engineering

Gayatri Rathore Raigarh, Chhattisgarh Government Engineering College Bilaspur, Madhya Pradesh Mechanical Engineering

Deepak Kumar Haridwar, Uttarakhand Govind Ballabh Pant Engineering College Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand Computer Science Engineering

Mayankal Sambhakar Cuttack, Chhattisgarh IIT Bhubaneshwar Civil Engineering

Gaikwad Shrikant Sanjay Pune, Maharashtra IIT Bombay Electrical Engineering

Amit Kumar Pradhan Jajpur, Odisha IIT Bombay Chemical Engineering

Asanath Sidh Bikaner, Rajasthan IIT Bombay Civil Engineering

Bhise Jagdish Rajendra Pune, Maharashtra IIT Bombay Electrical Engineering

Hansraj Kumawat Jaipur, Rajasthan IIT Bombay Civil Engineering

Kuldeep Kumar Meena Jhalawar, Rajasthan IIT Bombay

Manish Kumar Sahu Bokaro, Jharkhand IIT Bombay Mechanical Engineering

Nishith Kumar Sahoo Cuttack, Odisha IIT Bombay Chemical Engineering

Prabhakar Patel Banda, Uttar Pradesh IIT Bombay Metallurgical and Material Science Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Prashant Borkar Hingoli, Maharashtra IIT Bombay Electrical Engineering

Shrikant Shalik Pardhi Yavatmal, Maharashtra IIT Bombay Chemical Engineering

T. Ashok Kumar Ranga Reddy, Andhra Pradesh IIT Bombay Computer Science Engineering

Ashish Kumar Ram Ranchi, Jharkhand IIT Bombay

Manish Vardhan Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh IIT Delhi Aeronautical Engineering

Tapas Kumar Paul Malkangiri, Odisha IIT Delhi Civil Engineering

Satpal Singh Kaithal, Haryana IIT Delhi Engineering Physics

Ramesh Harijan Koraput, Odisha IIT Delhi Integrated Physics

Rahul Kumar Gautam Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh IIT Delhi Engineering Physics

Devendra Kumar Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh IIT Delhi Chemical Engineering

Bahadur Prasad Meena Alwar, Rajasthan IIT Delhi Mechanical Engineering

Avinash Kumar Ballia, Uttar Pradesh IIT Delhi Chemical Engineering

Amit Kumar Gupta Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh IIT Delhi Mathematics & Computing

Ramchandra Masalpuria Pali, Rajasthan IIT Delhi Textile Engineering

Poonam Chand Meena Udaipur, Rajasthan IIT Gandhinagar Mechanical Engineering

Vishal Ananda Ingle Washim, Maharashtra IIT Guwahati Chemical Engineering

Amit Kumar Bhojpur, Bihar IIT Guwahati Electronics and Communication Engineering

Babloo Kumar Gaya, Bihar IIT Guwahati Mechanical Engineering

Deepa Ram Jalore, Rajasthan IIT Guwahati Electronics and Communication Engineering

Dhiren Boro Kamrup, Assam IIT Guwahati Chemical Engineering

Dhruba Charan Muduli Koraput, Odisha IIT Guwahati Electronics and Communication Engineering

Rajender Lavudiya Warangal, Andhra Pradesh IIT Guwahati Electronics and Electrical Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Rohitash Meena Bundi, Rajasthan IIT Guwahati Chemical Engineering

Urwashi Kumari Muzaffarpur, Bihar IIT Guwahati Civil Engineering

Rajesh Kumar Meena Bhilwara, Rajasthan IIT Hyderabad Mechanical Engineering

Shreesha S. Chatra Shimoga, Karnataka IIT Indore Electrical Engineering

Kishor Mehra Jodhpur, Rajasthan IIT Jodhpur Computer Science Engineering

Vikash Kumar West Champaran, Bihar IIT Jodhpur Electrical Engineering

Prenit V. Wankhede Wardha, Maharashtra IIT Kanpur Aeronautical Engineering

Smitaranjan Biswal Angul, Odisha IIT Kanpur Chemical Engineering

Shriman Narayan Tiwari Raipur, Chhattisgarh IIT Kanpur Electrical Engineering

Sangh Priy Gautam Kanpur Dehat, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Mechanical Engineering

Ramdeo Kumar Giridih, Jharkhand IIT Kanpur Civil Engineering

Purushottam Pradhan Angul, Odisha IIT Kanpur Petroleum Engineering

Prajna Parimita Behera Bhadrak, Odisha IIT Kanpur Aerospace Engineering

Jitender Kumar Dhakar Jhalawar, Rajasthan IIT Kanpur Computer Science Engineering

Dinesh Kumar Choudhary Tonk, Rajasthan IIT Kanpur Electrical Engineering

Devendra Kumar Dholpur, Rajasthan IIT Kanpur Mechanical Engineering

Deepak Kumar Munger, Bihar IIT Kanpur Mechanical Engineering

Daneshwar Prasad Sah Madhepura, Bihar IIT Kanpur Aerospace Engineering

Ankit Kumar Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Aerospace Engineering

Anil Kumar Meena Dausa, Rajasthan IIT Kanpur Electrical Engineering

Kundan Kumar Muzaffarpur, Bihar IIT Kanpur Computer Science Engineering

Rajiv Krishna Omar Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Computer Science Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Rajan Kumar Bokaro, Jharkhand IIT Kharagpur Chemical Engineering

Khushal Shyamlal Jamkate Gondia, Maharashtra IIT Kharagpur Electrical Engineering

Lusku Besra East Singhbhum, Jharkhand IIT Kharagpur Mechanical Engineering

Mithilesh Kumar Rajak Saharsa, Bihar IIT Kharagpur Mining Engineering

Mukesh Kumar Meher Balangir, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Electrical Engineering

Nabin Bhatra Naurangpur, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Agriculture and Food Engineering

Pukhrambam Birjit Singh Thoubal, Manipur IIT Kharagpur Mining Engineering

Rabin Kumar Naik Sundargarh, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Electrical Engineering

Jyotirmayee Meher Bargarh, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Electronics and Communication Engineering

Arun Meher Bargarh, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Mechanical Engineering

Edha Uday Chaitanya Khammam, Andhra Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Electrical Engineering

Dinesh Kandipalli Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture

Debabrot Bhuyan Sonitpur, Assam IIT Kharagpur Chemical Engineering

Chewang Tamang South Sikkim, Sikkim IIT Kharagpur Manufacturing Science and Engineering

B. Siva Prasad Reddy Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Mechanical Engineering

B. Shiva Prasad Goud Nizamabad, Andhra Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Ashok Bhiwa Barsagade Chandrapur, Maharashtra IIT Kharagpur Industrial Engineering

Akash Vinod Ukey Washim, Maharashtra IIT Kharagpur Chemical Engineering

Hemanth R. Betageri Haveri, Karnataka IIT Kharagpur Ocean and Marine Engineering

Vipin Das A. V. Palakkad, Kerala IIT Madras Chemical Engineering

T. H. Subramanya Chikmagalur, Karnataka IIT Madras Engineering Design & Automotive Engineering

T. A. Subramanya Ramanagaram, Karnataka IIT Madras Chemical Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Shamanth Kumar D. N. Bengaluru, Karnataka IIT Madras Electrical Engineering

Santosh Naik Raichur, Karnataka IIT Madras Mechanical Engineering

Saida Naik Bhukya Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh IIT Madras Aerospace Engineering

Abinash Deuri Guwahati, Assam IIT Madras Mechanical Engineering

Ranjith J. N. Bengaluru, Karnataka IIT Madras Mechanical Engineering

Mohit Yadav Kashipur US Nagar, Uttarakhand IIT Mandi Electrical Engineering

Jai Prakash Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh IIT Mandi Computer Science Engineering

Rajesh Murlidhar Shedolkar Latur, Maharashtra IIT Patna

Pooja Kumari Bhiwani, Haryana IIT Roorkee Chemical Engineering

Yogesh Choudhary Jaipur, Rajasthan IIT Roorkee Electrical Engineering

Amol Vaman Jadhav Osmanabad, Maharashtra IIT Roorkee Electrical Engineering

Shobhit Bhargava Lakhimpur Kheri, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Mechanical Engineering

Manohar Meghwal Nagaur, Rajasthan IIT Roorkee Chemical Engineering

Mangaldeep Prasad Bokaro, Jharkhand IIT Roorkee Metallurgical and Material Science Engineering

Kushal Devidas Bhagat Akola, Maharashtra IIT Roorkee Production & Industrial Engineering

Jatin Kumar Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Electrical Engineering

Jasbir Jaglan Panipat, Haryana IIT Roorkee Geophysical Technology

Gyan Prakash Verma Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Mechanical Engineering

Bheem Prakash Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Pulp and Paper Engineering

Vikas Saroy Fatehabad, Haryana IIT Roorkee Geophysical Technology

Sunil Kumar Meena Dausa, Rajasthan IIT Ropar Electrical Engineering

Saurabh Verma Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh Computer Science Engineering and Manufacturing


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Ajay Kumar Latehar, Jharkhand Indian Maritime University Kolkata, West Bengal Maritime Engineering

Ajay Kumar Chaudhary Nawada, Bihar Indian Maritime University Kolkata, West Bengal Maritime Engineering

Aman Kumar Bokaro, Jharkhand Indian Maritime University Kolkata, West Bengal Maritime Engineering

Bhabani Sankar Biswal Cuttack, Odisha Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology Talcher, Odisha Mechanical Engineering

Kalmul Haque Chirang, Assam Institute of Electronics And Telecommunication New Delhi, Electronics and Communication Engineering Engineers

Amit Pratap Singh Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh Institute of Engineering Technology Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Computer Science Engineering

Chikku Shekhar Dholpur, Rajasthan ISM Dhanbad Computer Science Engineering

Hari Mohan Singh Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh ISM Dhanbad Environmental Engineering

Prashant Kumar Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh ISM Dhanbad Mineral Engineering

Shyam Charan Hansda Bokaro, Jharkhand ISM Dhanbad Mechanical Engineering

Sonu Ram Mohan Madhepura, Bihar ISM Dhanbad Mechanical Engineering

Vinod Kumar Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh ISM Dhanbad Chemical Engineering

Muppidi Asha Jyothi Puducherry, IT-BHU Varanasi Mathematics and Computer Science Engineering

Rajat Goyal Dholpur, Rajasthan IT-BHU Varanasi Ceramic Engineering

Kishor C. Angadi Belgaum, Karnataka IT-BHU Varanasi Electrical Engineering

Kaushalendra Kumar Madhubani, Bihar IT-BHU Varanasi Biotechnology Engineering

Harishyam Narayan Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh IT-BHU Varanasi Chemical Engineering

Alok Kumar Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh IT-BHU Varanasi Mining Engineering

Anuradha Shakya Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh Jalaun University Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh Arts

Dimpy Sonowal Dibrugarh, Assam Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University Jaipur, Rajasthan Electronics and Communication Engineering

Angtong Teron Karbi Anglong, Assam Jorhat Engineering College Jorhat, Assam Mechanical Engineering

Gurudev K. J. Chikmagalur, Karnataka JSS Academy of Technical Education Bengaluru, Karnataka Computer Science Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Jai Prakash Sant Ravidas Nagar, Uttar Pradesh Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Bhubaneswar, Odisha Computer Science Engineering

Akash Singh Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh Civil Engineering

Yogesh Kumar Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh Kashiram Engneering College of Information Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh Electrical Engineering Techonology

Ratnesh Mishra Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh KKV Degree College Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Science

Raj Kumar Susanta Imphal East, Manipur KM College, Delhi University New Delhi,

Ajay Kumar Babubhai Parmar Ahmedabad, Gujarat LD College of Engineering Ahmedabad, Gujarat Automobile Engineering

Aakib Javed Bikaner, Rajasthan Lovely Professional University Jalandhar, Punjab Computer Science Engineering

Vinod Kumar Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh Science

Susmita Soren Saraikela, Jharkhand Mahila College Chaibasa, Jharkhand Science

Khundongbam Borish Meitei Thoubal, Manipur Manipur Institute of Technology Imphal, Manipur Civil Engineering

Chandan Kumar Jamui, Bihar Marine Engineering and Research Institute Kolkata, West Bengal

Shatrunjay Arun Sonawane Nashik, Maharashtra Modern College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Santosh Rajak Lohardagga, Jharkhand Nilai Education Trusts Group of Institutions Ranchi, Jharkhand Mechanical Engineering

Palamasi Vipru Chanukya Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh NIT Agartala Mechanical Engineering

Vadithya Shasi Kanth Naik Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh NIT Agartala Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Deepak Kumar Sant Kabir Nagar, Uttar Pradesh NIT Allahabad Computer Science Engineering

Deepak Kumar Sant Kabir Nagar, Uttar Pradesh NIT Allahabad Information Technology Engineering

Rohit Kumar Verma Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh NIT Allahabad Mechanical Engineering

Anoop Kumar Sonkar Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh NIT Bhopal Civil Engineering

Pankaj Kumar Gautam Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh NIT Bhopal Civil Engineering

Pradeep Patel Unnao, Uttar Pradesh NIT Bhopal

B. S. Rajeswara Rao Puducherry, NIT Calicut Electronics and Electrical Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Shijil Vijayan P. C. Kozhikode, Kerala NIT Calicut Mechanical Engineering

Payal Singhal Jhalawar, Rajasthan NIT Delhi Computer Science

Arpan Kumar Das Jajpur, Odisha NIT Durgapur Information Technology

Gautam Salvi Udaipur, Rajasthan NIT Jaipur Chemical Engineering

Jitendra Meena Tonk, Rajasthan NIT Jaipur Mechanical Engineering

Mohammed Sadik Ajmer, Rajasthan NIT Jaipur Computer Science Engineering

Saurabh Pahariya Tonk, Rajasthan NIT Jaipur Mechanical Engineering

Kuldeep Bairwa Baran, Rajasthan NIT Jalandhar Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Chandan Kumar Paswan Supaul, Bihar NIT Jamshedpur Metallurgy & Material Engineering

Amresh Kumar Shukla Siwan, Bihar NIT Jamshedpur Electrical Engineering

Amit Yadav Bhiwani, Haryana NIT Kurukshetra Computer Science Engineering

Durga Lal Meena Tonk, Rajasthan NIT Kurukshetra Computer Science Engineering

Vinod S. Karmenghe Chandrapur, Maharashtra NIT Nagpur Computer Science Engineering

Abhishek Brahma Morigaon, Assam NIT Nagpur Information Technology

Dinesh Ashokrao Kumbharwar Yavatmal, Maharashtra NIT Nagpur Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Prabhakar Sudhakar Gund Solapur, Maharashtra NIT Nagpur

Prachi Madhav Rao Kavale Nandurbar, Maharashtra NIT Nagpur Chemical Engineering

Sandeep Baburao Kendre Latur, Maharashtra NIT Nagpur Computer Science Engineering

Swati Bhagwan Survase Solapur, Maharashtra NIT Nagpur Electronics and Communication Engineering

Suranjit Sarkar North Tripura, Tripura NIT Patna Mechanical Engineering

Tevendra Singh Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh NIT Patna Electronics and Communication Engineering

Mithlesh Mahawar Bundi, Rajasthan NIT Raipur Information Technology


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Prashant Gedam Raipur, Chhattisgarh NIT Rourkela Electrical Engineering

Suchit Kumar Sethi Puri, Odisha NIT Rourkela Electrical Engineering

Sagar Das Cuttack, Odisha NIT Rourkela Mechanical Engineering

Smruti Ranjan Das Dhalai, Odisha NIT Rourkela Mechanical Engineering

Sunkara Thandava Seshatalpa Sai Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh NIT Rourkela Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

Priyanka Priyadarsini Swain Jagatsinghpur, Odisha NIT Rourkela Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Prem Sai Tirkey Raigarh, Chhattisgarh NIT Rourkela Electrical Engineering

Pabitra Kumar Majhi Balasore, Odisha NIT Rourkela Metallurgical Engineering

Nirakar Rout Koraput, Odisha NIT Rourkela Electrical Engineering

Moti Prakash Panda Cuttack, Odisha NIT Rourkela Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

Manish Bhagat Janjgir Champa, Chhattisgarh NIT Rourkela Electrical Engineering

Giriraj Angoriya Shajapur, Madhya Pradesh NIT Rourkela Chemical Engineering

Chandra Prakash Sahoo Cuttack, Odisha NIT Rourkela Mining Engineering

Chandan Kumar Barik Khordha, Odisha NIT Rourkela Mining Engineering

Sourav Prakash Dehury Puri, Odisha NIT Rourkela Mechanical Engineering

Prabartika Sahoo Cuttack, Odisha NIT Rourkela Electronics and Communication Engineering

Nagesh Kumar Gautam Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh NIT Silchar Electronics and Communication Engineering

Nongmaithem Nandini Devi Thoubal, Manipur NIT Silchar Computer Science Engineering

Monjit Nunisa Karbi Anglong, Assam NIT Silchar Computer Science Engineering

Heigrujam Santhoshkumar Singh Thoubal, Manipur NIT Silchar Computer Science Engineering

Heerok Jyoti Hazarika Dibrugarh, Assam NIT Silchar Electronics and Communication Engineering

Deepak Kumar Labh East Sikkim, Sikkim NIT Silchar Electrical Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study

Uttam Kumar Pegu Dhemaji, Assam NIT Silchar Civil Engineering

Kunal Goswami Barpeta, Assam NIT Silchar Electronics and Communication Engineering

Kevin Kumar Hasamukhbhai Patel Patan, Gujarat NIT Surat Mechanical Engineering

Siddharth Nareshbhai Jikadra Bhavnagar, Gujarat NIT Surat Mechanical Engineering

Chirag Vishwasrao Patil Jalgaon, Maharashtra NIT Surat Mechanical Engineering

Anil Naranbhai Baraiya Amreli, Gujarat NIT Surat Mechanical Engineering

Aniket Ashok Vaste Thane, Maharashtra NIT Surat Electronics and Communication Engineering

Varsha Prakash Ahire Nashik, Maharashtra NIT Surat Electrical Engineering

S. K. Amarnath Udupi, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Information Technology Engineering

Venu Gopal J. Bellary, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Venkatesh N. Gudikoti Koppal, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Santosh M. Bhat North Canara, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Mechanical Engineering

Sanjay Y. R. Chikmagalur, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Faeem Abduljabbar Shaikh Ahmednagar, Maharashtra NIT Surathkal Information Technology Engineering

Sachin M. Naik North Canara, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Pankaj Jagat Raipur, Chhattisgarh NIT Surathkal Information Technology Engineering

Naveen S. N. Bengaluru, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Guruprasad M. H. Bengaluru, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Mallinath S. Biradar Bijapur, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Civil Engineering

B. Ullas Navada Udupi, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Arun Kumar C. Tumkur, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Computer Science Engineering

Poovanna K. P. Kodagu, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Information Technology Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Abhijeet Ramanand Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh NIT Trichy Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Nitish Bhagwat Meshram Gondia, Maharashtra NIT Trichy Metallurgical and Material Science Engineering

Sagar Vasant Shivsharan Solapur, Maharashtra NIT Trichy

Prashant Kumar Banka, Bihar NIT Warangal Mechanical Engineering

Susheel Kumar Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh NIT Warangal Chemical Engineering

Thopucherla Varun Warangal, Andhra Pradesh NIT Warangal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Brajanath Prasad Mishra Jagatsinghpur, Odisha Orissa School of Mining Engineering Keonjhar, Odisha Mining Engineering

Madan Mohan Behera Cuttack, Odisha Parala Maharaja Engineering College Berhampur, Odisha

Monisha D. S. Kodagu, Karnataka PES Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Karnataka Electronics and Communication Engineering

Rahul Mahipati Kale Solapur, Maharashtra Pune Institute of Computer Technology Pune, Maharashtra Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering

Amit Bandu Shinde Solapur, Maharashtra Rajarambapu Institute of Technology Islampur, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Amol Shankarrao Malegaonkar Nanded, Maharashtra Rajarambapu Institute of Technology Islampur, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Anil Dhondiram Dandavate Kolhapur, Maharashtra Rajarambapu Institute of Technology Islampur, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Santosh Dattatray Powar Kolhapur, Maharashtra Rajarambapu Institute of Technology Islampur, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Harsh Deep Maheshwari Chittorgarh, Rajasthan Rajasthan Technical University Kota, Rajasthan Mechanical Engineering

Jiten Pegu Dhemaji, Assam School of Technology, NEHU Shillong, Meghalaya Information Technology Engineering

Rupak Som Dhemaji, Assam School of Technology, NEHU Shillong, Meghalaya Electronics and Communication Engineering

Satyawan V. Jagankar Chandrapur, Maharashtra Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering Shegaon, Maharashtra

Ravina Somnath Patole Pune, Maharashtra Sinhgad College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra Electronics and Communication Engineering

Akesh Naresh Meshram Nagpur, Maharashtra SRES College of Engineering Kopargaon, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering

Praveen Kumar Sharma Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh SRM University Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh Civil Engineering

Akshay Buddhimanji Patil Wardha, Maharashtra SSBT College of Engineering and Technology Jalgaon, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Bharat Darbarsingh Jadhav Buldhana, Maharashtra SSGM College of Engineering Shegaon, Maharashtra Electronics and Communication Engineering

Londhe Tejas Jalindar Pune, Maharashtra SSMS's Padmabooshan Vasantdada Patil Institute Pune, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering of Technology

Asha Kumari Giridih, Jharkhand St. Columbus College Hazaribagh, Jharkhand Banking

Chandralok Kumar East Champaran, Bihar Surbhi College of Engineering and Technology Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Shridevi N. D. Chikmagalur, Karnataka University of Vishweshwaraiah College of Bengaluru, Karnataka Computer Science Engineering Engineering

Ashish Kumar Kanpur Dehat, Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Textile Technology Institute Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Textile Engineering

Niranjan Soy Jajpur, Odisha Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology Sambalpur, Odisha Electrical Engineering

Preetimuni Burh Nuapada, Odisha Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology Sambalpur, Odisha Mechanical Engineering

Jagajeevan Beura Cuttack, Odisha Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology Sambalpur, Odisha Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Vaibhav Namdev Rajhans Kolhapur, Maharashtra Walchand College of Engineering Sangli, Maharashtra Information Technology Engineering

Shrikant Arvindrao Wawre Wardha, Maharashtra Yashwant Rural Education Society's Bapurao Sewagram, Maharashtra Computer Science Engineering Deshmukh Engineering College


Bhawana Painkra Jashpur Nagar, Chhattisgarh BJ Medical College Pune, Maharashtra

Komal Ramdas Gadekar Pune, Maharashtra Government College of Engineering Avasari, Maharashtra Automobile Engineering

Manasa U. K. Hassan, Karnataka GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Mysore, Karnataka Engineering and Chemical Engineering Women

Arpita Pingua Cuttack, Odisha IIT Bhubaneshwar Mechanical Engineering

Jaswant Kumar Gonda, Uttar Pradesh IIT Bombay Computer Science

Ashish Charan Tandi Bolangir, Odisha IIT Bombay Aeronautical Engineering

Arun Prabhakaran Ernakulam, Kerala IIT Bombay Computer Science

Nagendra Kumar Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh IIT Delhi Electrical and Power Engineering

Madhuri Vitthal Tikhe Ahmednagar, Maharashtra IIT Guwahati Computer Science



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Kishore Rajendra Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh IIT Indore Computer Science & Engineering

Akash Kumar Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Mechanical Engineering

Dheerendra Kumar Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Mechanical Engineering

Prashant Kumar Lakhimpur Kheri, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Computer Science

Soniya Barmate Korba, Chhattisgarh IIT Kanpur Computer Science & Engineering

Uttam Chand Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Electrical Engineering

Dinesh Kumar Mohanpuria Nagaur, Rajasthan IIT Kharagpur Mechanical Engineering

Sunaram Tudu Keonjhar, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Mechanical Engineering

Rahul Yeluri Ranga Reddy, Andhra Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Mining Engineering

Rahul Kumar Bambeshwar Durg, Chhattisgarh IIT Kharagpur Computer Science

Neeraj Kumar Verma Tikamgarh, Madhya Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Aeronautical Engineering

Madhukar Chandrakant Mengal Pune, Maharashtra IIT Kharagpur Electrical Engineering

Kumar Sanjay Pamegam Sonitpur, Assam IIT Kharagpur Chemical Engineering

Khilawan Baghel Raipur, Chhattisgarh IIT Kharagpur Civil Engineering

Jyoti Prakash Behera Jajpur, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Chemical Engineering

Bhrugupati Hansda Mayurbhanj, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Mechanical Engineering

Ankul Kumar Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Electronics and Electrical Communication

Kapil Kumar Xalxo Raigarh, Chhattisgarh IIT Kharagpur Mechanical Engineering

Yashodha Doddur Haveri, Karnataka IIT Madras Engineering Physics

Hatchinghoi Haokip Churachandpur, Manipur IIT Madras Chemical Engineering

Ranjeet Kumar Ballia, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Mechanical Engineering

Rahul Kumar Kangra, Himachal Pradesh IIT Roorkee Mechanical Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Mukesh Pal Jalandhar, Punjab IIT Roorkee Chemical Engineering

Abhishek Kumar Antony Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Electrical Engineering

Biswajit Behera Angul, Odisha IT-BHU Varanasi Electrical Engineering

Vikas Sheel Kanpur Dehat, Uttar Pradesh IT-BHU Varanasi Civil Engineering

Moirangthem Priyatama Devi Thoubal, Manipur Kha Manipur College Manipur, Biochemistry

Pushpalata Barsalia Mayurbhanj, Odisha Maharaja Purna Chandra Autonomous College Mayurbhanj, Odisha

H.S. Sarojadevi Gulbarga, Karnataka Manipal University Udupi, Karnataka Medicine

Meenakshi Nirwan Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh Multani Mal Modi College of Science Patiala, Punjab

Vijay Kumar West Champaran, Bihar NIT Allahabad Information Technology

Abhishek Ramajanam Mau, Uttar Pradesh NIT Bhopal Electrical Engineering

Vikas Kumar Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh NIT Hamirpur Electronics and Communication Engineering

Pushpa Babu Gudmalwar Nanded, Maharashtra NIT Puducherry

Rojita Chingakham Imphal East, Manipur NIT Puducherry

Sanjenbam Chandrakala Devi Bishnipur, Manipur NIT Puducherry Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Soumya Suravita Singh Dhenkanal, Odisha NIT Puducherry Computer Science

Angom Thajalembi Chanu Imphal East, Manipur NIT Puducherry Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Rajesh Kumar Nalanda, Bihar NIT Surathkal Mechanical Engineering

Srikanth Pachala Guntur, Andhra Pradesh NIT Surathkal Aeronautical Engineering

Sawant Swapnil Suresh Satara, Maharashtra NIT Surathkal Mechanical Engineering

Supriya Gadekar Jalna, Maharashtra NIT Surathkal Mining Engineering

Sandeep A. D. Bidar, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Parmanand Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh NIT Surathkal Mining Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Neeraj Kapoor Kumar Chamba, Himachal Pradesh NIT Surathkal Mechanical Engineering

Kamlesh Deypal Barmer, Rajasthan NIT Surathkal Information Technology

Harshala Devidas Jambhulkar Gondia, Maharashtra NIT Surathkal Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Amer Yaying West Siang, Arunachal Pradesh NIT Surathkal Civil Engineering

Rabindra Chhanchan Sambalpur, Odisha NIT Surathkal Computer Science Engineering

Sarath Kumar P. M. Kottayam, Kerala NIT Surathkal Mechanical Engineering

Harshitha Kurapati Guntur, Andhra Pradesh NRI Institute & Technology College Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh

Smitarani Sethi Kandhamal, Odisha Orissa University of Agriculture & Techonology Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Yanzi Sherpa Mangan, Sikkim Sikkim University Tadong, Sikkim

Priyanka Subhash Adsul Pune, Maharashtra Sinhgad College Of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra Mechanical Engineering


Ashwin P Vinod Ernakulam, Kerala All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur, Chhattisgarh

Malatesh Shettikeri Gadag, Karnataka Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering Hubli, Karnataka Computer Science

Sandeep Aashish Saharsa, Bihar Birla Institute of Technology & Science Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Integrated Physics

Krishna Kumar Giridih, Jharkhand Birsa Institute of Technology Sindri, Jharkhand Metallurgical Engineering

Sudheer Gurram Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh BITS Pilani KK Goa Birla Campus Zuarinagar, Goa Mechanical Engineering

Prashanth C. N. Chikmagalur, Karnataka BMS College of Engineering Bengaluru, Karnataka Electronics and Communication Engineering

Uditnarayan Naik Angul, Odisha College of Engineering and Technology Bhubaneswar, Odisha Civil Engineering

Rajesh Roshan Behera Cuttack, Odisha IIT Bombay Computer Science Engineering

Hemant Patidar Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh IIT Bombay Mechanical Engineering

Srinivas Behera Khordha, Odisha IIT Bombay Electronics & Electrical Engineering

Somanaik B. Bellary, Karnataka IIT Bombay Computer Science Engineering



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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study

Atul Choukade Khargone, Madhya Pradesh IIT Bombay Chemical Engineering

Devadatta G. Hegde Bengaluru Rural, Karnataka IIT Bombay Aerospace Engineering

Bikash Behera Bhadrak, Odisha IIT Bombay Aerospace Engineering

Shiv Kumar Patna, Bihar IIT Bombay Civil Engineering

Rahul Patidar Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh IIT Delhi Computer Science Engineering

Tarun Prasad Sahu Boudh, Odisha IIT Delhi Civil Engineering

Veeresh Bandi Koppal, Karnataka IIT Guwahati Electronics and Communication Engineering

Greeshma Balabhadra Warangal, Andhra Pradesh IIT Guwahati Mathematics & Computing

Navneet Kumar G.B. Nagar, Uttar Pradesh IIT Guwahati Civil Engineering

Rama Shankar Lakhimpur Kheri, Uttar Pradesh IIT Guwahati Design

Shailendra Anant Raigarh, Chhattisgarh IIT Guwahati Electronics and Communication Engineering

Vineet Kumar Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Electrical Engineering

Vikrant Kumar Sant Kabir Nagar, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Electrical Engineering

Prakash Besra Hazaribagh, Jharkhand IIT Kanpur Chemical Engineering

Ashish Kumar Rai Sant Ravidas Nagar, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Aerospace Engineering

Abhishek Srivastava Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Economics

Amit Kumar Jyotiba Phole Nagar (Amroha), Uttar IIT Kanpur Computer Science Engineering Pradesh

Sai Sandeep Rangisetti Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Computer Science Engineering

Suman Mazumdar Mayurbhanj, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Mining Engineering

Sujit Padhan Bargarh, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Civil Engineering

Rajon Das Hailakandi, Assam IIT Kharagpur Mechanical Engineering

Shivani Sahu Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Aerospace Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Sunil Kumar Durga Mandir Gali, Bihar IIT Kharagpur Mathematics & Computing

Mausamjeet Khatua Balasore, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Electrical Engineering

Jitendra Marndi Mayurbhanj, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Mechanical Engineering

Hari Prasanna Das Sundargarh, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Electrical Engineering

Guruprasad P Yennikoppa Haveri, Karnataka IIT Kharagpur Aerospace Engineering

Biju Singh Mayurbhanj, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Mechanical Engineering

Atul Kumar Gautam Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Electrical Engineering

Shubham Singh Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Electrical & Electronics Communication

Nilmadhab Mondal Bankura, West Bengal IIT Kharagpur Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Abhinash Sahoo Cuttack, Odisha IIT Madras Aerospace Engineering

Muhammed Thanzeel K. A. Ernakulam, Kerala IIT Madras Engineering Design

Nagabhushan R. Bhat North Canara, Karnataka IIT Madras Aerospace Engineering

Mohammad Amid Ballia, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Metallurgy & Material Engineering

Shubham Kumar Nayak Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Biotechnology

Rupesh Kumar Purnea, Bihar IIT Roorkee Biological Science and Bio-Engineering

Nairitya Khilari Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh IIT Roorkee Computer Science Engineering

Abhinish Paul Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh IIT Roorkee Mechanical Engineering

Pawan Kumar Yadav Kashiram Nagar, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Metallurgy & Material Engineering

Hare Krishna Begusarai, Bihar Indian Institute of Science Education and Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Research

Meghlal Tudu Giridih, Jharkhand ISM Dhanbad Mining Engineering

Sameer Prakash Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh IT-BHU Varanasi Mechanical Engineering

Sudhir Yadav Girideeh, Jharkhand IT-BHU Varanasi Chemical Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Tarkeshwar Singh Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh IT-BHU Varanasi Industrial Chemistry

Vaibhav Chaudhary Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh IT-BHU Varanasi Chemical Engineering

Asif Khan Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh Jamia Milia Islamia University New Delhi, Electronics and Communication Engineering

Aniruddha U. Shimoga, Karnataka Kalpataru Institute of Technology Tiptur, Karnataka Mechanical Engineering

Sachin Kallanagouda Malipatil Koppal, Karnataka M.S. Ramaiah College Bengaluru, Karnataka Mechanical Engineering

Shivaraj Kumar Koppal, Karnataka M.S. Ramaiah College Bengaluru, Karnataka Mechanical Engineering

Amar N Punekar Gadag, Karnataka National Institute of Engineering Mysore, Karnataka Mechanical Engineering

Jones Joju Ernakulam, Kerala NIT Calicut Civil Engineering

Ankita Anand Saharsa, Bihar NIT Durgapur Biotechnology

Rajesh Kumar Nayak Angul, Odisha NIT Durgapur Electrical Engineering

Prasanna Kumar Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh NIT Jamshedpur Electrical Engineering

Smriti Nisha Koderma, Jharkhand NIT Raipur Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering

Harapriya Panda Cuttack, Odisha NIT Raipur Mechanical Engineering

Lachhu Naik Mayurbhanj, Odisha NIT Surat Mechanical Engineering

Mukesh Sahu Bolangir, Odisha NIT Surathkal Electrical & Electronics Communication

Subrahmanya R. Bhat North Canara, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electronics and Communication Engineering

Sajad Ahmad Bhat Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir NIT Surathkal Civil Engineering

Dikshit Kumar Patna, Bihar NIT Surathkal Mechanical Engineering

Ranjan Kumar Baitha West Champaran, Bihar NIT Surathkal Mechanical Engineering

Yellalinga Lagali Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Electrical & Electronics Communication

Ubaidullah Barbhuiya Hailakandi, Assam NIT Surathkal Computer Science

Malay Kumar Patra Mayurbhanj, Odisha NIT Surathkal Electronics and Electrical Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study


Kundan Kumar Patna, Bihar NIT Surathkal Electrical & Electronics Communication

Gyan Prakash Ranjan Giridih, Jharkhand NIT Surathkal Mining Engineering

Deepayan Nayak Balasore, Odisha NIT Surathkal Mechanical Engineering

Alok Kumar Nawada, Bihar NIT Surathkal Mining Engineering

Abhijeet Kumar West Champaran, Bihar NIT Surathkal Mechanical Engineering

Kumar Gaurav Palamau, Jharkhand NIT Surathkal Computer Science

Sharanagouda Biradar Bijapur, Karnataka Nitte Menakshi Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Karnataka Mechanical Engineering

Keerthirani Vishwanath Shetty Udupi, Karnataka PES Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Karnataka Biotechnology

Jiki Jac Binoson Ernakulam, Kerala Tamilnadu College of Engineering Coimbatore, Instrumentation and Control Engineering


Ashna Ashraf Kollam, Kerala Adoor Engineering College Patanampitta, Kerala Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Laxmi Channappa Jenakatti Belgaum, Karnataka B V Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering Hubli, Karnataka Electronics and Communication Engineering

Deepak Kumar Behera Kendrapara, Odisha Bangalore Medical College Bangalore, Karnataka Medicine

Sreeniketh Haridas Palakkad, Kerala BITS Pilani Pilani, Rajasthan Msc. Physics

Babli Kumari Sheikhpura, Bihar Gandhi College of Engineering Bhubaneshwar, Odisha Electronics and Communication Engineering

Ravirala Uttej Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh IIT Bhubaneshwar Computer Science Engineering

Nenavath Prem Kumar Naik Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh IIT Bombay Mechanical Engineering

Farsa Ram Barmer, Rajasthan IIT Bombay Integrated Chemistry

Sanjeet Kumar Gupta Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh IIT Bombay Metaullargy Engineering

Manoj Yadav Sant Kabir Nagar, Uttar Pradesh IIT Bombay Mechanical Engineering

Rosy Painkra Raigarh, Chhattisgarh IIT Delhi Chemical Engineering



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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study

W Chingmei Wangsa Konyak Mon, Nagaland IIT Guwahati Chemical Science & Technology

Dharmendra Meena Dholpur, Rajasthan IIT Guwahati Electronics and Communication Engineering

Rishabh Shukla Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh IIT Guwahati Chemical Science & Technology

Pranjal Sutradhar Kamrup, Assam IIT Guwahati

Durga Kant Gupta Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Bio Science Engineering

Atul Jain Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh IIT Kanpur Aerospace Engineering

Anoop Kumar Auraiya, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kanpur Electrical Engineering

Babulu Bhoi Deng, Odisha IIT Kanpur Aerospace Engineering

Veerendra Prajapati Umaria, Madhya Pradesh IIT Kanpur Mechanical Engineering

Biplab Sahu Bolangir, Odisha IIT Kanpur Aerospace Engineering

Avinash Patel Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Mining Engineering

Garima Rahangdale Seoni, Madhya Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Biotechnology Engineering

Yeshwanth Venkatesha Bangalore Rural, Karnataka IIT Kharagpur Computer Science Engineering

Shreya Kumari Patna, Bihar IIT Kharagpur Electrical Engineering

Pavan Kumar Konduri Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh IIT Kharagpur Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering

Anand Kumar Koderma, Jharkhand IIT Kharagpur Civil Engineering

Abinash Meher Bargarh, Odisha IIT Kharagpur Computer Science Engineering

Amaldev E. S. Ernakulam, Kerala IIT Madras Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering

Sunil Kumar J S Ramanagar, Karnataka IIT Madras Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering

Shivam Soni Tikamgarh, Madhya Pradesh IIT Madras Chemical Engineering

Madanmohan Bairwa Karauli, Rajasthan IIT Patna Electrical Engineering

Pursouttam Prasad Ram Burdwan, West Bengal IIT Patna Mechanical Engineering

Juturu Ajay Reddy Ananthapur, Andhra Pradesh IIT Patna Civil & Infrastructure Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study

Virendra Ajay Raigarh, Chhattisgarh IIT Roorkee Pulp & Paper Engineering

Keetha Indraneel Varma Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh IIT Roorkee Electrical Engineering

Chandan Kumar Singha Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal IIT Roorkee Computer Science Engineering

Shyam Pratap Singh Sarguja, Chhattisgarh IIT Roorkee Chemical Engineering

Abhishek Prajapati Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Applied Mathematics

Gopal Kumar Gautam Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh IIT Roorkee Polymer Science & Technology

Jannarapu Deepak Warangal, Andhra Pradesh IIT Roorkee Electronics and Communication Engineering

Babita Bala Kangra, Himachal Pradesh IIT Roorkee Metallurgy & Materials Engineering

Bhupendra Kumar Agarwal Alwar, Rajasthan IIT Roorkee Electrical Engineering

Pranav Madhukar Borude Pune, Maharashtra IIT Roorkee Metal Engineering

Ashirbad Nayak Bhadrak, Odisha Indian Institute of Space & Technology Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Avionics Engineering

Sandeep Kumar Basti, Uttar Pradesh Indian Institute of Space & Technology Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Avionics Engineering

Vivek Babu M G Ernakulam, Kerala Indian Institute of Space & Technology Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Avionics Engineering

Nishant Singh Surguja, Chhattisgarh Indian Institute of Space & Technology Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Space Technology

Jay Singh Kushwaha Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh ISM Dhanbad Dhanbad, Jharkhnad Electronics & Instrumentation

Shailesh Chaurasiya Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh ISM Dhanbad Dhanbad, Jharkhnad Mining Engineering

Hemant Jeengar Bhilwara, Rajasthan IT-BHU Varanasi Computer Science Engineering

Anjaly Sasi Wayanad, Kerala IT-BHU Varanasi Ceramic Engineering

Suparna Biswas Nadia, West Bengal Kolkata Medical College Kolkata, West Bengal Medicine

Ashish Kumar Sheikhpura, Bihar NIT Allahabad

Ravi Kumar Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh NIT Allahabad Computer Science Engineering

Bhagath Raj Ponnappan Kottayam, Kerala NIT Calicut Computer Science Engineering


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Dakshana Alumni Information Scholar Name From Institute Institute Location Stream of Study

Manpal Singh Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh NIT Calicut Computer Science Engineering

Shivam Kumar Bhatpurva, Uttar Pradesh NIT Calicut Mechnical Engineering

Ayush Sharma J.P. Nagar, Uttar Pradesh NIT Jaipur Metallurgy Eng

Akansha Kunjam Kanker, Chhattisgarh NIT Nagpur Civil Engineering

Saraswati Bharti Nainital, Uttarakhand NIT Raipur Computer Science Engineering

Ranushree Sahoo Keonjhar, Odisha NIT Raipur Computer Science Engineering

Akanksha Verma Raipur, Chhattisgarh NIT Raipur Computer Science

Mohanthi M S Mandya, Karnataka NIT Surathkal Civil Engineering

Dinesh Kumar Yadav Sikar, Rajasthan NIT Surathkal Electrical Engineering

Parthasarathi Panda Keonjhar, Odisha NIT Surathkal Civil Engineering

Sanjay Kumar Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh NIT Surathkal Computer Science Engineering

Naveen Kumar Haridwar, Uttarakhand NIT Surathkal Computer Science Engineering

Pradeep Sharma Siddharth Nagar, Uttar Pradesh NIT Surathkal Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Akshat Sunil Ambekar Ratnagiri, Maharashtra NIT Suratkhal Chemical Engineering

Anoop Kumar Baranwal Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh NIT Suratkhal Civil Engineering

Ashish Kumar Mishra Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh NIT Suratkhal Computer Science Engineering

Aditi Gupta Deoria, Uttar Pradesh NIT Warangal Mechanical Engineering

Abhishek Purushothama Chikmagalur, Karnataka PES Institute of Technology Bangalore, Karnataka Computer Science

Aniketh Raghunath Ranga Reddy, Andhra Pradesh PES Institute of Technology Bangalore, Karnataka Mechanical Engineering

Arjun Suresh Ernakulam, Kerala Rajagiri College of Engineering Ernakulam, Kerala Computer Science

Jayamohanan Pillai Kottayam, Kerala Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology Kottayam, Kerala Electronics Engineering

Padmalaya Dehuri Sambalpur, Odisha Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology Burla, Odisha Electrical Engineering Anviksha Kumari Una, Himachal Pradesh Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore, Tamil Nadu Biotechnology


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Team Dakshana

Founders & Trustees MOHNISH PABRAI HARINA KAPOOR Founder & Catalyst Founder and Trustee Managing Partner, Pabrai Investment Funds CEO, Aikyum, LLC


COLONEL RAM K. SHARMA, Chief Executive Officer SHARMILA PAI, Chief Operating Officer

Advisory Board

SUNIL BHARGAVA, Principal, Tandem Entrepreneurs (IIT Madras) Dr. AJAY DESAI, Radiation Oncologist

VINAY KARLE, Vice President, Barclays Capital (IIT Bombay) AMITABH SINGHI, Director, Amrit Capital

V. PREM WATSA Chairman and CEO, Fairfax Financial Holdings (IIT Madras)

Dakshana Fellows

RANJIT KUMAR, Senior Dakshana Fellow REEMA MUKHERJEE, Senior Dakshana Fellow

SYED HELAL QAMAR, Dakshana Fellow RAJUL BAPNA, Dakshana Fellow

India Administrative Staff

SIRAJUDDIN ALI, Office Assistant & Chauffeur

US Administrative Staff

NICKII ALEO, Administrative Assistant LYNN DANN, Administrative Assistant BETSY HARKER, Administrative Assistant JULIE TELTSCHER, Office Manager

Active Volunteers

Ajit Nema (Director, Deloitte Consulting, Hyderabad), Abhay Bhagat (Chartered Accountant, Abhay Bhagat & Co, Bombay), Abhishek Rai (IIT Kharagpur), Colonel Fatehsingh (Jaipur), Mahesh Arali (Microsoft, Hyderabad), Mala Mishra (Delhi), Mukul Courey (Seneca Global, Hyderabad)), Rao Tummalapalli (Managing Director, Seneca Global, Hyderabad), Sarma Chada(Seneca Global, Hyderabad), Shashank Dubey (Cognizant, Hyderabad), Sonia Channi (Principal, Sikhya – The Learning School, Chandigarh), Suman Debnath (IBM, Bangalore), Sunita

Tummalapalli, Krishna Ramkumar (CEO, Avanti Fellows)

Page 67: Dear Friends - Dakshana

Page 66

DAAN* Members

As Mentors

Ranjith J Nagendrappa, Vishnu K & Vinod E Radhakrishnan (IIT Madras), Naveen S N (NIT Suratkhal), T Ashok Kumar (IIT Bombay)

As Volunteers for 2012 Grand Dakshana Selection Test (GDST):

Shreesha Chhatra (IIT Indore), Shashank Dubey (MIT Pune), Nitesh Kumar Patra, Manojit Biswas & Mayank (IIT Bhubaneshwar), Satpal Singh (NIT Kurukshetra), Rajat Goyal (IT BHU), Prashant Kumar (IIT Kanpur), Amritbir Singh (Univ. Institute of Engg & Tech, Chandigarh), Jai Prakash & Mohit Yadav (IIT Mandi), Nishikant Kadam (Marathwada Mitra Mandal College of Engineering Pune), Sumit Kumar (Sant Longowal Inst of Engg & Tech, Sangrur), Dhananjay Choubey & Anandkumar Singh (NIT Srinagar), Neeraj Verma & Dinesh

Kumar (IIT Kharagpur), Himanshu Kumar (IIT Patna), Thopucherla Varun (NIT Warangal), Praveenkumar Shedolkar & Rajesh Kumar (IIT Hyderabad), Sanjay Y Ravikumar (NIT Suratkhal), Shijil Vijayan (NIT Calicut), Poonamchand Meena (IIT Gandhinagar), T Ashok Kumar & Asanath Sidh (IIT Bombay), Swapnil Nikam &

Dinesh Kumbharwar (NIT Nagpur), Harshdeep Maheshwari (Rajasthan Technical University, Kota), Shyamsunder Singh & Urwashi Kumar (IIT Guwahati)

As Volunteers for 2013 Grand Dakshana Selection Test (GDST):

Abhishek Prem (MNIT Bhopal), Snehal Ghule, Swati Survase & Prabhakar Gund (VNIT, Nagpur), Kishor

Rajendra & Shreesha Chhatra (IIT Indore), Govind Singh Kitawat (NIT Raipur), Neeraj Tiwari (NIT Bilaspur), Mukesh Kumar, Bhrugupati Hansda, Suman Mazumdar, Jyoti Prakash Behera, Neeraj Verma, Debabrot

Bhuyan, Mausamjeet Khatua, Sujit Padhan, Sai Sandeep, Hari Prasanna Das, Biju Naik, Shubham, Arun Meher, Nilmadhab Mondal, Guru Prasad, Atul Gautam, Sanjay Pamegam, Dinesh Mohnapuria & Sunil

Kumar (IIT Kharagpur), Nitesh Kumar Patra (IIT Bhubaneshwar), Arun Vihwakarma & Giriraj Angoriya (NIT Rourkela), Amit Yadav & Annu Malik (NIT Kurukshetra), Vikash Kumar (NIT Hamirpur), Mohit Yadav (IIT Mandi), Sumit Kumar (Sant Longowal Inst of Engg & Tech, Sangrur), Zubair Anjan Lohne (NIT Srinagar), Susheel

Kumar, Prashant Kumar, Thopucherla Varun & Deepak Tiwari (NIT Warangal), Nakul Nayan (School of Planning & Architecture, Vijayawada), Praveenkumar Shedolkar & Rajesh Kumar (IIT Hyderabad), Gampala

Babji (Sri Chaitanya Institute of Technology), Sridevi N D (University of Vishwesharaiah College of Engineering, Bangalore), Priyanka Giri (BMS Institute of Technology), Gurudev K J (JSS Bangalore), Naveen S Nagarajappa,

Sachin Naik, Poovanna K P, Deepayan Nayak & Sanjay Y Ravikumar (NIT Suratkhal), Manu K K (Govt College Thiruvanthanapuram), Jayakrishna & Amit Kumar (IIST Trivandrum), Jiki Jac Binoson & Jones Joju (NIT Calicut), Mohammed Sadik, Saurabh Pahariya & Pooja Sangwan (MNIT Jaipur), Kishor Mehra, Mana

Ram, Ashok Banjara & Lakhan Singh (IIT Jodhpur), Chetan Ram Kumar (Govt Engineering College, Bikaner), Sumit Malik, Mukesh & Rahul Kumar (IIT Roorkee), Alok Kumar (IT-BHU), Amit Pratap Singh (IET Lucknow), Prakash Besra, Anil Kumar Meena, Gangaprasad Koturwar, Prajna Behera, Vikrant Kumar, Devendra Kumar, Prashant Kumar, Akash Kumar, Uttam Chand, Ashish Rai, & Vineet Kumar (IIT Kanpur), Tanuj

Kumar, Amit Kumar Gupta & Rahul Patidar (IIT Delhi), Ashish Ranjan Babu (Gorakhpur), Hanuman Sahay (IIT Patna), Meghlal Tudu & Vinod Kumar (ISM Dhanbad), Rahul Kumar Ranjan & Amit Dwivedi (BITS Mesra), Anil Kumar, Atul Choukade, Atul Dukale, Jagdish Bhise, Hemant Patidar, Arun Prabhakaran &

Bikas Behera (IIT Bombay), Nishikant Kadam (Marathwada Mitra Mandal College of Engineering Pune), Aniket Vaste, Kevin Patel, Anil Baraiya, Chirag Patil & Lalit Kumar (SVNIT Surat), Piyush Hemnani (GEC Rajkot), Sanjay Halpati (Dharamsinh Desai University, Nadiad), Greeshma Balabhadra, Rohitash Meena, Veeresh

Bandi, Deepa Ram, Rama Shankar & Sudhir Yadav (IIT Guwahati), Uttam Singh Pegu & Kunal Goswami (NIT Silchar), Chanukya Vipru & Shashikant Nayak (NIT Agartala), Yanzi Sherpa (Sikkim University)

*DAAN-DakshanA Alumni Network

Page 68: Dear Friends - Dakshana

You can fully support one Dakshana Scholar for just $3.25/day!

Over a two-year period, the cost of supporting a Dakshana Scholar is just $3.25 a day. For less than a cost of a latte at Starbucks, you can lift a family from poverty permanently and get the scholar accepted by IIT.

Dakshana or you can identify the specific scholar you are supporting. We will acknowledge your gift on the scholar’s

profile. Dakshana’s staff can arrange visits with the scholar at JNV as well. While the financial support would end after 2 years, the mentoring and guidance can continue for decades.

Dakshana will auto-bill your credit card once a month for $99. This will continue for 24 months. After 24 months, you

could choose to extend by selecting another scholar to support, if you so desire.

Dakshana Endowment

Dakshana also has an endowment account. You can select your gift to go into operating funds or our endowment. If

endowment is selected, 5% of the balance every year will be moved to the operating account. Endowment funds are managed by Mohnish Pabrai and are invested in equities in a very concentrated manner. The endowment helps your

dollars go further.

Please send U.S. checks to:

The Dakshana Foundation

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Phone: +1.949.453.0609 Fax: +1.949.453.0307

E-mail: [email protected]

Please send India checks to:

Dakshana India Educational Trust

Attn: Ms. Sharmila Pai Senior Dakshana Fellow

2, Crystal Castle—Phase II

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Phone: +91.20.2685.3485 Fax: +91.20.2685.5344

E-mail: [email protected]

To make a gift online, please visit www.dakshana.org

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Enclosed is my (our) gift:

_____________________________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________________ Address (Credit card billing address, if applicable)

_____________________________________________________________ City State Zip _____________________________________________________________ Phone Email

My Donation is for: Near-Term Scholar Expenses Endowment Fund

Your gift makes it possible for us to help exceptionally gifted students from impoverished backgrounds in India to get admission to the elite IITs. With the help of gifts from supporters such as you, we will continue to see the shackles of poverty broken. 100% of your contributions go towards the program. No organizational overhead or expenses are paid from these funds.

The Dakshana Foundation U.S. IRS Tax ID is 20-2861633

U.S. Check for $ ______________ made payable to:

The Dakshana Foundation.

Please charge my Visa M/C AMEX Discover

A one time gift of $_____________

$3.25 a day ($99/month) gift for 24 months to fully support one Dak-

shana scholar (see reverse for details). Includes FREE Dakshana Shirt and Cap! Shirt Size __________

A recurring monthly gift of $_____________

Credit Card # _______________________________ Exp. Date _______

Security Code (CSC) ______ Signature ___________________________

Name as it appears on card ____________________________________

I do not wish to contribute now, but perhaps in the future. Please keep

me on your list.

Please take me off your list.

Page 69: Dear Friends - Dakshana

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