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Page 1: Dear Student of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga, · 9/1/2018  · Om Kriya Babaji Nama Aum I would like to extend a special invitation to join me in a pilgrimage to Badrinath, India, in the

Dear Student of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga,

Om Kriya Babaji Nama Aum I would like to extend a special invitation to join me in a pilgrimage to Badrinath, India, in the upper Himalayas, at more than 10,000 feet, near the border of Tibet

Badrinath or Badrinarayan as it is sometimes referred to is the presiding temple town of the valley, one of the four “Char Dham” places of pilgrimage for devout Hindus and associated with the origins of Hinduism. For thousands of years yogis have practiced tapas or austerities here. For the past 30 + years students of Babajis Kriya yoga have come here on pilgrimages. Since the year 2008, Babaji’s Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas has been building here a beautiful fully functional ashram. As it is expected to be ready to receive residential guests in the fall of 2016, you will be among the first persons to reside in it.

What is a pilgrimage? A journey to a sacred place, leaving behind daily preoccupations, and focusing ones aspiration to realize what saints and yogis have themselves experienced there for the purpose of Self-realization and transformation.

Neelkantan Sunrise Badrinath Temple BKY Ashram Swami Purnananda

On the trail Alakananda River Satopanth Tal Vasudhara Falls

Some scenes you may experience.

While the pilgrimmage is designed for people with a fixed amount of time available for such a trip, optionally you may decide on staying on after the program as outlined, please let us know.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me or Satchidananda.


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