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Page 1: Dec 2011 - Volume 4 Issue 47.pdf

December, 2011 Distributed free to all residents.

Diamantina Shire Council

17 Herbert Street


� www.diamantina.qld.gov.au

Mayors Message 1

Housing News 4

Library News 4

Positions Vacant 4

Fundraising Walk from Gulf

to Gulf 5

Health News 6

Community Notice Board 7

Message from the Mayor

Diamantina Shire Council

Volume 4 Issue 47

Desert Yarns

Message from the Mayor 1

Writings from the CEO 2

Works Report 3

Council News 4-8

Media Releases 9-10

News from the Schools 11-13

Community News 14-16

Bedourie Bikekhana 17

Community Flyers 18-19

Diamantina Shire Events 2012 20

Upcoming Community Events

� 07 4746 1202

� 07 4746 1272

[email protected]

• Council Meeting - December 16

• Council Break-up - December 16

• Christmas Day - December 25

• New Years Day - January 1

• Council Administration Staff

Commence work - January 3

• Council Outside Staff commence

work - January 18

• Australia Day - January 26

Photo of Sunset Fire taken by Greg W

oods at Carlo Station

Well the year is coming to an end, it has been very busy for many different reasons, floods, big rains, massive road repairs, and to top it off bushfires.

Bushfires are the last disaster we needed, but were staring at us after 2 great seasons in a row. The bushfires were on varying different stations in the Diamantina Shire and outside our shire. I want to congratulate all our emergency services personnel for the great and exhaustive effort that they displayed in fighting these fires and bringing them under control, let’s hope that the early rains we’ve had make any further

potential fires more manageable.

Bedourie held its annual bikekhanna on December 3, and from all reports and people that I spoke to that were there, said that it was a fantastic event and growing with each year. Congratulations to all the

volunteers that organised this event.

There seems to be a void for bike enthusiasts to get competition and

this event fills the gap very well and will continue to grow.

Well everybody that reads this newsletter on behalf of the Diamantina Shire I wish you all a very merry Christmas and happy New Year and I

hope the season brings you all health and happiness.


Rob Dare

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Writings from the CEO

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I’d like to convey my appreciation to all of our staff including contractors and consulting professionals for

their efforts during what has been a challenging year. We’ve battled a major flood, many wild fires and

worked long hours to ensure road projects were successful, performed extra duties because of staff

vacancies and worked diligently to ensure the necessary preparation was carried out for community

events. Some people would not realise just how much is happening in the west! My expectation is that

2012 will be yet another busy year, but I’m also hopeful that we as an organisation can settle into a


The Diamantina Shire has a good solid core of workers that are there through thick and thin and I cannot

say enough about how you are valued by your employer and appreciated by the Shire Councillors.

I wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and encourage you all to take a break in readiness for our

start up in 2012.

Scott Mason

Chief Executive Officer

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Works Report

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The Construction Crew had been working on the Carcoory-Stony Crossing flood damage works and have completed heavy formation work. Also this crew has completed shoulder grading on the Bedourie to Carcoory road. Multi Skilled Crew is carrying out Bedourie town duties helping Parks and Gardens.

Gravel Crew have almost completed the Betoota Bypass re-alignment. Re-sheeting of the

Betoota - Mooraberree road and flood repairs will be completed this month.

New Works Crew is continuing on with flood repairs on the Kamaran and also Sandringham roads. Weather permitting this will be finished in a few days. Work by Toby Harris’ crew at Diamantina Lakes to Springvale road is nearly completed, with only a few days’ work left. The Dozer and Crusher plant has completed stockpiling at the town pit in Birdsville and

Roseberth pit and has moved back to Lake Pit for 9 Mile re-alignment. The crusher plant remains

at Lake Pit in preparation for 9 Mile re-alignment job.

Nigel Gilby’s crew is doing patchwork preparing for reseals. They have finished on the Bedourie – Windorah road. This crew has nearly finished signage work on the Devils grid job. Scraper with the Eziquip hire is currently flooded in and will re-commence work on the flood damage to Griffith Tank –Coorabulka Road once the weather conditions get better. The cooling ponds job in Bedourie is progressing very well. It is close to completion. It is Christmas break up time of the year. I would like to congratulate all the crews and contractors for their marvellous efforts in their respective jobs. All the Crews worked hard in spite of the odds and there has been a tremendous progress in every area of work this year. Wish you all a safe and happy holidays. Harin Karra Assistant Works Manager

Cluny Gravel Pit Carcoory - Stony Crossing Road

Coorabulka Road after recent rain

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Business Information Council Ordinary Meeting Dates 2012

Local Business Information Maps

Tourist Information maps have been installed in Birdsville and Bedourie. These maps have A4 holders designed to promote local businesses, coming events

and activities.

Council is providing these spaces free of charge to assist local operators. If you would like to display information on the signs please contact the Bedourie or Birdsville Visitor Centres call (0477) 680 700 or

email [email protected]

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Media Releases

5th December 2011

Golden opportunity for women in local government

Queensland women looking to further their career in local government could receive a career boost with $9000 in bursaries up for grabs. Betty Kiernan, Member for Mount Isa and Women in Local Government Committee representative for Local Government Minister Paul Lucas, said women employed in local government had six weeks to apply for one of two $4500 bursaries to go towards their personal and professional development. “This is a golden opportunity for women to climb the career ladder and really take a hammer to the glass ceiling,” Mrs Kiernan said. “These bursaries give women the chance to expand their work roles within local government and I encourage all motivated and career-minded women to take advantage of this. “Over the last three years the bursaries have been shown to enhance the professionalism of decision mak-ers in local government and improve career prospects.” Mr Lucas said that since the first bursary offering in 2008, the number of applications had increased each year demonstrating that women in local government were seeking out opportunities to boost their career. “This shows the bursary continues to be a very worthwhile initiative of the Women in Local Govern-ment Strategy and has my ongoing support,” he said. Applications will be open until January 17th, 2012. More information about the bursary is available on the Department of Local Government and Planning website at http://www.dlgp.qld.gov.au/women-in-local-government.

Diamantina Councillors

lead the way

Diamantina Shire Council’s first paperless

meeting was conducted on March 15, 2010.

Continuing the tradition of working as effectively

as possible, Councillors took possession of

I-pads at their Ordinary Meeting held in Birdsville

on November 21, 2011. Councillors were given a

short training session by Information

Technology Officer, Mr Matt Young and ‘hit the

ground running’ so to speak. The remainder of

the meeting was conducted via I-pads. The I-pad

allows for more regular access to email and a us-

er friendly way to peruse the agenda including

manager reports.

The agenda for November was particularly large,

being 676 pages. The thought of printing that

amount of pages is not only costly, but such a

waste of paper. Electronic meetings allow for

additional information and reports to be included

that may not have been if manual production of

the agenda was still occurring.

Chief Executive Officer, Scott Mason said he was

not surprised at the ease with which the elected

members accepted the new technology. “Our

Councillors are quite tech-savvy and immediately

recognised the benefit of the smarter and more

efficient device”, said Mr Mason. He added that

he was not surprised at the ease with which they

mastered the new technology. “They shocked me

in 2010 when they willingly accepted the use of

lap tops and immediate transition to a paperless

meeting so I knew the I-pad would be a winner”.

Council’s Mayor Cr Robbie Dare said: “While I’m

sure many other Councils use technology to its

full extent, I am proud of the unanimous

acceptance and willingness to embrace change

by the Diamantina Shire Councillors.

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Media Release

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The Hon Bruce Scott MP



24 November 2011

Scott re-elected as Second Deputy

Speaker of House of Reps

Federal LNP Member for Maranoa Bruce Scott has

today been re-elected as Second Deputy Speaker of

the House of Representatives, following the sudden

resignation of the former Speaker of the House, Mr

Harry Jenkins.

Mr Scott said he was honoured to have been

nominated for the Deputy Speaker role by his Liberal-

National Coalition colleagues.

“The Speaker and the Speaker’s Deputies play a vital

role in the proceedings and chairing of the House, and

I will certainly uphold my duties to maintain order and

ensure the Parliament runs as smoothly as possible,”

he said.

“It is great honour to know that my colleagues have

full confidence in my abilities as a Deputy Speaker in

the House of Representatives.”

Mr Scott commended the work of former Speaker

Jenkins and wished him well in his role as the

Member for Scullin.

“It has been a great honour to serve as the Second

Deputy Speaker with the now very humble

backbencher and former Speaker, the Member for

Scullin,” he said.

“Harry, you have gained not only the respect of this

House but of the population at large across Australia.”

Mr Scott congratulated the Speaker of the House,

Peter Slipper, on his election.

“Mr Speaker, I congratulate you on this high office you

now hold,” he said.

“I look forward to continuing to work with you as I

have in this parliament when you have been the

Deputy Speaker.”

National Parks and Wildlife South Australia

SA Arid Lands Region


Simpson Desert closed 1 December 2011 to 15

March 2012. Fire Ban Season is 15 October 2011 to 31

March 2012. Wood fires are not permitted

during these dates. Gas fires can be used on days that are not a Total Fire Ban day.

All fires not permitted on Total Fire Ban days.

Outback temperatures are increasing and are reaching over 40ºC. If you decide to travel in the

Outback, you should ensure your vehicles are

properly prepared and equipped for outback travel and any emergencies or delays. The use of trailers

in the Simpson Desert is strongly discouraged, plus motor homes and caravans should never

attempt this crossing. Serious damage can be

caused to vehicles and the environment, and difficulties are likely to result. Take extra water, food

and fuel supplies. Ensure good communications equipment, either HF Radio or Satellite Phone.

Ensure you notify a responsible person, such as a family member, of your plans prior to travelling into

remote areas, and seek local advice.

If you attempt driving in sandy conditions and get

bogged, do not attempt to get the vehicle out without ensuring 4WD and hubs are engaged, tyre

pressures are decreased and sand is removed from

the path of the tyres. If you become stuck, do not leave your vehicles to walk for assistance as this can

have fatal consequences.

Check road and weather bulletins and local

conditions before travelling into the Outback. Speed limits of 40km per hour apply within all Parks.

For up to date public road information outside of National Parks, please call the Transport SA Road

Condition Hotline on 1300 361 033 or visit the Transport SA web site on



Be aware that entry to Desert Parks requires a day/overnight permit or a Desert Parks Pass

that must be displayed on the vehicle


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Media Release

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Readings from Remembrance Day

written by Bedourie State School Students

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Putting your life on the line is an heroic risk. Everybody in Australia is so proud of you.

Knowing that any minute you could go, that’s a life and death situation. But you’re

helping, that’s what counts. Family and friends are what keep you going. Running

around, shooting guns – it’s scary. You could feel the rush past you in a few seconds.

You don’t know us, but you have the bravery to put your life on the line for us. All I’m

trying to say is THANK YOU!!...... from everyone: Australia , families and friends. Thank


By Tearnee Lewington

To all soldiers who died for us, I would like to say from the deepest part

of my heart, Thank You. Thank you for putting your lives on the line to

make a difference to our lives, even if it meant death to you. Being brave

is not easy for anyone, but you people, you fought on, even when you

were scared. When I think of countries that have wars I think of you. I

think of what you’re trying to do. I think of the freedom and chance you

are giving people in poverty. Although you could die any second now,

you still push on. I have one question, why? Why are you fighting for us?

Why are you risking to never seeing your family or loved ones again?

Why? Why are you saving someone you don’t know? It seems odd to

save a child or a family you don’t know and risk your lives for them. To

me, that’s what I call bravery, saving someone you don’t know and giving

them a chance. There are people in the world who think they are brave

because they do stupid things, but that’s not brave, that’s showing off.

You’re standing in a pit, so scared you dirty your pants in fright. You live

on rations while we live on fresh foods. You live in an awful place to

save us. Did you ever look back? Why am I questioning your actions,

when you are our heroes. You fought for us to keep us safe and free!!

Sometimes war seems like a figment of the imagination, but it’s real. If

only we had world peace, then you and other innocents would not have

to die.

By Clara Jansen

To all soldiers fighting in war, thank you for putting your life at risk to save us. Not only do you protect us, but you make other countries as free as we are today. How must it feel to be in a war of destruction and hate? How does it feel to watch your friends die and hear the shouting and the noises of gun fire? All of this sounds horrid, why do you go off to war? Why do you go running out in the open trying to dodge bullets and bombs? But you keep pushing because the determination and the memories of your family keeps you strong. This is the only reason Australia is free. Soldiers in all wars are trying to keeps us free, but also trying to give others a chance to be free. So that’s why not only us, but other people you’re saving are grateful. We have tears down our faces when one of you die, also our hearts are shattered. We are grateful, but are more sad thinking that another soldier will die. So thank you from all of Australia. Thank you. By Kurtis Farran

Thank you for giving up your precious

family. It must be nerve wracking and scary

in the war. You know that danger is all

around you. I appreciate your bravery. You

were left in tears and died from a fearsome

soldier. You put your life on the line for

everyone. I wish I could do something.

By Alice Jansen

Thank you for saving us by going to the war.

Three of you died. All of you are brave and

courageous. You died for us.

By Saphea James

I love you and you will be missed by all of

us. Thank you for saving us because you are


By Sophie Farran Thank you for fighting for us, for our country, willingly putting your life on the line for the whole of our country. The fighting, the pain and the killing. You are very courageous. You just stand up and fight with tears and destruction - dying for our freedom and happiness. You fight for our lives, yet you put yours at risk. If you knew you were going to die, would you? The death, the blood and the tears all for us. The courage, bravery and effort put in to the war for our lives and freedom. By Yarryn Lewington

Thank you for risking your life for us. You are courageous, brave and heroic. Thank you for fighting for us to keep us safe and free. Thank you for trying to stop the destruction. It is sad that you leave your beloved family. They are proud of you and so is Australia be-cause you are a courageous soldier and we are happy that you fought for us. Your family is probably in tears right now. Thank you for every brave thing you’ve done for us. By Kaitlin Farran

Thank you soldiers for risking your lives for us. Your families have had tears for you. The war

seems like a dangerous place, so thank you for keeping us safe and free. Fighting out there must be

very scary. If I was out there, I’d be nervous. Your bravery runs through our blood. We will nev-

er forget you soldiers. Danger is everywhere. You are heroic. Every soldier who died will be

remembered for their bravery. I wish war was not real. I wonder why some soldiers kill innocent

people? No one likes war, then why is war real? If there was no war, every soldier who died

would be with their family.

By Breanna Farran

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The Science, Splash ‘n’ Arts camp was held in Bedourie on 7-11 November, 2011. Children from Birdsville State

School were in attendance as well as the School of the Air children. Overall the children had a brilliant time and at

the end of the week were able to show off their swimming and

performing skills to parents and guests.

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Did you know......

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Year 12 Graduates

Year Seven Graduates

• The most commonly used letter in the alphabet is E.

• The least used letter in the alphabet is Q.

• The 3 most common languages in the world are Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and English.

• Skiing is the only word with double i.

• Dreamt is the only word that ends in mt.

• The names of all continents both start and end with the same letter.

• The first letters of the months July through to November spell JASON.

• If you try to say the alphabet without moving your lips or tongue every letter will sound the same.

• A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.

• Perth is Australia's windiest city.

• Elvis's middle name was Aron.

• Goldfish can see both infrared and ultraviolet light.

• The smallest bones in the human body are found in your ear.

• Cats spend 66% of their life asleep.

• Switzerland eats the most chocolate equating to 10 kilos per person per year.

• Money is the number one thing that couples argue about.

• Macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs.

• When lightning strikes it can reach up to 30,000 degrees celsius. (54,000 degrees fahrenheit)

• Spiders are arachnids and not insects.

To celebrate the four year seven Bedourie State School

students transition from primary to boarding school,

the Parents & Citizens Association organised a formal

dinner at the Simpson Desert Oasis Roadhouse.

Amongst the guests were Parents & Siblings, members

of the P&C, Councillors and Youth Councillors. A

delicious two course meal was served along with formal

presentation of the Canterbury jerseys, certificates and

words of wisdom and well wishes.

The four graduates will all be going off in directions to

attend boarding schools. Kurtis Farran will attend

Downlands College in Toowoomba, Clara Jansen will

attend St Peters Lutheran in Brisbane, Isiah Coulthard

will attend Spinifex College in Mount Isa and Tearnee

Lewington who will be attending The Glennie School in

Toowoomba. Good luck for 2012 !

Congratulations to Michael Emms of Birdsville and Nerissa

Parsons of Bedourie on their graduation from year 12. Both

students graduated from Blackheath and Thornborough

College in Charters Towers.

Nerissa and Michael have both returned to their homes to

have a break and to plan their future paths.

Isiah, Tearnee, Kurtis and Clara

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Letter of Gratitude...

Diamantina Shire Council will sponsor a

Christmas light competition in Bedourie

and Birdsville.

There will be a nomination fee of $10,

funds raised will go toward the Local

Ambulance Committees.

First prize - $120.00 Gift Voucher

Runner up - $80.00 Gift Voucher

To nominate simply fill out competition

form. These will be available at the

Visitors Information Centre in Bedourie

or Wirrarri Centre in Birdsville and pay

the nomination fee.

Nominations close Friday, December 16,

and judging will take place Friday night,

December 23.




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“Christmas gift suggestions:

To your enemy, forgiveness.

To an opponent, tolerance.

To a friend, your heart.

To a customer, service.

To all, charity.

To every child, a good example.

To yourself, respect.”

Oren Arnold

Quote of the Month...

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ABN 28 791 196 514

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the people of the Diamantina Shire for their support over the last twelve months. It has been a very busy year with postponing of events due to rain. Thank you to the members who turned up at the AGM/meeting in Birdsville on the 11th May and a big welcome to our new members. It is always nice to know the club has the support in putting on more events next year.

Get building those rafts for New Years Eve raft race at Pelican Point, Birdsville. There will be something happening on Australia Day, yet to be finalized. In the pipeline are plans for Bronco Branding, Rodeo & Campdraft in May and Horse and Bike Gymkhana in June to name a couple of events. We would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and hope you all come back refreshed for another busy year in 2012.

Don Rayment Judy Rayment Nadine Fatnowna

President Secretary Treasurer

Diamantina Rodeo Association Life Membership

Don Rayment (centre) being presented his life membership by

current members Patrice and Mike Elliot.

Don Rayment was recently awarded a lifetime membership of the Diamantina Rodeo Association in Winton.

During Don’s time with the Diamantina Rodeo Association, he was the inaugural President of the Diamantina

Rodeo Association and was the driving force behind many successful events including the Australian Bronco

Branding Championships, the Queensland Amateur Rodeo Committee (Q.A.R.C) Queensland Rodeo Titles and a

highly successful Rodeo Reunion held in 1998.

The Diamantina Rodeo Association, who has only given one life membership out in the past, made the decision to

present Don with the honour three years ago but have been waiting for the right time to present him with the

award. The Diamantina Shire is very lucky to have Don working with their events.

This award was presented to Don at the recent

Bedourie Bikekhana.

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Bedourie Bikekhana 2011

The Bedourie Bikekhana, held on December 3, once again proved to be a popular weekend with

motorbike enthusiasts travelling from towns including Boulia, Winton, Jundah, Longreach and

Innamincka. The weekend started on Friday night with live entertainment by Mick Lindsay at the

Bedourie Hotel. Saturday was jammed packed with the 15km Enduro Event kicking of an action packed

day. The crowd then made their way back into town to finish off a great weekend at the Simpson

Desert Oasis to again be entertained by the talented Mick Lindsay.

The day would not be successful without the generous support from the Diamantina Shire Council,

Bedourie State School Parent’s and Citizens Association, Simpson Desert Oasis Roadhouse, Bedourie

Hotel and all of our generous sponsors. Thank you to our announcer of the day, Donny Rayment.

Enduro Race Results:

1st Nick Dillon - Jundah

2nd Scott Elliot - Winton

3rd Lucas Sciascia - Longreach

Full results from the day will be published in the next edition of

Desert Yarns.

Jody Barr, Enduro Race Sponsor

Dougal Champion and Don


Justin Bell, Bedourie. Aaron Rayner, Longreach, accepting

his award from Jody Barr.

Stuart Morton, Innamincka

Bill Dillon, Jundah

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P: 07 - 4656 3244 F: 07 - 4656 3262

E: [email protected]

W: www.theoutback.com.au

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Desert Yarns Page 19


P: 07 - 4656 3244 F: 07 - 4656 3262

E: [email protected]

W: www.theoutback.com.au



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Page 20: Dec 2011 - Volume 4 Issue 47.pdf

Desert Yarns Page 20

Diamantina Shire Events 2012

Betoota Gymkhana & Motorbike Event Friday, April 13 - Sunday, April 15, 2012

For further information contact: Lorraine Kath (07) 4656 4949

Birdsville Gymkhana, Rodeo & Bikekhana Friday, June 22 – Sunday, June 24, 2012 For further information contact: Don and Judy Rayment (07) 4656 3321 or the Wirrarri VIC (07) 4656 3300.

Bedourie Campdraft, Rodeo and Gymkhana Saturday, June 30 - Sunday, July 1, 2012 For further information contact: Steve and Jeena Cramer (07) 4746 1236

Bedourie Camel Races Saturday, July 7, 2012 For further information contact the Diamantina Visitors Centre 1300 794 257.

Birdsville Bronco Branding Friday, May 11 - Sunday, May 13, 2012 For further information contact: Don and Judy Rayment (07) 4656 3321 or the Wirrarri VIC (07) 4656 3300.

Betoota Races Saturday, August 25, 2012 For further information contact: Bev & Geoff Morton (07) 4656 3250.

Birdsville Races Friday, August 31 & Saturday, September 1, 2012 For further information contact: Diamantina Visitors Centre 1300 794 257

Bedourie Races Friday, September 7 and Saturday, September 8, 2012 For further information contact: Garth and Kathi Tully (07) 4746 1219

Bedourie Outback Ute & Traveller’s Muster Friday, September 7 and Saturday, September 8, 2012 For further information, contact the Diamantina Visitors Centre on 1300 794 257 or email [email protected]

Bedourie Bikekhana Saturday, December 1, 2012 For more information contact Joanne Lewington (07) 4746 1202 or email [email protected]

Page 21: Dec 2011 - Volume 4 Issue 47.pdf


Name Position Business Hours


After Hours


• Cr Rob Dare Mayor (07) 4746 1291 (07) 4746 1205

• Cr Barry Gaffney Deputy Mayor (07) 4656 3236 (07) 4656 3236

• Cr Garth Tully Councillor (07) 4746 1219 (07) 4746 1219

• Cr Joyce Crombie Councillor (07) 4746 1113 (07) 4746 1045

• Scott Mason Chief Executive Officer (07) 4746 1202 (07) 4746 1009

• Vacant Deputy Chief Executive


(07) 4746 1202

• Trevor Stewart Works Manager (07) 4746 1202 (07) 4746 1021

• Shane Kelly Corporate Services


(07) 4746 1202 (07) 4746 1299

• Jenny Neale Finance Manager (07) 4746 1202 (07) 4746 1109

• Steven Baldwin Tourism and Community


(07) 4656 3300

(07) 4656 3331

0408 824 179

• Paul Veal Birdsville Town Services


(07) 4656 3350 (07) 4656 3069

• Jodie Girdler Bedourie Town Services


(07) 4746 1202 (07) 4746 1160

• Cr Steve Cramer Councillor (07) 4746 1236 (07) 4746 1236

Contact details:

Shire Profile

The Diamantina Shire is the second largest shire in Queensland, with an area of approximately 95,000 square kilometres and a population of

350 people. The 95,000 square kilometres includes three towns – Birdsville, Bedourie and Betoota. The shire is

predominantly a beef producing area containing some of the best contaminant-free natural fattening country in Australia.

The Diamantina Shire shares borders with the Northern Territory and South Australia and lies within the region known as the Channel

Country. The Diamantina and Georgina Rivers, Cooper and Eyre Creek are the main players in a network in western Queensland Rivers.

These three great river systems draw water from an area of 556,000 square kilometres. In the regular dry periods these systems contain

numerous waterholes that can vary in depth and length.

Points of Interests

Betoota Birdsville Bedourie

• Deon’s Lookout • Big Red Sandhill • Aquatic Centre

• Betoota Hotel • Waddi Trees • Mud Hut

• Browns Creek Camping Area • Simpson Desert National Park • Diamantina National Park

• The Bilby Way • Cuttaburra Crossing

• Carcoory Ruins • Historic Hotel

• Burke & Wills Campsite

To add your name to the newsletter mailing/email list, or to change your contact details, please advise

Mrs Jo Lewington on 07 4746 1202 or email [email protected]. Alternatively, you may elect

to remove your name from the mailing list and access the newsletter via the shire website at ����


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