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Page 1: Decadal Survey Overall Applications Themes

GEO-CAPE Workshop:Applications Perspective

from NASA

Lawrence FriedlNASA Earth Science Division

Applied Sciences Program

August 18, 2008

Page 2: Decadal Survey Overall Applications Themes

Decadal SurveyOverall Applications Themes

Applications of Earth science to the benefit of society:

- Move from Serendipity to Design

- Need to Build Capacity to Design Applications and Apply to Decisions

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Decadal SurveyApplications-oriented Statements

“Although promoting societal benefits and applications from basic research has been emphasized in national science policy discussions for decades, policy and decision makers at federal, state, and local levels also increasingly recognize the value of evidence-based policy making, which draws on scientific findings and understandings.”

Recommendation:“…a renewal of the national commitment to a program of Earth observations in which attention to securing practical benefits for humankind play an equal role with the quest to acquire new knowledge about the Earth system.”

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Decadal SurveyApplications-oriented Statements (cont.)

Benefits of Earth science accrue both from gains in scientific research and from the application of scientific information in decision making.

Mission strategy includes research into key drivers of measurement needs for societal decision making.

Success in using Earth science data for applications of benefit to society will require research as well as data.

Multi-disciplinary approaches – linking natural/physical sciences and social sciences

Scientists engaged in research intended to make both scientific and societal contributions must operate differently than they did when advancement of science was the primary or only goal of research.

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Decadal SurveyGEO Architecture

GEO – Group on Earth Observations

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Decadal SurveyApplications-oriented Statements (cont.)

Capacity development within Earth science and applied communities:

- Capacity to identify requirements of applied users of data and information

- Capacity of managers, decision makers, policy makers to obtain and use data and information

- Capacity of institutions and organizations to apply new types of data and information to traditional processes and decision making activities

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Decadal SurveyNASA Applications Perspective

Key Programmatic Drivers- Need to move from serendipity to systematic, coordinated approaches

- Support connections between physical and social sciences to enable documentation of societal benefits

- Need to support capacity building activities, including applied research and end users abilities’ to use products

- Broker collaboration between research and applied users

- Foster identification of potential benefits of practicable applications to help justify mission expenditures and build interest in research results

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Applied Sciences ProgramImplementation Approaches (cont.)

Earth Science Community • Build familiarity with applied

community decision making

• Consideration of societal benefits (beyond scientific knowledge)

• Data products that address applied community - Error characterizations - Product delivery times - Grid-scales - Sub-setting to key areas

Applied Community • Build familiarity with NASA

mission development

• Build internal capacity to handle Earth science data

• Contribute ground data & observations

• Calibration/validation support

• Engage in field studies

• Feedback on data product efficacy

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Applied Sciences ProgramInternal Changes

“The current U.S. government-wide emphasis on ensuring societal benefits from Earth observing systems is unprecedented, and presents a special opportunity for NASA to enhance its focus on achieving such benefits. The [NRC] committee views Applied Sciences Program as a key asset for fulfilling the emerging national commitment to societal benefits.”


“Review and help establish requirements for Decadal Survey missions for effective extension of data and research to applications that meet societal needs.”

Assessment of the NASA Applied Sciences ProgramNational Research Council, 2007

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Decadal SurveyNASA Applications Perspective

Range of roles of Applications-oriented representatives on Mission Teams

- Articulate end users’ priority applied science questions- Identify applications-oriented benefits of technology trade-offs- Contribute direct or indirect resources- Identify applications and potential societal benefits, - Support calibration and validation- Encourage applied community’s interest and advocacy for the mission and research findings

This involvement can strengthen the community’s abilities to understand upcoming measurements and enable early insights into new, potential applications and societal benefits from the missions.

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Applied Sciences ProgramInternal Changes

Changes in Work at NASA Applied Sciences

• Decadal survey mission teams

• Applied Sciences teams– Focused on specific, applied topics

• Capacity building activities– Techniques to determine socioeconomic benefits

• Solicitations– Support efforts “between” research and applications

– Project portfolio across a range of risk

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Decadal SurveyApplications & Mission Definition

Applications of Earth science for societal benefit:

- Move from Serendipity to Design

- Need to Build Capacity to Design Applications and Apply to Decisions

Proposal / Challenge to GEO-CAPE:

Develop an Applied Sciences Traceability Matrix

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