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Page 1: December 2012 Cornerstone

Irvington Presbyterian Church Fremont, CA December, 2012


Worship 10:15 a.m.

(Nursery and Children

Sunday School During


Irvington Chinese

Presbyterian Service:

10:15 a.m.

Weekdays at IPC 9

December Highlights

Church Directory

Bible Studies

Inside this issue:

Music Ministry 2

Missions News 3

Session News /Notes 4

Youth Ministry 5

Deacons Update 5

Children’s Ministry 6

Activities Update 7

Congregation News 8

Your Congregation 10

December Calendar 11

Mailing 12

In studying generosity this season, I have learned a great deal from Chip

Ingram, Pastor of Venture Church in Los Gatos who introduced me to this

idea of the “Ladder of Generosity.”

The giving of Christmas begins with God’s huge generosity to us.

“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift.” 2(Corinthians 9:15). Let us look

at each of the main players in the events surrounding

the birth of Jesus through the lens of generosity.

The wise men knew that someone special was

about to be born. They brought valuable gifts of gold

incense and myrrh. To give material things is the first

step in the ladder of the genius of generosity.

The shepherds gave their time. When the angels

left, they left their sheep and went into the town to see

the baby. They had the privilege of becoming the first evangelists because

they responded to God in obedience and genuine devotion.

The greatest gift of all is love, and love is well expressed in time you give

to someone. God didn’t ask Joseph for his money or his time, but rather to

sacrifice his reputation. All Joseph knew was that his fiancée was pregnant

and that he wasn’t the father. For all appearances, she betrayed him and he

did not make a stand. He looked like a fool; but he accepted his fate out of

love and obedience to God.

Mary had dreams and hopes, but when the angel Gabriel appeared to

her and told her what was about to happen, whatever future Mary envisioned

was gone. The blessing of mothering the Messiah would come at enormous

cost. She simply said, “May it be to me as you have said.” Luke 1:38. The

last and greatest step in the ladder of generosity: Jesus gave his very life.

Mark 10:45 “The son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to

give his life as a ransom for many.”

Generosity is a lifestyle that flows out of a heart of love and worship.

God invites us to enter into deeper levels of generosity. He wants to give us

far more than most of us are ready or willing to receive. True generosity

does not stop with possessions, it starts with them.

Yours in the love of Christ, Pastor Michael

The Ladder of GenerosityThe Ladder of Generosity

Page 2: December 2012 Cornerstone

Irvington Presbyterian Church page 2 December, 2012

- Daniel Khuc Music Ministry

“Angels we have heard on high, sweetly singing o’er the plains, and the mountain in reply, echoing

their joyous strains…”

Do you hear what I hear?

Every year, Christmas music leads the grand parade of sights and smells that will

soon follow. Eagerly we all hum, sing, and whistle these familiar carols and

songs starting in the middle of November. Some may feel rushed into Christmas

when “Jingle Bells” starts playing during a shopping trip for turkey, but it’s hard for

Thanksgiving to really compete. Thanksgiving does not have songs as memorable as “White

Christmas” or as catchy as “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”. “Have a Holly Jolly Thanksgiving”

just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

For a brief moment, I invite you to sit back, relax and close your eyes. Imagine the wonderful

sounds and sweet voices that you may have heard during past Christmas seasons. Maybe Christ-

mas sounds to you like festive carolers, a full house of relatives or busy shopping malls. Some

people will hear the soft patter of footprints in the snow or the growling of a warm fireplace. You

might even hear the humorous complaints of a warm winter here in California or “Merry Christmas”

in ten different languages. Other people might remember Christmas with the cheers of delight as a

loved one opened a gift, while others may cherish the simple phrase, “We’re home!”. Do your

Christmas sounds include a dash of sleigh bells, a cup of jolly laughter, or a bunch of musical

Christmas cards? From the softest Christmas prayer to the loudest Christmas Parade, there is still

lots of room for more memories to be made.

Luke 2: 8-12 8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at

night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around

them, and they were terrified. 10

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you

good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11

Today in the town of David a Savior

has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12

This will be a sign to you: You will find

a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Can you imagine being the shepherds who had heard this wonderful news? I am sure they heard

a message they would never forget. This December, we hope to share and make music that will

inspire our congregation to spread the good news to all. We invite everyone to come and take part

in the joyous celebrations for the birthday of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Lend your voice or your ears.

We all appreciate your prayers and support during this time.

With the symphony of different sounds and memories that you and I may have for Christmas, there

is a clear message that still rings loud throughout this Christmas season: “Jesus Christ is Born!”

God Bless you and have a Merry Christmas!

“Let His praise be heard around the world, and let His love been known by all.”

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Irvington Presbyterian Church page 3 December, 2012

MissionS News Paul and Alice Ryon serve with Christar, one of the Missions supported by IPC. They live in Leices-

ter, a large city in the middle of England known by many as “Little India.” This

is because the population consists of a large number of Indian immigrants,

with one major group being the Gujarati. The Ryons work with this Hindu

group, sharing the good news of Jesus. Paul and Alice have spent many

years learning the Gujarati language which is spoken in Gujarat, in North-West

India. They have formed a lovely group of Gujarati people who meet regularly

to learn about Jesus Christ. Some have come to put their trust in Him and will receive eternal life.

While Patti and I were in the UK in October this year, we had the privilege of spending a weekend

with Paul and Alice. They attend St. Theodore’s Church of England where I had the pleasure of

preaching one Sunday morning. We also toured Leicester and observed colorful Hindu decorations

on the typically English streets. In the evening, I had an opportunity to share my testimony with the

Gujarati group. My study and rejection of Hinduism before I came to faith in Christ, prepared me to

understand and relate to some of the spiritual struggles faced by this group.

Paul and Alice greatly appreciate IPC’s support and prayers. Patti and I enjoyed the graciousness of

their warm hospitality; and we were all blessed to share this wonderful time together.

Yours in Christ, the hope of all nations.

Your Missions Team is hosting a Tri-City Volunteers "Holiday Food Barrel" from Monday November

25, through Sunday December 17. Bring in your donation of canned and packaged goods and place

in the barrel located in the Narthex. These will be used to prepare food baskets that

will be distributed to children, low income families and seniors. The Tri-City

Volunteers’ mission is to eliminate hunger and food insecurity in the Fremont,

Newark and Union City area where thousands of adults cannot provide sufficient

food for their families.

Your generosity has the power to transform the life of someone who is hungry.

Holiday Food Barrel Holiday Food Barrel -- Editors

It is that wonderful time of the year when we can all give a little to help many. Bring your unwrapped

gifts for persons of any age on December 9, and celebrate with us.

You may include paper and ribbon if you wish. These gifts will be

distributed by Tri-City Volunteers to families in our community who

may not otherwise receive a gift this Christmas. The Lord has done

so much for us so let us respond with generous hearts.

If you are unable to come to Church you may ship or drop off your gifts in the office.

All gifts will be delivered on Monday December 10.

Birthday Party for Jesus - Bonnie Nichols, Teresa Oliver

Paul and Alice Ryon Paul and Alice Ryon -- Pastor Michael

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Irvington Presbyterian Church page 4 December, 2012

Session News & Notes - Editors

Finance - Don Carson

Income: General Giving in the latest report peri-

od continued the current trend. The end of year

projection is now closer to $200K, but still higher

than the budgeted amount.

Expenses remain within budget thus a balanced

budget for 2012. There will be a special Meeting

on December 12. to discuss the 2013 budget.

Stewardship - Jeff Jaycox

Pledge Drive Meetings were completed with

good turnout and discussions.

Session thanked Elder Jeff and Deacon Karen

for their dedication and significant contributions

to the IPC family and wished them blessings for

continued success. They will be missed.

Worship Committee - Pat Jeffries

The Worship Committee is planning the Annual

Christmas Show with songs by the IPC Choir,

Praise Band, Youth and Children. There will be

a Christmas Eve service. Families were select-

ed to light the Advent Candles in December.

Church Alive - Russ Pennelly

Talent Show - A great show and a fun time for

all. Special thanks to all our performers and

helpers. Dean & Heather for the slide show and

"turkey act". To Ron for his fine MC work. To

Dave for his behind the scenes stage work even

if the "chop" was early. To Darlene and Mary

Lou for the after-party snacks.

The Ministry Faire will be scheduled in 2013.

The success of FUN Singles is giving impetus to

a Couples Group that is being discussed.

Nominating Committee - Joe DiMaggio

NOM COM presented candidates for Deacons,

Elders and the Mission Study Team that were

unanimously elected to serve. The installation

and ordination of Officers will be on January 6.

Christian Equipping - Lynnette Ariathurai

Sunday morning children worship continues to be

a strong program with an average of 10 kids.

Ikidz “Angel Breakfast” for children grades 2-6 is

scheduled for December 15. BLAST had a suc-

cessful Thanksgiving Dinner on November 13.

Discussions have begun on starting English as a

Second Language and possibly an Elementary

After School Program at IPC in the future.

Youth Ministry will participate in the Christmas

Program and an evening of bowling on 12/16.

Missions - K and M Baksh

Mission will hold the Annual “Birthday Party for

Jesus” on December 9, and host a “Holiday Food

Barrel” in the Narthex from 11/28 - Dec 17.

The Missions Team will be represented at the

Stewardship Meetings.

Peggy Handono was added to the Team.

Clerk’s Report - Ron Fong

The election of Church Officers and the Mission

Study Team Members were completed at the

November 18 Congregational Meeting with 55

Church Members and a representative from

COM in attendance.

The Clerk is requesting that departments submit

their input for the Annual Report by 1/17/2013.

The Annual Congregational Meeting is planned

for February 10, 2013.

The following four motions were approved:

Minutes of November 1, Session Meeting.

Minutes of November 18, Congregation Meeting.

Three Letters of Transfer from active member-

ship and two from inactive membership.

Special Session Meeting on December 9, to

formally receive two new members .

Boy Scout Troop 102:

Completing re-charter with Troop for 2013.

Troop is working with B&G for storage space.

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Irvington Presbyterian Church page 5 December, 2012

Youth Ministry - Alishan Merjanian

Did you know that the God who created the universe wants us to know him? This is the meaning of

Christmas. We could endlessly seek God but never find him, except that he makes

himself known to us. The eternal Word of God, who was with God in the beginning,

and who is God; the one who made all things that have been made became flesh

and dwelt among us. He was born in a barn over 2000 years ago, so that we could

see His Glory, and receive grace upon grace, and blessing upon blessing. Through

His blood we are washed from our sins and made new. In his resurrection we live

in hope that one day all death will be abolished, and every tear will be wiped away.

This is my goal in our Youth Ministry. I want us all to know these truths deeply: I want our youth to

see the glory of Jesus Christ, the only Son from the Father, and I want them to believe in him, trust

him, love Him, follow Him, and serve Him. As we are built up by Christ, we are built into His Church

and called to love one another as He loved us.

This is an exciting season for our church, as God calls us back to our mission. Each of us has an

opportunity to connect with a youth and lovingly support them on their journey into adulthood. There

are many activities that allow you to reach out to our youth at IPC. Join us at:

High School events in December:

Sunday morning Bible study: The Gospel of John.

Sundays after-church: Lunch and hang out.

Sundays 7pm: 12Stones Fellowship.

When our college students come back briefly on their winter break, we will be resuming

12Stones College meetings on Thursdays at 7pm starting December 13.

Our special events this month are:

Annual Christmas Concert: Saturday December 15, at 7 PM

Bowling at Cloverleaf Bowl on Grimmer: Sunday December 16, at 3 PM

Deacons News - Peggy Handono

The meeting was opened in prayer by Shirley Murray followed by a short devotional read

by Bonnie Burger. Seven Deacons were present.

In keeping with the Deacons’ annual tradition of celebrating the birth of Christ, poinsettias

to decorate the sanctuary will again be available for purchase by signing up with Shirley Murray on

Sunday, December 2 and 9. You may also place your order by calling Shirley at 408-269-1516.

Poinsettias can be dedicated to a loved one, in memory of someone dear to you, a sick friend or any

other occasion. The plants will be placed in the sanctuary on December 16, and may be picked up

after worship service on December 24. The cost of each Poinsettia is $8.50.

This year Deacons will adopt/sponsor a family for the holiday season. A local charity organization

will recommend a family that needs special help this year. The Deacons have assigned a member

from their team to present a check covering the cost of food and presents for the selected family.

Merry Christm

as IPC!

Merry Christm

as IPC!

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Irvington Presbyterian Church page 6 December, 2012

Children’s Ministry – Jeanette Beland

BLAST celebrated its annual Thanksgiving Family Dinner November

13th. Our Families dined on a traditional turkey dinner with all the

fixings courtesy of our amazing IPC community. Together we dined

and shared many family stories. For several of our family members,

this was their first experience of an American Thanksgiving

Celebration. There was something absolutely wonderful about

hearing snippets of information from each table explaining some of

the foods, and how each family celebrates this day in their own

unique way. After an amazing dinner, and sumptuous pumpkin pie

our families had an opportunity to experience a lesson from our

weekly curriculum. Parents shared that they learned some new

concepts from the Bible and were a bit humbled that their kids

understood theological and biblical concepts better than they did. IPC

members and Children’s Ministry Team Volunteers went out of their

way to open and build bridges in welcoming our neighborhood into

our IPC family.

Sincere thanks to all who helped make this a memorable evening.

December 15th 9-11 a.m.

Irvington Presbyterian Church

4181 Irvington Avenue

510.657.3133 to RSVP

Page 7: December 2012 Cornerstone

Irvington Presbyterian Church page 7 December, 2012

Activities Update

Social Groups

IPC’s Annual Christmas Concert begins at 7PM, Saturday December 15. Celebrate the season with

songs by IPC Choir, Praise Group, Youth and Children. Bring your friends,

neighbors and family members and join us for this special event. This year’s

program will feature a duet with Pastor Michael on the guitar and Patti on the

flute. Peggy Handono will also be sharing a special Christmas piece during

the program. The Choir and Praise Group will lead the congregation in singing Christmas carols.

All are invited for good tidings and cheer in the Social Hall after the program.

Ladies Monthly Luncheon Ladies Monthly Luncheon - June Dawson

There will be no luncheon scheduled for the month of December. Join us in

January 2013 for a great meal, fellowship and happy times together:

Date: January 15, 2013,

Restaurant: Ming’s Szechwan Restaurant ,

Address: 3915 Washington Boulevard, Fremont. (across from Safeway).

Contact: June Dawson, (510) 656-2277 to confirm your attendance.

IPC F.U.N IPC F.U.N - Bonnie Burger

Sunday December 2, we are celebrating our six-month anniversary with a pot-luck din-

ner at Jean Landrum’s home - 5033 Brian Court, Fremont, CA. (RSVP Bonnie Burger).

Our first Christmas Party will be on Saturday December 8, at Cynthia’s Tea House on

Bay Street, beginning at 11:30 AM.

Contact Bonnie Burger (510) 468 4656

Christmas ConcertChristmas Concert - Daniel Khuc, Alishan Merjanian

Karen Jaycox, Program Coordinator for TCFBP, and her family are planning to leave IPC and

Fremont. The Jaycox family will be missed by everyone. The TCFBP team will especially miss

Karen’s steadfast leadership. We are grateful for her hard work, commitment and dedication to the

success of this program. The Jaycox family are in our thoughts and prayers as they pursue their

new adventure.

The Program Steering Committee selected Gerlinde Mardirosian as the new TCFBP Coordinator.

We are blessed to have her long tenure of volunteer experience working in the program. Her dedi-

cation includes, but is not limited to, waking up every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to arrive in

the Social Hall kitchen at 5:00AM, help prepare breakfast and open the doors for serving our guests

at 7:00 AM. Gerlinde is a willing and cheerful volunteer who is well liked, respected and appreciated

by the team and our guests. We extend our prayers and best wishes for success in her new role.

Tri City Free Breakfast Program (TCFBP)Tri City Free Breakfast Program (TCFBP) - June Dawson

Page 8: December 2012 Cornerstone

Congregation News

Irvington Presbyterian Church page 8 December, 2012

Carol Reavis

Kamroon and Mustapha Baksh

Nichole and Justin Chaikin

Kathy and Pat Jeffries

Delores Anderson - Kurtz and

Edward Kurtz

Leah and David Wiseman

Bradley Cartier

Pat Hughes

Leila Kalin

Pastor Michael

Denise Pennelly

Jeanne Stachowiak

Virginia Stull

Beverly Wagner

Michael Young

Lisa Young

Holiday Worship ScheduleHoliday Worship Schedule

December 23 at 10:15 am: Regular Service with lots of Joy and Christmas songs.

Christmas Eve at 7 pm: Service, Blessings, Carols and Readings from Prophets.

Moderator Pastor Michael opened the meting with prayer

at 11:18 AM. In attendance were 55 Church members

and Karen Merris, laison from the Committee on Ministry.

Church Officer Elections: Elder Joe DiMaggio present-

ed the slate of nominees from the Nominating Committee.

Since there were no nominations from the floor, all nomi-

nees were unanimously elected as follows:


Class of 2013: Alexis DiMaggio and Cathy Jeffries

Class of 2014: Denise Pennelly

Class of 2015: Mary Lou Craig and Dawn Lunn


Class of 2015: Helen Jorgensen, Dean Ostdiek and

Heather Ostdiek

The installation and Ordination of new Officers will be

held on Sunday January 6 during worship.

Pastoral Call: At the November 13, meeting, Presbytery

approved the dissolution of the call for Pastor Michael as

Senior Pastor of IPC on or before August 31, 2013.

Mission Study Team: Elder Joe DiMaggio chair of The

Nominating Committee presented nominees to serve on

the Mission Study Team. There were no nominees from

the floor. After two questions were answered, members

voted for Deloris Anderson, Lynnette Ariathurai, Marion

Bade, Nick McClure and Ron Fong to serve.

Sincere thanks to the outgoing officers class of 2012

for their faithful service:

Deacon: Deloris Anderson

Elders: Don Carson, Joe DiMaggio, Jeff Jaycox and

Dave Wegener

Congregational Meeting of November 18Congregational Meeting of November 18

Page 9: December 2012 Cornerstone

Irvington Presbyterian Church page 9 December, 2012

Pastor: Rev. Michael Boyland

Chinese Pastor: Dick Hwang

Youth Ministries Director : Alishan Merjanian

Children Ministries Director: Jeanette Beland

Worship Leader: Alishan Merjanian

Worship Administrator/Organist: Daniel Khuc

Office Manager: Frankie Cabral

Men’s Bible Study - This class meets with Pastor Michael at Bay Street Coffee Roasting

Friday mornings from 8 am to 9 am. .

Women's Bible Study - Women meet weekly in the McKowen Room. The theme is 102

fascinating Bible studies. Contact Betty Blizel for details.

Home Bible Study - Regularly scheduled bi-weekly Bible Classes at Mary Ellen’s house is

on break and will resume January 15. Contact Mary Ellen McKowen for additional details.

Weekdays at IPC

Address: 4181 Irvington Avenue

P.O. Box 1336,

Fremont, CA 94538

Phone: (510) 657 3133

Fax: (510) 657 7040

Email: [email protected]

Church DirectoryChurch Directory

The Church office is open Monday - Friday each week from 8 AM to 12 noon, except on holidays. If

you would like to meet with Pastor Michael, you may schedule an appointment by calling the office.

Mondays: Women’s Bible Study

Tuesdays: BLAST

Wednesdays: Band and Choir Practice

Sundays: 12Stones Fellowship

Fridays: Men’s Bible Study - Bay St Coffee

6 - Worship Committee Meeting

8 - FUN Singles Christmas Party

9 - Birthday Party for Jesus

1 - 17 - Holiday Food Barrel

13 - Mission Team Meeting

14 - Church Alive Meeting

15 - Annual Christmas Concert

15 - Angel Breakfast

18 - Deacons Meeting

20 - Session Meeting

24 - Christmas Eve Service

Bible StudiesBible Studies

Highlights for DecemberHighlights for December

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Irvington Presbyterian Church page 10 December, 2012

Knowing Your Congregation - Editors

Peggy and Johnny Handono became members of IPC in 2007. Peggy started attending

church in 2006 and recalls being impressed with the choir which, at that time, was under the direc-

tion of Dan Chaikin. She recalls feeling welcomed by “Murry’s warm greetings

and inspired by Mary Ellen’s love for the Lord and willingness to share her vast

knowledge of scriptures. Both Peggy and Johnny are impressed with Pastor

Michael’s knowledge and understanding of their Indonesian culture and his

ability to greet them in their native language. Peggy’s interest in singing in the

church choir was encouraged by Jonathan Fadner, who became Music Director

in 2010. She volunteered for both choir and praise band and continues to

praise the Lord with her melodious voice every Sunday morning during worship.

After relocating to Fremont, both Peggy and Johnny attended Newark Presbyterian Church. It was

there that Johnny was baptized by Pastor Bob Hampel after receiving spiritual mentoring from him.

When Peggy started singing in the choir and praise band, Johnny started attending IPC. They are

now happily settled in their church home.

Both Peggy and Johnny were born into Christian families. Johnny and his family attended a

Seventh Day Adventist Church. He received his early education at a Protestant school close to the

Catholic school that Peggy attended. Peggy had a Catholic upbringing with her mom and sisters.

Peggy and Johnny knew of each other but did not start dating until Peggy returned to Jakarta from

her boarding -school education in Holland. They married and had their first child, Harry, before

emigrating to the United States. They spent a few years in Texas and then moved to Fremont, CA.

Their beautiful Adriana was born in the United States.

Johnny is very happy with his church home and family at IPC. He is presently working on enhancing

his spiritual growth by attending small-group meetings and home bible classes. He would like to

“connect with other Christians who respect each other regardless of their ethnic background.” Peggy

feels that developing her spiritual growth is still a learning process. She is “still getting to know the

Lord.” She has always been a Christian, but her faith became stronger after the birth of her first

child. Because of a medical error, she was given a wrong blood type causing many complications

including coma. She was pronounced “dead” by the doctors caring for her and just as she was

about to be “wheeled away,” felt life come to her arms and enough strength to push a tray of instru-

ments to the ground. Peggy was able to see her baby boy for the first time, four months after her

recovery at the hospital. “I thank the Lord every day for giving me the chance to see my children

grow up” I cherish this gift of life with all of my heart.”

Besides her work in the church choir and praise band, Peggy is presently serving as a Deacon in

IPC and recently joined the Missions Team. Johnny volunteers his time and talents as the church

photographer. He videos each Sunday Worship, posts them on You Tube and provides pictures for


We feel lucky to know and to share many happy experiences with this wonderful Christian family.

The Lord has blessed us with their love and friendship and for this we are truly grateful to Him.

Johnny, Adriana, Peggy

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4181 Irvington Avenue

P.O. Box 1366

Fremont, CA 94538-0133


Non-Profit Organization



Permit No. 52

Fremont, CA

Please Note: December 21 is the deadline for our January issue.

All articles are to be delivered in writing to the church office or by email to:

[email protected]. Cornerstone is the medium to keep your current

and past congregation members informed of all activities at IPC.

Your timely submissions are important to everyone.

We appreciate the time and dedication of all We appreciate the time and dedication of all

who submitted articles and provided who submitted articles and provided

information for the December issue. Special information for the December issue. Special

thanks to Peggy and Johnny Handono for thanks to Peggy and Johnny Handono for

sharing their history and to Jeane Garrett for sharing their history and to Jeane Garrett for

her help with editing.her help with editing.

You play a significant role as we work together You play a significant role as we work together

in the name of Christ.in the name of Christ.

This month’s Cornerstone pictures were This month’s Cornerstone pictures were

provided courtesy of: provided courtesy of:

Peggy Handono and Johnny Peggy Handono and Johnny


Color printing provided by Color printing provided by

Ken Ariathurai.Ken Ariathurai.


Kamroon and Mustapha BakshKamroon and Mustapha Baksh

Your EditorsYour Editors

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