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Page 1: December Newsletter

Wayne Central SChool DiStriCt

Wayne Central School District is proposing a facilities preservation project for your consideration on December 14, 2011.

The project is focused on the restoration and maintenance of our current buildings. The improvements being proposed are based on three requirements, health, safety and asset preservation.

The school district spends approximately $120,000 to $250,000 addressing maintenance needs on a yearly basis. However, larger needs such as those included in this project exceed this budget. By proposing a Facilities Preservation Project to the community this December, the district will be able to fund $10,871,896 of the $14,871,896 project using aid. This is the most economical way to address larger scale maintenance needs without increasing school taxes.

The last time that the district addressed facility needs at this level was in the 1992 project. In the projects that followed some maintenance needs were addressed, however those were of a much smaller proportion.






ProPosed Facilities Preservation Project vote december 14

Learn more about this project by visiting

our website at www.wayne.k12.ny.us or by visiting our

Facebook page at www.facebook.com/pages/Wayne-


Project/2973185 66956124

Boiler replacement

water damage repair

replace corroding pipes

Voting InformationVote DateWednesday, December 14, 2011

Voting Hours9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Polling PlaceJames A. Beneway High School’s Gymnasium Lobby 6200 Ontario Center Road

Absentee BallotsAbsentee ballots are available from the District Clerk’s office by calling 315-524-1011. Absentee ballots must be received by 5 p.m. on December 14.

Your school taxes will not increase as a result of this project.

Page 2: December Newsletter


• Replacing the public address system that was originally installed in 1992. This system is outdated and replacement parts are no longer available.

• Replacing the clock system with atomic clocks ensuring that each building and classroom reports the same time.

• Replacing roofs on the 1992 additions. These roofs are out of warranty and have begun to deteriorate.

• Replacing deteriorating hot water heaters. The hot water heaters throughout the district are at the end of their life cycle and are no longer energy efficient.

• Adding sidewalks around the perimeter of every building in order to provide safe secondary fire exits for students.

James a. Beneway high school:

• Upgrading the emergency generator so that it will have the capacity to support all life safety systems, such as boilers, coolers, circulating pumps, phone and public address systems.

• Upgrading the fire alarm system to an addressable system and replacing old pull stations, circa 1949.

• Replacing windows that are allowing water infiltration and no longer have working seals.

• Installing window screens in order to prevent insects, such as bees, from entering the classrooms and to provide better air circulation.

• Replacing galvanized water pipes. Rust particles are entering into the school’s water stations and eye wash stations.

• Correcting the root cause of water damage in the Performing Art Center.

• Replacing the 1992 electric kitchen booster heater with an energy efficient gas fired unit.

• Updating outdated circulating and condensate pumps for the heating system.

• Adding a passive restraint entryway in order to ensure that visitors entering the building check-in at the main office.

• Replacing gymnasium bleachers with updated bleachers that have railings and stairways making them more accessible to visitors.

• Building a new, centrally located concession stand that includes restrooms.

• Upgrading the camera security system in the building to provide full coverage and better imagery.

• Replacing the gymnasium sound system.

• Updating fused electrical panels.

The high school needs a passive restraint entryway.

water damage in the performing arts center and chorus wing needs to be addressed.

The concession stand is a wood construction that is a fire hazard.

clock and public address systems are outdated and not functioning properly.

1992 roofs are at the end of their scheduled life.

hot water heaters are at the of their life and are not energy efficient.

The high school emergency generator does not have the capacity to run all life safety systems.

high school supply water piping is deteriorating.

Project list

Page 3: December Newsletter

thomas c. armstrong miDDle school:

• Replacing the emergency generator, which is original to the building, circa 1969.

• Replacing the 1992 fire alarm system. Replacement parts are no longer available and this system was cited on the insurance recommendation list.

• Replacing single paned windows that are original to the building and are not energy efficient.

• Adding screens to the windows.

• Repaving the parking lot.

• Replacing 1969 boilers that are only 73% efficient with boilers that will be 95% efficient.

• Replacing 1969 circulating pumps with new energy efficient variable speed pumps.

• Increasing the pitch of the sanitary lines located in the middle school basement in order to prevent waste backups.

• Improving kitchen ventilation. Currently the air intakes take the supply air off of the hot roof.

• Replacing kitchen electric steam boiler with an energy efficient gas boiler.

• Replacing the kitchen and central coolers and freezers that have failing insulation and are original to the building.

• Replacing the deteriorating water main.

• Reconfiguring the cafeteria serving lines in order to improve traffic flow.

• Replacing damaged lockers.

• Replacing classroom doors that are original to the building.

ontario elementary school:

• Replacing the emergency generator that was reused from the high school and was installed in 1998.

• Replacing the 1986 roof.

• Repairing damage from water infiltration in the boiler room. Water is running down the electrical panels causing a safety hazard.

• Adding climate controls in the 2nd and 3rd floors of the building.

• Upgrading restrooms that are original to the building.

• Adding a passive restraint entryway.

• Replacing electric kitchen boiler with an energy efficient gas boiler.

The middle school emergency generator does not have the capacity to run all life safety systems.

The water main that runs under the middle school parking lot is leaking causing extended damage.

The slope of the sanitary line in the middle school basement is minimal, causing backups.

The electric boiler in the middle school is at the end of its life and is no longer efficient.

The middle school circulating pumps are original to the building, circa 1969 and need to be replaced.

The mechanical room in ontario elementary has water damage causing a safety hazard.

ontario elementary does not have a passive restraint entryway.

The walls in ontario elementary’s boiler room are crumbling.

water is infiltrating the electrical panel in ontario elementary causing corrosion and is a safety hazard. Continued on next page

Page 4: December Newsletter

Freewill elementary school:

• Upgrading the emergency generator so that it will have the capacity to support all life safety systems.

• Replacing the 1992 fire alarm system.

• Repaving the parking lot.

• Repointing exterior masonry.

• Replacing the gymnasium floor which is coming apart at the seams and buckling causing a tripping hazard.

• Installing kitchen ventilation.

• Replacing original walk-in freezer and cooler.

• Replacing hallway coat hooks with enclosed units to prevent exit hazards.

ontario Primary school:

• Upgrading the emergency generator so that it will have the capacity to support all life safety systems.

• Replacing windows that are allowing water infiltration and no longer have working seals.

• Installing window screens.

• Adding exterior lights and upgrading current lights in the parking lot.

• Adding glycol to the current heating system to prevent freezing.

• Upgrading 1963 restrooms.

• Replacing damaged slate panels in the front of the building.

• Replacing carpeting in the 1992 addition.

The gymnasium floor in Freewill is cracking at the seams causing a tripping hazard.

coat hooks in Freewill are not enclosed causing an exit hazard in the hallways.

The emergency generator at ontario Primary does not support all life safety systems.

The windows at ontario Primary are inefficient, drafty and allow water infiltration.

The restrooms at ontario Primary school are original to the building and need updating.

The existing heating loop and ontario Primary needs glycol to prevent freezing.

ontario Primary lacks adequate outdoor lighting.

Freewill’s driveway and west parking lot are deteriorating.

Freewill needs exterior brick repair.

Project list Continued from previous page

Page 5: December Newsletter

Frequently asked questionsWhat are we investing in each building? • $5,368,556 in the high school • $3,675,990 in the middle school • $1,472,980 in Freewill Elementary • $1,895,613 in Ontario Elementary • $1,637,525 in Ontario Primary • $111,440 in the bus garage • $709, 792 district wide

Will this project affect what I pay in taxes?The entire Facilities Preservation Project will cost $14,871,896. This will be paid for by New York State Aid ($10,006,975), New York State E.X.C.E.L. (Expanding Our Children’s Education and Learning) money ($864,921), and a portion of the district’s Capital Reserve Fund ($4,000,000). This funding will allow the district to complete the project without raising taxes.

In the last project proposal we had a larger monetary amount coming from reserve funds. Can you explain why and what the district’s reserve funds are? As part of the financial plan for the 2010 capital project proposal, the district was going to pull money from all of its reserve funds to cover the local taxpayer share of that project. The distinct difference now is that the proposed Facilities Preservation Project is a much smaller scale project that only requires the district to use $4,000,000 from the Capital Reserve fund to cover the taxpayer share.

The district has seven different reserve funds. These funds serve the district as savings accounts for different reasons.

The district has an Unemployment Reserve

to pay unemployment bills that are due on a quarterly basis. This reserve currently has a balance of $320,608.

The second reserve fund is the Insurance Reserve. This is used to pay for insurance claims against the district that exceed our insurance policy limits. This reserve currently has a balance of $5,038,888. The district used $907,147 from this reserve this year for the General Fund Budget to offset a $1,200,000 loss in state aid.

The next reserve is the Capital Reserve. This fund currently has a $5,428,387 balance and can only be used with voter approval for capital improvements. The district is proposing to use $4,000,000 of this reserve to cover the local share of the proposed $14.8 million Facilities Preservation Project.

The next reserve is the Bus Purchase Reserve, which is used to purchases buses for the district fleet. This reserve currently has a $3,292,585 balance. The district has a five year plan for small buses and a ten year plan for large buses. The district annually spends approximately $650,000 to replace buses. The use of this reserve requires voter approval.

The next reserve is the Retirement Contribution Reserve. This reserve has a $990,286 balance, and is used to offset large increases in the required contributions the district makes to the retirement system on behalf of our civil service employees. The district is using $200,000 for the 2011-12 budget to offset a $376,000 increase in required contributions.

The next reserve is the Liability Reserve, which has a balance of $750,617, and is used to pay for any liabilities the district incurs. Examples of this would be assessment changes or legal claims against the district.

The last reserve is the Employee Benefit Accrued Liability Reserve. This reserve is used to pay employees any money due to them, as per the collective bargaining agreement, at the time of their retirement from the district, such as an early retirement incentive.

What is E.X.C.E.L. Aid? E.X.C.E.L. is part of the $2.6 billion statewide Expanding Our Children’s Education and Learning package proposed by the Legislature and approved by the Governor as part of the 2006 state budget. This initiative was established specifically to provide additional funding for school construction projects that meet the following criteria: education technology, health and safety, accessibility, physical capacity/school expansion or energy (conservation) construction. Every school district in New York is eligible for this aid dependent upon the size of its student population and their needs. Through this program Wayne Central is eligible for $864,921.

How can we ensure that the contractors that are hired do quality work? For the 2005 Capital Project the district hired LeChase construction as our construction manager. A construction manager helps ensure quality contractor workmanship. LeChase will directly oversee every aspect of the construction process.

If approved when would the actual work begin? Upon voter approval, the final plans then need to be approved by the State Education Department. We are anticipating that work will begin in the Spring of 2014.

Why has the district decided to pursue the Facilities Preservation Project at this time? It is always the goal of Wayne Central to promote a safe and inviting student learning enviroment. Due to the age of our buildings it is imperative to preserve and maintain what we have as well as address safety and compliance issues.

In addition, by having a December vote, the district would be able to ensure that we receive the maximum amount of building aid and E.X.C.E.L. funding, if approved. Proposed changes to building aid and E.X.C.E.L. funding are scheduled to take place when the next state budget is passed, which is typically on April 1st.


n Reserve - $4,000,000n E.X.C.E.L. - $864,921n State Aid - $10,006,975

Continued on next page

Page 6: December Newsletter

What happens if the State does not come through with all of the aid promised to the district? At this point in time there has been no discussion in Albany about delaying or withholding building aid for projects that are approved during 2011.

How did the district create its list for the Facilities Preservation Project? The state requires school districts to submit a Buildings Conditions Survey that defines the condition of facilities and their maintenance, including any improvements, replacements or renovations that will need to be made within five years. The district created a long-range planning committee, consisting of community members, staff and support staff to assess the needs of the district with help from the school’s architect.

Will these improvements save the district money? Anticipated energy cost savings and reduced maintenance costs will result from the upgrades we would like to do in each of our buildings.

Will my state taxes go up because of this project? All state taxpayers contribute to state building aid. State building aid is money that is reserved in the state budget every year to help schools pay for this type of project. These are taxes we have to pay whether or not Wayne Central goes forward with this work.

What if we don’t complete the work? The proposed scope of work for this project will still need to be addressed. Some of the items that need to be addressed will get worse. Postponing the project could result

in emergency repairs that would need to be paid for out of the district’s annual operating budget, which directly affects local taxes each year.

Why do our buildings need so much work? This project will address the repairs and upgrades needed to keep buildings that are over 40 years old structurally sound. The buildings have been well-maintained over the years, but some systems, such as plumbing and heating, are wearing out and can no longer be repaired. In addition, older windows, doors, freezers, and coolers are not as energy efficient as today’s models.

For more information regarding the Facilities Preservation Project visit our website at www.wayne.k12.ny.us.

proposition language

On October 20, 2011 the Wayne Central School District Board of Education approved the proposition listed below (Full-Text Version) for consideration by voters on December 14, 2011. Please take the time to review this.

legal language Quick summary

Shall the proposition set forth in the legal notice of this special voter meeting, authorizing the Wayne Central School District to undertake construction, reconstruction and equipping of school buildings and facilities, site and incidental improvements, all at an estimated maximum aggregate cost of $14,871,896; with the expenditure of $4,000,000 from the existing capital reserve fund for such costs, the issuance up to $10,871,896 of debt obligations of the School District therefor, with such tax to be offset by state aid available therefor, all as more fully described in said notice, be approved?

New York State would like to give Wayne Central $864, 921 EXCEL Aid. We will combine that money with our Building Aid of $10,006,975. We will be using $4,000,000 from our capital reserve. The total spent will not exceed $14,871,896, therefore; our goal is to create a project without an increase in local school taxes. Are you interested in supporting this project?

voter information

Voter Qualifications:• Must be 18 years of age• Must be a U.S. citizen• 30 days residency in Wayne Central School District prior

to the vote• Please have personal identification available

• No prior registration is required to vote• Absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk by

5:00 p.m., December 14 (Prior application is required for absentee ballots, for more information, please contact Cathy Luke at 315-524-1011)

Frequently asked questions Continued from previous page

Page 7: December Newsletter

Pesticide application noticeAs of July 1, 2001, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation instituted a program that requires us to provide you with information about pesticide products that may be used periodically throughout the school year. Under State law we are required to maintain a list of staff and persons in parental relation to our students who wish to receive 48-hour prior written notification of pesticide applications at relevant school facilities.

Pesticides are chemical substances used to control living organisms and vary in degree of toxicity. Pesticides may be used as part of a good pest control program. Sanitation, as well as physical and

biological control measures will be considered as another part of a good pest control program. To register with the school to be on the list for notification or for further information, please contact the Maintenance Department at 315-524-1045.

Thank you, Bob Miller, Director of Facilities

visit barnes & noble on december 10Thomas C. Armstrong Friends of Music organization is hosting a bookfair at the Webster Towne Center Barnes & Noble on December 10. Stop by and see a sneak preview of the middle school’s upcoming performance of Disney’s Little Mermaid Jr. and get some of your holiday shopping done. Any items purchased (not including gift cards or bookstore memberships) will help raise funds for the middle school’s musical. Bring this voucher with you and present it when you cash out to ensure a portion of your purchase will go to Wayne Central.

School/Org Name

Saturday, December 10, 1-4pmBarnes & Noble, Holt Road, Webster

Wayne Central Middle School

• Get a sneak preview of Wayne Central Middle School’s

upcoming production of Disney’s Little Mermaid, Jr.

December 10, 1-4pm

Barnes & Noble

Webster, Holt Road


Wayne Central

Day, Date, Time

Barnes & Noble



School/Org Name

Bookfair ID Number

Visit BN.COM/bookfairs to support us online from XX/XX/11 to XX/XX/11

by entering Bookfair ID XXXXXXXX at checkout.

A percentage of your Barnes & Noble purchases will benefit our school/organization.

join Wayne central for a Holiday concertWayne Central School District invites you to come and enjoy any or all of our Holiday concerts throughout the month of December.

Freewill Band and Chorus Concert Tuesday, December 13, 7:00 p.m.

Middle School Chorus Concert Wednesday, December 14, 7:00 p.m.

High School Chorus Christmas Concert, The Messiah Sunday, December 18, 2:00 p.m.

High School Band and Chorus Concert Monday, December 19, 7:00 p.m.

Ontario Elementary School Band and Chorus Concert Tuesday, December 20, 7:00 p.m.

Middle School Band Concert Wednesday, December 21, 7:00 p.m.

All of the concerts will take place at the High School Performing Arts Center, located at 6200 Ontario center Road, Ontario Center, NY 14520.

Page 8: December Newsletter


Non-ProfitU.S. Postage PaidWayne Central School DistrictPermit No. 2

Voting will take place on Wednesday,

December 14th from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

in the gymnasium lobby of

James A. Beneway High SchoolPlease join us for a Public Hearing regarding the upcoming

Facilities Preservation Project on December 6th in the Performing Arts Center at 7pm.

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