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Page 1: Deck Cadet · 2015. 12. 30. · feeS StRUctURe Fees for 3 Years which can be paid in installment. The fees is inclusive of lodging, boarding, Library Fees, 4 basic STCW courses, Uniform,



B. P. MARINE ACADEMYAnnounces the Degree courses


Deck CadetB. Sc. Nautical ScieNce

(3 year degree course)



Page 2: Deck Cadet · 2015. 12. 30. · feeS StRUctURe Fees for 3 Years which can be paid in installment. The fees is inclusive of lodging, boarding, Library Fees, 4 basic STCW courses, Uniform,



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Page 3: Deck Cadet · 2015. 12. 30. · feeS StRUctURe Fees for 3 Years which can be paid in installment. The fees is inclusive of lodging, boarding, Library Fees, 4 basic STCW courses, Uniform,

B. P. Marine Academy Front View of Academic Block Panvel Campus


Page 4: Deck Cadet · 2015. 12. 30. · feeS StRUctURe Fees for 3 Years which can be paid in installment. The fees is inclusive of lodging, boarding, Library Fees, 4 basic STCW courses, Uniform,

BRIef HIStORy aNd BackgROUNdB.P. Marine Academy came in inception in the year 1998 with the sole aim to cater the

need of seafarers of National and International Maritime Industries. The concept, vision and the goal was determined but the beginning was very humble with a few like minded personal and the above in mind journey began and the step by step upward moments had put B. P. Marine Academy in the map of International Maritime Training System. The Academy has state of Art teaching aids and practical demonstration equipments, which meets the latest training requirements.

B.P. Marine Academy has Quality System Certification Iso 9001:2008 from American Bureau of Shipping Industrial Verification Inc. It was also courses rated outstanding / Very good by ICRA.

B.P. Marine Academy staff include well qualified and devoted Marine Engineers, Navigators, Academic and Instructional staff. Strong links with the shipping industry provide expert teachers for specialized subjects when required.

Academy Provides effective training, meeting customers, legislative and regulatory requirements. Academy manage operations and optimize profits. Use of competent faculties, state of art Teaching Aids and well-maintained Equipments.

Till date its achievement are as follow:

Post sea courses:

The Institute has successfully trained 3,00,000 (Three Lakh) Post Sea candidates (STCW) in last 14 years.

Pre sea courses:

1. Pre Sea Training for G. P. Rating : 3500

2. Pre Sea Training for Saloon Rating : 1500

3. Pre Sea Training for Deck Cadet Course : 2000

aImS aNd OBjectIVeSThe objective of this three year residential course is to prepare the Cadets for B.Sc. Nautical Science

University Degree, and to face the hard ship at sea and to get them trained in followings:

• TheoryandpracticeofSeamanshipandshipknowledge.

• PrincipalsofNavigationandAstroNavigation.

• KnowledgeofChartWorkandCargoWork

• Knowledge of atmosphere and use of the meteorological instruments in connection with Weather Reporting.

• KnowledgeofShipConstructionandStability.

• FamiliarizationwithInternationalCodeofSignalsanduseofVHF,R/T,GMDSS

• Practicaltraininginhandlingalifeboatandapoweredboat,boatsundersail.


Page 5: Deck Cadet · 2015. 12. 30. · feeS StRUctURe Fees for 3 Years which can be paid in installment. The fees is inclusive of lodging, boarding, Library Fees, 4 basic STCW courses, Uniform,

Cadets Practising marching

Seaside view of Jetty, Panvel Complex


Page 6: Deck Cadet · 2015. 12. 30. · feeS StRUctURe Fees for 3 Years which can be paid in installment. The fees is inclusive of lodging, boarding, Library Fees, 4 basic STCW courses, Uniform,

applIcatION pROceSSThe advertisement will be placed by the B. P. Marine Academy in major Newspapers to cover whole of India. Application forms and prospectus can be obtain from the Academy or can be downloaded from our website and the Entrance Test date will be intimated. Candidate will be selected on the basis of academic performanceandresultofthewrittentestfollowedbyanInterviewheldatAcademycampus.However,Ifthecandidate are not sufficient in number B. P. Marine Academy can take direct admission, subject to the candidate meeting the eligibility criteria of the course.

medIcal fItNeSSeyesight: There should not be any degree of squint or any morbid condition of eyes or of the eyelids that is liable to aggravate or recur, pressure of trachoma and iris complication sequela. Candidates must posses good binocular vision (fusion faculty and full field of vision in both eyes). Movement of the eyeballs must be full in all directions and the pupils should react normally to light and accommodation. Candidates joining B.P.MarineAcademyarenotallowedtowearglassesandtheirvisionshouldbe6/6(normal)ineacheyeseparately. Defective colour vision tested by Ishiara test chart is a disqualification. In case of candidates joining B. P. Marine Academy, their eye sight standard should confirm the NEW ENTRY STANDARD as per Mercantile Marine Department of Government of India.

dURatIONDuration of the course will be 3 years, each year having two semesters, each semester of 17 to 18 weeks duration.Thetrainingprogramwillalsoincludeonvacationtraining/projects.Allcandidatesarerequiredtoattendatleast90%lecturesineachsubjectandtopassinmidsemester/endsemesterexamforeachsubject.

NaMe oF THe course eLIgIBILTy age comm. dt.1) Pre-Sea Training (Deck

& Engine) Rating Course. (DG Approved)

Pass with aggregate 40% marks in 10th standard from a rec-ognized Board with Science, Mathematics & English as subjects and with minimum 40% marks in English language either 10th or 12th standard.

17&½ to 25 years

01 Jan. & 01 July.

2) Certificate Course in Maritime Catering. (DG Approved)

Pass in 10+2 from any stream with 40% marks in 12th standard. Similarly, required to obtain at least 40% marks in Eng. Either at 10th or 12th standard.

17&½ to 25 years

01 Jan. & 01 July.

3) Diploma in Nautical Science leading to B.Sc. Nautical Science - Degree Programme for Deck Cadet in Association with IMU(INDIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY).

(DG Approved) www.imu.tn.nic.in

a) Pass in 12th Std (10+2) with PCM average not less than 55% and50%marksinEnglishatSSCorHSC(OR)

b) With Physics as individual subject in one of the year, B.Sc. in physics, math’s, Chemistry or Electronics with an average of not less than 55% marks in final year. (OR)

c)B.E./B.Tech.DegreefromI.I.TOrfromcollegerecognizedAICTE/UGC/DEC.NoTe: reQuIreMeNT oF eNgLIsH : 50% marks in English at10thor12thstandardorintheDegree/Diplomacourseconducted by the Board or any university.

25 Years

01st August

4) Three Year Degree Course for B.Sc. Nautical Science, (Mumbai University) (DG Approved)

a) Pass in 12th Std (10+2) with PCM average not less than 60% and50%marksinEnglishatSSCorHSC 25

Years21st August

5) Electro Technical Officer Course (ETO).

(DG Approved)

DIPLOMAwith60%ORBE/B.Techwith50%inElectrical,Electronics & Electronics & Telecommunication, or Instrumentation

35 yrs &


1st Feb1st Jun1st Oct



Page 7: Deck Cadet · 2015. 12. 30. · feeS StRUctURe Fees for 3 Years which can be paid in installment. The fees is inclusive of lodging, boarding, Library Fees, 4 basic STCW courses, Uniform,

Phase Location duration content outline1 College 36 Months In

BPMASTCW Basic Training courses,Personal Survival TechniquesFire Prevention and Fire Fighting Elementary First Aid Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities Deliver knowledge as per the Mumbai University Syllabus (6 Semester each semester is 17 to 18 weeks) 1st year & 2nd year examination will be conducted by BPMA on behalf of the Mumbai University. 3rd year examination will be conducted by Mumbai University.award degree Bs’c Nautical science & Indian cdc

2 At Sea 12 Months Training Record Book3 College As per STCW Before obtaining 2nd Mate COC the following short term

courses should be done by the individual. GMDSS/ROC/ARPA Medical First Aid Advanced Fire Fighting, Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boat.

e n d o f ca d e t s h i p4 M.M.D, Govt

of India– Oral Examination only to obtain 2nd MATE (F.G.) C.O.C.,

Government of India (Written Examination are exemption).5 At Sea 18 Months of

qualifying sea service (minimum)

6 College 6 Months (prepatory course)

Written + Oral Assessment to obtain Chief MATE (F.G.) C.O.C., Government of India.

7 At Sea 18 Months —8 College 1 Months

(prepatory course)Written + Oral Assessment to obtain Mater (F.G.) C.O.C., Government of India.

feeS StRUctURe Fees for 3 Years which can be paid in installment. The fees is inclusive of lodging, boarding, Library Fees, 4 basicSTCWcourses,Uniform,IndosNo.&CDCFees(Govt.ofIndia).isRs.7,50,000/-(RupeesSevenLacsfifty thousand Only). The Institute will assist in obtaining educational loan after confirmation of seat.

accOmmOdatIONThis is a three year residential course. Candidates have to stay on campus throughout the Training period. Cabin on sharing basis will be provided to the students.

UNIfORmSAll cadets will be required to wear uniforms in order to maintain a standard pattern. Uniforms will be stitched and supplied by the Academy.

WHy B. p. maRINe academy cadetS?• High level of intelligence.• Quick learning ability making them suitable for multi-functional jobs.• High academic entry levels.• good command over english language.• amenable to change.• Polite, well behaved with sober habits.• good problem solving orientation.• computer savvy.• Trained to meet Industry’s requirements.

StRUctURe Of tRaININg pROgRamS tO 2Nd mate cOc (aNd Up tO maSteR) -


Page 8: Deck Cadet · 2015. 12. 30. · feeS StRUctURe Fees for 3 Years which can be paid in installment. The fees is inclusive of lodging, boarding, Library Fees, 4 basic STCW courses, Uniform,

“I would rate most of the BP Marine ratings as comparable or may be better than some of the

officers of the Merchant Navy.”

Chief Guest Hon. Shri Shatrughan Sinha / DG Shipping (Goi) Mr. Sahani / Nautical Advisor (Goi) Mr. Saggi

What personality says • Very Good institute and no similar we have in italy - Many

Congratulations – Minero antonino, Finaval (italy) 30/03/2001• Thank you for the opportunity to see such inspirat ion.

An excellent facility – philip C. Menere MCa hQ (UK) 26/07/2001• BP Marine Academy has come of age, the architect of this

institute is a noble soul who relentlessly worked hard to make this a center of excellence of which the country is proud of. This institute will turn out a good number of expert sea-faring personal in the international arena. i wish good luck to the institute

– n. rama rao (ias) Ceo, Maharashtra Maritime Board, Mumbai (india) 05/08/2001

• My pleasure to visit BP Marine institute. Earlier i heard about the institute but it is surprise to see it. Mr. R.C.Singh has done miracle within 2 1/2 yrs. Who said that “Shri. Singh is handicap, he has created history to set up a modern and international level training institute in Belapur. it is the best training institute in country i ‘ve seen so far. What he needs is just push and blessing. This training institute having all facilities at international standards. BP Marine Academy is the pride of our country. i wish for every success”.

– r. D. Meena (ias) Director (MM) M/o shipping, Goi new Delhi (india) 13/09/2001

• it was an enriching experience in getting to know the ways the training inputs could be imparted in such business like manner. Mr. R.C. Singh is doing wonderful job in making the world class standards applicable to this academy. My best wishes to the management and faculty of the academy for more success.

– Mukesh Khullar (ias) Municipal Commissioner, navi Mumbai Muncipal Corporation (india) 09/11/2001

Shri P. A. Sangma, MP & Former Lok Sabha Speaker Present-ing Ram Charitra Manas Award To Mr. R. C. Singh

FUtUre planThe following courses will be commenced shortly:1) B.Sc. Nursing Programme2) MBA 3) 4 Yrs. Marine Engineering4) 1 Yr. DMET (for BE Mech./Naval Engineering)

hiGhliGhtsAwarded courses rated outstanding / Very Good by iCRA/Accredited

with iSo 9001:2008 by ABS QE Certify. No. 33713. B P Marine Academy has received award for “Best infrastructure

Amongst Marine institution in india” for the year 2011-2012 by Brands Academy Big Brands Research.

B P Marine Academy also received “Best Marine Academy” from Newsmakers Broadcasting and Communication for the year 2012.

B P Marine Academy has received award for “Best Marine institute in india” for the year 2012-2013 by Brands Academy big Research.

Well Planned and World Class infrastructure. Best faculty of Master Mariners / Chief Engineers. Approved by D.G. Shipping (inst. Code: 012). Campus Selection from various Shipping Company & Hospital. Easy facility of Education Loan.Excellent hostel, catering facility with modern amenities. Less fees than other institute. Give opportunity to student to show their caliber at the international

platform. Provide indian CDC & STCW 2010 Courses. BPMA conduct 30 Nos. Post Sea Courses & 8 Nos. Pre-Sea Courses

including Deck Cadet, GP Rating & Maritime Catering, courses approved by D. G. Shipping, Government of india & Maritime Coastguard Agency M.C.A (UK).

Trained 3,00,000 sea farers in post sea & 7000 in Pre-Sea.

Mr. Philip Wake Secretary Nautical institute London presenting the best Nautical institute Shield to Chairman Shri R.C. Singh

A still from the Fashion Show presented by the cadets



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