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  • 8/13/2019 Decline of Buddhism



    ANKUR BARUA, M.A. BASILIOHong Kong, 2009

    Background: Dr. Ankur Barua had graduated with distinction fromthe University of Hong Kong

    (MBuddStud, 2009). He had alsocompleted two other Master Degrees, one from Sikkim

    ManipalUniversity (MBAIT, 2007) while the other from Manipal University(MBBS-2000, MD in

    Community Medicine - 2003) and presentlyworking in professional field. Ms. M.A. Basilio is a

    nursingprofessional who has also a keen passion for conducting researchon religion and science.

    First Publication on 8


    October 2009Buddhist Door, Tung Lin Kok Yuen, Hong KongCopyright Ankur Barua and

    M.A.BasilioCommunication Address of Corresponding Author:

    Dr. ANKUR BARUABlockEE, No.-80, Flat No.-2A,Salt Lake City, Sector-2,Kolkata - 700091, West

    Bengal, INDIA.Email: [email protected]: +91-9434485543 (India), +852-96195078

    (Hong Kong)

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India




    I wish to express my sincere gratitude and indebtedness to

    Ven.Dr. Jing Yin

    , Professor of Buddhist Studies and Director of theCentre of Buddhist Studies in the University of

    Hong Kong for hiskind support, inspiration, encouragement and timely advice duringthe compilation

    of this book.I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my beloved father

    Dr. Dipak Kumar Barua,

    who was the earlier Dean of the FacultyCouncil for Postgraduate Studies in Education, Journalism &

    LibraryScience in the University of Calcutta (1987-1991) and the Directorof Nava Nalanda

    Mahavihara, Nalanda (1996-1999) for histechnical guidance and valuable advice.I would also like to

    convey my sincere thanks to my belovedmother

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    Many scholars of Indian history and religion are devoted to unravelingthe mystery of what led to

    disappearance of Buddhism from India. Dueto the lack of historical and archeological evidence, there

    is no absoluteconsensus on this matter till date. However, if we analyze all thecontributing factors

    and arrange them in a chronological order, wewould realize that the whole sequence of events was

    initiated by theBuddhist monks and clergy when they had ignored the teachings of theBuddha and

    concentrated on accumulation of abundance of wealth inthe monasteries. They had abandoned the

    community visits andconcentrated on their own salvation instead of helping the commonpeople and

    oppressed classes to end their sufferings. As the lay devoteswere ignored, Buddhism started losing

    the general support from thecommunity. Subsequently, the Brahmins took advantage of

    thissituation and deepened the rift between the common people and theBuddhist practitioners.They also manipulated the contemporary rulersto withdraw their support from Buddhism and help

    in reviving theexisting Brahmanism. This was followed by the revival of Hinduism andfurther decline

    of Buddhism. Towards the end stage of this decline,there was the Muslim invasion of India. During

    this time, majority of the

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    surviving Buddhists in India, who earlier belonged to the lower classHindus, was either forcefully or

    willingly got converted into Islam.

    Key words: Buddhism, Disappearance, Decline, Brahmanism,Brahmins, Hinduism, Islam.

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India





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    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    Shravasti was the capital city of the Lichhavis, a north Indian clan thatcame to power around 200 AD

    and established their capital inPasupatinath. In a long and glorious period of reign extending

    throughthe early part of the ninth century, they had endowed a large number of both Hindu and

    Buddhist monuments and monasteries. However, duringhis visit, Ven. Hsuan Tsang witnessed a

    much greater number of Saivites and Jains than Buddhists.


    Kushinagar, the small village near Gorakhpur where the Buddha hadgone into Mahaparinibbana, was

    in a dilapidated state and Ven. Hsuan Tsang found only a few Buddhists. Though in Varanasi, Ven.

    Hsuan Tsang found around 3000 Bhikkus or Buddhist monks, but they wereoutshadowed by more

    than 10,000 non-Buddhists. Hence, we canconclude that Ven. Hsuan Tsang had arrived in India at a

    time whenBuddhism was entering into a state of precipitous decline. But even asBuddhism went

    into decline, it is remarkable that Nalanda, the greatseat of Buddhist learning, continued to flourish

    by retaining itsimportance until the Muslim invasions of the second millennium. It wasfrom Nalanda

    that Ven. Padmasambhava had carried Buddhism to Tibetduring the eighth century.


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    Hence, it is evident that the story of Buddhism in India cannot beunequivocally written in a single

    register of decline as the entire processof decline was gradual and spread over a long period of time.

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism fromIndia

    Buddhism had altogether disappeared from India as a formal religionduring the 13


    century A.D.

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    In order to explore the contributing factorsfor the decline and disappearance of Buddhism from

    India; we need toconsider all the events in a sequential and chronological order. Thesefactors could

    be arranged under the following major headings: (a)

    Sectarian and Internal Conflicts

    Relating to the schisms within theBuddhist faith; the widening differences between the clergy,

    Buddhistmonks and laity; and the growing corruption within the sangha. (b)

    Buddhists were persecuted by Brahmins

    - Alleged persecution of Buddhists by Brahmins; the defeat of the Buddhists by the greattheologian

    Adi Shankaracharya in public debates; as well as thecharacteristic tendency of Hinduism, or rather

    Brahmanism, to absorbits opponents. (c)

    Secular and political histories

    - Withdrawal of royal patronage from Buddhism was followed by the Muslim invasionswhich had the

    effect of driving into extinction the already debilitatedBuddhist community.


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    It is important to understand that Buddhism was never wiped off fromIndia on a single day and in

    any single event. Like the causal web of adisease, it was a multi-factorial causation. The process of

    decline andsubsequent disappearance was gradual and lasted for many centuries.So, before we get

    into the details of any historical analysis, we shouldfirst arrange the factors in a chronological order

    and observe theinterdependency of a previous event leading to the next.

    (A) Sectarian and Internal Conflicts

    It was found that the Buddhist clergy paid insufficient attention to itslaity. Buddhist mendicants kept

    their distance from non-mendicants.So, the non-mendicants might not have felt particularly invested

    inBuddhism. As the venues, where the mendicants and non-mendicantsintersected, gradually

    disappeared, the laity got distanced from thefaith in Buddhism. The scholars of Buddhism had

    revealed that nomanual for the conduct of the laity was produced until the 11


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    centuryA.D. Some scholars had also emphasized the decay and corruptionwithin the Buddhist faith



    Dispute over Wealth and Leaderships in Buddhist Monasteries

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    The Buddhist monasteries were described as repositories of greatwealth which was accumulated

    through generous donations from theroyal families and rich devotees in the community. As food and

    moneywas always available in the monastery, majority of the monks hadadopted a rather easy-going

    and even indolent lifestyle. There were alsodisputes over money matters and leadership which led

    to great divideamong many groups of Buddhist monks.


    The unity and harmony of many major monasteries were affected bythese disputes. The sectarian

    splits between various Buddhists sects insubsequent years had finally weakened the foundation

    andadministrative infrastructure of Buddhism in India. This was aconsequence of a major deviation

    from the Buddhas insistence on


    , or non-possession. As the monks had ignored the instructionof the Buddha and became greedy for

    power and wealth, themonasteries got entrapped in controversies and the communities losttheir

    faith in them.


    Abandonment of Community Visits by the Buddhist Monks

    As there was abundance of wealth in their monasteries, majority of theBuddhist monks and clergy

    had often concentrated mainly on ownsalvation and rarely visited the community to reduce the

    suffering of

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



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    the general population. Here, the Buddhist monks and clergy hadmissed out a very important

    message by the Buddha. When the Buddhahad advised his disciples to visit the community every dayand not tostay in a same place for more than three days, it was with a vision thathad a far more

    impact in the society than mere begging for food. Hewanted his disciples to meet as many common

    people as possibleduring their community visit and help them to overcome thesufferings.


    If it was only for gathering food and wealth, he could have arrangedthem for his disciple monks with

    ease by requesting the Kings andemperors, who were also his followers. The main idea behind

    sendingthe emissaries door to door was to build up a community network anddevelop a good

    rapport with the community so that majority of thepopulation could reap the benefit from the

    teachings of the Buddha. Heknew that once the community had accepted his disciples, they

    woulddevelop faith in his teachings and would follow his advice to endsuffering. One should not

    misinterpret the emphasis on building up acommunity network as an intention of the Buddha to

    become a ruler infuture. This is because, as Prince Siddhartha, he had already given uphis kingdom

    and everything in order to devote the rest of his life to endthe suffering of all human beings. As the

    Buddha, his aim was to carryforward this mission further through his disciples by spreading the

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    message of the four noble truths and the noble eightfold path in thecommunity. So, the goal for his

    disciples was not to concentrate onones own salvation, but to help others to reduce the suffering in



    The Buddhist monks in India, during the sixth century had deviated fromthis noble target and

    stopped visiting the community. As the communityvisit was rare by the monks, the general lay

    Buddhists felt neglectedand isolated from the Buddhist monastery. This sense of insecuritymade

    them suffer discrimination from the higher class of the Brahminsociety and they gradually lost faith

    in Buddhism. The Buddhist monksdid not visit the houses of the lower caste and the untouchables

    and asa result, they too did not get the opportunity to adopt Buddhism andgain status in the society.

    The shellfish nature of the Buddhist monksduring that time had generated a sense of hatred and

    insecurity in thegeneral population which had contributed significantly towards theirloss of faith in

    Buddhism at a later date.

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    (B) Relationship between Buddhism and Brahmanism

    Many narrative accounts of Buddhisms decline and eventualdisappearance from the land of its faith

    had been focused onBuddhisms relations with Hinduism or Brahmanism. Some scholars

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    believe that Buddhism never got wiped off from Indian society. On thecontrary, it simply changed

    form and was later absorbed into Hindupractices. They believe that Buddhism disappeared, not on

    account of persecution by Hindus, but because of the ascendancy of reformedHinduism. However,

    there is enough historical evidence to suggest thatthe Buddhists were persecuted by Brahmins who

    were keen to asserttheir caste supremacy. The renowned historian S.R. Goyal concludedthat

    "according to many scholars hostility of the Brahmins was one of the major causes of the decline of

    Buddhism in India."


    The Buddhas fight against Brahmanism won him many enemies fromamong the Brahmins. They

    were not as greatly opposed to hisphilosophical teachings as they were to his message of

    universalbrotherhood and equality. As this directly challenged their hegemonyand the scriptures,the Brahmins had invented to legitimize this. Tocombat Buddhism and revive the tottering

    Brahminical hegemony,Brahminical revivalists resorted to a three-pronged strategy. At

    thebeginning, they launched a campaign of hatred and persecution againstthe Buddhists. This was

    followed by the incorporation of many of thefiner aspects of Buddhism into the system of Hinduism

    so as to win overtheir "lower" caste and newly converted Buddhist masses. However, theBrahmins

    made sure that these selective appropriations did not in anyway undermine Brahminical hegemony.

    The final blow of the Brahmins

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    to wipeout Buddhism was to propound and propagate the myth that theBuddha was merely another

    incarnation (avatar) of the Hindu godVishnu. The historical Buddha was thus turned into just another

    of thecountless mythological deities of the Brahminical pantheon.

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    But the hostile attitude of Brahmanism alone could not explain thedisappearance of Buddhism from

    India. As we recall the history,Brahminical opposition to Buddhism was always present right from

    dayone. It was nothing new. If Buddhism could survive and prosper formore than thousand years in

    spite of Brahminical opposition, there wasno reason for it to decline over the time. The "Brahminical

    opposition"itself was also exaggerated at times by some historians.We should remember that

    Buddha himself belonged to the Kshatriya(worrier) caste of Brahmanism which was next to the

    Brahmins. So, theBrahmins never had any problem related to caste discrimination whileaccepting his

    teachings. The first five disciples of the Buddha were theBrahmins. Most of the great Arahants of

    Buddhism belonged to theBrahmin caste. Historical evidence also suggested that more than

    anyother caste it were the Brahmins themselves who contributed the mostin the development of


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    However, some of the Brahmins did not like the way the outcaste andlower caste community were

    rapidly getting converted into Buddhismand gaining higher status in the society. The importance of

    theBrahmins in the Indian society was significantly diminished during thepropagative phase ofBuddhism. This sense of insecurity among some of the Brahmins vitiated their minds with jealousy

    which later gottransformed into vengeance towards the contemporary Buddhistfollowers.

    Buddhists Were Persecuted by Brahmins

    Buddhism did not have any caste discrimination. As Buddhism rose toabolish the caste system in the

    existing Brahmanism society, majority of the lower castes and outcastes were getting converted into

    Buddhism inorder to attain higher social status. This sent a signal of uncertaintyamong the Brahmins

    who were losing grounds on critical argumentswith the Buddhist monks and were unable to

    dominate and rule thedeprived section of the Indian society. This sense of insecurity soon ledto the

    development of jealousy and hatred in the minds of the Brahminswho began to assault both

    physically and mentally and victimize theBuddhist community.


    In recent years this view is championed not only by some Dalit writers,but also some scholars of

    pre-modern Indian history. Many Hindu

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



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    nationalists often believe that many Muslim monuments of recent erawere actually Hindu temples

    in earlier times. However, based onarcheological evidence, the modern historians are inclined to theviewthat Hindu temples were often built on the sites of Buddhist shrines.


    The Buddhists, who survived in India after the decline of Buddhism,were finally absorbed into the

    Hindu caste system, mainly as Shudras. To lend legitimacy to their campaign against Buddhism,

    Brahminicaltexts included fierce strictures against Buddhists. Manu, in hisManusmriti, laid down

    that, If a person touches a Buddhist he shallpurify himself by having a bath. Aparaka ordained the

    same in hisSmriti. Vradha Harit declared entry into a Buddhist temple as a sin,which could only be

    expiated for by taking a ritual bath. Even dramasand other books for lay people written by Brahmins

    containedvenomous propaganda against the Buddhists. In the classic work,Mricchakatika, (Act VII),

    the hero Charudatta, on seeing a Buddhistmonk pass by, exclaims to his friend Maitriya" "Ah! Here is

    aninauspicious sight, a Buddhist monk coming towards us." The BrahminChanakya, author of

    Arthashastra, declared that, "When a personentertains a dinner dedicated to gods and ancestors,

    then for those whoare Sakyas (Buddhists), Ajivikas, Shudras and exiled persons, a fine of one

    hundred panas shall be imposed on him."


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    The Revival of Hinduism

    The Vedic revival during the 8


    century A.D. was referred to as therevival of Hinduism by the Western Scholars. This was initiated by

    AdiShankaracharya in the Gangetic plains of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. TheHindus of Rajasthan also

    participated in this hostile revival activity.After the death of Harshavardhana, the Rajputs were

    arising on horizonsof North India. The Rajputs belonged to the lineage from among theremnants of

    Hunas and other foreign hordes which were broken downby the activities of kings like Baladitya and

    the local tibals. The Rajputswere made prominent by the Brahmins for the specific purpose of

    suppressing Buddhism by use of force. They subsequently dominatedthe later part of the history of

    India and played a key role in the revivalof Hinduism.

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    During this time, the popular devotion to the Buddha was sought to bereplaced by devotion to

    Hindu gods such as Rama and Krishna. Theexisting version of the Mahabharata was written in this

    period when thedecline of Buddhism had already begun. It was specially meant for thelower caste

    community (Shudras), most of whom were Buddhists, inorder to attract them away from Buddhism.

    However, Brahmanism stillprevented the Shudras from having access to the Vedas. TheMahabharata

    was possibly rewritten to placate the Buddhist Shudras

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    and to compensate them for this discrimination. The Mahabharataincorporated some of the

    humanistic elements of Buddhism to win overthe Shudras. Overall, it played the role of bolstering

    the Brahminicalhegemony. Thus, Krishna, in the Gita, was made to say that a personshould not

    violate the divinely ordained law of caste. Eklavya was madeto slice off his thumb by Drona, who

    found it a gross violation of dharmathat a mere tribal boy should excel the Kshatriya Arjun in



    The various writers of the puranas carried out this systematic campaignof hatred, slander and

    calumny against the Buddhists. TheBrahannardiya Purana made it a principal sin for Brahmins to

    enter thehouse of a Buddhist even at times of great peril. The Vishnu Puranaalleged that the Buddha

    as Maha Moha or the great seducer. It furthercautioned against the sin of conversing with Buddhists

    and lays. Thosewho merely talked to Buddhist ascetics should be sent to hell. In theGaya

    Mahatmaya, the concluding section of the Vayu Purana, the townof Gaya was identified as Gaya

    Asura, a demon who had attained suchholiness that all those who saw him or touched him went

    straight toheaven. Clearly, this demon was none other the Buddha who preacheda simple way for

    all, including the oppressed castes, to attain salvation. The Vayu Purana story went on to add that

    Yama, the king of hell, grew jealous. This was possibly because less people were now entering his

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    domains. He appealed to the gods to limit the powers of Asura Gaya. The gods, led by Vishnu, were

    able to restrict his powers by placing amassive stone on the demons head. This monstrous legend

    signifiedthe ultimate capture of Buddhisms most holy centre by its inveteratefoes.


    Kushinagar, also known as Harramba, was one of the most importantBuddhist centres as the Buddha

    breathed his last there. The Brahmins,envious of the prosperity of this pilgrim town, invented an

    absurd theoryin order to discourage people from going there. They spread a rumorthat if one died in

    Harramba, he would go to hell. However, if one diedin Kashi, the citadel of Brahmanism, he would

    go straight to the heaven. This belief got deeply rooted in the minds of the local community.

    So,when the Sufi saint Kabir died in 1518 AD at Maghar, not far fromKushinagar, some of his Hindu

    followers refused to erect any memorialin his honor there and instead set it up at Kashi. However,

    Kabir'sMuslim followers were less superstitious and they set up a tomb for himat Maghar itself.


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    The Tendency of Hinduism to Absorb its Rival Faiths

    The tendency of Hinduism to absorb rival faiths was evident from thefact that many elements from

    other faiths had also gone into themaking of Hinduism. While some scholars focus on outright

    persecution,others speak of a long process during which Buddhist practices becameabsorbed into

    Hinduism. Though the doctrine of ahimsa or non-violence had originated with the Buddha and had

    certainly found itsgreatest exposition in the Buddhas teachings, but by the second half of the 1


    millennium A.D. it had become an integral part of the Hinduteachings. However, it is still not certain

    whether the Buddha wasabsorbed into the Hindu pantheon as a gesture of compromise or as

    anattempt of divide in order to reduce the overwhelming might of Buddhism or whether Hinduism

    was eager to embrace as its own,certain values that Buddhism stood for against the short-comings

    of Brahmanism.


    The simplicity of the Buddhas message in emphasizing its stress onequality and crusade against the

    bloody and costly sacrifices andritualism of Brahmanism had attracted the oppressed casts in

    largenumbers. The Brahminical revivalists understood the need toappropriate some of these finer

    aspects of Buddhism and discardedsome of the worst of their own practices so as to be able to winover themasses back to the Brahminical fold. Imitating the Buddhists in this

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    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    regard, the Brahmins, who were once voracious beef-eaters, had turnedinto vegetarians.


    Adi Shankaracharya Had Preserved Buddhism by IncorporatingIt into Hinduism

    The great Brahmin philosopher, Adi Shankaracharya (c. 788-820 AD),took keen interest in learning

    the inner aspects of Buddhist philosophy.He was alleged by some scholars to have hated Buddhismand engagedthe Buddhist monks in public debates and each time he had emergedtriumphant. But

    this theory was far from truth for the simple reasonthat, had he successfully defeated the Buddhist

    monks in debates allthe time and had no faith in Buddhism, then there was no logic behindhis

    undertaking the initiative to incorporate the finer aspects of Buddhist teachings into Hinduism. So,

    by the time he had invited theBuddhist monks in public debates, he had already studied

    Buddhismand developed an immense respect for the teachings of the Buddha.


    He had also realized that all the Buddhist monks with whom he haddebated were not well-versedwith the teachings of the Buddha. Due totheir ignorance, they were unable to preach the true

    meaning of thedoctrine of the Buddha in an effective manner. So, he took the initiative

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    to include the finer aspects of Buddhism into the core teachings of Hinduism. Under his supervision,

    the Vedas, Bhagavad Gita and Puranaswere rewritten incorporating these new aspects. The Buddha

    was alsotransformed into an


    (descent) of Vishnu.


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    Hindureligious institutions from the beginning of the sixth century A.D.Buddhism began to suffer a

    decline as Brahmanism veered off intoVaishnavism and Saivism. This was followed by some regional

    kingdomssubsequently developing into the major sites of power.


    Shashanka, the Shaivite Brahmin king of Bengal was a ferociousoppressor of the Buddhists. The

    single original source for all subsequentnarratives about Shashankas ruinous conduct towards

    Buddhists wasdocumented by Ven. Hsuan Tsang during his visit to India in early partof the seventh

    century A.D.

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    But the exact reasons for his hostile attitude towards Buddhism werenot known. It was believed that

    the Brahminical revivalists had goadedthe Hindu kings like him to persecute and even slaughter



    It was reported that Shashanka had destroyed the Bodhitree of Bodh Gaya and ordered thedestruction of all Buddhist imagesand monasteries in his kingdom. This biased and sectarian policy

    of Shashanka had broken the backbone of Buddhism in India.


    Shashanka had also murdered the last Buddhist emperorRajyavardhana, elder brother of

    Harshavardhana, in 605 AD. He hadmarched on to Bodh Gaya and destroyed the Bodhi tree under

    whichthe Buddha had attained enlightenment. He forcibly removed theBuddha's image from the

    Bodhi Vihara near the tree and installed one of Shiva in its place. Shashanka is alleged to have

    slaughtered all theBuddhist monks in the area around Kushinagar.


    After the rule of Shashanka, the Pala kingdom was established inBengal. Though the Palas of Bengal

    had been hospitable to Vaishnavismand Saivism, but nonetheless they were major supporters of

    Buddhism.However, when Bengal came under the rule of the Senas (1097-1223),Saivism was

    promulgated and Buddhism was neglected.


    Anotherhostile Shaivite king like Shashanka was Mihirakula who had completelydestroyed over 1500

    Buddhist shrines. His hostile action was followed

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    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    by the Shaivite, Toramana who had destroyed the GhositaramaBuddhist monastery at Kausambi.


    The Final Blow from Islam Invasion

    Buddhism had already entered into a state of a decline at the time of Ven. Hsuan Tsangs visit to

    India during the reign of Harsha of Kanauj inthe early seventh century. It had also been argued thatits furtherdemise, particularly in the early part of the second millennium A.D., washastened by the

    arrival of Islam. Buddhism had found competition inIslam for converts among low-caste Hindus. Even

    Dr. B.R. Ambedkarwas firmly convinced about the view that Islam dealt Buddhism a deathblow. He

    had described the process of disappearance of Buddhism inIndia as Brahmanism beaten and

    battered by the Muslim invaderscould look to the rulers for support and sustenance and get it.


    But Buddhism beaten and battered by the Muslim invaders had no suchhope. It was uncared for

    orphan and it withered in the cold blast of thenative rulers and was consumed in the fire lit up bythe conquerors.Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was certain that the Muslim invasion was thegreatest disaster

    that befell the religion of Buddha in India and he haddescribed appropriately described this event as

    the sword of Islam fellheavily upon the priestly class. It perished or it fled outside India.Nobody

    remained alive to keep the flame of Buddhism burning.


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    However, the sword of Islam thesis of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar remainedcontroversial and many

    reputable historians were inclined to dismiss itoutright. This was due to the fact that Islam was a late

    entrant intoIndia, and Buddhism was showing unmistakable signs of its decline longbefore Islam

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    became established in the Gangetic plains, central India,and the northern end of present-day Andhra

    and Karnataka.

    During theMuslim Invasion, Bengal and Sind were ruled by Brahminical dynastiesbut had Buddhistmajorities. Buddhism was in a state of decline by thattime and the community was neglected by the

    Buddhist monasteries. The lower caste and outcaste Hindus, who had recently taken refuge

    inBuddhism, were again subjected to discrimination by the upper casteHindus. The Buddhist monks

    and clergy did not come to their rescueduring that time. Majority of these newly converted lay

    Buddhists, whoearlier belonged to the low caste Hindus, were forcefully converted intoIslam.

    However, some of them were believed to have welcomed theMuslims as saviors who had freed

    them from the tyranny of 'upper'caste rule. This explains why most of the 'lower-caste' people in

    EasternBengal and Sind embraced Islam after the decline of Buddhism in India.But one thing clear

    from this is that Buddhism was on the verge of extinction during the Muslim invasion of India.

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    If Buddhism was still going strong during the Muslim invasion, it wouldhave easily prevented the

    conversions of its followers into Islam andalso helped in bridging the gap between the Hindus and

    Muslims byabolishing the caste system and promoting peace and harmony in theIndian society.


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India




    Many scholars often like to represent Brahminism as a tyrannical faiththat caused massive

    destruction of the Buddhist monasteries. But thismatter is however, far more complicated than this.

    A recent study of the Bengal Puranas proved that the Buddhists were mocked andprojected as

    mischievous and malicious in Brahminical narratives aswell as subjected to immense rhetorical

    violence. This rhetoricalviolence should be interpreted as both physical and mental

    violenceperpetrated upon the Buddhists. The extermination of Buddhism in Indiawas hastened by

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    the large-scale destruction of Buddhist shrines by theBrahmins. The Maha Bodhi Vihara at Bodh

    Gaya was forcibly convertedinto a Shaivite temple.


    The controversy of the actual ownership of Maha Bodhi Vihara at BodhGaya lingered till it wasdeclared as a World Heritage by the UNESCOin recent years. The cremation stupa of the Buddha at

    Kushinagar waschanged into a Hindu temple dedicated to the obscure deity with thename of

    Ramhar Bhavani. Adi Shankaracharya was alleged to haveestablished his Sringeri Mutth on the site

    of a Buddhist monastery whichhe took over by force.


    At present, many Hindu shrines in Ayodhya arebelieved to have once been Buddhist temples earlier.

    This is also thecase with other famous Brahminical temples such as those atSabarimala, Tirupati,

    Badrinath and Puri.


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    Even though there was hatred against Buddhism, but the Brahminscould never deny or disrespect

    the inner truths in the teachings of theBuddha. So, the subsequent absorption of the Buddha into

    Vishnuspantheon represented some sort of a compromise between theBrahmins and the Buddhists

    on moral and philosophical grounds. WhatBuddhism stood for to promote peace and harmony in the

    society, hadbeen later incorporated into certain strands of modern Hinduism inorder to make it

    more refined and acceptable to the society. Thus, theBuddha was finally given his just dues.


    Though the Buddha is now incorporated into modern Hinduism as LordVishnus pantheon, but heshould not be regarded as a god of the Hindureligion. It needs to be emphasized once again that the

    Buddha wasnever a mythological figure as Lord Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma or Rama, buthe was a real

    historical personality.


    Hence, in the light of historicalevidence, we should now interpret the disappearance of Buddhism

    fromIndia as a parable about how a social myth had outlived a historicalevent.


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    If we analyze all the contributing factors and arrange them in achronological order, we would realize

    that the whole sequence of eventswas initiated by the Buddhist monks and clergy when they had


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    the teachings of the Buddha and concentrated on accumulation of abundance of wealth in the

    monasteries. This had made them over-satisfied and lethargic. They were often engaged in disputes

    overmoney matters and leadership. So, they abandoned the communityvisits and concentrated ontheir own salvation instead of helping thecommon people and oppressed classes to end their

    sufferings. As thecommunity was ignored, the tight bonding between the lay devoteesand the

    Buddhist monasteries became weak and finally broke loose. This restricted the spread of Buddhism

    in India and soon Buddhismstarted losing the general support from the community.

    Subsequently,the Brahmins took advantage of this situation and deepened the riftbetween the

    common people and the Buddhist practitioners thatincluded the monks and clergy. The Brahmins

    also manipulated thecontemporary rulers to withdraw their support from Buddhism and helpin

    reviving the existing Brahmanism. This was followed by the revival of Hinduism and further decline

    of Buddhism. Towards the end stage of the outright massacre of Buddhistfollowers and demolition

    of Buddhist monasteries on a large scale, therewas the Muslim invasion of India. During this time,

    majority of thesurviving Buddhists in India, who earlier belonged to the lower classHindus, was

    forcefully converted into Islam. Some of them of course,

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    willingly adopted Islam as it did not have any caste discrimination andwas powerful enough to save

    them from the torture of Brahmins andupper class Hindus.After examining all the contributing

    factors associated with thedisappearance of Buddhism from India, we must understand that it

    wasnot a single major factor that could be isolated and held absolutelyresponsible for this

    horrendous outcome. Sequence of multiple factorshad often acted synergistically over a long period

    of time in order toforce Buddhism disappear from India, the place of its origin. Fromhistorical

    perspective, it is now clearly evident that Buddhism was neverconquered on moral grounds and

    critical arguments, but was actuallydriven off by sheer force and might. Considering the fact that

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    Bombay: Government of Maharashtra

    3: 232-33.

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    Concluding Remarks

    In accordance to the teachings of the Buddha, the disappearance of Buddhism in India had actually

    followed the Buddhas universal Doctrineof Dependent Origination. Here, one factor had led to theother andcaused this ultimate outcome. So, instead of wasting our valuable timeon debating over

    which factor was more responsible than the rest andcaused more damage to the practice of

    Buddhism in India, we shouldnow concentrate on how to revive Buddhism in a global

    perspective.Since, Buddhism preaches loving kindness and compassion as well as itcan adopt to

    meet different traditional, moral and cultural needs of thecommunity, it can play a lead role in

    promoting peace and harmony inthe contemporary global society.


    ANKUR BARUA, M.A. BASILIOHong Kong, 2009

    Background: Dr. Ankur Barua had graduated with distinction fromthe University of Hong Kong

    (MBuddStud, 2009). He had alsocompleted two other Master Degrees, one from Sikkim

    ManipalUniversity (MBAIT, 2007) while the other from Manipal University(MBBS-2000, MD in

    Community Medicine - 2003) and presentlyworking in professional field. Ms. M.A. Basilio is a

    nursingprofessional who has also a keen passion for conducting researchon religion and science.

    First Publication on 8


    October 2009Buddhist Door, Tung Lin Kok Yuen, Hong KongCopyright Ankur Barua and

    M.A.BasilioCommunication Address of Corresponding Author:

    Dr. ANKUR BARUABlockEE, No.-80, Flat No.-2A,Salt Lake City, Sector-2,Kolkata - 700091, West

    Bengal, INDIA.Email: [email protected]: +91-9434485543 (India), +852-96195078

    (Hong Kong)

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India

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    I wish to express my sincere gratitude and indebtedness to

    Ven.Dr. Jing Yin

    , Professor of Buddhist Studies and Director of theCentre of Buddhist Studies in the University of

    Hong Kong for hiskind support, inspiration, encouragement and timely advice duringthe compilation

    of this book.I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my beloved father

    Dr. Dipak Kumar Barua,

    who was the earlier Dean of the FacultyCouncil for Postgraduate Studies in Education, Journalism &

    LibraryScience in the University of Calcutta (1987-1991) and the Directorof Nava Nalanda

    Mahavihara, Nalanda (1996-1999) for histechnical guidance and valuable advice.I would also like to

    convey my sincere thanks to my belovedmother

    Mrs. Dipa Barua

    for showing keen interest and providingconstant assistance and support during this endeavor.

    Ankur Barua

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India




    Initiated in India by the Sakyamuni Buddha, Buddhism has now becomea world religion and at

    present, the Buddhist population is the thirdlargest religious community in the world. Buddhism

    lasted over athousand years in India, the land of its origin. But the supreme irony of the history of

    Indian Buddhism still remains with the unexplainedquestion regarding what led to the

    disappearance of Buddhism fromIndia. Many scholars of Indian history and religion are devoted

    tounraveling this puzzle. Due to the lack of historical and archeologicalevidence, the debate

    continues for centuries and there is no absoluteconsensus on this matter till date.Since, the

    teachings of the Buddha is appreciated by people of everyreligion all across the world, everyone in

    India now wants a share of itsmerit. As a result, none of the concerned royal families or the

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    religiouscommunities in India is ready to own the responsibility for itsdisappearance.However, this

    research explores the probable reasons for the gradualdecline and subsequent disappearance of

    Buddhism from India. Anattempt is also made at the end to arrange all these sequence of eventsin a

    chronological manner to understand the actual process of thisdecline.

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    Ankur Barua & M.A. Basilio

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India





    Many scholars of Indian history and religion are devoted to unravelingthe mystery of what led to

    disappearance of Buddhism from India. Dueto the lack of historical and archeological evidence, there

    is no absoluteconsensus on this matter till date. However, if we analyze all thecontributing factors

    and arrange them in a chronological order, wewould realize that the whole sequence of events was

    initiated by theBuddhist monks and clergy when they had ignored the teachings of theBuddha and

    concentrated on accumulation of abundance of wealth inthe monasteries. They had abandoned the

    community visits andconcentrated on their own salvation instead of helping the commonpeople and

    oppressed classes to end their sufferings. As the lay devoteswere ignored, Buddhism started losingthe general support from thecommunity. Subsequently, the Brahmins took advantage of

    thissituation and deepened the rift between the common people and theBuddhist practitioners.

    They also manipulated the contemporary rulersto withdraw their support from Buddhism and help

    in reviving theexisting Brahmanism. This was followed by the revival of Hinduism andfurther decline

    of Buddhism. Towards the end stage of this decline,there was the Muslim invasion of India. During

    this time, majority of the

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



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    surviving Buddhists in India, who earlier belonged to the lower classHindus, was either forcefully or

    willingly got converted into Islam.

    Key words: Buddhism, Disappearance, Decline, Brahmanism,Brahmins, Hinduism, Islam.

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India





    Buddhism lasted over a thousand years in India. But it is still unknownas to what led to the

    disappearance of Buddhism from India, the land of its origin. Many scholars of Indian history and

    religion are devoted tounraveling this enigma. Due to the lack of historical and

    archeologicalevidence, the debate continues for centuries and there is no absoluteconsensus on this

    matter till date.


    Two factors were generally cited asthe main reasons for the ultimate disappearance of Buddhism

    fromIndia. The first one was the Vedic revival, which drove the religion outthe country and this was

    followed by the invading hordes of the ProphetMohammed, who razed the temples and slaughtered

    the remainingunresisting monks. Though majority of the scholars generally acceptthese two

    important factors, still they do not believe that these were thetruly crucial reasons for the

    disappearance of Buddhism from India.Muslim invasions primarily wrecked only Northern India. But

    Buddhismwas a significant religious force in Southern India too. MahayanaBuddhism mainly

    developed in the Southern regions. So whateverhappened to Buddhism in the northern regions, itstill could not explainhow the religion disappeared from Southern India as well.


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



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    However, the irony of Buddhism in India is represented by the Bodhitree at Bodh Gaya in Bihar,

    India. The present condition of the Bodhitree also aptly symbolizes the present status of Buddhism

    in the world. The main original trunk of the Bodhi tree is missing and the tree is nowthriving on its

    prop roots. Similarly, though Buddhism had been wipedoff from its place of origin in India, but it is

    still flourishing in othercountries across the world.

    Buddhism was a Critical Response to the Existing Brahmanism

    Conflicts of opinions prevail while identifying the probable factorsleading to the disappearance of

    Buddhism from India during the 12


    century A.D. A few scholars however, cherish the opinion that Buddhismnever disappeared as such

    from India and subsequently gotincorporated into the Hinduism. They believe that modern Hinduism

    inIndia is a new form of ancient Buddhism.


    Due to the strikingsimilarities in the teachings of Buddhism and modern Hinduism, there isanother

    group of scholars who uphold the theory that Buddhism is arestatement of Hinduism.


    But this notion is absolutely false asHinduism is a much later development after the disappearance

    of Buddhism from India. If someone has to relate any ancient religion inIndia with Buddhism, it

    should be the existing Brahmanism which paved

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    way to the introduction of Buddhism in India by Sakyamuni Buddhaduring the 6


    century B.C., who was a historical personality. Buddhismshould be viewed as a critical response to

    the existing Brahmanism.Buddhism came into existence in order to wipe off the existing four-

    tiercaste system in India laid down by the Aryans. As the status of womenwas remarkably subdued

    and deplorable during the period of Brahmanism, Buddhism came to the rescue by upholding the

    womensrights and focused on empowerment of women in the society.Sakyamuni Buddha was the

    first historical personality who rose againstall odds to abolish discrimination and violence against

    women in theexisting Indian society.


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    Gradual Decline of Buddhism in India during the 7


    Century A.D.

    Though Buddhism had been the dominant religion in much of theGangetic plains in the early part of

    the Christian era, but the Chinesetraveler, Ven. Hsuan Tsang, during his visit to India in the early

    years of the 7


    century, had witnessed a recession. The testimony of Ven. Hsuan Tsang, had demonstrated the

    gradual decline of Buddhism in India. InPrayag or present Allahabad, he had encountered many non-

    Buddhists. This was not surprising considering the importance of Prayag as apilgrimage site for



    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    Shravasti was the capital city of the Lichhavis, a north Indian clan thatcame to power around 200 AD

    and established their capital inPasupatinath. In a long and glorious period of reign extending

    throughthe early part of the ninth century, they had endowed a large number of both Hindu and

    Buddhist monuments and monasteries. However, duringhis visit, Ven. Hsuan Tsang witnessed a

    much greater number of Saivites and Jains than Buddhists.


    Kushinagar, the small village near Gorakhpur where the Buddha hadgone into Mahaparinibbana, was

    in a dilapidated state and Ven. Hsuan Tsang found only a few Buddhists. Though in Varanasi, Ven.Hsuan Tsang found around 3000 Bhikkus or Buddhist monks, but they wereoutshadowed by more

    than 10,000 non-Buddhists. Hence, we canconclude that Ven. Hsuan Tsang had arrived in India at a

    time whenBuddhism was entering into a state of precipitous decline. But even asBuddhism went

    into decline, it is remarkable that Nalanda, the greatseat of Buddhist learning, continued to flourish

    by retaining itsimportance until the Muslim invasions of the second millennium. It wasfrom Nalanda

    that Ven. Padmasambhava had carried Buddhism to Tibetduring the eighth century.


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India

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    Hence, it is evident that the story of Buddhism in India cannot beunequivocally written in a single

    register of decline as the entire processof decline was gradual and spread over a long period of time.

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism fromIndia

    Buddhism had altogether disappeared from India as a formal religionduring the 13


    century A.D.


    In order to explore the contributing factorsfor the decline and disappearance of Buddhism from

    India; we need toconsider all the events in a sequential and chronological order. Thesefactors could

    be arranged under the following major headings: (a)

    Sectarian and Internal Conflicts

    Relating to the schisms within theBuddhist faith; the widening differences between the clergy,

    Buddhistmonks and laity; and the growing corruption within the sangha. (b)

    Buddhists were persecuted by Brahmins

    - Alleged persecution of Buddhists by Brahmins; the defeat of the Buddhists by the greattheologian

    Adi Shankaracharya in public debates; as well as thecharacteristic tendency of Hinduism, or rather

    Brahmanism, to absorbits opponents. (c)

    Secular and political histories

    - Withdrawal of royal patronage from Buddhism was followed by the Muslim invasionswhich had the

    effect of driving into extinction the already debilitatedBuddhist community.


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



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    It is important to understand that Buddhism was never wiped off fromIndia on a single day and in

    any single event. Like the causal web of adisease, it was a multi-factorial causation. The process of

    decline andsubsequent disappearance was gradual and lasted for many centuries.So, before we get

    into the details of any historical analysis, we shouldfirst arrange the factors in a chronological order

    and observe theinterdependency of a previous event leading to the next.

    (A) Sectarian and Internal Conflicts

    It was found that the Buddhist clergy paid insufficient attention to itslaity. Buddhist mendicants kept

    their distance from non-mendicants.So, the non-mendicants might not have felt particularly invested

    inBuddhism. As the venues, where the mendicants and non-mendicantsintersected, gradually

    disappeared, the laity got distanced from thefaith in Buddhism. The scholars of Buddhism had

    revealed that nomanual for the conduct of the laity was produced until the 11


    centuryA.D. Some scholars had also emphasized the decay and corruptionwithin the Buddhist faith



    Dispute over Wealth and Leaderships in Buddhist Monasteries

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    The Buddhist monasteries were described as repositories of greatwealth which was accumulated

    through generous donations from theroyal families and rich devotees in the community. As food and

    moneywas always available in the monastery, majority of the monks hadadopted a rather easy-going

    and even indolent lifestyle. There were alsodisputes over money matters and leadership which ledto great divideamong many groups of Buddhist monks.


    The unity and harmony of many major monasteries were affected bythese disputes. The sectarian

    splits between various Buddhists sects insubsequent years had finally weakened the foundation

    andadministrative infrastructure of Buddhism in India. This was aconsequence of a major deviation

    from the Buddhas insistence on


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    , or non-possession. As the monks had ignored the instructionof the Buddha and became greedy for

    power and wealth, themonasteries got entrapped in controversies and the communities losttheir

    faith in them.


    Abandonment of Community Visits by the Buddhist Monks

    As there was abundance of wealth in their monasteries, majority of theBuddhist monks and clergy

    had often concentrated mainly on ownsalvation and rarely visited the community to reduce the

    suffering of

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    the general population. Here, the Buddhist monks and clergy hadmissed out a very important

    message by the Buddha. When the Buddhahad advised his disciples to visit the community every day

    and not tostay in a same place for more than three days, it was with a vision thathad a far more

    impact in the society than mere begging for food. Hewanted his disciples to meet as many common

    people as possibleduring their community visit and help them to overcome thesufferings.


    If it was only for gathering food and wealth, he could have arrangedthem for his disciple monks with

    ease by requesting the Kings andemperors, who were also his followers. The main idea behind

    sendingthe emissaries door to door was to build up a community network anddevelop a good

    rapport with the community so that majority of thepopulation could reap the benefit from the

    teachings of the Buddha. Heknew that once the community had accepted his disciples, they

    woulddevelop faith in his teachings and would follow his advice to endsuffering. One should not

    misinterpret the emphasis on building up acommunity network as an intention of the Buddha to

    become a ruler infuture. This is because, as Prince Siddhartha, he had already given uphis kingdomand everything in order to devote the rest of his life to endthe suffering of all human beings. As the

    Buddha, his aim was to carryforward this mission further through his disciples by spreading the

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



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    message of the four noble truths and the noble eightfold path in thecommunity. So, the goal for his

    disciples was not to concentrate onones own salvation, but to help others to reduce the suffering in



    The Buddhist monks in India, during the sixth century had deviated fromthis noble target and

    stopped visiting the community. As the communityvisit was rare by the monks, the general lay

    Buddhists felt neglectedand isolated from the Buddhist monastery. This sense of insecuritymade

    them suffer discrimination from the higher class of the Brahminsociety and they gradually lost faith

    in Buddhism. The Buddhist monksdid not visit the houses of the lower caste and the untouchables

    and asa result, they too did not get the opportunity to adopt Buddhism andgain status in the society.

    The shellfish nature of the Buddhist monksduring that time had generated a sense of hatred and

    insecurity in thegeneral population which had contributed significantly towards theirloss of faith in

    Buddhism at a later date.

    (B) Relationship between Buddhism and Brahmanism

    Many narrative accounts of Buddhisms decline and eventualdisappearance from the land of its faith

    had been focused onBuddhisms relations with Hinduism or Brahmanism. Some scholars

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    believe that Buddhism never got wiped off from Indian society. On thecontrary, it simply changed

    form and was later absorbed into Hindupractices. They believe that Buddhism disappeared, not on

    account of persecution by Hindus, but because of the ascendancy of reformedHinduism. However,

    there is enough historical evidence to suggest thatthe Buddhists were persecuted by Brahmins who

    were keen to asserttheir caste supremacy. The renowned historian S.R. Goyal concludedthat

    "according to many scholars hostility of the Brahmins was one of the major causes of the decline of

    Buddhism in India."


    The Buddhas fight against Brahmanism won him many enemies fromamong the Brahmins. They

    were not as greatly opposed to hisphilosophical teachings as they were to his message of

    universalbrotherhood and equality. As this directly challenged their hegemonyand the scriptures,

    the Brahmins had invented to legitimize this. Tocombat Buddhism and revive the tottering

    Brahminical hegemony,Brahminical revivalists resorted to a three-pronged strategy. At

    thebeginning, they launched a campaign of hatred and persecution againstthe Buddhists. This was

    followed by the incorporation of many of thefiner aspects of Buddhism into the system of Hinduismso as to win overtheir "lower" caste and newly converted Buddhist masses. However, theBrahmins

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    made sure that these selective appropriations did not in anyway undermine Brahminical hegemony.

    The final blow of the Brahmins

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    to wipeout Buddhism was to propound and propagate the myth that theBuddha was merely another

    incarnation (avatar) of the Hindu godVishnu. The historical Buddha was thus turned into just another

    of thecountless mythological deities of the Brahminical pantheon.


    But the hostile attitude of Brahmanism alone could not explain thedisappearance of Buddhism from

    India. As we recall the history,Brahminical opposition to Buddhism was always present right from

    dayone. It was nothing new. If Buddhism could survive and prosper formore than thousand years in

    spite of Brahminical opposition, there wasno reason for it to decline over the time. The "Brahminical

    opposition"itself was also exaggerated at times by some historians.We should remember that

    Buddha himself belonged to the Kshatriya(worrier) caste of Brahmanism which was next to the

    Brahmins. So, theBrahmins never had any problem related to caste discrimination whileaccepting his

    teachings. The first five disciples of the Buddha were theBrahmins. Most of the great Arahants of

    Buddhism belonged to theBrahmin caste. Historical evidence also suggested that more than

    anyother caste it were the Brahmins themselves who contributed the mostin the development of


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    However, some of the Brahmins did not like the way the outcaste andlower caste community were

    rapidly getting converted into Buddhismand gaining higher status in the society. The importance of

    theBrahmins in the Indian society was significantly diminished during thepropagative phase of

    Buddhism. This sense of insecurity among some of the Brahmins vitiated their minds with jealousy

    which later gottransformed into vengeance towards the contemporary Buddhistfollowers.

    Buddhists Were Persecuted by Brahmins

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    Buddhism did not have any caste discrimination. As Buddhism rose toabolish the caste system in the

    existing Brahmanism society, majority of the lower castes and outcastes were getting converted into

    Buddhism inorder to attain higher social status. This sent a signal of uncertaintyamong the Brahmins

    who were losing grounds on critical argumentswith the Buddhist monks and were unable to

    dominate and rule thedeprived section of the Indian society. This sense of insecurity soon ledto the

    development of jealousy and hatred in the minds of the Brahminswho began to assault both

    physically and mentally and victimize theBuddhist community.


    In recent years this view is championed not only by some Dalit writers,but also some scholars of

    pre-modern Indian history. Many Hindu

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    nationalists often believe that many Muslim monuments of recent erawere actually Hindu temples

    in earlier times. However, based onarcheological evidence, the modern historians are inclined to the

    viewthat Hindu temples were often built on the sites of Buddhist shrines.


    The Buddhists, who survived in India after the decline of Buddhism,were finally absorbed into the

    Hindu caste system, mainly as Shudras. To lend legitimacy to their campaign against Buddhism,

    Brahminicaltexts included fierce strictures against Buddhists. Manu, in hisManusmriti, laid down

    that, If a person touches a Buddhist he shallpurify himself by having a bath. Aparaka ordained the

    same in hisSmriti. Vradha Harit declared entry into a Buddhist temple as a sin,which could only be

    expiated for by taking a ritual bath. Even dramasand other books for lay people written by Brahmins

    containedvenomous propaganda against the Buddhists. In the classic work,Mricchakatika, (Act VII),

    the hero Charudatta, on seeing a Buddhistmonk pass by, exclaims to his friend Maitriya" "Ah! Here is

    aninauspicious sight, a Buddhist monk coming towards us." The BrahminChanakya, author ofArthashastra, declared that, "When a personentertains a dinner dedicated to gods and ancestors,

    then for those whoare Sakyas (Buddhists), Ajivikas, Shudras and exiled persons, a fine of one

    hundred panas shall be imposed on him."


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



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    The Revival of Hinduism

    The Vedic revival during the 8


    century A.D. was referred to as therevival of Hinduism by the Western Scholars. This was initiated by

    AdiShankaracharya in the Gangetic plains of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. TheHindus of Rajasthan also

    participated in this hostile revival activity.After the death of Harshavardhana, the Rajputs were

    arising on horizonsof North India. The Rajputs belonged to the lineage from among theremnants of

    Hunas and other foreign hordes which were broken downby the activities of kings like Baladitya and

    the local tibals. The Rajputswere made prominent by the Brahmins for the specific purpose of

    suppressing Buddhism by use of force. They subsequently dominatedthe later part of the history of

    India and played a key role in the revivalof Hinduism.


    During this time, the popular devotion to the Buddha was sought to bereplaced by devotion to

    Hindu gods such as Rama and Krishna. Theexisting version of the Mahabharata was written in this

    period when thedecline of Buddhism had already begun. It was specially meant for thelower caste

    community (Shudras), most of whom were Buddhists, inorder to attract them away from Buddhism.

    However, Brahmanism stillprevented the Shudras from having access to the Vedas. TheMahabharata

    was possibly rewritten to placate the Buddhist Shudras

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    and to compensate them for this discrimination. The Mahabharataincorporated some of thehumanistic elements of Buddhism to win overthe Shudras. Overall, it played the role of bolstering

    the Brahminicalhegemony. Thus, Krishna, in the Gita, was made to say that a personshould not

    violate the divinely ordained law of caste. Eklavya was madeto slice off his thumb by Drona, who

    found it a gross violation of dharmathat a mere tribal boy should excel the Kshatriya Arjun in



    The various writers of the puranas carried out this systematic campaignof hatred, slander and

    calumny against the Buddhists. TheBrahannardiya Purana made it a principal sin for Brahmins toenter thehouse of a Buddhist even at times of great peril. The Vishnu Puranaalleged that the Buddha

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    as Maha Moha or the great seducer. It furthercautioned against the sin of conversing with Buddhists

    and lays. Thosewho merely talked to Buddhist ascetics should be sent to hell. In theGaya

    Mahatmaya, the concluding section of the Vayu Purana, the townof Gaya was identified as Gaya

    Asura, a demon who had attained suchholiness that all those who saw him or touched him went

    straight toheaven. Clearly, this demon was none other the Buddha who preacheda simple way for

    all, including the oppressed castes, to attain salvation. The Vayu Purana story went on to add that

    Yama, the king of hell, grew jealous. This was possibly because less people were now entering his

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    domains. He appealed to the gods to limit the powers of Asura Gaya. The gods, led by Vishnu, were

    able to restrict his powers by placing amassive stone on the demons head. This monstrous legend

    signifiedthe ultimate capture of Buddhisms most holy centre by its inveteratefoes.


    Kushinagar, also known as Harramba, was one of the most importantBuddhist centres as the Buddha

    breathed his last there. The Brahmins,envious of the prosperity of this pilgrim town, invented an

    absurd theoryin order to discourage people from going there. They spread a rumorthat if one died in

    Harramba, he would go to hell. However, if one diedin Kashi, the citadel of Brahmanism, he would

    go straight to the heaven. This belief got deeply rooted in the minds of the local community.

    So,when the Sufi saint Kabir died in 1518 AD at Maghar, not far fromKushinagar, some of his Hindu

    followers refused to erect any memorialin his honor there and instead set it up at Kashi. However,

    Kabir'sMuslim followers were less superstitious and they set up a tomb for himat Maghar itself.


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    The Tendency of Hinduism to Absorb its Rival Faiths

    The tendency of Hinduism to absorb rival faiths was evident from thefact that many elements from

    other faiths had also gone into themaking of Hinduism. While some scholars focus on outright

    persecution,others speak of a long process during which Buddhist practices becameabsorbed into

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    Hinduism. Though the doctrine of ahimsa or non-violence had originated with the Buddha and had

    certainly found itsgreatest exposition in the Buddhas teachings, but by the second half of the 1


    millennium A.D. it had become an integral part of the Hinduteachings. However, it is still not certainwhether the Buddha wasabsorbed into the Hindu pantheon as a gesture of compromise or as

    anattempt of divide in order to reduce the overwhelming might of Buddhism or whether Hinduism

    was eager to embrace as its own,certain values that Buddhism stood for against the short-comings

    of Brahmanism.


    The simplicity of the Buddhas message in emphasizing its stress onequality and crusade against the

    bloody and costly sacrifices andritualism of Brahmanism had attracted the oppressed casts in

    largenumbers. The Brahminical revivalists understood the need toappropriate some of these finer

    aspects of Buddhism and discardedsome of the worst of their own practices so as to be able to win

    over themasses back to the Brahminical fold. Imitating the Buddhists in this

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    regard, the Brahmins, who were once voracious beef-eaters, had turnedinto vegetarians.


    Adi Shankaracharya Had Preserved Buddhism by IncorporatingIt into Hinduism

    The great Brahmin philosopher, Adi Shankaracharya (c. 788-820 AD),took keen interest in learning

    the inner aspects of Buddhist philosophy.He was alleged by some scholars to have hated Buddhism

    and engagedthe Buddhist monks in public debates and each time he had emergedtriumphant. But

    this theory was far from truth for the simple reasonthat, had he successfully defeated the Buddhistmonks in debates allthe time and had no faith in Buddhism, then there was no logic behindhis

    undertaking the initiative to incorporate the finer aspects of Buddhist teachings into Hinduism. So,

    by the time he had invited theBuddhist monks in public debates, he had already studied

    Buddhismand developed an immense respect for the teachings of the Buddha.


    He had also realized that all the Buddhist monks with whom he haddebated were not well-versed

    with the teachings of the Buddha. Due totheir ignorance, they were unable to preach the true

    meaning of thedoctrine of the Buddha in an effective manner. So, he took the initiative

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    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    to include the finer aspects of Buddhism into the core teachings of Hinduism. Under his supervision,

    the Vedas, Bhagavad Gita and Puranaswere rewritten incorporating these new aspects. The Buddha

    was alsotransformed into an


    (descent) of Vishnu.


    The monastic practices had been unknown in Brahmanism, but thispractice was also initiated under

    the leadership of Adi Shankaracharya.He had established maths or monasteries at Badrinath in the

    north,Dwarka in the west, Sringeri in the south, and Puri in the east.


    Modern Hinduism is a Restatement of Buddhism

    The finer aspects of Buddhism were later incorporated into the Vedas,Bhagavad Gita and

    Upanishads by Adi Shankaryacharya during therevival of Hinduism in 8


    century A.D. As a result of this, we do not findany major difference between the teachings of

    Buddhism and Hinduismin modern era. Lay people and many scholars often get deceived byignoring

    the chronological order of historical development of Brahmanism, Buddhism and Hinduism and they

    are unable to make anydistinction between these. We should understand that Hinduism was alater

    development after Buddhism. There is enough historical evidencethat Buddhism paved the way for

    refining the teachings of Hinduismwhich came into existence after the disappearance of Buddhism

    fromIndia. We must always remember that the finer aspects of Buddhism

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



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    had been later incorporated into Hinduism under the supervision of AdiShankaracharya during the 8


    century A.D.


    So, by observing the strikingly similar teachings in both these religions,it would be wiser to conclude

    that modern Hinduism is a restatement of ancient Buddhism. The reverse of this statement is never

    true onhistorical perspectives, as an earlier religion cannot predict or copy theteachings of a future



    (C) Secular and Political Factors

    During the rule of the Kushanas and the Guptas (325-497 AD), bothBuddhists and adherents of

    Brahmanism received royal patronage.However, the royal patronage had shifted from Buddhist to

    Hindureligious institutions from the beginning of the sixth century A.D.Buddhism began to suffer a

    decline as Brahmanism veered off intoVaishnavism and Saivism. This was followed by some regional

    kingdomssubsequently developing into the major sites of power.


    Shashanka, the Shaivite Brahmin king of Bengal was a ferociousoppressor of the Buddhists. The

    single original source for all subsequentnarratives about Shashankas ruinous conduct towards

    Buddhists wasdocumented by Ven. Hsuan Tsang during his visit to India in early partof the seventhcentury A.D.

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    But the exact reasons for his hostile attitude towards Buddhism werenot known. It was believed that

    the Brahminical revivalists had goadedthe Hindu kings like him to persecute and even slaughter



    It was reported that Shashanka had destroyed the Bodhitree of Bodh Gaya and ordered the

    destruction of all Buddhist imagesand monasteries in his kingdom. This biased and sectarian policy

    of Shashanka had broken the backbone of Buddhism in India.


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    Shashanka had also murdered the last Buddhist emperorRajyavardhana, elder brother of

    Harshavardhana, in 605 AD. He hadmarched on to Bodh Gaya and destroyed the Bodhi tree under

    whichthe Buddha had attained enlightenment. He forcibly removed theBuddha's image from the

    Bodhi Vihara near the tree and installed one of Shiva in its place. Shashanka is alleged to have

    slaughtered all theBuddhist monks in the area around Kushinagar.


    After the rule of Shashanka, the Pala kingdom was established inBengal. Though the Palas of Bengal

    had been hospitable to Vaishnavismand Saivism, but nonetheless they were major supporters of

    Buddhism.However, when Bengal came under the rule of the Senas (1097-1223),Saivism was

    promulgated and Buddhism was neglected.


    Anotherhostile Shaivite king like Shashanka was Mihirakula who had completelydestroyed over 1500

    Buddhist shrines. His hostile action was followed

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    by the Shaivite, Toramana who had destroyed the GhositaramaBuddhist monastery at Kausambi.


    The Final Blow from Islam Invasion

    Buddhism had already entered into a state of a decline at the time of Ven. Hsuan Tsangs visit to

    India during the reign of Harsha of Kanauj inthe early seventh century. It had also been argued that

    its furtherdemise, particularly in the early part of the second millennium A.D., washastened by the

    arrival of Islam. Buddhism had found competition inIslam for converts among low-caste Hindus. Even

    Dr. B.R. Ambedkarwas firmly convinced about the view that Islam dealt Buddhism a deathblow. Hehad described the process of disappearance of Buddhism inIndia as Brahmanism beaten and

    battered by the Muslim invaderscould look to the rulers for support and sustenance and get it.


    But Buddhism beaten and battered by the Muslim invaders had no suchhope. It was uncared for

    orphan and it withered in the cold blast of thenative rulers and was consumed in the fire lit up by

    the conquerors.Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was certain that the Muslim invasion was thegreatest disaster

    that befell the religion of Buddha in India and he haddescribed appropriately described this event as

    the sword of Islam fellheavily upon the priestly class. It perished or it fled outside India.Nobodyremained alive to keep the flame of Buddhism burning.

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    Many scholars often like to represent Brahminism as a tyrannical faiththat caused massive

    destruction of the Buddhist monasteries. But thismatter is however, far more complicated than this.

    A recent study of the Bengal Puranas proved that the Buddhists were mocked andprojected as

    mischievous and malicious in Brahminical narratives aswell as subjected to immense rhetorical

    violence. This rhetoricalviolence should be interpreted as both physical and mental

    violenceperpetrated upon the Buddhists. The extermination of Buddhism in Indiawas hastened by

    the large-scale destruction of Buddhist shrines by theBrahmins. The Maha Bodhi Vihara at Bodh

    Gaya was forcibly convertedinto a Shaivite temple.


    The controversy of the actual ownership of Maha Bodhi Vihara at BodhGaya lingered till it was

    declared as a World Heritage by the UNESCOin recent years. The cremation stupa of the Buddha at

    Kushinagar waschanged into a Hindu temple dedicated to the obscure deity with thename of

    Ramhar Bhavani. Adi Shankaracharya was alleged to haveestablished his Sringeri Mutth on the site

    of a Buddhist monastery whichhe took over by force.


    At present, many Hindu shrines in Ayodhya arebelieved to have once been Buddhist temples earlier.

    This is also thecase with other famous Brahminical temples such as those atSabarimala, Tirupati,

    Badrinath and Puri.


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    Even though there was hatred against Buddhism, but the Brahminscould never deny or disrespect

    the inner truths in the teachings of theBuddha. So, the subsequent absorption of the Buddha into

    Vishnuspantheon represented some sort of a compromise between theBrahmins and the Buddhists

    on moral and philosophical grounds. WhatBuddhism stood for to promote peace and harmony in the

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    society, hadbeen later incorporated into certain strands of modern Hinduism inorder to make it

    more refined and acceptable to the society. Thus, theBuddha was finally given his just dues.


    Though the Buddha is now incorporated into modern Hinduism as LordVishnus pantheon, but heshould not be regarded as a god of the Hindureligion. It needs to be emphasized once again that the

    Buddha wasnever a mythological figure as Lord Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma or Rama, buthe was a real

    historical personality.


    Hence, in the light of historicalevidence, we should now interpret the disappearance of Buddhism

    fromIndia as a parable about how a social myth had outlived a historicalevent.


    If we analyze all the contributing factors and arrange them in achronological order, we would realize

    that the whole sequence of eventswas initiated by the Buddhist monks and clergy when they had


    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    the teachings of the Buddha and concentrated on accumulation of abundance of wealth in the

    monasteries. This had made them over-satisfied and lethargic. They were often engaged in disputes

    overmoney matters and leadership. So, they abandoned the communityvisits and concentrated on

    their own salvation instead of helping thecommon people and oppressed classes to end their

    sufferings. As thecommunity was ignored, the tight bonding between the lay devoteesand the

    Buddhist monasteries became weak and finally broke loose. This restricted the spread of Buddhism

    in India and soon Buddhismstarted losing the general support from the community.

    Subsequently,the Brahmins took advantage of this situation and deepened the riftbetween the

    common people and the Buddhist practitioners thatincluded the monks and clergy. The Brahmins

    also manipulated thecontemporary rulers to withdraw their support from Buddhism and helpin

    reviving the existing Brahmanism. This was followed by the revival of Hinduism and further decline

    of Buddhism. Towards the end stage of the outright massacre of Buddhistfollowers and demolition

    of Buddhist monasteries on a large scale, therewas the Muslim invasion of India. During this time,

    majority of thesurviving Buddhists in India, who earlier belonged to the lower classHindus, was

    forcefully converted into Islam. Some of them of course,

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India


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    . Meerut: 394.6. Beal, S. 1884.

    Si-Yu Ki


    Buddhist Records of the Western World

    .London: Trubner & Co., reprint ed., Delhi: Oriental Books ReprintCorporation.7. Pakistan Defence.

    2008. Disappearance of Buddhism from "NonViolent India": An Untold Story. Daily Muslims. [serial

    online]. [cited2009 October 8]; [2 screens]. Available from:


    non-violent-india-untold-story.html8. Moon, V., ed., 1987. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Writings and


    Bombay: Government of Maharashtra

    3: 232-33.

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    Concluding Remarks

    In accordance to the teachings of the Buddha, the disappearance of Buddhism in India had actually

    followed the Buddhas universal Doctrineof Dependent Origination. Here, one factor had led to the

    other andcaused this ultimate outcome. So, instead of wasting our valuable timeon debating over

    which factor was more responsible than the rest andcaused more damage to the practice of

    Buddhism in India, we shouldnow concentrate on how to revive Buddhism in a global

    perspective.Since, Buddhism preaches loving kindness and compassion as well as itcan adopt to

    meet different traditional, moral and cultural needs of thecommunity, it can play a lead role in

    promoting peace and harmony inthe contemporary global society.

    The End

    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India



    Contributing Factors for the Disappearance of Buddhism from India

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