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  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    The rise of Militant Nationalism

    from 1914-1939

  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    Theme of the period

    The post WWI Period diminished the

    European imperialists ability to control their

    colonies and led to a loss of their global power.

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    WWI and the Attack and the

    Nationalist Assault on European

    Colonial Order


    Egypt Middle East


  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    Corrosion of European power 1918-


    Before WWI,

    Europeans preached

    that they had the White

    Mans Burden tocivilize their colonies

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    Shift in perception of Europeans

    Senselessness of WWI

    Has not the truth of

    already come home to

    you now when this cruelwar has driven its claws

    into the vitals of

    Europe? R.Tagore

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  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    Sikh British Soldiers in India

  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    Fighting in Africa

    British Sikh

    Mountain Gunners

    Black Soldiers in theGerman Schutztruppen[German E. Africa]

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    Fighting in Africa

    3rdBritish Battalion, Nigerian Brigade

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    Fighting in Salonika, Greece

    French colonial marine infantry from

    Cochin, China - 1916

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  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    The Indian National Congress


    The Indian National Congresswas founded in Bombay.

    swarajindependence.*the goal of the movement.

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    Bal Gangadhar Tilak

    1856 - 1920

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  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    The Muslim League

    1905 partition of Bengal based onreligions and languages.

    1906 creation of the Muslim League.

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    Mohammed Ali Jinnah

    1876 - 1948

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    Young Mohandas K.



    1869 - 1948

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    Gandhi with the London

    vegetarian society, 1890

  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    Gandhi as a Young

    Barrister in Natal

    G dhi L i

  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    Gandhi as a Lawyer inJohannesburg, So.


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    Gandhi and His Wife,

    Kasturba, 1915

  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    Egypt and the Rise of Nationalism

    in the Middle East

    British occupied

    Indirect, corrupt rule

    by Turco-Egyptian

    and ayan, orlandlords

    Nationalist leaders

    from effendi- urban

    middle class

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    Egypt and the Rise of Nationalism

    in the Middle East

    1916 -Dinshawi


    British hunting party

    shot wife of prayerleader

    Violence broke out

    British executedvillagers

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    Egypt and the Rise of Nationalism

    in the Middle East

    1913- Egyptian

    nationalist gained

    constitution and

    representation inparliament

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    Europeans Carve Up the Ottoman Empire After WW1

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    Mustafa Kemal Atatrk (1881-1938)Republican Peoples Party Goals:

    republicanism (National Assembly).

    nationalism (Turkification).

    populism (for the benefit of

    the people).

    statism (state-controlledeconomy).

    secularism (free from religiouscontrol).


    1924 abolished the caliphate.

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    Atatrks Reforms1.Turkify the Islamic faith

    Translate the Quraninto Turkish.

    Secular education.

    Ministry of Religious Affairs


    Shariacourts closed newsecular courts.

    2.Western-style clothing Forbid the wearing of the fez

    Western-style mens suits.

    Attacked the veiling of women.

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    Theodore Herzl1860 1904

    GOALS:The spiritual andpolitical renewal ofthe Jewish peoplein its ancestralhomeland ofPalestine.

    Freedom fromWestern anti-Semitism.

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    First Zionist Conference, 1897 Herzl writes Der Judenstaat, or

    The Jewish Statein 1896. Met in Basel, Switzerland. Creates the First Zionist Congress. Becomes an international Jewish

    organization. Next Year in Jerusalem

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    The Ottoman Empire in WW1

  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    The Middle East in 1914

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    T. E. Lawrence [1888-1935]

    Lawrence of Arabia,The Legend Begins

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    Hussein-McMahon Letters, 1915

    ....Britain is prepared torecognize and uphold theindependence of the Arabs inall regions lying within thefrontiers proposed by the Sharifof Mecca....

    Hussein ibn Ali,Sharif of Mecca

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    Sykes-Picot Agreement, 1916

  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    The Arab Revolt: 1916-1918

  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    The Allied Advance Againstthe Ottoman Turks

    Br. GeneralEdmund Allenby

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    The British & Arab Armies MeetBritish Forces

    Lawrence& Faisals Forces

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    British Promise to the Jews: Balfour Declaration,1917

    Sir Arthur James Balfour

    Br. Foreign Secretary

    His Majestys overnment views with favor theestablishment inPalestine of anational home forthe Jewish people and w ill use their best endeavorsto facilitate the achievement of this objec t, it beingclearly understood that nothing shall be donewhich may prejudice the civil and religious rightsof existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine

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    1.5 million: A Portent of Future Horrors to Come

    Turkish Genocide Against the Armenians

  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    Districts & Vilayets of WesternArmenia in Turkey

    1914 1922

    Erzerum 215,000 1,500

    Van 197,000 500

    Kharbert 204,000 35,000

    Diarbekir 124,000 3,000

    Bitlis 220,000 56,000Sivas 225,000 16,800

    Other Armenian-populated Sitesin Turkey

    Western Anatolia 371,800 27,000Cilicia and Northern Syria 309,000 70,000

    European Turkey 194,000 163,000

    Trapizond District 73,390 15,000

    Total: 2,133,190 387,800

    Turkish Genocide Against the Armenians

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    Prince Faisal at Versailles, 1918

    Arab Disappointment

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    The League of Nations Mandates

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    New Countries & Ruling Families Emerge

    Prince Faisal ruler of Trans-Jordan. Prince Abdullah ruler of a newly-created

    Iraq [pasted together from three distinctgeographic regions].

    The House of Saud put on the throne of thenewly-created Saudi Arabia.

    The Pahlavi Family put on the throne of anew Iran.

    Mustafa Kemal leads a military/nationalistmovement in Turkey.

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    Treaty of Lausanne, 1923

    Modern Turkey Is Born.

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  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    Essential Question:How did Britains actions in Palestine after

    1918 lay the groundwork for the on-going

    conflict between the Jews and the Arabs in

    the Middle East today?

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    Palestine Was Part of theOttoman Empire

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    Jews & Arabs in Palestine,1920 In 1920, there

    was 1 Jew toevery 10 Arabs inPalestine.

    By 1947, the ratiowas 2 Arabs forevery Jew.

    The Arabs felt that they wereloosing control of theircountry

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    BritishMandate inPalestineCreatedJuly, 1922

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    Jewish Settlements:The KibbutzSystem

    First one founded in 1908. Communal living. Make the DesertBloom

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    1929 Arab RiotsIZBAH AL-YAHUD

    [Slaughter All the Jews ]Jewish

    1919 1,806

    1920 8,223

    1921 8,294

    1922 8,685

    1923 8,175

    1924 13,892

    1925 34,386

    1926 13,855

    1927 3,034

    1928 2,178

    1929 5,249

    1930 4,944


    1931 4,075

    1932 12,533

    1933 37,337

    1934 45,267

    1935 66,472

    1936 29,595

    1937 10,629

    1938 14,675

    1939 31,195

    1940 10,643

    1941 4,592

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    Palestine Arab Revolt:1936-1939

    The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem,

    Haj Amin al-Hussani, with Adolf


    An end to Jewishimmigration to Palestine.

    An end to the transferof lands to Jewishowners.

    A new generalrepresentativegovernment.

    Their Goals:

    The Beginnings of the Liberation

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    The Beginnings of the LiberationStruggle in Africa

    Educated Africans initially loyal toBrits/French

    War changed all that a. Rebellions due to forced


    b. Starvation to feed soldiers c. Merchants suffer from

    shipping shortages

    Th B i i f th Lib ti

  • 8/13/2019 Decline of European Colonial Power and Rise of Nationalism 1203008169379787 3


    The Beginnings of the Liberation

    Struggle in Africa

    Britain doesnt

    come through on all

    promises after war

    jobs and public


    The Beginnings of the Liberation

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    The Beginnings of the Liberation

    Struggle in Africa

    Attempts to create



    Butstarted byAfrican Americans or

    West Indies

    At least pushed anti-

    colonial spirit

    W.E.B. Du Bois

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