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Page 1: Deconstruction for billboard

Billboard deconstructions

Page 2: Deconstruction for billboard

MastheadIs the name of the magazine on a big font on the front cover. The masthead is one of the main things that appeals to the reader as it keeps the same font and the same colours in the masthead so you can easily identify the magazine.

A barcode lets the audience and readers know the price of the magazine. It is essential information that tells you the price and date. It is placed at the corner of the page because its not that important to the image and doesn’t want to take attention off the image of the celebrity on the front.

Main sell line-the font of this is a little bit smaller then the heading as they don’t want to draw complete attention to the artist mentioned. The sell line lets the reader know what artist is written about in the article .

Billboard front cover deconstruction

Page 3: Deconstruction for billboard

This contents page includes the date that this magazine was released. Therefore this informs the reader the music hits at this point in time. This means that readers that are interested in music and can look at the previous hit songs.

This part of the contents page tells the reader the number one and latest hits from the time that the magazine was released. personally I like the way that they have set this out down the side so it doesn’t draw attention away from the main subject. I also like the way it informs the readers of the genre as this may interest them in a genre which they find they like better.

This billboard contents page has influenced how I am going to structure my magazine as the number 1 hits column has caught my attention and I like knowing the latest best songs.Therfore when it comes to making my magazine I will do my own current top hits collum at the side of the page.

this feature of the magazine make it more approachable for everyone as it has a wider range of images. Therefore it appeals to loads of different readers and covers a variety of interests.

I like the way that they have put the wording around the images so it doesn’t draw attention away from it and the readers still get informed about the latest music events whilst seeing a picture of a well known artist.

Billboard contents page deconstruction

Page 4: Deconstruction for billboard

Billboard double page spread deconstruction

personally I like the way that they have put the images big in the middle but you can still see the text around the side. This levels it out for the readers.

The double page spread only uses a colour to highlight key things such a Rita Ora’s name and the questions asked in the interview. This is also effective because although it makes it stand out red is also strong colours and shows that Rita is a strong personal.

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