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Decorative Arts Wednesday 10th November 201033 Broughton PlaceEdinburgh


Catalogue: £10

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Decorative ArtsDesign from 1860

Wednesday 10th November 201011am

Sale Number LT299

ViewingSunday 7th November 2010 2pm - 5pmMonday 8th November 2010 10am - 5pmTuesday 9th November 2010 10am - 5pmMorning of Sale from 9am

SpecialistJohn [email protected]+44 (0)131 557 8844

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L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Important informationfor buyers

L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


1 LB344/4MONARTLARGE GLASS VASE, SHAPE,1930sthe shouldered baluster bodywith green spirally ribbingand aventurine inclusions

28cm high


3 EZ518/2MONARTGLASS VASE, SHAPE A, 1930sof ovoid form, the green bodywith swirling band and blueand aventurine inclusions tothe rim

19cm high


6 EAB47/6MONARTGLASS VASE, 1930sof ovoid form with cylindricalneck, the blue body withamethyst and aventurineinclusions to the rim, 16cmhigh; and a MONART GLASSVASE, SHAPE OE, of taperingform, the pale blue body withamethyst and aventurineinclusions to the rim, 19.5cmhigh (2)


5 EAB47/5MONARTSMALL GLASS VASE, SHAPEXD, 1930sof swollen cylindrical form,the rare red glass body withswirling amethyst andaventurine inclusions to therim

12cm high


4 EY847/2MONARTLARGE CASED GLASS VASE,1930sthe ovoid mottled green body,with mottled yellow andaventurine inclusions to theneck

30cm high


Scottish Glass

2 EAA282/17MONARTCIRCULAR GLASS BOWL, AF SHAPE,1930swith lime green striped and purple andyellow swirling inclusions, bears originalpaper label

21.5cm diameter


L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


7 EAB47/4MONARTGLASS VASE, RA SHAPE,1930sthe rare red glass body withswirling amethyst andaventurine inclusions to therim

17.5cm high


9 EAB47/9MONARTGLASS VASE, SHAPE IF,1930sof squat baluster form, theblue body with aventurineinclusions to the rim, 14cmhigh; and a MONART GLASSVASE, SHAPE RA, the pinkbody with amethyst andaventurine inclusions to therim, 12.5cm high (2)


12 EAA282/19MONARTGLASS BOWL, IG SHAPE,1930sthe clear glass body withgreen and white spiderwebdecoration and with bubbleinclusions to the rim

29cm diameter


11 EAA613/4MONARTCOLLECTION OFGLASSWARES, 1930scomprising a FOOTED BOWL,EH SHAPE, with mottledgreen body and orange andaventurine inclusions to therim, 32cm diameter; aFLARING VASE, EH SHAPE,with pale mauve body withswirling amethyst andaventurine inclusions to therim, 15cm high; and FOUROTHER MONART PIECES (6)


10 EAB47/10MONARTGLASS VASE, SHAPE IC,1930sof tapering form, the mottledyellow and orange body withgreen, umber and aventurineinclusions

21cm high


8 LB344/5MONARTRARE GLASS VASE, SHAPEUB VIII, 1930sthe ovoid red glass body withmottled yellow inclusions tothe rim

23cm high


L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


13 EAA282/24MONARTTHREE GLASS VASES,CIRCA 1930To include a BALUSTER VASE,FA SHAPE, with a mottledorange and yellow body withgreen inclusions to the rim,17cm high; a BOTTLE VASE,IA SHAPE, with a mottledorange and yellow body withamethyst inclusions to therim, 20cm high; a TAPERINGVASE, D SHAPE, with amottled orange and yellowbody, 25cm high (3)


14 EAA282/21MONARTOVOID GLASS VASE, 1930sthe mottled pink body withamethyst and aventurineinclusions to the rim, 22cmhigh; a MONART GLASSBOWL, UB SHAPE with pinkspider-web decoration andmica inclusions to the rim33cm diameter and a anotherMONART GLASS BOWL, IGSHAPE, with pink andaventurine inclusions, bearspaper label 25.5cm diameter


15 EAA282/18MONARTGLASS LAMP BASE, LDSHAPE, 1930sthe orange body withamethyst inclusions to theneck

38cm high


19 EAA282/10MONARTCOLLECTION OF GLASSWARES, 1930scomprising an OVOID GLASSVASE, pink with amethyst andaventurine inclusions, 12.5cmhigh; an OVOID GLASS VASE,pale blue with amethyst andaventurine inclusions, 12cmhigh; two SMALL GLASSVASES, one pink and oneblue, a DESSERT BOWL, withradiating striped design ingreen and purple, 18.5cmdiameter; and a MATCHINGPLATE (6)


20 EAA282/12PERTH GLASSGLASS TABLE LAMP, 1950sthe tapering cylindrical yellowbody with multicolouredinclusions on a spreadingbase 26cm high; a FRILLEDBOWL, 26cm diameter; aSTRATHERN CIRCULARBOWL, 15cm diameter; andtwo small VASES each withyellow bodies andmulticoloured inclusions (5)


16 EAA282/16VASARTCOLLECTION OFGLASSWARES, CIRCA 1950comprising a BOWL, ofcircular form with orangeswirling inclusions, 25cmdiameter another BOWL, withspider-web inclusions, 19cmdiameter, a cylindrical VASE,with pink and orange swirlinginclusions, 24cm high andthree further VASART BOWLS(5)


17 EAA282/15AMONARTGLASS VASE, UE SHAPE,1930sthe yellow and orange bodywith blue, green and amethystpulled inclusions to the neck,17.5cm high; also a MONARTGLASS PLATE, YE SHAPE,with mica and orange swirlinginclusions, 19.5cm diameter;and also a SMALL MONARTBOWL; ZH SHAPE ASHTRAYand a Y SHAPE BOWL each incorresponding colourways (5)


18 EAA282/15MONARTGLASS VASE, FA SHAPE,1930sthe orange and yellow bodywith green amethyst andaventurine inclusions to therim, 24cm high; also aMONART OJ GLASS VASE,12cm high; and a MONART AGLASS VASE, 10cm high eachwith similar colourways (3)


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Decorative Arts


21 EAA282/3MONARTGLASS BOWL, KD SHAPE,1930sthe green body with all overbubble and aventurineinclusions

24cm diameter


22 EAA282/11VASARTCOLLECTION OFGLASSWARES, 1950sto include a CIRCULAR BOWLwith mottled blue, yellow andred inclusions, acid-etchedmark, 23cm diameter; aBEAKER VASE with mottledblue, amethyst and aventurineinclusions, acid-etched mark,19.5cm high; two VASARTFRILLED BOWLS; a VASARTPOSY VASE; a STRATHEARNFRILLED BOWL in blue glass,30cm diameter and aSTRATHEARN VASE in blueglass with aventurineinclusions, 20cm high (8)


24 EAA282/2MONARTGLASS VASE, HF SHAPE,1930sthe green body with amethystand aventurine inclusions tothe rim, 17cm high; also aMONART GLASS VASE, NSHAPE, the green body withamethyst and aventurineinclusions to the rim, 16cmhigh; also a MONART GLASSPOWDER JAR AND COVER,OB SHAPE, the green bodywith amethyst and aventurineinclusions to the rim, 11cmhigh (3)


23 EAA282/9MONARTTHREE GLASS VESSELS,1930scomprising a VASE, RASHAPE, the mottled blue bodywith amethyst and aventurineinclusions to the rim, 12cmhigh; a BOWL, UB SHAPE, ina similar colourway, 24.5cmdiameter; and another BOWL,XA SHAPE, with folded rim,with mustard yellow swirlinginclusions and a purple rim,25cm diameter (3)


L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


25 EAA282/5MONARTGLASS TABLE LAMP, 1930sthe mushroom shade withwhite, yellow and amethystswirling inclusions raisedabove an ovoid correspondingbase (fitted for electricity)

36cm high


26 EAA282/4MONARTTAPERED GLASS VASE, 1930sthe clear glass body withgreen and white, bubble andaventurine striped inclusions

23cm high


27 EAA282/8AMONARTGLASS VASE, 1930sthe mottled blue body withswirling turquoise inclusionsto the rim, 16cm high; also aMONART CIRCULAR BOWLthe blue and turquoise bodywith mica inclusions, 19cmdiameter; and a smalerMONART BOWL with pale-blue and turquoise inclusions,15cm diameter (3)


30 EAA282/6VASARTCOLLECTION OF GLASSWARES, 1950scomprising a large circularbowl, a posy basket, a twin-handled dish, an ovoid posybowl, a flared bowl, each withpink and jade-green mottledbodies (5)

bowl, 27cm diameter


29 EAA282/7VASARTGLASS TABLE LAMP, 1950sthe pink shade of taperedcylindrical form withmulticoloured inclusions on aspreading base, 24cm high;also a VASART FRILLED VASEwith pink body with amethystand aventurine inclusions tothe rim, etched mark 25cmhigh; and two VASART BOWLSeach with pink swirlinginclusions, etched mark 20cmdiameter (4)


28 EAA282/8MONARTGLASS VASE, CC SHAPE,1930sthe green and turquoise bodywith swirling amethyst andaventurine inclusions

22cm high


33 EAA282/1MONARTGLASS VASE, TB SHAPE,1930sthe red body with amethystand aventurine inclusions tothe rim

16cm high


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Decorative Arts


32 EAA282/1AMONARTGLASS VASE, TB SHAPE,1930sthe red body with amethystand aventurine inclusions tothe rim

16.5cm high


31 EAA282/1BMONARTSHALLOW CIRCULAR GLASSBOWL, 1930sthe red body with amethystand aventurine inclusions tothe rim

28cm diameter


34 EAA540/5PETER HOLMESPRESENTATION GLASSSWORD, 1970sthe clear glass blade and hiltwith cranberry and mauvestriped handle, ‘PH’ canemark

84cm long


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Decorative Arts


35 EAA509/2MOSERGLASS BOWL, CIRCA 1900decorated with applied cranberry pad with wheelcarved petals and allover engraved and floraldesign, signed on underside ‘Moser Karlsbad’

17cm across


36 EY784/6JOSEF HOFFMANN(ATTRIBUTED TO)ENAMELLED GLASS VASE,CIRCA 1910the flared blue glass bodypainted in gilt and colouredenamels with a frieze ofstylised flowers

19.5cm high


37 EY784/8JOSEF HOFFMANN(ATRIBUTED TO)PAIR OF GLASSES, CIRCA1910each clear glass body withflared rim, raised on a flutedbase, 14.5cm high; and aJOSEF HOFFMANN (MANNEROF) SET OF FIVE LIQUEURGLASSES, each with palegreen glass bowls andslender clear glass stemswith spreading foot (7)


40 EAA537/1PALME KONIGPAIR OF BRONZE MOUNTEDIRIDESCENT GLASS VASES,CIRCA 1900each green glass vase ofshaped bottle form, withiridescent wash and latticedpatterning, held in a bronzeframe cast as stylised fruitingwhiplash foliage, (one vaselacking one handle) (2)

42cm high


39 EY784/3MOSER, KARLSBADPAIR OF ‘ALEXANDRIT’GLASS CANDLESTICKS,CIRCA 1910each of pale blue glass thecircular flared nozzles abovetapering column with ribbedband on broad spreading foot,etched mark ‘Moser/Bohemia/ Alexandrit’ (2)

30.5cm high


38 EAA480/3AUSTRIAN SCHOOLSECESSIONIST GLASS VASE,CIRCA 1910of stepped cylindrical form,the ruby dipped body, acidetched with stylised foliage

16.5cm high


Art Glass

L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


41 EAA585/2LOETZIRIDESCENT GLASS VASE,CIRCA 1900the ruby glass body of bottleform applied with wavedpattern in a peacockiridescence

20.5cm high


43 EAB142/3DAUMTWIN-HANDLED GLASSVASE, CIRCA 1910the handles with etched silverfloral and foliate overlay, theblue glass body with mottledinclusions, etched mark‘Daum Nancy’ with Cross ofLorraine

16cm high


42 EAB142/2DAUMGLASS BOTTLE VASE,CIRCA 1910with double gourd body andslender neck, overlaid withyellow, blue and brownenamels, etched mark ‘DaumNancy’

16cm high


L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


45 LB386/2DAUMWHEEL-CARVED CAMEOGLASS VASE, CIRCA 1910with floral decoration, wheel-etched mark ‘Daum Nancy’and with Cross of Lorraine

60cm high


44 LB386/1DAUMACID ETCHED AMBER GLASSVASE, CIRCA 1925with geometric design, wheeletched mark ‘Daum NancyFrance with Cross of Lorraine

51.5cm high


L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


46 EAA509/5TIFFANY & CO.‘FAVRILE’ GLASS VASE,CIRCA 1910of baluster form with appliedpulled prunts, covered in apeacock iridescence, bearsmaker’s label, engraved mark‘72173/ L.C.T.’

8cm high


48 EAA341/1TIFFANY STUDIOS‘FAVRILE’ GLASS FLOWERVASE, CIRCA 1900the trumpet shaped vase withamber iridescence mountedon a green and gold-colouredenamelled base, stampedmarks ‘Louis C. TiffanyFurnaces Inc/ 151’

32.5cm high


47 EAB142/4TIFFANY STUDIOS‘FAVRILE’ GLASS VASE,CIRCA 1900the vase of ribbed trumpetform on a gilt-bronze basewith blue enamelled festoons,stamped marks ‘Louis C.Tiffany Furnaces Inc./ 156’

43cm high


L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


49 EAA509/6LALIQUE‘PINSONS’ OPALESCENTGLASS VASE, INTRODUCED1930moulded with a frieze ofperched birds amidst cherrieswith broad flaring rim,stencilled etched mark ‘R.Lalique France’

19cm high


50 EAA528/5LALIQUE‘RAMPILLON’, OPALESCENTGLASS VASE, INTRODUCED1927no. 991, decorated withlozenge shaped prunts on afloral and foliate ground,traces of original bluestaining, stencil etched mark,‘R. Lalique France’

13cm high


51 EAA976/21LALIQUE‘MILAN’ GREEN GLASS VASE,CREATED 1929no. 1025, converted to a lamp,cracked and riveted, bearsetched script mark ‘R.Lalique France No. 1025’

vase, 28cm high


53 EAA297/2LALIQUE‘PRIMEVERES’, OPALESCENTGLASS BOWLof circular form moulded withflowers, traces of originalblue staining, moulded mark‘R. Lalique’, wheel etchedmark ‘France’ (lacking cover)

16cm diameter


52 EAA349A/15LALIQUE‘GUI’ OPALESCENT GLASSBOWL, INTRODUCED 1921no. 3324, moulded withfruiting mistletoe, wheeletched mark ‘R. LaliqueFrance’, script etched mark‘No. 3324’

20cm diameter


L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


56 EAA241/1LALIQUE‘DANAIDES’ OPALESCENTGLASS VASE (NO. 972),INTRODUCED 1932moulded with a frieze ofnaked maidens pouring waterfrom urns, ground foot rim,wheel etched mark ‘R.Lalique, France’ and etchedscript mark ‘No. 972’, chippedto base rim

18cm high


55 EAA349A/14LALIQUE‘RAMPILLON’, OPALESCENTGLASS VASE, INTRODUCED1927no. 991, decorated withlozenge shaped prunts on afloral and foliate ground,original sepia staining, wheeletched mark, ‘R. LaliqueFrance’

13cm high


54 EAA349A/16LALIQUE‘SOUCIS’ OPALESCENTGLASS VASE, INTRODUCED1930no. 1039, moulded with aband of flowers, original bluestaining, script mark ‘R.Lalique, France’

18cm high


L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


57 EAA480/4SABINO, PARIS‘DOUBLE SUZANNE’OPALESCENT GLASS LAMP,CIRCA 1930moulded with opposed femalefigures, with attached lightfitting

21.5cm high


58 EAA282/22WMF (WURTTEMBERGISCHEMETALLWARENFABRIK)THREE IKORA GLASSVESSELS, 1930sto include a bowl and coverwith radiating ruby and yellowinclusions, 17cm high; abaluster glass vase with redand ruby trailed inclusions,19cm high and a similarsmaller vase, 9.5cm high;also a Czech glass vase oftapering cylindrical form withmica, blue and yellow spiderweb inclusions, 25cm high (4).


61 EY784/74BCLYNE FARQUHARSON FORJOHN WALSH WALSHTHREE CUT GLASS VASES,LATE 1930sone of shouldered form withcut bands of leafy tendrils andribbed decoration to the rim,25cm high; another similarvase of squat baluster form,20cm high; and a flared vasewith stylised foliate banding,21cm high, each with etchedsignature mark (3)



30cm high


59 EZ582/24JAMES POWELL & SONS,LONDONWHITEFRIARS OPALESCENTGLASS TAZZA, CIRCA 1890the frilled bowl on scrollingwrought iron tripod base

13cm diameter


L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


62 EAA537/3SAM HERMANFREEFORM GLASS VASE,DATED 1971the green glass body withtrailed lustre decoration,etched mark ‘Samuel JHerman/ 1971’

21cm high


63 EAA480/11SAM HERMANFREEFORM GLASS VASE,DATED 1972the clear and red glass bodywith trailing inclusions,etched mark ‘Samuel JHerman 1972’

11cm high


64 EAA478/1THOMAS WEBB & SONSCUT CRYSTAL BOWL, 1950sof circular lobed form, eachlobe etched with an African orNorth American wild animal,etched mark ‘Webb/ Made inEngland’

33cm diameter


66 EAA282/23NAZING GLASSTHREE VASES,LATE 20TH CENTURYEach of trumpet form, onewith blue and white pulleddecoration, 34cm high; amberand white pulled decoration,15cm high; red and whitemottled decoration, 16cmhigh (3)


67-69 No lots

65 EAA285/3EDVIN ÖHRSTRÖM FORORREFORS‘ARIEL’ GLASS BOWL, 1950sdecorated with geometricinclusions, etched mark‘Orrefors/ Ariel FU 1424/Edvin Öhrström’

13cm across


L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


70 EAC70/1WEMYSS WARERARE BUTTON, CIRCA 1900painted with a ring of violets,impressed mark

3.2cm diameter


72 EAB393/112JESSIE MARION KINGCERAMIC MUG, 1920spainted with a frieze depicting a girl ather sums with seven dancing figures andthe inscription ‘Seven Times Seven areSeven’, painted initials, rabbit and greengate marks

6.5cm high

Provenance:The Estate of the Late Jean Gordon Welsh


71 EAA497/1WEMYSSPAIR OF SMALL PIGFIGURES, CIRCA 1900each with black spongeddecoration on a white ground,impressed mark ‘WemyssWare/ R.H. & S.’, puce T.Goode & Co retailer’s marks(2)

16.5cm long


British Ceramics

L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


73 EAA989/5WEDGWOODAESTHETIC MOVEMENTPART TEA SERVICE,CIRCA 1870comprising a teapot andcover, a teapot stand; a sugarbowl and cover and a milkjug, each moulded withbamboo on a pink ground,impressed marks (4)

teapot 19cm high


74 EAA556/1ELIZABETH AMOUR FORBOUGHSHOULDERED VASE, 1920spainted with irises, paintedmarks, ‘E.A/ Bough/ LX’ and‘18/54’

27cm high


77 EAA386/1FOLEY‘INTARSIO’ POLITICIANTEAPOT AND COVER,CIRCA 1900printed with a caricature ofWilliam Gladstone, paintedand printed marks no. 3358

12cm high



34cm high



23.5cm high


L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


79 EAA556/2SCOTTISH POTTERYCOLLECTION OF WARES,1920scomprising a MAK’ MERRYMILK JUG, decorated withherbaceous flowers, paintedmark, 12cm high; a MAK’MERRY MUSTARD POT ANDCOVER, decorated with aband of blossom, paintedmark, 6cm high; anELIZABETH MARY WATTDISH, painted with flowers,painted initials, 14cm across;and an ELIZABETH MARYWATT COFFEE CAN ANDSAUCER, decorated withabstract plant forms, paintedinitials (4)


81 EAA587/2WEDGWOODEARTHENWARE TAZZA,CIRCA 1880transfer printed with aChristmas scene andinscribed ‘December’,indistinct impressed mark,painted mark ‘c/ 1725/ 6’

23cm diameter


80 EAA613/5SCOTTISH POTTERYCOLLECTION OF WARESComprising a mixed teaservice by Mary A Ramsay,Strathyre, including teapot (lidlacking), cup and saucer,plate, two milk jugs, and aself-coloured vase paintermarks; a pair of pin dishespainted by Stump Longniddry,decorated with a floral design,painter marks, 10.5cmdiameter; a coffee can andsaucer decorated by ElizabethMary Watt in an abstractfoliate design, painter marks;and a handpainted footedpunch bowl (12)


78 EAA409/4AESTHETIC MOVEMENTFRAMED TILE, CIRCA 1880painted as the head in profileof a girl in a red cap, blossomground, within oak frame

tile 15.5cm square


82 EZ582/31C. H. BRANNAMLARGE TERRACOTTASCRAFFITO JUG, DATED 1890decorated in colouredenamels with a crouchingrodent on a leafy branch,reserved on a pale creamground, incised marks

35cm high


83 EAA585/8CARLO MANZONILARGE TERRACOTTA PLATE,DATED 1898decorated with an angelplaying pipes, incised marksto reverse

34cm diameter


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Decorative Arts



15cm square


86 EZ322/1BRETBY ART POTTERYPAIR OF LARGE CATFIGURES, CIRCA 1900each in seated pose with insetglass eyes and black glaze,impressed marks ‘Bretby/England’, no.2405 (2)

33cm high


88 EAC40/2BERNARD MOORECIRCULAR BOWL,CIRCA 1920decorated in ruby red to theinterior with a band ofmistletoe and to the exteriorwith the inscription ‘Behold Ibring you tidings of great joy’,painted marks to base‘Bernard Moore’

26cm diameter


87 EAA531/1NELSON DAWSON ATCHISWICK MALLEARTHENWARE VASE,DATED 1917of baluster form with appliedcoat of arms in relief, coveredin a buff glaze with greenglaze to the interior, incisedmarks to base ‘NelsonDawson/ Chiswick Mall/ W/1917’

17cm high


85 EAB47/15MINTONSSECESSIONIST VASE,CIRCA 1900of tapering form decoratedwith stylised foliage on a redground, printed andimpressed marks no. 1

14cm high



L Y O N & T U R N B U L L

Decorative Arts


90 EAA349A/2CHARLES PASSENGER FORWILLIAM DE MORGANLARGE MERTON ABBEY PERIODFAIENCE CHARGER, 1880sof circular moulded form withcentral domed boss decorated ina ‘Persian’ style with a griffin,enclosed by bands of entwinedflowers, griffins and serpents,the reverse with concentric andleafy bands, bears paintedinitials ‘C.P.’, small rim chip

45.8cm diameter


89 EAA349A/1FRED PASSENGER FORWILLIAM DE MORGANMERTON ABBEY PERIOD TWIN-HANDLED FAIENCE VASE, 1880sof ovoid form, decorated in a‘Persian’ style with peacocks ona floral and foliate ground,impressed Merton Abbeymaker’s mark, bears paintedinitials ‘F.P’

29.5cm high


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Decorative Arts


91 EAA480/7WILLIAM DE MORGANCIRCULAR CHARGER, CIRCA 1900painted with a landscape to thebowl, enclosed by a frieze of deeramongst foliage and decorated tothe reverse with concentric bandsand snakes

30.5cm diameter


94 EAA480/12WILLIAM DE MORGANCERAMIC TILE, CIRCA 1900decorated with Iznikflowerhead, impressed SandsEnd mark, 15.5cm square;also an ART NOUVEAU TILE,decorated in tube line with astylised floral motif, 15cmsquare (2)


93 EZ869/5WILLIAM DE MORGANSANDS END PERIOD IZNIKTILE, CIRCA 1890with allover foliate design,impressed mark, 15.5cmsquare; and an Iznik style tile,with similar foliatedecoration, impressed ‘DevonFires’ mark, 15.5cm square(2)


92 EAA480/8WILLIAM DE MORGANLUSTRE VASE, CIRCA 1900of swollen cylindrical form,painted with panels of stylisedsnakes and foliage

17.5cm high


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95 EAA509/9LESLIE HARRADINE FORROYAL DOULTON‘LIDO LADY’ FIGURE,CIRCA 1930painted and printed factorymarks, HN1220

18cm high


96 EAC62/1DOULTON, LAMBETHLARGE STONEWARE VASECIRCA 1890of shouldered tapering formwith everted rim, incised witha central band of leaves andtrellis and enclosed by trailingfoliate bands impressed andincised marks

33cm high


97 EAB47/14FLORRIE JONES FOR ROYALDOULTONSTONEWARE VASE,CIRCA 1910of shouldered form decoratedwith a frieze of fruiting vines,printed and impressed marks,incised monogram ‘F.J.’

33.5cm high



14.5cm high


105 EAA509/7MOORCROFT‘PANSIES’ CIRCULAR BOWL,CIRCA 1915decorated with a pansy on adeep blue ground, impressedfactory marks, signed in blue

31cm diameter


106 EAA509/4MOORCROFT‘SPRING FLOWERS’ LAMPBASE, MID 20TH CENTURYof bottle form, impressedfactory marks, bears paperlabel

34cm high


101 EZ526/2CHARLES NOKE AND HARRYFENTON FOR ROYALDOULTON‘THE PIED PIPER’, LARGESERIESWARE JUG,CIRCA 1934limited edition 536/600,moulded in relief, mouldedsignatures to body, printedmark and inscriptions tobase, comes with originalcertificate signed by CharlesNoke

26cm high


102 EZ526/1ROYAL DOULTON“THE M.F.H. PRESENTATIONJUG”, CIRCA 1930limited edition 230/500,moulded in relief, printedmarks

32.5cm high


103 EAA329/5WILLIAM MOORCROFT FORJAMES MACINTYRE & CO LTD‘GESSO FAIENCE’ BOWL,CIRCA 1890decorated with panels offlowers, silver plated band tothe rim, printed marks,initialled in blue ‘W.M. des.’

25cm diameter


98 EAA582/7ROYAL DOULTONSTONEWARE JARDINIERE,CIRCA 1910decorated with a frieze ofstylised plant forms,impressed factory marks

20.5cm high



19cm high


100 EAA582/9ROYAL DOULTONPAIR OF WALL PLAQUES,CIRCA 1920each painted in blue on white,one depicting two children bya tree, the other of two littlegirls in frilled bonnets,printed factory marks, 24cmtall; A ROYAL DOULTONLOBED VASE, painted blue onwhite with a girl pickingflowers, printed marks, 11cmhigh; and A PAIR OF CROWNDEVON LUSTRINE FIELDINGSVASES AND ASSOCIATEDBOWL (5)


107 EAC16/1WILLIAM MOORCROFT FORJ. MACINTYRE & COPAIR OF ‘FLORIANWARE’VASES, CIRCA 1900each of bottle form, decoratedin blue and white withcornflowers, incisedsignature, printed factorymarks, painted mark M743 (2)

28cm high


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108 EZ845/5WILLIAM MOORCROFT FORJ. MACINTYRE & CO‘PANSIES’ FRILLED BOWL,CIRCA 1910printed factory and retailer’smarks, signed in green

20.5cm diameter


109 EAA584/1MOORCROFT‘MOONLIT BLUE’ BOTTLEVASE, CIRCA 1925impressed marks, signed inblue

20cm high


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110 EY969/6MOORCROFT‘POMEGRANATE’SHOULDERED VASE,CIRCA 1930of tapering form, impressedfactory marks, signed ingreen

33cm high


111 EAA509/3MOORCROFTFLAMBE VASE, CIRCA 1920of squat baluster form,decorated with cornflowers,impressed marks, signed inblue

10.5cm high


112 EZ711/2MOORCROFT‘LEAF AND BERRY’ PATTERNFLAMBE BOWL, 1930sof circular form, impressedmarks, initialled in blue

21.5cm diameter


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113 EAC15/1MOORCROFT FOR LIBERTY& CO‘FLAMMINIAN’ MINIATUREBOTTLE VASE, CIRCA 1915glazed in green, bears incisedsignature and printed mark

11cm high


114 EAC15/1AMOORCROFT‘ORCHIDS’ BOTTLE VASE,CIRCA 1930impressed marks, bearspaper label, 15.5cm high; alsoa PAIR OF MOORCROFT POSYVASES, Clematis pattern,each with impressed marks,one bearing paper label, 7cmhigh (3)


115 EZ488/50MOORCROFT‘POMEGRANATE’ VASE ANDPRESERVE JAR AND COVER ,CIRCA 1930the baluster vase withimpressed marks, the jar withplated mounts, impressedmarks, initialled in green (2)

13cm and 9cm high


120 EAB393/110MOORCROFT‘SUNFLOWERS’ SQUATBALUSTER TABLE LAMP,1990simpressed factory marks

21cm high

Provenance:The Estate of the Late Jean GordonWelsh


121 EAB393/100MOORCROFT‘MAGNOLIA’ BALUSTERTABLE LAMP, 1990simpressed factory marks,33cm high; and aMOORCROFT TABLE LAMP,decorated with lemons andperched birds, impressedmarks, 20cm high (2)Provenance:The Estate of the Late Jean GordonWelsh


122 EAB393/99MOORCROFT‘BUTTERCUP’ COLUMNTABLE LAMP, 1990simpressed marks, 21cm high;a MOORCROFT PIN DISH,also in Buttercup pattern,impressed marks, 12cmdiameter; and a ‘FINCHES’MOORCROFT COLUMNTABLE LAMP, impressedmarks, 21cm high (3)Provenance:The Estate of the Late Jean GordonWelsh


123-125 Spare lots

116 EZ397/1MOORCROFT‘POMEGRANATE’ BOTTLEVASE, CIRCA 1930impressed factory marks,signed in green (chip to rim),27cm high; and aMOORCROFT VASE, ofshouldered ovoid form withcylindrical neck, decorated inthe Pomegranate pattern,impressed mark, signed ingreen (minor hairline to rim),14cm high (2)


117 EZ711/1MOORCROFT‘POMEGRANATE’ PATTERNBOWL, 1930sof circular footed form,impressed marks, signed inblue

18.5cm diameter


118 EAC5/1MOORCROFT‘HIBISCUS’ CIRCULAR BOWL,1940simpressed factory marks,initialled in green, bearspaper label

23.5cm diameter


119 EAB393/174MOORCROFT‘FRESIAS’ BALUSTER TABLELAMP, 1970swith stained wood base

33cm high

Provenance:The Estate of the Late Jean GordonWelsh


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126 EAA409/1C.E. CUNDALL FORPILKINGTONSLUSTRE JAR AND COVER,DATED 1911decorated with a frieze ofrunning beasts on a floral andfoliate ground, bearsinscription to the rim, ‘OmniaBonos Viros Decent’,impressed and painted marksto base (2)

30.5cm high

Note:‘Omnia Bonos Viros Decent’translates as ‘All things arebecoming in good men’


127 EAC40/1RICHARD JOYCE FORPILKINGTONS ROYALLANCASTRIANCIRCULAR LUSTRE BOWL,CIRCA 1920moulded in relief and paintedwith a longboat in full sail,impressed factory marks,painted monogram, incisedmark ‘Joyce’

26.5cm diameter


128 EAA957/9RICHARD JOYCE FORPILKINGTONSTWIN HANDLED LUSTREBOWL ON STAND,DATED 1911the circular bowl decoratedwith a foliate band on a rubyred ground with featheredlustre wash, impressed marksno. 2219, painted monogram

31cm across


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131 EAA409/7GORDON FORSYTH FORPILKINGTONSSHOULDRED LUSTRE VASE,DATED 1907decorated with a frieze ofcarnations, impressed factorymarks, painted monogramand date marks

12.5cm high


129 EAA409/6RICHARD JOYCE FORPILKINGTONSLUSTRE JAR, DATED 1910decorated with a frieze ofswimming fish, impressedfactory marks, 2791, paintedmonogram and date marks

8cm high


130 EAA409/5C.E. CUNDALL FORPILKINGTONSLUSTRE BOTTLE VASE,DATED 1908decorated with spiral foliatebands, impressed factorymarks, no 2364, paintedmonogram and date marks

18cm high



132 EAA586/1WILLIAM S. MYCOCK FORPILKINGTONSBALUSTER LUSTRE VASE,DATED 1911decorated with a latticeddesign of flowering foliagewithin entwined entrelacborders, impressed factorymarks with painted artist’smonogram

21.5cm high


133 EAA586/2WILLIAM S. MYCOCK FORPILKINGTONSLUSTRE BOTTLE VASE,DATED 1913decorated with a design oftrailing and flowering foliagewith entwined entrelacborder, impressed factorymarks with painted artist’smonogram

20cm high


134 EAA409/3WILLIAM S. MYCOCK FORPILKINGTONSSHOULDERED LUSTRE VASE,DATED 1913decorated with fruiting vines,impressed and paintedmarks, bears monogram anddate mark, re-glued chip tofoot rim

21cm high


139 EAA409/2PILKINGTONSLARGE JAR AND COVER,CIRCA 1910covered in a jade green glaze,impressed marks, no. 2229

44cm high


140 EAA409/8PILKINGTONS ROYALLANCASTRIANSHOULDERED VASE, CIRCA1920with lobed moulding, coveredin a mottled indigo glaze,impressed factory marks,21.5cm high; a PILKINGTONSROYAL LANCASTRIAN OVOIDVASE, covered in an indigoblue glaze, impressed marks,15cm high; and a smallPILKINGTONS ROYALLANCASTRIAN BOWL,decorated in an indigo glaze,impressed marks, 11cmdiameter (3)


137 EAA409/11PILKINGTONSSHOULDERED VASE, CIRCA1910moulded with a frieze offlowering nasturtiums,impressed factory marks,indistinctly dated

21m high


138 EAA409/12PILKINGTONSCOLLECTION OF WARES,EARLY 20TH CENTURYto include a twin handledtazza (chip), three small bottlevases in blue and red glazes;a circular serving bowl,orange glaze; a lobed vase,orange glaze; a small lustredish by Dorothy Dacre (chip);and three other Pilkingtonswares (10)


135 EAA586/3WILLIAM S. MYCOCK FORPILKINGTONS ROYALLANCASTRIANOVOID VASE, DATED 1936decorated with an inciseddesign of geese flying throughreeds in blue and green on abuff ground, impressedfactory mark, incised artist’smonogram and date mark

17cm high


136 EAA586/4WILLIAM S. MYCOCK FORPILKINGTONSBOTTLE VASE, DATED 1913decorated with a frieze oflions rampant with entwinedentrelac border, impressedfactory marks with paintedartist’s monogram

22cm high


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141 EAA349/2CARLTON WARE‘CHINALAND’ PATTERNBALUSTER VASE, 1920sprinted and painted in gilt andcoloured enamels with aChinoiserie scene, paintedand printed marks, no. 3623

26cm high


142 EAA989/3CARLTON WARE‘PARADISE BIRD & TREEWITH CLOUD’ PATTERN PAIROF VASES, 1920seach of cylindrical form,printed and painted in gilt andcoloured enamels, paintedand printed marks, 3143 (2)

20.5cm high


146 EAA582/16CLARICE CLIFFCOLLECTION OF WARES,1930scomprising a CIRCULARPLATE, decorated in theRodanthe pattern, 23cmdiameter; a MILK JUG,decorated in the Nasturtiumpattern, 8cm high; aPRESERVE JAR ANDMATCHED COVER, decoratedin the Coral Firs pattern, 7.5mhigh; a PRESERVE JAR ANDCOVER, moulded as anorange, with floral-mouldedhandle, 8cm high; and aPRESERVE JAR AND COVER,painted with flowers, 8cmhigh, each with printed factorymarks (5)


144 EZ518/3CARLTON WARE‘SPANGLE TREE’ SANDWICHPLATE, 1930sprinted and painted in gilt andcoloured enamels, printedand painted marks no. 4163

32.5cm across


145 EAA322/1CLARICE CLIFF‘BOBBINS’ PATTERN PLATE,1930sBizarre range, decorated on aCafe-au-Lait ground, printedmarks

25.5cm diameter


143 EAC56/4CARLTON WARE‘VERT ROYALE’ CHARGER,1930sprinted and painted in gilt andcoloured enamels with heronby a tree on a green ground,printed marks, 36.5cmdiameter; also a CARLTONWARE DRESSING TABLE SET,comprising a cantedrectangular TRAY, 36cmacross; a PAIR OFCHAMBERSTICKS, 10.5cmacross; and a PIN DISH ANDCOVER, 8cm across, eachwith printed marks (5)


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147 EY784/65CLARICE CLIFFEXTENSIVE ‘SECRETS’ DINNERSERVICEcomprising 8 dinner plates; 8 fishplates; 8 side plates; a gravy boat;a large oval serving dish, 43cmacross; two smaller oval servingdishes; a ‘Biarritz’ vegetable dishand cover, 19cm across; and a pairof ‘Biarritz’ sauce dishes andcovers, each with original ladle,15.5cm across, painted in colouredenamels, printed factory marks (31pieces)


148 EY784/63CLARICE CLIFF‘POPLAR’ JARDINIEREpainted in coloured enamels, printedfactory marks

20cm high


149 EY784/55CLARICE CLIFF‘RED GARDENIA’ GEOMETRIC JUGpainted in coloured enamels, printed factorymarks

17.5cm high


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150 EY784/15CLARICE CLIFF‘NEWLYN’, LYNTON SUGARSIFTERpainted in coloured enamels,printed factory marks (minorrestoration)

12.5cm high


151 EY812/1CLARICE CLIFF‘FARMHOUSE’ SANDWICHPLATE, 1930sdecorated in colouredenamels, printed factorymarks

25cm diameter


152 EY784/51CLARICE CLIFF‘DELICIA’ MOULDED ANDSTREAKED BALUSTER VASEcovered in streaked colouredenamels, printed factorymarks, 24cm high; and aCLARICE CLIFF ‘DELICIA’THREE TREE SPILL VASEGROUP, printed marks, 11cmhigh (2)


155 EY784/137DOLLY CLIFF FORWILKINSONS‘DAHLIA’ WASHSET, CIRCA1928decorated with flowers and alattice design and comprisinga ewer, basin, toothbrushbeaker and soap dish, printedmarks 940, ewer, 25cm high;and a SHORTER & SONS‘AZTEC’ PATTERN JUG,designed by Mabel Leigh,18.5cm high (2)


156-159 No lots

154 EY784/136CLARICE CLIFF‘MY GARDEN’ PAIR OF JUGSeach with moulded floralhandles, printed, impressedand painted marks (2)

23cm high


153 EY784/39CLARICE CLIFF‘LILY’ FOOTED BOWLof circular form with paw feet,painted in coloured enamels,printed factory marks

31.5cm diameter


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166 EY784/71KEITH MURRAY FORWEDGWOOD‘MOONSTONE’ DINNERSERVICEcomprising 5 dinner plates; 6side plates; a fish plate and asoup plate; three graduatedoval serving dishes, largest42cm across; 4 twin-handledsoup bowls and stands, avegetable dish and cover,29cm across; 2 sauce boats,covers and stands, 190cmacross, each with fluteddecoration, glazed in whitewith applied silver banding,printed marks; together withKEITH MURRAY FORWEDGWOOD ‘MOONSTONE’DINNER SERVICE, comprising6 dinner plates; 6 fish plates;6 side plates; three graduatedoval serving dishes, largest37cm across; 6 twin-handledsoup bowls and stands, avegetable dish and cover,29cm across; a sauce boat,cover and stand, 190cmacross, each with fluteddecoration, glazed in celadongreen, printed marks (qty)


163 EAA316/1CHARLOTTE RHEAD FORCROWN DUCALLARGE CIRCULAR CHARGER,1930sdecorated with a band ofcolourful flowers, painted andprinted marks, no 4040

44.5cm diameter


164 EY784/75KEITH MURRAY FORWEDGWOODPAIR OF BLACK BASALTBOWLS, 1930sof circular form with facettedrims, printed and impressedmarks (2)

23.5cm diameter


165 EY784/140KEITH MURRAY FORWEDGWOODNEAR PAIR OF CIRCULARBOWLS, 1940seach with cylindrical foot andbanded decoration, celadonglaze, 27.5cm diameter; and aKEITH MURRAY VASE, alsoWedgwood, with bandeddecoration and celadon glaze,20.5cm high, all with printedand impressed marks (3)


160 LB350/21FURNIVALS LTDTRENTHAMS PATTERNWASHSET, CIRCA 1920comprising a ewer and basin;a chamber pot; a sponge dishand drainer; a slop pail coverand a soap dish, each printedand painted with stylisedflowering foliate frieze,printed marks (8)

ewer, 28cm high basin,37cm diameter


161 EY784/100BPOOLE POTTERYLARGE VASE, 1930spainted with bandeddecoration in shades of brownand umber, unglazed,impressed Carter, Stabler,Adams mark

34cm high


162 EAA582/15SUSIE COOPER FOR GRAYSPOTTERY‘CUBIST’ PRESERVE JARAND COVER, 1930sprinted mark, 10 high; aCROWN DEVON PRESERVEJAR AND COVER, printed andpainted in gilt and colouredenamels with stylised flowers,printed marks, 8m high; anda SHELLEY PRESERVE JARAND COVER, with concentricbanded decoration, printedmark, 10 high (3)


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167 EAA509/8ERIC RAVILIOUS FOR WEDGWOODCORONATION MUG, DATED 1953to commemorate the Coronation ofQueen Elizabeth II, printed factorymarks

10cm high


169 EAA492/1SCOTTIE WILSONOVAL SERVING DISH, 1960spainted in yellow and blackwith stylised tree and foliagewith perching birds andswimming fish, signed‘Scottie’

35.5cm across



31cm diameter

Note:This bowl is one of a limited edition of 200 produced by Wedgwood in1975 to from the original design commissioned in 1938.


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174 EAA870/18PAUL ZUNTERSTEIN(ATTRIBUTED TO)STONEWARE VESSEL, 1960sblue glazed bottle formmodelled with a female form,44cm high; also aSTONEWARE SQUATBALUSTER VASE, 25cm high;and a FREEFORM VASE withglazed panels, 37cm high (3)Note:Paul Zunterstein (1921-1968) arrivedin Scotland from Austria in 1938 tostudy sculpture at the GlasgowSchool of Art (1946-1950). Later hetaught there, and exhibited at theRSA and the RGIFA from 1950 to1968.


175 EAA537/2ROBERT FOURNIERLARGE STONEWAREMOONFLASK, 1970sof flattened ovoid form, withwhite splash decoration,impressed seal mark

36cm high


176 EAA499/9RICHARD BATTERHAMLARGE STONEWARE VASE,LATE 20TH CENTURYof shouldered tapering form,covered with green andtreacle glazes

64cm high


172 EAA574/3GLYN COLLEDGE FOR DENBYCOLLECTION OF WARES,CIRCA 1960scollection of ten dishes withfoliate and floral decoration,in assorted sizes, each bearsthe printed factory mark andthe painted artist’s signature,and one bowl with foliate andfloral decoration, bearing thepainted artist’s signature, andtwo small dishes with foliateand floral decoration, onebearing the printed factorymark and painted artist’ssignature and one bearing theprinted factory mark (13)


173 EAA574/2GLYN COLLEDGE FOR DENBYCOLLECTION OF WARES,CIRCA 1960sa collection of thirteen mugswith foliate and floraldecoration in assorted sizesand shapes, each bearsprinted factory mark andpainted artist’s signature, anda vase in baluster form,complete with two handles,bearing the printed factorymark and embossed with theletter ‘H’ (14)


170 EAC72/2SHOJI HAMADA FOR LEACHPOTTERYOVOID VASE, 1920scovered in a bronzed glaze,impressed potter’s and LeachPottery seals, chips

17.5cm high


171 EAA574/1GLYN COLLEDGE FOR DENBYCOLLECTION OF WARES,CIRCA 1960sten jugs of baluster form withfoliate and floral decoration inassorted sizes, each bearsprinted factory mark andpainted artist’s signature, andtwo lamp bases with foliateand floral decoration (12)Note:Glyn Colledge (1922 - 2000) tookover the running of the hand-decorated stonewares departmentat Denby from his father, Albert, in1950. The established Danesby Warerange was renamed Glyn Ware tomark the occasion. A new range,Glyndebourne, was introduced in the1960s. Very early pieces had theColledge signature incised, but thiswas replaced by an appliedsignature due to firing difficulties.Glyn would hold the piece above hishead in his right hand and sign it bybrush with his left. By the 1970s thesignature disappeared altogether.Colledge was influenced by DonaldGilbert, but his own influence in thepost-war years was considerableand he is probably Denby’s bestknown designer.


177 EZ237/58STUDIO POTTERYTHREE LARGE STONEWAREJUGS, CONTEMPORARYcovered in cream, treacle andbuff glazes, impressed sealmarks, 37cm high; togetherwith a TEAPOT AND SUGARBOWL, 21cm and 26.5cmhigh; a FLAGON ANDSTOPPER, the stopperattached to the body with achain, the body covered in acrackle glaze, impressed sealmarks ‘RK’ and ‘90’, 18cmhigh; and a STONEWARE JUG,covered in a mottled greenand blue glazes, impressedseal mark, 23cm high (7)

37cm high


178-179 No lots

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180 EZ569/2LAJOS MACK (ATTRIBUTED)FOR ZSOLNAYLARGE SCULPTURAL VASE,CIRCA 1900eosin glazed earthenware,moulded with the figure of amaiden, moulded factory sealand impressed number 3945

43.5cm high


181 EAA585/5CLEMENT MASSIERTWIN HANDLED LUSTREVASE, CIRCA 1890painted with an allover floraland foliate design, paintedmark ‘C.M’

29cm high


Continental Ceramics

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182 EAA489/1ROZENBERGJAR AND COVER, CIRCA 1900painted with stylised ArtNouveau flowers on a blueand brown ground, paintedfactory marks and monogramto base, ‘Rozenberg/DenHaag/ 994’

23cm high


183 EAA489/1AROZENBERGJAR AND COVER, CIRCA 1900painted with stylised ArtNouveau flowers on a blueground, painted factory marksand monogram to base‘Rozenberg/ DenHaag/ 094’

23cm high


184 EAC72/1CLEMENT MASSIERLARGE JARDINIERE,CIRCA 1900of cylindrical form withtapered base, the sidesdecorated with lugs, thewhole covered in a sang deboeuf glaze, impressedfactory marks

42cm diameter


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185 EAA480/10OTTO ECKMANN FORVILLEROY & BOCHCERAMIC TILE, CIRCA 1900decorated with stylised foxesheads, moulded factorymarks

14.5cm square


187 EAA480/9MAX ESSER FOR MEISSENBLANC DE CHINEPORCELAIN OWL FIGURE,1920smarked with crossed swordsin underglaze blue, incisedmark A1252

9cm high


188 EAA578/1ROOKWOOD POTTERY(STYLE OF)EARTHENWARE VASE,CIRCA 1910of swollen cylindrical form,painted with a river scene,unmarked

32cm high


Cancer and ‘DANMARK’, 6cmhigh, 6cm deep; and SAXBO,STONEWARE VASE, circa1937/45, in the form of acylinder gently taperingtowards the top, the sidesincised with vertical lines,covered with a blue glaze byNatalie Krebs, marked withthe zodiacal symbol forCancer, ‘SAXBO’ and‘DENMARK’ impressed, 8cmhigh, 6cm deep


191 EAA599/3GUNNAR NYLAND FORNYLAND & KREBSSTONEWARE ASHTRAY,CIRCA 1929/30The well moulded with anotter in relief, with a cherry-coloured glaze dappled withdark blue, marked withsmoking kiln and ‘NYLAND &KREBS’ impressed, 5cm high,13cm long; EVA STAEHR-NIELSON FOR SAXBO,STONEWARE VASE, circa1932/37, brown hare’s furglaze by Natalie Krebs,marked with smoking kilnand ‘SAXBO’ impressed, 12cmhigh, 11cm deep; SAXBO,STONEWARE BOWL, circa1937/45, rim inverted towardsthe well with a yellow glaze byNatalie Krebs, marked withthe zodiacal symbol for

189 EAA585/12AUSTRIAN SCHOOLTHREE PIECE COFFEESERVICE, CIRCA 1920comprising a teapot andcover, a teacup and saucerand a sugar bowl and cover,each painted with green.orange and black stripeddecoration on a white ground,impressed factory mark (3)

teapot, 20cm high


190 EAA585/10MAX FRITZ FOR ROSENTHALPORCELAIN FIGURE OF ALEOPARD, 1940simpressed marks ‘M.H. Fritz/965’ and printed factorymarks

43cm long


186 EAA582/4MAX EMANUEL & CO.MOSANIC POTTERY EWER,CIRCA 1910of squat bottle form,decorated in relief andpainted in gilt and lustreswith leafy tendrils, the neckforming an everted leafy rim,printed and impressed factorymarks

24.5cm high


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192 EAA534/3CARL SCHMIDT FORROOKWOODSOFT PORCELAIN BALUSTERVASE, DATED 1923decorated with irises, irisglaze, impressed factory markand artist’s monogram, alsomarked ‘XX111/ 2545C/ P’,minor glaze chip to rim

26cm high


194 EAA585/9ART DECOPORCELAIN FIGURE GROUP,CIRCA 1930modelled as a lady with herdog, blanc de chine, minorrestorations

26cm high


197 EAB47/16FRENCH ART DECOCUBIST ELEPHANT FIGURE,1930scovered in a dark green lustreglaze, 21cm high; andanother, smaller, 15.5cm high(2)


196 EAB193/7GOEBELCERAMIC FIGURE OF A GIRL,CIRCA 1920with arms outstretched,impressed factory marks,34cm high; and a ROYAL DUXFIGURE, of a girl in a frilleddress, printed and impressedmarks, 126/24, 20.5cm high(2)


195 EAC62/2GOEBELPAIR OF BOOKENDS, 1930smodelled as a male andfemale bather, impressedmarks, 15cm high; anITALIAN 1950s JUG,enamelled with street scene,22.5cm high (2)


193 EZ869/4CANTAGALLIFAIENCE TEAPOT ANDCOVER, CIRCA 1900painted blue on white withbands of foliage, the spoutmodelled as the head of a seabeast, painted cockrel mark

18cm high


198 EAA599/7SAXBOSTONEWARE VASE,CIRCA 1951/61thrown by Edith Sonne-Bruunand covered with ‘Jungle’glaze, marked with thezodiacal symbol for Cancerwithin a circle, ‘SAXBO’ and‘DENMARK’ impressed, andsigned ‘Sonne’

27cm high, 18.5cm deep


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199 EAA599/4EVA STAEHR-NIELSEN FORSAXBOSTONEWARE VASE,CIRCA 1951/68covered with a dark brownhare’s fur glaze by NatalieKrebs, and modelled withthree enfolding leaf forms,marked with zodiacal symbolfor Cancer within a circle,‘SAXBO’ and ‘DENMARK’impressed, and incised withartist’s signature ‘E.St.N.’

29cm high, 13.5cm deep


200 EAA599/14GUNNAR NYLUND FORRÖRSTRANDSTONEWARE VASE,CIRCA 1950ovoid body with a short neckand flared mouth, coveredwith ‘Marino’, a mattcrystalline glaze ofwhite/yellow crystals on agreyish blue ground, marked‘R’ between three crowns,‘SWEDEN’, and ‘G.N.’, allincised

23cm high, 19cm deep


201 EAA599/12GUNNAR NYLUND FORRÖRSTRANDSTONEWARE VASE,CIRCA 1942arrowhead form on a raisedfoot, covered with‘Pergamenta’, a mattcrystalline glaze of whitecrystals on a cream ground;incised decoration on foot,marked with ‘RÖRSTRAND’,‘R’ between three crowns, and‘NYLUND’, all incised

23cm high, 21cm deep





201 203


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207 EAA599/8GERD BOGELUND FORROYAL COPENHAGENSTONEWARE BOWL,CIRCA 1955the outside incised with a‘wheat ear’ pattern andcovered with an olive-greenglaze breaking to black, theinside with a temmoku glaze,marked ‘DENMARK’ and datecode for 1955, printed, andthree wavy lines and artist’ssignature ‘gb’, painted

16cm high, 27cm deep


208 EAA599/9ROYAL COPENHAGENSTONEWARE BOWL,CIRCA 1960made by Nils Thorsson,modelled with a ring of raisedswellings and ribs over whichthe temmoku glaze gives theappearance of tulips, markedwith three wavy lines andsigned with the artist’smonogram, painted

6cm high, 22cm deep


209 EAA599/15GUSTAVSBERGSTONEWARE JAR,CIRCA 1962made by Berndt Friberg, thestraight-sided body on astepped foot with theshoulder curving upwards toa short neck and flaredmouth, the body incised witha basket-weave pattern,covered with a dark olive-green glaze, the foot glazedbrown, marked ‘Friberg’, ‘G’with a hand, and ‘d’ (datecode for 1962), all incised withmarker’s paper label attached

28cm high, 20cm deep


210 EAA599/16SVEND LINDHARTCERAMIC SCULPTURE,CIRCA 1944moulded model of the headand neck of hart on a cubeplinth the front of which isdecorated with mistletoemodelled in relief, the wholecovered with a red glaze,marked on the base with ‘SL’in monogram above threebirds in flight and‘DENMARK’, all impressed,and on the back of the plinth‘SV. LINDHART. 1944’impressed in the mould

34cm high


211-213 No lots

205 EAA599/5EVA STAEHR-NIELSEN FORSAXBOSTONEWARE BOTTLE, CIRCA1951/68bulbous form, lightly paddledon two opposite sides, with ashort neck and a collar at themouth, covered with a brownglaze streaked with black,called ‘Markmus’(‘Fieldmouse’), by NatalieKrebs, marked with zodiacalsymbol for Cancer within acircle, ‘SAXBO’ and‘DENMARK’ impressed andincised with artist’s signature‘E.St.N.’

11cm high, 11cm long


206 EAA599/6EVA STAEHR-NIELSEN FORSAXBOSTONEWARE VASE,CIRCA 1951/68the body paddled into a cube,with a short neck and aslightly flared mouth, coveredwith a russet, black andyellow glaze called ‘Jungle’ byNatalie Krebs, marked with azodiacal symbol for Cancerwithin a circle, ‘SAXBO’ and‘DENMARK’ impressed andincised with artist’s signature‘E.St.N.’

13cm high, 12cm long


202 EAA599/10EVA STAEHR-NIELSEN FORROYAL COPENHAGENSTONEWARE VASE, CIRCA1968/72mallet shaped with roundbody, the neck paddledsquare in section, glazed mattblack and decorated withrectangular areas of sgraffitohatchings arranged in bandsround body and neck, printedwith factory mark and paintedwith three wavy lines andartist’s signature, ‘E.St.N.’

19cm high, 13.5cm deep


203 EAA599/11TOBOSTONEWARE VASE,CIRCA 1950made by Ingrid and ErichTriller, globular form withhigh shoulder and short neck,glazed matt blue, markedwith Triller rebus and ‘Tobo’,painted

16.5cm high, 15cm deep


204 EAA599/13GUNNAR NYLUND FORRÖRSTRANDSTONEWARE VASE,CIRCA 1942arrowhead form on a raisedfoot, covered with ‘Mimosa’, amatt crystalline glaze ofyellow crystals on a russetground, incised decoration onfoot, marked ‘RÖRSTRAND’,‘R’ between three crowns and‘NYLUND’, all incised

15.5cm high, 12cm deep


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Decorative Arts


214 EAA534/2COLLECTION OF JEWELLERYto include a BERNARDINSTONE RING, stampedSILVER B.I for BernardInstone, with decorativescrolling border; a BROOCHstamped HVOLRIS SMYKKET,also of scroll design,decorated with two stylisedanimal heads and punchedcircular borders; and anotherBROOCH stamped indistinctly,designed as a winged beakedcreature eating a frog (3)


215 EAA482/2SILVER AND ENAMELPENDANT NECKLACE,DATED 1970maker’s mark PM, thependant of lobed swivellingdesign, decorated to the frontwith red, orange and purpleenamel, the reverse with blue,purple and red enamel,suspended from a curved barand fancy flat link chain,hallmarked London 1970

Length from back to tip of pedant40cm


216 EAA482/3MODERN SILVER TORQUE,1960maker’s mark JF, the torqueform necklace withdetachable pendant,composed of asymmetricscrolls surmounting a three-row abacus, hallmarkedBirmingham 1960

Length from back to tip of pendant19.2cm


217 EAA534/4NORMAN GRANT9CT GOLD AMETHYST SETPENDANT WITH CHAIN, 1986the scroll form pendantsurmounted by twoflowerheads and suspendinga claw set pear cut amethystdrop, with plain suspensionhoop, suspended from a finebelcher link chain, withhinged circular clasp stamped375, hallmarked for Edinburgh1986

Lengths: pendant 4.4cm (includingsuspension hoop); chain 43cm


218 EAA551/2NIELS ERIK FROMTHREE MODERN GEM SETRINGSeach stamped FROM 925 Sand set with a high-domedcabochon to an open circularor tapered square surround(3)


219 EAA551/1GUSTAV DAHLGREN & CO.MODERN SWEDISH SILVERBANGLE, 1970stamped with maker’s mark,Malmo city mark, Swedishtriple crown stamp, S in ahexagon and U9 for 1970,designed as a plain curvedband, with central hingedwaisted panel with planishedfinish, flanked by curved andtapering motifs, 61g

Diameter 6.4cm, length of front6.8cm


220 EAA551/3UNI DAVID-ANDERSENNORWEGIAN SILVER ANDENAMELLED BROOCH, 1960sstamped UNI D-A NORWAY925 S STERLING, of opengeometric design, composedof deep blue and blackenamelled rectangular motifs,interspersed by smallerpolished silver similarlyshaped motifs

5.8cm x 2.8cm

Note:Entitled ‘Silverklang’ (Sound ofSilver), this brooch was designed aspart of The Silver Series, launchedas a collection in 1966. Thecollection sought to radically re-shape traditional Norwegian enameljewellery, which typically wascovered with enamel all over thesurface. The new designs featuredenamelled decoration alongside thepolished metal surface. The seriesconsisted of fifteen items ofjewellery by three designersincluding Bjorn Sigurd Ostern andMarianne Berg as well as Uni David-Andersen.


Silver and Jewellery

221 EAA534/6W. G. CONNELL, LONDONARTS & CRAFTS SILVERTWIN-HANDLED DISH, 1900with green glass liner,hallmarked London 1900

12.5cm across


222 EAA528/8AOMAR RAMSDENSILVER LONG SPOON, 1930the hammered tear-shapedbowl with square steppedtapering handle andscrollwork terminal,hallmarked London 1930

18cm long


223 EAA400/15GEORGE ELLIOT-GATE,KESWICKPLANISHED SILVER BOWL,1964the simple hemisphericalbowl with planished finish andscalloped rim, hallmarkedEdinburgh 1964

11.5cm diameter


224 EAA400/1CONTINENTAL ARTNOUVEAUEDWARDIAN PIERCED BOWL,1901the bowl with pierced andembossed displayed flowerhead and scalloped rim, withlater mottled green glassliner, George Bedingham,London import marks 1901

14cm diameter


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Decorative Arts


226 EZ331A/1ALBERT EDWARD JONES FOR G. L.CONNELLSILVER TWIN-HANDLED COMPORT,1908with allover beaten finish, the bowl ofelliptical form pierced to the ends andwith tapering handles, raised onspreading square section base withriveted decoration, stamped maker’smarks, hallmarks for Birmingham 1908

32cm wide


225 EAA480/14ARCHIBALD KNOX FORLIBERTY & CO.‘CYMRIC’ SILVER DISH, 1902of dished circular form, withthree applied lugs, each withheart terminals, the rim withreciprocal heart piercings,hallmarked Birmingham 1902

16cm across


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Decorative Arts


230 EAA556/3CHRISTOPHER DRESSERFOR HUKIN AND HEATHELECTROPLATE TOASTRACK, CIRCA 1890with articulated dividers ondomed base with bun feet,stamped marks ‘H & H 2555’,12cm high; also Halen Widar,Christopher Dresser: APioneer of Modern Design,Phaidon 1993 (2)


231 EAA543/5ASEER HOLM - AALBORG,DENMARKTHREE PIECE BACHELORSTEA SET, CIRCA 1900comprising tea pot, milk jugand covered twin handledsugar bowl, each with shapedbaluster bodies with stylisedplant motifs; on a matchedtray by the same maker ofshaped rectangular outlinewith simple linear bordersand decoration (4)

teapot 14.5cm high



21.5cm high


227 EAA400/12GEORG JENSENSILVER BEAKER, CIRCA1904-1929of simple form with flared rimand on panelled foot, withengraved initial C&N flankedby 1904 - 1929, stampedmarks, 8.5cm high; togetherwith a modern Danishchamber stick (2)


228 EAA548/4KAI BOJESENPIERCED BON BON DISH,CIRCA 1913the shaped oval outline withpart beaded rim and simpleintegral handles, the basepierced with simple interlacedesign, raised on four ballfeet

15.5cm wide


229 EAA482/1CHARLES RENNIEMACKINTOSH FOR MISSCRANSTON’S TEAROOMSSILVER PLATE TEASPOON,CIRCA 1905with oval bowl and trefoilfinial, indistinct stampedmark ‘Miss Cranston’s’

12.5cm long


233 EY997/1CHRISTOPHER DRESSER(MANNER OF) FOR HUKIN &HEATH (JOHN THOMASHEATH & JOHNHARTSHORNE MIDDLETON)SILVER MOUNTED GLASSWINE CARAFE, DATED 1887the square dimpled glassbody cut allover with facets,the collar with a cylindricallidded mount and spout andwith angular handle intextured silver, hallmarks for1897

16cm high


234 EZ582/8CHRISTOPHER DRESSER(MANNER OF)ELECTROPLATED BUTTERDISH, CIRCA 1880the ebonised wood handlesand with accompanying butterknife, stamped marks (2)

16cm diameter



teapot 21.5cm high

Note:A drawing of the teapot for this setappears in Dresser’s notebook.

Literature:See ‘Christopher DresserMetalwork: The Andrew McIntoshPatrick Collection’ in these rooms,19th April 2005, lot 44.


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Decorative Arts


236 LB304/8MARGARET GILMOURSILVERED BRASS ANDENAMEL WALL SCONCE,CIRCA 1910repousse decorated with twoowls on a branch and withstylised plant forms, with twoapplied candle sconces, bearsmonogram

74cm high, 31.5cm wide


237 EZ582/3CHRISTOPHER DRESSER(STYLE OF)THREE PIECE SILVERPLATED TEA SERVICE,CIRCA 1880by Walker & Hall, Sheffield,comprising a teapot, sugarbowl and milk jug, each withribbed decoration, stampedmarks (3)

teapot, 7cm high


238 EY565/3WURTTEMBERGISCHEMETALLWARENFABRIK(WMF)ART NOUVEAUELECTROPLATED VASE,CIRCA 1900of baluster form with twinhandles formed as tendril, thebody embossed with floweringpoppies, stamped marks

29.5cm high


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Decorative Arts


239 EZ859/2TALWIN MORRIS (MANNER OF)GLASGOW STYLE COPPER FRAMED WALL MIRROR, CIRCA 1900the rectangular mirrored plate enclosed by frame, repoussé decorated withfoliage and set with three blue enamel roundels cast as roses

51.5cm x 79.5cm


240 LB379/1DE COURCEY LEWTHWAITEDEWER (MANNER OF)COPPER AND ENAMELFRAMED COLLECTION BAG,CIRCA 1920the circular frame with fourlugs, each with enamelledwinged figure enclosinginscription ‘Freely give freelyye have received’

18cm diameter


243 EZ582/6CHRISTOPHER DRESSERBRASS SPIRIT KETTLE ONSTAND, CIRCA 1890the scrolled handle overbulbous body, also with scrollhandle on base with scrolledsupports

24.5cm high


242 EAA494/1GLASGOW STYLEBRASS PLANTER,CIRCA 1920of square section, repoussédecorated with stylised roses

25.5cm across


241 EAC46/3GLASGOW STYLEBRASS CHARGER,CIRCA 1920of circular form, repoussédecorated with Celticknotwork

49cm diameter


Other Metals

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Decorative Arts


244 EZ607/96TIFFANY STUDIOS‘PNE NEEDLE’ PATTERNSTATIONERY BOX,CIRCA 1910gilt metal with Favrile glasspanels, stamped marks‘Tiffany Studios/ New York/830’

23.5cm across


245 EZ582/18THOMAS OR HENRY JECKYLL(ATTRIBUTED TO)PAIR OF CAST IRON FIREDOGS, CIRCA 1880each cast with central birdroundel within ribbedgeometric supports on plinthbases, registration marks (2)

21.5cm high, 16cm wide


246 EZ582/11NEWLYN STYLECOPPER WALL MIRROR,CIRCA 1890the rectangular plateenclosed within elaborateframe, repoussé decoratedwith fruiting foliage

65cm x 49cm


251 EZ711/5ART NOUVEAUCOPPER AND BRASSBISCUIT BOX, CIRCA 1910embossed with panels ofwhiplash foliage, the lid setwith a Ruskin cabochon,stamped marks ‘McVitie &Price/ London and Edinburgh’

18cm across


252 EAA267/4HARDWOOD BOWL WITHBRASS MOUNTS, 1930sthe circular bowl with appliedembossed and chasedmedallions and strapwork

24cm diameter


249 EZ582/41THORNTON & DOWNERCOPPER AND WROUGHTIRON PLANTER, CIRCA 1920of cylindrical form with twinhandles and repoussé fauxrivet decoration, decorativewrought iron strapwork

40cm wide, 26.5cm high


250 EAA484/3THORNTON & DOWNERARTS & CRAFTS WROUGHTSTEEL FIRE IRONS,CIRCA 1920comprising an ASH SHOVELand PAIR OF COAL PINCERS,each with geometricdecoration to the handles,32cm and 41cm long; also anassociated ARTS & CRAFTSWROUGHT STEEL POKERAND COAL PINCERS, each ofsimilar design (4)


247 EZ582/17BIRMINGHAM GUILD OFHANDICRAFTCOPPER COFFEE POT,CIRCA 1900with domed lid and taperingbody, stamped maker’s mark

23cm high


248 EAA480/6C.F.A. VOYSEY (STYLE OF)FOR KESWICK SCHOOL OFINDUSTRIAL ARTSBRASS BELLOWS,CIRCA 1910repoussé decorated with aheart-shaped panel enclosingthe figure of a shepherd, thefigure bent against the wind,stamped maker’s marks

53cm long


Margaret Macdonald or Frances Macdonald decorative designc. 1896 (metalwork design). Pencil on brown tracing paper.

This rare candlestick is an exciting and significant discovery asit signifies the many stylistic innovations that were achievedduring a profoundly creative and progressive period ofdecorative arts and design. The end of the nineteenth centurywitnessed Glasgow's transformation into a bustling hub ofindustrial progress and urban expansion, with a populationthat would exceed three-quarters of a million by 19001. Thebudding 'second city of the Empire' also demonstratedambition as a centre for cultural growth, increasing its numberof public and commercial exhibition venues and playing host toa number of influential international exhibitions2. Glasgow'srise as an economically prosperous metropolis made it anideal environment in which to foster an equally autonomousstyle of artistic design. The establishment of artisticinstitutions, including the Glasgow School of Art, assisted inthe realisation of this objective by encouraging the necessityand development of a singular 'Glasgow Style' that wouldappeal to, and be created by, the middle classes, 'whoseidentity and character were fundamentally bound up with theconcept of the City State.'3 It was in this energetic environmentthat Margaret and Frances Macdonald introduced, along withtheir collaborators (and future spouses) Charles RennieMackintosh and James Herbert MacNair, a reflective andradically new concept of artistic expression.

The candlestick was presumably made in the studio at 128Hope Street, Glasgow where Margaret and Frances resided fora brief but creative period after completing their time of studyat the Glasgow School of Art in 1894. It is an exceptionalexample of what has been referred to as 'the poetic metalworkof the Macdonald sisters', who here exhibit dexterousworkmanship in transforming sheeted copper into a landscapeof rounded foliate forms, anticipating the abstract, bulb-cum-flower forms that would dominate both artists' later works.4

The repoussé and hammered surface conveys a devotion tocraftsmanship that pays tribute to the Arts and Craftsmovement and expresses a concept of design that resonateswith elements of the concurrent European Art Nouveau style.

This design aesthetic includes an interest in linear patterningthat is further enhanced by the incorporation of two purevertical uprights which thrust the drip tray of the candlestickupwards and lend an elongating 'Spook' aesthetic to thestructure evoking an affinity with Symbolist and Spiritualistphilosophies. The design also exhibits an early form of the

Macdonald sisters' trademark 'stylised line' that revealssimilarities with Celtic Revival and Japonist compositionalmotifs, as well as an interest in combining abstract patternwith organic imagery. Although the candlestick has remained,until now, 'undiscovered' in a private home, its interlacingdesign has been identified in a corresponding sketch that wascompleted by at least one of the Macdonald sisters around1896 and is currently held as part of the collection at theHunterian Museum and Art Gallery in Glasgow (see imagebelow).

An impressive artifact both in terms of its conception andconstruction, the candlestick embodies many of the stylisticinnovations that would contribute to and characterise theinfluential Glasgow Style and offers a rare insight into whatwas a largely undocumented but undeniably influentialcollaboration between Margaret and Frances Macdonald.

[1] J. Kinchin and J. Sharples, ‘Glasgow and Liverpool 1900: Commerce,Culture and Identity’, in P. Robertson (ed.), Doves and Dreams: The Art ofFrances Macdonald and James Herbert MacNair, p. 11.[2] J. Kinchin, ‘Glasgow: The Dark Daughter of the North’, in P. Greenhalgh(ed.), Art Nouveau, p. 311.[3] Ibid., p. 312.[4] Quotation obtained from R. Larner, The Glasgow Style (fig. 180).

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Decorative Arts



253MARGARET MACDONALDAND FRANCES MACDONALDCOPPER CANDLESTICK,CIRCA 1897repoussé decoration to thedrip tray and broad circularbase with stylized plant forms,linked by slender rectangulartwin uprights and set withoval enamelled cabochons,engraved signature to oneupright ‘Margaret Macdonaldand Frances Macdonald’ (2)

45.8cm high, 32cm diameter

Provenance:Linda Rose Gallagher and by familydescent.


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Decorative Arts


254 EAA868/2OLIVER BAKER FOR LIBERTY& CO‘TUDRIC’ PEWTER BOWL,CIRCA 1910of shouldered ovoid form withtwin handles, set withturquoise enamel panels,stamped marks ‘Tudric 0864’

15cm high


255 EAA480/15FRIEDRICH ADLER FORURANIA, MAASTRICHTTWIN-HANDLED SERVINGTRAY, CIRCA 1905the mahogany oval tray withpewter mounts moulded withstylised plant forms, stampedmarks ‘Urania/ HuttonSheffield/ 1116’

53cm across


256 EZ582/9FRANZ HAGENAUERCOPPER AND BRASSCOFFEE POT, CIRCA 1920of tapering form with hingedlid and applied woodenhandle shaped in the form ofa leaf, stamped marks

15cm high


259 EAA480/5FRIEDRICH ADLER FORURANIA, MAASTRICHTLIDDED TANKARD,CIRCA 1905the pewter body moulded withstylised plant forms, stampedmarks ‘Urania/ 1168’

26.5cm high


257 EAA477/2SCOTTISH ARTS ANDCRAFTSPEWTER CIGARETTE BOX,CIRCA 1920repoussé decorated withscrolls and foliate forms andinlaid with blue cut stonesand abalone shell, bearsmonogram ‘A.F’

16cm across


258 EAB393/170WMF (WÜRTTEMBERGISCHEMETALLWARENFABRIK)ART NOUVEAU PEWTERTRAY, CIRCA 1900with a single handle cast withfemale figure, the tray castwith fruiting foliage, stampedand cast marks, no. 80

30.5cm across

Provenance:The Estate of the Late Jean GordonWelsh


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Decorative Arts


261 EAA562/5THOMAS HADDEN(ATTRIBUTED TO) FORWHYTOCK & REIDSET OF FIVE WROUGHT IRONWALL LIGHTS, 1930seach of bracket form, withelaborate scrollwork centredby a flowering rose (5)

45cm high



260 EAA562/4WHYTOCK & REIDTWO CARVED WOOD LIGHTFITTINGS, 1930seach of ovoid form, withapplied gesso decoration ofplants, birds and animalspainted in gilt and colours ona cream ground, one withoriginal frosted shade (3)

28cm and 17cm high


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Decorative Arts


262 EZ845/12SIR ROBERT LORIMERBRASS AND COPPERCEILING LIGHT, CIRCA 1900with central knopped columnwith sphere drop, above threecurved arms, each supportinga flowerhead light bulb fitting

27cm diameter, 76cm high


263 EAA562/2WHYTOCK & REIDGROUP OF THREE CARVEDWOOD LIGHT FITTINGS,1930scomprising a domed shade,with applied gesso foliateband, painted in gilt on agreen ground, 33cmdiameter; two pendantfittings, each of ovoid formwith curved brackets, withapplied gesso decoration ofplants and animals on agreen ground, 28cm and17cm high (3)


264 EZ582/35GLASGOW SCHOOLSILVER PLATED AND LEADEDGLASS HALL LANTERN,CIRCA 1900of square section, the sideswith leaded glass panelsbelow a canopy supported byfour chains

19cm wide, 26cm high


268 EAA494/2ARTS & CRAFTSCOPPER ELECTROLIER,CIRCA 1910with central light fitting andthree scrolling bracketssupporting a circular skirtring with applied foliatedecoration

56cm diameter, 70 cm high


269 EAA243/1ARTS & CRAFTSBRASS CEILING LIGHT,CIRCA 1890with three scrolling branchessuspending later glassshades, supported by a ringwith three leafy brackets

69cm diameter


270 LB350/11ART NOUVEAUBRASS ELECTROLIER,CIRCA 1910with three frilled Vaselineglass shades, supported bycurved branches, the centralturned column with appliedscrolling brackets

39cm wide, 66cm high


265 LB350/12W.A.S. BENSON(MANNER OF)BRASS RISE AND FALLLIGHT, CIRCA 1900with two Vaseline glass frilledshades, supported by curvedarms and with copper leafdecoration

60cm wide


266 LB350/19W. A. S. BENSON(ATTRIBUTED TO)HALL LANTERN, CIRCA 1900silvered metal, the taperedVaseline glass shadesupported by a circular bandwith three wavy brackets

27cm high


267 EZ871/17EDWARD SPENCERSILVERED SANCTUARYLAMP, CIRCA 1900of lobed tapering cylindricalform, with cast vine rim andapplied enamelled roundelsalso depicting vines, withwrythen ring pendant,enclosing a single candlesconce and inscription ‘In histemple everything saith glory’,supported by four chainssuspended from a domedrose

38cm diameter


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Decorative Arts


272 EAA377/3CONTINENTAL ARTNOUVEAUBRONZE MOUNTEDCERAMIC TABLE LAMP,CIRCA 1910with earthenware balusterbase, glazed in blue andblack, issuing iris flowers andleaves, the flowers fitted forlight bulbs, and enclosed bycast foliate straps

76cm high


273 EAA891/1FRENCH ART DECOBRASS CEILING LIGHT, 1930swith four branches andcentral column, cast withstylised fruit and flowers

69cm diameter, 68cm high



48cm diameter, 30cm high


275§ EAA624/44MARK BRAZIER-JONESPAIR OF PATINATED STEELAND GLASS WALL LIGHTS,CIRCA 1990each with cased blue glass‘flame’ shades fitted abovetapering supports and issuingscrolling tendrils (2)

82cm wide, 98cm high


271 EZ871/5JAMES POWELL & SONS‘EIFFEL TOWER’ WROUGHTIRON STANDARD LAMP,CIRCA 1900the tapered Vaseline glassshade with scrolled supportsabove corresponding glassreservoir, raised on taperedsupports with central scrolland openwork column raisedon scrolling feet

169cm high


277 EZ711/3GOLDSCHEIDERPATINATED TERRACOTTAFIGURAL LAMP, CIRCA 1910modelled as a girl holdingaloft a seashell shade withthree amber light bulbs,impressed factory marks,‘4150/28/14’, painted mark‘Austria’

56cm high


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276 LB350/10ART NOUVEAUSILVERED STEELELECTROLIER, CIRCA 1900with three Vaseline glassfrilled shades supported bythree curved arms, thecentral turned column withelaborately scrolling bracketdecorations

58cm diameter, 75cm high


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278 EAA561/1TIFFANY STUDIOS, NEW YORKBRONZE LAMP BASE, NO. 163,CIRCA 1900with removable oil reservoir, the bodyof squat baluster form in a verdegrisfinish chased with scrolling motifs,with applied curved bracket supportswith lobed terminals, raised on reededspreading base, stamped marks tobase, ‘Tiffany Studios/ New York/6812’, with original flex and fittings

25cm high

Literature:Duncan, Alastair ‘Tiffany: Lamps andMetalware’, Woodbridge 2007, pl. 51 and 52, p.24


279 LB350/13ART NOUVEAUWROUGHT IRON HALLLANTERN, CIRCA 1900with cylindrical ruby glassshade, within cartouche-embellished frame supportedby scrolled brackets

27cm high


281 LT2010/14AFTER ETTORE SOTTSASS‘TAHITI’ TABLE LAMPenamelled metal and printedlaminates

65cm high


282-283 No lots

280 EAA940/3ART NOUVEAUCOPPER EXTENDINGSTANDARD OIL LAMP,CIRCA 1900converted to electricity, thecentral turned column onthree scrolling supports andwith scrolling brackets

159cm high


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284 EAA549/2JAMES PITTENDRIGH MACGILLIVRAYA PHANTASYcircular bronze plaque, mounted on a mouldedrectangular mahogany board with original bronzemounts and hanging chain, signed in the bronze‘MacGillivray’, plaque, 46cm diameter; also originalpen and ink preparatory drawing for ‘A Phantasy’,signed Pittendrigh MacGillivray’, 15cm square,along with a copy of the original receipt in theartists hand, dated 28th May 1930 (2)Exhibited:Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museum, ‘Pittendrigh MacGillivray’Exhibition 1988, No. 27



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285 EAA940/4BRITISH SCHOOLBUST OF A MAN, CIRCA 1890bronze, raised on a plinth,unsigned

45cm high


287 EY792/76ANNIE COTTRAU-FOKKERBUST OF A GIRLmarble, raised on a plinth,signed

27cm high


286 EAC18/3GEORGE WASHINGTON HENRYJACKPLASTER ROUNDEL,CIRCA 1890modelled as a seated owlamongst foliage (damages)

52cm diameter

Provenance:Sir James Morton, and by family decent.

Literature:Morton, J, ‘Three Generations in aFamily Textile Firm’ , London: Routledge& Kegan Paul, 1971, page 177

Note:This plaster roundel by George Jack wasone of several executed for the Mortonfamily.


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288 EAC108/1ALEXANDER KELETYART DECO BRONZE FIGUREOF DAVIDraised on a slate plinth,signed on the plinth

61cm wide, 26.5cm high includingbase


289 EAA349/1JUAN CLARACLIMBING DOWNbronze figure group, signed inthe bronze

24cm high


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290 EAA585/11CLAIRE J. R. COLINETORIENTAL DANCER,CIRCA 1920patinated and enamelledbronze, raised on a cylindricalbase cast with an archedfrieze, signed in the bronze,cast foundry mark

49.5cm high


291 EAA415/1FERDINAND PREISS‘PAGE BOY’, PATINATEDBRONZE AND IVORY FIGURE,1920ssigned in the bronze andraised on stepped slate plinth

21cm high with plinth


293 EZ859/4LAZLO HOENIG FOR LAHO,LONDONART DECO ROSEWOODSCULPTURE, CIRCA 1940carved as a yacht at sea,stamped mark ‘Laho’

43cm high, 37m long

Note:Lazlo Hoenig was a worker at theHagenauer Werkstatte who came toLondon and established his ownworkshops.


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292 EAC18/2PHYLLIS MARY BONESEATED LION FIGUREbronze, signed in the bronzeand dated 1925

24cm high

Provenance:Sir James Morton, Craigiehall,Edinburgh and by family descent.

Literature:Morton, J., ‘Three Generations in aFamily Textile Firm’, London:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971,pages 315-6

Note:Phillis Bone was a friend of theMorton family and her animalfigures were much admired by them.


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Decorative Arts


295 EAA391/7109FRENCH ART DECOPAIR OF BRASS BOOKENDS,1920scast as seals, signed in thebrass ‘C. Omin’ (2)

18cm high


297 EAA509/1LAURENCE BRODERICKMOTHER AND CHILDBronze signed in the bronzeand indistinctly dated, A/P

49cm high


298-300 No lots

296 EAA613/3BENNO SCHOTZWARRIOR FIGURE,CIRCA 1950terracotta, signed on the base

32cm high


294 EAA585/4JOHN W. ELISCHERART DECO FIGURE OF ADANCING GIRL, CIRCA 1930silvered bronze, raised on afaceted green onyx base andslate plinth, signed in thebronze ‘Elischer’

42.5cm high


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301 EZ870/4SIR ROBERT LORIMERPAIR OF OAK BOOKENDS, CIRCA 1910possibly carved by W and A Clow, the endscarved with winged angels, one playing adrum one playing a flute supported onarched bracket and raised on a canteredrectangular base

51.5cm long, 24cm high, 13cm deep

Provenance:Sir James Morton, Teuther, Carlisle and by familydescent

Literature:Hussey, Christopher ‘The Works of Sir RobertLorimer’, pub. 1931, plate 142

Note:The carved figure on these book ends and thefollowing lot are similar to those found on furniturein the Thistle Chapel, Edinburgh, by the same hand


302 EAC18/1SIR ROBERT LORIMERPAIR OF OAK BOOKENDS, CIRCA 1910possibly carved by W and A Clow, each endcarved as the figure of a winged angel,raised on a rectangular plinth for books

17cm high, 63cm long

Provenance:Sir James Morton, Teuther, Carlisle and by familydescent


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304 EZ859/3JOSEPH MARIA OLBRICHMAHOGANY MANTEL CLOCK,CIRCA 1900the circular silver dial withtwin train movement enclosedwithin shaped mahogany facewith exposed pendulum

51cm high

Literature:‘The Norwest Collection: ModernistDesign 1880-1940’, pub AntiqueCollectors Club 1998, page 110where a smaller example isillustrated



12cm x 18cm

Literature:Brandstätter, Christian ‘Wonderful WienerWerkstätte - Design in Vienna 1903-32’, London2003, page 364


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306 EAC55/3ARTS AND CRAFTSPAIR OF FINELY CARVEDMAHOGANY PANELS,CIRCA 1890each with moulded lozenge,carved with floral and foliatemotif, enclosed by carved owl,fish and pair of beasts (2)

19cm x 11.5cm


307 EAC46/4GEORAMA LTD.19” SHIPPER’S GLOBE, 1930sthe printed paper globe byGeorge Philip & Son Ltd. withilluminated Perspex scale onorange fibreglass X form base

58cm high


308 EAC81/1WILLIAM JAMES NEATBY(MANNER OF)PAINTED OVAL GLASSWINDOW, CIRCA 1900depicting a girl in profile in astylised landscape

41cm x 59cm


305 EAA582/1ART NOUVEAUMAHOGANY ANDMARQUETRY INLAID MANTELCLOCK, CIRCA 1910the circular enamelled dialwith twin train movement,enclosed within tapering caseinlaid with stylised floweringfoliage, surmounted by adomed and projecting corniceand raised on flattened brassbun feet

26cm high


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309 EAA480/1CONTINENTAL ART NOUVEAUPAIR OF GLASS TILE PANELS, CIRCA 1900painted in coloured enamels with stylisedpoppies and campanula, framed (2)

76cm x 15cm


310 EAA480/2CONTINENTAL ART NOUVEAUPAIR OF GLASS TILE PANELS, CIRCA 1900painted in coloured enamels with styliseddaffodils and lilies, framed (2)

76cm x 15cm


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311 EZ859/7GEORGE WALTONSTAINED AND LEADEDGLASS PANEL, CIRCA 1900in two sections, each withinset copper panel, depictingflowering roses (2)

each panel, 81.5cm x 59cm

Literature:Moon, Karen, ‘George Walton,Designer and Architect’, pub. Oxford1993, pages 96-99, pl. 38 and 132

Note:Decorative stained and leaded glasspanels became essential to theinterior schemes carried out byWalton & Co. at the end of the 19thcentury. By 1895 figure subjectswere on the wane, to be replaced byindividual plant motifs, moresympathetic to Walton’s interiors.Striking use of colour on a plainbackground with the addition ofcopper panels and a simplicity ofline were characteristic of this newaesthetic, becoming an essentialfeature of the Glasgow style.


312-313 No lots

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317 LB327/17LATE 19TH CENTURYENGLISH SCHOOLGROUP OF SIX FASHIONSTUDIES, DATED 1897watercolour and bodycolour,signed and dated ‘97 (6)

37cm x 27cm


318 EZ871/2JOURNAL OF DECORATIVEARTGROUP OF SIX FRAMEDPRINTS,DATED JANUARY 1897each printed in sepia withdecorative room schemes

each approx. 93cm x 66cm



24cm x 20cm

Exhibited:Fine Art Society, Edinburgh, June1979, No’s 12 and 15


320 EZ859/8VANESSA BELL FOROMEGA WORKSHOPS(ATTRIBUTED TO)FRAMED WALLPAPERSAMPLE, CIRCA 1910with allover repeating floraland foliate motifs

60cm x 45cm


Pictures, Books and Works on Paper

314 EAA477/3GEORGE PARLBY (ATTRIB.)‘ST. ELIZABETH OFHUNGARY’ AND ‘ST.CATHERINE OF SIENA’,EARLY 20TH CENTURYa pair of stained glassstudies, ink and watercolour,each with inscription, framedand glazed (2)

121.5cm x 36cm


315 EAA470/26ROBERT SCOTT MORTONARCHITECTURAL PLAN OFANN STREET, EDINBURGHby Robert Scott Morton andElspeth Clifford, 1942,including Elevation of the EastSide, Plan of part of the EastSide, Layout Plan of theStreet, & Cross Sections

58 x 177cm


316 EZ870/7WILLIAM MILES JOHNSTONTHE FARM, BRIGHOUSE“EVENING SUNSET”pastel, signed and inscribed,31cm x 40cm and TWOOTHER PASTEL STUDIES bythe same hand, depictingcoastal views, each signedeach 30cm x 38cm (3)Literature:Morton, J., ‘Three Generations in aFamily Textile Firm’, London:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971


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19cm x 26cm

Provenance:Sir James Morton, Craigiehall, Edinburgh and by family descent.

Literature:Morton, J., ‘Three Generations in a Family Textile Firm’, London:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971, pages 320-21

Note:James Morton and his wife Beatrice visited E.A. Taylor and his wifeJessie M. King in Kirkcudbright in the spring of 1928 and selectedsome of their pictures, including the following three lots.


323 EAC18/4ERNEST ARCHIBALD TAYLORKIRKCUDBRIGHTcharcoal and watercolour, signed in pencil

26cm x 31cm

Provenance:Sir James Morton, Craigiehall, Edinburgh and by family descent.

Literature:Morton, J., ‘Three Generations in a Family Textile Firm’, London:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971, pages 320-21


322 EAC18/4AERNEST ARCHIBALD TAYLORCOTTAGEScharcoal and watercolour, signed in pencil

15cm x 17cm

Provenance:Sir James Morton, Craigiehall, Edinburgh and by family descent.

Literature:Morton, J., ‘Three Generations in a Family Textile Firm’, London:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971, pages 320-21


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324 LB344/1GORDON M. FORSYTH‘THE PORCELAIN FAUN’oil on canvas, signed withinitials

60cm x 39cm


325 EAC77/1E. MORGAN (SIC)“GULCHENROVZ: SON OFALI HASSANpen, ink and watercolour, withgilt embellishments, signed,inscribed and dated 1913

14cm diameter


328 EAA976/25ELISE ASH LORD‘BIRVA PLAYER’hand-coloured etching,signed in pencil 35/75

35cm x 29cm


328A EY985/1ANNIE FRENCHROMAUNT OF THE ROSEhand-coloured etching,signed in pencil and withinscription verso in the artist’shand

27cm x 19cm


327 EAB47/12JOHN HALL THORPE‘SWEET PEAS’ 4056framed woodblock print,signed and inscribed inpencil, 23cm x 29cm; andthree further woodblockprints by the same hand‘Forget me Nots’ 4052‘Primroses’ 4058 and ‘Crocusand Snowdrops’ 4059 eachframed and signed in pencil,16.5cm x 15cm (4)


326 EAB47/11JOHN HALL THORPELANDSCAPE SCENE, 4118framed woodblock print,signed in pencil

16.5cm x 14cm


329 EAB47/1GEORGES PAUL GASTONLEONNEC‘DE L’AVANCEMENT....’original artwork for ‘La VieParisienne’ magazineWatercolour, signed withmonogram and dated 1928

37.5cm x 28cm


330 EAB47/2GEORGES PAUL GASTONLEONNECTHE FLORAL DRESSoriginal artwork for ‘La VieParisienne’ magazineWatercolour, signed withmonogram and dated 1925

37cm x 28cm


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331 EAC88/1Exposition de Turin 1902 -Koch, AlexanderL’exposition Internationaledes arts decoratifs modernesa Turin 1902. Darmstadt:Alexander Koch, 1902. 4to,pp.[8],340, [1], publisher’sadverts., French text, text byGeorge Fuchs and F.H.Newbery, illustratedthroughout, 4 coloured plates,2 tinted, Jessie M. Kingdecorative title for Scottishsection, on different paper,the “Papier de garde” (endpapers) supplement are usedas end papers, original ArtNouveau designed vellum gilt,some light spotting to pageedges otherwise fineNote:Extremely rare in this fine condition,published in connection with thefirst international exhibition ofmodern decorative art, Turin 1902,which included architecture, interiordesign, painting, ceramics, metalworks, book illustrations, typefaces,glass, etc. Participants wereHolland, Scotland (includes anextensive article on Charles RennieMackintosh and the GlasgowSchool), Germany, Austria, Hungary,Italy, Belgium, France, USA,Denmark, Sweden, England, andJapan. Special emphasis on theGerman contribution, with designsand typographical arrangement byPeter Behrens. The Turin Expositionof 1902 was the first to celebrate theemergence of the Art Nouveau stylein Italy and is considered the firstinternational exhibit of moderndecorative art. Turin was a centre ofliberal ideas and creativity and thusa receptive environment forimported modernism with workexhibited by Behrens, Mackintosh,Olbrich, et al. Italian artisan

332 EAC88/2Mackintosh, Charles RennieHow photography cameabout. London & Glasgow:Blackie & Son, 1926. 8vo,original paper coversdesigned by Charles RennieMackintosh, a fine copy;[Idem] The seaman and hiscraft. London & Glasgow:Blackie & Son, [no date]. 8vo,original paper coversdesigned by Charles RenieMackintosh, a fine copy (2)Note:Similar items were included in theThe Dr. Thomas Howarth Collection,sold by Christies in 1994.


333-334 No lots

workshops and individual craftsmensuch as Carlo Bugatti were alsofeatured. The exposition wasconcerned also with the renewal ofItalian architecture. A bold,exuberant, stylistically appropriatesetting was created by RaimondoD’Aronico, at that time the chiefarchitect to the Sultan inConstantinople. His work for theexposition was influenced by a visitto the Darmstadt Artist’s Colonydesigned by Joseph Olbrich. Hisentrances, pavilions and exhibitionand administrative buildings areillustrated in the first section of thepresent work, which deals witharchitecture.


335 EZ800/11CONTINENTAL SCHOOLOVAL NEEDLEWORK CARPET, EARLY 20TH CENTURYthe plain cream field within cream rosette and foliatevine border, between inner zodiac style roundel bandand outer orange entwined ribbon and star band

575cm x 430cm


336 EAC18/5ALEXANDER MORTON & CODONEGAL CARPET, CIRCA 1910with a trailing foliate and floral designto the spandrels and border andreserved on a pale green ground

268cm x 461cm

Provenance:Sir James Morton, Teucher, Carlisle and byfamily descent.

Literature:Morton, J., ‘Three Generations in a FamilyTextile Firm’, London: Routledge & KeganPaul, 1971, pages 312-3


337 EZ794/16MAUREEN HODGETAPESTRY HANGING,CIRCA 1960Woven as a townscape incoloured wools 122cm x140cm, and a FLATWEAVERUG designed and hand-woven by Susan K. Senior205cm x 112cm (2)


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Carpets and Textiles

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338 EY798/1GEORGE WALTONSATIN BIRCH SIDE CABINET,CIRCA 1898decorated with chevronbanding, the surmount withopposing mirrored doorscentred by two drawers, abovea rectangular top and anarrangement of four shortover two long drawers, eachwith cut out handles andbeaten silvered backplates,the whole raised on bracketfeet, label aperture to rear(label now lacking)

114cm wide, 172cm high,60cm deep

Literature:Moon, Karen, ‘George Walton,Designer and Architect’, pub. Oxford1993, pages 64-70 Agius, Pauline,‘British Furniture 1880-1905’, pub.Suffolk 1978, page 102, pl. 105

Note:This cabinet is characteristic of thefurniture produced at Elm Bank,York by Walton & Co. in 1898 forSydney Leetham. The furniture isinlaid with bold geometric chevronbanding, a type of decoration whichhad been revived and popularised byGeorge Jack at Morris & Co.,however the use of this technique atElm Bank was altogether bolder andmore expansive.



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339 EAA265/1GEORGE WALTONGREEN STAINED LINEN PRESS,CIRCA 1898The projecting cornice above twin doors,each inset with stained and leaded glasspanels with copper inlay worked asfoliate motifs, backed by original nethangings and enclosing four slidingshelves each with original linen covers,the base with three long graduateddrawers each with brass-backed cut-outhandles, the whole raised on bracketfeet

152cm wide, 183cm high, 68.5cm deep

Literature:Moon, Karen, ‘George Walton, Designer andArchitect’, pub. Oxford 1993, page 115

Exhibited:‘George Walton: Designer and Architect’ GlasgowArt Gallery and Museum, Kelvingrove, Glasgow 11June - 19 September 1993 and at BrightonMuseum and Art Gallery Church Street Brighton4 November 1993 - 9 January 1994, No 2.7

Note:This fine linen press in green stained ash wasdesigned by the architect and designer GeorgeWalton and was made, circa 1899, for a directorof his company, Robert Dick. Walton opened hisfirst showroom at 152 Wellington Street Glasgowin 1888, naming it ‘George Walton & Co,Ecclesiastical and House Decorators’. In 1897Walton followed his brother Edward to Londonwhere he set up house and studio at 16Westbourne Park Road, Bayswater, and in 1898 ashowroom was opened in York. In the followingyear a four-storey block of workshops was builtin Buccleuch Street, Glasgow, and it was in thesame year that Robert Dick became a director ofthe Glasgow company, rising to chairman by1905. In her 1993 biography of Walton KarenMoon comments “ . . . in the north the company’sdirectors were keeping them busy: when the twobrothers James and Robert Dick, who had beeninvolved in the company since 1899, both marriedin the early years of the new century, theirhouses were done out grandly in company style”.This press would have stood in one of thebedrooms or upper landings of the house and itretains its original net hangings for the windowsand linen covers inside for the drawer slides.


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342 EZ570/4GEORGE WALTON (MANNEROF)MAHOGANY FRAMEDUPHOLSTERED ARMCHAIR,CIRCA 1910the tall arched back aboveupholstered arms and seatraised on turned legs withpad feet


341 EAA940/2GEORGE WALTONUPHOLSTERED EASY CHAIR,CIRCA 1900the tapering back withoutswept upholstered armsand stuff-over seat raised onsquare tapering legs withbrass caps and castors to thefrontLiterature:Moon, Karen, ‘George Walton,Designer and Architect’, pub. Oxford1993, page 63, plate 73 where asimilar example is illustrated.


340 EAA940/1GEORGE WALTONOAK FRAMED SETTEE,CIRCA 1900with tapered and upholsteredback and arms, raised onupholstered seat, two loosecushions and with eightsquare tapering legsterminating in brass caps andcastors

176cm wide, 121cm high,67cm deep

Literature:Moon, Karen, ‘George Walton,Designer and Architect’, pub. Oxford1993, pages 107 and 111, plates 142and 146 where similar examples areillustrated


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344 EZ859/1GEORGE WALTON (ATTRIBUTED TO)OAK OCCASIONAL TABLE, CIRCA 1900circular top with arched apron extending totapering supports linked by stretchers

39cm diameter, 60cm high

Note:See Christies King Street, 20th Century Decorative Art andDesign, March 2006, lot 105 for another example.


343 EZ871/11GEORGE WALTON (ATTRIBUTED TO)SET OF TEN MAHOGANY LADDER-BACK CHAIRS, CIRCA 1900including TWO CARVERS, the serpentine ladder backs with turnedupright and spirally reeded finials above leather upholstered seatswith close nailed decorations raised on turned front legs with padfeet linked by turned stretchers (10)Literature:Cooper, Jeremy, ‘Victorian & Edwardian Furniture & Interiors’, pub. Thames &Hudson 1987, plate 618

Note:In 1896 Miss Cranston commissioned Walton to refurbish her Buchanan StreetTea Rooms whilst Charles Rennie Mackintosh was employed to decorate thewalls of the Ladies Tea Room. Chairs similar to the present lot can be seen incontemporary photographs of the tea room.


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345 EZ871/10GEORGE WALTONWALNUT DISPLAY CABINET,CIRCA 1902with gilt embellishments, thelater projecting cornice withgently curved outlinedecorated to the undersidewith Classical Greekarchitectural mutules, over asingle glazed door withchamfered astragals andcarved and gilded foliatemotifs, flanked by furthercorresponding glazed panelsand enclosing freestandingconcave shelves supported bypegged uprights, the basewith a central drawer withinset copper-backed handle,flanked by drawers with insethorn handles, the wholeraised on square taperinglegs

163cm wide, 196.5cm high,45cm deep

Literature:Moon, Karen, ‘George Walton,Designer and Architect’, pub. Oxford1993, page 120, plate 157, page 155.Provenance: The Phillippines,Brasted Chart, Kent

Note:Walton decorated the drawing roomat The Phillippines from 1902 andthe scheme marked a change ofdirection for his work to a moreformal, classical style. The use ofarchitectural detailing on thecornice of this cabinet is reflected inthe wall panelling, as are the gildedembellishments which also adornthe cornice shelf around the room.


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346 EZ855/1SCOTTISH ARTS & CRAFTSOAK BEDROOM SUITE, CIRCA 1900comprising A WARDROBE projectingcornice above central mirrored doorsinset with blue glass panels andflanked by embossed copper roundels,the base with single drawer on blockfeet, 152cm wide, 216cm high, 56cmdeep; A DRESSING TABLE, therectangular mirrored plate on squaresupports with corresponding blue glassinlay above base with three short overtwo long drawers on block feet , 107cmwide, 146cm high, 61cm deep;WASHSTAND, rectangular top withhammered and embossed coppercasing raised above single door flankedby two drawers and two doors below onblock feet , 107cm wide, 78cm high,53.5cm deep (3)


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347 EZ870/3E.A. TAYLOR (ATTRIBUTED TO) FOR WYLIE& LOCHHEAD, GLASGOWOAK ART NOUVEAU CANTERBURY,CIRCA 1900the divided superstructure with motifs toeach side carved as stylised plant formsabove a lower single drawer on squaretapering supports with part-pierced archedaprons

54cm wide, 52cm high, 39cm deep

Provenance:Sir James Morton, and by family descent.

Literature:Morton, J., ‘Three Generations in a Family TextileFirm’, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971


348 EZ582/12HENRY TAYLOR WYSE(ATTRIBUTED)PAIR OF SIDE CHAIRS,CIRCA 1900each with arched and piercedbacks with applied paintedgesso panels of floweringplants, raised on stuffoverseats with square taperinglegs (2)Note:Henry Taylor Wyse (1870 - 1951) wasborn in Glasgow and became afounding member of the ScottishGuild for Handicraft and aninfluential art teacher. He ran theHolyrood Pottery between 1917 and1927. While living in Arbroath in theearly 1900’s, he designed anextensive range of furniture, madelocally to order by W. Middleton,cabinetmaker, and characterized bysimple forms designed for practicaleveryday use which he enlivened bypainted decoration, often usingapplied gesso relief.


351 EAB393/1SCOTTISH CELTIC REVIVALOAK STOOL, 1920sthe leather upholstered padseat above shaped aproncarved in relief with Celticknotwork on scrolling legslinked by stretcher

54cm across

Provenance:The Estate of the Late Jean GordonWelsh


352 EZ311/18SCOTTISH CELTIC REVIVALOAK FOOTSTOOL, CIRCA 1920the button upholstered seatsupported by curved panels,each carved with entwinedbeasts raised on chip carvedand facetted legs

55.5cm wide


349 EZ333/3GLASGOW STYLETILE AND WOODOCCASIONAL TABLE,CIRCA 1900the rectangular top with insetyellow glazed tile panels andtwo central rose glazed tilepanels with foliage motif, thewhole raised on taperingsupports

56cm high, 59cm diameter


350 EAA387/1CHARLES RENNIEMACKINTOSH (ATTRIBUTED)GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ARTTABLE EASEL, CIRCA 1900of tapered strut design withadjustable peg supports,stained beech

112cm high, 58cm wide


353 EAA483/2SIR ROBERT LORIMEROAK CENTRE TABLE,CIRCA 1910made by Whytock & Reid,Edinburgh, the circularplanked top with four insetpanels, raised on turned andspirally reeded and flutedmoulded supports, on acrossed chamfered base withogee moulded feet

72cm high, 107cm diameter

Provenance:Sir James Morton, Craigiehall,Edinburgh and by family descent

Literature:Morton, J., 'Three Generations in aFamily Textile Firm', London:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971,pages 312-3

Note:By 1905 Alexander Morton & Co hadexpanded their considerable textileempire to Carlisle, setting upMorton Sundour Fabrics in that yearin the town. For James MortonCarlisle quickly became the centreof operations and in 1923 hecommissioned Sir Robert Lorimer todesign and furnish a third housewhere he could stay mid week fromTuesday to Thursday, hence thename of the house, on Lorimerssuggestion, 'Tuethur'. The interiorsof the huse were panelled inuntreated gean or wild cherry woodand all the furniture in the housewas designed by Lorimer and madeby Whytock and Reid of Edinburgh.


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354 EAA483/1SIR ROBERT LORIMERSET OF FOUR OAK DINING CHAIRS, CIRCA 1910made by Whytock & Reid, Edinburgh, each of Windsorform, with curved top rail above spindle-filled back andmoulded open arms raised above moulded dished seaton turned tapering legs (4)

61cm wide, 71cm high, 40cm deep

Provenance:Sir James Morton, Teuthur, Carlisle and by family descent

Literature:Morton, J., 'Three Generations in a Family Textile Firm', London:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971, pages 312-3Hussey, Christopher 'The Works of Sir Robert Lorimer', pub. 1931,plate 234B shows a chair with similar moulded arms


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356 EAA579/1SIR ROBERT LORIMER(ATTRIBUTED TO)SMALL OAK BOOKCASE,CIRCA 1920made by Whytock & Reid,Edinburgh, the serpentinethree quarter pierced galleryabove two open shelves raisedon cabriole legs terminatingin pointed pad feet

35cm wide, 70cm high, 23cm deep


355 EZ870/2SIR ROBERT LORIMEROAK SIDE TABLE, CIRCA 1920made by Whytock & Reid,Edinburgh, the demi-lune topon baluster cut-out supportslinked by shaped peggedstretcher on bracket feet

91.5cm wide, 73.5cm high,35cm deep

Provenance:Sir James Morton, Craigiehall,Edinburgh and by family descent

Literature:Morton, J., ‘Three Generations in aFamily Textile Firm’, London:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971,pages 314-5


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357 EZ794/6SIR ROBERT LORIMER (ATTRIBUTED TO)LIMED OAK COMPACTUM, CIRCA 1930made by Whytock & Reid, Edinburgh, moulded cornice withrounded angles above two astragal glazed doors enclosingshelves above two drawers with cut-out handles and twocupboard doors below flanked by a pair of doors, one enclosingshelves and sliding shelves, the other with hanging space

254cm wide, 180cm high, 58cm deep


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359 EAA484/2SIR ROBERT LORIMEROAK ORGAN STOOL,CIRCA 1929the curved plank seat onplanked supports and steppedbracket feet, linked by astretcher

138cm wide, 69cm high, 30cm deep

Provenance:Crieff South Church, Crieff, Scotland


361 EZ871/12E. W. GODWIN (MANNER OF)SET OF EBONISED WOODHANGING SHELVES, 1870with two panelled doorsenclosed by open shelvesabove a scalloped apronsupported by open brackets

105cm wide, 69cm high


360 EZ870/1SIR ROBERT LORIMEROAK FRAMED SETTEE,EARLY 20TH CENTURYmade by Whytock & Reid,Edinburgh, the upholsteredback and arms enclosingloose squab cushion raisedon square rounded legs

187cm wide

Provenance:Sir James Morton, Teuthur, Carlisleand by family descent

Literature:Morton, J., ‘Three Generations in aFamily Textile Firm’, London:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971, page312-3


358 EZ870/5SIR ROBERT LORIMEROAK AND BURR OAK CENTRE TABLE,EARLY 20TH CENTURYmade by Whytock & Reid, Edinburgh, thesquare top with inset angles and burr inlayraised on scrolling cut-out supports linked bycorresponding stretchers

84cm square, 72cm high

Provenance:Sir James Morton, Craigiehall, Edinburgh and by familydescent

Literature:Morton, J., ‘Three Generations in a Family Textile Firm’,London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971, pages 314-5

Note:Craigiehall, a William & Mary mansion just outsideEdinburgh, was leased for the first time in 1926 from theEarl of Rosebery to James Morton, the wealthy textilemerchant and son of Alexander Morton, for a 21 yearperiod. By then, the house had lain empty for more thanten years and extensive renovations were carried out. SirRobert Lorimer was commissioned for work to thehouse, and a water-turbine was built beneath the Grottoto provide electricity to the house and stables, whichwere renovated as accommodation for Morton’s textileworkers; a craft studio was also established. Thepresent lot ‘a fine square table of Lorimer’s design’stood in the entrance hall.


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362 LB305/1E.W. GODWIN (ATTRIBUTED TO) FORWILLIAM WATT, LONDONROSEWOOD CENTRE TABLE,CIRCA 1880the octagonal top with mouldededge, above square and taperingreeded supports, with beaded knops,linked by panelled stretchers onoutswept legs, terminating in carvedclaw and ball feet with pot castors

67cm diameter, 70cm high

Note:See Sotheby’s ‘Applied Art and 20th CenturyDesign’, 3rd May 2002 for a similar oakexample with stamped mark ‘William Watt,Furniture Maker for E.W. Godwin, 40 345.0(?)’


363 EZ570/1E.W. GODWIN (MANNER OF)FOR COLLINSON & LOCKMAHOGANY SIDEBOARD,CIRCA 1880the superstructure with dentilfrieze above base witharrangement of drawers andcupboards and withdecorative brass strap hingesraised on turned supportswith platform stretcher

183cm wide, 114cm high,61cm deep

Literature:Soros, Susan Weber ‘The SecularFurniture of E.W. Godwin’ Yale 2004,pages 202, 209, 211


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365 LB360/1CHRISTOPHER DRESSER(ATTRIBUTED TO)EBONISED COAL BOX,CIRCA 1870of tapered rectangular formwith brass mounts

70cm wide, 48cm high, 36cm deep


364 EZ871/9ANGLO-INDIAN GOTHICREVIVALPAIR OF HARDWOODFRAMED THRONE CHAIRS,CIRCA 1870each with pointed arch back,with figural bird surmountand flanked by squareuprights with orbed finialsabove upholstered arms withsteeply tapering uprights,with carved stylised plant lugs(2)

118cm wide


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366 LB350/22AESTHETIC MOVEMENTTWO PIECE ASH BEDROOMSUITE, CIRCA 1880comprising a WARDROBEwith projecting mouldedcornice above a centralmirrored door flanked by twocupboards, each withmoulded panels with incisedand inlaid decoration,decorative brass hingesraised on a plinth, 185cmwide, 223cm high, 54.5cmdeep; and a DRESSINGCHEST, the mirrored backabove open shelf and tiledsplash back, the tiles byJOHN MOYR SMITH FORMINTONS, the rectangularmarble top above threedrawers and three cupboarddoors below withcorresponding inciseddecoration, raised on a plinth(2)


367 EZ871/13BRUCE TALBERT(ATTRIBUTED TO)OAK CORNER SHELVES,CIRCA 1870with three triangular tiers, theupper tier with taperedspindle gallery and spherefinials above correspondinglower tiers linked by turneduprights, the whole raised ontoupee feet

65cm wide, 113cm high, 39cm deep


369E. GOMME LTDOAK DINING SUITE,DATED 1936comprising a DINING TABLE,the rounded rectangular topon chamfered cross supportslinked by a stretcher, 157cmlong, 72cm high, 76cm wide;and six matching DININGCHAIRS, with green leatherupholstered seats (7)


370-371 No lots

368BRUCE TALBERT(MANNER OF)OAK BREAKFRONT LOWBOOKCASE, CIRCA 1890the moulded top abovecentral section with twinglazed doors enclosed byreeded mouldings and rosettespacers, flanked by fourcupboard doors, each withcorresponding mouldings andwith rosette carved panels,the whole raised on a plinth

307cm wide, 133cm high,54cm deep

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Decorative Arts


372 EZ582/1WYLIE & LOCHHEAD,GLASGOW (ATTRIBUTED TO)INLAID ROSEWOODOCCASIONAL TABLE,CIRCA 1900the hexagonal top marquetryinlaid with mother of pearland specimen woods with afruiting and flowering band,raised above turned supportswith arcaded pierced frieze,linked by an undertier

58cm diameter, 71cm high


373 LB348/94VICTORIAN GOTHICCAST IRON STICK STANDthe pierced foliate andgeometric designed backplate with rope twist rail overplinth base and drip tray, castmark ‘52/ T J WALFORD’

38cm wide, 73cm high, 21cm deep


374 EY158/88AUSTRIAN SCHOOLSMALL BENTWOODBOOKCASE, CIRCA 1890with scrolling spindle-filledgallery above twin astragalglazed doors enclosingshelves

54cm wide, 100cm high, 24cm deep


377 EZ850/2MORRIS & CO.‘KELMSCOTT’ SECTIONALBOOKCASE, CIRCA 1930with two tiers of twin astragalglazed doors enclosingshelves and raised on bracketfeet

76cm wide, 121cm high, 36cm deep


378 EZ869/2MORRIS & CO. (MANNER OF)WALNUT FRAMEDADJUSTABLE ARMCHAIR,LATE 19TH CENTURYwith button upholsteredseatback and cushion, theback with turned spindlesabove steeply raked spindle-filled arms on turned legs


375 EZ582/2ELLEN WELBY(ATTRIBUTED TO)THREE FOLD SCREEN,CIRCA 1900each panel embroidered withfigures in Elizabethan dress

each fold, 88cm high, 29cm wide


376 EZ582/37ALFRED WICKHAM JARVIS(ATTRIBUTED TO)FIRE SCREEN, CIRCA 1900the shaped mahogany frameenclosing a central panel withapplied and overpainted gessodecoration of whiplash foliageand berries

65cm wide, 83cm high


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Decorative Arts


379 EZ871/15MORRIS & COMAHOGANY INLAIDSIDEBOARD,manufactured by Arthur W.Simpson of Kendal, therectangular reversebreakfront top with satinwoodcrossbanding, above a carvedfrieze and three drawers, inturn raised above a centralvoid with shelf flanked by twindoors, each inlaid withstylised plant forms andmounted with octagonal silverhandles, the whole standingon square tapering legsdecorated with correspondingcarved panels

217cm wide, 99cm high, 65cm deep

Literature:Jeremy Cooper, ‘ Victorian andEdwardian Furniture and Interiors’pub. 1987, page 472, plate 470, for asimilar example


380 EZ871/4MORRIS & CO. (ATTRIBUTED TO)MAHOGANY OCCASIONALTABLE, CIRCA 1880the hexagonal top with inset tilepanels and ripple moulded edge,raised on turned and taperinglegs linked by shaped stretchers

49.5cm diameter, 62cm high


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Decorative Arts


381 EZ803/1ART NOUVEAUMAHOGANY DISPLAYCABINET, CIRCA 1910the moulded cornice abovetwin astragal glazed doorsenclosing central panel ofmarquetry inlay depictingstylised plant forms raisedabove an open shelf onbracket feet

122.5cm wide, 175cm high,38cm deep


382 EAA477/4CONTINENTAL ARTS &CRAFTSINLAID HARDWOOD ANDSTEEL BOUND TRUNK,CIRCA 1900of rectangular form withhinged lid, inlaid with brassand copper with stylisedfoliate motifs

52cm wide, 32cm high, 21cm deep


385 EAC97/1LIBERTY STYLESMALL OAK GATELEG TABLE,CIRCA 1910the rectangular top withchequer inlay raised onsquare supports with blockfeet

56cm wide, 61cm high, 69cm long


384 LB350/15GUSTAV STICKLEYOAK RECLINING ROCKER,CIRCA 1900the slatted back withupholstered cushions abovestuff-over seat and broadopen arms raised on squarepegged supports on rockerbases


383 EZ869/3ARTS & CRAFTSSTAINED BEECH AND OAKSIDE CHAIR, CIRCA 1900the arched top rail withpierced woven motif abovelattice panel and turnedsupports, the drop-in rushseat above pierced scrollworkapron on turned and taperingfront legs with stylised fourfeet linked by a stretcher


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Decorative Arts


386 EZ871/6J.S. HENRYMAHOGANY DISPLAYCABINET, CIRCA 1900the projecting mouldedcornice above a central alcoveset with elliptical enamelplaque and flanked by openshelves, the semi-bode basewith central inlaid doorflanked by glazed cupboards,the whole raised on squaretapered legs, bears maker’slabel

127cm wide, 161cm high,46cm deep


389 EZ334/9HEAL & SON (MANNER OF)LIMED OAK SECRETAIREBOOKCASE, CIRCA 1930sthe upper section with twinastragal glazed doorsenclosing adjustable shelvesabove drop-down fallenclosing pigeon holes withtwo drawers below, the wholeraised on a plinth

91cm wide, 191cm high,37.5cm deep


388 EAC97/2ARTS & CRAFTSOAK STICK/UMBRELLASTAND, CIRCA 1920with chequer line inlay andslatted back

70cm wide, 92cm high


387 EAA340/1ARTS & CRAFTSMAHOGANY JARDINIERESTAND, CIRCA 1910the square top carved in basrelief with scrolling foliageraised on four plank supports,each carved with foliatedesigns and linked by a crossstretcher

37.5cm square, 95.5cm high


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Decorative Arts


390 EZ865/1H.M. BAILLIE SCOTT(ATTRIBUTED TO)COPPER AND CAST IRONFIRE INSERT, CIRCA 1900repoussé decorated withheart-shaped symbols andrivet design above a gratewith horizontally ribbed guardand orbed fire dogs

56cm wide, 96cm high


391 EZ869/1ARTS & CRAFTSLIMED AND STAINED OAKGAMES TABLE, CIRCA 1900the square two tier top abovea cluster of four turnedcolumns with central squaresupport carved with panelsdepicting stylised plant forms,the whole raised on

59cm square, 78cm high


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Decorative Arts


392 EZ871/7HEAL & SONLIMED OAK REFECTORYTABLE, CIRCA 1910the rectangular planked topraised on chamfered squaresupports with curved bracketsand platform bases linked bya platform stretcher, bearsmaker’s label

215cm long, 91.5cm wide,76.5cm high


393 EAA484/1HEAL & SONOAK REFECTORY TABLE,CIRCA 1920the rectangular planked topon rectangular sectionsupports, and spreadingbases linked by stretcher,bears maker’s label

168cm long, 75cm high, 75cm wide


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Decorative Arts


394 LB350/6WILLIAM BIRCH, HIGH WYCOMBEASH SETTEE, CIRCA 1910the back with curved and pierced splats,and square supports with canted finials,above open arms and two drop-inupholstered pad seats, the whole raisedon ring turned legs linked by crossstretchers

129cm wide


395 EY793/2WILLIAM BIRCH, HIGH WYCOMBEOAK ARMCHAIR, CIRCA 1910the curved back above open arms on rushseat and ring turned legs linked bystretchers


396 EAA373/1ARTS & CRAFTSSET OF FOUR WALNUT TUBCHAIRS, 1930seach with curved andmoulded top rails abovepierced and slatted supportsenclosing the caned seat andlinked by a lower platformstretcher (4)


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Decorative Arts


397 EZ848/1ROBERT (MOUSEMAN)THOMPSONOAK COFFEE TABLE,CIRCA 1950the rectangular top withadzed surface raised onfaceted turned and blockedlegs linked by stretchers,carved “Mouse” signature

82cm long, 41cm high, 36cm wide


398 EZ871/14ART DECONEO-EGYPTIAN SIDECABINET, CIRCA 1920painted all over with stylisedEgyptian-esque figuralfriezes, with twin doorsopening to reveal an interiorfitted with pigeon holes andcupboards raised on squarelegs

91cm wide, 138cm high, 46cm deep


399 EZ798/7ART DECOBIRCH AND WALNUTOCCASIONAL TABLE,CIRCA 1930the octagonal cross-bandedtop on square tapered supportand corresponding base

56.5cm diameter, 56cm high


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Decorative Arts


400 EZ333/2ART DECOLACQUERED WOOD ANDCHROMIUM COCKTAILTROLLEY, 1930sthe top with lift-out tray abovebase with twin doors openingto reveal a fitted interior ofplated cocktail shaker,glasses, etc, the sides withopen-out compartments forbottles

69cm long, 78cm high, 41cm deep


401 EAA898/3FRENCH ART DECOTORTOISESHELL ANDEBONISED COFFEE TABLE,CIRCA 1930the canted rectangular topraised on eight reeded turnedtapered supports united by anundertier

69cm wide, 58cm high, 49cm deep

Provenance:Brockwood Park School, Hampshire.


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Decorative Arts


402 EZ749/2EDGAR BRANDT (AFTER)WROUGHT IRON JARDINIERESTAND, 1930sthe square top above taperingcolumn with applied spiralson scrolling supports

119cm high


403 EAA599/2LYSBERG & HANSENBEECH SIDE TABLE,CIRCA 1930the elliptical banded top inlaidin holly and bone with severalgazelle, with drop ends, theshallow apron raised ontapered legs with brass caps,bears manufacturer’s label

47cm wide, 60cm high,109.5cm long


404 EAC46/2AFTER TERENCE CONRANPAIR OF WICKER CHAIRS,1950seach of conical form, on blackpainted legs with rubber feet(2)


405 EZ749/1PAUL MCCOBB FORWITCHENDON FURNITURECOMPANYSYCAMORE COFFEE TABLE,1950sthe semi-elliptical plankedtop with upturned ends raisedon powdered steel taperinglegs with sphere feet

118cm long, 50cm high,54.5cm deep


406 EAC8/1SCANDINAVIAN SCHOOLROSEWOOD DROPLEAFDINING TABLE, 1960sthe oval top raised on fourhinged L-shaped support

136cm long, 71.5cm high,121.5cm wide


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Decorative Arts


408 EZ749/3MARIO BELLINI FOR ARFLEXTHREE PIECE LOUNGESUITE, CIRCA 1980comprising of SOFA and TWOMATCHING ARMCHAIRS,each with exposed steelframes, the upholsteredbacks and seats and armswith loose upholsteredcushions

Sofa 170cm wide


407 EAA257/1PIERO FORNASETTITWO TIER FOLDINGOCCASIONAL TABLE, 1960seach tier a removablelacquered tin tray, printed andpainted in gilt and colouredenamels with archaicweapons and keys, the blacklacquered wooden frame withbrass fittings and hingedsides bears maker’s label

66cm wide, 69cm high, 47cm deep


409 EAA599/1CHARLES AND RAY EAMESLOW ARMCHAIR ROD (LAR),DESIGNED 1950the tomato-red polyester andfibreglass single-shell seat,back and arms supported onblack painted bent wire base


410 EZ311/3CPETER HVIDT FOR FRANCEAND SON, DENMARKTEAK TWO-TIER COFFEETABLE, 1960sthe upper tier of L-shapedform above a lower squaretier raised on turned taperinglegs, bears maker’s label,74cm square, 64cm high; anda FRANCE & SON COFFEETABLE DESIGNED BY PETERHVIDT, the circular top abovea smaller lower tier withwicker panel on turned andtapering legs, bears maker’slabel, 100cm diameter, 50cmhigh (2)


411 EZ311/3BPETER HVIDT FOR FRANCEAND SON, DENMARKTEAK FRAMED THREE-SEATSOFA, 1960swith upholstered back, seatand arms on turned legs,bears maker’s label

200cm wide


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Decorative Arts


412 EZ311/3PETER HVIDT FOR FRANCEAND SON, DENMARKTEAK FRAMED TWO SEATSOFA, 1960swith upholstered back, seatand arms on turned legs,bears maker’s label

137cm wide


413 EZ311/3APETER HVIDT FOR FRANCEAND SON, DENMARKTEAK FRAMED ROCKINGARMCHAIR, 1960swith upholstered back andseat enclosed by open armson rocking base, bearsmaker’s label; also a pair ofMATCHING STOOLS by thesame maker, 55cm wide (3)


414 EAA337/1SIGURD RESSELL FORVATNE MOBLERPAIR OF ‘FALCON’ EASYCHAIRS, 1970sbent wood and leatherupholstery, with matchingfootstool (stool with damagedleg) (3)


416 LB348/57MICHAEL CIANCIMINOMAHOGANY SERVING TABLE,1970sthe black-enamelled steelframe with rectangular insettop above three friezedrawers on cluster columnsupports

198cm wide, 76.5cm high,64cm deep


415 EZ859/9MURANO GLASSWALL MIRROR,CONTEMPORARYthe rectangular framedecorated with applied glassflowers

84cm x 41cm


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Decorative Arts


417 EZ318/1ALAN JAMES MILLAREBONISED OAK AND MAPLEVENEERED DINING ROOM SUITE,1980scomprising a DINING TABLE ofstepped elliptical form, quarter-veneered with burr maple andraised on swollen turned supports,tapering to turned and blocked feet;and eight matching DINING CHAIRS,four “female” and four “male” (9)

table, 240cm long, 127cm wide, 74cm high

Note:Designed for the boardroom of McGurn,Logan, Duncan & Opfer architects,Woodside Place, Glasgow, made by PiersKettlewell cabinetmakers, circa 1985



Bronze and leaded glass table lamptiffany studios, new york,early 20th century$10,000-$20,000

AuctionsSaturday November 20that 10amandSunday November 21stat 12 Noon


www . f r e em a n s a u c t i o n . c om

American Furniture, Decorative & Folk ArtThe 5th Anniversary Pennsylvania Sale11/20&21/10

FREEMAN’S1808 Chestnut Street

Philadelphia, PA 19103

Telephone: 215.563.9275

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Charlottesville, VA 22902

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Inquiries:lynda caindirect tel: [email protected]

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Catalogue $35

ExhibitionsWednesday November 17th throughFriday November 19th10am-6pm

Carved oak hall chair, brandof the Rose Valley Shops,Rose Valleypennsylvania (1901-1907)$8,000-$12,000

Walnut Coffee Tablegeorge nakashima (1905-1990)$8,000-$12,000


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