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Page 1: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el

n-, 7 y^

Mr Ml

SBiiytid* 141010


DedicateWing OfHospitalPrai§e GivenThote WhoAided Growth

Wtag WBS

Red Satellite ExpectedTo Circle Moon Tonight


IN. Bud-(R-Mea.) pratoed thoee

wto torn worktd for tto growthof tto hospital since to touad-tofta MS.

Ht eeparliOy praimd Mrs.j * » • ; " " " * " » « • ' *"*"* WVBtmW N M C A T I O - Middletewa Mayer Frank F. lUlsdell. third from left, shakes handi with AuamUymenmttSnmn. Mt** N ' I " " " ) ! ! or the dedication Saturday of the IMSS.O00 addition te Rivervlaw HatpHoL Mr. leadle-

"Ifa coma a taut m y from iten wet tha main ipeeker. Others, left to rifht, era San. Richard R. Sfoarf; Rep. Jamat C Auchlndou; Freehold-aa Wfle tofldtag pfctared on „ , fXrocter Joseph C. Irwin, and Red lank Councilman Peter W. Folvo.

*. • *

U. S. Scientists'Attitude'IsWait and See

WAIUNGTON (AP) - Amri-a KMaatH awn vppoa B•la to the RISSISM «

unacted a MW IBICO vehicle

wto attended theTto Unto

w a a tint housed tto hospital

tta buUdtag k'ln-i-f,!, a- I *•nm MM r *«w heepitul. is

n t five dory brick addMoaw u eormlmd to Pabnaiy. andtot baa gndotfly plaead inatnrtae. WHh toaaltltaa at ttoebstotrletl tad pediatrics secttasla rwvemtor. the hoapttal's ct>

wfl ba ntaad from M toWtod?

Aasahr/muaero la itffl a dtM at MSJM oa« N H.W.MI project

Otter uoikm were Rep.turn C Aachtactau. (R-N. J.).Seeator Mckaid R. Hoot, (It-Moa.). Fnstolilir Diractor Joe-ask C Inrta, Jaaaa S. Parkta.praaMaat af tto hospital's Boardat Governors, aai Dr. Aram A.


Miyer taak F.third vice prooktaet of

at Governors, pre-Mod, Mt«r. Eamett A. Moaa-toa. paMor af N. J u w C *

•trfRav.Dr.ChartoeS.of (to Rat

NEW SHREWSBURY-SidneyNenets, a ShrewsburyBoerd of Edacetioa mawithdraw his resignation at theOct 13 muting of the board, tosaid yttterdsy.

Mr. Nemstt u id boardten, coUtctlvely and todividud-ty, tove urged him to- reconsider tadhit resignation.

Mr. Nemets submitted his re-hto

Also, ihhough to did notM ta hto tatter of resigns**,wife, Mn. Esther Nome*, tod

tptodiitton to tto toed system. Ho

VOWnONAM.Ml—Rap.JamatC.Aaahiaalauaa-^ Saymaur, 13, a mambar af Fair

h d d f Readgfebed Have* C M Scout Troop I I I at the dedication af River-delivery and view hotpittl Saturdey. Jene is the doufhter af Mr.

riome! *"d M r $* W a l t a r S t v m a w r - J r - 7 I Klvarlawa Or., Felrif taltot ud lib- Haven.

Boy on BikeHit by CarIn Belford


StirnweissSuit SettledFor $200,000

ITtE»lHOU)-Atettlsmmtof^iv^^^Pf«f*^P'*netmjm WM luiplil Fridiy by tor t atw wdl ud itoreat tankMn. Jayao.E. Sunwdu, Syce- tor ata am which wffl

Ctatral RaBnad al Ntw JamgrhriMdMmalbtr


kOai kt'fM wmfc a( a C a m lMm Ii Mawark Bay Stat la,

CoartJadt Otat«.

toe tor Btraari ht Stontoy. efHaumeiudburM todnw— - —- — a , . u _ a|a>a far tha aniee i . EaaaBaaraSnaMta, have boa worktag oa putlml

Mr. Stentov toM fto court me JJJJJJJJ" " » » * a » * * weaMr. Bktaity taM «M coarl ON


d tolruttoraodiSBn.fnato apt

la *e


tBMMi mMal Jkf• » • • BBBBJ f j |

k) * tbMaiy af fta


IM Baftl

SS£JSjjjjjji.'Mia PerBedtoTde

Amy Vu,W. I.WM

ft I1


Paato Id

,,..,, ', se

ftf ' , „ - ,. ,i t•ami It

Wwwp>Mif M**

iSZ>MtM i* Mia


We// to Pump1.5 Million GallonsMAZLET - Tte West

Tbt atw watt vO

Estates during recent days.Many homes there wen

ptotety without water toottor a period of aboutHwe hours.

Cempeey otflctek seid tto con-witor tupply. of- dUoa ruatad from a lack

•Ugtator afflctoat waurTtoOMMMtIS bom II Ii en a t -sod et tto_ _ tS f jaWM M M B M V M Bl aSBBMB*aa^ WVBBBBJ ^WVBBBBJB/ BJ BaVBnBj §

Tto natty

Tbt atw watt v O a j a t IKBMBM ajfltat at wattr a day*

Uatof af tto wal tat coa-ttnSaa al a t walar taak la ta>

aeat« to SI days.Tto atUty tot rttttaid

Tmrawtt of a had elt

m •

• 0M

tto tove boa latag "ael water tor knra

Ikt atw M l and taak praieetM win bt Mla abi flgarat," It

Tto tottimwea Ii to to fta-Mwd by ^rtog. » a t NMH"Rartoa Vdby USA- protect to

It wM ike Mrvtot

If mm F«v«rt3d

Craig Face» Wynn AgainIn 4th Series Game Today

Nemetz ResignationWill Be Withdrawn

But they withheld iny Mg slapsi tte beck untfl they tee tewto specs traveler performs.There WM no nttempt to dis-

credit tto Soviet bunchingsdf-Hody e wdtnnd4oe attitude

its performance. Tte U.S.•pace offldala did not know forsure test whit kind of • vehicletod been Utmctou, whin it w uto go ind whit it WM to do.Tbdr tatormattaa w u Umltod al-most entirely to ttot given outby the RtHilim ind that wuvague.

T. Edcb Otaaaaa, toad of a t

to tana with t member of^ hit family la the DoanTt employ.

Mr. Nemttx it ta instructor atMounouth CoDeft and it work-in* toward hi* doctorate at NewYork Univtnlty.

Witbla a week liter I tuomil-my resifnttian to the board,

Frederick M. Rtubiafer. NewJeney commlwioner of Educa- whether the vehicle w u meant to

hit attendance at

(ton, stated that be sew no ret-ton why a perton could not terveon a boerd ot adBeatton even Ifa member of bit family w u tatbt board*! employ," Mr. Ntmeb

M i * *la ttvtril moontbt

. memben ot cIsaMbtpedthe famflwt ot Khoo) bond mem- earth,beet are en a e stiffs of a t

cantos* en'

MDDLETOWN - TownshipJ.

will receive aOct IS o a t charn eldriving etemmtet from an led-

Saturday tavolviag a teven-yaireldbgy.

Aeeerdto«toOtom. Mr. Ooaaton was drhrinien Ninth St. when the bey. JohnNorlhraa, IS Math ft. rMtabicycle. coUded with tka car.

Tha bay waa treated at Riverview Hotpilal for adeeagtth toUs forsbiid. It took U

•ightto dose tke waand.j to

Mrt Gnata. MM that bt f m

w N Doy craBBOT avjaffiMe car.


laMlaCetiHt'After hierfaM) Mr.toment, 1 dedded met I endd

carry oat all my school boerd du-If the board wished me to

connnut to urve, MT. nemHowever, I personally fed

I would abstain from offldalsod voting on teach-

siterie*. Oa aU other mat-beeriai toeusdoos

ton. I can see no conflict of mor-KU or ethia."

Mr. Nemeb w u ippointod toB O beard In INT and elected toa three-year term ta February,

Hit wife tot tervtd u a sob-e ttiwto toactor ta rat toed

pttom for tta ytert*Tail year tto to a dim grade

toactor at Ttatoa FnUt SchoolAt tto Oct 11 metting. • re-

placsmsat tor Willtam M. Piece*,who resigned tatt month, to

Tto mtguttoa ot Nriaa M.Jr., Bear

to toned.

y l

CfaaW. MM D#4Mit9 hMl Btfthii' I i 14a a M l ^ A M MmVtSBKvf MamlaWaaaanj^ ayaBBya}

MflH lamft laMvvwarew BJBBaj BBBBBj

said be hid re-


a t root ef a t werid tdsatUteamadty we atol awdt tto

dnta from ttto new preto tatta joojfMjr MCWMB Bae aarti

There w u • question u to

mike oat or more circlet arounde moon or merely Include It tabig orbit mound tto earth.Flnt Raattan reporto described

EncephalitisContinues ToWane in State

Leeda Point Boy,Snapectcd Victim,Diea in Hoeplul

TRENTON (AP) - A 11-year-old bpy from Leeds Point diedtoday i t Shore Memortd Hot-pitd, Somers Potat Doctorsw m to make tests to determinewhether oncopMUDs. poUo ar

atvtUdeaastation" net would whirl armtd

i'interpUnetsry edmtttad

aid thenOfWl

so tato a

experts m\*rmAd only

Pta&#tariuiB pseid the veWde w u ta » d onlyanotter eera seteUte that tor

drealt would tadnde ttowttfcta ttt lhsbt

Dr. Fred L. Wkkjjto,tor el tto•tVttMl OtolllBlll• i f t f f A . BVaftmmV. O B MOM ef * s torm <

I suspect they i n utmgfancy term to give people tte

ineslnn they tove eomtthtagthey do not." WUpptoedd.

He aaiQ weeteni sciaansti» torm to describe a big SMD-

(Continued from pagt 1)

Fire GutsSecond FloorOf Home

MIDDLETOWN - Authoritiesare tUD tavuttatttag tto CIUMof a fire Utardqr aiaht whichewsed aa eetimited SS.SBB to

h afatoana* ka*aBa>aama^wAk• r a n RtumUBOitaLAcmrdlni to Fire Chief New-a A. MsOett eto blue com-

ptottiy psttod tto second floor ofme tome ewatd by Mrs. MiryHopkias, St Jersey Ave.

ChM Mdtott ssidttot a t fireatartad oai tfv aacoad floofi batOOVM sat flManRlM tbt aiiala odwhtaM.

milk «aa aattm L f t m i ^L^ **--HO •JBP W U ROOM WBeni 01fire broke oat, to Mid.

tad BtHord Fire Com-ptales t«or aad hour aad a toNto arms tto Die under costal

a t eera out every Si dty*.BBj pBBV sjaajBBBi aaj mm wwm * ^ ^

ttthtottow retattoaof tto moen, tto bmnr day toequd to 14 enys M lerm sada s taaar utafct to eaad to M

What'a aa tto hUd« Hdt *j t meoar SdeatWs. al eearse,dt ait taatw yet Bat a n t al

e PhotographHidden Side

Side wU to i ittameaVto

MOSCOW (AP)-Ttoflytas tabontotj todaytowird tto moon ta in ittamptto give man his flnt ptotognpb-ic look st tte bidden fece of ttotcelestial body 2M,tS7 miles away.

Soviet KlontisU predicted ttonewest titpound sitdilto rocket-officially called in Interplane-tary station—would reeek tto vi-cinity of tte moon tonight, curve•round the far side sad the*swing tack to go Into orbit•round the earth.

aaS • aftaMBaaWM B B B M U U B V . ! # • ^ ^ B a

tone wen to to rrualstod to-to reeit dgMto wMch to ton

to ua '

An unnamed utronomer do-dared triumphantly over Moscowradio:

It Is now n new moon andthat means that the otter ddeot tto moon it brightly lightedby the rays of the tun. Whatlies there? Soviet identkwi wilttove tte reply to tail question

Sdcntlsts kept tnek of thespice vehicle by ltt ndto tig-MUS. which sounded like nottafrom a violin.

Soviet utrooomen reported i t(4 i . m. EST) thit me

rocket w u 111,111 milu from

Tto boy. RJctord Moceey, w ufamed Seurdty light At mat

time hto UtatM w u deterited ususpected encephalitis.

Shortly after, Meyer OscarDutch of Odtowty Township do-

Bl •ta\d.m tS •MMfftMjjW

Ueds Potat ta ta Gdk>wey To-mshlp, norm ot AttanUcQty to Attontte County.

Tto dtotut. known u a typeef HnHm m i i i a . to cantod by

Believe SignaUFrom Rocket


whJch transmits tte v imUnto to honm and bumnns.

^ha) oiteaSaa I i aVJBOCted tatout n COIN to New Jeney-Uof them fetal.

Saturdny, the state Health De-portment add It w u hopeful ttostate hod essn the wont of ttooutbreak. A

a* BfcaU

JT wuyou aad Ntw Jersey aormiUy

The suspected Leeds Potat caseto tto only one reported ta ttotatt four dtye.

HemeNeTbreelTRENTON - Dr. Edwin L

Brewer, director. Division of Ad-Industry. New Jersey Dt-

of Agriculture, statesto to svideace ttot

to to from aa

TtoArmy S»»ml Corpsi Ukwaton

haWaatttl «at *JB\eSK amHmBBkaT«Ma*Ba aWftal


«w Army anU.

tto ear*,te

Thit toam toll way to a t

ttot tto n mdont from tto atw tpaet trav-•tor etowed that it w u tollowtagtto deUnd pern "predsdy" tad

at dl tastrumtatottoa. me(Coattoued en pagt 1)

S'Little Joe'^ M l C

prated, to seid, taanumtn a n boms, that "aMto may spread tto

Thills —

toctrried byonly to centrectod throughbite offlnt Mttoa

CapsuleMaa ^ * l w _"<i

»j*5 Into space

a mottjuite ia u totottid wiMMrd.

WhUebam(Continued from page 1)

Man h RescuedAfter Pier Leap

U3N0 BRANCH - An atttmpt Tto call tor h * wat netividby WIMaa Maaty. «7, at Mat aattaa haatnirtin at • :«

Ave., Uag Breach, to p. m .A watch Maawyay oToviRtag

MMtey fwnpte en me ene ortto Long Branch ftahtag ptor aadsterted to ewim out to


Maaioy aaw no west 10ittye Bar, laird St. H d O•w«i BHOv M B r H f l BW WWWi

LaafB 9Mm MMaM ^ kaa aBaWaaaa* .km ka*meWll BBBf HWfV W BBf B^BBJ BB m y

|HM^ off Ma

He Ave,

a^ amw^pt^v B^B^^^^V av 'p' FSv ens tvjp ^^^^^^^^^F^B amrnw

Mutty. He aid hto n ta i r i to aa

Mm Md healed Ma abend.Tto toai then came

at It oteld to ttore^ and a

"Duchy" OeUto. ea<u d Flnt AM Savedwtal into tto turf tad dngpdMuwy to tto btach.

to Da-

m w .**- ) l t<>' W t o " w " r t * * - "* l

u ehw ator et the tae. I

Praak MMchM an

AvaM Lm% Iraaah, eeeter, b drafted ap the keaeh atleaf I f iMh lart alfht eftet trykf, pallet Mid, te earn*mlt ivlalde %i eVewnlna. Prank DeGta haldt him. OetM*tlve John Perrl It In'foroojrawd. In rear era DeputyPallaa Oilef Carralt • f tea, M t , and Petrelmeit •Veae»yleva. The two at Meiiey'i left era unidentified. Anunidentified bait, aniwtrlnf pallaa radle atll far help,pulled Mmey eheerd shout a hundred yerdi Irem theend of the Lena Iranih flihlnej pier,

lactlvo Pvrri ky Maney aM Mawife, UUtaa. af M ktotmt Ttr.i l n HiiaaW Mli A A amd ka«MFV, PBawBi^ i H S ^ ^ V ajgBB B Bj

B^aaBfri ai a^aaaiweas ^ v p BaR^H v^v I V F

oueMlv tat Itltphenid aad threat-mod to kill Mmsdf, but tto dM

And she didn't believe Mm whente stopped it tor residence tteuiI eS p. m. yMttrdsy, tto Mid, to•lv« persnnsl bekwaliigs to lh*lrdtuikltr, < arnl.

y yalaajpaa] i l ttff» Daiectlva

WASHINGTON (AP) - A U>tto Joe booster rochet tot tare-

ii i oig

Tto rocket yntoiday hdttoda dummy tpaee apede with aainert

lag M ptoa aboutafter lauae*

Tto NatkMce Admiaietnttoa

tto test succeesfd.Tto leunehtaf from me Wat-

top't tstoed. Vi., Reenrck Ste.ttoe w u tto first ta a ttrtot tor

i Uttte Jan. Tto deaa*tnece eaptuto wu edy • bdtorplato mtdtep ef mt typt eatwill carry aaa tato i

ar ytanrdaytof to

j ytto rectof s

y t tot a*toeetor, leunchtog

Tto UUto Joe Is t Hfut,natot. Tto


I Ma tor a itaaretto aadMa to WM g*kj towa-aUanatt alaaaM aaaaaal haa™towejp B4 w i ^ B a B s w f f ^TBee ^Ba*jpf PBV

' M tie WM tfyttwj la p w' • uaiaat It,

I I yaan. Ha aald r-1 B M itiai teeffect • rttiOMllBfilOB, bat M.Mate *"•- — * . . - - J j j , -A*-A t t . . .•WBWJ BBBJ rafaBBBJ, | v l BBBBH1 HBJf

BWww r V l f l tm jkjI-A-dklgv tj

A a*«u twud 4* • a y w tBoX yeTor. effect

Mutey will to irrslgntd tomor-to Munklpel Court. He Is

etorged wMh allempted tutelar.Ttt polk* tnd fire mfertmtMi,

M wsfl u ito First Aid leutd,were oa tto scene. Lights plnyedon the or*en helped Ihe hneilociit him

uie$In Mold


aaM C4WM af alaMh wsanviBM w pa a aain BBMB*

An aulopay la sneetitf lo

HsrrtMMtd,With Mr. Bernttota at a t

tol w u hit D V M M M taa.The tody w u removes It

hunertl Home,

Page 2: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el

f. Oct I. \m WPIAHKlttCgTtl

man is saylag one thing aad Bri->.!.•. U a i Ulalalar Uwalltaatain's PrimeMwthcr about how summit coa-tmaco pmptcUMMd. B t tit oo indication ot «ay m l coa-fUCL

It appean to boll down tomatter of the background agatast

tht Britiih and Unitedttt statuMBta W « N made m

the week-end.Tha fint cama from MecmlUaa, m- • - - . . - ^ • _ _ , „ .

who it engaged la a but national WDaoa V. aad Ocergleae Maikielacttoa coattat to ooattaw bla Stryker.conservative party ta govenmmatcontrol.

The prims minister, whosa cam-paiga atntojy uadaiicoris hhadvocacy ef. aa East-Wast atm-mit msstiag, toM aonce at party ~

W O C 0 M I — Sister Mary Arthur, now principal of Holy Crou School. Rumsoa.• roati Mn. Quentlii Youno, at Parent-Teacher Association too in * • school Satur.day for mothon whosa chlWraii oro ettendlnej the school for the fin* time. Mn.John Maloaoy. loft, b president of the PTA. Mn. J. A. Smilat ond Mn. VictorShahoan woro chairmen of tho too. aislitcd by Mn. John Ekdahl ond Mn. RaySmith. Other now mombon prnont wora Mn. William lurk.. Mn. Franklin Cllf-ford, Mn. ©oorja Cujo, Mn. Richard Corlay, Mn. John «aynor, Mn. John Hynn,Mn. Edward Harrinoton, Mn. A. J. lament, Mn. Timothy Loo, Mn. Evgono M eCobo, Mn. Jomot Norrii, M M . William O'Loary. Mn. John Rood, Mn. Robert San-dan ond Mn. Jomoi Stump. ^

At Eisaaaower's vocatieaqaarten ham, White House PrutSecretary Jamas C tUgarty w usaked far comment yesterday oatha M i r f "*" statement Hager-ftsv ^uBaa'aUBAmlajmit IhBh SBBBBBB1*

tempt to iaterpnt the Prime Mta-ister'e remark, or presume totpsak for the British governmentBut the press secretary ak» aaMflatly then had ban no agree-ment yet to bold a summit con-

'And than win sot be until wehear from our AlUaa," Haterty

Moon Rocket(Continued)

sources of power musurlng amtransmitting apparatus on boarda n funeUonlni normally."

The launching yesterday on thesecond anniversary of the birthof the tint Sputnik, was herald-ad on both sides of the lion Cur-tain u another giant step toman's adventure into apace.

-TMseaeaas we have already


r Mantel Barba-of I

Academy of Meaesecommittee.Alexsndre Ananoff. a leadlag

French astrancutlcs e x p e r t ,Mid, "The Soviet rocket proves

fi k t ith

Dock StrikeSides MeetSeparately

NEW YORK (AP) - Repre-sentative* of bath aktos ta thefive-day-old loagabsnmea'a stike

to meet separately to-

Mid, The S pthey can fire a moon rocket with

yBut there waa practically no

hope that they would coaler withchances of

time they want"The Russians Indicated

control of the new space station

any each other. A mediator doubtedthen would be joint negorlattou

pararned porta'asas.The economic

could be exercised from stations heightoasd the postuittty that theen earth. They announced,mample. that thecarried by the third Soviet spaeerocket" would he "switched on'for two hours today (7 a. m. to( p. m. EST).

They predated thattiaa-A* third SevMreeket shot ahaad at the•emffflRM mmf RMn Vw •thnebeeaata R wBae deaor t b a a U N<IJN aUtes) to ma earth.The flying station wot report-

ed loaded with scientific equip-ment but tho official announce-ments gave ao details oa It.

Y. K. Fedofov, member of meSoviet Academy of Sciences, MM,

ta lathered by the masy meas-uring devices Is bring regularlytnnsmitted back to earth'


wkfcb me oat's rayJust what do the RuseUne hope

to learn?Soviet Physicist Lev Pooayaton

of Lelnmired said data from theunseen side of the moon willhelp to determine Its shape anddistribution of mass. He said thiswould be of tremendous hob lamanned space flights.

Felix Zfiici. scientific commen-tator for Moscow Radio, said theprojectile will not make aatensive study of the moon. Thatwm be done liter, he said. froma rocket timed to orbit aroundthe moon.

Waal earnsi aoatohe It

i at aat<aheat U N atfsfl.Prof. Harrte I. Maseey, chair-

i of me British National Com-

early yesterday morning, the So- of steel entering the countryviol News Agency Tsaa said: foreign sources dwindled off.

"Aboard the racket Is aa aa-

Thathe aM el aThe last stageatfaiaoa

af me rocket

tary otatlea oa the reaatrod

ishabie caraoaa beaan rotUni la pects for a meeting with the headsS p t o W s M d nOfretghtiilUp- of government of Britain. Fraoca ln« at M o'clock at Aritagtoa Na-meats to the East aad Gulf Coasts tad ""were cat to preveat pileupunmanned plan.

The New York Board of Trade, matterming tha situation an atgeocy, urged President Eisenter to invoke the Tilt-Hartley u a

Despite the increasing pressurefer an and to tha walkout, theshippers insist they will not nego-tiate with the union before OctIS unless the strikers go back to Jwork. They hold the strike vio-"f;lated aa agreement to work untilthat date while contract talks con-


The proapoct of ao program

of theIn its history h u sot off a floodof complaints to Wasatagtoe,

H i ' ~

crack thoPrasidsat Elsaahswsr could to-voke me TafMtarUey law tor aa

Natto-work period.Opthatatk

Moon w u not optimistic. Hew u scheduled to meat with of-fidala of the Iateraatioaal Long- yesterday.

The tremendous amount of da- shoremen's Association first to-day, tbaa confer with representslives of the New York Ihlpper'iAssociation, but he declared:

"The staattoahopsleaa for thetun." Ho reported ao yMdiag tapoenJoas over me week-end, add-lag:

"My honest opialoa la that we'dbo dara Kicky


Uwyers at the Natioaal LaborRelations Board ta Washingtonworked oa pUas to go to courtfor aa Injunction-eves ia ad-vaace of any use of the Tafl-Hart-

' smergeacy pnRilpMramNawIhlppmta New Orleans, where

the flrat waBuot began Oct.I, want me NLM to seek aa la-

the strike oafailed to file n

required JMay advance strike no-tice with the govfrnrrrn

atoppmgthe I U

But in 21 mimitu of sparringwith newsmen, Hagerty said ooth-

rfrom>*«Per. OBhower'a

the Soviet Union.The President told a Washing-

ton news conference a week ago"many of the objections I

i heretofore held" to • sum-mit conference were elinlaated

result of his talks with Sov-iet Premier Nlkita Khrushchev.

Actually, MacmiOan said aoth-lag about a formal agreement Hesimply said ia effect he believesthere win be a high level meet-

Hagertys statement then hadbeen no agreement-tad wouldn'tbe nntfl we hear from our Alliesla understood to have beanwith French President CharlesDa Gaulle spsctncally ia mtod.

Washington pndfctioaa o n thatdecision regarding timing of a

top level meeting will bo 'In W days or two weeks aftat

Brancbport Ave., Port-•ugnaer, rnoay.

Mr. and Mrs. John DsGenlto, U™ » would move to'eSdl"""* «*• Kteaaburg. « * * *ccertordsr the slnte that M S " * : . „ ^ ^

.«.I—^J ••>•• «.«». uai«a 4» •*•• aas mn. fuwen caps,VaaOona St , Keyport, daughtor,

i^mmrt el A . Saturday.^ " ^ - Mr. aad Mrs. Obadlah Brown

i L s 2 t a ? t e tero- « West Westsido Ave.. Bed Bank,most severe steel strike "fj Saturday

M a d Mrfj yMr. and Mrs. Thomas Dove, la

Cedar St, Bad Bank, daughtor,

Ocaaaport. aoa,yesterday.

M dy

Mr. aad Mrs. Anthony DeLor-solo, 77 Davis La., River Plata,

Mr. Mm. RobertBroad St, Port Monmouth,

Mr. and Mn. Leroy EdmondStillwell St., Matawaa, twinyesterday,

Mr. and Mn. Robert HyaemanPortalmost u i Mala

M-Mr. aad Mn. David L. Rosas,

It West Valley Dr.. Atlantic High-

Mr.aoa, Saturday,aad Mrs. Jai Lawsoa,

Hurley St, Keyport, aoa. yester-day.

Mr. ami Mrs. Robert H. Putsch,I Lanark Ave., Part Monmouth,

Mr. sad Mn. Walter Smith. M4Ave., Eatoatowa,

aught abippa

mHtoe for Space Research, MM « M a proviso that u y new ton-the Rutsiau "nrtataly will be tract Waeftt be ntntctlve.miking a systematic study of when southern decken failed tottte ndtattoa belt In actor space gat ths tarns igntmtat fromrevealed by the American Pie- their emptoyen they stnek. tad

rackets. They'll atos he the rest of thsmaasurtag the ecucentrattou at towed.

Tht•ator toaco and their aatun,"


many uatoaa chiefs by surpiovnoojmj anajmjmnigef vvjfvoro • * . *

docken had agreed to a Is-dsy Prt>ay ,tract snliailsn aad locale •*• oad Mn,awng the Gulf Coast were e«p^* 5 " 5 ! " **• *'sdto hdnw sut ^ ^ " • " -

Roy »>But tha key to the

daughtor. Friday.Mr. aad Mrs. Chartas Thleaal,

Red HII Rd.. Mlddtotowa. aoa,Friday.

Mr.andMn. Isadora Catalaao,II Patterson Court. Shrewsbury,iaaghtor. Friday.

Dr. aad Mn. Victor Costa. N

aa or isahtrga largeea. A trickto — -

Tht Adimi Mtmorltl Hemt

East Frost St.. Rsd Beak, asa,

OaasK Wtoton,

Frtday,Mr. aad Mrs. J. w,

Ctamealo Or..

**"**»• 0mm h Mat&IMBimlt., Haaiot, sso

Mr. aad Mn. RJshaid H«akey,Van Cleef Laae, aWweeeTsae,

Mr. aad M n . Idward Navto,


Mr. tad AftartCnsrLNAm.

tad Mn. Robert Wilson,Thayar Dr.. Now Shrewsbury,

Mr.aadMn^WUUemMlso, MAve., ~

Mr. Md Mn. Warren VaaNat-dslt. 14 West SUSM St.. MuM

I l l

Mr. aad Mrs. Edward F. Hewalar, Jr., IN Avenue of Two Riv-en, Rumsan, aoa, »satorda».

Mr aad Mn. Wttham Cain*

Mr and Mn Clayton K. Shear»r. Cirri* Trailer Court, KalonInwti, Han|M»r this mnr«iln|

Soiiiiiiit Talk'Up in Air'

PALM SPRINGS. Calif. (AP>-President Elsenhower's

Dies at 73

Mr: Stryker WM a former of-tidal ken.

He was a former member ofBorough Council, the Board ofHealth, and was aa sK-flre chief.

Mr. Stryker waa ban tah and Uved ban aO Ms

life. He was the sea of me lato

y _f seems » be set a>

capt lor dw ute aad

gyindicating any change in Ela-twer's thinking about the pros-

hta wife,son, ami a sister, Mrs. Amy R.Boyce. Prospect. L. I.

Tho funeral wffl be heM to-at S o'clock to the W. H

aad SOB Funeral Home.Burial will bo Wednesday morn-

ttoaal Cemetery.


of U Vcught Ave., dtod tonaua lwapiiai rnoay.be w u ban ta Tenant, aoa

PTA Program SetAt Wee* Keuaburz

WEST KEANSBUXG-Ttw pro-gra.a fer the year was presentedat a meetlag of tha Wast Keaas-

proaram ofIn the local

flrst and third Fridays of eachmonth wiU be continued.

Safety wiU be the theme of thenest meeting. Tueeday, Oet U at1:15 p. m. la the school. A fUmwiU be shown aad a state trooperwiU be guest speaker.

Aa executive committee meet-lag wiU be heM tomorrow at Ip. m. fa the school.

C*r Hit by AnotherAuto Hips Twice

Louis S. Velti, « , of i n SUt-


WMffljFnsJUta It jsvOf. Y..


HIGHLANDS -71, of 11

Ave.. died latardayMedical Center.

SarvWtag a n Us wRe, Mm,Eva Swaa Stryker. aad four

than, Raymond, Cynataa and. Itaykor, an of *to place,

Kraft ofChurch onoM-bs ta


He waa bom ben, aoa of the • •lato Joseph aad Julia Coy Sbo-mo. He waa a lifelong

Mr. Shomo WM a iN TkMtot Estate,

Ha WM a member and trustee of

the lato Samuel aad Margaret R W .k S k Hi if thg R W .

Haaktee Stokes. His wife waa tha «f Ftoke ChapsL offldattag. Bear-late Hannah M. Stokes.Mr. waa one of five

e n wi l bo Gnat ABoa, Arthur tour grandchildr

bfOtMfS Who QpRfMN tM fOflMsTFile Factory ban fer

many yean.Sunrivtag a n a daughter, Miss

i M. Stoku ot Paauld; aF. Manrta Stokes, ben; four

and two great-

and Theodore and JiViewing noun will be T to »

« . . . . _«, ._ . . « * * . ° - * • t™*** tt the C, H. T.Reevcy. Burial wm be ta White aaytoa and Son Funeral HomeRidge Cemetery. ~ -

grandcbildrci.Services wiU be held this after- petal New York.

n at 2 o'clock from the W.Freeman aad Sea Funeral

Memott pastor of tht First Pru-byttriaa Church, Freehold, ~

Mate. Burial will be taplewood Cemetery.

Pulaakl Day Paradeby 300,000

NEW YORK (AP) - Aa asU- Thomu McCabo of this place;Peiita-Americau h

. . . , » » • •fhotL •Wwrtm.rchedmiWAviyai t tnay .Richmond, president, announced honoring Caalmlr Pulaaki, thev JSlSL^*. ' £ b B 0 l f KB8W W l * patriot who servsd ta tht fond this morning ta St. Jo-Your Children" la the theme for Amerleia RovoiudoMry w t r ' u stph't Catholic Church by Rev.m L y * r l . . t goaoral. Cornells J. Kane. Burial w u la

A crowd ef pwatched u the 23rd annual Pa- racttoalatki Day panda filed by, com- Home.IBflflMfVtUagl t«# tlVtb UaaUTtTaT*

ary of Pulaan's death.Among taut on Iho nvtowtag

stead wen Now York Gov. Nel-son Rockefeller, Gov. FosterFurcoto of MisistlwttUi aadMayor Robert Wagner. MayorCharles Witkowski of Jersey Cityled the parade.

muniat Rulefloat a

ta Poland. On oneyoungeten kadt ta

prayer baton a flower-decked LoBtoado.

Mclntyre bined $110

vertoa Ave.. Little Silver, auf altar, praytag for Petaaers fnt-fend a head art Saturday mam- aIng when Ma car w u struckfromtwice.

PoHee Capt Fnah J.rid Mr. VaW. a toaeh... „

s Ml ton onto WeetML

AveT whu hit car wMMtMr. VaW eouM give eahyirtial dssertattoa tf me ctrdty

which Ut Mt aato. He n am n t ttttchu to dost iht MadCat

WaMM* Pint AM early loaar- Mntay. ? t J o t t t m h a ;day after Mi ear JuMtd ms""gr to«»»»!•»»«•••*_mmMaV <uB * — asmaaatl -•-*- ~~ aV*. H m l mstaT latml assMssi te|MM aMrnVs«nM» YM WOT tffMSH • • § m fJmt _ B W * ^ " l . ^ T ^ tumma uuumuj t trnm

a s s * V i s m a lBBBJ WSJaw

Woasaaa H h by CarM n . Mynto Bryaal of ej lto> AafssalMaJ aa —-—»—«

M U ^ A ^ i A ^^gg^K^^^^gi ^ f^w^^K^h^ eTBMBBasnBSBnnjSjMjBJ BSjgr BJBBBJBBBBjBjBBBJBJ

neuai AVI . , sontroa • aanaa *^•wee •spanaaa amraaaa vaga),

lL of HTWOII Fnat I t , led

i t . - m.of the Order of tho Whlto Slston of Africa

y Socltfy ef Ow Udy of ferpetuel Help Cerhelle CkweJt,H f l , «t awmwl CMMMMIO* heeaJtferr Smiday M Cedar lr.it. ricfured left torlfht, sooted, are Mn. Thwethy Lynch, president; Mn. WlllUm Kohlotwwli, V I M prot-MHMrtt RtV. J * M §). Daaia, osshtant BMtof, and Mn. Kwmtth Parts, tn«eanr.ttsadiai. SMa» VkfWa Marie, Mn. Rudolph H e k pa»» pretldent, aad Siitor Olivor.

of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nan.11 Shoralaad Tar., dtod yaater.

Mr. HaB WM a rottred cashier day In Monmouth Medical Cantor.FAIR HAVEN - Edward »• SSL ' S L f S f t L f 1 SUJ'vLtt mt «a w a i « at M»A how First nanoaaj M I S . noM. ot 21 WflUam St. «ad ^ ^ ^ r

Surviving are Us wife,l Jackaoa ~

bar ofM n H

___ . of the Freehold Bytryof Rod Chjb. aad former pntjdtnt of pie

Moamouth County branch of BeTho funeral wUl be held tUt AmtrkM Bankers Aaanctothm,

at 1 o'clock ta the War- Surviving a n his wife. MsdtltaFuneral Home. Rod Bank, White Hall; a son, Charles R.


aad Welter


Itag. «7. of ITS Allaatic St, died" ta St. Vtaceat's Hot-

Bon hen, aba w u the daugh-of tha lato Andrew aad Mary

waa me Ute FredWalling.

Surviving a n a aoa, FredWaUms, Jf- of mis place: two HewutMrnaoaurof mtSoa-sisten. MM. Jottph Oauch of eoaat Floor Covsrtag Co., Key-

N. Y.. aad Mrs. port.Mr. Fekjman w u a member of

ther. Andrew Frank of thU tho MasssJe Lodge of Keyporta grandchild, the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Cmb

A high requiem man w u of aad the Keyport Lieu Club.Surviving a n his wife. Mn.

Virginia Brooby FaMmaa; a son

Mt.tte tptcteton St Joseph's Cemeterv under dl- „,. Debnrah Feldmaa. "both atpof tho Bedle Funeral

Bernardo LeBkado. t ) .

H' Mwinnnrth Medleal CoaterHo Uved at the Shrewsbury charge of

Ave. address St yean.He was the son of the kue

Vincent aad Aaaa Rusao LoBioa-do, aad w u a retired construe

In the Hno of march wen baa- ttoa laborer. Mr. LoBtaado w u

married to tho tote Marie CeHca

Surviving a n a brother, Sahra-ton LoBtoada of Rod Bank; two

MATAWAN-Mn. Lena Pustll.

ELMEmCHAUFREEHOLD TOWNSHIP -kMT C. Hal, • , dtod suddenly Mary Nan. I yean old. daogh-

yotterdey at Ms home, IN Glen-1

clerk ofta IMl

* IT yeanHoweUToiTownship, retir-

Surviving besides bar panatia n a brother, Jamee Hart, anda slater. Josephine Nan, both atb a * h t l d

Mr. Mall a m ban ta AaWphiasooofthelataSaanMlaadntlah

p n , oth atbam*; her paternal grandpanato,Mr. and Mn. Alexander Nan ofArlaoaa. and her maternal grand-a t M d M J

Joan Hall He w u a member of oTrshantht Adatahta J M B t m t Church. u > r m n™


parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jamesaty.

Mass of tho Angels will beMo, , offared at a a. m. Wsdaasdaytat by Rev. Tbaddou J. Wojdohow-I. a tki,

Church. Burial will be ia Mt Oli-vet Cemetery under direction ofthe Reilly Funeral Home. WeetKeaniburg.

Hatt ot Adatebta; a aister. MnMISS MARGARET tDTZRl

a aister. Mn. M ^ JP""* " " ^ 7<- •* *AdetoWa. aad North Prospect Ave.. dtod yester-

day to her homo.She w u bora ta

dughter of mo tate George H.and Gaorglaaaa Poulsu HHaet.

services wUl be heldShe had Uved m Red Bank

«the!!w"'i! i d f c r n e*funeral home Wednesday at 2p. m. with the Rev. A. K. Laytoa

abeth for many years.Her late aister. httn Catherine

died Nov. 1, MN.offldattag. Burial wiU bo ta dw


She w u a member of t t J» man, 43, died yeatarday ta Massph's CtthsHc Church. home. 21 Taytor Rd.. y

Bon ta New York, ho w u Ikesoaot the late Mr. aad Mrs. May-

nme: a brother. Daniel Ff dof MiddMtwa; aad two sitters.

Mn. Seymour Parager of New.of ta ark. aad Mrs. Arnold Schnmm of

N. M.The Beido Funeral Home U la


ST.. II. of 22 Lafayette PI., dtodmi at Aiiu—•• r -* ! *»««*iy » ntkta Hospttol._ of ••• Aathoays Cam- ^ ^^ ^ ^ | r r M M j ^ m

Church, Rod Baak. Ha w u g| ^ ^ Jtllm ^ ^n^^te James aad ElisabethPettit. He w u a veteraa of dwSpanish^meriCM War aad was« emmpt member at the Free-hold Fin DepartmentSi hitUTp^^^hS^^ »»rv1vlag an hie wife. Mn.Mrs. Peter Raua. both tf Long m , , , ^ , , „ , „ . , ^ ^^ ^

i . th. w*A a»k . r J P w u t > }t- f*4 • *M*tor. M Mm mo ROU BWHI area. —-•-- «j ffc. 7|, - -» ~ ir^ . . .wH bt ^ ^ ^ r *m, com tt rrceaata.at • a. m. I Tho fuaenl wUI bo Widaisday


Then a n no aurvlvois.Tht fuaeral win ha heM Wed-

nesday at It a. m. ta the Wor-das Funeral Home, Red Baak.Rev. Roger J. Stjuin, pastor ofthe Red Baak Methodist Church.wiU officiate. Burial will be to


wtth difatff aad kM«ry

At M time dees creod or

•riao make any drfferonco

In M M klejh standards wo

havo uphold and shell « • * •

Mnua t « aahoW M aa»

aorvtee and rosaoasibllfty

to tho a#ajiriHMHy,

John £• DayFuneral Home

MrtMyrt ltd paJtoa oa a wM **• , * ! • , ^ " . f ? ? * ! * ? ; ' . ^^ ^ ^ V V MhgHggi • • aaunul auurn mum TltVffaNMSf Wm MOmnTMVOI MsjsBCtH

She waa tha widsw at Abrahamaad tht aaashtor tt «M

tote Mr. aad Mrs. Jutah (RMh.•V^MtMiaksa a i M taam -WsBtol ffafi.•sWTIvotoB • • • I f l t ; MmVf WaF

ssfissss) Vasnatansssik Smf Ikaist BBrnfaM. sTasssml

of BMtl tad

ThtFsMtinaeh, It ta thana at

5 ^ & a . u l Worden Funeral Home


tmt 1s t mm M a«Jmmm akmas»

m m W If RHaVJI p i r

^o^sn^w avw t^t/ ma* msr mjBBBaaay B SsaF/ BBvFBnr

effkleaUy u to * t put dl yun.


Page 3: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el


NKWAJtK - Formation ot a »1-

(be largest la ma mottopoUfea

Mayfatr, wtth II untts iaclud-t a i o a a i a Red Bank, has benmerged win DM elghteton PoodFarm ehtm, f a t a Mead, aadkaa purhcaaed the National Ore-

eight markets.Stanley P. Kaufeii, presidoat el

Mayfair «od who « U bold MMearn position ii the enlargedUna, announced the purchase efthe Naooael chela aad aakt theywlU be operated wder the aameol Mayfair.

Tba Food Pam markets, watchconpiiM the- largest toed chaiaon ttattf '""wit, trill iccsm theirnames, although the catfn chalawill be operated by MaytsJf to-psr-Markcts, l a c

Mr. Kaufdt aald the » mar-kets ere expected to groat aboutWmm during the

Scheduleb listed

year.He also staled that tba aew

cMttflMMBt BMaW tO CDiBd 9^ j

"ASM S ^ptoyaao tie « M A I d O J W - Stealey P. Keufcft. right, shakos hendtma payroll ol the new company, with Juliet Tantleff after announcement ef a aew JU

* " atere svpermorkot chain. Mr. Kaufelt, Mayfair Super-market president, will hold the same title In the new firm.Mr. Tantleff will become chairman ef the beard.

Oauaty librarydale listed far

thie area la aa fellows:Koute one — aocoaa wee* M

me Month. Monday, Oct S, Nov.I and Dec. 7 - Bethany andHotmdet Rd., Hailet, l l to 11:11a. m.; derdaa Ter. at Been St.Corehraod Manor, 11:11 a. m. toaooni Haslet Ave. and RichardsRd, Garden Pkwy., 1 to MSp. m.and Laurel Ave. and WoodyTor, Cold Spring Manor, 2:11 to1 p . m .

Tuesday. Oct I, Nov. II iDec.I -Handel Farm, Robbtat-viUe-PerrmeviUe Rd, Robb

II to IfcM a. m. and_ Ave. at Portaupsek

Beeo,Pormaeeck,2tol:«p.m.. Tmuraday, Oct S, Nov. U aadDae II - Holmdal Rd. at parsoa-age, Holmdel, 1 to 3:U p. m.

Friday, Oct I, Nov. U aadDac« II - Cold Indian SprlagiRd.. Cold Springs Manor, 1:41 toMtll a. BL; firehouse, Wayside,l f c» to Ifc4» a. m. aad oftBowne Rd. CUcweod a , IfcMto 11:11.

Rene two - Third Week of

The purchase ot the Nationalchain waa conducted after weeksef aegotiatiOBS with Walter Zir-polo, prasidaat of National.

The purchase price waa not dls-

"all cash'natteff, founder and

bead at tod F e r n will batema

MM, and soon afterward mar>' - but Mir. Kaufett said H kett were acquired la PUaflsM,

Bound Brook, Craafeid aad Ua-

Ia, UN, Mayfair opened laEHabeth aad two yean later thePerth Antboy unit was opened.

Also la MM, the Red BankMayfalr w u built

Several months ago, Mayfairannounrwl the purchase ot five-Universal markets, bringingtotal to 11

The Universal maikets are inNewark, East Orange. West NewYork and Jeney City.

Mr. TanUeHhave spent their entire busiaeMcareen m the food business.

Mr. KMctt worked as a boy inlite fathor*a grocery store in PerthAmboy. After schooUng at theUniversity of Wlacouia aad atour of duty ia the Navy, he re-turned to the family grocery bus-

ta Perth Amboy aad laterl h f d l ot the

chairman of the board of the newttMopiny*

Irvtag Kanfett. father ef Staa-ley KaufeM, wiU be vice preal-

Mr. Zlrpotopmldent andef Twta County "Grocers. Uadea,me buying agency far atayf'aad 121 ether eupsnaarketa.

•Wim 11 eupermarketsthan a half-mUllon equare hie t int market ia Rakway.

met of selling apace, we are iame pssiUonto rffer the pabUe markets m MDichea.Imd buya which ehould surpassIrytajtoaan* ft«mh\anyniag offered by others la theindustry,pbrn to i — — - —icy af offering the housewife "the Shrewsbury,MgaestejuaHtystthetowaitpoe-• N e p r i c e s - l a marketa pwfaed far the eeaieet ehe»|lag."

The 11-market chain wtt bone-fK torn Ike baying power of Twh

hi New Jersey. Twin heat yesterday during religiousCounty dees an annual volume ceremeniee at the Pale Craueds.at about MMM.NI aad has aboutIM

"w. Taatfeft say, >

as "one of awemaTl a n e Beat'i plans a n hi

aad "uptaaf ear aogetlatiCM, we

to be operating the flamarkets la tba metre-

psiitaa area," he addedOMMaHsNTaSl

Mayfair baa grownmarket to » within aef five-sad a half yean.

Its entire growth has beta ua-aVr Ike guidance of Mr. Kaufett

The tint Mayfair Market wetla SaaaervUla la Jaauary,

la the fmmdlagQuality Market, Norm BnTUa market waa the torenameraf the chain he aow heads.

Mr. Tantleff started hie careerwith the of a butcherstore in Stapieton, S I , ia MB.Ia 1M1 he - - - - - - - - -bis first

to Deagaa HlUa.

of Food Farm topenaerket chaiato Its present eight uaHs, 'largest Is lni ismst faad chain oa

Natkaal Orocery had Ma startia 1MI. whoa Mr. Zirpoto epeaed

After Rabway cams Naticaal

Mr. Kaufelt said. "We opened large units m Trenton,the Maytair pot Totowa, Perth Amboy aad New

75 Felled by Heart

At Holy Na«M RaJly

- - - _ NEWYOWCCAPMeveaty-fiveNtaoB for a 23-17 triumph overCoaary Grocers, largest food co-keys and girts fainted from the mSmrA

McDonald who caught six

The temperature was m the am

raty, to wmch 2M

t U F H W V K S

ea ttw coaaty nttot nO uses acart from a supermarket to pick

rice ol B O Wettam Do-efnetood


aaat laaight at • : » M dw TwtaOablee. Rt. M. West KiaMJiig. led. IM.

LombardTgPackers WinSecond GameBY THE ASSOOATED PRESS

Using the mercurial TommyMcDonald aa his chief execution- T o H o l d D a l e Carneg ieer, 01* Man Upset has complete- S e t a i o n H e n T o n i g h t

Wednesday, Oct 14, Nov. 11id Dec II - Mulberry, Penu-

ry and Thayer Rd., Stone Havea,l : « to ll-.ll a. m.; Midwayround the' circle, Braaford dr. ,le: JJ to 11:11 a. m.; Carltan iMeredith Dr., Shrewsbury ParkNo. 2,11:11 a. m. to 12:11 p. m.;Steven Ave., Ranch Manor, 1:11to l:3t p. m.; Rivtredge Rd. atBrasbum Dr., Swimming RiverAcres, 1:45 to 2:11 p. m. tadStratford at Weekham Rd.,Shrewsbury Park No. 1, 2:1} to1:90 p. m,

ly ::rambled the form sheet inthe National Football League'stwo-wetk-old campaign.

The fleet-footed McDonaldscored four times yesterday tolead Philadelphia'a down trod-den Eagles to a 4M1 demolish-ing of the Eastern DivisionChampion New York Giants in aweek-end crammed with upsets.

l i e WootlO. Mtpound Okla-homa All-America caught passesof 35,31 and 19 yards for touch-downs and aped II yards with apnat return tor another TD in hismost productive day of a throe-year career. '

Jimmy Brown got the Job doneh r Cleveland, carrying 17 times,gaining U7 yards and ecoriagtwice aa the Browns beat theChicago Cardinals 14-7. TheCards were last-mkmto picks asfavorites in the East

TlLUmfal WMV anO OuHftflt ul totWest, where Chicago's Beanbounced back from an openinggame upset to upend NFL Cham-pton Baltimore, 21-21, despitethree TD passes by Colt quarter-back Johnny Unites m the lastquarter.

Green Bey and San Francisco,ll fid

y ,u~"recoat w a n . Mr. Zinon tenmlly figured to battle for

last place in the West wound uplast place in the West, wound upas the only undefeated teamsleft. The Packen whipped De-troit, 21-10, aad the 4sERSthumped highly rated Los An-

Washington responded to atoagoe-mihiag from Coach Mike

2117 h

The Leadership end SalesTraining Institute of Morrlstowa,which spooson Dale Carnegiecourses in New Jeney, will givea free demonstntion to the publicat I o'clock tonight in the Salva-tion Army Citadel. M RiversideAve., Red Bask.

Top corporations which haveenrolled personnel in thesecourses Include the Mennea Com-pany, New York Telephone Com-

International Shoe Com-way, Sytvaaia Products. Inc..

Carrier Engineering Corpora.Uoa, Consolidated Vulteo Aircraft,Curtiss Wright Corporatkm,Goodyear Tin aad Rubber Com-pany, Johnson k Johnson, Sheaf-(er Pea Company, Sun Oil Com-pany and Wasttagthouse Electric.

Sessions a n held oaa night aweek for 14 weeks.


may become victims of me die-ease, infection can not be trana-mitted from one to the other,either directly or by mosquitoes.

Federal livestock officials have

- T I M Woman's Ae-a of the PresbyterianwiUkctfaraammsasato

in Fellowship BaB fromto I p. m. On Wedaesday the

aale wlU be held from M a. m.to 1 p. m. Mrs. Percy H. Radfordef Long Branch Is ctmrmsn.

Woman's Ouk will mark National tasiaesi Wewen1. Week, storHaf today. Pictured,cantor, ia Mrs. Ella Wiltshire D)««lo, pratidanf. raad!n« the «hib's proclamation t*Mn. Ruth lailoy, rifht. a now memwer, as Miss Patriclr Douflherty, club publicity


BManjk 1 Kt« Bknnturr IWMthM ttW t « (!•) fW MM •( OK

auiaui wMt W iilelmi hi « M MMnlo«t bwrlM at u r n i x >dO*M•t tt» ktaor. «t» IHIUMT m U MUMt (t OM eanrka ll i n m M tk*M<Uw. «M Md*w nut wtthlo r in(»i <J«n lkut«ntr •stout • eoMraetMUtlMorr to 1b> aanuth ud hmUk» ttrfmiue* bnd miifkitanr tt— II ntiwittd kr O» Btcaafk.

nxoMB a. n n

NIW CHURCH TO M S I — M n . Caroline Schick, 13. a member ol the EatoatowaMethodist Church for 40 yean, breaks around far the naw church to bo built an afive-acre tract between Wyckoff Rd. and Reynold* Dr. Looking en ere, loftto right,Walter W. Molokie, preiident af the board ef truitooi; William R. wifford, districtauporlntoadant for the Methodist Church, and Rev. Milton F. LeCempte, peitor.Estimated cost af the church is $100,000. ' The move wai nKotsary bocauia A newpost office Is being erected en the former church property en Iread St.


launching pad. U.S. aad Soviet NO [OP. BUT QUACK QUACKmoon-bound rockets might havebeen cutting through space la afantastic tuner race.

reported that the concentntkm "«• "We* can be used to landof the virus recover* f r o m T * - . Uve on and U h etofected horses Is so dilute that "**•*•the disease can not be transmit-ted to humans or other hones.

tlJ eta

gia all for 121 yards, be-

am the Eagle romp by takingN t M bTftatoftwotoucMow,passe:agin fo Norm Van Brocklin Out

_ ^ . ^ G t o « a ; Philadelphia broke it open« m * j r « - * i « with three thiM period scores to

Hew York itsIM.

ClevelaalPAOtESVlLLE. OMa (AP)-Atrel. aamg Browa aflactMyttaato Mportod taat naa wamaa weil* curteJCae its naaetee anme.while curtalCag its paasmg game.

Unites, connecting for at leastoaa touchdown pam tor the 27thstraight league game, had threepeases mtortepted. Richie Petit.baa legged the first 11 yards far• aeon cad tie ascend by ErichBanes net ap a John Aveai field

Woman's Democratic Club wifl goal for a M lead. Ualtaa waato cHck uattl DM Bean

. ston the Russians put intoDr. Brewer said that the tad- aot a space station but a

dence of encephalitis ta honee. around the moonas in human victims, is higherta New Jeney this year than laseven! seasons. He pointed out,however, that no cases have beenreported ta nee track hones.Then have been no new casesin any New Jeney honee sinceSept. 24.

No cases have occurred at NewJersey nee tracks, when thereis a fairly concentrated honepopulation, nor have thorough-bred owners reported any. Atthe tncks now ta operattoB, theAtlantic City Race Track aad theFreehold Raceway, saaltatiaa aad,.Insect control naaaena have**

if?.\vof mfectkm ofry tow. The Garden State R a c e 1 " * .Track at Camdca, which apaaa * * "*aaat waAhaa abo taken pro- • * * » _ *

Dr. Brewer also pouted outmat a preventive vaectae forhones Is used

Utts. No oases have yet beea re-HBIBM H M M WlnCal wlff TBW*

Whlpple said it was his impree- « l M

The American vehicle, ached-for Munching Saturday

morning, blew up during an en<

contact with the vehicle todaythrough me GeUstone TncktagStothm lathe Seamera Cat.NfMwl WMft. A feMM iMMCflpatmere hi capable of pkkieg up

from aa far i

satellite above the moon.The goal: Like the Russians',

to photograph and transmit pic-tures of the moon Including theside never seen from the earth.


ptftf 91 CM WWH WIN WlafiMto be en me watch.One NASA scientist recalled


walked by the aame spot prsc-ticslly every day for 14 yean,Allen Hyde Mid, but on the wayto feed his chickens the otherday he came upon n copper Can-adian penny dated IW.

mat some of the American ve-

" ~"»T» " a i m a B ™ •••«*> ,» . J ^ liatlnaldlnaaal IMIfffl pjf flMB) HtafllAM

to?SfXra«inaS<«^ ** •" •"»»• • * ^ S - y S ^ . Smat If ma Baa.



If a US. mooa vehicle had notago oa Its

ll»r Board of 1PftaoMlt ftr .

ataltM riam" > JtrawlgaWrnf«w jtnt> ua-e-

echo* r » k * 1 , f««w Tit-

ki MtrauiMi rnvtne «•Malt Skirt at BUM-

l«a aaa ktuir aTlBa" Bi t r tV BlutaiiM, : ""mm naS acnwi, unit aimr,Itttrf.

in,:. akaaM kt rtaalitd aa tf Matt

on. s

MMtti T» Crt4Htfl Tt PnttM OUMHnau> a pa

IS, baeBAaaoramiM It ikt trd.r •! ntiWABD 0.

anoaoa, earnattt t< I M Otwtj afUmmmHlt. Uilt I t r mid., u l t i u

IMa at Ikt KdtrHiM*. Dwll t.Aaetlli Bl Bltutrtl t( Ikt

ti o D M *

WiUlmHTI N T fHOTI fIvan by State feme Urn fvpfesentetlvM today at NavalAir Itatlan, Lakehurif. With mamberi af the itstlen Camttrvetleq Club In aulit-• M O , cN of the elvb'i pheatantt were ineaulatee' to aid In the control ef Oeean Ceun.ty ancephalKli eutbfsak. left to right are Raymond Irewn ef State vame Farm,rWked Rivets Or. H. N, Pegutt, Temi River Votorlnery HeipKalj •hllllp Grant and

.William Smith, both af fame farm.

H U I r * A P l C I I C * \ M _ T h , AHer.le.ery Sealety ef St.Aanei Cathella Church, Atlantic Hlahlandi, heard Rev.

Flnnlon Kerwln, pester ef St. Frenali ef Ai i l i l Church,Naw York City, at their annual Cammunloa breekfaitSunday In Alpine Manor. Seated with him It M n . Wal-ter Lang, preiident. Standing are M n , Frank lillore,left, and M n . William werrlion, breakfatt s>eirmen,

SAN DIEGO, CaUf. (AP)-Ayoung boy's slight Usp is almostgone after hie parents took thed i f h ladvice of a school

played a record "Denald DuckTakes a Speech Loseea," overaad over far the boy.

But aaw. kla parent, aay,Hke Donald Duck.

M itwMN

f fSCa at B*awt MlttUaa at nrnmTfSm «a k>


Ham U f l U taal CgmWaaV

IIS lP0 Ml MHVIeeeal Spear, Lee* •KoUejg abaatthe Tact that H « V l f 7 l i MMmost important Nam we have toMil.

Whether la the ajaiwmm efBuy aad ni l jtrdiw er kM for

sally ewa, er raaaaiti nrmJif.

Spear, Leedi £•aw «aaa etaca

nonca TO




WHCUAl. TbtNUItetl Buk. BaSl

•tr. «kUM« MtokTMata'lSSa atwintnitM la UM Bonwak al IttwBirawalxira, CouMf ol MKBMUUI U 4

suit al Ntw Itratr, kir aat« af'WII-uua a Oarrlata am H u m A. i w .

asrmrafar-ttpiaM g ) | gvg^FafJmaUi

Mat H W Mimanif MM at

aMal mmW tfgfl)ITAy «k

BsSsSkf brimfct?S^rfW.A8Sc«ircitrk'a Otttaa iM rrta iktact ran.Mac (ll la a nalkaiu imaUai aoMiiiSasma m nlaalaa M M M k~ —iciaat BHmaaaM ki attaivaMt

tka kMitan M ittia u> incm1 vnaj irnni aa? anjnnjujn n n n j 2Z,Bw

a m dftgiata) mft labjaj avaBBBBBBa%n\ aaaaTBaaf

UM aonlwul aantr al tkt

Mi M * m t ISmaalM taat.aautkarff M*a a* Bamwa B

kaJtitff* * * • * • » • * * e» fa


Page 4: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el


Miss Tompkins, 25 YearsWith Red Cross, Honored

Downtown Mallsass* arias(Editor's Nsto..W i

OOVMOMBi TO 1MB OOjft* TOMM • _#MBai#4'aU^a^kai atawAsaai Ataak •jk^ssnvaMtiBai aaatna_k ^ ^ u g M i

test la watch tliasiri,

SHREWSBURY-MiM Lucy E.TampUat w u honored it an openhouM Thursday »t DM Red Crewchapter boot* to celebrate herJMh yew u executive directorof the Mnmoatk County Chapter.

Everett Rodtoff of BIberoa,M I chapter chairman, preMatedMin Totnpktas « smell woodend m * with • poUroid picture ofthe chapter houM lamlaated ontop, dated ttH-lNI. The chest

diver doUari.'k gjtt|County. Born in New York City,(roa members of the board oldirector*, Red Crou volunteers,and member of the staff.

M». Bernard B. White and!Mrs. J. Stewart FarreD alto pre-Mated M M Tomphini an en-graved irihrtr dgaitttt box froman of the uaft chairmen.

AvfwiiriMlatory menace w ui d f M Ei

Mil* Tompkini became a resident ajember of the New Jersey judg-of Monmouth County in 1*]}. She ing team for the high acted Eag-make* her home with her ntece U*h, Achievement Awards pro-in Elberon, ii treaMrer of the|gram sponsored by the Natkaal



yMonroe Eisner,

who Isp cout WOK. Mr. Eisner w u chijchairMM V yeert ago whenTonpUat waa employed.

were received fromother philanthropic agen-|

das, former volunteer*, and for-mtt chapter chairmen, B. A. Seipie of Iatariaken and Jacob 0.Herrof Deal.

Member* of the board of diRed Crou vohinteen

all service*, and representaliVM from various agencleivisited th* chapter house durlnjthe day, n well as Mrs. WUIian

T. Plum of Rumson, who w u *volunteer in MM when MissTompkini w u appointed execu<live director.

Miu Tompkins stsrted in RedCrou work «• a volunteer nurseVaide during World War I in LenoxHiU Hospital. While still tooyoung to drive during her vac*tion days in Avon, she m i smotor service aide. This w u herfirst contact with Monmouth West Float St., a Red Bask High

Red BankTeacher onJudging Team

Miu Marie E. O'Connor. K

Sotoptomist Club of Red Bank,and w u cited u "Woman of theYear In Monmouth County" lastApril by the Bustneu aid Pro-fessional Woman's Clubs of Mon-month County.

Refreshments were served byMrs. Fsrrell and Mrs. JamesBeattle, co-chairmen of canteenservice. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Rudloff, Mrs,Leon Reusille, Jr., of Red Bankand Mrs. B. 0. Benjamin of El-beron.








Member FeaVtl Deposit

Iniurtnce Carparatiea

Stone Removal,Soil Erosion

FREEHOLD - Removal ofstones larger than one-half inchfrom a field Increase* loss ofsdl through erosion.

Research workers in Mainediscovered 'this, reports RobertHaana. extension soils specialistat Rutgers University. Taking outthe stones Increased the break-up of soil aggregates, causing

the mercy of running water.'Stoae removal w u shown to

reduce aoil pore space and waterIttflltrattoo, thus increasing run-off with soil iou nearly propor-tional.

It U known that lack of stonesincreases th* case of cuMvatiai

hcropswear. But the stones also dis-perse the raindrop*' energy anddecreases the soil breakdownwhich is turn decreases the aoilsurface sealing which affects thewater infiltration rate.

County Agricultural Agent Mar-vin A. Clark suggests that Moo-mouth County soils, where stonesare absent, should be kept in agood cover so the vegetablegrowth of plants will break theimpact of raindrops.

He further suggests getting acover crop on the aoil u soon aspossible after the main crop h ubeen removed, to reduce runoffu much u possible.

Balboa discovered the Pacificat Dariea on the Isthmus JoiningCentralMIS.

and South America in

School English teacher, is a

Council'ol Teachers of EnglishDuring World War II, Mr.

they had unleashed a volcano of Robertsoa w u en Elsenhower'sInterest la scows of other d t a staff aa a master sergeant Id the

' intelligence infantry section head-quartan of the Army. Upon re-

Storiu and editorials •bout th* turning to dvtttaa life, he attend-malls appeared ia more than a ed the Philadelphia Bible Instl-thousand newspapers. Hundreds tuts and the Wyellff* School ofof InqulriM poured into dty andChamber of Commerce offices.Seventy delegations. Includingsome from Canada, came to To-ledo to appraise the experiment

Marie E. O'Connor

As one of the 14 Judges. MIMO'Connor will evaluate th* nenvinset; writing and (pedal test* town to ogle tad

more loose material to be left at|to determine outstanding highhigh school English students inl malls.

Pleased by the publicity andby the reactions of the merchantsand public the dty decided toextend the test to Nov. 15 tor atotal period of IN days.• By then, the planners hops tohave accumulated enough datato determine whether construc-Uon of permanent malls wouldbe worthwhile.

Right now, the public and thedowntown merchants appear 'favor them.

Thousands of persons from theToledo area have flocked down-

1 a buckor so ia the stores along the

(he state. There'will be 14 awardwinters in New Jersey.

Sectaa Yetf HenMiu O'Connor ia starting her

second yesr at Red Bank UghSchool. Before coming hen ta|IMS,

and lessens machinery|Newark Public School system.She holds a B. A. degree from

St. Joseph's College and anM. A. degree from Columbia Ual- £ Tveraity. * ™

Miu O'Connor w u oat of thtspeakers at last year's NCTEconvention in Pittsburgh,

Winners of the acNevtmaatawards will receive NCTEnltion and wiU be neonfor cdlega schdarships.

tkm: "When I comeI'm in e hurry. I don't waat tofad around, looking at trees sadflowers. Anyway, It's harder to

Parking apace, or the tack ofit. is the mala gripe of the dhv

Court RejectsConvict's Appeal

TRENTON (AP) — From hisstate prison cell. Ivory Joautried to appeal Ms B-J7 yearterm far robbery and assault, hutit did him no good.

The Appellate Division of Su-perior Court, which granted Jonesn appeal on the basis of his

handwritten pies,, ruledthat he had no case.


Janes wss convicted in 19S7 on

We Can Help Make

Good GroomingA Family Affair

The whole family's clothes

will took their "Sundey

belt" every day when we

•lean them , . . every gar-

ment ipotleti.




wo counts: the t l « robbery of favored extending the testJohn Brakesfield of Keansburg,attendant at Bridge Esso Stationin Red Bank, Nov. 1, MM, andthe auualt with Intent to rob onMrs Laura Letaon of Sea Bright.clerk at Britten's Liquor Store inLong Branch, Oct. 21, ItM.

PTA StudyAt Rutgers

Representatives from the Moa-mouth County Council of ParentTeacher AssociatJoae will attenda special all-day program d Rut-

by Mrs.Wanemasu.


legislativelernoon workshop will be held laschool budget study. A riprusalativs of the Slat* Department of]Education will speak

Th* fill county council meeting erymen Mipptyua mewill be held Nov. 14 at th* Man- •• Mttaiapan School on Mala aad PineSta., Eagllshlown

\svm ©Ft? mr ?


TOLEDO. Ohio (AP) - Inxperiment with pedestrian mallss a tonic for downtown business,'dodo h u found ittdf under dienicroscope of dty planners alliver the nation.

The test originally w u Intendedis a 4May experiment Last

ToYouth Thursday

ATLANTIC HIGHUNDS-OooRobertson, youth loader

:4S p. m.He Is a former missionary ia

the Far East, sad is now oa thestaff of fee Word of Ufe Hour.touring the nation to speakyouth rdttes and campaigns.

The church pastor. Rev. Harrytag. 1 the dty closed off four w. Kraft, said "Don Robertson>locks of two busy, parallelrtreets aad coaverted them latojieeder of young people,Trassy-.raes. shrubs.


ilaygrauad aad other attractions.The planners

a way to reta

wiaaiag manyJem Christ."

Llagulsttc*. Upon completing hisAunts, he Joined the staff of thePocket Testament League.

the Orient with leaguerecdvmg too endorser.Gen. MacArthur. Thau

to American service

"I like the idea," tayt onehousewife, Margaret Ftna. "Th*

to perk up die oldThey make shopping

a w n interesting,"Another housewife, Mrs. Dtvid

yThen a n plenty of pay-park »«». •Jl Red Bank; Jonathan

lots and garaguin the downtown Bwn. Michael BOM. John Hitch-section, but free spots are scarce. ««*. •*» **a Van Horn, all

P i H C lsection, but free spots are scarce.

If the matts ~nent, the parking dtuatfoabe improved. Downtown ToledoAssociates, a merchants' organi-sation, la having a survey made1

m search of poteattd site* forlow-cost shoppers' parking.

An early survey among a n -chants ea'the maB* showed thallOearge Howlaad. Id, both Locust;7t par cant of them had aa up-

i i I d i tswing ia taws dttpito a pro- Thomaslonged hut wave aad the steel land Mlstrike. Thirty per cent said bad-

Merchants off the mall allsaid business w u up, but tolesser degree.

In a more recent survey, M percent of the on-lhe-mall merchants

Off-the-msll merchant* gave a It percent nod to attondca. It w u onthe bads of this survey that the Robert Mattoth,dty decided to lengthen the tost

The ftct that three of Toledo'*four big department stores werebeing picketed by the RetailClerks Unioa s year ago makescomparisons difficult.

Michael Yamia, managerLaSalle's, tht only major departmeat ^on fronting oa a mall,had this to say:

"Generally, wa'n eathudastiemade. It

_ to aae what eat beien7univerdty'gymaMlum"W(i|*^^netdsy.

The delegation will beHarry ~ I M ptJfCnMOflCw CirOCtl

steel strike, it'sMomtagsesiloM will be devot- "«» *> maasun the contribution

ed to legislstlve matters. Aa af- «* * e effecta to our store."WMfliMQt IMS COSl tht

city af TolsdB only lll .NI. wtth

another $*.«• aad Toledo aars-

AasfmaaaatpreiS!muca awre, and aaeofthaHkaly

sheuM share la the east, aad to


f CRT tfSJnlO MfMSSVt M Mall havt M M tolvedsofar. TatMVMSVJS MCSIMMp aSMMMI 91several dty bus nias, abafMag

tat aMerttg

Tm* WM,i UrnIfeaate^l^ A t e ~ ~

we'Bwepmj an

MM. "nat' i haw I fadTew* aaw."

v^nnnsnjnB ^^v an




CommQOct. 8th

in th*MfffWIffW VIIW...FIOMIV|ir

60FORDSM VAIN ,._. Mt >Mlir Of A

Cau*Moa aaMM la

ry c retted poll af

The npinlM. rtturntd by CnunivOirpnrtlioa ( Stanley P-rry**t a rvmrd for brevity. It ntd" V M "

A rnmmltl** mw»h»r rnmmuttwt "I didn't think Itwyiri

a n ltn|u*|* Ilk* that "

to a human dynamo, a spirituslHis

tor the 'gospel helpsof the youth

Mr. g| L ^ a»a.aawl lai

men servaa mteams.tat of

menand Korean addiert oa tht frontIUMS, and at man rallie* for na-Oooals. They also bdd rallies Incitiu with a population of 6t,000or more.

When he returned ftom hisramp-ignf u Japan and Korea,Mr. Robertson Joined tht Wordof Lite staff. Along with conduct-


DirectorS. Hat-

•AtntMliM* M*sP IBWH laMlBMBMianWM.

Vocational Board at E4V

ih County PIMJBMJras appdatad at Than->it's board asestiag.»aid also • aaakhu. atebaadh) the aanr* vo-program. Earl B. Pay-

said IT have aareUed lathe nursing course, aad U h» the

count. The coamsfirst to be attend byt which w u created !aat

board agned to pay LeagS h d SttTkr aat

h d M

gg Schod at

cuusroom lor tht dnMagThe board akw often MMcount la thai

Annuities SalePlan Proposed

TRENTON (AP) - Charlu R.Howell. state banking and insur-ance cotnmlsikmer. prapoMS al-lowing aale of variable anmutle* It-year-oldia New Jersey after Nov. 1.

Mr. Howell Friday announced a

utioa. he alto assists la directingthree World of Life camps ia theAdirondack! in New York State.

knocking them into

IS on a threenege set of regula-*0" auttaca • * • »tkmt to govern sale of the anmil-missed an ambulance,

Academy listsArea Students

LEONARDO — Students ft. „Monmouth County who have en-rolled at Croydon Hill Academy

d t dwen announced today.They an:Thomu B. Ahem, Jr., John

Johnston. John Nlven. RichardSteffer, aad Frank Trueadale, allAtlanticBurdge. Robert Carrigan. andTarry M. Henley, all Highlands.

Also George W. Baisley. Wil-liam Colin, Albert R. KunzelmanLloyd PetUk). and William Sut

Fair Haven; Carlton Bennett,Mark G. Diamond. Edward F.Juaka, Jr.. and John W. McCor-mack, Jr., all Elberon.

Also, Robert Blackburn. Jr.,od Paul Hunter, both Keans-


Brian Filter. William Kerwln,Kerwin, Joseph Police

Michael Segal, all Long

Also, John Gaboury, Jr.. NewShrewsbury; Bruce Goldstein,West AUenhurst; Neil W. Mc-Caffrey, Allenhurst, and HarryMolley. New Monmouth.

Also, William Matthews, Eatoo-Warrea Mawes. Ocean-

be repaired to getsecurities which no :up to legal investment stsndsrds,unleu the *al* would harm pol-icybddtn.

horse and


bat uvntSQ in common,Monthly btnefltt paid

would vary according to the rise|or fall in value of the stocks.bought by the Insurance com-

LEONARDO - Students from|pany.NssdOK

A'state law waa adopted thisyear allowing salt of variable aa-

llded headon with a wrecker.

nuities by Ufe insurance compaa-iM, but Mr. HewelTs approvd itneeded befon any company candart actual SSIM. Th* PrudentialInsurance Co. w u the main pro-ponent of the new annuities, ongrounds they w e n a hedge

The regulations would requireaa Insurance company to satisfyitself that a customer la speadiagno more on variable aaauioasthan the amount atidad to buyall the flied-lneom* aaauWulcoming to him. Fixed uxome an-ultiu would include praskws, ta-|auitiu. aocial securitytrust funds, bonds, mortgagee orlife insurance.

UatAnyone buying a variable an-

nuity would htvt to fill out an!application UtUng all of l*4tMt>yincome annuities aad pnvtoatRvariable anaulties.

Companies would be barred||from using previous invaabMexperience u an illustrationhe benefit* which could be re-sived under variable annuiua*.Twice a year compwie* would


LOUISVILLE, Ey. (AP) -Thieve* stole $ » f m aa ia>suraoce offict k m which wittattheft policies.

Askedtgaiutneth Rider npUtd. -Theft aaembarrassing quMtJoa.H


• •n I n • ! • !

reoforutrider with




m l specialistin storage!


latf ta keep your tankfilled... WITH OUR FUELOILI Rejultr service at


iam A. HuhrR/EL OH

TIL SH 1-0030

port; Edward A. Miaa aad Chrtt-both Leonardo;

MonmouthJohn aRourke, Robert

CRourke. and William Tralnor,all Rumtoa.

Also, Joseph Shine, Shrews-bury; Robert Presley, West End;Frank Rogers. 3d and John WU-

both Little Silver; JosephStavola aad William Kavda.bothMlddletowa; Frederick Thorn-tVtTsMts 1aVBs^an\AaaB-afetMSaBi B^SHem ^^LiBlV#Maat4


OFF THE MAPRICHMOND. R . I . ( A P ) - A l -

though then a n five ffil h t f R

hrepostafl|ia tht towaablp of Rlchaioad,you

ajsajnaa} aj aanaan} aaaaBj anssvaj a^ssj a^ajt^MawtanaBHaj

than It novillage or town by that

The pott offlOM a n k* thtvUlaget of Alton, Wood RiviJuactloa, ttiaaaodt, Keayoa tadWyoming. But ptrhapt n i t townof 1773 iahabitaata Is saon fam-ous for streets, poada aad loca-

Ameag the man eokwful aaatM

Comers, Skunk HIM Road. Mcaa-rtauisltM would be spprovsl eflshla* Swamp. Coward*! Hott tadth* vetors. O t h e r tttmaas|Frylag Paa Pond.

means so mitchttrmaaa


SCHKK 3 SPEED RAZORMM Mity #l#cvio mor HMSX N B you

tklfft tko 1—4 §n4 ad|utt tho tfcoWiig

the KHICE )-SPUD-er take t . >wridf-*t SCHKKI4PEI0 h) * t fMtd gmiwtMirMaMawalayaarlNs,



Page 5: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el

NTWAYIfWAY M ^.- -- -




• f i j Intorehingiibli torn. VirliMttpHdi! Dilun mmi contthietlonl

• FIM ttliphttt lint. Quarantitd!



49 c







Page 6: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el

Kat took RegisterN. J. N. J.

l tn by Jaka H. CMk aai Hiwy day




•I DMTbt AincUtM

arMal tm urn uw If •nllUtd «elMI»«lr t*u nil u all AP Mm dnawrtw.i M M k t HHUcilla 1 an tka MM! Mm

at arcmanaa

n * KM Bilk lUflrt.r uaunn M flnuctu nipoulMlttlM lor UjaoeraaUcal «n»rt la MrtitlwBtraU. but wlU r.prlnt. .Ittioul th«r««. UU tut al u UnHlMmiU U valet UM t^KirWtlul anat•unit Ainrimn mil »!••»• MUDr IM auaastmaat uuueUMly «f ear after wklek mtr ecew.

Tkli anraptatr aimaus aa riwWMUUw tm aimiaam 1 i iWui la i m m Mat M waana,

PtlMa la M r u aMMT « amaur. f eta* OM rat watt i am


Peanuts for Peanuts

When Dwight R. G. Palmer, StateHighway Department commissioner,allocates three million dollars to pur-chase land, it is but "peanuts" In theover-all operation of his department

That's what he has done in set-ting up a plan for a relief route forRoute 35 which is to begin at theShrewsbury - Eatontown boundaryand run to a point in Wall Township.

The money, if he has his way, isfor acquiring land; not for construetion.

This is being attempted in theface of overwhelming evidence thatsuch a relief route will be of littleor no value. What is needed, andhas been for decades, is a reliefroute west of 35, but for a muchgreater span. The product Mr. Palm-er will get for those "peanuts" heis spending will be "peanuts" indeed.

Although what Mr. Palmer talksabout is strictly state money, his pro-posal ties in, of course, with the so-called improvement of Route 35,Shrewsbury.

If Mr. Palmer and his plannershave their way, that short stretchwill be^nade four lanes, with a jug-handle to conveniently tie in withthe Shrewsbury - W a l l Townshipspan. For this, federal and statemoney, will be used, about $600,000worth.

Shrewsbury! Mayor and Coun-cil has vigorously opposed the 'im-provement" A group of ntklentithere organized an association whichis still fighting it. We hope theycontinue.

The association bag asked manyquestions and has appealed to leg-islators and congressional leadenfor help. A summary of the answersis surprising. It would seem that theFederal Bureau of Roads and theState Highway Department are incommand.

If bureaucracy is dictating to leg-islators, it's time everyone tookcloser look at what's going on inWashington and Trenton.

Our country! In her intercoursewith foreign nations, may she alwaysbe in the right; but our country, rightor wrong.—Stephen Decatur.

A man never shows his owncharacter so plainly as by his man-ner of portraying another's.—JeanPaul Richter.

If peace cannot be maintainedwith honor, it is no longer p e a c e -Lord John Russell.


put a light in the window (or the piled up desk. I think, "hera iione away do not alwayt dependon Thomas Edison.

Last year some tl.IN.0N worthof old-fashionedoil-lit l a m plighted Americ u homes e a •When I writethis I think ofan e n d l e slandscape iSouth Dakotawith a distanttwtakle la thedark.

Interrupt the l,t*»-mlle

press loot.This m a r v e l e . s i e o o i e i o l

American communications had awry result: The eompJetioa of aeouMo-coeet telegraph systemmade the pony run unnecessaryand pauperized the genius thataponiored It.

How many red-haired presldents hsve we had? My opinionla thsl Tom Jefferson alone wu.Am I wrong?

Famous people have ordinarybut few people can

There Is ao doubt net EntJMk

Nature notewhat I said before that lightning fashJoa*unharnessed (I said if a fellowcould strap It he'd he a mllllon-sire) is wasted . . . I am bvronfWo oy snineeach

If you ask tha ordinary per-eon If they can name the yearat birth and year al death andcause of departure of someone«wy admire who died naturally,often they hava to stop to think.

The eat I hava ia miad IsEmily Dickinson, born IU0. diedMM, Brlghl's disease . . . Whodo you think of?

One of the great military oper-ations of hlitory wai thV longeavalry thrust of Oaaghla Khan. . . His troops in extremity sus-tained their match!by drinkingM l irtMi tht iwrMf ttwC ftftpt

first . . . A father Iso v a tha cMM says "Da-Da" neat. . . What Is tha third word thatany child ever said'' Who paidaay attention?

If you were a brggar, whomwould you approach Ural? . . .I have read that students nf beg-gary say a fat, middle-aged worn-an la KM first target . . . It hasbeen my eapertmtce that If f|pawae at a window, | am mtHuly 10 be hit with the s»i panaai the hsld hand . . . What is1

the etperl*nr» nf mliMI* s»«tladles?

Our quotable notables: "lh»t»aif only ttirM thing* in Hi* wnrMthat Hernia do not undmuml.and they are liberty, ^uahiv ami If i .u , , , ; ! , ••- r J: n, , , i , H,,,, :

llnw do you frrl alniul a

meaaed-up desk? When I sea a


something a man wants to comeback (o." When I sea a spotless-ly clean desk. 1 say to myself."He must dislike his task tomake it ao easy for the nextman to come ia aad take Miplace. His desk haa no identity.He probably has leas."

Words are exciting things . . .You dislike them or like them foryour own ressons . . . Words be- only as young as her figure nolong to you or theyj don't • • ; matter what her years. Aay worn-

' * £ °!SLi0<IBd " ' J ' 1 " " 0 * «U i d ffllThe mellow sound of "mel-But bmke my thought Uaaj

y y» » * » • ««Ua time aad effort

ywtth artda.

I must correct The aataral shape U the thkulii

am lareader that some

reale IM mtlHaa tons of altra-fartmser a year

that ain'tBut 11

name what fsmous psople die of * " « * ssvaatanne ia Its aach. . . If vau aik the otdlnarv oer- • • • • • •» eees • mouas.

Who was the greatest left-handed mHHary genius la ale-tory?

" • • • • " » 2 * «*• eaWTtai,FrulUass la m i d f M"Fruitless la me wisdom of him

who has no kaawtegfe af Ma>self." ^

aatiag aad outdoor eo>

with a seimd body aeeds

la you doa't have a pataad oaMoor activity, keep yourself to

with a few simple general ner-

day devoted to eaereiees ^ad for your personal aeeds wiBn marvels for your Age* andrU help to Improve the pasture.Don't let years* ge everbeere*

toad this summer,r s harder to take t h a a s . _

Esay fttttas I M M!aad the lack of goodcan lead to a sloppy figureHlyaa'reaot earewTT

are lightweightIsarmanu oa tha market sailaajd|tW warm dam aad I

Iwa Aw lightswmsat garvas as a re-™ wWmamBl wmnm|




By SYLVIA PORTERIt w u 30 years ago yesterday that a world began

to crash. It w u on Oct 4, 1929, that tht stock mar-ket suddenly went into a wild downspiral and WallStreet w u hit by the first of the series of violent sell-ing attacks which were to culminate in tht convulsion

of Oct. 29.It will be on Oct 29 that we'll charlas * Gaulle of France.

mark the 30th anniversary of BlackTuesday In Wall Street For that was here that thu vip (very import-the climactic day during which 16,410,-


WASHINGTON - Ia a strangenew .world where the truly lofty

taaitlljau la rniAirfrmVI aalu

poucy is CQMUCCPQ ouy

by VIP/a hurtling the seas iaJet aJrtteers. the next big Jour-ney probably will be President

It la authoritatively predicted

ant parson) will visit President

000 shares changed hands, billions of E"*nhow*r **rl.y I1** ? " • T U t

dollars of stock values were wiped outin five hours, millionaires became paupen between breakfast and lunch, thtsavings of both tht sophisticate __ _ _

tht innocent simply disappeared into nothingness. InVut to Nikita Ktewacacv lathe history books, "Oct 29" always win symbolize

It is possiMe that oar t a aadenormously correct and itaiPreach visitor may providebis way almost as sensitive aptabiam la JwndUag asi dM theohert aad matey lOtfaahcbev. Mr.K's trip seems to have cmppwJ

th E t W

the end of the gold-plated prosperity of the 1920s, thestart of the worst depression ever known to man.

But Oct 29 didn't happen without warning. Actual-ly, the stock market reached ita all-time peak on Sept3, 1929. After that, It w u rocked by successive ava-lanches of selling—on Oct 4, Oct 21, Oct 23, Oct 24. away a little of the East-WestWith 20-20 hindsight we now know that each of these** ^ _breaks w u flashing the signal that the stock boon J£ aa ceMUa smt tow u dead and the economic rot beneath the glitter of fresh Ice but of hie asm79 was about to become obvious to the world. relatJoaa "jtWnthe Weetora at-

This is the appropriate week, therefore, in which Menc* persuasionto look back. And in contrast to the 10th anniversary »** » » " « * • Usof the holocaust in pre-World War ITs quiet 1939 —• AI|cri"> **" ~

coantrles ware rehabilitated, they would assume their£ own burdens aad certainly that they would not dis-

. ~~ . .™~.»« ... prc-wuun wax ii a quin i**w mna.. **. _ _ _ , - „ . « - - , - £ criminate against the United States. Many nationsthe 20th anniversary in post-World War ITs recessionKraSagTmaThaada ovarTSrwWch •**• b a 9 n M t i «y * • United States have1949, there are some disturbing similarities between* *» «•" *>»»* a*UM w ennantsJaad discriminatory controls against American959 and 1929 tavoNed ia North Africa. ' • •-*-»•-- — - - . . . . . _ .

_ , ' . Bat If we eaa't lad aOnce again gambling in stocks has reached a pitch to assist da OaaOa off the beakraw to an entire generation.

We are seeing nothing approaching the gambling taTtLeeorgy of 1929, of course, but the evidences of fringespeculation, get-rich-quick gambling by tha greed:

Once again stock prices have bean bid up to diz-g heights, and u a result the Income available onsylng

dividends from most stocks at today's prices Is leuthan that available from highest-grade bonds. Tabupside-down relationship between returns on stocks

existed inIn 1929, for instance, a buyer of

A H AVaM*AsBMB eh f t memeaaaaavl — - * •

vii elfVllMVi HI BalnUeM iwDiniagainst an average annual return of 4ft per cent on

i la l t awtdaOeaSe,

Ns asa.i. If be wtokas, shaely"Ha dsatt yea Amert-

HNCN HTTTiaU)CKP0aT, N. V. (AP)-When

Frank Crosby was calleda fitrwrson golf lourmto deliver a baby, Lock

port Country Club officials permilted me Sector's wife Peggyto play the BMI hole with ihetr

|SM David,Dr frothy, meanwhile, went

». M l.n

ta the hospital, dfllverad the ha-by, and was hark In lime In lakeover an the neat hole and finIsh the match.

TH» Arropolii In Alhrna, Orear*is e group of ntafnie lempl»

It ebout the fifth (entury av

hlghgrado bonds. In most yean ataee. stockIds. In mid-summer, though, the

return from stocks wu down to around 1 par cent,the return from high-grade bonds up to around «H par ! £ • i 1 * ? * . ? 5L1"* Zcent The spread to striking—and chUlng. >

Once again, tha stock market has been goiagIhrough some sharp price stumps.

Tke vbjrt of lovttt Premier Khmshshiv wasu an "excuse" for the most recent drop, but regard- ZJST*SLlees of eccuets, tke fact Is that bttwean Aug. It smwiea-srsfrssaitept 22 the Dow-Joan average of industrial stockscracked 41 points, the most severe price plunge In twoyean, lome stocks an down 30 to N per osnt fromtheir ISM-at tops.

Ami once again there Is Hsnjinlimi at*** hvl-aytsreal to stodts. price fluetuatiom are front p e y a ^and there Is talk of a "now era" ofIty. Once again money Is tlght-the tightest since ItMeVea apart f^Jhle'°reeeaiaMat

over the atomic chn blackball.Mie fe ajga mwlater, Msarice

Couva ds Mwviile, has Hut letwords laths

and the Federal Reserve System Is damping down oncredit In an effort to curb the business upswing.

Because of the parallels on this anniversary, I'vebeen digging Into the story beneath Wall Street's surfact. But while I can foresee painful stock price dlpe,• believe stmngly that the dlffmncw dwarf thesimilarities.

For the lens of millions of you who own stocksor are dependent on th«w who do. In thli series, I'llenalyie some of these major distinctions.

Tomorrow. Distinction No. One, '29-99: How WeBuy.

-we hope-will be after somesound settlement by ds

OeaDe of the rebellion at Algeria.Aad it wM, at aay rate, be be-fore Mr. Elsenhower's

Walter Uppmann, some time ago, raised aa later.eating question, which nay become one,of the prtnei-pal issues of the forthcoming PTejkJenttat election. Ob-vioualy we are a land of plenty, but bow are we hand-ling our plenty? This is whit Walter Uppounn wrote:

' "My own view is that in the era,we have now entered this country willhave to epsjid men on ptm%jsf«vtesand public facilities, and that these willhave to be financed at the expense ofprivate oontumption. We are a richcountry privately but; comparatively,we.are a poor country ia our publiclife." •

What la meant by a poor countrys%our public ttfa Is somewhat difficult to srasp when»4«don b) spending close to $10»W)^IOO,000 a yeartoliep gotog. That b the eipsNIoJre on publie Bfe.That is tha expenditure to maintain our puce as theforemost nation on Earth. But can we continue tospend that much? Public works are not the only ex-penditure for pubic life. Even* Veterans* benefits arepublic expenditures which maintain the Image of aUgh standard of living nation.

Secretary of tha treasury Robert B. Anderson,speaking at tha anneal meeting of the World Bankand the International Monetary Fund, called attentionto the fact that the United States wee taetag Its goldhoard prindpa{ly to countries which we are aiding fi-nancially and 4hat those countries, the new rich, arenot contributing their share to building up the under-developed countries.

He might also have said that the United States,can no longer .be a market for European and Asiaticgoods to the disadvantage of American labor. It mayshock some of the older politicians who fear the phrase,"high tariff," to discover in the next Presidential cam-paign that labor unions, particularly those concernedwith clothing for men and women, pottery, chinaware,watches and clocks, cotton and woolen knitted goods,and so on will be clamoring for an old-fashioned tar-iff to protect the AmeHcan worker from the dump-ing of fdreign-made goods In the American marketsome of which are supported by American subsidies.In a word, if there U to be a free market it cannotalso be a subsidized market The free market Is theideal market, but it hat never exlated and we are fur-ther away from it today than we ever were.

The United States can choke on its plenty unlessthere ia a financial program that is rational. Secre-tary Anderson Reported to the finance ministers andcentral bankers that the United States had a deficitof about $4^00000.000.. l it export surplus of $9.000..000,000 was offset by the dollar outflow for militaryexpeadituru abroad, private 'inveatmento abroad andfojeign aid. Part of the private investment abroad Isthe flight of capital to tax havens, the hidden cuhaccounts hi European banks, 'particularly in Switzer-land, and the export of American capital to make It

there-end this. mbappUy. is theare

for American firms to compete m worldmarkets. ' • .

When In 1947 (Marshall Plan), the United Statesset out on a pepgram of rehabilitatag Its foes u wella* Ita allies, the intention cleariy w u that when these

• • • • ~ ^ ^ a j »^—"^— • • • ^ ^ Q B V ^ ^ M ^ V m^mmw^rm •^^aaa)n

imports with the object of preventing the outflow ofAmerican dollars. There can be no Justification for

General de OauBa origiaaUywu chilly toward the Ettoahow

is m a to rales

Not the least of fkegeaerarswith ha) Weetera

MMfYTf eftteW flHattQMKttOM tk_— i Mwith Im Weetera sartMffl la the •>•*<«bag refuaal of me tMtoi States could Band Great sMtola to asm*. h l m L , . ^ ,to thalr "alaaws dab." We aad n T ^ Tthe Britiah hava'stvaa Mm as " *weapons ami m> tm> m maklag make n

such discrimination at the present time.Meanwhile nothing—but absolutely nothing—Is

being dene by the Eisenhower Administration to elimi-nate administrative wute. particularly in the militaryestabJishment The recommendatiOM of the HooverCommission on this subject have been Ignored. Andone reads such nonsense which comas from a citizenwith n tripe who writes:

'Junior officers are now clamoring for the earlyntkamsut of senior officers to enable more rapid pro-motton for themselves, convincing evidence that thei«rvlce«aretopltae^witac^fkers,aAdta«ttM

at our military and navalbe greatly reduced with no efeny

to theirthe Britishwsspaaa

mmmmuaJlana^ f_v £ -

JBJMamWewSVa H Wdmt tf

essential service."There is no reason for retiring competent men toe room for lew competent men. The theory that

it • iiium here "* tovemment is an institution to live on came inHWXMNV genes to with the 1939 digression and it might very well tiem*"i?J* ^»n»oldsfe, We do not have the money to wasteit e*«a ea a^WMen o n l u j t u r i o u t retlremente.


m a weri esaM* •vanr M M Pieach sseJieti

sshertas woreMont rjeaeral

My. He efeke with far lees hap-py optimism than tha American

bftJ Wilmary mage it nlala that a tMaaeapresesd m a short word of leasmeeamg-fte word '•ir»et"-hadto be very prissat before Prancewould agree to aay kiad af dh>

Par Pranesi part, he declared,many atttlemeals ef leathe Russians had flmmads htfnrs dissrmsmenlbe Mrtouily talked about

JferMecft M away a«a lo Ubum

Page 7: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el

RUMSOK-"Uw Loaa tad Ukt•toga «f a t GoUtaR" to * t

• t t t t p w l t oyear tjf totMttot Thanday at 1

larff W#« TaiMfl Hay i i « at> t j ••.'<>

t i Caagngatton Baal Israel tndBaal Srith Women, thetariaa club to opta tobership.

Mn. Hatoabury, to pratMsat Mn. BtajaatoAshto. Uttte Silver, aad Mrs. E»n DavMtaa, Red Bank, an Ibtleaden. Meetings i n held everyother Thursdty to tht synagogue.

Membership to tht ebb standstt » aad hat doubled state thetwo organisations started tht pro-ject for man aad women interest-ed to meeting new Meads, par.Udpattog to dtocutstoat sad tornlag at

mt Gnatthe dty af Atonadrla.



W * carry •

Una ef famous kraut)

cameras a*t) accttiar-

lat# Brlaa ytxtr camarat

hart far aaptrt rtpair


Wm Btv Everythingfor tht


MUM'S ft* 9 *II

SN 74m m m 14am

TIAMMATES: BartMt paan Mi fatty towfrty Mtd with ratpbsny pttatnrai a n ptrfsct


ITONB Ptan mtkt fiat partners. Put for BMat Watt to glorify thatHattwr a sandwich of dttt-aad- bonilsts pack tbtahtor butt? la-

at* bread with a flUtog of mUdttrt whoto doves to It rout itA summer visitor Utters tato toft dwddar cheese; pack tt tola to the ewea, baste with giager

fall, tad this guest we're happy the bach boa for dessert along ate; sSco aad etattr on a plat-to have stay on. with a cold rtoe ptar. tar. Para On ptan. hatvt aad

So obUgtogt Ready la pitch to Ever discover how well the seed. Beet tame curraat JtUyt aay hoar of the day-break- M , M * tnaga wit each othtt? with a little prepared mustard

fstt, toBCh, tapper, tturtHmt Part, hatot, and aad sUce ptan and spooa some toto each ptarHan't a mealtime contpantoa toto orange juice; serve tt break-cavity,thtt't bath refreshing aad vena* fiat turn. Or turn that combjaa- It lamb chops or roast tomb

It. ttoa toto a compaay-thnt com-are oa the menu, change theIt's tht Barttott pear we're pate for lunch or supper by tdd- pear gtratoh to grata mint Jetty

welcoming, adding up its charma tag fresh onagt sections tad and top with put tuts.and practical contributions to silvers of synqvprtterved giager. Tht raspberry turnover to afamily fare. . Do your young children like perfect mate tor fresh Btrtlett

Bat pean need uadtnttadtog finger food? Cut aspttltd ptan ptan. Makt your own usingtreatment ta'Mag eat their beat toto eighths tad remove seeds; dniaed frotta raspberries oraudioes. If they ire a green place on a paper plate. Just tht raspberry preserves aad paatryshade aad tjultt firm when you right slit for youngsten to pick dough. Or Ukt tht easy way aadbring them home from market, up aad nibble, tad full of au- use the excellent puff-putt turn-leave them to their wrapping in trients. oven that now come fnweo anda cool room in tht house. After Weight-wttchers. too. can en- need eery to be baked. Btcauttthey turn yellow tod yield slight- Joy these juicy nibbles for det- these frown raspberry turnoversly B the touch, put them ia the sert btctust a medtum-sUtd ptar a n totge. they may be cut Inrefrigerator so you can serve counts only about 71 calories, half after baking and sprinkledthem chilled. Tht ptar Is a fiat compaatoa with confectioners' sugar

Susan BarnardEnter* Draw U

MAOOON- Bar-af Mr. aad Mrs.

Praak Barnard of a Vtoto A»t.

maa year at Drew UatvenKyaaa wat oat or tat at aew an1

darts to bt included this fill toDrew't uadtrgraduatt tarnltmiafof HS what tht school opeaed torUs ltd academic year.

Mies Barnard wit graduatedfirst to btr ctott to Juae from

Towtthip HighSchtoL Ia high school tht was a

of " ""aMaamtoiy

et a* Mtibttticdaty, aad a member at the eetoolMChtatra, bead aad stoa ctob.

Mtoi Baraard. rtdptoat at catat Drew* tour-yetr

rial SchoUrsWps, also to a iher of tha Rainbow CirU.

2 Rumion GirlsAt Trinity Collaga

Mrs. FordNames Aides

The Mechanic Street Parent-WASMNOTON. D. C. - Two Taacher Associttioa started Its

Rumtoa ajrto. seniors at TrinityCOlKftt MfaMUlQr fOOMVM IMlrtctdemlc garb Saadsy at tra-gdltkiaat cap tad gownat the coltoga. They I

faO schedule Utt weak tt aacquainted" tea at tha school

Mn. Fngtat Ford, pretideatt d d ffi P

ttthe coTtogt They wattMtry Jean OtUtgher tadgtret Loftus RtM.

ceremonies introduced new offlcen. Ptreatsrt Misses

I wear the cape aad gownsat tormal cattaie fuacMtas dar-kM tha year.eatotory aad_at Trinity, to the daughter ofMrs. Aadxtw J. Oallaghtr. MittRtM. dtaghttr of Mr. tad Mn.Wtttom J. RtM, Is t t economics

by Mist BtutahBreektaridge, priacipal.

Dvrlag tht buiuess meetiag,Mn. Ford

Oct. »,aatattof, Mn. Edsta Lew-to. CM Defeats caatrmaa, to tochsrgt.








Mn. Uwto aadIraat Ktottky,

• * * • § • > t^g}^^ a> ^m^m ftgW^^^k^ a^_ j ^

RWanf« M n * MMEm llVJ^Mi* HMf"at tad fkaacta; Mn. Radolph

Fouadtn' Day; Mn.Narmu P. tickets, homt aadtaiauy Ufe; Mn. Lyta Cratt.

Mn.JaaaSmHa.hto-PoHca Catot t t -

_ pwtaflt pntec-ttoa: Mn. Bdwtrd Kteftr aadMrs. Laato Vrawat.

Mn. M i• t o ; Mtoaate; Mn. Edward Brooks, par*_ datatloa; Mrs. WUUam I.Ktotsky, pragram; Mrs. Jtasttrrea, jpablkattoai; Mrs. W. AI-

DoMMfttt pobucity; Mn.Ruth NorrlttMrs. WIBtoai Patttnoa. nfrath-mtato! Mn. Richard W<toad, tafaty; Mr. aad Mrs. WU-

Mrs,CyrasKaatat aatl Mn, UtaLtvHtoa, tttophtat; Mn. Praa-cto HMttrt ami Mn. ttoaartCrackatt. wayt aad mmmt Mtotswtarwgt . wtawta BM M I .Fard,htalm.

100 ItOAO STH SHMWIWtY SN l-2t2t




FallowshipEkcts Uadars

HmuriOWN — Tht aewctaaajMi ef me watBaa't Ptlaw-U t tt tkt BMtol Ctoiraa a nMn. Jttm I . BatM. ant

pngrems Mn. Rabtft

Mn. rnterots; Mn. RatMt Mty, tt*tgift; Mn. UMatr ~


P. Mtrferd, Jr.,Mn. Rtotari L«totj,

mt mtaat. Mn. Idwan


THF NCW-3IZC FORDfardfilanvthe • • • ! • • ! car In th» world to own

Clrtto toadtn an Mn. L. LHwsrit eMi Mrs* CMftH Pw

at, liar.• chalrmaa tor ttjt df»

• M ; Mn, Ralph Bane, twa; Mn.M M U t t o y . thrte tad Mn,t w att^psjiaat •v^tva^Q^Btvstj t j t a^a ta'tj i

Rivarviaw. AkJarTa Hold Parry

UTTLS SILVIR - Thtawriltorv af Rhervtow NttpMtl

aetdty, Oct. II, tt t t i» p. m. toOM Orchard Ctaatry Ctob, let-


Ml balMtos retti.Tat aaat SMtltoi wW at Oct.

II at I p. m. to at Jeha'i Bpto-oaptl parish htutt. Tkt iwittjagdtt* wtt set up a (toy etc eastlh* rtgultr Mttloa wat scheduled

Jainlng th* tutilltry It t>ptemn»r w*r» Mrs. Frtdertrk V. CHI en mil Mti Uwli Vtt Hrum


(CAUS) IWrt Cat


ws 79

rrSa MMMfl rSfBS


PuncMntllo ^ ^ 3 1 : trTuna "-tSBm** 4 I t 1.00DtlMontePeai ^2 I: irGrttn Giant Ptai»*11: 29*Ravioli chtfio^D. 4 lL"1.00HtinxTomoto$o«p40l"t43<

HeiniSoup - ^ - 2 loiM35'

Or^CrDmeSondwicli ^FigN#wt#ns ^SpaghtMOalim Dog FOMI 6 tStmglMaWl ° - ^ 6Sam Wrap

2 J£

1^,1.00 Mr. CleanMaieleOIIWetseaOH MMMWga


ORAHGE JUICEDinatiiHiMs,WMrt.YttawarDa«rsFaat} akf.

33* nibbwy hwfawHi-Pre Cereal

' KelleM'sSpedtjIICraS'

OKCCTMI «*«Stjlwi Drtxlaf

• HytWx Ca«*U*StMkaCeffa* " - * £ 7 r libyfMw

CradnrsC M M MsnhHarskay'sSyrap


* - M*tT

yUflrt O'Cladt Caffa* £ST T V M M WRatlClrckCaflM £ST Me* " StTM*

M B W M N M rOPJCal 1«VU POI M M l tri|iftuM Pill* 2 taas A\w




, BLUEBERRY PIEJ Itarentt. P4f«torirMe-Stvtl0e! H i ^ J ^ ^


^>v m ttut tmtmt t M*»K m

Mat* tHeeW»t , O«t. Tm to)

SNIIMP *»*»mi htf-lMvlN

Page 8: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el


Employ TheHandicappedWeek Begins

Tint week baa beea proclaimedby Praaatat Dwlght D. Els-

added.Mayors' commlttect in many

communities throughut the coun-try - New Jersey h u 31 - are

campaign ec-ordt-

eahower as "National Employ the said, "that NEPH Waak U anPhysically Handicapped Week'aad by Gov. Robert B. Meyaer


Jeney Employ the munity."Handicapped Week'

Red Bulk's Mayor George A.Cray hat alaa proclaimed the of the physicallyaame period aa "Red Bank Em- will be held in the Stateploy th« Handicapped Week", ment Office, 41 East Front St.

During NEPH Week the pres- tomorrow at I pun.Meats committee and natioawidegovernora' Gommltteei for em-ployment of the physically hand-iespped will climax their annualrampilgns to overcome the re-aistaace of Industry and the pub-lic toward the employment of in-dividuals with disabilities, regard-lets of their abilities.

At a result of that resistance,our

COP Rally SetIn Shrewsbury

SHREWSBURY-* Republicanrally will be held ia the fire asked reductions on IMS assets-house b e n Thursday, Oct. 22. m e n u c s U acres in Freehold

Arrangements for the ctndi-Township from $31,501 to $».«0;meeting wen made at a and Warren Youmans Atbury

Charles PomanowsU, set- publican Club,maaater of the Red Bank -

office, New Jersey Sttte Employ,ment Service, said.

Although the New Jersey Re-habilitation Commission and theRate Employment Service work

to attend are. . i Senator Richard R. Stout; As-

together toward the rehabiUta- temblymen Alfred N. Beadleatoation and re-employment of dia- tad Clifton T. Barkalow; Free-pyanted workers, it has been found

as a ce-ordinated com-


Mr.Stale TaxBoard OKsReductions

> * f . , ' ^ . 1%rr

nated with the president's and- to •

in tola national problem."K an 'Mr. Fomanowtki

appropriate time (or the begin-ning of such an effort in our conv

. FREEHOLD - The State Dt-asslst « W » of Tax Appeals, preaidtd

over last Friday by Theodore J_Labrecque, made the followingdecisions:

A IMS assessment of *4,000 on98 acres of land in Marlboro

A meeting of Individuals withmutual Interests ia employment

owned by Harold and V. D. Con-over waa reduced to t],M0; a Si-00* assessment for 187 on SIacres of land in Marlboro ownedby Richard B. Seudderreduced to $1,000, and a 1958 as-sessment of $4,000 on a buildingat I S Euclid Ave., Ocean Town-ship, owned by Morris Hess wasreduced to $3,000.

reported Itthe following cases, although theyhave not yet been died:.Manar Real Estate, aiary of Pennsylvania Railroad,

many of our nation's highly dates' .•killed workera are being cast H*CiM\ meeting of the executive Ave, Ocata Township, might aoff to the "manpower scrap- committee of the Shrewsbury Re- reduction tram SUM to true vat

Kenneth L. Walker, Jr.,William W. Curdt, council candi-dates, will state their platformsat the meeting.


holdere Joseph C. Irwin and Wai-thraughout the United States that ton Sherman: Sheriff Ira E. Wot the Asbmy Park Area Chamberthis goal achieves much better cott. and County Clerk J. Rut- of Commerce.

l W l lteUWoolley.Mrs. Elsie Graham,

ship chairman, announceddub hat more than IN aaw mem-DSTSt


lation for aD Catholic War Vet-erans Potts in Monmouth Countywin be heldCountry ClubRobert M. Heaslela, I

Orchard, 14.i for

the Monmouth County chapter ofCWV. said will be

Crown Prince Carl Guttaf, 13.of Sweden ia going to a boardingschool near Stockholm.

ue of the IMS assessment on Usand home.

Silbcrgleit Hea<Asbury C-C

To Attendfe Junior Club

LITTLE SILVER — Five menASBURY PARK - Alaa SO- ben of the Junior Woman's Cut

bergleJt is the new president of will be part of the 1,000 dub wornen at the annual fall centerof the junior membership dtp

Mr. SUbertWt. operator of SU- mentbergeMt's mat's clothing store,

the succeeds A. A. CutterWge.He la a past preskJant of we Newark

natal divbrion of the chamber,aad haa beea a member of the Megaton.board of chroctors six

Others sMctod foryears <

the 11MM0term wen Jack V. Richards, iduttrial sales manager of

to-ea.' .Newan'a

The theme of DM conference•What Hetpa Youth Helps Ameri

parttls the Junior dub wonMSt-lMO project for raisin]

Jersey Natural Gas Co., vice 85,000 to build a recreatlonafield for the Treatoa State HOOKfor Girls.

Miss Helen Sbeley, aupermtendent of the home, will conduct iworkshop to acquaint club chairmen with the home aad the mamother social service projects tiassist young girls. Mitt Barban

Cit Meir of Mtplewood la ttaU pro

president, and Jules L. Plangere,production manager of theAsbury Park Press.

Master PlanNeed Is Cited

We Give Quick,Reliable Service!YaweJocMa Isms very

Tti SH 7-0412


HOWEU TOWNSHIP -ing the need for balanced com- ject chairman,munity planning, Howell Town-


Then try HFC for true convenience: nearby office,hours that suit you, up to $500 in real cash youcan spend anywhere. No checks to cash-no fuss,RO bother. You get speed and courtesy, too.

thip't two Democratic candidates Ing. Miss Jifor committeemaaing for adoption of a master plan stressas part of their 10-point - - • •program.

Candidates Edmund Cordts andJoseph Certa today pointed outfeneralthat "a growing suburbanmunity can hinder itsby failure to properly balanceindustrial, commercial andIdential activity."

"Only through balancedalag can a community hopesurvive the tax aches aaddpal proMema which lavariaWycrop up when a town h u growing be Mrs.

Mr. Core* aad Mr. Certa of



7 M Caafcmaa Ave*«w-rie»a*et aVUOO

1Ms» Hajfcwoy jM-Oftafaa M400

Ia their Itpoint platform thatwo Democratic eandtdatee callfor "a plaaaed growth that la totha best interest of tha economyof Howell Township."

They also urge a planned pro-gram for the industrial growth ofHowell Towmhlp and to "origi-nate work on a master planHowell Township."

Shore BuildersIn 14th Year

SPRING LAKE HEICHTS-The S i x - P a r tN. j . Shore Builders Association , r a n

win mark Ha 14th anniversary atIts Tuesday, Oct. 13, meeting at

sau Rivage Restaurant. Pasttmmtatmmtm ---"* a.- a_ _' artJNQHIU Wi l l DV nODOTCQ.Lt. William Diener, USAF Jet

pilot, win discuss Jet propulsionflight aad show color film oa the



Ivy Now WMeWe Hove A

Complete Selection!

Rtemajoad Plumbing Ftaturaa, a \amk

lag Co.. Metsehea. wffl be hostat t cocktail party startiag at

» p. m.FfsaMeat Robert Schmarta will

present credentials to the follow- ^J,"lag aaw members: Fred W,SchaaU of Chaadkr * Mapa CoInc.. Long Branch; builder MlchaaJ Maaigraaao of AtlanticHighlands, aad builders Seymour y2*Zaad Maoia Graanblatt of —berry Batatas. Neptune,

Zahl AttendsNational Meeting

MONMOUTH - Dr. W A IHarold A. Zahl, Fair Havea. di-rector of research. U. S. Army ISignal Research and Dsvelp-msat thaLaasratory. la attendiag theaatieaal conference of die AdUtratioa af Raaearch at the Eoet-

" Khsatar VI.PolyiacaalcY l i

yettute, Troy N. Y.. la actinghost tor the coafiraact.



aa. ranai , it* vaset of AWre aad SaaWRroadSuRad


- , . , - the flow of paperw r t throagh the laamraace ia-


of the New Jersey StallFadsratioa of Woman's CtubjSaturday at the Eaaas House it

Mrs. Jack Skakaadypresident, will lead the dub'i

At tha morning business meet'lean Hamilton of Nortl

aeaU are call PUlnfield. state chairman, willtha Importaace of the pro

election Ject and tha need for a unifiedstatewide project for youth.

The New Jersey delegate to thtfederation convention,

com- Mrs. J. Chariee Danaknack dprogress Glaatbore, win relate tome of IN

Its experiences the and other menvhad at Lot Angeles. Calif.

last June. It was at this convmplsa-tion that the New Jersey clutu

to received several awarda ancmuni- commendatioaa.

Hoaored guest for the day wBJoha At A t t » kh

tbt Htw Jmtf Scatattoa of Womaa'a Cttba.

Dnriag the aftemooa aeveralsute chairmen will conduct wort.shops to assist dab chairmen iathe performance of departmentalactivities. About M k hwill beheld.

Mr. John E. Powers of West-field It serving as conference

nan. Membersfrom tha local dub wU be Mra'

Bakreaburg, Mrs.Mrs. Raymoad

Sergeant. Mrs. Joha Aattiff aadMrs. Skakaady.

GuidanceProgram in Red Bank

Red Bank High School sopho-more* are following a sii-partguidance program, this jyear. Theprograms are designed to helpstudents to decide oa career aad

Two parte af the program have

i tedbythe Guidance De-partment, aad a teatmg programuamg the Radar Interest larea-

third phase of the programget under way Friday. At

this time the guidance .cous*win take over Uw pEnglish classes for the day. Dur-MM C M S S aSMMemls SBaMSatS Wit

opportunity todUcuss thiraauMa of the Kader teat with thi

Ttie actlea of the ladhrldaal at»deal la chBosma a vocattoaor tcaaage, la the fmal akaaa tt tfaa

FORT MOm«OUTiMtaipll PSjf slWMOBa •fSCSSaaaaco Fagtatarlag D»

Utk partmaat aad Tbaaaaa OaMaacM

la-lMpportl h "

I. 1 A ^psvn Afjiacy*MflMsl vSjfpB

Vaase t l

in rMiNMM a flOafSfSJMS

be koMS^K


Dr m Battraak la-

aatha Masai Carpe M a eoahfewoa Vajw"laglasirtaa.i to be tie

M iSJat nMSSn AM WOSjMOSiSyat PkllKitoaii. Tha oaafereace

aafwwasiSfSi Vlfsjlata covsrs !««•47}

rTMsMf #0 ffWCh

Aaaodattoa of la-

Mr. Fanow baa beta worktogwith ma Rassarch aad Develop-

ONWaaottko ^

PREVENT FIRESBefore Ihey Happen!

FRANK F. ILAISDELL, RICHARD W. S W f W T .Mayor hi latM AaJwwUtrifajr



Father, SonSpeakers Set

FORT MONMOVTH - Some-ihlag aew m guest speaker ar-rtngiminti baa been announcedtor the Oct U dmner-meatiag oftoned Forces COmmuaicaticaiud Electronict Aaaodatloa atSibbt HalL

It wUl be a father-aad«tt eom-itoatiao - each tpaakiag oa dif-tareat aubjada. v

Jullaa Spragae. pnaJdaat ofJprague Electric Company, NorthMams. Maas., wiU talk oa "Pre-suctiaa af Capacitors and Traa-ilstora la the U. S. S. R. " Hlslion, Peter Sprague, with UnitedPreaa International newt aerv-lrtee. will taU of his eiperiencetla the Hungarian revolt aad histour of Ruaaia on the recent vjaitof vice President Richard M.|Mine.




the e«sic«i ear in the world to owni




l i t * 11.95

A.95Rtf. 20.9S ltof.27.9S


z r n r u v POWERMOWIR



PEATMOSS ScothTurfBuHder

Wt|Mtf|a*li• gtklga>gaftgaAft ^ M 4

fleajteiaje la

vtrlttlH ffM

Nsi.iei 33i t

"Wh*t0 Your Onlfart Mukt More Cmu"


Page 9: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el

Monday. Oct S, 1989-4

•action Two RED BANK. N. J., MONDAY. OCTOUft 5. 19N 7c PER COPY

Raritan Officials LookingFor Municipal Parking Lot

RARITAN TOWNSHIP - At amutt of objtctku toBOW porfctag regulation torFwiwooa PwUttt WMIUBMP ofs*ekk pnmtotd Friday night toattempt to pmvkte a amald

parking facOfttoj k fatwood ana.

Mayor Harry P. 7", ""to a woedodanamo, op- oubA

pankg at t h e . .that tbt Township Coosmlttts wHask LoeWt Drtn-ta Theeter, "pnjut botldtr u d b u" • t o M B . _ _

Both Leew*i u d the Floetwood matted, pobeedeveloper, Cantor aad OeMmaa, memton of tbo t

paily M O brofcot ap, p>Rot MM. with d a bak at Attaatte

,the • vtefctty

whi m NJtebte tor aparking tot or Ms, It wit natal

own property towhich ram* bt


p^sidenu who commute•aid K would btaatalf toate tho Ftottwotd pankg

took thta•toad aad

uaaftwptikkg b u m tte projectOfflckb) acted that If tho park-

k g tot ojanUoB eta bt sornd.

Oct 11 to permit forratr to

Mf SMflMa UMBS094 thiPrsads A. Ladwig bat Ielected ehalniaa of tht aaw Eco-

meat Committee. Mr.• mambar of tnt Beard al



•amid vtot chairman, aad Wai-tor Marshall, secretory.


bti idhi aiota. aach at croaksaad dttcbes, han baaa sprayed.

Tbo of HomrdMeyer. Sr.. from tht Zoning« ghnwtbory An.Beard of Adjutant tad tbs Mrs. B r a o t t l n o Williams.YeaAGaidBBnCBBBt&wuac-Trmmen HID Rd.. Wddktowa,•tptadwitb

Gilbert W.WII. waa


to tht:

_ - . _ .- atok ap tha ttfto aad mn handMn. Margaret Mar , «i Car- a abet She naM aat toB whan

Kanea tanSbrowtkny An., turaad aroaad.

aellPl..wubJndufor tht tax iI IH u boar.

Aa ordkaace raiBMag bkyck Md came bock, Mn. WUHaas " J R ^ lnglstntloo aad uttkg tor** *4d ,«-«•. gke stid sat u w " * * "< * e " mtmH^t!!!!L • ** •* • *•""• •»• • « * » » thtt She

Tha township Money w u an- ^ hor bubud dron oway tadcalled police. The ascend shot hit

* M -L"£ P L " ***Z BwHaiTinn Ruln^tFCCoart neoatly by the ewaen of jumt ear.Broakdtto Nurstag Hamt. B t g ,

ki tho

variant*.a u y k j the home

Opposes NewAssessor Plan


caadMatak i t (righttloa to a

Arthur J.Ida

for rajitc'i•fwMttotthnotnctoftox

wttL* sfpoiwtNs boars of

Tte outtttoa will bt voted uNov. I. _m

Ml*. KObCftfOQi Vnbolted kk ticket to campalgaawpudutfy af Ik OOPantes, a lu criticised the gonra-k g body's hutVag of the keptM pabUc burk i aa tat

Httaid:"lit h a w k s * *

I tor tat pwpott of dk>•••• prapOTM www •

of ptUtkal dk-

anof Mr. Rika Maadtr i i i i i i i i ih strdatdtofky af ra te *

attompt toardakWIhoar

'torn atho «otodai


Mr. PaMaki

to Mr.

"It to a ran tottanet kdaafwhtn two pseplo agnt aa BOMags onr • ported off u n Baku tat comatelily dm-BMttt the other

"Aa to da ordkaace Mulf, Ia ^ U a t a / a\aBUj**uAaMj A a t I

HkaMigMkff gMkaMBjkadl ffati Bfl sW^mwmj ipPaTJnWei aw H owl


RBWP tn BgsanBtf StaiB BBiA m^k^aa^s^leiA BKA^BU *~

Wm |WWvf wf wStv pUToJI swafp BMBJI


r powtr by dw govankgt i l l paaak of Barttaa

Mbaw)taroolAk res

or dw atrae-haadflebfd

pfkm. IMH Id ullfmM* i iitl lu th»fenpaytn.

"Only racMily a timlltr CM*tcrur*d la Mill* lllv»r ami wti

d b iko rovtrnug body."

Beer PartyRaid Net* 16


WBP ."BPtO \9B

of tatflvt

Dtnbon of tho party aftarqatt- TnoymjUi Mr.tieaJag. PoHco aiM BD tha gtrto would bo charttd with

ovtr to thalr partBtt.tbatr kag,

tonadatdM attt.AlTMtid Vfft „

U, aad WBlttr Sodaa. a . both of Vkdimir'iBlvar Bd.. Fair Htvta;P. Hoot, U, of m Park Am., lKtaaabarg; fabutko Aromaadp, Adatohk.IT. ItewBik. lad David B. Bor-ntt. l t . at M White St, East

Charge ManFired RifleAt Couple


this monkg k Badl Ct

gCoart oa o

Polka CWof Otorgo H. day-flrodi anagodry ft

a JO etttbtrtottwo atatt from(It hto a ear at ft* a. m. today

told poUco ate aad bar htabaad.CtMa. wan paifcod k a

afftaad wl

alana w u kntd wtth aaf dM car. Kaa

picked ap aa hoar ktor byEatoatown Patrokaaa M a r v l a

ntonad to Rod

UOtover. who lavutfcjatad, _Kamta toM Mm ta tad but

what hadU Otonr atM KUMB add at

!»> •a' «kt OMB

New JtrstyNwwsBrltfc

PIEMWOTOH (AP) Oarafli F.V w u aawTBBBJBI, WaaV •

aftortaaadtaaof Us stogie

Howell ManKiUedbyCar;3 Die in State


earn on armrtk^aVMail BWaBBBB^aVglna^Brmwl S M a w o W H

oflBXIf wu• • •'Bo^w^BBBj awBmvv B BBBBJB jHBBwf

M Mr. Modto tot *Dot aat Mr. Camvbo wajkg Btrth oa tht

kto tht path

Mr. Cawovko WH dtad OB u>-at P«BI KtmbtO Heoprkl.

Ukowood.Troopon t a l d Mr. MoOot

deoth by auto.Mr. Cxerevfco w u a carptator

aad b u ao known survrvon.*••— W ^ U dkmaa MBMIBWi

at 11 a. m. at St Muya ChapU,CaanUlt. Burial win Da k St

COBMkry, CutvUt,U of C H. T. Clay-

ton aad Sea Fuoonl

Aockkato kUkd two other per-k Now Jtnty onr the

Aaotherpedutriuwin ratouod k S» tail died k a tnffle acckket whUe

a cbUd wu fatally kjured la aduwMtory fan.

« . of Ctmdta, wu Ukd Sater-day. Ite victim of a hR-nadriver. The ante aptd away

St after striking Mrs.Miles aad Henry King. Si ifCamden, potteo awl Mag w u

. ^ - - ^ . . - « _ . meritle^coBaWutodaykCeap-Jata lKsata .Mef7tPrco-« r Hospital with bead aad k-

psct An.. Red But , wu a n ^tonal lBjuries.Aattaay Cbtwir. J. dM k o

... „ ' hoopitel latarday as boar afterwtth a deadly (Ufa, tn* a tmnWtoor wtadtw

UVtSfNOa • ( • • PltJWpgTuTbo boy's momer, Mn. OenldtosChtsner, 4B ttateidoa St. badloft him man at his gnndraotti-er's home. Ho died of kteraalInjuries.

In TownshipMODLBTOWN - PowN ar

charg* of potty kreoayfrom a houot parly

Sttardty aigntTwo of tho boyt wen IdaBtifM

A. Bolma. II. of 14Lkd Dr.. Rod Baak. tad Edward0. Kkoty. II. of 3T Third at.

A third toy w u listed u oJuvenile living k Highlands.

According to Lt. Detective Jo-Btph Mo Cartby, Balma aad Kk-aoy a n charged with taktetypewriter from the home ofward Thome, Red Hill Rd.

He said that tbt Juvenile Is ». uZ j o m h Mackk" Unioncharged with taking a dock-radio ' ^ ^and a clock.

The articles art among tevertl QOMO, Fred F. Innon u d Ar-reported Ukea from ftt Tiiornt ^r j . R o t a r t oi« . and Demo-

crttic caadtdttet Jtmet G.

dltewt mo array of o^uipnnnt * •fint aaaval tiro Intpoction in Mlddlotown Sanrfay.and oqulpmoaf from frie rownthip'i I I fira companiaaditplaytd thotr f oar at Hio $kop*ln« Confer, Rt. 31. ThabitfMatlaB Uekad a f tha tawmhip'i Firo ProvontiotiWook. Tho ahlaff are. loft *• rtflhtt Harry J . Saflimara,N#W4)Hlj r M W r M I *%• Mail(nT| MMwHwtf9W|l| Aflfl ^rVt1if#ff wla>

•tils, tewiuhlp camnlttaoman and (ormor ehlaf, af Cam*

homo. Police ettimtted the vtlutof aU tho articles at $400.

Lt Me Cartby o ld that a shotgun aad seven! old coins also vited to prosit their quilifka-were taken. He stid that the ttons and backgronadj and to do-the three youths wore part of alargo crowd mtterashtd tho par. residents of Barttea Township,ty at tht Tborna home.


« I --'-

3 Hurt in Series of FightsAfter Rumson-RB Game

At lout thno youtht-ell stu-.tU stitches to clew a cat

Btlma tad Klaaey wen placed ttaa Valley USA, water rites, andunder 8 3 ball pendtag a bearingThursday while the hmnile wunleosed in the custody of hit per-cots pending a JuvenUo hearing.

Lt Me Cartby tald ha believestbtn a n still others Involved tathe toddent

dsak at RHauoB-Fair Heron Re-

Dga ikkndla a uriei of flgbta fbUowkg

Oat boy, RJohard Morfsn. II,of CkbWay.

Bay&ore Cartoonist StartsStrip in Today's Registerbat at ttmu provokkg aad pkt-l d h k hild f J b A

p g platod htak child of Jcoopb A.(Joe) CampboD. makat htr kWiI

oa The Bogittor-s

Jot's camieto tbtAfrica.

'•mTaanuay iW ^o? ofk C M of me

BMkkf Biti Baysion's


Bobkd a rather etritua do-mtaaor, thU neighbor has a fua-aybeao which sticks out to than.

Uke yesterday, whoa hk Uttfeaujgiri. Susan, brought tome a

Mead to show Did hew the hadaat t o n of scraped bar t o n k a fall a few

days back.

year i n , " Mr. Caagfiifl

AadwemTjto that kM at thaw days.-NMBOtkMat

cutooajat _porter, who by doe ttmowu grk-akgtoo."aadyMcufkdthing fuay k i t

CryTtoo"The things our

yt.ikMOt taythkg." thttold a Ragkkr re-b O U k

cUtna dote-

Than ONtattodtjap far tatt k itrtoa hi wffl d» that <ntk.


10 a pMiMft €f Iftfttt Itttr*ffjMKdjM mm mmmmt g^gtrngm

t k tJ te

fn m over rheaad k aanral fenigB couatrks.

Athe U.S.Cone, Mr. <tstabllsbtda reputation e* i

trade JournalsHetadJastrawtlNdtMyeohMNiy wTMa flM rvpottsfr tfiivN*; otowaa tired toater pottkg

dowa ai and iltpriiat u d toMag"ltt year ten te

carry R.""TWt a oae,

"Ihat typo tact to a while.'Mr. CaaMtod metes

, tht mt-Uke to do

kU Jaw.Detectfn U Benjtmia R

Glover reported then won 'at Ucbio, Dtmocntie candidate forleast sk or eight" fights tftor tho Assembly, addnstlng a an-

Collichio HitsCOP on Voting


the gama.Rumton wort tha game. 14-T.

The game w u played at the RedBaak High School Athletic Field.

AewJltPkMU Clover said • lS-yaar-oM

Rod Bank toy ted admitted strik-ing Morgan. ThobtoB nteastd k Ikk mother, pending actka* by

twtaritke. Tho JmeJk" afrieodat

putisu group at a tea partyat tho home of Mr. and Mn.Monroe E. Stambaugh. I VillageLa., yesterday chirged Clifton T.Birkitow. one of his iwamMyepppBtfltt, u beiBg a "Noa-Rep-ntontatlvo legistotor" who tb-

saMMorgaatte football game. The Jmailt»•» Beeompamwl by four otter

After that, dM rut tte Mends when tte tight occurred,weak k a pkuan.H te acted. Morgan wu taken to Rlverview•Aa I da to kk tte tout." Kotpftal by mo Rod Buk FirstNat that tte "dtejkT kat a> AM Squad.

Alu injured won Jsck Cab.•I of 111 Harrison Avt.. Pair

aoat teop at tout fear weeks Haven, wtewu a piBtaad k IMP "ud t t e t n nose, u d KenSS B n W .52? "lifi?* JC1"*?"* *- " P80ta> A»»-. *•" Htna.okQyoaMoaewyi.HteaiWd. who wu hit ta the eye.* - T j - r « £ • »£ >«--• mm I- «STrtMdta,

nangai lyBSMUt, iac , wmen by a g u station near tte oth-aVaMoaafJsaadjOBal BmW M^uUnuJWH dUk a n * . • - . » m*A " •o^ai i M > « t J U l "

— . - . ^ a ^ . _ ••_A&A.A » - - . WlgtJwl • g j i^at ip OT Jdl

•tendingtte oth-

UWm and Peter

Chbaoek, Word An.. Bumton,tad started asking qouttou. Hewith S i i t i r t i ^ i l ! ! ! t o

Use H V ^ ha bSfa ha- JJ11ToJ-L2?Chmaock w u not kvolnd

Mica nporttd neither Ctk

toa uid te ted hurd ...* o n wen a nnmbor of smaU

Red Bonk-High SchoolRad

nMlowkg me

Baak CitMIed Baak CitMIe Higfootball game Sept X.

Thru at

»,g Neptune Soldier

Dayatram,I MM aabmVi right to bo * * • T*t atto voetd for d» atw

Iwarl At a DtBMKrat, Mr. Moa-PMt tatardty, eadkg t h r e e

tftW wVanwwM w§ aWt IB ^ ^ ^atoMBoadj Ctoaty." Mr * <

amw. ^soamn

I M l BBBMaVawM dkl BBwa wtf

Dhmka of Dayatram,

MaaiM i BOW aat.

CUPTOH (APVA truk driver

Chief Ckytoa said thru polieo-

He Mated that tte Middletowiwon apathetic concern-

Ing " o u of tte most costly u dvital problems of tte day."

Local candidates for office.Vincent DI Mato snd Rotf Ptul-sea, aad county candidttH.Ttemu J. Smith for State Sent-

mat wan working at tte game, tor: Eugeae BadeU, Asoembly.Ho potated oat mat me poDw- nod Dr. Joseph Aekermu. Free-

, ,aaa act an regular datf -an aoldon, also gave talks.2 * * ^ kind by tte Red Bwk Board of

!H?^*!!?JL'£Jlll*ni"' Bodr •' Ma..f* " W i aunW •amwul b A i l twkaaai * • « • *

Loatla CauklllePHOENICIA, N. Y. (AP)-Tte

ki t , trial teat tor Nttk OavidRaWgbkonr.


eakf stid.

_ eOdals toneVMag auto duo

Found HangedPBJttonnrr, Oonuay. Ott f|skdt a

-AaAn»sriou^tat1trwuwton tsi to tte aMto af kteJoMll.k tMbjirt, dto V.

Nab 3 Youths Union RejectionFor Larceny _ ^ , -* -^

Of Steel Pact DueGOP, DemosTo DiscussVital Issues

RARITAN TOWNSHIP-Caadi.dates for Township Committee I . .

ta guest speakers at a moot- Several memben who attendedof tte local Woman's Club said the boud rscommsndid ttelag of the local Woman's Club said me boud i

' • at I o'clock ta offer be rejected aa completelySt Mar/i Episcopal Church.!Bast Free* St. Keyport T h a t , _ _ . , „

Final plans for tte forum won •>•«*» to * « * ? > • • • " • •discussed at a meeting of tte ox- lE f 1 **^^ ? ^ ° 2 B J £ ?eentiva committal k the hone this morning. UMoa nemMra

, could not recall a Umo wtea mepolicy committee bad rejected aAve., North CeatervUle.

RepubUcaa candidates. Anthony

Bndy. Philip J. Blaada. Jr., andThomu B. Shmkos han ben in-

bate question* of vital tetenst to


Reports wen board from com*rolttee chalrmea. Mrs. WilliamB\AAV ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^^^^^AmA^^ ^M^^HB^^Hh.

MCLatM Wlf lOpOllNM BHHUWr>ship chairman to flD the uau-pired term of Mrs. WUBam Etau,who resigned due to a cbaago k

dTte next executln committee

meeting will te held Oct 37 atp. m. ta tte homo of Mn.

Gerard T. Remain. Jr., CarriageDr., Hultt .

Brady SeeksDeMaio Debate

RARITAN TOWNSHIPWunetO. Brady, DemoenUc ctadMatafor Tbwuhip Commlttoemu, k

DtMafo, has asked for udebate, at tte earliest

Mr. Collichk toM ttethat k MM Mr. Barkalow either

" » ccafroatki Barttta Towa-

mwteked or w u abuat from * .» XL— — - __ a * O-__I_I_AI LHI. m • • • • • ajaojvoting oa II tegUktin bills aadthat to MM, to date, he b u ab-stained or been about oo » bills,totelUag m k kit term of office.

Ho said Alfred N. Beadkttoa'i tote forth It thtt Mr. DtMato

UN.•I teiien." uid Mr. Collichio,

"that every man holding publicoffice, at any level of govern-ment, should ten the courageof his convictions u d should towilling to render vote u d epk-iea on any and all Issues."

Ho c r l t l c l i t d Mlddlttownoffldili for their Mi-

a n to n u t to in Invitatioa toparticipate with Keensburg. Un-ion Buck. Raritan Township u dXeyport ta a possible Joint ta-datntor or common gutogt

took pkco

UB l lua t i l i ana,dw n a i k t af tte t-yurttd baySttorday. State Pobw Cpl. NtokUcaku toud tte tea> k a

aOt from tte

find, uttkg off BB wptiilai tadflro at mo HvOnda Paw) OdCo. Leonard Local. « , at CM-too. wes Just driving

hurWirs occurred, Itnltfnr.Ite*•«

He w u itkm to PttMlc(lemrol HntptUI In fair condl(Inn. Th* trark snd Hi ),MM i l lloot of aaeoIlM were dtsiroyed.

^B^T tWFw^Www oka* WwlrVVTt|a>T oJMwBfJ ni %0WmnW*

kail htrt prtstrei a "lannlo" irflp wfclth wlH b« roodebout fo«r weoki from now. Jao It a Mlohaet o< own.You will find Mi litllo pl«lo on the comitt ptfe for iho

David had goao wtth hk taa>g to ncottoi at aurby Ukt

WwnwuvaojwM i w was I M I laaa nnvakj op a p t * fna da kke.MM to fte «aW after a butrkk. Par atariy saw amntto Mitodar, Hurt p. B^klgk, Jr.,

tsanh puwi

tojetoi wM aay Mad of ktoM-

oati "Mtojks PBflm>war W9 eaWNTNoS ,wiRM I

PRKBHOlD-FraiMrBrvMhat ben granted t divorce fromhis wife, Agnes fc. KryM. th*weaieier MOI weoa Nttea mcor-rert grounds for the divorce. Thedivorce wu granted oo groundsof desertion.

iwNwf watta itmvot, a otNCWO

tkrtod agak. They tooad theooay only a thart wty fraa) n t

todMprtu.kMehsadofinod.TiMyIfcaY tjphjgigHftjhff IMBJPBI BBul autkBaitiHBBJ gTw^RBJfBwwvr BtSBBJI w»W W F V M

lark aa 1 M padi to tw uak,PraMk J. MoCwdle

o u M ha bjMw MM DavM dkd of satok u d

MA BRIGHT - Two motor-ists were etch fined III u eteed-Ing chargti Thursday night byMegistrste John P. Weir to M*nklpal Court. They tr« Aimt t.M»y«r, M Vallry•ml Vlnrrnl M


Pttteburghto tun dowa d a ktottmeat proposal to sodoatkMwids stosi strike.

Tte tmton'tt i n board . _. _ .

a secret meettag yoaterdoy.

rksue, Box-


ltwusuosotsdbyMr.lrodyflnhomo, tht Ceatervitte fln

conduct tbt dabate.The oafy ttipaktki Mr. Brady

'stand tloaoplatform witbx

oa theit benefit or advice

uto wi» poor tMSinucnu Mr. Bndletton "had ibstaln-td from voting on » bills since of counsel." Mr. Bndy atid hi

will do the seme."This is the only fair

tho people to bo able tothe quality of tbt caadldatet theya n being asked to caeou be-tween oa Nov. J." he said.

way torla Judge

• OUTKEYPORT - Tho entire fln on* toko homo pay.

dopartmtat — s o m e INstiong w u called out for * wr-prtn drttl at ».0 a. m. yntor-

- T h e de-af tho


May u n k e T - HTha pessimistic nporte raited

speculation President Elsenhowerwill Invoke me TifmarUey Lawthis week aad send the half-mil-Hen striken back to Bit mttkat j tut for aa BMajr cooUag off

dUSW President David I. Me

Donald would act aay If Iha a »ecuun M M reconuntOBSd n»fecttoa. But ho did u y hojawy

lottd iBppoct of thaAlwfr I N mwSXvj ntv*

d i M D Mhow board meetiag, McDeaaM

"Reports from the dtnetonwho h a n ban d o n to tht moaback borne during Ink toe Indi-cate a nmtrfctbte dogno of Ughmonk, unity and rlttantikatkaamoag our ptopit."

Even bofon tbt board aattkg

pork from Wisbkgtoa that gov»men weneramoBt attoruyt won

oa pkaa for quick TafMiarttoyaction to stop tho coetty aWko.

Tht flnt step would bo for thomt to dodara aa amor.a federal court kjaadloa

would be soughtIndustry

5 ? * would menut labor ceote aboutII cents u how daring Iho Ufaof a two-year contract But aatoa

would come dour to N cents aate d t e

s atear dwteg a twojmrpcrtod.

"" dbW11""11™"of bvIlka

» * « * flat walp>lacruu TtoanauatdM aet pn«kk for a wagTtocrease k dM flnt year.

ta ite newestoffend to apply aa oo-eight ctate oa boar to

wolfan aad pautoa bsatfttedarkg tha flnt year aad ttaakenuak i t e

Tho women aadMtribato aauBy to the w a n n

maa. Msy mcrtoiw coarnotby aso cwnpoay woaJd aki i

Tte attar wu coattagut aa

tractday. Tbt onrdu. bok* to mark weuM ban awn caatnt anrtht ttert f Fl PWeek, WMArmstrong Cork Co.. B u n Bt

of Fln PrsvuttoaworkdoukttemMa.Tteiconducted at tte flatly rejected aw» i m i n l hag

Matawan Firemen to StagePublic Drill Tonight at 7

MATAWANpertinent will stage


Tte paMto

Five ChargedAs Disorderly

MIDDUTOWN TOWNIHIP -id aftor MM flnt freak aad to Two Port Miamutk soldton aadfen dM flnt uawi to thk Cite- thru ghit won arnttod u dto>

I Iw9f9 Fn*day aight, state aabu at Sbnwt-

Snto pattoo uid a bank attamp wbJaky w u koad k dM oar.

Trooper Prank Uettn, oa I tMjatrol. ttopped tte nhkk.

N l M t awtwJBaffi IM, bam at

Pewrtb A n .


u d .outnttoa wit bt gtnaSafety Pint Pin IiMipJtnCimaaay k tat proper wayi affktk al i pfapa BM ftna.


yfsgktkf a

Chief VVtruatwo aW

g to"Catd

tad atop twain: "Cu yaar•ton ar atop pan da y t t

PiTa-.af raabam aad Utter?

ud Hstor an a urVand. % aswwkg ttyea i n actoady on.

- daefttof

^. fM^ B L gW g^-^^t^aBA

ag Bnaax Rwamtototaa wit itvamk

w u k k d ai aw a l t *

ttpar, i l l — I , Itonttwara1a?sw!istywyr > M >

ltBkpa»l«i«B>»oawww»hl^47to9o^^todaraodwimaatnttojuu.^ - • ""^"

Nattraaa l i t * CswataB a t t f l A fWlBBVameVmth tm%o^BBWW* BWwloBwlua||aT< H P

af Walterleaaard An., wu

^ a

i to mt taws

AMOMMa wV or IK vMfftoa A, JiawNt, oaus of tat f inoaaM u t bo dtjnakod. Noons

A 4 twl.

Two lire trucks from th* Brennl P i n end ComnwMty MnCompute! had hwt ntuntdfrom the first sftnuil Mspertlon

'Buat BPBb o^sssilsBIBal gMag^aki^kfl) gUBBBaaL.

^ _ A A A ^ ^ A A U ^ ^ g u M U * g^Bj^dauVakaaiM M WXWVf WK9nm mm MsVtwawTaff, ^ — ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j — Ma^a^a^tssa laMl gkghdl IBSSSSMMI

awsoktr al an-Ahnys tton ally

toomtr watte k

h/lluia% VBuu?


l tujail

Mirk«mu||, IN of lh» townships fire etuipih# fire wts


else tor the drcolte they pntoat,ud ttet ill won ar frayai wb>

"Sn thtt r>rourtypo fNa a *ilngulthon i n audy. Nan atom,inepscud or recbtraad

Page 10: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el


Family, Children'sGroup Arranges PartyMIDDLETOWN - H M Middle- received the first ichotonhip tht

tmra AiuOlarjr of Ox Family andChfldrea't Sendee of Moamouth truant* study work at RutgersCounty wUl hold a luachooa the-ater party, Nov. 4.

Univenlty in IOCUI service.She will review the educttknal

requirements for a Mcialworker.

Also present were Mr§. Wil-liam Bthr, MM. Evan F. Beech-er, MM. Fred Ntviui, Mr». Ed-wia Love, Mtt. Edward Aiay,Mr*. Paul Doherty and Mr*.Ildon Blackburn.

r... _. memben aad guests wUItee the "The Gang'i AH Ken"to New York City.

Mr*. Kingtley Norria to ticketsale chairmaa. Reports of theactivity w e n discussed when theauxiliary met Wednesday in theagency'* headquarter* ia Long

Dr. James S. Long,director, explained the


program, aad then told of ptau started abidta*forealargtog the aenrleu when School torGirit.ft* ergaatntloa h u itt aew They Include ItorgiBlrittftabundtag. Ths agency it conduct-

Long Branch.The next meeting will be Oct.

II at the home of the president.Mrt.Dr.,

gave (or a student to do


UNION BEACH - Mr.Mn. Heary L. Jacxtoa ofCampbell St. anmiaee the mar-riage of their daughter, Miss Bet-sy-Jen* jaduen, to UThomu Booth, tea of Mr. andMn. Lansing J. Booth of Keens-burg. Sept 1J la the BayshoreCommunity Church. East Keens-burg. Rev. Joha F. Eater, pat-tor, officiated.

The bride was escorted by herfather. Mn. Lawrence Zkklcr.

DistrictStarts GirfScout Work

MtDDLETOWN-Dlstrict threeof the Northern Monmouth Coun-ty Couaefl of Girl Scout* met hutweek at Weetmmeur Presbyter-lea Church to arrange a faUprogramf

A district social for registeredadult scout worker* win be heldlater this moath with Mn. Mar-

Fman u chairmaa of refresh-att; Mn. L. Hovt Adsms, pro-

grams, and Mrs. Robert Rickur,•aeral chairman.'Other activities wUI include

aware d u e * instruction classes.a Juliette Lew ta*. workshop* oagirt scouting, scout rallies, andaa {atoraattoaal pageant Work-a n aJMWfll b* needed far theaaaaal U fund drive.

Tht Mlddtatowa Hiw IwUI

• toMkrC woitahoa Tats-day. O a t » . at HcMnft Grave.

_ : "__...l_ SIB) a. m.a a d S a . * . AOeMricthMdm

or. Edwin Booth, Keansburg, wabest man.

The couple are living in Morganville.

Four Arta GirlsAt Northficld


Mist Linda Corinne Htase, dtugh-

girls from this area haveed atudiee at the NorthfMd

ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haste crowa of pearls. Her bouquet w uof SI East River Rd, to Robert white chrysanthemums.George Schuermann, son of Mr. Mn. Hugand Mn. Anton M. Schuermann sonvilie, N.of Crestklll, took place Saturday honor. Mist Jeaa Hott of Fair

They Include Miss Jean K. Me?er, daughter of Mr. aad Mn.

lag a baildtag fund drive. The otto Meyer of « • River Rd,new headquarter* will also be ta fair ! ( „ « , ; Miss Susan 8. King- a former pastor, officiated.

dan. daughter of Mr. aad Mn.Joha 0 . Kingdom It Llacota Ave,Rumson; and Miss Lynda M.

Leon Zuckerman on Her Hathaway, daughter of Mr. andMMdtatowa. The guest Mn. Russell F. Hathaway, »West Long Branch.

speaker win be Mn. Katharine Markham PI. and Mist Janet Pag-Wood, a member of the agency's din, daughter ot Mr. and Mn.professional staff. Mn. Wood William G. Pagdta, Little Silver.

Hasse-SchuermannNuptials Saturday

Gmt IttyfliMk •wtnetTt MfS* It* HOJft

Mrs. Trow, chairmea of dis-trict tbn* cootj* sales: Mn.

RUMSON - The marriage of was trimmed with lace, and her j *finger-tip Ulueioa veU Ml from a

in the Presbyterian Church. Haven and Boston, Mat*., wasRev. Htrvey C. Doule, Jr., pat- the bridesmaid. CyntMa Ana Sty-

tor, and Rev. Kenneth A. Mag- dab of CretddH the bridegroom1!niece, wa* flower girl.

All the attendants wore gownsner, Jr., of Mount Vernon, N. Y..

of raspberry colored velvet, with J * * * » 'Mr*. Henry KlUmar of Fair Haven w n the soloist, and John H.Watson. Rumson. the organist. A queta were lemon colored fujlreception wat held at Joseph's, chrysanthemums.

Edward Schuermann of Crest-cat avtsaig v i e*iii>as< «-«•»•••«• w M m i H w i H » • »*»™™ ^^The bride wu given la marri- kill w u best maa for hit broth- DoriS Putsch*) ,

Alfred Phillipsage by her father. Her chapel- er. The ushen were Anton M.

Travel Oethe*


length gown of ivory peau do sole Schuermann, Jr., of Paramus. thebridegroom's brother; NormanHaate. Rumson, the bride's broth-er, and Victor Clark, Englewood.

Whea the couple return fromtheir wedding trip to Bermuda,they win live at US Proepect St.,

[wear a hat la New York depends per it the exception to the gen- Rldgewood.


AMY VANDERBILTon your personal choice. It Is not

[edwfll be to New York to October M T J . " ^ 0 ! ^ *£• *,!!!.*"for a few week*' sightseeing. Winyou please tell me what would betht best selection of clothing totake? I would like to travel ulight u possible. There win beao social functkms.-S. M. W.,Lake Forest IB."

October It a beautiful moath taNew York. It ta some warmdays. oecatloaaUy. but generallyIt cool with bright bhss skies.

out of place in even theconservative restaurants

hatless if at the tame time youcan manage to look wen-groomed.However, a really smart hat. Ifit become* you and is appropriateto what you are wearing, It el-ways ia good taste.

A lightweight wool dree* withsimple lines combined with a furstole or Jacket or a Bice topcoatwill tee you through almost any

October It the perfect moath occasion on wmchfor fan •»«* to New York aad a•rice town suit (may be a tofttweed) caa go toto the nicest

toYou evea see such suitsdress thou at the theatre u they•tad to, although dinner drees**.«• course, *r* sometimes seenThe way people drees for thetheetn these dayt d*|their activlttu befora curtatetime er after. Conservative street

era! hstlessnett of women ia LotAngeles.

"DEAR MISS VANDERBILT:We e n going to Miami the sec-ond week to November, (layingat a large hotel and later maygo to Havana. We are flying fromBoston. I have been toM that toFlorida summer clothing, whHs *T"*

wearing _for ilghtteeing should be com-fortable but attractive. You winnot fed weB-dretttd m country

with waken.

"DEAR MISS VANDERBILT:We an taking a trip to Ctllforala and win spend most of our

ea time around Sea Francisco andLot Angeles. Can you advise meon the kind of clothes to take at

shots and sport clothes an cor-rect all year round. Is this in-formation correct? Could you teUme what I should plan to la-

jr^3™",/'!.."01 « l u * m my limited luggage al-«•»» tuH. Sheet lowance? -M. B., Boston, Mass."lowance? - M . B., Boston, Mast.1

Yes, in Misml summer clothe*srs worn the year round, al-though there a n earn* dsys whenthere is quite a nip In the airyou will need a topcoat. Thereare often days when a tweeterand a wool skirt or a wool dressseem very comfortable Indeedalthough they -an usually w e nIn summer colon with white

Mn. Hugh Cameron of Jack-** * • • * »aavilie, N. C , w u matroa of L*" 0 " " •

Tha bride w u graduated fromSyracuse University. College ofFine Arts, whan the w u a mem-ber of Chi Omega fraternity. SheIt a designer, employed by Can-

on Mills in New York City.The brtdegnom served in the

Amy two ytMrs* He it

alia It a member of the Hack-•stack Junior Chamber of Com-merce. He to completing Ms stud-to* at Fairieigh ~venity.

To EnUrtainFor Charity

LOCUST - Mn. GtxWeta aad Mn. Werrea Zlmmer,both of Wigwam Rd. will be baet-s s s u Thursday afternoon at des-sert-card parties ta

w benefit of i

Mr*, Frastr Tnajr taU ta* an-



'viraifea. Charles

Mn. Beajamta Backer, trooporganlxer for River Plata; Mn.

of the stjetea Xaataat. *Moamoum Neighborhood Astod. J S n e XaSto of

to M Fto AtUti « hg

atton; Mrs. Ftoan, AtUatie «gh.lands Neighborhood chairman:Mn. Walter Swansoa, Port Moo-mouth Neighborhood

man, yMn. Leland Richmond, Belford.

RIDGEFIELD PARK - Mr.and Mn. William Putsch* of 134Fifth St. announce the engage-meat of their daughter. hftu Dor-it Putsch*, to Alfred C. Phillip*.ton of Mr. and Mn. Arthur W.Phillip*. Sr.. of HI Glenwood Dr..

Shrewsbury,dtag ta planned

Miss Kathryn WelchWeds Stephen XanthosIa St. James Catholic Church from a bead of ChaatiUy lace,

25 YearsRUMSON - Mr. aad Mn. Ar-

thur West of II Church St., SeaBright, were honored last weekat a dinner 4n Mayer'a Ina givenby their daughten. Mlaset Elaineaad Joy Watt, on their n th wed-ding anniversary.

Guests ware Mr. aad Mr*. PaulCovert Mr. and Mn. Joha Swen-aaa. Mn. Gertrude Fery, Mn.John Undsay. Mn. Mildred An-derson, Mii* Mary Ellen Eilen-berger and Joseph Fary. SeaBright; Mr., and Mr*. SamuelNewman, Mr. and Mr*. WUlitmDevereaux, Mr. and Mn. OttoPeri. Mn. Alma West, HaroldWest and-Alfred Weft, Rumsoa;Mr. tad Mrs. Roger Flaaaer, RodBaak; Mn. Thomu

Mr. aad Mn." George FrHierg,Yoaken, N. Y.; Erie Frlberg.Rochester, N. Y., tad Mist Ella-bam O'Connor, New York City.


Deborah Lyaa Mayer, daughterof Mr. aad Mrs. George J. Mayerof 1M Beet Roosevelt Cir.. MM-dMDwa, waa bapttod Suaday inI t Aamoay* Cathoik Church.Mn. Anthony D'Eaaoatto, Aa-bury Park, aad Joseph Caruso,Keaatburg, w e n codpareau. Afamily receptioa followed at theMayer home.

Na rrabl>md M TI

i n m i »h«n youA4v«rtlM-

Saturday. Sept S , Mitt K*„ _ jmbroWffllam Kmger. troop coBtuttaat WelchT^aaughier of Mr. atid MrtTlaad her

Thomu F. Welch, Jr., elHill Rd, became the brldt

M * A « * > w ^ S t ^ X a ^ *oa

L. I. Rev. William Aadsnoa ef-neUted at the double ring cere-

Mn. David Roatford of Key-*—*• p6rt, nstFM of hoMf i woft s

of bhw sift orgeua, tadbar cokmlal bouqatt w u yellowrotes. The brtdumaids. Misses

The bride; gjvea m marriageby her father, wore a gown made

Maureea Welch of Woodbridge, • C u r t a i n stha bridt't cousta. aad Miu Car-ol* Brltcoe wore gowns of pinkilk T h i l i l b^ « J ^ ^ ? a d tfi& SKlM^U T^Jkl^^ *"•

TweenersSelectJune Katims

RUMSON-MUt Jane Xathns

Jack Fiktattcher of Red Bankwa* but maa. The ushers w e nThomu Welch of Red Bank, the _briaVe brother, aad David Rout- •

A receptioa wu held at the # Vtnttian Blind*

Hempatasd., aad b) em

Ia October whether or not you tenon, N. J.'this time of year?-C. L. Pat

Saa Fraaciae* hat cool aightsaad morning* with early morn-tag fog that nearly always clean.

shot*.- Sports clothe* a nusual daytime wear in the cities.

the<At night you will need a deeo- by the center from ita Asbury

rated cashmere, a wool or a fur p . x headouartanstole for use in night clubs tnd

cloeery with New York as to tas.e|bon knit that can be dressed up C. Ripiey. Colt's Neck; Mn. Rob-in women's clothes. II it dressy or down with costume Jewelry or ert S. Barrabee aad Mn. Joha



act) aaaw

n hur C. Bartroa, WaytMe; MrsHavana clothes are about the Freak W. Data*. Aebury Park

tame aa those worn in Miami. Mn. William Heatiey aad Mn,

Aa April w e d - | » ^ » P ° ? * a r » » - - -^ tton Baal Israel to promote so-

cial activities for girl* N-BNew Jersey Deaartmeat ofyean of age. f

Also elected at a meettag tasynagogue were Susaa Bat-tint vice president; Barbara

• vice

n. Shtldoa Stem, leader,Daniel Suater, Mn. Rob-askln. Mn. Joeeph Stem

and Mies Shirley

Mn. Marry A. Pujalt of Rum- ••**«**•So. for there I- — lir-condittoaed rettturanta. soa is chairmaa.(a basic ktod of ratoeoat that The plushier resort hotels taWeis, prises. Mn. Zimmef. gea-eaa be used a* a i lorida can be very dressy ia- era! airaagemeats, aad Mn. E. •* „ ._ „ .good). If you have teed it n|8ht. If you a n staying Howard Merry, Middletowa. pub- • «he Navy tear yean. He hitake It tor evenings and you will n one of these, take a cocktail Iklty. Mn. Zimmer to acting employed by the Pkitomtt Maa-enjoy having it in Lot Angela drett end at Jeait one summer chairmaa of the center's board of «taeturtag Ceaaaeay -where H It vitually a unHor - evening dress-long or short aadirecton

San Francisco compare* very you choote. One handsome rib- Othm atsistiag ar* Mrt. Joha

Sixteen memben were accept-ed: Joyce Becker, Judy Kagaa.Barbara Mane*, Aaa SMcoff aadEver/a SlegaL Red Baak; EmilyG e n t EsteDe Katt, GaU Lowea-stein aad Sataa Miller. Udta Sil-ver; Ltada Honwitt. Etoatowa,

ahDiamoaiMadyEiiberg, Carol Kesaler, Nancy

Patty Shcrmaa aad JudySldenaan. this place.

Udaey Scharif pruutodry of the mask that h

ta the synagogue tor thslewlsh holidays.

^ l P lau ware made far tM• » * • • duettos V a puppet show

n at the llsterhood batarFrom itt productioa of

to Eagle- Pan" at hut year* baur,

scarves may very well fit both Harrison, West Deal; Mn. Ar-Lee N. Cabeca of Little Silvereaunoi.es thur C. Bartroa, WaytMe; Mrs he* reeumed her studies at Peaa

H F k W D Ab P k Hn J t o CO datory School. She I* la*

Havana society likes the "Irttt* Heary S. Germoad, M Little til- ttr of Mr. aad Mn. Rabartblack d " It ill b M Wilh D H C b t « C

y Itt* Heary S. Germoad, M Little til ttr of Mr. aad Mn. Rabart A.black dress." It will be eoen at ver; Mn. Wilham D. Horrmaaa. Cabeea a t « Cr**t Dr.. aad I* a

without ever being overdressed.Its style* a n conservative, oftenhigh-style. Lightweight fill cloth-es to fall colors will be wornthere sow. Man htto are wore ItSaa Praaetoco tha* ia New York,but you may suit yourself In the cocktail time and at dtoatr hi Deal, aad MnTmatter. . the nicest restauranti. Deal Park

Lot Angeles It very Informal • -aad you wIM set summer clothe,still worn by many who seek com-fort. Stacki aad thefts sra warna great deal aad a n evea see*oa tht strut* at dmatowa LetAngeles (tht* isn't to u y thatyou aetd to Wtow tuM). Fash-l u c u i c l i m aativu fraaueatlypat aa New York aad Parti fall

IB heavier wetghta, thaagh tttey


wtll u s the promt to .a BWVW camera aad areatat•a the tyaagogue.

H. M. Vi

Han Jaator CoOege aad arepar-



tha araaarawry da-


Carle* Palmer looked over thefence tat* the ajoiatag Backyardaad (hen stood Nell Fraace*. who

• right arouad the <from her ta JaeevlSt. Wit.

vary can-to threw ever th* shawl-

len ta tht eveatog. Heddi Ho»

aad Tut*, bymeat talyt Thun, FrlSat. a


It NKNAMC IT. Oat half Bttec elf Bnad MftUM NOVRIi BaHy I A. M. w liN P. M.I frl• A. M. to I P. M.| Sal., S A. M. to t-rlesed W«d

CLUIWOMIM WOMMI-Tke lltrl* Silver Wameni Clua aa*n*ti it. Ull i*ata*Wadneietey with I I* majoi aajostlve for the year, the aeaitrwefl** e( a alttbhaui*. *ic.fured, left to riqhr. M n . Joseph Serplee, luncheon thtlrmen; Mft, Meuhell R, J>e-• ( • • 1 , prsudent, «nd Mrs W, Rutltll KiUy, buildinf lund ch*irni«ti.

Cohen, Mcretary, aad

ipr Hj gifts to

ia aeedypearls,

colonial bouquet w u

Kaaaiagtoata Laag Branch.Tha brid* w u graduated from

Rod Baak Catholic High School.aad ta uwntujail by Prudential

w u elected pretiant of th* Baal lawraaee Company In Newark.Israel Tweeaen, a youth organ- Tha bridegroom w u graduated

employed by the




_ . ^ *"» op* tea ttu-ua em aisle aad U thef f " " • ' * • • »Jf- staanttTMer RabbH Weajwtedset hi Cjwea'* TT*n am nwiliitw alat* l i t e .M »»P«nt» steet*WwjhuXqSn g t T i

M d n t tremals*. ta ear e

the ritht-ted K

jeM »»P«nt»a elaaa*

amwjhuXthe star?


Kunttya l e . Avatatals

Sn get* teT isehwlSl e e m a f ether UlUpotlsn

•a* ta Sea Dtoga, ar wa* cesatagher* to visit - Mn. Pakaar withfattrad Navy Cmdr. aad MnABjart Para, aad hw


U O BANK, NKW JBUIT • tH 7-4*00

WMMf StyivS. . ta thtPreach velvet aad *• ether

fradstlsaal hartea.

M tank


fe* A. M. to liM P. at.Wad. aad Pit TMI». M.






arueio,ae AT


0* l i t * *ANB


• • ' limited c l u s e s -

Page 11: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el

Marx Is the LatestTo Try Talents With Pen


•V MB 1H0MAS f ,HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Scntdi generatlM,

to d il fld b b iOOD ( ) g , yp

aa actor and youil flad aa «n- bopboait. bat there to wry HBtee days. Latest to sue- ha left oa the sto|a. I beUere

b f b l h t o Iy

caa* to ths writer dodgeh M

Is tbe abeaaes of robast langhtor Ispartlauy responsible for the pree-ent condition of tbe the

ChapUa - "CbarUs IbM taitrid bt W

thor tbass days,cumb to thtGourcbo Mara.

His book, "Oroucbo And Ms.'U billed u "The autobiographye«Or«u^Tlt«by(ofaUpa»Swlt ter i sndrf lw, butpM) Oroocho Man." But dont make any difference whantot the pubUsber's coyness foot lives. He's stUI the grettott oyou. ThebockUweUlacedwittle figure that tbe movies, or anyGroucho'a add wit and disregard <•*- — * " - — • — - « « « "for what Is considered proper.


gkertoo-'<Don't laugh, but 1think the logical successor to

it i. -I OSSTH. « * #that ht eochowtd (ha a m i prae- " • *l j ^^^||j g_ k CWWM


d•Tht fact remalM that most

don't have too

CWWM Oi PUBw BUHL*— " "> ~"Some dn> B» tftnj* «b» • »

i ^ ^^1 #«^A t^M' M ^ B 4 Steffi* • • • • " • * • » • • ' • • • «ai " •*•?•

•Mliwwif§i»jyfj— M I tmwm nw . ^ I M f lBMfly bets raMiwu. NlMty pot . .. •. —-- . ' -«-»-— -— **--_ . _ J I S|_ Lars BOMOMB W OMB Iff W ptff O m DC* . j . •„_, J-TI-.Jtk». II tht m l truth i r « « » •"* *** TOIiin

most men ta pub-He life, there wouldn't be enough|tiki to house them. Lying hatbecome rat of the biggest iadus-Mia ta America."

Tan book roads the way Grou-cte takB-imwrtnt, nmbttag,spotting whatever pop into IntoMs head. RasuH Is aa beompMtautobtogrephy - tbe fads areavailable la other books-bat asoften stimulating view of Man-i n philosophy. Among Ms opta-

, MM beatdypeomeaiaest th t wry

(il)Fronch Throngb TV(II) Cnttoon JsSHartt

l*i»-0)S«*rdiParTeajorrow(4) It CouM Be You(ffCattoaM

(II) EngUtk 0IS>4>-(1) Ouldtaf Il i f t - ( I ) News


a good per-And we need sU the pure

comedians Uke Rod wt can get."

Farmers — "Nofarmers we plowfake rustics menage to

i more money out of the gov-. than aB the other pres-•art groups combined.'

Set-"I don't want to bt irrav-•rent, but I think you will egretthat whoever coated ee* cer-tainly knew hit business.- Thoughavcryone It crary shout it (mostwho are not are beneath con-tempt and wiU bear wattthe word Itself, small asseems to frighten morethsn naUdltttttbUshniiBtarlaB-I s m . . .

"Lyric writers, ta particular,always delete that lovely littleword tad replace it with love.'

it is,

No stager (even a tenor) woulddare stag so* is a many-tpien-ekrtd th*** With this title, tbegM M woaM aatt ia the nUllkme,

•Msdway-"Hokum aad rough-IMOS bMigbter have virtually de-appeared from the stage. There lag star eearc toons of plays abort art-Broadway tpf

0 ) U m o f L *(DTteTae<T)AenasTheW M t o

0)(U) Fua At Oat(U)


(4)DH14(I) Mark*

wMs JOMtad Edd MBatfaV>

la •TfELUrWTONEKELLY"Meaday (Oot 44) et tho New


NEW YORK (AP) - MarvbDtaicolf. a sdeatw 1a tbe Navy'soperatiomvieeearch dlvisioa atWeshlBgtoa, has had bis first ef-ran at pBroadway.

'A Case for the Soagbird" _tat f)M ao«er wmdd bt toaatd a ib, Mript taken o m for prodnc-the cUak by some morale « » . t t o o by Jod Schenker. The dreme

doesa't couctrn DeoJcoWe workaday interests, however.

Its background is show basi-acts, aad the plot eoacerne a slag-

route to bb) first


(ll)OrewlntUlilMU)Haws2;M- 0 ) Par sMtsr or Worse

. (4) Queen For A Dar(DDtylnCosrtmpHmOramt

(U) Ahnanao(tt)MDVW

% » - 0 ) HOBM Party(4) World lories(4) Tata Mm(1) Gale Storm(t) Film Drama

(11) Basic Rasdant i « . 0 ) Bi | Payoff

(4) Young Dr. MakM(I) Orient Emnee(1) Beat The Clock0 ) CotUaa Archer

(U)MovioliHW (i> Verdict U Your*

(4) From Those Roots(I) Racket looad(I) Who Do You Trust?(DMovio

(U> Curtain Time4sM- (I) Brighter Day

(4) Houao Oa High Street(I) Doughs Fairbanks<») American Bandstand

(II) Amoa N' Andy(II) Richard Willis

4:11- 0 ) Secret Storm4iH- (1) Edge of Night

(4) Split Personality(I) Mr. District Attorney

(II) Abbott aad Cettello(IS) Juator Town

IsW- (1) Ufe of Riley(4)Movi«(I) Big Beat(I) Riders of Death

Valleyfll) Bon Ths Clown

kBMU) Clutch Cargot t M - d ) Movie

(7) Km Tin Tin(I) Movie

(II) Thma Stooges(IS) Ask The Camera

Oar Gang(7) Ysttatday's

Rate the Recordsfct>- (4) Weather I

(4)Ntwt -St4s-(4)Ntws

(7) Newt7iM-(l)Nsws


and Dei

i M - 0 ) WeatherWWoMte(T) Weather

l l t l l - ( I ) Movie(4) Jack Paar(7) Evetyfttag Goes

(II) Movie• (S) Movie(IS) Henry Morgan

1*-(7) Movie

(1) Movie(I) Paul Coatee

l iM- (4) Consult Dr.It IS- (4) TUrtssnfh Hour

(t) News sad Weather(4) News; Swmonette(7) Evening Prayer

k H - 0 > N e w tt t » - 0 ) Give Us This Day

(U)New.ftt«-<l)NamTibVUU W t

<t) African Patrol

(ftMavit,4W M A O n a t Ltft(IS)Nawabtat

TiBMU) Wouhar

(4) Love aad(I) Dials*

(U) InternattonalDetective

(U) Wrestling0 ) Fattej Knows Best(4) wails Fargo(5) Fottow That M M(7) Bourbon Street Beat

(U) Kingdom of ths Seat c N - 0 ) Danny Tbomu

(l)PeterGuoa(I) Racket Squad(I) Science Fiction

Theater(II) Boots ti(IS) Jtl Alal

fcSt- (1) Ann Southern(4) Alcoa Theater(I) Theater S(7) Adventures In

Paradise(I) Crusader

(II) Silent ServiceIfct*- (I) Hsanesey

(4) Steve Alien(I) Strange Stories

(II) SA 7(IS) Full Coverage

Net*- (I) June AllytOn(5) Big Story(7) Behind Closed Doors(t) Movie

(II) Sen Francisco Beat(IS) Mike Wallace

UtN-( l )Newt(4) Newt(I) Movie

(II) News(IS) Dane* Party

To JaneIIS. V.m. ».*: Last TrainPram O M HUl J:4S, *4S.

HAtLETLseWs DrlveJa-Csrtooa 7:18;YeDowatone Kelly 7:31, ».»:Oo Johnny Go US.

2AT0NT0WNDenim 7:10,

Here Coat Tht Jettkit.


Old Favorites Come BackIn Heavy Week-end of TV

1By CYNTHIA LOWRY m. — adventure ee-

NEW YORK (AP) - M r t t t e r i - b u e d on Junto M i c W sprovided us with a heavy weekand — everything from thtWorld Series to premieres o.

dateroomIt II-<S) PreviewsI:S»- 0 ) Give Us This Dayl i f i - 0 ) NewsM S - 0 ) SMrisa SesMttor

(4) Continental

WJJS.(4) Today

Yettowetone KeDy. ! : » , 7:M, 11:00; OMget 2:00,


Shan DrtveJa-That Ktad OfWomen 7:18/ 10:41; The BigOperator I :* .


AadDttilah1:41. 7:11, kSS.lejfrio ••— North By Northwott

r.m. i:N.

Mtss Whiteb Feud

pseven new shows. And allthe line were old ftvoritles returning from vacation, amonithem Dinah Shore and JackBeany.

Star of tbe week-end, of course,*at the World Seriet. I may no>Know much about baseball, but ido know that, on my color set,tbe grate in the Lot AngelctColiseum looks very dry tod thai

the catcher*wear ara a lovely shade of hot

Ptak.Dinah Short came back to

NBC. briagiag along GrauchtMan. Gwen Verdon and Ingemai

ihanttflfli Dinth loohwl great.ore some woodroui gowns aao

with chsmi and grace.


ArleneS.1 at abridal

IYI ON TiLiVISION Scout Leaders9

Course Offered

<• MaaliNam. Jack Startlaa


M S - (S) Preview; Call ToPrayer

fc»-0)News(I) Encyclopaedia

Britannicn(7) Little Rascals

fell-0) NewtStlS- 0 ) Captain KangarooftM- (I) landy Backer

(7)BeulshfeM-0) Topper

(4) Movie(7) Personal Theater

SiSS- 0 ) Our Mist Brooks(7) Romance of Lift


Ifcft- 0 ) On The Go(4) Dough Rt Mi(7) Memory Lane

IfcH-OD Our Worid NeighborslltSV- 0 ) December Bride

(I) Treasure Hunt(7) Star Playhouse

Ifctt-OD Science Around YouMt4t— (I) News and WeatherMsSI- (I) Loooey TuneslltC*- 0 ) I Love Lucy

(4) Price It Right(7) Time For Fun

(II) Reading Workshop 1(IS) Ding Dong School ,

Hit*- 0 ) Top Dollar(4) Concentration(I) Romper Room(7) I Married JOM

(II) Our Number System(IS) Physical CuUurt


to Meadee Recrettton egg

Sbow,'JCBS,9: S»p .m. -eesson

Groucho Marx was his usual in-sulting self; Gwen Verdon didn'thava much of n dunce to dance,bat Ingemar stag two Swedish




STARTS"Two Months After You

Marry This Old ManYou'll bt Meeting Me At

Nighi$ Aitywtj!"

Jack Benny bounced back oo

Room, Fourth St., given by herbridal party, Mist Mary Ann To-bln, Belford. who will be hermaid of honor; Mils EliisbethBronton, Middletown, and Mrtentries Keen, Highlsnds, brides-

in one «those clastic programs — Jackwith his slow tskes, Don Wilsondressed in a ridiculous costumtand Dennis Day and Rochestersetting up the nice, familiar jokesabout age and mUerlineis.

Mist White it the daughter ofMrt. EUen J. White, 27 PortlandRd, Highlands, and the lato Jos-eph Whit* of Highlands. She willbecome the bride of Daniel Mur-phy, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Dsnlel

Tbe second hail oflakes Sammy Run?" (NBC)

maintained tht MOM high stand-atds of excellenco as the first.But somehow the punch and

Murphy, J7 Riverside Ave., Red taste of the first show were mist-Bank, In Our Lady of PerpetualHelp Catholic Church, Saturday,Oct. 17.

Guests were Mrt. Joseph Qulnn,Wen Orange, maternal grand-mother; Mrt Mtry White, ptter-nal great grandmother; Mrt.Frank White, paternal grand-mother, Mrs. EUen White, Mrs.Michael S. Mendes. Mrs. GeorgeAmaro, Mrs.Mrt. Beraird


Rich,Crdghton, Mn.

Joseph A. Dempsey, Mrs. FredWall, Mrs. John White. Mrt. BenZabrisUe. Mrs. Vincent Mendes.Mrt. Bernard J. Crelghton, Jr.,Miss Margaret Dempsey andMlii Salty Crdghton. Highlands.Also, Mrs. Daniel Murphy, Mrt.A. J. Grtton, Mrt. Sue Kramer,Mn. Robert Girardia aad Miss

KEYPORT-Advancedeourstt for Cub Scout and Boy

mdtra of tht Cbtagarorawill be offered in »<ie

Grammar School. Broad St ." . " _ Oct. 14.11and SI storting at S p. m. Reg-tatntioa will begin at 7:31.

The tntalag It ODM to aB load-art, coffiHilttosmM,wprooontBtivts, pfotpective tetd-ers and tatereetod parents and

be used M credit for thtKeys tad awards, ta-

. that dea mothers award.Jiehlirli a*, *--MOfKIa* 99 QV

Roatini will be

ing. Maybe it WM tbe weektween the installments. Morelikely, I think, was that nothingmucn new was added in the set'ond hill: Sammy was establishedas a complete heel ia the finthalf and in the aocond showjuit continued to be one.

Art Carney, aUs. did not farevery weU in the first of NBC'sFriday night specials, even withhelp tram Hermtone Gingold andEdie Adams. The comedysketches just weren't very funny.I'm inclined to blame tbe writers- certainly the player* art allskilled pros. It would be nice,however, to abolish all EdwardR. Murrow impersonations forjust this OM season. And Edie

might give her Marilyn

Susan Murphy. MiddletownMist Valerie Rots. New M Mmouth; Miss MartorieWilsoo.MlM XBMUOOB MCwOVOfal

Miss Barton Stelkaocbt, Atlan-tic


delegateschial hig

proiram plan-a g u d pack ad-

for boy scouting,advancement, the troop commit-tot tnd leadership; aad for deamother*, program pUaniag. den

chief reUtionshlp.



another mlltetone in its careeroff-Broadway's most notable

production, ^Tht Kurt WeiO-Bert Brecbt mu-

sical U now in iu fifthUve year. The boaofflct gross IsweB past tht two-mllllM doBarmark at tht Ml seat theater.

Oaty two musicals ta Broad-way history have had longer runs,"OUabonial" and "loutElle."

Teenage SafetyConference Set

FREEHOLD - The MonmouthCounty Safety Council will spon-sor a Teenage Conference for

from public and pan-high school! ta either De-

cember or Jsnutry, it was an-nounced at the annual meetingof tht board of director* by Stan-ley Carhtrt. chairman of theSchool ft College Committee.

This will be the first teenagesafety conference held In Mon-mauth County.

At tht annual meeting of thehoard of directors, held at Shad-owbfook, Shrewsbury, Thursday,the following officers were elect-ed to serve a one year term:President, Herbert P. Sweet, Jr.,Bondix Aviation Corp., Eaton-town; first vice president. JackMcOalllard, Jersey Central Pew-T ft Light Co., Keyport: secondice president. John G. rtopktas,

Xew Jersey Natural Gas Co..Asbury Park; treasurer, MichaelM. Strano, Architectural Tiling

Inc., Keyport. snd sscre-ry. C. M. Ichedlbsuer, Elce-

t^njnnnuvyitjB BSBiaB| i n v a j , |

ABC had a couple of new showsstartmg Sunday. "Tht Rebel" itanother western. It tiara NickAdam*, a young actor who givesthe show a certain stag, partlybecause tbe hero, a Confederatearmy veteran, sports sa accentwhich is pure Brooklyn.

Dag Had Bit

The other ABC enow is "TheAlaskans'1 M a solid hour con-cerned with sled dogs, snow tndgold. But it's hard to tell thegood guys from the bed guys bytheir parkas.

"Five Fingers" hi a new NBCSaturday series, this one aboutInternational espionage. It isabout par for the spy course, butjust about tbe only way I couldtell that 1 w a n t watching anold ' • ' movie WM the slim lapelsM the suit of the hero.

'Dennis tbe Menace," a ICBS series token from a comicstrip, concent a fiend of a littleboy aad is pleasant if that sortof thing amuses you.

ITARTFORD, COM. (AP) -Tht AmtriCM Stakespaart Fat-ttval grossed BM1.4N ta Ma 14-


y of "La Plume dt Mnis being organised (or •

national taw to start after Christ-as.Robert Dhery, creator aad starI tht Broadway Mt that WM tin-n^a^Mt Jbekanm IsWal* La m*Mt^m

M N IF0M n n S t W CUIIMfl k b l h

rTAUrmYes* BOM1 Vote

UTTU S&Vatt-TM Pint*

by Mn. mmm\ . ISJUIAUO TO M NBAUMcMuUea. Mn. JOM Domnce, NEW YORK <AP) - Darts Mil-Mn. Arthur DUgtr. Mn. Ed- baud. M t of France's eetabMihtdMMMti "sfal i i i iinMi at«aWtl«i V M S M . I BAfa^MM awf s a^BSMMh n»Mt«t> Ml fMnWBJeTBJ |BBfTVf R H t i BJIBlwaW avVBMsrl ewswe^PWtt WJSJ BJBBJBBBfJBl IBfBBjK| fay BV

am, Mrs. Fwl Marlaell, Mn. m bttiw si g Wm$m» otowtor

It ns-

at a fac-

ulty tee ta * o Mtrkham Plan




SchoolMn. WtHtr

chairmtn. It •raaalstag Idoortodior cttJMign to "nMJtntottut dw vow" fir tnto Mttwia CnwtH,M Iht Nov. I halH.

rt tit ended tht toa to

Mrtjoberl Itlatot, Mrs. Frank

C«Mlrwi<y in



laetweli, Chtrl** Thomsaoe, fer-marly principal rt the MsrkhsmFlats School.

Mr*. Rnoart M»l)»r, prtildanl,intrnditrad r. Dtvld VindfrttoofOfincipel nf ih» Coint RoeSchool which npenMl for eliitMlha flnl lime Ihli fill.

Mrt. Jorin SIIVM, rrMlrmtn

r. Mn.twi Mm. Joha • » trtt t h m• M M Md her TM M a

•rlts • » Htchen • » » • R*dwm to ft* PTA * • • •

Mn. Richard Regu, kotaHal-h l hd b h t


Series, NBC, m.World

(EOT)."Father Knows Best," CBS, 1:30

boa Street Beat." premiere, ABC.I:MAM p. m. — new crime se-ries. "Denny Tbomu Show,"CBS, I p. m. - ataaoa premiere.'Adventure in Paradise," ABC,


NEW YORK (AP) - The setof the new Broadway drama "TbeHighest Tree" it decorated witha attatlng Weetrttlve of tbe title.Th il I i d

gThe til Itsigned M. Sret-the

« Mn. DorsSchtry, wife of the play's anther

g ,chalnMa. had u bar host-

U a j tagMAtl )

Mrs* *0M TMfVOi Mlt« ijHavtt, Mn. M w V.lJr. Mn. Chsrtee B.Mn, Rtymttd Ttgg,

Welter Iagrsm, Jr.,Imtt t QjfflttM.

Pint gfwat aatthtn funilslitdwith Mn.


Oeorn Curchla, ehslrmin of thtroom mother*. In chirs*. MrsCurchla wsi tnlited by Mn.Rlcherd Tetley, Mr*, a. H Na-ttlsm, Mn. Lnul* R Krtmarind Mn. Jmanh Ulsn, who aimtriad s* hottniM Mn. RlrhsrdTnllU'a girl arnit trimp IM helpai sarve.

raacli UkfH l» N brwtflrt hm

Mght's Dream,"The Mtny Wlvaa of Wtoastr,"ROMO and JtHat" and "All'sWei That Ends Wai.



Page 12: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el

. 0 * 1 , MM B P


ODCAOO—Tatfd o a m know It br tlw Bant on Mi p r w"BUI Kunhart," but oaa newsman drew mow Utter-

thia any of the personnel of the contending elubaat Ike Series.

, ahem, w u y e w old Mend, Caaty Stengel,I a aew way to get Into UM Series tMt year ai ahat for a magnates, at a reported 15.000 pickup.

Caaqr wai egutppod with a pad aad p a d ] although some.•aa> aaJd Iw vaod that to nark down hi* toMn at Haw.thana Park tb« day M o n t h * Series btgan.

• I can* give you fnya all my otoopt," Ceety quipped, t u tII y w w a i t to IDMW what I tbiDk jutt pitat tbt oppoatto ofwhat 1 aay to my reports."

M aakad C a t y tt ha weart now woiUaf (01 a1 that tuultad Um and the old parftesor waa right

1 with T a t a , but a lot at tham hart tawlttd me."Whea Al Lopta, tbt WhlU Sex BMBifar, greeted Caaty,

t t a amiable laaer laid: 1 woat ta able to double-talk 700,Catty, lor you're aa export at that"

" 1 tanehad CaaqrM World Series ttaf n d rubbed itm for good luck. Caaqr told AI the raw ha

waa tram tot Mth championship and Una, lot aourat you know t won a few more Una that"

Aa AI walked away, Caaty abet a parting remark: "Hey,AI," ha quipped, "don't give UMM aawanaB too mueb today.lava MCM at the quotes for an off day."

• • •

TUB OO-QO SOX had aothtog on the praaj la Chicago.MB Veeek, the old maftar at hospitality, had ahN pneaanaa,eaaa with motorcydt aaoorta, wfekk rocketed the

I B aatdM MaueV to maay way* addtog an oytur barto OH taapttolttr loom, extra flae atrvtoe, ataik tor baeek-toot, to* kmetea taendtof ""A meat aad hard-boiled ana-aad aa> traya-la tht pnaa box. mrtaf handa to the

aad gar* away 10,000 roati to the ladiai at the

Veeek ran into frank Lent ta the press headquartera andaaked Frank If ta got hit onto tor the Series. -I gave youtoe 10 best Hilling suit In Ita liniasa." rtilittii Tssi lr T e n

1 have," came back Lane, tor r » nakar than you."

At USUAL tta statistics aad aaw records flowed overi to OH prats bo*. She topper cama

t^aasaaifc BBaaai IkaiVJ * - - • * a«^^a> etoBsaaiRM^ Am t t k * ^ a a * ^ a BaaaareWmgnm mmm Wmm •Mi D M •Bwltl aw mm jWal oHWa• p a t tat, by tta way. art a mm WoUd Serial reaord,

e e a

vratto BtK wave aaw aaeka • • • tad and btoo • • • Bart Tor*aaaam wffl take a abort vacation aad than head for htoaaaaag«rtal Job to tta wtotar leagues. . . At oat time dur-tog Ita teuoa tta Dodgers' best plaeh-hltter was theirpitcher, Larry Starry . . . I t e White Sox must have Mtaorry for tta Burnt to that herrnlt flnt gam* for tbe acvmruna they aeored ta tta third suddenly (fjappsared fromtht aesreboard ta the fifth whoa the lights vrjnt ou t . . . TedrJusaswaU one of the hsppiojt of all—"I nevar thought Tdaver play to a World Bertae," ha aald. He wffl help nm blanttauraat to Ctoey after tta Santa . . . Walter Alston andAl Lopta faced etch other once before, back to INI, whenAMca't 8 t Paul team Seat ATa IndiaupoUi team to theAmericas issccalttoa playoff... Lopta won't go to Span;It tuna out he waa just taDdag about whit ta "might" do ttta quit — " g — g . . . Lopta eradlta tta buDpan at tht keyto the White Seat meeeas this y e a r . . . Jim Landia puts itthia way: «It wae aa overabundance at hustle." . . . LukeAppUag, ok) Boa tan, leoktag fit at 61 aad attending theSeries.. . Bt*a aow a Detroit ooaeh.. . Louie Aptrldo winta feted u a ktag wtaa ta retnrna to Caracas, Vaneauela. . . BtH reoetve a bouse, car, and a warehouse fun of gtfta.

Cascys Win Second Came,Beat Sayrevillc, 28-6

UM brIUiaat raaajag of half- apparently caaghl la the end son*back Ed Ryu aad another reck- tor a aeon, but tht oftldal ruledribbedCuey

dafeative effort by the that the ball wit caught out ofline carried Red Bank

Cathode High feted to a oon-the playing ana.

Later la the period, SeyreviHe,lindng. 2M, wm over Sayre-ooee again botUtd up deep In

their own territory, wa* forced topunt from their It. Wall got aville Friday sight at tta loom'

field.Ita hird-nmnlng Ryan pkktd he "could get rid of the tail' the

ap 111 yirda In II tries, Including Casey line, led by Tew Breme-a *yard tooehdown dash, ivtr- kamp, smeared Mm In the endMing ll.» yards a carry. Tta tont for a safety,defensive unit, anchored by Span- TMt brought tta score to 224.eer HOBS aad Jay Abbes, both sad tta Cueyi weren't finishedy , and{union, held the Bombtn to 17 yetytdt hing I tt attemptt tor Syards rushing In * attempts fora one-yard per play avenge.

It wu the dtfontlvo pUtoon ball from hit 30 to Sayrevtlle'sBit ttortad the Caieyi roilini«. After Boatom picked up two.early la the opming period. Tac-kle Prank Maul kicked off to vened Mi field ind iped « yardilayrevllle'i Richie Maier who down the left aidatine untouchedreturned the ball to hit U After lor the fourth Caaty touchdownthree playo gained three yardi, A fumble In the btekfleld nullifiedha went baek to punt. Jay Abbet, the extra point attempt.etroeklng In from hit left endpetition, awothenr the try, then offtMe rolling tfter thli icon,(cooped up tht ball on tht 20 andbut It took a Cooey fumble toran It Into the end rone Ryan iet them up. Three downs failed ^ j , ,„ thrtouehdown wiftoutpicked up the extra point on a to pickup the ntceiiary yirda«eplunit off rliht Uekle, ind the tnd Fltlek kicked to Loftui onCutpeJedT-8. Red Bank Catholic'* M. The

pkktd ap three flnt downs en-4""*rant to a first down on theEn<>Cuey 14. Ray Fielek tnd Miter * • wtra-potot kick.

Jimaway tta lint Caiey offensive . . .ptoy of the game end ItyrevlUe Corwy notehmg an addition!! II,

the IS.fmt puyt ttter SeyrovUla

taak m tha » tad • is-

SeyrevtUt kicked off after thesafety and Rytn returned the

Ryan cut off right tickle, re>

The Bomben finally rot their

leyreville placed the followlni Caiey halfback dropped the ha!klckoff In ptay on their a . and " d »•» •««• ««» wcovered.put together their only tuiulned *" l * ^ ^ P*M 'rom Fielek todrive of the evening. Helped by " • r 7 . * » n w * l!'Mid. * • " ' • • kick. SeoN kicked to the Rumtona IJ-vard penilty. the Bombera * • «• Three plays lated Fielek

one yard for the scon.

The Ciieyi put on • final drivedid tta brunt of the tall-cirrying, _ . - .At this point, the Cuey lino stlf.)««***»*;Uie gime ended. Tta* Then tta quick kick got Rumtonfined aad four pliyt found tta marched from their own 41 to M l of trouble whentatl tack on i h T u However. SaynvHIt'i IS m three plays.

Nugent fumbled *Y** "•"">*« <*<ee for 17 tnd ICaiey ofteMlve f^pacUvely aad Ralph "Doe"

However, at Mi point tha fame warm day!m i eadtd Rumaoa attftaa to mava iftar

MM Bud ton poateejloa Mknrlag-•• --— —— ——• w»- -w - - -•-- - - - . . — — — J a o o t t e a a a t to Die M n a n s »•<

TTM CiMys drove to fte """hw'** OMrteftaek ref_tht wist Maf fttoralag the ball five

la-ytrd •<* •oNoaa, Junior halfback.moved the ball out to "•* pnmtt tato lenrtce u tht

layftvmt M, but low the ball on «••»>• O» Uw opmlng play. F.rkDomth, itellar offentivt and de>

Early la UM leeend ptrlod. l»«i»lv» pertormed n Caary•ayrtvttle'i DM Will fumbled '*r(Mek, oattolatd • slightaa kta M and Chris Abbn fell oa MHioa miking meH tor Red Beak Catholic. Ryu Muer. He wai takta out of the

Middletewn Twp. TeamSmothered by Long Branch

MTOOLETOWN - Ccaeh ArnitK aad Wt Mottevwa Towa-

thjp Hlsh fttaol grid tow hadaa uasuccosaful tor when Ita act oar/Ml * .Uoat opeoed *eir seesoi S*t»r thry helped add to tt (knaghday igalntt Lost Bnaeh, Tta mlstapi by tta UemL«ajBrs«*powcitauMcta»td Tbt Green Wive got sUrtsdap Ito Uons. 414. <*•» Al Pitt piatod am of

Tta grata MWJatown toua bounds with a yard alaai ta «Mcouldn't hold tta tard-nmnlag Long Branch « . Piota w t paintFrank Dt Stepw, wto acoouated Wave ttirted moving. A IS-for M of tta 41 potats. Hi tallied yard roughnesa penalty tided Ita

drive with Fnak Dt Steploesrting over from two yardi out.

Another Dt Stapto, brother Jos,loined tta act on tta tscondscore. Jot Interespted a Pittspus on hit own 41, from wherequirtortack Dtwoy Mottr star-ted firing aerials. Altar settingto Mlddletown's 3S, Fnak gotlose for i JJ-ytrd run for thescore.

Mddwtowa took tta Ucfcoffand on tta next play aad wtaa

Brick UpsetsManasquan

BRICK TOWNSHIP - BrickTownihlp earrltt not tta leutlittle tiny bit of respect for ttadefending champlOM in tta ShortConference.

In tta opening contest, Brickdumped Mattwan. Saturday they


Brick teored tta upset of ttaweek to knocking off the Big Blue

W H I M A l l THOMIUCS? — High ttapping Tarry Siag, right, Rumsen-Ftir Haven Ragional High Scheal fullback,it getting plenty of attUtance ai ha rip* off a gain for tha lulldogi agalnir Red lank Saturday. Making way, loftto right, art Lou DeGeorge, halfback, Bill Kelly, 79, guard, and Jim Jaktibaty, 30, quarterback. Tha hand »i tharight could belong to a Red Bank playar tha way ha it reaching. Rumton won, 14-7.

Fallon 9s Interception for 42Yard Run Beats Buccos, 14-7RuratM didn't quite live up to

etrly previewi, and Red Banklooked Improved over its firstgtme In the opener.

But lUll the Buci weren't Im-proved enough to cope with rug-ged Bulldog linemen who were,more or lets, responsible forRumson't 14-7 victory.

It wasn't a truly exciting gamefor fans. Prehably the only ret!thrill w i s George Filloa's pastInterception in which he trotted42 yards with whit turned outto be the winning touchdown.

Excitement developed mostly

Bank sliced off IS yards forRumson. Then on a quarterbacksneik, Jikubecy picked up 13yards to retch the 27. Balzanodropped the Rumion quarterbackfor a three-yird loss and on thenext play he lost 10 yards on abootleg play. Jakubecy finallygot the bill tack up to the 21with a pass to Fred Tharin. Afive-yard penalty was refused andRed Bank took over.

It appnred as if the Bucswere out of trouble, but on thefirst play McLaughlin recoveredJohn Schwenker1! fumble on tta

on tumbles, of which there were 20. Then the Bulldogs growled.about a dozen, and then it wisbecause the piles had to be dis-persed before findinlg out justwho had possession of the tall.

Rumson's line certainly was outstanding with tackle J. V. McCar-thy leading tta wty all afternoon.H» h«l fine !H» from centerGeorge Fallon tnd guard JohnMcLaughlin. who were In onnumerous ttcktes.

Red Bank't tickle.Scott, ind guard Rich Baluno

kickoff. Thtrin kicked off to BucBobby back Long, who ran tta tall from

turned in tome mighty fine defen- play Long picked up four yards~ going through tackle. On tta neatlive work for Coach Bob Glisson.

For a short time It appearedu if in upset was in the makingwhen Red Bank dinced out to •

in just a iRumson received

but Just missedthree pliysOnce the Bucsilon, George Sellers,

one Sellers went for a good runaround left end. but when ta school is fading it rather toughsttempted a lateral, it wu no to get Its foottafi team winninggood. this

<cd getting Mi mlts m the ball.Wirren "Utah" Scott w i s thenforced to kick.

Rumson's beck was caught inmotion on tht flnt pity. With thebill on SI, Jim Jikubecy wenttack to past and, after getting

a hind being laid on Mi footballtear. Long alto picked up theextra point on an end run.

Red Bank had Rumson In trou-ble right after the klckoff. but

wis bob- timothertd **Jikubecy BMt

lost mother five ind the Bull'dogs wart resting on the leveti

went out to tta 41.Tta remalader of tta tint qutr

tor wu "ramble time" with bothHdse tarns 8»U«y oa t beautiful


Sieg went through tackle foreight yards and a five-yard pen-alty advanced the ball to theseven. Sieg then finished it offgoing through left tickle. LouDeGeorge ran for tta extra potottnd a tie tall game. Ten morep!<iy» ended th» half,

Rumson's second touchdowncame fist after tta second half

tta 20 to the IS. On tta neatlittle TigersBeat Freehold

FREEHOLD- Freehold High

tack, stilled throwing ;if he were Johnny Potmlng up for t World Series gime.

On the first two downs hetossed long ones ind on the thirdlong one. George Ions, just mis- dogs had tta Bankers In I danter-

Right after tta score tta Bull' ^

ous position once again. RedBank wai forced to kick from ttanine-yard stripe, which meantthe tall still went tack deeper.

Rumson threatened again inthe fourth when moving to tta12, end four downs to go. Jaku-

It awiy, Buc hilfbtek George **cy. on two carries, was stoppedLong Intercepted ind mide the cold. The first time Balinao

caught him, and on the nandown, It wu BalsMft and BobScott. Red Bank stopped tta Bull-dogs when Irving Shomo re-covered Sleg's fumble.

Coach Bob Gtluoa had his Bu«swere outemirted with a quick"" •" • • * ' movement later to

the fiial quarter and In tta driveM. and when tta tall w u bob- the? Picked up two first downs,kf Mtl S jua mi AiaskvA a^AjiAV^aAjl Mil KHB% #ani*Br tBAfja%d aSA •YatflAA*DlwTJ, P K pial/wTI tHTiTJinsnBBJ •**•• •*•» "-"" *•••• • " • • •

Rumson on tta '

Otrtwk.IWtM>~RtlMM. WIUM, PtoitM.

•nTKtkmi. _


m.nWUas/t t f tn i l 100 parCMC fllCt I aW4 A l l &9MmWfspadaUymadsl'*

Entries ComingIn for Sapling

OCEAKPORT - A COH by ttareakneas and Wldeaer winner

Hatty *ead from tta grand stakeswinning mare Brawn Brat and

foil sister to tta brilliant thrtt-year-old IntanttiontUy. arewrong tbe many hundreds ofyesrilngs already eligible to ttarunning of Monmouth Park's richSapling and Sorority stakes attta btrgiin rate of t i l per nomi-nation.

Deadline for tta early dosingof tta $100,000 guaranteed grossSapling for two-year«ldi and thtI1M.MQ guaranteed gross Sororitystakes for two-ytar-old filliesOct. 15.

The Hasty Roed-Bnsen Batcolt is owned by Texas sportsmanN. B. Hunt Tbe filly by Intentfrom tta Discovery mare My Re-cipe Is owned tnd brad by HarryZ. Isaacs of Baltimore, muter ofBrookflald Farms and owner-

of Intentionally. Bothmen have indicated to MonmouthPark officials dut they are look-ing forward to nctog their prise"hostage of fortune" in tta richtbt tarlong stakes it tWi trackneat mmmtr.

Tta Sapling, which groatsd al-most H4t.NI thlt year aad w uwon by William O. HeUt, JrV.Shy Clipper, huother wen bred colts eligible toSellers went tack to pass on

. Kum*mi nm w » ujm «»toa did in of their scoring la tta i w , ZZ.*• " • . " * . ! ' ! ? ' *•• We« «lnt two periods, ttaVwtVt held ! £ ? . ! ? "

seorelaas with a tighter Freehold

Prlaostoa dug Into Freeholdptydiit within five mlautea ,tta first quarter got aadetway. ' -

la Ita two OttUof-tta Cosiorance *" «

«ALIIOH,N.C.(Ar)-of ttt ate M M • Ita "

'? I I t:') Iwiaiaaw wai off 1.TW averImi. MM. rtjmm. BMrUa^M'a I t o a u M

a W o i i aato at HJM

III yards to tht II far a •••>• *ad ta It likely to ta tostflnt dawn. Four pliyt liter,™' <"• MUta. Riisam did tqaartertock Bob Bossone inetked commendaNt job aftergfw from the one Rd Loftui ran ""I"! early (Itttrs.aff right ticklt to tdd tta point

Oa tta nrat ttrles of stays,

I tatal l on the laymllU 21fMpMt, WM hM P9Ci)V#fM IhtNatMt drove It ytrdt to a flnt

i aa tta eight, Three playsta smashed off teeklt for

mm; M M M AMlalC Iaa4tw MAA a ^ ^^m* aP aaafw/i l^ileaBJ BovW ViV wvav

•oat taMad tta ptttwlaaringfttoaat, A pus stteatat fram Batmm to Jty Abtat for ita etrrttotot MM Styrevlllt moved tom Catty II u the talf ended

Itriy I* tta second httf Ravro-vtlM't Id Popnwsei tried lo punt

Mt II Tta kirk wis pertlttly Wecaed tad rolled dead onme N. UM Castes drove m th*If tad men a fourth down pssarmm IBMOM to Jay Abbet wu

•*"•> ' «e r>> I

l l l i i ' f 'wVi"**"

Larry Starry

WOR1O t H U t N M O M . Y t i t e r d t y Chi i t f t White Se. and llta Iraoklyn DodftriaeHlea* (or sla Innlnqi belere Brooklyn ircti td the let In the seventh wltH a pairof rvni. Left »e right. Ctrl Fufille, hlttlna htrt who ilntjltd te tftt two runt; DonDryidtle, winning pitcfiar. tnd lirry SHurry, who helped Drysdtlt Be a winninfpitcher.

In ttafourth quarters. la fact. It wasManuqua's flnt setback M 12outiags.

' i RlaBt teond Brick's flntc« a Mven-ywd

tja. It waa Maflo igab teartog a TD wtaa. ta wart over bygolagwjoagh fight'tockle.

t Ottaon booted tan extra

alag mare Somemmg Thing.The Sorority It oqaally rich In

lit tarry nominattoas. Webster for

Crafty Admiral, an outstaadiag^ ^" . _. ' -tnm Quick

pines, tta Cotoalals tad their T*"*8- •*»» «* Qnlll. Ita Hurst-trottbtaa aad ao doubt caa expect Jwf ' « " « | f» • H^"*fejf»-inwtwtaneoiniM tack Into locil Dog Meseed filly eligible before

Saturday. PrejaoM • * » ! *tr « t t a Kaeneland n n -travels to most a raggedBranch team this Saturday. It a halt tutor to DM tatstudlag

teg champion Decathlon. Simlarly. tta Heritage Firm of Warn v r a>. ^msjsj BJBw luQ

kalf aMer to Royal Bay Oem toIts Double Jay-Bayadenwhich tutatqutatly wudon to Mlitol BOMMMIKnight at KtMtwad.

htwavar for aortttota to toto aavaataga of tta earl* etoetag fat of111 for MM Itpllag tad JortrHy.

three touchdowu aad llva ooa-vtrslon shots.

Coach Truex'i grata grkMtn

w u Bwu tta A

M Short Confer i own-

l. iitn*. JSinmt. {KM-Utto'rtM, DralMrtr. um.

INikM, Hutptn, TU-


MttttttaDonme M. Tackle Daw Barskttpicked up tta loos plajida tadtrotted Myaidt (or ttoTD.

Tta Oreen Wive eoattoued todominate tta contaat tta remsjn-der of the game and all tta Lionscould do wu to attempt to keeptta tcore down.


Mbarf. Cem«!l.

Tiy It BOW! BallMtiM prowa a bsarcaa bo valy li«ht aad stiU jhr* you all UwbocMot-to-ioodaaM lsfsr bsar flavor youwaat No wondtr BaJlaotioa is tha kraagt-salUof boor iatbo EastNcidlHrMMlitrMiTUUilor



in th* 6 0 FORDS

Page 13: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el

t Single Give*Dodgers World Series Lead

LOS AMOELES (AF)-M*na-a r Al Lapse of the ChicagoWitt* sa> bad to talk* one af

STajJ^WtrldBeriat game fall

Wekpeaetaa. his ttarttag

Tata It m a _totokektmeat

But Lopef chalet

aakf U bettors aad ftrowtag onlyg| pitches. He hid allowed eOngto by OO Hodges ta the see-and but a doubi* pity qukktyMt nutters right.

Tat seen ta ftt tens* game•gatast ft* Lot Angeles Dodgerswu M. Donovan got th*batter ta the etvenft, ~

btttaT Ctf M e t t ah*teiieoMt»o>m

n* fliatJuator •

l*taj)*deffth«left fMd aerate. Bat ftttylawabounced eat, to matters looked a

TbjatadavalyDicontrol He walked Nona

Dseovu toat bta aad abeeetroL H* mkad Nora

onloerpltchts. Thta.carafe!/, b* wawIHadaatBw pitches. Mtag ft* b a m

a btaLarker beets.

to rattenraa for him aad, when Al SwiftBMtkdtd tatot doable play,KhwHwtkl toned.

ran left* eighthexsaaaw^RJat

could htv* retired FurOo u hthad ao many Dodgershlai.

and If fta Si

Tat tana t » tafly* ' b detaeta to left by Ted

a*gtotortabt ~ftat edreacedS

by Stem Later rVmowoaM

kit batama tkat fatal ft* ftatThe victim of ea act*

dtatal(***», Uny M n r M aBmyOoodmauwhawMhltaBft* right ba*> aad may t ta

aBoraat atay tala

aad f &

ag> J I H I . a.—J • . _ „ —

NaoTa atagle tabouaotd ott ftt


a Ntal'a..WetasntU. ft, tontag weald

the aoveaftMae, Than

oataataad te• • • m eatT

Kg Kta to asooad. chtaoe to be a ban

be ever andnave had Its

. ttleiet

BeM a m dtr

ftta, too, fteemd,ta Cbtoage'i bWtag. Fiveat fte WMtt ta ttafttwaat

Matawan ComesBack StrongWith 264) f i n

MATAWAN - Matawan HighSchool bounced beck fromfeet lettered ta lit opening gridgtae wtft a roaring M4 wtabang aa Ntptaae Sntaraty oo fta

Onilto-a M t t M .•ownt'a Oil Bumr .


IAMA DefeatsRumsoii A's, S-7In Jersey Shore

T«* leaflet m e

I ft* oval to tbt

for the TD.A pear Naptaae pant set the

etngefcr ft* neat Hasktodewav Jerry Metuefi kkk wet•n* of mow SmJjtbt ap to ft* air

Plowing ta fast sad furious

dotea playsthe Huskies had another tench-down with Rank! phmttag bttttagthe Filer line Main. Chsrtt* Waft-htton crashed tlguard for mt ortrt point

MMtwsa tookrWuneJt.

n about a half

pert of Mtlawta ltd to fte ftitd ft, gawi,TD. Neptoae bad moved fte ball « * at fteout tt ftt M. Oa fta Uck attorn*,T*d Wifttaftea btocktd the Ucka* Mertu ttortod hb punt, aadftaa neevered it u the ball

Kavtag a cuaatan to warkCeaoh Barry RJaw/t tout ttook to the air tans* tor Mwork ta thnt depertmtnt Aftertaktag a Neptaae pant at mid-field, Rank! mad* • tweeplngraa aroand bit right end to th*Filer « . ea the first carry. ChuckWatchhgtoa then tossed M t >

get ftem through ftt air. stickto fte ground, and Wathtagtoe« d tost that On Ms not playat want» yard* for mt toort.

D m Oragary picked up theSBJtM M M . QSi S SWMB) SJWtight ead.

IOWLING Kennedy Sparks

T. Oruit MIMMwni .~ * m -

OAKHURST > IAMA ef Leagwrapped ap ftt Jenny *~u* ,

Keyport's f inOver Indians

- CoachBaker bat the


itathO'E first wift*

rt, M. ta a thrlDer player bare.It w u fte final game ta <


ftat thne, IAMA ma

ITemaRJveriBagbtet ftt net of ftt

fliat baH. n e toam dM aeore a

totaled U mat.After IAMA

pair ta fte to)Mte A't tsi

based aver a•I •»? a * *

The Eeyport toam resDy JeBtdta ftt second half. Thry nek fttkUnffaadmtrcfaedlTytrotnrftt aoend scores th*ntppU*dth*QisjcliSf sany In ths fMrtfc»;__ s. -._«..•period. The Raiders controlled ft* 2 S ^ ° f i ?ban most of ftt tint*. • ? • ? & • • ?

The crowd had barely settleddewi baton ft* home side badIts first store. Rut ZntateJ re-

I aa mdtaa femMe ea ft*

Joe lee and Ralph laid* etar-ttdfte A'a offwhta baft atagled.

ttcoad b TbtaRatah Tarry tingled to left to gattwo rune eeroos. After Ftahtwmwest out. pitcher to firstState hit a eecriflcefiy for

wand ran.IAMA opened fta gap agata talick to make ftt tear*, M. by

• ' • w .back wift four,

en ftt Mtag oae iaa abart of haatttag

Ayars ttartod off ftt mmitttag on bet* on ta errer. Si-nn reached first oa ftt thirditemaa't errer, fte* le t Let•ped a ttagte to taer* hittaarVlohtotdaedjtafterl

SJMkTittfl WMB) h$ MSMVacLIAMA eoored Itojmtta rate ta

he etvaaft after Flertea ttartodit off by retching first oa n two-best error. Add a eeapto more•nan aad a couple af timelystagtes. end fte IAMA wta* It

Zebras BeatAsbury, 7-0

ASBURY PARK ~ Newwick High School etored sevenpotato to fta first aaarter "that margin held up for the nextthree periods as the Zebras ekedoat a 74 win. over Atbary Farkan fte Bishops'gridiron latarday.

It was tts SSOOMI VNSMT lwNSW BCItaUWKlL Asbwlty PBffc|ntod highly in aariy

tttor losing the tint oat to Hue-

New Brenawtck wrapped up thegtme la that first quarter witha 17-yard drhr*. It took 14 playsfor the tear*. wMfc John Kegodustotttag aa elfht^trd neat toBright ht fta TP. itgeoat fttaaMato, dM ooawtnlOai cont wtbaot

Atbary travtta to Uataa »

wW (w»t% ftt home teotag ttnak.

jagyw ape™ttw/WBejtji w y i ^ * e w* w w^^i

KOir. •««•> I w .

I A 0 K — • e a r f a Uwf, left, Red lank Higk Scheel Week, It attematiiif taM l Kelly, Umm f tard, at ha «eto off a tmal fain far Red leak High Sehael

in Satarwa/t f r i . game agaiatt Rumie«-F.lr Haven Regional. Warren "Utah"Seett, 1-7, center, it leaking far another Rumton man to block, teeing that Kellyhat already brtken through the hie Ima. Rumtan cWmped the laat, 14-7, in a tUppyVfanKV WITH nttf^WrvUV TUmDIvSa'



STATI SBNATORAbility • Experience . Integrity

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, IM)PU4 ft *t t»*—n**** f eaita

Will Try to GetToday With Wynn

Wildwood NipSo. Regional

U » ANOEUt ( A P ) - C U -

_ no tgataet fta Let AagatatDodgtn, who have e 1-1 *da*.

WILDWOOD - WOdnood High]least coo ta every taetag — and School (cored e

eso-left U met oa base, Let Aagstae soar* to nip Southern Regional,had only five bill, petting only M-M, ta a m> tad tack contest

off ftt acreea whOe fte I n hen Saturday.plunked five into i t

first series gam*The

wta fta Wortd Champlnaahip tf-tor taktag yestontay* game, M,are favored at M for fte fourth

Roger Craig, ft*

Wyna" is one of th* tougbettclutch pitchers ta the bustaest.

And thefe what the Sox needafter blowing chances ta every

34 favorites to played oa ft* Wait Coast nag

at fte CoUieem.The old

record w u SUM, at Cleveland down.inttebdlasw'lMetrluagttast wildwood led, IM, at tht half.Bostons Bmves. but a fourth quarter TD by

Southern gave ft* Ocean County


. ^syd. itoVBtsti ksy Howlawa I M taaapsflW yards tor ftt toexMam. Terry(Un neon beetod 'from placement

Toms River iback Into ooatsBttai with a iS»yard scoring drive eC Its own fol-tarlag " ".aect Uckoff. Tern

t, a asrsparked


ff fndtandrive wlft

•hart thrusts *» fte middle. Th*a^B^^^^B) ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^^Bk^^ w*^b^^^A V ^ ^ ^ ^

PSjvn CSJIM WIMSJ eVBTTy LjtwlSia toatar sealvtrde dam the toft ahttltat* torfte aeare. Mftt UftVs plsemaat

Tba taatn

atay. hart fte 1a m . wtowawtttwawi

head ftraagkatt

TaetoHRichie t ]•>aa a

tad fte upperfte final h S .

sosfui linos aad coippwwiy bot*tltaB ap the Iadtan offensive.They took ftt teeead half kkk-

t) efl ead marebsd an fte way. Theherd renamg ef Larry Date fee-tared fte aevtnce which wu cap-

u Kennedy boM


ROYAL 9. Tbe march ttor-

AtriatapavelftewayeiChirlMBrawa pttoata neevet at n aaaIt yard! to eade Cbrlt Mtest aadJbn Burke. The ^

straight etries save."I stUl think we gate heliumlance," seid Manager Al Lopes.

"We've beta detag things ftebard way an year oa Ota dub,and we might u weU end it that

Lopes shrugged when uswbtfter be stilt tatoadt to try i

plunge frlghtoalngry fast into theitebtaVe gtove. The Watte Sen,waned ftat ft* Dodger* threwout ajultv a ftw fUMMn at stobar*, dtde't try^tor dwbtoJSQjots to ths) acfaaau

"We didn't nn any dWerest.jaterday thaa we always do,"atM Ltpet, wbete Sem have stol-

tast one beat ta tour triesitaat Dodger catcher J<Macro. That tana ttoal came

to jittiitay't ant tontag. JimItiriti aVd into teooad wtthdrawing a throw from Roeeboro.who wu wttchtog Nettta Fex.to runner at thlriTn* Dodgers e n M ta steel

ittojDgto agatatt r<i1<Ta/> ritrtiTrhmLeihw. kat didn't try any'sstsrtay*Dodger manager Walt Alston.

great Roy Ctmpaoella, atM "Weaever had worries about Ma am.tt wee bis work n* a catcher tad

bad to atop ta tor Caatpy."Tjtm wai aa bwia*ivawtaSeF

•tab tavolved ta yettordtyt e>

Notre Deme.sopbomors sjuard.

Southern led the bell game, 14-***r 13, wlft five minutes rensutag


a proiicth f l lp

athedral Ugh here, has fallowed7-SniHtttoi


, gon th* dock. Then Wfldwood

7 ? * * M > > m ta ****' mlied vp a runntaj attack with

combined mcoetsfiilb; for a touch-

g yteam a 14-U lead In the fourth,which m t later wtotd out by ft*Wildwood rafly.

AeUoo! Tlut'l wtat TktisMtlto* ««• ban kM,tlwir rimum M

* i




gf A.*•# #e



n o w o f f e r s ^ o u . . .

aa eat bH toriat Hear Dick DiNtartatagtoai

loaCkailtoMlrof two-

Cari Parilto'i ptack atagta, off

m fte tbt raaaMiMeek fnaflBMkl toteleg •*. Actoete's pto«

' beaeood **"* JLO&LI a bey Aatftchytatovt.

ittowi Tbe Sac who watted el yean






( O M Mto fea* ef Atrperi)


titoitaaMMmwB tBad) ABVA tfaaubi A^p^Huuf

wblto btMtag eff any TtaoMvar



fwataaa SMemma* awaaaamautm tnawmBBkamWIIvVjpf t W t T iwfvflBVX PvlvOTeW

Brick Ttwitkip ta a ~ "taeeeettag.

iaypertltWtlttola*>aatog*'ti first dawns, nNtag to ttvta to


Ualtod Kato* comet from aadA ^ * | I B J aajBinH BHa ^PWAA aafeAa JMBBBI

D N g i mliwVt lntj m i CVn

ft JS> ftt wrtaM whan ttil. racktad teal an lifted by power

to get tato a Worid Series, badh i t s - a l


toll V I I M M I T B J D N W aMPMI MwNtTtvMJ wffgjg> gji ffjg) Mlfftfy gjf B)djff$

| A «MIAaANTtl POa 2J ) l



vJ fjvv W• BfvvT



tf MW skiUftMTitVi

TVTNrt H 9 ft*wM| • # WMM




ARTS UMUMITtO,lmm#mmamwlgV aftmmmmamtl

ivjPtTvS^Bjv sjaisjaaBjBmB% dMtSavAawtBftffBgaaVgl

gjWWjwiy ^WBB if y#*j sfftof H M M M yPARTS SNUMITU ifvjrt.

m u n AU sun 10 PIT AU SITS


iVV' V.1I110 $4.95

••? W n t l*ifJkw ••fiJw

majnito muchwnt^wtiW,!.!..M M ,

mPBtTH AIAMTmkWkti/iIBM to

VAItf 4.7171I U N i


Page 14: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el


Your QuidShould PassMuscle Test

Oar •uncles a n part of ui.To bt rally healtfay we icustbam muielai strong enough tobt abb to cany oa th* activitiMof everyday living. If wt act cityor Mbnrbaa dwelltn wt do sotated tht muscular power ofchampin athlete, but wt do reedmttctaa able to hold our bodie*la food effkieot potturt to moveM about without uadut fatigue.Matdai do »wt dertlop adequate-If without tutdi i .

There it a good bH of evidence"Hall 11T u n I

Americaa life is doprfrmg ourcnOdftB of tin opportunity tognminusclee strong enougt

Krast-WSber Tests for MinimumPhysical Fitness.

There ere «ix tests la all Theyart very simple. All ehildrea ever4 yean eld should be able to dothem easily. Try them out withyour children.

Test 1. Child lies flat ea hitback, hinds under head. He U in-structed to tit up. He should beable to do to without using hitbands to help him.

Test 2. Same u 1 except thatlegs are bent at the knees.

Test* 1 and 2 determine thestrength of the abdominal n u -clei.

Test 1. Child In tame position.He is instructed to raise hit feetabout 10 inches, keeping hit leg*straight, and hold the position II

for the tedentary Hfe many of uslead. We are becomiag a nationof the physically utfit hi spiteof our excellent medical care.When health It measured la termsel freedom from disease tad good It•Btritioaal atatM America Itof the hstlthliot conetrlet it theworld, but measand in terms ofmiscularfrmtss we a n out-rank-td by tn of Europe.

Bonnie Prudden, director of In-stitute of Physical Fitness, madea study of the physical fitness ofAmerieaa school children com-pered with similar groups In It-aly. Austria and Swltserland. Shedlsootoied that over H per centof American children failedmoot the mlalmum standardsphysical fftnem and that ttss10 per cent of the Europeandren wen In this low group.

The tests used by Missdin wen those known as tbeic

Cross-Stitch Art

Pestart TestThis test b) for adequacy of

muscles used ta running and tokeeping the body la good postun.

Test 4. Toe child Use onabdomen, a small pillow Is placed

his kips. With Us feetheld down by the examiner he isinstructed to raise sis trunk andhold it steady for It

Tost J. Sems u 4 except cMUInstructed to raise Ms _

keeping knees stiff whDe Ms tnakIs held down by the examiner.

Test 0. Child stands on Ms featand bends forward to tosch


The child who can successfullyperform these six tests has theminimum physical requirementsfor a normal lite.

Begin EarlyBody building begins m Into-

* cy, IQS) cMld with ojupw oppor•to unity to exercise Ms body should

Ma M-IMi

ilrsaeth to per.i by the age of« * • form these tests by

surety by the age of C. It bocannot pass the test at S be can

Prod- strengthen Ms muscles by specif-ic exercises without toostruggle. If at 10 he failshave to work harder to make thtgrade, at 10 H may be impos-sible for him to repair the dam-age done to a muscular systempermitted to develop without ado- sell

Fsbuloott From • distance,He parrots look like

I oil paintings. Narrow pea-els a n modem, dmatttc

Ait to cross otttcfa - a,Bating hobby. Fatten OH: trans-fer of two SsU-hKh parrot pea-els; color chart: directions.

Send ThMHfco Csnto (com)for this patten - add S centsfor each pattern for flrstetoss


Needlecreft Dept,P.O. Box Ml, Old Chelsea Sta-tion, Ntw York II. N. Y. Print•Jalaly PATTERN NUMBER,

turn. ADDRESS and ZONE.New! Newl New! Our

Laura Wheeler Needlecnft Bookto ready NOW! Cnmmed withexciting, unusual, popular de-signs to crochet, knit, sew, em-broider, quilt, weave - fashions,borne furnishings, toys, gifts,tour hits. In no book FREE- J oullt pattens. Hurry, aead2S cents for your copy.

Bonnie Prudden hss written *book! "Is Your Child Really FK?"published by Harper and Broth-


dstkt-Pwtotntaa to





(tatty(l-Prett: anlsHHiVhn^

IOTMI hjr >*uiU-ConjuiratiM

en. New York. la this book thegives the results of tht survey

Bttoed above tad outlines ex-ercises that will improve thecular strsagtb of children.

LANCASTER, Ohio CAP) -While tearing up sidewak around

Hall, workers found evi-dence of a fire-fighting systemused yean ago.

It was a IMoot cistern, fullof water. Service director Rut-

Evans lays such cisternswere scattered about the city toprovide water for firemen be-fore the day of the hydrant andpipeline systems.

Sheinwold's BridgeBy ALFRED SHUN WOLD

You don't really play mostbridge hands; your habits flaythem. You look st the dummyand notice that the band lookslike a thousand omen yon hiveplayed without breaking any

So you start to thinkabout what you ahould have saidto mo boss earlier in me day -aad you dream up some of yourbeet wtoseneks Just as you'nnwSSOlOP dSflmjHnj flmjav a U aa UHVIU'BS SUDBBV

tract!South looked approvingly at the

dummy and won tht first trkkwith the king of diamonds. "Goodcontract," he thought to Mmself."Netrump might be very trou-

An men Ms habitstook over. >

How do you usually play a suit *like the trump suit In today'shand? The best play to limit tht



• 5 4 2. 4 1 1 0 0 4

WestMgUPaas 31> Ptss

loss to one trkk Is to bind oat if East toflowo suit. South has

nothing / good a heart. South can

cwocd A

could not be saved. • limited to two trumplong as ho Is not ptr-

vd sWest

. . to force out*• the ace, and men anaIt WM too Me. Westwu sun of tnimpa wiU font oat Wsafs

to get mne trump tricks and int Man trum»me ace of hearts. The contnct weetis '

tricks so long as no is not ptr-*m ^mltted to play bis three of spades

•Mill CM •• * « » • / • ace.sfford to loss two trump tricks. DAILY QUESTION

; one. Then to no danger Partner opens with 1 NT, andlaaO Sf t t t tpS DfOaW v*ls) Ml* OBly s _« nHVt tJmMMf* O Aammml VlMl HMLI*

the missing trumps. i » — " - Q • • T • 1 Hsarts -can guard against the I «. Diamonds - 0 1 Clubs -

trump break by Q 0 J. What do you say?a tow tramp from shun- Answer: BM two spades. At

Tht contractarrect trump play,

ISM not kset


p pmy o f the setoad trick. He saeet slmeet aty level, this hand winnot bagla by leedlag out tbe act stay better et spades maa at no-l tramps.


Merlin, 13, bid little trouble find-ing homes for three stny kittens.

She took asm to a departmentstore and showed mem to every-one who would listen to her adop-tion plea.

She disposed of me three kit-as in two hours.

Slim, Trim Casual

Priitid Pimm


Day-afterday dress — casualbut cut with distinction to giveyou a slim, trim figure. Note flip-over collar, curving yoke, hippockets. Choke of two sleeve

k Tomorrow's patten:Baby doU wardrobe.

Fritted Patten OUT: Misses'Sites 12, II 10, II. 20; 40, 4J.Site 10 takes SK yards Itindi.

Printed directions on etch pat-tern part. Easier, accurate.

Send INrtHNo eeeto (coins)for this patten - add 10 cents

each patten for OnUlassmailing Send to Marian Martta,

RED BANK REGISTERPatten Dept., » Watt 10m St.,New York II, N. Y. Print plainlyNAME. ADDRESS with ZOm,









Page 15: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el




fcj^M tarrta,. Cttii.1 *tt» lor bate

NMbrta M « M Mty aiaiV Md IMdty. 11 A. M. • ) P. MV.IP. M. -IP , M, • i. •• /

» l i f e * It



NON-VEn « • » DOWNCTrMMai CaaakUrod)

THO* W O O SfftVICEMotuBouth County OHiea



Evening*: KE 6-2283-R

Daily I I

OSborne 11000MkMlatava. N. t

Dununnon Mr


Highway 35 ShnwibviySHtdytitfa 1-5213


Hi* Dowitra AMHCV

IBAimra. RANCH -ana, kMakta, tknt

% a t n a C

SH 1-0010 t*os l-osas PAINT OF HIS NEW LAND

MADHON. N. J. <AP) - Pro-



FROWN'S47 Braad St. SH

MmTlCalaV~MatBa« MM>•at. Btf. dry M a n u a l Brtraa.

"I waaUd to gKrt9t$ tylMttfWMpI^ AMHi itfaft Ilk



Maud M IM MaMaa An.MM» nun (MB <e Hurt. M M

. aMakla* la tor o-oo okoskup or Mfl. 5 * M N hr t k ta

or Mflaarrtaa.


RaltrtaaM rwtakw*, W l g t


Aims AND nuns


M-TON BULLDOKBR - Prloa~ nail CoaatrucUoa Co.

Avo.. aarawakury. BH 1

MIT ML AIR Chtwont, paworillda.radio. a«ur. wWlawalu. pow.rat.tr-

mf, MM MW. Kaaaoaablr ficaf In-«7ir. m . nMM "ONTUC COHVaitTBLB - IMBJ™rai nil attar f *takdayaaay • »MM ONTUC CO™rai. ni l attar ftfclurday Of aunty.

B Iaay • »

P l l i r U I VT VWHSBBf* Baaa a Biaa aiTHRBB-YARD DUMP bady. r i IT']

aino u a MM. eakauiM. ninud aMkwtaihm. caawiota. raw. Tana yard^ . . • » B *• - J . tKi _ an a«_i>mhtaki a .\. tifl

JJP*T1, •,|BUIBBBBJIB« Vaaav* • w —»

dumpjtody. I* a T. .MH.1II.1O, a_ . paauod aaa1MB. Htndrltkt

Mtehanlt « . .a.m. la 1 p.a>. m vLAMRRBTTA. mjtar BBMtar.




—n"su oSS_ Hill.

• • 5 *

a . .. - - . - _o i m m m — in i. mm

MMI work-.' la paraon. Al ' l

Ar*., LHU* a u

Mlllni. tat will tmln. k k i ; 7 mlton maru toMflU A l MM i . ta ill t m . k k i ; 7 mMton. maruv toiMflU. Apply Mr..M, llnpr »Srtni MMMM &>., B

• N • R A b HOl/SBWORUR,Man nok. m l Hlu ekIMm,

•»< n m i w i MM Iin • RU

— 0MUIW4 kr It J. Dt*b>MM. Aimimm. "KM»-

rPMT - tnmaaaaatarday. MMI ka

ham ataaol tradaau.dotalia la a n lot. Rod

»M «v*rr Mbtr

WOUAK u> Iknah «wt

buuraiM u to MM. MilwlS



. awtMta Caltmraav(11. Rod Bank.





» «BBAUTT KRVICS. m a l a y

roaaatday at irar.H T-lkU. M "

JgJ; i u uk M Mr.

onOAlf* — itaaui ntuns Mat u u »tM. All Uk. ~

OPI1CB _ NhrMiilMM. tftaka, (u.C4MMM. Me. M M . I L Prtni. «

MM*. (K »v*anr. M1MM M k MlemralMr Rul EMU. M Milk at.K D K» KIM

flANOa - TUtTDlO UMONLOAM'LAM - Mtw ptan. M koa. ph»

dilylB I « B


Call aH MM

14 CV. PT. UPRIOHT O. B. Proaaar,lour Mara oM Baeallwt coMltloti

~ olltr UkM II. Call IH 1

FACTORT lelu aaa (Wrai. n•t AIM Dot* M WUU K.

Call BH l-UHl

mmaTLVAMA HOirn, mi.U MM.•MM wiMlanj. aH: two mapl. etaira:

M M fMktr: two mapl. «*J«m4 M M l i .M IT; >rl<mi»f wh»»l: rara earmr, t i l l aval k w u i nif, HO.

1-lMi. ^

Fun)lirw4 aa. MturaiaiwA. IBHMMTau •eeiipucr. I U I M I Tilakar I I M I Ii m ^ t r i AT.., OdMrnport. Call « 5 l « i

PMMH KILLBD and DRBMBD krollarakWkBM call batwaon l i t p.m.. and" " " " U IJ "

RBD BANK - Ttmmm kantala*,unlumlMMd. All lmpra>a*HnU. NO

moetkiy. latjiun a. BaOBaa. t B n u

POOL TABU — rvll IIM pnlMiMnal•at mrtt Mad, paa. n* Cookmann., Aakau fark. PR 44WI. Ttrma.

1VB-R00M koafaknr. t> WarMcTtrract, WartkM. a w walk, or willMil. KB I-1TM.

TARPAULIN* — Mad. to ord«rPralwt machlMrr. ata iu , au. from wiath-

C «U B R4

THRBBIBDROOM RANCH. Ha»|llimbuamtm aa^piwraam.

n m n r . , t a iu , au. from wiah•r. auaaart Awaiai Co.. «U Blnr R4.Fair N a m . «N 1-An.

tttl ChavioM aadaa, tood caadaion.f IKMtr. rodl*. p«r«r alld. • -

don. BMI »n«r. u t-yna.Wai Hl'IMOK

iwo^oorBTS. U

WAfP, madtl Mkootor.

tm RAMBLBR BIX autkn —p—Pink Ban wkRa. Pow»r MMrtag aaa

— — lully MUlppod. Whlttwalla.j. l a u n a ptyntau al Kt.fl

Bwatk. KBMM nUUBBAKBR luutJoor. MandaM

•hill. Ma RU M3tl or rl«m«oaahm H i m aiatlen.Jan BU1CK CBKTl'Rlf, HardtM . . _

nrtlbW. raAlo and kiawr. Bttt tt»r. AT I I M .« U OODOB Kmt-itot CoroMl. AllM

•rhr.. radK. kMMr. N. M*k m dm Onaawn An.

Ei A A BlaM. KB«^t aoa4.aart.ra.

NATtOMWIPB OROAMSATtOK katlawodlaw aaaamM. ajr ola aua U

IraktMt wttk aar.tOOirjMa POR aw kaaijH'y^i*

aaakM.•w A £iallarc nMat kam

rlM anlaaMal:*a. war _ " •riiai aW «aad

l **a .Vuariiai

tm VT MAVCiUPT apart nakarmaitWBI ataad rlfat appraaiu Bwacr

•aMakMM trttr. atoctne kora a «llaa Bam*. Hoad. ntry Up, rtda Mr-•S aMa* w»u.

ym t . SHI makia,tkaH and aaa laak.

T l l r . InaHTra



BStT*1Mua Ami m

. BtHinrfi DweklwMCorMOMlr —* rif [fleod at

Haw an dKplar al NaraMadI toua Co., l aa OeMa An., loa

•MB Wl, ••a Miai.


It M TBARWOOD HAND CARVBO' - " a*, aad kniek«aatk ahnM. Touth

. aow auttroaa. aaanmnl crlk,kakf tMla. Olria- M" UuT loot traiwrt . Soar amstr 13". M BorchwaM

An., Watt Ltaj Braaek, altar t p. m.

ar pan-aau. CanMadW A TaltrtAn.. tH 1-im.UFB INfURANCB CAMBR.

prw eammlarwi. anaHkm aaawtwvlt»; ualHkg. Call M T^MI.

IT ky yaar aa! _ _

B M Ml. Rod) Baak, OMIUIBIIU

T» TWO COUCHBf' ' kaa M k i i

CM 1 >B* kotwoaa I aad • a.aL

RaUA MAN u wara M


TWO TALL UIMJCB Iraaa. karkarryko4M. Ott- kMUr. Rraaiaakl.. a

RafBaa An., Kaaaiamt.CAMBRA DBPARTMBirr,

amoraaia. Apply altar 4 p.AUaalto B



oanari anir IV. i . Hwy. I, . . . .' ~ P»rlli Amkoy. i

PARTT1MC MORT ORDBR MAN d«r-ki| wort. •:*> p.m. MUI • p.ln. Prl-

BAM PIBaCBD PRBB wWll pmkaMat UK Ootd ajuraa, WtaTatm

BaaBBKM* * aTAaahBiaak'al * - • • •* aM Baa B ^ ^ jt-raaka* , P I I H w tfvWVIVI Hi W9 awVawaWI

MlT * T « -tkMaTMKr {£II am. U 4 pm. BVMkMKiwlh Krarawrly tat **I Baajiniwl aw*.


WQBawfnil lalBfVu u n tvprusn

Naa. »•> p. m., • a, m.4 B. m.


It iLa.. arlfkaJ tm—t, muml«al MB anMMMU. MiUM.


AN* uvnroci


H U VAfmD-flMALB^ . . ' MIKt OJJMIjtlioll Pull

I M M I aw* fMwrtl rrti Mtato ariMaf,Bwal aaalBMi»laoiAiA - > - - . - * • * * •*> aVLal akAaaaawaaa.^ria ar ar a a* ( i y w a > rn*T ~ ^ ai ai • j i wiwi W/WJW'^T»TW

kit* a miifi rail f"f a«»Mii*ii«»n4 e nI M l . IBM, Ju Bfh««»»l Inr

MKIf . . • . I I . « . » . I lie—I

Vt«« .ill nn rtrd MttnMi,waaniai IUM i fo f ~

rutlliw WIMF >)M*IriMOMiaM. AT I MV



"*i**a* 5j2T5ic wp»i-R1*'

DATIONa, krw, anddt«fa»d mdWIdually

UUrtck. KM. AT 1-

BJt, RM. M, Cant

warkkif or-

- Ban | M or man .11 Itaiarm M krtnd at* M«tW tplnol

ptuaa. N year gaaraalM, Cam. Maand Mt*. W. MrrKa what w. nil.Taawa Mutlt Moro. M Mala at.,LA ««ML Bnaaw aad aaadar ay ap-


COUCHBf.Mkiai racask raTl4opaw \-mmr

- Twa ar tkrao ckaira,rack wMk »lror. 4«ar-

doat dl R i n n U .

lab). _ .Mand aad two aaa dramin. RoaaavaM*. Coma morainti ar •tMMia. U- An. ^ ^

I,B toMinul ky PiraTCaana. Bad »aai. al

Ualon Pin HOOJ.. awtwaaiiry An.,iu« Bank, pntay, OBL a. i i a. m.•alarday. Oat, la. *•» p. n


•MavHirrmaj JaajaijaHaawflMa B B B I M ^ ^ B B W BajwaaaaT*

f r m I M «*M*ik*«tMt

NI'MBiiN T* . Mil* naoM. kN"M«.HI* tMtti ratllaltr titifilltiwi Btr.rtiit

•i.» 1'iifiii.a a.iMH«d i t *in i .Hlttifcin, VI,I NHiM, , , i.., .•(„,.!! Buainaaa vrpvpiruniiipji |Mit»,n III».M> > •»« rain

• BMiaf Ir vm **• t*i,i rm ao«w walat|tiv|i-pi aiAHt^t n,.i • • • , . a«»« •* ><••* •'>'' !>-•• »•<*' i^«i(ii,i« n#ianB > « ( , , , t,,.i . . r . , . - . , , , . . rrr > ( , , , „ , , , . , „ f , ....,•„.,.< •> •-, , . . , . . , » . , , ,• ••«(•. fl...i (It lll»l« •!< I IUM II I I'm " • , • : ! | « i l A I ,na n>,i,

l « J d M « B

•Ml aad katk. PaiakmatMUaaea,



BUNOALOW, lurauhiTw. Mdrootat. l i « n raam. mtkai,

aath, all boat. t v M o / M T-W4.ALMOST NBW RANCB

VI Uira. kadrotnu, twa kalha. larj«ll>Ui( room with dlnmi aroa. tawaorakHeh*n with knakfaat Mok. tpKnitk'

M t t n " • • *—

.Imoat an t i n 1KommD«r l i f a n . RowoaM Waal Prow

land. POMUIWIMM Wattrourv.Rod Bank. BH

BOU1B — Thn. tolraaiaa. WaUrtront.IM Lotaard An.. O tr. «1» mamk. IB

CAPS COD NOUW - ParnlamxlTbraa Mdrowwa, all Mat, rw»-Mr

larafa. luat «•» Mr month, all roarrood MM. Call CA MBM>MIDDLBTOWK - MlMimt.-t I

Unlurnuhod. thrao badroona,katha. aamto. (Mamaathly. I U N Inaaliod. Arauul. al oooa. ooMkaaiRoal Batata. Laanarda. AT 1 « MATLANTIC HIOHLANDt - PtMramM

now. olf t e n t . Dr. a m i mralahadThrM-bMrooai BOUM wtth nnplae..m BMetkly, yaartr laoaa. ArallBkw

:: oahnaw Roti ajauta. Too-AT 14ML

aaraaa. M*


nation al n Mmmautk at.. Rod Baak.Bl'NOALOW I'MFURKUHBD, lair

room*, kalk and taraf.. f m 'roaad.Ml Mirnlnk i n . , RtaUaadaJU *UW

HOUIC — Uiraoma, kalk. llvmg. dmki| rooma.

kttaaaa. oil hoat. BkMk Irom aakaal.aad aalfhhorhaad. m Ador i n i131. Nowmkar I.

_ Painiasad. k w « r rtart, noata. kam. aKaakad nrafa.

all madam. Rtaldaallal. PR t i l lPt'LLT lurniahod attraatm oottaia.

aualy laadatapad m m a m aimHal.. Larta H«M raaM twa kad.

raama, aaar cammiiuas, Immxllal.• m r Loaaa w i n m J U4 j

aaa BM, l/nilr i n " IHiwari,inihi iia a*i V" 1 )iw

_ I i«am I m H n M i t «HH ihtaiaail aM. I 'i atHitr alta«h»H HiaMaraa fctdrwuiia iirg« ra«r»aiion riwwi, . i ta lully laii'IM'.a.d 0"d aplll rail

>II-,» III tan Mmi* "•"•r ai Owinrn*

NKW T * I I nnni'Hiti ram I . . I iw

III M I U> t IJ*' >au • » m



ItoMf Ii H wmM'l (•MlKkt

it ft* KM ikhfi

MM IW VMI tv kifki Ikb I M ^

Uk Ml •»

ilMt M IM 14Mt BMWBBBa A d i WSWWBBt B B W I ^BB«J B B B B


Page 16: Dedicate Red Satellite Expected Wing Of To Circle Moon ...* en' MDDLETOWN - Township J. will receive a Oc t IS oa charn el


eat udag torapike lavonuos loay nil tana a Hodtsa Cooaty

Senate President Wesley L . n . ^Hance (R-Hunterdoa) add over 1 ) 1 1 1 6

ner,technicians'Hudtoa County1* objections.

Tha maarara embraces thaidea of wing Ntw Jersey tura.pike aurphia modi te aid oaa>muttf ftUmdi II _ „other tnntpottathM problems.

Red Bank High SchoolTeaehcr Enda Coarte

Chart** Piter, math andtdaaea taaehar at Red Bank HighSchool, completed a apectalizedcaana la physics at the Univer-sity of CoaaacUcat, but miner,under the auapieea of th»Ns-flml m->—- Fouaditkn HaujsmamajM SBaja^naM^sf mvmummmmtn^mu mw

enrolled la another NSF-sponsor-tlcouraeat Staves* Insttmta of

dad-* 1Tht aWHTiovtf pfofrtn comlit-

Od of a dxwaeks' course * 'by wtth a new approach topkyikiSi dsveloped by thaad Idaaea Study Committee.The course wst desigaed tobroadaa teaching abUity,dealt, m large pert, with the ob-MfrtOOD M O OJICUMiOB 01 Otw

Says BondIssue VitalTo 4-H'ers

FREEHOLD—Election Day haiT, a apadal importance thU year ti

. every young peraoa in New Jersay. according to George WStar. Jr.. county 4-H Oab agent

"That's becaute naktata aM Mate an going to decide a

a college boad iawe, an lamwhich may decide their future/ha say*.

Approval of the hood bane b]the people would permit tha stabto borrow money HI tn§ wtn o

with in

•rdty t Havaa T .dealing with the field of moden

Mr. Flaw, currently la Ms see-aad year oa ths RodBaak Highfchool fftcultyB ttidMt phytaehemistry aad madjatMtlcs.

16 AttendDistrict Session

aatdt to be dasa bacauaithe number of young menwomen who want to go to coOegiIs increasing aO the time." Mr.Star said.

"Right BOW about a r m NOTJersey young persons go to eatleg*. Ifs expected that N "persons win want to go to collegi

HIGHLANDS-btrs of the Lades'Auxiliary offlw Vatanns of Foreign Wanpost attcaded the sixth dktrlctiissMag of tha Veterans of For-alga Wan AaxUiary at the toedtost home.

Mn. Minor JohMea,Went of the toed aaxlllary.aew sixth district pnsldeat Mn.

"This It not a political IsmThe bead issue hu the approvalof bath major poliUcd parti**But it muat be voted oa by flu

P m N H B t •- •*-Is t h e ' * "

•aitof the local auditory." ta thssixth district sacntsry.

Attending w e n Mrs. LaurtRubUy. preddeat; Mn. RudolphHem. Mrs. Stephen H. FaDer.Mn. Eva S. Marker. Mrs. RuthCNdL Mrs. Kamsrina Jaaasoa.Mn. Hanld Oakts. Mrs. RobertM. Waters, Mr*. Henrietta Kb>gay, Mn. Burtoa J. Millar, Mrs.Charles Yetagst. Mrs. CatbtrlatMatthew*. Mrs. Joha Dedrtea,Mn. Aaaa RassetU, Mrs.beta astd Mrs. Johasaa.

costs so little...means so much

if you are aot of votmiage, yoa caa do a gnat deal ttm^ I I I . I 1Wgat nwfrleads who vota about this issuiaad Its Importance. To know UM

is to be ia fsvor of it," hi

Mrs. MyersJoins ClubUN Party

EATONTOWNflaa. Fen*. prasMaat, welcomed :

-Mrs . VmcaaMrs

Andrew" Myen of this place atmember at Thanday algbt'i

meatiag of tha Womaa's Camgb

_ _ wWkt fOCthftd f f Mthe Rotary dab to parUdpato h

wHh four•

dab at New ghrewsbury aad OH~ t a Rotary .dub. It wai

that tha dub would bt

The dab voted to ma t msrchssdis* club this year. A cardparty will be held et S p.

Nov. 11. la the Ke»lag*. Mrs. WUbar Rut,

chdnata, states that mpriiee will be awarded.

Membm wan lavltad by tbiNew Shnwsbwy Woman1! Chitto view • pntsamiot of "Me-dea" by the Utth) Silver Worn-aa'a dub, Thurtdsy, Nov. II, alTlatoa Fads. Anyone Interested

may contact Mn.secretary,

Mrs. WUUam HoUaad of Loai


aad alas commercidly,«w dab "Tricks aaHMM Alter bar taft, Mrs.dlesJayed fan bats the Ii

Mn. Nenaaa Iketltrd. hatpltallty chalrmaa, was asslstadbjMrs. Leoa B. gmeck aad Mn.Fred MUwtn.



nost l»vear-old boys. Richardohnson Is miahty fond of Ms dog.Richard was on a high flying

wing when,hi* pooch Toby camelangarousry close. Rather thanlit Toby, tha boy Jumped out ofhe swing a an effort to slow itsnotion.

Richard broke both arms Inha fdL

sago Motor Boot Dealer Show.

Ml, _ - ^

bdng ehaagod to wla

( )the week-end that the moasan.

Attend Show,Gtyin

WOULANDf-Members of the

ia aa effort to ajuiotformaact sa New York City last

They had bachaoa at Toffe-Mttt*S ItaMtsMafWt Maf dmWtf atf

Sen. Lance add bt agreed to'

of thetare's power to use tax relief toaid railroads,

X Addmoa of a clause to aaduse of the surplus turapBce faadsif the Lagldann changed thepresent dasa n railroad tax set-up.

Tot tax oa BOMttMaa railproperty is now asasaaad bystats at the loed rale, collectedby the state, and distributed tothe muddpaHties.

Sen. Lance bald it didn't matterto him if this clause was put hithe title of the Mil, the body orto a referendum question thatgoes before New Jersey votanNov. 3.

AuxUisry and Riattended a matinee psr-

Mn. LakeMft. Hubtft B« Xyt&t

Mrs. Hoy Maxtoa. Mrs. JohnMcCoaasB. Mn. Martla D. Fehl-habtr. Mn. Wdter A.Mn. William R. Bsatty, Mrs.David E. Fattonaa. Mrs. SlvertM. WaWroa, Mrs. WuHam Xoh-laabath. Mrs. Esther Tompktos, TOF NOTCHMrs. Oaorga Anattnag. Mn. FOUAB? MB TO YOUMn. George MeOowaa. Mrs.GladysO

Mswaa. Mrs. V l t o s a t , , ^ > "Mr*. Joha Sdorttno.MBI1— J*"

Mn. Edward Rymar, Mrs..,_ _" Mrs. Andrew M . ™ . 0 -

•ffV. M i l l In VaiMmHtt HHWtown's

Tha clsuas Is aimed at aton-ing Hudson County mayor* whofed they'll km U mUlloa dol-lars la taxes a year by tba plsa.

BACK FROM gHOW For example. Jersey City gatsMarshall Vaa Winkle, Id. pree- eight million dollars ia nil taxes

dent of Vaa Winkle Marine, as annually and Mayor Cbtrlsa g.White St. Red Bank, hu n- Witowtkl hu expressed tha fear. Iwned from a trip to the CM- a future Legidatun Bright Jaop-|

Irs. FwdhM Meyarhtrm. Mn.oaepb Ralmondi, Mrs. Fredlast aad Mrs. Sam Blanch!.

Maatsvirds. Naacy Stoat. Vat-aria TaaataO. Barbara Mafia.

Tan tmbKHaa stoff is bttojappototsd by the dsst advisers.Robert Dudtey aad Mrs. Mary

Mr*. TbsodonneUagUcbtar and Lucy Whseier havethe leadtag roles.

Other members of the cast anil

A L L - D A Y B A N K I N G

. Arthur Siegtl.ll

erchants O-. P

f D [; A N K i (? M A V t N


workers. Did SH I-NM now


"IW iajajrff Drfvar Tabu Iht I WI'll to after <ha people you need, g Ta^MtW fiitafsxL

II SBBBaW V * i p







I N 14MS

N. Y. Bat TarataaeJ.

ajs. sisk 1 .1* siss, saa. mm, umrji. tiiis. m siss, ins. *m ma>

mm AM. im A. M. u m SM IM.tab m* aaasass saa eat uaa rjs.

Shop daily f:30 ta 1:30 - Had leak ttoro optii Friday, 'til t . Aikiry »irk ttwra opon WtcJnMdayt 'W f


Red Cross Shoes9 Soft Little PumpThat Leads So Many Lives

12,95H't sM«n a Waita IHrlt shot you'll want fa wear It any htwr, anywhero—oa a skopotnej sprat)

•r o«t lit na tvMbtf *• fathlanaMtj M HI shaptly low h t t l . . . »o flaxiMt with Hi t#atry

olaiNahwd fopltno Mwt aKn|i imoorhly.

STEINBACITS SHOES, Start Floor mi AAvy Fvk

Spirits Soar UpwardWith Our Supp-Hose

Our SUP'-HOSI Ii rho «««• luppaftlftf•fforiitf M) HMwh of •voryrMa.t ft) aa»lva womoa

fathlMtWy aomforftaJa Itf rtHef. lm%

4.95In yaw aarrtat slit and ftiMoit ikttj* pUi Wtakand white.

SWMI.U.HS HOSURYStrut Hint vU Athuiy I't'k

New Fall Shades in

Coro Poppet Beads

LOO*Won m O M , TWO «r Thrtt irrtaaJ H D I

r*pt la Uvtly *«H ihtdti t* aomploiMtrt


STF.ISHACirs IF.WKt.HYSitrtl Unit and Atlmiy I'aik .

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