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  • 8/3/2019 Dedicated Magazine


    DedicatedMagazineBecause Knowledge Is Power


    1. Small Business Ideas o Suplement Your Income (p. 12)

    2. Action Plan Tat Will Supercharge Your Success (p. 3)

    3. Te Occupation o Wall St. (p. 32)

    4. ime Management- Te 6 Essential Elements (p. 14)



  • 8/3/2019 Dedicated Magazine


    Table Of Contents 2Success In Life (p.3)

    An Action Plan that will Supercharge Success

    by: Wayne Rasku

    Success In Business (p.12)Small Business Ideas To Supplement Your In-

    come by: Jeremy Winters

    Time Management (p.14)Time Management- The 6 Essential Elements

    by: Harri Jussila

    Finance (p.18)Financial Security- It Can Be Yours!

    by: Amy Mia

    Fitness (p. 22)How To Make Exercise a Longterm Practice

    by: Omel Oconnor

    Cover Story (p. 32)The Occupation of Wall St.

    by: W.D. Adisa

    Laughing (p. 39)

    Dedicated Deals (p. 40)

  • 8/3/2019 Dedicated Magazine


    3Success In LifeDedicated2:

    Jump Start Your Lie - ake Te 100 Day Challenge - An ActionPlan Tat Will Supercharge Success

    Success does not look exactly the same to every person. It comes inmany orms, and what is success to one may not mean anything to

    someone else. In spite o a di-erent look, there are at leasttwo elements o success thatare identical or everyone who

    experiences it. First, successis a goal that is worthy o pur-suit. Te second part o successis that it is not usually easy. Ittakes work.

    You have heard it said, Where

    there is a will, there is a way.Tis is true o success. Tereis a way, no matter what yourcurrent circumstances are.Tere are many hints and sug-gestions that will help you toget there. Listed here are 5 re-

    ally helpul tips that will assistyou to join the ranks o suc-cessul people.speech act1. Start o by centering on agoal you like

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    I this is your rst endeavor in sel-improvement/success, it is evenmore relevant that you start with something you already have an

    interest in. You can increase your chances or success exponentiallyi you have a passion or what you are working toward. Get togetherwith some riends or your spouse and brainstorm about your areaso interest. Make sure it is someone who shares your desire or suc-cess. List all your skills and interests on a sheet o paper or a com-puter document. Dont leave anything out, even i it does not seem

    relevant. For instance, i you are good at making animal balloons,write it down... you never know where the inspiration will come

    rom. Dont limit yoursel here, because you never know what ideawill spring orth rom a crazy whim. Ten go through your list andnarrow it down to the one or two things you are most passionateabout that can become a career choice.

    2. Develop a Plan

    Success In LifeDedicated2:

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    A plan is essential because it is a blueprint o your path to success.Do you think a contractor would start building a house or an oce

    building without a plan? Neither should you begin your journey tosuccess without a roadmap o how to get there.

    Your plan can be pretty sketchyto start out, but you shouldhone and develop it until youhave every acet covered. Itneeds to have goals or each

    step o the process, includingdates or completion. You alsoneed to write down what youwill need to accomplish eachstep in terms o materials oreducation. I you know peoplewho can help you along the

    way, write down their names.Make sure your plan is com-plete. Leave nothing to theimagination at this point.

    Get a calendar at the oce sup-ply store and dedicate it or just

    keeping a record o your goalaccomplishments. Write in itdaily. It will be very helpul tosee how you moved orward. Asyou look at the progress, that isalso helpul to keep you moving

    5Success In LifeDedicated2:

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    orward.3. Change your Circumstances

    Zig Ziglar said this time and time again, I you keep on doingwhat your doing, you will keep on getting what you got.Its crazy to think you can keep doing the same thing over and overthe same way and expect dierent results. You have a basic choice.You can accept your position in lie or you can choose to change it.

    It may not seem like you have a choice on some days, but you do.Even i the choice is how you react to what is happening. You can

    eect a change in your lie by changing your thoughts. Toughtsare powerul. Dont allow those circumstances to keep you whereyou are. It does not have to be something huge, but you have thepower to change something. aking this positive step will eventu-ally lead to your success. Dont ever orget that you have the samepower in you as anyone else. We all start every day with a clean

    Dedicated2:6Success In Life

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    slate. What will you write on yours?

    4. Your Attitude is ar more important than your AptitudeTe great thing about attitude is that you are in control. No onecan aect your attitude unless you give them permission. You are

    You are in control o yourattitude, even i you are notwell educated or wealthy. Your

    positive, determined attitudewill open the doors to success.

    5. Develop a Passion or Edu-cation

    You dont have to be a studentin school to continue youreducation. Every day shouldbe a learning experience, eveni you learn something thatdid not work. Most peopleknow that Tomas Edisonailed many times when try-ing to invent a light bulb. Buthe did not consider it ailure.He said, I did not ail 10,000times, I merely discovered10,000 ways that did notwork. Now, that is passionand determination. Learning

    Dedicated2:7Success In Life

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    experience, even i you learn something that did not work. Mostpeople know that Tomas Edison ailed many times when trying

    to invent a light bulb. But he did not consider it ailure. He said,I did not ail 10,000 times, I merely discovered 10,000 ways thatdid not work. Now, that is passion and determination. Learningrom your mistakes is a valuable kind o education. Dont dismissit as ailure. Keep your path toward success in ocus, learning whatworks and what doesnt as you go.

    Success seems to come easy or some and never come or others.What do you want in lie? Is success you goal? Ten go or it.

    Te 100-Day Challenge breeds successul individuals in ve ways:

    1. Provide ocus on something you are passionate about

    2. Develop a plan

    8Success In LifeDedicated2:

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    3. Change circumstances

    4. Develop an attitude or success

    5. Provides education that breeds success.

    Discover how you can becomethe successul person you de-sire to be by taking the 100-

    Day Challenge.

    By: Wayne Rasku

    9Success In Life

    Always bear in mind thatyour own resolution tosucceed is more impor-tant than any other.-Abraham Lincoln


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    Dedicated2:10Success In Business

    Small Business Ideas to Supplement Your Income

    Certain small business ideas can go a really long way in supple-menting your income. With well directed research you can beearning a sizeable amount o extra money every month.

    Choose a particular hobby you love intimately and turn it into asmall business. A lot o people make the stressul mistake o ol-

    -lowing the tide and trying to make money the exact same wayother people are making it. ake or instance a persons passionor music. You can very easily open a small music store that is aregular supplier o old and new music.

    I you are a passionate dancer you can oer dancing classes orthe youth in your neighbourhood. Business is an energy sappingactivity and the best way to go at it is by ollowing your heart and

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    Dedicated2:11Success In Business

    not ollowing the tide. I you ollow the tide you might all o asudden nd yoursel in a situation you hate, all alone and miser-


    As a recognized proessional in your eld o expertise you can

    diversiy your portolio andoer services to private clients.An accountant can very easily

    do the books or ellow riendsand amily at a low cost. Alawyer can also represent cli-ents with legal battles he or shestumbles upon on a daily basis.At the very core o this eec-tive strategy is a good listening

    ear. Tis means you must notonly be geared up or excitingsocial interactions, but be alertor opportunity. Te awesomething about doing this is thatyou will have the experienceto back you up, plus o course

    your companys reputation as aproo o your competency.

    Open a small store in yourneighborhood. Tis store canbe a grocery store, a shop thatsells organic vegetables, or

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    Dedicated2:12Success In Business

    even a store that sells electrical goods or other needed items.However, it is very important to talk to your neighbors as a wayo nding out what their immediate needs are. Once done, yourtask will then revolve around providing a crucial service insteado a simple commonplace product which can be obtained on onesway home. So do thorough brainstorming and come up with a listo the dierent items you can sell. Another tip is to be diverse andprovide a wide range o products.

    Tere are several business ideas in the eld o service provision.I you are in the rainy summer months it will be very protable toprovide grass cutting services. Grass grows really tall when it rainsand sometimes home owners hardly have the time to be doingtheir own yard work. Provide this service and you will reap greatrewards. Small business ideas can earn you big returns and theycan be very simple ideas that no one else is doing.

  • 8/3/2019 Dedicated Magazine



    Are you looking or a great orum to discuss lie and ideas? Besure to visit Kings o the Land to discuss luxury lie and style, la-dies ashion online, and many other topics.By Jeremy Winters

    Success In Business

    Te dierence be-tween a successulperson and oth-ers is not a lack o

    strength, not a lacko knowledge, butrather in a lack owill.-Vincent . Lom-


  • 8/3/2019 Dedicated Magazine



    ime Management Defnition - Te 6 Essential Elements

    ime management is an invaluable skill necessary to live aquality lie. In our current society, people are constantly strug-gling to attend to their duties and responsibilities and nd timeor leisure, amily and sel. In order to handle the demands olie without going crazy, one should learn the ability o manage-ment. However, what is time management?

    Beore going into the six essential elements that comprise thetime management denition, it is important to know how thisskill inuences an individuals overall quality o lie. ime is oneo the skills that an individual has to learn to be productive. Apersons productivity is measured on how much he can do andachieve at a given period. Personal productivity is one o the vi-tal elements o lie management. I one can master lie manage-ment, one can live lie to its ullest.

    Time Management

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    Now that the relationship o time management, personal produc-tivity and lie management is made clear, it is time to move on tothe six essential elements o the management denition.1. Managing Goals: Goals are important in a persons lie. With-

    goals, one will wander aim-lessly through lie, hauntedby the eeling o not accom-plishing anything. Personal

    goals will steer an individualin the right direction and willhelp this person ocus hisstrengths in achieving thatgoal. Tus, at the end o theday, this individual will havea eeling o sel-accomplish-


    2. Managing asks: Everyperson tackles importanttasks everyday. Managingthese tasks is imperative tomake sure that an individualdo not end up with too manythings to do. In addition,managing tasks will ensurethat a person do not orgetany important errands ormiss any deadlines.

    Time Management

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    Dedicated2:16Time Management

    3. Prioritize: Learning to prioritize is also a good skill to com-

    plement managing tasks. Since time is very limited, it is vitalthat a person completes his priorities rst beore anything else.Tat way, a person gets closer to accomplishing his goals everysingle day. Prioritizing is simply knowing what is necessary tonish a goal and knowing what to do next.

    4. Utilizing the Calendar: A calendar is important to manage

    ones time ully. Whether it be a desk calendar or an electronicone, it is critical that a person have one. It is also recommend-ed, i you have multiple calendars (Outlook, mobile phone,PDA, desk calendar), that all calendars be synchronized so asnot to miss anything.

    5. Procrastination Management: Everyone has a tendency toprocrastinate and, or some, it is a eeling that is very dicult

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    Dedicated2:17Time Management

    to resist. However, or one to be a successul time manager, onemust learn to resist the calls o procrastination.

    6.Reminder Systems: A good ollow-up system is necessary soold tasks or projects are not orgotten. Tere are new things

    Tere are new things to doeach day that might needmuch attention and a good

    reminder system will de-nitely help manage all othese tasks.

    ime management deni-tion: Overall, time manage-

    ment is a skill to help an in-dividual manage his time toaccomplish his tasks, reachhis goals, and still make timeor himsel.

    By: Harri Jussila

    Find out more about timemanagement denition atthis website:timemanagement.com

  • 8/3/2019 Dedicated Magazine


    Dedicated2: Finance 18

    Financial Security - It Can Be Yours

    Many people view nancial security as a lofy goal, a castlein the sky - something they have heard o, havent achieved, andperhaps aspire to. Most people also assume that to be nan-cially secure, that you need to have millions o dollars stashedaway. Tat most certainly helps, but that isnt the point entirely.Its within your reach....

    Financial security is not the same as being wealthy, althoughthe two sometimes go hand in hand. Its simply having a goodbalance between a comortable savings and a low debt ratio thatallows you to be secure - allows you to live a lie where you con-trol your spending rather than your spending controlling you.Anyone can achieve this no matter how much income they gen-erate, it just takes some simple easy steps.

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    So how do I get nancially secure, anyways?Te earlier in lie you can implement valuable saving andspending habits, the better o youll be. You simply need to startprioritizing the way you live - and put yoursel rst above allthings - think o your uture. Te rst step to nancial secu-

    nancial security is no matterhow much you earn, put somecash away or yoursel rst.

    You may nd that your billsconsume all available income,and youre lef with a greatbig zero at the end o yourmonth. You can do one o twothings - make more money,which is easier said than

    done, or take some o the topo each check or yoursel,and cut your expenses, whichis easier than you think.Borrow LessOther good habits o peoplewho are nancially secure

    is that they keep their bor-rowing extremely low. It maysound old ashioned, but onceupon a time, i you did notpossess the ull asking priceo something, be it a car or ahome, you didnt buy it. With


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    things like cars, electronics, urniture, and even jewelry oeredon nancing plans, people nd themselves borrowing more andmore or things they would have purchased in cash not longago, and wind up with the corresponding payment and debt.Insure the important thingsFinancial security is more than just debts and income, its aboutmitigating the events that can cripple your nances i they oc-cur - things like serious illnesses, or catastrophic damage to

    your home. You want to make sure your insurance is up to snuor things like your home, your vehicle, and your health, so thata single incident wont ruin a lietime o hard work and scrupu-lous savings. Sometimes it pays to spend a little more on some-thing like car insurance, realizing that the minimum insurancemight cost you your nancial livelihood i you injure someoneand are underinsured.Each o us can achieve nancial security by simply reigning in


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    our spending, aggressively saving, and protecting our uturewith the proper insurance. Its not just or us alone - our chil-dren and grandchildren will benet rom our actions today,and its not the same as being rich, even though most peoplewho are use the same practices.

    our spending, aggressively sav-ing, and protecting our uturewith the proper insurance. Its

    not just or us alone - our chil-dren and grandchildren willbenet rom our actions today,and its not the same as beingrich, even though most peoplewho are use the same practices.Are you looking or a way to

    achieve nancial security! Iso download a true Rags toRiches story and learn how todouble your money every weekwith little to no risk. Click thelink below to learn HOW youwill begin compounding your

    capital towards your rst Mil-lion Dollars at the easy corpo-rate money program. http://www.thenetmillionaire.com/

    by: Amy Mia


  • 8/3/2019 Dedicated Magazine




    How o Make Exercise A Longterm Practice

    A ew years ago, a girlriend said to me, on our way to the gym,that she had been working out consistently 4 or 5 times per weekor 5 years.

    I thought about my tness over the years which looked more likean extremely checkered practice schedule with a month here or

    there, alternated with months o extreme dieting or excessive eat-ing. She wore her commitment like a badge o honor. It inspiredme. I wondered what it would eel like i I could say at the end ove years that I went to the gym consistently, 4 or 5 times a week,without breaking and without starting over. And relatively im-portant was physical beauty and what I would look like 5 yearsand beyond.


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    I decided to commit and proceeded in setting a date, writing outmy goals and automating daily reminders using Google. Do ordie I would succeed. Little did I know what I was setting up my-sel or. It wasnt the rst, brutal month o pressing through thepain o change, it was the months o capricious changes wrought

    by my other commitment tolaunching my ashion designbusiness 2007.

    However, I remained consis-tent, never needing to startover, never needing anotherdiet ad, never eeling bloat-ed, never agonizing aboutweight or going on weight

    loss drives. Dieting adedaway, and so did weight gainworries. With commitmentI experienced more reedomrom the dieting world orattention to the physical ap-pearance.

    Te most important shif Imade was viewing exercise asessential to health. Tis didnot happen right away be-cause it is hard to


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    work out, while dealing with losses, changes, depression andother liestyle issues, but as I orced mysel to honor this commit-ment, I began to need exercise to deal with losses, changes, de-pression or lies problems. I stopped, having PMS weight gain, atdays, breakup ood binges, job change weight gain etc. A commit-ment starts one day at a time.You too can commit to making exercise apart o your lie or thelong term. What would it eel like to never have to start a weight

    management plan you started ten times already? Tat is the goal,not weight loss, not body building, not dieting, it is disciplinethrough commitment. Maybe those words are too big to makeyou care this long term solution: think o it in smaller terms. Eachday, I will nd the will power to continue the tness goal I startedand just or today, all that is required is that I do it!

    by: Omel Oconnor, www.mydietingsite.com or more tness help.


  • 8/3/2019 Dedicated Magazine



    10 Ways to Keep the Love Fire Burning!

    Te FireProo movie was created by the same company thatproduced FlyWheel and Facing the Giants. I know that everyonehas probably heard o it by now, but dont just watch it as anothermovie...really pay attentionthis time. And pay attentionto your spouse as they arewatching it...I know that myhusband and I were noddingour heads in agreement, orsheepishly laughing at someo the verbage in the scenes.We also dgeted when thescenes o tension and dis-agreement were displayed.

    Why? Guess weve beenthere...it doesnt matter howlong youve been married,you must keep the romanticame alive! Tats really hardto do i you nd yoursel notrespecting or admiring each

    other very much.

    Ive listed below 10 ideas tohelp keep the ame burningin your relationship...haveun and be creative!

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    Dedicated2: Relationships26

    1. Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman..yes, okay, anotherbook...but a must read or all couples! You can both take the testat his website.

    2. Write your spouse a love letter! Its not cheesy...its just ortheir eyes only. ell them what you love and admire aboutthem...they need to know and they need to know rom you. Idont care i youve been married or 30 minutes or 30 years,

    think about the qualities that drew you to that person. Whatmade you decide to commit to this one incredible human being?Tank them or being the best part o you.

    3. I writing a letter leaves you tongue tied...how about creatinga video just or them? Same rules as above...only the wonderulthings that you love and appreciate about them.

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    Dedicated2: Relationships27

    4. Learn how to play! Do something spontaneous that yourspouse would love, especially i its not your thing. Buy himtickets to a sporting event and go with him. Men need and wantthe companionship o their wie. You dont have to go to everyballgame or play gol every time he does, but let him know that

    youre willing to! Gentlemen,i your wie loves to go toplays or concerts, surprise herwith a nice dinner and tickets.Putting on a tie or one nightwont kill you! O course, thereare ways to be adventurousand playul and not spend alot o money. My husband andI go hiking together and packa picnic in our backpacks. Welove the peace and quiet o thewooded trails, and just beingtogether is what its all aboutanyway.

    5. Ladies...ask your man toteach you something about hisavorite hobby...does he playtennis or gol? How aboutsome personal instruction?Pay attention ladies, because iyou dont, someone else will!

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    Dedicated2: Relationships 28

    6. Gentlemen...please pay your wie a sincere compliment...have

    you told her lately how beautiul she is? Have you given her ahug just because? Have you told her lately that I love you?Put down that remote and look into those gorgeous eyes and lether know how proud you are to be her man!

    7. Romantic dinner or two...no children, no interruptions, nocell phones please! Whether its a dinner you prepare together

    at home, or a nice evening out with wine and owers, makesure that you ocus on the two o you. No talk o bill paying, themortgage, the children, the neighbors, the job...talk about yourdreams and inspirations; talk about uture plans and yes, youreelings!!

    8. Men think about sex...about a zillion times a day, even itheyre dying ---that being said, ladies, get rid o the annel pjs

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    Dedicated2: Relationships 29

    and baggy boxer shorts. Please nd something pretty, sof andeminine to wear to bed and let your honey know just howmuch you cant wait to be held by those strong arms! I youneed inspiration, theres a reason that romance novels are yingo the shel! Dont substitute a antasy in a book when youve

    got the real thing right in yourbedroom!! Enough said.

    9. Been by a orist lately? Well,whats stopping you? Dont justsend her owers once or twicea year...they really mean moreto us when were not expectingthem! You dont have to spenda ortune either. My sweetie

    stops at the local grocery store,and you can buy a pretty littlebunch o them or less than$10.00. Believe me, guys, thisis something small that willimpress her in a big way. Andi you really want her to prac-

    tice #8 above, take the time tond a romantic card to go withthe owers.

    10. I love you, I love you, I loveyou. You are the most impor-tant person in my lie.

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    Dedicated2: Relationships30

    You cannot say these words enough, and please dont just wantuntil your anniversary or Valentines Day to say them! Lie is tooshort my riends to waste the precious time weve been given.Please take the time to cherish each other, appreciate all the goodqualities that your spouse has been given, and you will reap therewards o a reproo relationship.

    Tese tips are just to get you started...over the years, we read

    many books together and discussed what we were learning witheach other. Weve had our ups and downs, our temper tantrums,our arguments, and yes, I ran away one day or about 4 hours!But theres no place like home, when home is your reuge againstthe world; home is being held closely by your loved one and thereis no sweeter place on earth.

    Te FireProo book contains exercises to do or each other over

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    Dedicated2: Relationships31

    the next 40 days...please commit to each other and give it a ull,all-out eort. http://www.reproomymarriage.com/by: Gayla PrinceGayla Prince has been happily married or 20 years andcounting! She is in popu-lar demand in her area asa speaker and humorist orwomens groups and churches.

    Please eel ree to email herand say hello! [email protected]

    Love is that con-

    dition in whichthe happiness oanother person isessential to yourown.

    Robert Heinlein

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    32Cover Story

    Te Occupation O Wall Street

    Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement withpeople o many colors, genders and political persuasions. Te onething we all have in common is that We Are Te 99% that will nolonger tolerate the greed and corruption o the 1%. We are usingthe revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and en-courage the use o nonviolence to maximize the saety o all par-ticipants. -occupywallst.org

    For one month now thousands o people rom all across the na-tion have ocked to New Yorks nancial district in lower Man-hattan to conduct a protest/sit-in. Approximately 1,000 partici-pants have been arrested so ar, 700 in connection with the marchacross the Brooklyn Bridge on October 2nd. Te peaceul marchended up blocking two lanes o trac on the bridge which ulti-mately led to the arrest. Te base o the operation is in ZucottiPark ormerly known as Liberty Plaza, which beore the occupa-

    Dedicated2: Cover Story

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    33Cover Story

    -tion was a local lunch hangout or many o the Wall Street bank-ers, traders and nanciers. Zucotti Paoops I mean Liberty Pla-za as it has become aectionately called by demonstrators, is nowa large mass o sleeping bags, laptops ,make shif media roomsand has even been deemed a potential a re hazard.

    So what exactly do these occupiers o wall street want? Whatare their demands? According to occupywallst.org As members othe 99 percent, we occupy Wall Street as a symbolic gesture o ourdiscontent with the current economic and political climate and asan example o a better world to come. Te use o members o the99 percent reers to the act that the top one percent o all Ameri-cans have amassed 43% o all nancial wealth. ake a look at thechart below and make your own conclusions.

    Table 1: Distribution of net worth and nancial wealth in the

    United States, 1983-2007

    Total Net Worth

    Top 1 percent Next 19 percent Bottom 80 percent

    1983 33.8% 47.5% 18.7%

    1989 37.4% 46.2% 16.5%

    1992 37.2% 46.6% 16.2%

    1995 38.5% 45.4% 16.1%

    1998 38.1% 45.3% 16.6%

    2001 33.4% 51.0% 15.6%

    2004 34.3% 50.3% 15.3%

    2007 34.6% 50.5% 15.0%

    Dedicated2: Cover Story

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    Cody Willlard, a blogger or marketwatch.com, nicely summedup the movement in this post; How have we gotten so ar awayrom the Constitution that we allow all this blatant redistributiono wealth rom the working-class and middle-class to the richestpeople around the world? Its not about orceully redistributingthe wealth downward. Tese Occupy Wall Street movements areabout stopping the orced redistribution o wealth upwards in allits many acets that go on every day in this country. Meanwhile

    down at the square people are handing out yers, chanting slo-gans, holding press conerences, and debating all while munch-ing on ree ood. However, all is not good. Tese protest maybe temporarily hurting the very people that the movement wasmeant to help.

    While talking to Alicia Ciccone rom the Hung Post Staceyzortzatos, owner o Panini & Co. Breads, a small business

    Cover Story

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    adjacent to the park had this to say. Usually, there are hundredsand hundreds o people in this area, said which sits adjacent toZuccotti Park. People do not want to have to pass through thecrowd or walk through the park to come to my business -- sothey go elsewhere. Tis puts local business owners

    between a rock and a hardplace. While many merchantssupport the movement and

    what it stands or, i these pro-test continue or too long thelivelihood o their businesscould be at stake.

    However as Americans do wereally have the right to com-

    plain? Some critics say abso-lutely not. In America, youare the 99%, but in the resto the world, you are still the1%, reads the caption o apicture thats circulating theinternet. Te image shows

    protesters side by side with animage o starving Arican chil-dren. Even the very poorest oAmericans, the bottom 2%, areat the 62nd percentile globally.Tis is according to a compar-ative analysis done by Branko

    Cover Story

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    Milanovic a lead economist or the World Bank Research group.Occupy Wall St. protesters say We will no longer tolerate

    the greed and corruption o the 1%. Sooo i we broaden thatsame logic it would mean that the entire United States shouldglobally redistribute its wealth. Hmmm, I dont think thats go-ing to y with the Republicans in the House or Senate or y withanybody else really. Te protest are however gaining supportrom democrats.

    Yes, I think people are rustrated and, you know, the protestersare giving voice to a more broad-based rustration about how

    our nancial system works. -President Barack Obama

    God bless them or their spontaneity. Its -- you know, its anindependent people coming. Its young, its spontaneous, its o-cused, and its going to be eective. -Nancy Pelosi, House Mi-nority Leader (D-CA).

    Cover StoryDedicated2: Cover Story

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    Te core is the American people do not think the system is airor on the level. Tat is the core o what youre seeing on Wall

    Street. -Vice President Joe Biden.

    Te Occupy Wall Street Movement has even gained support romoverseas.

    Te one percent (who areruling America) launched the

    wars in Iraq and Aghanistan,but the remaining 99 per centhave to suer the deaths andpay or it, -Irans supremeleader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

    On October 13, 2011 the gui-

    tarist rom Rage Against theMachine perormed rightin Liberty Plaza. He was notalone, Russell Simmons andKanye West perormed on the10th o October, while alibKweli played on the 6th.

    Whats next or these protestis anybodies guess. It cant justbe about ree concerts andree ood, but something moreneeds to be said.

    Cover StoryDedicated2: Cover Story

  • 8/3/2019 Dedicated Magazine



    A unied coherent purpose, mission and direction, is what

    is needed. Deadlines need to be set, pressure needs to be put onocials, (hit em where it hurts)boycotts o certain corporationsneed to be organized on twitter, volunteering needs to take place,and leverage the media attention you currently have into all av-enues o the movement.

    38Cover Story

    Te person who gets the arthest is gen-

    erally the one who is willing to do anddare. Te sure-thing boat never gets arrom shore.-Dale Carnegie

  • 8/3/2019 Dedicated Magazine




    Mike: Can you tell me the good way to remember wies birthday?Brad: Its very easy, Just orget it once!

    Micky: Why women live longer, better and peaceul lie?Andrew: Because, they dont have a wie!

    Kid: What is husband andwie?Granny: Husband is the head

    o the amily but wie is theneck,which can turn head any-where!

    Julie: You know, behind ev-ery successul man, there is a

    woman.Michal: But behind every un-successul man, there are two.Jasmine: I am giving a big par-ty. Are you coming to attendmy 19th birthday party?

    James: No, i attended that ouryears ago!


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