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34 Morris Street, Yonkers, NY 10705 http:/www.stthomasmtc.org




Date Time Worship

Sun, Dec 2 9:30 English Communion Service

Sun Dec 9 9:30 English Communion Service

Sun, Dec 16 9:30 Malayalam Communion Service

Sun, Dec 23 9:30 Malayalam Communion Service

Tue Dec 25 10:00 English Communion service

Sun, Dec 30` 9:30 Malayalam Communion service

Mon Dec 31 midnight Malayalam Holy Communion



Date 1st Lesson ————

2nd Lesson

Epistle ———- Gospel


1 Saturday Isa. 2:10-22 Gal. 2:12-20

1 Thes. 4:1-12 St. John 1:1-15

2 Sunday Gen. 18:1-16 2 Cor. 1:3-11 Ps. 146

2 Tim. 4:9-18 St. Luke. 1:39-45 1 Pet. 1:8-12

9 Sunday 1 King. 19:1-21 Gal. 1:11-17 Ps. 139

Rev. 10:1-11 St. Luke. 1:57-66 Rev. 1:1-7

16 Sunday Isa. 40:1-11 Phil. 4:4-9 Isa. 35:1-10

Acts. 20:17-25 St. Mat. 1:18-23 Heb. 9:11-28

21 Friday Isa. 22:20-24 Phil. 3:12-21

1 Cor.1:18-25 St. John 14:1-7

23 Sunday Isa. 11:1-10 Rom. 1:8-16 Neh. 12:27-43

1 John 5:1-21 St. John 1:1-14 2 Cor.7:1-16

25 Tuesday Micah. 5:1-9 1 Tim. 1:14-17

Col. 1:15-20 St. Luke. 2:1-20

30 Sunday Zech. 14:1-5 1 Thes. 4:13-18 Ezek. 37:1-14

Acts. 1:6-11 St. John. 14:1-7 Rev. 22:1-9

31 Sunday 1 Sam. 7:5-17 1 Pet. 5:6-11

Heb. 13:7-21 St. Luke. 13:6-9



1 Saturday Beginning of Twenty Five Days Lent

2 Sunday Visitation of Virgin Mary to Elizabeth- Celebration of Good News

9 Sunday Birth of John the Baptist

16 Sunday Annunciation to Joseph

21 Friday Mar Thoma Church Day

23 Sunday Sunday Before Christmas. ‘Our Lord Comes’

25 Tuesday Yaldo - Feast of Nativity - A New Dawn End of the Twenty Five Day’s Lent

30 Sunday The Glorious Coming of our Lord

31 Monday Year Ending - Watch Night Service ‘God our Helper and Redeemer’

Edavaka Mission Dhyana Yogam At Church

Sat Dec 29 : 7:00 pm Sun Dec 30 : 6:30 pm Mon Dec 31: 10:00 pm

Speaker Rev. Dn. Mathew Chirayil

24 Hours Chain Prayer At Church

Sat Dec 29th 10:00 am to

Sun Dec 30th 10:00 am


2018 Christmas Carol Service

Dec 22nd, 6:00 pm

At Church

Main Guest & Speaker

Rev. Fr. Liju Thomas (Pastor of the Syro-Malankara Catholic

Church in Yonkers )

ChoirFest 2019

Hosted by our Choir

Venue: St Thomas Mar Thoma Church

Date: Sat, Jan 5th

Time: 4:00 pm

Christmas Service (Communion in English)

Tuesday Dec 25th, 10:00 am

Sermon: Rabbi Andrew Dinnerman


House Caroling Schedule

Sevika Sangham/Edavaka Mission Event Date & Time Location

Friday Prayer/ Edavaka Mis-sion

11/30/2018 10:00 AM

Mrs. Annakutty Joseph Yonkers, NY

Friday Prayer/ Edavaka Mis-sion

12/7/2018 10:00 AM

Mrs. Celine George Yonkers, NY

Friday Prayer/ Edavaka Mis-sion

12/14/2018 10:00 AM

Mrs. Accamma Verghese Yonkers, NY

Friday Prayer/ Edavaka Mis-sion

12/21/2018 10:00 AM

Mrs. Sosamma Abraham Spring Valley, NY

Friday Prayer/ Edavaka Mis-sion

12/28/2018 10:00 AM

At Church

Date & Time Location

Saturday, Dec 1st starting at 3:00 PM

Yonkers North Upper Westchester/CT

Sunday, Dec 2 starting at 2:00 PM

Yonkers East Yonkers West

Saturday, Dec 8 starting at 3:00 PM

Queens / Long Island

Sunday, Dec 9 starting at 2:00 PM

Yonkers South Manhattan/ NJ

Saturday, Dec 15 starting at 3:00 PM


Sunday, Dec 16 Starting at 2:00 PM



“Glory to God in the highest Heaven, and on earth peace among those whom He favors!”

Luke 2:14

The only way to really get peace in this world is to give Glory to God, the two are connected. The peace that this world needs and is searching for is a gift from God. It is believed that the famous French mathematician, philosopher, and physicist – Blaise Pascal said, “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus.”

As we are celebrating this Christmas season, and as we are getting ready to enter a new year, let us meditate on the fact that the only thing that can fulfill us is God. It is by giving glory to God in everything that we do, that we will find peace in this world. There can be no part of our life that is separated from worshipping God. We obtain peace when we understand our true purpose in this world. We were not created to glorify ourselves and take care of ourselves. We were created to Glorify God and to take care of each other.

Rev. Shibi Abraham

Youth Chaplain’s Message

Event Date & Time Location

Special prayer combined

Manhattan /NJ &Senior Citizens

Saturday, Dec 15th 11:00 AM

At Church

Senior Citizens Fellowship

Edavaka Mission

Date & Time Location Event

Saturday Dec 22nd 10:00 AM

Mr. Daniel P. K. Vaidyan Hartsdale, NY



CONDOLENCES Babykutty Mathew aged 58, brother of Mrs. Ponnamma A. Joshua, wife of Mr. Alexander V. Joshua, residing at 276 Hall Ave. White Plains, NY, passed away on Satur-day Nov 24th.

M. A. Eapen, cousin of Mr. P. C. George, Mr. Joseph C. Jacob, Mr. Joseph Eapen and Mr. Jolly Eapen passed way in Delhi at the age of 68 on Wed Nov 21st . Funeral service was held in Delhi Jerusalem MTC on Friday Nov 23rd.

Daniel Geevarghese, brother of Mr. Daniel Thomas, re-siding at 2 Morcomm Terr., Oradell NJ, went to be with the Lord on Sun Nov 22nd in Mavelikara.

On behalf of the parish, I extend our deepest con-dolence to the bereaving families, and pray that God comfort the loved ones at this difficult time.


Dec 27, 2018 – Jan 7, 2019 (excluding travel) An opportunity to be directly involved in the mission activities of the Church and to learn the importance of mission, giving and sacrificing life for the good of others.

Visiting Mission Fields: Devanahalli and Hoskotte Mission in Karnataka. Expenses: Participants need to purchase air ticket. The Diocese

will reimburse one third of the air fare on completion of the trip.

Approximately USD 250 will also be needed for the transporta-

tion, food and accommodation in India.


OUR King is coming! Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, has come and will come again! This is the promise of God and the faith of the Church whom He redeemed with His blood. So, as we wait and watch, let us truly prepare our hearts and minds to receive Jesus Christ as the one who reigns in our lives!

The season of Advent is an important time in the life of the

Church. We remember and rejoice in the fulfillment of God’s promise to send the Messiah our Savior, the Lamb of God, through whom we have redemption from sin and death. For many this season can be quite busy with activities galore. How-ever, we encourage you to pause and set aside some time per-sonally and with family and consider how you want this season to be for you. Before your calendar gets full, create intentional spaces and times where you can talk about Christ, share togeth-er from the Word of God as you celebrate and worship our Lord God!

This devotional series is meant to serve as a supplement to

your personal meditation on the Holy Bible and the corporate worship experience. The devotions begin from the book of Gen-esis and go through to Revelation, particularly focusing on the prophetic books that refer to the first and second coming of Je-sus Christ. Use this opportunity to come together each day with family and friends and discuss the Bible passage and devotional. God Almighty has a message for you this season; may you be encouraged to hear His voice lead you forward in faith! This se-ries is an initiative of our Parish (Edavaka) Mission and the con-tributors range from elementary school children to senior citi-zens. On behalf our St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church, NY we thank the Parish Mission committee, contributors, Kaisthana Sa-mithi and all those who helped towards the publication of this de-votional series. May this Advent season bring us to a deeper place in our faith journey and truly help equip us to receive Jesus Christ as our King! Praise God!

The Coming King Advent Devotional Series



Advent is about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His two comings! The first coming in humiliation, the second coming in glory; the first coming in condescension, the second coming in exaltation; the first coming for redemption through His blood and the second coming for judgment. The Bible passages below points to the person and work of Jesus in His first coming and the promise of His second coming. May the Lord God STRENGTHEN, ENCOURAGE, AWAKEN, RESTORE and EMBOLDEN us as we BE-HOLD Him in His Holy Word!

There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. And his delight shall be in the fear of the LORD. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what his ears hear, but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; and he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall kill the wicked. Righteousness shall be the belt of his waist, and faithfulness the belt of his loins. ISAIAH 11:1-5

Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. And her husband Joseph, being a just man and un-willing to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the


Lord had spoken by the prophet: “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanu-el” (which means, God with us). When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took his wife, but knew her not until she had given birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus.

MATTHEW 1:18-25 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. JOHN 1:1-5, 14

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visi-ble and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or au-thorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preemi-nent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him. COLOSSIANS 1:15–22 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among your-selves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human


form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. PHILIPPIANS 2:1–11 Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he creat-ed the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact im-print of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his pow-er. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs. HEBREWS 1:1–4 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, pre-pared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trust-worthy and true.” REVELATION 21:1-5 The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price. REVELATION 22:17 He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! REVELATION 22: 20


Bible Reading: Genesis 3:1-21 TO Advent Season- H r+X Tmidaj<rluj tmk\jgj)k^

ij<u; The King is coming t^flnS#l. Lfjr

[ :Plgalsumk\jgj)k^ Sip>lz; Kh[e\j 3î1-24 is-

guk= ildU*xln[. c{<[mjuksm Kh[e\jujH sspi;

ark<Usr c{<[mj&fjsRy ]d flh[egUik; LiG

sspiS\lmk domj icj)k^fjSh)ldk^k. ark<UR

sspiS\lmk dosm icjS)nsa(jH L^k sspicI>li;

K=iR fs^ :ujgjS)n;. sspicI>li; T#l\iG)k

sspiS\lmk domj icj)kilR clÓUa#. :pjujH sspi;

ark<Usr c{<[mj&S/lX L^k sspicI>li; K=iR

fs^ :ujgk^k.

t^lH Lirjsh sspicI>li; r<[ms/Mk. Lfjrk=


1. h;Zr; LFil LrkcgnS)m[. dqj)gksf^k eyÉ

drj >Êj&k. Lfk akDlÔjgak!lu r<[m;

2. ekySa dlq[v h>j&ksi(jhk; KX)lq[v r<[maluj.

LfjREhaluj rØuk; fjØuk; f+jH fjgj&yjulrk=

SC<j r<[ms/Mk. :f[aJu >Ênik; >Oajd >Ênikak![.

TfjH ]fk fjsgsÉmk\lH KX)lq[v h>j)ksa^k=f

[ rs+ :YCuj&jgj)k^k. Lfksdl!k ele\jsRy

iCJdgnCd[fj)k rl; dJq[semkilR Tmuldgkf[.

3. LajfSal|;. LrkcgnS)m[ dlnj&lujMk; Si!fj#,

sspis\S/lsh :dn;. LrÔgEh; LiR sspi\jH

rj^k Ld^kSeluj.

4. >u; dkËS~lPs\ sixjs/mk\k^k. sspi;

dlnlfjgj)kilR Si!j LiR Qxj)k^k. t(jhk; 3-sRy

9-H uS|liulu sspi; ark<Usr ijxj)k^k. TO pjiU

ijxj alrclÔg\jSh)k iqj rm\k^k.

:ufjSh)k; r+ksm vkafhdX ]i?

1. ijxjsu Lrkcgj)kd. ele; ]Ëk eyukd, cIu; rl;

elejdxlsn^k c+fj)kd, QqjdqjikdX eyulR rak)k

Plglx; dS!)l;. t^jgk^lhk;cIu; eles\ ]Ëk

eyukd, Salvr; Srmkd.

Saturday, December 1st


ele; aoh; r<[maldk^f[ sspijd clajeU;. Lfk

fdG&uksm :g;>aldk^k. ark<UsRy LPÈefr;

fjgj&yjÉ sspi; c{<[mjuksm :g;>\jH fs^ Lfjrk

rJ)kSel)k; ds!\jujgk^k. ark<Usr sfËj& ejClvjsr

fdG)kilR ejClvjsr wuj& ekYfrlu Ydjc[fkijrk alYf-

Sa clPj)kduk=k. Kh[e\j 3î15 – _H “BlR rjr)k; c

[YfJ)k; rjsRy cÔfj)k; Lixksm cÔfj)k; f+jH

CYfkfI; K!l)k;. LiR rjsRy fh fdG)k;. rJ

LisRy dkfjdlH fdG)k;”.

Ydjc[fkijsRy d<[mlrk>i*xjHdosm LiR r+ksm iJs!

mk/jrk= iqj Qgk)jujgj)k^k. Lf[ L;zJdgj)kilrk=

arÍ[ rak)kS!l? iJs!mk/jrk= ]dalGÏ; - Lfk

dlHiyjujH agj&[ KujGs\qkS^Ë[ T^k; wJij)k^

dG\lilu SuCkYdjc[fk alYf;. TO Advent Season -H

Lisr rak)k dG\liluk; gÊjflikaluj cIJdgj)l;.

Mr. Thankachen Geevarghese

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 18:14-22 “The Coming King” There are two questions that seem to evade our attention but are nevertheless significant in today’s world: where are the prophets today and who exactly speaks for God? While we may think of our priests as today’s prophets, during the times of the Old Testament, priests and prophets were quite different with regards to their role in society. Prophets were the mouthpieces for God and were solely responsible for declaring the word of God to the people, while priests were responsible for leading people in worship. So, does that mean today’s prophets can include both the television evangelists and the man standing on the milk carton in a subway station who claims to be preaching the word of God? Many of the messages we hear from these “prophets” seem to contradict each other, leaving us to wonder which ones are true and which are false. The reso-lution to this lies in Deuteronomy 18:18, which states “‘I will

Sunday, December 2nd


raise up for them a prophet like you among their fellow Isra-elites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him.’” From these words, one can think ahead and see Jesus Christ being the ultimate proph-et that God would send. However, Jesus was more than just a prophet. He was and is the coming king. In a world that is becoming more and more plagued by sin and dark-ness, Jesus Christ remains the forever-burning light that gives us hope. As we wait for the coming king, we have a responsibility to be God’s prophets, to be His mouthpieces for declaring and spreading the word of God to others. In preparation for the coming king, we must both embrace the word of God and spread it as God’s prophets; it is our duty as faithful and devoted Christians.

Mr. Alvin John

Monday, December 3rd

Bible Reading: Psalms 115 “Tfl BlR Siz; igk^k, QlSglgk\r[ LirisRy

YeiG\j)[ f)iÑ; sdlmk/lR YefjEh; tsRy e)H

K![” _sixj. 22î12

Ydjc[fJu ijCIlcjdX t^[ LidlCs/mk^ :xkdxksm

TmujHSelhk; T^[ dG\lijsRy g!las\ igijsr)

kyj&k LPjd; c;clgj)lyj#. Q^las\

igijsRy :SZl<*xjH fs^ ehgk; akqkdjujgj)

kduln[ TS/lqk;. r+ksm ijCIlc; t*sruk=flulhk;

r+ksm dl\jgj/[ ]fk ijP\jhlulhk; dG\lijsRy g!

las\ am*j igi[ ckrjC[vjfaln[. LsfS/lX

c;>ij )ksa^k=f[ ejflilu sspi\jrk alYfSa Lyjuo.

“: rlxk; rlqjduk; c;~r[PjS&l tsRy ejflik alY-

fa#lsf :gk; cIGÏ\jsh pofØlgk; ekYfrk; dosm

Lyjuk^j#” _ða\l. 24î36ò.

LiR d=srS/lsh igksa^[ fjgkivr; eyuk^k.

dG\lijsRy g!las\ igijsRy KS`C; tÔlsn^k;


fjgkivr; eAj/j)k^k. Q^laflujMk fsRy ijCkÓØlsg

rjfU>ir\jSh)k SvG\k sdl=kilR dG\lik iJ!k;

igk^k. LiR Tgj)k^jm\[ fsRy ijCkÓwrik; Tgj)

nsa^[ LiR :Yz|j)k^k. flR Seldk^fjrk akRe

[ fs^ TO dlgU; iUd[fal)jujgk^fln[. “BlR Tgj)

k^jm\[ rj*xk; TgjS)!fjr[ ejs^uk; i^[ rj*sx

tsRy Lmk)H SvG\ksdl=k;” _ðSul|. 14î3ò. Domlsf

LisRy dH/rdsx Lrkcgj&[ wJij&iG)[ LG|j)k^

YefjEh; sdlmk )kilrk; Lisr rjgldgj&isg rUlu;

ijPj)kilrk; domjuln[ dG\lik am*j igk^f[.

dG\lijsRy g!las\ igijsRy Lmulx*X

Qs^l^luj TO dlh*xjH rl; d!kigk^k![. TfjH

YePlrs/M hÊnaln[ “ShldsaÙlmk; LPG+;

segkdk^fksdl![ LSrdgksm c[Sr|; fnk\kSeldk;”

_ða\l. 24î12ò. domlsf dG\lik am*jigkSÙlX

wr*xjH K!lujgk^ ijCIlc; fs^ K!lujgj)kSal

t^k; c;Cu; Yedmj/j&jgk^k. “t^lH ark<UekYfR

igkSÙlX LiR >oaj ujH ijCIlc; ds!\kSal” _t^k

dG\lik eyÉk. ðhoS)l. 18î8ò. T^[ LSrdgksm

ijCIlc; f nk\k; LSrdG ijCIlc; fUwj&k;

wJij&ksdl!jgj)k^k. pkgkeSpC\jsRy dlË[ c>dxjH

segk djigk^k. t^lH LSfcau; SulSiH YeilvdR

dlh*X)k akRe[ Yeivj&fkSelsh egjCkÓl f[alijsRy

YeiG\r*xk; LÔUdlh hÊn*xluj rm^ksdl!jgj)

k^k. “LÔUdlh\[ BlR cdh wr*xjRSahk;

tsRy :f[alijsr edgk;, rj*xksm ekYfØlgk;

ekYfjalgk; Yeivj)k;, rj*xksm uO%r)lG pGCr*X

pGCj)k;, rj*xksm i{ÓØlG cIe[r*X dlnk;, tsRy

plcØl gksm Sahk; plcjalgksm Sahk; dosm BlR :

rlxkdxjH tsRy :f[alijsr edG^jM[ Ligk; Yeivj)

k;.” _ðLs/l. 2î17-18ò. t)lhS\)lxk; Siz\jH c>

ixG^ksdl!jgj)k^k. Lrkpjr; :ujg)n)jrk :xkdX

c>Sulmk SvG)s/Mksdl!jgj)k^k. Ydjc[fkijsr

Lyjulfjgk^ eh glwU*xjhk; Ydjc[fJu ijCIlcjdxksm

tÑ; ixsg iGÓj&ksdl!jgj)k^k.

LisRy rlas\ ijxj&SeÊj)k^ ]irk; gÊj)s/

Mksdl!jgj)k^k. rak)k; ijCkÓ wJijf; ruj&[ LisRy

igijrluj :dl;ÊSulsm dl\jgj)l;. “LirjH YefUl-

Cuk=iG t#l; LiR rjG+hrlujgj)k^fkSelsh

fs^\s^ rjG+hJdgj)k^k”. ð1 Sul|. 3î3ò. rak)k


YelGÒrujH KËjgj)l;. “ark<UekYfsRy akRejH rjH/lR

rj*X Yele[fglSd!fjrk cpldlhik; KnG^k;

YelGÒj&k; sdl!jgj/jR.” _ðhoS)l. 21î36ò. rs+ ]h

[ej&jgj)k^ flhÔkdX ijCIc[ffSulsm ssddlgU; svu

[f[ r# plcsr, r# plcjsu t^k= cIg; SdM[ LiR

ilz[p\; svu[ffk Selsh am*jigk^ SuCkijsr

cIJdgj/lR rak)[ Qgk)S\lsm :ujgj)l;

Mr. Y. Varghese

Bible Reading: Isaiah 7:10-14 “Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name


The Latin word “Advent” means “coming”. The advent season is a

wonderful time when we spend the time in prayer and reflection on

Christ’s miraculous entry into our world. It should be a time of our en-

counter with God rather than mere temporal celebrations. For this, we

need to really understand the importance and meaning of the event.

The birth of Jesus as a human being in this world is the fulfilment of

God’s divine plan to redeem humanity who drifted away from Him by

disobeying His commandments, originally that started at the Garden of


“His mercy is on them that fear Him from generation to generation

(Luke 1:50)”.

Yes, His mercy is open to all of us. “Because of the tender mercy of

our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine

on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our

feet into the path of peace” (Luke 1:78-79). Let us prepare our hearts

to receive Jesus, if not done so yet, and to grow in Him who have al-

ready accepted Him as their savior. We are all very familiar with the

verse John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only

begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but

have everlasting life. It is for ‘whosoever’ and not limited to any particu-

lar people or group.

Jesus promised us while departing from this earth that He will come

again to receive all those who are in Christ, both dead and alive. Since

Tuesday, December 4th


Wednesday, December 5th

the time of this occurrence is not known to anyone except God the Fa-

ther himself, let us all be ready to be with Him ‘whenever’ He comes. If

there is a delay, it is only because of God’s abundant mercy that more

and more people accept the salvation available to them through Christ.

It is our duty and responsibility to spread the good news to all those

who have not yet privileged to know Jesus. The word of God clearly

tells us that “scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to

their own lusts” and we see this happening all around us and among

us. Let us all take time to meditate on the word of God and to watch

and pray. Evangelist Billy Graham often used to ask his audience if

they are ready for the second coming of Jesus. Let’s all ask ourselves

this question and may God help us all to say Amen. May God’s Grace

be with us all.

Mr. Raju George

Bible Reading: Isaiah 9:2-7 Hundreds of years before, the prophet Isaiah prophesied about the

birth of the Messiah. Other prophets like Micah and Zechariah also

prophesied about the birth of our Christ, where he will be born, his pur-

pose of coming and how he will be treated in the world by his enemies.

In Isaiah 9:2-7, there is a promise from God through Isaiah that people

who live in darkness and suffering will see the light by the birth of Jesus

Christ through the Virgin Mary. He will be called a wonderful counselor,

mighty God, everlasting father, the prince of peace. He will also reign

on David’s throne and over his kingdom establishing and upholding it

with justice, righteousness from his time of birth and forever. Moreover,

our Christ can do wondrous and unimaginable things before our eyes.

Jesus Christ came to the world to deliver us from the slavery of sin and

give us eternal life.

Let us prepare our heart to receive this king as we are getting ready to

celebrate another year of Christmas. Let us be peacemakers as our

Jesus is the prince of peace. Let us also witness our Lord by loving

and respecting each other, being compassionate to the suffering hu-

man beings. As a praying community we can pass the light that shines

upon us from our master to the sinful world.

Mrs. Annamma Thomas


Bible Reading: Isaiah 59:15-21

Thursday, December 6th


Mrs. Sosamma Abraham

Bible Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-16

ekSgl|jfrlu sus|c[S)H Yeilvdr

[ Yeilcdlh\[ dh[puSpC\[ SdplGrpJfJg\[i&k!lu

pjiUpGCr*xk; Lgkx/lmkdxkaln[ TO Yeivr\jsRy

K=m);. sus|. 34-l; LÓUlu\jH ujYclSuhjsh

TmuØlSglmk= uS|liuksm Lgkx/lmln[ tqkfjujgj)

k^f[. :gln[ TO Tmu ØlG? sspi; fsRy wr*sx

ð:mkdsxò r#iqjujH ruj)kilR rjSulzj&jgj)k^

glwl)ØlG, YeilvdØlG, ekSgl|jfØlG t^jigln[.

T^lh TO TmuØlG uS|lisuuk; f*sx ]h[ej&

K\gilpfI*sxuk; ay^[ ckDShlhkegluj wJij&k.

wr*X Tmurj#l\ :mkdsxS/lsh vjfyj S/luj,

sspis\ ay^[ cIÔT<[mYedlg; wJij&k. sus|. 34î11-

16 isg iluj)kSÙlX rl; T*sr dlnk^kï vjfyjS/lu

fsRy wr*xksm elee(jhalu wJijf; d!

[ arÍhjik=irlu sspi; fsRy ]dwlfrlu ekYfsr

Shld\jSh)k Lu&k. sspi; ark<Urluj Shld\jSh)

[ Ty*j i^k. TO r# Tmurln[ r+ksm SuCkYdjc[fk.

vjfyjS/luisg LiR doMjigk\j, Sglzj dsx cODUal)

j, akyjikdsx sdMj, ~h|Jrsg Cd[fJdgj&k, r+ksm

ele*X)k Si!j dlHiyj ujH fs^\lR ulzaluj.

Sul|. 10î7-17 isguk= ildU*xjH T*sr dlnk^kï

“BlR :mkdX)kSi!j wJiR sdlmk)k^ r# TmuR.”

_|à tYf r# TmuRà c(J. 23–H rl; TO r# TmusRy

dgkfhk; c[Sr|ik; dlnk^k. LiR glwlPjglwliluj

iJ!k; igk;. c;Cuaj#. Sipekc[fd\jH LSrd;

YeliCU; glwliluj igk^ SuCkijsr)kyj&k tqkfjujMk![.

ckijSC< *xjH SuCk fs^ Tfk eyuk^k![. a\luj

25î31-45 isguk= ildU*xjH T*sr dlnk^k.

SfwSÍlsm igk^ SuCk, cIGÏJuSfwÍk= fsRy

cj;|lcr\jH Tgk^[ rUlu; ijPj)k^ Qgk glwli[,

cdhwlfjdsxuk; doMjigk\j TmuR sv+gjulmkdsxuk;

Sdlhlmkdsxuk; SiGfjgj)k^ Selsh rs+ SiGfjgj&

[ ih\k; Tm\k; rjG\k^ rUlulPjeR. LisRy akÙjH

ssPgUS\lsm rjh[elR f)iÑ; r+ksm wJijfs\

ijCkÓjujH ruj/lR sspi; fÙkglR rs+sxsu#l;


Friday, December 7th


Bible Reading: Daniel 2:39-45

All the signs of the last days are converging at the same time. Bible

prophecy is happening right before our eyes like birth pains; predicted

and unpredicted events are happening more frequently and intently like

never in the history throughout the world. We have borne witness to

major economic, technological, ecological, cultural, spiritual, religious

shifts all over the world.. Additionally, natural calamities, human made

calamities wildfire, flood, terrorist attacks, women and children fleeing

away from their own countries for safety.

In the Book of Daniel, all the chapters are equally important; almost

everyone looks at the book of Daniel with a sense of wonder because

this is regarded as a prophetic book foretelling the future and this is

true. The book of Daniel together with the book of Revelation unfolds

the future events as God has ordained in the program of history and by

no means these books yet been fulfilled. These two books remarkably

compliment each other; if we would know God’s program for the future

we should understand the book of Daniel. Daniel 2:39-45, we know

that Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and Daniel interprets the dream.

Nebuchadnezzar is clearly the head of gold after him will come three

other kingdoms set up by God. The empires succeeding Babylon were

the Medo-Persian, the Greek, and the Roman. This is a human image,

representing man’s rule in this earth day will end. This is an amazing

prophecy. God can tell us the future because he controls all of history

and Jesus will establish His kingdom on earth. This will be final world

empire that the returning Jesus will conquer over.

So our Lord will come at the door, at the door, He is at the Door, the

King at the Door, are you ready to receive our King and when we see

all these changes in the world His coming is very near.

Mrs. Annamma Mathew

Saturday, December 8th


Bible Reading: Daniel 9:24-27

dG\lijH ]iG)k; c[Sr|iÕr;

T^k r+X vjÔj)k^ ij<u; plrjSuH YeilvdsRy ekc[fd;

9-l; LÓUlu; 24-27 isguk= ildU*xln[. dG\lijsRy

Q^las\ igi[ r+X :SZl<j)lR Qgk*k^ TO SixujH

LisRy g!las\ igijrk akS^lmjuluj c;>ij)kilR

Seldk^ dlgU*X, LisRy plcrlu plrJSuhjrk zY~jSuH

pofR akDlÔjg; sspi; sdlmk\ Yeivr*X :n[ TO >lz\k


fsRy wr\jsRy ele*X)kSi!j plrJSuH Keicj&k,

gMkmk\k, siÑJyjH Tgk^k, sspi\j( Sh)k akD; fjgj&

cau\ln[ TO pGCr; h>j)k^f[. r+ksm wJijf\jhk;

sspi\j(Sh)k akD; fjgj&k YelGÒjS)! Qgk dlhZM\jhln

[ r+X QlSglgk\gk; wJij)k^f[. tqkefk :q[v dxksm

Yeivr; t^k; Tfjsr)kyj&k eyul;. 24-l; ildU; Lrkcgj&k

tqkefk :q[vsdl!k LfjYda; fmÉk, ele\jrk akYpujMk. (To

finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to end for wickedness, and to bring everlasting Righteousness). rjfUrJfj igk\kilR 70 :q[viM;


TO dlhzfjdsx/Ëj eh eAr*X rm^jMk=fln[. Lh[ecIh[e

iUfjulr*X vgjYf\jH SgD s/mk\jujMks!(jhk; TfjsRy

69 :q[vuk; Ydjc[fkijsRy wrrS\lmk; YdoClSgl|nS\lmk;

dosm eoG\juluj. equrjua dlhZM\jH to put an end to sin LFil eles\ akYpujmkd t^k= Qgk dlgU; LclÓUalujgk^k.

tsÔ^lH ele\jsRy YeluC[vj\; fkmsg fkmsguk=

ulz*xjH domjulujgk^k. t^lH dG\lilu SuCkYdjc

[fkijsRy agnS\lsm LirjH ijCIcj&k ele; ]Ëk eyuk^ ]

iG)k; LiR ts^S^)kak= YeluC[vj\; Qgk)j. TO

gÊuksm >lz>l)ldk ilR dqjÉfjrlH rak)k sspis\ c


25-l; ildU\jH sugkCShajsr uFlc[Flrs/mk\j enjukilR

dh[er ekys/mk^fk King Artaxerxes -sRy dlh\ln[. ðtYcl 7î12

-26ò. Tfk ~jcj 457 – _H :n[. 49 iG<*X)k (7 weeks)

SC<; (408 BC) TfjsRy enj eoG\juluj. Tijsm eyÉjgj)

k^ L>j<jd[fR King Cyrus :n[. LfjsRy SC<ak= 62 weeks

Sunday, December 9th


(434 years) aCj|luksm g!l; igik isguk= caualuj dn)

l)k^k. TO 62 :q[vu[)k SC<; Anointed one will cut off.

Lflufk aCj|l YdoCj)s/mk;. L*sr igkSÙlX (49 + 434 +

483) iG<S\lsm :pU>lzs\ 69 :q[vdX eoG\juluj. AD 70 –

_H Titus – _sRy Army sugkCShajsr rCj/j&k t^k SgDs/

mk\jujgj)k^k. (V 26B). Lfjrk SC<; ukÓ*X LÔUdlhS\lx;

rJ!krjH)ksa^k; TO >lz\k SgDs/mk\jujgj)k^k. V 27-H

tfjGYdjc[fkijsRy igijsRy ]qk iG< caus\)kyj&k

Yefjelpj)k^k. Tfk tS/lX :g;>j)ksa^k rak)k rjC

[vuajs#(jhk; Lfk TO ivr>lzs\ 70 weeks – _sr Yefjelpj)

k^k. LiR ujYcSuhkaluj Qgk KmÙmj c[Flej)kduk; LfjsRy

aÓU\jH |rrulzik; S>lwrulzik; rjG\hl)kduk;

fs^\s^ : c[Flr\k Yefj<[Aj)kduk; sv$k;.

r+X T^k :ujgj)k^fk Ydjc[fkijsRy g!las\ igijSrlmk

ixsg Lmk\ln[. tfjGYdjc[fk ]fk cau\k; LisRy ilq[v

Tijsm fkm*l;. Ydjc[fkijsr ssds)l!k LisRy rla\jH

ijCIcj)k^ ]iG)k; LisRy a)X :dkilR LiR

LPjdlg; sdlmk\k. LidlC; sdlmk\k. L*sr K=isg

LiR TO 7 iG<s\ a|l KeYpicau\jrk akRek fs^

sspic^jPjujSh)k tmk)k;. : YefUlCSulmk; YelGÒrSulmk;

dosm rak)k Qgk*l;. sspi; r+sx LrkYz|j)sM.

Mr. Yohannan Yohannan

Bible Reading: Daniel 12:1-4 We are going to celebrate the first advent of Jesus (His

birth), but the bible repeatedly says that His second advent

is very near and we all should be ready to join Him. In to-

day’s meditation portion, God clearly shows Daniel through

vision and prophesies about the things to happen in future.

During the last time (also called the time of great tribulation/

Matt 24:21, Mark 13:19), Michael, the commander of holy

angels, who protect God’s people will arise. In Rev 12:7, it is mentioned that, “there was war in heaven and Michael and his an-

gels fought against the dragon and the dragon lost their place in heav-

Monday, December 10th


en”. From that time on, Satan is a constantly trying to destroy God’s

people. Even though we cannot comprehend all the spiritual battles

going on around us, God and his angels are protecting us daily. We

should be aware of this spiritual battle and lead a life that is pleasing to

God. During this great tribulation time God’s children will also go

through very difficult times, but all those, whose name is found written

in the book of life, will be delivered (V1). Accepting Jesus as our per-

sonal savior and leading a life, that is worthy of our calling is the only

way we can assure this.

V2 is a clear prediction of the bodily resurrection of the godly and un-

godly for the final judgment (John 5:28,29). Paul mentions in 2 Cor

5:10, that “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,

so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while

in the body, whether good or bad.”

May all of us exercise our wisdom and resources to shine for Him, as

mentioned in V3. All of us are busy in our daily life but preparing our-

selves and others for His second coming is worth more than any other

smart choices.

Celebrating His 1st advent (Christmas) is joyful but preparing for His 2

nd advent (2

nd coming) is a diligent choice.

Dr. Jereesh John

Bible Reading: Amos 5:1-17

Tis the season of Advent, the word, Advent means “a coming”. It’s a

time of celebration and reflection, an opportunity to refresh our per-

spective that God has an awesome plan and purpose for each of us.

During this season, the first advent we remember the sacrificial love of

God. The Son of God took human form and gave himself on the cross

for our sins that we may receive eternal life. But we also look forward to

the glorious second coming of Christ the King as the fulfillment of all

that was promised by his first coming. The question is, “Are we ready to

receive - The Coming King “? Prophet Amos lived during the reign of

King Jeroboam II. Amos foretold the destruction of the northern king-

dom of Israel. Israel during the reign of Jeroboam was a thriving na-

tion; it was experiencing great growth of wealth, power and prosperity.

Tuesday, December 11th


Wednesday, December 12th

And during this successful time, God inspires Amos to preach to Israel

their funeral. God reveals Israel’s death to them while they are still

alive. Why did God want Amos to sing a lament to Israel when every-

thing was going so good? When everything looked so promising?

Israel’s future looked the brightest it’s ever been, Israelites offered sac-

rifices & offerings, made pilgrimages to holy places. They were confi-

dent that they had a good relationship with God. But God did not value

their worship, as it was mere meaningless rituals. They were religious

but did not have a true relationship with God. In the height of their pros-

perity they had forgotten God; they were blinded by their prosperity.

They became morally and spiritually godless and corrupt, and they

were unable to see the possible judgment coming from God. So God

speaks to this nation, he says “Seek me and live” Amos 5:4, “Seek the

Lord and Live” Amos5:6, “Seek good, not evil, that you may live “Amos

5:14. Though God’s judgment is imminent, the only hope is to seek the

Lord in true repentance. God is not only speaking to Israel, this mes-

sage is very much for us; God wants us to seek him earnestly, he

wants us to seek him with humility, and seek him through living a holy

life. We are called to seek God with all our heart, our soul and our

mind. God calls on us to turn to Him. In His presence we can see more

clearly the way to life. We have to allow the Word of God to penetrate

every area of our soul and life. Let’s cultivate a sincere, deep, honest

and growing relationship with God.

As we look forward to Christ’s second coming, let this advent enable us

to seek Christ and live for him.

Soni Verghese

Bible Reading: Amos 9:11-15

In our text today, Amos 9: 11-15 the last revelation of God through Amos to the faithful in Israel and he promises restoration of the fallen house of David. God will repair its broken places and restore its ruins. He will bring about a new nation that is stronger and more powerful than what was there before. A new day will come, one that is not brought forth in judgment, but in liberation. This is a day where the peo-


Thursday, December 13th

ple can once again enjoy the goodness of the Lord and live in his pres-ence.

God not only promises that restoration will come, but He tells them how that restoration will take place. The restoration for Israel would come in two phases. The first phase would be immediate: God put it in Cyrus’ heart to release his people and allow them to return under the leader-ship of Nehemiah and Ezra. The second phases would be a future res-toration when Christ would return. The captivity was so painful that it was difficult for Israel to think about a future. God sent a word of resto-ration. How could God possible restore this People? God promises to restore his people by lifting them up God Promises to Restore His Peo-ple By Lifting Them Up - Am 9:11 In that day will I raise up the taber-nacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old:

The nation had lost their position of favor. They felt cast down and de-stroy with no hope for the future. They were out of place, completely gone astray but God comes to lift them up. “God is far more interested in who you are, than in what you do. You are human BEINGS, not DO-INGS.”—Rick Warren.

They would start with a clean slate as they returned. As they rebuilt they would work as equals, there was no division of classes. It was to be a new start for God’s people with a new relationship with God and with each other. The temple would be rebuilt. Sacrifices and worship would be authentic and re-established under the law. No matter where we find ourselves, when we repent, we can expect God to lift us up! God bless you all.

Josen Joseph

Bible Reading: Micah 5:1-5

sspirla\jrk a|fIak!lujgj)sMà

TO iG<s\ 25 srluÙjSrlmk Lrk~r[Pj&k= PUlr*xjH }

jc;~G 13–rk c>uluj rjC[vuj&jgj)k^ Sip>lz; aJDl 5î1–5 isguk= ildU*sx :c[epal)juln[.


Friday, December 14th

12 svyju YeilvdØlgjH 6-larln[ aJDl. su|opuksmuk;

sEhjc[fUSpC\jsRyuk; LfjG\jujH sugkCShajrk sf)

k>lz\k= Qgk Yzla\jhk= dG<drlujgk^k aJDl. sspi\jsRy

pofk akRdoMj Lyjuj)k^igln[ YeilvdØlG. LiG

pJGZpGCjdX t^k; Lyjus/mk^k.

]dSpC; 700-H eg; iG<*X)k akÙluj SuCkYdjc[fkijsRy

wrrs\)kyj&k; d<[mlrk>is\ dkyj&k; g!l; igijsr)

kyj&k; aJDl Yeivj&k. aJDl 5î2–H “rJSul S~f[hS|; tYElS\,

rJ su|opl c|Yc*xjH svykflujgk^lhk; ujYcSuhjrk

LPjefjulujgkS)!k^iR trj)k rj^jH rj^k Kf[>ij&k

igk;” _t^k SuCkijsRy fjgkwrrs\)kyj&k; S~f[hS|;

Yzla\jrk igkilrk= LrkYz|s\)kyj&k; sspi; aJDl

Yeilvdrjhosm akRdoMj rHdju poflnjf[. fkmG^k= ildU*

xjH é5î3–5ê sugkCShajsr)kyj&k; d<[mlrk>is\)kyj&k; g!

l; igijsr)kyj&k; YeilvdR Lyjuj/k rHdj.

a\luj 2-sRy 6-H fjgkwrr\jsRy eoG\Jdgn; S~f

[hS|ajH rjiG\j&fluj rl; dlnk^k. ujYcSuhjsRy

rUlulPrfjuluisr L;zJdgj)lfjgk^fk; KeYpi; ]HS)!j

igk^fjsr dkyj&k;, a|fI YefUlCsu)kyj&k; YeilvdR

fkmG^k= ildU*xjH SgDs/mk\jujgj)k^k. “uS|lisu

dl\jgk)k^ SC<j/k rjG>u; icj)k;, LiG calPlraldk;”

_t^k; Lyjuj&jgj)k^k.

clgl;C;î ivr*X)k alËaj#lsu^k; Yeivr*X

rjiG\Jdgj&ksdl!jgj)k^ksu^k; c[e<[maln[.

Susan John

Bible Reading: Zephaniah 3:14-20

Almost all prophets including Zephaniah prophesied about the

impending God’s wrath about the sinful actions of the people or

nation. The initial chapters of the book describe such disaster un-

less the people repent.

But when it comes to Chapter 3 Zephaniah is depicting a differ-

ent picture of God. Not only Lord the God pardon the sins of Is-

rael, the believers, but assuring them joy, happiness and protec-

tion. “Fear Not” the Lord is with her, Lord is amidst his people.


Saturday, December 15th

Everyone is in jubilation. It is not Lord just with them, but He is

singing and rejoicing with the Israelites, the believers the re-

deemed ones. Image of God shift from pardoning judge and King

to God as Savior and Warrior One who rescue Israel, the believ-

ers, from all their enemies. God’s attitude is moved by the human

attitudes and actions. This Lord is not a spectator or remote King,

but a Lord amidst his people rejoicing and singing with the peo-

ple whom he pardoned and loved.

In the last verses (19-20) God is depicted as a tender Shepard

gathering the lame, sick and astray bringing them home again.

Lord is giving a name and change their shame into praise in front

of the world.

Dr. Kochumman Geevarghese DPS

Bible Reading: Haggai 1:1-15 Our lives’ most ultimate calling is to build God’s kingdom and house.

However, as we go about our lives and carry out our self-determined

objectives and victories, we often forget to keep the main thing, the

main thing. The book of Haggai, the second shortest book in the Old

Testament, has a long lasting and new message for us.

We can see that Haggai was written to people just like us. People who

have been told and know that God must be first. Like us, these people

had drifted into a way of life where their intellectual belief and

knowledge about the Almighty and awesome nature of our God was

not reflected in the way they were living. Their lips were speaking with

priority to God, but their lives weren’t being lived so. God sent this

prophet to help His people get their priorities in line with what they al-

ready knew, in knowledge.

In the well-known verse in Matthew 6, Jesus says, “Seek first His king-

dom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you”.

Here is the problem: we are all predisposed to placing our own temple

in Jerusalem. This was the center in which God was to be worshipped.

Although, God is everywhere, the temple was the physical place on


Sunday, December 16th

earth where God dwelled. This is where sacrifices were offered and

where He revealed His glory. In the church age, God’s temple is no

longer a physical building or location. In Corinthians 3:16 we see that

God’s temple is His people – both individually and when we come to-

gether, corporately. This means that your main goal is to know Christ

at home in your heart by faith and to do all that you can to help others

do the same.

Once, a professor was speaking to group of students in the subject of

time management. He pulled out a large, wide mouth jar and filled it

with fist sized rocks. When he couldn’t put any more in, he asked, “Is

this jar full?” The class responded, “Yes”. He said, “Really?” Then he

pulled out a bucket of gravel and poured it in, shaking it down through

the cracks. Then he asked, “Is the jar full?” The students were on to

him, so they said, “No”. “Good”, he replied. He dumped in a bucket of

sand. Once more he asked, “Is the jar full?” “No”, they shouted. Again

he said, “Good”. He poured in a pitcher of water until the jar was full to

the brim.

Then he asked, “What is the point of the illustration?” One student

said, “No matter how full your schedule, if you try hard, you can always

fit more in. ”No,” the speaker replied, “that is not the point. The point is,

if you don’t put the big rocks in first, you’ll never get them in at all.” Will

you fill your life with the “big rocks” that God has for us? This is to build

God’s house first and above all else in your life. As we move into this

Christmas season, let us remember that our King is coming for His

house. We are His house, so let’s keep the main thing, the main thing

and continue to build it. Let’s build it in our workplaces. Let’s build it in

our homes. Let’s build in corporately in churches.

Mrs. Sosamma Jospeh

Bible Reading: Zechariah 2:1-13

“cJSulR ekYfjSu, K&\jH SZl<j&lrÕj)kd, sugkClSh;

ekYfjSu, :G/jmkd, Tfl rjsRy glwli[ rjsRy Lmk)H

igk^k. LiR rJfjalrk; wuClhjuk; flq[auk=irkaluj

dqkf/ky\k;, seNdqkfuksm dkMjulu svykdqkf/ky\k; duyj

igk^k.” _ðscDgUli[ 9î9ò


Monday, December 17th

Advent - :SZl<; dG\lijsRy igijsRy akS^lmjuluj

YelGÒrulhk; Keilc\lhk; dl\jgj)k^ Licgaln[.

t#liG<ik; December alcaln[ Tf[ :vgj)k^f[.

clPlgnuluj December 1st Sunday – _ujhln[ fkm*k^f[. TO

iG<; - 2018 – _H December 2 – _rk fkm*j December 25th r[ Liclrj)k^k.

scDgUlYeilvdsRy ekc[fd\jH Tfjsr/Ëj ixsg iUd[faluj

ijCpJdgj&jMk![. Lrkfle \jsRy :|IlralujMln[ fkm*k^f

[. TYcSuhjsRy CjÊuksm rlxkdX Liclrjs&^k; gÊ uksm

djgn*X iJCjfkm*jsu^k; covj/j)k^k. ]qk pGCr*xk;

Liuksm ijign*xkaln[ fkmG^k= LÓUlu*xjH.

:pUs\ 8 LÓUlu*X sugkCSh; Spilhu\jsRy enj

eoG\jul)kilR u|opwrfsu SYegj /j)k^fln[.

u|opwrfuksm eoG%ejfl)Ølgksm pk<[YeiG\jdxk;

pkGalGÏ*xk; ijM[ uS|li uksm c^jPjujSh)k i^lH uS|li

ujYcSuH a)xksm Lmk\ki^[ sfËkdX Qs) Êaj&[ Si!

k^flu LrkYz|*X rHdk; t^[ pGCr\jHdomj Lyjuj)k^k.

scD. 1î16–H eyuk^kï “BlR dgknSulsm sugkCShajSh)k

fjgjÉjgj)k^k. tsRy :hu; LfjH enjuk;. sugkCSh

ajRSaH LxikroH ejmj)ksa^[ sscrU*xksm uS|li

Lgkxjsv$k^k.” _2-l; LÓUlu\jH scD gUlijsRy ao^las\

pGCr\jHdomj pofR akDlÔjg; LxikroH si&[, LfjgkdX

Lx^[, Lfj gkdX T#lsf djm^jgk^ sugkCSh; rzg\jrk

vkËk; fJafjhluj dG\lijsRy a|fI; K!lujgj )ksa^

[ Lgkxjsv$k^k. LS/lX eh wlfjdxk; uS|liSulmk SvG^

[ LisRy wraluj\Jgk;. L*sr sscrU*xksm uS|li

sugkCShajsr iJ!k; fjsgsÉmk\[ u|op wrfsu fsRy

Ql|gjul)j fJG)k;

TO Advent Season – _H rlSaiG)k; dG\lijsRy igijrluj

YelGÒrulhk; Keilc\lhk; Qgk*jujgj)l;. Lfjrluj

rs+su#lisguk; dG\lik LrkYz|j)kalyldsM.

Mr. Jacob Vaidian

Bible Reading: Zechariah 3:1-10 Ydjc[fkijrk ]dSpC; 800 iG<*X)k akRek scDgUl

YeilvdR pGCj& g!k pGCr*xln[

1. a|lekSgl|jfrlu SulCkiuksm CkÓJdgnik;


2. ujYcSuH aCj|luksm igijrlH CkÓJdgj)s/mk^fk;

scD. 3î8 “BlR tsRy plcrlu akx t^isr igk\k;.

dG\lilu sspi; LisRy ejflilu pliJpjsRy cj;|lcr;

Lirk sdlmk)k;” _hoS)l. 1î32 TYedlg; SuCkdG\lijsr

Shld\jrk dlnj&k sdlmk)lrluj – _ujYcSuhjsRy iJs!mk/

kdlgrluj, su|opØlgksm glwliluj, YdoCjH ulzaluj d<[mf

c|j& dkÉlmluj. LiG :Yz|j&js#(jhk; L*sr c;>ij&k.

TO :pU :zars\ Ydjc[fkaÍ[ LFil Q^las\ igi[ t^k


sixj. 19î16 – _H pliJpjsRy cj;|lcr\jhjgk^k LiR

>oShlds\ >gj)k;. glwliluk; rUlulPjerluk; rjfUdlh;

ilqk;. TYedlg; igk^ glwlijsr tfjSgH)lsrlgk*l;.

g!l; igijrluj dl\jgj)k^ rl; : igijsRy KS`C;


1. Qgk*jujgj)k^ Yewdsx SvG)lR

2. LirisRy YeiG\j)k f) YefjEh; rHdlR

3. dÑjH rj^k dÑJG fkm/lR

iJs!mk/jrluj tYedlgaln[ QgkS*!f[?

1. cau\k; Lcau\k; dl\jgj)kd a\l. 24î 48

2. ijCkÓwJijf; ruj)kd. Lfjrluj YdoCjsh gd[f\lH

dqkdH Yelej)l;, flq[a Pgj)l;, Ydjc[fkijsRy cI>li;


3. eoGÑ Lrkcgn;. 1 fjsal. 6î13 caG/nwJijf; cdhijP

Spl<*xjH rj^k; Ld^k wJij)kd. dguk^igksm dÑkrJG

fkmu[)kd. fUlzaSrl>li\jrkmauldkd

4. LirjH icj)n;. 1 Sul|. 2î28 cIu;SClPr rm\kd.

doMlu[aujH rjhrjH)kd. Ydjc[fk t^ fhSulx; ixgkd

5. KnG^jgj)l;. vkËkelmkdsx pGCj)l;. Liznj)s/Misg

ssd ejmj&kuG\l;. rjglYCuG)lCIlcaldl;.

TYedlg; glwliluj igk^ Ydjc[fkijsr cIJdgj)lR Qgk)

kduk; Qgk*kduk; sv$l;

SuCk igkS^, selS^Ck igkS^

igijrlu[ fR ivr;SelH rJ Qgk*jmk^kSil

SuCk igkS^,

Mrs. Thankamma John


Bible Reading: Zechariah 6:9-15

In today’s portion we see the unification of the roles of a priest and a

king in our messiah – Jesus Christ.

Throughout Old Testament we see priests who stood between man

and God offering animal sacrifices in holy temple for the atonement of

sin. They were a foreshadow of Jesus Christ who came to this world as

the high priest who is holy, harmless, undefiled and separated from

sinner (Hebrews 7:26) to sacrifice himself on the cross to destroy the

barrier of separation between God and mankind. Unlike the earthly

priests who repeatedly brought animal sacrifices for themselves and

the people, Jesus offered Himself once for all to the Father in payment

for the sins of man (Hebrews 7:27). We human beings have access to

Almighty through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. In Hebrews 4: 16, we

see a compassionate High priest who lived on earth, we are assured to

obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need. He under-

stands and sympathize with our weakness and is ready to cleanse

those who put their trust in him.

First time Jesus came as our savior, second time He is coming to reign

on this world as a righteous king. We believe that Jesus Christ died on

the cross for our sin and rose again on the third day and ascended into

heaven. But, how many of us believe that He will come again to judge

this world? Do you believe in an eternal heaven or hell beyond this

life? Fellow brothers and sisters, it is true that there is a judgement at

the second coming of Jesus Christ. If we did not receive the salvation

through Jesus Christ, then we will have to stand before the white

throne judgement and will ultimately pushed into the lake of fire. So

now is the time to accept the great gift of redemption by accepting the

sacrifice of our High Priest. It’s not our deeds that count at that time,

but our trust in Jesus Christ.

In Jesus Christ we see a merciful priest who sacrificed himself to re-

deem us and at the same time a king who will sit on the mighty throne

to judge this world justly. It is comforting to know that we have a merci-

ful God who listens to our prayers and having the assurance that we

will worship the same righteous king in the eternity forever.

Mr. Roshan A.Thomas

Tuesday, December 18th


Bible Reading: Zechariah 8:9-19

The word of the Lord to Zachariah is, “I will return to Zion and dwell in Jerusalem. Then Jerusalem will be called the Faithful City, and the mountain of the Lord Almighty will be called the Ho-ly Mountain.”

Our God is saying that he will return! Have you ever questioned God as to why he waits? I am sure most of us have. That is fine. God doesn't mind us asking Him questions. Jesus' disciples questioned Him a lot, when they didn't understand things. When people asked Jesus about His return, He told them no-one knows (Matt Chpt. 24. ), we should be ready anytime.

In a few days, we are going to celebrate Christmas. Christmas is not Santa Claus and reindeer. It is the greatest celebration of the greatest event in history!!! God's greatest gift to mankind.

God delights in saving souls. God is long suffering!! God wants sinners to realize they are lost. God wants sinners to repent of their sin and turn to Him. God wants sinners to accept his provi-sion for our salvation and that provision is Jesus Christ, God's Sacrificial Son.

Without Christmas, there would be no Salvation for mankind. Just as mankind awaited the coming of Jesus (The Messiah). we too await His return for us because God is never late and Jesus will come at the appointed time.

These are the things you are to do: speak the truth to each oth-er, and render true and sound judgment in your courts. Our king hates those who plot evil against each other, and do not love to swear falsely. I hate all this,” declares the Lord. Zechariah 8:16-19

Here the million-dollar question is “ARE YOU READY FOR HIS


Mr. Jishu Samuel

Wednesday, December 19th


Bible Reading: Malachi 3:1-4

The Advent season is a time of retelling the faithfulness of God to fulfill

His promises to His people. In the book of Malachi, we can see God’s

proclamation about His faithfulness to the people of Israel even when

they were unfaithful, questioning God’s love and not being thankful to

Him. Malachi 3:1-4 talks about the wonderful promise of a Messiah

who is going to come and transform the lives of His people. We can

see two messengers here bringing divine messages. First a messenger

who will come to prepare the way and second a messenger of cove-

nant who is the Messiah. The Messenger preparing the way: John

the Baptist who is known as the forerunner of the Messiah fulfilled this

prophesy with the message of repentance. The preparation of the way

was to remove all that could hinder to have the Lord as the King, the

valleys to be raised up, mountain and hill to be made low, the rough

and rugged grounds to be made plain to reveal the glory of God.

(Isaiah 40:3 and Luke 3:5)

The Messenger of the Covenant transforming people: In Verses 1-4

Malachi gives a picture of who Messiah is and what He is going to do

for his people. He will be the desirable Lord for them and the mediator

of a new covenant which is solely His work of redemption. Jesus is like

a refiner’s fire and launderer’s soap because His presence and His

words have power to transform the lives of those who accept Him as

Lord. Also, He is the refiner who works patiently to purify them like Gold

and Silver from all impurities.

God’s purpose fulfilled: Vs.3-4 is about the fruit of the Messianic min-

istry. Sons of Levi, the priestly generation are transformed to offer sac-

rifices in righteousness from their mere ritualistic ministry in which God

was not pleased at all. Through Jesus Christ all His people are trans-

formed into a Holy and Royal Priesthood to offer a sacrifice which is

acceptable and pleasing to God through their life of worship. The Mes-

sianic ministry of Jesus Christ is a fulfillment of Gods purpose of man-

kind in creation. That is a victorious ministry which is still being contin-

ued. The eschatological fulfilment of that ministry will mark the comple-

tion of it where all His people stand before Him and worship Him. Dur-

ing this advent season, through the meditation of His Word, let us all

Thursday, December 20th


Saturday, December 22nd

Friday, December 21st

prepare ourselves to have Jesus as our King and Lord in order to fulfill

God’s plan and purpose for us.

Mr. Abey Cherian

Bible Reading: 2 Peter 2:12-21

A description of ungodly among believers

In his second letter Peter teaches Christ’s sheep by instructing them how to deal with false teachers and evildoers who have come into the church. Peter warns us that the false teachers are like animals, they function in the flesh, not by the spirit. They say that they loved and served Christ, while the things they taught and did were a complete denial of him. These ungodly false teachers are a dangerous and cor-rupting presence in the body of Christ. They are like cancer that eats away the Christian community. They are adulterous, greedy and sinful. These false teachers offer thrills and insight and freedom, but in reality they are empty and barren. They are like mist that seem to promise rain for the land, but are dry as a bone. In verses 18-22 Peter warns how these false teachers lead the new and unstable Christians into moral failure where their last condition is worse than if they had never known the way of righteousness. These false teachers and those en-ticed by them will in the end experience condemnation and destruction. What a need there in the church for discernment between waterless springs and springs of living water! The one bubbles up unto eternal life. The other sinks down into the gloom where there is weeping and

gnashing of teeth. We must become a deeply discerning people.

Ms. Ashley M. Alexander

Bible Reading: 2 Peter 3:8-15

Our Lord Jesus Christ is coming back as a “King”. “The Lord is not

slow about his promise, as some understand slowness, but is patient

towards you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repent-

ance (2 Peter 3:9). Jesus is coming back. It can happen any time. Is it


Sunday, December 23rd

a good news or bad news for you? In the second epistle, Peter empha-

sizes the need for fruitful growth in faith, warns about the destructive

doctrines and false teachers and finally about the need for life in Holi-


1 Thessalonians 4:16-48 says “For the Lord himself will come

down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archan-

gel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise

first. After that, we who are alive and are left will be caught up together

with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be

with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these

words”. The person died in Christ will resent, if you have to die in

Christ, we have to live with him and in him. Believers should not worry

about the delay of Lord’s coming. Even though false teachers ques-

tions it, it is going to happen. Peter says that the day of the Lord will

come as a thief in the night. In Mathew 24:42, we see that Jesus also

says the same thing. Apostle Paul made it very clear in 1 Thessaloni-

ans 5:2, we don’t have the right to set a time frame for that. We should

not wait for tomorrow to repent and to lead a life of holiness.

Peter warns about the thing that will happen on that day. The

whole world will go through terrific changes. But we need to understand

on that day “Both the earth and the work that are in it will be burnt

away. Peter reminds believers that if that is the case, we should live a

“HOLI” life, which are to be pleasing GOD. We are persuaded too much

by the materialistic world that makes us to buy and stack things.

Hence, let us be humble ourselves and lead a life according to his will

and await for his second coming. Amen.

Aleyamma Thomas

Bible Reading: Jude 12-25

Today I am going to discuss Christ’s coming. First, before Christ’s Coming, Gabriel told Mary that she would give birth to God’s son Je-sus as it states in Luke 1:26-38, and then Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem on Christmas to take part in the census ordered by Caesar Augustus and they both went into a stable to stay for the night, and Jesus was born that same night as it states in Luke 2:1-7. Next, he spread the word of God to other people with his disciples,


and an example of this is in Luke 9:1-6 when he sends his disciples out to spread the word of God to people in other cities. Also, in Jude 1:11-12 It talks about how people sinned so much before Jesus came to the world. To add, the first coming ended when Jesus died on the cross in Matthew 27:32-54 and he gave up his life when absorbing all the sin in the world. To end, this is Jesus’s first coming when he was born to preaching the word of God to destroying all sin on the cross.

Christ’s second coming is when he is going to come and judge each person to his own sins. First, Christ’s second coming is beginning when he rose from the dead as it states according to the gospel John 20:1-18. Next, Jesus appeared to his disciples telling them to go to Jerusalem to get the holy spirit to spread the word of God. Also, he wanted his disciples to do this, so we may go to Heaven after judging us according to our sins as it states in Revelation 22:20 and “Your own evil desires and acts.” To end, the second coming will hap-pen soon, and God will judge us.

Christ’s coming prepares us for God judging us. First, God came in the first coming to redeem us from our sins. Next, in the second coming God will come and judge us. Also, God came to prepare us for the eter-nal judgement and so we could be saved. To end, Christ’s coming was purposed to redeem us and to judge us so we can go to Heaven.

Jaden Pradeep Kuruvilla

Bible Reading: Revelation 4:1-11

glwliluj igk^iR glwliluj TO >oijH i^k ejy^k. a\l.

2î2, suC. 9î1-7

cdh c{<[mju[)k; akDlÔjgaluiR r+ksm gÊu[)luj

cIGÏ\jH rj^k; Ty*j, w}; Pgj&[, ark<Urluj, r+ksm

eleegj|lg\jrluj YdoCj)s/M[, d<[mf Lrk>ij&[ agj&[,

Lm)s/M[, ao^l; pjic; KujGs\qkS^Ë[, cIGÏ\jH dSgyj,

fsRy ejflijsRy ih\k>lz\jgj)k^irk;, Liclraj#l\

glwfIak=irkaluiR, wJij&jgj)k^isguk; agj&isguk; ijPj/

lR fsRy a|l Ye>liS\lsm glwlPjglwliluj

dG\lPjdG\liluj iJ!k; igk;.

SuCkglwlisRy :zar\jrk ijCIlcS\lmk; YefUlCSulmk;

LisRy ijCkÓG Srl)j/lG\jgj )k^k. ukzlÔU\jH

a|lYe>liS\lsm igkilrjgj)k^ Ydjc[fkglwR T^[, r+ksm

Monday, December 24th


Tuesday, December 25th

wJijflrk>i*xjH r+ksm Lmk)H igk^k. ijijP

cl|vgU*xjH, ijijP >li*xjH. r+ksm ijCIlcS\lmk;

aSrl>li*Sxlmk; K= si#kijxjuluj LiR r+ksm Lmk)Sh)k


:dulH ijCkÓjsu fjd&[ dG\iUrjgfgluj rak)

[ Qgk*jrjH)l;. ilz[p\; svu[fiR ijCIc[fR. ig-

kilrk=iR igk;. flacj)j#.

:SaR. dG\lilu SuCkSi, Siz; iSgnSa.

Mr. K. G. Varghese

Bible Reading: Revelation 21:1-5

Merry Christmas!

Glory to the King of Kings, our Lord Jesus Christ!

“And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with

them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.”

Rev. 21:3

Today is a glorious day, as we rejoice in the first coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the salvation that Christ offers through His redeeming blood. Christmas is also a powerful re-minder of the promise that our Lord Jesus will come again to re-ceive His holy church. So, as we exchange gifts this day which bring us happiness let us remember to focus our eyes on Jesus Christ who through His sacrifice has offered us redemption from sins and freely offered us grace, mercy and life in abundance! In Revelation 21:1-5, the apostle St. John gives us a glimpse of the glorious conclusion of the Great Story of God ’s redemptive work in the world. We celebrate that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” However, our celebration of faith and worship is made complete when we understand that the Son of God came to in order that He might one day renew this Earth and be forever


There are hundreds of prophecies that were fulfilled in the

first coming of Jesus Christ! The Word of the Lord God is

sure and true; God never fails His word. May this brief list

of Messianic prophecies fulfilled in Jesus’ coming remind

you of God’s enduring faithfulness and encourage you in

faith as we prepare for His second coming in glory!

present with us. In Rev. 21:3, the Greek word used to describe “dwelling” is the same word that is found in St. John 1 which sig-nifies “pitching His tent” or in other words intimate communion. The second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ ushers in newness of all creation and invites the faithful to a realize even life itself anew, where mourning and pain cease. There are actually two different words in Greek that can be translated “new”. The word neos indicates something that is new chronologically and is in contrast to something that is old. However, the word that is used here in Revela-tion is the Greek word kainos. It is used to describe something that is qualitatively new. The Lord God who redeemed creation will restore creation afresh!

The crying infant born in Bethlehem was also the King who will one day wipe away every tear. In humility he inhabited a manger so that we might one day inhabit the holy city. He made his dwelling among us so that by His work we might one day hear what our hearts have always longed to hear: “Behold, the dwell-ing place of God is with man.” The little one born to Mary and Jo-seph, wrapped as a small package in swaddling cloths, is also the Mighty One who would accomplish our salvation. Are you ready to receive the Coming King?

Rev. Jaisen A. Thomas

Promises Fulfilled

Scriptural Assertions concerning Jesus Christ

Old Testament Prophecy

New Testament Fulfillment

The Son of God Psalm 2:7 Matthew 3:17; Luke 1:32, 35

The seed of woman Genesis 3:15 Galatians 4:4


Promises Fulfilled

Scriptural Assertions concerning Jesus Christ

Old Testament Prophecy

New Testament Fulfillment

The seed of Abraham Genesis 17:7; 22:18

Matthew 1:1; Galatians 3:16

The tribe of Judah Genesis 49:10 Luke 3:33; Revelation 5:5

The seed of David Psalm 132:11; Isaiah 9:6

Acts 13:23; Romans 1:3

Born in Bethlehem Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:4-6

Born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:22-23

Called Immanuel Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:22-23

Children of Bethlehem slain

Jeremiah 31:15

Matthew 2:16-18

Being called out of Egypt

Hosea 11:1 Matthew 2:15

Being anointed with the Spirit

Isaiah 11:2; 42:1; 61:1

Matthew 3:16; John 3:34

Being a Prophet likened to Moses

Deuteronomy 18:15-18

Acts 3:20-22; John 6:14

A Priest in the order of Melchizedek

Psalm 110:4 Hebrews 5:5-6

Public entry into minis-try

Isaiah 61:1-2 Luke 4:16-21, 43

Ministry beginning in Galilee

Isaiah 9:1-2 Matthew 4:12-16, 23

Entering publicly into Jerusalem

Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:1-5

A Shepherd for God’s people

Ezekiel 34:1-31 John 10:1-18


New Born

Xavier David Abraham

Born to parents: Sunil & Ranjani Abraham On July 30, 2018

Rebecca Abigail Kurian

Born to parents: Blessen & Anissa Kurian On September 29, 2018

Nazriya Leia Varughese

Born to parents: Joji & Reena Varughese On October 23, 2018

Amelia Rachel Varghese

Born to parents: Benji & Silgi Varghese On October 30, 2018

Rayaan Thomas Binny

Born to parents: Binny Thomas & Ance Anna Mathew

On November 23, 2018 at 8:26 am

Elaina Faith Philip Born to parents: Domy & Susan Philip,

On November 18, 2018



Position Name Home Phone Vicar/President Rev. Jaisen Thomas (914) 376-6530 Vice President Mr. John C. Thomas (914) 457-8197

Secretary Mr. John Abraham (845) 634-9319 Treasurer Mr. Biju Varghese (845) 268-0887 Accountant Mr. Ullas Thannickal (845) 638-8075 Lay Leader - Malayalam Mr. Varghese George (914) 207-6465 Lay Leader - English Mr. Roshan Abraham Thomas (914) 963-3524


Manhattan/NJ Mr. Jacob Varghese (201) 384-0041 Queens/LI Mrs. Mary Jacob (516) 365-3750 Rockland (Spring Valley) Mr. Suju Samuel (845) 426-6635 Rockland (Outside Spring Valley) Mr. Aju Daniel (914) 255-8478 Upper Westchester/CT Mr. John Daniel (845) 240-1578 Upper Westchester/CT Mr. John P. Varghese (914) 826-6636 Yonkers East Mr. Josen Joseph (914) 346-8644 Yonkers North Mr. K.C. Thomas (914) 963-3499 Yonkers South/Bronx Mr. Thomas John (914) 965-3979 Yonkers West Mr. Jishu Samuel (914) 690-4868


Sabha Mandalam Mr. Thomas Oommen (516) 796-2672

Diocesan Representatives Mr. Samuel K. Samuel (914) 693-8490

Mr. Sunil M. Varughese (845) 268-3647 Mr. Nobin Vaidian (914) 337-2470

ORGANIZATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Choir Mrs. Sherly Thomas (516) 796-2672 Edavaka Mission Mr. K. G. Varghese (914) 202-7093 Sevika Sangham Mrs. Sosamma Abraham (845) 426-2327 Sunday School Mr. T.P. Jacob (516) 365-3750 Youth Fellowship Mr. Austin M. Varghese (914) 968-7856 Young Family Fellowship Mr. Norman Jones (914) 879-8653 Yuvajana Sakhyam Mr. Jibu Varghese (914) 968-2677


Mr. Samuel Ninan (201) 692-0649

Mr. Thankachan Geevarghese (914) 939-0282


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