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Defining the Damn Data


Jen Matson Sr. UX Designer, RealSelf

Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/rh2ox/9989876925



Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/barnism/429618154

We are:

The world's largest community for learning and sharing information about cosmetic surgery, dermatology, dentistry, and other elective treatments.

In 2014, our users:

• Numbered 51 million (unique visitors)

• Viewed half-a-billion pages

• Spent 5 million hours in their research

• Are predominantly mobile: 72% and growing

Core team: UX designer, product manager, developer(s)

Supporting players: Business analyst, community manager(s)


Agile process: 2-week sprints, PM and design at daily stand-ups

Bite-sized work: Build and launch many smaller things, test, iterate, improve

Project approach


Ongoing data sharing

Weekly meetings:

• Business analysts present Google Analytics data to full product team

• Community managers share user insights

How do we interpret the data?

Featured project: Question & answer page

Step 1: Define the problem / opportunity

• What’s wrong, or where can we do something great?

• Why do we think this might be worthwhile?

• Do we have any data to support this?

Step 1: Define the problem / opportunity

• High traffic, but high bounce rate - most visitors view 1 page, leave

• We have highly relevant content, but it’s not easily discoverable

• Issue identified via analysis using Google Analytics

Step 1: Define the problem / opportunity

Step 2: Define your users

• What’s the profile of auser visiting this page?

• What motivates this user, and how does that intersect with what we have to offer in our product?

Step 2: Define your users

• Someone Googling for answer to a specific question about a medical treatment

• Motivated to the get that answer first and foremost

• Unaware of RealSelf brand

Step 2: Define your users

Step 3: Define the desired business result

• What does product success look like?

Step 3: Define the desired business result

• Reduce bounce rate, converting some portion of casual users to active users

• Active users contribute content that increases value of site for all

• Increase awareness of RealSelf brand

Step 3: Define the desired business result

Step 4: Identify the highest-value work

• Where do user needs and business goals overlap?

Step 4: Identify the highest-value work

• Focus on getting the user their answer quickly, easily

• Provide relevant related content for those motivated to dig deeper

Step 4: Identify the highest-value work

Step 5: Define what to design and build, and how

• What content, interface and functional changes will we make?

• How long will it take to design and build?

• What can we deliver quickest, of highest value to the user?

Step 5: Define what to design and build, and how

• Remove irrelevant content/UI so we can move valuable content further up the page

• Tweak existing design for initial experiment

Step 5: Define what to design and build, and how

Step 6: Define metrics, measurement, launch

• What data will we use to determine success or failure?

• What do we have the ability to measure now?

• How many people will see this and on what devices/in what regions?

Step 6: Define metrics, measurement, launch

• Show reduced bounce rate % in Google Analytics

• Increase clicks on specific links to related content

• Target mobile for initial test

• Expose to a small % of users to start

Step 6: Define metrics, measurement, launch

Step 7: Design, build and instrument

• Create final visual design

• Build design in Optimizely using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

• Set up click and other goals in Optimizely keyed off of defined user behaviors

Step 7: Design, build and instrument

Step 8: Launch, observe, learn


New design

Old design

New design


This is by design

• Someone Googling for answer to a specific question about a medical treatment

• Motivated to the get that answer first and foremost

• Not engaging with doctors at this point in their journey

Another lesson

• Photo upload was clunky, so users created multiple review entries for multiple photos

• We made uploading photos easier, data showed sharp drop in reviews

• Initial data was misleading - we didn’t break anything, we made the experience better

Always test before you launch to all


1. Define the problem / opportunity

2. Define your users

3. Define the desired business result

4. Identify the highest-value work

5. Define what to design and build, and how

6. Define metrics, measurement, launch

7. Design, build and instrument

8. Launch, observe, learn

Thank you.


Jen Matson Sr. UX Designer, RealSelf

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