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Definition: Software tools and techniques working as our personal advisors

Why we are using recommender systems?

Netflix Prize: View Leaderboard


2700+ teams

10% improvement on

Netlfix RMSE (0.9514)

Editorial and hand curated

List of favorites

Simple aggregations

Top-N, Most popular

Tailored to specific users

Netflix, Amazon…

X = Set of Customers

S = Set of Movies

Utility function u: X × S

Rating [1-5]

Gathering “known” ratings for matrix

Predict unknown ratings from the known

Evaluating extrapolation methods

Gathering ratings



Extrapolating Utilities

Utility matrix U is sparse

Cold start:

New items have no ratings

New users have no history

Term Frequency (TF):

Inverse Data Frequency (IDF):


Sentence 1: The car is driven on the road.

Sentence 2: The truck is driven on the highway.

Movies ratings dataset

Anaconda Data Science toolkit

Jupyter Notebook

Data pre-processed using Python Pandas Dataframe

Content-based Recommender System using Python:

sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

Similarities among movies content were computed using Python:

sklearn.metrics.pairwise import linear_kernel

Movies ratings dataset

Anaconda Data Science toolkit

Jupyter Notebook

Data pre-processed using Python Pandas Dataframe

Collaborative-based Recommender System using Surprise Python:

Surprise Singular Vector Decomposition (SVD)

Recommender Systems are not only suggesting, but they help us to make the right decisions

The importance of RS have made researchers to gather every year in The ACM Conference Series of Recommender Systems

Recommender Systems can be scaled to big data (PySpark ALS, and NVIDIA MERLIN)

Francesco Ricci, Lior Rokach, BrachaShapira, and Paul B. Kantor. 2010. Recommender Systems Handbook (1st. ed.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Charu C. Aggarwal. 2016. Recommender Systems: The Textbook (1st. ed.). Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated.

CS246 | Home (stanford.edu)

Building Recommender Systems with Machine Learning and AI | Udemy

Hands-On Recommendation Systems with Python | Packt (packtpub.com)


Collaborative Filtering - Spark 2.2.0 Documentation (apache.org)

Mohammed Fayez Rajab | LinkedIn

[email protected]


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