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Page 1: Degree Audit - Louisburg CollegeThe audit for the degree program displays beginning with a summary of minimum hours, GPA required and the students’ progress toward attaining that

Degree Audit

The degree audit is a powerful tool to help both advisors and students determine courses for which to register. To perform a student degree audit, login to the Faculty Portal using the appropriate term. Select “My Students” on the navigation menu.

Select “Advisee List” for a list of advisees, or any given class to display students enrolled in the class.

Page 2: Degree Audit - Louisburg CollegeThe audit for the degree program displays beginning with a summary of minimum hours, GPA required and the students’ progress toward attaining that

Click the blue “Select” hyperlink corresponding to any given student to display the Student Options, and select “Degree Audit”.

The three degree programs offered by Louisburg College will display. This enables the advisor and student to analyze progress toward any given degree. Click the corresponding blue “Detail” hyperlink to perform an audit for the student.

Page 3: Degree Audit - Louisburg CollegeThe audit for the degree program displays beginning with a summary of minimum hours, GPA required and the students’ progress toward attaining that

The audit for the degree program displays beginning with a summary of minimum hours, GPA required and the students’ progress toward attaining that degree. The summary is followed by the degree requirements and the courses which make up each requirement. The audit will show the students’ status for each group and will indicate which courses are remaining, in progress, or completed.

Degree Requirements

Student Progress

Course Requirements and Status

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