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  • 7/25/2019 DEILOT_08095


    Query & Analysis

    Installation Guide

    Performance Management

  • 7/25/2019 DEILOT_08095


    Query & Analysis Installation Guide

    Issued: October 2007

    Document Number: P3629A US

    Query & Analysis version: 10.0.0

    Disclaimer : Infor PM Query & Analysis is used in conjunction with third party companion products, such as operating systems and databasesystems. Query & Analysis is only supported for companion products that are in turn currently supported by their respective parent company.Please refer to the Query & Analysis Support Policy for full details.

    Copyright 2007 Infor. All rights reserved. The word and design marks set forth herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Inforand/or related affiliates and subsidiaries. All rights reserved. All other trademarks listed herein are the property of their respective owners.


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  • 7/25/2019 DEILOT_08095


    Query & Analysis Installation Guide

    Welcome ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ................ ............ 1

    Before You Begin ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ................ .............. 2

    Query A nalysis Installation........... ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. .............. 6

    Advanced Installation Modes ................ ................ ................. ................ ................ ................. .............. ....... 47

    Query Analysis XL................... ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ............... .... 51

    Query Analysis Word........... ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ............... ....... 53

    Query Analysis NetEnterprise ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. . 54

    Query Analysis Alert Server ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ............... ....... 61

    Query Analysis eAlert (Browser) ............................................................................................................. 72

    Query Analysis Executive (Browser) ............... ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ...... 78

    Internet Security............. ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ............... ............... .. 88

    Query Analysis Financial Reporting ............... ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ......... 91

    Terminal Server Citrix ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ............... .. 95

    Uninstalling Query Analysis ............. ................ ............... ................ ............... ............... .................. ......... 97


    Table of Contents

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 1

    Welcome to the Infor Performance Management - Query & Analysis Installation Guide.

    The guide provides detailed instructions for installing Query & Analysis 10.


    This guide has been written with the following assumptions:

    You have a working knowledge of Microsoft Windows.

    You are familiar with ODBC Administrator.

    You have a working knowledge of the selected database server and computer systems, including installingsoftware and working with networks.

    You have read the Query & Analysis ReadMe file supplied with Query & Analysis. It can be displayed at thecommencement of installation.


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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 2

    General Requirements

    Before you begin the Query & Analysis installation, check you have the following information:

    The Product database server name and software.

    Product database name.

    The Systems Administrator password for the Product database.

    Client Requirements

    Each client computer requires the following configuration to use Query & Analysis:

    Intel Pentium III (1 Ghz) processor. An Intel Pentium 4 (2GHz) processor, or equivalent, isrecommended.

    In addition to memory requirements specified for the operating system and Microsoft Office suite, a further32 MB of RAM is required. A total of 1 GB RAM is recommended.

    Hard disk drive with 100MB free space.

    Microsoft Windows XP Pro, Windows 2003 or Windows Vista with the latest service packs.

    Microsoft Office XP or Office 2003.

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later.

    Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0

    Java J2SE 5.0.0 or later.

    MDAC 2.8 or later.

    Before You Begin

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 3

    Server RequirementsEach server computer requires the following configuration to use Query & Analysis:

    Microsoft Windows Server 2000, Windows Server 2003 (32-bit) or Windows Server 2005 with the latestservice packs.

    Microsoft Office (only required for the Query & Analysis Alert Server processes: Excel worksheet and Worddocument).

    Internet Information Services running when Query & Analysis is implement across the web.

    For a Query & Analysis application within a Citrix or Terminal Server session:

    A single user requires a minimum bandwidth of 24K.

    Five concurrent users require a bandwidth between 64K and 128K.

    Note: Query & Analysis is used in conjunction with third party companion products, such as operating systemsand database systems. Query & Analysis is only supported for companion products that are in turn currentlysupported by their respective parent company. Please refer to the Query & Analysis Support Policy for full details.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 4

    ConfigurationThe following diagram depicts a typical Query & Analysis configuration.

    Query & Analysis

    Client B

    Query & Analysis

    Client A

    Query & Analysis

    Client C

    Database Server



    Query & Analysis

    Microsoft Office

    Microsoft Windows

    Oracle Client *

    * Oracle database only

    Microsoft SQL, MySQL, DB2,

    Oracle or Microsoft AccessQuery &



    The Query & Analysis software and ataLinks for the products over which Query & Analysis will report are

    installed on each PC. The term ataLinkrefers to the collection of files forming the business logic layer, allowing

    Query & Analysis applications to present a Product atabasein layout or format that can be easily recognised by

    the end user. Once installed on a PC, Query & Analysis will be connected to a Query & Analysis Database and one

    or more Product Databases.

    The Query & Analysis Database is a single centralised database containing Query & Analysis user, security and

    serialisation (licensing) details. Since the Query & Analysis Database contains settings shared amongst all

    clients, all clients must point to a single Query & Analysis database. The database can be an Oracle, Microsoft

    SQL Server, Microsoft Access, IBM DB2 or MySQL database. It is recommended that the Query & Analysis

    Database be of the same type (where possible) as any Product Databases. For example, if the Product over which

    Query & Analysis is to report runs on SQL Server 2000, it is recommended that the Query & Analysis database also

    be a SQL Server 2000 database.

    Product Databases are the actual application databases over which Query & Analysis will report. In most cases

    Query & Analysis will be reporting over only one Product Database, but there may be several if more DataLinks are

    in use with Query & Analysis.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 5

    The installation process is a follows:

    1. Create a Query & Analysis database on the Product server.

    2. Install Query & Analysis on client A.

    3. Connect to the Query & Analysis database.

    4. Create Query & Analysis users and profiles. Run the User Wizard to automatically create Query & Analysisusers based on the names of Product users stored in the Product database.

    5. Serialize Query & Analysis. Alternatively operate Query & Analysis in demonstration mode for 30 days.

    6. Allocate Query & Analysis users to the Product and Query & Analysis application.

    7. Test Query & Analysis XL.

    8. Repeat Query & Analysis installation for the remaining clients. Clients are connected to the same centralizedQuery & Analysis database so creating Query & Analysis users, serialization and user allocation has beencompleted and does not need to be repeated.

    9. If required, install NetEnterprise Server and web part for Microsoft SharePoint, Query & Analysis Alert Server,Alert (Browser), Executive (Browser) or Query & Analysis Financial Reporting.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 6

    Step 1: Before Installing Query & Analysis

    1. Read the Query & Analysis Installation Guide.

    2. Read any Product installation addendum documents included with the Query & Analysis installation,located in the folder\LsAlchemy\\Doc

    Product addendum documents cover installation issues or additional steps required for specific Products.

    Not all Products, accessed via a DataLink, have addendum documents. Once Query & Analysis has been

    installed addendum documents are placed in a Doc sub-folder in the Query & Analysis program folder. Bydefault,C:\Program Files\Infor PM QA \Doc\

    3. Read the Query & Analysis ReadMe file.

    4. Contact your software vendor to request a license file to serialize Query & Analysis and Product. If Query &Analysis or an Author Product is not serialized, Query & Analysis operates in demonstration mode for up to30 days with imposed restrictions on Query & Analysis functionality.

    5. Backup the computer. It is recommend that before commencing any software installation that serverbackup procedures are performed.

    Step 2: Previous Vision Installations

    Vision cannot be upgraded to Query & Analysis 10. Vision releases prior to, and including, Vision 6.3.3-1 should

    be uninstalled. Please refer to the Installation Guide supplied with the respective release for instructions on how

    to remove Vision, Executive (Browser) and eAlert (Browser).

    Backup Client Settings

    The following Vision user settings can continue to be used by Query & Analysis, they are retained on the client and


    Query & Analysis Installation

    Client Server

    Query & Analysis languages Users & User Profiles

    Alert Tasks Security options


    Dictionary items

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 7

    Before removing Vision 6.3.3-1 you will need to backup client settings. The procedure is detailed below:

    1. If language keys have been modified in Vision then languages should be exported to a file. In Maintenance,run the Languages utility and export languages to a file. Once Query & Analysis has been installed, theVision language file should be imported into Query & Analysis.

    2. If Alert Tasks have been created in Alert Editor, these must be exported to a Task file (*.tsk). In Alert Editor,select Export Task from the task menu and complete the Export dialog box. Once Query & Analysis has beeninstalled, the Vision Alert Task file should be imported into Query & Analysis.

    3. Make a backup copy of all DataLinks. DataLinks reside in the LsAlchemy folder. The default location isC:\Program Files\Vision\Settings. Copy the LsAlchemy folder to a temporary folder.

    Once Query & Analysis has been installed, run the Update DataLinks utility and point to the temporary

    LsAlchemy folder. The DataLinks will be installed into the Query & Analysis settings folder: C:\Program

    Files\Infor PM QA\Settings\LsAlchemy.

    4. Uninstall Vision. Click Yes to remove all settings.

    Note: Vision must be fully removed before installing Query & Analysis. Do not retain Vision settings.

    Vision settings and DataLinks are duplicated in a backup folder in the Vision program folder, by default

    C:\Program Files\Vision\Backup\Settings.

    5. Proceed with the installation of Query & Analysis.

    Vision XL Workbooks

    The Vision XL add-in location has changed from C:\Program Files\Vision to C:\Program File\Infor PM QA. When

    existing Vision workbooks are opened in Excel, and with Vision removed, the application will be unable to locate the

    LsAgXLB.xla file. To address this there are two courses of action that can be taken, either:

    Edit the XL add-in link location for each XL formula in the workbook. Run Excel, open the workbook and selectLinks from the Edit menu. Update the link to the Q&A XL add-in location, C:\Program Files\Infor PM QA. This isthe recommended procedure. Also seeQuery & Analysis XLsection.

    Install Query & Analysis to the original Vision folder location, by default C:\Program Files\Vision.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 8

    Step 3: Create Query & Analysis Centralized Database

    Note: Only one Query & Analysis centralized database is permitted per site. All client installations at a site mustpoint to this database. Skip this step if you are performing additional client installations or updating Query &Analysis.

    The Query & Analysis centralized database can be a Microsoft SQL database, Oracle database, DB2 database,

    MySQL database or the Microsoft Access database provided. It is recommended that Query & Analysis centralized

    database is the same type as the Product database. The database can be created on the Product server or a

    separate server.

    The database contains user information, serialization details, dictionary and global settings. It consists of

    approximately 50 tables and is about 10 MB in size. All Query & Analysis users point to a single Query & Analysis

    centralized database.

    If you intend to run Query & Analysis NetEnterprisecreate a Microsoft SQL, MySQL, DB2 or Oracle database.

    To create Microsoft SQL database,click here.

    To create an Oracle database, click here.

    To use the Microsoft Access database, click here.

    Microsoft SQL Database

    If the Product uses a SQL database then create a SQL database for Query & Analysis. Access to the database can

    be made by SQL Server logon or Windows Authentication. Windows Authentication is more secure since SQL user

    details are visible in the Query & Analysis Client Setup application. For full details please refer to your SQL Server


    The steps detailed below describe how to create a Windows Domain Group for Query & Analysis users. Thus as a

    Query & Analysis user they are a member of the Domain that is granted access to the SQL database. This makes

    future administration tasks such as adding a Query & Analysis user and ensuring access is granted a straight

    forward process.

    1. Create a Domain Group, for example QUERY & ANALYSIS GROUP

    2. Add Windows users to the Group. The Windows users will ultimately be created as Query & Analysis users.

    3. Start SQL Server Management Studio as an Administrator.

    4. In the Database server tree, right-click Security and select New > Login.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 9

    The Login New Properties dialog box is displayed

    5. Click the Login name Search button.

    6. In the Select User or Group, type the Domain name followed by backslash and the group name. Alternatively,click the assist button to browse accessible domains for the group. For example, SALESDOMAIN \ QUERY &ANALYSISGROUP.

    7. Click Check Names and OK.

    8. In the Database tree, right-click Databases > New Databases

    9. In the Database name box, type in Vision or similar name.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 10

    10. Click OK. The Query & Analysis database is created.

    11. Open the Properties of the Login QUERY & ANALYSISGROUP

    12. Change Default database from Master to Query & Analysis.

    13. Select the User Mapping page.

    14. Select the Query & Analysis database.

    15. Select the Database Roles permitted to the Windows Domain Group. Query & Analysis requires the followingpermissions:


    db_ddladmin - permits the creation of tables and views

    db_datareader - read access to DataLink

    db_datawriter - write back access for Data Sends

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 11

    16. Click OK to close the Login Properties dialog box.

    If you intend to use Query & Analysis NetEnterprise Server, Query & Analysis eAlert (Browser) or Query &

    Analysis Executive (Browser) that require IIS or web services, also grant Query & Analysis database access

    with the same roles to the default accounts:

    ASPNET for Windows 2000 / XP IIS_WPG for Windows 2003

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 12

    Oracle Database

    If the Product uses an Oracle database then create a new Oracle schema to store the Query & Analysis tables on

    the server.

    A Net Service Name defines how to access an Oracle database across a network. On each of the client PCs, Net

    Service Names should be created for the Query & Analysis Centralized database and the Products Oracle


    Create an Oracle Schema

    To create an Oracle schema / user on the server:

    1. On the server, start Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

    2. Select Launch Standalone if Oracle Management Server is not available.

    3. Select the Oracle Instance that hosts the Product database.

    4. If the instance name is not in the database list, select Add Database to Trees from the Object menu item andenter the server and database details.

    The Net Service Name appears in the Database tree.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 13

    5. Select the database and logon with sys credentials.

    6. Expand the Product database in the tree and select Schema.

    7. Click Create schema objects.

    8. Select User from the Create list.

    9. In the Create User dialog box, complete the following settings:

    General tab: type Query & Analysis into the Name box and specify a password.

    Role tab: select Connect role. System tab: select Create Synonym, Create Table and Create View privileges.

    Quota tab: type 50 Mb in the Users setting.

    10. Click the Create button.

    Create an Net Service Name

    To create a Net Service Name for Query & Analysis and the Product on the client:

    1. On the client, start Oracle Net Manager.

    2. On the Edit menu, click Create. Net Service Wizard starts.

    3. Type in the Query & Analysis Net Service Name for the server. This appears in the Service Naming tree.

    4. Select TCP/IP (Internet Protocol).

    5. Type in the Host Name, this is the Query & Analysis server name.

    6. Type in the Port Number, by default 1521.

    7. Type in the Instance / Service Name; the global database name.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 14

    8. Test access to the database. It is assumed the test is successful.

    9. Close Net Service Wizard.

    10. Save Network Configuration.

    11. Repeat the process, this time create a Net Service Name for the Product.

    12. Exit Oracle Net Manager.

    Microsoft Access Database

    During installation a Microsoft Access database is placed in the Query & Analysis program folder. If you intend to

    store Query & Analysis centralized settings in an Access database use the LsDatabase.mdb file provided.The file should be moved from the Query & Analysis program folder to a shared network drive. All Query & Analysis

    clients should then point to this database in a central location.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 15

    Step 4: Terminal Server or CitrixIf you are installing Query & Analysis on a Citrix or Terminal Server system, conduct the procedure below.

    Note: Query & Analysis cannot be installed over a network from a mapped drive on a Remote connection to aTerminal Services/Citrix server. This is a limitation of InstallShield. If you wish to install Query & Analysis via aRemote connection to a Terminal Services/Citrix server, you can use Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path(e.g., '\\server\software\Query & Analysis'), copy the files to a local drive and then run the install programmanually.

    1. Log on locally to the Citrix server, ensuring the user has administrator rights.

    2. Log off any users currently logged on.

    3. Use Add or Remove Programs utility to install Query & Analysis.

    Alternatively, at a command prompt type c:\change user /installbefore running Setup.exe.

    Once Query & Analysis has been installed, type c:\change user /execute

    Note: In a Citrix environment, install Query & Analysis with Application User Profiles disabled and then activateonce the installation is complete. This option can be found on the About tab in Query & Analysis Maintenance.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 16

    Step 5: Install Query & Analysis1. Logon to Windows with Administrator access.

    2. On the local computer insert the Query & Analysis Install CD.

    To install Query & Analysis over a network copy the entire contents of the Query & Analysis Install CD to a

    network drive.

    3. Start Welcome.exe to open the Query & Analysis installation Welcome screen. It provides access toinstallation prerequisite components, supporting documentation and the Query & Analysis installationexecutable.

    Installation Prerequisites

    Query & Analysis requires Microsoft MDAC 2.8, Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0. They are included

    with the Query & Analysis install.

    MDAC 2.8 should be manually installed. Windows XP SP 2 includes MDAC 2.8. If you attempt to install MDAC

    2.8 a message states that it is incompatible with this version of Windows. Click the Cancel button to close

    the message.

    Microsoft .NET Framework will be automatically installed if not detected.

    4. Click the Installation Prerequisites link.

    5. Click MDAC and complete the installation steps.

    6. Once complete, reboot the computer.

    Run InstallShield Wizard

    7. Start welcome.exe.

    8. Click the Install Query & Analysis link to start the Query & Analysis installation program.

    9. Select the installation language and click OK.

    The installation language is independent of the language Query & Analysis operates in. The Query &

    Analysis InstallShield Wizard is displayed.

    10. Click Next.

    11. Click the Change button to modify the default installation folder, C:\Program Files\Infor PM QA\

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 17

    12. Click the Next button.

    13. Select default language. Click EN for English or JP for Japanese.

    14. Select either a Complete or Custom installation, click Next.

    Complete installation is recommended and suits most users. The most common Query & Analysis

    Installation options will be selected. If Query & Analysis is subsequently reinstalled or upgraded any

    previous installation Custom settings are reapplied. Query & Analysis is installed by default to the folder,

    C:\Program Files\Infor PM QA\. Refer to the Custom Installation section for details on which options are

    enabled when a Complete installation is performed.

    Custom installation should only be conducted by experienced Query & Analysis users. The installation can

    be customized for local and corporate environmental considerations. See the Custom Installation section forfurther details.

    15. Query & Analysis components are listed, click Next. The Connection Wizardis displayed.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 18

    Custom Installation

    With a custom installation Query & Analysis installation settings can be modified. These settings will be reapplied

    during a Typical install if Query & Analysis is subsequently re-installed or upgraded.

    Destination Folder

    Click the Browse button if you wish to modify Query & Analysiss destination folder on the local drive.

    If upgrading from a previous Query & Analysis release that was configured to use Application User Profiles, ensure

    that this release is installed to the same Query & Analysis folder location.

    Select FeaturesThe Select Features dialog box is only displayed during a Custom install.


    [Typical installation setting: on]

    If enabled, the English Query & Analysis help files are installed to the Query & Analysis help program folder.

    By default, C:\Program Files\Infor PM QA\Help.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 19

    International Help

    [Typical installation setting: off]

    If enabled, select the default Query & Analysis help files from a list of available languages displayed in a

    subsequent step in the installation process. All the international help files are installed. The nominated

    default help file is placed in the folder C:\Program Files\Infor PM QA\Help. The

    remaining international help files are installed to sub folders C:\Program Files\Infor PM

    QA\Help\, where Language Code is a two character abbreviation for the

    language, e.g., JP is Japanese.

    Configure Users and Security

    [Typical installation setting: off]

    If enabled, once Connection Wizard is complete Query & Analysis Setup starts. Query & Analysis Setup is

    used to allocate users, create user profiles and load the serialization file. See Steps 7 to 9.

    Use User Profiles.

    [Typical installation setting: off]

    User Profiles maintains a different set of Query & Analysis configuration settings for each Windows user that

    logs onto the same PC. If a PC is shared among several Windows users that logon with different Query &

    Analysis user details or installing Query & Analysis in a Citrix environment then User Profiles will be required.

    If enabled, Query & Analysis uses Application User Profiles. On the computer, each Query & Analysis user

    will have their preferred Query & Analysis settings and DataLinks. The settings are inaccessible to other

    users. Typically the settings are stored in:

    C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Lasata\Agora\Settings\

    Where is the Windows logon name.

    Should the Windows environment specify an alternate folder location to hold User Profiles, then Query &

    Analysis respects this setting and instead places the Settings folder in the revised User Profile location.

    If cleared, a single set of Query & Analysis settings and DataLinks apply to all Query & Analysis users who

    log on to Windows. Settings are stored under the default Query & Analysis program folder, typically:

    C:\Program Files\Infor PM QA\Settings

    Once Query & Analysis has been installed, Application User Profiles can be activated or deactivated in Query

    & Analysis Maintenance (About tab).

    Query & Analysis Alert Services, Query & Analysis Executive (Browser) and Query & Analysis eAlert

    (Browser) require Application User Profiles to be disabled.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 20

    Query & Analysis on Citrix and Terminal Server: For this type of installation Application User Profiles

    must be initially disabled during the installation. After installation activate Application User Profiles.

    Automatically install and update DataLinks.

    [Typical installation setting: on]

    If enabled, all Product DataLinks contained on the Query & Analysis Install CD are automatically installed. If

    cleared, you will be given the opportunity to nominate which DataLinks to install by browsing for the Product

    DataLinks located in theLsAlchemyfolder.

    Automatically load the Word Template.

    [Typical installation setting: off]

    If enabled, the Query & Analysis installation includes Query & Analysis Word in Microsoft Word. If cleared,

    use the Configure Microsoft Office utility in Query & Analysis Maintenance to add the Query & Analysis Word

    template to Microsoft Word. See the Query & Analysis Word chapter.

    Query & Analysis on Citr ix and Terminal Server: For this type of installation this option must be cleared.

    Automatically load the Excel Add-In.

    [Typical installation setting: off]

    If enabled, the Query & Analysis installation includes Query & Analysis XL and Query & Analysis Cache inMicrosoft Office Excel. If cleared, use the Configure Microsoft Office utility in Query & Analysis

    Maintenance to add the Query & Analysis XL and Cache Add-ins to Microsoft Excel. See the Query & Analysis

    XL chapter.

    Query & Analysis on Citr ix and Terminal Server: For this type of installation this option must be cleared.

    Install Pivot Table Services

    [Typical installation setting: off]

    Install Pivot Tables Services if Query & Analysis is to be used with Microsoft Analysis Services.

    If enabled, Pivot Table Services is installed on the client computer to enable Query & Analysis reporting

    applications to access Microsoft Analysis Services tables stored on the Product server. If Pivot Tables

    Services is not installed Query & Analysis is unable to connect and perform MDX queries on a Product

    database used in conjunction with Microsoft Analysis Services.

    Clear this option if you dont intend to run Microsoft Analysis Services on the Product server.

    Note: To install Pivot Tables Service on Windows NT, clear the option and refer to the Troubleshooting section.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 21

    Install Connectivity Drivers

    [Typical installation setting: on]

    Query & Analysis requires drivers to connect to Foxpro and DataDirect. If enabled, the Foxpro (OLE DB,

    ODBC) and DataDirect (Btrieve, Dbase) drivers are installed.

    MS Visual Foxpro Runtimes

    [Typical installation setting: on]

    If connecting to Foxpro, install the Microsoft Visual Foxpro Runtimes.

    Check for MDAC 2.8

    [Typical installation setting: on]

    If enabled, the installation checks whether MDAC 2.8 has been installed. If it is not detected the installation

    aborts. MDAC 2.8 should be installed from the Welcome screen.

    MDAC 2.8 checking is automatically performed if installing Pivot Table Services.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 22

    Step 6: Connection WizardThe Connection Wizard lists all DataLinks installed to the LsAlchemy settings folder and is used to establish

    communication links between:

    The Query & Analysis software and the Query & Analysis centralized database

    The Query & Analysis software and the Product database

    All new clients should use DSN-less connections to enable Query & Analysis to access the Query & Analysis and

    Product databases. A DSN-less connection is recommended over implementing a DSN connection. Unlike ODBC

    Data Source Names, DSN-less connection details are stored within the password protected Query & Analysis

    product thus ensuring database access settings are not exposed to other applications and users.

    The procedure for creating a DSN-less connection is described below.

    Query & Analysis SoftwareQuery & Analysis Database

    The following procedure points the Query & Analysis software to the Query & Analysis Centralized database.

    1. Select Query & Analysis in the Connection Wizards Product list.

    2. Click Next.

    3. Select the Database type.

    Microsoft SQL


    Microsoft Access



    4. Click Next to set database access details.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 23

    Microsoft SQL

    Data Source Name: create a DSN-less or DSN connection. A DSN-less connection is recommended. In the

    Data Source Name box type the SQL server name that holds the Query & Analysis database and precede the

    name with an asterisk ( * ). If you prefer to create a DSN connection, click the assist button to start

    Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator utility.

    Database: the name of the Query & Analysis Centralized database on the server.

    Time out: the length of time allowed for query to run before it is closed down. The default is zero seconds.


    Data Source Name: select a DSN connection to the MySQL database. Click the assist button to start

    Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator utility.

    Database: the name of the Query & Analysis Centralized database on the server.

    Time out: the length of time allowed for query to run before it is closed down. The default is zero seconds.


    Data Source Name: select a DSN connection to the DB2 database. Click the assist button to start Microsoft

    ODBC Data Source Administrator utility.

    Time out: the length of time allowed for query to run before it is closed down. The default is zero seconds.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 24


    Data Source Name: create a DSN-less or DSN connection. A DSN-less connection is recommended. In the

    Data Source Name box type the Oracle net service name that refers to the Query & Analysis database and

    precede the net service name with an asterisk ( * ). If you prefer to create a DSN connection, click the assist

    button to start Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator utility and use the Microsoft ODBC for Oracle driver.

    Time out:the length of time allowed for query to run before it is closed down. The default is zero seconds.

    Microsoft Access

    File Name: click the assist button and locate the shared network folder in which the LsDatabase.mdb

    file resides.

    System Database: if required, click the assist button and locate the Access system file (*.mdw).

    Time out:the length of time allowed for query to run before it is closed down. The default is zero seconds.

    5. Click the Next button.

    6. Type in the Query & Analysis database User ID and Password.

    The user requires read and write access permissions to Query & Analysis Centralized database.

    Authentication: access to the SQL Server database can be granted by SQL Server user details or Windows

    network login ID:

    SQL Server type in database User ID and Password.

    Windows User Name authenticated Windows login details are used when connecting to the Query &Analysis SQL database. As a valid Window user, the Window user can gain access to the Query &Analysis database to retrieve Query & Analysis user and profile settings. The Username and Passwordboxes are disabled. Ensure the SQL Server has been configured to accept Windows Authentication.

    7. Click the Next button.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 25

    8. Click the Test Connection button, Query & Analysis checks whether it can access the data source andcreates Query & Analysis objects in the Query & Analysis schema. For an Oracle installation, the Query &

    Analysis schema is an Oracle synonym schema. If the test is successful the Connection Test Successfulmessage is displayed and the indicator turns green. If the test fails, the indicator turns red with a whitecross. Correct connection settings and retry the test.


    Not Tested

    Test Successful Test Failed

    9. Once the test is successful, click the Finish button.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 26

    Query & Analysis SoftwareProduct Database

    The following procedure points the Query & Analysis software to the Product database. As with the Query &

    Analysis centralized database, create either a DSN-less or DSN connection to the Product database. A DSN-less

    connection is recommended. Only database types supported by the Product are listed.

    1. Select the Product in the Connection Wizard

    2. Click the Next button.

    3. Select the Enable option to activate the Product connection.

    4. Select the Database type.

    5. Type in an Alias if required.

    Alias is the name associated with a Product connection. Connection Aliases enable reports created on one

    connection to be redirected to another connection without editing the original report contents.

    6. Click Next to set database access details.

    Microsoft SQL

    Data Source Name: create a DSN-less or DSN connection. A DSN-less connection is recommended. In the

    Data Source Name box type the SQL Server name that holds the Product database and precede the name

    with an asterisk ( * ). If you prefer to create a DSN connection, click the assist button to start Microsoft

    ODBC Data Source Administrator utility.

    Database: the name of the Product database on the server.

    Time out: the length of time allowed for query to run before it is closed down. The default is zero seconds.

    OEM to ANSI: enable to use older OEM format instead of ANSI. This option ensures that Product databases

    which are in languages that have diacritic characters (German, French etc) dont return corrupt characters.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 27


    Data Source Name: create a DSN-less or DSN connection. A DSN-less connection is recommended. In the

    Data Source Name box type theOracle net service namethat refers to the Product database and precede the

    net service name with an asterisk ( * ). If you prefer to create a DSN connection, click the assist button to

    start Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator utility and use the Microsoft ODBC for Oracle driver.

    Time out:the length of time allowed for query to run before it is closed down. The default is zero seconds.

    OEM to ANSI: enable to use older OEM format instead of ANSI. This option ensures that Product databases

    which are in languages that have diacritic characters (German, French etc) dont return corrupt characters.

    7. Click the Next button.

    8. Type in the Product database User ID and Password.

    The user requires read access to Product tables. Some DataLinks have a Server Install Application that,

    depending on the DataLink, might create tables and views in the Product database or support Data Send

    functionality. In these cases the user requires read and write access privileges.

    Authentication: access to the SQL Server database can be granted by SQL Server user details or Windows

    network login ID:

    SQL Server type in database User ID and Password.

    Windows User Name authenticated Windows login details are used when connecting to the ProductSQL database. The Username and Password boxes are disabled. Configure SQL Server to acceptWindows Authentication. Windows Authentication is not support by all DataLinks. See your DataLinkdocumentation.

    9. Click the Next button.

    Server Install Application

    If the Install button is displayed execute the Server Install Application.

    The Install button is displayed if the selected Product is provided with a Server Install Application. A Server

    Install Application is designed specifically for the Product and its DataLink. It may assist in applying

    appropriate security settings, table configuration or connection details. The Server Install creates DataLink

    objects in the Product database (or Domain database / schema). Please review the Installation Addendum

    documentation for your DataLink for information about the Server Install Application.

    Click the Install button to activate the DataLink's Custom Install Application.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 28

    10. Click the Test Connection button, Query & Analysis checks whether it can access the data source. Ifsuccessful the Connection Test Successful message is displayed and the indicator turns green. If the test

    fails, the indicator turns red with a white cross, correct connection settings and retry the test.

    11. Once the test is successful, click the Finish button.

    12. Click Finish again to close the Connection Wizard.

    SunSystems Global Security

    If Query & Analysis detects Global Securityused by SunSystems Products, Query & Analysis automatically

    integrates with this security system. To continue with Query & Analysis installation, Global Security

    detection will be temporary disabled and then reactivated after the Query & Analysis users have been

    created and tested.

    In Client Setup, on the Other tab clear the Global Security option.

    13. Click the Save button on the Client Setup dialog box. Query & Analysis installation is complete. It is notnecessary to reboot the computer.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 29

    Step 7: Create Query & Analysis Users and ProfilesNote: Skip this step if you are performing additional client installations or updating Query & Analysis.

    Security Overview



    A User is

    assigned to a Profile

    Controls access to:

    User ID

    A Profile is

    assigned to a

    Product User ID

    - Products Data Source

    - Client Applications (Executive, XL, Word)

    - Site Applications (Alert)

    Controls access to: - Functions within Client Applications

    - Functions within Site Applications

    - Options (DAGs & Report Corrections)

    Controls access to: Author Product Data Data Source

    Application Security

    Product Data Security

    Integrated Security

    Windows User /


    A User can be mapped to a Windows domain & user name, if

    integrated security is supported by your operating environment. Once a

    user has successfully logged on to Windows, they can immediately start

    applications without the need to enter logon details.

    Remote User is an additional level of security for Browser products.

    The Remote Users ID and password controls access to Executive

    (Browser) and eAlert (Browser) logon screens. After entering valid

    details users then enter a User ID and password.

    The Remote User feature can also be used to direct a user to a

    specific server where load sharing is performed by multiple servers. For

    example, remote logon as 'New York' or 'Tokyo' could direct the user

    the required regional server.

    Remote Users

    Browser Security

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 30

    Creating Query & Analysis Users - User Wizard

    This section details how to create Query & Analysis users by running the User Wizard.

    The User Wizard can create Query & Analysis users based on either:

    Product users stored in the Product database

    Windows users within a Windows domain.

    For Product users, the wizard creates Query & Analysis users, Query & Analysis profiles and maps these Profiles

    to their relevant Product User ID. For Windows users, by implementing Integrated Security, on starting Query &

    Analysis applications Query & Analysis users are automatically logged on since user authentication has already

    been conducted by the Windows logon details effectively providing single sign-on functionality. The Wizard alsoallows you to set the default password for all Query & Analysis users.

    To create Query & Analysis Users with the User Wizard:

    1. In Query & Analysis Setup, on the Users menu, click User Wizard.

    2. Select either the Product or Window Users option.

    Product has four options:

    User Names. If enabled, the User Names will be created from the Product user names.

    Map directly to users. If enabled, maps a Query & Analysis user to a Product User ID.

    User Profiles. If enabled, User Names will be assigned to Profiles.

    Remote Users. If enabled, creates Remote Users for Executive (Browser) and eAlert (Browser) fromthe imported Product users. You may prefer to create and allocate remote users manually as aRemote User does not have to have a one on one relationship to a Query & Analysis User. RemoteUsers can be created or changed at a later point time.

    Windows Users option:

    Select a Windows Domain from the Domain list. Query & Analysis searches this Domain in order tocreate Query & Analysis users.

    3. Click the Next button.

    4. By default the Guest profile is assigned to all Query & Analysis users. Click the assist button to nominate analternative Query & Analysis profile. The Query & Analysis profile determines which features are activated inQuery & Analysis applications and the Product. A Query & Analysis user, as member of a Query & Analysisprofile, inherits the features activated within the profile.

    5. Select User Securityif required. This option provides additional Product specific security by mapping aQuery & Analysis user profile to a Product user retrieved from the data source. A Query & Analysis user, as

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 31

    member of a Query & Analysis profile, will have the same permissions as the mapped Product user whenaccessing the Product database.

    6. Click the Next button.

    7. The following default password options can be set for all Query & Analysis users being created:

    Passwords are mandatory for all users. Updated passwords cannot be blank.

    A default password can be defined which will be assigned to all users.

    Whether passwords will expire and the time frame.

    Password length, complexity and force password change on next logon.

    8. Click the Next button.

    Remote Security provides an additional level of security for Query & Analysis browser products, Query &

    Analysis Executive (Browser) and Query & Analysis eAlert (Browser), which operate over the internet.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 32

    Remote Logon access is requested prior to Query & Analysis Logon details; so both logon details must be

    correct in order to start the Query & Analysis browser product. Remote Security is also used to determine

    which Query & Analysis users have administrator rights to configure which server folders can be accessed

    by Query & Analysis browser product users. A Remote User is mandatory, but can be set to the system

    reserved user Default to skip to the logon process,

    9. Type in Remote Security password and add a Group with administrator access. The Administrator will be ableto set which server folders can be accessed by Remote Users.

    10. Click the Next button.

    A list of Users and associated User Profiles & Remote Security is displayed. Users that already exist in Query

    & Analysis can not be selected and are listed with a light grey background.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 33

    11. This list may be modified by:

    Clearing the tick () left of a User so it is not created.

    Changing a User Profile assigned to a User from the drop-down list.

    Changing a Remote Security logon by from the drop-down list.

    12. Click the Finish button to create the Query & Analysis users. The users are listed on the User Security tab.

    Note: The users demo, guest and system are default Query & Analysis users with a Guest profile.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 34

    Creating Query & Analysis Users Manual Method

    Note: Skip this step if you are performing additional client installations or upgrading Query & Analysis.

    In addition to running the User Wizard to create multiple Query & Analysis users based on Product or Windows

    users, a single Query & Analysis user can be created manually.

    The first step is to create a Query & Analysis profile. The profile controls the inclusion of features in Query &

    Analysis applications; each separated by tabs. If a feature is disabled, as member of the profile, the Query &

    Analysis user is denied access to that feature. The second step is to create a Query & Analysis user and assigned

    them to a profile.

    1. Start Query & Analysis Setup.

    2. Enter the System user ID and password. The password is blank during initial configuration. Click OK.

    3. On the Profiles menu, click Add. The User Profiles dialog box is displayed.

    4. In the Code box, enter a profile name.

    5. In the Description box enter a profile description.

    6. Click the Help button for further details on each of the product and client application settings.

    7. Save the user profile.

    8. On the Users menu, click Add. The Add Users dialog box is displayed.

    9. In the User Name box, enter the Query & Analysis users name.

    10. In the Description box, enter a description for the Query & Analysis user.

    The Query & Analysis password can be configured manually on the Details tab or authorized by Windows

    logon by completing the Integrated Security tab.

    11. Click the Help button for further details on setting Query & Analysis user passwords.

    12. Click the User Profile assist button.

    13. Select the profile and click OK.

    14. Map a Query & Analysis User Profile to a Product user.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 35

    15. Click the Save button.

    The Query & Analysis user profile is assigned to the Query & Analysis user.

    16. Continue to add profiles and users as required.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 36

    Implementing Integrated Security Manual Method

    By allocating the Windows User Name to a Query & Analysis user or profile, valid Windows logon details are used

    instead of Query & Analysis logon details to permit the user access to Query & Analysis applications.

    Successfully logging on to Windows effectively gives the user permission to use Query & Analysis.

    There are two possible strategies:

    Create a new Query & Analysis user with exactly the same name as a Windows user.

    Map an existing Query & Analysis user to a Windows user or Windows Group. The names of the Query &Analysis user and Windows user can differ.


    : The Windows user is mapped to Query & Analysis user or profile. This affects all Products, for example if asite had Query & Analysis for SunSystems and Query & Analysis for Micros Fidelio installed then the sameWindows user and Query & Analysis user are mapped (remembering the Query & Analysis user can be different toa SunSystems user). The Query & Analysis user is then mapped to user within the different products. Forexample - Windows user mydomain/myname is mapped to Query & Analysis user guest then mapped to PKP inSunSystems 5 and PeterP in Micros Fidelio.

    To create a new Query & Analysis user with a Windows user name:

    1. In Query & Analysis Setup, click the User Security tab.

    2. On the User menu, click Add.

    3. In the User Name box, type in the Domain and Windows user name, The syntax is\. Unlike mapping an existing Query & Analysis user, there is no needto also allocate a Windows user to this Query & Analysis user on the Integrated Security tab.

    4. Complete the remainder of the Add Users dialog box.

    5. Click the Save button.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 37

    To map an existing Query & Analysis user to a Windows user:

    1. In Query & Analysis Setup, click the User Security tab.

    2. Select the user in the grid.

    3. On the Users menu, click Edit.

    4. SelectIntegrated Security tab.

    There are three methods:

    If you know the domain and user you wish to allocate, right-click the Allocate Users pane and type inthe \ directly into the dialog box.

    Search mode which searches for names or groups specified in the Find box for the selected Domain.The results populate the User Names list.

    Browse mode which automatically populates the User Names list with all names or groups held in the

    selected Domain.

    In a domain with a large number of users apply Browse mode. Search mode requires the nominated user in

    the Find box to be pattern matched against every user in the domain. This process can be time consuming

    and is slower than using Browse mode to locate users

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 38

    5. Select the Domain Name & User Name to be assigned to the selected Query & Analysis User then click the


    6. Click the Save button.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 39

    Step 8: Serialize Query & Analysis

    Note:Skip this step if you are performing additional client installations.

    The licensing process for Query & Analysis is known as serialization.

    In order to run Query & Analysis, the Query & Analysis suite, Author Products and any Product DataLink extensions

    must be serialized by uploading a license file. If Query & Analysis or an Author Product is not serialized, Query &

    Analysis operates in demonstration mode for up to 30 days with imposed restrictions on Query & Analysis


    The serialization of Query & Analysis 10 requires a valid copy of the Product. The serialization details of your

    Query & Analysis installation are linked to your Product license.

    All client machines must point to the same Query & Analysis Centralized database and must also have the same

    Query & Analysis Licensee No. for all products.

    To serialize Query & Analysis:

    1. Run Query & Analysis Setup.

    2. On the Serialization menu, click Load from File.

    3. In the Opendialog box, navigate to the location of the supplied Query & Analysis Serialization file. The file willhave been supplied simultaneously with your software and will have a .lic extension.

    Note: The Query & Analysis Licensee No. is, by default, incorporated as part of the licence file name (*.lic).

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 40

    4. Select the *.lic file that has been sent to you and click the Open button.

    Product name displayed in pink in the Serialization grid indicates that there were licensing details for thisproduct included in the file, however, the DataLink for the product is not on the client machine.

    5. Click the Execute button.

    6. Click the assist button to browse for the Product key file. This file is determined by the Product DataLink.

    7. Click Open then click OK.

    If details contained in the Product file match the serial number in the Query & Analysis serialization file, then

    a message will appear advising Transfer Successful.

    If details contained in the Product file dont match the serial number in the Query & Analysis serialization

    file, then an invalid message is displayed. The message includes the Author Product Licence Key in the

    serialization file followed by the number detected in the Product file.

    Product names listed in pink in the Serialization grid indicate that there were Product serialization details

    contained in the license file, but the DataLink for the Product has not been detected on the client machine.

    Step 9: Allocating Users

    Note:Skip this step if you are performing additional client installations or updating Query & Analysis.

    Once the Query & Analysis users have been created, they can be allocated to applications within Products. The

    number of users that can be allocated to each of the applications is determined by the license.

    If Query & Analysis has not been serialized, and so is operating in demonstration mode, it is not possible to

    allocate Query & Analysis users. However, during the 30-day trial period any of the unallocated Query & Analysis

    user names, such as demo, can be used to logon to Query & Analysis applications.

    1. Start Query & Analysis Setup.

    2. On the Users menu, click User Allocation.

    3. In User Allocation window, select an application under the Product heading. For example, Query & AnalysisXL..

    4. Select an unallocated user.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 41

    5. Click the right arrow button. The user is transferred to the Allocated Users list.

    Continue to allocate users to applications and Products as required.

    6. Click OK and quit Query & Analysis Setup.

    Step 10: Macro Security and Testing Query & Analysis

    The final step is to configure Excel security settings and confirm Query & Analysis XL can extract data from the

    Product database. Query & Analysis XL should be loaded when Microsoft Excel is started. Run Configure Microsoft

    Office utility to include Query & Analysis XL in Excel.

    7. Start Microsoft Excel.

    If the Query & Analysis XL menu is not included in the Excel toolbar, the Query & Analysis XL add-in has not

    been loaded. Run Configure Microsoft Office utility, otherwise jump to step 7.

    Configure Microsoft Office

    8. Close Excel and start Query & Analysis Maintenance.

    9. Click the Configure Microsoft Office button.

    10. Select the Microsoft Excel option.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 42

    11. Click Apply and close Query & Analysis Maintenance.

    12. Restart Excel.

    Macro Security

    The first time Query & Analysis XL is used the Security Warning dialog box appears.

    13. Select Always trust macros from this publisher and click the Enable Macros button.

    Depending on your Microsoft Office version it may be necessary to perform additional steps to permit

    macros to run.

    For Query & Analysis XL, the Excel security settings should be configured as follows:

    Security level: Medium

    Trust all installed add-ins and templates: enabled

    Trust access to Query & Analysis Basic Project: enabled

    These settings should also be applied in Microsoft Word for Query & Analysis Word. For detailed instructions

    please refer to Query & Analysis and Microsoft Office Securitysection.

    Logging On

    14. On the Query & Analysis menu, click Logon.

    If the Query & Analysis menu does not appear, the Query & Analysis XL add-in needs to be activated using

    the Configure Microsoft Office utility located in Query & Analysis Maintenance.

    15. Enter a Query & Analysis User ID and password of an allocated user.

    An unallocated user, although able to logon to Query & Analysis XL, is denied access to the Product.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 43

    16. Click OK. Query & Analysis XL logs on.

    17. If supplied, open a report pack. The report pack can be found in the Demonstration Reports program group(C:\Program Files\Infor PM QA\Demo).

    18. Extract a report definition.

    19. Perform a Drilldown and run Hierarchy Designer.

    Note: Drilldown and Hierarchy Designer must initially be run as Windows Administrator to complete theregistration of the Active X control. A standard Windows user now has sufficient privileges to use Query & Analysis.

    If a report is generated, Query & Analysis has been successfully installed.

    Please refer to the Query & Analysis online help on how to configure Query & Analysis users, profiles andassign passwords.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 44

    Step 11: Configure SunSystems Global SecurityNote: This step is only applicable to installations running SunSystems Global Security used by SunSystemsProducts.

    Query & Analysis supports SunSystems Global Security 1.1 or later. When Query & Analysis is installed on a

    system that includes Global Security, Query & Analysis defaults to the SunSystems user security method. In

    Client Setup, on the Other tab, the Global Security option is ticked. If Systems Union Security is not detected, the

    option is disabled.

    The Global Security model is used in SunSystems reporting solutions, such as Query & Analysis Reporting

    Services. This allows SunSystems users to automatically logon to Query & Analysis applications without having to

    provide separate Query & Analysis logon details.

    Typically SunSystems users are initially created by the Systems Union User Manager. Query & Analysis users are

    created in Query & Analysis Setup. Query & Analysis users are inturn allocated to Query & Analysis applications in

    order to be granted access. In Systems Union User Manager, SunSystems users are mapped to Query & Analysis

    users. Hence, a valid SunSystems user authorizes the Query & Analysis user to automatically logon to the Query &

    Analysis application.

    Previously in this Installation Guide Global Security detection was disabled in Client Setup. However, to logon to

    any Query & Analysis application, including Query & Analysis Setup, when prompted use Global Security

    administrator logon details. By default, the logon is suadmin.

    To map a Systems Union user to a Query & Analysis user:

    1. On the server, start User Manager from Global Security Server.

    2. Click the Groups tab. Confirm the Query & Analysis Users group is listed.

    3. Click the Users tab.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 45

    4. On the Edit menu, click Add User.Alternatively, edit an existing SU users details.

    5. Type in the SU User Name.

    6. Click the Group Membership Change,,, button.

    7. Select the Query & Analysis Users option and click OK.

    8. In the left pane, click Query & Analysis. The Map to User list appears.

    9. Select the Query & Analysis user from the list. In this example, SU user Tim (Query & Analysis) is mapped

    to the Query & Analysis user Tim returned from the Query & Analysis Centralized database.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 46

    10. Click OK.

    11. Complete Standard Authentication and Windows Authentication settings.

    12. Repeat the above steps for new SU users and mappings to Query & Analysis users.

    13. Click OK.

    14. Retest Query & Analysis using Global Security logon details to logon to Query & Analysis XL.

    Step 12: Additional Client Installations

    Query & Analysis only requires one Query & Analysis database. Once it has been created, and when further client

    installations are to be performed, some installation steps do not need to be repeated.

    For additional client installations only perform the following steps:

    1. Step 2: Previous Query & Analysis Releases (if applicable).

    2. Step 5: Install Query & Analysis.

    3. Step 6: Connection Wizard

    4. Step 10: Macro Security and Testing Query & Analysis.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 47

    The Query & Analysis installation includes two configuration modes for experienced users:

    Silent installation.

    Verbose installation logging.

    Silent Installation

    A silent installation will install Query & Analysis with pre-defined custom settings so Query & Analysis can

    installed unattended. Silent installation mode is invoked by including parameters at the command line on running

    the setup file.


    The syntax is as follows:

    D:\setup.exe /s /v /qn INSTALLDIR=D:\Destination

    /ssilent install mode.

    /v - pass parameters into the installer .

    /qn - disable installation messages (totally silent).

    The parameter options are listed below:

    Property Comment

    OPTDEFAULTLANG=XXXX is the default language folder name in the branding/help and

    branding/docs folders, i.e., EN or JP.

    OPTENABLEPROF=yes/no Enable user profiles.

    OPTLOADSERDUCT=yes/no Automatically load the serducts from the lsalchemy folder.

    OPTLOADWORD=yes/no Automatically load the Word addin.

    OPTLOADXL=yes/no Automatically load the XL addin.

    INSTALLDIR=XX XX is the intended program folder path.

    Advanced Installation Modes

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 48

    Connections Details

    A silent installation does not fully configure Query & Analysis. Two optional files should be used:



    The files must reside in the Query & Analysis installation folder.

    Conndetails.txt is used to configure the connection settings for Query & Analysis without the need for user

    intervention. The text file contains a connections list. Each line is one connection, and each connection is a comma

    separated list of variables defining the connection. The format is as follows:

    , , , , , ,, , ,,,

    For example:

    DataLinkCode ProductName Alias Enabled ? Visible ? DSN

    SS4, SunSystems 426, SunAlias, YES, YES, SunDSN,

    MAXIMO, Maximo, MaximoAlias, YES, YES, MaximoDSN,

    Database UserID Password Timeout SerialModIndex Engine

    SunDatabase, SunUserID, SunPassWord, 30, , , MS-SQL

    , , MaximoUser, MaximoPassword, 30, , , ORACLE


    DataLink Code : the code of the DataLink, for example SS5, SS4, APP. Product Name : Product name to be displayed.

    Alias: alias name for connection.

    Enabled : connection enabled, YES/NO

    Visible : connection visible, YES/NO.

    DSN : the name of the DSN used for the connection

    Database : database name. This can be left blank if the database is set in the DSN connection.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 49

    UserID : connection userID.

    Password : connection password. If a password is enabled, and is left blank in this file, the user is promptedfor a password

    Query timeout : time before a query times out. If left blank the default time is used.

    SerialModuleIndex : leave blank to use default.


    Dsn.reg contains ODBC connection details to be installed on the client machine during the installation. This is

    useful to set up system database connections for the DataLinks that are to be installed with Query & Analysis.

    The easiest way to create this file is to create the DSNs in ODBC Administrator, then export the keys:



    These files can be used in a typical, custom or silent Query & Analysis install.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 50

    Verbose Installation LoggingThe Query & Analysis installation can be logged verbosely. The log file captures system actions including the

    following information:

    Client machine specification: CPU/RAM/OS/Language.

    Installation version.

    Installation sequence.

    Query & Analysis installation settings

    To create a verbose log file:

    1. On the local computer insert the Query & Analysis Install CD. The Query & Analysis Install CD contents arelisted.

    2. Close the Welcome screen.

    3. At a command prompt, type:

    D:\setup.exe /V/log

    Where D:\ is the CD ROM drive letter and is the folder location and log filename. For example,

    D:\setup.exe /V/log C:\Temp\QA_Log.txt

    4. Continue with the remainder of the Query & Analysis installation steps.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 51

    The Query & Analysis XL Add-in can be included or removed from Microsoft Excel using the Configure MicrosoftOffice utility. The utility can be accessed from either Query & Analysis Maintenance or Query & Analysis Setup.

    Alternatively, if you wish to manually include Query & Analysis XL from within Excel:

    1. Start Microsoft Excel. If the Query & Analysis menu appears, the Query & Analysis Add-In has already beeninstalled. If not, continue to step 2.

    2. Select Tools, Add-Ins and click Browse.

    3. Locate the LsAgXLB.xla file. By default the file is placed in the C:\Program Files\Infor PM QA folder.

    4. Select the file then click OK. Query & Analysis appears in the Add-Ins list.

    5. Click OK. The Query & Analysis pre-logon menu is included in the Excel menu bar.

    To remove Query & Analysis XL:

    Clear the Microsoft Excel option in the Configure Microsoft Office utility.

    Select Tools, Add-Ins on the Excel menu bar, then clear the Query & Analysis check box in the Add-Inslist.

    Note: When you add a Query & Analysis menu, Query & Analysis XL resets Excel calculations to manual. You can

    now change entries in your worksheet without causing Excel to recalculate automatically.

    Existing Vision Workbooks

    When opening an existing Vision XL workbook, Excel will attempt to locate the XL add-in the Vision program folder.

    By default, this was C:\Program Files\Vision. The Query & Analysis XL add-in resides in the folder C:\Program

    Files\Infor PM QA. It is necessary to update all XL query definition formulas to link to the new XL add-in location.

    To edit links in a workbook:

    1. Start Microsoft Excel.

    2. Open the Vision workbook.

    3. On the Edit menu, click Links.

    4. Select the source from the list.

    5. Click the Change Source button and select the LsAgXLB.xla file in the Query & Analysis program folder.

    6. Repeat for each Vision formula.

    Query & Analysis XL

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 52

    Microsoft Excel Macro Security

    Depending on your Microsoft Office version it may be necessary to change Excel security settings to permit

    macros to run. For detailed instructions please refer to Query & Analysis and Microsoft Office Securitysection.

    Microsoft Excel and 3rdParty Add-ins

    Query & Analysis XL may impact on other third party add-ins loaded at the same time by Microsoft Excel. Further,

    with Excel closed, double-clicking an associated Excel workbook file in Explorer starts Excel and Query & Analysis

    XL, but fails to open the workbook in the application. This is a known limitation with Microsoft Excel when used in

    conjunction with third party add-ins.

    If you experience either of these issues clear the Logon at startup option in Query & Analysis XL Options dialog

    box. Then logon to Query & Analysis XL once Excel has started.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 53

    The Query & Analysis Word Add-in can be included or removed from Microsoft Word using the Configure MicrosoftOffice utility. The utility can be accessed from either Query & Analysis Maintenance or Query & Analysis Setup.

    Alternatively, if you wish to manually include Query & Analysis Word from within Word:

    1. Start Microsoft Word. If the Query & Analysis Word menu appears, the Query & Analysis Word Add-In hasalready been installed. If not, continue to step 2.

    2. On the Tools menu, click Templates and Add-Ins.

    3. Click the Add button and locate the LsAgoWrd.dot file. By default the file is placed in the C:\ProgramFiles\Query & Analysisfolder.

    4. Select the file name then click OK. The Query & Analysis Word Add-In appears in the window.

    5. Click OK. The Query & Analysis Word pre-logon menu is appended to the Word menu bar.

    Query & Analysis Word can be removed by:

    Clearing the Microsoft Word option in the Microsoft Office utility.

    Selecting Tools, Templates and Add-Ins on the Word menu bar, then clearing the LsAgoWrd.dot checkbox in the Add-Ins list.

    Microsoft Word Macro Security

    Depending on your Microsoft Office version it may be necessary to change Word security settings to permit

    macros to run. For detailed instructions please refer to Query & Analysis and Microsoft Office Securitysection.

    Query & Analysis Word

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 54

    Query & Analysis NetEnterprise is a scalable and secure solution for distributing Query & Analysis reports via the


    Query & Analysis NetEnterprise consists of:

    Query & Analysis NetEnterprise Manager

    Query & Analysis NetEnterprise Server

    Using NetEnterprise, Query & Analysis reports are no longer restricted to Query & Analysis XL, Executive or Word

    users. Interested parties, such as employees, shareholders and potential clients can view Query & Analysis

    reports using a web browser. Companies can quickly disseminate key performance information into the market

    place over the internet.

    Live Refresh

    NetEnterprise supports the live refresh and recalculation of Excel worksheets. This enables users to perform basic

    calculations and update filter criteria that define XL query definitions in a published page. The new values are

    displayed dynamically, in the user's Web browser. EIF Services is built on the Microsoft .NET Framework and

    provides access to DataLinks through a Web Service on Internet Information Services (IIS) or through a .NET Data

    Provider, written especially for reporting over DataLink technology. The optional Live Refresh feature requires the

    installation of EIF Services prior to the installation of NetEnterprise Server.

    ConfigurationThe following diagram depicts a typical Query & Analysis NetEnterprise configuration.

    Query & Analysis NetEnterprise

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 55

    By installing Query & Analysis, the client PC already has the Query & Analysis NetEnterprise Manager application.

    NetEnterprise Manager is an application that allows a Query & Analysis user to control and facilitate the publishing

    of all types of Query & Analysis reports to the NetEnterprise Server (web site). The NetEnterprise Server is a

    separate installation on the web server, during which connection details are set to the Query & Analysis

    centralized database for that web server.

    Microsoft Internet Explorerc users viewing NetEnterprise Server pages should set their browser to automatically

    check for new versions of stored pages.

    The Query & Analysis centralized database must include the default IIS web login with the permissions datareader,

    datawriter, ddladmin and public:

    Windows 2000 or Windows XP Grant the ASPNET user login the above permissions on the Query &

    Analysis database.

    Windows 2003 Grant the IIS_WPG user the required permissions.

    NOTE: Do not install Query & Analysis on the web server.

    NetEnterprise Manager

    Query & Analysis NetEnterprise Manager is an easy-to-use, robust file management system designed for Query &

    Analysis users to take control of their everyday Microsoft Office documents and workbook files. NetEnterprise

    Manager allows storage and publication of all Query & Analysis report types as HTML pages ready for the internet.Supported files include PDF and PowerPoint files can also be stored and published using NetEnterprise.

    Query & Analysis NetEnterprise Manager is installed on client PCs in the Query & Analysis installation, and as with

    other Query & Analysis applications, will need to be serialized.

    NetEnterprise Server

    The Query & Analysis NetEnterprise Server component takes published HTML pages created by NetEnterprise

    Manager and forwards them to a web portal server.

    Query & Analysis NetEnterprise Server is a separate installation and is configured to connect to the Query &

    Analysis Centralized Database. The database can be Microsoft SQL, MySQL or Oracle. NetEnterprise does not

    support Microsoft Access. Microsoft SQL 2003 is recommended for running Live Refresh.

    Query & Analysis NetEnterprise Server should be installed on a web server running IIS with FrontPage 2000 Server

    Extensions. To confirm whether FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions has been installed, open Internet Information

    Services (IIS) in Windows Component Wizard and click the Details button. The option should be selected. See

    Internet Information Servicesif not listed.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 56

    Installing NetEnterprise Server

    To install NetEnterprise Server:

    1. Confirm FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions is activated in Windows Components IIS.

    2. Install EIF Services on a server, such as the Web server, if you intend to use the Live Refresh feature. EIFServices connects to the same Product and Query & Analysis databases. For detailed instructions pleaserefer to EIF Services Installation Guide.

    3. Start Welcome.exe from the Query & Analysis Installation CD or if the CD has been copied to a networklocation, from that location

    4. Click the Install NetEnterprise Server link.

    5. Select the installation language.

    6. Select an installation option.


    Custom change the default installation folder / disable NetEnterprise & Token server installation.

    The default installation folder is C:\Program Files\Infor\NetEnterprise Server

    There are two components, the NetEnterprise server and Token server. The Token server is required if

    password protection is to be enforced to prevent unauthorized access to HTML pages.

    7. Click the Install button.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 57

    8. Complete the Server Connection Details dialog box.

    Access details can be found in Client Setup (Connection Details tab).

    Connection Details

    Query Analysis Database Type: SQL Server / Oracle / MySQL.

    Connection Details: for SQL, type in the server name and database. For Oracle, type in the service


    Trusted Security: if enabled, connect via Windows Authentication. If disabled, connect via SQL

    authentication. Windows Authentication is recommended when implementing the Live Refresh


    Username and Password: Query & Analysis centralized database logon details.

    Click the Test buttonto verify whether Query & Analysis database access details are correct.


    Sets languages made available during NetEnterprise web server logon. The default language listed on

    the logon page can be nominated.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 58

    Server Options

    Logon mode: select Query & Analysis logon to use Query & Analysis logon details. Select Global

    logon to use Systems Union Global Logon user details.

    Session time out: total time the user can view a published page without any activity before being

    logged off.

    Log Access to Query Analysis: submit logon activity to NetEnterprise published pages in the

    Query & Analysis log. See Query & Analysis Setup.

    Web Reporting Options

    The Web Reporting options aim to maximize system performance in delivering updated pages to browsers.

    Pages are initially stored in memory, and if not requested, placed in a bit array (serialized), then

    compressed and finally stored on disk. The settings determine how long before NetEnterprise is required to

    wait before proceeding to the next stage and so minimizing the amount of memory required.

    EIF Services URL: type in the URL address. This will enable the Live Refresh feature. The address will

    be http://EIFServer/Agora.WS/Serducts.asmx, where EIFServer is the name of the server where EIF

    Services resides.

    Connection Pool Size: number of available connection in the pool. The larger pool the more memory

    is required. If the pool size it too small an available connection might take longer to find.

    Idle Time: total time in seconds of inactivity before one serialization iteration occurs. By default, this

    is set to 30 seconds.

    Allow Serialization: total iterations before the pages are placed in bit array memory (serialized). By

    default, this is set to 10 iterations. Hence, 300 seconds of inactivity is required before serialization


    Allow Compression: total iterations before serialized pages are compressed. By default, this is set to

    10 iterations. Hence, 600 seconds of inactivity is required before compression occurs.

    Allow Disk Persistence: total iterations before compressed pages are stored on disk. By default, thisis set to 10 iterations. Hence, 900 seconds of inactivity is required before compression occurs.

    Working Directory: compressed pages are stored in the nominated folder location.

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    Query & Analysis Installation Guide 59


    BIRT Web Viewer Application URL: the URL address of the BIRT Web Viewer on Tomcat.

    BIRT File Upload Web Service URL: the URL address of the BIRT File Upload Web Service on Tomcat.

    BIRT Temporary Folder Name: the name of the temporary sub folder in the BIRT web service folder.

    Show Render Frameset: displays rendered frames for BIRT reports.

    9. Click OK.

    10. Click the Finish button. Query & Analysis NetEnterprise installation i