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Page 1: Delegate Booklet - WenaLDS 2015

Delegate Booklet

Page 2: Delegate Booklet - WenaLDS 2015

SometimeS in your life you will go on a journey. it will be the longeSt journey you have ever taken.

It is the journey to find yourself. - k.Sharp

Once upon a time ...… a team of courageous and passionate

individuals connected by their will to pursuit something memorable and great set off to a

long planned journey. They wanted to head for challenges, adventures and self discovery to find the beauty of the world and its people.

This shall become an adventure which stays unforgettable for everyone involved.

It shall be this one journey in which everything is possible and everyone can take a part in it

with own ideas, visions and inspirations.

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SometimeS in your life you will go on a journey. it will be the longeSt journey you have ever taken.

It is the journey to find yourself. - k.Sharp

So this team wanted even more people to strive with them for the unknown and set for new shores. Those

individuals were found among hundreds. They are the ones who are eager to challenge themselves, stepping up

for their ideas and dreams, longing for the world to change.

You are those brave individuals who are entering the journey of WENA LDS 2015!

In regard of the whole Conference Team we want to welcome you to this insightful conference. We are all

looking forward to meeting you with your passions, perspectives and personalities and to

create WENA LDS 2015 all together to our leap of faith.

Your Core TeamOur Chair, Anna, Jasmin, Jendrik, Saman, Sofia

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i. ConferenCe team

ii. viSion + agenda

iii. everything you need to know

1. arrival/departure 2. internet aCCeSS 3. evening eventS 4. merChandiSe + Study tour 5. what to paCk 6. CanCellation fee

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ConferenCe team

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ConferenCe team

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(Your C

hair is somewhere in this picture!!)

??? Chair - not from wena„If you don‘t go after what you want, you‘ll never have it.

If you don‘t ask, the answer is always no.If you don‘t step forward, you‘re always in the same

place“3 AIESEC Experiences:

1. Leading a team of 16 people and being a part of incredible network of 124 global leaders.

2. Transforming myself as the youngest GCDP par-ticipant at the first project ever organised by a new

AIESEC entity. 3, Making the impossible possible and changing lives

of 150 GCDP interns as OCP & LCVP ICX.

I want to invite you to...... let go of your fears.

Saman azizi CongreSS manager

„Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart“3 AIESEC Experiences:

1. MCP of AIESEC in Iran 2009/102. NSTICX AIESEC Germany 2012/133. NTT AIESEC in Germany 2013/14

I want to invite you to...... Do not go where the path may lead, go instead

where there is no path and leave a trail

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anna SChmelzer agenda manager

„Anyone who stops learning is old.“

3 AIESEC Experiences: 1. If it is not good it is not the end - LCP 10/11

2. Training for an innovative AIESEC - NTT 12/133. Love what you do every day - MC 13/14

I want to invite you to...... to find answers to uncomfortable questions.

jaSmin franz agenda manager„If you don´t risk doing something foolish, you´ll

never do anything special“3 AIESEC Experiences:

1. Challenges must be taken - NTT 13/142. Developing experiences from scratch - CM & AM

3. Understanding the need of a team - LC VPTM 10/11

I want to invite you to...... to dare letting go of old paths, taking the leap

and enjoying the greatness of the unknown.

jendrik peterS agenda manager„Life is 10 % what happens to you and 90 %

how you respond to it.“3 AIESEC Experiences:

1. Learn and develop - NTT 13/142. Take it to the next level - Training and Chairing

3. Yes, we can - LCP 11/12

I want to invite you to...... take a step, receive and spread inspiration,

take action and prepare for the next step.

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Sofia Steinmetz Siu CCP„Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try“

3 AIESEC Experiences: My first OC Experience

I want to invite you to...... take a 5-day break from your every-

day life

maike herbSt CCVP raiSing

„A leader is a dealer in hope.“

3 AIESEC Experiences: GCDP in Peru, LC VP, CEEDership in Malaysia

I want to invite you to...... open up and have a good time

moritz flamming CCvp finanCe

„If a window of opportunity appears, don‘t pull down the shade“

3 AIESEC Experiences: TL Finance, WenaLDS CCVP FIN

I want to invite you to...... have a memorable conference in

beautiful Germany.

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julia wiSeman CCVP delegate ServiCe„Nothing is impossible, the word itself says

´I‘m possible´!“3 AIESEC Experiences:

Conference Manager, VP for Talent Manage-ment, Trainer (especially during the National

Support Team-time)I want to invite you to...

learn more about your potential in an in-ternational environment

hannah SChmidt CCvp raiSing

„Everyone can be a Leader.“

3 AIESEC Experiences: entire time in ER/iGIP, NST iGIP, Trainer

I want to invite you to...... WENA LDS 2015

philip dernedde CCVP SpeCial eventS

„Stop trying to fit in when you were born to stand out“

3 AIESEC Experiences:

LC VP Finance, OCP BaLI, Audit

I want to invite you to......stop trying to fit in when you were born

to stand out .

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dorothea forStner CCVP logiStiCS

„Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.“

3 AIESEC Experiences: I can‘t name certain experiences because I haven‘t done

so much that far, but knowing that there are so many people around the globe having the same intentions and you feel so close to them even though you don‘t know

them is a really good feeling.

I want to invite you to...... another step for developing yourself further.

viCtoria reiChert CCvp CommuniCationS+promotion

„we lose ourselves in things we love.we find ourselves there, too“

3 AIESEC Experiences: TL Communications, being part of OCs and

WenaLDS <3

I want to invite you to...... experience something special

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stian Pede


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Facilitatorsabdullrahman elhuSSeny egypt

„Our job in this life is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who

we already are and become it.”

3 AIESEC Experiences: 1. Initiating and developing an expansion to AIESEC GUC.

2. 2014 LCP elections.3. Facilitation in NTC 2013 of AIESEC in Egypt

I want to invite you to...... make peace with all the obstacles and fears, as they will always be there as long as you are on the right track of pursuing your passion and dreams.

alma kafaie germany„Don‘t rush and never settle. What‘s meant to be will be.“

3 AIESEC Experiences: 1. LCP Düsseldorf 13.14 - saving an LC and

making it one of the best in the Region2. Getting to know AIESEC in Delhi, India in

2012 - during a summer festival for underpriveleged children

3. RegioCo Fruits 14.15 #Früchtemutti

I want to invite you to......walk a path that will lead you to be who you

want to be IF you want it bad enough.

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andrei Cimbru Spain/romania„Don‘t be afraid to give up the good and go for the great.“

3 AIESEC Experiences: 1. Starting in a LC from the day it was created

and growing together 2. Jumping out of the comfort zone in a new

place and start building from scratch3. Waking up every morning knowing people

depend on me to be my best version

I want to invite you to...... challenge your fears, your insecurities and embrace them because that‘s when you will become fearless.

anna SChmelzer germany

„When a door closes a window will open.“

ChriStiane brueCk germany„The best artist to create the story of your life, is: you.“

3 AIESEC Experiences: 1. being faci at KaMMSum 2014

2. taking a bath in a Colombian vulcano and meeting incredibly inspiring people in

Montería3. staying in touch with AIESEC Oldies

I want to invite you to......finding your Work-Life-Balance. Listening to your inner voices and be conscious about your

fears, hopes and dreams.

AIESEC Experiences: 1. If it is not good it is not the end - LCP 10/11

2. Training for an innovative AIESEC - NTT 12/133. Love what you do every day - MC 13/14

I want to invite you to...... to find answers to uncomfortable questions.

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drieS luyS belgium„A fanatic is one who can‘t change his mind and won‘t

change the subject“3 AIESEC Experiences:

1. Committee President of Belgium‘s NTMS (National Training and Motivational Seminar) in

my first AIESEC year2. Launching ‚Global Intern‘, inviting guest spe-akers from parnter countries to promote their TNs and strengthen cooperation between our

countries.3. This WENA LDS conference!

I want to invite you to...... enjoy, discuss and reflect.

emma oCkert-axelSSon uk„Be the change you wish to see in the world“

3 AIESEC Experiences: 1. Winter National Conference of AIESEC US 2013

2. Electing my successor LCP in AIESEC Lund (Sweden)

3. Everytime one of my members takes the step to apply for a new experience

I want to invite you to...... be vulnerable and let yourself learn and

develop who you are and want to be.

eSther merillet franCe„We either make ourselves miserable or we make oursel-

ves strong. The amount of work is the same.“3 AIESEC Experiences:

1. Being OCP for the first national conference organized by my LC and inspire 5 of my OCs to apply for EB

2. Overcoming my fear of public speaking and giving the opening speech for the national elections as AM

3. Facilitating a session called „“Dream and Achieve““ at France‘s first LDS and newie conference and realizing what my own

dream was because of the session.

I want to invite you to......to come with the will to find your own answers and share your own discoveries about yourself and your past with us.

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eliSabeth höhne germany„If you want to achieve Greatness stop asking for


3 AIESEC Experiences: 1. Start something new and lead others LCVP

ICX Dresden 11.122. See the purpose and impact - MC Gery 13.14

3. Pack your passion and travel - Ceed in the Philippines Oct-Nov 14

I want to invite you to......go on an adventure with your inner-self!

gina kanhai germany

jaSmin franz germany

„Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

3 AIESEC Experiences:

1. LCP Bochum2. NaLDS Faci

3. Records (German regional conference) Conference Manager

I want to invite you to...... think, contemplate, question, feel and be.

„You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. TOGETHER we can do great

things “

3 AIESEC Experiences: 1. Challenges must be taken - NTT 13/14

2. Developing experiences from scratch - CM & AM3. Understanding the need of a team - LC VPTM 10/11

I want to invite you to...... to dare letting go of old paths, taking the leap

and enjoying the greatness of the unknown.

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jonaS börniCke germany

julia graSSinger germany

flaviuS balauCa romania„Those who should lead are the ones who do

not wish to“

3 AIESEC Experiences: 1. NTT Member

2. Faci for the National Conferences in Romania + iTtT

3. LTTC right now

I want to invite you to......Learn. Unlearn. Relearn. Draw outside the edges.

„Success is how high you bounce after you hit bottom.“

3 AIESEC Experiences:

1. VP TM Bamberg2. TM NST Germany

3. National Trainer Coordinator Germany

I want to invite you to...... start living in the moment without regretting

the past and without worrying about the future too much.

„When the best leader‘s work is done the people say, ‚We did it ourselves.‘“

AIESEC Experiences:

Each time I inspired someone to go beyond her limits.

I want to invite you to...... find your purpouse and find the will to

follow it.

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lidia zabala Spain/new zealand/germany

„If your dreams don‘t scare you, they aren‘t big enough“

3 AIESEC Experiences: 1. Building up the Communications function in

AIESEC in Spain2. Bringing the best in my team members (du-

ring my LCVP term and in the MC)3. Being part of the GST, developing Internal

Communications initiatives

I want to invite you to...... dare to dream big, follow your passions and

face challenges with a „Yes, I can do it“ attitude!

linda duong germany

lubka miereSiva uk

„Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.“

3 AIESEC Experiences: 1. Mother of iGIP Culture and Education in

Germany2. VPICX in LC Magdeburg 13/14 (From member in disbandment to top 5 LC‘s)

3. INFLAME Facilitator

I want to invite you to......dare to think beyond.

„All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them“

I want to invite you to......a tropical island with a lot of nice

restaurants and fun and inspiring peop-le!

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matuS horvath Slovakia

melanie SChmidtgermany/netherlandS

„A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.“

3 AIESEC Experiences: 1. Gentle nudge from our VP TM to consider

facilitating2. Being a faci at DARE 2012 - 1st „big“ faci exp3. Meeting the right people which embarked

my paradigm shift

I want to invite you to......a journey of self-discovering how to use your potential that you have been given not just for

yourself but for others as well

„Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one,

be without the strategy.“

3 AIESEC Experiences:1. Being OCP of NaLDS 20122. working in the NTT 14.153. my CEED in Ghana 2014

I want to invite you to......let go and be yourself.

nadine hunkert germany

„Be a voice - not an echo“3 AIESEC Experiences:

1. Joining the first BD-Team ever in AIESEC Germany

2. Starting my own product within AIESEC3. Seeing my team developing during my time

as LCP

I want to invite you to......to just listen what you want right now and not what you

were striving for in the past. Sometimes it‘s the bravest de-cision to follow your heart and not your mind.

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noemi bouin franCe

philipp wendel germany

roxana Caragea romania

„If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are

a leader“3 AIESEC Experiences:

1. Running for MCP of AIESEC in France 2. Feedback and team building sessions

with my EB 3. Getting half a plenary to tears in a speech

I want to invite you to......dare having faith in yourself, enjoy going beyond your limits and share your impact.

„Sometimes it‘s important to take a decision in order to proceed - if your decision was right or wrong you often only get to know much

later anyway“3 AIESEC Experiences:

1. LCP elect at the International Congress in Kenya 2011 experiencing the real meaning of an international network2. Regional Coordinator of Northern Germany-supporting

and facilitating totally different individuals for one year3. being Planning Days Chair and working together with

new groups in a very intense wayI want to invite you to...

... to take a walk in the nature, to feel yourself truly being alive and to reconnect to this feeling from time

to time in your day-to-day life.

„The journey is the reward. “

3 AIESEC Experiences:1. LCVP iGCDP

2. MCVP oGCDP in Romania3. NTT right now :)

I want to invite you to......connect with others, crack your shell

and just have fun.

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tobiaS feitkenhauer germany

SebaStian SChulz germany

SebaStian tritSCh germany

„People will forget what you said or what you did, but they will never forget how you made them

feel.“3 AIESEC Experiences:

1. 19 month LCP in Dresden2. Iashington in Rumania

3. Great talks to inspiring AIESECers

I want to invite you to......leave your comfort zone and find the


„If you‘re not making someone else‘s life better, then you‘re wasting your time. Your life will beco-

me better by making other lives better.”3 AIESEC Experiences:

1. LCP2. International Congress

3. WENA LDS 2013

I want to invite you to......reflect on your past, how it shaped you who you

are right now. And find out who you want to be and how to get there.

„What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do“

3 AIESEC Experiences:1. Building up AIESEC in Marburg.

2. Delivering a Trainer Seminar for AIESEC Egypt.3. Getting a Superman T-Shirt from one of my successors after being elected VP Marburg.

I want to invite you to......stop limiting yourself by saying „I can not

do it“ and instead take a leap forward to be-come who you really want to be.

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Shiv duggal uk

willi SChilSke germany

„If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are

a leader.“3 AIESEC Experiences:

1. Attending iTtT Leeds in 20132. Not getting elected as LCP in 14.15

3. Getting on UK MC for 15.16

I want to invite you to......stop setlling for anything that is less than

extraordinary. Because you are extraordinary and so you deserve extraordinary.

„Action expresses priorities.“

3 AIESEC Experiences:„1. Going on exchange three times (India,

China, Venezuela)2. Leading a team of 12 people as LCVP

3. Attending an iTtT in Germany“

I want to invite you to...... fully trust in yourself.

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your leap of faithAre you ready for your leap of faith ?

viSion + agenda

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your leap of faithAre you ready for your leap of faith ?

viSion + agenda

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Vision of the conferenceWe want to invite you...

... To go through a journey of reflection which will start with no one else than yourself.

... To find your inner balance by recognizing your strengths and values and appreciating your own journey.

... To open yourself up, receive impulses and enjoy the journey you will never forget.... To build up your network of young leaders within your generation.

We want to invite you to

your leap of faith„If you take a leap of faith, you do something even though

you are not sure it is right or will succeed.“

We want to encourage you to jump into the unfamiliar by trusting and believing inyourself. Together we will create a supporting space for you to make your leap of faith happen.

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Vision of the conferenceWe want to invite you...

... To go through a journey of reflection which will start with no one else than yourself.

... To find your inner balance by recognizing your strengths and values and appreciating your own journey.

... To open yourself up, receive impulses and enjoy the journey you will never forget.... To build up your network of young leaders within your generation.

We want to invite you to

your leap of faith„If you take a leap of faith, you do something even though

you are not sure it is right or will succeed.“

We want to encourage you to jump into the unfamiliar by trusting and believing inyourself. Together we will create a supporting space for you to make your leap of faith happen.

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Day 5

Closing your WENA LDS experience and capturing the moments of it.

Day 1 Getting to know each other and through that also yourself. Day 2

Feeling challenged and out of your comfort zone by discovering your most valued sides.

Day 3Seeing new perspectives about the topic of leadership and your contribution to the world.

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Day 5

Closing your WENA LDS experience and capturing the moments of it.

Day 2Feeling challenged and out of your comfort zone

by discovering your most valued sides.

Day 3Seeing new perspectives about the topic of leadership and your contribution to the world. Day 4

Discovering your inner balance and the ability to focus.

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everything you need to know

1. arrival/departure 2. internet aCCeSS 3. merChandiSe + Study tour 4. evening eventS 5. what to paCk 6. CanCellation fee

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everything you need to know

1. arrival/departure 2. internet aCCeSS 3. merChandiSe + Study tour 4. evening eventS 5. what to paCk 6. CanCellation fee

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arrival and departure

Opening Plenary starts: Wednesday, March 25th, 2015 at 12 o’clock CET +1. Closing Plenary ends: Sunday, March 29th, 2015 around 3pm CET+1.

Address:Haus Neuland e.V.

Senner Hellweg 49333689 Bielefeld


The OC can only provide shuttling from Oerlinghausen Train Station until 10:45 am on Wednesday, March 25th, 2015. There won’t be any shuttling afterwards since it is important that every delegate attends

the Opening Plenary!

Departure:The OC can only provide shuttling to Oerlinghausen Train Station after

the Closing Plenary on Sunday, March 29th, 2015.

Please remember to fill out the Arrival Note we will send to you on March 6th, 2015 via email, so that we can

plan properly.

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ArrivalBy Plane:


= most appropriate airports

airports websites (Just click on the links)

Hannover Airport http://www.hannover-airport.de/en/passengers-visitors

Duesseldorf Airport http://www.dus.com/en

Dortmund Airport https://www.dortmund-airport.com/f2a0c5cf806929ea/pas-sengers-visitors

Cologne/Bonn Airport https://www.koeln-bonn-air-port.de/index.php?id=1&L=1

Please, read the following point for getting from the airport to the train


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By Train

German website for services by train: Deutsche Bahn (click)

start: your trainstation from where you beginlast change: trainstation Bielefeld

end station: trainstation Oerlinghausen in Asemissen:-> From there we catch you with our shuttle-service

For delegates coming by plane:

- getting from Hannover Airport to Oerlinghausen

example: time in total about 2 hours

- getting from Dortmund Airport to Oerlinghausenexample: time in total about 2 hours

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- getting from Düsseldorf Airport to Oerlinghausenpossibility 1, example: time in total about 2 hours

possibility 2, example: time in total about 2.5 hours

- getting from Cologne Airport to Oerlinghausen example: time in total about 2.75 hours

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By Car

If coming from direction Hannover-Dortmund [A2] take the exit ‘Biele-feld-Sennestadt’ [26].

There you have to turn right and get into the left-hand lane.Shortly afterwards you have to turn left at the first traffic lights (Lä-

mershagener Straße).

After following this direction for about 1.3 kilometers turn right at the first traffic lights into the Senner Hellweg.

Follow this direction for about 3.5 kilometers and you find Haus Neu-land on the left hand side.

If coming from the south-easterly direction you have to drive across the A44 motorway junction Wünnenberg-Haaren to A33.

There you take the exit Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock [22].

Then turn right onto the L751 in direction Oerlinghausen.

After following the street 3 kilometers turn left onto the Senner Hell-weg. After 1.5 kilometers you will find Haus Neuland on the right hand


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By Bus

In Germany there are remote buses, too, which are good and cheaper alternatives than traveling by train.

Following provider stops at Bielefeld (Bielefeld train station ‘Brackwede’). http://meinfernbus.de/en

From there you get with a local train to the main train station from Bie-lefeld.

With this public transport (‘Nordwestbahn’) you drive about 5 minutes. Depending on how often this train connection exists you can find other

kinds of public transports (e.g. by bus).

For those who arrive by plane:Keep in mind that you have to go to another destination than the air-

port for entering a remote bus!

Have a nice and pleasant arrival!

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internetRemember that there won’t be any WiFi on site.

There are 2 computers that you can use for the Internet (e.g. mails and Facebook), so let your family and friends know before so they won’t be


Study tourTake the chance to experience a part of Germany together with people who you

already meet at WENA LDS.The tour will take place from the 29th until the 31st of March in the lovely city of

Cologne. The costs of the tour (90€) will include the transportation from the conference site to Cologne, two nights in the hostel including breakfast and the program in Cologne (for example: boats tour, visit of the chocolate museum or the Cologne

Cathedral). Please plan your departure on the 31st of March not earlier than 10 am.

You can find the Registration link here and you can register until March 8th 2015. Please be aware that this is a binding registration and there is only a limited

amount of space for the Study Tour. So participants are selected after the first-come-first-served principle.

merChandiSeUntil next Thursday March 5th you can order Shirts, Hoodies, Wristbands and

Buttons for WenaLDS.You can find the form and some more information here.

In the form you can also find the link to have a look at all the designs.

Please don’t forget to order until March 5th. Ordering after the deadline will DEFINITELY NOT be possible.

If you have any questions write an email to Vicy our CC VP Communications: [email protected]

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evening eventS

First Night: Chill- Out: We invite you to have a warming gathe-

ring to meet and greet new faces and just chill out at the bonfire together!

Second Night: After this long day some awesome suprises are wai-

ting for you!

German Night/Global Village: German Culture - What‘s so special about that?

What about your culture? Share your traditions with the others and let‘s make this conference colourful!

Gala Night: Get your fanciest dress or smoking - ‚cause it‘s Gala Time!! A wonderful evening is expecting us with our

new friends, a talent show and a lot of dancing is waiting for us.

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what to paCkPlease read the following carefully to make sure that you won‘t forget anything important:

• All important documents (e.g. passport (with visa) or ID, flight, train ticket)

• Money:- Exact amount of Euros for merchandise order (check the Tracking and progress sheet if you can’t remember how much it was)- some Euros as pocket money and to buy lunch for Wednes-day before you go to the conference (the first meal is dinner)- deposit of 10 € for badge and cup in cash

• warm and water-proof clothes and good shoes

• towels

• hair dryer if you need one

• business casual outfit for external day on Friday

• Chill out Outfit: Bring your OnePiece Jumpsuits, grab your Chill-Pants, dress comfortable

• Traditional foods and drinks from your country: Make it special for the other delegates and contact other people from your de-legation to represent your country on the global village! After the Global Village celebrate the Colors of the World at our party!

• Dresscode for Galanight: Dress or smoking

• Instrument that you are playing (voluntary)

• Any other equipment for your special talent.

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CanCellation fee

We wanted to inform you again that there is a Cancellation Fee.

To avoid any misunderstandings: Please be aware, that the cancellation fee makes it just fair towards all the delegates, who declined in time and those who could have been taken

the cancelled spot instead.

Cancellation Fee:from 02. March 2015: 200 €

For any questions concerning the payment, please write an email to Moritz our CCVP Finance: [email protected]

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See you soon!

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions: [email protected]

Join our Facebook Group

Page 45: Delegate Booklet - WenaLDS 2015

See you soon!

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions: [email protected]

Join our Facebook Group

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