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Deltoids & LatissimusDorsi

Mark Lappan


Sayre Powers



•Main surface of the shoulder •Take part in various movements such as abduction, flexion & transverse abduction

Lateral fibers

•Back of the shoulder •Function to hyperextend and extend the shoulder joint transversely

Posterior fibers •Front of the shoulder

•Abduct the shoulder joint when extremely rotated & assist pectoralis major in flection of the shoulder

Anterior fibers

Glenohumeral jointClavicalScapula Humerous


Dolphin pushup

Placing yourself in a pike position with your hips at 90 degrees, slowly bend your elbows until your forehead just about touches the ground. Push back up to near full extention.To make this more difficult, place your feet on an elevated surface, keeping your hips at 90 degrees, lowering your forehead to the floor. Your torso will be in a more upright position

Get into a handstand position with your feet on the wall. Slowly bend your elbow until your forehead touches the ground. Extend back up to complete your rep. To make this more challenging do not use a wall to keep you stable.

Handstand pushup

Bodyweight Exercises


Reps: as a beginner we recommend 6-10 reps and as you progress you can increase your reps up to 20.

Sets: Anywhere for 2-4 sets

Tips: keep your reps slow and controlled. If you feel pain through your shoulders do not continue.

Safety: Ensure to control your breathing. Do not stay inverted for a long period of time.

Reps: This exercise is for the more advance client. Start with 1-3 reps and slowly progress until you can do 8-10.

Sets: 1-3 sets

Tips: The first few times you try this you will find It very challenging. Keep practicing until you can do them no problem.

Safety : Ensure to control your breathing. Do not stay inverted for a long period of time.

Dolphin pushup Handstand pushup


Dumbbell shoulder press

Safely, lift the weights to shoulder with your elbows at 75 degrees. Press the weight above your head, just under full extension then return back to starting position. Ensure to keep your back in contact with the bench to get the full benefit of the press. Be sure to ask for a spot when weight gets heavy. To change up this exercise you can try doing it on a stability ball. Keep your core tight.

Standing vertically upright with the weightsBy your side, lift up arms until they are parallel to the ground, keeping a slight bend in your arms. Slowly lower your arms to the beginning position and repeat. To feel a burn, do lots of reps.

Lateral raises


Reps: As a beginner 8-12 reps at a lower weight would be ideal, as you progress fewer reps and higher weight will gain more size.

Sets: 3-5 sets

Tips: Do not go too heavy; keep your back against the bench with your feet firmly on the ground. Use your thighs to help get the weight into position.

Safety: If weight begin to fall to far backwards, release the weights and allow them to fall to the ground.

Reps: With low weight 15-20 reps would be suitable, where as heavier weight would be around 6-10 reps

Sets: 3-5 sets

Tips: Try not to bounce when lifting the weight; with lower weight and higher reps you will feel an increase fatigue through your shoulders.

Safety: Do not go too heavy as you could really injure your shoulder.

Dumbbell shoulder press Lateral raises


With the cable low, close to the ground stand beside beside the machine reaching across your body to the handle. Lift the handle from your hip to a 45 degree angle above your shoulder.

Adjust the cable to be at elbow height, reach across your body with your arm bent at 90 degrees. Rotate your arm until you can no longer. Return to starting position and repeat.




Reps: 8-12 reps per size. Beginners can start with a lower weight

Sets: 3

Tips: Before putting a bunch of weight on the cable, go through a set at a lower weight to understand the movement.

Safety: Do not rotate hips while doing exercise as it could give you unwanted lower back pain.

Reps: 10- 15 Reps, increase weight as need be.

Sets: 3

Tips: Try to keep your elbow tucked closely to your body.

Safety: Do not force yourself past the comfort zone of your rotation.


STRETCHING Stand with your knees slightly bent with your shoulders, hands and elbows in contact with the wall. Slide your hands up the wall until they are fully extended. Do not let your elbows, hands or shoulders leave the wall. If you can not get into the starting position, try doing this on the ground. Gravity will be your friend.

Reaching both hands behind your back, one high the other low, try to get your hands to meet. If your hands to not meet, try to measure the distance between your fingers and over time try to shorten that distance.

Extending your arm across your body reach with your free hand and pull your elbow closer to your body. Do both side.

Stretching should be done at the end of the workout, hold each stretch for 15-45 seconds



• Commonly referred to as ‘lats’

• The broadest and largest muscles of the back

• Found on either side of the body


• Adduction, extension, and rotation of the arm

• Executes this through use of the shoulder joint

• Opposing Muscle Groups are the deltoids and trapezius muscles


• Major muscle in the body

• Strength training is vital

• Endless amount of exercises

• Can be performed with free weights, cables, bodyweight

• The following are just a sample set of exercises


• Beginners should stick to bodyweight and cable exercises

• Intermediates and experts can use all weightlifting equipment

• Beginners should generally keep their reps above 8 for most exercises

• Intermediates and experts can play around with reps and sets to achieve different goals

• Lats can be trained up to twice a week safely


• Preparation

• Sit on bench and grasp wide grip handle with underhand grip. Place feet against platform, keep knees slightly bent and sit straight

• Execution

• Pull handle toward waist. Simultaneously pull shoulder blades together. Return, keep arms slightly flexed as hands reach knees. Repeat.

• Comments

• Let shoulders be pulled forward while extending arms.

• Increase/decrease weight for added/less resistance


• Preparation

• Grasp pull-down bar with wide overhand grip. Sit upright on seat and position heels below knees.

• Execution

• Pull bar down to upper chest. Lean slight backward without hyperextending lower back. Return, keep arms slightly flexed and repeat.

• Comments

• In upper position let shoulders be pulled upward.

• Increase/decrease weight for added/less resistance


• Preparation

• Grasp chin-up bar with wide overhand grip.

• Execution

• Pull body up until chin reaches bar. Lower body, keep arms slightly flexed. Repeat.

• Comments

• Let shoulders be pulled upward while extending arms.

• Use narrower grip to target different parts of the back.

• Use underhand grip to recruit more of the biceps.


• Preparation

• Adjust bar to about height of upper thighs, grasp it with overhand grip and hold body straight below bar.

• Execution

• Pull body up until chest reaches bar. Return, keep arms slightly flexed. Repeat.

• Variations / Comments

• Keep body rigid during movement.

• Do not limit range of motion by setting the bar too low.


• Preparation

• Grasp barbell with shoulder wide overhand grip and stand upright. Flex knees and hip to bend over. With straight arms hold barbell in front of knees.

• Execution

• Pull bar up, travelling along thighs toward waist. Flex back and shoulders and keep elbows close to torso. Return, keep arms slightly flexed. Repeat.

• Comments

• Grip is optional

• Try to pinch your shoulder blades back on the upward motion, imagine squeezing a cherry between your scapula.


• Stretching is vital to muscle recovery and flexibility

• The following can be held from 15-45 seconds at the end of a workout

• Stretching should NEVER be painful, but you should feel a sensation


• Preparation

• Adjust bar to height of chest, stand in front of fixed bar and grasp it with shoulderwide overhand grip.

• Execution

• Fire hips backward while extending arms. Let torso be pulled forward as far as possible. Keep back straight. Hold stretch.

• Comments

• Flex knees


• Preparation

• Kneel on mat and bend over. Extend arms and put forearms on mat

• Execution

• Lower torso down toward heels. Hold stretch.


• Preparation

• Stand upright and place feet wide apart. Put one arm against outer thigh and hold other above head.

• Execution

• Lean torso to side of low arm. With arm reach to same side. Hold stretch. Continue with opposite side.

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