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  • 8/8/2019 Demand for and Supply of Money-V


    Demand for Money,Demand for Money,

    Supply of MoneySupply of Moneyand Monetaryand Monetary

    PolicyPolicyDr. Shylajan, C.SDr. Shylajan, C.S

  • 8/8/2019 Demand for and Supply of Money-V


    Topicsof DiscussionTopicsof Discussion

    Money SupplyMoney Supply

    Money Stock MeasuresMoney Stock Measures

    The Money Market: DD & SSThe Money Market: DD & SS The Demand for Money: Keynesian TheoryThe Demand for Money: Keynesian Theory

    Determination of Interest Rates: ClassicalDetermination of Interest Rates: Classical vsvsKeynesian TheoryKeynesian Theory

    Monitory Transmission Mechanism (ChangeMonitory Transmission Mechanism (Changein Monetary Policy and Impacts on Interestin Monetary Policy and Impacts on InterestRate, Consumption, Investment, AD andRate, Consumption, Investment, AD andGDP)GDP)

    Nominal Vs Real Interest RatesNominal Vs Real Interest Rates

  • 8/8/2019 Demand for and Supply of Money-V


    Money SupplyMoney Supply--HowisitHowisit

    defineddefined Money is a medium of exchange.Money is a medium of exchange.

    It is what we use to make paymentsIt is what we use to make payments What is that we use to makeWhat is that we use to make


    Currency andCurrency and

    Chequeable deposits with banksChequeable deposits with banks

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    SupplySupply Narrow Money (M1)Narrow Money (M1)

    Broad Money (M3)Broad Money (M3) M1 = Currency with public + savingM1 = Currency with public + saving

    (demand) deposits with banks + other(demand) deposits with banks + otherdeposistdeposist with RBI with RBI

    M3 = M1 + time (fixed) deposits with banksM3 = M1 + time (fixed) deposits with banks

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    Why dowe DemandWhy dowe Demand

    MoneyMoney Role of Money in Classical Theory:Role of Money in Classical Theory:

    Does not influence price, real interestDoes not influence price, real interest

    rate and real income.rate and real income. Quantity theory of money: MV=PTQuantity theory of money: MV=PT

    Keynesian Theory: 3 motivesKeynesian Theory: 3 motives

    Transaction demand formoneyTransaction demand formoneyPrecautionary demand forPrecautionary demand formoneymoney

    Speculative Demand forMoneySpeculative Demand for


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    Why dowe DemandWhy dowe Demand

    MoneyMoneyTransaction demand formoneyTransaction demand formoney

    PositivefunctionofincomePositivefunctionofincome NegativefunctionofinterestrateNegativefunctionofinterestrate

    Precautionary demand formoneyPrecautionary demand formoney



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    Why dowe DemandWhy dowe Demand

    MoneyMoney Speculative Demand forMoneySpeculative Demand forMoney

    Expected changeininterestratesExpected changeininterestrates Inshort, demand formoneyisaInshort, demand formoneyisanegativefunctionofinterestrateandnegativefunctionofinterestrateandpositivefunctionofincomepositivefunctionofincome

    Stabilityof demand formoneyistheStabilityof demand formoneyisthekeytoproperconductofmonetarykeytoproperconductofmonetarypolicypolicy


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    Interest rate: cost of borrowing moneyInterest rate: cost of borrowing money

    How does the interest rate determined? (both inHow does the interest rate determined? (both inclassical and Keynesian theory)classical and Keynesian theory)

    Supply of money and demand for moneySupply of money and demand for money Interest rate is set by the intersection of DD forInterest rate is set by the intersection of DD for

    and SS of moneyand SS of money


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  • 8/8/2019 Demand for and Supply of Money-V


    Interest RatesInterest Rates

    Consumers and investors rely onConsumers and investors rely on

    money for purchase of goods andmoney for purchase of goods andservices.services.

    Monetary authority can augment AD orMonetary authority can augment AD orreduce ADreduce AD bychangingmoneybychangingmoneysupplyand therebyinterestrates.supplyand therebyinterestrates.

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    PolicyPolicy Monetary authority may follow aMonetary authority may follow a



    What is easy and tight monetary policy?What is easy and tight monetary policy?

    Easy Monetary Policy money supplyEasy Monetary Policy money supplygrowth increases..interest rate declinegrowth increases..interest rate decline

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    Then what happens to demand forThen what happens to demand formoney?money?

    Demand for money will increase andDemand for money will increase and

    Then spending on goods and servicesThen spending on goods and servicesincreasesincreases

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    PolicyPolicy Tight Monetary Policy..money supplyTight Monetary Policy..money supply

    growth falls..interest rate increasesgrowth falls..interest rate increases

    Then demand for money will fall..soThen demand for money will fall..sospending on goods and services fallsspending on goods and services falls

    What kind of monetary policy RBI isWhat kind of monetary policy RBI isfollowing now?following now?

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    ChangeinMonetaryChangeinMonetaryPolicyand ImpactsPolicyand Impacts--GraphicallyGraphically

    ADAD--AS frameworkAS framework

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    Nominal Vs RealNominal Vs Real

    Interest RatesInterest Rates Real interest rate = Nominal interestReal interest rate = Nominal interest

    rate minus rate of inflationrate minus rate of inflation

    12% nominal interest rate12% nominal interest rate 3%3%inflation rate =9 % real interest rateinflation rate =9 % real interest rate

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    ProcessProcess What causes change in money supply?What causes change in money supply?

    M = C + DM = C + D

    Where M is money stock, C is currency withWhere M is money stock, C is currency withpublic and D is bank depositspublic and D is bank deposits

    Three groups influence money supplyThree groups influence money supplygrowthgrowth

    1. Central bank1. Central bank2.Commercial Bank2.Commercial Bank

    3. Public3. Public

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    Money multiplier (m) = M3/HMoney multiplier (m) = M3/H

    M3 = Currency with Public + DepositsM3 = Currency with Public + Deposits

    High powered money = Currency + ReservesHigh powered money = Currency + Reserves

    Where m is money multiplierWhere m is money multiplier

    M3 is total money supplyM3 is total money supply

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    by RBIby RBIInstrumentsofControlInstrumentsofControl

    Changing Reserve Requirements (CRR, forChanging Reserve Requirements (CRR, forinstance)instance)

    Changing the Bank RateChanging the Bank Rate

    Direct Credit ControlsDirect Credit Controls

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    TransmissionMechanismTransmissionMechanismMoney supply changeMoney supply change

    Effect on interest rate rEffect on interest rate r Impact on business spendingImpact on business spending

    Impact on consumer spendingImpact on consumer spending Impact on Output or GDPImpact on Output or GDP

  • 8/8/2019 Demand for and Supply of Money-V


    MonetaryPolicyintheMonetaryPolicyintheADAD--AS FrameworkAS Framework

    Two CasesTwo Cases

    The case of increase in AD where potentialThe case of increase in AD where potentialoutput is not achievedoutput is not achieved

    The case of increase in AD and its impact onThe case of increase in AD and its impact onoutput and price when potential output isoutput and price when potential output isreachedreached

    Graphical approachGraphical approach

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    Changes in major Monetary PolicyChanges in major Monetary PolicyMeasures:Measures:

    Bank RateBank Rate

    Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)

    Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)

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    IndiaIndia Bank RateBank Rate in 1999:in 1999: 12 %12 % In 2003In 2003 :: 6 %6 %

    In 2007In 2007 :: 6%6%

    CRRCRR in 1991in 1991 :: 15 %15 % In 2004In 2004 :: 5 %5 %

    In 2007In 2007 :: 7.50%7.50%

    SLRSLR in 1992in 1992 :: 38.5 %38.5 % In 1997In 1997 :: 25 %25 %

    In 2007In 2007 :: 25 %25 %

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  • 8/8/2019 Demand for and Supply of Money-V


  • 8/8/2019 Demand for and Supply of Money-V


  • 8/8/2019 Demand for and Supply of Money-V


  • 8/8/2019 Demand for and Supply of Money-V


  • 8/8/2019 Demand for and Supply of Money-V


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