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Demo Environment FAQ’s

How do I submit any issues I'm having or make a suggestion about the Demo environments?

Send an email with details about the enhancement or issue you are having to [email protected] and

someone will follow up on your suggestion or issue.

What credentials do I use to access the demo environment (demo.awmdm.com or demo2.awmdm.com)?

To access the administrative console and enroll in the demo environment follow this format:

Username: AIRWATCHDEMO\{FirstInitialLastName}

Example: John Smith's username = AIRWATCHDEMO\jsmith

Default Password: Provided by IT Operations for new users

Note: The default password cannot be used to access the admin console or enroll. Each user will need to reset their

passwords before gaining access to the demo environment.

How do I add or remove my roles in the demo environment?

Steps to adding/removing Demo roles:

Using your demo credentials, login to the demo webmail at https://mail.airwdemo.com

In the upper right-hand menu, select Options > See All Options... > Groups

To add a role in Demo: In the Groups tab select Join... > select role to add > click Join

To remove a role in Demo: In the Groups tab select the role you want to remove > click Leave

Please allow 30 minutes for changes to be made

Note: If you are using Internet Explorer and experiencing issues, please use a different browser and try again.

My credentials are not working, what do I do?

Make sure you are using the correct username format: AIRWATCHDEMO\{FirstInitialLastName} and NOT

ATLANTAWIFI\{FirstInitialLastName}. If you are experiencing issues with your default credentials contact Sales Support -

[email protected]

How do I get contacts and calendar events for my email account?

Each user will have to login to their Webmail account and add users and corporate events.

Why am I not getting profiles and/or applications on my device?

Best practice to avoid this problem is to delete your device from the device details page in the admin console.

Why am I not getting GPS logs after I enroll?

Best Practice to avoid this problem: Make sure the AirWatch MDM Agent is on your device and configured to be

pointing in the correct environment

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Note: The Agent should be stored in a hidden folder on the device when conducting a demo.

How do I demo the API?

Demo Flow:

Navigate to demo.awmdm.com/api/help

Enter these credentials at the prompt:

Username: airwatchdemo\{EnrollmentUser}

Password: {demo password}

This will get you a list of all the API functions available for devices.

How do I demo AirWatch Pro?

GroupID: awpro

Rather than AD credentials, login to Admin console using:

Username: awpro

Password: awpro

How do I show the Getting Started Wizard?

Users can uncheck the “Skip Getting Started” checkbox by navigating to: Menu > System Configuration > System >

Getting Started

How do I demo AirWatch Container?

Download Container through public app store.

Enroll through Container (no Agent) in demo.awmdm.com environment with group ID: ctr or with

autodiscovery: [email protected].

Set pin to show that it is separate from device passcode.

Download internal apps to demo and show single sign on.

Exit Container and re-enter to show the prompt for passcode.

How do I demo AirWatch Email Container?

Enroll device in demo.awmdm.com with group ID: inbox or autodiscovery:

[email protected].

Inbox has same configurations as exec (BYOD flow) with the Email Container.

Use demo credentials to authenticate into the Email container.

See inbox, contacts, and calendar synced.

How do I demo SCL Collaboration?

Setup MySite:

Navigate to https://mysites.awmdm.com

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When prompted, enter your demo credentials:

o Username: airwatchdemo\{FirstInitialLastName}

o Password: {demo password}

In upper left-hand corner, select My Content

Wait a moment as your MySites is created

Upload documents to Shared Documents and Personal Documents folders

Demo Flow:

Open AirWatch Secure Content Locker

Select MySite repository and navigate to Shared Documents (you should have uploaded docs here)

Open a document and check it out (box with up arrow in upper right hand corner)

Navigate to https://mysites.awmdm.com> My Content > select check box of document and show that the

document is checked out

Edit the document with easily noticeable additions

Select Done > Back > Save > Save And Upload

Navigate back to MySite on computer > see the document is checked back in > open doc and see edits

How do I demo App Reputation?

In Console, navigate to Organization Group: World Wide Enterprises

o To view App Reputation for internal app: Apps & Books > List View > Internal > search for Battery Saver

o To view App Reputation for public app: Apps & Books > List View > Public > search for EverNote

Edit application > select Reputation tab

See High Level, Medium Level, and Low Level risks and be able to filter

Hover over description to see details of the risk

How do I demo Windows 8.1?

SEs Only Using a VM:

On a Windows machine, launch Internet Explorer

Navigate to - https://atlp-vcloud01.airwatch.corp/cloud/org/consultants/</span>

Authenticate with your atlantawifi AD credentials (leave out atlantawifi\)

Select vApp_Windows

Power the VM on

Right click a win81demo01-05 VM again and select popout console

Password for authentication to computer: Password9!

Enrollment / Unenrollment on VM or Device:

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Navigate to PC Settings > Network > Workplace

To enroll your device use this email template: [email protected]

Select Turn On

Enroll using your airwatchdemo credentials

Please Enterprise Wipe and Delete Device Details from the console once demo / testing is complete

Switch Off the VM or put it in Sleep Mode before exiting the VCloud

Win 8.1 Staged Device

Power on win81demo_STAGED

This VM has AW Browser, SCL, and AW Inbox pre-loaded to demo

Note: Do NOT create new snapshot or remove snapshot for VMs.

How do I sync demo videos to my computer?

Sync entire demo video library to your computer:

1) Login to corporate AirWatch Self-Service Portal: https://cn43.air-watch.com/mydevice

2) Select the My Content tab and select SCL Sync

3) Download and install the SCL Sync Client

4) Ensure server URL and Group ID are configured correctly

Server URL: https://ds43.air-watch.com/DeviceServices

GroupID: awvw

Enter your corporate vmwarem credentials to authenticate

5) Create a sync location for all content from the SSP

6) Videos are located in folder "Demo Video Kit"

What do I do if Single Sign On is not working?

Best practice to avoid this problem:

Unenroll your device after giving a demo and delete your device from the device details page in the admin console.

If you are still experiencing issues with SSO:

Force kill the application and re-launch

Note: Please do not contact sales support until above steps have been taken

How do I request a custom branded demo?

You can request to have an Organization Group set up in the demo or demo2 environment to brand for your specific

prospect. These customized branding groups can have either the BYOD or Corporate Dedicated flow with the same

profiles as the Executives (BYOD flow with group ID: exec) or the Enterprise Sales (Corporate Dedicated flow with group

ID: corp) Organization Groups.

Submit request by emailing [email protected]

Please include the following details:

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o Prospect company name

o Demo flow (exec or corp)

o Overview of prospect's mobility needs

Allow at least 5 business days for setup / configuration

How do I demo Apple VPP for iOS and Mac OS X?

The AirWatch demo environments are enabled for you to demo Apple's Volume Purchase Program. License based VPP is

available on AirWatch 6.5+ and iOS 7+ and requires AirWatch 8.0+ for Mac OS X. Please note that you will only have to

follow the below steps one time. After completing these steps, you will be able to install purchased apps without


Enroll your iOS or Mac OS X device into demo.awmdm.com

o Email address: {FirstInitialLastName}@execdemo.com

o Username: {FirstInitialLastName}

o Password: {demo password}

You should receive a notification telling you that Sign-In is Required for apps to be assigned to you. If you do not

get a notification, open the App Catalog and try to install a Purchased App

You will be directed to the iTunes store and prompted to sign in with your iTunes account

Sign in with your Apple ID

Accept the Terms and Conditions and Apple Privacy Policy

You have completed the steps and accepted the invitation for the VPP and can now install purchased

applications to your device.

How do I demo Mac OS X?

Before you demo, have the Agent already installed on the device by navigating to AWAgent.com on your Mac.

To enroll, open the Agent and select to authenticate with Email

Enter your email address: {FirstInitialLastName}@{groupID}demo2.com password: {Demo Password}

Demo2 has Mac configurations for corporate dedicated devices (group ID: corp), BYOD (group ID: exec) and

kiosk mode (group ID: kiosk)

For more information on what to demo for Mac OS X: See Demo Topics for Mac OS X Corporate, Mac OS X

BYOD, and Mac OS X Kiosk.

How do I demo Windows Phone 8.1?

On the device, navigate to settings > workplace > add account

To enroll, enter your email address: {FirstInitialLastName}@airwdemo.com for demo and

{FirstInitialLastName}@airwdemo2.com for demo 2 password: {Demo Password}

Enter the group ID for the demo flow you want to enroll into (ie. exec, corp, fsexec, ndoc, etc.)

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How do I demo SSO into Salesforce1 using iOS 8?

Demo Salesforce1 SSO for iOS 8 devices by following the below steps or by playing the recorded demo video. The setup

is to configure Salesforce with SAML auth and using a cert on the device with the iOS ESSO framework to auto sign the

user into the Salesforce1 application:

1) Enroll your device into demo or demo2 in either: bod, corp, exec, or inbox

2) Navigate to the App Catalog and install Salesforce1

3) Ensure full VPN is enabled by clicking into the ServiceDesk webclip or turning on VPN through AnyConnect

4) Accept the EULA

5) Navigate to the settings in the top right corner of the login screen and Choose Connection by selecting the +

Enter the Host: airwdemo-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com

Select Done

6) Select Allow

7) You will be automatically logged in as John Doe

Note: Please do not make any edits or additions while logged in as John Doe

How do I demo Per App VPN with App Tunnel?

Demo App Tunnel's Per App VPN feature by following the steps below. With this setup we'll show an approved

application successfully tunneling and reaching an internal SharePoint endpoint vs. an unapproved application which will

not be able to reach SharePoint.:

1) Ensure the AW Tunnel application is on your device

2) Launch app catalog and download the Dolphin Web Browser application

Note: This application is for iPads only

3) Launch the public iOS store and download another browser application

Examples: Mercury Web Browser, Puffin Web Browser, etc.

4) Launch the Dolphin Web Browser app and navigate to sharepointdemo.airwatch.demo

Notice that this approved application leverages the App Tunnel and is successfully able to navigate to an

intranet endpoint - SharePoint

5) Next launch the browser downloaded from the public app store and also navigate to


6) Notice that this application is not able to browse to the SharePoint resource

How do I demo Enterprise SSO with iOS 8?

Demo iOS8's ESSO feature by following the steps below:

1) Ensure the AW App Tunnel is turned off

2) Launch the ServiceDesk web clip

Notice the full device VPN is turned on

3) Now select the SharePoint link

4) From here you will be automatically signed into SharePoint with your enrollment user

Box ESSO demo video

Salesforce1 ESSO demo video

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How do I login to the VMware Horizon Demo Environment?

This is a tool for demoing Horizon VDI and Horizon remote apps. You will first need to register and create a login.

1. To register, navigate to https://portal.vmwdemo.com/register

2. You will recieve an email from VMware with your credentials

3. To login, navigate to https://portal.vmwdemo.com/

4. Note: This is not connected to your AirWatch demo account in any way. Watch the Walkthrough Videos for

information on how to use the environment.

How do I demo Chromebooks?

Note: This is an AirWatch 8.0 feature. This demo video is available for your reference.

1. Install the AirWatch Agent Extension from the Chrome Web Store.

2. Ensure that the extension is enabled

3. Select the Extension icon and select Enroll

4. Enroll using your airwatchdemo credentials

Server URL: demo.awmdm.com or demo2.awmdm.com

Group ID: {exec for BYOD or corp to show corporate restrictions}


1. View device status through AirWatch Agent extension

2. View installed profiles by clicking on Status and expanding Profiles

3. View Location and Settings

4. Show installed bookmark by navigating to Menu > Bookmarks > AirWatch > AirWatch Resources (Parent folder

created by AirWatch) > AirWatch (AirWatch website)

5. Click on notification icon in bottom right, show the pending profile install for "WWE - Chromebook - WebApp"

6. Go to the AirWatch extension and install the WebApp. This installs the VMware bookmark in Apps.

7. For Corporate Restrictions (enrolled in CORP): Try navigating to Facebook and see that it is blocked

8. Navigate to the console and discuss Chromebook profile setup


Website Restrictions


Global Proxy

9. Navigate to enrolled Chromebook Device Details

Summary, Apps, Location

View remote commands

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Enterprise Wipe device

How do I demo Telecom on 8.0?

1. Ensure there's a Telecom-enabled device enrolled in CORP (Android has more data, and therefore presents

better). The reason for this is so that when you drill into a device's Telecom view, you're able to see rich graphics

and data presentation.

2. Login to demo or demo2.awmdm.com with your AIRWATCHDEMO credentials

3. Change your admin role to "Telecom Admin at World Wide Enterprises"

4. Click on Telecom on the left hand side

5. On the Dashboard, browse through the functional graphics

Plan Utilization: select Individual vs. Pooled

Usage history


On the upper right, click through plan filter

6. Navigate to Telecom > List View to show device list from Telecom perspective

Note columns and per-device info

Select an enrolled device and navigate through the device details

o Calls

o Data

o Messages

o Roaming

7. Navigate to Telecom > Plan List to show all Telecom plans

Click on a plan link - NOT edit - to show configurable plan setup parameters in read only

8. Click Dynamic Assignment to show ranked assignment of available plans

How do I demo Windows 8.1/RT Products?

Demo Windows 8.1/RT Products via the below steps:

Use one of the two demo device options:

SEs Only: Windows 8.1 VM named Win81EntDemo-X -> Recommended + required for Windows AppLocker


Windows 8.1 device

Note: Most likely a tablet will NOT be a Windows 8.1 Enterprise device and will not support AppLocker as part of

the demo

1. Ensure your AW admin role is Device Administrator at World Wide Enterprises

2. On device: Navigate to Workplace Settings

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Enroll into DEMO or DEMO2

Enter your AIRWATCHDEMO email address: {username}@airwdemo.com

Turn on Device Management

3. When prompted for authentication, click previous then change your group ID to CORP. Then proceed back to

authentication and complete enrollment

NOTE: It is necessary to switch your OG to CORP to get the most complete products demo

4. Navigate to Start > Apps... install AirWatch Protection Agent, which is required for Products

5. After AirWatch Agent Protection installs and updates, go to Apps and show list of items setup

App Catalog

Shortcut for VMware


6. Open App Catalog and discuss the availability of AirWatch VMware apps: Inbox, SCL, Horizon, & Browser

7. Navigate to Products > List View > Filter Platform to "Windows 8/RT"

Discuss dashboard

Discuss Products setup for this OG

Go to Files/Actions to show the contents of the Products

8. On device: Discuss the Product app push and desktop shortcut setup: PuTTY

9. Discuss wallpaper change via Powershell script

10. On Windows 8.1 ENTERPRISE Devices ONLY discuss AppLocker config

In demo AirWatch configures AppLocker to only allow installs from publishers: AirWatch, VMware,

Microsoft, and Juniper

Attempt install of any disallowed app (e.g. Facebook). It will be blocked

To show blocked reason, you must revisit the Store and app status. It will state that a Group Policy

prevented its installation

Made possible by Windows 8.1 Enterprise's native AppLocker with the config managed by AirWatch

*Note: If you need the AirWatch Protection Agent to check in faster, you can make this happen by manually

restarting the two (2) AirWatch Protection Agent services on the device by:

Run TaskMgr.exe

END AW.ProtectionAgent.ConsoleClient

END AW.ProtectionAgent.ProtectionService

Navigate to Start > Apps > click AirWatch Protection Agent to restart the service

How do I demo O365 integration with SSO?

Ensure that Anyconnect client is installed on device

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Launch one of the MSFT apps from the App Catalog and install

Enter [email protected] for the email address

This will trigger the VPN and auto sign in the user with a certificate that has been pushed down

How do I demo remote apps?

To demo remote applications, you can use the demo environment (demo.awmdm.com) or the VMware EUC Demo

Portal (AirWatch TestDrive)

Enrolling into the horizon group in the demo environment

1. Enroll your device using the AirWatch Agent

Group ID: horizon

AIRWATCHDEMO username and password

2. Ensure you have Cisco AnyConnect installed and enabled on your device

3. AirWatch Browser and Horizon are also required and should automatically push to your device. If for some

reason they do not, navigate to the AirWatch Console and manually push

4. On device, navigate to the App Catalog and install a Web App such as Notepad

5. Launching the installed Web App will re-direct to the AirWatch Browser

6. Note: If you receive an error, kill the AirWatch Browser and try again

Enroll using AirWatch TestDrive

1. To register, navigate to https://portal.vmwdemo.com/registerusing your air-watch.com email address. You will

receive an email from the VMware EUC Demo Portal with your login credentials

2. Navigate to https://portal.vmwdemo.com/using your login credentials and activate AirWatch TestDrive by

clicking the blue bar at the top of the page

3. You will receive an email with your enrollment credentials

How do I demo Continuous App Life Cycle?

To demo Continuous App Life Cycle in demo, follow the below steps:

On your device:

Enroll your iOS device into Executives using the following credentials:

o URL: demo.awmdm.com

o Group ID: corp

o Username/Password: jenkins/jenkins

Open the AirWatch App Catalog and download the AppLifecycle application. Take note of the version.

Switch to Mac:

Download Xcode if not already installed on your machine

After launching Xcode, select Source Control > Check Out from the menu

Enter the following URL and select Next

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https://[email protected]/jenkinsairwdemo/JenkinsCIDemo.git

Create a directory and store in a location of your choice. Please do not create more than one directory

In the left menu, select JenkinsCIDemo > JenkinsCIDemo > AppDelegate.m

Next, select Source Control > Pull to ensure you have the most updated version

Enter a new word (such as "Jenkins" or "Jenkins1") into the section titled "Start Adding your comments here"

Select File > Save in the menu bar. Next, select Source Control > Commit. Select Push to Remove checkbox at the

bottom and type "Jenkins" into the text box.

Next, select Commit 1 File and Push. At the next screen, enter the following credentials:

Name: jenkinsairwdemo

Password: jenkins1

Switch to device:

Note on device how the next version is automatically installed. You can return to the app catalog to confirm that

the version has increased

What are SE's backup FTP options for a rugged trial?

In the event a rugged prospect is unable to provide its own FTP site for the Relay Server, AirWatch SEs have access to a

personal FTP to be used as a backup FTP:

How to access backup FTP:

Site: ftpdemo.awmdm.com

Credentials: airwatchdemo\{username}

Manage your FTP using a client, such as Filezilla.

Drive space on the FTP server is limited. Please always closely monitor both your FTP disk space and prospects

using it.

If you have trouble accessing your FTP space, please email [email protected]

How do I demo iOS Remote View?

AirWatch Sales Engineering currently uses geo-located instance(s) of AirServer running in vCloud Air to demo Remote

View. AirServer presents the view of the iOS device being controlled. You acccess the AirServer by connecting a Remote

Desktop session.

AirServer list:

o Location: US East


o Location: UK

Address: Pending

To demo iOS Remote View, follow the below steps:

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1. [Outlook] Reserve your preferred geo-located AirServer instance prior to your demo. Requesting the vCA

instance books the instance for your demo.

o Request the resource from Exchange, just like you would for a conference room.

o DR.AWDEMO.vCA.AWUSE01 = DeviceResource.AirWatchDemo.vCloudAir.USEastServer

2. [iOS Device] Enroll iOS device into Demo or Demo2

3. [Remote Desktop] Open Remote Desktop session and connect to your preferred AirServer instance.

o Credentials:

o Username: rvuser01

o Password: RmtV!3w

o To open Remote Desktop:

o Windows: Start>Run>enter "mtsc"(without quotes)

o OS X: Spotlight>Microsoft Remote Desktop then Download and install "Microsoft Remote Desktop"

4. [Console] Find your device, go to Device Details...click more... click Remote View

o Enter a Destination name (e.g., Demo Remote View)

o Enter the IP Address of your preferred AirServer instance

o Don't change anything else

5. [iOS device] Open the AirWatch Agent, go to Support and then accept the user prompts

6. [Remote Desktop] Show the RDP session

How do I demo vIDM?

To demo VMware Identity Management in the demo environment, follow the below steps:

On your device:

1. Enroll your iOS device using the following credentials:

URL: demo.awmdm.com

Group ID: corp or exec

Username/Password: demo credentials

2. Download the one or more of the following apps from the App Catalog



Microsoft Office Apps: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook

3. Launch Salesforce1 - show vIDM SSO

4. Launch Box - show ACE configuration and vIDM SSO

5. Launch a Microsoft app - show vIDM SSO

On your desktop:

1. Log in to the Horizon portal using the following credentials:

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URL: https://login.airwdemo.com

Username/Password: demo credentials

2. Select BYOD Program (Socialcast) or Blue Jeans to show vIDM SSO

How do I demo Android for Work?

Full Demo Topic is located here. Read this for full information.

NOTICE: The very first time you run through an AfW enrollment your Google Account will be created in Google.

This one-time account creation process adds steps and may appear to be complex to some audiences.

Therefore, in order to eliminate the account creation steps from a demo be absolutely certain you have run

successfully through the enrollment, creating your @airwdemo.com Google account prior to a customer-facing


Obtain an AfW-supported device. A Nexus 5,6, or 9 device running at least Android 5.0 is the current (July 2015)

supported standard. A complete list of AfW devices is available in the Android for Work Guide in myAirWatch,

Before You Begin section.

Encrypt the device if prompted. The battery needs to be mostly charged to encrypt. This only needs to be done

once unless device is factory reset.

Enroll using the below:

o Email: {Username}@airwdemo.com

o This is the default enrollment, putting your device in EXEC (BYOD OG). Optionally, you may also enroll

into BOD or CORP using server details

o Environment: demo.awmdm.com

During enrollment, SKIP the agent's "setup inbox" prompt. It will get setup automatically.

For more information, see Demo Topic.

Where do I demo (Zebra) printer management?

Environment: demo2.awmdm.com

Role: Device Administrator at Retail Holding Company

Device: The standard demo is from a console perspective. Printer is enrolled and physically located in Atlanta. Printer

friendly name contains "AWdemo".

Navigate to Printers > List View. Click on the "Qln220-Demo" printer to enter device details, then query the


o Click through the tabs, reviewing General, Device, Wi-Fi, Power, Mirror, Weblink*, and ZPLS.

o *Weblink is the print server or "connector". E.g., with Zebra, the Zebra AirWatch Connector enrolls

printers and facilitates communication to/from printer and AirWatch.

On the More tab, click Files to discuss the configuration files that can be pushed to the device. Two (2) Wi-Fi

configs are setup that could be pushed to change the Wi-Fi of the managed device.

Review Alerts - Dashboard view of printer status alters.

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Expand Printer Settings and review

o Printer Profiles - AirWatch profiles UI config of printer

o Printer Files - Where configuration files, from the printer manufacturer's config tool, are uploaded to be

pushed to the printer.

o Print Server – Configuration for the network-based print server, i.e., the Zebra AirWatch Connector, that

facilitates communication between AW and the printer.

o Smart Groups - Administration of the AW profile assignment

How do I show OS X Remote Management?

Enroll OS X 10.9+ Mac into a 8.1 Console using the AirWatch 2.2 agent. Then run the Remote Management function that

shows up in device details > More (device management functions).


o Updated Java. Navigate to http://java.com/verify to ensure you computer's Java is updated.

o Recommended browsers:

Firefox (OS X and Windows)

IE (Windows)

Safari (OS X) - this is not recommended but if you must use it, the following extra setup is


o Open desired site that runs Java

o Go to Preferences > Security > Internet Plugins > select Java on the left-hand menu

o Choose "Run in Unsafe Mode", then "Trust"

o If that doesn't work you may need to downgrade Java to legacy Java 6, which could break other Java

dependent apps

o Either Java or OS X updates could break this setup

Demo Environment:

o demo.awmdm.com or demo2.awmdm.com

o OG: exec

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