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(DENG 1)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part I — English


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks



1. Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow : (10 1 = 10)

(a) He became the hero of the day. They watched him in great administration and decided to reward him adequately

(i) Who is the ‘he’ of the passage?

(ii) Who are ‘they’?

(iii) How did they watch him?

(iv) What did they decide?

(v) From which lesson is this passage taken.

(b) They were both dripping wet, of course, but in addition Eve had lost her hand bag, in which, to prevent it from getting splashed, she had put a gold wrist watch which had been given to her on her twenty-first birthday only two months before.

(i) What had Eve lost?

(1) her books (2) her money

(3) her hand bag (4) her keys

(ii) What was there in her hand bag?

(1) money (2) gold wrist-watch

(3) bus ticket (4) books

(iii) Why did she put her gold wrist watch in the hand bag?

(1) to hide it (2) to prevent from stealing

(3) to save it from sun (4) to prevent from getting splashed

(DENG 1) 2

(iv) When was she given to gold watch?

(1) One year before (2) Five days before

(3) On the New Year Day (4) On her twenty-first birthday

(v) From which lesson is this passage taken?

(1) Lovers' Reunion (2) Dolly at the Dentist

(3) Letter to Indu (4) The thief's story

2. (a) Correct the following sentences : (5 1 = 5)

(i) I have written a letter to him yesterday.

(ii) One of my friends live in Bombay.

(iii) Rani was married with Alok.

(iv) He is a best player.

(v) Does he knows you?

(b) Rewrite the sentences as directed : (5 1 = 5)

(i) Lock the door. (Change the voice)

(ii) Bombay is the largest city in India. (change into comparative degree)

(iii) Hema asked me if I had finished my homework. (Convey the meaning changing to direct speech)

(iv) We left Rosy at the station and went back home. (Change into complex sentence)

(v) She is good ——————— mathematics. (Insert the correct prepositions)

(c) Change the following into indirect speech : (2)

(i) Gopal said, ‘‘Did you finish your lunch?’’

(ii) She said : ‘‘I am watering the plants’’.

(d) Fill in the blanks with correct forms of verbs given in the brackets : (5 1 = 5)

(i) He ——————— to church every Sunday. (go)

(ii) She ——————— the TV now. (watch)

(iii) I ——————— for you since 5 P.M. (wait)

(iv) She ———————French. (know)

(v) They ——————— a new car last month. (buy)

(DENG 1) 3

(e) Fill in the blanks with suitable words given at the end of the list : (5)

(i) The salesman is ——————— a new product.

(ii) Marriages are ——————— in Heaven.

(iii) ——————— of the boys got first class.

(iv) ——————— him be congratulated.

(v) Rome was not built in a ———————.

(day, neither, made, demonstrating, let)

(f) Rewrite the following set of jumbled sentences to make them into a coherent passage : (4)

(i) Water and milk heat we should vessels separate in.

(ii) When boils water the we tea powder should put it in.

(iii) Milk when the is boiled mix we should the milk hot tea decoction with.

(iv) It filter cups into then tea and is ready.

(g) Attempt a dialogue between a mother and daughter about their plans to buy new clothes for Sankranti festival. (4)

(h) Write a paragraph using the following hints : (5)

Planning for a picnic - fixing a private bus – cooks – food materials – singing songs – returning to college hostel by evening.

(i) Write an essay in about 100 words on any ONE of the following : (5)

(i) Revolution in the development of communications - The Telephone.

(ii) Impact of TV on students.

(iii) Influence of science and technology on modern man's life.



3. Write an essay on ONE of the following : (1 10 = 10)

(a) How did Dasa escape from the punishment held out to him by the inmates of the bungalow?

(b) Narrate in your own words the mystery that surrounds the cufflinks.

(c) Describe Nehru's life in prison.

(DENG 1) 4

4. Write short notes on any THREE of the following : (3 5 = 15)

(a) Give a brief summary of the thoughts expressed by Edmund Waller in his poem, ‘‘Go, Lovely Rose’’.

(b) Write an appreciation of Wordsworth's poem ‘‘The Tables Turned’’.

(c) Why does Edgar Allan Poe consider science as the destroyer of poetry?

(d) What is the message of poem, ‘‘Laugh and Be Merry’’?

(e) What are the joys of the Primitive Africans as expressed in the poem, ‘‘Piano and Drums’’?

5. Write an essay on ONE of the following : (1 10 = 10)

(a) Sketch the character of Sudershom Sharma as you find in ‘‘The Gold watch’’.

(b) Narrate how the salesman suffered by his excessive care and honesty in the story, ‘‘Lemon, Yellow and Fig’’.

(c) Summarise Tolstoy's story, ‘‘God Sees the Truth but Waits’’.

6. (a) Explain any TWO of the following : (2 5 = 10)

(i) I have learnt from experience that I am not wise enough to advise others.

(ii) Your first! do mean to say that you began practising on me?

(iii) I could live like an oil-rich Arab for a week or two.

(b) Explain any ONE of the following : (5)

(i) Up! Up! My Friend, and quit your books;

or surely you'll grow double:

(ii) No,

The root is to be pulled out --

Out of the anchoring earth;


(DTEL 1)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part I — Telugu


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

çÜÐèþ*-«§é-¯éË$ ÐèþÅÐèþ-à-Ç-Mæü…ÌZ V>°, {V>…¤Mæ …ÌZ V>° {ÐéÄæý$-Ðèþ^èþ$a.

1. D {Mìü…¨ 糧éÅ-ËÌZ JMæü-§é-°Mìü {糆-ç³-§éÆæÿ¦ ™é™èþµ-ÆæÿÅ-Ðèþ$$Ë$ {ÐéÄæý$$-Ðèþ$$. (8)

(a) ÐèþÆæÿ-Ðèþ$$¯èþ¶ º$sìýt-†¯Œþ, ¿æýÆæÿ™èþ Ðèþ…ÔèýÐèþ$$, gŸ_a†, ¯èþ…§æþ$¶ »Ÿ…yæþ$ ¿æý*

ÐèþÆæÿ$-¯èþ-Mæü$¶ Vøyæþ-ÌñýO† f¯èþ-Ðèþ…§æþ$Å˶ »Ÿ…¨-† ±† Ñ{MæüÐèþ$

íܦÆæÿ$-ËVæü$ ç³#{™èþ$Ë… ºyæþ-íÜ-™ðþ¯Œþ; çÜçßý-f¯èþ$ÃË {´ëç³# V>…_-†¯Œþ

çÜÆæÿ-íÜ-f-¯é¿æý! Æÿ$$°²…r¶ {ºÔèý-íÜ¢Mìü ¯ðþMìüP¯èþ§é¯èþ ¯ðþ…™èþ-Äæý$$-¯Œþ.

(b) çÜ…ÝëÆæÿ {¿æýÐèþ$ Ñ$…^èþ$ Móü°Äæý$$¯èþ$ Ðèþ$™éÞüÓ…™èþ…º$-¯èþ¯Œþ Ìôý§æþ$ Ò$

Ðèþ…Ôèý… ½ ç³Ç-´ë-sìý§óþ Äæý$yæþ$-Væü$¶yîþ ÐðþOMæüϺŠçÜ…¿ê-Ðèþ-¯èþÌŒý

Ðèþ*…Ýë-à-ÆæÿÐèþ$$ ¯èþÄñý$Å-§æþ¯Œþ ÕÐèþ#-¯èþ-Mæü$¯Œþ Ðèþ*Äæý*-Ðèþ$-à-Äñý*-W-Mìü¯Œþ

íßý…Ýë-MóüÏ-ÔèýÐèþ$$ Ðèþ*¯èþ$¶yîþ Væü$Ææÿ$Ë$ Ò$Æóÿ Ñ$Ðèþ$$-ö {»êǦ…^ðþ-§æþ¯Œþ.

2. D {Mìü…¨ Ðé°ÌZ "A' ¿êVæü… ¯èþ$…_ Æðÿ…yìþ…sìýMìü, "B' ¿êVæü… ¯èþ$…_ Æðÿ…yìþ…sìýMìü çÜ…§æþÆæÿ çÜíßý™èþ ÐéÅQÅË$ {Ðé…Äæý$…yìþ. (4 × 3 = 12)

"A' ¿êVæü…

(a) iÐèþ#-ËMæü$ çßý–§æþÅ…»ôý Mæüyæþ$¯Œþ Ô>™èþ-Ðóþ$.

(b) Mö˨ §æþí³µ¯èþ Mæü$yæþ$µ¶ Væüyæþ-k-Ðèþ…Væü-¯óþ-Ë.

(c) Mæü*Ìê…Væü¯èþ °sêÏ-¯èþ-Ææÿ$¢-Æóÿ?

(d) H¯èþ$Væü$ ¨¯èþ² ÐðþË-Væü-ç³…yæþ$ ¯öVæü-¯ö-糚.

"B' ¿êVæü…

(a) ç³N¯èþ$ çܵÆæÿ¦¯èþ$ ѧæþÅ-Ë…§óþ.

(b) MæüÑ-™èþMæü$ ò³…yìþÏ ç³…¨Ë$å Mæüí³µ…^èþ$-¯é-yæþ$.

(c) ¿êÑ ç³Ç-×ê-Ðèþ$-Ððþ$-ÐèþÓÆæÿ$ ç³Ë$-Mæü-Væü-Ë-Ææÿ$.

(d) EÍMìü ç³yæþ$ fº$¾ Væü˧æþ$ Òyæþ$-¯èþ²-^ø-r.

(DTEL 1) 2

3. D {Mìü…¨ Ðé°ÌZ "A' ¿êVæü… ¯èþ$…yìþ JMæü-§é-°Mìü, "B' ¿êVæü… ¯èþ$…yìþ JMæü-§é-°Mìü -ÐéÅ-çÜ-Ææÿ*ç³ çÜÐèþ*-«§é- éË$ {Ðé…Äæý$…yìþ. (2 × 10 = 20)

"A' ¿êVæü…

(a) ÔèýMæü$…™èþË ÑÐèþ-Ç…_¯èþ çÜ™èþÅ {´ëÔèý-çܢŅ.


(b) »ñýfj-Ðèþ$-à-§óþÑ ÕÐèþ#×ìý~ õÜÑ…_¯èþ Ñ«§æþÐèþ$$.

"B' ¿êVæü…

(a) †MæüP¯èþ ÐèþÇ~…_¯èþ "ç³Ç-§óþ-Ðèþ-¯èþ…' ÑÐèþ-Ôèý-©-Mæü-Ç…^èþ…yìþ.


(b) }Mæü–-çÙ$~° »êËÅ{Mîü-yæþ-˯èþ$ ÐèþÇ~…^èþ…yìþ.

4. D {Mìü…¨ Ðé°ÌZ "A' ¿êVæü… ¯èþ$…yìþ JMæü-§é-°Mìü, "B' ¿êVæü… ¯èþ$…yìþ JMæü-§é-°Mìü -ÐéÅ-çÜ-Ææÿ*ç³ çÜÐèþ*-«§é- éË$ {Ðé…Äæý$…yìþ. (2 × 10 = 20)

"A' ¿êVæü…

(a) Æ>Äæý$-{´ùË$ {ç³»Z«§æþ-Ðèþ$$.


(b) ÑÔèýÓ-¯é£æþ ÐéÆæÿ$ "Mìü¯ðþ²-Ææÿ-Ýë°' ´ë{™èþ¯èþ$ _{†…_¯èþ Ñ«§æþ-Ðèþ$$.

"B' ¿êVæü…

(a) §óþÔèý-¿æýMìü¢ B«§é-Ææÿ…V> Væü$Ææÿ-gêyæþ MæüÑ™é ¯ðþOç³#-×ýÅ….


(b) ѧéÓ¯Œþ ÑÔèýÓ… ÐèþÇ~…_¯èþ Æ>Äæý$-Ë-ïÜÐèþ$ Mæü±²sìý ´ër.

5. D {Mìü…¨ Ðé°ÌZ Æðÿ…yìþ…sìýMìü çÜÐèþ*-«§é èþ… {ÐéÄæý$…yìþ. (2 × 10 = 20)

(a) MæüâêÅ×ìý ´ë{™èþ L_-™èþÅ-Ðóþ$-Ñ$?

(b) M>Ìê-¡™èþ ÐèþÅMæü$¢Ë$ ¯èþÐèþË ¯éÐèþ$ ÝëÆæÿ¦-Mæü-™èþ.

(c) C…¨Ææÿ ´ë{™èþ ÑÕ-çÙt™èþ.

6. (a) D {Mìü…¨ Ðé°ÌZ AÆÿ$$-¨…sìýMìü Ñyæþ-©íÜ çÜ…«¨ M>Æ>Å-Ë- èþ$ {ÐéÄæý$…yìþ. (5 × 2 = 10)

(i) «§æþÆ>«¨ ¯é«§æþ$-Ë$.

(ii) «§æþÆóÿÃ-™èþ-Ææÿ.

(iii) A^øa-r.

(iv) ¯éÄæý*-Ôèý-Ë$.

(v) Ææÿ$_-Vö-Ë$-ç³#.

(DTEL 1) 3

(vi) {ÐóþÍ-yìþ.

(vii) {ç³™èþÅ-„æü-Ðèþ$$.

(viii) B™ðþOÃ-Mæü.

(ix) W…f…™èþ.

(x) ç³-§é-Ææÿ$.

(b) D {Mìü…¨ Ðé°ÌZ AÆÿ$$-¨…sìýMìü Ñ{Væüçßý ÐéM>ÅË$ Æ>íÜ, Ðésìý çÜÐèþ*-çÜ-¯é-Ðèþ*-Ë$ {ÐéÄæý$…yìþ. (5 × 2 = 10)

(i) _…™é {M>…™èþ-Ðèþ$$.

(ii) ™èþ´ù-Ðèþ-¯èþ-Ðèþ$$.

(iii) Æ>fÅ-çÜ$-Q-Ðèþ$$.

(iv) M>ÆæÿÅ-¿êÆæÿ Ðèþ$Væü$²-Ë$.

(v) Ðèþ$à-Ðèþ$$-°.

(vi) ™èþ´ù-«§æþ-¯èþ$-yæþ$.

(vii) §æþÔèý-¨-Ôèý-Ë$.

(viii) «§æþÆ>Ã-Ææÿ¦-Ðèþ$$-Ë$.

(ix) Mìü¯ðþ²Ææÿ ¯èþyæþ-Mæü-Ë$.

(x) ^èþ…{§æþ-Ðèþ$$S.


(DSAN 1 (NR))

B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./B.B.M./B.H.M. DEGREE


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part I – Sanskrit


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

This paper may be answered in English or Telugu or

Sanskrit. While answering in Sanskrit

Devanagari Script should be used.

Answer the following :

(3 × 15 = 45)

1. (a) XeaWñ` amÁ`nmbmZ{eH¥$Ë` {bIV&

Write an essay about the administration of

king Dasaratha.


(b) {dXþaZr{Z_wZwg¥Ë` npÊS>VbjUm{Z {deX`V&

Explain the qualities of a scholar according

to Viduraniti.

(DSAN 1 (NR)) 2

2. (a) {ed{ZÝXm§ l¥Ëdm nmd©Vr H$_~««drV² {dd¥UwV&

What did Parvathi say on heaving abuse of

Siva? Explain.


(b) `WmJ«§W dgÝVVw©J«rî_Vw© M dU©`V&

Describe the spring and summer seasons

according to the text.

3. (a) ""{ÛOmonH¥${V'' B{V nmR>`^mJñ` gmam§e {bIV&

Write the substance of the lesson



(b) _¥bmo‚mrdZ§ Zm_mon»`mZ§ {bIV&

Narrate the story of Mrulojjvanam.

4. Answer any FOUR with reference to context.

MËdm[a gàH$aU§ ì`m»`mV& (4 × 5 = 20)

(a) C{XVm erbd¥Îmmí`m§ _Ñ{f` Bdm_bm&

(b) Z OmZpÝV _ÝÌ dm _pÝÌV§ nao&

(c) Z aËZ^pÝdîn{V _¥½`Vo {h VV²&

(d) {Ûf{Îm _ÝXmM[aV§ _hmËì`mZm_²&

(e) H$amo{V gËd§ZZwMoVZ§ gXm&

(DSAN 1 (NR)) 3

(f) ZjÌmUrd MÝÐ_&

(g) XÿV_wIm {X amOmZ: gdª amd&

(h) j{UH$m{^{V g_ñV§ {d{Õ g§gmad¥Îm_²&

5. Translate any TWO into English or Telugu.

(2 × 32

1 = 7)

AmÝY«^mfm`mdm Am½bm ^mfm`mdm AZwdmX§ {bIV²&

(a) A{_̧ Hw$éVo {_̧ {_̧ Ûo{ï> {hZpñV M&

H$_© Mma^Vo Xþï>§ V_mXþ^y©T>MoVg_²&&

(b) {Z{d©foUm{n gn}U H$V©ì`m _hVr \$Um&

{df§ ^dVw _m dm@ñVw \$UmQ>monmo ^`‘>a:&&

(c) AmnX } YZ§ ajoXmamÞmjoÜXZ¡a{n&

AmË_mZm§ gVV§ ajo Ôma¡a{n YZ¡am{n&&

(d) [aº$nm{U©ñVw ní oÐmOmZ§ XodVm Jwê$_²&

Z¡{_{ÎmH§$ {deofU \$boZ \$b_m{XeoO²&&

6. (a) Write the forms of any THREE in other number of given person. (3 × 2 = 6)

Ì`mUm§ BVídMZofw ê$nm{U {bIV&

(i) ^dVw (ii) ní`

(iii) gpÝV (iv) JÀN>{V

(v) Aní`V²(vi) nR>oV²

(DSAN 1 (NR)) 4

(b) Write the forms of any FOUR in the given

case : (4 × 2 = 8)

(i) Xodñ` (ii) \$bm§\w$

(iii) dm[a (iv) {nV¥

(v) ZXr (vi) Zhm¡

(vii) bVmgw (viii) H${d:

(c) Combine any FOUR : (4 × 2 = 8)

MËdm[a gÝKV &

(i) Vd + Bd (ii) {Xì` + Am¡fY_

(iii) B{V + Cnmh (iv) dmH²$ + B©e

(v) na: + bmoHo$ (vi) H${d: + On{V

(vii) VV² + Q>rH$ (viii) am_ + Ambm`:

(d) Dissolve any THREE : (3 × 2 = 6)

Ìm`mUm§ {VJ«hdm»`m{Z {bIV&

(i) amOnwéf: (ii)AY_©:

(iii) Mmoaí`_² (iv) ZrbmoËnb_²

(v) {nVam¡ (vi) YZí`m_:

(vii) _hm~b:(viii) {Ì^wdZ_² —————————

(DHIN 1) (NR)

B.A./B.Com./B.Sc./B.B.M./B.H.M. DEGREE


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part I — Hindi


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

1. {H$Ýht VrZ JÚmem| H$s gàg§J ì`m»`m H$s{OE& (24)

(a) H${d H$m g~go ~‹S>m JwU ZB©-ZB© ~mVm| H$ gyPZm h¡& CgHo$ {bE

H$ënZm H$s ~‹S>r Oê$aV h¡& {Og_| {OVZr hr A{YH$ `h epŠV

hmoJr dh CVZr hr A{YH$ AÀN>r H${dVm {bI gHo$Jm&

(b) _¢ àmn: gmoMVr hÿ± {H$ _Zwî` OrdZ H$s Eogr gwÝXa D$Or H$mo

{ZpîH«$` Am¡a O‹S> ~ZmZo Ho$ H$m © H$mo _Zmoa§OZ H¡$go H$hVm h¡&

(c) B©î`m© _Zwî` H$m Mm[a{MH$ Xmof hr Zht, àË wV, Bggo _Zwî` Ho$

AmZÝX _| ^r ~mYm n‹S>Vr h¡& OZ ^r _Zwî` Ho$ öX` _| B©î`m© H$m

CX` hmoVm h¡ gm_Zo H$m gy © Cgo _{Õ_ gm XrIZo bJmVm h¡&

(DHIN 1) (NR) 2

(d) EH$ AmYw{ZH$ MrZr {\$bmog\$a H$mo {XZ-amV `h {MÝVm naoemZ H$aVr ahr Wr {H$ Am{Ia àOmdÝÌ Ho$ ZoVmAm| Am¡a {S>ŠQ>oQ>am| _| AÝVa Š`m h¢?

(e) Amn gmo{M o , Mm¡~rg K§Q>m| _| Eogm H$m¡Z-gm KÊQ>m `m {_ZQ> h¡, O~ H$^r-Z-H$^r {H$gr A{V{W Zo AmH$ma AmnH$m H$m_ Z amoH$ {X`m h¡&

2. {H$gr EH$ nmR> H$m gmam§e {b{IE& (15)

(a) A{V{W

(b) ^maVr` g{hË` Or EH$Vm

(c) H${d Am¡a H${dVm&

3. (a) ‘Mr\$ H$s XmdV’ AWdm ‘nwañH$ma ’ H$hmZr H$m gmam§e {b{IE& (7)

(b) ‘‘A{V{W’’ {Z~§Y Ho$ AmYma Am¡a AmYw{ZH$ OrdZ H$s {dg§J{V`m| na àH$me S>m{bE& (7)

(c) ‘R>mHw$a H$m Hw$±Am’ AWdm ‘amoO’ H$hmZr H$m CÔoí` {b{IE& (7)

4. (a) {ZåZ{b{IV dmŠ`m| H$mo ewÕ H$s{OE& (10)

(i) am_ nwñVH$ IarXZm Mm{hE&

(ii) AÜ`mnH$ ^mfU XoZm Mm{hE&

(iii) amdU Zo grVm H$mo Mwam`r&

(iv) {nVmOr Zo am_m`mU n‹T>o&

(v) b‹S>H$s Zo Kmo‹S>mo H$mo XoIo h¢&

(DHIN 1) (NR) 3

(b) gyMZm Ho$ AZwgma ~X{bE& (10)

(i) lrH¥$îU Zo$ H§$g H$mo _mam& (dmÀ` ~X{bE)

(ii) _m{bZ$ nm¡Ym| H$mo gtMVr h¡ (aoIm§{H$V eãX H$m qbJ ~XbH$a dmŠ` {b{IE)

(iii) b‹S>H$m emoa _MmVm h¡& (aoIm§{H$V eãX H$m dMZ ~XbH$a {b{IE&)

(iv) gabm CnÝ`mg n‹T>Vr h¡& (gm_mÝ` ^{dî`V²H$mb _| {b{IE)

(v) grVm nmR> n‹T>r& (‘‘Zo’’ H$m à`moJ H$s{OE)

5. (a) nmR²>`H«$_ H$s nwñVHo$§ _m±JmZo Ho$ {b o nwñVH$ {dH«o$Vm Ho$ Zm_ na nÌ {b{IE& (10)


(b) {~hma `mÌm Ho$ dU©Z H$aVo hþ o {nVm Ho$ Zm_ nÌ {b{I o&

6. {ZåZ{b{IV JÚm§e H$m erf©H$ XoH$a bJ^J EH$ {VhmB© _| g§{járH$aU H$s{OE& (10)

nwamZo O_mZo _| Jwê$ {eî` H$m g§~§Y ~‹S>m AÀN>m hmoVm Wm& CZ {XZm| {dÚmWu AnZo Jwê$ Ho$ Ka ahVo Wo& Jwê$ Ho$ n[adma Ho$ gmW do AnZm gmam {dÚmWu OrdZ {~VmVo Wo& n‹T>Zo-{bIZo Ho$ Abmdm do Jwê$ H$s

(DHIN 1) (NR) 4

godm AnZm H$Îm©ì` _mZVo Wo& O§Jb go bH$‹S>r bmVo, ^moOZ nH$mVo dm n[ada Ho$ AÝ` H$m_m| _| hmW ~±Q>mVo Jwê$ ^r AnZo {eî`m| H$mo ß`ma H$aVo Wo EH$ MVwa {nVm H$s Vah do AnZo {eî`m| Ho$$ X¡{ZH$ OrdZ na {ZJamZr aIVo& ZVrOm `h hmoVm Wm {H$ {eî` Ho$db {dÛmZ hr Zht hmoVo Wo, do M[aÌdmZ ^r hmoVo Wo&


(DICS 1)


(Examination at the end of First Year)


Time : One and half hours Maximum : 50 marks

SECTION A — (2 × 13 = 26 marks)

Answer any TWO of the following questions.

1. Describe the vedic culture and its importance.

ÐðþO¨Mæü çÜ…çÜP –†° ÐèþÇ~…_ §é° Ë„æü×ê˯èþ$ ™ðþËç³…yìþ.

2. Write about the life of Vardhamana Mahaveera and its teachings.

Ðèþ$àÒÆæÿ$° iÑ™èþ… Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ »Z«§æþ¯èþË$ Væü*Ça {ÐéÄæý$…yìþ.

3. Describe the cultural Achievements under the Guptas administration.

Ýë…çÜP –†Mæü Ææÿ…Væü…ÌZ Væü$ç³#¢Ë$ Ý뫨…_¯èþ ÑfÄæý*˯èþ$ ÐèþÇ~…^èþ…yìþ.

4. Trace the western impact on India.

¿êÆæÿ™èþ§óþÔèý… ò³O ´ëÔ>a™èþÅ {糿êÐèþÐèþ$$¯èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ…^èþ…yìþ.

5. Describe the influence of Islam an Indian culture.

¿êÆæÿ™èþ çÜ…çÜP –† ò³O CÝëÏ… {糿êÐèþÐèþ$$¯èþ$ ÐèþÇ~…^èþ…yìþ.

6. Describe the Administrative system of Shersha.

òÙÆŠÿÚë ç³Ç´ë˯é Ñ«§é¯èþÐèþ$$¯èþ$ ÐèþÇ~…^èþ…yìþ.

SECTION B — (3 × 4 = 12 marks)

Write short notes on any THREE of the following questions.

7. Buddhism.


8. Vedic Culture.

ÐðþO¨Mæü çÜ…çÜP–†.

9. Culture of Satavahana.

Ô>™èþÐéçßý¯èþ$Ë çÜ…çÜP–†.

10. Caste system.

Mæü$Ë ÐèþÅÐèþçܦ.

(DICS 1) 2

11. Bhakti movement.

¿æýMìü¢ E§æþÅÐèþ$….

12. Shivaji.


13. Atharvana Veda.

A«§æþÆæÿÓ×ý Ðóþ§æþ….

14. Din-i-Ilahi.


SECTION C — (12 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

15. Fill in the blanks :

(a) The founder of Satvahana dynasty was ——————.

(b) Akbar wrote ——————.

(c) Mahaveera was born at ——————.

(d) Shersha defeated Humayun in the battle of ——————.

Rêä˯èþ$ ç³NÇ…ç³#Ðèþ$$.

(a) Ô>™èþÐéçßý¯èþ Ðèþ…Ôèý Ýë¦ç³Mæü$yæþ$ ——————.

(b) AMæü¾Ææÿ$ {Ðéíܯèþ {Væü…«§æþ… ——————.

(c) ÐèþÆæÿ®Ðèþ*¯èþ Ðèþ$àÒÆæÿ$yæþ$ f°Ã…_¯èþ çܦ˅ ——————.

(d) —————— Äæý$$§æþªÐèþ$$ÌZ òÙÆæÿÛ çßý$Ðèþ$Äæý$$¯Œþ¯èþ$ fÆÿ$$…^ðþ¯èþ$.

16. Choose the correct answer.

çÜÇÄñý$O¯èþ çÜÐèþ*«§é¯èþÐèþ$$¯èþ$ Væü$Ç¢…^èþ$Ðèþ$$.

(a) Original name of Shersha

(i) Mastan (ii) Kareem

(iii) Farid (iv) Subedar

òÙÆæÿÛ AçÜË$ õ³Ææÿ$

(i) Ðèþ$Ý뢯Œþ (ii) MæüÈÐŒþ$

(iii) çœÈyŠþ (iv) çÜ$»ôý§æþÆŠÿ.

(DICS 1) 3

(b) Vijayanagar is situated on Southern Bank of River

ÑfÄæý$¯èþVæüÆæÿ… H ¨Óç³ Mæü˵…ÌZ°¨

(i) Yamuna (ii) Kaveri

(iii) Krishna (iv) Tungabadra

(i) Äæý$Ðèþ$$¯èþ (ii) M>ÐóþÇ

(iii) Mæü–çÙ~ (iv) ™èþ$…Væüº{§æþ

(c) The Court Language of the Muslims.

Ðèþ$$íÜÏÐŒþ$ MøÆŠÿt ¿êçÙ H¨?

(i) Arabic (ii) Persian

(iii) Urdu (iv) Hindi

(i) AÆæÿ¼MŠü (ii) ò³ÇÞÄæý$¯Œþ

(iii) EÆæÿ$ª (iv) íßý…¨

(d) The first vedic text is

Ððþ$$§æþsìý Ðóþ§æþ {Væü…«§æþ…

(i) Rig veda (ii) Yajur veda

(iii) Sama veda (iv) Atharvana veda

(i) º$$VóüÓ§æþ… (ii) Äæý$kÆóÿÓ§æþ…

(iii) ÝëÐèþ$Ðóþ§æþ… (iv) A«§æþÆæÿÓ×ý Ðóþ§æþ…

17. Match the following :

(a) Great bath (i) Peer

(b) Non violence (ii) Vijayanagaram Rulers

(c) Guru of Sufi (iii) Mohenjodaro

(d) Lepakshi architecture (iv) Akbar

(v) Harappa

(vi) Gandhiji

{Mìü…¨ Ðésìý° f™èþç³Ææÿ^èþ$Ðèþ$$ :

(a) Ðèþ$àÝ벯èþ ÐésìýMæü (i) ï³ÆŠÿ

(b) Aíßý…çÜ (ii) ÑfÄæý$ ¯èþVæüÆæÿ Æ>fË$

(c) çÜ$ïœË Væü$Ææÿ$Ðèþ# (iii) Ððþ$$çßý…f§éÆø

(d) Ìôý´ë„ìü _{™èþMæü ÌôýQ¯éË$ (iv) AMæü¾Ææÿ$

(v) çßýÆæÿ´ëµ

(vi) V>…«©i


(DSBOT 11)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part II — Botany


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A — (5 × 15 = 75 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Each question carries 15 marks.

Each answer should not exceed 300 words.

Draw the Diagrams wherever necessary.

1. (a) Describe the reproduction and Economic importance of Bacteria.

»êMîütÇÄæý*ÌZ° {ç³™èþ$Å™èþµ†¢° Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ BÇ®Mæü {´ëÐèþ$$QÅ™èþ¯èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ…^èþ$Ðèþ$$.


(b) Describe the cell organisation in prokaryotic and Eukaryotic organisms.

Móü…{§æþMæü ç³NÆæÿÓ, °f Móü…{§æþMæü iÐèþ#Ë Mæü×ý °Æ>Ã×ýÐèþ$$¯èþ$ ÐèþÇ~…ç³#Ðèþ$$.

2. (a) General Account of Bacillariophyceae.

»êíÜÌêÏÇÄñý*òœOíÜÄôý$ Væü*Ça {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.


(b) Describe the life - cycle of Vaucheria.

Ðé`ÇÄæý* iÑ™èþ ^èþ{MæüÐèþ$$¯èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ…ç³#Ðèþ$$.

3. (a) Explain the life cycle of Mucor.

Ðèþ$*ÅM>ÆŠÿ iÑ™èþ ^èþ{MæüÐèþ$$¯èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ…ç³#Ðèþ$$.


(b) Describe the Morphology and Internal structure of Lichens.

ÌñýOMðü¯ŒþË »êçßýÅ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ A…™èþDzÆ>Ã×ýÐèþ$$¯èþ$ Væü*Ça ÑÐèþÇ…ç³#Ðèþ$$.

4. (a) Describe the structure and sexual reproduction of Marchantia.

Ðèþ*ÆæÿP…íÙÄæý* ÔèýÈÆæÿ °Æ>Ã×ýÐèþ$$ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ ÌñýO…WMæü {ç³™èþ$ÅÐèþ–†¢° ÐèþÇ~…ç³#Ðèþ$$.


(b) Describe the structure of sporophyte of Polytrichum.

´ëÍ[sñýOMæüÐŒþ$ Äñý$$MæüP íܧæþ® ½f§æþÐèþ$$¯èþ$ Væü*Ça ÐèþÇ~…ç³#Ðèþ$$.

(DSBOT 11) 2

5. (a) Describe the life - history of Rhynia.

ÆðÿO°Äæý* iÑ™èþ ^èþ{MæüÐèþ$$¯èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ…ç³#Ðèþ$$.


(b) Describe the stelar - evolution in pteridophytes.

sñýÇyŠþòœOsêÌŒý {ç³çÜÆæÿ×ý çÜ¢…¿æý ç³Ç×êÐèþ$Ðèþ$$ Væü*Ça ÑÐèþÇ…^èþ$Ðèþ$$.

SECTION B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following.

Each question carries 5 marks.

Each answer should not exceed 100 words.

6. Mycoplasm.


7. SCP Biofertilizers.

SCP iÐèþ GÆæÿ$Ðèþ#.

8. Unilocular sporangia.

HMæü ¼Ë íܧæþ® ½gêÔèýÄæý$Ðèþ$$.

9. Cystocarp.


10. Marselia - Sporocarp.

Ðèþ*ÈÞÍÄæý$ & ÝùµÆøM>Ææÿ$µ.

11. Uredosporangium.

Äæý$$Çyø íܧæþ® ½gêÔèýÄæý$Ðèþ$$.

12. Apothecium.


13. Lycopodium strobilus.

ÌñýOMø´ùyìþÄæý$… Ôèý…Q$Ðèþ#.

14. Gemma cup.

gñýÐèþ$à Mæü糚.

15. Peristome.


(DSBOT 11) 3

16. Coenobium.


17. Protonema.


18. Virus - structure.

ÐðþOÆæÿ‹Ü °Æ>Ã×ýÐèþ$$.

19. Auxospores.


20. Penicillium - Asexual reproduction.

ò³°ïÜÍÄæý$… & AÌñýO…WMæü {ç³™èþ$Å™èþµ†¢.


(DSZOO 11)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part II — Zoology



Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks


(Protozoa to Helminthes)

1. (a) Describe the polymorphism in

siphonophora. (18)

òÜO眯ø¸ùÆ> ÌZ ºçßý$Ææÿ*ç³Mæü™èþ èþ$ ÐèþÇ~…ç³#Ðèþ$$.


(b) Give an account on Fasciola.

¸ëíÜÄñý*Ìê Væü*Ça {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.

2. Write short notes on any two. (8 + 8)

(a) Polystomella

(b) Corals

(c) Spicules

(d) Obelia

(DSZOO 11) 2

Æðÿ…yìþ…sìýMìü Ëçœ$$sîýMæü {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.

(a) ´ëÍÝùtÐðþ$ÌêÏ

(b) {ç³ÐéâêË$

(c) Mæü…rMæüÐèþ$$Ë$

(d) º»ôýÍÄæý*


(Annelida To Hemichordata)

3. (a) Describe the digestive system of Leeach. (18)

fËVæü iÆæÿ~ ÐèþÅÐèþçܦ èþ$ ÐèþÇ~…ç³#Ðèþ$$.


(b) Write an essay on Torsion in gastropoda.

V>{Ýùt¸ùyé ÌZ Ððþ$ÍMæü èþ$ Væü*Ça {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.

4. Write short notes on any TWO. (8 + 8)

(a) Turnaria larva

(b) Zoea

(c) Star fish

(d) Pearl formation.

(DSZOO 11) 3

Æðÿ…yìþ…sìýMìü Ëçœ$$sîýMæü {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.

(a) sêÆóÿ²ÇÄæý* yìþ…¿æýMæüÐèþ$$

(b) gZÆÿ$$Äæý* yìþ…¿æýMæüÐèþ$$

(c) çÜÐèþ$${§æþ èþ„æü{™èþÐèþ$$

(d) Ðèþ$$™èþÅÐèþ$$Ë$ HÆæÿµyæþ$r.


(Cell Biology)

5. (a) Describe the structure of Chromosomes. (16)

{MøÐðþ*ÝùÐèþ$$Ë °Æ>Ã×ýÐèþ$$ èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ…ç³#Ðèþ$$.


(b) Write an essay on Mitochondria.

Ððþ$OsZRê…{yìþÄæý* Væü*Ça ÐéÅçÜÐèþ$$ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.

6. Write short notes on any TWO. (8 + 8)

(a) Animal cell

(b) Plasma membrane

(c) Cell adhaerens

(d) Golgi complex.

(DSZOO 11) 4

Æðÿ…yìþ…sìýMìü Ëçœ$$sîýMæü {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.

(a) f…™èþ$ Mæü×ýÐèþ$$

(b) ´ëÏÝëà ´÷Ææÿ

(c) Mæü×ý AyŠþ çßýÆðÿ ŒþÞ

(d) V>Îj çÜ…MìüÏçÙtÐèþ$$.


(DSCHE 11)


(Examination at the end of First Year)

Part II — Chemistry


Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (4 × 15 = 60 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

1. (a) What are Carbides? Write about their classification with suitable examples. Mention

few applications of Carbides.

M>ÆðÿO¾yæþ$˯èþV>¯óþÑ$? ™èþW¯èþ E§éçßýÆæÿ×ýË™ø M>ÆðÿO¾yæþ$Ë ÐèþÈYMæüÆæÿ×ý Væü$Ç…_ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$. M>ÆðÿO¾yæþ$Ë A¯èþ$ÐèþÆæÿ¢¯èþ$˯èþ$ Mö°²…sìý°



(b) Write the general methods of preparation of Carbonyls. Explain the structure and

bonding in ( )4CoNi and ( )5CoFe .

M>Æö¾°ÌŒýÞ¯èþ$ ™èþÄæý*Ææÿ$ ^óþÄæý$$ Ý뫧éÆæÿ×ý 糧æþ®™èþ$˯èþ$ ™ðþË$µÐèþ$$. ( )4CoNi Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ ( )5CoFe ËÌZ BMæü–†° Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$

º…«§æþÐèþ$$ Væü$Ç…_ ÑÐèþÇ…^èþ$Ðèþ$$.

2. (a) Discuss the 1SN and 2

SN mechanism of alkyl halides with suitable examples.

™èþW¯èþ E§éçßýÆæÿ×ýË™ø BÌñýOPÌŒý õßýÌñýOyæþ$ËÌZ 1SN Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ 2

SN ^èþÆ>Å Ñ«§é¯é°² ÑÐèþÇ…^èþ$Ðèþ$$.


(b) Discuss the general methods of preparation of Alkynes. Write their physical and

chemical properties.

BÌñýOP¯èþ$˯èþ$ ™èþÄæý*Ææÿ$^óþÄæý$$ Ý뫧éÆæÿ×ý 糧æþ®™èþ$˯èþ$ ™ðþË$µÐèþ$$. Ðésìý ¿o†Mæü Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ ÆæÿÝëÄæý$¯èþ «§æþÆæÿÃÐèþ$$Ë Væü$Ç…_


3. (a) Write and explain Vander Waal’s equation. Explain the relationship between critical

constants and Vander Waal’s constants.

Ðé…yæþÆŠÿ ÐéÌŒý çÜÒ$MæüÆæÿ×ýÐèþ$$¯èþ$ ™ðþ͵, ÑÔèý©MæüÇ…ç³#Ðèþ$$. çÜ…¨Væü® íܦÆ>…MæüÐèþ$$ËMæü$ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ Ðé…yæþÆŠÿ ÐéÌŒý íܦÆ>…MæüÐèþ$$ËMæü$ VæüË

çÜ…º…«§æþÐèþ$$¯èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ…ç³#Ðèþ$$.


(b) What are emulsions? Explain their classification with suitable examples. Write their


GÐèþ$ËÛ¯èþ$˯èþV> ¯óþÑ$? Ðésìý ÐèþÈYMæüÆæÿ×ý¯èþ$ ™èþW¯èþ E§éçßýÆæÿ×ýË™ø ÑÐèþÇ…ç³#Ðèþ$$. GÐèþ$ËÛ¯èþ$Ë «§æþÆ>Ã˯èþ$ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.

(DSCHE 11) 2

4. (a) Describe the important postulates of Molecular orbital theory. Write and explain M.O

diagrams for HF and 2F .

A×ý$ BǾsêÌŒý íܧ鮅™èþÐèþ$$ Äñý$$MæüP Ðèþ$$QÅ A…ÔèýÐèþ$$˯èþ$ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$. HF Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ 2F Ë Äñý$$MæüP A×ý$ BǾsêÌŒý

ç³rÐèþ$$˯èþ$ X_ ÑÔèý©MæüÇ…ç³#Ðèþ$$.


(b) Name and explain the different types of titrations with suitable examples in detail.

ÑÑ«§æþ ÆæÿMæüÐèþ$$ÌñýO¯èþ sñýO{sôýçÙ¯Œþ˯èþ$ ™èþW¯èþ E§éçßýÆæÿ×ýË™ø ™ðþ͵ çÜÑÐèþÆæÿ…V> ÑÐèþÇ…^èþ$Ðèþ$$.

PART B — (8 × 5 = 40 marks)

Answer any EIGHT of the following.

5. How are Silicones prepared? Write their uses.

íÜÍM>¯Œþ˯èþ$ GsêÏ ™èþÄæý*Ææÿ$ ^óþÄæý$$§æþ$Ææÿ$? Ðésìý Eç³Äñý*VæüÐèþ$$˯èþ$ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.

6. What are poly halides? Write the structures of 2ICl and 4ICl .

´ùÎ òßýO ÌñýOyæþ$˯èþV>¯óþÑ$? 2ICl Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ 4ICl Ë BMæü–™èþ$˯èþ$ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.

7. Describe the preparations of inter halogen compounds.

A…™èþÆæÿÌZçßý çÜÐóþ$Ãâæý¯èþÐèþ$$˯èþ$ ™èþÄæý*Ææÿ$^óþÄæý$$ 糧æþ®™èþ$˯èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ…^èþ$Ðèþ$$.

8. What are cyclo alkanes? How are they prepared?

òÜOMøÏ BÎP¯èþ$˯èþV>¯óþÑ$? Ðésìý ¯ðþr$Ï ™èþÄæý*Ææÿ$^óþÄæý$$§æþ$Ææÿ$?

9. Write and explain about the different structures of Benzene.

»ñý…i¯Œþ Äñý$$MæüP ÑÑ«§æþ BMæü–™èþ$˯èþ$ {ÐéíÜ ÑÔèý©MæüÇ…ç³#Ðèþ$$.

10. By giving a suitable example, explain the general mechanism of electrophilic substitution


JMæü E§éçßýÆæÿ×ý™ø GË{MøtíœÍMŠü {糆„óüç³×ý ^èþÆæÿÅ Äñý$$MæüP ^èþÆ>Å Ñ«§é¯èþÐèþ$$¯èþ$ ÑÐèþÇ…ç³#Ðèþ$$.

11. Write a short note on crystal defects.

çܹsìýMæü ÌZç³Ðèþ$$Ë Væü$Ç…_ JMæü Ëçœ$$ ÐéÅQÅ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.

12. What are Colloids? Write the preparation and properties of Colloids.

MøÌêÓÆÿ$$yŠþ˯èþV>¯óþÑ$? Ðésìý° ™èþ AÄæý*Ææÿ$ ^óþÄæý$$ Ñ«§é¯èþÐèþ$$ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ «§æþÆæÿÃÐèþ$$Ë Væü$Ç…_ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.

(DSCHE 11) 3

13. State and explain Raoult’s Law.

ÆæÿÐøÌŒýtÞ °Äæý$Ðèþ$Ðèþ$$¯èþ$ ™ðþ͵ ÑÔèý©MæüÇ…^èþ$Ðèþ$$.

14. State and explain Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

òßýOòܯŒþ ºÆŠÿY A°Õa™èþ™èþÓ °Äæý$Ðèþ$Ðèþ$$¯èþ$ ™ðþ͵ ÑÔèý©MæüÇ…^èþ$Ðèþ$$.

15. Draw and explain the titration curve of a strong acid and strong base.

JMæü V>Éìþ BÐèþ$ÏÐèþ$$ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ JMæü V>Éìþ „>ÆæÿÐèþ$$Ë Äñý$$MæüP sñýO{sîýçÙ¯Œþ {V>çœ#¯èþ$ X_ ÑÔèý©MæüÇ…^èþ$Ðèþ$$.

16. Write about the co-precipitation and post - precipitation.

çÜçß AÐèþ„óüç³×ýÐèþ$$ Ðèþ$ÇÄæý$$ AÐèþ„óü´ë¯èþ…™èþÆæÿ {MìüÄæý$ Væü$Ç…_ {ÐéÄæý$$Ðèþ$$.


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