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Page 2: Dent Island-Diş Adası Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniği

We look forward to serving you as a patient with the use of latest techniques and technology avaliable for general and cosmetic dentistry.

We are a highly experienced Dental Clinic offer a wide range of dental treatments. Treatments available are Tooth Whitening, Dental Implants, Dentures, Zirconium Crowns, Porcelain Veneers, General Dentistry, Specialist Orthodontist and Oral Hygiene Care.

Our polyclinic had been established in huge area in order to serve for more patients with latest technologies. Our basic strategy is to protect mouth and tooth health, furthermore to provide the best and adequate treatment method during the necessary requirements. Free Services :Consultation / X-rays/ Transfers / Assistance


Page 3: Dent Island-Diş Adası Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniği

Polyclinic building

Waiting room 1

Waiting room 2

Panoramic X-ray

Waiting room 3



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There are number of reasons why you might get your whitened. Everyone is different; just as our hair and skin vary, so do our teeth. Very few people have brilliant-white teeth and also our teeth can become more discoloured as we get older. Tooth whitening can be a very effective way of lightening the natural colour of your teeth without removing any of the tooth surface. It cannot make a complete colour change, but it may lighten the existing shade.During teeth whitening procedure a rubber dam is put over your teeth to protect the gums and bleaching product is painted onto your teeth. Then a light or laser is shone on the teeth to activate the chemical. The light speeds up the reaction of the whitening product and the colour change can be more quickly.



Page 5: Dent Island-Diş Adası Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniği

Cleaning your teeth every day at home, while important, is only part of a successful routine. Visiting your dentist at least once a year will help ensure a healthy mouth. Your dentist will use professional tools to remove plaque, tartar and bacteria build-up that you are generally unable to efficiently clean yourself.After this the dentist brushes your teeth with a rotary toothbrush and a gritty type of toothpaste that polishes and cleans your teeth.



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Dental implants aim to replace missing tooth. They are small, high-tech and markedly effective titanium screws inserted into the jawbone to replace natural tooth root and become good supports for artificial tooth. They work like natural and healthy roots. Dental crowns or bridges are then mounted on these artificial roots.

A tooth gapSingle implant is recommended in this case to eliminate the need to grind down healthy adjacent teeth. A dental crown is then connected to the implant. Your new dental crown is then “invisibly” and permanently affixed to the implant.The crown is indistinguishable from the neighbouring natural teeth. Even from an aesthetic point of view, the result is usually more attractive than conventional methods.


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Single implants are an elegant solution if you are missing several teeth in a row. Each tooth is individually replaced and the original conditions are recreated exactly.If you are missing three or more neighboring teeth, you may also opt for an implant-supported bridge. Here, the new dental crowns are connected to each other and firmly attached to two or more implants.

Large teeth gap

A whole jawIf you are missing all or almost all of your teeth in one of your jaw, implants will allow you to smile again. That’s because two to four implants are enough to grip tightly onto full dentures.The prosthesis are attached with special fixation system. When inserting the prosthesis, the elements connect to each other, holding your prosthesis in place. You can easily remove it for cleaning at any time.


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A crown is used to entirely cover or "cap" a damaged tooth. Besides strengthening a damaged tooth, a crown can be used to improve its appearance, shape or alignment. A crown can also be placed on top of an implant to provide a tooth-like shape and structure for function. Porcelain or zirconium crowns can be matched to the color of your natural teeth.


PORCELAIN CROWNSCrowns and bridges are the most usual dental restoration work in dentistry. Crowns are an ideal way to rebuild teeth which have been broken, or which have been weakened by decay or a very large filling.The crown fits over the remaining part of the tooth, making it strong and giving it the shape and the contour of a natural tooth. Most crowns are made from porcelain fused to metal .A precious metal base is made and then porcelain is applied in layers over it


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Zirconium crowns and bridges are so strong they can be used anywhere in the mouth. Zirconium crowns can withstand the biting pressure of the front teeth as well as back teeth grinding.The look of zirconium crowns and bridges is so close to natural teeth that it is hard to tell the difference and it is this quality which makes it very useable within dental work. Zirconium crowns can be fixed using traditional dental cements.Zirconium crowns have quickly become the preferred material for dental crowns. Zirconium is a very strong substance that can endure wear and tear of everyday use. When looking at Zirconium crowns from an aesthetic point it is clear and very similar to a natural tooth and reflects light the same way. This may be important if your new crowns are on the front of your mouth and it is particularly relevant in cases where the crown will be seen next to the natural teeth.



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Sometimes, however, damage occurs to a tooth (often from a deep cavity or an injury that causes a tooth to crack) and the inside of the tooth becomes infected. This infection damages the pulp of the tooth - the network of blood vessels and nerves inside. If the damaged tooth becomes infected, your dentist may have to perform an endodontic treatment (often called Root Canal Therapy) to save it.


Dentures, also known as false teeth, are prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth and which are supported by surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. Conventional dentures are removable, however there are many different denture designs, some which rely on bonding or bonding or clasping onto teeth or dental implants. There are two main categories of dentures, depending on whether they are used to replace missing teeth on the mandibular arch or the maxillary arch.



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A dental filling is a type of restorative dentistry treatment used to repair minimal tooth fractures, tooth decay or otherwise damaged surfaces of the teeth. Dental filling materials, which include composite, porcelain and silver amalgam, may be used to even out tooth surfaces for better biting or chewing.Enamel loss is a common component of tooth decay, and may result in tooth sensitivity. In many cases, tooth sensitivity caused by enamel loss will be significantly improved or completely eliminated once an appropriate dental filling material is placed. The decay or damage is removed with a dental hand-piece or laser, and the area is cleansed to remove bacteria or debris before the restoration is completed.In preparation for treatment, the area surrounding the affected tooth will be anesthetized (numbed) using a local anesthetic.



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Complete your holiday with a perfect smile !


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