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Republic of the Philippines



Item Reference Query/ Clarification Response

Bidders’ Queries during the 3rd Pre Bid Conference


Suggestion to the BAC to include as part of eligibility of the bidders to have a ISO IEC 20000 Certification since bidders are required to assist LTO to achieve a ISO 20000 Certification

The requirements shall stay the same. Requiring the bidders to have an ISO IEC 20000 Certification may reduce the number of bidders who can join the bidding and thus may limit competition.


Statement of Compliance On the Statement of Compliance are the bidders required to submit proof on what is required on the Terms of Reference or only on what is stated on the statement of compliance?

Please refer to GBB 08-2014, Annex B: Amended Statement of Compliance. Evidence of compliance should be in the form of a screenshot or document coming from the manufacturer of the proposed solution.


Section VII: Technical Specifications Section F and F

On the Technical Specification, section F and 13 it says replacement of Smart Cards due to lost or mutilated, as per the bid docs, Smart Card is not part of the requirement, are the bidders supposed to include on their proposal a smart card printer? Design?

No, the same is deleted from the Technical Specifications as stated in item no. 2 of GBB 08-2014.


Section VII. Terms of Reference On the Terms of Reference, CVs for Required Manpower are to be submitted as part of the bid, do we need to submit a CV with names?

Yes, the names of nominated Key Personnel are required to be submitted.

Of the submitted CVs are the bidders allowed to replace the CVs that were submitted during the Stage 1? After awarding of the project?

The Procuring Entity may allow substitutions of nominated Key Personnel only for reasons of death or illness unless both parties agree that undue delay in the bidding process.


Item Reference Query/ Clarification Response makes such substitution unavoidable or that such changes are critical to meet the objectives of the Project. The replacement should comply with the requirements under the Bidding Documents or whose qualifications are equal to or higher than that initially nominated.


Can the bidder acquire a solution from a manufacturer, resell it to DOTC while having full rights on the IP of the software, able to implement, support, maintain and customize as per need of DOTC?

It is the bidder’s duty to secure the appropriate legal rights for the software that they shall deliver and implement for the Procuring Entity.


ITB: Section 12.1 B On the Section 12.1B of the ITB, are the bidders required to submit the Official Receipt as proof of full delivery (completion) of the referenced project?



Are bidders who are on a Joint Venture allowed to submit multiple Credit Line Certificate, when aggregated is equal to the 10% Requirement of the ABC?

Yes, the bidder may submit more than one (1) Credit Line Certificate as long as the same is compliant with the requirements under the Revised IRR of RA 9184 and the Bidding Documents.

8 Is there a standard format for the CLC? None.


On the NFCC, are bidders allowed to submit a CLC issued by their mother company?

The CLC must be issued to the bidder. If the mother company is not a bidder or a member thereof in case of joint venture, then the same is not acceptable to the Procuring Entity.


Item Reference Query/ Clarification Response


On the ongoing and completed projects (similar), in the absence of an Official Receipt, will the bidder be deemed as non-compliant?

Under Section 12.1 (a) (iii) of the Instructions to Bidders, the bidder may present an end user’s acceptance or official receipt(s) issued for the similar contract, if completed. However, under Section 12.1 (b) of the Bid Data Sheet, it is required that for completed contracts, bidders must present the official receipt, among others. The BAC shall evaluate compliance to the requirements under the Bidding Documents using the non-discretionary ‘pass/fail’ criterion.


If Official Receipt was issued outside the Philippines, does it need to be consularized?

Yes, the official receipts issued outside of the Philippines need to be authenticated/consularized by the appropriate embassy. However, if authentication is not completed in time for the opening of bids, the submission of proof of filing of application for authentication with the concerned Philippine embassy/consulate may be submitted; provided that the duly authenticated document is submitted during the post-qualification stage.


On the In-house Service Desk, Operations and Support, what would be the scope?

Details to be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference

13 Majority of the bidders would be

requesting for an extension, we would like to request for around 2 months

Upon the request of numerous bidders and in order to provide bidders ample time to study the bidding documents


Item Reference Query/ Clarification Response and prepare a competitive tender, please note the Submission and Opening of Bid Proposals (First Stage) shall be on 12 May 2014, 10:00 A.M.


Bid Data Sheet, Page 38

On page 38 of the BDS, subcontracting, what are the systems / services that can be subcontracted by the winning bidder?

“Solutions Provider may subcontract: works for the Data Center Building, Helpdesk, the Revenue Collection System (RCS) and the Executive Information System (EIS). The Solutions Provider may not subcontract the main/core applications (which are the Drivers Licensing System, Motor Vehicle Registration System, and Law Enforcement and Traffic Adjudication System).


Can the bidder use dissimilar contract of foreign subsidiaries in complying with the requirement?

No, the Bidding Documents and Section of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 9184 require that the bidder should have at least one (1) similar contract to prove its experience/track record to undertake the project.


On the Schedule of Payment, how will the funds for the Maintenance and Warranty be disbursed? How often will the payment be?

Details to be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference


On the warranty, will the 10% bond be released after the period of 5 years?

The warranty security in the amount of 10% of the contract may be in the form of retention money or special bank guarantee which may only be released after the lapse of the warranty period


Item Reference Query/ Clarification Response (See Section 17 of the General Conditions of Contract). The warranty period shall be five (5) years commencing on the day after a Certificate of Final Acceptance of the New LTO ICT System is issued by the Procuring Entity to the Solutions Provider in accordance with the SCC.


The warranty and maintenance schedule are overlapping? What are the expected works for Maintenance and Warranty?

The warranty period shall be five (5) years commencing on the day after a Certificate of Final Acceptance of the New LTO ICT System is issued by the Procuring Entity to the Solutions Provider in accordance with the SCC. The Bidding Documents project that the same will be after Over-All Acceptance ending on Week 104. Maintenance covers five (5) years from the Roll-out of Front Office Applications are not overlapping. Expected service coverage / works for Maintenance and Warranty shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference


What if the bidder doesn’t have the capacity to deliver the required services? Can the manufacturer implement the solution on behalf of the bidder?

The winning bidder/Solutions Provider is required to perform the undertaking as stated in the contract. Failure to do so will make the winning bidder/Solutions Provider liable for


Item Reference Query/ Clarification Response damages and other sanctions as provided by law.


GBB 04-2014

On the Bid Bulletin #4, is a complete rewrite, can we ignore the previous documents?

To clarify, there is no complete re-write. The intention of the earlier issued Bidding Documents is to give bidders an idea of what are the systems that LTO currently has and plans to implement. The amended Bidding Documents is streamlined in order to clearly define what the requirements of the DOTC are for this bidding. Thus, the requirements under the amended Bidding Documents shall control as the same is the most recent issuance of the Procuring Entity.


For clarification, is the data center build-up required on this bid?

Yes, the data center is included in this bidding.


Can we expect detailed requirements on the stage 2?

Yes, the Stage 2 Terms of Reference shall provide for the detailed requirements on the 5 Main Applications as well as the Data Center.


On the statement of compliance, it requires bidders to submit a document and screenshots, we recommend to remove all the application references on Stage 1 and instead, include it on the Stage 2 as the details of the requirements are to be provided on the Stage 2

The requirements stated in Section VII. Technical Specifications, is based on the Terms of Reference from the amended Bidding Documents. The evidence of compliance in the form of documents and screenshots prove the bidder’s ability to perform the basic functionalities of the system required by the LTO. As such, it is essential that


Item Reference Query/ Clarification Response the Procuring Entity determine that the bidder can undertake the performance of the requirements.


Is the Electronic Traffic Violation System still included on this project?

No, but this is included in the Second Component of the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding.


On the minimum system requirement, are these only the project scope?

A detailed requirement is to be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference


Is Maintenance the same with system operation?

Systems Operations is not the same with Maintenance. Operations and Maintenance shall be further defined on the Stage Two Terms of Reference.


Assist in the operations for 3 years, might be conflicting with the 5 years maintenance, that is if the maintenance means system operations.

Systems Operations is not the same with Maintenance. The Procuring Entity requires the Solutions Provider to operate the delivered solution in a span of three (3) years, which Operations would later be transferred to LTO, while the Maintenance would be for a span of five (5) years. Operations and Maintenance shall be further defined on the Stage Two Terms of Reference.


Item Reference Query/ Clarification Response


On the Old Terms of Reference, the printing of cards for the Driver’s License and Motor Vehicle is included

This shall be on the Second Component of the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding.

29 For confirmation, the new description /

latest issuance of the TOR defines the scope and requirement of the project

Yes, the Amended Bidding Documents define the scope and requirement of this Component of the Project.


On the Statement of Compliance, bidders are required to provide responses and provide screenshots and or manufacturer documentation; does bidders need to submit a technical write-up?

No. There is no need to submit a technical write-up. Stage 1 would require eligibility and initial technical documents only.

31 As per the latest issuance of the bidding

documents, no details on the data center is provided

Details for the Data Center Requirements shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference


In the absence of an Official Receipt, will a Statement of Completion suffice? With information like date of project start, completion, amount, contract description?

Under Section 12.1 (a) (iii) of the Instructions to Bidders, the bidder may present an end user’s acceptance or official receipt(s) issued for the similar contract, if completed. However, under Section 12.1 (b) of the Bid Data Sheet, it is required that for completed contracts, bidders must present the contact details of the client, official receipt, certificate of acceptance issued by the duly authorized representative of the end user, and certificate issued by the duly authorized representative of the end user that the bidder has complied with all of its obligations


Item Reference Query/ Clarification Response under the contract. The BAC shall evaluate compliance to the requirements under the Bidding Documents using the non-discretionary ‘pass/fail’ criterion.


Suggests that the BAC issue a checklist for eligibility requirements

The BAC shall consider the issuance of a checklist for the easy reference of the bidders. However, it is advised that the requirements under the Bidding Documents and the Revised IRR of RA 9184 shall prevail.


The request shall be considered by the BAC if majority of the bidders request for the same.

Upon the request of numerous bidders and in order to provide bidders ample time to study the bidding documents and prepare a competitive tender, please note the Submission and Opening of Bid Proposals (First Stage) shall be on 12 May 2014, 10:00 A.M.


Bid Data Sheet On the BDS – Subcontracting. Should the installation, customization be done by an employee of the bidder? When we buy the software from the manufacturer, it always comes with services from the manufacturer. Will the DOTC require that the implementer to be an employee of the bidder?

Yes. Yes, except if the work may be subcontracted.


On the 24.1 of the BDS, what are the initial technical requirements? Do we need to submit the Statement of Compliance?

The initial technical requirements are provided in the Amended Bidding Documents. Yes, statements of compliance are


Item Reference Query/ Clarification Response required under Section VII of the Bidding Documents.


Terms of Reference, E 1.9 E.1.9 of the Terms of Reference. The Service provider shall include in its service the Data Migration and all related services. Is it safe to assume that the bidder assists to identify the data to be migrated? Does is include conducting an ETL?

Detailed definition of the Data Migration and its related services are to be provided on the Stage 2 Terms of Reference.


What are the activities required in the Maintenance and Warranty

Activities for the Maintenance and Warranty shall be clearly defined on the Stage Two Terms of Reference.


Clarification on Section 6 of the SCC – Transfer upon contract expiration. What is the final maintenance or upgrade? Is it replacement of all hardware delivered on the data center?

Details to be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference.


The Procuring Entity requires that the systems to be proposed must be currently in use and existing, does it require that 5 Main apps?

Of the five (5) Main Applications, only the DL, MV, RCS and EIS must be existing and currently in use.


Written Queries from Bidders



Under section 12.1 (b) of the ITB

In this item, it says otherwise. What are the supporting documents needed to prove that a project has been completed?

Under Section 12.1 (a) (iii) of the Instructions to Bidders, the bidder may present an end user’s acceptance or official receipt(s) issued for the similar contract, if completed. However, under Section 12.1 (b) of the Bid Data Sheet, it is required that for completed contracts, bidders must present the contact details of the client, official receipt, certificate of acceptance issued by the duly authorized representative of the end user, and certificate issued by the duly authorized representative of the end user that the bidder has complied with all of its obligations under the contract. The BAC shall evaluate compliance to the requirements under the Bidding Documents using the non-discretionary ‘pass/fail’ criterion.

2 Under section 12.1 (b) (i) of the ITB, Bid Security in accordance with ITB Clause 18

Is a bid security required for stage 1 or is this stage 2?

The bid security is required during the 1st Stage.


Page 5 f. of the ITB, with the period of the contract, obtain ISO 2000 (IT Service Management), ISO 27000 (Information Security Management System) and ISO 9001-2008…

Is it required for the bidder to have an ISO 2000 certification?

The requirements shall stay the same. Requiring the bidders to have an ISO IEC 20000 Certification may reduce the number of bidders who can join the bidding and thus limiting competition.


4 Page 5 f. of the ITB:

Are there payment milestones tied with obtaining the ISO certifications?



Page 5 g. of the ITB, maintenance of IT service delivery for LTO within the period of contract, accordance with ISO 20000 and ISO 27000 standards at the LTO Data

Is obtaining the ISO certification different from operating and maintaining in accordance with the same?

Yes. The DOTC-LTO requires the bidder to assist the LTO in achieving an ISO 20000 and 27000 Certificate. All necessary services to achieve these certifications shall be provided by the bidder.


Under C.1.4. Revenue Collection System (RCS) of the TOR…

For RCS, does the bidder need to install POS terminals in the different LTO offices?

Yes, but this is included in the Second Component of the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding.


Under C.1.4. Revenue Collection System (RCS) of the TOR…

What bank transactions are covered by bank payment facilities and other payment facilities? Does it only cover LETAS transactions or does it also cover DLS and MVRS transactions?

The bank transactions through the RCS shall cover the DLS, MVRS and LETAS.


Under Old bid docs, Technical Specifications Page 102 J. (b), centralized, personalization, printing system…

Card personalization is different from card printing. Is the card personalization system included in phase 1?

No, all printing of cards and certificates which includes the software and equipment required are not included on the First Component, this shall be in the Second Component.


Under Old bid docs, Technical Specifications Page 100 H., Web-Based Training and Examination

Is the web based training for LTO employees or for citizens?

The web-based training is both for LTO Employees and Citizens. Details on the trainings to be provided by the Solution Provider shall be included on the Second Stage Terms of Reference



Under Old bid docs, Technical Specifications Page 100 H., Web-Based Training and Examination

Reference to Web-based training and examination is no longer in revised Bidding Documents (GBB No. 4) Please confirm that this is no longer part of this component of the project.

The Proposed Solution must have a Web-Based Training and Examination module. The Web-Based Training and Examination shall be mainly utilized by the Driver’s Licensing System and shall also be made available to the other systems (MVRS, LETAS, RCS and EIS). Details to be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference. The content for the Training and Examination shall be included on the Second Component of the LTO Project.


Under C.6 item 8 of the TOR, Confirmation and maintenance of LTO Configuration Management Database

Can the configuration management database be outsourced to a third party?

Yes, as long as the configuration for the database is in use by the systems that can be subcontracted, specifically the RCS and EIS.


What is the number of records the LTO wants to store in the database?

Details to be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference


How many documents per citizen are needed to be stored?

Details to be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference


How many fingerprints per person are needed to be stored?

Details to be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference


What are the 50 desktops/laptop required for?

The 50 desktops/laptops required in this bidding shall be used by the Management Information Division for the operations and management of the


Data Center and the newly implemented systems.

16 Is AFIS included in the tender? AFIS

should be included to identify fraudulent/duplicate applications.

Details to be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference


Is any digital signature being used in the barcode? If yes, how it is being managed?

Details to be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference


GBB 03-2014, Number 2. For the 1st Component of the project, only a back-up facility is required, however for the 2nd Component of the project, a back-up data center is required. The 2nd Component is not part of this bidding.

What does backup facility mean? The backup facility for the 1st Component shall include the backup software, storage and test servers.


Under C.13.3 of the TOR Coordinate and run the agreed training courses and required

Is the training a train-the-trainers or a train-the-end-users setup?

Both Train the Trainers and Train the End-Users. Details to be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


How many are the trainees? Details to be provided on the Second State Terms of Reference


GBB 03-2014 DOTC Response The LTO shall provide the winning bidders access to the required data which the present Service Provider will turnover to the LTO.

What’s the format of the data to be provided? Is it electronic?

Data to be provided to the winning bidder shall be in electronic format.


When will it be provided?

The data will be provided during Week 5 of project implementation, that is, during task no. 5 of the Schedule of Requirements: Conversion/ Migration of Existing Database.


23 Under C.10.5 of the TOR Business Process re-engineering

Is the business process re-engineering part of the phase 1 or phase 2?

It is included in the 1st Component.


Under 24.1 of the BDS All eligible shall present their proof of concept (POC) in the first stage of the bid.

What applications does the bidder need to show during the POC? Will the POC require both MV transactions and DL transactions?

Please refer to Annex C of GBB 08-2014.


What if the JV member carrying the track record has only one of the systems?

As part of the eligibility requirements as stated Section 5.4 of the ITB and BDS, the bidder must have completed at least one contract similar to the Project as defined in Section 5.4 of the BDS. On the other hand, as part of the technical requirements of the Project under Section VII, Technical Specifications of the Bidding Documents, the bidder must have a web-based, service oriented architecture, package solution based on an existing system currently in use which includes the five (5) Main Applications.

26 What are the expectations in the POC?

Because the current systems in use are very huge.

Please refer to Annex C of GBB 08-2014.


Page 4 number 3. (a) of the ITB Does the DOTC/LTO require a purely web-based application? Will a hybrid application suffice? Meaning some parts are client-server and some parts are web-based.

Yes, the DOTC-LTO requires a purely web-based application, thus a hybrid application will not suffice. The DOTC-LTO envisions its applications to be web-based and SOA- compliant.


28 Do the 5 core applications need to be

existing and currently in use? Or only the MVRS and DLS?

The DOTC-LTO requires that the DLS, MVRS, RCS and EIS be existing and currently in use.


Section D. 7 of the TOR

Please confirm that the queue management system is not part of this bidding. If it’s part of this bidding, what’s the scope?

The "Queue Management System" shall be removed from the requirements. What the Procuring Entity would require is that the solution must have a Scheduler where in it will provide a schedule for online and onsite transactions such that there is no need for personal presence in an LTO office as well as a date and time for the visit.


Section D. 11 of the TOR What is meant by “Manual encoding…should be centralized”? Does this mean that encoding/inputting at the District Office/Agencies should not be allowed by the system?

The facility for manual encoding shall only be available at the Central Office. The DLS, MVRS, RCS and LETAS shall be accessible to the Regional and District Offices through VPN Connection.

31 Section C.6 of the TOR

Does the bidder already need to provide a Bill of Material for phase 1?

The Bill of Materials is not required on the Stage 1 of this bidding.


The statement of the compliance is silent about complying to several items in the Terms of Reference such as those listed in section C.10. Does the bidder need to provide a write-up for these items?

Please refer to Annex B of GBB 08-2014.

33 Page 83 Payment Schedule Maintenance (5 years)

Would there be progress payments for the 30% allotted maintenance?

Details to be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference

34 GBB No. 4

Will the new bid documents supersede other previous documents?

The intention of the earlier issued Bidding Documents is to give bidders an idea of what are the systems that LTO


currently has and plans to implement. The amended Bidding Documents is streamlined in order to clearly define what is the requirement of the DOTC. Thus, the requirements under the amended Bidding Documents shall control as the same is the most recent issuance of the Procuring Entity.


Under A.2.2 of the TOR

What does inclusion of the Motor Vehicle Inspection System to the MVRS mean?

The inclusion of the MVIS to the MVRS shall provide a facility wherein the MVRS and the MVIS (which shall be of separate project) shall be able to exchange information.


Under F.5.5 of the TOR What does mapping capabilities for EIS mean?

Mapping capabilities means that information generated by the EIS may be mapped using third party map providers.

37 Schedule of Requirements 11 Pilot Implementation

What are the parameters for the Pilot Implementation?

The parameter is the User Acceptance Test.


How many sites? The pilot site shall be limited to the Data Center only.


Whose equipment will be used for the Pilot Implementation?

The equipment delivered by the Solution Provider shall be used on the Pilot Implementation.


Will Stradcom stop their operation for the Pilot site?

No, Stradcom operation will only cease when the transition to the new system is completed.


Schedule of Requirements 5 Conversion/Migration of Existing Database

Please confirm that the existing database will be available to the SP by week 5 as per schedule of requirements.

Yes it will be available to the SP by week 5.



Schedule of Requirements 12 Roll-Out of Front Office Applications

What is meant by roll out in front office applications in the schedule of requirements?

The Roll-out of Front Office applications means that the proposed applications are to be deployed within the Data Center. The Nationwide Rollout to the Regional and District Offices shall be included on the Second Component of the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding.


Under 12.1 (b) of the BDS The statement of compliance table requires the providers to detail the offer for the DLS and MVRS. Can you please confirm that the details regarding the other applications LETAS, RCS, EIS are not required in this first stage?

Please refer to Annex B of GBB 08-2014.


Based on the SLA of the old bidding documents, there are requirements in terms of service uptime. Is that still applicable?

The Service Level Agreement will be issued during the 2nd stage of the bidding.

45 Under E.8 of the TOR Document Management System What’s the scope of the DMS?

Please refer to GBB 04-2014 (Amended Bidding Documents).


Under 8.1 of the BDS Solution Provider may subcontract: works for Data Center Building, Training, and Help Desk. Solutions Provider may not subcontract the main/core applications.

Please confirm that Help Desk is required for this phrase. If yes, what’s the scope?

Yes, detailed requirements shall be provided on the Stage 2 Terms of Reference.


47 Section 8 of Instructions to Bidders(ITB) Can the subcontractor's track record/

experience be used for eligibility?

No, the subcontractor’s track record/ experience CANNOT be used for eligibility. Only the track record of the


bidder may be used for purposes of eligibility. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Kindly confirm when the Proof of Concept should be submitted.

The Proof of Concept submission date shall be given in a separate bid bulletin. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Section 5(e) of the ITB, Eligible Bidders “Unless otherwise provided in the BDS, persons/entities forming themselves in a JV, i.e. a group of two (2) or more persons/entities that intend to be jointly and severally responsible or liable for a particular contract: Provided, however, that Filipino ownership or interest of the joint venture concerned shall be at least sixty percent (60%)”

Will a foreign JV Partner under Section 5(e) of the ITB have to show that its country grants reciprocal rights to corporations of the Philippines which is a requirement for “foreign bidders” under Section 5.2 of the ITB?

The requirement for a certificate of reciprocity only applies to foreign bidders, that is, “a citizen of a foreign country or an entity where Filipino ownership or interest is less than sixty percent (60%) who is engaged in the manufacture or sale of the merchandise or performance of the general services covered by this bid” [Definition of “Foreign Supplier” (in the case of goods) per Annex “A” of Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) Resolution No. 018-2005 dated 12 September 2005] Thus, all foreign bidders (less than 60% Filipino ownership) have to submit a certificate of reciprocity. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]

50 In relation to Section 5.2 of the Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

Should the Certification stating that Filipinos are allowed to participate be authenticated and/or notarized?

Clause 5.2 of the Bid Data Sheet states that:


“Foreign bidders shall submit a certification from the relevant government office of their country stating that Filipinos are allowed to participate in their government procurement activities for the same item/ product.” As the said certification is an official document from the relevant government office of their country the same no longer needs to be notarized. The said certification should likewise be duly authenticated by the Philippine embassy/consulate in the country of origin. Thus, item no. 4 Clause 12.1 (a) of the Bid Data Sheet (BDS) is amended to read as: “4. Certifications executed and/or notarized abroad (If statement is not required to be notarized under the Bidding Documents then authentication is likewise not necessary.); and” [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


In relation to Section 11 of the ITB If the document executed abroad is in English, but when notarized the notarial seal is in a foreign language, should the notarial seal be subject to the same

Please refer to section 23.2 of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (“IRR”) of Republic Act No. 9184 (“RA 9184”).


translation requirement a document is subject to?

[See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Section 12 of the ITB, Documents Comprising the Bid, “Class “A” Documents: xxx (iii) Statement of all its ongoing and completed government and private contract…; (iv) Audited financial statements, stamped “received” by the Bureau of Internal Revenue…;

Is there a required form to be used for the

Statement of ongoing and completed


No, there is no required form, however, please refer to Clause 12.1(a)(iii) of the Instructions to Bidders as well as Clause 12.1(b) of the Bid Data Sheet (BDS) for the requirements regarding the statement of ongoing and completed contracts. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Should the audited financial statements

for the year 2013 be submitted?

Only the audited financial statements

from years 2011 and 2012 are required

to be submitted. Please refer to Clause

12.1(a)(iv) of the ITB as well as Clause

12.1(a) of the BDS. However, the 2013

audited financial statements should be

provided by the Lowest Calculated

Bidder during Post-Qualification.

[See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


In connection with Section 19.1 of the ITB For a Joint Venture to be entered into in case the bid is successful, please confirm whether a partners’ resolution authorizing their representative/s is required or a board resolution from each of the prospective partners suffice?

Please be guided by the GPPB opinion on the matter of relevant document to support the authority of the signatory to the JVA as stated in NPM 020-2011: “Republic Act No. (RA) 9184, otherwise known as the Government Procurement Reform Act, and its revised Implementing


Rules and Regulations (IRR) do not provide for specific rules relative to the place, manner and formalities in the execution of the notarized statement and the JVA. xxx. For this purpose, Article 17 of the Civil Code of the Philippines may be consulted to determine the applicable law relative to the place and manner of execution of the notarized statement and JVA. Insofar as the submission of the relevant document to support the authority of the signatory to the JVA, i.e., Board Resolution, Secretary's Certificate, etc., the procurement law and its associated IRR are likewise silent on this matter. Be that as it may, the procuring entity is mandated to verify, validate and ascertain all statements made and documents submitted by the bidder during the post-qualification stage.” [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Section 19.4 of the ITB, Format and Signing of Bids, “The bid, except for unamended printed literature, shall be signed, and each and every page thereof shall be initialed, by the duly authorized representative/s of the Bidder”

In case of a Joint Venture, must both authorized representatives of the respective Joint Venture Partners initial each and every page of the submitted bid documents? Or will the initial of one of the authorized representative of the Joint Venture comply with the provision?

As stated in Section 19.4 of the ITB, the duly authorized representative/s of the bidder, in this case the joint venture, shall initial each and every page of the bid. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]



Under Section 27.2 of the ITB, Domestic Preference, “A Bidder may be granted preference as a Domestic Entity subject to the certification from the DTI (in case of sole proprietorships), SEC (in case of partnerships and corporations), or CDA (in case of cooperatives) that the (a) sole proprietor is a citizen of the Philippines or the partnership, corporation, cooperative, or association is duly organized under the laws of the Philippines with at least seventy five percent (75%) of its interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines, (b) habitually established in business and habitually engaged in the manufacture or sale of the merchandise covered by his bid, and (c) the business has been in existence for at least five (5) consecutive years prior to the advertisement and/or posting of the Invitation to Bid for this Project.”

In the case of Joint Venture (JV), is the compliance of any member of the JV for any of the requirements sufficient for the JV to be granted the Domestic Preference?

Section 23 (b) of the Revised IRR provides that: “Each partner of the joint venture shall submit the legal eligibility documents. The submission of technical and financial eligibility documents by any of the joint venture partners constitute as compliance.” The grant of the Domestic Preference is subject to the conditions stated in Section 27 of the ITB. Specifically, it should be applied: “when (i) the lowest Foreign Bid is lower than the lowest bid offered by a Domestic Bidder, or (ii) the lowest bid offered by a non-Philippine national is lower than the lowest bid offered by a Domestic Entity. “ [Section 27.1 (a), ITB] Section 5 (j) and (k) of the Revised IRR of RA 9184 provides for the definitions of a ‘Domestic Bidder’ and ‘Domestic Entity”: “j) Domestic Bidder. Refers to any person or entity offering unmanufactured articles, materials or supplies of the growth or production of the Philippines, or manufactured articles, materials, or supplies manufactured or to be manufactured in the Philippines substantially from articles, materials, or


supplies of the growth, production, or manufacture, as the case may be, of the Philippines.(n) k) Domestic Entity . Refers to an individual or a sole proprietor who is a citizen of the Philippines or a partnership, corporation, cooperative, or association duly organized under the laws of the Philippines and of which at least seventy five percent (75%) of the interest or outstanding capital stock belongs to citizens of the Philippines, habitually established in business and habitually engaged in the manufacture or sale of the merchandise covered by his bid, and the business has been in existence for at least five (5) consecutive years prior to the advertisement and/or posting of the Invitation to Bid.(n)” [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


In relation to Item 12.1(a) of the BDS

Must the translation come from a government entity or notary public? Or may the translation come from a private entity so long as it is authenticated by the embassy or consulate abroad?

A translation of the document in English certified by the appropriate embassy or consulate in the Philippines must accompany the eligibility requirements under Class “A” and “B” Documents if they are in other foreign language. However, it follows that the translation must be from an entity authorized to


translate documents by the government. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


In relation to Item 12.1(b)(ii) of the BDS

Is the submission of Certificate of Acceptance issued by the duly authorized representative of the end user sufficient to prove that the contract/project is already completed?

No. For completed contracts, all the items listed in Item 12.1(b) of the BDS must be submitted, specifically: (a) contact details of the client; (b) official receipt; (c) certificate of acceptance issued by the duly authorized representative of the end user; and (d) certificate issued by the duly authorized representative of the end user that the bidder has complied with all of its obligations under the contract. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Do we really need to show Official Receipts for similar contracts as proof of completion?

If YES, do we need to submit all the official receipts related to the contract/project or the submission of the Official Receipt for Final Payment sufficient to prove that the contract/project is fully paid already?

Both forms of official receipt will suffice [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


In relation to Item 5.4 of the BDS

Similar project shall refer to the Supply, deployment, installation, maintenance and operation of an enterprise ICT facility utilizing database warehousing and management system and comprehensive and enterprise scale solution/application development. However, on the track record for

Clause 5.4 of the BDS provides for the definition of similar contracts which is an eligibility requirement under the Bidding Documents: “Supply, deployment, installation, maintenance and operation of an enterprise ICT facility utilizing database


eligibility requires experience on Drivers’ Licensing System, Motor Vehicle Registration System etc... Which one takes precedence on eligibility?

warehousing and management system and comprehensive and enterprise scale solution/application development.” The eligibility criterion is one of the minimum requirements that a prospective bidder has to satisfy to establish its track record and capacity to perform contractual obligations. [NPM 031-2009, 10 June 2009] However, the same should be distinguished from the technical requirement under Section VII, Technical Specifications of “Implementation of a web-based, service oriented architecture, package solution based on an existing system currently in use and developed under industry standard enterprise computing system platform, using industry standard query language database engine to the following major applications”. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Special Condition of the Contract (Page 72) Since it’s a packaged solution, will the

source code of the Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) component be turned over as well?

Source code for developed applications/ solution will be owned by the Procuring Entity and shall be turned over to the Procuring Entity immediately upon completion of the project. It is preferred that the


commercial off the shelf software source code be turned over as well. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Will the COTS' source code be required to be put on escrow during the duration of the project?

Clause 6.2 of the Special Conditions of Contract provides that: "The source code for the customized Software or other application systems that form part of the New LTO ICT System as indicated in the Technical Specifications shall be owned by the Procuring Entity. For this purpose, such source code shall be deposited in escrow under a source code escrow agreement to be entered into by the Parties providing for the release of the source code to the Procuring Entity in case of termination of or for other valid reasons set forth in this Contract." [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Kindly confirm whether the software/source code should be under perpetual license, or if it should be owned by the procuring entity, and if ownership is contemplated, whether this shall apply only to the parts of the system that have been customized.

The license should be a perpetual license. Please refer to Clause 6.2 of the Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) on Software Title and Ownership, Source Code and Licenses. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]



Under Section VI. Schedule of Requirements (Page 84) Please confirm if this is final or may still

be adjusted to accommodate a system that will be developed from the ground up?

Please refer to the Invitation to Bid of General Bid Bulletin 04-2014 (Amended Bidding Documents). [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


The Schedule of Requirements table provides the start and end week for the different in- scope phases of the Project. Can the vendor propose an alternate schedule (that may optimize the overall effort/cost and reduces risk)?

No. The Schedule of Requirements shall govern the timeline for the implementation of the project. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Project Scope, Item A (Page 90), “The proposed system must be based on an existing system that is currently in use outside the Philippines.” What if the Government of the referenced

solution refuses to disclose this, what supporting document may we provide that we comply with this requirement?

It is the bidder's responsibility to secure the necessary documents to support its proposal. The document should be in the form of a certificate from the client of the bidder that the proposed system is based on an existing system that is web-based service oriented architecture and is currently in use. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Technical Specification - Project Scope, Item C (Page 90)

Is the WAN for LTO Branch setup included in scope work of this project? If yes, can we have the list of Sites and Bandwidth requirements?

This is included in the Second Component of the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Technical Specification – A. General Technical Requirements (Page 93). "The introduction of other system, productivity and proactive tools and utilities for monitoring hardware, database, software,

What does this mean and affects the evaluation of the proposal?

Please refer to General Bid Bulletin 04-2014 (Amended Bidding Documents). [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


applications, network performance, and remote desktop support is encouraged."


Under Technical Specification – N. Voice Communication Network (Page 106)

What is the capacity required for VOIP for LTO centers?

This is included in the Second Component of the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Technical Specification – O. Data Center (LTO Central Office) (Page 107)

Do we have to duplicate the all the hardware in I.T. setup at the backup to be setup in NCC?

The disaster recovery site shall be included in the Second Component of the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Project Scope – D Structured Cabling System – Does the Scope cover LTO Datacenter only or does it include remote offices and branches? If yes, please provide a list of offices that require structured cabling.

Only the Data Center is included. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Unified Network Management - Does the Scope cover LTO Datacenter only or does it include remote offices and branches? If yes, please provide a list of Offices that require Structured Cabling.

Only the LTO Data Center is included in the bidding. The internal and external access to the systems will require structured cabling. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]



1. Under Project Scope D. Supply, Delivery, Testing, Documentation and Installation of appropriate Computing Products and other resources relative to the implementation of the project on DOTC/LTO IT Infrastructure and Environment facilities such as:

Item Location Quantity Electronic Traffic Violation Ticketing System

LTO Data Center

500 units as provided under page 135

What are the specification related to Electronic Traffic Violation Ticketing System that are supposed to be stated in page 135?

Please refer to General Bid Bulletin 04-2014 (Amended Bidding Documents). [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Project Scope D. Central LTO Applications, Databases and Process

How many years of data is expected to be migrated to the new IT infrastructure?

All data that has been captured and stored from the beginning of the contract (26 March 1998) of the current service provider. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Please confirm if the data to be migrated will be available in electronic form?

Yes, the data to be migrated will be available in electronic form. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


We assume that DOTC will work with the solution provider to provide adequate support for data cleansing and data migration. Please confirm

We confirm that DOTC-LTO will assist in data cleansing and migration. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]

77 We understand that expectation from the

service provider is to validate, cleanse, Yes, the Solutions Provider (SP) shall have responsibility to test the data post


migrate & maintain the database - we also assume that the solution provider would have responsibility to test the data post migration and cleansing. Please confirm.

migration and cleansing. DOTC-LTO shall assist in confirming the correctness and integrity of the migrated and cleansed database. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Project Scope – F. What is the Scope of Operate and Maintain and up to what level of management and operation (eg. Administration of Application, DB, HW, etc?)

Please refer to General Bid Bulletin 04-2014 (Amended Bidding Documents). [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Project Scope – I. What is the expectation on the availability of the Web Portal on mobile devices? Please confirm if web portal login and access have to be made available on mobile devices also.

Web portal login and access have to be made available on mobile devices. [[See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Project Scope – J. It is stated that the Vehicle Certificate of Registration system should "allow for authentication even in offline situations" (referring to authentication of cards). We understand offline situation is with reference to access from remote devices. Please clarify this understanding.

This is included in the Second Component of the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Project Scope – O. What is the approximate area of the space to be provided by LTO for the Data Center?

Please refer to General Bid Bulletin 07-2014 which contains the floor plan of the space provided for the Data Center. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


During the Pre-Bid Conference, it was announced that the BAC will revise the Form relating to the Statement of Compliance to Technical Specifications as

May we request for a copy of the revised form?

Please refer to General Bid Bulletin 04-2014 (Amended Bidding Documents). [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


the Form in Section VII (Page 87) was supposedly the old form used in the previous failed bid.


In relation to Section 5.5 of the ITB. The Bidder must submit a computation of its Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC) or a commitment from a Universal or Commercial Bank to extend a credit line in its favor if awarded the contract for this Project (CLC).

In the case of Joint Venture (JV), is the submission of any member of the JV for either NFCC or CLC sufficient for the JV to comply with the provision?

Section 23.1 (b) of the Revised IRR provides that: “The submission of technical and financial eligibility documents by any of the joint venture partners constitute compliance.” The NFCC is a financial eligibility document [Section 23.1 (a) (vi) of the Revised IRR], thus, any of the joint venture partners may submit the same for compliance. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Can we issue more than 1 credit line certificate from more than 1 bank, which when added up, would be equivalent to the required CLC value?

Yes, the bidder may submit more than one (1) CLC as long as the same is compliant with the requirements under the Revised IRR of RA 9184 and the Bidding Documents. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Technical Specification – U. Service Desk / Call Center (Page 111)

Who will be the Tier 0 or 1 Support/Help Desk that will handle the call of the Public and/or End-User?

Details to be provided in the TOR of the 2nd stage of this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


What are the service requirements (service window, language, detailed expectations, deliverables, etc.)?

Details to be provided in the TOR of the 2nd stage of this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]



What will be the potential roles & responsibilities demarcation between LTO and Service Provider while providing the Service Desk/ Call Center service?

Details to be provided in the TOR of the 2nd stage of this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


We assume that LTO is fine with service provider proposing an onsite/ offshore model for Service Desk Services - Please confirm.

Details to be provided in the TOR of the 2nd stage of this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Project Scope B. General Technical Requirements for Services, Equipment and Products

Please confirm the language requirement for support services.

Details to be provided in the TOR of the 2nd stage of this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Under Project Scope H. Web Based Training and Examination

Our understanding is that the web based training is for the driver license examination. Please confirm.

Yes, details to be provided in the TOR of the 2nd stage of this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


How many examination terminals needs to be considered? What's the growth rate?

This is included in the Second Component of the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Please clarify if Content creation/ porting/ management is in scope for the Solution Provider.

Details to be provided in the TOR of the 2nd stage of this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Please provide an indication of the number of concurrent users for the Web-based Training & Examination system.

This is included in the Second Component of the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]



In reference to VII. Technical Specifications - Section II, We understand that one of the key objectives of the IT Infrastructure Project is to implement world class business processes. However the schedule stated in 'VI. Schedule of Requirements' does not include a Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) phase.

Can the vendor make a proposition for BPR and include a phase for the same?

Yes, the vendor can make a proposition for BPR. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


In reference to Section I – 3 Please inform if there are technology platform preferences for the implementation of the new systems, if any?

There are no technology platform preferences, as long as it conforms to the requirement of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Do the shortlisted bidders under Stage 1 still have the option not to submit any technical and financial proposal after the revision of the Final Technical Specification?

Bidders are only required to submit preliminary Technical Proposals and Eligibility Documents during Stage 1. Only eligible bidders are required to submit their Technical and Financial Proposals during the 2nd stage of this bidding. Bidders who fail to submit bids in the 2nd stage of the bidding shall be automatically disqualified. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]



Please provide details on the currently used technologies/ platforms in the LTO systems (please indicate the primary technologies) - this is to ensure the interoperability aspect of the solution.

This information is not available. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]



Under Technical Specification – U. Service Desk / Call Center (Page 111)

Who will be the Tier 0 or 1 Support/ Help Desk that will handle the call of the Public and/or End-User?

Details to be provided in the TOR of the 2nd stage of this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


What are the service requirements (service window, language, detailed expectations, deliverables, etc)?

Details to be provided in the TOR of the 2nd stage of this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


What will be the potential roles & responsibilities demarcation between LTO and Service Provider while providing the Service Desk/ Call Center service?

Details to be provided in the TOR of the 2nd stage of this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


We assume that LTO is fine with service provider proposing an onsite/ offshore model for Service Desk Services - Please confirm.

Details to be provided in the TOR of the 2nd stage of this bidding. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]

Since at this point it is just an RFI submission to assess Vendor's capabilities and eligibility. So as part of RFI response can we provide the CVs just as the sample CVs (without committing any resource) at this point of time OR do we need to provide committed resource's CVs which we can't change later on?

No, this is not a Request for Information. This is the 1st stage of the two-stage bidding and the requirements as stated in the Bidding Documents will be evaluated by the BAC accordingly. The Procuring Entity may allow substitutions of nominated Key Personnel only for reasons of death or illness unless both parties agree that undue delay in the bidding process makes such substitution unavoidable or that such changes are critical to meet the objectives of the Project. The replacement should comply with the requirements under the Bidding Documents or whose qualifications are


equal to or higher than that initially nominated.


Regarding the Similar Contract, will a single User Acceptance Document which include the relevant information asked be sufficient?

For completed similar contracts, bidder may present a single document containing the contact details of the client, certificate of acceptance issued by the duly authorized representative of the end user and certificate issued by the duly authorized representative of the end user that the bidder has complied with all of its obligations under the contract. However, the bidder should present the official receipt for the completed contract(s).


In relation to Section 5.5 of the ITB. The Bidder must submit a computation of its Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC) or a commitment from a Universal or Commercial Bank to extend a credit line in its favor if awarded the contract for this Project (CLC).

Is there a prescribed format for CLC that we can use? Or we can use any format of Credit Line Certificate from a Universal or Commercial Bank?

None, there is no standard format for CLC. Bidders may use any format of CLC issued by a Universal or Commercial Bank. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Can we issue more than one (1) credit line certificate from more than one (1) bank, which when added up, would be equivalent to the required CLC value?

Yes, the bidder may submit more than one (1) CLC as long as the same is compliant with the requirements under the Revised IRR of RA 9184 and the Bidding Documents. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]

106 In relation to Item 12.1(b)(ii) of the BDS Is there an alternative document in

addition to Acceptance Certificates that we can submit as replacement for the

None. The bidder should comply with the requirements under Section 12.1 (a) of the Instructions to Bidders and


contract/official receipts in the case of those projects/contracts with existing Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)?

Section 12.1 (b) of the Bid Data Sheet. The BAC in the preliminary examination of bids shall check the submitted documents of each bidder against a checklist of required documents to ascertain if they are all present, using a nondiscretionary “pass/fail” criterion, as stated in the Instructions to Bidders. If a bidder submits the required document, it shall be rated “passed” for that particular requirement. In this regard, bids that fail to include any requirement or are incomplete or patently insufficient shall be considered as “failed” [Sec. 30.1, Revised IRR of RA 9184] The Certificate of Acceptance only states that the client of the bidder has accepted the performance of the contract by the bidder. The said document shall be subject to verification by the BAC during Post-Qualification. [See GBB08-2014, ANNEX A]


Due to the fact that there are lots of inquiries that needs to be address by the procuring entity and lots of documents that are required in the compliance of the bid, may we request for an additional two months of extension?

Upon the request of numerous bidders and in order to provide bidders ample time to study the bidding documents and prepare a competitive tender, please note the Submission and Opening of Bid Proposals (First Stage) shall be on 12 May 2014, 10:00 A.M.




Page 4 f. of the ITB Within the period of the contract, obtain ISO 20000 (IT Service Management), ISO 27000 (Information Security Management System) and ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management System) certification for the LTO Main Office and the Data Center only, for and on behalf of LTO. The infrastructure must be ISO compliant;

To have the LTO ISO certified will involve the participation of its own personnel. The provider should not be responsible for LTO’s employees if LTO fails to follow the policies made to be ISO 9001-2008 certified.

The Solutions Provider is required as part of the scope of the project “…to assist LTO to operate and maintain IT service delivery within the period of three years from the contract, in accordance with ISO 20000 and ISO 27000 standards” (GBB 08-2014, Annex B, Amended Section VII. Technical Specifications). Thus the SP should undertake all necessary measures to ensure that the LTO will obtain the said ISO Certifications.


(Page 91) Electronic Traffic Violation Ticketing System – LTO Data Center – 500 units as provided under page 135

Are the 500 units handheld devices for issuing traffic violation tickets? Is this still part of the deliverable? Page 135 of the bidding documents is the bid form for “Bid Securing Declaration”

This requirement has already been removed. Please refer to General Bid Bulletin 04-2014 (Amended Bidding Documents), specifically Section VII. Technical Specifications and the Terms of Reference.


(Page 91) Driver’s License Card Printer – LTO Data Center – Centralized Printing. At least 4.5M cards year

Does centralized printing mean that all drivers licenses will be printed at the LTO Data Center and the count is 4.5M cards/year? The LTO will no longer print licenses from its other locations? Or is the 4.5M cards the estimated number of driver’s licenses printed annually in all LTO offices? Does this mean that the service provider will also supply the card printers and other hardware outside the LTO central office?

Printing of drivers license cards is included in the Second Component of the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding.

111 (Page 91) Vehicle Certificate of Registration Card Printer – LTO Data

Does centralized printing mean that all certificate of registration will be printed at

Printing of drivers license cards is included in the Second Component of


Center – Centralized Printing. At least 7 million cards per year.

the LTO Data Center and at the count is 7M cards/year? The LTO will no longer print certificates of registration from its other locations? Or is the 7M cards the estimate number of Certificate of Registration printed annually in all LTO central office? Does this mean that the service provider will also supply the card printers and other hardware outside the LTO central office? May the service provider assume that since the Certificate of Registration is requiring a card printer, the LTO intends that the CR will be printed on a card just like the driver’s license?

the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding.


(Page 91) Desktop/Laptop Computers - LTO Data Center - Specs and quantity to be determined by the SP

Are the desktop and laptop computers required only for the data center alone? E.g. for management and/or monitoring of the servers and other equipment within the datacenter of for the LTO’s front office including the DLS, MVRS, MAIDRS, LETAS, RCS and other Internal LTO Office applications?

Yes, the Desktop and Laptop Computers shall be for use of the Management Information Division which shall be overseeing the operations of the Data Center and the Systems to be Implemented


(Page 91) F. Operate and maintain IT service delivery for LTO within the period of the contract, in accordance with ISO 20000 and ISO 27000 standards.

Contradicting to the item from page 4, is the service provider required to get an ISO certification or operate and maintain only in accordance with ISO 20000 and ISO 27000 standards?

Please refer to GBB 04-2014 (Amended Bidding Documents).


(Page 93) 7. Card Printer/s – Only the latest Gartner Quadrant for 2011 to 2013 shall be used. The BIDDER must show proof that they are included in the list.

Card printers are not researched for Gartner Magic Quadrant. How can the bidder show proof that the proposed item is in the list?

Please refer to GBB 04-2014 (Amended Bidding Documents).



Page (103) K. Card Readers – The proposed solution must include card readers. It must be capable to read the existing LTO Issued Documents/License and its embedded barcode. The card/document reader must automatically compare the written information on the card and the information on the barcode to detect fraudulent documents/licenses.

The current driver’s licenses are using PDF417 barcodes?

Please refer to GBB 04-2014 (Amended Bidding Documents).


(Page 104) Structures Cabling and M. Local Area Network (LTO Data Center)

Is the service provider required to setup its own network outside of the data center or will the new data center be able to connect with the existing local network?>

The Solutions Provider as part of its deliverable will build the LTO Data Center, which includes but not limited to, setting up of servers, structured cabling, power, cooling. Only the local network for the Management Information Division shall be included on the deliverables. Details on the data center requirements shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


(Page 110) S. Generator and Automatic Transfer Switch – The electric generating set must be 220V, Single Phase, 60 Hz, 1800 RPM, and diesel engine.

Is it ok to propose a three-phase genset instead of a single phase since other equipment that will be in the data center will require a three phase power supply since it is the best practice?

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


(Page 110) S. Generator and Automatic Transfer Switch – The standby generator must be on a waterproof concrete base power house, and shall be elevated high

Please point the location of the future genset house.

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


enough to ensure its continuous operations during flooding. The housing must designed and built with security and weather addressed.


(Page 111) T. Air Conditioning Units Is it okay to propose an appropriately sized, ordinary split type room air conditioner instead of a Precision Air Conditioning Unit, which is the air conditioner used in data centers?

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


Card Printers

Card Printers specifications is not a part of compliance matrix?

Yes, as this is not included on the First Component of the LTO Project. Please refer to GBB 04-2014 (Amended Bidding Documents).


We need to do space programming to ensure that the deployment equipment (IT & Facility Support equipment) can fit Is there a pre-allocated floor space for the new data center? Is so what is the floor size?

Yes, the allocated space for the LTO Data Center is at the 3rd Floor of the LTO Central Office. Please refer to GBB 07-2014.


For space programming purpose should the pre-allocated floor space for the DC is found not be sufficient, can we increase the area and take up additional space from its adjacent location?

The proposed Data Center space is fixed. Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


To enable us to design a modular facility What is the projected lifespan of a new facility (10 yrs., 15 yrs., etc.)

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.

124 To enable us to design a modular facility

Detailed requirements on the Data


What is the projected annual growth or what is the projected total deployments in 10-15 years?

Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


We need to know for purpose of wires/cable sizing Did LTO already identify the location of the power generator set? If so, what is the approximate distance from the DC location?

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


For generator sizing and electrical design consideration Will the generator set be dedicated to the DC only meaning it will only supply back up for the entire DC facility which includes lighting, normal power, and other utilities other than the IT and Cooling equipment?

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


What is the rationale for setting a 2-hours UPS battery back-up time?

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


What is the rationale of having a genset capacity buffer of 100%? Is it because there are others outside the DC that will be supplied by the genset?

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


Why split-type air-conditioning? The terminology used connotes “comfort cooling” which is not ideal for data centers. Precision cooling is prescribed for

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second


DCs. Please clarify if the requirement is split type precision cooling or is it the typical split type being used commercially?

Stage Terms of Reference.


Can we be flexible in the design development with a premise that it is compliant with Tier 2 Uptime/TIA standards with best practices applied?

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


Can we get the electrical as-built plan for the building?

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


Can we get a copy of the site development plan of the building?

Please refer to GBB 07-2014 for the Floor Plan of the Data Center building.



Recommendations: Data Encryption 1. The solution must be capable of meeting protection of data at rest and data in transit. 2. The solution must be able to secure identified sensitive data in IT Systems. 3. The solution must provide key management functionality, and must also provide high availability and disaster recovery for the key infrastructure. 4. The solution needs to provide features

The recommendation shall be taken up for consideration for the 2ND STAGE.


of scope reduction and encryption with plug and play interfaces for database s if tokenization is used. 5. The solution needs to provide Masking. 6. Software based solution is desired with ability to run company specified servers and operating systems. 7. The solution needs to support operating systems and databases provided in the RFP. 8. Administrators, as well as users must be auditable for their actions. 9. Administrators, users and programs, applications must be able to be restricted from data and applications that are classified outside their access level. 10. The solution must be able to be managed by multiple teams with auditing of all activities that are carried out.



Page 93 C6 Servers LTO Data Center Specifications and quantity to be determined by the SP

Can you give more detailed specifications regarding the server to be used as the quality of the system can be completely different from 1 offer to another depending which hardware is used. Giving more specification with a minimum hardware sizing would allow to compare offers based on a minimum quality.

Details to be provided in the TOR on the Stage 2


Page 4 f. Within the period of the contract, obtain ISO 20000 (IT Service Management), ISO 27000 (Information Security Management

Does the requirement to provide a system which is capable to reach the ISO 20000 and 27000 certifications together with the assistance of a certified consultant or is

The Invitation to Bid is amended to state: xxx


System) and ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management System) certification… Page 93 C.8. To assist LTO to achieve certification by providing a certified ISO consultant and to assist LTO to operate and maintain IT service delivery within the period of three years from the contract, in accordance with ISO 20000 and ISO 27000 standards

the requirement is the system provider to obtain those certifications for DOTC/LTO?

f. Within the period of the contract, assist LTO to achieve certification by providing a certified ISO consultant and to assist LTO to operate and maintain IT service delivery within the period of three years from the contract, in accordance with ISO 20000 and ISO 27000 standards. xxx


Page 98 E.1.9 The RDBMS should be able to load the current database format of the LTO. The Service Provider shall include in its service the Data Migration and all related services.

Should we assume that the existing data base(s) will be provided in electronic format with all necessary information in order we will be capable to develop an automatic extractor in order to transfer the right data in the right place on the new database?

Data to be provided to the winning bidder shall be in electronic format.


Page 93 C.7. Delivery of all required hardware, peripherals and software, with corresponding licenses in the name of DOTC and warranties to efficiently run the system

Is the requirement to provide the necessary workstation sand peripherals to install a complete solution (from citizen enrollment to card delivery)? If no, please confirm that all front end workstations, peripherals (web cam, scanner, payment point of sale, card printer,…) are not part of the tender.

The First Component of the LTO IT Project focuses on the 5 Main Applications and the Data Center. All supporting infrastructure for the Nationwide Rollout (Workstations, Webcam, Scanner, POS, Card Printer) is included in the Second Component of the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding.

138 Please confirm that the telephones are not

to be provided. Voice Communication Equipment are included on this bid. Please refer to GBB


04-2014, Section VII: Technical Specifications, Section C.6.


Page 92 Minimum of 50 desktops are to be provided Page 93 C.8 To assist LTO… Page 65 “Project” means the undertaking, in line with the terms and conditions of the Contract …

Please confirm that the responsible operators of the central site bureaus will be DOTC/ LTO employees (an average of 50 people)

The fifty (50) workstations shall be for use of the Management Information Division who shall be overseeing the operations of the Data Center.


Will the IT and database administrators be DOTC/ LTO employees?

Details on the Operations of the new data center shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference


More generally, would you please clarify for the warranty and maintenance period, the requirement in terms of local human resource, like for example: A support desk for DOTC/ LTO central site responsible and the operators of the central site bureaus (around 50 people)?

The detailed Maintenance and Warranty requirements shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference.


System, IT and database specialists to support the DOTC/ LTO administrators and maintainers?

The detailed Maintenance and Warranty requirements shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference.


System maintainer (hardware and software)?

The detailed Maintenance and Warranty requirements shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference.



Certified ISO Consultant?

It is expected that the Solutions Provider shall provide an ISO Certified Consultant that shall lead the preparation for LTO’s Data Center to be certified.


Page 88, V. Would you please confirm that this section of the statement of compliance only applies to Driver’s License and Motor Vehicle Registration Systems (no detailed description of the LETAS, RCS, EIS are required).

Please refer to Annex B of GBB 08-2014.



Section VII – Technical Specifications Item C.9. The Service Provider must have an ISO 9001 Certification

Since we will be bidding as a joint venture, are each member of the joint venture required to be ISO 9001 Certified or just the software provider?

No, as long as a member of the joint venture has an ISO 9001 Certification.


Complete replacement of bidding document

Will the prospective bidders who already purchased the bidding document be allowed to make a refund due to the sudden change of requirement?

The Invitation to Bid clearly states that the Bidding Documents shall be purchased by payment of a non-refundable fee. Thus, the same cannot be refunded.


Check list of documentation requirements Will the DOTC provide a checklist of the eligibility and technical requirements so that all bidders would look into one common checklist only?

The BAC shall consider the issuance of a checklist for the easy reference of the bidders. However, it is advised that the requirements under the Bidding Documents and the Revised IRR of RA 9184 shall prevail.


BDS – Bid Data Sheet item 24.1 All eligible bidder shall present their proof of concept (POC) in the first stage of the bid.

Will the proof of concept be presented on a later date or on the same day of opening of bids?

The POC shall be conducted after the opening of the submission of the 1st stage documents. The schedule of the POC shall be released after the said opening of the 1st stage of the bidding.



What type of POC will the DOTC require the bidders to present? A live POC or just a sort of a powerpoint presentation? If it is a live POC, what exactly would you want to see or expect us to show you? Will this be evaluated by point system that will form part of your technical evaluation or NOT?

The POC Mechanics and Criteria are stated in Annex C of GBB 008-2014. The same shall be evaluated on a ‘pass/fail’ basis. Following the POC, a meeting/discussion shall then be held by the BAC with those eligible bidders whose technical tenders meet the minimum required standards stipulated in the Bidding Documents for purposes of drawing up the final revised technical specifications/requirements of the contract. The schedule and mechanics of the same shall be released in a subsequent bid bulletin.


Section VII. – Technical Specifications Item C.6 Standards to be provided in a separate bid bulletin

Since we are already close to the schedule date of opening of bids and there has been a drastic change on the requirements, is the schedule of opening of bids going to be extended? If yes, when would this be?

Upon the request of numerous bidders and in order to provide bidders ample time to study the bidding documents and prepare a competitive tender, please note the Submission and Opening of Bid Proposals (First Stage) shall be on 12 May 2014, 10:00 A.M.


Gartner’s Magic Quadrant Since the Gartner’s Magic Quadrant is no longer specified in the new Bidding Document, is it safe to assume that this is no longer a requirement?

The standards for this bidding shall be released in the 2nd stage.


Section VII. Technical Specifications first paragraph “Evidence shall be in the form of

On the portion where it says document coming from the manufacturer of the proposed solution, is this an unamended article like a brochure? If that portion of

Evidence shall be in the form of manufacturer’s un-amended sales literature, unconditional statements of specification and compliance issued by


screenshot of the actual system or document coming from the manufacturer of the proposed solution.

the bidder’s solution is still going to be developed or edited and a brochure is not available, will a statement from the manufacturer/developer comply with the requirement?

the manufacturer, samples, independent test data etc., as appropriate.


C. Preparation of Bids 12.1 (a) (iii.6) end user’s acceptance or official receipt(s) issued for the contract, if completed.

For the official receipt(s) required as proof of payments for completed similar projects, can we provide the summary of payments made by client and just attach copy of the contract, the invoices and OR of the first and latest 2 to 5 payment receipts only, rather than attaching all ORs because there were more than 280 payment transactions made for a single project for a span of 4 years and most of it are already in the warehouse and would entail a lot of time to compile and recopy all these receipts?

A final official receipt stating therein that all items for that particular contract have been delivered is also acceptable.



Request for Extension to the Submission Deadline

We would like to respectfully request for a 1 month extension to the submission deadline for the first stage to allow for a compliant, complete and cohesive response to the requirements of the bid, also considering ample time to review new requirements and structure in the revised bid documents.

Upon the request of numerous bidders and in order to provide bidders ample time to study the bidding documents and prepare a competitive tender, please note the Submission and Opening of Bid Proposals (First Stage) shall be on 12 May 2014, 10:00 A.M.


Section III. Bid Data Sheet referring to Clause 5.2 None of the circumstances mentioned in the ITB Clause exists in this Project.

If the BIDDER is a potential JV between a Filipino and a Foreign Company, with Filipino Ownership of JV is at least 60%, please confirm that this provision does NOT apply.

The requirement for a certificate of reciprocity only applies to foreign bidders, that is, “a citizen of a foreign country or an entity where Filipino ownership or interest is less than sixty


Foreign bidders except those falling under ITB Clause 5.2(b), may NOT participate in this project…

percent (60%) who is engaged in the manufacture or sale of the merchandise or performance of the general services covered by this bid” [Definition of “Foreign Supplier” (in the case of goods) per Annex “A” of Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) Resolution No. 018-2005 dated 12 September 2005] Thus, all foreign bidders (less than 60% Filipino ownership) have to submit a certificate of reciprocity.


Are the parties bidding under a contractual JV arrangement allowed to form a JV corporation after being awarded the project?



Bid Bulletin #4 Revised Bidding Documents

Please confirm if the recently issued Revised Bid Documents (including Terms of Reference) REPLACES the old bid documents and TOR for this project.

The intention of the earlier issued Bidding Documents is to give bidders an idea of what are the systems that LTO currently has and plans to implement. The amended Bidding Documents is streamlined in order to clearly define what is the requirement of the DOTC. Thus, the requirements under the amended Bidding Documents shall control as the same is the most recent issuance of the Procuring Entity.

159 Please do advise if Bid Bulletin #3 is NOT

anymore applicable to this bid since it is Bid Bulletin No. 3 is consistent and may be applicable to the amended Bidding


based on the OLD Bidding Documents and Terms of Reference.

Documents. The intention of the earlier issued Bidding Documents is to give bidders an idea of what are the systems that LTO currently has and plans to implement. The amended Bidding Documents is streamlined in order to clearly define what the requirement of the DOTC is. Thus, the requirements under the amended Bidding Documents shall control as the same is the most recent issuance of the Procuring Entity.


6. Bidder’s Responsibilities 6.1 The Bidder or its duly authorized representative shall submit a sworn statement in the form prescribed in Section VIII. Bidding Forms as required in ITB Clause 12.1(b)(iii)

If the “Bidder” is a potential or intended JV (meaning, the parties have not yet signed a joint venture agreement and will just submit notarized statements from joint venture partners stating that they will enter into and abide by the provisions of the joint venture agreement in the instance that the bid is successful as part of its Class B documents), will EACH party to the JV need to execute this sworn statement? Or is it only 1 sworn statement for the intended JV signed by the authorized representative(s) of the intended JV? Please clarify.

Yes, each party to the joint venture need to execute the sworn statement under the Class “B” document.


Class “B” Document (vi) If applicable, the JVA in case the joint venture is already in existence, or duly notarized statements from all the potential joint venture partners stating that they will enter into and abide by the…

For the required duly notarized statements, please clarify if EACH of the parties to the potential JV is required to issue the said statement OR if only ONE statement/ document is to be signed by all parties to the potential JV.

Each potential joint venture member is required to submit the notarized statement stating that they will enter into and abide by the provisions of the JVA in the instance that the bid is successful.



In lieu of a bid security mentioned above, the bidder may submit a Bid Securing Declaration that is an undertaking which states, among others, that the bidder shall enter into contract with the procuring entity.

Please advise if only 1 bid securing declaration document is to be signed by the Bidder which is potential or intended Joint Venture as described above)

Each of the joint venture members may submit their respective Bid Securing Declaration OR the authorized representative of the joint venture may execute the same on behalf of the joint venture.


If only 1 document is required from the potential or intended JV, please confirm if this will be in the name of the potential JV and to be signed by the authorized representative(s) of such JV.

Please see response above.


The Service Provider must have an ISO 9001 Certification

Please clarify if the ISO 9001 Certificate of Service Provider needs to be notarized/ authenticated or not.

Please see Section 12.1(a) of the BDS on the required documents for authentication.


Required Manpower CVs of required minimum manpower and attached certifications

Please confirm that required CVs using the prescribed format need NOT be Notarized/ Authenticated.

No need for notarization of the CV. However, the CV contains a certification and therefore is required to be authenticated if from a foreign source.

166 Please clarify if the attachment

Certifications to the CVs need NOT be notarized/ authenticated.

Certifications executed abroad should be authenticated.


Payment Milestones Page 52 Section 11 (SCC) – Advance Payment and Payment Milestones vs. page 83, Schedule 1 – Payment Schedule

Please clarify what is the expected Payment Schedule for the Project given these two sections which discuss payment.

Advance Payment shall be paid upon compliance with the conditions as set in the Bidding Documents and pertinent issuances. All payments under the contract shall likewise be subject to Section 11.3 of the GCC: "All progress payments shall first be charged against the advance payment until the latter has been fully exhausted."


168 Is there any distinction on Payment

Schedule for GOODS vs. SERVICES? Please clarify.

Please see Schedule 1- Payment Schedule of the SCC.


Project Scope C.6. Data and Voice Communication Equipment: Specifications and quantity to be determined by the SP (minimum of 500 nodes); standards to be provided in a separate bid bulletin.

Can DOTC already provide the standards for Data and Voice Communication Equipment?

Details on the Data and Voice Equipment requirement shall be provided on the Stage Two Term of Reference


C.8. To assist LTO to achieve certification by providing a certified ISO consultant and to assist LTO to operate and maintain IT service delivery within the period of three years from the contract in accordance with ISO 20000 and ISO 27000 standards.

Can the certified ISO consultant be an employee of the Solution Provider/ bidder?

Yes, provided that the employee complies with the necessary qualifications.

171 Please confirm that the cost of obtaining

the ISO certification will be borne by DOTC-LTO

No, the same shall be for the account of the Solutions Provider.


General Bid Bulletin 04-2014 Please confirm that the Data Center for Disaster Recovery is NOT included in this bid.

Yes, but this is included in the Second Component of the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding.


General Bid Bulletin 04-2014 Please confirm that Service Desk/ Help Desk do NOT include the set-up of the Telephony infrastructure to enable call center call routing, and does NOT include the implementation of the Service Ticketing System.

Details to be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference

174 Does LTO have an existing service

ticketing tool?




General Bid Bulletin 04-2014 Since the planned Data Center location is on the top floor, may we know the floor’s weight load capacity? This is needed as we will be installing heavy equipment and we need to verify if the slab can handle the load.

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


General Bid Bulletin 04-2014 We would like to request for the floor plan of the whole floor where the Data Center is planned to be built. Along with the floor plan, a sectional plan is also needed so we can verify if it is feasible to install insulation and a type of leak protection tray (if no concrete slab after roof).

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


General Bid Bulletin 04-2014 If there is no elevator going to the top floor, what is the stair’s minimum width?

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


General Bid Bulletin 04-2014 What is the planned location for the Generator, the Fuel Tank, and the Monitoring System?

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.

179 General Bid Bulletin 04-2014 Will the area planned for the Data Center

also have work stations? This is needed for Structured Cabling assessment.



General Bid Bulletin 04-2014 Is there a spare capacity in the main electrical circuit breaker for the expected Data Center load? If not sufficient, additional circuit breaker will need to be added to the proposal.

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.



General Bid Bulletin 04-2014

Can we have a site visit to the proposed site of the Data Center to also assess additional components that may be needed for the build out?

Yes, site visit of the proposed site for the data center in the LTO may be done. For this purpose, please coordinate with Ms. Acel Ong at Tel. No. (02)921-9071 to facilitate the inspection of the said site.


Required Manpower What are the minimum certifications required for the:

Infrastructure & Data Center Lead

The Infrastructure and Data Center Lead should have certifications on the component that they are responsible to deliver / implement which is part of the solution. (i.e. servers, storage)


Network Security Lead

The Network Security Lead should have certifications on the component that they are responsible to deliver / implement which is part of the solution (i.e. firewall, UTM)


From the old TOR: Section J – Vehicle Certificate of Registration System and Section K – Card Readers

We noticed that these sections are no longer mentioned in the REVISED Bid Documents. Please confirm that these are NO longer part of this bidding.

Yes, but this is included in the Second Component of the project (which shall be in a separate bidding) and therefore not covered by this bidding.

185 From the old TOR: TR-Q – Environment Monitoring Solution

Please confirm that this section is NO longer part of this bid.

This requirement is still included on this bid. Refer to GBB 04-2014 (Amended Bidding Documents)


Technical Specifications Statement of Compliance Bidders must state here either “Comply” or “Not Comply” against each of the individual parameters of each Specification stating the corresponding performance parameter….

In addressing this requirement, please confirm if it is just the compliance Matrix that we need to accomplish.

See requirements under Section VII, Technical Specifications.



In support of the Matrix, please confirm that only Screenshots and/or manufacturer’s brochures are needed and nothing more.

Please refer to Annex A of GBB 08-2014.


Please confirm that a technical proposal/ write-up is NOT needed for this requirement.

Technical Write-up is not required on the Stage 1.


C.13 The SOLUTIONS PROVIDER shall be responsible for the delivery of the following: C.13.1 The detailed design of the solution/s including … C.13.2 Developing and coordinating all relevant documentation regarding… C.13.3 Coordinate and run the agreed training courses as required; C.13.4 Deliver, install and integrate all the equipment, systems, software… C.13.5 The infrastructure to be delivered by the Service Provider shall be…

Please confirm if these are deliverables during the EXECUTION of the project.



If so, for the technical proposal, please advise if the bidder only has to CONFIRM/ COMPLY that we will be able to deliver C.13.1, C.13.2, C.13.3, etc., during the project execution and that no evidence is needed.

See requirements under Section VII, Technical Specifications.

191 Call center

Please confirm that the Call Center component is NOT included in the scope.

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.



If the call center component which will cater to all public inquiries re: LTO (such as driver’s license, renewal, vehicle registration etc.) is needed, we need to have information on the estimated volume of calls. It would be better if we can have the calls group already per category (inquiry, driver’s license related, vehicle registration related etc.) and per user group (internal user or public). This info is needed for us to come up with the sizing for the number of agents and the infra required.

Detailed requirements on the Data Center shall be provided on the Second Stage Terms of Reference.


D. General System Requirements For the Biometric fingerprint authentication for LTO personnel, can bidder assume that the requirement is only once the LTO personnel enters his/ her userID or (or ID# to login, he/she will have his/ her fingerprint read by a fingerprint reader, then using her userID/ ID#, the system will retrieve her fingerprint from the system database to a 1:1 match against the fingerprint read by the reader?

Detailed requirements shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference


Biometric is mentioned in Section J in the old Bidding Documents Please advise if this is still part of the

scope for this bidding.

Detailed requirements shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference.


If so, for the Biometric fingerprint of the Driver or the license card, can the bidder assume that the requirement only is once the system using fingerprint reader reads

Detailed requirements shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference


the driver’s fingerprint, the card reader will then only read the fingerprint stored in the driver’s license card and the system will just do a 1:1 match the fingerprints to see if they match?


Alternative to this, can the fingerprint of the driver that is read by the fingerprint reader be matched against the fingerprint in the database using 1:1 matching, wherein the system will use the driver information (any combination of name, birthdate, sex, old/ current license #, marital status, parent’s name, wife’s name) to retrieve the fingerprint of the driver and then do a 1:1 match of the fingerprint to validate the identity of the driver?

Detailed requirements shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference


Proof of Concept Clarify expected process for POC

May we seek detailed clarification on what is expected for the POC? It would be appreciated if a step by step process is described for this activity.

Please refer to Annex C of GBB 08-2014.


Is a biometric process necessary in the POC?

(ex. Record fingerprint at chip card, apart from photo and signature OR photo and signature print into the card and finger print in the chip)

Reading chip card finger print info search and match?

Is the use of a barcode still required? (as this is with the current license)

Please refer to Annex C of GBB 08-2014.



Annex 3 – Maintenance As regards to the SYSTEM MA It will be in place for 7 years from software to application to hardware. More information will be provided in a subsequent bid bulletin.

It was confirmed that the maintenance will be for seven (7) years. Can more information be provided as mentioned in the reply on what is expected in this activity?

Please refer to Annex C of GBB 08-2014.


Annex 3 It was confirmed in a bid bulletin that the following are not part of the present TOR , but were placed in order to inform bidders of what systems the LTO has or will be implementing in order to meet its mandate. It is also not included in the Project Scope of the Technical Specifications of this bidding.

a. Administrative system (Finance, Human Resources etc.)

b. eMail c. Short Messaging System d. Queue Management System e. Card/ Document Reader/ Tracker

System f. CCTV System g. E-Clearance

HOWEVER: In Annex 1 General System Requirements, this was mentioned: “The facility must provide a queue management system for both online and onsite transactions such that if there is a need for personal presence in an LTO office, the system must be able to assign an office as well as

There seems to be a conflict in terms of QMS. Kindly provide more precise lists on what is out of scope. Referencing the bid bulletin, if given that the following items are not included as part of the BID, does winning vendor consider reuse of existing items, or provide the necessary equipment. If yes, then please provide the specifications/ details of their existing components that will be reused for this opportunity.

User workstation Printers LAN Switches UTP Cables Structured Cabling Power Source Card Readers Barcode Scanners Signature Pads Web Camera

The "Queue Management System" shall be removed from the requirements. What the Procuring Entity would require is that the solution must have a Scheduler wherein it will provide a schedule for online and onsite transactions such that there is no need for personal presence in an LTO office as well as a date and time for the visit.


a date and time for the visit. On the other hand, the onsite queuing system must be able to integrate both the online and walk0in clients subject to the limit on the number of transactions set by LTO on particular LTO offices.

Card Printers


Annex 3 Yes the LTO shall provide the required and related information through a subsequent GBB. GIS functionality is required, however, it is the bidders prerogative to include maps on their proposed solution. The Inventory Management System (IMS) must be integrated with LETAS, DLRS, MVRS to provide automatic update of the inventory when relevant item has been issued such as but not limited to cards, plates and stickers.

Initial Bid Documents did not specify GIS requirements. Is GIS functionality required only for IMS?

GIS is not required in this bidding.



Terms of Reference *Should have certification on the technology component of the proposed solution

What kind of certification does the procuring entity require? Will the certification in the format of curriculum vitae for the proposed professional staff suffice?

The bid requires bidders to submit their proposed manpower with a CV as an attachment. The proposed manpower must be certified on the technology that the bidder is proposing (i.e. Database Administration Lead, certified in MS SQL, MySQL, Sybase, Oracle…)

203 May we request a CAD file of the floor plan

for the data center. The requested information is no longer available.



What is the system voltage of the building?

Detailed requirements shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference


Where is the exact location of the electrical tapping point?

Detailed requirements shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference


Where is the exact location of the generator set?

Detailed requirements shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference


What is the dimension of each room? Detailed requirements shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference


What is the dimension of the building? Detailed requirements shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference

209 What is the structural integrity of the 3rd

floor to carry additional load for the data center equipment?

Detailed requirements shall be provided on the Stage Two Terms of Reference

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